OPERATION MANUAL MODEL UHV-6 Multi Band Mobile Antenna far 7~Hz, 21NUaz, 28~, 50~z, 14~z, _3.5~H~JoRtion»)_1±-MH~tion), 430~z l~z(optio~_ Features: * * * * Developed for transmitting 50, 144 & 430MHz basically. With addition use of Hf-coils+Elements, UHV-6 can be used for 6 or 7bands easily. UHV-6 is developed for multi-purpose operation, Frequency characters of 50/144/430MHz, however, will keep always best condition, irrespective af any additional use af extra coils and elements. Combinations use, with COMET duplexer, such as CF-530 or CF-706/CF-360, allows multiple TX and RX, at the same time. Free direction Fold-Over is convenient while parking the car in narrow space. How-to fold-down the antenna llit-up l o C> Fold down, Jn / any dir.Cti? . How to lise: G)Please confirm tìght fastening ~f each set screws by usìng standard spanner. CVTighten antenna on base connection. @For better transmission, set antenna at vertìcal=positìon as much as-possìbìe= G)Please confirm VSWRwhile transmìtting. 2 nd Specifications: Frequencies 3.5MHz(option),7MHz,14MHz(option),18MHz(option),21MHz,28MHz,52.5MHz, Gain HF-50MHz/ OdB , 144MHz/2.15dBi , 430MHz/5.5dBi V.SWR HF Less than 1 : 1.6 50/144/430MHz Impedance Max. in-put Power Weight Length 1: 1.5 500 120W / SSB(50 +144MHz-200W / SSB) 540g(min.) -730g(max.) 1.9m(max. at 7MHz operation) 146MHz,430MHz Freguency Adjustment : * 50/144/430MHz. Basically, no adjustment is required. 1) In case of 50 /144MHz, finer freq. Control can be done, adjusting length of Element. Please unfasten the Element fix screw. 2) Hf'-bands-Antenna length is shorted ai each loading coils. Freqnency control at each HF-bands can be done, by adjusting the length of each adjust Elements, extending or cutting little by little. When the elements were cut too much by mistake, please use extra elements (90mm / 2pcs. 550mm / 1pcs.) in~ ved ~·~~k~e. Frequency Shift by each lcm are : 7MHz O.042MHz 21MHz 0.35MHz 14MHz ... _._.... O.25MHz 28MHz O.5MHz Note & Remarks : 1. Please read through this Operation Manual initially, before assembling start, and find out the desired Frequency Combination. 2. model UHV-6 inc1udes many components. Before driving start, please confirm tight fastening of each Set Screws. • Wiring Examples with Mount, Duplexers CF -530 or CF -760, CF-360 / ç ç IQ /Mount . RS-700 etc. Cable.assembly CK-3 or 0<_5 Q Mount RS-700 etc. . Cable.assembly Q<-J or CK-S . {t, H HF~50MHz i; 3" ,,~-)OO 144MHZ&43(}MH~· : Transce~ver CF-360 144&430MHz HF-430MHz Transceiver lMaìntenance] * 5 OMHz "Transceiver If mal-function is occurred, stop operation and try find the reason. If it is not settled, plea se contact the starei shop where you purchased the antenna or our Engineering Department. • Before driving start, please check the SWR is in correct position. • Routinely, please confirm tight fastening of each Ste Screws. (Customer Service] • Replacement parts and accessories are available at our dealer and our factory. • This quality product is manufactured - oy • tiansportation:- under striet quality control. Please contact the starei shop far those damaged -~-- - For further information ~--- about assembling work and other technical matters, please contact to our Engineering Department. COMET CO.,LTD; 4-18-2 Tsuji, Minami-Ku, Saitama-Shi, Saitama, 336-0026 JAPAN URL: http://WW-W.comet-ant.co.jp TEL: +81(0)48-839-3131 FAX: +81 (0)48-839-3136 --I ~ .Sub Elemen~ /. --- , ..... - ... _. __ . I I ~Uper Ele. I'\SOMHZ 28MHz Adjust Ele. (75mm standard lehgth) Chok e CoiI / -- Ele. Set Screw 14MHz Adjust Ele. (80mm standard length) ""- 21MHz Coil(L-21) 14MHz Coil(L -14) Ele. Holder Ele. Holder Ele. Holder Ele. ('4X45) I ~ Uper Ele. ""- ('4'45) 50MHz Choke Coil 50MHz Choke Coil Element Element ,I \ Ele. Set Screw Ele. Set screw 28MHz Coil(L-28) ~Uper \('4X45) ~ 7MHz Adjust Ele. (503mm standard lengt h) /~o 21 MHz Adjust Ele. --:-(8Omm standard lenqth) Ele. Set Screw Top-Tip , Pleose do not remove the top-tipo If rernoved, Corono electric dischorge will anse from 2S-30W operation at 7 or 14MHz Element 7MHz Coil(L -7) Ele.Holder ""- Element I\ ~OMHzChoke,Coil ('4X45) SOMHz Choke Coil (14'45) ) Elemetit (Hx~5) , (HX~5) 430MHz Phaiirg Coi Elerileht Element ('4X405) ~4X~5) (~4'~5) 430MHz Phasing Coil 430MHz Phasing Coil 430MHz Phasing CoiI Element Element Element '430MHz PhasingCoìl . } I Element I (,5X310) (.5X310) .~ . ". Ele:' Fix Screw Elernent-" ('5'310) ('5'310) Ele. Fix Screw Ele. Fix Screw Ele. Fix Sc~ew Fold-Over Fold-Over Fold-Over Fold-Over Base Coi! Base Coil Base Coil Ele. Fix. Screw , ~~. \ ('5'310) . l , Fold-Over I I I Base Coil I ~2.0~", r ' l.' 4-40 i --- r 1.0 1~.5 146 440 FREO.(MH-r) r 1<46 --- 147.5 FREQ.(MHI') , 50 $1 --- . $2 5.J 5..•. FREQ.(MH:t) so 1.0 . 51 52 --- 5J ~4 F'REQ.(IoJH~) 1<46 147.5 FREO.(MMz) j 1..5 1.0 2e .2&..5 --- Z9 29.~ co FREQ,(MH:Z} ~o 51 --- ~2.0~ t '144.5 l.' ì1.5~ LO FREO.(MHZ) --- S2.0~ '5 450 1.5 LO 144.5 445 --- 1.5 FREO.(MHZ)' ~2.0,~ 1.0 --- 450 1.0 147.5 --- r 445 ~2.0~ 1.5 1.5 1.0 440 FRE:O.(MH:Z) w· S2.0~ r ' 1.0 .so 4-45 ~2.0~ ~2.0EE ~2.0,~ I L S2.0~ 1.5 1.0 f l, ~! :52 53 .5.••. F'REC.(MHz) ~,.O~ f --- f f t::I 21.225 21.4,5 FREO.(MHl') ·1 440 440 445_ FREQ.("'~ St°c=r-l f15~ i --fl::,~ , [.0 144.5 146 147.5 so ~1 --- 445 LO, F'REO.(MHz) ' . " I.' 1 450 -- wS2.0~. , , (' . - 144.5: 146 --- F'R€Q.(Mt-Iz} 147.5 FREQ.(MHZ) ~2.a~ I 1.5 , ' 1.0 I.O~ I I.' 1.0 '2 ~.J 54 F'REQ.(MHZ) s10Eftj, ps 1.0 21 'Ji2.a~ S2.0~ ~~ 1.5 Bose Coil \1 1.0 , . , 50~2 -T--~ 5.3 !54 FREO.(MHz) f~::~ 1.0~ 14 1 ••..175 --- 14 ..J5 F'REO.(MHZ) IO L. j = • ---- 14MHz Coil(L-14) -- Elemen! Holder ---- Ele. Set Scre~ -- 7104HzCOil(L-i ~ ~ (f4lI~) (""<05) 4.30MHz Phasing Coil "'" 4.30MHz Phasing Coil ~ ____ Element " _Element (.5><Jl0) Ele. Set Serew 7MHz Coil(L-7) Elemen! Holder / ,,21MHz Coil(L-21) ---- Ele. Set Serew ,,21MHzCoil(L-21) 50MHz Choke Coil ~ (14"<05) 7104HzAdjust Ele. (503mm stondord length) 7MHz Adiust Ele. (503mm stondord length) 50MHz Choke Coil ~ "'" -= Ele. Set Serew / SOMHz Choke Coil 7MH:zlII Adiust ,Elc. (503mm ston?ord len~th) 14MHz Adiust Ele. (80mm stondord length) 14MHz Adiust E1e. (BOmm standord length) 430MHz Phosing Coil "'" ____ Eiement (f5><310) ~ ~ (14"<05) 430MHz PhOSirg Coil _Element "'" 430MHz Phosing Coil _ Element I (.5><310) ('5><Jl0) (f~-40S) ('."<05) "'" 430MHz Phosing Coil II-Element ('5><Jl0) ('5I<Jl0) Ele. Fix Screw Ele. Fix Serew Ele. Fix Serew Ele. Fix Screw Ele. Fix Screw Ele. Fix Screw Fald-Over fold-Over Fold-Over Fold-Over Foìd-Over Fold-Over . Base Coil Base Coil Base Coil Bose Coil Base Coil Base Coi! I ! I , ~"0r-rtl l \ ~2.0~ I I 1.,. ~2.0~' 440 445 ---_ 450 FREO.(UH:z) ~2.0~' . . 144.5 1.0 140 --- 147.5 f"REQ.(MH~} f~;c=r=2J 1.O~ 50 .51 52 --- 53 ,.04FREQ.(MH:r) r;c:cJZ 28 28 ..5 --- 29 l'' 1.0 144.5 140 147.5 FREO.(~H:r) 1.. 1.0 SO 51 --- 52 53 54 FREQ.(Io.4Hz:) I.o~ --- 2929,S .30 FR€O.(MHZ) --- 14..175 14.J!5 FREO.(MH:z) 26 28.5 --- 2'.22~ 21.45 I=REQ.(M"'z) FREO.(MM:z) t' '.0 144.5 148 --- ~2.0~ I.' i 1.<> 50 51 52 ~2.0~ 1.5 , 1.0 J, 'o 144.5 --- F'RT·(MMZ) 148 J 147.5 f"Rf:Q.(l.4Mz) 53 .54 F'REQ.(Mt-I:z) 5 w --- 2'.~ 21.225 F'REQ.(UH:Z) 2.0 f l' 440 +-"T"--"""-+---' 11.175 --- i 14 . .35 F'R.EO.(M,,",z) F"'FtE:a.(M,,",z) S2.0EE l I.~ 1.0 144.5· 1.°2J.6--26•... ::.::-.zLg--l-.'-.J30 !~I :ifi I 7 --- 1.0~ 7.1 ~E(I.( ••.• Hz) IO _ 144F"REa.(M~t~.5 51 21 .147.5 FREQ.(MHz) 21.22.5 21.4.5 F~Ea.("'MZ) --- 7.05 7.1 F"REO.(MHz) IO . 51 5.2 5.3 54 F"REQ.("'Hz) . 14 ___ t4.175 ·14.J5 f'REO.(MHZ) --- 1.0!. 7.1 F'REO.(MHZ) ~l.0ct:3 I l. 1.5 '5 .- 50 l.5 I . --- 7 148 1.5 5.3 , .••. FREQ.(MMz) ~2'0E:f3 l LO 450 F"REQ.(t..aHZ) ~2.0E32j I --o -~2.0~ 1.<> ~2 ~2.0E2j f ,O 1401.5 --- ~2.0~ 1'5 50 445 ___ ~2.0 r==r:=:J l'''~ w R 1.5 'o 440 450 I~ 1.0 u 445 --- --- I.' LO I ~l.O~ 1.5 1.0 450 ~2.0c=:ro 11.'~ -'-- 147.5 ~2.0~ 21 I 1-4 445 I ~2.0~ 1.0 -.-- .•. 4-40 F'REO.(MMX) t '-' t. 1.0 .21 --- 1.0 450 .s ìS2.°EB f:;o=-r=J t 445 ~2.0~ ~l.O~ t 4-40 450 FREQ.(MH:r) --- 29.S JO FRE:Q.(NH'I:) ~2.0~' '.0 445 --- 1.0~ t 4-40 ~l.o~ I~ II.·~ ,.o~ 1.0 1.0 f f~;~ 1.' 7 •• --'-
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