of the Heron-Allen miscellanea
of the Heron-Allen miscellanea
EDWARD HERON-ALLEN MISCELLANEA IN THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF MUSIC LIBRARY INDEX Notes 1. There are 28 volumes of Miscellanea collected by Edward Heron-Allen containing press cuttings, programmes, catalogues, advertisements, greetings cards, illustrations, fiction and poems, and a variety of other material relating to string instruments, makers, performers, etc. The items are predominantly from the late 19th century, although some material dates from the 18th century onwards. 2. This index includes references to all persons and items concerning string instruments or Edward Heron-Allen himself. Some other subjects have been included, if deemed worthy of interest. Makers and dealers are listed both under names and professions. 3. There are many makers’ and other names which appear in the volumes in varying forms, spellings and misspellings, particularly when they are taken from catalogues. Often, only a surname with or ithout various initials and forenames appears, and while guesses could be made as to full names, these could be inaccurate and would possibly not reflect a signature or a person correctly. I have left them in the form and spelling given, as it is not always possible to determine with absolute certainty which maker or person is concerned. It also provides an interesting overview of variant spellings. Given all these variants, it would be wise to check nearby names for other possibilities. 4. The first page reference in each entry, before the forward slash, is to the volume, the second to the pages or sections numbered by Heron-Allen. In some volumes EH-A’s numbering was insufficient, so I have numbered the pages again in pencil. 5. Apologies are due for some inconsistencies and duplications, which have been unavoidable without checking every volume on site again. A Abel, Carl Friedrich, 8–17, 8–18 A Solo on the Viola, illus., 18/51 Abel, cellist, 11/17 Aberdeen Daily Free Press, 17 January 1894, 28/43 Aberdeen Evening Gazette, 10 January 1894, 28/51 Aberdeen Weekly Free Press, 20 January 1894, 28/43 Accademia de R. Istituto di Firenze Atti, 1889, 14/2 Achner, Philipp violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Adam, Adolphe, 20/6 Adam collection, 23/11 Adams thumb rest for violin, 20/196 Adams, E.K. Greville Strad., 22/7 Adams, H.F. letter on varnish, Standard, 8/7 Adamson, E.D. Strad violin, 22/25 Adundson, Thorgeir, 7/40-41 Agents Ruben. L. M., 3/128 Agents, swindlers, 202/73 Agillo violin, 9/37-38, 9/40-41 Agramer Zeitung (Croatia), 2 July 1892 Fr. Kuhac: Zur Geschichte der Violine, 17/64 A.J. Durrant Bridges: letter, 27/33 Alard, 22/27 Messiah Strad, 20/33 Messiah Strad (Salabue), 8/71 Stradivarius violin, 20/30 Alard, Delphin, 15/8, 23/3 Salabue Strad., 26/20 Strad violin, 22/7 violin, Withers catalogue, 28/31 Alard, Mme, 8/3 Albani cello (attributed), Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 cello, Withers catalogue of an Italian dealer,n.dc, 3/161 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 violin, Withers catalogue of Italian dealer, n.d., 3/159, 3/160 Albani, Antonius violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/228 Albani, Madame cartoon, 18/288 with illus., 23/14 Albani, Mathias violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Albani, Matthias violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14 violin, Castle catalogue, 3/94 violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/226 Albano violin, Van Hengel & Eeltjes catalogue, 3/259 Albanus viola, Withers catalogue, 12/17 violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Albanus, Josephus Math violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/26 Albanus, Mathias cello, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Albanus, Matthias violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/64 violin, Withers catalogue, June 1885, 24/21 Albany, Duke of, 5/49 Albert, Ch.F. violin, Goffrie collection, 19/25 Albert, E.J. catalogue, 15/32 tailpiece, advertisement, 15/32 Albert, Eugene d' appearance, 20/69 Albert, John violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/230 Albert, Prince, 24/22 Albert Palace, 6/67-68 Albrechtsberger double bass, 15/31 Alchymist, Jan - June 1835 First Fiddling, pp.274-279, 10/1 Alday, Paul, 8/14 Aldobrandini, Cardinal, 24/22 Aldric violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Alexander, Maurice concert reviews 1893, 28/27 Alice, Princess, 28/123, 28/125 All the Year Round, 2 February 1878 Of Fiddlers, 7/101-110 All the Year Round, 28 April 1866 A Freak on the Violin, 23/2 All the Year Round, journal, various cuttings from 1864, 1866, 1880, 1881, 1882, 2/33-54 Allegri, 23/3 Allen, James Lane Flute and Violin, 14/25, 23/13 Allen & Son envelope from Hawkes & Son, 18/22 Allendorf, Christine, clarinettist, 22/31 Alletsee, Paul viola d'amore, Samary collection, 19/4 Alletsee, Paulas violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Allgemeine Musik-Gesellschaft, Zurich, 22/16 2 Ally Sloper's Half Holiday, 26 March 189?, 18/58 Ally Sloper's Half Holiday, 26 March 1892, 21/70 Almond, J. Leo Mozart, W.A., 18/155 Almond, W.D. A Musical Family, drawing, 22/12 Althus, Basil, 7/53-69 Aluminium violins, 26/96, 26/102, 26/114 Amalie, Friederike Auguste Recitativo, autograph manuscript, 24/12 "Amateur Fiddler", 26/25 letter on old and new violins, 26/72 Old v. New Violins, 26/73 Amateur Work Illustrated, part XVII Violin-making as it was and is, plans, 18/107 Amati, 7/144 cello, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 Mosenthal's violin, 26/51 Tuttle's violin, 26/51 viola, Withers catalogue, 24/21 violin, 19/2 violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4–228 violin, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1894, 26/111 violin, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1895, 26/28 violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 violin left on train, 26/48 Amati, A. & H. violin, Hesketh List of Old Violins, 19/13 violin, Van Hengel & Eeltjes catalogue, 3/258, 3/259, 3/261 Amati, Andrea violin, Withers sale advertisemnt, 3/145 Amati, Andreas, 24/22 Cremona violin for sale, Darlington, 5/24 double bass, 15/31 violin, Goffrie collection, 19/25 violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/227 violin, illus., 118/114 violin, Muller auction, 14/18 violin, Violin Gallery, 15/8 Amati, Antonio & Girolamo viola, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1893, 24/6 Amati, Antonius violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14 violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/227 Amati, Antonius & Hieronymus, 24/22 Amati, Antonius & Hieronymus (?) viola, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/67 Amati, Antonius & Hieronymus tenor sold, 25 June 1883, 2/11 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 22/26, 24/5 violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/227 violin, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1895, 26/28 violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/61 violin found in Nottingham, 20/150 violin sold, Hulse collection sale, 25 June 1883, 2/7 violins, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/59 Amati, Antonius and Hieronymus violin, Withers catalogue of Italian dealer, n.d., 3/159 Amati, Girolamo viola, Woolhouse collection, 24/6 violin, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1893, 24/6 Amati, H. violin, Van Hengel & Eeltjes catalogue, 3/260, 3/261 Amati, H. & A. violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/228 violin, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1894, 26/111 Amati, Hieronymus Andover sale of violins, 17/40 viola, Withers catalogue, 12/12 violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/227, 4/228 violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 violin sale, Andover, 17/36 Amati, N. violin, Van Hengel & Eeltjes catalogue, 3/258, 3/260, 3/261 Amati, Niccolo, 11/3 Amati, Nicholas viola, Violin Gallery, 15/8 violin, Violin Gallery, 15/8 violin, Withers catalogue of Italian dealer, n.d., 3/159 Amati, Nicolas, 24/22 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 violin, Muller auction, 14/18 Amati, Nicolaus, 14/2 C.A. Ward: An Old Violin, 6/14 cello in Australia questioned, 27/50 Fletcher acquisition, 17/38 viola, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/229 viola, Von der Hoya collection, 17/53 violin, Castle catalogue, 3/95 violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/226, 4/227, 4/228 violin found at Dudweiler, 26/111 violin of Theresa Milanollo, 22/4 Amati, Nicolo violin, Woolhouse collection, 24/6 Amati, Petrus Jacobus Ruggerius de Nicolai violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Amati family, 14/7, 23/7 Ambrogi, Pietro violin, Cocks catalogue, 25/5 Ambrogi, Pietro, of Rome violin, Robert Cocks List of Old Violins, 15/4 America, Chicago Horace Townsend: A Genuine "Guarnerius", 8/118-127 American Ladies' Symphony Orchestra planned, 22/31 American Musician, 10 January 1891 Powell v. Flechter, 9/118-119 American Musician, 8 December 1888 A Musical Barber, 6/106-108 3 Ames, George Acland collection sold, 17/83 Stradivarius violin, 17/83, 26/33 Amor, Frank, 20/76 Ancestry of Brudder Bones, 4/51-62 Anconita, Antonio Taleso cello, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/229 Anda varnish, 28/8 Anderoli,C. advertisement, 17/129 Anders, G.E. Geschichte der Violine, review Caecilia, eine Zeitschrift für die musicalische Welt, 14.Band Heft 55, 1831, 3/64-77 Anderson, James Paisley Abbey violin, 28/125 Andover violin sale, 17/36 André, Anton autograph letter, sale, 24/12 André, Johann letter, sale, 24/12 André, Julius autograph letters, sale, 24/12 Andreoli, C. advertisement, 9/103 Andunson, Thorgeir, 24/13 Anecdotes, violin Edward Heron-Allen, 8/14-20 Anfossi, double bass, 8/129 Anglo-American Times, 2 September 1893 C.M. Bundy: That Old Violin, 17/86 animals and music, 8/15-16 Annales Archeologiques Coussemaker: Essai sur les instruments de musique au moyen age, 11/13 Annales de la Société Libre des Beaux-Arts Charles du Rozoir: Notice sur Pierre Baillot, Célèbre Violoniste, 14/9 Annual Biography and Obituary, 1837, vol. XXI, 24/10 Anselmo, Pietros violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Answers, 9 December 1893 About Old Violins, 28/34 Answers, 15 December 1894 piano with violins, 26/115 Answers, 19 May 1894 The Golden Fiddel Craze, 28/104 Antoine violin, Samary collection, 19/4 Anton, Petrus violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/66 Antoniazzi, Ricardo violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Antoniazzi, Riccardo violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Antonius violin, 19/2 Apollo bhy Cantarint, 18/92 "Apollo" letter, 11 January 1890, 8/10-11 Apostle Quartett, 19/2 Arbos, Fernandez Royal College of Music, 28/109 Archeografo Triestino, Volume X, January 1884 Lettere di Giuseppe Tartini, 19/7 Archiviole di Lyra illustration, 18/159 Arden, Martin violin, 19/2 Arditi drawing, 8–105 Areangioli, Lorenzo violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/227 Argiewicz, Arthur concert review, June 1894, 28/137, 28/138 violinist, 20/58 Argosy, Midsummer volume, 1867 H. R. Haweis: Herr Joachim, 24/11 Argosy, Vol.XXI, January 1876 Paganini, 10/2 Arkwright, Marion, 26/123 Arkwright, Marion, violist, 21/15 Arne, 8/18 Arnenteron strings, vibration, 17/127 Arnold & Co. advertisements, 6/78 Art of Playing the Violin without a master Cameron & Ferguson, 2/112-138 Arthur McEwen's Letter, 23 February 1895 T. Hussey: My Lady's Violin, poem, 26/78 Asbjornsen' Norwegian Fairy Tales Little Fred and his Fiddle Sampson Low & Co, 2/185-190 Ascherberg, E. & Co. advertisement, 7/69 Aston, John Alleged theft of a violin at Walsall, 26/110 Athenaeum, 11 June 1831 Paganini, 9/48 Athenaeum, 12 September 1835 Paganini, 14/12 Athenaeum, 13 February 1830 Paganini, 14/14 Athenaeum, 14 April 1894, 28/105 Athenaeum, 18 June 1831 Paganini, 14/13 Athenaeum, 19 January 1861 Louis Spohr: Autobiography, review, 17/105 4 Athenaeum, 2 October 1830 Origin of Paganini's Magical Command over a Single Violin String, 9/47 Athenaeum, 20 February 1830 Paganini, 14/15 Athenaeum, 24 August 1833 English school of violin-playing, 8/129 Athenaeum, 31 May 1831 Signor Paganini, 9/47-48 Athenaeum, 4 June 1831 Paganini!!!, 9/48 Athenaeum, 5 November 1859 Louis Spohr, 14/11 Athenaeum, 9 March 1895 Rubio, cello, 26/63 Atherstone, doctor Stradivarius violin, 17/49 Atkinson, H.C., 17/78 Atkinson, Nettie concert reviews, July 1893, 20/94 Atkinson, Wm. varnish, 15/38 Atlanta Exposition, 26/36 Atlantic Monthly, February 1881, 21/14 Atlantic Monthly, June 1879 Horace, on string instruments, 26/11 Atlantic Monthly, March 1879 collecting, 26/12 Atlantic Monthly, May 1879 W.H. Bishop: The Faience Violin, 22/10 Atlantic Monthly, Vol. LXXV, January - February 1895 Kate Douglas Wiggin: A Village Stradivarius, 23/5 Atlantic Monthly, Vol. XI Gail Hamilton: Camilla's Concert, 22/6 Atlantic Monthly, Vol. XLV, February 1880 Richard Grant White: Antonius Stradivarius and the Violin, 11/12 & 22/11 Atlantic Monthly, Vol. XLVII, February 1881 The Spell-bound Fiddler, 24/15 Atlantic Monthly, Vol.LX, No.358, August 1887 Margaret Crosby: A Mad Englishman, 4/33-48 Atti dell'Accademia del R. Istituto di Firenze, 1884 Consolo, Federico: Del Colorito nel Quartetto di Strumenti ad arco, 1/132-153 Atti dell'Accademia del R. Istituto di Firenze, 1889 Giovanni de Piccolellis: Della autenticità e pregio di talni strumenti ad arco, 14/2 Atwood, Ethel, 22/31 Auber, Dan. invitation to Spohr, sale, 24/12 Aubert, Pierre Francois Olivier, cellist, 11/17 Auberti, cellist, 11/17 Aubry guitar, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Aubry, A. violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Auctions Alexander, Daniel, Selfe & Co., Bristol, 1895, 26/47 Dobson, Edward & Son, 1894, 28/82 Drouot, sale of Samary collection, 15 March 1880s, 19/4 Drouot, sale of Vuillaume collection, 21 -22 May 1880s, 19/3 Drouot, sale of Vuillaume's Stradivarius violins, 15 May 1886, 19/6 Liepmannssohn sale, October 1894, 24/12 Muller, Frederick & Co., 3 November 1890, 14/18 Ossington Coffee Palace, Newark-upon-Trent, 26 Janaury 1886, 3/93-98 Puttick & Simpson, 5/26 Puttick & Simpson, 1883, 5/29 Puttick & Simpson, 1894, 26/111 Puttick & Simpson, July 1891, 27/10 Puttick & Simpson, June 1892, 20/49 Puttick & Simpson, 1893, 17/130, 24/6, 27/45, 28/23, 28/24, 28/48 Puttick & Simpson, 1893, report, 17/82 –84 Puttick & Simpson, 1894, 26/113 Puttick & Simpson, 1895, 26/28 Puttick and Simpson, Hulse collection, 25 June 1883, with prices, 2/2-11 Puttock & Simpson, 1893, 17/85 Van Hengel & Eeltjes, 12 January 1883, Rotterdam, 3/256-263 Auctions, reports Orchestra and Choir, journal, 1 July 1883, 2/11 Puttick and Simpson, Hulse collection, 25. June 1883, 2/3 Audiences, 1880 illustration, 23/4 Audinot cello, Samary collection, 19/4 violin, 19/2 Audinot, N. viola, 19/2 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 24/5 violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4–230 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Audinot, Nestor violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 Auer, Leopold visit to London, 1895, 26/73 Augu, Henir The Fiddler of the Rhine, 4/80-90 Aunos, Juan violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Aurelii Augurelli Arimensis Carminam, liber primus frontispiece and first page, 21/7 Autographs Liepmannssohn sale, October 1894, 24/12 Puttick & Simpson sale, 1893, 24/6 Autotype Company letter to Edward Heron-Allen re. violin drawing, 18/45 5 B Bacchanalian Club, 17/22 Bacciochi, Princess Elisa, 9/47 Bach, W.F. Pfingstkantate, autograph manuscript, sale, 24/12 Bach Choir, 23/4 Bachmann double bass, 15/31 Bachmann, Carl Ludwig, 24/22 viola, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Bagatella, 26/23 Bagattella, Antonius violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Bag-case for violins etc. advertisement, 14/22 Bagpipes The Bagpipes and the Violin, 5/40-41 Fleming, J.M.: The Bagpipes and the Violin, 5/32-33 Bailey, P. violin, Violin Gallery, 19/13 Bailey, Paul violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14 Bailliot, Pierre, 23/3 Baillot Rode, Baillot and Kreutzer's Method of Instruction for the Violin, review, 11/18 Baillot, Pierre, 11/18 Charles du Rozoir: Notice sur Pierre Baillot, Célèbre Violoniste, 14/9 Bailly, Paul violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/230 violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Bairhoff, Georgio violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 Baker double bass, 19/2 double bass, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 double Bass, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/69 guitar, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Balalaika, 23/1 Balas, Koloman, violinist, 17/91 Balcaini violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Baldantoni, Joseph viola, 19/2 viola, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 viola, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/67 Balestriere, Tomaso violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/228 Balestrieri, Thomas viola, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/229 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14 Balestrieri, Thos. violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/227 Ball, Alice, flautist, 22/31 Ballestrino, Pietro guitar, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Ballisterie cello, 19/2 cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Baltazar, 24/22 Baltazarini, 28/29, 28/39 Baltzar, 24/22 Baltzar, Thomas, 28/39 Balzerek viola, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/229 violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/228 Bambaux cello, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14 Bamber suspender, 5/35-36 Bandinelli, R.B. The Theory of the Violin, 9/33-35 Bandora, 23/1 Banes, Sir Joseph, 9/110 Banks cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17 cello, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/59 cello sold, Hulse collection sale, 25 June 1883, 2/8 violin, 19/2 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 violin, Cocks catalogue, 25/5 Banks, Benjamin, 7/4, 7/145 cello, 19/2 cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 cello, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/68 cello for sale at Alphonse Cary, 17/125 viola, Withers catalogue, 24/21 viola, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/67 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 violin, Castle catalogue, 3/95 violin, Hesketh List of Old Violins, 19/13 violin, Violin Gallery, 15/8 Banks, J & H. viola, Withers catalogue, 24/21 violin, Withers collection, 12/17 Banks, James & Henry cello, 19/2 Banks, John & Henry viola, 19/2 viola, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Banner, Michael, 23/3 Bannister, John, 7/148 Bantis, Jean violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Baptist, 7 June 1895 William Birch: The Old Violin, 26/46 6 Baptista, Antonio violins and violas, Muller auction, 14/18 Baptista, Joannes violin, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1895, 26/28 Baptiste, 23/3 Barass violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Barbay violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4–229 Barbe, J. cello, 19/2 cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Barbé, J., père cello, Withers catalogue, 24/21 violin, 19/2 Barbé, père violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26, 24/5 Barbe, Telesphore violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 22/26 Barnard, F. 'Tis Merry in Hall, 18/41 Barnard, L.V., 9/40-41 Agillo violin, 9/37-38 Barnard's Inn viol concert, 17/47 Barnby, Joseph with illus., 23/14 illustration, 23/4 Barnes, Ethel concert review, June 1894, 28/98 Barnes, Thurlow Weed Stradivarius violin, 17/79 Barnett, Alice cartoon, 18/281 Barni, Camille, cellist, 11/17 Barns. Ethel, 21/24 Barrett, F. Joyce The Violin as an instrument for girls, 8/106-114 Barrett, John violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 22/26 Barrias, Ernest-Louis statue of Mozart, 18/46 Bartbol violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Bartbol, Kurner violin, 19/2 Barthelemon, 24/22 Barthoff, Giorigio violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Baryton, 17/84, 23/7 Basin Soissons, illus. with string instruemnts, 18/135 Bass bar Meeson, R., 12/10 Meeson, R., advertisement, 3/156 Bassot violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 violin, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1895, 26/28 violin, Vuillaume collection, 19/3 Bassot, Joseph violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Bates, A. violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Batistini double bass, 15/31 Batta, Alexandre cello, 26/33 Strad cello, 28/31 Stradivarius violin, 17/129 Battanchon, Felix, baryton player obituary, 17/84 –85, 20/95 Bauchel, Johann, 22/4 Baud, 14/7 Baudiot, cellist, 11/17 Baudiot, M., cellist, 11/17 Bauer, Harold recital at Erard's Rooms, 20/91 Bauernfeld letter from Josef Vesque von Püttlingen, sale, 24/12 Baumbach, Rudolf The Fiddle-bow of the Neck, 24/15 Baumgartner, Jean Baptiste, cellist, 11/17 Bausch, 11/3 Bausch, Otto, 5/68-73, 5/73-76, 24/22 Bazaar, 10 December 1894 Fiddle Frauds, 26/99 Bazaar, 12 October 1894 Old Violins and their Makers, re-issue, 26/93 Bazaar, 19 October 1894 Old Violins and their Makers, re-issue, 26/94 Bazaar, 29 March 1895 Old v. New Violins, 26/78 Bazaar, 29 May 1895 J.M. Fleming: J.K. Monk's Triple-Bar System for Violins, 26/75 Bazaar, 3 April 1895 Harry Dykes, letter, 26/26 Bazaar, 3 August 1894 Musical Notes, 26/56 Bazaar, 4 April 1894 Violin Student's Outfit, 28/101 Bazaar, 5 April 1895 Amateur Fiddler: Old v. New Violins, letter, 26/25 Bazaar, 8 April 1895 Old v. New Violins, 26/73 Bazaar, 8 June 1894 Stopping worm holes in violin, 28/118 7 Bazaar, 9 November 1894 Old Violins and their Makers, re-issue, 26/101 Bazaar,10 April 1895 Old v. New Violins, 26/72 Bazaar. 5 November 1894 Old Violins and their Makers, re-issue, 26/106 Bazaar Exchange & Mart, 13 February 1884 The Bagpipes and the Violin, 5/40-41 Bazaar Exchange & Mart, 15 January 1890 Fleming's "Old Violins and their Makers", 8/8-9 Bazaar Exchange & Mart, 9 January 1884 Fleming, J.M.: The Bagpipes and the Violin, 5/32-33 Bazzi, Gaetano, 14/2 Bazzini, Ant. autograph letter, sale, 24/12 Beacon Orchestral Club, 22/31 Beadell collection, 23/11 Beal & Co. advertisement, 25/4 Beamont, Benjamin Beaumont v. Medling, 20/3 Beare, Goodwin & Co. Catalogue, 22/14, 22/26 Catalogue, November 1893, 24/5 Catalogue of Genuine Old Italian and other violins ..., 22/21 illustration of shop, 22/26 price list of strings, 24/1 Supplementary list, Feburary 1894, 24/5 Beare & Son Adveritsement, 17/128 Beare & Sons advertisement, 20/42 Beaujardin violins, 26/65 Beaujardin, Theodor de violins, 26/45, 26/100, 26/104 Beaumont, Benjamin, 9/107-110 Beaumont v. Medling, 20/3 Beaumont, Francis Knight of the Burning Pestle, 8/16 Beaumont v. Meddling double bass case, 9/107 Becker, Albert autograph letter, sale, 24/12 Becker, Dora Valesca, violinist, 21/21, 26/38, 26/118 Becker, Dora Valeska, 23/3 Becker, Hugo, 20/38a concert review, May 1891, 20/77, 20/184 recital, 11 April 1891, 20/36 Stradivarius cello, 8/51 Becker, Jean violinist, obituary, November 1884, 20/150 Beecham's Illustrated Christmas Annual, 1889 John W. Kirton: The Scrape that ended in a scrape, 15/14 Beethoven, Ludwig van Fidelio, autograph sketches, sale, 24/12 letter to Spohr, sale, 24/12 Piano Trio, sketches, sale, 24/12 Beethoven-Monument, Bonn, 24/12 Bega, Cornelius The Ale-house Hop, 18/171 A Village Inn: Eine Dorfschenke, 18/37 A Village Inn: Eine Dorfschenke, illus., 18/96 Behrens, Bertha, violinist, 21/21, 26/118 Behrens, Walter, 26/13 Strad violin, 22/25 Beissenherz, Henry D. illustration, 24/1 Beitrag zur Geschichte der Violine von G.E. Anders in Paris Caecilia, eine Zeitschrift für die musicalische Welt, 14.Band Heft 55, 1831, 3/64-77 Belfast Newsletter, 20 December 1893 A 300 Years Old Fiddle, 28/20 Belgravia, Holiday Number, 1884 A Quartette, poem and illustration by FSW, 10/10 Belgravia, January 1882 Haweis: Stradivarius of Cremona - his house, 14/8 Belgrove, J. Violin construction, 9–58 Violin-making, 9–55 Bell, Henry Letter, Practical Mechanic's Journal, 1 January 1859, 9/39-40 Bell, Stephenson, 28/64 Bell violin, 9/66 Belle Assemblee, La, or Court and Fashionable Magazine, July 1831 Paganini's Concerts, 11/20 Bellosio, Anselmo viola, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/229 Bendix, Max with illus., 23/3 Benedict, Julius, 18/290 autograph letters to Louis Spohr, sale, 24/12 illustration, 23/4 Benedict, Mateo guitar, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/69 Bennett, Richard collection sold, 17/83 Bennett, William Sterndale, 23/4 Allegretto semplice in A minor, autograph manuscript, sale, 24/12 Benoit Rapport sur un memoire de M. Janinet relatif a la lutherie, 11/9 Bente, Matteo violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 24/5 Bentley's Miscellany CCCLXXX, August 1868, pp.262-274 The Fiddler of Marseilles, 4/66-78 Bentley's Miscellany, CCLXIX, May 1859 Walter Thornbury: The Jacobite Fiddler, 11/7 8 Bentley's Miscellany, pp.190-200 Henri Augu: The Fiddler of the Rhine, 4/80-90 Berdedell violin sold, Bristol, 26/47 Berenzi, Angelo, 9/122-123 Berenzi, D.A. I liutai bresciani - Giovanni Paolo Maggini, liutaio bresciano, review, 17/14 Berger, Jean Frederic, cellist, 11/17 Bergonzi violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/227 violin, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1894, 26/111 Bergonzi, Carlo, 23/7 cello, 19/2 cello, Withers catalogue, June 1885, 24/21 Hodges v. Chanot, 24/7 violin, Withers catalogue of Italian dealer, n.d., 3/159 violin and cello, Violin Gallery, 15/8 violin owned by Marianne Eissler, 20/171 violin sold, Hulse collection sale, 25 June 1883, 2/7 Bergonzi, Francesco violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/226 Bergonzi, Nicola viola, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/229 Bériot, Charles Auguste de, 7/47, 23/2, 17/105, 19/5, 26/21 concert review, Philharmonic, 1826, 17/102 Stradivarius, 7/3 Bériot, Charles de autograph letter to Louis Spohr, Brussels 1847, sale, 24/12 correspondence reviewed, 26/48 Berlin violins, 26/79 Berliner, Emile, 5/22 The Berliner Violin, 9/71-72 Berliner Allgemeine Musikalische Zeitung No.12, 23 March 1825 Gottfried Weber: Ueber Saiteninstrumente mit Bunden, 4/104-109 Berlioz Paganini and Berloz Musical Standard, 28 March - 11 April 1885, 5/88-90 Berlioz, H., 20/149 cello, quotation, 15/31 letter from Paganini, 18 December 1838, 20/150 Pagani. Publication de ses oeuvres, 8/81-85 Recollections of Paganini, 27/14 Reverie Caprice, 20/152 Bernadel, 14/7 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 22/26 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Bernadel, ainé violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Bernadel, père cello, Vuillaume collection, 19/3 violin, Robert Cocks List of Old Violins, 15/4 violin, Cocks catalogue, 25/5 Bernadel, Rouseel violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Bernadel, Sebastien P. violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14 Bernardel, Gustave violins, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Bernardel, Sebastien P. violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Bernardo, Calcagnas violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/64 violin, Withers catalogue, June 1885, 24/21 Bernstein varnish, 28/4 Berquin, Arnaud The Little Fiddler, drama, 13/4 Berthani, cellist, 11/17 Bertrand bassa di gamba, Samary collection, 19/4 violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/227 Bertrand, Nicolai viola da gamba, 19/2 Best, J. Theodore Correspondence of Niccolo Paganini, 7/157-169 Betts cello, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/68 viola, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 22/26 viola, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 24/5 violin bow, 19/2 Betts, Arthur bought Stradivarius violin, 7/139 Betts, Arthur and John violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/60 violin, Withers catalogue, June 1885, 24/21 Betts, John, 14/35 cello, 19/2 cello, Withers catalogue, 24/21 cello, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/68 Stradivarius violin, 17/50 viola, 19/2 viola, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/60 violin, Withers catalogue, June 1885, 24/21 violin sold, Hulse collection sale, 25 June 1883, 2/7 Betts, John & Arthur cello, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 "Betts" Stradivarius, 26/33 Bianchini, Vinc. violin, Van Hengel & Eeltjes catalogue, 3/261 9 Bickham, G., Jnr. still life with violin, 18/117 Bideau, cellist, 11/17 Biene, Auguste van, 28/111 cello, 28/70 Bienfait violins, 24/20 Bierlaris, Joseph violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/228 Bimbi violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/227 Biographie des hommes du jour, Tome 2, 2de partie, 1836 Germain Sarrut & B. Saint-Edme: Paganini, 19/12 Bioley, Viscomte de Stradivarius violin, 17/85 Birch, William The Old Violin, 26/46 Birmetti, Gio. Baptta violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Birmingham Daily Argus, 5 August 1893 Stradivarius of Thurlow Weed Barnes, 17/79 Birmingham Daily Gazette, 20 November 1894 Hill gives violins to students, 26/67 Birmingham Daily Post, 25 May 1895 Willy Burmester, concert review, 26/80 Birmingham Daily Post, 7 June 1894, 28/130 Birmingham Daily Post, 9 June 1894, 28/95 Birmingham Gazette, 21 February 1894, 28/56 Birmingham Gazette, 22 May 1894, 28/142 Birmingham Weekly Mercury, 10 February 1894 The Violin, 28/74 Birnie, Patie illus. by Robert Grave, 18/224 Bischoff, Jean Gorges, cellist, 11/17 Bishop, Thomas violin theft, 17/91 Bishop, W.H. The Faience Violin, 22/10 Bispham, David with illus., 23/14 Bittner, D. bowed instruments, Vienna Exhibition, 1873, 11/16 Black violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/229 Black, Andrew with illus., 23/14 Black & White The "Strad" VIola, 17/132 Black & White, 2 December 1893 Paganini letter reproduced, 28/33 Black and White, 10 March 1894, 28/62 Black and White, 6 May 1893, 21/62 Blagrove, A.R. Strad purchased, 20/60 Blainville, cellist, 11/17 Blair, William, 19/23 Blanchard, Paul advertisement, 6/90 Blätter für Musik, Theater und Kunst, 6 May 1859 - 1 July 1859 Zur Geschichte und Theorie der Bogeninstrumente, 6/2748 Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna The Ensouled Violin, 19/15 The Ensouled Violin, review, 17/13 Bligh, Edina, violinist, 28/142 Bligh, Eldina concert review, 1894, 27/61 Bloxham, Miss, 26/124 Bloxham, Miss, cellist, 21/2 Bluthgen, Victor Die drei Bassgeigen, 15/39 Boaquay, Jacques cello, Withers catalogue, 24/21 violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Boarder, Jas. advertisement, 7/70-72 Boardman, Bertha, cornet player, 22/31 Boccherini, Luigi, 11/17 Bocquay cello, 19/2 Bocquay, Jacques violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Bodio violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/228 Bohmann, J. bows, 26/91 Bohrer, Ant. autograph letters to Louis Spohr, sale, 24/12 Boller, Michael violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Boll's Musikalischer Familien-Almanach, 1890 Mauthner, Fritz: Die Stradivari-Geige, 11/8 Bologna exhibition of instruments, 20/39 Bones The Ancestry of Brudder Bones, 4/51-62 Bonn, J. Edwin bridges, 25/1, 25/4 new bridge, 16/6 Technical Notes on the Choice and Keeping of Violin Strings, 17/129 Bonnani varnish, 28/10 Bonnel guitar, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Bontor, A.S. letter on Old Violins and their Makers, 26/93 Book Finder, 9 July 1890 Edward Heron-Allen, books wanted, advertisement, 9/20 Boquay, Jacques violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26, 24/5 10 violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/226 Borwick, Leonard with illus., 23/14 Bose, Florianus de viola d'amore, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Bossi, Florianus de viola d'amore, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Boston Orchestral Club, 22/31 Bott, Jean illus., 21/22 Stradivarius violin stolen, 28/139, 28/141 violin stolen, 27/61 Bott, John Joseph Strad. violin, 26/42 Botte, 11/3 Botte, Dominicus Jo. Bapt. violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Bottesini, 9/36 concert review, June 1884, 20/145 double bass, 15/31 memorial, 20/37 obituary, 17/40 Olivet cantata, review, 20/142 Bottle Companions, 17/22 Boul, Simon violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Boulart, Charles Victor violinist, obituary, April 1891, 20/83 Boullangier, Charles cello, Woolhouse collection, 24/6 violin, Woolhouse collection, 24/6 Bouque violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/226 Bourlier cello, Vuillaume collection, 19/3 Bow hair Elias Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/232 Bowditch, 9/110 Bowen, Rhyl, 17/86 violinist, 20/48 Bowing L'Arte dell' Arco New York Times, 13 January 1889, 6/16 Bows, 23/7, 26/91 About Violin Bows, 27/16 Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14 Chanot new folding, 14/22 Chanot's folding, 27/8 Edgar Shelton: The Bow, 26/61 Elias Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/232 George Brayley: The Violin Bow, 26/91 Haynes & Co., 24/20 How to Hair a Violin Bow Boy's Own Paper, June 1887, 6/48-49 Hulse collection sale, 25 June 1883, 2/9 illustrations, 18/69, 18/70, 18/74 J. Jacques Haakman: Steadiness and Flexibility of the Bow, review, 26/102 Lamy, A., for sale, 19/2 Mennesson, Emile: Catalogue spéciale de Lutherie, 1884 Mössner's Patent, 21/35 Note on the Suitable Proportions and Dmensions of a Violin Bow, 7/111-112 Peccatte, Ch., 5/67 Tourte, 8/33 Tourte, François, 9/131 Tourte, Withers catalogue of an Italian dealer, 3/161 Violin Gallery, 15/8 Withers catalogue, 1883, 2/70-72 Woolhouse, W.S.B.: Note on the suitable proportions and dimensions of a violin bow, 5/48 Bows, prices, 28/100 Boyesen, Hjalmar Hjorth The Nixy's Chord, 22/2 Boyle, Mrs. William double bass player, 20/98 obituary, February 1894, 20/98 Boys of England, 4 March 1884, 18/283 Boy's Own Paper, 8 July 1882 John Sachs: All about Fiddles, 19/28 Boy's Own Paper, June 1887 How to Hair a Violin Bow, 6/48-49 Boy's Own Paper, 19 & 26 August 1882 The Violin and How to Play It, 19/29 Bozi, Florianus violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14 Bradford Daily Telegraph, 15 March 1894, 28/143 Bradford Daily Telegraph, 5 December 1893 A Double-Bass FIddle Dispute, 28/34 Bradford Observer. 1 October 1894 Old-Time Fiddlers, 26/115 Bradford Observer. 13 May 1895 concert review, Frida Scotter, 26/74 Bradford Observer, 29 December 1894 Beaujardin's violins, 26/65 Bradford Observer, 4 January 1894, 28/41 Bradford Observer, 19 May 1894, 28/132 Bradford Observer, 23 December 1894, 28/82 Bradley, W. letter to Musical Times, 20/97 Braekstad, H.L. Little Fred and his Fiddle. Sampson Low & Co, 2/185190 Brahms, Johannes autograph letter, n.d., sale, 24/12 F A E Sonata, 20/51 Braine, Robert D. Hints for Violin Students, 26/30 Brandt, Marianne autograph letter, Berlin, n.d., sale, 24/12 11 Branzo-Barbaro, Francesco viola da gamba, 14/23 Brauwer, Adrian The Fiddler, from a painting, 18/90 Bray, Vicar of origin, 9/111 Brayley, G. Violin Don'ts, 27/13 Brayley, Geo. Choosing a Violin, 26/86 Brayley, George The Violin Bow, 26/91 Bremen, Violin-maker Edward Heron-Allen, 5/27-28, 7/211 Brent, Miss (Mrs Pinto), 8/14 Brescia D.A. Berenzi: I liutai bresciani - Giovanni Paolo Maggini, liutaio bresciano, 17/14 viola, 19/2 Brescia, instruments, 9/122-123, 9/132 Brescia, violins Haweis, H.R., 7/15-19 Breslau, 20/9 Bret, Emile de cello, quotation, 15/31 Breton guitar, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 guitar, Withers catalogue, 12/17 violin, 19/2 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26, 24/5 violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Breton, F. viola, Withers catalogue, 12/17 violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Breuning, Stephan von portraits by Ludwig Nohl, sale, 24/12 Breval, J.B., cellist, 11/17 Brewer, Emma Violins and Mittenwald, 15/36 Bridge, Frederick Gresham College Lectures, 14/16 Viols and Violins, 14/16 Bridge, J.F. Gresham College lectures, 20/81, 20/88, 20/165, 20/179, 26/46 Gresham College lectures, 1894, 27/50 Gresham College lectures: Tartini, 20/156 Bridges, 27/28 A.J. Durrant: letter, 27/31, 27/33 Albert, E.J., 15/32 Bonn, J. Edwin, 16/6, 25/4 Bonn's, 25/1 Bonn's Patent, 21/46 C.F.B.: letter, 27/31, 27/34 Elias Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/233 J.W. Tait: letter, 27/32 Kopps, John, 6/105 Ritter, 8/13 T. Doddrell: letter, 27/32 W. Wallis: letter, 27/31 W.C. Selle: letter, 27/32 Zebrowski's, illus., 18/3 Brier, James viola as solo instrument, 27/27 Brier, Jas. double bass society proposed, 27/22 Briggs & Tarr advertisement, 17/125 Brinsmead, John & Sons piano makers, advertisement, 25/4 Bristol Mercury, 8 December 1893, 28/48 British Archaeological Association, Journal, No.VII, 31 October 1846, Coussemaker: On the Musical Instruments of the Middle Ages, 4/95-106 British Musician, November 1894 The Violin, 26/87 British Musician, October 1894 Eugene Ysaye & Choosing a Violin, 26/86 Briton, F. violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Brixius, Albert Ein Geigen-Solo, 9/12-19 Broadhouse, John editor, Strings magazine, 20/61, 26/111 letter to Edward Heron-Allen, 22/24 Old and New Fiddles, 5/98-99 Brodsky, Adolf, 26/28, 26/46, 26/47, 26/80 Guarnerius violin, 26/51 Brookings, Marguerite, percussionist, 22/31 Brooks's Band, 6/20 Brousil, Cacilia, 20/147 Brousil family, 20/146 Brousil School of Music, 20/145 concert review, 1882, 20/147 Brown, Ellen, L. Plea for the Violin, poem, 20/99 Brown, Frank D., 28/51 "electric" violin, 28/49 Brown, James Guarnerius and Guadagnini violins, 22/25 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Bruch, Max In Memoriam, 20/49 Vom Rhein, autograph manuscript, sale, 24/12 Bruck-Lajos portrait, The Quartet, 20/39 Brüll, Ignaz autograph letter, sale, 24/12 Brumleu, Christina concert review, November 1892, 20/98 Bruner, Frances, 26/123 12 Bruner, Martin viola, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/229 Brunker, Frances, violinist, 21/15 Bucher, J.J. bowed instruments, Vienna Exhibition, 1873, 11/16 Buchstader violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Buchstetter violin, Van Hengel & Eeltjes catalogue, 3/258, 3/259 Buchstetter, Gabriel David viola, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 24/5 Buckmann, George Hatton cello, illus., 21/26, 21/27 letter to Edward Heron-Allen, 21/26 violin, illus., 21/28 Bull, Alexander with illus., 17/45 Bull, John learning a new movement, cartoon, 18/82 Bull, Ole, 5/29, 8/31, 9/35, 11/3, 15/8, 17/139, 22/27, 23/7, 24/22 composing in Florence, 20/11 concert review, King's Theatre, May 1836, 17/104 E. de Breidenbach: Ole Bull, the King of the Violin, with engraving, 15/19 Ferris, T.: Ole Bull, 20/197 Gaspar da Salo violin, 20/40 Gaspar di Salo violin, 17/50 good nature, 20/134 On Hearing Ole Bull, poem, 20/11 illustration, 18/103, 22/27 Morning Post, 23 June 1856, 6/61-62 Musical Opinion & Music Trades Review, February 1882, 5/8 A Norwegian Musician, 7/38-51, 24/13 obituary, with illus., 15/40 Sarah C. Bull: Ole Bull: a memoir, review, 9/30-32, 20/21 in The Spell-Bound Fiddler, 21/14 Uppsala students, 20/23 Violonistes célèbres, 19/5 Was Ole Bull a Hypnotist?, 17/45 Bull, Olea, 28/64 daughter of Ole Bull, 20/62 Bull, Sarah C. Ole Bull: a memoir, review, 9/30-32 Ole Bull, a memoir, review, 20/21 Bulletin de la Société d'Encouragement pour l'Industrie Nationale, December 1848 - May 1864 Kerris: Rapport... sur les violons, altos et violoncelles de M. Lapaix, 14/7 Bulletin de la Société d'Encouragement pour l'Industrie Nationale, December 1850 Janinet: Mémoire sur un nouveau mode de construction des tables de resonnance, 11/10 Bulletin de la Société d'Encouragement pour l'Industrie Nationale, July 1865, 14/5 Bulletin de la Société d'Encouragement pour l'Industrie Nationale, May 1864 Rapport... sur les Violons de M. Morisseau, 14/6 Bulletin de La Societe d'Encouragement pour l'Industrie Nationale, November 1850 Arts Mecaniques - Lutherie, 11/9 Bullock, Grace, cellist, 22/31 Bülow, Hans von autograph letter about Wagner's Tannhäuser, 22 January 1858, sale, 24/12 autograph letter from Liszt, concerning, sale, 24/12 Bundy, C.M. That Old Violin, 17/86 Bundy, Edgar Cremona workshop painting, 20/49 Bundy, William strings, 26/53 Bunner, Marion Y. letter from F. Ch. Edler, 21/20 Buonano, G. La Casa di Stradivari, 8/66-70 Burdette, Robert F. Wilhelmj, August, poem, 20/51 Burmester, Willy, 26/26, 26/27, 26/76, 26/78 concert review, March 1895, 26/60 concert review, May 1895, 26/25, 26/80 on Joachim, 26/51 Burne Jones, E. Musica, 8/132 Burnett, Alfred The Violinist's Album, advertisement, 5/31 The Violinist's Repertoire, advertisement, 5/46 Burns, Robert, 17/18 Burton, M.E. Fiddlers Three, 13/3 Burton Chronicle, 19 April 1894 Mr. J. Harold Henry, 28/103 Busan, Dominicus viola, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/229 Buschmann, Gustav Adolf Neuerung an Streichinstrumente, 28/19 Buskers, 6/95-98 Button & Whittaker violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 C C. David violins, 24/20 Cabanzon, Albert, 26/113 Cabasse violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/66 violin, Withers catalogue, June 1885, 24/21 Caecilia, eine Zeitschrift fur die musicalische Welt, 14.Band Heft 55, 1831, 3/1-77 13 Caetano, C. violin, Hesketh List of Old Violins, 19/13 Cahusac, W.M. violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Cain, Ethel Royal College of Music, 20/93 Cajectanus violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/229 Calcagno, Caterina, 15/36 Calcanius, Bernardus violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 22/26, 24/5 violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/228 Calcinus, Bernardus violin, 19/2 Calendrier musical universel, 23/1 Calivisius, Sethus letter from Cyriacus Snegassius, sale, 24/12 Call Supplement, 13 December 1883 Violin Wood, 5/58-60 Callot hurdy-gurdy, illus., 18/134 Calthrop, Claude A Gem worth Polishing, 18/33 Caltrassavre violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Camberini, Joannes B. double bass, 19/2 double bass, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Cambridge, Duke of, 5/29, 6/4 Cameron & Ferguson Art of Playing the Violin without a master, 2/112-138 Camille, Camillo violin, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1893, 24/6 Camilli violin, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1893, 17/83 Camilli, Camillo violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Camilli, Camillus violin, 19/2 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 24/5 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Campagnoli, Giannina autograph letter to Louis Spohr, 6 June (1826), sale, 24/12 Campanari violins by Squiers, 26/35 Campbell & Co. advertisement, 25/3 Campo-Medina, Duke of bought Vieuxtemps collection, 20/46 Vieuxtemps violins, purchase, 5/10 Cantarint Apollo, illus., 18/92 Cappa violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Cappa, Geofreda violin, Paganini's, for sale, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/12, 12/17 Cappa, Gioffreda cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 Cappa, Gioffredo violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Cappa, Giofreda violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/62, 2/65 violin, Withers catalogue, June 1885, 24/21 Cappa, Jofredus violin, Violin Gallery, 15/8 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Cappa,Geofreda violin, 19/2 Carbonelli Violonistes célèbres, 19/5 Carcasi, Tommaso violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Carcassi viola, Withers catalogue, 24/21 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Carcassi, F. Lorenzo cello, 19/2 cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Carcassi, Lor. e Tommaso violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Carcassi, Lor. e Tommasso violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Carcassi, Lor. e Toms. violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Carcassi, Lorenzo cello, Withers catalogue of an Italian dealer,n.d., 3/161 violin, 19/2 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26, 24/5 violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Carcassi, Lorenzo & Tomasso cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Carcassi, Lorenzo T. violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/228 Carcassi, Thommaso violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Carcassi, Tomasso violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Carcassi, Tommaso violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Carcassi, Tommasso violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Carcassi, Vincenzio violin, 19/2 Cardon, M., cellist, 11/17 Cards, greetings. See: Greetings cards, 4/273-332 14 Carida My Violin, poem, 6/4 Carl Holy family with viol, 18/27a Carlo, G. violin, Van Hengel & Eeltjes catalogue, 3/259 Carlomordi, Marco violin, 14/23 Carlucci, Joseph violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Carmontelle Mozart family, 18/56 Carpenter, Nettie, 20/6, 20/59, 23/3, 28/29 concert in Frankfurt, 20/10 concert review, July 1891, 27/10 Gaudagnini violin, 17/52 Carrodus violin, 8–11 violin, advertisement, 17/125 Carrodus, John Tiplady College of Violinists, London, 15/33 Carrodus, J.T., 26/100, 26/114, 28/55, 28/143 chats, 28/28 College of Violinists, London, 28/126 concert review, April 1894, 28/106, 28/118 freedom of Keighley, 26/105, 26/107 honoured, October 1893, 26/54 jubilee, 26/110, 26/111 jubilee, Keighley, 26/104 On Musical Instruments and Music: IV The Violin, 15/10 at Skipton, 26/107 on violin playing, 26/104 violins, 28/45 to write for Strings, 28/53 Carrodus, Mr, 6–65, 6–93, 6–94 Guarnerius violin, 26/27 Stradivarius, Antonius, 20/60 violins, 24/20 Carrodus, T.J. How musicians are trained, 26/55 on violin playing, 26/103 Carrodus violins advertisement, 9/103 Carrolli, Niccollai, 23/3 Carter dealer, 17/125 Carterton, E. Opposing his Chosen Vocation, 21/61 Cartoons Anfdante and Finale by C.Y.Harvey, 21/22 Awkward, 18/33 Barnett Fair (Alice Barnett), 18/281 Cleaning out his studt, 18/33 The Coronation - Cash for the Trip, 18/266 A D - l of a Player, 18/58 Days with Celebrities: Duke of Edinburgh, 18/264 Der Carneval von Venedig, 18/256, 21/32 Der Peppo und seine Affe, 18/245 In der Tanzstunde, 18/251 Der Virtuos, 18/242 Dinorah in Difficulties, 18/293 A D-l of a Player, 21/70 The First Fiddle - not Prince Alfred, 18/263 fly on violinist's nose, 18/176 Harmony and Discord, 18/173 Harmony; or, the Prince of Wales's Royal Minstrels, 18/259 Herr Professor's First and Last Appearance..., 18/297 The Hostile Neighbours, 18/253 Il Demonio Rubenstein-o, 18/288 Infant musical prodigies, 18/316 An Infiddle, 18/176 An Infiddle!, 18/265 I've got you now, 18/283 John Bull learning a new movement against the next campaign, 18/82 A Jolly Vacation, 18/260 Jumbo's Lament, 18/294 Macht der Töne, 18/240 Madame Albani, 18/288 The Man that hath not music, 18/296 Modern Music and Musicains, 18/50 Music at Home, 18/281 Music at Home - with a Vengeance, 18/262 musical terms, 18/267 The Musician and Major Gallagher, 21/58 musicians, 18/285 No Cheeseparings!, 18/284 Old Songs set to New Tunes, 18/280 Onwhyn, Thomas: The Mysterious Symphony, 21/9 The Opening Scene, 18/275 At the Opera, 18/295 Originality, 18/308, 21/24 Our Musical Duchess goes in for Parisian Cansonettes, 18/289 Performing with children, 18/315 procession to Crystal Palace by Doyle, 21/56 The Quartette Party, 18/248 Royal Entertainers, 18/286 Sarasate visit, 21/59 Sir Julius Benedict, 18/290 Sir Michael Costa, 18/290 At a Smoking Concert, 18/261 Sonata del Diavolo, 18/58 Stradivarius bird, 18/176 The String Broke (cellist), 18/50 Things one would wish to have expressed differently, 18/292 timpanist, 18/271 Wagner - a warning, 18/291 Why you've got a face like a fiddle, 18/172 Woman violinist, 21/38 15 Cartres, Emily Florence, 15/36 Cary, Alphonse Abridged price list, 12/6 advertisement, 5/26, 5/49, 17/125, 25/4, 27/39 Strings, advertisement, 5/49 Cases Albert, E.J., 15/32 combination violin case and music support, 14/22 Elias Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/231 Hart & Son, advertisement, 3/186 Haynes & Co., 24/20 Cases, combination with music support Jas. Boarder, advertisement, 7/70-72 Casper, Clement, 8/103 Cassanelli, Gio violin,W, 24/21 Cassell's Family Magazine, 18/302 Cassell's Family Magazine, April 1881 W.H.S.: The Violoncello's Next Engagement, 14/19 Cassells' Family Magazine, July 1884 Minna Lovell: A Musical Genius, 7/29-34 Cassell's Family Magazine, September 1877 F. Clark: Chamber Music, 14/20 Cassell's Illustrated History of England early instruments, 18/86 Cassell's Saturday Journal, 2 December 1893, 28/45 Cassell's Saturday Journal, 23 November 1892 People Who Own Gamous Violins, 17/48 Castagneri violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 Castagneri, André violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 Castagneri, Andreas violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Castaliani violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/62 Castil-Blaze double bass, 15/31 Castle collection, 23/11 Castrucci, 7/152, 8/17, 23/3 Cat and fiddle, 18/276 Cat orchestra Amateurs and their Instruments, 18/203 Cats, 21/18 Cauldwell, Leslie Giffen, 6/4 Caussin violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 22/26 Cavaleri, Joseph violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/228 Cavaleri, Joseph Baptista violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/228 Cavaliere, Carlo Carli letters from Paganini, 16/10 Celionatus violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/226 Cellists, 11/17 Cello Alfred Guichon: Le Violoncelle, 15/31 Edward Howell: The Violoncello: its use and abuse, 15/15 In Praise of the Cello, 26/110 makers: See Makers Mettke, Hans: The Violoncello, 27/37 Cello, repertoire, 27/23 On the Rise and Progress of the Violoncello, 11/17 Cello, portable, 17/28 Celoniatus, Joannes Franciscus violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Centelli, A. Giuseppe Tartini e il suo monumento, 26/42 Centralblatt der Deutschen Musikwissenschaft, 1890 K. Wassmann: Entdeckungen zur Erleichterung und Erweiterung der Violintechnik, review, 15/20 Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine, March 1895 H. E.Krehbiel: Eugene Ysaye, 22/1 Century Magazine, December 1894 James B. Kenyon: Her Violin, poem, 26/55 Century Magazine, February 1884 Titus Munson Coan: Gustave Courbet. Artist and Communist, 14/32 Century Magazine, May 1890, 21/8 Cerin, Marcus Antonius violin, 19/2 Ceruti, Enricus violin, 19/2 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5, 24/21 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Ceruti, Ericus violin, Withers catalogue of Italian dealer, n.d., 3/159 Ceruti, G.B. violin, 19/2 Ceruti, G..B. violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Ceruti, G.B. violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Ceruti, J. Baptista viola, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/67 viola. Withers catalogue, 24/21 violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Ceruti, Jo. Baptista violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Ceruti, Joseph violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Cervetto, 22/7, 24/22 Cervetto, cellist, 11/17 C.F.B. Bridges, letter, 27/34 C.F.B.: letter Bridges, letter, 27/31 16 Challenger, C. letter on Old Violins and their Makers, 26/94 Chalon violinist, 20/46 Chambers Edinburgh Journal, no.273, 22 April 1837 The Two Blind Fiddlers, 17/111 Chambers Edinburgh Journal, no.38, 20 October 1832 Paganini, biographic sketch, 17/107 Chambers Edinburgh Journal, no.39, 27 October 1832 History of the Violin, 17/109 Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature Science and the Arts, 15 March 1856 Fiddles and the Fiddle Trade, 14/30 Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature Science and the Arts, Vol.V, January-June 1856 The Roving Fiddler, 14/29 Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature Science and the Arts, Vol.XI, January-June 1859 A Violinist's Tale, 14/28 Champfleury Le Violon de Faience, 22/10 Chandler, Lillian, violinist, 22/31 illustration, 22/31 Channon, F. violin, 17/94 Chanot, 7/4, 7/5, 8/32, 11/9, 14/7 bow, cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17 bow, violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Catalogue of New Music for the Violin, 2/178-184 Edition Chanot, Catalogue ... of Violin Music, 14/22 History and Improvements of the Violin, 28/37 The Romance of Fiddle Dealing, 5/9 violin (1817), 18/122 violin, (1819), 18/122 violin bow, 19/2 Chanot, Edition advertisement, 7/64 advertisements, 6/63 Catalogue of violins, advertisement, 5/29 Chanot, Frederick William Catalogue of Music for the Violin, 1875, 2/178-184 Chanot, F.W., 5/28 advertisement, 5/30, 25/4 Chanot, G.A. bow, folding, 14/22, 27/8 Mr. G.A. Chanot's Musical Instruments Railway Supplies' Journal, 15 Feburary 1884, 5/52-54 Chanot, George, 22/7 advertisement, 5/54 The History of the Violin, advertisement, 24/7 Hodges v. Chanot, Criticisms and Remarks on the Great Violin Case, March 1882, 24/7 Price list for strings, etc., 3/264-275 Chanot, Georges, 23/11, 26/44 death Musical Opinion & Music Trades Review, February 1883, 5/4 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 violin, Withers catalogue, June 1885, 24/21 Chanot, Georges, father and son, 23/11 Chanot, Gius. violin, 19/2 Chanot, Joseph A. Price list of Strings, 24/8 Chapin, G.L. The Construction of the Violin not a lost art, report Figaro, July 1880, 5/3 Chaplin, Kate from a photograph by Window & Grove, 18/190, 18/194 violinist, 20/175 Chaplin, Mabel cellist, 20/176 Chaplin, Mabel, cellist, 17/98 Chappell, Alfred portrait, 20/39 Chappell, Arthur, 23/4 Chappell's music publishers St. James's Hall, 23/4 Chappuy cello, 19/2 cello, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 cello, Withers catalogue, 24/21 viola, 19/2 viola, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 viola, Hesketh List of Old Violins, 19/13 viola, Withers catalogue, 12/17 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26, 24/5 violin, Hesketh List of Old Violins, 19/13 violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/227 violin, Samary collection, 19/4 violin, Violin Gallery, 15/8 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Chappuy, A. violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Chappuy, Augustinus cello, 19/2 cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17 violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 violin W, 24/21 Chappuy, Augustus violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Chappuy, N. quinton, Samary collection, 19/4 violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/227 Chappuy. Augustinus violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/66 Chappuy. Nicolas violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Chapuy, A. violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Chapuy, Augustinus 17 violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/66 Charles I, 8/16 Charles II, 9/128 Charles IV of Spain Strad cello, 28/31 Charles IX of France, 8/16, 24/22 Charlutte violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Charotte cello, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 22/26, 24/5 Chastelan, Martin, 9/109 Chatelin, Adrien Benoist quinton, Samary collection, 19/4 Chattock, Beatrice, violinist, 21/15, 26/123 Chattock, Katherine, cellist, 21/15, 26/123 Cheltenham Examiner, 26 June 1895 The Story of the Violin, 26/22 Cherubini double bass, 15/31 Chevrier violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Chevrier, C. violin, 19/2 Chicago Tribune, 16 November 1890 Suit over an old violin, Powell v. Flechter, 9/80 Chicago Tribune, 30 November 1890 The Fiddles are High, 9/93-95 Children playing, 18/298 Children's Friend The Little Fiddler, drama, 13/4 Children's literature Braekstad: Little Fred and his Fiddle, 2/185-190 Chin rests, 14/22 Advertisement, 7/73-76, 24/21 Dean, J., advertisement, 3/141 Edition Chanot, 5/21 Elias Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/232 Hart & Son, advertisement, 3/187 Hill, William E., 3/152 Jenour Bros., 20/190 Patent "Spohr", 20/151 Schuster Brothers, 17/126 "Secure" violin holder, 14/22 Spohr, 5/57 Spohr's, illus., 18/3 The Strad, advertisement, 22/26 Chin-holder, Joachim Withers, George, advertisement, 3/184 Chin-holder, Leipzig Withers, George, advertisement, 3/184 Chiostri, Luigi death, 26/111 Chipot-Villaume violins, 24/20 Chladni, 14/7 Treatise on Acoustics, analysis by C.J. Smyth, 11/24 Choron, 11/13 Coussemaker: On the Musical Instruments of the Middle Ages, 4/98-99 Chretien, M. celllist, 11/17 Christ, Johan violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Christ, Joseph, cellist, 11/17 Christie, Edith, 22/31 Christra, Josephus Paulus violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Chronique Musicale, 1 December 1873 Charles Deulin: La Viole d'amour, 15/27 Chronique Musicale, 1 July 1873 Arthur Pougin: George Hainl, obituary, 15/28 J.B. Wekerlin: Notice sur la contre-basse, 15/31 Chronique Musicale, 1875 Alfred Guichon: Le Violoncelle, 15/31 Cicada, 8/18 Cincinnati, Modern Cremona, 5/73-76 Circapa, Tomasso violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/227 Cittern Vuillaume collection, 19/3 Civri, Jean Baptiste, cellist, 11/17 Clarion, Manchester, 8 July 1893 Violin forgeries, 17/77 Clark, F. Chamber Music, 14/20 Clark, Joseph A Youthful Genius, illus., 18/55 Claudot violin, Cocks catalogue, 25/5 Claudot, Augustin guitar, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 viola, Vuillaume collection, 19/3 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 Claudot, Charles violin, Samary collection, 19/4 Claxton, Adelaide Seven Flats!, illus., 18/127 Cleather, Gordon, 6/4 Clefs Clefs and Viola Strings, 6/87 Clegg, John,/152 Clegg, violinist, 28/39 Clement violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Clenzo, Ferdinand viola d'amore, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Coan, Titus Munson, 14/32 Coburg, 23/9 Coburg, Duke of, 28/126 Coburn, Nettie, cornet player, 22/31 18 Cochrane, Alfred The Old Violin, poem, 26/98 Cocking, John The Violinist's Friend, 26/108 Cocks, Robert & Co. advertisement, 25/4 List of Old & New Violins, 25/5 List of Old Violins, 15/4 Coffe guitar, 19/2 Cole double Bass sold, Hulse collection, 25 June 1883, 2/8 Cole, Belle with illus., 23/14 Colin, J.B. violin, Hesketh List of Old Violins, 19/13 Collecting, 26/33 Collections Adam collection, 23/11 Ames, George Acland, 17/83 Beadell, 23/11 Bennett, Richard, 17/83 Castle, John, sale catalogue, Ossington Coffee Palace, 26 January 1886, 3/93-98 Castle collection, 23/11 Cooke, 23/11 Correr, Giovanni, 14/23 Corsby, 23/11 Cusins, William, 24/6 Davidson, Peter, 23/11 Donaldson, 23/11 Duncan, 23/11 Elias Howe, 28/1 Fleming, 23/11 Fletcher, Victor S., 22/25 Gallay, Jules, 23/11 Gemunder, George, 22/25 Gillott, Joseph, 23/11 Goding, James, 20/49 Godnig, 26/12 Goffrie, Professor C.E., 19/25 Golding collection, 23/11 Hawley, 22/25, 26/13, 26/22 Hawley, R.D., 26/12 Heckmann, Robert, 27/39 Heron-Allen, Edward, letter on violin frauds, 23/11 Hulse, 23/11 Hulse Collection, sale catalogue, 25 June 1883, Puttick and Simpson, 2/2-11 Johnstone, 23/11 Krauss, Alessandro, 23/11 Maxwell. Peter Benson, 17/85 Palazzo Correr, 23/11 Parera, 23/11 Partello, D.J., 26/36 Petherick, 23/11 Pickering, 23/11 Reményi, 26/12 Smith, George, 22/25 Tarisio, Luigi, 26/20 Thornley, 23/11 Valdrighi, Count Luigi Francesco, 23/11 Van Hegel, 23/11 Vieuxtemps, Henri, 20/46 Von der Hoya, for sale, New York, 17/53 Vuillaume, J.B., 19/3 Waite, A.A., 26/47 Withers, George, 12/17 Woolhouse, sale of, 24/6 Collections, violin, 8/12-13 Collector (New York), December 1893, 28/1 Collector, 1 April 1891 Stainer violin, 9/131 Collector, 1 June 1890 Frauds in Old Fiddles, 9/8-11 Collector, February 1894 The Violin Times, 28/84 Collector, New York, 1 February 1893 and March 1893 Some Fine Fiddles, 17/49 Collector, New York, 1 January 1891 A Question of Experts, 9–112-113 Collector, No.5, 1 January 1890, 8–12-13 Collector. New York, 15 April 1891 Clement Casper, violin, and South Kensington Exhibition, 8/103 College of Pianists prospectus, 25/4 College of Violinists, London, 22/24 advertisement, 14/3 brochure, 15/33 Carrodus, J.T., 28/126 letter concerning Guild of Violinists, 24/1 letter from G. Foucher, 27/10 list of local representatives, 1896, 25/4 prospectus, 1895, 25/4 prospectus, 1896, 25/4 prospectus, 1897, 25/3 Collin-Mezin advertisement, 5/55, 17/129 Alphonse Cary, advertisement, 5/25, 5/49 Cary, Alphonse, advertisement, 5/26 cello, 19/2 cello, Withers catalogue, 24/21 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14 violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 violins, advertisement, 17/127 Collin-Mezin, Ch.J.B. advertisement, 5/25 celllo, 24/21 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 Collin-Mezin, J.B. violin, 19/2 19 Collin-Mezin, Jean Baptiste violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/230 violins, 5/9 Collins, Mr., violinist, 28/149 Comins, John violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/64 violin, Withers catalogue, June 1885, 24/21 violin, Withers collection, 12/17 Commerce, 20 December 1893, 28/20 Composelice, Duchess de Stradivarius violin, 17/79 Concertinas Wheatstone, catalogue and price list, 15/2 Concerts 18th century, 7/151 Conservatoire, New York planned, 22/17 Consolo, Federico: Del Colorito nel Quartetto di Strumenti ad arco Del Colorito nel Quartetto di Strumenti ad arco Atti dell'Accademia del R. Istituto di Firenze, 1884, 1/132-153 Consolo, Federigo, 20/153 Constitution or Cork Advertiser, 25 August 1831 Paganini tour 1831, 17/122 Constitution or Cork Advertiser, 3 September 1831 Paganini, concert review, 17/122 Constitution or Cork Advertiser, 6 September 1893 concert review, Dublin Musical Festival, September 1831, 17/123 Contaigne, 28/82 Contale, Francis violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Contemporary Review, Vol.21, December 1872 H.R. Haweis: Old Violins, 14/26 Conturieux violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/66 Cooke, J.L., collector, 23/11 Cooke collection, 23/11 Coombs, John Nashville Exhibition, 11 October 1897, 21/8 Cooper, A. Davis, 26/28 Cooper, Alex S. letter, Musical Opinion, 20 January 1890, 8–11 Cooper, J.W., 28/48 purchase of Mozart Piano Concerto in C minor, manuscript, 28/23 Coperario, 8/16 Coq cello, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Corbett, violinist, 28/39 Coreggio Amati cello panels, 17/38 Corelli, Arcangelo, 7/150-151, 23/3, 24/22, 28/38 Anecdotes of Corelli and Handel, 7/174-180 Entr'acte, obituary notice, no author, n.d., 1/42-47 founder of Roman violin school, 27/36 Six Trios, review, 20/73 Sketches of the Lives of Celebrated Musicians, no. III, 11/5 violin, Withers catalogue, 28/29 Violonistes célèbres, 19/5 Corelli, Marie Joachim and Sarasate, 19/26 Cork Examiner, 16 June 1894, 28/97 Cornhill Magazine, no.379, July 1891 Paganiniana, 15/7 Cornhill Magazine, October 1862 A Norwegian Musician, 7/35-52, 24/13 Correr, Giovanni collection, 14/23 Corsby violin, Withers collection, 12/17 violin bow, 19/2 Corsby collection, 23/11 Cosmo III Stradivarius violin, 17/49 Cosmopolitan, September 1895 H.H. Boyesen: The Nixy's Chord, 22/2 Costa, Agostino viola da spalla, 14/23 Costa, Michael, 18/290 with illus., 23/4 Costa, Pietro Antonius violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Costelli cello, H, 19/13 violin, Hesketh List of Old Violins, 19/13 Courbet, Gustave The Musician, 14/32 Courier, 23 February 1793 Viotti, concert review, 17/124 Court Journal, 1 July 1893 Leo Stern "Strad" cello, 17/94 Court Journal, 13 April 1895 Hill, William Ebsworth, obituary, 26/27 Court Journal, 14 July 1894 MacCarthey, Miss, 26/111 Court Journal, 17 June 1893 Ondricek in Parma, 17/90 Court Journal, 25 November 1893 Stradivarius sold, 17/129 Court Journal, 30 June 1894 Countess of Radnor's Concert, 28/93 Court Magazine and Belle Assemblee, October 1832 Paganini, 11/28 "Court" Strad., 27/12 Courvoisier, Karl The Technics of Violin Playing, reproduction of letter from Joachim, 2/79-80 20 Cousineau cello, Withers catalogue, 24/21 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14 Cousineau, pere et fils, 22/8 harp, Samary collection, 19/4 Coussemaker, E. de Essai sur les instruments de musique au moyen age, 11/13 On the Musical Instruments of the Middle Ages, 4/97-106 Couturieux violin, Robert Cocks List of Old Violins, 15/4 Couturieux, Alphonse guitar, Samary collection, 19/4 Couturieux, Nicolas guitar, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14 Cowen, F.H. illustration, 23/4 Cowen, Lionel J. The Old "Strad", 21/66 Cox, Robert George Thomson's Amati found, 17/18 Coypel, Ch. hurdy-gurdy player, 18/152 Craig, T. Violin Double Stopping, 22/19 Craig, Thomas illustrated wholesale catalogue, 24/4 Cramer, François, 28/44 Cramer, Francois Guarnerius violin, 17/79 Cramer, Francois, violinist, 8/129 Cramer, Johann Baptiste Sonata, op.67, autograph manuscript, sale, 24/12 Cramer, Wilhelm, 8/15 Cramer, William, 28/39 Craske advertisement, 5/49, 12/11 violin, 19/13 Craske, George advertisement, 17/129 violins, 17/125 Craven Herald, 8 February 1895 Carrodus at Skipton, 26/107 Crawford, Robert Messiah Strad, 17/11, 20/33 Messiah Strad (Salabue), 8/71 violin, Messiah Strad., 8/104, 9/7 Crawford, Thomas Orpheus, 18/27b Cremona, 26/58 Henry Lake: Violin-making A Mystery Solved, 6/18-19 Radivanovsky, N.: Die Cremoneser Violinen nochmals, 1/180 Violin-making, 9/124-127 Violins, 5/13, 6/5, 5/68-73, 5/73-76 Violins, Das Cremoneser Geheimnis, 5/77-84 Violins: Wie Cremoneser Geigen gemacht wurden 1/175-178 Cremona, varnish Lost Cremona Varnish Re-Discvoered, 15/38 Cremona, violins Cremonas as at the Inventories, 6/82-83 Edward Heron-Allen: The Violin, 7/3 Haweis, H.R., 7/15-19 How Cremona violins were made, 6/84-86 Cremona Society, Exhibition of Violes d'Amour, 14 March 1889, 27/57 Catalogue, 3/78-92 Cremona violins, 9/74-75, 9/76-78, 24/14 Crespano, Pedrinelli de violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/228 Creytz, Herr von Gaspar da Salo violin, 20/40 Cristetti, Gaspard, cellist, 11/17 Cristofori, Bartlomeo, 14/2 Croall Stradivarius at exhibition, 19/24 Crome, Robert The Fiddle new Model'd, title page, 21/5 Crompton, Edward advertisement, 5/49, 17/129 dealer, 17/125 Crone, M. Messiah Strad, 20/33 Crosby cello bowo, Withers catalogue, 12/17 cello bow, 19/2 Crosby, Margaret A Mad Englishman, 4/33-48 A Violin Obligato, 15/18 Crosdill, 7/153 Crosdill, cellist, 11/17 Cross, N. cello, 19/2 cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Cross, Nathaniel cello, 19/2 cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Crout, 11/13 Coussemaker: On the Musical Instruments of the Middle Ages, 4/100-102 crouth, 11/27 Crowdero, 28/126 Crowther, Alfred, 28/82 Cruikshank, The Dancing Academy, 18/43 Crwth, 7/140, 11/13, 11/27, 18/139, 23/7 Crwth, illus., 21/71 Crwth-violin Hulskamp, 7/5 Crystal Palace cartoon by Doyle, 21/56 concerts, 23/4 21 Handel Bicentenary Festival, 6/64-65 Cuijpens, Johannes violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Cuijpers, Johannes violin and viola, Muller auction, 14/18 Cummings, W.H. drawing, 8/105 lecture, Royal Institution, 1894, 28/97 lecture, Royal Institution, on viols, 26/88 Cunningham sisters, French horn players, 22/31 Cuny violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Cure, Capel, violinist, 21/16, 26/123 Current Literature, April 1889 Poems, 26/52 Current Literature, December 1893 My Violiniste, poem, 26/13 Curschmann, K. Fr. autograph letter to Louis Spohr, 15 November 1834, sale, 24/12 Curtis, William, 24/22 Cusins, W.G. drawing, 8/105 Cusins, William collection, sale of, 24/6, 27/45, 28/23 collection sold, 28/122 Cuypers viola, Van Hengel & Eeltjes catalogue, 3/261 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Cythara Coussemaker: On the Musical Instruments of the Middle Ages, 4/97-98 D Dachauer, Louis, 22/27 Daily Argus, 3 December 1894 violin theft in Walsall, 26/115 Daily Chronicle, 7 March, 1895 Miss Liebmann's Concert, 26/53 Daily Chronicle, 7 May 1895 Willy Burmester's concert, 26/25 Daily Chronicle, 8 June 1895 Adolf Brodsky, 26/46 Daily Chronicle, 9 December 1893, 28/48 Musical Instruments and their Prices, 28/24 Daily Chronicle, Huddersfield, 15 April 1892 The Finest Fiddle in the World, 17/11 Daily Free Press, 27 January 1894, 28/82 Daily Free Press (Aberdeen), 20 September 1894 Sir Charles and Lady Hallé in Aberdeen, 26/92 Daily Free Press (Aberdeen), !7 January 1895 Valuable Violins and Violoncellos, 26/108 Daily Graphic, 1 June 1891 Musical Celebrities of the Season, 8/73-74 Daily Graphic, 26 May 1894, 28/109 Daily Graphic, 7 February 1895 Carrodus Jubilee, 26/104 Daily News, 11 January 1893 concert reviews, 17/95 Daily News, 14 December 1894 J.T. Carrodus, 26/114 Daily News, 14 September 1893 Romance of the Post Office, 17/84 Daily News, 19 May 1891 Libotton, Gustave, obituary, 8/61 Daily News, 22 July 1893 Koloman Balas, 17/91 Daily News, 24 May 1895 London School Board, 26/74 Daily News, 28 February 1891 Joachim in London fog, 8/97 Daily News, 7 December 1893, 28/26 Daily Telegraph, 13 April 1891, 9/107-110 Daily Telegraph, 15 February 1894, 28/43 Daily Telegraph, 19 April 1893 Puttick & Simpson sale, 1893, 17/82 –83 Daily Telegraph, 20 April 1893 Puttick & Simpson sale, 1893, report, 17/82 –83 Daily Telegraph, 21 March 1894, 28/155 Daily Telegraph, 23 March 1894, 28/152 Daily Telegraph, 24 November 1894 Puttick & Simpson sale, 1894, 26/113 Daily Telegraph, 24 October 1890 Prosper Sainton, obituary, 9/84 Daily Telegraph, 25 November 1893 Stradivarius violins, 17/131 Daily Telegraph, 26 September 1893 Piatti, Alfred, 17/92 Daily Telegraph, 29 November 1893 Stradivarius sale, report, 17/130 Daily Telegraph, 5 December 1893 St. James's Hall, 28/35 Daily Telegraph, 9 January 1895 Violin prices, 26/78 Daily Telegraph, 9 June 1894, 28/88 Daily Telegraph, January 1893 An Old English Concert, 17/47 Dal Zotto, Antonio Tartini monument, 26/41 Dalaglio violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Dalaglio, Joseph violin, 19/2 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 22/26, 24/5 Dalinger, Sebastian viola, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/229 Dalla Costa, P.A. violin, Van Hengel & Eeltjes catalogue, 3/259 Dall'Aglio, Joseph violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Dallinger violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/226 22 Dalloglio, Giuseppe, cellist, 11/17 Dames Blanches, Quartette, 24/20 Damm family, 6/95-98 Damrosch Maggini violin, 26/51 Dancing master illus., 18/312 Dancla, Charles Quartet, review, Chanot: Catalogue of New Music for the Violin, 2/184 Dando, J.H.B. obituary, 26/91 obituary, May 1894, 28/142 violins sold, 26/111 Daniels violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/226 Darbey, George letter to Edward Heron-Allen, 21/69 Darwen Cooperative Society, 28/22, 28/34, 28/43, 28/44 damage to a viol, 28/22 damage to fiddle, 28/20 Das Buch für Alle, Heft.20 Berliner Geigen, 26/79 D'Ascoli, Vil violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Davenport, Elinor Comrades True, 18/60 David, artist, 17/94 David, Ferdinand, 19/9, 24/22 autograph letter to Louis Spohr, 5 February 1825, sale, 24/12 Davidson, Donald violin, 19/2 Davidson, P. The Violin, advertisement, 24/21 Davidson, Peter, 23/11 Davies, Ben with illus., 23/14 Davies, Fanny concert review, February 1894, 28/56 with illus., 23/14 Davis, R & W. guitar, 19/2 guitar, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Day, John, 5/98-99, 28/53 Day, Joseph Thomas violin theft, 8/9 Day of Rest, September 1880 A.B.: The Lost and Found Violin, 15/17 De L'Air, Marquis violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26, 24/5 violin, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1893, 24/6 De Lair, Marquis violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/227 Dealers, 26/92 Albert, E.J., 8/50, 15/32 Andreoli, C., 9/103, 17/129 Arnold & Co., 6/78 Ascherberg, E. & Co., 7/69 Beal & Co., 25/4 Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/21, 22/26, 24/1, 24/5 Beare, Goodwin & Co., illus., 22/26 Beare & Son, 17/128 Boarder, Jas., 7/70-72 Carter, 17/125 Cary, Alphonse, 5/25, 5/26, 5/49, 12/6, 17/125, 25/4, 27/39 Chanot, Edition, 6/63, 7/64 Chanot, Frederick William, 2/178-184 Chanot, F.W., 25/4 Chanot, G.A., 14/22, 27/8 Chanot, George, 5/54 Price list for strings, etc., 3/264-275 Chanot, Joseph A., 24/8 Cocks, Robert & Co., 25/4, 25/5 Craig, Thomas, 24/4 Crompton, Edward, 5/49, 17/125, 17/129 Dean, H.A., 15/12, 25/3 Dean, J., advertisement, 3/141, 12/14 Dean, Joseph, 12/9 Dean's Music Warehouse, 5/25, 5/26 Eastburn, W., 14/22 Eastburn, W., advertisement, 3/182 Field & Tuer, 6/87 Fletcher, Victor S., 6/109 Fletcher, Victor S., advertisement, 3/137-138 Foucher, G., 25/4 Guiver, J.P. & Co., 12/5, 16/8 Hart & Son, 3/139-140, 16/1 Hart & Son, advertisement, 3/164-167, 3/186-187 Hawkes & Son, 18/22 Haynes & Co., 8/11, 12/7, 12/15, 17/125, 24/20 Hesketh, Thos. E., 19/13 Hill, W.E. & Sons, 9/1-3, 12/2, 12/8, 12/16, 16/11, 27/20 Hill, William E., 3/143-155, 3/174, 3/178, 26/24 Hill, William E., advertisement, 3/170, 3/172 Howe, Elias Catalogue of Old Violins, etc. 1887, 4/225-272 Jones, E., 25/4 Konigsberg & Co., 17/125, 26/90 Konigsberg. W. & Co., 8/13 Lafleur & Sons, 18/73 Laudy & Co., 25/3 Lipmannssohn, Leo Katalog 79: Musikliteratur, 3/276-289 Longman, Lukey & Co., 26/24 Meeson, R., 3/156 Menken, E., 19/32 Mennesson, Emile Catalogue speciale de Lutherie, 1884, 4/167-180 Middleton, M.A., 16/7, 19/14 Nimkey, Jesse S., 12/3 23 Dealers Parsons, Chas. H., /105 Perera, P.R., 5/26 Riechers, 20/27 Riviere & Hawkes, 5/49 Schmidt, C.F., 14/22 Smith, R.P., 17/91 St. Paul's Pianoforte & Organ Depot, 12/3 Stratton, G.W., 5/34 Stuttaford, J., 5/23, 5/26 Twietmeyer, A., 9/50 Walker, H., 20/72 Walker, S., 5/30 Wallis Holdfast pegs, 5/5 Wallis, J., London, 5/54 Wallis, Joseph, advertisement, 3/143-144 West London Piano & Organ Co., 7/54 Willcocks & Co., 25/4 Withers, Edward, 3/146, 3/162, 12/4 Catalogue of Music, 1/112-131 Withers, Edward, advertisement, 3/176 Withers, George, 12/12 Withers, George & Co., 5/24, 5/25, 8/129, 12/2, 12/17, 16/5, 17/127, 18/83–84, 19/2, 24/21 Catalogue, 1884 Price list, 1/48-111 Withers, George & Co., overview, 20/189 Withers, George & Sons, 24/21, 25/2, 25/6, 25/7 Withers. George, advertisement, 3/184-185 Wolff, Gebrüder, catalogue 1886, 3/214-255 Woolhouse, Charles, 22/17 Dean Violin tutor, 28/124 Dean, H.A. List of... musical works, 15/12 Short list, 25/3 Dean, J. advertisement, 12/14 Dean, J. teacher advertisement, 9/51 Dean, Joseph advertisement, 12/9 Dean's Music Warehouse advertisement, 5/25, 5/26 Dearlove cello, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 Dechler, D. violin, Van Hengel & Eeltjes catalogue, 3/258 Decombe violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Deconet, Michael violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14 Deconet, Michele violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/227 Defidetj, Petrus Paulus viola, 19/2 viola, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Degen, Jean Phillippe, cellist, 11/17 Delair, Marquis violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/227 Deleplangue, Gerard J. violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Deleplanque, Gerard cittern, Samary collection, 19/4 Della Corte, Alfonso violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 Delprat, Mrs. James, 20/46 Demorest's Family Magazine, August 1892 Lady Orchestras, 22/31 Demorest's Family Magazine, July 1894 C.L. Hildreth: How to Play the Violin without a Master, 22/30 D'Engremont, Maurice, 22/27 illustration, 22/27 Dengremont, Maurice violinist, obituary, October 1893, 20/96 Denne-Baron cello, quotation, 15/31 Depthing tool Joseph Munger, 18/62 Derazey viola, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 Derazey, H. violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 Derazey, Honore violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 22/26 Derazey, Just. violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Derazey, Juste guitar, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 Derazey, Père violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/227 Derby Mercury, 11 April 1894, 28/101 Deroux, A. advertisement, 6/13 Deroux, Couturieux violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Deschamps, Mlle., 15/36 D'Espine, Alexandre violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 Deulin, Charles La Viole d'amour, 15/27 Deutsch, Sigmund violin smuggling, 26/33 Di Rosi, Florianus viola, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/67 24 Dibdin Boarding School Ladies, 18/57 Dickens, Charles All the Year Round, journal, various cuttings, 2/33-54 Dickeson violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Didron Annales Archéologiques, 11/13 Dieffropruchaer, Magno lute, Samary collection, 19/4 Diener bowed instruments, Vienna Exhibition, 1873, 11/16 Dietrich, Albert F A E Sonata, 20/51 Dietrich, Christian Wilhelm Ernst Itinerant Musicians, reproduced, 18/308 Dinelli, Mlle., 5/51 Dissmore, Geo. A. letter to Edward Heron-Allen on Camilla Urso, 15/8 Violin Gallery, 15/8 Ditchfield, 6/15 Dobson, Austin The Child Musician, poem, 8/98 Dobson, Edward & Son auction, 1894, 28/82 Dodd bow, violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 cello, 19/2 violin bow, 19/2 Dodd, J. bow, cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Dodd, Thomas, 7/4 cello, 9/150 cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 cello, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/69 cello, Woolhouse collection, 24/6 Doddrell, T. bridges, 27/28 bridges, letter, 27/32 letter on tuning, 27/20, 27/22 Doerffler, Christian F. violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/63 violin, Withers catalogue, June 1885, 24/21 Dolen, 10 October 1858 Olaf Bull reiser til Heidemort, 17/139 Dolgorouki, Princess Lili, 9/24, 26/93 Aquarium concert, 20/9 Dolinger, Sebastian viola, 19/2 viola, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Dolmetsch, Arnold, 17/35, 17/47, 20/165, 22/8 concert announcement, April 1891, 20/83 concert review, Febraury 1893, 20/91 Gresham College lectures, 20/182 Domenichino St. Cecilia, 18/156 Domenjoud double bass, 15/31 Donaldson collection, 23/11 Donnaregina violin, 19/2 Donnelly, Adelina. violinist, 21/16 Donnelly, Adeliza, 26/124 Donnelly, Mary, 26/124 Donnelly, Mary, violinist, 21/16 Double bass An Extraordinary Fiddle, 9/107 as boat in floods, 28/155 court case, Leigh, 27/9 How to make a double bass, 27/9 improvements by Loppentien, 20/141 learning, 27/18 makers: See Makers making An Extraordinary Fiddle, 9/107 Schulz, Theo.: The Double Bass as solo instrument, 27/45 society proposed, 27/23 society proposed by Jas. Brier, 27/22 Wekerlin, J.B. : Notice sur la contre-basse, 15/31 Double double bass letter from N.S.K., 11/22 double stopping, 22/19 Dougalss, Frederick, violinist, 26/27 Dow, Gerard self-portrait, 18/52 Dowson, Ernest The Story of a Violin, 15/5 A Violin, 24/17 Dragonetti, Domenico, 7/143-144, 8/129, 9/110, 22/4, 24/22, 26/79 bow, 28/29 double bass, 15/31 obituary, 18/129 Signor Dragonetti (as dragon), illus., 18/80 Sketches of the Lives of Celebrated Musicians, no.IV, 11/4 Drake, Earl Retrospects in Violin Playing, 23/3 Dramatic Review, 12 August 1893 Stradivarius of Thurlow Weed Barnes, 17/79 Dramatic Review, 24 March 1894 Marteau, Henri, 28/123 Dreifus, Baron Stradivarius violin, 17/50 Dresdener Journal, 16 June 1885 Ein Kapelldiener, 6/68-70 Drexel, Joseph W. collection of violins, 8/13 25 Drouin violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Drouot sale of Vuillaume collection, after death, 21 - 22 May 1880, 19/3 Drouot. Sale of Vuillaume's Stradivarius violins, 15 May 1886 sale of Vuillaume's Stradivarius violins, 15 May 1886, 19/6 Drury, A. Harmony, 21/61 Dryerre, Henry letter to Edward Heron-Allen, 2 June 1885, 6/6 Love Idylls, Ballads and other Poems, advertisement, 6/13 Zonane; or, the fiddle wizard of Cremona, poem, 6/6-13 Du Maurier, G. A Young Face, an Old Tune, original sketch, 18/45 Du Pré, Lucille, 23/3 Dublin Evening Mail, 2 September 1831 Paganini, concert review, 17/115 Dublin Evening Mail, 31 August 1831 Paganini, concert review, 17/114 Dublin Evening Mail, 5 September 1831 Paganini, Dublin Musical Festival, 1831, 17/116 Dublin Evening Mail, 7 September 1831 Paganini, concert review, 17/117 Dublin Evening Mail, " September 1831, 28/143 Dublin Evening Telegraph, 21 February 1894 Strings magazine, 28/143 Dublin Evening Telegraph, 23 February 1894, 28/55 Dublin Evening Telegraph, 25 September 1893, 28/45 Dublin Evening Telegraph, 6 February 1894, 28/70 Dublin Evening Telegraph, 9 May 1891 Stradivarius: La Messie, 8/102-103 Dublin Magazine, February 1820 Viotti anecdote, 9/28 Dublin University Magazine, DXXV, September 1876 Erckmann-Chatrian: The Violin of the Man that was hanged, 10/6 Dublin University Magazine, February 1851 Tobias Guarnerius - A Psychological Tale, 14/10 Dubourg, 23/4 Dubourg, G. The Violin, fronstispiece: Ode to an Old Fiddle Musical World, 5 April 1841, 5/45 Dubourg, George The Violin, review, 1/1-15, 17/30, 22/18 Dubourg, violinist, 28/39 Duchemin Valentin ,illus., 18/130 Duchene, Nicolas violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Ducheron, Mathurin violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Duchesne, Colin violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Duchesne, M. Rapport... sur la Fabrique de Cordes Harmoniques, 14/5 Duffield, S.W. The Violin of Messire Andreas, 11/11 Duiffioprugar, 14/35 Duiffoprugar, Gaspard, 26/79 Duiffoprugcar, Caspar, 23/7, 28/82 illustration, 18/145 Kann Caspar Duiffoprugcar als erster Erbauer von Violinen gelten?, 15/45 Duiffoprugcar, Gaspard violin, Castle catalogue, 3/94 Duiffoprugcar, Gaspard di violin, fake, 27/14 Duiffopruggar, Gaspard Albert Payne: Gaspard Duiffopruggar und die Entstehung der Geige, 19/30 Duiffo-Pruggar violin, 9/112-120 Duiffsprugear, 14/7 Duke, 7/4, 7/145 double bass, Withers catalogue, 24/21 double Bass, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/69 viola, 19/2 viola, Withers catalogue, 24/21 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 violin, Hesketh List of Old Violins, 19/13 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 violin, Withers catalogue, June 1885, 24/21 violin sold, Hulse collection sale, 25 June 1883, 2/7 Duke, Carrie, 23/3 Duke, Currie, 26/119 Duke, Richard viola, Castle catalogue, 3/95 violin, 19/2 violin, Violin Gallery, 15/8 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 20/62 violin, Withers catalogue, June 1885, 24/21 Dumas, Alexandre cello, quotation, 15/31 Dumont, Charles violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 Dumont, F. Vernier, illus., 18/162 Dumtscheff, Kostja violinist, 20/46 Duncan collection, 23/11 Dundee Advertiser, 18 June 1894 Violin Teaching in Classes, 28/121 Dundee Advertiser, 3 April 1894, 28/87 Dundee Advertizir, 27 July 1893 W.C. Honeyman: The Violin: How to Choose One, review, 17/81 Dunn, John concert review, May 1895, 26/53, 26/80 26 Dunn, Viola M., clarinettist, 22/31 Dupont, Joseph, violinist, 26/20 Duport, cellist, 11/17 Duport, J.B., cellist, 11/17 Duport, Louis, cellist, 11/17 Duprez, Gilbert Louis Marguerite et l'Orage, autograph manuscript, sale, 24/12 Dupuis, Jacques, violinist, 26/21 Duranowski, 23/2 Durley, Tom Four and twenty fiddlers, song origin, 9/111 Durrant, A.J. Violin Bridges, 27/31 Durst, Mathaus violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/228 Dus, Berns-Go violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Dutton, B.F., 28/1 Dyce and Forster Collections, South Kensington Paganini, 6/52-53 Dyer, Stella plays to the Queen, 17/93 Dykes, Harry, 26/25, 26/72 letter on old violins, 26/24 letter to Edward Heron-Allen, 26/26 Old v. New Violins, letter, 26/78 Dyster, Arthur E. viola repertoire, 27/7 E Earl, Hubert A Wonderful Violin, 26/41 Early instruments illustrations, 18/131, 18/137 East Anglain Times, 12 June 1895 Adolf Brodsky, 26/80 East Anglian Times, 18 October 1893 Stealing a Fiddle, 28/36 East Anglian Times, 19 December 1894 J.T. Carrodus, 26/114 East Anglian Times, 2 May 1894, 28/123 East Anglian Times, 9 November 1894 Trieste sailors' concert, 26/103 Eastburn, W. advertisement, 3/182, 5/30 catalogue, 14/22 Eastern Daily Press, 12 January 1894, 28/49 Eastern Press (Norwich), 11 June 1895 Sarasate watch chain, 26/80 Easton played violin between legs, 20/91 Eaton, W.A. Two Fiddlers in a Scrape, poem, 10/12 Eaton's Popular Poems for Recital no.19 W.A. Eaton: Two Fiddlers in a Scrape, poem, 10/12 Ebar, Heinrich viola d'amore, 14/23 Eberle, F. violin, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1895, 26/28 Eberle, Joannes Udalricus viola d'amore Cremona Society, Exhibition of Violes d'Amour, 14 March 1889, 3/79 Eberle, Joannes Udalricus, viola d'amore, Cremona Society, Exhibition of Violes d'Amour, 14 March 1889, 3/83, 3/88 Eberle, Thomas violin, 19/2 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 22/26 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Eberle, Tomaso violin, 19/2 Eberlo, Thomas violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Eberwein, Karl autograph letter to Louis Spohr, Weimar, 1824, sale, 24/12 Ebner, Gotthard viola d'amore, Cremona Society, Exhibition of Violes d'Amour, 14 March 1889, 3/83 Echo, 11 November 1894, aluminium violins, 26/102 Echo, 12 July 1893, Felix Battanchon, 17/84 Echo, 2 May 1894, 28/124 Echo, 26 March 1892, Gift of violin to Tividar Nachez, 17/41 Eck, Franz, 20/45 Eclectic Magazine of Foreign Literature, vol.3 no.6, 1866` A Freak on the Violin, 11/2 Eder, Chas. Gaspard, 11/17 Edinburgh, Duke of, 6/4, 9/129, 17/41, 20/9, 20/47, 20/58, 20/152, 23/9 cartoon, 18/264 end of solo playing, 17/34 Malta concert, 1891, 9/104 Mansion House concert, 8/29 Stradivarius violin, 7/142, 17/48 violin to exhibitions, 20/48 Edinburgh Evening Dispatch, 24 April 1891 A famous Strad, 8/104 Edinburgh Evening News, 15 May 1894, 28/89 Edinburgh Evening News, 4 December 1893 Violin, fraud, 17/132 Edinburgh Quartet, 22/17 Edition Chanot, frontispiece of Papini's Pensée Fugitive, 18/167 Edler, F.Ch. letter to Marion Y. Bunner, 21/20 violin maker, Newcastle, 21/20 Edwards, E., 5/21 Ehrdtrain Stradivarius cello, 8/51 27 Eichberg, Julius, 22/31 violinist, obituary, February 1893, 20/91 Eichberg String Quartette, 22/31 Eissler, Marianne from a photograph by H.S. Mendelssohn, 18/199 violinist, 20/171 Eliot, George, 23/4 on violin playing, 8/29 Elizabeth I, 8/16 violin presented to the Earl of Leicester, illus., 18/6 Ella, John autograph letter to Louis Spohr, sale, 24/12 illustration, 23/4 Ellis, A.J. experiments, 22/8 Eltham, Colonel North's Picture Gallery, 20/43 Elvey, cellist, 21/16 Elvey, Lady, 26/124 Emde, J.F.Che. cello, 19/2 Empress of Germany, 20/46 Engel, Carl, 28/69 Researches into the Early History of the Violin Family, advertisement, 5/24 Researches into the Early History of the Violin Family, review, 15/6 suicide, 27/40 Engel, L. Paganini, 7/79-99 Englader violin, pear-shaped, 7/5 English Illustrated Magazine, July 1890 Paganini silhouette, 14/21 English Illustrated Magazine, May 1886 San Bernardino, Perugia.angels, 8/128 English Ladies Orchestra Society, 21/2 English Ladies Orchestral Society, 21/15, 26/123 English Mechanic. 1 April 1870 Varnish, 9/153 English Mechanic, 1 June 1877 J.H. Schucht: The Violin, 9/62 English Mechanic, 1 November 1878 Sound-boards, 9/156 English Mechanic, 1 October 1869 Stringing, 9/147-148 English Mechanic, 10 December 1869 Concerning the Violin, 9/148-150 English Mechanic, 10 March 1876 "Fiddler's" Finger-keyed Viol, 9/56-57 English Mechanic, 11 July 1879 Fiddling by Machinery, 9/65 English Mechanic, 11 September 1874 Sound-boards, 9/55 English Mechanic, 13 August 1869 Sound-posts, 9/143 English Mechanic, 13 October 1876 The Violin, 9/155-156, 17/11 English Mechanic, 14 December 1866 Violin-making, 9/142 English Mechanic, 15 December 1893 The Violin, 28/30 English Mechanic, 17 February 1882 The Berliner Violin, 9/71-72 English Mechanic, 18 October 1878 Soundboard of the Violin, 9/64 English Mechanic, 19 February 1875 J. Belgrove: Violin-making, 9/55 English Mechanic, 20 April 1877 "Fiddler's" Finger-Keyed Viol, 9/60 English Mechanic, 20 March 1885 Violins, 9/73 English Mechanic, 21 January 1881 The Bell Violin, 9/66 English Mechanic, 21 July 1876 Violin instruction, 9/58 English Mechanic, 21 September 1877 Fiddler's First Violin Strings, 9/63 English Mechanic, 22 April 1870 Vibration, 9/153 English Mechanic, 23 February 1867 Violin-making, 9/143 English Mechanic, 23 July 1869 Sound-posts, 9/143 English Mechanic, 23 July 1880 Fiddler on Soundboards, 9/67 English Mechanic, 24 August 1877 Improved violin pegs, 9/64 English Mechanic, 24 June 1881 The New Violin, 9/156-157 English Mechanic, 24 November 1882 An Extraordinary Violin, 9/72 English Mechanic, 25 January 1867 Violin-making, 9/142/143 English Mechanic, 26 January 1869 Sound-posts, 9/143 English Mechanic, 27 August 1869 Sound-posts, 9/143 English Mechanic, 27 May 1870 Varnish, 9/154 English Mechanic, 27 May 1881 The New Violin, 9/68 English Mechanic, 28 April, 1876 J. Belgrove: Violin construction, 9/58 English Mechanic, 28 October 1870 Violin-making, 9/154 English Mechanic, 29 July 1881 E.B. Fennessy: The New Violin, 9/69 English Mechanic, 29 September 1876 Violin-making, 9/154-155 English Mechanic, 3 August 1877, 9/62 English Mechanic, 3 September 1869 Violin-making, 9/143 28 English Mechanic, 4 & 18 May 1877 The Violin, 9/61 English Mechanic, 4 August 1876 J.H. Schucht: The Violin, 9/59 Violin instruction, 9/59 English Mechanic, 4 July 1879 Fiddling by Machinery, 9/65 English Mechanic, 6 July 1877 The Violin, 9/62 English Mechanic, 8 July 1881 The New Violin, 9/68 English Mechanic, 8 October 1869 Concerning the Violin, 9/148-149 English Mechanic, 9 July 1880 Schucht, J.H.: Improvements in Violins, 9/66 English Mechanic and World of Science, 24 November 1893 The Violin-Walls in Coal Mines, 28/40 English music Joachim on, 9/4 Entr'acte, 9 June 1894, 28/96 Epigrams, musical Edward Heron Allen: Musical Epigrams and Literary Ingenuities, 6/79-81 Epimarchus, 23/1 Epps, P.C. Paganini and Berloiz, letter, 5/88-90 Era, 15 May 1895 W.E. Hill portrait, 26/74 Era, 19 May 1894, 28/90 Era, 2 Feburary 1895 Carrodus jubilee, 26/111 Era, 20 April 1895 Hill, dealer, 26/24 Era, 24 February 1894, 28/70 Era, 29 December 1894 Willy Burmester, 26/78 Era, 4 July 1894 Paganini Redivivus in Liverpool, 26/113 Era, 9 March 1895 A Noonday Concert, 26/72 Erard, 22/8 Erben, Robert autograph letter, sale, 24/12 Erckmann-Chatrian The Murderer's Violin, 13/6 The Violin of the Man that was hanged, 10/6 Ernst, 7/5, 23/2 Stradivarius violin, 17/52 Ernst, Heinrich Wilhelm, 24/22, 26/13 illus., 21/55 Errard vielle, Samary collection, 19/4 Erskine, Nicol Trio, painting, 18/1 Ertl, Johan violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/226 Ertl, Johann violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/228 Esprit des Journaux, Vendemiaire, an 7 A.M. Eymar: Anecdotes sur Viotti, 16/12 Estabrook, Wm., 24/1 Et Cetera Magazine, January - August 1873 Short Sketches of the Great Tone Poets V: Spohr, 10/11 Etlerse, Paulus viola, 19/2 Eury violin bow, 19/2 Evans, Vera Douglas violinist, 20/58 Evelyn, John, 7/148 Concert of 24 violins, 9/128 Evening Gazette (Aberdeen), 22 January 1895 The Greatest Fiddler who ever lived, 26/110 Evening News, 2 April 1891 Joachim, Joseph, 9/104 Evening News, 2 May 1894 The College of Violinists, 28/126 Evening News, 21 March 1895 Carrodus's Guarnerius, 26/27 Evening News, 3 March 1894, 28/54 Evening News, 9 August 1894 Tividar Nachez, 26/97 Evening News, 9 March 1894, 28/71 Evening Standard. 13 April 1891 The Violin, 9/128-131 Evening Standard, 1884 Basile Solniekine, 5/63 Evening Standard, 30 August 1893 Stealing a violin, 17/91 Evening Standard, 5 May 1889, 6/94 Evening Standard, 6 December 1893 Puttick & Simpson sale, 1893, 28/25 Evening Telegraph, Dublin, 7 March 1892 A Portable Violoncello, 17/28 Evening Wisconsin, 26 November 1890 A Ghostly Fiddle, 9/90-93 Evening Wisconsin, 29 December 1890 The Greatest Violoncello (railway bridge), 9/101 Examiner, no.1221, 26 July 1831 Paganini, poem and concert report, 17/100 Examiner, no.1222 Paganini, concert review 1831, 17/101 Excelsior, September 1879 Paganini's Shoe-Violin, 15/1 Exeter Hall, 23/4 Eymar, A.M. Anecdotes sur Viotti, 16/12 F Fabricatore, Gio. Batista mandolin, Samary collection, 19/4 29 Fabris, Luigi violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/228 Fadette Ladies Orchestra with illus., 22/31 Falaise violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Fales, Wm. E.S. letter to Edward Heron-Allen, 8/56 The Lost Amati, poem, 8/56 Fanart, M.L.: Rapport sur les violons de M. Emile Mennesson, 1/162-173 Fardeley, Thomas translator, 10/5 Farjeon, B.L. The King of No-Land, review and violinist, 18/300 The Poor Fiddler, 17/70 Farm, Field and Fireside, 11 August 1893 Famous Violins, 17/59 Farm, Field and Fireside, 4 August 1893 Famous violins, 17/92 Farmer, Henry, 20/44 obiituary, August 1891, 27/11 Femy, Henry, cellist, 11/17 Fendt bow, violin, 19/2 bow, violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 cello, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1895, 26/28 cello, Withers catalogue, 24/21 double bass, 19/2 double bass, Withers catalogue, June 1885, 24/21 viola, Withers catalogue, 24/21 violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Fendt, Bernard cello, 19/2 cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 cello, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/68 viola, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 22/26, 24/5 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26, 24/5 violin, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1893, 24/6 violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/63 violin, Withers catalogue, June 1885, 24/21 violin, Withers collection, 12/17 Fendt, Bernard S., 8/2-3 cello, Withers catalogue, 24/21 violin (attrib.), Robert Cocks List of Old Violins, 15/4 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/60, 2/63 violin, Withers catalogue, June 1885, 24/21 Fendt, Bernard Simon viola, Woolhouse collection, 24/6 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 24/5 violin, Woolhouse collection, 24/6 Fendt, Jacob violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/63 violin, Withers catalogue, June 1885, 24/21 violins, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/60 Fennessy, E.B. The New Violin, 9/69 Fent violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 22/26, 24/5 Ferenzy, Alexandra viola, 19/2 viola, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Ferguson, Edith, 26/124 Ferguson, Miss, violinist, 21/2 Ferrand, Mr. Pariton player, 6/3 Ferrari, Carlo, cellist, 11/17 Ferris, George T. Sketches of Great Violinists and Pianists, advertisement, 24/21 Ferris, T. Ole Bull, 20/197 Festing, Michael, 7/152 Feuillet, Octave cello, quotation, 15/31 Feuilleton du Constitutionel, 16 December 1851 (?) F.A. Fiorentino: Paganini, 8/75-80 Feuilleton du Journal des Débats, 21 April 1821 Paganini letter, 8/92 Feuilleton du Journal des Débats, 23 December 1851 H. Berlioz: Paganini. Publication de ses oeuvres, 8/81-85 Feuilleton of Reader's Second Hand Book Catalogue Some account of Marylebone Green and Gardens, 6/3 Feyzeau, Bordeaux violin, Robert Cocks List of Old Violins, 15/4 Fichtel violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/226 Fichth, Johann violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/64 Fichtl, Martinus Mathias violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/228 Ficker, Johann Christian violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Ficker, Mattinus Mathias violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Fiction Crosby, Margaret: A Mad Englishman, 4/33-48 A Fatal Fiddle, 6/53-61 The Fiddler of Marseilles, Bentley's Miscellany, 4/66-78 Henri Augu: The Fiddler of the Rhine, 4/80-90 How he lost his Strad, 6/99-103 musical allusions, 20/30 A Musical Barber, 6/106-108 Philips, Barnet: A Fisherman's Mate, 4/1-32 Fidder, Scotland, 19/22 Fiddle, 28/126 use of word, 6/20 Fiddle, bass, 20/30 30 Fiddle holder Hill's, illus., 18/3 Fiddle player, village, 18/205 Fiddler in tree with wolves, 18/318 Fiddlers Old-Time Fiddlers, 26/115 Fiddlers, Scottish, 20/200 "Fiddler's" finger-keyed viol, 9/56-57, 9/60 Fiddles, 11/29 as comic poet, 20/27 A Few Notes on the Fiddle by W.J.T., 27/17 Mongolian, 20/130 Notes on the fiddle, 15/34 Something about fiddles, 19/23 unusual, 9/107-110 Field & Tuer, advertisement, 6/87 Fife, Evelina, 26/124 Fife, Eveline, violinist, 21/15 Figaro, 15 June 1893 Ovide Musin, accident, 17/92 Figaro, 28 September 1893 David, artist, played violin, 17/94 Figaro, Christmas Supplement, 22 December 1883 That Fatal Fiddle; or Rossitter's Revengt, 11/30 Figaro, July 1880 Violin imitations, 5/2-3 Figaro, supplement illustré, 15 September 1883 Barras: Mozart enfant, statue, illus., 18/46 Filano, Donato mandolin, Samary collection, 19/4 Filaria, Antonius mandolin, 19/2 mandolin, Withers catalogue., 24/21 Fillion, G. advertisement, 25/4 Fingerboard illus., 18/3 Finzi, D., 26/28 Fiocco, Carlo violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Fiorentino, F.A. Paganini, 8/75-80 Fiorvanti varnish, 28/8 Firenza, Lorenzo Langelin violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Firenze Atti dell'Accademia del R. Istituto di Firenze, 1884, 1/132-153 First Fiddling Alchymist, Jan - June 1835, pp.274-279, 10/1 Fischer cellist, 20/11 double bass player, 20/39 Fischer, J. violin, Van Hengel & Eeltjes catalogue, 3/260 Fischer, Joannes Georg viola, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14 Fischer, Johann Georg viola, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Fischer, Zacharias cello, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/229 Fisher, Mary, 26/124 Fisher, Mary, violist, 21/16 FitzGerald, Gerald, Lord, 5/99 Fivaz cello, Woolhouse collection, 24/6 viola, Woolhouse collection, 24/6 violin, Woolhouse collection, 24/6 Flamio, Johannes Christiang viola d'amore, 24/21 Flechter, Victor, 14/35, 26/42, 27/61 collection of violins, 8/13 fake Duiffoprugcar, 27/14 Fox v. Flechter, 8/51-53 illustration, 26/71 letter, 8 January 1891, 9/112-119 letter from Theodire Thomas, 8/54 Powell v. Flechter, 9/112-120 Flechter, Victor S., 9/78-80 acquisitions, 1891, with illus., 17/37 advertisement, 6/109, 22/25 collector, 22/25 dealer, 3/137-138 Fleming, 14/35 Old Violins and their Makers, re-issue, 8/8-9 Fleming, Jas. M. The Fiddle Fancier's Guide, advertisement, 15/13 Fleming, J.M. The Bagpipes and the Violin, 5/32-33, 5/40-41 "Emperor" Stradivarius, 17/23 Violin Monthly Magazine, 17/35 J.K. Monk's Triple-Bar System for Violins, 26/75 Fleming collection, 23/11 Fleury viola, 19/2 viola, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Fleury, Benoist violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 22/26 violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/227 Foenferund, Antoni Zarser viola d'amore, 19/2 viola d'amore, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Foirino violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/227 Foker, Joannus violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Foley family, 19/17 31 Fontanelli, Gian-Gioseffo mandora, Samary collection, 19/4 Foraminifera Foraminifera and Fiddle Books, 26/116 Ford, Jacob violin, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1893, 24/6 Forestier, A. A Fiddle with One Tune, drawing, 18/27e Forgeries, 9/23 H.R. Haweis: A Rare Fiddle, 8–2-3 Forgueo, Andrius violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Forster bow, cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17 cello, 19/2 cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17 double Bass, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/69 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14 Forster (style of) cello, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/67, 2/68 Forster, S.A. cello, 19/2 cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 cello, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/69 double bass, Withers catalogue, 12/17 double Bass, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/59 viola da gamba, 18/159 Forster, S.E. cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Forster, Simon Andreas, 28/45 Guarnerius violin, 17/79 Forster, W. violin, Hesketh List of Old Violins, 19/13 violin, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1895, 26/28 Forster, William, 7/4, 7/145, 24/22 cello, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1895, 26/28 cello, Withers catalogue, 24/21 cello, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/68 cello, Woolhouse collection, 24/6 viola, Withers catalogue, 24/21 viola, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/67 Forster, WIlliam violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Forster, William violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/60, 2/63 violin, Withers catalogue, June 1885, 24/21 violin, Withers collection, 12/17 Fortunatus, Bishop of Poitiers, 23/7 Fossegrin, 5/34 All the Year Round, 31 December 1881, 2/54 Foster violin, Robert Cocks List of Old Violins, 15/4 Fothergill, Jessie death, 8/98 The First Violin, 8/98 Foucher, G. advertisement, 25/3, 25/4 letter on College of Violinists, 27/10 memo, 1898, 21/45 Foucher, G.C. letter to Edward Heron-Allen, 22/24 Fountain, Andrew Strad. violin, 26/33 Fountaine, Andrew "Emperor" Stradivarius, 17/24 Four and twenty fiddlers, song origin, 9/111 Fowler, Charles, 5/28, 9/8-11 Fowles, Leonard RCM, 20/93 Francalussi, Prof., 28/1 Franchomme cello, 26/33 cello, Withers catalogue, 28/31 Francillon, F.R. Francis, Thomas Richer violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Franciscello, cellist, 11/17 François cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17 violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 François, le jeune cello, 19/2 Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly, February 1893 Francis M. Smith: Some Famous Old Violins, 22/25 Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly, January - June 1885 Plunkett, John R.: A Half-hour with Bow Kings, 22/27 Franko, Jeanne, 21/21, 26/119 autograph book, 20/40 Franko, Sam concert review, 16 July 1886, 20/141 Franks, Nathan, 9/138 Franquinet, W. Paganini, lithograph, 18/5, 18/34 Franz, Carl, baryton player, 23/1 Franz, Robert autograph letter, Halle, 3 April 1887, sale, 24/12 Gesänge, op.30, autograph manuscript, sale, 24/12 Fraser's Magazine for Town & Country, April 1882 J. Theodore Best: Correspondence of Niccolo Paganini, 7/154-169 Fraser's Magazine for Town and Country, vol.X, July December 1834 Signor Paganini and Ensign O'Donoghue, 24/9 Fratelli, Carlo viola, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 24/5 Frautmansdorf, Count, 6/52 Freak on the Violin, A All the Year Round, 28 April 1866, 2/38-43 Fredrick, Oscar In the Norwegain Mountains, 22/27 32 Fredrimaur, Joannes Baptista violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/227 Free Press (Aberdeen), 12 December 1894 Stradivarius in Glasgow, 26/111 Freeman, violinist, 26/36 Freeman's Journal, 13 November 1894 Savage Atttack on Strolling Fiddlers, 26/114 Frere, Ellen, 26/124 Frere, Ellen, bassoon, 21/2 Freund's Music and Drama, New York, 8 January 18 Powell-Flechter Suit, 9/112-119 Freund's Musical Journal, 15 September 1895 Violin Smuggler Captured, 26/33 Freund's Musical Journal, 16 October 1895 Violin Collecting, 26/33 Freund's Musical Weekly, 4 September 1895 Paganini exhumation, 26/37 Freund's Musical Weekly, 9 October 1895 The Fooler Fooled, 26/37 Friedrich, John & Bro., advertisement, 6/104 Froelich double bass, 15/31 Frost, A.B. The Grasshopper and the Ant, 21/53 Fuchs, Robert autograph letter, sale, 24/12 Fuerst Bismarck, ship, 26/33 Fulham News, 28 April 1894, 28/139 Fun, 22 February 1882, 21/39 Fungd, Georg violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/226 Funny Cuts, 4 June 1892 The Jovial Judge, 17/36 Funny Folks No.475 - Vol.X, 18/275 Fur Jung und Alt, 1. Jahrgang, Heft 1, 1888 Der Leibkutscher des Geigenkonigs, 15/37 Furber violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Fürstenau letter from Carl Maria von Weber, sale, 24/12 Fürstenau, Ant. Bernh. autograph letters to Louis Spohr, Dresden 1828 & 1842, sale, 24/12 G Gabbrielli viola, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Gabbrielli, G.B. violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 24/5 Gabbrielli, Joannes Baptista violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Gabreilli, Gio. Baptista violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Gabrielle, Giovanni Baptista cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Gabrielli viola, 19/2 viola, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 violin, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1895, 26/28 violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Gabrielli, G.B. viola, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 Gabrielli, Gio. Baptista violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Gabrielli, Giovanni Baptista cello, Withers catalogue, 24/21 violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Gabrielli, J.B. violin, Hesketh List of Old Violins, 19/13 violin sold, Hulse collection sale, 25 June 1883, 2/7 Gabrielli, Joannes Baptista violin, 19/2 Gabrielli, Joannes Baptista di violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/227 Gabriellis, Angelus di violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/228 Gabriellis, Joseph Baptista violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/228 Gadfly, Jonas, 28/65 Gaffino viola, 19/2 viola, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Gagaliano, Joseph violin, 19/2 Gagaliano, Nicolaus violin, 19/2 Gagliano cello, 19/2 cello, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 22/26 cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17 cello, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/68 cello, Withers catalogue of an Italian dealer,n.d., 3/161 viola, Withers catalogue of an Italian dealer, n.d, 3/161 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/227 violin, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1891, 27/10 violin, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1895, 26/28 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/61, 2/63, 2/64 violin, Withers catalogue, June 1885, 24/21 violins, Withers catalogue of Italian dealer, n.d., 3/160 Gagliano, Alessandro violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/62 violin, Withers catalogue of Italian dealer, n.d., 3/160 Gagliano, Alex. violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Gagliano, Alexander 33 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14 Gagliano, Alexandri violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Gagliano, Antonio viola d'amore, 19/2 viola d'amore, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 violin, 19/2 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/64 violin, Withers catalogue, June 1885, 24/21 Gagliano, Antonius violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Gagliano, Ferdinando viola, Withers catalogue, 12/17 violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Gagliano, Ferdinandus viola, 19/2 violin, 19/2 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 22/26, 24/5 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/62, 2/64 violin, Withers catalogue, June 1885, 24/21 violins, Withers catalogue of Italian dealer, n.d., 3/160 Gagliano, Giuseppe cello, 19/2 cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 violin, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1893, 24/6 violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/63 violin, Withers catalogue, June 1885, 24/21 Gagliano, Jan. violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Gagliano, Januarius violin, 19/2 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26, 24/5 violin, Hesketh List of Old Violins, 19/13 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/62 violin, Withers catalogue, June 1885, 24/21 Gagliano, Joannes violin, 19/2 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 24/5 violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Gagliano, Joseph cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 viola, 19/2 viola, Withers catalogue, 12/17 violin, 19/2 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 22/26, 24/5 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/64 violin, Withers catalogue of an Italian dealer, 3/160 Gagliano, Joseph & Antonio violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Gagliano, Joseph & Antonius cello, 19/2 cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 viola, Withers catalogue, 12/17 violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Gagliano, Joseph Antonius violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Gagliano, N. violin, Withers catalogue of Italian dealer, n.d., 3–160 Gagliano, Nicholas violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/62 violin, Withers catalogue, June 1885, 24/21 Gagliano, Nicolas violin, 19/2 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 24/5 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Gagliano, Nicolaus cello, Withers catalogue of an Italian dealer,n.d., 3/161 viola, Withers catalogue, 24/21 viola, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/67 violin, 19/2 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26, 24/5 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/64 Gagliano, Raffaele ed Antonio violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Gagliano family violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Gaglianus, Alexander violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Gaglianus, Januarius violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/228 violin, Van Hengel & Eeltjes catalogue, 3/260 violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/64 violin, Withers catalogue, June 1885, 24/21 Gaillard violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 Gaillard, Charles violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 22/26 Gaillot violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Gaissenhof violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/226 Galaxy, vol.10 No.2, 1870 George Gemunder: Violins and their Manufacture, 11/3 Galiani violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/227 Galiano, Joseph violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Galilei, Vincenzo Dialogues, 28/29 34 Gallay, J. Report on bowed instruments, Vienna Exhibition, 1873, 11/16 Gallay, Jules on violin owners, 23/11 Galliano, Alesandro viola, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/229 Galliano, Alessandro double bass sold, 28/82 Galuppi, 23/1 Gamberini, Simond violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Gamberini, Simone violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Gamert, Eustache, 6/18-19 varnish, 8/1 Ganassi, Silvestro, 27/17 Gand, 7/4 double bass, 22/14 violin bow, 19/2 Gand, Charles cello, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Gand, G. violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/60 Gand & Bernadel, 7/4 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 24/5 violin, Hesketh List of Old Violins, 19/13 violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4–230 violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Gand & Bernardel violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 Gand frères bow, cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17 bow, violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Garani, Michael Angelo violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 Garcia, Manuel autograph letters to Louis Spohr, Cassel, 1853, sale, 24/12 Garcin violin professor, 20/5 Gardiner, William Music of Nature, chap.II, Noise and Sound, 1/40-41 Music of Nature, chap.XI, Violin, 1/20-39 Music of Nature, chap.XLV, On Tuning, 1/41 Music of Nature, chap.XV, Violoncello, 1/16-19 Garret cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Gaspan, Domenico violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/228 Gassner, F.S. autograph letters to Louis Spohr, sale, 24/12 Gates, Francis W. The Violin and its Ancestry, 23/7 Gatti's Music Hall, 20/48 Gaud, 14/7 Gaudagnini, Lorenzo violin, Violin Gallery, 15/8 Gauges Elias Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/232 Hart & Son, advertisement, 3/186 Gautherot, Louise, 26/123 Gautherot, Madame, 15/36 Gavinies double bass, 15/31 Gavinies, François violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Gavinin violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Gedler violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Gedler, Joannes Antonius viola, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/229 Geigen Clavicymbel illustration, 18/169 Geillenhof, Franciscus violin, 19/2 Geipel, Reinhold viola, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Gelinek double bass, 15/31 Gellin, Tommy, 8/34 Geminiani, Francesco, 19/5, 23/3, 24/22, 28/39 bowed instruments, Vienna Exhibition, 1873, 11/16 Gemünder, 7/4 bowed instruments, Vienna Exhibition, 1873, 11/16 violins, 26/50 Gemünder, August, 6/88-90 Catalogue, 4/175-180 The Cremonese Lost Secret Discovered, 6/5 Descriptive Catalogue with engravings and prices of the violins exhibited, 3/194-213 Explanation regarding the difference between old Italian violins and modern instruments, 3/194-213 obituary, 26/81 suing for commission, 17/90 violin for Sarasate, 20/28 Gemunder, August & Sons Atlanta Exposition, 26/36 Gemunder, Geo., Jr. advertisement, 6/17 Gemünder, George, 5/98-99, 20/195, 24/22, 26/92 collection of violins, 22/25 Cremona violins, 5/92, 5/95 George Washington's Violin, exhibition, reviews, 4/163166 obituary, 26/61 violin, Violin Gallery, 15/8 violins, 20/193 35 Violins and their Manufacture, 11/3 Gemunder, George, Jr. advertisement, 21/33 exhibition of George Washington's violin, 21/68 General-Anzeiger, Hamburg, 8 March 1894 Konzert von Franz Sagebiel, 28/110 Gennaro guitar, 19/2 guitar, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Gennaro, Fabricator guitar, Withers catalogue, 12/12 Gennaro Fabricator guitar, Paganini's, for sale, 19/2 Genoa, 24/2, 26/9 Paganini violin, 20/9 Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle, Vol.27, 17/57 Origin and Introduction of the Violin, 14/31 Gentleman's Magazine, June - December 1883 H.R. Haweis: My Musical Life, 10/4 Gentlewoman, 19 March 1892 Master Jean Gerardy, 17/27 Gentlewoman, 23 February 1895 Edith Spiller, 26/27 Gentlewoman, 23 June 1894, 28/138 Gentlewoman, 29 June 1895, 21/15 The English Ladies' Orchestral Society, 26/123 George I, 17/49 Stradivarius violin, 17/48 George III Stradivarius violin, 17/48 George IV, 5/29, 24/22 cello, 7/153 Geranie violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Gerardi violin, 19/2 Gerardy, Jean, 9/133, 20/48, 20/167, 28/70 arrived England Novemebr 1890, 20/166 buys Strad. cello, 26/22 concert, Crystal Palace, 18 April 1891, 20/38a concert, St. James's Hall, 27 April 1891, 20/39 concert review, 1891, 27/6 concert review, December 1890, 20/175 concert review, December 1893, 28/35 concert review, January 1891, 20/85 concert review, June 1891, 27/9 concert review, March 1891, 20/86, 27/7 concert reviews, July 1891, 20/82 drawing, 8/105 Gentlewoman, 19 March 1892, with illus., 17/27 Guarnerius cello, 26/48 Musical Celebrities of the Season, Daily Graphic, 1 June 1891, 8/73-74 photograph reproduced, 8/74 recital, 4 December, advertisement, 15/12 recital, 30 January 1891, programme, 15/12 Gerle, Hans, 27/17 Germain, Emile violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Germi, Luigi Guglielno collection sold, 12/12 letters from Paganini, for sale, 19/2 Giamberini, Simone viola, Withers catalogue, 12/17 violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Giardini, 8–14 illustration Illustrated London News, Summer 1884, 5/46 Giardini, Felice, 24/22 Gibson, Alfred mentioned in Gresham lecture, 20/156 Strad, 28/29 Strad purchased, 20/59 Stradivarius viola, 28/21 Stradivarius violin, 17/130, 17/131 Giese, Fritz, 22/31 Stradivarius cello, 23/7 Gigue (Boscherville), 21/67 GiguKite, 7/6 Gilbert advertisement, 17/129 Gilbert, J.J. violins, advertisement, 17/9 Gilbert, Nicolas-Louis quinton, Samary collection, 19/4 Gilchrist, James obituary, 1894, 28/89, 28/90 Gilkes cello, 19/2 cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 violin, Withers catalogue, June 1885, 24/21 Gilks (style of) cello, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/67 Gill, Georges quinton, Vuillaume collection, 19/3 Gill, L. Upcott letter, Bazaar Exchange & Mart, 15 January 1890, 8/8-9 Gillet, Katherine concert review, December 1887, 20/130 Gillon, Josephine, cellist, 22/31 Gillott, Joseph, 23/11 collection, 23/7 collection sold, 20/49 collector, 17/24 steel pen maker, 17/2 "Gillott" Stradivarius, 17/24, 26/33 36 Gilmour, Rev. J. Among the Mongols, 20/130 Giorgis, Nicholaus violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/228 Giornovichi, 24/22 Violonistes célèbres, 19/5 Girl's Own Paper, March 1887 How to take care of a violin, 7/12-13 Girl's Own Paper, March - April 1891 W. Lawrence Liston: The Violin - its pains and pleasures, 15/35 Girl's Own Paper, May 1884 Signorina Teresina Tua, 6/50-51 Girl's Own Paper, November - December 1888, January July 1889: Emma Brewer: Violins and Mittenwald, 15/36 Girl's Own Paper, Snowdrops, 1885 Beatrice Harraden: A Musical Romace, 8/130-131 Girl's Own Paper, 13 September 1890, 18/209 Gladstone, Robert, 28/81 violin maker, Newcastle, 28/76 Glaesel bowed instruments, Vienna Exhibition, 1873, 11/16 Glaeser, Franz autograph letters to Louis Spohr, sale, 24/12 Glaleazzi, Francesco Elementi Teorico-pratici di Musica, 27/17 Glasgow Even ing Times, 21 December 1893 An Italian, a Violin and a Glasgow Pawnbroker, 28/21 Glasgow Evening News, 11 January 1895 Virtuosi and their Violins, 26/108 Glasgow Evening News, 14 April 1892, 28/141 Glasgow Evening News, 14 December 1894 The Glasgow Strad, 26/101 Glasgow Evening News, 16 January 1894, 28/43 Glasgow Evening News, 22 February 1894, 28/55 Glasgow Evening News, 25 June 189? Paganini's violin, 26/21 Glasgow Evening News, 28 August 1893 W.C. Honeyman: The Violin: How to Choose One, review, 17/80 Glasgow Evening News, 28 January 1894 violin prices, 28/69 Glasgow Evening News, 9 July 1894 Strings magazine, 26/111 Glasgow Evening News, 9 September 1893 A Violin made from a Gourd, 17/78 Glasgow Evening Times, 2 May 1894, 28/125 Glasgow Evening Times, 4 January 1894 The Violinist and the Fiddle, 28/47 Glasgow Evening Times, 8 October 1984 Carrodus, 26/100 Glasgow Herald, 11 December 1894 Strad. in Glasgow, 26/114 Glasgow Herald, 11 July 1893 Battanchon, Felix, obituary, 17/85 Glasgow Herald, 15 May 1894, 28/89 Glasgow Herald, 16 January 1894, 28/51, 28/58 Glasgow Herald, 17 October 1894 Mackenzie, A.C. & Kiver, 26/101 Glasgow Herald, 2 May 1894, 28/129 Glasgow Herald, 21 June 1894, 28/142 Glasgow Herald, 4 December 1893 Violin fraud, 17/135 Glass, Fried. Aug. violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/230 Gleanings from Popular Authors Grave and Gay, Part 19 George MacDonald: Robert Falconer's Fiddle, 15/29 Glier, Robert, 6/88-90 Globe, 12 April 1894, 28/141 Globe, 12 January 1894, Fiddling on the piano, 28/51 Globe, 20 August 1891, The Violotta, 8/134 Globe, 31 January 1895, Carrodus jubilee, 26/110, 26/111 Globe, 4 December 1893, 28/32 Globe, 6 February 1894, 28/63 Globe, and Traveller, 12 November 1888 H.R. Haweis: A Rare Fiddle, 8/2-3 Globe, January 12 1884, Fiddles, 5/31 Globe, London, 28 February 1887 Cremona violins, alleged discovery, 8/1 Gloucester Cathedral Orchestra, 27/25 Gnasant, Francois cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Gobbetti violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Gobetti, Francesco violin, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1895, 26/28 Gobetti, Franciscus cello, Withers catalogue 1883, 268 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Godfrey, Mattie, clarinettist, 22/31 Goding, James, 20/49 Godnig, violin collector, 26/12 Goffrie, Charles, 6/62 obituary, June 1895, 26/64 Goffrie, Professor C.E. collection of violins, 19/25 Gofriller, Matteo violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/227 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Goguette, C. guitar, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Golding collection, 23/11 Goldmark, Carl autograph letter, sale, 24/12 Goldschmidt, Jenny Lind, 23/4 Goldschmidt, Otto, 20/31, 23/14 with illus., 23/4 Gollmich, Carl letter from Albert Lortzing, sale, 24/12 Gollmick, Friedr. Karl autograph letters, sale, 24/12 37 Gompertz, Lewis Suggestions on Musical Strings and Instruments, 15/23 Gompertz, Richard concert review, 27 December 1890, 20/178 concert review, December 1890, 20/166 concert reviews, January 1891, 20/85 Royal College of Music, 28/109 Good Words, 1 November 1870 Haweis: Stradivarius of Cremona, 4/111-124 H.R. Haweis: Stradivarius of Cremona, 11/27 Good Words, April 1881 Haweis, H.R.: Old Violins, part 1, 4/125-132 Good Words, August 1881 Haweis, H.R.:Old Violins, part 3, 4/141-150 Good Words, August 1883 Mosse Macdonald: On A Lady's Violin, poem, 8/135 Good Words, February 1873 H. R. Haweis: Paganini, 7/120-137 Good Words, June 1881 Haweis, H.R.: Old Violins, part 2, 4/133-140 Good Words, November 1870 H.R. Haweis: Violins and their Makers, 22/15 Goodall, F. The Village Festival, illus., 18/162 Goodsell, D.C.M. bought Guarneri violin at Ploche sale, 7/207 Gordon, cellist, 11/17 Gornsteiner, Martin violin, Withers catalogue, June 1885, 24/21 Gosselin violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 24/5 violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Gossip Fiddle Gossip, 5/66-67 Gottfried, Johann violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Goudimel, 8/16 Goudling & Co. violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Goudok illus., 21/71 Gouffe double bass, 15/31 Gough, John Robert, 28/88 Goulding violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Goulding & Co. cello, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 24/5 Govan Violin-making, 9/62 Gow, Neil, 9/6 illus., 21/8 with illustration, 11/29 violin, 28/43 Grädener, H. autograph letter, sale, 24/12 Gragant, Antor violin, 19/2 Gragnani violin, Withers catalogue of Italian dealer, n.d., 3/160 Gragnani, A. violin, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1895, 26/28 Gragnani, Antonius double bass, Withers catalogue, 12/17 violin, 19/2 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 22/26, 24/5 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2–61 violin, Withers catalogue of Italian dealer, n.d., 3/159 Gragnani, G.B. cello, Withers catalogue, 24/21 cello, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/68 Grancino cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17 cellos, Withers catalogue of an Italian dealer, n.d., 3/161 double bass, 19/2 double bass, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 viola, Withers catalogue of an Italian delaer, n.d., 3/161 violin, 19/2 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/226, 4/227 violin, Von der Hoya collection, 17/53 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 violin, Withers catalogue of Italian dealer, n.d., 3/159 violins, Withers catalogue of Italian dealer, n.d.v, 3/160 Grancino, Gio & Francesco viola, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/229 Grancino, Giovanni cello, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1893, 24/6 cello, Withers catalogue, 24/21 cello, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/67 viola, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/66 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Grancino, Giovanni & Francesco viola, Woolhouse collection, 24/6 Grancino, Paolo cello, 19/2 cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17 double bass, 19/2 double bass, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Grandgerard violin, 19/2 violin, Cocks catalogue, 25/5 violin, Robert Cocks List of Old Violins, 15/4 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Grand-Girard violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/226, 4/227 Grandjohn violin, 19/2 38 Grandjon, J. violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/230 Grangeot violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 Grant, J. Francis, 28/74 Graphic, 1 August 1885 Paganini, 6/52-53 Graphic, 15 November 1890 Wheatstone's wind fiddle and gas organ, 9/82 Graphic, 4 March 1885 Royal Amateur Orchestra, review, 6/4 Graphic, 5 April 1884 The Duke of Albany as a Musician, 5/49 Graphic, 8 July 1893 Sarasate, reception, 17/83 Graul, Marc, cellist, 11/17 Grave, Robert Patie Birnie, illus., 18/224 Gray, S.D. Notes on the Violin, 19/11 Green, C. Mr. Turveydrop's Dancing Academy, 21/11 Green, E.M. The Child of the Caravan, review, 9/42 Green, John and Robert illus., 21/49 Greensville, East Tennessee, 17/78 Greenwood, E., saxophone, 21/16 Greenwood, Miss, clarinet player, 26/124 Greetings cards With best wishes for a Happy Christmas, mouse trio, 18/7 A Happy Christmas and a Bright New Year to you, cherubs playing, 18/37 A Happy Christmas to You, 21/60 A Happy New Year, 21/71 Hill & Sons, cherubs, 18/38 Keep clear at Christmas of all who draw the long bow, 18/61 Keep your bow well in hand this Yuletide, 21/71 May your heart sing through the coming year, 18/48 May your New Year be bright and happy, violin, 18/61 A merry Christmas and a happy New Year, 18/97 Music hath charms, wishing you a happy New Year (cat and fiddle), 18/99 violin and cat: Give ye good cheer for Christmas is here, 5/0 violin: May your New Year be bright and happy, 6/2 violin: with the seasons greetings, 6/1 Wishing you a Happy New Year, skeleton band, 18/7 Wishing you a jolly Christmas, 21/60 Wishing you a merry Xmas, God save you merrie gentlemen, 18/49 Wishing you a very merry and happy Christmas, 18/93 Greig, Alexander, 28/87 Grell, Ed. autograph letters to Louis Spohr, sale, 24/12 Gresham College lectures, 14/16, 20/81, 27/50 Gresswell, H.W. & G. How to Play the Fiddle, advertisement, 6/87 Grey, Sydney The Rivals, poem, 18/47 Griffith Farran Okeden & Welsh Edward Heron-Allen: De Fidiculus Bibliographia, 10/7 Griffiths, Lilian, 26/92 Grifth, John violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Grimm The Wonderful Musician, 8/30 Grimm, Carl bowed instruments, Vienna Exhibition, 1873, 11/16 cello, Withers catalogue, 24/21 violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/230 Grimson, Jessie RCM, 20/93 Grival, V. violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Grosset, Frances violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/60 Grove, George with illus., 23/14 Joachim reception, 28/151 presentation to Dr. Joachim and Signor Piatti, 26/89 Grove's Dictionary article Vuillaume, J.B., 11/14 Grutzmacher, 6/69 Grützner Trio, illus., 18/234 Guadagni, Lorenzo violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/227 Guadagnini violin, 19/2 violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/227 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 violin, Withers catalogue of Italian dealer, n.d., 3/159, 3/160 Guadagnini (style of) cello, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/68 Guadagnini, Antonio violin, 19/2 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Guadagnini, Antonius violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Guadagnini, Carlo guitar, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Guadagnini, Felix violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Guadagnini, Gaveno guitar, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Guadagnini, Giuseppe viola, Withers catalogue of an Italian delaer, n.d., 3/161 violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/227 39 violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/62 Guadagnini, J.B. violas, Withers catalogue of an Italian delaer, n.d., 3/161 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 violin, Violin Gallery, 15/8 violin, Withers catalogue of Italian dealer, n.d., 3/159, 3/160 violins, Withers catalogue of Italian dealer, n.d., 3/160 Guadagnini, Joannes Baptista violin, 19/2 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 violin, Muller auction, 14/18 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 violins, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/59 Guadagnini, Joseph violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26, 24/5 Guadagnini, Laurentius viola, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/229 Guadagnini, Lorenzo, 28/72 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 24/5 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/12 violin, Withers catalogue of Italian dealer, n.d., 3/159 Guadaguini, Carlo guitar, 19/2 Guadaguini, Gaveno guitar, 19/2 guitar, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Guarini violins, described by Camille Sivori, 4/170 Guarini, Joseph, 20/191 violins, 5/6-7 Guarneri del Gesù, Giuseppe violin, Woolhouse collection, 24/6 Guarnerius, 14/7 Violin, Brodsky's, 26/51 violin, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1894, 26/111 violin, Van Hengel & Eeltjes catalogue, 3/259 violin, Woolhouse collection, 24/6 violins owned by the Duke of Edinburgh, 5/2 Guarnerius, A. violin, Van Hengel & Eeltjes catalogue, 3/260 Guarnerius, Andrea violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/228 Guarnerius, Andreas viola, Withers catalogue, 24/21 violin, Castle catalogue, 3/94 violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/226, 4/227 violin, Violin Gallery, 15/8 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 violin, Withers catalogue of Italian dealer, n.d., 3/159 Guarnerius, Andres violin, Hesketh List of Old Violins, 19/13 Guarnerius, Antonius viola, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/229 Guarnerius, Giuseppe, 23/7 Guarnerius, J. cello, Van Hengel & Eeltjes catalogue, 3/262 violin, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1891, 27/10 violin, Van Hengel & Eeltjes catalogue, 3/258, 3/260 Guarnerius, Josef violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/228 Guarnerius, Joseph, 11/3, 11/9, 17/79, 24/22, 28/72 Carrodus violins, 17/79 cello, Violin Gallery, 15/8 Del Jesu violin, Fletcher acquisition, 17/37 Jules de Swert's cello for sale, 20/92 Paganini violin, 20/9 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14 violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/228 violin, imitation by August Gemünder, 3/205-206 violin, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1893, 17/83 violin, Sivori's, 26/9 violin, Violin Gallery, 15/8 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/66 Violin, Withers catalogue, June 1885, 24/21 violin, Withers catalogue of Italian dealer, n.d., 3/159 violin, Withers sale advertisement, 3/145 violin for sale, St. James's, 5/26 violin in South Australia, 17/69 violin sold, Hulse collection sale, 25 June 1883, 2/6, 2/11 violin sold, Puttick & Simpson, 1883, 5/29 violins sold, Hulse collection sale, 25 June 1883, 2/8 Guarnerius, Josephus violin, Muller auction, 14/18 Guarnerius, P. cello, Van Hengel & Eeltjes catalogue, 3/262 violin, Van Hengel & Eeltjes catalogue, 3/258, 3/259, 3/260 Guarnerius, Petrus Fletcher acquisition, 17/38 viola, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/229 violin, 19/2 violin, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1891, 27/10 Guarnerius, Pietro violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/228 Guarnerius, Tobias Tobias Guarnerius - A Psychological Tale, 14/10 Guarneruis, J. violin, Van Hengel & Eeltjes catalogue, 3/259 Guasant, Francois cello, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/66 violin, Withers catalogue, June 1885, 24/21 Guerin, P. J.B. Rey, illus., 18/149 Guernsey, Wellington, obituary, 27/40 Guerra, Jose Maria guitar, 19/2 guitar, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 40 Guerra, José Maria guitar, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Guerra, Mannel guitar, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Guersan cello, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 viola, Withers catalogue, 24/21 violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Guersan, L. violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Guersan, Louis violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/66 Guersan, Ludovicus quinton, Samary collection, 19/4 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 22/26 Guerson violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Guhr, Carl autograph letters to Louis Spohr, sale, 24/12 Guichon, Alfred Le Violoncelle, 15/31 Guidantes, Florenus violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/63 violin, Withers catalogue, June 1885, 24/21 Guidantus violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 violin, Withers catalogue of Italian dealer, n.d., 3//160 Guidantus, Giovanni violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Guidantus, J.F. violin sold, Hulse collection sale, 25 June 1883, 2/8 Guidantus, Joannes violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Guidantus, Joannes Florenus violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Guidantus, Joannes Florimus violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Guild & Institute of Violinists, 22/24 Guild of Violinists, 24/1 advertisement, 24/20 Guildhall School of Music, 8/61, 27/52 concert review, April 1894, 28/102 Guillamaune, Joannes violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Guinot cello, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Guiot, A. guitar, 19/2 Guitars Makers: See Makers Otto, Jacob Augustus: Treatise, 10/5 Guiver, J.P. & Co. harmonic strings, catalogue, 15/9 strings, 16//8 Gumprecht, Otto Joseph Joachim, der König der Geige, 7/183-194 Gungl, Josef Memoir, Opinions of the Press, and Catalogue, 1874, 2/12 Gussel (violin), 23/1 Gutterez, Manuel guitar, 19/2 guitar, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Gye, Fred. autograph letters to Louis Spohr, sale, 24/12 H Haakman, J. Jacques Steadiness and Flexibility of the Bow, review, 26/102 Haas, Leobolt cello, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/229 Habeneck, 23/3 double bass, 15/31 Haddock "Emperor" fiddle, 17/11 Haddock, Edgar, 17/23 concert, Steinway Hall, 25 May 1891, 20/37 concert, Steinway Hall, 6 May 1891, 20/38 Mr Edgar Haddock's Musical Afternoon, 7 March 1892, advertisement, 17/24 Haddock, G., 17/23 Hadl, Johann viola d'amore, Cremona Society, Exhibition of Violes d'Amour, 14 March 1889, 3/83 Hahn, Frederick E., 22/17 Hahn, Henry, 22/17 Hainl, George obituary, with illustration, 15/28 Hait, George, 17/132 Hajdecki, A. Die italieinsche Lira da braccio, 17/64 Hale, Josie, cellist, 22/31 Hallé, Charles, 9/106, 23/4 in Aberdeen, 26/92 in Australia, 20/177 illustration, 23/4 Sheffield violinists, 20/6 Hallé, Lady, 24/1 Stradivarius violin, 17/48 See also: Norman-Neruda, Wilma Hallé Orchestra, 23/4 Hamilton, Gail Camilla's Concert, 22/6 Hamm, Johann Gottfried violin, Muller auction, 14/18 Hammig, 5/73-76 41 Hammig, violin maker, 5/3 Hand and Heart, 13 April 1876 The Late Mr Joseph Gillott, 17/2 Handel, George Frederick accompanies Geminiani, 24/22 Anecdotes of Corelli and Handel, 7/174-180 Handel Bicentenary Festival, 6/64-65 Haneman, Moritz Die Viola, Eine Parabel, 3/190-193 Hanley, 5/26 Hänsel, Peter String Trio, op.40, autograph manuscript, sale, 24/12 Haolicsck cello, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/229 Hardie, Matthew violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 violin, Withers collection, 12/17 Hardy J.P. Salomon, 18/89 William Shields, portrait, 18/87 Harmand, L. violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Harmonics, 7/20-28 Harness. Dick illustration, 18/165 Harp, 11/13 Coussemaker: On the Musical Instruments of the Middle Ages, 4/99-100 Harper's Magazine, Christmas 1890 James Lane Allen: Flute and Violin, 14/25 Harper's Magazine, May 1876 Celia Thaxter: To a Violin, poem, 26/48 Harper's New Christmas Magazine, December 1890 James Lane Allen: Flute and Violin, 23/13 Harper's New Monthly Magazine, 1854 The Fiddler, 23/6 Harper's New Monthly Magazine 1881, No.2, Vol.1 (English edition), 2/100-111, 22/13 Harper's New Monthly Magazine, Christmas 1890 James Lane Allen: Flute and Violin, 23/8 Harper's New Monthly Magazine, No.262, March 1872 Gottfried's Success, 15/18 Harper's New Monthly Magazine, No.312, May 1876 Heron-Allen, Edward, letter on violin frauds, 23/11 Harper's New Monthly Magazine, No.347, April 1879, 22/13 Harper's New Monthly Magazine, No.347, April 1879, The Ancestry of Brudder Bones, 4/49-62 Harper's New Monthly Magazine, No.359, April 1880 Mrs. John Lillie: Music and Musicians in England, 23/4 Harper's New Monthly Magazine, No.360, May 1880, 23/4 Harper's New Monthly Magazine, No.52, September 1854 Posthumous Adventures of Paganini and The Fiddler, 14/27 Harper's New Monthly Magazine, Vol.75, No.447, August 1887 Barnet Phillips: A Fisherman's Mate, 4/1-32 Harper's New Monthly Magazine,no.319, December 1876 The Home of Columbus, 11/15 Harper's Round Table, 18 February 1896 Hubert Earl: A Wonderful Violin, 26/41 Harper's Round Table, 4 February 1896 Straw-Fiddlers, 26/40 Harraden, Beatrice A Musical Romance, 8/130-131 Harrington, Master, 9/29 Harris, Charles viola, 19/2 viola, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Harrys, Georg autograph letters to Louis Spohr, sale, 24/12 Hart Stradivarius violin, 17/50 Hart, George, 7–141, 14/35 bought Stradivarius violin, 7/139 obituary, July 1891, 20/37, 20/83, 27/1 varnish, 22/8 The Violin and its Music, advertisement, 3/166 Hart, John, 17/24 "Hart, William", 28/45 Hart & Son advertisement, 3/164-167, 3/186-187 catalogue, 16/1 Catalogue of Music for the Violin, 1975, 2/139-173 dealer, advertisement, 3/139-140 forgeries of Hart violins, 28/45 violin bow, 19/2 Harvey, C.Y. cartoons, 21/22 Haslinger, Tobias autograph letters to Louis Spohr, sale, 24/12 contact with Spohr for Violinschule, sale, 24/12 Hatzfeld, A. Paganini, lithograph, 18/26 Hauptmann, Moritz On Louis Spohr, 15/21 Hauser, Isidor Stradivarius violin, 17/50 Hauser, Issadore sued by Gemunder, 17/90 Hauser, Mischka Stradivarius violin, 17/38, 17/50 Hausmann, Robert concert review, 16 April 1887, 20/140 Havemeyer, H.C. collection of violins, 8/13 Havemeyer, Henry, 14/35 violins, 26/51 Haweis, H.R., 23/4 Herr Joachim, 24/11 How to Play the Violin, 19/10 Lecture, Old Violins, Royal Institution, report 42 Times, 23 February 1880, 5/42-44 My Musical Life, 10/4 Old Violins, 14/26 Old Violins, part 1 Good Words, April 1881, 4/127-131 Old Violins, part 2 Good Words, June 1881, 4/136-139 Old Violins, part 3 Good Words, August 1881, 4/144-148 Old Violins, review Royal Institution, Proceedings, December 1880, 7/1519 overview, 20/168 Paganini, 7/121-136 A Rare Fiddle, 8/2-3 Reményi, 20/42 Stradivarius of Cremona, 4/114-123, 11/27 Stradivarius of Cremona - his house, 14/8 Violin Players and Playing, lecture, 17/136 Violins and their Makers, 22/15 on women violinists, 20/58 Haweis, H.W. from a photograph by Elliott and Fry, 18/195 Hawk, 17 September 1889 - October 1889 Paganini Redivivus, 6/70-71 Hawkes & Son advertisement, 17/127 envelope, illus. with Stradivarius, 21/70 envelope addressed to Messrs. Allen & Son, 18/22 Hawkins, Isaac strings, 26/54 Hawkins, John Anecdotes of Corelli and Handel, 7/174-180 Hawley, Laura W. collector, 26/13 Hawley, R.D. collection of violins, 8/13, 22/25, 26/22 violin collector, 26/12 Hay, leader of the king's band, 8/15 Hayden, Hanns Geigen Clavicymbel, illus., 18/169 Haydn, G. Michael Missa Sti Hieronymi, autograph manuscript, sale, 24/12 Haydn, Joseph baryton, 23/1 In nomine Domini - Cavatina, autograph manuscript, sale, 24/12 Haynes, Misses Les Dames Blanches Quartette, 24/20 Haynes & Co., 8/11 advertisement, 12/15, 17/125 Catalogue, 12/7 Haynes & Co. Ltd Catalogue, August 1894, 24/20 Heaps, John Knowles, violin maker, 18/48 Hearth & Home, 23 February 1893, 18/193 Hearth and Home, 7 December 1893 Gibson: Strad viola, 28/21 Hearth and Home, July 1891 Edward Heron-Allen and Marianne Lehmann marriage, 17/16 Heath, Alfred T. A Family Concerto, 18/40 Heberlein, H. Th. bowed instruments, Vienna Exhibition, 1873, 11/16 Heberlein, Henrich Th. violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/230 Hecha guitar, 19/2 guitar, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Heckler, J. A Psalm of Thanksgiving, 18/42 Heckmann, Herbert, 17/15 Strad to be sold, 17/14 Heckmann, Robert collection, sale of, 27/39 Heermann, Hugo, 6/75 Heesom, Ed. violin sold, Hulse collection sale, 25 June 1883, 2/8 Hegel, van, collection, 23/11 Hegner, cellist, 28/58 Hegner, Otto, 20/33 Hegyesi, Louis obituary, 26/90 Heidegger bowed instruments, Vienna Exhibition, 1873, 11/16 Hel, Joseph violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 24/5 Hell trumpet-violin, 7/5 Heller, Stephen Skizze, for string quartet, autograph manuscript, sale, 24/12 Spaziergänge eines Einsamen, autograph manuscript, sale, 24/12 Hellmer, Johannes Georgius violin, Muller auction, 14/18 Hellmesberger teaches Brodsky, 26/47 Hengel, van & Eeltjes auction, 12 January 1883, Rotterdam, 3/256-263 Henocg viola, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Henocq viola, 19/2 viola, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/229 viola d'amore, Cremona Society, Exhibition of Violes d'Amour, 14 March 1889, 3/89 Henri bow, violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 bow, violin, 19/2 43 Henry bow, cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17 bow, violin, 19/2 bow, violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Henry, Eugene violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14 Henry, Harold J., violinist, 28/101 Henry, J. Harold, violinist, 28/103 Henry, J.B. viola, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Henry, Prince of Battenberg, 26/103 Henry, U.T. My Violin, poem, 26/52 Henry IV of France, 24/22 Henschel, Georg, 23/4 illustration, 23/4 studio, illus., 23/4 Heraldry with instrument, 18/1441 with instruments, 19/145 Herbeck, Ludwig autograph letter, sale, 24/12 Herbert, Auberon letter to The Times, 17/42 Herford, Oliver The Music of the Future, 21/18 Hermann, Friedrich, 27/12 Hermanos, Adam bandora, Withers catalogue, 24/21 bandurria, 19/2 Heron-Allen, Edward, 8–12-13, 14/35 The Anecdotage of the Violin, 8/14-20 appearance, 9/46 Arts and Crafts Book of the Violin, advertisement, 25/4 authority on violin, 9/46 Bériot correspondence reviewed, 26/48 Books for Sale or Exchange, October 1892, 19/32 books wanted, advertisement, 9/20 on Carl Engel's book, 28/69 Catalogue of the Library of Works on the Violin, various additions, 7/213-273 To a Child Virtuosa, poem, 6/98 The Lute, 1 September 1884, 5/47 on Cremona, 27/57 De Fidiculis Bibliographia, advertisement and description, 17/35 De Fidiculis Bibliographia, report of review Griffith Farran Okeden & Welsh, 10/7 Dedication from Henry Dryerre, 6/6 Der Geigenlack (translated), 28/2 on Dolphin Stradivarius, 17/50 drawing of EH-A violin by R.B. Horsley, 18/44 envelope to 2 Ryder Street, 18/31 A Fatal Fiddle, basis of story, 6/53-61 Foraminifera and Fiddle Books, 26/116 Index to Miscellanea vols. 1 - 8, 8/41-50 Italian Commissioner of International Inventions Exhibition, 23/11 Lehmann family, 20/62 letter from Autotype Company re. violin drawing, 18/45 letter from de Groot, 21/33 letter from G.C. Foucher, 22/24 letter from Geo.A. Dissmore on Camilla Urso, 15/8 letter from George Darbey, 14 November 1893, 21/69 letter to John Broadhouse, 5 May 1894, 22/24 letter to The Strad on violin frauds, October 1890, 23/11 Libri Desderati, advertisement, 27/3 Libri Desiderati, 7/263-273 Libri Desiderati, revised up to March 1890, 19/31 Libri Desiderati, revised up to October 1890, 19/32 marriage to Marianne Lehmann, 17/16 mentioned in Gresham lecture, 20/156 Musical Epigrams and Literary Ingenuities Musical Standard, 30 May 1885, 6/79-81 New Violins for Old, 22/7 palmistry, 17/16 Palmistry and violins Home Journal, Boston, Mass., 22 January 1887, 8/7 poem by Wm. E.S. Fales dedicated to, 8/56 pseudonym, 9/46 quoted on violins, 26/44, 26/123 Strolling Players' Amateur Orchestra, 26/91 Table of works on Musical Instruments including the Violin, 1882, 18/27c The Violin, 7/2, 24/14 on violin forgeries, 9/8-11 violin illus. by Rosamund, 9/23 B. Horsley, 21/67 Violin library, 17/16 on violin making as a lost art, 24/14 Violin Making as it was and is, reprint, 27/32 on violin strings, 27/48 Violin Times, 20/52, 28/29, 28/33, 28/84 The Violin-Maker of Bremen, 7/211 The Violin-maker of Bremen Musical Times, December 1883, 5/27-28 Violin-making: as it was and is, advertisement, 3/99-102, 4/235 Herring, H.D. violin invention, 20/94, 20/97 Hervey, Eleanora Louisa Seven Flats!, poem, 18/126 Hesketh, Thos. E. List of Old Violins, etc., 19/13 violin, Hesketh List of Old Violins, 19/13 Heskett, T. violin expert, 28/27 Hess, Willy article by W.K.M., with illus., 20/52 concert review, May 1891, 20/77, 20/185 recital, 11 April 1891, 20/36 Hesse, Duke of, 28/123, 28/125 44 Heuberger, Richard autograph letter, sale, 24/12 Lied: Herzens-Beklemmung, manuscript, sale, 24/12 Hewitt Ladies Orchestra, 22/31 Heyman, Joseph viola, Muller Auction, 14/18 Hidalgo violins, 24/20 Hildreth, C.L. How to Play the Violin without a Master, 22/30 Hilds, M. The Violet and the Violin, 23/12 Hill Stradivarius at exhibition, 19/24 viola, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 viola, Withers catalogue, 24/21 violin, Withers collection, 12/17 Hill, Alfred, 23/11 Hill, Arthur Frederick letter to Edward Heron-Allen, 21/44 Hill, Henry Weist, 20/76 Hill, Joseph, 26/27 cello, 19/2, 26/24 cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 label, 18/39 Hill, Joseph & Sons cello, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Hill, L. label, 18/39 Hill, W.E. label, 18/39 portrait by Shirley Slocombe, 26/74 violin bow, 19/2 Hill, W.E. & Sons, 9/1-3, 23/11 advertisement, 12/16, 21.41, 21/42, 21/68, 27/20 bow, violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Catalogue, 12/8 Catalogue of a Select Collection of Music, 12/2 Catalogue of Music, 16/11 fiddle holder, illus., 18/3 mute, 18/3 press critiques, 16/10 Publications relating to the history of the violin and its makers, 16/10 Stradivarius, Antonius: Messiah, announcement, 15/16 Stradivarius book, 28/52 Hill, Weist, 8/61 Hill, William label, 18/39 on Messiah Strad, 17/11 Hill, William E., 8/2-3, 26/24 advertisement, 27/21 advertisement for music stands, 3/146 advertisement for rosin box, 3/174 advertisement fro string gauges, 3/170 advertisement for strings, 3/178 advertisement for violin mutes, 3/146 Amati violin left on train, 26/48 Christmas & New Year Presents, advertisement, 3/172 forgeries of Hill violins, 28/46 Gio. Paolo Maggine, review, 27/38 obituary, 20 April 1895, 26/25 Salabue Strad., 26/20 Hill, William E. & Sons advertisement, 21/48 Hill, William Ebsworth, 7/4, 26/27 obituary, 13 April 1895, 26/27, 26/73 Hill & Co. give violins to students, 26/67 Guarnerius violin, 17/79 Hill & Hart violin fraud, 17/132 Hiller, Ferdinand von autograph letters to Louis Spohr, sale, 24/12 Hinds, F. viola da gamba, 19/2 viola da gamba, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Hipkins, A.J. Cantor Lectures on Musical Instruments, 1891, 22/8 Hodges v. Chanot, 9/8-11, 20/147, 23/11 George Chanot: Criticisms and Remarks, 24/7 Hodmayr, Joseph violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Hoffman, Josef, 6/71 Hoffmann, Johann autograph letter, sale, 24/12 Hofman, M. violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Hofmann, Heinrich autograph letter, sale, 24/12 Hofmann, Josef concert review, 1894, 26/100 Hofmans, Mathus pochette, Samary collection, 19/4 Hogarth, William Hudibras, 18/154 Humours of an Election, 18/27 Hogg Reminiscences of Former Days, quoted, 27/17 Holder, violin, “Secure”, 14/22 Hollander, B. concert, Guildhall School of Music, 1888, 20/39 Hollick, Miss M.J., violinist concert review, 1894, 27/56 Hollis, F.W., violin teacher, 18/64 Hollman, Joseph concert review, July 1891, 27/11 Holmes, brothers, 23/2 Holtzman harp, Samary collection, 19/4 Home and Country, February 1894 45 Lumas Sorag: A Violin-Maker and a Fiddle Factory, 22/4 Home Journal, Boston, Mass., 22 January 1887 Edward Heron-Allen, 8/7 Honeyman, W.C. The Violin: How to Choose One, review, 17/79 –81 Honeyman, Wm. C. Hints to Young Violinists, 28/119 How to Choose a Violin, 20/153 Hopf violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26, 24/5 violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/226, 4/228 violin, Muller auction, 14/18 Hopf, J.C. violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 violin,W, 24/21 Hopkins, L. Choose yer pardners, Gemmans, with illus., 18/310 Hopkinson violinist, 20/156 Horace on string instruments, 26/11 Horensteiner, Joseph violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Horil, Jacobus violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Hormstainer, Mathias violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/228 Hormsteiner viola, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/229 Hornstainer violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 24/5 Hornstainer, Mathias violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 Hornstein, Robert von autograph letter, sale, 24/12 Hornsteiner cello, 19/2 cello, Withers catalogue, 24/21 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Hornsteiner (?) cello, Violin Gallery, 19/2 Hornsteiner, Antonius violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Hornsteiner, Georg violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/226 Hornsteiner, Joseph violin, 19/2 Hornsteiner, M. violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/226 Hornsteiner, Martin violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Hornsteiner, Matthias violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Horsley, Rosamund B. Edward Heron-Allen violin, illus., 21/67 Heron-Allen violin, drawing, 18/43 Howard's Military Band, 22/31 Howe, Elias Catalogue of Old Violins, etc. 1887, 4/236-272 Catalogue of Old Violins, etc. 1887, 4/225-272 collector, 28/1 Howell, Edward The Violoncello: its use and abuse, 15/15 Howell, Ruth RCM, 20/93 Howell, Thomas violin (1833), 18/122 Howie, Lizzie, cornet player, 22/31 Howlatstone arms with violin, 18/141 Howson, R. Sound-boards, 7–172-173 Hubar, M. London Music Trades Review, 5–35 Hubay violinist, 20/47 Hubay, Jeno marriage to Edward Heron-Allen, 26/107 Huberman, Bronislaw, 26/88, 28/127, 28/129, 28/130, 28/131 with illus., 18/193 Hubermann, Bronislaw, 20/46, 27/60 illustration, 27/59 Huggins experiments, 22/8 Hugirenin violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Hull Choral Society, 11/4 Hull News, 16 December 1893, 28/53 A Manchester Violin Expert and a So-called "Maginni", 28/27 Hullweck, 6/69 Hulse, Joseph S. Sale catalogue of the collection of violins etc., 25 June 1883, Putttick and Simpson, 2/2-11 Hulse collection, 23/11 Hulskamp crwth-violin, 7/5 Humler, Sophie, violinist with illus., 18/109 Hummel, J.N. autograph letters to Louis Spohr, sale, 24/12 Hummelbaner, Wenceslaus, cellist, 11/17 Hunt, Leigh (attributed) Paganini, 17/119 Hurdy-gurdy illus., 18/134 player, illus., 18/152 46 Hussey, T. My lady's Violin, poem, 26/78 Hutchinson, Horace That Fiddler Fellow, 10/3 Hutchinson, John, 17/29 Hutchinson family, 14/33 Hutton, Arthur W. reminiscences of Cardinal Newman, 20/34 Hutton & Whittaker violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 I Il Diritto Cattolico (Modena), 27 September 1895 L. F. Valdrighi: La salma dei violinista Paganini, 26/43 Illusrtrated London News, 18/53 Illustrated American, 27 February 1892 From Cremona to New York, 26/50 Illustrated Catholic Magazine, July - August 1873 The History of a Violin, 15/22 Illustrated London News, 20 July 1889 Bottesini, obituary, 17/40 Illustrated London News, 23 June 1855 Robert Lindley, obituary, 17/19 Illustrated London News, 25 April 1846, 18/130 Illustrated London News, 28 October 1893, 28/131 Illustrated London News, Summer 1884 Giardini, drawing, 5/46 Illustrated London News, 2 March A Quartette for St. James's Hall, illus., 18/54 Illustrated Queen Almanac, 1881, 18/169 Illustrated Sporting & Dramatic News, 12 January 1894 Gresham College lectures, Bridge, 26/46 Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, 17 March 1894, 21/63 Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, 9 May 1891 Royal Society of Musicians' Festival - illustrations of participants, 8/105 Illustrated Weekly Telegraph, 17 March 1894, 28/143 Illustrazione Italiana, 20 October 1895, 21/19 Illustrirte Deutsche Monatsheft Louis Spohr: Selbstbiographie, review, 19/20 India, instruments illus., 21/37 Instruction books Art of Playing the Violin without a master, Cameron & Ferguson, 2/112-138 Instrument making A.J. Hipkins: Cantor lectures, 1891, 22/8 Instruments, bowed Julius Ruhlmann: Die Urformen der Bogeninstrumente, 7/195-205 Zur Geschichte und Theorie der Bogeninstrumente Blãtter für Musik, Theater und Kunst, 6 May 1859 - 1 July 1859, 6/27-48 Instruments, medieval Coussemaker: On the Musical Instruments of the Middle Ages, 4/97-106 Instruments, string, early illus., 18/9 International Inventions Exhibition, 1885, 23/11 International Inventions Exhibition, Albert Hall, 6/82-83 Inventions Exhibition, 9/86-90 Inwards, Haydn concert review, December 1890, 20/166 concert reviews, January 1891, 20/85 Irish Daily Independent, 12 September 1894 aluminium violins, 26/80 Irish Independent, 16 October 1894 Max Klein, death, 26/98 Irish Monthly, August 1889 Dora Sigerson: The Old Violon (sic), 24/3 Irish Monthly, no.111, October 1881 Eliot Ryder: On a Violin, poem, 19/18 Irish News, 2 July 1894, 28/132 Irving, Henry, 23/4 Italy bowed instruments, Vienna Exhibition, 1873, 11/16 Italy, July 1899, 22/32 J Jack (N.Y.) The Musician and Major Gallagher, 21/58 Jack, 22 May 1855 Violin Verses, 28/113 Jack, New York Violin Verses, 26/9 Jackson, J. The Viola, letter, 27/29 viola as solo instrument, 27/27 Jacob Leuthen violins, 24/20 Jacobs cello, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Jacobs, Henri violin, Muller auction, 14/18 Jacobs, violin teacher, 17/98 Jacobsz, H. violin, Van Hengel & Eeltjes catalogue, 3/260, 3/261 Jacobus (of Amsterdam) violin, Withers catalogue of Italian dealer, n.d., 3/159 Jacque, Rev. G. Sympathetic Strings for Musical Instruments, 15/30 Jacquet, N.X. double bass, 22/14 double bass, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 Jacquot, Charles violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Jaeger, cellist, 11/17 Jahn, Carl, 20/47 Jais, Anton violin, 19/2 violin, Hesketh List of Old Violins, 19/13 47 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Jais, Joannes violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Jamieson, Rev. Rugallic, Ambrose, 5/1 Janinet Memoire sur un nouveau mode de construction des tables de resonnance des instruments a cordes et a archet, 11/9 Mémoire sur un nouveau mode de construction des tables de resonnance des instruments a cordes et a archet, 11/10 Janson, cellist, 11/17 Janson, Kristofer The Spell-Bound Fiddler, review, 21/14 Jaye, Henri double bass, Samary collection, 19/4 Jeandel violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 22/26 Jenour Bros., 5/57 chin rests, 20/151 Jensen, Adolf autograph letter, 1865, sale, 24/12 Jeune, Bonnel guitar, 19/2 guitar, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Jewish Chronicle, 15 December 1893 Maurice Alexander, concert review, 28/27 J.M. Fleming Old Violins, review, 5–37-39 Joachim, Amalie, 20/34, 20/40 Joachim, Joseph, 6/66, 6/75, 8/3, 9/36, 23/4, 26/13, 26/56, 26/117, 28/32, 28/55, 28/56, 28/57 appearances in London, 27/46 article, Evening News, 2 April 1891, 9/104 autograph letters to Louis Spohr, sale, 24/12 bagatelle board anecdote, 20/92 biographical sketch by Adolph Kohnt, announced, 20/90 Birmingham Festival, 1891, 20/44 Burmester on, 26/51 compared to Paganini, 20/5 concert reviews, 1882, 20/146, 20/147 conducts, 20/51 conversation with Baroness von Zedlitz, 26/98 donation to Hochschule für Musik, Berlin, 20/35 F A E Sonata, 20/51 foundation, 20/183 hair, 20/45 H.R. Haweis: Herr Joachim, 24/11 illustration, 21/63, 22/27, 23/4, 23/14, 28/154 letter to Karl Courvoisier, reproduced, 2/79-80 in London fog, Daily News, 28 February 1891, 8/97 Marie Corelli: Joachim and Sarasate, 19/26 on Messiah Strad, 17/11 Otto Gumprecht : Joeph Joachim, der König der Geige, 7/183-194 photo by F. Hollyer, 21/51 planned retirement, 20/40 poem dedicated to, 20/49 portrait, 20/100 portrait, The Quartet, 20/39 Reception, March 1894, 28/150, 28/152 Reception 1894, invitation, 21/40 Reception 1894, programme, 21/39 Salabue Strad., 26/20 Saturday Popular Concert, 14 February 1885, review, 5/65-66 on singing, 20/46 skating, 8/27 speech at presentation, 26/89 in St. Petersburg, 20/153 Stradivarius violins, 17/48 Stradvarius violin, 17/130 A Talk with Dr Joachim, 9/3-5 taught Max Reichel, 20/47 violotta, 8/134 visit to London, 1894, 20/59 Joachim, Marie, 20/97 Joachim family, 20/44 Job advertisement viola or violin player, County Asylum, Woodbridge, 5/26 Joeger, Jean, cellist, 11/17 Johnson, John violin, Withers collection, 12/17 Johnson, Miss with illus., 26/124 Johnson, Samuel, 8/19 on the violin, 7/139 Johnston, John violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/60 violin,Withers catalogue, June 1885, 24/21 Johnstone collection, 23/11 Johnstone v. Laurie, 17/35, 23/11 Jomier violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 Jomier, Joannes Baptista violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Jones, E. advertisement, 25/4 Jones, Henry violinist and museum in Stratford upon Avon, 20/74 Jones, Herbert, 7/53 letter to Edward Heron-Allen, 24 September 1889, 7/55 Jones, R.P. violinist, winner of Violin Competition for Boys, illus., 17/41 Jonnier, N. violin, 19/2 Jorio, Vincenzo violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 Josephs, 7/4 Josephs, Pierre, Aloysius, 7/206-210 Josephs, Pierre H. 48 witness, Flechter case, 14/35 Journal des Débats, 1 March 1831 Paganini, concert reviews, 8/86-91 Journal des Débats, 22 April 1833 Paganini, Théâtre de l'Opéra, 8/91 Journal of the Society of Arts, 11 June 1880 H. Walduck: Improvements in Violins, 8/23-24 Jousse violin tutor, 11/18 Joy, E.F. violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/230 J.P. Guiver & Co. Catalogue of strings, 12/5 Jullien, 7/84-85 concerts, illus., 18/225 Jullien's Musical Circulating Library advertisement, 1874, 2/32 Jung'l, Josef correction: misreporting of death, 27/39 "Jupiter" Stradivarius, 26/35 Jutien, N., cellist, 11/17 K Kaempfer double bass, 15/31 Kaiser, Martinus cello, 14/23 Kalliwoda, Jos. Wenz. autograph letters, one to Louis Spohr, sale, 24/12 Kapillarheberlakterienkulturkolbchen, 17/29 Kapillarhebermikroskopirtropfenflasche, 17/29 Kasper, Josef, 20/46 Kauffmann, Maurice "Jupiter" Strad., 26/35 Kayser, Heinrich Ernst, 27/13 Keiber theorbo, 14/23 Keilling, Julius viola, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/229 Kelle, Sebastianus violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Kelley, Edgar Ysaye interview, 26/38 Kelly, Earl of, 5/61-62 Kelvey, C. violins sold, 26/111 Kemangeh-agouz, 7/6 Kendall, May A Theory, poem, 15/3, 26/13 Kenion, Vida, 28/132 Kennedy cello, 19/2 cello, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Kennedy, George The Story of My Violin, 23/3, 23/10 Kennedy, Thomas cello, 19/2 cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 cello, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/68, 2/69 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/62 Kenneman, E., 28/121 Kensington News, 25 November 1893 Horbury Literary Society, 17/135 Kensington Society, 11 October 1894 Louise Nanney, 26/100 Kenyon, James B. Her Violin, poem, 26/55 Ker, David Stradivarius, 8/2-3 Ker-Grey, Rev. E., 6/4 Kerkovics, Francis viola, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/229 Kerris Rapport... sur les violons, altos et violoncelles de M. Lapaix, 14/7 Kessel, Anton violins, 24/20 Kiesewetter, violinist, 11/21 Kind Words, September 1878 E. de Breidenbach: Ole Bull, the King of the Violin, 15/19 Kingsmill, Dorothy, cellist, 21/2, 26/124 Kinski, Count, 26/42 Kirton, John W. The Scrape that ended in a scrape, 15/14 Kistner letters from Franz Liszt, sale, 24/12 Kittl, Joh. Friedrich autograph letters to Louis Spohr, sale, 24/12 Kiver, violinist, 26/101 Klein, Max death, 26/92, 26/95, 26/98 Klemm, Johann George theorbo, Samary collection, 19/4 Klengel, Julius concert review, 11 October 1890, 22/17 concert reviews, January 1891, 20/85 Klickmann, F. Moments with Modern Musicians, 23/14 Klickmann, Flora interviewed Carrodus, 26/55 Klotz cello, 19/2 viola, 19/2 viola, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 viola, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/67 violin, Hesketh List of Old Violins, 19/13 violin, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1891, 27/10 49 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/61, 2/62, 2/64 violin, Withers catalogue, June 1885, 24/21 violin sold, Bristol, 26/47 violins, 8/15 Klotz, A. violin, Van Hengel & Eeltjes catalogue, 3/258, 3/259 Klotz, Aegidius violin and viola, Muller auction, 14/18 Klotz, Agidius violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/63, 2/64 violin, Withers catalogue, June 1885, 24/21 Klotz, Egidius cello, 19/2 cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17 violin, 19/2 violin, Robert Cocks List of Old Violins, 15/4 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Klotz, G. violin, Hesketh List of Old Violins, 19/13 violin, Van Hengel & Eeltjes catalogue, 3/260 Klotz, Georg violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Klotz, George viola, Muller auction, 14/18 viola, Withers catalogue, 12/17 violin, 19/2 violin, Robert Cocks List of Old Violins, 15/4 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Klotz, J. violin, Van Hengel & Eeltjes catalogue, 3/259 Klotz, Joan Carol violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Klotz, Joseph violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Klotz, Mathias monument in Mittenwald, 20/89 Klotz, Matthias violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Klotz, Michael violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Klotz, S. violin sold, Hulse collection sale, 25 June 1883, 2/9 Klotz, Sebastian cello, 19/2 cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 viola, Hesketh List of Old Violins, 19/13 viola, Withers catalogue, 24/21 violin, 19/2 violin, Violin Gallery, 15/8 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/61, 2/62, 2/63, 2/66 violin, Withers catalogue, June 1885, 24/21 violins, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/60 Kloz cello, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 viola, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/226, 4/227, 4/228 Kloz, Aegidius violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/226, 4/228 Kloz, Egidius cello, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Kloz, Georg violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 22/26 Kloz, Joan Carol violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/228 Kloz, Johannes Carolus violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Kloz, Joseph violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/226, 4/229 Kloz, Mathias viola d'amore, Cremona Society, Exhibition of Violes d'Amour, 14 March 1889, 3/89 violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/228 Kloz, Matthias violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/226 Kloz, Michael violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/226, 4/227 Kloz, Sebastian violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 22/26 Kloz family violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 Kneisel, Anton violinist, 20/51 Kneisel, Frank, 26/121 Knerler, Mr., 6/3 Marylebone Bowling Green and Gardens, 6/3 Kniel, Joseph violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Knife-Grinder's Budget of Pictures and Poetry, 1829 Poor Billy, 17/1 Knith, Franz cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Kochanowski, Stanislaus violinist, obituary, May 1891, 20/78 Koel, Drouot guitar, Samary collection, 19/4 Kohnt, Adolph biographical sketch of Joachim announced, 20/90 Komareck, Jos. Antoine, cellist, 11/17 Kõmpel, August autograph letters to Louis Spohr, sale, 24/12 Konigsberg & Co. advertisement, 17/125 50 Kopff, Peter Violam H, 4/229 Kopps, John violin bridge, advertisement, 6/105 Koster, C. Zerstreute Gedanken-Blatter über Kunst, 4tes Heft, Berlin, 1840, 3/188-193 Krahmen, Madame, 7/147 Kramer, Joseph von Sextett, illus., 18/88 Krampera, Jacob violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/229 Krasna, Jacob violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/228 Kraub, Johann Adam violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/227 Krauss, Alessandro, collection, 23/11 Krebs, Joh. Ludwig Fantasia in C, autograph manuscript, sale, 24/12 Krehbiel, H.E. Eugene Ysaye, 22/1 Krell, Albert, 6/88-90 Kremser, Eduard autograph letter, sale, 24/12 Kreutzer Rode, Baillot and Kreutzer's Method of Instruction for the Violin, review, 11/18 Kreutzer, Conradin autograph letter to Probst & Küstner, sale, 24/12 autograph letters to Louis Spohr, sale, 24/12 Kreutzer, Rodolphe, 11/18 Kreutzer, Rudolf, 23/3 Kreuz, Emil concert review, December 1890, 20/166 concert reviews, January 1891, 20/85 Krichbaum violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/226 Kriner, L. bowed instruments, Vienna Exhibition, 1873, 11/16 violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Krzeptowski-Sabata, Jan illustration, 18/120 Kuhac, Franjo, Ksaver Zur Geschichte der Violine, 17/64 Kuhmeyer, Franz, 20/34 piano and violin combined, 20/86 Kulhawy, Antonius violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/228 Kummer letter from Richard Wagner, sale, 24/12 Kurfürstliches Hessisches Hoforchester and Spohr, 24/12 L La Belle Assemblée, June 1827 Juvenile Violin Performances, 9/29 La Belle Assemblee, June 1831 Paganini, anecdote, 9/29-30 La Cloux, violin teacher, 26/21 La Fayette, General, 24/22 La Houssaye, Pierre, 23/3 La Provincia - Corriere di Cremona, 19 March 1887 La Casa di Stradivari, 8/66-70 La Provincia - Corriere di Cremona, 22 April 1891 Il Messia (Salabue), 8/61-65 Labarre, Theodore Romance: La Fille du Soldat, autograph manuscript, sale, 24/12 Labrossa cello, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Lachner, Franz autograph letters to Louis Spohr, sale, 24/12 Lacoax, Chevr. La violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Lacote guitar, 19/2 guitar, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 22/26, 24/5 guitar, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 guitar, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/69 Lacour, O. engraver of Dow self-portrait, 18/52 Ladies' Home Journal, August 1895, 21/21 Ladies Home Journal, August 1895 American Girls as Violinist, 26/118 Ladies Home Journal, February 1896 Maud Powell: Women and the Violin, 26/28 Ladies Pictorial, 3 November 1894, 21/24 Ladies String Band performers, 28/95 Ladies Treasury, vol. XIX Some Famous Violinists, 26/117 Lady, 18 October 1894 Sarasate, 26/100 Lady, 24 March 1892 A Celebrated Violin, 17/23 Lady Hallé Testimonial, 24/1 Lady's Pictorial, 18 August 1894 Hubay, Jeno, 26/107 Lady's Pictorial, 3 November 1894 Josef Hofmann, concert review, 26/100 Lafleur violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 violin, Withers catalogue, June 1885, 24/21 violin bow, 19/2 Lafleur & Sons trade catalogue, string instruments, illus., 18/73 Lafont, 7/93, 23/3 Lagetto, Louis violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 51 Lagetto, Luigi violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Lair, Marquis de violin, Violin Gallery, 15/8 Lajos, Munczi, 8/4-5 Lake, Henry, 8/1 letter, Standard, 27 February 1887, 8/5-6 A Mystery Solved, 6/18-19, 9/74-75 Lake, William Improvements in Violins, etc. Musical Standard, 1 November 1882, 5/22 Lalauze Trio, etching, 18/1 Lalouette plagiarism by Lully, 26/48 Lamarre, N.de, cellist, 11/17 Lambert violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Lambert, Jean Nicolas cello, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Lami, Eugene A Family Concerto, 18/40 Lamp, February 1880 M.D. Ruff: Famous Violin Makers, 22/20 Lamy, A. bow, 19/2 bow, violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Lancashire Bell-ringers, 18/115 Landolfi, 7–4 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 violin, B, 22/26 Landolfi, Carlo Ferdinando violin, 19/2 violin, Muller auction, 14/18 Landolphi, Carlo Ferdinando violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Landolphus cello, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1895, 26/28 Landulfi, Ferdinando violin, Samary collection, 19/4 Landulphus cello, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/229 viola, Withers catalogue of an Italian delaer, n.d., 3/161 violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/227, 4/228 violin, Withers catalogue of Italian dealer, n.d., 3/159 Landulphus, Carlo cello, 19/2 cello, Withers catalogue, 24/21 cello, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/68 cello, Withers catalogue, June 1885, 24/21 violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/12, 12/17, 24/21 Landulphus, Carlo Ferdinandus violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, June 1885, 24/21 Landulphus, Carolous Ferdinandus violin, Castle catalogue, 3/94 Landulphus, C.F. violin, Violin Gallery, 15/8 Lane, Bessie, clarinettist, 22/31 Langey, Otto New Violin Tutor, advertisement, 5/49 Langle, Ferdinand, 20/7 L'Anson, E.P. violin, Hesketh List of Old Violins, 19/13 violin sold, Hulse collection sale, 25 June 1883, 2/8 Lant, Andreas Ferdindus Maur Hof cello, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Lantner, Bohuslav bows, 26/91 Lanzetti, Salvatore, cellist, 11/17 Lapaix, 14/7 Rapport... sur les violons, altos et violoncelles de M. Lapaix, 14/7 violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Lapleer, Pierre violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Lasserre, Jules cellist, 17/26 Lathum, Earl drawing, 8/105 Latour, F.J. guitar, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Lauazza, Antonio Maria violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Laub, Ferdinand, 26/47 Laudy & Co. advertisement, 25/3 Launder, Lettie, 22/31 Laurenti, 19/5 Laurie constructed "Strad", 23/11 court case, Leigh, 27/12 "Court Strad", 8/51 Laurie, David Strad. violin, 26/33 Lauterbach, 6/69 Lawrie, David, 20/28, 20/56, 28/74 Lawson, Henry The Violin and its History, lecture, 20/124 Layard, Austin, 9/110 Lazarus, H. drawing, 8/105 Lazarus, Henry clarinets sold, 26/28 Le Blanc, Hubert Defense de la basse de viole, title page, 21/3 Le Bon Genre, no.92 Le Joueur de Baguettes, 18/179 52 Le Monde Musicale, Paris, 10 May 1891 Les instruments de musique, 8/93-97 Le Monde Musicale, Paris, 30 March 1894 Le Mélotétraphone, 27/62 Le Pelleur, Pierre violin, 19/2 Lecavelle violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 Lecavelle, F. violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Lecknuore, Christoph violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Leclair, Jean-Marie, 23/3, 26/50 obituary, 19/1 Leclerc violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Leeds Mercury, 1 December 1894 Stradivarius prices, 26/115 Leeds Mercury, 1 June 1895 A Famous Russian Violinist, 26/47 Leeds Mercury, 14 September 1894 A Great Violinist, 26/93 Leeds Mercury, 16 January 1894, 28/41 Leeds Mercury, 18 January 1895 violin values, 26/110 Leeds Mercury, 21 March 1895 Norman-Neruda, Wilma, 26/62 Leeds Mercury, 28 April 1894 A Ten-Year-Old Violinist of Repute, 28/127 Leeds Mercury, 28 February 1894, 28/70 Leeds Mercury, 30 April1892 Herbert Heckmann Strad to be sold, 17/14 Leeds Mercury, 30 August 1894 Henry, Prince of Battenberg, 26/103 Leeds Mercury, 9 February 1894, 28/63 Leeds Weekly Mercury, 10 March 1894 Stradivari and Guarneri violins, 28/72 Leeds Weekly Mercury, 27 January 1894, 28/41 Leeds Weekly Mercury. 6 July 1895 The Romance of a Violin, 26/20 Leeds Weekly Mercury, 7 April 1894 Violin repairs, 28/96 Legend Fossegrin, 5/34 Legge, Robin H. Recollections of Paganini, adapted, 27/14 Lehmann, Lisa, 17/16 Lehmann, Liza on Lehmann family, 20/62 Lehmann, Marianne marriage to Edward Heron-Allen, 17/16 Leicester, Earl of violin presented by Queen Elizabeth I, illus., 18/6 Leicester Daily Post, 12 January 1894, 28/49 Leidolff violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/226 Leidolff, Joannes Christoph viola, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/229 Leidolff, Johann Christolph violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/228 Leidolff, Josephus Ferdindus viola, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Leikmiller, Martin violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 violn, 19/2 Leinster, Duke of collection, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Leinster,Duke of, 12/17 Leipziger Musikzeitung, 15 April 1893 Warum haben die Viiolinen der alten italiensichen Geigenbauer einen sehr verschiedenen Wert?, 26/77 Leipziger Tageblatt und Anzeiger, 16 April 1890 Ein Geigen-Solo, 9/12-19 Leissmiller violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Leisure Hour, December 1884 Francesco The Little Violin-Player's Christmas, 14/24 Leisure Hour, January - April 1882 The Violin, 7/138-153 Leisure Hour, July 1876 Stainer violin, 6/52 Leisure Hour, May 1876 Fiddles, 11/29 Lejay violin, 19/2 Lejeune, François violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Lemargius violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Lembock, G. violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/230 Lemboeck, G. bowed instruments, Vienna Exhibition, 1873, 11/16 Leonard, Hubert obituary, 1890, 20/74 Lessmann, Otto, 6/88-90 L'Estrange, Roger, 7/140 Letters Paganini to Luigi Germa, 19/2 Sivori, Camille, 15 June 1874, 1/162-173 Letters from Edward Heron-Allen letter to The Strad on violin frauds, October 1890, 23/11 Letters to Edward Heron-Allen Arthur Frederick Hill, 1 February 1896, on Stainer, 21/44 Buckmann, George Hatton, 30 September 1891, 21/26 de Groot, 1896, 21/33 E.J. Payne, 26 November 1888, 3/80-81 Foucher, G.C., 17 October 1894, 22/24 George Darbey, 14 November 1893, 21/69 53 Henry Dryerre, 2 June 1885, 6/6 Herbert,Jones, 24 September 1889, 7/55 John Broadhouse, 7 May 1894, 22/24 Stoddart, Joseph Marshall, 15 July 1894, 22/7 Wallace Sutcliffe, 18 May 1891, 19/32 Wm. E.S. Fales, n.d., 8/56 Zoeller, Carli, 28 April 1889, 3/84-88 Levasseur, Henri, cellist, 11/17 Levasseur, Pierre Francois, 11/17 Levey, Richard, 6/70-71 See also: Paganini Redivivus, 6/70-71 Levine, Jeanne concert review, April 1894, 28/102 Levy Paganini, Mademoiselle, 20/49 Lewis, Edward viola, 19/2 viola, Withers catalogue, 12/17 viola Withers catalogue, 24/21 Lewis, William Amati violin, 9/93-95 Libotton, Gustave cellist, obituary, 20/83 cello and bow, for sale, 19/2 obituary, 8/61 Lichtenberg, Leopold, 23/3 Liddle, T.S., conductor, 21/16 Lieb, Andreas Carolus viola, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/229 Liebmann,, Alice Maud, violinist, 17/95, 26/88 concert review, March 1895, 26/53 Liedolff, Joannes Christ cello, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/229 Liège, 26/20 Life, 12 May 1894, 28/126 Life, 20 May 1886 Carrodus, Mr, 6/93 Life, 5 May 1894 Tivadar Nachez, 28/120 Life, Calendar, February 1894, 21/18 Lillie, Mrs. John Music and Musicians in England, 23/4 L'Illustrazione Italiana, 20 October 1895 A. Centelli: Giuseppe Tartini e il suo monumento, 26/41 Lincolnshire Chronicle, 10 December 1893 A Manchester Violin Expert and a So-called "Maginni", 28/27 Lincolnshire Chronicle, 16 December 1893, 28/53 Lind, Jenny autograph letter , sale, 24/12 Lind, Jenny, 23/4 Lindley, cellist, 8/129, 11/17, 26/27 Lindley, Robert, cellist, 11/17 obituary, with illus., 17/19 Lindley, Wm., cellist, 11/17 Lindpaintner, Peter autograph letters to Louis Spohr, sale, 24/12 Lindsay, Lady The Violinist's Farewell to his Violin, poem, 26/106 Lindsay, Lady, violinist, 28/144 with illus., 18/169 Lindsay, Michael H. advertisement, 5/24 Lione, Francesco mandora, Samary collection, 19/4 Lipinski, Karol Guarnerius violin, 28/51 Lipmannssohn, Leo Katalog 79: Musikliteratur, 3–276-289 Lipmannssohn sale, October 1894 Autographen-Sammlung, 24/12 Lippincott's Magazine, vol.XIV, 1874 Alexander Young: Violins and Violin-Players, 24/22 Lippincott's Monthly Magazine, 1890 Edward Heron-Allen: The Violin, 24/14 Lippincott's Monthly Magazine, May 1892 J.Y. Taylor: The Violin for Ladies, 24/16 Lippincott's Monthly Magazine, November 1889 Edward Heron-Allen: The Violin, 7–1-8 Lira da braccio A. Hejdecki: Die italienische Lira da braccio, 17/64 Fr. Kuhac: Zur Geschichte der Violine, 17/64 Lissajous Rapport... sur les Violons de M. Morisseau, 14/6 Report on keyboard instruments, Vienna Exhibition, 1873, 11/16 Report on wind instruments, Vienna Exhibition, 1873, 11/16 Liston, W. Lawrence The Violin - its pains and pleasures, 15/35 Liszt, Franz, 8–25 autograph letter concerning Wagner and von Bülow, sale, 24/12 autograph letter from Liszt, concerning Schumann's Genoveva, sale, 24/12 autograph letter to Kistner, sale, 24/12 autograph letter to Louis Spohr, sale, 24/12 autograph letter to Mosenthal, sale, 24/12 autograph letters, sale, 24/12 letter from Gustav Nauenberg, sale, 24/12 Liebesträume, autograph manuscript, sale, 24/12 Marcia animato assai (Rakoczy March - part), autograph manuscript, sale, 24/12 Ueber Paganini, obituary, 17/6 Literary Gazette and Journal of the Belles Lettres, 11 June 1831 Paganini, 17/33 Literary Gazette and Journal of the Belles Lettres, 13 August 1836 Goerge Dubourg: The Violin, review, 17/30 Literary Gazette and Journal of the Belles Lettres, 15 June 1833 54 Paganini, concert cancelled, 17/103 Literary Gazette and Journal of the Belles Lettres, 17 July 1830 Paganini, concert review, 17/102 Literary Gazette and Journal of the Belles Lettres, 18 June 1831 Paganini, 17/32 Literary Gazette and Journal of the Belles Lettres, 2 July 1831 Il Signor Paganini, 17/32 Literary Gazette and Journal of the Belles Lettres, 21 May 1831 Paganini, 17/33 Literary Gazette and Journal of the Belles Lettres, 28 May 1836 Ole Bull, concert review, 17/104 Literary Gazette and Journal of the Belles Lettres, 6 May 1826 Beriot, concert review, 17/102 Literary Gazette,13 September 1817 History and Improvements of the Violin, 28/36 Literary Gazette,19September 1818 Character and History of the Violin, 28/38 Literary Opinion and Reader's Miscellany, 1 October 1889 Sir Charles Hallé, 9/106 Literary World, 16 March 1894, 28/54 Literary World, 1839, 8/133 Literary World, 19 January 1894, 28/69 Literary World, 28 July 1893 W.C. Honeyman: The Violin: How to Choose One, review, 17/79 Littell's Living Age no.1958 The Secret of the Stradivarius, 24/18 Littel's Living Age, vol.1 no.6, 22 June 1844 Camillo Sivori's Morning Concert, 26/11 Liverpool Courier, 2 April 1894 Carrodus Recital, 28/118 Liverpool Courier, 24 April 1894, 28/141 Liverpool Courier, 3 May 1892 Andover sale of Amati violins, 17/40 Liverpool Post, 2 April 1894 St. George's Hall, 28/106 Liverpool Post, 20 March 1894, 28/132 Liverpool Weekly Courier, 21 April 1894, 28/141 Lloyd, Edwaard illustration, 23/4 Lloyd, Edward drawing, 8/105 with illus., 23/14 Lloyd brothers, rope-walkers, 18/204 Lob, G. violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/228 Locatelli, Pietro, 23/3 Lock, Joseph cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Loder violin tutor, 11/18 Lodonico, Rastelli violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Loewe, Carl Albumblatt, sale, 24/12 autograph letter to Louis Spohr, sale, 24/12 Lombard, Louis Why Girls Should Play the Violin, 26/119 London & Provincial Music Trades Review, 15 April 1882 Violin by Ambrose Rugallic, 5–1 London & Provincial Music Trades Review, 15 May & June 15 1882 E. Edwards, London and J. Wallis, London, 5–21 London Academy of Music, 5–51 London College of Violinists, 21/45 London School Board, 26/74, 26/75 London Street Studies, 22/12 Longfellow The Violinist, poem, 23/3 Longfellow, Annie, 8–31 Longman, Lukey & Co. cello, Withers catalogue, 26/24 Longman & Leekey viola, 19/2 viola, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Longman's Magazine, CIII, May 1891 May Kendall: A Theory, 15/3 Loppentien, J.D. double bass improvements, 20/141 Lorenz, Fridrich violin, Castle catalogue, 3–94 Lortzing, Albert autograph letter to Carl Gollmick, sale, 24/12 Loseby, H.E., 28/121 Lott, 7–4 Lott, J.F. viola, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Lott, John, 28/4 Scroll, Withers catalogue, 12/17 viola, 19/2 viola, Withers catalogue, 24/21 viola Withers catalogue, 24/21 Lotte, G. advertisement, 25/4 Lotte, Georges violins, advertisement, 25/4 Lottfield, Johann violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Lotto, Isidor, 28/129 Lotz, Theodore violin, Violin Gallery, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Louis, J. violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4–227 55 Lovelace, William strings, 26/53 Lovell, Minna A Musical Genius, 7–31-33 Lowe, Charles The Coburgers and the English Court, 23/9 Lowendall G.W. Stratton advertisement, 5–34 Lowendall, L. violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/230 Lubbe, cellist, 11/17 Lucas, Stanley drawing, 8/105 Lucilli mandolines, 24/4 Ludwig, Paul RCM, 20/93 Lufkin, Gertrude, cornet player, 22/31 Luise, Rodolfo, 20/35 Lully, Jean Baptiste de, 7/148 Barry Thome: The Fairy Ballet, 26/48 plagiarism alleged, 26/48 with illus., 7/115-118 illustration: In Mademoiselle de Montpensier's Kitchen, 11/25 Lupot, 7/4, 11/3, 14/7 bow, viola, Withers catalogue, 12/17 bow, violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 bow, violin, 19/2 violin, 26/36 violin, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1894, 26/111 Lupot, Francesco cello, Withers catalogue of an Italian dealer,n.d., 3/161 Lupot, François, père violin, Vuillaume collection, 19/3 Lupot, N. violin, Withers catalogue of Italian dealer, n.d., 3/159 Lupot, Nicholas violin,W, 24/21 Lupot, Nicola violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/226 Lupot, Nicolas, 23/7 cello, with arms of Bourbons, Withers catalogue, June 1885, 24/21 cello, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/59 "Her Ladyship" violin, 26/12 violin, 19/2 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/63 Lute, 1 September 1884 Edward Heron-Allen: To a Child Virtuosa, poem, 5/46 Lute, 2 March 1885 Paul Racz, obituary, 5/76 Lute, January 1891, 20/185 Lute, July 1891, 20/186 Lute, June 1891, 20/186, 22/8 Lute, May 1891, 20/185 Lute, 15 January 1883, 5/10 Lutz et Cie. bowed instruments, Vienna Exhibition, 1873, 11/16 Lyburt guitar, 19/2 Lynton, Rose concert review, July 1891, 20/83 concert reviews, December 1887, 20/119 Lyon & Healy, Chicago, 26/36 collection, 9/140-141 M Maatschappij tot Bevordering der Toonkunst letters to Louis Spohr, sale, 24/12 MacCarthey, Miss at Marlborough House, 26/111 MacCarthy, Maud, 28/136, 28/137 MacCunn, Hamish with illus., 23/14 MacDonald, George Robert Falconer's Fiddle, 15/29 Macdonald, Mosse On a Lady's Violin, poem, 8/135 Machete, Portuguese, 22/8 Machine head illus., 18/3 Mackay, Eric Love Letters of a Violinist, 26/68 Mackenzie, Alexander Campbell., 20/76, 28/45 Banks, Benjamin, 24/21 drawing, 8/105 Grival, V., 24/21 Guarnerius violin, 17/79 Joachim reception, 28/151 Klotz, 24/21 Pibroch, reviews, 8/133 presentation to Dr. Joachim and Signor Piatti, 26/89 Seraphino, Sanctus, 24/21 Urquhart, Thomas, 24/21 violin concerto, 20/10 violin pieces, 26/101 Maclise, D. drawing of Paganini, 6/52-53 Maclise, Daniel Paganini, caricature portrait, 18/10 Macmillan's Magazine, August 1891 Ernest Dowson: The Story of a Violin, 15/5 Macquarrie, Roland, violinist, 28/43 Macy Amati violin, 22/25 Madonna with musicians, 18/214 Maelzel's Metronome, 11/24 Mafcotto, Giuseppe viola da spalla, 14/23 Maffey, Bernardin, 28/37 56 Magazin fur die Literatur des Auslandes, no.131, 1 November 1833, Paganini's Geige, 17/25 Magazin fur die Literatur des Auslandes, No.25, 28 February 1842, Franz Liszt: Ueber Paganini, bei der Nachricht von seinem Tode, 17/6 Magazine of Art, March 1880 E. Burne Jones: Musica, 8/132 Magazine of Arts, vol.4, 18/76 Trio, etching, 18/1 Magazine of Music, 8/27-29 R.P. Jones, with illus., 17/41 Magazine of Music, April 1886 A Brief Chapter in Disillusionment, by a first violin, 20/17 Magazine of Music, April 1890, 20/28, 20/56 Magazine of Music, April 1891, 20/40 Magazine of Music, April 1892, 20/58 Magazine of Music, April 1894 Hill, Amati violin left on train, 26/48 Magazine of Music, August 1855, 8/34 Magazine of Music, August 1884, 8/31 Magazine of Music, August 1885, 8/32 Norman Oliphant: A Flotsam Fiddler, 6/22-27 Magazine of Music, August 1886 Sarah C. Bull: Ole Bull: a memoir, review, 9/30-32 Sarah C. Bull: Ole Bull, a memoir, review, 20/21 Magazine of Music, August 1890, 20/33 Magazine of Music, August 1891, 20/44 Magazine of Music, August 1894 Miss Alice Maud Liebmann, 26/88 Magazine of Music, December 1885 Music and the senses, 9/19 Norman Oliphant: A Vision of Paganini, 9/25-28, 18/32 Magazine of Music, December 1886, 20/10 Magazine of Music, December 1890, 20/43 Magazine of Music, December 1892, 20/51 Magazine of Music, December 1893, 20/51 Magazine of Music, February 1886, 20/9 Magazine of Music, February 1890, 20/28 Magazine of Music, February 1892, 20/57 Magazine of Music, February 1893, 20/47 Magazine of Music, February 1894, 20/59 Magazine of Music, Feburary 1885 Paganini Redivivus, 5/64 Magazine of Music, January 1885, 8/31 A Violin-maker's Ruse, 8/35-36 Magazine of Music, January 1890 Woycke, Victor, 20/24 Magazine of Music, January 1891, 20/41 Magazine of Music, January 1892, 20/57 Magazine of Music, January 1893, 20/47 Magazine of Music, January 1894, 20/58 Magazine of Music, July 1891, 20/37 Magazine of Music, July 1893, 20/49 Magazine of Music, June 1885 - March 1886, 20/39 Magazine of Music, June 1886 Elise, Polko: The Amati, 20/15 Magazine of Music, June 1888, 20/39 Magazine of Music, June 1891, 20/38 Beaumont v. Medling, 20/3 A Violin Maker, 20/3 Magazine of Music, June 1892, 20/46 Magazine of Music, June 1893, 20/49 Magazine of Music, June - August 1885 The Violin, 8/35-36 Magazine of Music, March 1886, 20/10 The Bewitched Violin, 20/12 Magazine of Music, March 1890, 20/28 Magazine of Music, March 1891, 20/42 Magazine of Music, March 1892, 20/58 Magazine of Music, March 1893, 20/48 Magazine of Music, March 1894 Our Quartette Party, 20/60 Magazine of Music, May 1888 A Tin Violin, 20/6 Magazine of Music, May 1890 A New Portrait of Paganini & Ludwig Straus, 20/29 Magazine of Music, May 1891, 20/35 Magazine of Music, May 1892, 20/46 Magazine of Music, May 1893, 20/49 Magazine of Music, November 1885, 20/40 Piatti accident, 20/10 Magazine of Music, November 1886, 20/10 Magazine of Music, November 1888 Maurice Strakosch: Souvenirs of an Impresario, 9/35-36 R. B. Bandinelli: The Theory of the Violin, 9/33-35 Magazine of Music, November 1890 Nettie Carpenter, 20/6 Magazine of Music, November 1893, 20/58 Magazine of Music, October 1884 Children's Column - Grimm: The Wonderful Musician, 8/30 Magazine of Music, October 1885, 20/11, 20/40 Magazine of Music, October 1890, 20/34 Magazine of Music, October 1891, 20/46, 20/57 Magazine of Music, October 1892, 20/47 Magazine of Music, October 1893, 20/58 Magazine of Music, September 1884, 5/51, 8/31 Princess Dolgorouki, 9/24 Magazine of Music, September 1885, 20/9, 20/40 Magazine of Music, September 1885 - March 1886, 8/136139 Magazine of Music, September 1886 Ole Bull, 20/11 Ole Bull and Upsala students, 20/23 Magazine of Music, September 1890 Staccato, notation as instruments, 20/4 –25 Magazine of Music, September 1892, 20/46 Magazine of Music, September 1893, 20/50 Magazine of Music,March 1885 Joachim, Joseph, 5/65 Magazine of Science and School of Arts, October 1841 57 Lewis Gompertz: Suggestions on Musical Strings and Instruments, 15/23 Maggini, 14/7 Damrosch's violin, 26/51 viola, 19/2 viola, Withers catalogue, 12/17 violin, Withers catalogue of Italian dealer, n.d., 3/160 Maggini, Gio. Paulo cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Maggini, Giovanni violin, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1893, 17/83 Maggini, Giovanni Paolo, 9/124-127 D.A. Berenzi: I liutai bresciani - Giovanni Paolo Maggini, liutaio bresciano, 17/14 Gresham College lectures by J.F. Bridge, 20/81 Hill: Gio. Paolo Maggini, review, 27/38 viola, 19/2 violin, Samary collection, 19/4 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Maggini, Paolo, 9/139-141 Edward Heron-Allen: The Violin, 7/4 violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/226 Maggini, Paolo, violin, imitation by August Gemünder, 3/201-202 violin and viola, Violin Gallery, 15/8 Magini, 11/3 "Cathedral" violin, 26/12 Magini, Giovanni Paolo, 23/3 Magini, Santo double bass, 15/31 Magini, 28/123 Mailand, E. varnish, 28/19 Mailanollo, Maria, 9/36 Maire bow, violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Makers Achner, Philipp, 19/2, 24/21 Albani, 3/159, 3/160, 3/161, 22/26 Albani, Antonius, 4/228 Albani, Mathias, 24/5 Albani, Matthias, 3/94, 4/226, 22/14 Albano, 3/259 Albanus, 12/17, 19/2 Albanus, Josephus Math, 4/226 Albanus, Mathias, 24/21 Albanus, Matthias, 2/64, 24/21 Albert, advertisement, 8/50 Albert, John, 4/230 Aldric, 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Alletsee, Paulas, 12/17, 19/2, 19/4, 24/21 Amati, 4/228, 7/144, 19/2, 22/26, 24/21, 26/28, 26/48, 26/111 Amati, A. & H., 3/258, 3/259, 3/261, 19/13 Amati, Andrea, 3/145 Amati, Andreas, 4/227, 5/24, 14/18, 15/8 Amati, Antonius, 4/227, 22/14 Amati, Antonius & Hieronymus, 2/7, 211, 2/59, 2/61 Amati, Antonius & Hieronymus (?), 2/67 Amati, Antonius & Hieronymus, 3/159, 4/227, 20/150, 22/14, 22/26, 24/5, 24/21, 26/28 Amati, Girolamo, 24/6 Amati, H., 3/260, 3/261 Amati, H. & A., 4/228, 26/111 Amati, Hieronymus, 4/227, 4/228, 12/12, 24/21 Amati, N., 3/258, 3/260, 3/261 Amati, Niccolo, 11/3 Amati, Nicholas, 3/159, 15/8 Amati, Nicolas, 14/18, 24/5 Amati, Nicolaus, 3/95, 4/226, 4/227, 4/228, 4/229, 17/53, 24/21, 26/111, 27/50 Amati, Petrus Jacobus Ruggerius de Nicolai, 12/17, 24/21 Amati family, 14/7 Ambrogi, Pietro, 25/5 Ambrogi, Pietro, of Rome, 15/4 Anconita, Antonio Taleso, 4/229 Anselmo, Pietros, 24/21 Antoine, 19/4 Anton, Petrus, 2/66 Antoniazzi, Ricardo, 24/5 Antoniazzi, Riccardo, 12/17 Arden, Martin, 19/2 Areangioli, Lorenzo, 4/227 Atkinson, Wm., 15/38 Aubry, 24/5 Aubry, A., 24/21 Audinot, 19/2 Audinot, N., 4/230, 12/17, 19/2, 22/14, 24/5, 24/21 Audinot, Nestor, 22/26 Aunos, Juan, 24/5 Bachmann, Carl Ludwig, 24/5 Bagattella, Antonius, 24/21 Bailey, P., 19/13 Bailey, Paul, 22/14 Bailly, Paul, 4/230, 24/21 Bairhoff, Georgio, 22/26 Baker, 2/69, 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Balcaini, 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Baldantoni, Joseph, 2/67, 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Balestrieri, Thomas, 4/229, 22/14 Balestrieri, Thos., 4/227 Balestrieri, Tomaso, 4/228 Ballestrino, Pietro, 24/5 Ballisterie, 12/17, 19/2 Balzerek, 4/228, 4/229 Bambaux, 22/14 Banks, 2/8, 2/59, 12/17, 19/2, 22/26, 25/5 Banks, Benjamin, 2/67, 2/68, 3/95, 7/4, 7/145, 12/17, 15/8, 19/2, 19/13, 22/26, 24/21 Banks, J. & H., 12/17 Banks, James & Henry, 19/2 Banks, John & Henry, 19/2 58 Boller, Michael, 24/5 Bonn, J. Edwin, 16/6 Bonnel, 24/21 Boquay, Jacques, 4/226, 22/26, 24/5 Bossi, Florianus de, 12/17, 24/21 Botte, 11/3 Botte, Dominicus Jo. Bapt., 12/17 Boul, Simon, 19/2, 24/21 Boullangier, 24/6 Boullangier, Charles, 24/6 Bouque, 4/226 Bozi, Florianus, 22/14 Branzo-Barbaro, Francesco, 14/23 Bremen, Violin-maker, 5/27-28 Brescia, 19/2 Breton, 12/17, 19/2, 22/26, 24/5, 24/21 Breton, F., 12/17, 24/21 Briggs & Tarr, 17/125 Briton, F., 12/17 Brown, James, 24/5 Bruner, Martin, 4/229 Bucher, J.J., 11/16 Buchstader, 24/5 Buchstetter, 3/258, 3/259 Buchstetter, Gabriel David, 22/14, 24/5 Buckmann, George Hatton, 21/26 Busan, Dominicus, 4/229 Button & Whittaker, 12/17 Cabasse, 2/66, 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Caetano, C., 19/13 Cahusac, W.M., 12/17 Cajectanus, 4/229 Calcanius, Bernardus, 4/228, 22/14, 22/26, 24/5 Calcinus, Bernardus, 19/2 Caltrassavre, 24/21 Camberini, Joannes B., 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Camille, Camillo, 24/6 Camilli, Camillo, 24/21 Camilli, Camillus, 12/17, 19/2, 22/14, 24/5, 24/21 Campbell & Co., 25/3 Cappa, 24/5 Cappa, Geofreda, 12/12, 12/17, 19/2 Cappa, Gioffreda, 12/17, 22/26 Cappa, Gioffredo, 12/17 Cappa, Giofreda, 2/62, 265, 24/21 Cappa, Jofredus, 12/17, 15/8 Carcasi, Tommaso, 12/17, 19/2 Carcassi, 24/5, 24/21 Carcassi, F. Lorenzo, 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Carcassi, Lor. e Tommaso, 12/17, 19/2 Carcassi, Lor. e Tommasso, 24/21 Carcassi, Lor. e Toms., 24/21 Carcassi, Lorenzo, 3/161, 4/228, 19/2, 22/26, 24/5, 24/21 Carcassi, Lorenzo & Tomasso, 12/17 Carcassi, Thommaso, 12/17 Carcassi, Tommaso, 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Makers Bantis, Jean, 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Baptista, Antonio, 14/18 Baptista, Joannes, 26/28 Barass, 19/2, 24/21 Barbay, 4/229 Barbe, J., 12/17, 19/2 Barbe, J., père, 19/2 Barbé, J. père, 24/21 Barbé, père, 22/26, 24/5 Barbe, Telesphore, 22/14, 22/26 Barnard, L.V., 9/37-38 Barrett, John, 22/14, 22/26 Bartbol, 12/17 Bartbol, Kurner, 19/2 Barthoff, Giorigio, 19/2, 24/21 Bassot, 19/3, 24/5, 26/28 Bassot, Joseph, 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Bates, A., 24/21 Bauchel, Johann, 22/4 Baud, 14/7 Bausch, 11/3 Bausch, Otto, 5/68-73, 5/73-76 Bellosio, Anselmo, 4/229 Benedict, Mateo, 2/69 Bente, Matteo, 24/5 Berdenell, 26/47 Bergonzi, 4/227, 26/111 Bergonzi, Carlo, 2/7, 3/159, 15/8, 19/2, 20/171, 24/21 Bergonzi, Francesco, 4/226 Bergonzi, Nicola, 4/229 Bernadel, 14/7. 24/5, 22/26 Bernadel, ainé, 19/2, 22/14 Bernadel, père, 15/4, 25/5 Bernardel, Gustave, 24/21 Bernadel, Rouseel, 24/21 Bernadel, Sebastien P., 22/14 Bernardel, Sebastien P., 24/5 Bernardo, Calcagnas, 2/64, 24/21 Bertrand, 4/227, 19/4 Bertrand, Nicolai, 19/2 Betts, 2/68, 19/2, 22/14, 22/26, 24/5, 24/21 Betts, Arthur and John, 2/61, 24/21 Betts, John, 2/7, 2/60, 2/68, 12/17, 14/35, 19/2, 24/21 Betts, John & Arthur, 12/17, 19/2, 24/5 Bianchini, Vinc., 3/261 Bierlaris, Joseph, 4/228 Bimbi, 4/227 Birmetti, Gio. Baptta, 12/17 Bittner, D., 11/16 Black, 4/229 Blanchard, Paul, 6/90 Boaquay, Jacques, 24/21 Bocquay, 19/2 Bocquay, Jacques, 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Bodio, 4/228 59 Collin-Mezin, 5/25, 5/26, 5/49, 5/55, 12/17, 17/127, 17/129, 19/2, 22/14, 24/21 Collin-Mezin, Ch. J.B., 5/25 Collin-Mezin, Ch.J.B., 22/26, 24/21 Collin-Mezin, J.B., 19/2 Collin-Mezin, Jean Baptiste, 4/230, 5/9 Comins, John, 2/64, 12/17, 24/21 Contale, Francis, 24/21 Conturieux, 2/66, 24/21 Coombs, John, 21/8 Coq, 24/5 Corsby, 12/17, 19/2 Costa, Agostino, 14/23 Costa, Pietro Antonius, 12/17 Costelli, 19/13 Cousineau, 22/14, 24/21 Cousineau, père et fils, 19/4 Couturieux, 15/4 Couturieux, Alphonse, 19/4 Couturieux, Nicolas, 22/14 Craske, 5/49, 12/11, 19/13 Craske, George, 17/125, 17/129 Crespano, Pedrinelli de, 4/228 Crosby, 12/17, 19/2 Cross, N., 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Cross, Nathaniel, 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Cuijpens, Johannes, 24/21 Cuijpers, Johannes, 14/18 Cuypers, 3/262, 24/5 Dalaglio, 24/5 Dalaglio, Joseph, 19/2, 22/14, 22/26, 24/5 Dalinger, Sebastian, 4/229 Dalla Costa, P.A., 3/259 Dall'Aglio, Joseph, 24/21 Dallinger, 4/226 Daniels, 4/226 D'Ascoli, Vil, 24/21 Davidson, Donald, 19/2 Davis, R & W., 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Day, John, 5/98-99 De Lair, Marquis, 4/227 De L'Air, Marquis, 22/26, 24/5, 24/6 Dearlove, 22/26 Dechler, D., 3/258 Decombe, 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Deconet, Michele, 4/227 Defidetj, Petrus Paulus, 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Delair, Marquis, 4/227 Deleplangue, Gerard, 24/21 Deleplanque, Gerard, 19/4 Della Corte, Alfonso, 22/26 Derazay, Juste, 22/26 Derazey, 22/26 Derazey, H., 12/17, 19/2, 22/26, 24/21 Derazey, Honore, 22/14, 22/26 Derazey, Just., 24/21 Makers Carcassi, Vincenzio, 19/2 Carlo, G., 3/259 Carlucci, Joseph, 12/17 Carrodus, 17/125 Cary, Alphonse, 12/6 Cassanelli, Gio, 24/21 Castagneri, 22/26 Castagneri, André, 22/26 Castagneri, Andreas, 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Castaliani, 2/62 Causin, 22/14 Caussin, 22/26 Cavaleri, Joseph, 4/228 Cavaleri, Joseph Baptista, 4/228 Celionatus, 4/226 Celoniatus, Joannes Franciscus, 12/17, 24/21 Cerin, Marcus Antonius, 19/2 Ceruti, Enricus, 12/17, 19/2, 24/5, 24/21 Ceruti, Ericus, 3/159 Ceruti, G.B., 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Ceruti, J. Baptista, 2/67, 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Ceruti, Jo. Baptista, 24/21 Ceruti, Joseph, 19/2, 24/21 Channon, F., 17/94 Chanot, 5/9, 7/4, 7/5, 11/9, 12/17, 14/7, 19/2 Chanot, F.W., 5/28 Chanot, G.A., 5/52-54 Chanot, Georges, 22/26, 24/21, 26/44 Chanot, Gius., 19/2 Chappuy, 4/227, 12/17, 15/8, 19/2, 19/4, 19/13, 22/26, 24/5, 24/21 Chappuy, A., 24/21 Chappuy, Augustinus, 12/17, 19/2, 19/13, 24/21 Chappuy, Augustus, 24/21 Chappuy, N., 19/4 Chappuy, Nicolas, 24/5 Chappuy. Augustinus, 2/66 Chapuy, A., 24/21 Chapuy, Augustinus, 2/66 Charlutte, 24/21 Charotte, 22/14, 22/26, 24/5 Chatelin, Adrien Benoist, 19/4 Chevrier, 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Chevrier, C., 19/2 Christ, Johan, 12/17 Christra, Josephus Paulus, 24/21 Circapa, Tomasso, 4/227 Claudot, 25/5 Claudot, Augustin, 22/26, 24/5 Claudot, Charles, 19/4 Clement, 19/2, 24/21 Clenzo, Ferdinand, 24/21 Coffe, 19/2 Cole, 2/8 Colin, J.B., 19/13 60 Ferenzy, Alexandra, 19/2, 24/21 Feyzeau, Bordeaux, 15/4 Fichtel, 4/226 Fichth, Johann, 2/64 Fichtl, Martinus Mathias, 4/228 Ficker, Johann Christian, 24/21 Ficker, Mattinus Mathias, 12/17 Filano, Donato, 19/4 Filaria, Antonius, 19/2, 24/21 Fillion, G., 25/4 Fiocco, Carlo, 24/21 Fiorino, 4/227 Firenza, Lorenzo Langelin, 24/21 Fischer, J., 3/260 Fischer, Joannes Georg, 22/14 Fischer, Johann Georg, 24/5 Fischer, Zacharias, 4/229 Fivaz, 24/6 Flamio, Johannes Christiang, 24/21 Fleury, 19/2, 24/21 Fleury, Benoist, 4/227, 22/14, 22/26 Foenferund, Antoni Zarser, 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Foker, Joannus, 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Fontanelli, Gian-Gioseffo, 19/4 Ford, Jacob, 24/6 Forgueo, Andrius, 12/17, 19/2 Forster, 2/69, 12/17, 19/2, 22/14 Forster (style of), 2/67, 2/68 Forster, S.A., 2/59, 2/69, 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Forster, S.E., 12/17 Forster, W., 19/13, 26/28 Forster, William, 2/60, 2/63, 2/67, 2/68, 7/4, 7/145, 12/17, 24/6, 24/21 Foster, London, 15/4 Foucher, G., 25/3 Francis, Thomas Richer, 24/21 Francis, Thos. Richer, 24/21 Francois, 12/17 François, 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 François, le jeune, 19/2 Fratelli, Carlo, 22/14, 24/5 Fredrimaur, Joannes Baptista, 4/227 Friedrich, John & Bro., 6/104 Fungd, Georg, 4/226 Furber, 12/17 Gabbrielli, 12/17 Gabbrielli, G.B., 22/14, 22/26, 24/5 Gabbrielli, Joannes Baptista, 12/17 Gabrielle, Giovanni Baptista, 12/17 Gabrielli, 19/2, 24/5, 24/21, 26/28 Gabrielli, G.B., 22/26 Gabrielli, Gio. Baptista, 19/2, 24/21 Gabrielli, Giovanni Baptista, 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Gabrielli, J.B., 2/7, 19/13 Gabrielli, Joannes Baptista, 19/2 Gabrielli, Joannes Baptista di, 4/227 Makers Derazey, Juste, 22/26 Derazey, Pere, 4/227 Deroux, A., 6/13 Deroux, Couturieux, 24/21 D'Espine, Alexandre, 22/26 Di Rosi, Florianus, 2/67 Dickeson, 12/17 Dieffropruchaer, Magno, 19/4 Diener, 11/16 Dodd, 12/17, 19/2 Dodd, J., 12/17 Dodd, Thomas, 2/69, 7/4, 12/17, 24/6, 24/21 Doerffler, Christian F., 2/63, 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Dolinger, Sebastian, 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Donnaregina, 19/2 Drouin, 24/5 Duchene, Nicolas, 24/21 Ducheron, Mathurin, 24/21 Duchesne, Colin, 24/5 Duiffoprugcar, Caspar, 15/45 Duiffoprugcar, Gaspard, 3/94 Duiffo-Pruggar, 9/112-120 Duiffsprugear, 14/7 Duke, 2/7, 2/69, 7/4, 7/145, 12/17, 19/2, 19/13, 24/5, 24/21 Duke, Richard, 2/62, 3/95, 12/17, 15/8, 19/2, 24/21 Dumont, Charles, 22/26 Durst, Mathaus, 4/228 Dus, Berns-Go, 19/2, 24/21 Ebar, Heinrich, 14/23 Eberle, F., 26/28 Eberle, Joannes Udalricus,, 3,79, 3/83 Eberle, Thomas, 12/17, 19/2, 22/14, 22/26, 24/21 Eberle, Tomaso, 19/2 Eberlo, Thomas, 12/17 Ebner, Gotthard, 3/83 Edler, F.Ch., 21/20 Emde, J.F.Che., 19/2 Englader, 7/5 Ernst, 7/5 Errard, 19/4 Ertl, Johan, 4/226, 4/228 Etlerse, Paulus, 19/2 Eury, 19/2 Fabricatore, Gio. Batista, 19/4 Fabris, Luigi, 4/228 Falaise, 24/5 Fendt, 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Fendt, Bernard, 2/63, 2/68, 12/17, 19/2, 22/14, 22/26, 24/5, 24/6, 24/21, 26/28 Fendt, Bernard S., 2/63, 12/17, 24/21 Fendt, Bernard Simon, 22/14, 24/5, 24/6 Fendt, Jacob, 2/60, 2/63, 12/17, 24/21 Fendt, Sebastian, 2/60 Fent, 22/14, 22/26, 24/5 61 Gausant, Francois, 2/66 Gavinies, François, 24/5 Gavinin, 19/2, 24/21 Gedler, 12/17, 19/2 Gedler, Joannes Antonius, 4/229 Geillenhof, Franciscus, 19/2 Geipel, Reinhold, 24/5 Gemunder, 7/4, 11/16 Gemünder, August, 3/201-209, 4/175-180 Gemunder, George, 5/98-99, 15/8, 20/193 Gemunder, George, Jr., 6/17, 21/33 Gennaro, 19/2, 24/21 Gennaro Fabricator, 12/12 Geranie, 19/2, 24/21 Gerardi, 19/2 Germain, Emile, 12/17, 19/2 Giamberini, Simone, 12/17, 19/2 Gilbert, Nicolas-Louis, 19/4 Gilbert. J.J., 17/9, 17/129 Gilchrist, James, 28/89, 28/90 Gilkes, 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Gilks (style of), 2/67 Gill, Georges, 19/3 Giorgis, Nicholaus, 4/228 Glaesel, 11/16 Glass, Fried. Aug., 4/230 Glier, Robert, 6/88-90 Gnasant, Francois, 12/17 Gobbetti, 12/17 Gobetti, Francesco, 26/28 Gobetti, Franciscus, 2/68, 12/17, 24/21 Gofriller, Matteo, 4/227, 12/17, 24/21 Goguette, C., 12/17 Gornsteiner, Martin, 24/21 Gosselin, 22/14, 24/5, 24/21 Gottfried, Johann, 12/17, 19/2 Goulding, 12/17 Goulding & Co., 22/14, 24/5 Gragnani, 3/160 Gragnani, A., 26/28 Gragnani, Antonius, 2/61, 3/159, 12/17, 19/2, 22/14, 22/26, 24/5, 24/21 Gragnani, Antor, 19/2 Gragnani, G.B., 2/68, 24/21 Grancino, 3/159, 3/160, 3/161, 4/226, 4/227, 12/17, 17/53, 19/2, 24/5, 24/21 Grancino, Gio & Francesco, 4/229 Grancino, Giovanni, 2/66, 2/67, 22/26, 24/21 Grancino, Giovanni & Francesco, 24/6 Grancino, Paolo, 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Grandgerard, 12/17, 15/4, 19/2, 24/21, 25/5 Grand-Girard, 4/226, 4/227 Grandjohn, 19/2 Grandjon, J., 4/230 Grangeot, 22/26 Grifth, John, 12/17 Makers Gabriellis, Angelus di, 4/228 Gabriellis, Joseph Baptista, 4/228 Gaffino, 19/2, 24/21 Gagliano, 2/61, 2/63, 2/64, 2/68, 3/160, 3/161, 4/227, 12/17, 19/2, 22/14, 22/26, 24/5, 24/21, 26/28, 27/10 Gagliano, Alessandro, 2/62, 3/160, 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Gagliano, Alex., 24/5 Gagliano, Alexander, 22/14 Gagliano, Alexandri, 24/21 Gagliano, Antonio, 2/64, 12/17, 19/2, 22/26, 24/21 Gagliano, Antonius, 24/21 Gagliano, Ferdinando, 12/17, 24/21 Gagliano, Ferdinandus, 2/62, 2/64, 3/160, 12/17, 19/2, 22/14, 22/26, 24/5, 24/21 Gagliano, Giuseppe, 2/63, 12/17, 19/2, 24/6, 24/21 Gagliano, Jan., 24/5 Gagliano, Janarius, 2/62 Gagliano, Januarius, 12/17, 19/2, 19/13, 22/26, 24/5, 24/21 Gagliano, Joannes, 19/2, 22/14, 24/5, 24/21 Gagliano, Joseph, 2/64, 3/160, 12/17, 19/2, 22/14, 22/26, 24/5, 24/21 Gagliano, Joseph & Antonio, 12/17 Gagliano, Joseph & Antonius, 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Gagliano, Joseph Antonius, 24/21 Gagliano, Nicholas, 2/62, 24/21 Gagliano, Nicolas, 12/17, 19/2, 22/14, 24/5, 24/21 Gagliano, Nicolaus, 2/64, 2/67, 3/161, 12/17, 19/2, 22/26, 24/5, 24/21 Gagliano, Raffaele ed Antonio, 24/21 Gagliano family, 12/17, 19/2 Gaglianus, 3/260 Gaglianus, Alexander, 19/2, 24/21 Gaglianus, Januarius, 2/64, 4/228, 24/21 Gaillard, 22/26 Gaillard, Charles, 22/14, 22/26 Gaillot, 12/17, 19/2 Gaissenhof, 4/226 Galiani, 4/227 Galiano, Joseph, 12/17 Galliano, Alesandro, 4/229 Gamberini, Simond, 24/21 Gamberini, Simone, 24/21 Gand, 7/4, 19/2, 22/14 Gand, Charles, 24/5 Gand, G., 2/60 Gand & Bernadel, 4/230, 7/4, 19/13, 22/14, 24/5, 24/21 Gand & Bernardel, 22/26 Gand frères, 12/17, 24/5 Garani, Michael Angelo, 22/26 Garret, 12/17 Gaspan, Domenico, 4/228 Gaud, 14/7 Gaurnerius, Andreas, 4/226, 15/8 Gaurnerius, J., 3/259 62 Guillamaune, Joannes, 12/17, 19/2 Guinot, 24/21 Guiot, A., 19/2 Guiver, J.P. & Co., 12/5 Gutterez, Manuel, 19/2, 24/21 Haas, Leobolt, 4/229 Hamm, Johann Gottfried, 14/18 Hammig, 5/3, 5/73-76 Haolicsck, 4/229 Hardie, Matthew, 12/17, 24/21 Harmand, L., 19/2, 24/21 Harris, Charles, 12/17, 19/2 Hart & Son, 19/2 Hawkes & Son, 17/127 Haynes & Co., 24/20 Heberlein, H. Th., 11/16 Heberlein, Henrich Th., 4/230 Hecha, 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Heesom, Ed., 2/8 Heidegger, 11/16 Hel, Joseph, 22/14, 24/5 Hell, 7/5 Hellmer, Johannes Georgius, 14/18 Henocg, 24/21 Henocq, 3/89, 4/229, 19/2 Henri, 12/17, 19/2 Henry, 12/17, 19/2, 24/5 Henry, Eugene, 22/14 Henry, J.B., 24/21 Hermanos, Adam, 19/2, 24/21 Hesketh, Thos. E., 19/13 Heyman, Joseph, 14/18 Hill, 12/17, 22/26, 24/21 Hill, Joseph, 12/17, 18/39, 19/2, 24/21, 26/24 Hill, Joseph & Sons, 24/21 Hill, L., 18/39 Hill, W.E., 19/2 Hill, W.E. & Sons, 12/17 Hill, William, 18/39 Hill, William E., 7/4, 18/39 Hinds, F., 19/2 Hodmayr, Joseph, 12/17, 19/2 Hofman, M., 24/21 Hofmans, Mathus, 19/4 Holtzman, 19/4 Hopf, 4/226, 4/228, 14/18, 22/26, 24/5 Hopf, J.C., 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Horensteiner, Joseph, 24/21 Horil, Jacobus, 24/21 Hornstainer, 19/2, 22/14, 24/5 Hornstainer, Mathias, 4/228, 12/17, 19/2, 22/26 Hornsteiner, 4/229, 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Hornsteiner, Antonius, 12/17, 19/2 Hornsteiner, Georg, 4/226 Hornsteiner, Joseph, 19/2 Hornsteiner, M., 4/226 Makers Grimm, Carl, 4/230, 11/16, 24/21 Grosset, Frances, 2/60 Guadagnini, 3/159, 3/160, 4/227, 12/17, 17/83, 19/2, 24/21 Guadagnini (style of), 2/68 Guadagnini, Antonio, 12/17, 19/2, 22/26, 24/21 Guadagnini, Antonius, 24/21 Guadagnini, Carlo, 24/21 Guadagnini, Felix, 24/21 Guadagnini, Gaveno, 24/21 Guadagnini, Giuseppe, 2/62, 3/161 Guadagnini, J.B., 3/159, 3/160, 3/161, 15/8, 24/5 Guadagnini, Joannes Baptista, 2/59, 12/17, 14/18, 19/2, 22/26 Guadagnini, Joseph, 22/26, 24/5 Guadagnini, Laurentius, 4/229 Guadagnini, Lorenzo, 3/159, 4/227, 12/12, 15/8, 22/14, 24/5, 28/72 Guadaguini, Carlo, 19/2 Guadaguini, Gaveno, 12/17, 19/2 Guarini : Mennesson, Emile: Catalogue speciale de Lutherie, 1884, 4/170 Guarini, Joseph, 5/6-7, 20/191 Guarnerius, 3/259, 5/2, 14/7, 24/6, 26/9, 26/111 Guarnerius, A., 3/260 Guarnerius, Andrea, 4/228 Guarnerius, Andreas, 3/94, 3/159, 4/226, 4/227, 12/17 Guarnerius, Andres, 19/13 Guarnerius, Antonius, 4/229 Guarnerius, Giuseppe, 4/227 Guarnerius, J., 3/258, 3/260, 3/262, 27/10 Guarnerius, Jo. Baptista, 19/2 Guarnerius, Josef, 4/228 Guarnerius, Joseph, 2/6, 2/66, 3/145, 3/159, 4/228, 5/26, 11/3, 11/9, 12/17, 15/8, 17/83, 22/14, 24/21, 28/72 Guarnerius, Joseph, imitation, 3/201-209 Guarnerius, Josephus, 14/18 Guarnerius, P., 3/258, 3/259, 3/260, 3/262 Guarnerius, Petrus, 4/229, 19/2, 27/10 Guarnerius, Pietro, 4/228 Guasant, Francois, 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Guerra, Jose Maria, 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Guerra, Mannel, 12/17 Guersan, 19/2, 24/5, 24/21 Guersan, L., 12/17, 19/2 Guersan, Louis, 2/66 Guersan, Ludovicus, 19/4, 22/14, 22/26, 24/21 Guerson, 12/17 Guidantes, Florenus, 2/63, 24/21 Guidantus, 3/160, 24/5 Guidantus, Giovanni, 24/5 Guidantus, J.F., 2/8 Guidantus, Joannes, 12/17 Guidantus, Joannes Florenus, 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Guidantus, Joannes Florimus, 24/21 63 Kloz, Johannes Carolus, 24/5 Kloz, Joseph, 4/226, 4/229 Kloz, Mathias, 3/89, 4/226, 4/228, 22/26 Kloz, Michael, 4/226, 4/227 Kloz, Sebastian, 22/14, 22/26 Kloz family, 22/26 Klozt, Matthias, 24/21 Kniel, Joseph, 12/17, 19/2 Knith, Franz, 12/17 Koel, Drouot, 19/4 Kopff, Peter, 4/229 Krampera, Jacob, 4/229 Krasna, Jacob, 4/228 Kraub, Johann Adam, 4/227 Krell, Albert, 6/88-90 Krichbaum, 4/226 Kriner, L., 11/16, 12/17, 19/2 Kulhawy, Antonius, 4/228 Labrossa, 24/21 Lacoax, Chevr. La, 24/21 Lacote, 2/69, 12/17, 19/2, 22/14, 22/26, 24/5, 24/21 Lafleur, 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Lagetto, Louis, 12/17, 19/2 Lagetto, Luigi, 24/5 Lair, Marquis de, 15/8 Lambert, 24/21 Lambert, Jean Nicolas, 24/5 Lamy, A., 12/17, 19/2 Landolfi, 7/4, 22/26 Landolfi, Carlo Ferdinando, 14/18, 19/2 Landolphi, Carlo Ferdinando, 24/21 Landolphus, 26/28 Landulfi, Ferdinando, 19/4 Landulphus, 3/159, 3/161, 4/227, 4/228, 4/229 Landulphus, Carlo, 2/68, 12/12, 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Landulphus, Carlo Ferdinandus, 19/2, 24/21 Landulphus, Carolous Ferdinandus, 3/94 Landulphus, C.F., 15/8 L'Anson, E.P., 2/8, 19/13 Lant, Andreas Ferdindus Maur Hof, 24/21 Lapaix, 12/17, 14/7, 19/2, 24/21 Lapleer, Pierre, 24/21 Latour, F.J., 12/17 Lauazza, Antonio Maria, 12/17, 19/2 Laurie, 8/51 Le Pelleur, Pierre, 19/2 Lecavelle, 22/26 Lecavelle, F., 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Lecknuore, Christoph, 12/17 Leclerc, 19/2, 24/21 Leidolff, 4/226 Leidolff, Joannes Christolph, 4/229 Leidolff, Johann Christolph, 4/228 Leidolff, Josephus Ferdindus, 24/21 Leikmiller, Martin, 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Leissmiller, 24/5 Makers Hornsteiner, Martin, 12/17, 19/2 Hornsteiner, Matthias, 19/2, 24/21 Hugirenin, 24/21 Hutton & Whittaker, 24/21 Jacobs, 24/5 Jacobs, Henri, 14/18 Jacobsz, H., 3/260, 3/261 Jacobus (of Amsterdam), 3/159 Jacquet, N.X., 22/14, 22/26 Jacquot, Charles, 19/2, 24/21 Jais, Anton, 12/17, 19/2, 19/13 Jais, Joannes, 24/5 Jaye, Henri, 19/4 Jeandel, 22/14, 22/26 Jenour Bros., 20/151 Jeuen, Bonnel, 19/2 Jeune, Bonnel, 12/17 Johnson, John, 12/17 Johnston, John, 2/60, 24/21 Jomier, 22/26 Jomier, Joannes Baptista, 24/21 Jonnier, N., 19/2 Jorio, Vincenzo, 22/26 Josephs, 7/4 Josephs, Pierre, Aloysius, 7/206-210 Joy, E.F., 4/230 Kaiser, Martinus, 14/23 Keiber, 14/23 Keilling, Julius, 4/229 Kelle, Sebastianus, 19/2, 24/21 Kennedy, 22/26, 24/21 Kennedy, Thomas, 2/62, 2/68, 2/69, 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Kerkovics, Francis, 4/229 Klotz, 2/61, 2/62, 2/64, 2/67, 12/17, 19/2, 19/13, 24/21, 26/47, 27/10 Klotz, A., 3/258, 3/259 Klotz, Aegidius, 14/18 Klotz, Agidius, 2/63, 2/64, 24/21 Klotz, Egidius, 12/17, 15/4, 19/2, 24/21 Klotz, G., 3/260, 19/13 Klotz, Georg, 24/21 Klotz, George, 12/17, 14/18, 15/4, 19/2, 24/21 Klotz, J., 3/259 Klotz, Joan Carol, 24/21 Klotz, Joseph, 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Klotz, Matthias, 12/17, 19/2 Klotz, Michael, 12/17, 19/2 Klotz, S., 2/9 Klotz, Sebastian, 2/61, 2/62, 2/63, 2/66, 12/17, 15/8, 19/2, 19/13, 24/21 Kloz, 4/227, 22/26, 24/5 Kloz, Aegidius, 4/226, 4/228 Kloz, Egidius, 24/5 Kloz, Georg, 22/14, 22/26 Kloz, Joann Carol, 4/228 64 Marchi, 24/5 Marchi, Joannes Antonius, 4/227, 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Maria, Joseph D., 22/14 Mariani, 24/6 Mast, 24/21 Mast, J.L., 4/226, 22/14, 22/26, 24/5, 24/21 Mathieu, N., 3/258 Mathieu, Nicolas, 4/227, 4/229 Mathieus, Nicolas, 19/2 Maucotel, 24/5 Maucotel, Charles, 19/2 Maucotel, Charles Adolphe, 22/14, 22/26 Maule, Giovanni, 4/228 Maussiell, Leonardus, 22/26 Mayson, W.H., 12/17, 15/4 Mazzette, Pietro, 12/17 Meares, Richard, 19/2 Mears, Richard, 20/149 Meeson, R., 12/10 Meindl, Friedrich, 23/11 Meren, Antonius, 12/17, 24/21 Merlin, 2/68, 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Meyer, J., 3/262 Mezzadri, Alessandro, 19/2 Miermont, C.A., 5/34 Miremont, C.A., 4/230, 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Mittenwald, 4/227, 4/228 Moffatt, 24/5 Moitessiar, 12/17 Moitessica, 24/21 Moitessier, 19/2, 22/14, 22/26, 24/5 Molio, Angelo, 12/17, 24/21 Mondy, P., 24/21 Mongeot, 24/21 Montagnana, 4/228, 26/111 Montagnana, Dominicus, 2/6, 12/17, 14/18, 22/14, 22/26, 24/5, 24/21 Montegatia, Petrus Joannes, 24/21 Monzani & Co., 12/17 Morigi, Joannes, 4/229 Morisseau, 14/6 Mougeot, 24/5 Mucchi, Antonio, 24/21 Mucchi, Antonius, 24/21 Munger, Joseph, 18/62 Naizar, M., 24/21 Negri, Nicolaus, 24/21 Nemessanyi & Schunda, 11/16 Neuner, 11/16, 15/36, 19/2 Neuner, Jos., 12/17, 19/2 Neuner, Mathias, 19/2, 24/21 Neuner, Matthias, 14/18, 22/26 Nicholas, ainé, 24/5 Nicholas, D., 19/13 Nicolas, 3/160, 4/227, 12/17, 19/2, 22/26 Nicolas, ainé, 22/14, 22/26 Makers Lejay, 19/2 Lejeune, François, 24/5 Lemargius, 24/21 Lemboeck, G., 11/16 Leme, 4/230 Lewis, Edward, 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Lieb, Andreas Carolus, 4/229 Liedolff, Joannes Christ, 4/229 Lindsay, Michael H., 5/24 Lione, Francesco, 19/4 Lob, G., 4/228 Lock, Joseph, 12/17 Lodonico, Rastelli, 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Longman & Leekey, 19/2, 24/21 Lorenz, Fridrich, 3/94 Lott, 7/4 Lott, J.F., 24/21 Lott, John, 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Lotte, G., 25/4 Lotte, Georges, 25/4 Lottfield, Johann, 12/17 Lotz, Theodore, 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Louis, J., 4/227 Lowendall, 5/34 Lowendall, L., 4/230 Lupot, 7/4, 11/3, 12/17, 14/7, 19/2, 26/36, 26/111 Lupot, Francesco, 3/161 Lupot, François, pere, 19/3 Lupot, N., 3/159 Lupot, Nicholas, 24/21 Lupot, Nicola, 4/226 Lupot, Nicolas, 2/59, 2/63, 12/17, 19/2, 22/26, 24/21, 26/12 Lutz et Cie., 11/16 Lyburt, 19/2 Mafcotto, Giuseppe, 14/23 Maggini, 3/160, 12/17, 14/7, 19/2 Maggini, Gio. Paulo, 12/17 Maggini, Giovanni Paolo, 17/83, 19/2, 19/4 Maggini, Paolo, 4/226, 7/4 Maggini, Paolo, imitation, 3/201-209 Magini, 11/3, 26/12, 28/123 Maire, 12/17 "Major", USA (San Francisco?), Call Supplement, 13 December 1883, 5/58-60 Malahue, M., 24/21 Malakoff, Brugere, 24/20 Mancotel, 7/4 Mancy, Antonius Medaro, 19/4 Mangenot, 22/14 Mangin, 24/5 Manssiell, Leonhard, 24/21 Mansue, 24/21 Mansuy, 24/5 Mantegalia, Petrus Lo Fretresg, 12/17, 19/2 65 Pesenner, Joan Georg, 12/17, 19/2 Petitjean, 22/26 Pfenner, Joan Georg, 4/226 Pfretzschner, Johann Adam, 4/226, 4/227 Philbrook, Benj., 4/229 Pieray, Claude, 4/226 Pierray, Claud, 2/66 Pierray, Claude, 12/17, 19/2, 22/14, 22/26, 24/21 Pierre, 22/14 Piete, N., 4/227 Pilizot, Antonius, 22/26 Pillemend, 12/17, 19/2 Pillement, 22/26, 24/5 Pillement, Lete, 12/17, 19/2, 22/14, 24/21 Pillemont, Lete, 4/229 Piovesan, 4/227 Pique, 4/227, 12/17, 19/2, 22/26, 24/5, 24/6, 24/21, 26/28 Pique, Francois, 12/17, 19/2 Pirot, Claude, 22/14, 22/26, 24/21 Piroue, C., 25/4 Pisani, S. Angeli, 19/2, 24/21 Pizzurnus, David, 4/228 Placht, 11/16 Planis, Augustinus de, 4/228 Platner, Michael, 2/64, 19/2, 22/14, 24/5, 24/21 Plebanus, Franciscus Antonius Olinoni, 19/4 Plumerel, 19/2 Poirson, 24/5 Pons, 22/14, 22/26, 24/5 Poole, 22/14, 24/5 Posch, Antony, 4/229 Postacchini, Andreas, 22/14 Postacehini, Andreas, 19/2, 24/21 Postachini, Andreas, 24/21 Praga, E., 4/230 Prenzel, 12/9 Pressenda, 3/160, 15/8, 22/26, 24/5, 25/5, 26/28 Pressenda, Joannes Franciscus, 2/61, 2/62, 2/63, 5/31, 12/17, 15/4, 19/2, 22/14, 22/26, 24/5, 24/21 Preston, 12/17, 24/21 Prevott, 24/21 Prevotta, 19/2, 24/21 Prugar, Duffo, 11/3 Raephael, N., 19/13 Raillich, 14/23 Rambaux, 14/7, 24/5 Rambouts, Peter, 2/62 Rasomo, 24/21 Raunch, Jacob, 3/83 Rausa, Siburtius, 12/17, 24/21 Reber, 3/259 Rechardini, Zuane, 14/23 Recio, Jose, 12/17, 19/2 Recio, José, 24/21 Reichers, 19/3 Reis, Jos., 4/226 Makers Nicolas, D., 2/66, 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Nicolas, D., ainé, 22/26, 24/5, 24/21, 25/5 Nicolas, fils, 19/2 Nicolas, J., fils, 22/14, 24/5 Nicolas, père, 22/14, 22/26, 24/5 Nicolaus, Andreas, 3/161 Niederheitmann, Friedrich, 5/73-76 Niggell, Simpertius, 14/18 Niggell, Sympertus, 3/258, 3/260, 3/262 Norman, Barrack, 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Obry, 24/21 Odoardi, 22/14 Oettl, Martin, 19/2 Onerbourg, 24/21 Ortega, 5/9 Otto, F.G. & Sons, 26/34 Pacherel, 12/17 Paganini, 11/15 Pages, Juan, 2/69, 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Pagoi, Paulus, 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Pajeot, 12/17, 19/2 Pamphilon, 9/1, 12/17, 19/2 Pamphilon, Edward, 2/62, 2/64, 12/17, 24/21 Panormo, 2/64, 3/94, 12/17, 19/2, 22/26, 24/21, 26/47 Panormo (?), 2/69 Panormo (style of), 2/67 Panormo, George, 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Panormo, Louis, 2/69, 12/17, 19/2, 22/14, 22/26, 24/5, 24/21 Panormo, V., 3/160 Panormo, Vincent, 4/228 Panormo, Vincenzo, 3/159, 12/17, 15/8, 22/14, 24/5 Panormo, Vincinzo, 12/17 Paquotte Frères, H.& P., 6/22 Parsantte, M.C., 14/18 Partl, Christian Francistus, 4/229 Patzelt, Ferdinand, 6/88-90 Pavizot, 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Pearinelli, Antonio, 24/21 Peccatte, 12/17, 19/2 Pedrinelli de Crespano, 4/228 Peilling, Johann, 4/229 Pellemont, F., 24/21 Pemberton, Edward, 12/17, 19/2 Perain, François, 22/26 Perpumo, Juan, 24/21 Perrin, 15/4, 25/5 Perrin, E., 19/2 Perry, 2/62, 24/5, 24/21 Perry, James, 12/17 Perry, T. and Wilkinson, W., 2/62, 12/17, 24/21 Perry, Thomas, 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Perry, Thos., 24/21 Perry & Wilkinson, 15/8, 22/26, 24/5 Persois, 19/2 66 Salo, C. da, 3/260 Salo, Gaspar D., 2/10 Salo, Gaspar da, 3/161, 4/226, 4/227, 7/4, 7/143-144, 9/3, 11/3, 14/23, 15/8, 17/83, 19/3, 19/4, 22/8 Salo, Gaspar di, 4/229, 28/1 Salo, Gasparo da, 22/26, 26/28 Salomon, 4/227, 12/17, 19/2, 22/14, 22/26, 24/21 Salzard, 22/14, 24/5 Salzard, Francis, 24/21 Salzard, Francois, 22/26 Sangelia, Lorenzo, 12/17, 19/2 Sarana, J., 17/83 Savart, 7/5, 11/9 Savart, Felix, 14/7 Scarampella, Stefano, 24/21 Schleins, V., 24/5 Schlosser, Hermann, 24/20 Schmidt, 14/18 Schmidt, C.F., 11/16 Schunemann, 6/88-90 Schwaicher, 4/226 Seiler, Anton, 24/21 Seitz, Joseph, 4/229 Selas, Matteo, 14/23 Seraphin, 3/259 Seraphin, Georgius, 24/21 Seraphin, S., 3/259 Seraphin, Sanctus, 15/8, 24/21 Seraphine, Sanctus, 4/227 Seraphino, Georgius, 19/2 Seraphino, Sanctus, 2/60, 2/68, 12/17, 26/45 Sgarbi, Giuseppe, 24/21 Siciliano, Antonio, 14/23 Siciliano, G.B., 14/23 Silvestre, 11/16 Silvestre, H.C., 19/2, 24/21 Silvestre, P. & H., 12/17, 19/2 Silvestre, P & H., 22/14 Silvestre, P. & H., 24/5 Silvestre, Petrus et Hipolitus, Fratres, 24/21 Silvestre, Petrus Hipolitus, 19/2 Silvestre, Pierre, 22/14, 22/26, 24/5, 26/28 Silvestre, Pierre & Hippolyte, 22/14, 22/26, 24/5 Simon, 19/2 Simon, Franz, 4/229 Simoutre, 7/4 Simpson, 12/17 Smith, R.P., 22/14 Smith, Thomas, 22/14, 24/5 Smith, William, 24/5 Soccol, Pio, 22/26, 24/21 Socquet, 19/2 Softg, Georg, 24/21 Some Great Violins (English edition), 2/100-111 Sourlier, 19/2 Squier, C.C., 15/11 Makers Reiter, Johann, 22/4 Remy, 3/259, 4/227, 12/17, 14/18, 19/2, 19/3, 22/14, 24/21 Renault & Chatelain, 24/21 Renault & Chatelaind, 12/17 Restano, J., 22/14 Restie, Anton, 4/228 Revolti, Jacobus, 24/21 Revubbug, Joannes, 12/17 Riccardo, Antoniazzi, 12/17, 24/21 Richers, August, 24/21 Rief, Dominicus, 24/21 Rieger, George, 12/17 Rieger, Johones, 4/226 Rinozz, Matteo J., 24/21 Ritter, Hermann, 26/90 Rivet, 4/228 Rivisto, 12/17, 19/2 Rocca, 19/13, 24/5 Rocca, Enrico, 22/26 Rocca, G., 19/2, 24/21 Rocca, Joseph, 4/228, 12/17, 19/2, 24/5, 24/21 Rocca, Joseph Antonius, 19/2, 24/21 Rocca, Josephus Antonio, 12/17, 19/2 Rose, 24/5 Rossi, Ignacio, 19/4 Rovetta, A., 19/13 Roysseaux, 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Roze, 4/229 Rub, Aug. de, 4/227 Rubta, 4/228 Rugallic, Ambrose, 5/1 Ruger, Vicenzo, 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Rugeri, 22/26, 24/5 Rugeri, Francesco, 24/5 Rugeri, J.B., 15/8, 24/5 Rugeri, V., 4/228 Rugerio, Io Gio Battista, 4/229 Rugerius, 3/159, 4/227, 12/17, 27/10 Rugerius, Antonius, 4/226 Rugerius, Francescus, 4/228, 4/229 Rugerius, J.B., 2/8, 3/159, 4/227, 4/228, 12/12, 17/83, 19/2 Rugerius, Johannes Baptista, 2/61 Rugger, Giacinto, 4/229 Ruggeri, Francisco, 26/28 Ruggerius, Francesco, 2/10 Ruggerius, Francisco, 5/26 Ruggerius, Guido, 2/7 Ruggerius, Petrus Jacobus, 19/2 Rusner, Georg, 12/17, 19/2 Sacquin, 22/14 Salamon, Jean, 24/21 Saletpier, Andreas, 4/228 Salo, C. de, 3/261 67 Tarisio, 5/9, 5/13 Tarr, W., 2/7 Taylor, Guhelmus, 12/17, 24/21 Taylor, W., 12/17 Tecchler, David, 22/26, 24/5, 24/6, 26/111 Techler, 4–229, 27/10 Techler, D., 2/8 Techler, David, 2/63, 2/68, 4/226, 12/17, 15/8, 19/2, 24/21 Tenorini, 4/226 Terenghi, 4/226 Testore, 3/160, 4/228, 19/2, 19/3, 22/14, 22/26, 24/5 Testore, C.A., 4/228 Testore, Carlo, 2/60, 2/63, 2/64, 2/66, 2/68, 4/229, 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Testore, Carlo Antonio, 3/159, 22/14, 22/26, 24/5, 24/21 Testore, Carlo Giuseppe, 19/2, 24/5, 24/21 Testore, Carlo Giussepe, 19/2 Testore, P.A., 4/228 Testore, Paolo, 4/227 Tetchler, David, 26/47 Theress, 24/21, 2/67 Thibout, 14/7 Thibout, Jacques Pierre, 22/14, 22/26 Thibout, J.P., 22/26 Thibouville-Lamy, 11/16 Thier, Mathias, 4/226, 4/228 Thierry, 24/5 Thir, Antonius, 4/226 Thir, Mathias, 4/228, 4/229 Thomassin, 24/5 Thompson, 2/63, 19/2, 24/21 Thorel, 22/14, 22/26 Thouvenal, 23/5 Thouvenel, 22/14, 22/26, 24/21 Thumhard, 4/226 Thumhart, Gottlieb Alois, 24/21 Thumhart, Johann, 19/2 Thumhart, Johann Georg, 12/17, 19/2 Thumhart, Johannes, 19/2, 24/21 Thumhart, senior, 24/21 Tieffenbrucker, Caspar, 28/1 Tielke, 17/84 Tietgen, Hans, 6/104 Tiriot, 3/260, 19/2, 19/4, 24/21 Tirr, Antonius, 4/229 Tobin, 2/68, 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Tobin, Richard, 24/5 Tononi, 4/227 Tononi, Carlo, 2/6, 3/159, 4/226, 4/227, 4/228, 24/6, 24/21 Tononis, Carlo, 2/60 Tononis de Bologna, 19/4 Tourte, 12/17, 19/2 Tourte, Francis, 19/2 Tourte, Francois, 14/18 Makers Stadelmann, Vienna, 15/4 Stadler, F.X., 12/17 Stadlman, Daniel Achatius, 19/4 Stadmann, Michael Ignatius, 24/21 Stainer, 4/226, 4/227, 4/228, 4/230, 6/52, 24/5, 26/45 violin sold to Count Trautmannsdorf, 7/3 Stainer, G., 3/258, 3/259, 3/260 Stainer, J., 3/258, 3/259, 3/260, 3/261 Stainer, Jacob, 3/159 Stainer, Jacobus, 2/7, 2/62, 4/226, 4/228, 12/17, 14/18, 15/8, 17/51, 19/2, 24/21 Stainer, Jakob, 15/46 –47 Stainer, Marcus, 22/14, 22/26, 24/5 Statelmann, Johann Antoni, 4/228 Stecher, 11/16 Steiner, Jacob, 11/3, 11/9, 17/53 Steiner, Jacques, 14/7 Steinner, Joannes, 12/17 Stentor, 4/229 Stof, Hermann Joseph, 4/227 Stoff, Eustachius, 4/228 Stoft, Hermann Joseph, 24/21 Stofz, Ignaz, 4/229 Stohr, Jacob, 4/228, 4/229 Storck, Reinhardt, 23/1 Storioni, 3/160, 4/227, 4/228, 7/4, 19/2, 24/5 Storioni, Laurentius, 2/11, 2/66, 4/228, 12/17, 19/2, 19/3, 22/26, 24/5, 24/21 Storioni, Lorenzo, 24/6 Stradivari, Antonio, 24/6 Stradivarius, 3/259, 3/261, 4/226, 6/5, 6/75, 19/3, 26/9 Is it a Stradivarius? Court case Wurzburg, 5/3-4 Some famous Fiddles, and something about them, 6/76-78 Stradivarius, A., 3/258, 3/260 Stradivarius, Antonius, 2/6, 3/95, 3/159, 4/228, 5/26, 5/29, 5/100, 6/73, 7/144, 9/2, 11/3, 11/9, 12/17, 14/7, 14/35, 15/8, 17/83, 19/2, 19/3, 19/13, 22/26, 24/21, 26/12, 26/28, 26/33, 26/36, 26/45, 26/58, 26/111, 27/10, 28/72 cello in Madrid, 5/9 Figaro, July 1880, 5/2 Stradivarius, Antonius & Hieronymus, 5/8 Stradivarius, Antonius, imitation, 3/201-209 Straub, Johann, 4/227 Straub, Joseph, 24/21 Straul, Simon, 24/21 Strausserch, 4/227 Strnad, Caspar, 4/226 Stuttaford, J., 17/126 Sylvester, 25/5 Sylvester, D., 19/13 Sylvester, H.C., 2/66 Sylvester, of Lyons, 15/4 Tacqua, 12/17 68 Makers Traske, G., 2/8 Tubbs, James, 12/17, 19/2 Tunonus, 4/226 Turner, 22/26 Turvas, Gio. Dominicus, 19/2, 24/21 Ullrich-Follera, Joannes, 19/2 Urquhart, 22/26 Urquhart (style of), 2/67 Urquhart, Thomas, 2/68, 9/1, 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 Urselli, M., 4/228 Vaillant, 4/228 Varotti, Giovanni, 19/2, 24/21 Vaselberger, Michael, 12/17 Vaughan, J., 22/14 Ventapane, Lorenzo, 22/26, 24/5 Ventupane, Lorenzo, 24/21 Verini, Andrae, 5/26, 5/49 Veule, Franciscus, 4/226 Vinaccia, 24/5 Vinaccia, Antonius, 19/2, 24/21 Vinaccia, Gajetanus, 19/2, 24/21 Vinaccio, 22/14 Vinaccio, Antonius, 19/4 Vinaccio, Januarius, 22/14 Vinaccio, Vincentius, 12/17, 19/2, 22/26, 24/21 Vinnaccio, Vincentius, 19/2 Violins, Old and New, 2–49-54 Voigt, Johann Georg, 12/17, 19/2 Voirin, F.N., 19/2 Volpis, Giuseppe, 12/17 Vrint, P., 17/128 Vuillaume, 3/161, 4/226, 7/4, 27/10 Vuillaume, F.B., 26/28 Vuillaume, J.B., 2/61, 3/95, 3/159, 3/160, 4/229, 11/3, 11/16, 14/7, 15/4, 15/8, 19/2, 19/3, 19/13, 22/14, 22/26, 24/5, 24/6, 24/21, 26/28, 26/44, 26/47 Vuillaume, Jean Baptista, 12/17, 19/2, 24/5 Vuillaume, Jean Baptiste, 19/2, 24/21 Vuillaume, N., 19/13 Vuillaume, N.F., 24/21 Vuillaume, Nicolas, 19/3, 24/21 Wamsley, Peter, 12/17, 19/2, 22/26, 24/21 Waylett, Henry, 24/21 Weichold, Richard, 2/69, 24/21 Weimann, Greorgius, 12/17, 19/2 White, Ira J., 4/226, 4/229 Whitmarsh, E., 17/127 Widahor, Antonius, 12/17, 19/2 Widhalm, Leopold, 12/17, 14/18, 22/26, 24/21 Wilkinson, S.B., 12/13 William E. Hill, 27/21 Wise, Christopher, 9/1 Wit, M. de, 5/2 Withers, 7/4 Withers, George, 2/60, 2/68, 2/69, 12/17, 19/2, 24/21 prints of shop, fitting room, workshop, warehouse and store, 5/18-20 Withers, George & Co., 12/1, 16/5, 19/2 Catalogue, 1884 Price list, 1/48-111 Witting, Jos., 4/226 Wolfe, J., 24/21 Wolff Bros., 12/3, 17/125 Wolters, J.M., 24/5 Wonrb, F & E., 19/2 Worle, Franz, 4/228 Wornle, Franz, 4/228 Worule, Georgius, 12/17, 24/21 Wurm, Philippus Jacobus, 4/226 Young, 7/147 Young, Alex., 17/22 Zach, 11/16 Zangrandi, Joseph, 24/6 Zani, Franciscus, 2/66, 12/17, 24/21 Zanoli, Joannes Baptista, 14/18 Zenatto, Pellegrino, 14/23 Zenatto, Pietro, 14/23 Zoeller, Carli, 11/26 Zonali, Valonini, 24/21 Zram, Lorenz, 12/17 Zwerger.Anton, 4/226 Makins, Veronica, 26/124 Makins, Veronica, violin and cello, 21/2 Malahue, M. violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Malakoff, Brugere violins, 24/20 Malder, van, 11/17 Malibran-Garcia, Maria, 22/16 obituary, 1837, 24/10 Man of World, 27 June 1894, 28/142 Manchester Guardian, 10 April 1891 Joachim's duaghter, 9/103 Manchester Guardian, 11 April 1891 Beaumont v. Medling case, 9/107-110 Manchester Guardian, 15 March 1895 Burmester conocert, 26/60 Manchester Guardian, 23 January 1895 J.T. Carrodus, 26/104 Manchester Guardian, 23 November 1893 £3,200 for a Violoncello, 28/31 Manchester Weekly Courier, 10 February 1894, 28/41 Manchester Weekly Courier, 5 May 1894 Pianist and Pitman, 28/124 Mancotel, 7/4 Mancy, Antonius Medaro pochette, Samary collection, 19/4 Mandolines Lucilli, 24/4 Mandora, 22/8 Manfredi, Fillippino, 11/17 69 Mangenot violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14 Mangin cello, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Mannheim School, 20/45 Manns, August acrostic, 23/14 benefit concert, 21/62 with illus., 23/14 Manssiell, Leonhard violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Mansue violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Mansuy violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Mantegalia, Petrus Lo Fretresg violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Manzanita, 26/31 Mapleson, 20/57 Mara, Gertude Elizabeth, 15/36 Mara, Ignace, cellist, 11/17 Mara, Jean, cellist, 11/17 Marchant, E.C. violin, effect on animals, 27/12 Marchbank, Agnes My Fiddle and I, 20/52 Marchi violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Marchi, Joannes Antonius violin, 19/2 violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/227 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Maria, Joseph D. violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14 Mariani violin, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1893, 24/6 Markneukirchen, 9/83, 22/7 violins, 5/5 Markneukirchen area, 20/37 Marks, Alf, manager, 26/13 Marquis, Rosa Adelaide illustration, 24/1 Marschner, Heinrich autograph letter, sale, 24/12 autograph letters to Louis Spohr, sale, 24/12 Marshall, Julian mentioned in Gresham lecture, 20/156 Marsick, 20/46 views, 26/57 Marsick, M.P. concert, Carnegie Hall, 12 November 1895, 23/3 Marsick, M.P., violinist illustration, 23/3 Marsick, M.P.J., violinist, 26/21 Marsick, with illus., 21/24 Marston, Philip Bourke On Hearing Ole Bull, poem, 20/11 Marteau, Henri, 6/71 Magini violin, 28/123 Marter, E., violinist, 21/2 Marter, Eleanor, 26/124 Martini, Martino, 6/18-19 varnish, 8/1 Marx, Ad.B. autograph letter, sale, 24/12 autograph letters to Louis Spohr, sale, 24/12 Marx, Bertha, 23/14 Marx, Leon with illus., 23/3 Marylebone Bowling Green and Gardens, 6/3 Marylebone Times, 12 January 1894, 28/49 Marzials, Theo. illustration, 23/4 Mascot, 10 February 1894 Adventures of a Fiddle, 28/71 Mason, Geo. E. Instructions for fretted violin, 18/2 Massart Strad violin, 20/48 violin professor, 20/5 Massart, violinist, 26/20 Massinger, Philip The Guardian, 8/16 Mast volin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Mast, J.L. viola, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 22/26 viola, Withers catalogue, 24/21 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/226 Matern, A.W.F., cellist, 11/17 Mathieu, N. violin, Van Hengel & Eeltjes catalogue, 3/258 Mathieu, Nicolas viola, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/229 violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/227 Mathieus, Nicolas violin, 19/2 Matteis, Nicolas, 28/39 Maucotel violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Maucotel, Charles violin, 19/2 Maucotel, Charles Adolphe violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 22/26 Mauerosch, Matthias Eduard Warum haben die Viiolinen der alten italiensichen Geigenbauer einen sehr verschiedenen Wert?, 26/77 Maule, Giovanni violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/228 70 Maupertuis, 14/7 Maussiell, Leonardus violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 Mauthner, Fritz Die Stradivari-Geige, 11/8 Maxwell. Peter Benson collection of violins, 17/85 Mayer, Daniel, 20/173, 22/17, 27/3 Maynard, George Willoughby "Harmony", 21/50 Maynard, John strings, 26/53 Mayseder Violonistes célèbres, 19/5 Mayson, W.H. violin, Robert Cocks List of Old Violins, 15/4 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Maza violin, 26/36 Mazzette, Pietro violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 McKay, Gordon Stradivarius violin, 17/50, 17/90 McNeil, Marie, cornet player, 22/31 Mead, Ida, cellist, 22/31 Meahl, P.J. Two Wonderful Violins, 26/36 Meares, Richard viola da gamba, 19/2 viola da gamba, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Mears, Richard viola da gamba, 20/149 Meauchame violin bow, Samary collection, 19/4 Medici, Catherine de, 28/29 Medling, John, 9/107-110 Beaumont v. Medling, 20/3 Meeson, R. advertisement, 3/156, 12/10 Meier, E.G. Stradivarius violin, 17/50 Meindl, Frederick, 5/3 Meindl, Friedrich, 23/11 Melbourne Argus, 5 December 1891 Paganini and his pupil, 17/16 Melbourne Bulletin, 28 October 1893, 28/83 Mélotétraphone with illus., 27/62 Melton, Woodbridge, Suffolk, County Asylum, 5/26 Mendelssohn, Cecile autograph letter concerning Mendelssohn's death, sale, 24/12 Mendelssohn, Felix autograph letters to Jul. Schubring, sale, 24/12 autograph letters to Louis Spohr, sale, 24/12 Der 95ste Psalm, Clavierauszug, autograph manuscript, sale, 24/12 Musik zur Antigone, manuscript, sale, 24/12 Organ Sonata, op.65 no.4, Andante, autograph manuscript, sale, 24/12 String Quartet, op.44, first movement, autograph manuscript, sale, 24/12 Menken, E. Catalogue of Rare, Curious and Standard Second-Hand Books, 19/32 Mennesson, Emile Catalogue speciale de Lutherie, 1884, 4–167-180 collection of violins, 1/162-173 Mercantile and Financial Times, 13 January 1891 Powell v. Flechter, 9/121 Meren, Antonius violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Merighi, 17/10 Merlin cello, 19/2 cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 cello, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/68 Messiah Strad. See also: Stradivarius Stradivarius, 8/3 Messing, Frederick James, violinist illustration, 18/59 Methfessel, A.G. autograph letters to Louis Spohr, sale, 24/12 Methodist Recorder, 31 May 1894, 28/133 Methodist Times, 31 May 1894, 28/133 Metronome, October 1895 Violins Growing Galore, 26/37 Mettke, Hans The Violoncello, 27/37 Meyer Stradivarius violin, 17/50 Meyer, J. viola, Van Hengel & Eeltjes catalogue, 3/262 Meyer, Olga, violinist, 21/2, 26/124 Meyer, Waldemar, 27/5 concert review, June 1891, 20/186 concert review, May 1889, 20/175 concert reviews, July 1891, 20/82 concerts, 5 & 13 May 1891, 20/38a Stradivarius violin, 17/48 Meyerbeer, Giacomo autograph letters to Louis Spohr, sale, 24/12 Mezin, Collin violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Mezzadri, Alessandro violin, 19/2 Middleton, M.A. catalogue, 19/14 catalogue of an intersting collection of music etc., 16/7 Midland Evening News, 26 January 1895 Alleged theft of a violin at Walsall, 26/110 71 Midland Institute penny violin class, 20/143 Miermont, C.A. G.W. Stratton advertisement, 5/34 Mignard, P. St. Cecilia, 18/138 Milanello, Teresa and Maria, 15/36 Milanollo, Theresa, 9/36, 22/4 Miles, Nellie, percussionist, 22/31 Millanollo, Theresa, 7/12 Million, London, 3 September 1892 Big Prices for Violins, 17/12 Minim (Torquay), December 1894 Fancies and Facts for Amateur Fiddlers, 26/99 Minim (Torquay), June 1895 Violins, old and new, 26/44 Minim (Torquay), September 1894 Violin making, 26/94 Minim, April 1894 Facts and Fancies for Amateur Fiddlers, 28/107 Minim, April 1895 Foraminfera and Fiddle Books, 26/116 Minim, December 1893 Galilei, Vincenzo, 28/29 Mining Journal, 16 September 1893 F. Channon violin, 17/94 Minnesota, violin maker, 26/12 Minstrels The Ancestry of Brudder Bones, 4/51-62 Moore and Burgess Minstrels, programme, St.James's Hall, Piccadilly, 4/50 Mirecourt, 7/5, 11/3, 22/7 Miremont, C.A. cello, 19/2 cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17 violin, 19/2 violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/230 violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Mirror, 26 March 1831 Four and twenty fiddlers & Vicar of Bray, 9/111 Mission of St.Cecilia, 20/45 Mitchell, Charles Henry obituary, January 1894, 20/59 Sonnet of the Violin, poem, 20/49 Violin Prosody, or How to Play a Violin Solo, 20/50 Mittenwald, 7/5, 22/4 Richard Schott: Mittenwald und seine Geigenmacher, with illus., 22/28 violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/227, 4/228 violins, 15/36 Modena cello, 16/14 Modern Men from the Scots Observer, 13/1 Moeran, E.J., solicitor letter from E. Polonaski, 2 November 1898, 21/45 Moffatt guitar, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Moitessiar, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Moitessica violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Moitessier cello, 19/2 violin, 19/2 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 22/26, 24/5 Molio, Angelo violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Molique Stradivarius violin, 17/50 Molique, Wilh. Berh. autograph letters to Louis Spohr, sale, 24/12 short composition, autograph manuscript, sale, 24/12 Mollenhauer, Edward, 9/112-119 Mollenhauer, Louis, 23/3 Mollenhauer, William F.T., 23/3 Molyneux, Thomas drawing, 8/105 Mondonville Diligam, autograph (?) manuscript, sale, 24/12 double bass, 15/31 Mondy, P. violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Mongeot violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Monks, J.K. triple bars system, 22/23 Triple-Bar System for Violins, 26/75 Monocord Coussemaker: On the Musical Instruments of the Middle Ages, 4/100 Monocorde, 11/13 Mons, Michael, 28/74 Montagnan, Dominicus cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Montagnana double bass, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/228 violin, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1894, 26/111 violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Montagnana, D. viola and cello, Violin Gallery, 15/8 Montagnana, Dominico violin, Muller auction, 14/18 Montagnana, Dominicus cello, Withers catalogue, 24/21 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 22/26, 24/5 violin sold, Hulse collection sale, 25 June 1883, 2/6 Montaigne, 28/29 Monteclair double bass, 15/31 Montegatia, Petrus Joannes viola, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Montgomery, Lloyd 72 plays in prison, 26/36 Monthly Musical Record, 1 January 1891 Portrait Sketches from the Life: Louis Spohr, parts 2 & 3, 15/21 Monthly Musical Record, 1 July 1875 Note on the Suitable Proportions and Dimensions of a Violin Bow, 7/111-112 Woolhouse, W.S.B.: Note on the suitable proportions and dimensions of a violin bow, 5/48 Monthly Musical Record, April 1890, 20/183 Monthly Musical Record, January 1891, 20/183 Monthly Musical Record, May 1891, 20/185 Monthly Musical Record, October 1891, 20/184 Monzani & Co. flute, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Moonshine, 18 March 1882, 18/263 Moonshine, 26 May 1883, 18/265 Moonshine, 28 April 1883, 18/264 Moore, Albert, 18/211 The Quartett, 18/210 The Quartett, illus., 18/76 Moore and Burgess Minstrels, programme, St.James's Hall, Piccadilly, 24 December 1883, 4/50 Moravus, Jeronymus treatise, 27/17 Morgan, A. De Fiddles, Flutes and Fancies, 17/56 Morgan, Geraldine, 21/21, 23/3, 26/119 Mori, violinist, 8/129, 11/21 Morigi, Joannes viola, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/229 Morisseau Rapport... sur les Violons de M. Morisseau, 14/6 Morley, Christopher varnish, 28/9 Morning, 12 September 1894 Frida Scotta, 26/102 Morning, 2 December 1893 Extraordinary violin fraud, 17/133 Morning, 2 July 189? A Collection of Old Violins, 26/13 Morning, 23 October 1894 Eugene Ysaye, 26/100 Morning, 24 April 1898 violin teaching, Myddelton, 26/74 Morning, 25 August 1894 David Popper, 26/111 Morning, 28 June 1859? The Romance of the Cremona Varnish, 26/21 Morning, 29 June 1894, 28/132 Morning, 30 April 1894, 28/122 Morning, 4 June 1895 Jean Gerardy buys Strad. cello, 26/22 Morning, 5 December 1893 Bogus violins, 17/134 Morning, 8 February 1894, 28/58 Morning Adventurer, 7 December 1893 Sale of violins and manuscripts, 28/23 Morning Advertiser, 26 April 1894, 28/139 Morning Leader, 18 June 1895 Lilian Griffiths, 26/92 Morning Leader, 26 June 1893 Leo Stern "Strad" cello, 17/93 Morning Leader, 22 May 1895 Leo Stern Strad., 26/80 Morning Leader, 7 May 1895 Burmester, Willy, 26/27 Morning Post, 19 December 1893, 28/44 College of Violinists, London, 28/23 Morning Post, 19 June 1894 Wasielewski:The Violoncello, review, 28/135 Morning Post, 20 June 1895 sale of violins, 26/28 Morning Post, 22 September 1893 Carrodus violins, 17/79 Morning Post, 23 June 1856, 6/61-62 Morning Post, 23 March 1894, 21/39 Morning Post, 25 June 1894, 28/135 Morning Post, 4 March 1892 Mr Edgar Haddock's Musical Afternoon, 7 March 1892, advertisement, 17/24 Morning Post, 5 February 1890, 8/9 Morning Post, 7 December 1893, 28/26 Sale of Violins, 28/25 Morning Post, 7 May 1894, 28/138 Mornington, Earl of, 7/152 Morris, W.E. Matrimony, 22/27 Morticini della Febbre reproduction`, 18/212 Moscati, F. de poem: Paganini, 17/103 Moscheles, 9/106 Moscheles, Charlotte, 23/4 illustration, 23/4 Moscheles, Felix studio, illus., 23/4 Moscheles, Ignaz autograph letters to Louis Spohr, sale, 24/12 Pastoral in D, autograph manuscript, sale, 24/12 Mosenthal Amati violin, 26/51 letter from Franz Liszt, sale, 24/12 Mougeot violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Mount, George, 6/–4 Mozart String quartet K 465, Weber, Gottfried: Ueber eine besonders merkwürdige Stelle...., 3/1-62 Mozart, Leopold illustration, 18/56 Mozart, Marianne 73 illustration, 18/56 Mozart, W.A. autograph letter to his wife, sale, 24/12 Galimathias musicum, autograph manuscript, sale, 24/12 illustration, 18/56, 18/155 Piano Concerto in C minor, autograph manuscript, sale, 28/23 Piano Concerto, K. 491, autograph ms., Puttick & Simpson sale, 1893, 24/6, 27/45, 28/24, 28/25, 28/48, 28/122 statue by Barrias, 18/46 Mucchi, Antonio violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Mucchi, Antonius violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Muccho, Antonni Pr'un viulunzeel fabrichee int'i Borgh dd.Modna, 16/14 Music lesson illustration, 18/168 Mulder, Jan cellist, concert review November 1890, 20/178 Müller, Bernhard, viola player, 24/12 Muller, Frederick & Co. auction, 3 November 1890, 14/18 Müller-Kannberg autograph letter, sale, 24/12 Munck, Ernest de, 26/80 Munger, Joseph Directions for bending violin sides, 18/62 Munger, Joseph, violin maker card, 18/62 Munsey's Magazine, January 1895, 21/17 Muntzberger, cellist, 11/17 Muntzberger, Joseph, cellist, 11/17 Murray's Magazine, Vol.VII, Nos. 41-44, June - August 1890 Horace Hutchinson: That Fiddler Fellow, 10/3 Music in illness, 20/45 Music (Chicago), March 1895, 21/52 Music (Chicago), October 1893 Why Girls Should Play the Violin, 26/119 Music, a Monthly Magazine, April 1893 W. Francis Gates: The Violin and its Ancestry, 23/7 Music, a Monthly Magazine, December 1895 Earl Drake: Retrospects in Violin Playing, 23/3 Music, a Monthly Magazine, January 1896 F.A. van Sanford: A Season of Violinists, 23/3 Music, a Monthly Magazine, July 1892 George Kennedy: The Story of My Violin, 23/3, 23.10 Music, a Monthly Magazine, May 1892 Smith, Frances N.: A Few American Violinists, 23/3, 23/7 Music, a Monthly Magazine, October 1894 M. Hilds: The Violet andn the Violin, 23/12 Music & Drama, 10 March 1883 Fossegrin, 5/34 Music and Drama, 17 February, 1883 muting violins, 5/11 Music and Drama, 21 July 1883, 5/29 Violin Sounding Boards, 5/28 Music and Drama, journal Report of Hulse sale, 25 June 1883, 2/3 Music and School, 1 February 1886 The Viole d'amour, 11/26 Music education, 23/1 Music publishers Chanot, 18/167 Chanot Edition, 5/55 Kohler & Son, Edinburgh, 5/17 Portland Music Publishing Co., 25/4 Schott - B, Schott's Sohn, Catalogue, Musik fur SaitenInstrumente, 1879, 4/181-224 Schott - Schott & Co.: Catalogue of Violin and Concerted Music, 4/273-332 Schott & Co., advertisement, 25/4 St. Cecilia Music Publishing Co. Ltd., 25/4 Music stand advertisement, 24/21 with mirror, 26/108 Music Trades, 19 October 1895 J.S. Brownig: J.B. Squier, 26/34 Music Trades, 26 October 1895 Is it the famous Jupiter?, 26/35 Music Trades, 3 January 1891 Violin or piano, 9/138 Music Trades, 5 October 1895 P.J. Meahl: Two Wonderful Violins, 26/36 Music Trades, New York, 12 September 1891 Some Rare Gems, 17/37 Music Trades, New York, 23 August 1891 Fox v. Flechter, 8/51-53 Music Trades, New York, 3 January 1891 Powell-Flechter Suit, 9/112-119 Musica Teusch, 1532, title page, 21/6 Musical Courier, 11 December 1895, 21/23 Musical Courier, 30 October 1895 Music in Boston, 26/120 Musical instruments Les instruments de musique Le Monde Musicale, Paris, 10 May 1891, 8/93-97 Musical instruments, ancient, 9/96-101 Musical instruments, Early Christian, 9/96-101 Musical instruments, Hebrew, 9/96-101 Musical legends Musical Legends, Fossegrin, All the Year Round, 31 December 1881, 2/54 Musical Magazine, 1835 Sketches of the Lives of Celebrated Musicians, no. III, 11/5 Sketches of the Lives of Celebrated Musicians, nos. I & IV, 11/4 Musical News, 1 June 1895 The Violin in Board Schools, 26/75 74 Musical News, 1 September 1894 J. Jacques Haakman: Steadiness and Flexibility of the Bow, review, 26/102 Musical News, 15 July 1893 Puttick & Simpson sale, 1893, report, 17/82 Musical News 16 February 1895 Carrodus, honours, 26/54 Musical News, 2 December 1893 A Fiddle Fraud, 28/45 Stradivarius violins, 17/131 Musical News, 2 February 1895 Edgar Shelton: Violin String Manufacture, 26/53 Musical News, 21 April 1894, 27/52 Musical News, 23 June 1894, 27/53 Musical News, 27 April 1895 Edgar Shelton: The Fiddle Maker and his Wood, 26/23 Musical News, 27 January 1894 Gresham lectures, 27/50 Musical News, 4 July 1894, 27/56 Musical News, 5 May 1894 Victor Perotti, thief, 27/52 Musical News, 6 January 1894, 28/52 Musical News, 9 March 1895 Edgar Shelton: The Bow, 26/61 Musical Opinion & Music Trade Review, 1 September 1883 Fiddles and Fiddlers, 2/12 Musical Opinion & Music Trades Review, 1 August 1883 Paganiniana, 27/1 Musical Opinion & Music Trades Review, 1 July 1882 Viola da gamba by M. de Wit, 5/2 Musical Opinion & Music Trades Review, 1 March 1882, 5/22 Musical Opinion & Music Trades Review, 1 September 1884 Giuseppe Tartini (from Grove's Dictionary of Music), 5/50 Musical Opinion & Music Trades Review, 1 September 1894 Hegyesi, Louis, 26/90 Paganini, 26/90 Musical Opinion & Music Trades Review, April 1893, 27/23 Musical Opinion & Music Trades Review, August 1891 Ysaye, Theophile, 27/10 Musical Opinion & Music Trades Review, August 1892, 27/18 Musical Opinion & Music Trades Review, December 1890 The Late Prosper Sainton, 27/4 Prosper Sainton, obituary, 9/85 Musical Opinion & Music Trades Review, December 1891 E.F. Panormo, obituary, 27/12 Musical Opinion & Music Trades Review, December 1892 Haushofer, Max: Village Musicians in Germany, illus., 27/19 Musical Opinion & Music Trades Review, December 1893 Hans Mettke: The Violoncello, 27/37 Musical Opinion & Music Trades Review, February 1882 Ole Bull, 5/8 Musical Opinion & Music Trades Review, February 1883 Death of M. Chanot, of Paris, 5/4 Musical Opinion & Music Trades Review, February 1893, 27/21 Musical Opinion & Music Trades Review, February 1894, 27/46 Musical Opinion & Music Trades Review, January 1891 Master Jean Gerardy's Violoncello Recital, 27/6 Musical Opinion & Music Trades Review, January 1893, 27/20 Musical Opinion & Music Trades Review, January 1894, 27/45 Musical Opinion & Music Trades Review, July 1891 College of Violinists, London, 27/10 Musical Opinion & Music Trades Review, July 1892 Recollections of Paganini, 27/14 Musical Opinion & Music Trades Review, July 1893, 27/28 Musical Opinion & Music Trades Review, June & July 1882 Is it a Stradivarius? Court case Würzburg, 5/3-4 Musical Opinion & Music Trades Review, June 1891 M. Ysaye's concerts, 27/9 Musical Opinion & Music Trades Review, June 1893, 27/27 Musical Opinion & Music Trades Review, March 1891 Master Jean Gerardy's Second Violoncello Recital, 27/7 Musical Opinion & Music Trades Review, March 1892 Violin repertoire, 27/12 Musical Opinion & Music Trades Review, March 1893, 27/23 Musical Opinion & Music Trades Review, March 1894, 27/46 Musical Opinion & Music Trades Review, May 1891 How to make a double bass, 27/9 Musical Opinion & Music Trades Review, May 1892 G Brayley: Violin Don'ts, 27/13 Musical Opinion & Music Trades Review, May 1893, 27/25 Musical Opinion & Music Trades Review, n.d. Amateur String Bands, 8/10-11 Musical Opinion & Music Trades Review, November 1890 Reményi North America tour, 27/3 Musical Opinion & Music Trades Review, November 1891, 27/12 Musical Opinion & Music Trades Review, November 1892 Corelli: The Founder of the Roman Violin School, 27/36 Musical Opinion & Music Trades Review, October 1890 Amateur String Bands, 27/3 A New Musical Instrument: the Agillo, 9/40-41 Musical Opinion & Music Trades Review, October 1892, 27/18 Musical Opinion & Music Trades Review, October 1893 Music in Scotland, 27/35 Musical Opinion & Music Trades Review, September 1891 "Court" Strad., 27/11 Musical Opinion & Music Trades Review, September 1893, 27/32 Musical Opinion, 1 March 1890, 8/21 75 Musical Opinion, 7 August 1882 Is it a Stradivarius? Court case Würzburg, 5/100 Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review, 1 March 1885 The Cremonese Lost Secret Discovered, 6/5 Musical Physiognomies All the Year Round, 2 January 1864, 2/34-38 Musical Record (Boston), September 1895 Fiddle Spruce in Maine, 26/38 Girl Violinist, 26/38 Violins, 26/39 Wollenhaupt, Bruno E., strings, 26/38 Ysaye interviewed, 26/38 Musical Society, 1 September 1886 Some famous Fiddles, and something about them, 6/7678 Musical Standard Rabup, 6/75 Musical Standard, 1 April 1882, 20/145 Musical Standard, 1 May 1884, 20/146 Musical Standard, 1 November 1883 Raphael's Musical Instruments, 5/17 Musical Standard, 1 November 1884, 20/151 Musical Standard, 10 March 1883 Paganini Redivivus, 5/10 Musical Standard, 10 May 1884, 20/136 Musical Standard, 10 September 1887, 20/141 Musical Standard. 11 December 1886, 20/120 Musical Standard, 11 December 1886, 20/139 Musical Standard, 11 November 1882, 20/149 Musical Standard, 12 September 1885, 20/130 Musical Standard, 13 June 1885, 20/117 Violin solo by 150 violins, 20/139 Musical Standard, 14 April 1894 Fiddle Frauds, 26/97 Musical Standard, 14 August 1888, 20/123 Musical Standard, 14 June 1884 Senor Sarasate's Final Concert, 5/56 Musical Standard, 15 December 1894 Beaujardin's violins, 26/100 Musical Standard, 15 October 1887, 20/144 Musical Standard, 16 April 1857, 20/151 Musical Standard, 16 May 1883, 20/143 Musical Standard, 16 September 1882, 20/152 Musical Standard, 17 December 1887, 20/128 MMusical Standard, 17 October 1885 Mr. Charles Goffrie, 6/62 Musical Standard, 18 April 1885 Paganini and Berlioz, 20/150 Musical Standard, 18 August 1894 Intellectual Attitude of Instrumental Practice, 26/96 Musical Standard, 18 February 1882, 20/153 Musical Standard, 18 June 1887, 20/137 Musical Standard, 1886 English and Foreign Players, 6/65 Musical Standard, 2 December 1882, 27/40 Musical Standard, 2 February 1884, 20/152 Musical Standard, 2 May 1885, 20/147 Musical Standard, 2 November 1882, 20/153 Musical Standard, 20 April 1895 Hill, William Ebsworth, obituary, 26/25 Musical Standard, 20 June 1885, 20/130, 20/135 Musical Standard, 20 May 1882, 20/152 Musical Standard, 21 April, 1894, 27/57 Musical Standard, 21 April 1894 Bott, Jean, violin stolen, 27/61 Musical Standard, 21 June 1884, 20/145 Musical Standard, 21 March 1885, 20/128 Musical Standard, 21 May 1887, 20/122 Musical Standard, 21 November 1885 Guernsey, Wellington, obituary, 27/40 Musical Standard, 24 December 1887, 20/119, 20/123 Musical Standard, 24 July 1886, 20/141 Musical Standard, 24 June 1893 Stradivarius sale, Puttick & Simpson, 1893, 17/85 Musical Standard, 24 March 1883 Paganini Redivivus, 5/12-13 Musical Standard, 24 May 1884 Paganini and Berlioz, 20/149 Musical Standard. 25 August 1883 Cremonas, 5/13 Musical Standard, 25 August 1888, 20/130 Musical Standard, 25 February 1882, 20/138 Musical Standard, 25 June 1887, 20/120 Musical Standard, 27 January 1894, 20/153 Musical Standard, 28 February 1882, 20/147 Musical Standard, 28 January 1882, 20/147 Musical Standard, 28 March - 11 April 1885 Paganini and Berlioz, 5/88-90 Musical Standard, 29 July 1893, 20/153 Musical Standard, 3 April 1886 Clefs and Viola Strings, 6/87 Musical Standard, 3 March 1894 Strings magazine, 28/54 Musical Standard, 30 June 1883 Mr Sainton's Farewell Concert, programme, 27/41 Musical Standard, 30 June 1894, 27/58, 27/61 Musical Standard, 30 May 1885 Edward Heron-Allen: Musical Epigrams and Literary Ingenuities, 6/79-81 Musical Standard, 31 March 1894 presentation to Dr. Joachim and Signor Piatti, 26/89 Musical Standard, 4 February 1882, 20/143 Musical Standard, 5 August 1882 The Violin for Girls, 5/1 Musical Standard, 5 March 1887, 20/131, 20/139 Musical Standard, 5 May 1885, 20/151 Musical Standard, 5 May 1894 Bronislaw Huberman, 26/88 Bronislaw Hubermann, 27/59 Musical Standard, 6 June 1885, 20/117 Musical Standard, 7 January 1882 The Violin, review, 20/142 76 Musical Standard, 8 June 1895, 26/47 Musical Standard, 8 October 1882, 20/150 Musical Standard, 8 October 1887, 20/141 Musical Standard, 9 August 1890 English orchestral players, 9/22-23 Musical Standard, 9 January 1885, 20/142 Musical Standard, 9 March 1895 Rubio, concert review, 26/80 Musical Star, April 1885 Something about fiddles, 19/23 Musical Star, August 1885 Old Violins, 19/25 Musical Star, July 1885 The Stradivarius Case at the Violin Loan Exhibition, 19/24 Musical Star, June 1885, 19/22 Musical Star, March - April1885 Paganini, 19/22 Musical Times, 1 December 1883 Edward Heron-Allen: The Violin-Maker of Bremen, 7/211 Musical Times, 1 May 1886 Senor Sarasate's Concerts, 6/78 Stradivarius bought by Heermann, 6/75 Musical Times, 1 October 1894 aluminium violins, 26/96 Musical Times, 13 April 1895 Leopold Auer owner, 26/73 Musical Times, April 1890, 20/70 A.C. Mackenzie: Pibroch, reviews, 8/133 Musical Times, April 1891, 20/83 Musical Times, April 1892, 27/39 Musical Times, December 1882 J. Stuttaford, advertisement, 5/23 Musical Times, December 1883, 5/27-28 Musical Times, December 1890, 20/86 Musical Times, December 1892, 20/91 Musical Times, December 1893, 20/96 Violin Times, 28/33 Musical Times, February 1890, 20/69, 20/86 Musical Times, February 1893, 20/91 Musical Times, February 1894, 20/98 Musical Times, January 1884, 27/39 Musical Times, January 1890, 20/62 Musical Times, January 1891, 20/83 Musical Times, July 1890, 20/74 Musical Times, July 1891, 20/78 Musical Times, July 1893, 20/94 Musical Times, June 1890, 20/72 Musical Times, June 1892, 20/97 Musical Times, March 1885 Violins at the International Exhibition, 5/68 Musical Times, March 1890, 20/69 Musical Times, March 1891, 20/86 Musical Times, March 1892 Hill: Gio. Paolo Maggini, review, 27/38 Musical Times, May 1890, 20/70, 20/86 Musical Times, May 1891, 20/77 Musical Times, May 1892, 20/94 Musical Times, November 1890, 20/76 Musical Times, October 1890, 20/86 Musical Times, October 1891, 27/39 Musical Times, October 1892, 20/97 Musical Times, September 1893, 20/95 Musical Times,October 1893, 20/96 Musical World, 1 November 1890, 20/178 Musical World, 11 October 1890, 20/173, 20/175 Miss Kate Chaplin, 18/190 Musical World, 13 December 1890, 20/167, 20/175 Musical World, 15 November 1890, 20/167 Musical World, 20 December 1890, 20/166 Musical World, 22 August 1857 Notes on the Fiddle, 15/34 Musical World, 22 June 1889, 20/171, 20/174 Musical World, 22 November 1890, 20/168 Musical World, 22 November 1890, 20/166 Musical World, 25 May 1889, 20/175 Musical World, 26 May 1889, 20/176 Musical World, 27 December 1890, 20/178 Musical World, 29 November 1890 Gresham College lectures, 20/179 J.F. Bridge: Gresham College lecture, 20/165 Wagner's Homage to Spohr, 20/170 Musical World, 3 January 1885 How Cremona violins were made, 6/84-86 Musical World, 30 November 1889, 20/171 Musical World, 4 October 1890, 20/173, 20/177 Musical World, 5 April 1841 Ode to an Old Violin, 5/45 Musical World, 7 September 1889, 20/173 Musical World,3 January 1885 How Cremona Violins were made, 5/73-76 Musicians in snow, 18/220 Musikalische Real-Zeitung, 1 October 1788, 23/1 Musikalische Real-Zeitung, 10 December 1788, 23/1 Musikalische Real-Zeitung, 10 September 1788, 23/1 Musikalische Real-Zeitung, 12, 19 & 26 November 1788, 23/1 Musikalische Real-Zeitung, 13 August 1788, 23/1 Musikalische Real-Zeitung, 15 October 1788, 23/1 Musikalische Real-Zeitung, 17 December 1788, 23/1 Musikalische Real-Zeitung, 17 September 1788, 23/1 Musikalische Real-Zeitung, 2 July 1788, 23/1 Musikalische Real-Zeitung, 20 August 1788, 23/1 Musikalische Real-Zeitung, 22 October 1788, 23/1 Musikalische Real-Zeitung, 24 December 1788, index, 23/1 Musikalische Real-Zeitung, 24 September 1788, 23/1 Musikalische Real-Zeitung, 27 August 1788, 23/1 Musikalische Real-Zeitung, 3 December 1788, 23/1 Musikalische Real-Zeitung, 3 September 1788, 23/1 Musikalische Real-Zeitung, 6 August 1788 Baryton playing, 23/1 77 Musikalische Real-Zeitung, 8 October 1788, 23/1 Musikalische Real-Zeitung, 9,16,23, 30 July & 1 & 8 October 1788 Anmerkung über die Violin and den Violinspieler, 23/1 Musikalische Real-Zeitung für das Jahr 1788, Erster Band, 23/1 Musikalisches Wochenblatt, July - August 1874 Julius Ruhlmann: Die Urformen der Bogeninstrumente, 7/195-205 Musin, Ovide, 15/8, 22/17, 28/132 accident, 17/92, 20/51 The Great Violin Virtuoso Ovide Musin, Press notices, 4/151-162 Mutes Carl Pittrich, 6/83 Dresdener Journal, 16 June 1885, 6/68-70 Elias Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/233 Hill, William E., 3/148 Hill's, illus., 18/3 Sivori - Mennesson, Emile: Catalogue speciale de Lutherie, 1884, 4/172 Zebrowski's, illus., 18/3 Mysore, violins needed, 28/133 N N. British Daily Mail, 16 January 1894, 28/43 Nachez, Tivadar, 8/25-26, 28/100 Concerts, programmes, St. James's Hall, May - June 1893, 15/25 subscription to purchase Strad, 20/94 Nachez, Tivador, 20/39 Nachez, Tividar, 26/97 An Afternoon Call on Tivadar Nachez, with illus., 26/108 Gift of Stradivarius, 17/41 with illus., 28/120 press opinions, 16/4 press opinions, 1892-3, 16/2 recital, Windsor Castle, 10 December 1892, press reports, 16/3 recital at Windsor Castle, 10 December 1892, 20/47 Stradivarius Testimonial Fund, 21/46 Stradivarius violin, 17/48 Naczi, Erdelyi Guarnerius violin, 17/51 Naizar, M. violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Nanney, Louise, violinst, 26/100 Nannie, Miss, violinist concert review, December 1893, 28/28 Nardini, 19/5 Nardini, Pietro, 23/3 Nashville Exhibition, 21/8 Nasi-flauto, 20/30a National Observer, 10 June 1893 A "Strad", 17/54 National Omnibus & General Advertiser, 20 July 1832 Paganini, 17/119 National-Zeitung, Belrin, 8 March 1885 Das Cremoneser Geheimnis, 5/77-84 Nature, 12 July 1883 William Huggins: On the Function of the Sound-Post, 7/170-173 Nauenberg, Gustav autograph letter to Liszt, sale, 24/12 Navard, George stolen fiddle, 28/36 Necrologe,1765, extract Eloge de M.Leclair, 19/1 Negri, Nicolaus violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Nemessanyi & Schunda bowed instruments, Vienna Exhibition, 1873, 11/16 Neruda family violinists, 20/167 Neue Berliner Musikzeitung, 31 May & 7 June 1854 Jakob Staiiner, der erste deutsche Meister im Geigenbau, 15/46 –47 Neujahrsgeschenk an die Zürcherische Jugend von den allgemeinen Musik-Gesellschaft in Zurich, 1840, Malibran-Garcia, Maria, 22/16 Neukomm, Sigism. Litaniae de Beata V.M., autograph manuscript, sale, 24/12 Neumann, Clem. Beobachtungen uber die Schwingungen gestrichener Saiten, 14/34 Neumann, Eleonora, 7/147 Neumark, George A.B.: The Lost and Found Violin, 15/17 Neuner bowed instruments, Vienna Exhibition, 1873, 11/16 violin, 19/2 violins, 15/36 Neuner, Jos., 22/4 violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Neuner, Mathias violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Neuner, Matthias violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 violin, Muller auction, 14/18 Neuwirth, Frederick William, 28/22, 28/34, 28/43, 28/44 New Monthly Magazine, 1837 Paganini's Fiddle, 24/2 New Monthly Magazine and Literary Journal, 1831, Part II Paganini, 10/8 & 9 New Musical Fund, 11/21 New Orleans Exposition, 4/180 New Science Review, Vol.1 No.1, July 1894 Edward Heron-Allen: New Violins for Old, 22/7 78 New Tottenham Violin, 15/38 New York Herald, 12 January 1893 For Selling a Stradivarius, 17/90 New York Herald, 17 January 1896 George Gemunder, obituary, 26/61 New York Herald, 2 April 1894, 28/139 New York Herald, 24 October 1895 Not Viotti's Jupiter, 26/42 New York Herald, 27 November 1892 Was Ole Bull a Hypnotist? with illlus., 17/45 New York Record, 1891, 9/138 New York Sun, 13 January 1889 The Glass of Fashion: the Violin Gown, 5/97 New York Symphony Orchestra strike, 1894, 28/58 New York Times, 13 January 1889 L'Arte dell' Arco, 6/16 New York Times, 20 December 1890 Branded as a falsifier, 9/117-118 New York Times, 30 October 1890 It was not an antiquity, Powell v. Flechter, 9/78-79 New York World, 17 February 1889, 6/18-19 New York World, 3 February 1889 Nimble Little Fiddlers, 6/21-22 New York World, 6 March 1887 Hungary's Violin Prince, 8/4-5 New Yorker Morgen Journal, 10 May 1896 Der Roman einer Violine, 26/69 New Zealand Herald, 10 February 1894, 28/121 New Zealand Herald, 3 February 1894 Sale of Woolhouse and Cusins collections, 28/122 Newbery, Walter Tononi violin, 22/25 Newcastle Chronicle, 13 November 1894, 26/111 Newcastle Chronicle, 16 March 1889 The Use of the Word Fiddle, 6/20 Newcastle Chronicle, 2 December 1893 Strads, 17/130 Newcastle Daily Journal, 1 April 1894, 28/141 Newcastle Daily Journal, 13 March 1894, 28/55 Newcastle Daily Leader, 26 January 1894, 28/75 Newcastle Daily Leader, 30 January 1894, 28/81 Newcastle Journal, 15 November 1893, 28/33 Newcastle Journal, 25 June 1895, 26/20 Newcastle Journal, 6 July 195? The Home of the Violin, 26/20 Newcastle Leader. 13 November 1893 Vilin Times, 28/29 Newell, Willis, 23/3 Newman, Cardinal, 20/34, 20/72 viola player, 20/5 News, 9 February 1894, 28/49 News, London, 29 September 1893 A Novel Instrument, 17/78 Newsagent, 3 March 1894, 28/53 Nibelungen fiddles, 27/17 Nicholas, ainé violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Nicholas, D. violin, Hesketh List of Old Violins, 19/13 Nichols, Carrie B. illustration, 22/31 Nicholson violin teacher, 28/27 Nicolai, Otto autograph letter to his father, sale, 24/12 autograph letter to Louis Spohr, sale, 24/12 Nicolas viola, 19/2 viola, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/227 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 violin, Withers catalogue, June 1885, 24/21 violin, Withers catalogue of Italian dealer, n.d., 3/160 Nicolas, ainé cello, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 22/26 Nicolas, D. violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/66 violin, Withers catalogue, June 1885, 24/21 Nicolas, D., ainé violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26, 24/5 violin, Cocks catalogue, 25/5 violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Nicolas, fils violin, 19/2 Nicolas, J., fils violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 24/5 Nicolas, père violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26, 24/5 Nicolaus, Andreas viola, Withers catalogue of an Italian delaer, n.d., 3/161 Nicolini, 27/61 Nicolini, collector, 28/96, 28/139, 28/141 Niederberger, William, 53 Niederheitmann, Friedrich, 5/73-76, 6/84-86 Cremona, review, 27/57 Cremona violins, 5/68-73, 5/92-96 Niggell, Simpertius violin, Muller auction, 14/18 Niggell, Sympertus viola, Van Hengel & Eeltjes catalogue, 3/262 violin, Van Hengel & Eeltjes catalogue, 3/258, 3/260 Nilsson, Christina in Bergen, 20/11 Nilsson, Christine, 15/36 Nimkey. Jesse S. Price list, 12/3 Noah's Ark fiddle, 17/29 79 Nocher, cellist, 11/17 Nohl, Ludwig portraits of Stephan von Breuning, sale, 24/12 Norblin, P., 19/2 Nordisk Musik-Tidende, August 1883 Teresina Tua, 15/41 Nordisk Musik-Tidende, February 1889 Nicolo Paganini, 15/44 Nordisk Musik-Tidende, September 1880 Ole Bull, obituary, with illus., 15/40 Norman, Barrack viola da gamba, 19/2 viola da gamba, Withers catalogue, 12/17 viola da gamba. Withers catalogue, 24/21 Norman, Ludwig obituary, 13 June 1885, 20/117 Norman-Neruda, Wilma, 6/75, 6/94, 7/147, 9/36, 15/36, 20/46, 20/117, 20/167, 22/27, 23/4, 24/1, 26/117 in Aberdeen, 26/92 in Australia, 20/177 birthday, 26/63 compared to Sarasate, 20/151 concert review, June 1887, 20/137 concert review, May 1887, 20/122 dinner with Princess of Wales, 20/40 A Great Violinist, 26/93 How Lady Halle became a violinist, 26/56 How She Began, 26/47 with illus., 23/14 illustration, 18/54, 18/60, 22/27, 23/4 interviewed by Baroness von Zedlitz, 26/107 life, with illus., 17/96 from a photograph by Alexander Bassano, 18/202 from a photograph by Elliott and Fry, 18/196 Strad. violin, 26/33 Stradivarius, violin, Ernst's, 19/25 Stradivarius violin, 17/52, 17/130 testimonial, 22/22 on violins old and new, 26/92 North, Colonel, 27/8 North British Daily Mail, 14 August 1893 W.C. Honeyman: The Violin: How to Choose One, review, 17/81 Northern Daily Telegraph, 13 April 1894, 28/141 Northern Daily Telegraph, 15 February 1894, 28/44 Northern Daily Telegraph, 18 December 1893 The Fate of a Big Fiddle at Darwen, 28/22 Northern Echo, 25 May 1894 A Celebrated Cellist, 28/111 Northern Whig, 30 July 1894 Minnie Theobald, 26/80 Norwich Festival, 23/4 Notable Women no.3 Norman-Neruda, Wilma, 18/60 Notation in the form of instruments, 20/4 letter, "Apollo", 11 January 1890, 8/10-11 letter, A.S. Cooper, 8/11 Notes & Queries, 13 September 1862 A. De Morgan: Fiddles, Flutes and Fancies, 17/56 Notes and Queries, 15 March 1862 The Devil Turning Fiddler, 9/21 Notes and Queries, 31 August 1867 Paganini's violin from a shoe, 8/131 Notes and Queries, 31 May 1884 Drowned fiddlers, 5/61-62 Notes and Queries, 5 March 1876 An Old Violin, 6/14-15 Nottingham Daily Express, 12 December 1894 How Lady Halle became a violinist, 26/56 Nottingham Daily Guardian, 9 February 1894, 28/41 Nottingham Evening Post, 7 September 1894 Norman-Neruda, Wilma, 26/107 Nottingham Evening Post, 9 February 1894, 28/63 Nottingham Evening Post, 9 June 1894, 28/88 Nouaille, Peter strings, 26/54 Nouvel Esprit des Journaux, June 1804 Notice sur Tartini, 16/13 Novello, Vincent autograph letter to Louis Spohr, sale, 24/12 Novello family autograph letters to Louis Spohr, sale, 24/12 Nowell, Willis collection of violins, 8/13 Stradivarius violin, 17/50 Nunn, Louisa, violinist, 21/2, 26/124 O Oberländer, A. The Violinist, illus., 18/94 Obry violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Ode to an Old Fiddle, 5/45 Odoardi violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14 O'Donoghue, Cornelius Signor Paganini and Ensign O'Donoghue, 24/9 Oettl, Martin violin, 19/2 Offenbach, Jacques Petite valse lente, autograph manuscript, sale, 24/12 Ohnet, Georges Le Chant de Cygne, 13/2 Noir et Rose, 13/2 Oldham Fine Art and Industrial Exhibtion, 5/52-54 Oliphant, Norman A Flotsam Fiddler, 6/22-27 A Vision of Paganini, 18/32 Olliphant, Norman A Vision of Paganini, 9/25-28 80 Once a Week, no.104 Fiddler Foley, 19/17 Ondricek, Franz illus., 21/23 with illus., 23/3 press opinions, 26/84 tour, 1890 & 1891, 22/17 tours, 1890, 20/33 viewing Paganini's body, 20/95 Onerbourg violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Only a Threat to play the violin, anecdote, 8/6 Onwhyn, T. The Waits at the Parsonage, illus., 18/86 Onwhyn, Thomas The Mysterious Symphony, 21/9 Opferman, Victor concert review, April 1894, 26/90 Opposition Bill illustration, 18/165 Orchestra, Musical Review, 20 June 1885, 20/193 Orchestra, Musical Review, 28 November 1885 The Lost Secret, 6/88-90 Orchestra, Musical Review,14 November 1885 The Negro's Love of Music, 20/204 Orchestra & Choir, June 1882 The Violin - A Modern Example, 5/6-7 Orchestra & Musical Education, 9 January 1886 The Viol d'Amour, 6/73 Orchestra & Musical Review, 20 March 1886 Norman-Neruda, 6/75 Orchestra & Musical Review, 4 July 1859 A Huge Solo, 6/64-65 Orchestra & Musical Review, 6 March 1886 Joachim's Return, 6/6 Orchestra * Musical Education, 20 March 1886 Spark: Spohr's Individuality, 6/74-75 Orchestra and Choir and Musical Education1 November 1883 Violin Strings, 5/14-16 Orchestra and Choir, December 1881 John Broadhouse: Old and New Fiddles, 5/98-99 Orchestra and Choir, journal, 1 July 1883 Report of Hulse sale, 25 June 1883, 2/11 Orchestra and Choir, July 1881 Vieuxtemps, Henri, obituary, 5/29 Orchestra and Musical Education, 19 December 1885 Cremonas as at the Inventories, 6/82-83 Orchestra and Musical Education, 21 March 1885, 20/186 Orchestra and Musical Education, 8 May 1886 How he lost his Strad, 6/99-103 Orchestra and Musical Education, 8 November 1884 "Spohr" adjustable chin holder, 5/57 Orchestra pit, 20/69 Orchestral players, English Musical Standard, 9 August 1890, 9/22-23 Orchestras, women, 22/31 Orelli violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Organistrum, 11/13, 23/7 Coussemaker: On the Musical Instruments of the Middle Ages, 4/104-105 Orleans,Duke of, 24/22 Orpheus by Thomas Crawford, 18/27b Osgood, Marion, 22/31 illustration, 22/31 Otto, F.G. & Sons, 26/34 Otto, Heinrich cello, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 Otto, Jacob Augustus Instrument maker to the Court of the Archduke of Weimar, Westminster Review, XXXVIII, 1 October 1833, 10/5 Treatise on the Construction of a Violin, 17/56 Treatise on the Construction, Preservation, Repair, and Improvement of the Violin, review Westminster Review, XXXVIII, 1 October 1833, 10/5 Otto, Jacob Augustus: Treatise, 11/9, 11/10 Ould, Charles concert review, December 1890, 20/166 concert reviews, January 1891, 20/85 Oury, violinist, 8/129 P Pacherel violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Pacific Trade Journal, November 1885 Violin Making. A modern Stradivarius, 7/206-210 Paddington Indicator, 15 January 1895 Tavistock Violin Academy, 26/105 Paderewski, 28/124 Pads, violin Withers, George, advertisement, 3/185 Paganini, Baron Achille, 17/90 Paganini, Mademoiselle, 20/49 Paganini, Nicolo, 7/121/136, 7/152-153, 8/28, 11/28, 14/12, 14/13, 14/14, 14/15, 14/27, 17/16, 17/32, 17/33, 20/149, 22/27, 23/2, 23/3, 24/22, 26/11, 26/13, 26/90, 27/45, 28/144, 28/145, 28/144, 28/145. 28/147 anecdotes, 5/87-88, 9/29-30 Argosy, Vol.XXI, January 1876, 10/2 at auction house, 26/46 autograph letter, 1 March 1831, sale, 24/12 bassoon concerto, 20/6 Berlioz, H.: Recollections of Paganini, 27/14 H. Berlioz: Paganini. Publication de ses oeuvres, 8/81-85 biographic sketch, 17/107 Biographie des hommes du jour, Tome 2, 2de partie, 1836, 19/12 bust of Ella's, 18/16 81 caricature portrait by Daniel Maclise, 18/10 collection for sale at Withers, 19/2 comparison with Joachim, 20/5 concert, Covent Garden Theatre, 1832, 17/98 concert, King's Theatre, 1831, 17/99 concert, King's Theatre, 1833, 5/84 concert cancelled, 1833, 17/103 concert review, 1831, 17/101, 17/122 concert review, Dublin, August 1831, 17/114 concert review, Dublin Musical Festival, September 1831, 17/123 concert review, Dublin, September 1831, 17/115, 17/117 concert review, July 1830, 17/102 concert review, 1832, 26/30 concert reviews, Paris 1831, 8/86-91 concerts, 1834, 11/20 Correspondence of Niccolo Paganini, 7/157-169 court case Freeman v.Paganini, 5/85 Debut at Opera House, 9/48-49 Dolphin Stradivarius, 17/50 drawing by Maclise, 6/52-53 Dublin Musical Festival, 1831, 17/116 earnings, 9/47-48 elopement with Miss Watson, July 1834, 5/85 engraving, published by Chanot, 18/11 exhumation, 17/90, 26/37, 26/43 Ferrara, 5/65 Fiorentino, F.A., article, 8/75-80 A Freak on the Violin, 11/2 Guarnerius violin, 26/27 H.F.C: Paganini, poem, 14/12 illustration, 11/15, 18/4, 18/23, 18/25, 21/49, 21/61 L. Engel, Temple Bar,May 1886, 7/79-99 La Salma, 21/43 "last" concert review, June 1833, 17/104 "last nights" condemned, 17/32 letter, 20 December 1835, to Luigi Germi, Withers catalogue, 12/12 letter, Feuilleton du Journal des Débats, 21 April 1821, 8/92 letter reproduced in Violin Times, 28/33 letter to Berlioz, 18 December 1838, 20/150 letters to Luigi Germi, for sale, 19/2 letters to Signor Cavaliere Carlo Carli, 16/10 Liszt, Franz, obituary, 17/6 lithograph by A. Hatzfeld, 18/26 lithograph by M. Franquinet, 18/5 lithograph by W. Franquinet, Verba desent, 18/34 Manuscript Quartet, Withers catalogue, 12/12 Medallion Portrait Gallery, 17/119 Musical Star, March – April1885, 19/22 New Monthly Magazine and Literary Journal, 1831, Parts II & III, 10/8 & 9 new portrait, 20/29 Nordisk Musik-Tidende, with illus., 15/44 obituary, 5/84-85 oil painting, for sale, 19/2 Oliphant, Norman: A Vision of Paganini, 18/32 Ondricek views body, 20/95 Origin of Paganini's Magical Command over a Single Violin String, 9/47 Paganini and Berlioz, Musical Standard, 28 March - 11 April 1885, 5/88-90 Paganini playing, from a print of c. 1830, 21/36 Paganiniana, 15/7, 27/1 painting sold, Withers catalogue, 12/12 poem and concert report, 1831, 17/100, 17/103 Poor Paganini, 15/24 portrait, 18/13 in Prague, 11/23 in prison, illus., 22/27 The Queen, May or June 1891, 8/99-102 shoe-violin, 15/1 Signor Paganini and Ensign O'Donoghue, 24/9 silhouettte, 14/21 and Sir Charles Hallé, 9/106 Sonata del Diavolo, cartoon, 18/58 Théâtre de l'Opéra, 1833, 8/91 tour, 1831, 17/122 Valdrighi, L.F.: La salma dei violinista Paganini, 26/43 violin, 17/25, 24/2, 26/21, 28/71 violin, Genoa, 17/16, 21/29 violin copied by Vuillaume, 20/41 violin from a shoe, 8/131 violin in Genoa, 11/15, 20/9 violins, 23/7 Violonistes célèbres, 19/5 A Vision of Paganini, 9/25-28 Paganini Redivivus, 8/28, 26/27 Concert, 20 September 1884, Albert Hall, Sheffield, 5/56 Concert review, Musical Standard, 24 March 1883, 5/1213 in Liverpool, 26/113 Magazine of Music, February 1885, 5/64-65 Musical Standard 10 March 1883, 5/10 The Times, 2 March 1883, 5/10 Pages, Juan guitar, 19/2 guitar, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 guitar, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/69 Paggi, Anita, 21/2, 26/125 Pagoi, Paulus violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Paisley Abbey, 28/125 Pajeot bow, cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17 bow, violin, 19/2 Palazzo Correr collections, 23/11 Pall Mall Budget, 4 February 1892 George Thomson's Amati found, 17/18 82 Pall Mall Gazette, 11 April 1891 An Extraordinary Fiddle (double bass), 9/107 Pall Mall Gazette, 12 June 1890 The Revival of the Viole d'Amour, 9/11 Pall Mall Gazette, 13 July 1893 Mabel Chaplin, 17/98 Pall Mall Gazette, 18 December 1893, 28/44 Pall Mall Gazette, 19 December 1891 The Scorpion and the Violin, 17/34 Pall Mall Gazette, 21 April 1890 An Afternoon amongst the Violins, 9/1-3 Pall Mall Gazette, 21 December 1893 Alleged Violin Fraud, 28/48 Pall Mall Gazette, 23 April 1894, 28/122 Pall Mall Gazette, 29 April 1892 Violin sale, Andover, 17/36 Pall Mall Gazette, 5 December 1891 Jean Gerardy, 9/133 Pall Mall Gazette, 7 May 1886 The Four Little Fiddlers, 6/95-98 Pall Mall Gazette, 9 April 1890 A Talk with Dr Joachim, 9/3-5 Pall Mall Gazette, Extra, 1888 Harper Pennington: A Chat with Mr Whistler in Chelsea, 9/43-45 Palmer, George concert review, December 1893, 28/28 Palmistry Times, Philadelphia, 28 November 1886, 8/1 Pamphilion, 9/1 Pamphilon cello, 19/2 violin, 12/17 Pamphilon, Edward violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/62, 2/64 violin, Withers collection, 12/17 Panormo, 7/4 cello, Withers catalogue, 24/21 guitar, 19/2 guitar, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 viola sold, Bristol, 26/47 violin, 19/2 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 violin, Castle catalogue, 3/94 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/64 violin, Withers catalogue, June 1885, 24/21 violin for sale, 17/129 Panormo (?) cello, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/69 Panormo (style of) cello, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/67 Panormo, E.F. obituary, 27/12 Panormo, George violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Panormo, Louis bow, cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17 bow, violin, 19/2 bow, violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 double bass, 19/2 guitar, 19/2 guitar, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 22/26, 24/5 guitar, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 guitar, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/69 pupil of, guitar, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Panormo, Vincent violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/228 Panormo, Vincenzo, 26/23 double bass, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1893, 24/6 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 24/5 violin, Violin Gallery, 15/8 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 violin, Withers catalogue of Italian dealer, n.d., 3/159 Panormo, Vincinzo violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Panormo,V. violin, Withers catalogue of Italian dealer, n.d., 3/160 Panseron, Auguste Cantate héroique, autograph manuscript, sale, 24/12 Papini, 23/4 Papini Testimonial Fund, 21/34 Pappe, J.J.C. Lesefruchte vom Felde der neuesten Literatur, 1821, 19/19 Paquotte Frères, H.& P., advertisement, 6/22 Paravicini, Signora, 7/147, 15/36 Parera collection, 23/11 Paris, Uber das Pariser Musikwesen, 19/19 Pariton, 6/3 Park, Ada, cornet player, 22/31 Park, Annie, cornet player, 22/31 Park, Katie Bell, trombone player, 22/31 Park Sisters' Quartet, 22/31 Parl, Georgie, cornet player, 22/31 Parry, Hubert Joachim on, 9/4 Parsantte, M.C. violin, Muller auction, 14/18 Parsons, Chas. H. advertisement, 6/105 Partello, D.J. collection of violins, 26/36 Partl, Christian Francistus viola, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/229 Pasquali, cellist, 11/17 Passerini, 8/18 Patronage, Magazine of Music, September 1884, 5/51 Patti, Adelina, 28/95 Patzelt, Ferdinand, 6/88-90 83 Pavardone, Antonio varnish, 8/1 Pavardone, Antonius manuscript, 6/18-19 Pavizot viola, 19/2 viola, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Pawle, A.W. violins sold, Hulse collection sale, 25 June 1883, 26/111 Paxton, cellist, 11/17 Payne, Albert Gaspard Duiffopruggar und die Entstehung der Geige, 19/30 Payne, E.J., 24/14 letter to Edward Heron-Allen, 26 November 1888, 3/8081 varnish, 22/8 Pearinelli, Antonio violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Pearson's Weekly, 18 October 1890 Where violins are made, 9/83 Peccatte bow, cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17 bow, viola, Withers catalogue, 12/17 bow, violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 bow, violin, 19/2 Peccatte, Ch. bows, advertisement, 5/67 Peck, Addison Rugallic, Ambrose, violin, 5/1 Pedrinelli de Crespano violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/228 Peg turner advertisement, 24/21 Pegs Elias Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/233 illustration, 18/3 Improved violin pegs, 9/64 J. Wallis, 5/21 Stuttaford, J., 5/23, 17/126 Wallis's, illus., 18/3 Wallis's Patent Holdfast Pegs, 5/5 Withers, George, advertisement, 3/185 Peilling, Johann viola, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/229 Peiniger, Otto concert review, 1887, 20/127 concert review, December 1886, 20/139 concert review, June 1895, 26/22 concert reviews, May 1885, 20/148 Pellemont, F. violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Pemberton, Edward violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Pennington, Harper A Chat with Mr Whistler in Chelsea, 9/43-45 Penny Illustrated Paper, 2 May 1894 Little Master Huberman, 28/127 Penny Illustrated Paper, 27 January 1894, 28/55 Pens, steel The Late Mr Joseph Gillott, 17/2 Penwirth, Frederick, 28/44 damage to a viol, 28/22 damage to fiddle, 28/20 People, 25 December 1892 B.L. Farjeon: The Poor Fiddler, 17/70 People, 8 July 1894 Albert Cabanzon, 26/113 People's Friend, 31 March 1875 "Heine": How to Study the Violin, 17/60 People's Journal, 25 April 1846 The Hutchinson Family, 14/33 People's Magazine, 1 November 1869 Jean Baptiste de Lulli, 7/113-119 Lulli, illustration, 11/25 Pepys, Samuel, 26/24, 26/27 on violin, 9/129 Pera, illus., 21/57 Perain, François violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 Perera, P.R., 5/26 Perkins, Dunbar, violin teacher, 20/175 Perne, M., on vielle, 27/17 Perotte, Victor, 28/48 violin fraud, 28/47 Perotti, Victor violin thief, 27/52 Perpumo, Juan guitar, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Perrin violin, Cocks catalogue, 25/5 violin, Robert Cocks List of Old Violins, 15/4 Perrin, E. violin, 19/2 Perrotte, Victor violin theft, 28/21 Perrotti, Victor stole violin, 28/139 Perry violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/62 violin, Withers catalogue, June 1885, 24/21 Perry, James violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 violin, Withers catalogue, June 1885, 24/21 Perry, T. and Wilkinson, W. viola, Withers catalogue, 12/17 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/62 violin, Withers catalogue, June 1885, 24/21 84 Perry, Thomas violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Perry, Thos. violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Perry & Wilkinson cello, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 violin, Violin Gallery, 15/8 Persois violin bow, 19/2 Perugia, San Bernardino, angels, 8/128 Pesenner, Joan Georg violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Peters, Carl, 28/69 Peterson's Magazine, February 1895, 21/49 Petherick collection, 23/11 Petit Journal pour rire no.194, 21/38 Petit Journal pour Rire no.194, 43 serie, frontispiece woman playing violin, 11/1 Petitjean guitar, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 Petri, Henri violinist, 22/17 Pettigrew, J. Bell, collector, 28/89 Pettit, Miss, 26/124 Pettitt, Beatrice, trumpet, 21/2 Pfenner, Joan Georg violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/226 Pfretzschner violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/227 Pfretzschner, Johann Adam violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/226 Phelps, Laura B., 21/21, 26/119 with illus., 23/3 Philbrook, Benj. violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/229 Philipowicz, Mme, 7/12 Philips, Barnet A Fisherman's Mate, 4/1-32 Philipson, Alexandro prize for concerto, 20/9 Philp, Elizabeth illustration, 23/4 Piano Quartet illustration, 14/20 Pianos, Steinmayer, 5/30 Piano-violin, 28/49, 28/51 Piatti, Alfred, 17/10, 20/38a 70th birthday, 20/57 accident, 20/10, 20/40 concert review, 25 November 1890, 20/27 honoured, October 1893, 20/96 with illus., 28/155 Order of Commendatore, Italy, 17/92 from a photograph by Elliott and Fry, 18/174 playing the cello, illus., 18/53 portrait, The Quartet, 20/39 Reception 1894, invitation, 21/40 Reception 1894, programme, 21/39 sick in Cadenabbia, 26/110 speech at presentation, 26/89 Strad. cello, 26/33 Piccadilly, 6 July 1893 Count Vinci concert, 17/94 Piccolellis, Giovanni de Della autenticita e pregio di talni strumenti ad arco, 14/2 Pickering collection, 23/11 Pick-Me-Up, 16 August 1890, Harmony and Discord, cartoon, 18/173 Picture Magazine, 21/36 Pieray, Claude violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/226 Pierce Tone Aging Co., 24/1 Pierray, Claud violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/66 Pierray, Claude violin, 19/2 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 22/26 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Pierre guitar, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14 Piete, N. violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/27 Pifficone, Amades, 8/35-36 Piggot Strad. cello, 26/34 Pilizot, Antonius viola, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 Pillemend viola, 19/2 viola, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Pillement cello, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 double bass, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Pillement, Lete double bass, 22/14 guitar, 19/2 guitar, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Pillemont, Lete viola, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/229 Pinto, violinist, 28/39 Piovesan violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/227 Pique cello, Withers catalogue, 24/21 viola, 19/2 viola, Withers catalogue, 12/17 violin, 19/2 85 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26, 24/5 violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/227 violin, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1893, 24/6 violin, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1895, 26/28 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Pique, Francois cello, 19/2 cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Pirot, Claude violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 22/26 violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Piroue, C. advertisement, 25/4 Pisani, S. Angeli violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Pittrich, Karl, 6/68-70 Pixis, Joh. Pet. autograph letters to Louis Spohr, sale, 24/12 Pizzurnus, David violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/228 Placht bowed instruments, Vienna Exhibition, 1873, 11/16 Plagel, N., cellist, 11/17 Planis, Augustinus de violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/228 Platen, Count Stradivarius violin, 7/142 Platner, Michael cello, Withers catalogue, 24/21 violin, 19/2 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 24/5 violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/64 violin, Withers catalogue, June 1885, 24/21 Plebanus, Franciscus Antonius Olinoni cittern, Samary collection, 19/4 Plumerel cello, 19/2 Plunkett, John R. A Half-hour with Bow Kings, 22/27 Pocket Magazine, Robin's Series, 1828, Vol.2 The Village Fiddler, 13/5 Poems Ballad of the White Lady, 9/24 Bourke, C.V: On Hearing Ole Bull, 20/11 Brown, Ellen, L.: Plea for the Violin, 20/99 Burdette, Robert F. on Wilhelmj, 20/51 Carida: My Violin, 6/4 Cochrane, Alfred: The Old Violin, 26/98 Der Peppo und seine Affe, 18/245 Diddled, 24/20 Dobson, Austin: The Child Musician, 8/98 Dryerre, Henry: Zonane; or, the fiddle wizard of Cremona, 6/6-13 Duffield, S.W.: The Violin of Messire Andreas, 11/11 Eaton, W.A. Two Fiddlers in a Scrape, poem, 10/12 Fales, Wm.E.S.: The Lost Amati, 8/56 Henry, U.T.: My Violin, 26/52 Heron-Allen, Edward, 6/98 Heron-Allen, Edward: To a Child Virtuosa, 5/47 Herfrod, Oliver: The Music of the Future, 21/18 Hervey, Eleanora Louisa: Seven Flats! with illus., 18/126 H.F.C.: Paganini, 14/12 The Hostile Neighbours, 18/253 Hussey, T.: My Lady's Violin, 26/78 Kenyon, James B.: Her Violin, 26/55 Kendall, May : A Theory, 15/3, 26/13 Kenyon, James B.: Her Violin, 26/55 Lindsay, Lady: The Violinist's Farewell to his Violin, 26/106 Longfellow: The Violinist, 23/3 Macdonald, Mosse: On A Lady's Violin, poem, 8/135 Mitchell, C.H.: Sonnet of the Violin, 20/49 Moscati, F. de: Paganini, 17/103 A Musical Conundrum, 20/41 My Fiddle, 9/5 My Violiniste, poem, 26/13 Poor Billy, 17/1 Poor fiddler's ode to his old fiddle, 9/51 Preston, Adelaide: The Old Fiddler, 6/19 P.W.: Paganini, 17/100 A Quartette, 10/10 The Quartette Party, 18/248 Rae, Thomas: My Sweetheart Violin, 26/52 Rae, Thomas: To My Violin, 6/15 Riley, James Whitcomb: Your Violin, 26/52 Romaine, Harry: After the Song, 21/17 Ryder, Eliot: On a Violin, 19/18 Sigerson, Dora: The Old Violon (sic), 24/3 Sydney Grey: The Rivals, 18/47 Thaxter, Celia: To a Violin, 26/48 Thornbury, Walter: The Jacobite Fiddler, 11/7 To Be Sold - A Bargain, 24/20 To Miss Sallie H-W-T, by the Rhymester, 6/103 Violin Verses, 26/9, 28/113 Wilkinson, Andrew: The Ancient Fiddle, 17/39 Poirson violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Polak, Wolf concert review, May 1884, 20/148 Polko, Elise The Amati, 20/15 Pollidori, 23/3 Pollitzer, 5/51 Pollitzer, A., 20/130, 20/176 Pollitzer, Adolphe, 27/5 Polonaski, E. concert review, December 1887, 20/130 English and Foreign Players, letter, 6/65 86 letter to E.J. Moeran, solicitor, 2 November 1898, 21/45 letter to the Times, 17/43 Violin Times, 20/52, 28/29, 28/33 Polytechnisches Centralblatt, 15 December 1861 Jos. Stadtler: Ueber die Eigenschaften des zum Violinbau tauglichen Materials., 14/1 Pons guitar, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 22/26, 24/5 Pontecoulant cello, quotation, 15/31 Poole guitar, 22/14 guitar, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Poor fiddler's ode to his old fiddle, 9/51 Pope Pius V, 24/22 Popper, David, 15/15, 20/44, 26/94 arrival in England, August 1894, 26/111 on bridges, 25/1 Nordisk Musik-Tidende, with illus., 15/43 treatment of child, 20/59 "Popular" concerts, 23/4 Portal, Katie, 26/124 Portal, Margaret, 26/124 Portal, Margaret, clarinet, 21/15 Portal, Violet, oboe, 21/15, 26/124 Portal. Katherine, oboist, 21/2 Portland Music Publishing Co., advertisement, 25/4 Posch, Antony cello, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/229 Postacchini, Andreas violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14 Postacehini, Andreas viola, 19/2 viola, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Postachini, Andreas viola, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Pougin, Arthur George Hainl, obituary, 15/28 Powell, Maud, 9/78-80, 21/21, 23/7, 26/118 brochure: Maud Powell.Her triumphs in Europe and United States, 3/127-138 Duiffoprugcar violin, 17/52, 26/121 with illus., 23/3 illustration, 22/31 Powell v. Flechter, 9/112-120 reviews in Boston papers, 9/52-54 Women and the Violin, 26/28 Powell, Minne fake Duiffoprugcar, 27/14 Powell v. Flechter, 9/121, 9/138 Poznanski, violinist, American-Polish, 20/47 Praag, N. van, 28/124 Practical Mechanic's Journal, 1 January 1859 Bell's Harmonica Violin, 9/37-38 Practical Mechanic's Journal, 1 March 1857 Rev. G. Jacque: Sympathetic Strings for Musical Instruments, 15/30 Practice, instrumental, 26/96 Praeger, Ferdinand Sainton farewell concert, review, 27/42 Praga, E. violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/230 Prague conservatory, 20/189 Prarelli, cellist, 11/17 Pratt, May, flautist, 22/31 Pray, Georgia, cellist, 22/31 Pray, Georgie, illustration, 22/31 Prenzel, pegs, 12/8 Pressenda violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26, 24/5 violin, Cocks catalogue, 25/5 violin, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1895, 26/28 violin, Violin Gallery, 15/8 violins, Withers catalogue of Italian dealer, n.d., 3/160 Pressenda, Joannes Franciscus cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17 double bass, 19/2 double bass, Withers catalogue, 12/17 fiddles, Globe, January 12 1884, 5/31 violin, 19/2 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 22/26, 24/5 violin, Robert Cocks List of Old Violins, 15/4 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/61, 2/62, 2/63 violin, Withers catalogue, June 1885, 24/21 Prester John All the Year Round, 28 April 1880, 2/44-48 Preston cello, Withers catalogue, 24/21 violin, Withers collection, 12/17 Preston, Adelaide, The Old Fiddler, poem, 6/19 Prevott cello, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Prevotta cello, 19/2 cello, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Price, Henry violin stolen, 28/139 Prince of Wales Harmony; or, the Prince of Wales's Royal Minstrels, 18/259 Prince Paul Esterhazy Orchestra, 8/4-5 Princess, 23 June 1894, 28/98 Princess, 27 January 1894, 28/49 Princess Ida, Savoy Theatre programme, 18/282 Prinet,R., The Violoncello, illustration, 18/72 Proctor, J., The Coronation - cash for the trip, 18/266 Provincia, Corriere di Cremona, 30 January 1891 Il Violino, 9/124-127 Provincia di Brescia, 13 June 1891 D.A. Berenzi: I liutai bresciani - Giovanni Paolo Maggini, liutaio bresciano, review, 17/14 87 Prugar, Duffo, 11/3 Pruni, Jean Amati violin, 17/38 Psaltery, 6/15 Publisher's Circular, 1891 Elinor Davenport: Comrades True, illus., 18/60 Helen Shipton: Two Friends and a Fiddle, review, 17/10 Publisher's Circular, 6 December 1889 E.M. Green: The Child of the Caravan, review, 9/42 Publishers' Circular, 8 August 1891 Jessie Fothergill, death, 8/98 Pucci, Melheo varnish, 8/1 Pucelle Stradivarius, 8/3 Pugnani, Gaetano, 23/3 Punch, 11 March 1882, 18/259 Punch, 12 November 1881 A Jolly Vacation, 18/260 Punch, 15 October 1881, 18/289 Punch, 17 September 1881, 18/288 Punch, 18 March 1882, 18/294 Punch, 18 November 1882, 18/297 Punch, 19 October 1881 At a Smoking Concert, 18/261 Punch, 20 May 1882, 18/293, 18/295 Punch, 22 March 1884, 18/284 Punch, 23 July 1881, 18/288 At A Smoking Concert, 18/261 Punch, 26 August 1882, 18/290 Punch, 26 January 1884, 18/280 Punch, 27 May 1882, 18/292 Punch, 3 June 1882, 18/290, 18/291 Punch, 8 July 1882, 18/262 Putnam's Monthly Magazine, Feburary -- March 1869 Elizabeth Stoddard: A Violin Stop, 22/9 Puttick & Simpson sale, 1883, 5/29 sale, July 1891, 27/10 sale of Woolhouse & Cusins collections, 6 December 1893, 24/6 sale, 1894, 26/111, 26/113, 27/45 sale, 1893, 17/85, 17/130, 28/23, 28/48 sale, 1895, 26/28 P.W., Paganini, poem, 17/100 Q Quarterly Musical Magazine and Review Memoir of Viotti, 11/19 Quarterly Musical Magazine and Review, 1824 On the Rise and Progress of the Violoncello, 11/17 Rode, Baillot and Kreutzer's Method of Instruction for the Violin, review, 11/18 Quarterly Musical Magazine and Review, June 1821 C.J.Smyth: Analysis of Chladni's Treatise on Acoustics, 11/24 Quarterly Musical Magazine and Review, no. XI Messrs. Mori, Spohr, and Kiesewetter, 11/21 Quarterly Musical Magazine and Review, no.XII On a double double bass, 11/22 Quarterly Musical Magazine and Review, no.XXXVIII Paganini at Prague, 11/23 Quarterly Musical Magazine Vol.III no. XII On the Rise and Progress of the Violin, 14/4 Quartet, illus., 18/210 Queen, 12 December 1874, 18/300 Queen, 14 April 1894, 28/132 Queen, 16 December 1893, 28/29 Queen, 20 January 1876 The Violin as a Lady's Instrument, 28/85 Queen, 5 May 1894 The New Boy Violinist, 28/131 Queen, 9 December 1893, 28/28 Queen, Illustrated Calendar, 1882 Monsieur Lasserre, 17/26 Queen, May or June 1891 Paganini, 8/99-102 Quekett Microscopical Club, 26/116 Quinton Vuillaume collection, 19/3 Qumsteeg, Jean Rodolphe, cellist, 11/17 R Rabup Musical Standard, 6/75 Radnor, Countess of concert review and programme, June 1894, 28/93 Radoux, Theodore life of Vieuxtemps, report, 20/37 Rae, Thomas My Sweetheart Violin, poem, 26/52 To My Violin, poem, 6/15 Raephael, N. violin, Hesketh List of Old Violins, 19/13 Raff, Joachim Im Walde, Symphony no.3, autograph manuscript, sale, 24/12 Notturno d'après une romance de François Liszt, autograph manuscript, sale, 24/12 Raillich, 14/23 Railway Supplies' Journal, 15 February 1884 Mr. G.A. Chanot's Musical Instruments, 5/52-54 Railway bridge like cello, 9/101 Rambaux, 14/7 cello, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Rambouts, Peter violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/62 Raphael, artist Raphael's Musical Instruments, 5/17 St. Cecilia, 18/8, 18/218 Rappoldi, 6/69, 20/47 88 Rare Bits, 8 March 1890 My Fiddle, poem, 9/5 Rasomo violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Ratcliffe cello by Joseph Hill, 26/27 Raunch, Jacob viola d'amore, Cremona Society, Exhibition of Violes d'Amour, 14 March 1889, 3/83 Rausa, Siburtius violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Ravanastron, 7/6 Ravanstron, 23/7 Reade, Charles, 7/4, 8/32, 17/132, 22/7, 23/11, 28/6 cello, Madrid, 5/51 A Lost Art revived, reprint, 15/8 The Romance of Fiddle Dealing, 5/9 Salabue Strad., 26/20 Strad, 20/60 Stradivarius violin, 17/130 varnish, 22/8 Rebab, Arabic, 23/7 Rebab-esh-shaer, 7/6 Rebec, 7/6, 11/27 Rebec (Boscherville), 21/67 Reber violin, Van Hengel & Eeltjes catalogue, 3/259 Rechardini, Zuane, 14/23 Recio, José guitar, 19/2 guitar, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Redwood, Archbishop, 28/33 Reeves, Sims, illustration, 23/4 Reichardt, Johann Friedrich on Louis Spohr, 15/21 Reichel, Johan Georg cello, Muller auction, 14/18 Reichel, Max violinist, 20/47 Reichers Stradivarius violin, 17/50 violin, Vuillaume collection, 19/3 Reims Travaux de l'Académie Nationale de Reims, 1875-76 nos.1-2, 1/162-173 Reinecke, Karl autograph letter, 29.VI.1888, sale, 24/12 autograph letter, sale, 24/12 Reis, Jos. violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/226 Reissiger, Friedr. Aug. Drei Duette, op.37, autograph manuscript, sale, 24/12 Reiter, Johann, 22/4, 26/92 Reliquary, no.94, vol. XXIV, October 1883 Engel, Carl: Researches into the Early History of the Violin Family, review, 15/6 Reményi, Ede, 20/41 in America, 20/192 article by H.R. Haweis, with illus., 20/42 concert, New Eltham, 27/8 contract for USA tour, 20/174 illustration, 24/1 North America tour, 27/3 return to Budapest, 20/35 Strad in South Africa, 22/25 Stradivarius violin, 17/49 tour of China, 20/40 tour of USA, 22/17 on violin music, 20/138 violins, 26/12 Wilhelmj and Reményi, with illus., 22/5 Reményi-Strad violin, 24/4 Remy viola, Withers catalogue, 12/17 violin, 19/2 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14 violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/227 violin, Van Hengel & Eeltjes catalogue, 3/259 violin, Vuillaume collection, 19/3 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 violins and viola, Muller auction, 14/18 Renault & Chatelain cello, Withers catalogue, June 1885, 24/21 Renault & Chatelaind cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Rensaelaer Cruger, Mrs van, 8/1 Resin Stuttaford, J., 5/23, 17/126 Resin holder Bonn, J. Edwin, 25/4 Restano, J. violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14 Restie, Anton violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/228 Review Dubourg, George: The Violin, 1 /1-15 Review of Reviews, 15 April 1894, 28/154 Revolti, Jacobus violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Revubbug, Joannes violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Revue Britannique, 14 February 1837 Violonistes célèbres, 19/5 Rey, J.B. illustration, 18/149 Rey, J.B., celllist, 11/17 Rhehazek, 20/197, 24/22 Stradivarius violin, 17/50 Rheinberger, Josef autograph letter, sale, 24/12 Rheinhold autograph letter, sale, 24/12 89 Rheinischer Kurier Ein neues Streichinstrument (Violetta), 17/12 Rhodes, John F., 23/3 Rhymester, To Miss Sallie H-W-T, 6/103 Ricardo Strad. violin, 26/33 Ricardo, F., 8/2-3 Stradivarius, Antonius, 22/7 Riccardo, Antoniazzi violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Richers, August violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Richter, Nicholai Gaurnerius violin, 17/38 Rico Stradivarius violin, 17/130 Riecha, G., cellist, 11/17 Riechers, in Chicago, 20/27 Riedel, Hermann, autograph letter, sale, 24/12 Rief, Dominicus violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Rieger, George violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Rieger, Johones violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/226 Ries, Ferdinand autograph letters to Louis Spohr, sale, 24/12 portrait, The Quartet, 20/39 Stradivarius violin, 17/131 Ries, Hubert autograph letter to Louis Spohr, sale, 24/12 Ries, L., illustration, 18/54 Riley, James Whitcomb, Your Violin, poem, 26/52 Riley, W.R., comic singer, 9–81 Rinozz, Matteo J. violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Ritmuller, W. & Sohn piano makers, advertisement, 25/4 Ritter, Hermann, patent viola, 26/90 Ritter von Graziabi Der Carneval von Venedig, 18/35 Rivarde, Achille M. Gleichen, Valda, 26/26 Seidl Sunday Evening concerts. with illus, 23/3 Rivet violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/228 Riviere & Hawkes, 5/49 Rivisto violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Robbio, A., 26/113 Robinson, Edith, violinist, 26/91 Robinson, Winifred, violinist, 28/27, 28/53 Robio, concert review, March 1895, 26/80 Rocca viola, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 violin, Hesketh List of Old Violins, 19/13 Rocca, Enrico violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 Rocca, G. violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Rocca, Joseph cello, 19/2 cello, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17 viola, 19/2 viola, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 violin, 19/2 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/228 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Rocca, Joseph Antonius violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Rocca, Josephus Antonio violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Rochefort, Jean Baptiste, cellist, 11/17 Rochlitz, Friedrich autograph letters to Louis Spohr, sale, 24/12 Rode, 23/3 Stradivarius violin, 17/15 Rode, Baillot and Kreutzer's Method of Instruction for the Violin, review, 11/18 Rode, Pierre, 11/18 Rodriguez, Manuel, 20/30a Rogeri, Gian Battista, 14/2 Rogers, Winthrop Guadagnini violin, 22/25 Rolla, 7/83 Rolls, Gertrude, cellist, 21/2, 26/125 Romaine, Harry, After the Song, 21/17 Romance, February 1985 Ernest Dowson: A Violin, 24/17 Romberg, Bernh. autograph letetrs to Louis Spohr, sale, 24/12 Romberg, Bernhard lithograph by C. Brande, 18/191 Romberg, the elder, cellist, 11/17 Romney, George, as violinist, 20/27 Rose violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Rose, Jean Henri Victor, cellist, 11/17 Rose, viol maker, 8/133 Rosegger, P.S. The Bass-Viol of Aberlsberg, 24/19 Rosin Albert, E.J., 15/32 HL, advertisement, 3/168 90 Rosin box Hill, William E., 3/148 self-closing, 21/41 William E. Hill, advertisement, 3/174 Ross, Charles and Alfred advertisement and press reports, 20/70 Rossi, Ignacio violin, Samary collection, 19/4 rotta, 11/27 Rousseau, Frederick, cellist, 11/17 Rousseau, Jean double bass, 15/31 Traité de la viole, title page, 21/4 Rousseau, violinist, 28/37 Rousselot, cellist, 8/129 Rovetta, A. violin, Hesketh List of Old Violins, 19/13 Rowbotham, J.F. The Violin, 27/35 Rowbotham J.F,, 27/46 Rowlandson Garden Trio, 21/56 Royal Academy of Music Sainton scholarships, 20/176 Sarasate concerts, 20/31 Royal Academy of the Fine Arts Institute of France, 28/36 Royal Amateur Orchcestra, 20/9 Royal Amateur Orchestra review, 6/4 Royal College of Music, 23/14, 28/109 concert reviews, March 1893, 20/93 Harmony; or, the Prince of Wales's Royal Minstrels, 18/259 Royal College of Music Library consort music, 17/35 Royal Institution, Proceedings, December 1880 Haweis, H.R.: Old Violins, parts 1-3, 7/15-19 Roysseaux violin, 19/2 violin, Withers collection, 12/17 violin. Withers catalogue 1883, 24/21 Roze violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/229 Rozoir, Charles du Notice sur Pierre Baillot, Célèbre Violoniste, 14/9 Rub, Aug. de violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/227 Rubebe, 7/6 Ruben, L. M. agent, advertisement, 3/128 Rubinstein cartoon: "Il Demonio" Rubenstein-o, 18/288 Rubio, cellist concert review, March 1895, 26/72 concert review, Steinway Hall, March 1895, 26/63 Rubta violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/228 Rudersdorff, John, 28/88 Ruff, M.D. Famous Violin Makers, 22/20 Ruffini, Andreas strings, advertisement, 18/27f Rugallic, Ambrose violin, Howe catalogue, 1887 London & Provincial Music Trades Review, 15 April 1882, 5/1 Ruger, Vicenzo violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Rugeri violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26, 24/5 Rugeri, Francesco violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Rugeri, J.B. violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 violin, Violin Gallery, 15/8 Rugeri, V. violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/228 Rugerio, Io Gio Battista violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/229 Rugerius violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4–/227 violin, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1891, 27/10 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 violin, Withers catalogue of Italian dealer, n.d., 3/159 Rugerius, Antonius violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/226 Rugerius, Francesco cello sold, Puttick & Simpson, 1883, 5/29 viola, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/229 Rugerius, Francescus violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/228 Rugerius, J.B. cello, Withers catalogue, 12/12 violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/227, 4/228 violin, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1893, 17/83 violin, Withers catalogue of Italian dealer, n.d., 3/159 violin for sale, 17/129 violin sold, Hulse collection sale, 25 June 1883, 2/8 Rugerius, Jo. Baptista violin, 19/2 Rugerius, Johannes Baptista violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/61 Rugger, Giacinto viola, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/229 Ruggeri, Francisco violin, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1895, 26/28 Ruggerius, Francesco Sale catalogue of the collection of violins etc., 25 June 1883, Putttick and Simpson, 2/10 91 Ruggerius, Francisco cello for sale, Manchester, 5/26 Ruggerius, Guido tenor sold, Hulse collection sale, 25 June 1883, 2/7 Ruggerius,Petrus Jacobus violin, 19/2 Rugieri, Francesco, 14/2 Rugieri, Vincenzo, 14/2 Ruhlmann, Julius Die Urformen der Bogeninstrumente, 7/195-205 Rusner, Georg violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Russia, instruments, 23/1 S Sacchi, Regina, 15/36 Sacchi, Reigna, 7/147 Sachs, John All about Fiddles, with illus., 19/28 Ancient Musical Instruments of the Hebrews and Early Christians, 9/96-101 Sacquin violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14 Sacred Harmonic Society, 23/4 Exeter Hall, 24 March 1835, 11/4 Sacred Harmonic Society, Library, 23/4 Sagebiel, Franz concert review, March 1894, 28/110 Saint Georges de Boscherville, abbey illustrations, 18/133 Sainte-Cecile double bass, Vuillaume ciollection, 19/3 Saint-Lubin, Léon de autograph letters to Louis Spohr, sale, 24/12 Sainton, Charles P. artist, 20/58 Sainton, Prosper drawings, 20/27 farewell concert, 20/89 farewell concert, programme, 27/41 obituary, 9/46, 9/84-86, 27/4 obituary, December 1890, 20/44 obituary, November 1890, 20/76 photos, 21/54 scholarships, 20/86, 20/176, 27/7 Sainton-Dolby, Mme, 20/152 Sala silver violin, 27/18 Sala, George Augustus autobiography, review, 26/110, 27/52 Salabrie, Comte Cozio di Messiah Strad, 20/33 Salabue, Count Coria de, 26/20 Messiah Strad (Salabue), 8/71 Messiah violin, 22/7 Salamon, Jean violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Sala's Journal, 7 February 1894, 28/58 Saletpier, Andreas violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/228 Salford Chronicle, 17 March 1894, 28/143 Salo, C. da violin, Van Hengel & Eeltjes catalogue, 3/260 Salo, C. de violin, Van Hengel & Eeltjes catalogue, 3/261 Salo, Gaspar D. violin sold, 25 June 1883, 2/10 Salo, Gaspar da, 7/143-144, 11/3, 22/8, 23/7 cello, 9/3, 14/23 cello, Vuillaume collection, 19/3 cello, Withers catalogue of an Italian dealer,n.d., 3/161 cittern, Samary collection, 19/4 Edward Heron-Allen: The Violin, 7/4 viola, Violin Gallery, 15/8 viola, Withers catalogue of an Italian delaer, n.d., 3/161 violin, 14/23 violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/226, 4/227 violin, Ole Bull's, Violin Gallery, 15/8 Salo, Gaspar di, 24/22 viola, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/229 violin, Howe collection, 28/1 Salo, Gaspard da violin, Vuillaume collection, 19/3 Salo, Gasparo da viola, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 viola, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1895, 26/28 Saloman, Siegfried autograph letters to Louis Spohr, sale, 24/12 Salomon cello, 19/2 cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17 viola, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 violin, 19/2 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 22/26 violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/227 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Salomon, J.P. from Hardy portrait, 18/89 Salzard viola, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14 Salzard, Francis violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Salzard, Francois violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 Samary, Georges sale of collection, 19/4 San Francisco industries: violin-making, 7/206-210 novel instrument, 17/78 San Francisco Argonaut, 25 September 1893 92 Wm. A. Taaffe: The Demon Violin, 26/68 San Francisco Bulletin, 17 January 1896 Certain Immense Fiddles, 26/9 San Francisco Call, 26 May 1895 His First VIolin, 26/63 San Francisco Chronicle, 13 October 1895 A Manzanita Violin, 26/31 San Francisco Chronicle, 16 June 1895 A Colored Paganini, 26/64 San Francisco Chronicle, 16 May 1895 Ysaye's concert, 26/64 San Francisco Chronicle, 4 November 1894 May Kendall: A Theory, poem, 26/13 San Francisco Examiner, 12 June 1895 Charles Goffrie, obituary, 26/64 San Francisco Examiner, 14 May 1895 Ysaye concert, 1895, with illus., 26/66 San Francisco Examiner, 15 May 1895 Ysaye's Note was Stilled, 26/62 San Francisco Examiner, 1892 A Famous Old Violin, 26/13 San Francisco Examiner, 2 January 1895 His Estate Three Violins, 26/45 San Francisco Examiner, 23 February 1896 Algernon Sydney: How Antonio Won Cremona's Crown, 26/58 San Francisco Examiner, 24 February 1896 Marsick, with illus., 26/56 San Francisco Examiner, 28 May 1893 Reményi's violin, 26/12 San Francisco Examiner, 30 January 1896 He Plays the Violin and Waits for Death, 26/36 San Francisco Examiner, 4 July 1895 Money in the Violin, 26/62 San Francisco Morning Call, 21 October 1892 Reuben, 26/31 San Francsico Bulletin, 27 February 1896 Marsick and his Views, 26/57 Sanford, F.A. van A Season of Violinists, 23/3 Sangelia, Lorenzo violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Sanyogi, 26/87 Sarana, J. violin, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1893, 17/83 Sarasate, Pablo, 9/35-36, 20/30a, 22/27, 23/4, 26/13, 26/100, 26/117, 28/63 on bridges, 25/1 Bruch, Max: In Memoriam, 20/49 cartoon concerning visit, 21/59 concert, final, 5/56 concert in Cambridge, 20/87 concert programme, St. James's Hall, 5 December 1890, 15/26 concert report, 20 July 1891, 20/186 concert review, January 1885, 20/143 concert review, January 1891, 20/183, 20/185 concert review, June 1885, 20/135, 20/199 concert review, June 1895, 26/22 concert review, May 1882, 20/144 concert review, May 1884, 20/136 concert review, May 1889, 20/176 concert reviews, 6 June 1885, 20/118 concert reviews, December 1890, 20/89 concert reviews, January 1891, 20/84 concert reviews, July 1891, 20/78, 20/183 concert reviews, June 1889, 20/174 concert reviews, London, 1891, 20/37 concert reviews, Manchester, 20/87 concert, St. James's Hall, 18 April, 5/91-92 concert, St. James's Hall, May 1886, 6/93 concerts, 1888, 20/39 concerts, London, 1889, 20/31 concerts,1890, 20/75 concerts 1886, 20/10 concerts in America, 20/27 Edinburgh advertisement, 20/57 Gemunder violins, 20/28 with illus., 23/14, 28/62 Jehu Junior: Senor Pablo Martin Meliton Sarasate, 9/105106 Marie Corelli: Joachim and Sarasate, 19/26 Modern Men from the Scots Observer, 13/1 not coming to London, 20/151 overview, 20/169 Pesth concert cancelled, 20/9 from a photograph by Elliott and Fry, 18/200 from a photograph by Walery, 18/202 portrait by J. McNeil Whistler, reproduced, 18/230 presented with garland and cheese, 20/38 reception, 17/83 Senor Sarasate's Concerts, Musical Times, 1 May 1886, 6/78 sketch by Whistler, 945 Stradivarius violin, 17/48, 20/33, 26/9, 26/21 watch chain and hobbies, 26/80 watches, 28/138 Sarinda, 26/87 Sarrut, Germain & Saint-Edme, B. Paganini, 19/12 Saturday Magazine, 1838 History of the Violin, 11/6 Saturday Magazine, No.408, 10 November 1838 On the construction of the violin, 11/6 Saturday Morning Orchestra, San Francisco, 20/48 Saturday Review, 10 October 1885 Violins at the Inventions Exhibition, 9/86-90 Saturday Review, 20 August 1881 George Hart: The Violin and its Music, 17/137 Saunders, 24/22 93 Sauret, Emile, 20/88 appointed chief professor, 20/166 concert review, April 1894, 28/105 concert review, July 1893, 20/95 with illus., 23/3 overview, works performed, compositions, 26/82 Savaresse, Henri Rapport... sur la Fabrique de Cordes Harmoniques, 14/5 Savart, 7/5, 11/9 experiments, 22/8 violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 9/150-152 violin construction, 11/6 Savart, Felix, 14/7 trapezoid violin, illus., 18/121 Savory, Miss, 26/125 Savory, Sybil, violinist, 21/2 Scannell, Edith The Child of the Caravan, illustration, 9/42 Scarampella, Stefano violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Scary, Miss, flautist, 21/2 Schäffer, Julius autograph letter, sale, 24/12 Schefer, Leop. Das arme Vaterland, autograph manuscript, sale, 24/12 Scheller, 23/2 Schencke, J.F., 24/6 Schetky, F.G.C., cellist, 11/17 Schiever,Ernest Guarnerius violin, 28/51, 28/125 Schindler, Jean Christophe Gotlieb, cellist, 11/17 Schindler, Rosa, violinist, reviews, etc., 21/47 Schipek Mme., 6/67-68 Schira, Francesco, Romance, autograph manuscript, sale, 24/12 Schleins, V. violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Schlick, Jean Conrad, cellist, 11/17 Schlick, Madame, 7/147 Schliewen, Richard, illustration, 24/1 Schlosser, Hermann violins, 24/20 Schmeling, Gertrude Elizabeth, 15/36 Schmidt violin, Muller auction, 14/18 Schmidt, C.F. advertisement, 14/22 bowed instruments, Vienna Exhibition, 1873, 11/16 Schmitt, Aloys autograph letetrs to Louis Spohr, sale, 24/12 Schneider, Friedr. Ans Vaterland, autograph manuscript, sale, 24/12 autograph letters to Louis Spohr, sale, 24/12 Schneider, Louis Deux Morceaux Lyriques, review, 20/71 Schneider, Louis F. on viola d'amore, 26/90 Scholtz, Hermann autograph letter, sale, 24/12 Scholz, Bernhard autograph letter, sale, 24/12 Schott, Richard Mittenwald und seine Geigenmacher, 22/28 Schott - B, Schott's Sohn. Catalogue, Musik fur Saiten-Instrumente, 1879, 4/181224 Schott - Schott & Co. Catalogue of Violin and Concerted Music, 4/236-272 Schott & Co. advertisement, 25/4 Schottley, M. Origin of Paganini's Magical Command over a Single Violin String, 9/47 Schradieck, Heinrich, 27/13 Schradieck, Henry, 6/84-86, 6/88-90 Cremona violins, 5/68-73, 5/73-76, 5/92-96 Schroedel, Frederick, cellist, 11/17 Schuberth, Carl, illustration, 18/192 Schubring, Jul., letters from Mendelssohn, sale, 24/12 Schucht, J.H. Die Quartettmusik, 19/16 Improvements in Violins, 9/66 Sound-boards, 9/55 The Violin, 9/59, 9/62 Schultze, Master, 5/51 Schulz, Theo. The Double Bass as solo instrument, 27/45 mandolins, 26/91 viola d'amore, 26/90 Schumann, Robert autograph letters to Louis Spohr, sale, 24/12 autograph letters to Whistling, sale, 24/12 F A E Sonata, 20/51 Der Rose Pilgerfahrt, Stichexemplar, sale, 24/12 Mädchenlieder, op.103, manuscript, sale, 24/12 Phantasiestücke, op.88, manuscript, sale, 24/12 Sechs Gedichte von N. Lenau und Requiem, manuscript, sale, 24/12 Spanisches Liederspiel, Stichexemplar, sale, 24/12 VII Lieder, op. 104, Stichexemplar, sale, 24/12 Schunemann, 6/88-90 Schuster Brothers, advertisement for chin rest, 17/126 Schütt, Eduard, autograph letter, sale, 24/12 Schwaicher violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/226 Schwendemann, William, 5/3, 9/8-11, 23/11 Scientific American, 15 February 1890 An Improved Musical Instrument, 9/37-38 Scorpion, and violin, 17/34 Scotland, music, 27/35, 28/102 Scotsman, 31 October 1894 Luigi Chiostri, death, 26/111 94 Scotsman, 5 January 1894, 28/47 Scotta, Frida, 26/102 Scotta, Fruda concert review. May 1893, with illus., 21/62 Scotter, Frida concert review, May 1895, 26/74 Scottish Leader, 16 May 1890, 9/7 Scottish Leader, 17 February 1894, 28/62 Some Famous Violins, 28/58 Scottish Leader, 23 January 1894, 28/81 Scottish Leader, 3 April 1894 Tivadar Nachez, 28/99 Scottish Leader, 3 March 1894, 28/74 Scottish music, 20/200 Scraps, 1 August 1885 violinists, illus., 18/6 Scraps, 16 April 1889 Cartoon: Modern Music and Musicians, 18/50 Scraps, 16 April 1890, 18/315 Scraps, 3 March 1894 Powerful Effect of Scotch Muisc, 28/102 Scraps, April 1884 Ode to an Old Fiddle, 5/45 Scraps, January 1884 A Fiddler's Trouble, 5/41 Scraps, Vol.1. No.20, 18/265, 18/280 Scribner, December 1894, 21/51 Scribner's Magazine, January 1887 Margaret Crsoby: A Violin Obligato, 15/18 Scribner's Monthly, March 1875 S.W. Duffield: The Violin of Messire Andreas, 11/11 Scribner's Monthly, May 1879 Wilhelmj and Remenyi, 22/5 Sears, J. Montgomery "Jupiter" Strad., 26/36, 26/42 Sears, J.M., 26/120 Seary, Emily, 26/125 Seghers, Gérard St. Francis of Assisi, 18/68 Seiler, Anton violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Seitz, Joseph viola, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/229 Selas, Matteo, 14/23 Selle, W.C. bridges, 27/28 bridges, letter, 27/32 on tuning, 27/18 Sentinella Bresciana, 14 January 1890 instruments, Brescia, 9/122-123 Sepentini, Emmanuel, cellist, 11/17 Seraphin violin, Van Hengel & Eeltjes catalogue, 3/259 Seraphin, Georgius violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Seraphin, S. violin, Van Hengel & Eeltjes catalogue, 3/259 Seraphin, Sanctus violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 violin and cello, Violin Gallery, 15/8 Seraphine, Sanctus violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/227 Seraphino, Georgius violin, 19/2 Seraphino, Sanctus Beaujardin's violin, 26/45 cello, Withers catalogue, 24/21 cello, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/68 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/60 Serinda, illustration, 5/18 Servais, Adrien Francois cellist, 20/11 Servais, François autograph letter to Louis Spohr, sale, 24/12 Servais, Franz, 6/73, 9/36 Servais, Joseph, 6/73 obituary, 20/11 Stradivarius violin, 20/10 Seth, Irma, violinist, 20/39, 27/10 Seymour, R. Waits, 21/71 Sgarbi, Giuseppe violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Shattuck, Lillian, violinist, 22/31 Shaw-Hellier, Col. T.B., drawing, 8/105 Sheffield, violinists, 20/6 Sheffield Independent, 11 December 1893 A Manchester Violin Expert and a So-called "Maginni", 28/27 Sheffield Independent, 18 January 1894, 28/41 Sheffield Independent, 26 October 1894 Carrodus on Violin Playing, 26/104 Sheffield Telegraph, 15 January 1894, 28/49 Sheffield Telegraph, 21 November 1894 R. Wood: Tone and Expression in Violin Playing, review, 26/114 Sheffield Weely Independent, 17 February 1894, 28/41 Shelton, Edgar The Fiddle Maker and his Wood, 26/23 Violin String Manufacture, 26/53 Sherlock, W.P. William Shields, drawing, 18/87 Sherman, Etta, 22/31 Sherman, Marietta R., 22/3123/3 illustration, 22/31 Sherwood, Mrs John, 8/1 Shields, William, illustration, 18/87 Shinner, Emily,Strad violin, 20/121 Shipton, Helen: Two Friends and a Fiddle, review, 17/10 shoe-violin, Paganini's, 15/1 95 Short Stories, March 1894 Rudolf Baumbach: The Fiddle-bow of the Neck, 24/15 Short Stories, May 1891 P.S. Rosegger: The Bass-Viol of Abelsberg, 24/19 Sibire, Abbe Chelonomie ou le parfait Luthier, 15/31 Siciliano, Antonio viola da gamba, 14/23 Siciliano, G.B. viola da gamba, 14/23 Sigerson, Dora The Old Violon (sic), 24/3 Signale für die musikalische Welt, No.13,1885, Leipzig Radivanovsky, N.: Die Cremoneser Violinen nochmals, 1/180 Signale für die musikalische Welt, No.67, 1884, Leipzig Wie Cremoneser Geigen gemacht wurden, 1/175-178 Silsby, Bertha, cornet player, 22/31 Silvestre, H.C. violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Silvestre, P & H. bowed instruments, Vienna Exhibition, 1873, 11/16 violin, 19/2 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 24/5 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Silvestre, Petrus et Hipolitus, Fratres violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Silvestre, Petrus Hipolitus violin, 19/2 Silvestre, Pierre cello, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 24/5 cello, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1895, 26/28 viola, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 24/5 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 22/26, 24/5 violin, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1893, 24/6 Silvestre, Pierre & Hippolyte cello, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 24/5 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 Simon violin bow, 19/2 Simon, Franz viola, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/229 Simon, S. Louis Spohr, illus., 18/228 Simon, violinist, 26/12 Simonelli, 23/3 Simoutre, 7/4 Simpson violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Simpson, Christopher Viola da gamba, from the Division Viol, 18/115 Sirmen, Madalena Lombardini, 15/36 Sirmen, Madame, 7/147 Sitt, Hans, 22/17 Sivori, 9/36, 17/16, 23/2 Guarnerius violin, 26/9 Sivori, Camille letter, Paris, 15 June 1874, 1/162-173 Sivori, Camillo bow, Tourte, for sale, 24/21 concert reviwe, 1844, 26/11 Strad. violin, for sale, 24/21 Sivori, Ernest Camille, 24/22 Sketch, 21 November 1894 Fraulein Wietrowetz, 26/112 Sketch, 4 July 1894, 21/59 Sketch, 6 June 1894, 28/137 Sketch, 8 August 1894 An Afternoon Call on Tivadar Nachez, 26/108 Skinner, Scott, 26/106 Slocock, Ethel, violinist, 21/2, 26/125 Slocock, Evelyn, cellist, 21/2, 26/125 Slocombe, Shirley portrait of W.E. Hill, 26/74 Sloman, Hester, RCM, 20/93 Smith violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14 Smith, Frances N. A Few American violinists, 23/3 Smith, Francis M. Some Famous Old Violins, 22/25 Smith, George collection, 9/93-95 collection of violins, 22/25 Smith, May, flautist, 22/31 Smith, R.P., dealer, 17/91 Smith, Thomas cello, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Smith, William violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Smyth, C.J. Analysis of Chladni's Treatise on Acoustics, 11/24 Snegassius, Cyriacus, autograph letter, sale, 24/12 Snow, Lucy, double bass player, 22/31 Soccol, Pio violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Société d'Encouragement pour l'Industrie Nationale Bulletin, May 1864, 14/6 Bulletin, December 1848, 14/7 Bulletin, July 1865, 14/5 Société Libre des Beaux-Arts Annales, Tome XII, 1842, 14/9 Society, 26 May 1894, 28/142 Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufacture and Commerce Cantor Lectures, 1891, 22/8 Society of Wandering Minstrels, 5/99 Socquet viola, 19/2 96 Softg, Georg violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Solniekine, Basil Evening Standard, 1884, 5/63 Some Great Violins Harper's New Monthly Magazine 1881, No.2, Vol.1 (English edition), 2,100-111 Somes, G. Amati violin, 18/114 Somis, Lorenzo, 23/3 Sontag, Henriette autograph letter to Louis Spohr, sale, 24/12 Sontag, Nina, 24/12 Sorag, Lumas A Violin-Maker and a Fiddle Factory, 22/4 Sound holes, 18/150 Sound-boards, 9/64, 9/67 J.H. Schucht, 9/55 Sounding boards Music & Drama, 21 July 1882, 5/28 William Huggins: On the Function of the Sound-Post, 7/170-173 Sound-posts, 9/65, 9/143-144 William Huggins: On the Function of the Sound-Post, 7/170-173 Sourlier violin, 19/2 South African Empire, 10 November 1894 Amati violin, 26/105 South Australian Register, 9 May 1893 Guarnerius violin, 17/69 South Kensington Exhibition, 1872, 23/11 South Kensington International Exhibition book on, 8/103 Violins at the International Exhibition, 5/68 South Kensington, Special Exhibition reprint, 15/8 South Wales Daily News, 18 May 1894, 28/137 South Wales Daily News, 7 November 1894 A Mad Violinist, 26/60 South Wales News, 13 April 1894, 28/144 Spagnoletti, violinist, 8/129 Spare Moments, 4 January 1890 Strad Violins, 9/6 Spark, Dr. organist, 20/123 Spectator, 17 November 1894 Alfred Cochrane: The Old Violin, poem, 26/98 Spectator, 21 May 1831 Paganini, 28/144 Spectator, 25 June 1894, 28/147 Spectator, 28 May 1894, 28/145 Spectator, 29 June 1833 Paganini, "last" concert review, 17/104 Spectator, 30 July 1894 The English Paganini, 28/149 Spectator, 4 June 1894, 28/145 Spectator, 7 July 1823 Paganini, 26/30 Spectator, no.210, 7 July 1832 Paganini, 17/98 Speyer, Wilhelm autograph letters to Louis Spohr, sale, 24/12 Spiller, Edith, violinist, 26/27 Spiller, James, street musician, 8/9 Spirati, cellist, 11/17 Spohr, Louis, 6/74-75, 11/21, 14/11, 20/45, 23/2, 24/22 article, with illus., 19/21 Aus Spohr's Leben, 19/20 Autobiography, review, 17/105 barber suspected freemasonry, 20/44 chin rest and tail rest, 18/3 chin rests, 5/57 contact with Kurfürstliches Hessisches Hoforchester, sale, 24/12 contract with Tobais Haslinger for Violinschule, sale, 24/12 illus. by S. Simon, 18/228 letter from Carl Loewe, sale, 24/12 letter from Charles de Bériot, sale, 24/12 letter from Edmund von Weber, sale, 24/12 letter from Ferdinand David, sale, 24/12 letter from François Servais, sale, 24/12 letter from Franz Liszt, sale, 24/12 letter from Franz Wild, sale, 24/12 letter from Gainnina Campagnoli, sale, 24/12 letter from Henriette Sontag, sale, 24/12 letter from John Ella, sale, 24/12 letter from J.W. Kalliwoda, sale, 24/12 letter from K. Fr. Curschmann, sale, 24/12 letter from Karl Eberwein, sale, 24/12 letter from Otto Nicolai, sale, 24/12 letter from Tichatscheck, sale, 24/12 letter from Wilh.Taubert, sale, 24/12 letters from A.C.G.Vermeulen, sale, 24/12 letters from Ad. B. Marx, sale, 24/12 letters from Aloys Schmitt, sale, 24/12 letters from Ant. Bernh. Fürstenau, sale, 24/12 letters from Ant. Bohrer, sale, 24/12 letters from August Kõmpel, sale, 24/12 letters from Bernh. Romberg, sale, 24/12 letters from Carl Guhr, sale, 24/12 letters from Carl Maria von Weber, sale, 24/12 letters from Conradin Kreutzer, sale, 24/12 letters from Ed. Grell, sale, 24/12 letters from Felix Mendelssohn, sale, 24/12 letters from Ferdinand Ries, sale, 24/12 letters from Ferdinand von Hiller, sale, 24/12 letters from Franz Glaeser, sale, 24/12 letters from Franz Lachner, sale, 24/12 letters from Fred. Gye, sale, 24/12 97 Spohr, Louis letters from Friedr. Schneider, sale, 24/12 letters from Friedrich Rochlitz, sale, 24/12 letters from F.S. Gassner, sale, 24/12 letters from Gasparo Spontini, sale, 24/12 letters from Georg Harrys, sale, 24/12 letters from Giacomo Meyerbeer, sale, 24/12 letters from Heinrich Marschner, 24/12 letters from Hubert Ries, sale, 24/12 letters from Ignaz Moscheles, sale, 24/12 letters from J.N. Hummel, sale, 24/12 letters from Joh. Friedrich Kittl, sale, 24/12 letters from Joh. Pet. Pixis, sale, 24/12 letters from Jos. Strauss, sale, 24/12 letters from Joseph Joachim, sale, 24/12 letters from Julius Benedict, sale, 24/12 letters from Léon de Saint-Lubin, sale, 24/12 letters from Maatschappij tot Bevordering der Toonkunst, sale, 24/12 letters from Manuel Garcia, 24/12 letters from Methfessel, sale, 24/12 letters from Novello family, sale, 24/12 letters from Peter Lindpaintner, sale, 24/12 letters from Richard Wagner, 24/12 letters from Robert Schumann, sale, 24/12 letters from Rud. Willmers, sale, 24/12 letters from, sale (incl. some commentary), 24/12 letters from Siegfried Saloman, sale, 24/12 letters from Täglichsbeck, ale, 24/12 letters from Tobias Haslinger, sale, 24/12 letters from W.B. Molique, sale, 24/12 letters from Wilhelm Speyer, sale, 24/12 letters to, sale (incl. some commentary), 24/12 Minna Lovell: A Musical Genius, 7/31-33 Octet, op.32, autograph manuscript, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1893, 24/6 Portrait Sketches from the Life: Louis Spohr, parts 2 & 3, 15/21 Uber das Pariser Musikwesen, 19/19 Violin School, extract on string gauges, 3/171 Violinschule, autograph manuscript, sale, 24/12 Violonistes célèbres, 19/5 Wagner's homage to, 20/170 Spohr, Ludwig Short Sketches of the Great Tone Poets V Et Cetera Magazine, January - August 1873, 10/11 Spontini, Gasparo autograph letters to Louis Spohr, sale, 24/12 Spoon fiddle, 18/124 Sporting and Dramatic News, 29 August 1885 Our Captious Critic, 6/67-68 Sporting and Dramatic News, 5 May 1894 Master Bronislaw Huberman, 28/130 Sporting and Dramatic News, 9 May 1891 The Music of the Streets, 8/114-117 Sportini, cellists, 11/17 Sprightly, Will. illustration, 18/148 Sprightly, Will print, 9/5 Springer, Alfred aluminium violins, 26/80 Squier, C.C. Catalogue, 15/11 Squier, J.B., 26/34 The Famous Bosotn Violin Maker, 26/34 St. Cecilia, 18/156 by P.Mignard, 18/138 Raphael, reproduction, 18/8, 18/27d, 18/218 St. Cecilia Music Publishing Co. Ltd. advertisement, 25/4 St. James' Budget, 17 May 1895 A New Violinist, 26/76 St. James' Gazette, 19 September 1891 Rode's Violin, 17/15 St. James' Gazette, 26 April 1894 Wholesale theft of violins, 28/139 St. James' Gazette, 5 May 1891 A Famous Violin, 8/71 St. James's Gazette, 10 December 1894 A Great Violinist: Joachim, 26/98 St. James's Gazette, 24 September 1883 J.M. Fleming: Old Violins, review, 5/37-39 St. James's Hall, 15/25–26 Chappell instigated, 23/4 St. James's Hall, January 1893, review Sarasate, Pablo, 17/95 St. James's Hall, Piccadilly programme, 24 December 1883, 4/50 St. Paul's Pianoforte & Organ Depot, 12/3 Stadelmann, Vienna cello, Robert Cocks List of Old Violins, 15/4 Stadler, F.X. violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Stadlman, Daniel Achatius viola d'amore, Samary collection, 19/4 Stadmann, Michael Ignatius violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Stadtler, Jos. Ueber die Eigenschaften des zum Violinbau tauglichen Materials, 14/1 Stage, 1 March 1894, 28/55 Stage, 21 June 1894, 28/138 Stage, 25 October 1894 Max Klein, death, 26/95 Stainer Beaujardin's violin, 26/45 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/226, 4/227, 4/228, 4/230 violin sold to Count Trautmannsdorf, 7/3 violins, 6/52 98 Stainer, G. violin, Van Hengel & Eeltjes catalogue, 3/258, 3/259, 3/260 Stainer, J. violin, Van Hengel & Eeltjes catalogue, 3/258, 3/259, 3/260, 3/261 Stainer, Jacob remuneration, 8/15 violin, Withers catalogue of Italian dealer, n.d., 3/159 violin and viola, Violin Gallery, 15/8 violins, 17/51 Stainer, Jacobus, 23/7 cello, 19/2 cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 letter to, in 1892!, 17/84 violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/226, 4/228 violin, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1893, 17/83 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/62 violin and viola, Muller auction, 14/18 violin sold, Hulse collection sale, 25 June 1883, 2/7 violins, 9/131 Stainer, Jakob Jakob Staiiner, der erste deutsche Meister im Geigenbau, 15/46 –47 memorial appeal, 21/44 Stainer, Marcus violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 22/26, 24/5 Standard, 17 June 1895 Sarasate concert review, St. James's Hall, June 1895, 26/22 Standard, 23 March 1894, 28/150 Standard, 24 May 1895 John Dunn, concert review, May 1895, 26/80 Standard, 27 February 1887 Henry Lake, letter, 8/5-6 Standard, 28 February 1887 Henry Lake: A Mystery Solved, 9/74-75 Standen. J.W., drawing, 8/105 Stands, music combination violin case and music support, 14/22 Elias Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/232 Hart & Son, advertisement, 3/187 William E. Hill, advertisement, 3/146 Stanford Joachim on, 9/4 Stanistreet, George, 26/28 Star, 1892 Hill, Alfred Ebsworth, Stradivarius violin, 17/39 Star, 2 May 1894 The New Violinist, 28/129 Star, 28 April 1982 Heckmann Strad, 17/15 Star, 30 October 1890 Edward Heron-Allen, 9/46 Star, 9 March 1892 Duke of Edinburgh, 17/34 Star, London, 16 February 1893 To the Fiddle Born, 17/86 Statelmann, Johann Antoni violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/228 Stecher bowed instruments, Vienna Exhibition, 1873, 11/16 Steiner, Jacob, 11/3, 11/9, 24/22, 28/122 Steiner, Jacobus viola, Von der Hoya collection, 17/53 Steiner, Jacques, 14/7 Steinmayer, pianos, 5/30 Steinmetz, J. Louis Spohr, lithograph, 18/228 Steinner, Joannes violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Stelzner, Alfred Ein neues Streichinstrument (Violetta), 17/12 violotta, 8/134, 20/57 Stentor violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/229 Stenz cellist, 22/17 Stephanoff, E.P. Chimney Sweepers Dance, 18/85 Stephenson, Goodwyn, double bass, 21/2 Sterling, Antoinette, illustration, 23/4 Sterling Daily Telegraph, 7 December 1893 Puttick & Simpson sale, 1893, 28/27 Stern, Leo cello, 26/113 Strad. violin, 26/80 Stradivarius cello, 17/93 Stradvarius cello, 17/94 Stern, Leo, 28/71 concert review, July 1891, 27/10 Sterndale Bennett, William Joachim on, 9/4 Stesch, Leonora von, 23/3 Stevens v. Patti cartoon, 18/293 Stigand, Isolbella T.E. letter on The Violoncello, 28/135 Stoddard, Elizabeth A Violin Stop, 22/9 Stoddart, Joseph Marshall letter to Edward Heron-Allen, 15 July 1894, 22/7 Stoelzer,Richard illustration, 24/1 Stof, Hermann Joseph violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/227 Stoff, Eustachius violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/228 Stoft, Hermann Joseph viola d'amore, Withers catalogue, 24/21 99 Stofz, Ignaz cello, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/229 Stohr, Jacob cello, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/229 violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/228 Storck, Reinhardt, 23/1 Storioni, 7/4 violin, 19/2 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/227, 4/228 violin, Withers catalogue of an Italian dealer, 3/160 Storioni, Laurentius viola d'amore, Vuillaume collection, 19/3 violin, 19/2 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26, 24/5 violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/228 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/66 violin sold, 25 June 1883, 2/11 Storioni, Lorenzo violin, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1893, 24/6 Stosch, Lenore von Stradivarius violin, 17/90 Stosch, Leonora, 20/46 Strad, magazine, 20/33, 25/4 Strad, supplement, October 1890, 23/11 Stradivari, Antonio violin, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1893, 24/6 violin, Woolhouse collection, 24/6 Stradivari, Paolo, 26/28 Stradivarius, 8/33 bought by Heermann, 6/75 cello, Madrid, 5/9 cello, Violin Gallery, 17/94 De Beriot's, Wieniawski's, 7/3 Dolphin violin, 17/50 Is it a Stradivarius? Court case Würzburg, 5/3-4 Messiah Strad, 20/30 sale, Hotel Drout, 1878, 7/142 Some famous Fiddles, and something about them, 6/7678 violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/226 violin, Van Hengel & Eeltjes catalogue, 3/259, 3/261 violin for sale, Berlin nespaper, July 1885, 6/5 violins, 17/131 Stradivarius, A. violin, Van Hengel & Eeltjes catalogue, 3/258, 3/260 Stradivarius, Antonius, 7/144, 9/2, 11/3, 11/9, 14/2, 14/7, 17/79, 19/24, 23/7, 24/22, 26/33, 28/72 Algernon Sydney: How Antonio Won Cremona's Crown, 26/58 Beaujardin's violin, 26/45 "Boissier" Strad., 26/9 cello, Madrid, 8/32 cello, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1891, 27/10 cello, Violin Gallery, 17/93 cittern, Vuillaume collection, 19/3 "Court Strad", 8/51 Court violin, 27/12 De Saucy violin, 17/15 "Emperor" violin, 17/23, 22/7 Flechter acquisition, 17/37 Glasgow Strad., 26/101 Greville violin, 22/7 guitar, Vuillaime collection, 19/3 Haweis, H.R.: Stradivarius of Cremona, 4/114-123, 11/27 Haweis, H.R.: Stradivarius of Cremona - his house, 14/8 Heckmann Strad, 17/14, 17/15 illus. on Hawkes & Son envelope, 21/70 Is it a Stradivarius? Court case Wurzburg, 5/100 "Jupiter", 26/35 "Jupiter" Strad., 26/42 Jupiter violin, 26/120 La Casa di Stradivari, 8/66-70 Mercury violin, 22/7 Messiah (Salabue), 8/61-65 Messiah, announcement from W.E.Hill, 15/16 Messiah violin (Salabue), 8/71, 9/7, 14/35, 17/11, 20/33, 26/24, 26/28, 26/95, 28/65 Paganini's Strad., 26/9 prices, 17/92, 22/7 Salabue, 26/20 sale of Vuillaume's Stradivarius violins, 15 May 1886, 19/6 "Titan" violin, 26/12 Tuscan violin, 22/7 viola, 17/132 viola, Castle catalogue, 3/95 violin, 17/85, 19/2 violin (ex Charles Reade), Withers catalogue, June 1885, 24/21 violin (Spanish Stradivarius) sold, Puttick & Simpson, 1883, 5/29 violin, acquired by A.E. Hill, 17/39 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 violin, Castle catalogue, 3/95 violin, Gemunder sues for commission, 17/90 violin, Hesketh List of Old Violins, 19/13 violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/228 violin, Howe collections, 28/1 violin, imitation by August Gemünder, 3/203-204 violin, in Who was Prester John? 2/44-48 violin, Messiah, 8/102-103, 8/104 violin, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1893, 17/83 violin, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1894, 26/111 violin, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1895, 26/28 violin, Vuillaume collection, 19/3 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 violin, Withers catalogue of Italian dealer, n.d., 3/159 violin acquired by Servais, 6/73 violin and cello, Violin Gallery, 15/8 violin at Lyon & Healy, 26/36 100 Stradivarius, Antonius violin for sale Puttick & Simpson, 5/26 violin in Glasgow, 26/111 violin of Theresa Milanollo, 22/4 violin owned by Walter Behrens, 26/13 violin owners, 17/48, 22/25 violin sold, 17/129 violin sold, Hulse collection sale, 25 June 1883, 2/6, 2/10 violins, 17/130, 17/131 violins, fakes and genuine, 8/2-3 violins, prices, 9/6 violins in quartet, 20/59, 20/97 violins owned by the Duke of Edinburgh Figaro, July 1880, 5/2 violins sold, 1892, 20/49 White, Richard Grant: Antonius Stradivarius and the Violin, 11/12 Stradivarius, Antonius & Hieronymus violin, discovered in Nottingham, 5/8 Stradivarius, "Betts”, violin bought, 7/139-140 Stradivarius, owners, 17/49 Some famous FIddles, and something about them, 6/7678 Straeten, E. van der concert review, July 1893, 20/95 The Viola da Gamba, 27/47 Strakosch, Maurice Souvenirs of an Impresario, 9/35-36 Strand Magazine, 21/62 Stratton, G.W. advertisement, 5/34 Stratton, Stephen S. letter on Mears' viola da gamba, 20/149 Straub, Johann violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/227 Straub, Joseph violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Straul, Simon violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Straus, Ludwig, 20/30, 28/112, 28/122 Strauss waltz anecdote, 20/202 Strauss, Edward, 20/131 Strauss, Johann autograph manuscripts, sale, 24/12 Strauss, Jos. autograph letters to Louis Spohr, sale, 24/12 Strauss, L. illustration, 18/54 Strausserch portrait, The Quartet, 20/39 violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/227 Street musicians, 8/114-117 String bands, amateur, 8/10-11 String gauges Darbey's, 21/69 Hill, William E., advertisement, 3/170 Spohr: Violin School, extract, 3/171 String instruments illus., 18/9 Weber, Gottfried: Ueber Saiteninstrumente mit Bunden und den Werth und die Eigenthumlichkeiten dieser Einrichtung, 4/107-109 String instruments, authenticity Piccolellis, Giovanni de, 14/2 String instruments, value Piccolellis, Giovanni de, 14/2 String jar Albert, E.J., 15/32 String Quartet Schucht, J.: Die Quartettmusik, 19/16 Stringing, 9/147-148 Strings, 24/4, 28/1 Alphonse Cary, advertisement, 5/25, 5/49 Arnenteron, 17/127 Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 24/1 Cary, Alphonse, 5/26 Dean, J., advertisement, 3/141 Dean's Music Warehouse, 5/25, 5/26 Edgar Shelton: Violin String Manufacture, 26/53 Edition Chanot, 5/21 Elias Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/231, 4/232 Gompertz, Lewis: Suggestions on Musical Strings and Instruments, 15/23 Guiver, J.P. & Co., 12/5, 15/9 Gustav Adolf Buschmann: Neuerung an Streichinstrumente, 28/19 Hawkins, Isaac, 26/54 Haynes & Co., 24/20 Hill, William E., advertisement, 3/178 J. Edwin Bonn: Technical Notes of the Choice and Keeping of Violin Strings, 17/129 The Manufacture of Violin Strings, 27/48 Mennesson, Emile: Catalogue spéciale de Lutherie, 1884, 4/175-180 Nouaille, Peter, 26/54 Philharmonic, 6/105 "Premier", 17/129 Rapport... sur la Fabrique de Cordes Harmoniques, 14/5 Ruffini, Andreas, 18/27f Tartini on, 26/54 unbleached, 17/129 violin strings, 5/14-16, 20/38 William Huggins: On the Function of the Sound-Post, and on the proportional thickness of the strings, 7/170-173 Withers, George & Co., 5/25 Wollenhaupt, Bruno E., 26/38 Strings, covered Hart & Son, advertisement, 3/165, 3/186 Strings, Italian, 9/143 Strings, magazine, 20/61 Strings, metallic 101 Hubar, M., 5/35 Strings, oscillation, 14/34 Strings, sympathetic, 15/30 Strings, vibration, 11/24 Strings magazine, 28/53, 28/55 Strinssacchi, Regina, 15/36 Strnad, Caspar violin, 4/226 Strolling musicians illustration, 18/125 Strolling Players' Amateur Orchestra advertisement, 26/91 Strunck, Adam, 7/151 Stuck, Jean double bass, 15/31 Sturgeon, Kate, violin, 21/12 Stuttaford, J. advertisement, 5/23, 17/126 advertisement for tail-piece, 5/26 Suetting arms with violins, 18/145 Sullivan, Arthur Joachim on, 9/4 Sullivan, Arthur with illus., 23/14 Princess Ida, Savoy Theatre programme, 18/282 Sun, 10 March 1894, 28/53 Sun, 11 December 1893 Carpenter, Nettie, 28/29 Sun, 11 June 1895 Burmester, Willy, 26/51 Sun, 19 December 1893 £50 for a damaged viol, 28/22 Sun, 24 January 1895 Carrodus, freedom of Keighley, 26/107 Sun, 27 October 1894 Carrodus on Violin Playing, 26/103 Sun, 28 April 1894 Sarasate's watches, 28/138 Sun, 28 November 1893 Archbishop Redwood, 28/33 Sun, 3 July 1894 Fine Violins, 26/115 Sun, 30 April 1894, 28/125 Sun, 5 April 1894, 28/102 Sun, July 1894 Fine Violins, 26/112 Sunday at Home, September 1872 John Sachs: Ancient Musical Instrument, 9/96-101 Sunday Mercury, New York, 27 January 1889, 60/4 Sunday Times, 26 November 1893 Stradivarius violins, 17/132 Sunderland Weekly Echo, 12 January 1894 The Art of FIddle-de-dee, 28/64 Sur-vina, 26/87 Suspender, 5/35-36 Sussex Daily News, 10 June 1895 Adolf Brodsky, 26/28 Sutcliffe, Wallace letter to Edward Heron-Allen, 18 May 1891, 19/32 Sutton, W., 20/76 Swert, Jules de cellist, obituary, April 1891, 20/83 Guarnerius cello for sale, 20/92 obituary, 1891, 20/41 Sydney, Algernon How Antonio Won Cremona's Crown, 26/58 Sydney Mail, 6 May 1893 The Violin, 17/93 Sylvester violin, Cocks catalogue, 25/5 Sylvester, D. violin, Hesketh List of Old Violins, 19/13 Sylvester, H.C. violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/66 Sylvester, of Lyons violin, Robert Cocks List of Old Violins, 15/4 Sylvia's Journal, December 1892 Madame Neruda, 17/96 Synver, H. library for sale, 16/7 T Taaffe, Wm.A. The Demon Violin, 26/68 Tacqua bow, cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Tadema, Alma Henschel portrait, 23/4 Tagliche Rundschau, Feuilletonistsche Beilage, 19 December 1884 Cremona violins, 5/68-73 Täglichsbeck, Thomas autograph letters to Louis Spohr, sale, 24/12 Tail piece and rest combined illustration, 18/3 Tail pieces Albert, E.J., 15/32 Stuttaford, J., 5–23, 5–26, 17/126 Tail pin illustration, 18/3 Tail rest Spohr's, illus., 18/3 Tait, J.W. Bridges, letter, 27/32 Tales from Blackwood, Third series, 13/3 Tallis, Thomas Sketches of the Lives of Celebrated Musicians, no. I, 11/4 Tannings, Miss, 26/124 Tannings, Miss, violinist, 21/2 Tarantula, cure by music and dancing, illus., 18/36 Tardieu, Abbe, 11/17 102 Tarisio, Luigi, 5/13, 8/32, 22/7, 23/11, 26/20, 26/56 Messiah Strad (Salabue), 8/71 The Romance of Fiddle Dealing, 5/9 Stradivarius violin, 20/30 Tarr, W. tenor and violins sold, Hulse collection sale, 25 June 1883, 2–7 Tartini, Giuseppe, 19/5, 23/3, 24/22, 28/39 J.F. Bridge: Gresham College lecture, 20/156 letters, 19/7 monument in Pirano, 26/41 Musical Opinion & Music Trades Review, 1 September 1884, 5/50 Notice sur Tartini, 16/13 statue by Antonio dal Zotto, 21/19 on strings, 26/54 Tasmanian, 23 January 1892 Tasmanian violins, 17/22 Taubert, Wilh. autograph letter to Louis Spohr, sale, 24/12 autograph letters, sale, 24/12 Tavistock Violin Academy advertisement, 25/4 concerts,1895, 26/105 prospectus, 7/53-69 Students' Prize and Bow Concert, 5 Febraury 1890, advertisement, 14/22, 17/9 Taylor, Guhelmus violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 violin, Withers collection, 12/17 Taylor, J. letter on varnish, Standard, 8/7 Taylor, James Anderson, 17/78 Taylor, J.Y. The Violin for Ladies, 15/10, 24/16 Taylor, R. A Fiddle with One Tune, engraving, 18/27e Taylor, W. violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Tecchler, David cello, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26, 24/5 cello, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1894, 26/111 cello, Woolhouse collection, 24/6 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 Techler cello, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/229 cello, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1891, 27/10 Techler, D. violin sold, Hulse collection sale, 25 June 1883, 2/8 Techler, David cello, Violin Gallery, 19/2 cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 cello, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/68 violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/226 violin, Violin Gallery, 15/8 violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/63 violin, Withers catalogue, June 1885, 24/21 Telegraph, 30 June 1883 Fiddles and Fiddlers, 2/12 Temple Bar, May 1886 L. Engel: Paganini, 7/77-100 Tenor repertoire, 27/3 Tenorini violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/226 Terenghi violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/226 Testore double bass (attributed), Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 double bass, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 viola, 19/3 violin, 19/2 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 24/5 violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/228 violin, Vuillaume collection, 19/3 violin, Withers catalogue of an Italian delaer, 3/160 violin, Withers catalogue of Italian dealer, n.d., 3/160 Testore, C.A. violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/228 Testore, Carlo cello, 19/2 cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 cello, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/68 viola, 19/2 violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/60, 2/63, 2/64, 2/66 violin, Withers catalogue, June 1885, 24/21 Testore, Carlo Antonio viola, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/229 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 22/26, 24/5 violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 violin, Withers catalogue of Italian dealer, n.d., 3/159 Testore, Carlo Giuseppe cello, Withers catalogue, June 1885, 24/21 viola, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Testore, Carlo Giussepe violin, 19/2 Testore, P.A. violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/228 Testore, Paolo violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/227 Tetchler, David cello sold, Bristol, 26/47 Tetzlaff autograph letter, sale, 24/12 That Fiddler Fellow Horace Hutchinson, 10/3 Thaxter, Celia To a Violin, poem, 26/48 103 Theatre, May 1883 Marie Corelli: Joachim and Sarasate, 19/26 Théatre Italien, Paris, orchestra members, 23/1 Theatrical Examiner,12 June 1831 Paganini, 17/99 Theobald, Minnie gold medal, 26/80 Theress viola, Withers catalogue, 24/21 viola, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/67 Thibout, 14/7 Thibout, Jacques Pierre violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 22/26 Thibout, J.P. violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 Thibouville-Lamy bowed instruments, Vienna Exhibition, 1873, 11/16 Thier, Mathias violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/226, 4/228 Thieriot, Ferdinand autograph letter, sale, 24/12 Thierry violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Thir, Antonius violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/226 Thir, Mathias cello, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/229 viola, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/229 violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/228 Thomas, Theodore letter to Victor Flechter, 8/54 Violin muting, 5/11 Thomassin violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Thome, Barry The Fairy Ballet, 26/48 Thompson cello, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/63 Thompson, Caesar His First Violin, 26/63 Thompson, Cesar violinist, 22/17 Thompson, Herbert letter, 26/28 Thomson, Caesar, violinist, 26/21 Thomson, Cesar, violinist, 26/55, 27/46 Thomson, George Amati found, 17/18 Thomson, Society, 3 March 1894, 28/70 Thorel guitar, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 22/26 Thornbury, Walter The Jacobite Fiddler, 11/7 Thornley collection, 23/11 Thorp, J.G., 8/31 Thorp, Joseph, 8/31 Thorp, Sara, 8/31 Thouvenal violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Thouvenel violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 22/26 violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Thumb rest, 20/196 F.W. Hollis, 18/64 Thumhard violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/226 Thumhart, Gottlieb Alois violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Thumhart, Johann violin, 19/2 Thumhart, Johann Georg violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Thumhart, Johannes violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Thumhart, senior violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Tichatscheck autograph letter to Louis Spohr, sale, 24/12 Tieffenbrucker, 23/7 Tieffenbrucker, Caspar violin, Dutton's, 28/1 Tielke baryton, 17/84 Tielke, Joachim viola di bardone, 18/159 Tietgen, Hans advertisement, 6/104 Tilliere, cellist, 11/17 Times, 13 December 1893 George Palmer, concert review, 28/28 Times, 20 November 1892 Adventures with a Violin, 17/42 Times, 22 December 1891 A Consort of Viols, 17/35 Times, 23 February 1880 H.R. Haweis on Old Violins at the Royal Institution, 5/42-44 Times, 24 November 1891 Adventures with a Violin, 17/43 Times, 24 November 1894 Puttick & Simpson sale, 1894, 26/111 Times, 25 April1894 Straus Testimonial, 28/112 Times, 25 May 1895 Mr. Dunn's Recital, 26/53 Times, 30 November 1892 Adventures of a Violin, 17/43 Times, 5 July 1893 104 Stella Dyer plays to the Queen, 17/93 Times, 6 July 1894, 28/136 Times, Philadelphia, 28 November 1886 Edward Heron-Allen, "swell palm reader", 8/1 Tiriot viola, Samary collection, 19/4 violin, 19/2 violin, Van Hengel & Eeltjes catalogue, 3/260 violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Tirr, Antonius cello, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/229 Tit Bits, 10 March 1894, 28/100 Tit Bits, 16 March 1894, 28/81, 28/82 Tit Bits, 3 March 1894, 28/49 Tit Bits, 31 January 1891 Duke of Edinburgh, 9/104 Tit Bits, 8 June 1894, 28/99 Tit-Bits, 15 March 1890 London orchestral players, 9/82 Tit-Bits, 6 October 1894 Who is the greatest living violin maker?, 26/92 Tobin cello, Withers catalogue, 24/21 cello, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/68 viola, Withers catalogue, 12/17 violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Tobin, Richard viola, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Today, September 1883 The Violinist of Today. August Wilhelmj, 19/9 Todini double bass, 15/31 Tollert, Ernst strings, price list, 22/29 Tomlinson Violin construction, 11/6 tone aging, 24/1 Tonic Sol-fa Reporter, January - August 1887 S.D. Cray: Notes on the Violin, 19/11 Tononi violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/227 Tononi, Carlo cello, Woolhouse collection, 24/6 violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/226, 4/227, 4/228 violin, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1893, 24/6 violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 violin, Withers catalogue, June 1885, 24/21 violin, Withers catalogue of Italian dealer, n.d., 3/159 violin sold, Hulse collection sale, 25 June 1883, 2/6 Tononis, Carlo violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/60 Tononis de Bologna cello, Samary collection, 19/4 Torricelli, Metaura violinist, with illus., 20/35 "Tosca Ireland", Violin Verses, 26/9 Tottenham, New Tottenham Violin, 15/38 Tottmann, Albert Die Violine, deren Geschichte, Litteratur und Meister 2/88-97 Tours, Berthold, with illus.Przépiorski Un amateur de musique, 21/62 Tourte, 23/7 bow, viola, Withers catalogue, 12/17 bow, violin, 19/2 bows, 8/33 bows, Withers catalogue of an Italian dealer, n.d., 3/161 Tourte, Francis bow, violin, 9/2 Tourte, François bow, Muller auction, 14/18 bows, 9/131 Town Topics, 1 March 1888 To Miss Sallie H-W-T, 6/103 Town Topics, 14 December 1893 Chicago affair, 28/63 Townsend, Horace A Genuine "Guarnerius", 8/118-127, 21/64 Traske, G. violin sold, Hulse collection sale, 25 June 1883, 2/8 Trautmannsdorf, Count Wenzel, 8/15, 28/122 Stainer violin, 9/131 Travaux de l'Académie Nationale de Reims, 1875-76 nos.1-2 Fanart, M.L.: Rapport sur les violons de M. Emile Mennesson, 1/162-173 Tretbar, C.F. "Jupiter" Strad., 26/36 Trickler, Jean, cellist, 11/17 Trieste, sailors' concert, 26/103 Trinity College, London prospectus, 1885-6, 14/22 regulations of the competitions for string instruments, 1886, 14/17 Trio, etching, from picture by Grützner, 18/234 Trivella, Almanacco Modenese, 1879 Antonni Mucchi: Pr'un viulunzeel fabrichee int'i Borgh dd'Modna, 16/14 Trombone, steam, 20/30a Trumpet, diminutive, 20/30a Trumpet-violin, Hell, 7/5 Truth, 26 August 1886 Queer Story: A Fatal Fiddle, 6/53-61 Truth, 8 February 1894, 28/57 Truth, 9 April 1891, 9/102 Tua, Teresina, 6/88-90, 9/24, 9/36, 15/36, 26/20 birth of twins, 20/184 Die Geigenfee, 20/69 The Girl's Own Paper, May 1884 (with illus.), 6/50-51 illustration, 18/197, 22/31 The Lute, 15 January 1883, 5/11 Nordisk Musik-Tidende, August 1883, with illus., 15/41 105 overview, 20/172 resumes career, 20/58 Stradivarius violin, 17/52 Tubbs, James bow, cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17 bow, violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 violin bow, 19/2 Tuning, 27/19 A.M., letter on, 27/19 Selle, W.C., letter on, 27/18 T. Doddrell, letter on, 27/20, 27/22 William Gardiner: Music of Nature, chap.XLV: Noise and Sound, 1/41 Tunonus violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/226 Turner violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 Turner, Fred The Viola, Letter, 27/29 Turvas, Gio. Dominicus viola, 19/2 viola, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Tuscany Grand Duke of Stradivarius, 8/2-3 Tuttle, Henry Amati violin, 26/51 Twain, Mark on collecting, 26/12 Twietmeyer, A. advertisement, 9/50 Twining, T. letter, 15 June 1880, 8/24 Tyrrell Stradivarius at exhibition, 19/24 U Ulen, Nicholas, 9/93-95 Ullrich-Follera, Joannes violin, 19/2 Universum, Illustrierte Familien-Zeitschrift, IX Jahrg. 1892/93 Victor Bluthgen: Die drei Bassgeigen, 15/39 Uppsala Ole Bull and Upsala students, 20/23 Urham, 22/8 Ur-heen, 7/6 Urquhart violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 Urquhart (style of) cello, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/67 Urquhart, Thomas, 9/1 cello, Withers catalogue, 24/21 cello, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/68 violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 violin, Withers collection, 12/17 Urselli, M. violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/228 Urso, Camilla, 15/8, 23/7, 26/9, 26/118 Gaurnerius violin, 17/52 illustration, 21/52, 22/31 Tourte bow, 17/52 V Vaelbeke, Lewis van, 27/17 Vaelbeke, Lodewyk van, 27/17 Vaillant violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/228 Vaillant, Gabrielle, 20/76 letter to The Times, 17/44 Valdrighi, Count Luigi Francesco, 26/43 collection, 23/11 Valentin de Boulogne Concert at the bas-relief, reproduced, 18/306 The Musical Party, reproduced, 18/304 Valli, Valli, 28/95 Van Hegel collection, 23/11 Vanbrugh, Angela concert review, July 1893, 20/95 Vandini, Antonio, cellist, 11/17, 26/42 Vanity Fair, 19 May 1883, 5/99 Vanity Fair, 25 May 1889 Jehu Junior: Sarasate, 9/105-106 Vanseil Amati violin, 26/105 Varnish, 6/82-839/153-154, 20/146, 22/8, 26/21 Bernstein, 28/4 Cremona violins, alleged discovery, 8/1 Haweis, H.R., 7/15-19 Heron-Allen, Edward, Der Geigenlack (translated), 28/2 letters, Standard, 8/7 Lost Cremona Varnish Re-Discovered, 15/38 Pavardone, Antonius, manuscript, 6/18-19 Squier, J.B., 26/34 Watson's Kapparata Oil, 20/144 Whitelaw, James, 17/128 Whitelaw, James, Cremona Amber, 25/1 Varotti, Giovanni violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Vaselberger, Michael violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Vaughan, J. violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14 Venables, Mary, 26/125 Venables, Mary, violinist, 21/2 Ventapane, Lorenzo violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26, 24/5 Ventupane, Lorenzo violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Veracini Violonistes célèbres, 19/5 106 Veracini, Francesco Maria, 23/3, 24/22, 28/39 Veressai, Ostap violin maker, obituary, 20/5 Verini, Andrae Alphonse Cary, advertisement, 5/26, /5/49 Vermeulen, A.C.G. letter to Louis Spohr, sale, 24/12 Vernier, harpist illustration, 18/162 Versailles, Chapel Royal, 24/22 destruction of Amati violins, 18/114 Verschoyle, Mildred with illus., 26/125 Vert, F., drawing, 8/105 Vesque von Püttlingen, Josef autograph letter to Bauernfeld, sale, 24/12 Veule, Franciscus violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/226 vibration, 24/1 Victoria Hall, Bayswater advertisement, 7/67 Victorian Magazine, June 1892 Edward Howell: The Violoncello: its use and abuse, 15/15 Victorian Magazine, March 1892 J.T. Carrodus: On Musical Instruments and Music: IV The Violin, 15/10 J.Y. Taylor: The Violin for Ladies, 15/10 Vidal, Louis Antoine cellist, obituary, April 1891, 20/83 Vielle, 23/7 Vienna, Universal Exhibition, 1873 France, reports, vol.3, 11/16 Lissajous: Report on wind instruments, 11/16 Viennese Ladies Orchestra, 20/206 Viennese Lady Orchestra, 6/67-68, 20/139 Vieuxtemps, Henri, 9/35, 20/9, 22/27, 23/2, 24/22, 26/21 collection sold, 20/46 Grove's Dictionary article, 6/72-73 illustration, 18/103 Nordisk Musik-Tidende, with illus., 15/42 on Paganini, 7/93 Stradivarius violin, 17/90 taught Poznanski, 20/47 Theodore Radoux's life of, 20/37 violins, sale Musical Times, March 1883, 5/10 Village musicians illustration, 27/19 Vinaccia mandoline, 24/5 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Vinaccia, Antonius mandolin, 19/2 mandolin, Withers catalogue., 24/21 Vinaccia, Gajetanus bandora, Withers catalogue, 24/21 mandolin, 19/2 Vinaccio violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14 Vinaccio, Antonius mandolin, Samary collection, 19/4 Vinaccio, Januarius violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14 Vinaccio, Vincentius mandolin, 19/2 mandolin, Samary collection, 19/4 mandolin, Withers catalogue., 12/17, 24/21 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Vinci, Count, violinist concert, Grafton Gallery, 10 July 1893, 17/94 Vinnaccio, Vincentius violin, 19/2 viol consort, 17/35 Viola Fred Turner: letter, 27/29 Haneman, Moritz: Die Viola, Eine Parabel, 3/190-193 J. Jackson: letter, 27/29 repertoire, 27/24 as solo instrument, 27/27 Viola, strings Clefs and Viola Strings, 6/87 Viola da braccio, 23/7 Viola da gamba, 23/7 decrease in use, 5/2 Mears, Richard, 20/149 Straeten, E. van der: The Viola da Gamba, 27/47 Viola da spalla, 14/23 Viola d'amore, 11/26, 23/7, 26/90 Bibliography, Cremona Society, Exhibition of Violes d'Amour, 14 March 1889, 3/91-92 concert programme, 14 March 1889, viola d'amore, Cremona Society, Exhibition of Violes d'Amour, 14 March 1889, 3/80-82 Cremona Society, Exhibition of Violes d'Amour, 14 March 1889, 378-92 Deulin, Charles, 15/27 The Revival of the Viole d'Amour, 9/11 The Viol d'Amour, 6/73 Viola di Bardone, 17/84 Viola makers: See Makers Viola repertoire letter from A.E. Dyster, 27/7 Violetta Ein neues Streichinstrument, 17/12 Violin, 11/13 accessories, See: Chin rests, Holder,Mute, Pads,Pegs, Strings acoustics, 17/11 aluminium, 20/61, 26/80, 26/96, 26/102, 26/114,28/70 care of, 28/107 107 G. Brayley: Violin Don'ts, 27/13 How to take care of a violin, 7/12-13 collecting, 20/49 collectors, 26/12. See also Collections construction, materials, 14/1 dealing, The Romance of Fiddle Dealing, 5/9 detained by customs, 20/28, 20/86 dumb, Gebrüder Wolff, advertisement, patent and reviews,, 3/103-126 earthenware, in Breslau, 20/9 effect on animals, 27/12 "electric", 28/49 fretted, Mason's instructions, 18/2 from gourd, 17/78 for girls, 8/106-114, 15/35 Why Girls Should Play the Violin, 26/119 for women, 8/31, 8/32, 24/16, 27/6, 27/52, 28/85, 28/144 American Girls as Violinist, 26/118 English Ladies Orchestral Society, 26/123 Haweis on, 20/58 Heron-Allen on, 24/14 Powell, Maud, Women and the Violin, 26/28 Taylor, J.Y., The Violin for Ladies, 15/10 forgeries, 9/8-11, 9/78-79, 9/102, 17/42, 17/43, 17/54, 17/77, 19/22, 20/69, 21/39, 26/51, 28/45, 28/142 fraud, 17/133, 17/134, 26/97, 26/99, 27/14, 28/47, 28/48, 28/139 Heron-Allen, Edward, letter on violin frauds, 23/11 German, letter, Standard, 8/7 gowns, 5/97 Haweis, H.R.: Old Violins, parts 1-3, 4/125-148 history, 14/31, 17/109, 23/7, 26/86 Anders, G.E.,, Geschichte der Violine, review, 3/64-77 Kuhac, Fr., Zur Geschichte der Violine, 17/64 Lawson, Henry, The Violin and its History, lecture, 20/124 Leisure Hour, January - April 1882, 7/139-153 Publications relating to the history of the violin and its makers, 16/10 On the Rise and Progress of the Violin, 14/4 Rowbotham, J.F.: The Violin, 27/35 Saturday Magazine, 1838, 11/6 Tottmann, Albert, Die Violine, deren Geschichte, Litteratur und Meister, 2/88-97 hit by brick, A Fiddler's Trouble, 5/41 Howe catalogue, 1887, amateur playing, 27/25 illustrations, 18/119, 18/128 imitations, Figaro, July 1880, 5/2-3 instruction, 9/58, 9/59 J.H. Schucht: The Violin, 9/59 instrument combined with piano by Vlamminck, 8/3536, 8/136-139, 20/47 insurance, 26/12 literature, 8/72-73 Tottmann, Albert, Die Violine, deren Geschichte, Litteratur und Meister, 2/88-97 made fom coconut shell, 28/121 made from gourd, 17/7, 28/121 made of unusual materials, 20/6 makers: See Makers making: See Violin making Markneukirchen, 5/5 muting, 5/11 owners, 17/48, 28/61 Some Famous Violins, 28/58 pear-shaped, 7/5 playing Anmerkung über die Violin and den Violinspieler, 23/1 Braine, Robert D.: Hints for Violin Students, 26/30 C.L. Hildreth: How to Play the Violin wihtout a Master, 22/30 satirical comments, 20/152 popularity, 9/138 prices, 6/94, 9/93-95 17/2, 17/59, 17/92, 19/25, 22/7, 23/11, 24/22, 26/12, 26/48, 26/51, 26/78, 26/108, 26/110, 26/112, 27/10, 28/24, 28/29, 28/31, 28/34, 28/69, 28/81, 28/82, 28/104, 28/123 purchasing Wm. C. Honeyman: How to Choose a Violin, 20/153 repairing Artistic Violin Repairing, 27/58 illustration, 22/26 repairs, 28/96 "scraper", Leipzig, 19/22 shifting, 28/124 silver, Sala’s, 27/18 smuggling, 26/33 study, "Heine": How to Study the Violin, 17/60 teachers needed, 20/72 teaching, 26/74 Carrodus on training, 26/55 General Sim's proposal, 26/42 London School Board, 26/74 teaching in classes, 28/121 theft, 17/91, 26/110, 26/114, 27/52, 28/36, 28/139 Walsall, 26/115 theory, 9/33-35 tone, 17/56, 26/25, 26/72 tone aging, 24/1 trapezoid, Savart, 7/5 Triplex, 26/34 tuning, 28/1 tutors Art of Playing the Violin without a master, Cameron & Ferguson, 2/112-138 unusual, 24/14 unusual, court case, 20/3 valuation, 17/43, 17/44 varnish: See Varnish Wollenhaupt's new, 26/24 wood, See Wood 108 worm holes, 28/118 Hart & Son, advertisement, 3/164 Ruff, M.D., Famous Violin Makers, 22/20 San Francisco, 7/206-210 Schucht, J.H.: Improvements in Violins, 9/66 Schucht, J.H., The Violin, 9/59, 9/62 The Violin, English Mechanic, 13 October 1876, 17/11 Violin, 7/143 Violin - A Modern Example Orchestra and Choir, June 1882, 5/6-7 Violin Wood, 5/58-60 Walduck, H., Improvements in Violins, 8/23-24 Warum haben die Viiolinen der alten italiensichen Geigenbauer einen sehr verschiedenen Wert?, 26/77 Who is the greatest living violin maker?, 26 detained by customs, 20/28, 20/86 Wie Cremoneser Geigen gemacht wurden, 1/175-178 Zur Geschichte und Theorie der Bogeninstrumente Blätter für Musik, Theater und Kunst, 6 May 1859 - 1 July 1859, 6/27-48 See also: Varnish, Wood Violin, 25 October 1890, 22/17 Violin making, 9/61, 9/62, 9/128-131, 9/144-146, 9/148150, 9/153-154, 9/154-155, 9/155-156, 9/156-157 17/93, 20/77, 20/191, 24/22, 26/24, 26/94, 28/40, 28/41, 28/81 Anmerkung über die Violin and den Violinspieler, 23/1 Belgrove. J., Violin-making, 9/55, 9/58 Benoit: Rapport sur un memoire de M. Janinet relatif a la lutherie, 11/9 Broadhouse, John: Old and New Fiddles, 5/98-99 Carrodus, Mr, 8/11 Chapin, G.L.: The Construction of the Violin, reporo Figaro, July 1880, 5/3 Cremona, 5/68-73, 27/57, /9/124-127 Cremona violins, alleged discovery, 8/1 Dykes letter, 26/26 Fiddles, 5/31 Fleming, J.M., Old Violins, review, 5/37-39 From Cremona to New York, 26/50 Gemünder, August: Explanation regarding the difference between old Italian violins and modern instruments, 3/194-213 Gemünder, August: The Cremonese Lost Secret Discovered, 6/5 Gemunder, George: Violins and their Manufacture, 11/3 Germany, 20/37 Haweis, H.R., on Old Violins, Royal Institution, report Times, 23 February 1880, 5/42-44 Haweis, H.R., Violins and their Makers, 22/15 Heron-Allen, Edward, Violins Old and New, 22/7 Heron-Allen, Edward, Violin-making as it was and is, advertisement, 3/99-102 Heron-Allen, Edward, Violin-making as it was and is, Violin-making as it was and is, letter from Henry Dryerre, 6/6 Heron-Allen, Edward, note: Vide also: Kaiserliches Patentamt. Patentschrift No.15,554. Emile Berliner, 5/22 Hipkins, E.J., Cantor Lectures, 1891, 22/8 How Cremona violins were made, 6/84-86 Janinet: Memoire sur un nouveau mode de construction des tables de resonnance, 11/9 Lake, William: Improvements in Violins, etc., 5/22 Lake, Henry, A Mystery Solved, 6/18-19 The Leisure Hour, July 1876, 6/52-53 The Lost Secret, 6/88-90 Mittenwald, 5/8, 15/36 On the construction of the violin, 11/6 Otto, Jacob Augustus, Treatise Westminster Review, XXXVIII, 1 October 1833, 10/5 Radivanovsky, N., Die Cremonese Violinen nochmals, 1/180 Violin Monthly Magazine report, 17/35 Violin Times, 28/33, 28/84 advertisement, 25/4 launched, 20/52 review, December 1893, 20/96 Violin World, 27/46 Violinette, 20/34 Violinist, scared by bear, illus., 18/238 Violinist and lutenist, illus., 18/222 Violinists, 7/147. See under individual violinists drowned, 5/61-62 female, 6/94 A Freak on the Violin (various violinists discussed) 2/38-43 history, 7/104-107 illustration, 18/6 travelling, 7/104-107 Violins, Old and New All the Year Round, 12 August 1882, 2/49-54 "Violoncello", letter on violas, 8/21 Violotta, 8/134, 20/57 Viols, 23/7 lecture, Royal Institution, 1894, 28/97 Viotti, 5/26, 8/129 A.M. Eymar: Anecdotes sur Viotti, 16/12 anecdote, 9/28 concert review, February 1793, 17/124 "Jupiter" Strad., 26/42 tin violin, 20/6 Violonistes célèbres, 19/5 Viotti, Giovanni Baptiste, 23/3, 24/22, 26/120 bow, 28/29 "Jupiter" Strad., 26/35 Viotti, Jean Baptiste 109 Memoir of Viotti, 11/19 Vlaminck, Edmond de, 27/62 Vlamminck violin or cello combined with piano, 20/47 Voigt violin collector, 20/48 Voigt, Alban letter on German violins, Standard, 8–7 Voigt, Johann Georg violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Voirin violin, Cocks catalogue, 25/5 Voirin, F.N. bow, cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17 bow, violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 violin bow, 19/2 Volpis, Giuseppe violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Vom Fels zum Meer, 22/28 collection for sale, New York, 17/53 Von der Hoya, Amadeo, 17/53 collection for sale, New York, 17/53 Vossische Zeitung, 5 October 1885 Servais' Stradivarius, 6/73 Vrint, P. advertisement, 17/128 Vuillaume Messiah Strad, 20/30 viola, Withers catalogue of an Italian delaer, n.d., 3–161 violin, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1891, 27/10 Vuillaume, F.B. cello, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1895, 26/28 tenor, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1895, 26/28 Vuillaume, F.N. cello, for sale, 19/2 Vuillaume, J. B. violin, Castle catalogue, 3–95 Vuillaume, J.B., 7–4, 8–2-3, 8–32, 11/3, 14/7, 23/7, 26/23, 26/44, 28/74 bow, cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17 bow, violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 bow, violin, 19/2 bowed instruments, Vienna Exhibition, 1873, 11/16 cello, for sale, 19/2 cello, Vuillaume collection, 19/3 cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17 copied Paganini's violin, 20/41 double bass, 19/2 double bass, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Grove's Dictionary article, 11/14 Messiah Strad, 20/33 Quartette, made for Delphin Alard, Elias Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/229 Salabue Strad., 26/20 sale of collection, after death, 21 - 22 May 1880, 19/3 sourdine pedal, illus., 18/3 Stradivarius cello, 8/51 Stradivarius violin, 17/50, 22/7 varnish, 9/130 viola, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 22/26, 24/5 viola, Hesketh List of Old Violins, 19/13 viola, Vuillaume collection, 19/3 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/14, 22/26, 24/5 violin, Hesketh List of Old Violins, 19/13 violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/229 violin, Puttick & Simpson sale, 1893, 24/6 violin, Robert Cocks List of Old Violins, 15/4 violin, sold Bristol, 26/47 violin, Violin Gallery, 15/8 violin, Vuillaume collection, 19/3 violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/61 violin, Withers catalogue, June 1885, 24/21 violin, Withers catalogue of Italian dealer, n.d., 3/159 violins, Withers catalogue of Italian dealer, n.d., 3/160 Vuillaume, Jean Baptista cello, 19/2 cello, Samary collection, 19/4 viola, Withers catalogue, 12/17 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Vuillaume, Jean Baptiste, 24/22 Apostle Quartett, for sale, 19/2 cello, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 cello, Withers catalogue, 24/21 viola, Withers catalogue, 24/21 violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Vuillaume, N. viola, Hesketh List of Old Violins, 19/13 Vuillaume, N.F. viola, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Vuillaume, Nicolas violin, Vuillaume collection, 19/3 violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Vuillaume, père violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/226 W W. Konigsberg & Co. advertisement, 8/13 Waddell, R.D. Glasgow Strad., 26/101 Wagner, Richard autograph letter from Liszt, concerning, sale, 24/12 autograph letter to Gust. Schmidt, sale, 24/12 autograph letter to Kummer, sale, 24/12 autograph letters to Louis Spohr, sale, 24/12 cartoon, 18/291 homage to Spohr, 20/170 letters, various, sale, 24/12 Stimmen zur Ouverture Columbus, autograph manuscript, sale, 24/12 110 Wagstaff, Geoffrey speculations on writers and instruments, 20/171 Waite, A.A. collection sold, 26/47 Walcot, Dr., 8/17 Walduck, H. Improvements in Violins, 8/23-24 Wales, Princess of dinner with Wilma Norman-Neruda, 20/40 Walker, H. dealer, 20/72 Walker, J.H. letter on violin repairs, 28/96 Walker, S. advertisement, 5/30 Wall, Alfred RCM, 20/93 Wallis Wallis's Patent Holdfast Pegs, 5/5 Wallis, J., London, 5/21 advertisement, 5/54 pegs, 18/3 Wallis, Joseph dealer, advertisement, 3/143-144 Wallis, W. Bridges, letter, 27/31 Wallnõfer, A. autograph letter, sale, 24/12 Walther, H.M. Rare Wood, 6/17 Wamsley, Peter cello, 19/2 cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 violin, 19/2 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Wandering Italians, 21/13 Ward, Alfred Monastic Recreation, illus., 18/164 Warddel, Nora Helen Romance of a Quiet Watering Place, 9/46 Washington, George George Washington's Violin, exhibition, reviews, 4/163166 violin, 22/25 violin exhibited, 21/68 Wasielewski, J.D. The Violoncello, review, 27/53 Wasielewski,W.J.D. The Violoncello, review, 28/135, 28/136 Wassmann, C. Vollständig Neue Violinmethode, advertisement, 14/22 Wassmann, K. Entdeckungen zur Erleichterung und Erweiterung der Violintechnik, review, 15/20 Watson, Prof., 6/21-22 Watson, Rosabel, 26/125 Watson, Rosabel, French horn, 21/2 Waylett, Henry viola, Withers catalogue, 24/21 W.E. Hill & Sons Publications relating to the History of the Violin and its Makers, 19/27 The Salabue Stradivari, review, 8/71 Webb, Bertha, violinist, 21/21, 26/119 Weber, Carl Maria von autograph letter to Fürstenau, sale, 24/12 autograph letters to Louis Spohr, sale, 24/12 Weber, Edmund von autograph letter to Louis Spohr, sale, 24/12 Weber, Gottfried Ueber eine besonders merkwürdige Stelle in einem Mozart'schen Violinquartett aus C, 3/1-62 Weber, Gottfried. Ueber Saiteninstrumente mit Bunden und den Werth und die Eigenthumlichkeiten dieser Richtung, 4/107-109 Webster, Benjamin Nottingham, 7/108-109 Webster, Laura, cellist, 22/31 Weckerlin, J.B. Notice sur la contre-basse, 15/31 A Revolution in Violins, 26/114 Weekly Free Press, 8 September 1894 Professor Blackie and the Violinist, 26/106 Weekly Herald, 2 Feburary 1895 Beaujardin's violins, 26/104 Weekly Irish Times, 8 June 1895 A New Violiln, 26/54 Weekly Scotsman, 1 March 1894 Wm. C. Honeyman: Hints to Young Violinists, 28/119 Weekly Scotsman, 22 September 1894 Norman-Neruda, Wilma, 26/92 Weekly Sun, 2 February 1895 Piatti sick, 26/110 Weekly Sun, 21 October 1894 Max Klein, 26/92 Weekly Telegraph, 19 January 1895 Lady Lindsay: The Violinist's Farewell to his Violin, poem, 26/106 Weekly Telegraph (Sheffield), 26 January 1895 The Violinist's Friend, 26/108 Weekly Visitor and London Literary Museum, 17 March 1832 Poor Paganini, 15/24 Weichold, Richard cello, Withers catalogue, 24/21 cello, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/69 Weigel, cellist, 11/17 Weigl, Jos. autograph manuscript, sale, 24/12 Weimann, Greorgius violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 111 Weiner violinist, Strad, 17/39 Werner, Hildegard letter on violinists, 27/13 The Use of the Word Fiddle, 6–20 Wertheimer v.Goode, 24/7 Wesley, Charles, 9–129 West London Piano and Organ Co., 7–54 Westermanns illustrierte deutliche Monats-Hefte, March 1885, pp.835-896, 2/83-99 Western Daily Press, Bristol, 20 November 1891 Violin Monthly Magazine, 17/35 Western Mail, 9 December 1893 Expensivee Fiddles, 28/24 Western Mail, December 1893 Violin fraud, 17/133 Western Mercury (Plymouth), 21 November 1894 Leo Stern's cello, 26/113 Western Morning News, 18 May 1894, 28/136 Western Press, Bristol, 17 September 1894 Popper, David, 26/94 Westminster Budget, 1 February 18895 Odds and Ends, 26/68 Westminster Gazette, 11 January 1894, 28/49 Westminster Gazette, 16 May 1894, 28/89 Westminster Gazette, 25 May 1895 Violin teaching, 26/42 Westminster Gazeyye, 2 April 1895 Frederick Douglass and His Fiddle, 26/27 Westminster Magazine, January 1777 Anecdotes of Corelli and HandelJohn Hawkins:, 7/174180 Westminster Review, January - April 1833 Harmonics of the Violin, 7/20-28 Westminster Review, XXXVIII, 1 October 1833 Otto on the Violin, 10/5 Wheatstone concertinas, catalogue and price list, 15/2 wind fiddle, 9–82 Whistler, J. McNeil Sarasate [prtrait reproduced, 18/230 Whistler, "Jimmy" A Chat with Mr Whistler in Chelsea, 9/43-45 Whistling letters from Robert Schumann, sale, 24/12 White, Ira J. viola, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/229 violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/226 White, Richard Grant Antonius Stradivarius and the Violin, 11/12 Whitehall Review, 16 August 1890 Violin forgeries, 9/23 Whitelaw, James Cremona Amber Varnish, 25/1 varnish, advertisement, 17/128 Whitmarsh, E. advertisement, 17/127 Who was Prester John? All the Year Round, 24 April 1880, 2/44-48 W.H.S. The Violoncello's Next Engagement, 14/19 Wickham, Madge, 23/3 Widahor, Antonius violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Widhalm, Leopold viola, Withers catalogue, 24/21 violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 22/26 violin, Muller auction, 14/18 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Wieniawski, Henryk, 26/20 bought de Beriot's Stradivarius, 7/3 concerts in Boston, 20/28 Wieniawski, Joseph concert review, June 1887, 20/120 Wietrowetz, Gabriele, 17/98 with illus., 23/14, 26/112 press opinions, 1892-3, 16/9 Strad purchased, 20/60 Wiggin, Kate Gouglas A Village Stradivarius, 23/5 Wild, Franz autograph letter to Louis Spohr, sale, 24/12 Wilde nail violin, illus., 18/122 Wilhelmj, August, 9/36, 20/40, 22/27, 26/60, 28/131, 28/132 biographical sketch and press reports, New York, 1878, 19/8 drawing, 5/16 failure to appear, 20/128 house in Regent's Park, 20/51 illustration, 22/27 letter to a maker, 5/58-60 and Reményi, 22/5 Robert F. Burdette's poem, 20/51 The Violinist of Today. August Wilhelmj, 19/9 Wilhelmj and Reményi, with illus., 22/5 Wilkie, D. The Blind Fiddler, 18/63, 18/66 Wilkinson, Andrew The Ancient Fiddle, poem, 17/39 Wilkinson, S.B. advertisement, 12/13 Willcocks & Co. advertisement, 25/4 Williams, J. Strad violin, 22/7 Williams, Sidney lecture: The Violin, report, 26/22 Willmers, Rud. autograph letters to Louis Spohr, sale, 24/12 Wind fiddle, 9/82 112 Windsor Magazine, January 1896 F. Klickmann: Moments with Modern Musicians, 23/14 Winter Weekly, 17 November 1894, 26/9 Wise, Christopher, 9/1 Wit, M. de viola da gamba, 5/2 Withers, 7/4 Withers, Edward advertisement for strings from Florence, 3/176, 3/180 advertisement for Zither Violina Instructions, 3/162 Catalogue of Music, 1/112-131, 12/4 sale advertisement, 3/143-144 Sale catalogue, stock of an Italian violin dealer, n.d., 3/158-161 Withers, George advertisement for chin-holders, 3/184 bow, violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Catalogue, 12/12 Catalogue, 1884, 1/48-111 Catalogue, 1884, & Price list, 1/48-111 Catalogues, string instruments and instruction books, 1883, 2/55-82 cello, 19/2 cello, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 cello, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/68, 2/69 collection, 12/17 prints of shop, fitting room,workshop, warehouse and store, 5/18-20 violin, 19/2 violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/60 violin, Withers catalogue, June 1885, 24/21 violins, 19/2 Withers, George & Co. advertisement, 5–24, 5–25, 8/129, 12/17, 17/127 advertisement, with illus., 24/21 Catalogue 1890, 12/1 Catalogue of Ancient Instruments, &c., with illus., 19/2 Catalogue of Italian Instruments, 12/17 Withers, George & CO. Catalogue of Italian Instruments, June 1885, 24/21 Withers, George & Co. illustrations from trade catalogue of violins etc., 1883, 18/83 overview, 20/189 price list, 1887, 16/5 violin bow, 19/2 Withers, George & Sons advertisement, with illus., 24/21 Catalogue, October 1897, 24/21 Catalogue of music, 1898, 25/2 price list, 1895, 25/6 price list, 1898, 25/6 Witting, Jos. violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/226 W.J.T. A Few Notes on the Fiddle, 27/17 Wolf, Georg Friedrich, 23/1 Wolf, Jean Wolfgang, cellist, 11/17 Wolfe, J. violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Wolff Fiddle Frauds, 26/97 Wolff, Gebrüder, 3/214-225 Wolff, Johannes concert review, July 1891, 27/11 overview, 20/173 from a photograph by Elliott and Fry, 18/198 violin, Violin Gallery, 17/48 Wolff, W. Fiddle Fraud, review, 27/54 Wolff Bros. violins, 17/125 Violins etc., 12/3 Wollenhaupt, Bruno E. new violin, 26/54 triplex violins, 26/34 Wollenhaupt, Prof. new violin, 26/24 Wolters, J.M. violin, Beare, Goodwin & Co., 24/5 Wolzitka, Francis Xavier, cellist, 11/17 Woman Suffrage Clubs, 22/31 Woman's Press Club of Boston, 22/31 Woman's World, October 1890 F. Joyce Barrett: The Violin as in instrument for girls, 8/106-114 Women and the Violin American Girls as Violinist, 26/118 Wonrb, F & E. violin, 19/2 Wood, Anthony violins in Oxford, 24/22 Wood, Mrs Henry editor, The Argosy, 10/2 Wood, R. Tone and Expression in Violin Playing, 26/114 Wood, violin, 5/58-60, 7/141, 18/62, 20/57, 20/77, 26/21, 26/23 fiddle spruce, 26/37 Fiddle Spruce in Maine, 26/38 Haweis, H.R., 7-15-19 The Lost Secret, 6/88-90 manzanita, 26/31 Walther, H.M., Rare Wood, 6/17 worm holes, 28/118 Woodruff, Lauren manzanita violin, 26/31 Woolhouse, Charles advertisement, 22/17 113 Woolhouse, W.S.B. collection, sale of, 24/6 collection sold, 28/122 Note on the suitable proportions and dimensions of a violin bow, 5/48 obituary, September 1893, 20/96 sale of collection, 27/45, 28/23 World, 11 April 1894 Gatehouse, T.E., 28/100 Worle, Franz violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/228 Wornle, Franz violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/228 Worule, Georgius violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 Woycke, Madame violinist, with illus., 20/24 Woycke, Victor violinist, with illus., 20/24 Wright, J.M. Music's Mishap, 18/113, 21/57 Wright, Lilian, 20/156 RCM, 20/93 Wroclaw, 20/9 Wuertz, Margeurite violinist, 22/17 Wüllner, Franz autograph letter, sale, 24/12 Wurm, Philippus Jacobus violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/226 Würtenberg, monasteries, 23/1 Wyatt-Smith, B.F. Paganini and Berlioz, letter, 5/88-90 review of Sarasate, 20/118 review of Sarasate concert, 5/91 Wysham, H. Clay Amateurs and their Instruments, 27/25 Y Yaniewich, 19/5 Yeaton, Belle, trombone player, 22/31 illustration, 22/31 Yorkshire Evening Post, 13 April 1894, 28/141 Yorkshire Evening Post (Leeds0, 21 January 1895 In Praise of the Cello, 26/110 Yorkshire Post, 19 April 1895 H. Dykes, letter on old violin, 26/24 Yorkshire Post, 20 May 1895 "Messie" Stradivarius, 26/28 Yorkshire Post, 24 March 1894, 28/152 Yorkshire Weekly Post, 13 April 1895 Hill family, 26/27 Yorkshire Weekly Post, 18 June 1895 A New Violin, 26/24 Yorkshire Weekly Post, 29 June 1895, 26/20 Young, 7/145 Young, Alex. Violins, Tasmania, 17/22 Young, Alexander Violins and Violin-Players, 24/22 Young Woman, October 1893 H.R.Haweis: How to Play the Violin, 19/10 Youssoupov, Prince Nicolai Barisovich, 9/110 obituary 1891, 27/39 Youth's Companion (New York), 15 July 1895 How She Began, 26/47 Ysaye, Eugene, 26/20, 26/86, 26/100 arrived England Novemebr 1890, 20/166 Bohemian Club, 26/62 concert, Crystal Palace, 1891, 20/38a concert, Crystal Palace, 21 March 1891, 20/36 concert review, Baldwin Theater, May 1890, 26/65 concert review, June 1891, 27/9 concert review, May 1895, 26/66 concert reviews, July 1891, 20/80 concerts, St. James's Hall, 28 April & 12 May 1891, 20/38a H. E.Krehbiel: Eugene Ysaye, with illus., 22/1 interviewed, 26/38 Ysaye, Theophile, 27/10 Yunck, William illustration, 24/1 Z Zach bowed instruments, Vienna Exhibition, 1873, 11/16 Zampieri family, 7/47 Zangrandi, Joseph viola, Woolhouse collection, 24/6 Zani, Franciscus violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17, 24/21 violin, Withers catalogue 1883, 2/66 Zanoli violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/227 Zanoli, Joannes Baptista violin, Muller auction, 14/18 Zappa, Francisco, cellist, 11/17 Zebrowski bridge and mute, illus., 18/3 Zedlitz, Baroness conversation with Joachim, 26/98 interviewed Wilma Norman-Neruda, 26/107 Zeitschrift fur Instrumentenbau, 1 April 1890 Ueber das Verstimmen der Violine, 28/1 Zeitschrift fur Instrumentenbau, 1 December 1893 Albert Payne: Gaspard Duiffopruggar und die Entstehung der Geige, 19/30 Zeitschrift für Instrumentenbau, 11 March 1890 Gustav Adolf Buschmann: Neuerung an Streichinstrumente, 28/19 Zeitschrift fur Instrumentenbau, 21 May 1891 Kann Caspar Duiffoprugcar als erster Erbauer von 114 Violinen gelten?, 15/45 Zeitschrift für Instrumentenbau, March - July 1890 Edward Heron-Allen: Der Geigenlack (translated), 28/2 Zenatto, Pellegrino cello, 14/23 Zenatto, Pietro cello, 14/23 double bass, 14/23 viola da gamba, 14/23 viola da spalla, 14/23 Zerbini, John Baptiste violinist, obituary, February 1890, 20/86 Zerstreute Gedanken-Blatter über Kunst, 4tes Heft, Berlin, 1840, pp.45-48, 3/188-193 Ziegfeld, Dr. Florence illustration, 23/3 Zielinski, Jaroslaw de, 9/120 Zimmermann, Ernst The Prelate, illus., 18/91 Zither Violina Directions to Play, advertisement, 3/162 Zoeller, Carli, 11/26 concert programme, 14 March 1889, viola d'amore Cremona Society, Exhibition of Violes d'Amour, 14 March 1889, 3/80-82 Cremona Society, Exhibition of Violes d'Amour, 14 March 1889, 3/78-92 letter to Edward Heron-Allen, 28 April 1889, 3/84-88 Zonali, Valonini violin, Withers catalogue, 24/21 Zonane; or, the fiddle wizard of Cremona, poem, 6/6-13 Zondagsblatt, 6 May 1894, 28/123 Zotto, Antonio dal statue of Giuseppe Tartini, 21/19 Zram, Lorenz violin, Withers catalogue, 12/17 Zwerger, Anton violin, Howe catalogue, 1887, 4/226 Zygmanlousky, Nichollas, cellist, 11/17 Zytka, Joseph, celllist, 11/17 115
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