Results - Academic Games Leagues of America
Results - Academic Games Leagues of America
II . a jf j" 11411 #;I 7'i FINAL RESULTS CH kRLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA APRIL 25 - 29, 2002 THANK YOU TO .Al.l. OF THE MAN] EDUCATORS WHO MADE IHE 2002 TOURNAMENT AN INCREDIBLE SUCCESS. CONGRATULATIONS TO EACH AND EVERY STUDENT WHO PREPARED FOR AND PERFORMED WELL. YOUR TALENTS ARE INCREDIBLE. AGLOA, Inc National Board President Br. Neal Golden Vice-President Jim Davis Secretary Cedric Small Treasurer Nancy Kinard Executive Director Larry Liss Academic Games Leagues of America, Inc. (AGLOA) is a nun - profit 501(c)(3) corporation P.O. Box 17563 West Palm Beach , FL 33416 2002 NATIONAL TOURNAMENT April 25 - 29 , Charlotte. North Carolina I I ANTHONY DIDLAKE Detroit Renaissance. M I SCOTT FUNK Eastern Panhandle. NY YANNA GAMBLE St. Bernard Parish, LA JAYWARD Broward Counts, Ff. CRAIG ZELLER New Orleans. LA CHRIS ZEPPENFELD Western Pennsylvania AGL SENIOR: ANTHONY DIDLAKE Detroit Renaissance, Ml JUNIOR: MATT NA UGHTON Ann Arhor, Nil MIDDLE: JACK TORRES SL Bernard Parish, LA ELEMENTARY: STEPHEN BRADFORD Palm Beach County, FL ROBERT FLEMING Montour. PA ELLIE GAMBLE St. Bernard Parish, LA CARLA LM;ATTUTA Allegheny Valley, PA NLARY LEVA Mecklenburg Area, NC HERB MUNCY RESA II, NW SENIOR: Grilled to Perfection Beaver County, PA JUNIOR: Spongebob Squarepunts Mercer. PA MIDDLE: .4 Pasta Fee 11. 4. PA ELEMENTARY: MACS-I -Mi.en Mecklenburg, Outstanding Seniors Individual Sweepstakes: Outsiandine Teachers: Most Creative Team :tames: N C I I S%eepstakes Team Award Winners J lk lroil Rcnnissu nrv. MI Wilha Aanm ALcnele Pve ) umm Clark \lauricc Teicsfnd Chian C fanddvnc W av nr Du... I m Sh:mkleuvi Adn loo Flnsch Crarc Zeller \ew Orlea ns, LA W ilham I lone c,, Jessica Orccron Kenn 1 homes dntt„m. I lidlakr Sn. OeLaSaIk-Fronklin rlrleans, I.A I icr Nathan \V dward I Quit Drinking Haierade Fhza Beale \lam N auubton Ann Arbor. Ml Maa^_ic Klein Akt Baker Detroit Renaissance, MI Kenneth Buber Arthur Ldge Ti-Yanna Clemons Eian Daltatus western Prnnsvfania AGL Joseph Mcdwid NichoIti Br an don Lowder. And) W'enr Aaron Williams St. Hrnranl Pariah, I.A \lorahid II:iyuc Jeffrey Franca Amy Pdlilnen 10.,brn Mon Sire If] flip a coin Ann Arbor, MI Maya Spis ak Paul Lewis Evan Tay lor t'a.n, i cite Mabrnuk Nike Taylor 3, Triple A' Ann Arbor. MI Matissa Lapedis Ann, Lisa Horan Andrew Zhang 2. Good Times Dared Lm" RCrt.. ici Srescn Martin Middle 1 7- 81 Division L Waklnkable Lirower Amur IJo J;a'k T,r;n I Elemeotan 14-61 Division St. Bernard Trans A Indian RhrrA St. Rernard 1`264, LA Ryan Jnocs Abbic Barrus Jordan Lord Emily F.nelard Alcx Wendiing Indian River , Fl. Kvlc Colliny Jilli an Askrcn Chris Cibtmsski Diann Pechter Victoria Damu tz I I David C ampbell Jim Davis Stuart White Gera Morgan T-Shirt Design and Acquisition: Mothvmatirs Judges Test Development & Administration: Br. Neal Golden Ilospitalits Committee: Diana Wirberg Gcna Morgan Lorrie Scott Technical Support Rob Twrddril Chairperson and Acquisition: Paula Hidalgo I Hon. K:cl.c \irlancon Diana :.:`. ^can:^„o Daigle Biih F.-'T J F }: nhcllc Gardner Coordinator are in bold face Elementary Sharon W itte Ernie Cole Pat Arnold Vicki IlutTmun Glenda lla%ley Cris Martin Candy Prndkt Pat Ilouchens Junior/Senior Sharon Vitolina Aundrea Scott Cris Martin Linda Kilian Manie White Middle Kcn Dowling I I fbdric Small Ta11 % Sur anal Linocabom Al Msrini Karen An.n & Paul Fletcbcr ( Paul /Mcbr I.I.m) Laura C,Wprr Sal PC11111nri Rhonda 1'.gl^e Harold P"L", Malt SUn inn It,.nnu l ^nn.Cll I lead Judge tot LQL'. 1 I I(NCS Head Judec tot ON-SI I, irud lads tar LIN(dISI ITIK R r.uc i.n W:^dd Fenn i:cc_c' : r I'RFSRJF\TS i'R UP SiA\T)A Rarhan Farudl Flea VaJenu Ran Tamber Dale \\aLmc (kcthu LaAshminiusna Kum,('-gne Darnel; Hknchard Shelf's Lk,ic,cch Mudge Tamher 'I'Im Minis lom I:.uphiin I':nn Rehm M IIIIII F DI%7510\: Kalb, Teed Frk \t lwe Kalb , Boat.•R JIM. Shaw 6 Jobo Alni Paula Hidalgo Job. Alai & Monique Wondrrh I'vilt Ruffin Sand, flown I m Ham" Deanna J1200tipplo t.nri Sbd s.k, Head J--.,c• Ira L QI'A11ONS Head Judge icr Q\ - SFTS Hcad J¢dac tar LINGI'ISITTIK R, dasorAA urld L ,nn, R older `m: PRLS IUL N IS p ..,,...r. > : PROPAGANDA Pam Ileben CTunsx Ripon LII.r c..nlac Slrgc Walsh AnitJta Rcddr Hen Coleman Adrian Prather Peter Mum Rick Schwru FLEHL%I %RY DIVISION: Br. Laurence Konenman lbnnir Run I II n Hrrdr,eg I ur nr S.nn Had 11-r d 6 Yretrt Rafe I4•amr Hun J. Am,e Wtescridngxr I Jeri, Munrv Anne HumphHun MldkltT Brim Walker Chasmic Rahaim Sla,slu Arms f ruds Meguhlu Ilrad Judge tow LQUA PIONS I Ictd Judec far ON-SLIN I rwd Judec for LI\Gt 1 I I I IK Kc:k+ f•,.. Wccld F' enu krsic fcr PRFSIDF\1S Rear., iT PRidvGA\DA (ihtm Tweddcl Virginia VIIeneai C'rvatal Ptin$d Rick Schwartz Erin Dowd Urue Lewi ǹ Duna Wieherg Carla Laganuta Paulo Urimgct Linda Burgess Ken Dueling Adrian Pmlbc Nancy ( ialales Heidi Chanen Linda Srnely ^ r.^ 2002 National Academic Games Championships fSweepstakes Standings: Senior Didlake Telesford Culpepper Hanlon Frosch Aaron Dussel Woodward Ward Giandelone Hudspeth 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 069 070 034 100 017 072 018 025 078 016 066 062 033 021 C68 064 023 084 087 112 024 103 102 029 065 020 038 109 030 071 026 031 059 027 061 107 019 085 040 063 098 099 053 097 101 075 073 022 Watkins Green Clark Suhor Beasley Funk Maher McGee Walk Zeller Conlon Phan Lion Basket-Pee Bonham Muha Wright Ruben Hernandez Rye Horne 49 108 Neal DeJesus Heine Orgeron Zeppenfeld Ferrazzano Thomas Bucek Shumek Gamble Lier Blodgett Stark Floyd Martin Shackleton Lepine Anthony Maurice Sarah Adam Jon Willia Wayne Nathan Jay Brian Brett Ben Adam Jessica Chris Joe Kenan Michael Andrew Yanna Greg Kat Kirsten Nathan Jonathan Adam Regina Brent Will Jurron Geralyn Jeremy Scott Stephen Mike Alan Craig Erin Tommy Kris Jordan Caitlin Michael 1 03 PtAyEiis Paae = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 24 22 24 24 24 22 22 11 22 18 24 22 17 12 14 21 16 14 17 20 24 20 15 18 22 12 17 21 19 18 15 14 21 17 17 22 12 17 14 16 17 14 12 15 27 18 15 22 20 24 19 16 23 21 24 0 21 0 0 24 23 15 0 19 18 15 19 18 0 17 18 0 14 20 23 17 20 19 13 0 15 0 0 15 13 17 0 14 20 0 0 15 0 21 13 124 122 0 0 0 128 0 0 218 0 182 142 0 0 180 214 0 186 132 0 0 110 0 0 74 Jacob Jennifer Michele William DT DT JF AA NO DT NO NO BR NO BV BV JF NO WP BV NO WP WP SB NO PB AA NO BV NO JF SB NO DT NO JF EP NO BV PB NO WP JF BV AA AA HE SV AA BR DT NO Chandler SB 0 19 13 0 Ginny S' 0 0 94 0 0 190 0 142 56 0 146 0 94 0 0 140 174 0 0 56 0 46 50 34 33 47 27 45 36 55 40 50 35 22 37 46 37 39 34 51 33 39 0 34 24 24 24 24 0 23 0 0 17 0 17 24 23 0 0 19 0 0 0 0 0 15 23 41 0 30 33 25 23 25 31 30 25 32 37 32 0 31 39 29 10 35 15 48 36 24 33 17 39 26 23 0 22 0 0 17 0 20 0 0 15 24 0 1 19 22 20 19 14 17 14 16 15 0 0 05/01/02 47 29 51 55 59 26 53 53 60 51 48 38 54 53 56 5. 48 49 55 58 46 55 45 90.073 89.818 84.836 84.400 84.109 83.964 83.836 82.909 82.782 80.855 78.873 78.764 78.600 77.145 77.109 76.745 76.218 73.891 73.655 73.600 73.418 73.000 72.836 54 72.491 45 52 44 51 52 29 48 S8 51 41 52 52 43 52 44 49 33 48 0 30 56 36 30 39 41 72.091 71.200 70.509 70.436 69.709 69.527 69.291 69.109 69.091 68.545 68.291 68.127 67.727 66.74S 66.255 65.855 65.273 64.745 64.218 63.691 62.873 61.800 61.418 60.618 59.745 2002 National Academic Games Championships Senior DIVISION SWEEPSTATCES RESULTS 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 016 003 004 019 015 006 022 005 030 021 020 017 007 002 001 018 Different Strokes Brother Martin DcLaSallc-Franklin DYNASTY BC Grilled to Per.`ection LA Legacy Quit Drinking Koolade without the Sugar Martin -Dominican-Jesuit Funkier Monkies Mikey Likes Tt ALMONDS y Bp l Ca C'est Bon 3CPO R2D2 y Bp 2 6 8.0 9.0 14.0 15.5 19.5 25.0 26.0 28.5 36.0 38.5 39.0 43.5 42.0 51.0 54.5 60.0 Equations Place ID Last ------- ------ - 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 16 16 16 19 19 19 22 22 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 40 40 40 40 40 45 45 45 45 45 45 103 100 072 070 069 062 017 050 034 033 025 020 019 018 ----- Blodgett b Hanlon 1 Ob/01/02 PsAyjas 24 Palm-Pan EQ 24 Quit Drinking Koolade Without th Aaron. Willia Telesfc_d^ Heine Maurice Anthony Ben Jon Matt Sarah Adam Woodward Shacklcton Adam Different Strokes Different Strokes Different Strokes BC Grilled to Perfection Brother Martin The Square Root of All LA Legacy LA Legacy DeLaSalle-Franklin Brother Martin Brother Martin Brother Martin Brother Martin Martin-Dominican-Jesuit Martin-Dominican-Jesuit DeLaSalla Franklin Quit Drinking Koolade Without th The Square Root of All DeLaSalle-Franklin Funkier Monkies Different Strokes Mikey Likes It Different Strokes BC Grilled to Perfection BC Grilled to Perfection Ca C'est lion Ca C'est Bon Martin-Dominican-Jesuit Danielle Delfino Meghan 24 24 24 24 24 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 21 21 21 20 20 20 19 19 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 16 16 16 16 16 15 Jacob 15 Quit Drinking Koolade Without th Ben Jeremy Nathan Jason 15 15 15 15 B#1 LA Legacy Martin - Dominican -Jesuit Martin -Dominican -Jesuit D_d:ake D-,-e ,:F Frosch Bat tyanyi Culpepper Zeller nussel Nathan Craig Wayne Brian Green Maher Thomas Stark Preece Lier Will 112 Gamble Watkins Walk Bonham 101 076 031 C29 028 Team $ 7 P. Kat Adam Giandelone 110 Pts First Senior -- ---------- 016 030 027 023 102 054 024 108 071 095 073 066 065 036 032 026 109 107 099 075 061 040 037 021 099 084 074 051 035 Division: Neal Clark Hamilton Pye Hudspeth Martin Tran singleton Suhor Hernandez McGee Phan Rodgers Orgeron Basket-Pee Bucek Bredemeyer Caszatt Perez Jarman Ruben Rashbaum Beasley Floyd Perino Stephen Kenan Kirsten Nik Greg Chandler Jurron Jessica Michele Brett Jonathan Tim Ronald Geralyn Yanna Brent Alan Caitlin Jennifer Mike Tommy Christina Jessica Jordan Michael William 17 F unki er Monkies Funkier Monkies Palm-Pan EO Quit Drinking Koolade Without th B#1 Mikey Likes It Ca C 'est Bon Ca Cl eat Bon DeLaSa1 le- Franklin Quit Drinking Koolade Without th DYNASTY B#1 The Square Root of All LA Legacy Funkier Monkies 2002 National ream Standings : Equations Academic Games Champinnrhipr Div`-sion: dace Total ID Team 7.0 i.0 i.0 021 M-key Like:? It 018 B#2 SV-Seneca Valley, PA BR Browara County, F;, 001 R.222 RT-RESA IT, WV GeV - Cily!SLate -- - __--_.__.. _ ----------------------------------------- -----0032- Brother MarLin L.0 112 NO New Orleans, LA ?.0 92 022 Ouit Drinking Koolade Without the Suga AA -Ann Arbor, MI 3.0 88 015 BC Grilled to Pc= fection BV - BCaver County, PA 1.0 86 014 The Square Root. of All HE-Hermitage, PA i.0 82 007 Ca C'est Bon .,F-Jefferson Pari, LA i.0 81 023 Palm -Pan. F.Q 'LZ-, 73 61 57 2002 National eam Standings: Academic Games Championships Division: Mentor Subdi v irton: L_ 1 F. 1 05/01/02 'lace Tot 11 ID Team Gee City/.State -------- --------- --------------------------------------- -------------------.0 109 0161 Different Strokes ttP-Detroit Renais, MI :.0 95 0043 DeLaSalic-Frauklin. NO-New Cilcans, :A 1.0 90 005 Marlin-Dominican-Jesuit NO-New Orleans, :+A 1.0 87 006 LA Legacy JF-:.etterron Pari, LA '.0 83. 030 Funkier Mcnkics SB-St. Bernard Pa, LA '.0 73 017 Btl BR-Broward County, FL '.0 65 019 DYNASTY WP-WPAGL, PA 1.0 63 002 3CPO RT-RESA It, WV 1.0 21 024 GQ Extras 2?.-, O Individual Standings: PCs Team 1 1 1 4 4 4 7 8 8 8 11 11 11 11 15 15 15 15 19 19 19 19 19 24 24 24 24 24 29 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 38 38 38 38 38 43 43 43 43 43 48 48 48 034 033 02b 109 072 021 069 073 018 016 099 071 070 038 112 100 026 023 093 084 035 029 024 110 102 040 030 028 017 101 088 087 076 039 036 027 019 111 098 077 037 020 108 085 050 031 022 113 092 032 Culpepper ® m Woodward Heine W Watkins Aaron Orgeron Didlake Pye Dussel Giandelone Bonham Clark Telesford Lepine Gamble Hanlon Suhor Thomas Kostewicz Bucek Perez Floyd Lier Jarman Stark Phan Green Perino Frosch Ruben Zeppenfeld Shumek Rashbaum Phan Tram Maher Zeller Rome Basket -Pee Shaw-Malkoff Rodgers Shackleton Neal Conlon Battyanyi Beasley Horne Hunter Kolesar Singleton Sarah Adam Nathan Brent Willia Jessica Anthony Michele Wayne Brian Caitlin Jurron Maurice Reena Yanna Adam Geralyn Kenan Matt Michael Delfino Nathan Greg Meghan Kirsten Tommy Will Jason Jon Jacob Chris Andrew Ben Kim Tim Stephen Craig Greg Jordan Lee Christina Adam Chandler Erin Matt Jeremy William Robin Tara Ronald I S 7 24 24 24 23 23 23 22 21 21 LA Legacy LA Legacy 21 Brother Martin 20 20 20 20 19 19 19 19 18 18 18 18 18 17 17 17 17 17 16 15 15 1S 15 15 15 15 15 14 14 14 14 14 13 13 13 13 13 12 12 12 PL *Ees DeIaSa11e-Franklin Funkier Monkies Different Strokes DeLaSalle-Franklin Di-ierent Strokes Different Strokes Brother Martin Quit Drinking Koolade Without Different Strokes Different Strokes LA Legacy Funkier Monkies Quit Drinking Koo'ade Without Martin-Dominican-Jesuit De.La Sa lle-Frank lin ALMONDS DYNASTY LA Legacy Martin-Dominican-Jesuit DeLaSalle - Franklin Funkier Monkies Quit Drinking Koolade Without Ca C'est Bon Martin-Dominican-Jesuit Martin-Dominican-Jesuit Brother Martin Quit Drinking Koolade Without DYNASTY DYNASTY Broward OS Ca C' est Bon Ca C' est Bon Martin - Dominican -Jesuit Brother Martin Funkier Monkies Quit Drinking Koolade Without Broward OS Ca C' est Bon Brother Martin Funkier Monkies DYNASTY Red, White, & Blue Cubes LA Legacy DeLaSalle-Franklin Broward OS ALMONDS Ca C' est Bon Lh Lh th Lh th 2002 National Academic Games Championships Team Standings: 1 Or. Place Total - sets I ID Division Team Geo - City/State ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 5.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 106 99 97 87 86 86 85 73 71 63 61 23 0161 Different Strokes 0,06 8 LA Legacy 004 ) DeLaSalle- Franklin 003 Brother Martin 030 Funkier Monkies 005 Martin-Dominican - Jesuit 022 Quit Drinking Koolade Without the Suga 007 Ca C'est Bon 019 DYNASTY 020 ALMONDS 034 Broward OS 010 Red , White , & Blue Cubes 10 --------- UT-Detroit Renais, JF-Jefferson Pari, NO-New Orleans, LA NO-New Orleans, LA Sit-St. Bernard ?a, NO-New Orleans, LA AA Ann Arbor, M1 JF-Je fferson Pari, WP-WPAGL, PA WP-WPAGL, PA BR-Broward County, zz-, MT LA LA LA FL d Events 1 105 Tanis Paul 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 11 12 13 14 is 15 17 18 18 20 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 27 29 30 31 32 32 34 34 34 34 38 39 39 39 42 43 43 45 45 47 078 064 045 104 067 009 059 106 084 042 066 088 091 097 041 043 085 006 062 061 053 056 060 087 082 072 010 057 069 070 096 015 090 051 013 012 054 103 074 058 044 086 008 089 011 093 Jay Joe Lauren Ricky Fe-scy Ky_e Scott Tahi ra Michael 47 071 ward Ferrazzano Sauer Ly Pollock Dotson Funk Mather Bucek Drew Hudspeth Zeppenfeld Hanna Wright Crandall Lackey Conlon Vance DeJesus McGee Muha Sabella Viands Shumek Li Aaron Farmer Grolier Didlake Telesford Lehman Durbin Shank Caszatt Mills Walker Preece Blodgett Bredemeyer Funk Lackey Fazio Newberry Karg Kayser Kostewicz C:ark 47 47 063 014 Mamidi *l on Senior Jerry Brett Chris Elizabeth Ginny John Jamie Erin Alex Ben Mike Michael Brett Clay Andrew Elaine Willia Scott Katie Anthony Maurice Jordanna Ken Elise Danielle Kelly Kevin Nik Kat William Daniel Matt James Jennifer Matt Jennifer Matt rcn .__9 sreekoo,t Team CO 220 218 214 206 200 198 192 190 186 186 184 182 180 178 174 174 162 146 146 142 142 140 136 134 132 130 128 128 126 124 122 120 120 114 114 114 114 112 110 110 110 108 106 106 104 104 94 94 94 Palm-Pan WEV Broward WC BC Grill ed to 94 it PtAy& *s Pte Perfection Dithnithnuth Palm - Pan WEV WRV Special R2D2 Palm - Pan WEV Palm-Pan WEV DYNASTY Dithnitlmuth BC Grilled to Perfection :D YNASTY ALMONDS Mikey Likes It Dithnitimuth Dithnithnuth DYNASTY R2D2 BC Grilled to Per fection Mikey Likes It We Are Vikings We Are Vikings Palm - Pan WEV DYNASTY Broward WC Different Strokes R2D2 We Are Vikings Different Strokes Different Strokes M ikey Likes It 3CP0 ALMONDS we Are Vikings 30P0 3CPO We Are Vikings WEV Extras Broward WC WEV Extras Dithnithnuth DYNASTY R2D2 ALMONDS 3CPO ALMONDS Different Strokes BC Grilled to Perfection 3CPO World Events Geo - City/State 930 834 750 706 640 628 570 564 564 546 524 362 198 025 008 019 015 033 013 021 020 001 002 016 026 031 Palm-Pan WEV Dithnithnuth DYNASTY BC Grilled to Perfection Broward WC We Are Vikings Mikey Likes it ALMONDS R2D2 CPO Different Strokes WEV Extras WEV Special I7- zz-, IV-Lakeview, PA WP-WPAGL, PA BV-Beaver County, PA BR Broward County, FL HF.-Hermitage, PA SV-Seneca Valley, WP-WPAGL, PA RT-RESA 11, WV RT-RESA Ii, WV DT-Detroit Renais, zz-, AG-AGLOA, FL PA MI Individual Place 1 2 3 3 3 6 6 8 9 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 16 16 16 20 21 21 21 24 24 24 2? 27 29 29 29 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 40 40 40 40 44 44 44 44 44 44 50 Standings : I Presidents Division: Senior -D Last First 078 087 106 070 066 053 006 017 088 069 018 074 042 029 016 085 024 023 022 015 064 027 021 097 025 014 098 062 102 084 034 112 111 105 104 100 075 041 020 092 077 061 059 110 091 071 057 056 019 096 Ward Shumek Mathen Telesford Hudspeth Muha Vance Frosch Zeppenfe ) d Didlake Dussel Bredemeyer Drew Floyd Giandelonc Conlon Lier Thomas Horne Durbin Ferrazzano Maher Orgeron Wright Woodward Mamidi Basket - Pee De .Tesus Stark B :: cek Culpepper Gamble Rome Tanis Ly Hanlon Hernandez Crandall Shackleton Kolesar Shaw Malkoff McGee Funk Jarman Hanna Clark Jay Andrew Tahira Maurice Brett Michael Alex Jon Chris Anthony Wayne William J erry Nathan Brian Erin Greg Kenan William Ken Joe Stephen Jessica Ginny Nathan Sreekant Jordan Ben Karsten Michael Sarah Yanna Greg Paul Ricky Adam Jennifer John Adam Tara Lee Mike Scott Meghan Elizabeth Jurron Katie Brett Craig Jordanna Grober Sabella Zeller Lehman Pts 13 55 51 50 50 50 48 48 47 46 46 45 43 42 41 40 39 39 39 39 38 37 37 37 36 36 36 35 35 34 34 34 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 32 32 32 32 31 31 31 31 31 31 30 Team P. 1 05/0;1/02 Q7 PLAyEQ$ 8#1 DYNASTY Palm - Pan WF.V Different Strokes BC Grilled to Perfection Hail to the Chief R2D2 Brother Martin DYNASTY Different Strokes Brother Martin B#1 Dithnithnuth Martin - Dominican -Jesuit Brother Martin DYNASTY DeLaSalle - Franklin DeLaSalle - Franklin DeLaSalle - Frank]in 3CPO BC Grilled to Perfection Martin - Dominican - Jesuit DeLaSalle - Pranklin Mikey Likes It DeLaSal _'c-Franklin 3CP0 Quit Drinking Y.oolade Without th BC Grilled to Perfection. Quit Drinking Koolade Without th DYNASTY LA Legacy Funkier Monkies Funkier Monkies Palm - Pan WEV Palm - Pan WEV Quit Drinking Koolade Without th 8#1 Dithnithnuth Brother Martin ALMONDS B#1 Mikey Likes It Palm-Pan WEV Funkier Monkies ALMONDS Different Strokes Hail to the Chief Hail to the Chief Brother Martin Mikey Likes It 2002 National Academic Games Championships Team Standings : FreR dents Place Total 3 4 190 188 5 171 6 7 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 165 162 162 15 121 16 17 16 19 119 105 102 92 1S9 146 .42 141 137 136 ID Team Geo - City/State 019 003 004 017 016 012 025 015 005 030 021 DYNA S TY Brother Martin DeLasalle Franklin B#1 Different Strokes Hail to the Chief Palm - Pan WEV BC Grilled to Perfection Martin - Dominican-Jesuit Funkier Monkies M i key Likes It WP - WPAGL , PA NO-New Orleans, LA NO-New Orleans, LA BR-Broward County, FL DT-Detroit Renais, MI HE Hermitage, PA zz-, BV-Beaver County, PA NO-New Orleans, LA SE-St. Bernard ?a, LA SV-Seneca Valley, PA 022 Quiz Drinking Koolade Without the suga AA - Ann Arbor, MI 020 008 002 006 ALMONDS Dithnithnuth 3CPO LA Legacy 001 R2D2 018 007 B#2 Ca C ' est Bon WP-WPACL, PA LV-Lakeview, PA RT-RESA II, WV JF-Jefferson Pari, LA RT-RESA II, WV BR-Broward County, FL JF-Jef`-^rscn Pani, LA 14 3 1 107 100 Ws1-k 1i^n_ "n 1 1 1 1 7 7 7 10 10 12 12 12 15 15 15 070 ' %lcs`_ _1 069 Didlake 062 DeJesus 034 Culpeppc 072 Aaron 065 Martin 033 Heine 063 Lion 038 Lepine 102 Stark 098 Basket-Pee 031 Heasley 099 Bonham 064 Ferrazzano 040 Phan 18 19 19 19 19 19 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 34 .34 068 Brown 097 Wright 078 ward 076 Rashbaum 071 Clark 066 Hudspeth 106 Mathen 094 Connell 079 Andre 075 Hernandez 056 Sahella 049 Anselmi 039 Phan 037 Rodgers 035 Perez 013 Mills 103 Blodgett 082 Li 34 34 38 38 38 38 38 43 43 45 45 45 45 45 45 073 Pye 061 McGee 101 Ruben 053 Muha 050 Battyanyi 014 Mamidi 012 Walker 095 Hamilton 010 Farmer 083 Weaver 081 Koksal 080 Denoncourt 067 Pollock 054 Preece 036 Tran LO PLRyEAS First Pts Alan 24 24 24 Snap the Whip Quit Drinking Koolade Without th Different Strokes 24 24 24 23 23 23 22 22 20 20 20 19 19 19 18 17 17 17 17 17 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 15 16 16 15 15 15 15 Different Strokes BC Grilled to Perfection * Adam Maurice Anthony Ben Sarah Willis Jonathan Adam Kris Reena KS rsten Jordan Jeremy Caitlin Joe Tommy Jessica Ginny Jay Ben Jurron Brett Tahira Kaitlyn Kristy Jennifer Brett Darla Kim Christina Delfino Kelly Kat Elaine Michele Mike Jacob Michael Matt Sreekant Kevin Jessica Scott Leigh Erin Kr istina Kelsey Nik Tim Is Team LA Legacy Different Strokes BC Grilled to Perfection LA Legacy BC Grilled to Perfection LA Legacy Quit Drinking Koolade Without th Quit Drinking Koolade Without th LA Legacy Quit Drinking Koolade Withot:t th BC Grilled to Perfection Ca C'est Bon Snap the Whip Mikey Likes It B#l Bill Different Strokes BC Grilled to Perfection Snap the Whip Mikey Likes It 8#2 Bill Uno Uno Ca Cl eat Bon Ca C ' est Bon LA Legacy 3CPO Snap the Whip Sf2 Different Strokes Mikey Likes It 14 Quit Drinking Kooladc Without th 14 14 14 14 13 13 12 12 12 Uno Ono 3CPO 3CP0 Mikey Likes It R2D2 B#2 B#2 B#2 12 Snap the Whip 12 12 Uno Ca C ' est Bon I Linguishtik Division: S ubdi visi5F Place Total ID Team Geo - City/State ----- -- - ---.-..------------------------------------------------ - - - - --1.0 1.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 105 105 103 97 85 74 72 70 68 67 63 51 C15a BC Grilled to Perfection BV-Beaver County, PA 0067 LA Legacy OF-Jefferson ?ari, Li 0161 Different Strokes DT-Detroit RCI3aiS, MI 022 Quit Drinking Koolade Without the Suga AA-Ann Arbor, M027 Snap the Whip PB-Paim Reach Cou, FL 007 Ca C' est Bon JF-Jefferson Pari, Lk 009 Uno F[E-Hermitage, ?A 021 Mikey Likes it SV-Seneca Valley, PA 017 B#1 BR Broward County, FL 018 B#2 BR-Broward County, FL 002 3CPD RT-RF. SA TI, WV 001 R2D2 RT-RESA 11, WV I' Individual Place ------1 2 3 3 5 5 7 7 7 10 10 12 12 12 12 16 16 16 16 16 16 22 22 22 22 22 22 28 28 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 38 38 40 41 41 41 41 41 41 47 47 47 47 ID Standings: Propaganda Division: Last First ---- -------------- - -....-------078 Ward Jay 017 Frosch Jon 112 Gamble Yanna 031 Beasley Jeremy 101 Ruben Jacob 088 Zeppenfeld Chris 103 Blodgett Tat 100 Hanlon Adam 087 Shumek Andrew 033 Heine Adam 029 Floyd Nathan 058 Funk Daniel 025 Woodward Nathan 021 Orgeron Jessica 018 Dussel Wayne 107 walk Alan 090 Shank El ise 085 Conlon Erin 061 McGee Mike 030 Green Will 020 Shackleton Adam 109 Watkins Brent 089 Karg Matt 064 Ferrazzano Joe 059 Funk Scott 034 Culpepper Sarah 016 Giandelone Brian 084 Bucek Michael 063 Lion Kris 099 Caitlin Bonham 067 Pollock Kelsey 066 Brett Hudspeth 057 Grober Katie 045 Sauer Lauren 035 Perez Delfino 026 Suhor Geralyn 023 Thomas Kenan 069 Didlake Anthony 068 Brown Jessica 024 Lier Greg 102 stark Kirsten 093 Kostewicz Matt 092 Kolesar Tara 065 Martin Jonathan 060 viands Clay 032 Singleton Ronald 106 Mathen Tahira 086 Fazio James 056 Sabella Brett 044 Lackey matt i1 Pts Team Senior P. 1 05/0:/02 10 0 PLAYERS ----- -- -------------------60 3#1 59 Brother Martin 58 Funkier Monkies 58 LA Legacy 56 Quit Drinking Koolade Without tlt 56 DYNASTY 55 Palm-Pan PROP 55 Quit Drinking Koolade Without th 55 DYNASTY 54 LA Legacy 54 Martin-Dominican-Jesuit 53 Palm-Pan PROP 53 DeLaSalle Franklin 53 DeLaSalle-Franklin 53 Brother Martin 52 Palm-Pan PROP 52 52 52 52 52 51 51 51 51 51 51 ALMONDS DYNASTY Mikey Likes It Martin-Dominican-Jesuit Brother Martin Funkier Monkies ALMONDS BC Grilled to Perfection Palm -Pan PROP LA Legacy Brother Martin 49 DYNASTY 49 BC Grilled to Perfection 48 Quit Drinking Koolade without Lh 48 48 48 PROP Extras BC Grilled to Perfection Pitiful Strawmen, Part 8 48 Dithnithnuth 48 48 LA Legacy Martin-Dominican-Jesuit 48 DeLaSalle-Franklin 47 47 46 Different Strokes PROP Extras DeLaSalle-Franklin 45 Quit Drinking Koolade Without Lh 45 ALMONDS 45 45 45 45 44 44 44 44 ALMONDS BC Grilled to Perfection Palm-Pan PROP Ca C'est Bon PROP Extras DYNASTY Pitiful Strawmen, Part 8 DiLhnithnuLh 2002 National Academic Games Championships J Place Total ropacanda ID Team Geo - City/State ----------------------------•--•-----------------------------------------------1 258 003 Brother Martin NO-New Orleans, LA 2 256 028 Palm-Pan PROP zz , 2 256 019 DYNASTY WP-WPAGL, PA 4 255 006 LA Legacy JF-Jefferson Pari, LA 5 239 004 DeLaSalle-Franklin NO-New Orleans, LA 6 237 022 Quit Drinking Koolade Without the Suga AA Ann Arbor, MI 7 231 020 ALMONDS WP-WPAGL, PA 7 231 015 BC Grilled to Perfection BV-Beaver County, PA 9 229 005 Martin-Dominican-Jesuit NO-New Orleans, LA 10 223 030 Funkier Monkies SB-St. Bernard Pa, LA 11 202 029 PROP Extras 22-, 12 199 008 IM-Lakeview, PA DiLhniLluiuth 13 196 007 Ca C' est Son OF-Jefferson Pari, LA 14 176 011 Pitiful Strawmen, Part 8 HE-Hermitage, PA 15 167 021 Mikey Likes It SV-Seneca Valley, PA 15 167 018 B#2 BR-Broward County, PL 15 167 017 B#1 BR-Broward County, FL 18 151 016 Different Strokes DT-Detroit Renais, MI 19 107 002 3CPO RT-RESA II, WV 20 79 001 R2D2 RT-RESA II, WV 14 20,.a f:a renal Academic Games Championships 4 $ P. # V 5we=_uaLa e^ St.uiciug^: Suni^c Page 1 E* S 05/04/02 - ------ ---- ----- -- -------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 12 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 095 097 021 093 092 032 028 094 091 020 062 099 063 064 053 061 065 027 082 030 100 070 054 060 101 006 094 066 036 067 029 071 033 304 0S8 081 026 052 056 057 072 086 018 073 083 016 022 017 007 Naughton Kabadi Daigle Klein Beal Moses Barker Liaw Baker Talens Martin Remecrim Barber Clemons Omps Edge Damarus Bennett Lowden Cindass Brodmeyer Perry Thomas Yu Deehotel Boone Williams McEwan Guy Currie Sevin Blevins Shah Gusts Mitchell Bertovich Sevin Miller Bowser Gorrell Nero West Lalla Hay Medwid Whelen Shah Pegg Landson Matt Suraj Jay Maggie Eliza Clarissa Tyler David Alex Richard Steven Zach Kenneth Ti-Yanna Lara Arthur Eian Jonathan Brandon Renford Jasmine Kenneth Laurel Victoria Brandon Logan Aaron Kieron Alex Danyel Kristy Michael Sunny Jelin Shelly Nicholas Kimberly Aaron Aubrey Mike James Andy Nicholas Amber Joseph Chris Ronak Chris Tyler AA PB NO AA AA JF JF AA AA NO DT PB DT DT EP DT DT JF WP JF SB DT EP BV SB RT WP DT HA 11T JF UT JF SB BV WP JF EP BV BV DT WP NO DT WP NO NO NO RT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D II 24 20 21 17 22 23 24 22 24 19 20 20 21 24 14 22 24 18 0 20 17 20 13 11 21 15 0 20 17 21 18 20 17 18 21 0 19 14 16 13 19 0 16 18 0 17 17 16 14 21 0 21 18 18 17 22 19 20 20 19 0 20 20 0 21 13 13 13 16 21 20 0 0 19 0 14 18 0 36 20 23 19 21 0 11 13 0 0 0 18 34 15 18 13 11 20 16 0 0 190 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 66 150 112 64 142 72 48 0 156 0 0 70 164 132 0 152 124 14 168 66 0 46 0 0 0 144 0 150 106 130 64 152 0 0 138 0 0 0 166 33 0 49 47 37 30 23 31 18 34 32 0 15 20 49 10 22 39 43 40 32 19 42 22 20 25 28 18 23 14 17 12 23 27 19 27 12 31 26 30 14 17 30 13 32 42 25 26 26 24 23 0 19 24 20 22 23 24 0 23 19 22 23 0 23 24 18 20 17 0 21 0 21 0 21 18 20 17 21 20 17 18 0 20 17 22 0 22 20 19 15 0 20 16 0 0 0 14 43 47 48 61 40 60 40 41 59 61 38 52 25 21 52 39 44 51 48 42 47 Ii 41 55 50 19 52 16 0 37 39 11 44 35 40 50 48 44 34 38 22 40 46 25 43 37 35 47 19 85.163 84.354 83.723 82.543 82.122 79.848 79.263 79.184 78.60: 18.176 77.673 77.147 77.147 76.796 75.137 75.095 75.022 73.933 73.766 72.592 71.027 70.306 69.426 68.981 68.257 67.445 66.863 66.816 66.486 66.337 66.327 65.876 65.265 65.148 65.075 64.651 64.601 64.377 64.124 64.115 64.084 62.969 62.678 62.367 62.309 62.233 62.168 62.089 61.703 2002 National Academic Games Championships Jun'or DTVISION SWEEPSTAKES RESULTS 019 014 018 005 029 003 004 015 012 013 016 006 001 Quit Drinking Haterade Good Times Mon -Val Cajun Cubes The Answer Is 7 Alice Pang & The Mermits Martin-Curtis-Jesuit FaL Albert Square Root of Bob BC Beaver All-Stars The Jeffersons File ' Five E=mc2 4.0 14.0 19.5 20.0 21.5 22.5 26.0 26.5 27.0 29.0 29.5 34.0 36.5 017 1343 48.5 007 002 4 Eagles & an Indian The Space Racers 50.5 59.0 Za Individual Standings : Place ID Last 1 095 Naughton 1 091 3 1 065 054 1 6 cc 032 7 194 092 061 Baker Damarus Clemons Barker Moses Liaw Beal 7 7 10 igtac:one Edge Deshotel Marandici Currie Barber 10 10 lul 098 067 10 10 10 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 063 058 021 099 097 071 070 066 062 030 23 103 23 074 23 072 23 23 23 23 068 026 024 023 Alston 23 31 020 Talens 104 31 085 31 31 073 069 31 31 37 37 029 027 100 093 Guate Van Aredale Flay Blevins Sevin Bennett Brodmeyer Klein 37 37 37 37 37 37 080 C36 C34 C33 022 019 37 46 026 087 46 46 46 50 Mitchell Daigle Remscrim Kabadi BlevinS Perry MCEwan Martin Cindass George Moss Nero Sevin Schrieber Platner Division: Junisr First .____ Matt Alex Sian Ti-Yana Tyler Clarissa David Eliza Arthur Brandon Michael Danyel Kenneth Shelly Jay Zach Suraj Michael Kenneth Kieron Steven Renford Brittany Morgan James Brittany Kimberly Robin Garrett Richard John Matt Amber Ronald Kri e t.y Jonathan Jasmine Maggie Cook Jennifer Guy Lep_ne Shah Shah i:t A.ex h`_elen Chris 056 018 Wright Bowser Lalla 017 102 Henao Libby Aubrey Nicholas Chris Sebastian Pegg 90 Pt$yECs TeaT Pta - ---- ----- -- - ----24 Quit Drinking Haterade Ilcen Sunn y Ronak Daniel ,41 24 24 24 24 23 22 22 22 21 21 21 21 21 21 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 18 18 18 18 18 18 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 16 16 16 16 25 Quit Drinking Haterade Good Times Good Times Cajun Cubes File' Five Quit Drinking Haterade Quit Drinking Haterade Good Times The Answer Is 7 Palm Mich Fat Albert Good Times BC Beaver All-Stars Martin - Curtis-Jesuit Palm Mich Palm Mich The Jeffersons Fat Albert Fat Albert Good Times Cajun Cubes The Answer Is 7 The Jaffereone The Jet fersons Fat Albert Cajun Cubes Martin-Curtis - Jesuit Martin - Curtis-Jesuit Alice Pang & The Mermits The Answer Is 7 EQ Extras The Jeffersons Fat Albert Cajun Cubes Cajun Cubes The Answer Is 7 Quit Drinking Haterade 8a3 4 Eagles & an Indian File' Five File' Five Martin - Curtis-Jesuit Alice Pang & The Mermits Alice Pang & The Mermits EQ Extras BC Beaver All-Stars Alice Pang & The Me=its Alice Pang & The Mermits The Answer To 7 Iiqua-.:one Suba av: - I_n: .0 i.O t.0 :.0 :.0 !. 0 '.0 ^.0 '.0 --- - -----.11 99 90 88 88 64 62 59 55 ------------------------------0141 Good Times 005 3 Cajun Cubes 029 The Answer is 7 016 The .? efiersons Mart in -Curris-Jesuit 004 012 Square Root of Bob 017 B$3 011 Sponqebob Squarepants 002 The Space Racers :eam Standings: DT-Detroit Renais, JF-Jefferson Pari, SB-St . Bernard P a. MT LA LA MT DT-Detroit Renais, NO-New Orl.ean.s, LA EP -Eastern Panhan, WV RR-Browari County, FL ME-Mercer, k'1' -RF:SA IT, PA ^^ WV Di visi on: ,711rin Equations S Ubdivision: ?lace Total lU Team Geo :.0 109 0192 Quit Drinking Harerade 3.0 98 015 Fat Albert d.0 87 020 Palm Mich k.0 85 003 Alice Pang & The Mernit& 006 Pile' Five i.0 80 ;.0 71 013 D^ Beaver A1!-Stars ..0 69 021 EQ Extras p,0 62 001 E=nc2 i.0 59 007 4 Eagles & an Indian 2Z - City/State AA-Ann Arbor, MI VT-D etroit Renais, M1 ZZ-, NG New Cr_cans, LA ,TF- Jefterson Pari, LA BV-Beaver County, Pi, ZZRT-RES?. I=, WV ILA-Harrison Count, WV Tndividual Standings: 1 071 1 2 3 3 P.levins 3 028 3. Barker 104 Guate 100 Brodmeyer 095 Naughton 3 074 Moss 3 3 3 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 17 17 17 17 21 21 21 21 21 26 26 28 28 28 28 28 28 34 34 34 34 38 38 38 38 38 38 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 061 034 021 091 070 064 063 029 022 020 101 094 062 033 093 092 073 072 066 032 025 075 068 067 030 024 017 055 045 031 018 102 096 086 084 069 023 103 08? 083 082 065 035 027 Edge Lepine Daigle Baker Perry Clemons Barber Sevin Shah Talens Deshotel Liaw Martin Shah Klein Beal Hay Nero McEwan Moses Rongey Nobles Alston Currie Cindass Schrieber Pegg Acosta Long Chan Lalla Henao Mesberg West Williams Blevins Platner George Wright Medwid Lowden Damarue Tran Bennett S` PLAyECs First Pts Michael Tyler John Jasmine Mat t Morgan Arthur Ileen Jay Alex 23 22 21 21 21 21 21 21 Cajun Cubes The Answer IS 7 The Answer Is 7 Quit Drinking Haterade The Jet fersons Good Times File' Five 21 Martin-Curtis-Jesuit 20 Quit Drinking Haterade Kenneth 20 20 20 20 20 20 19 19 19 19 18 18 18 18 18 17 17 16 16 16 16 16 16 15 15 15 15 14 14 14 14 14 14 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 Ti-Yanna Kenneth Kristy Ronak Richard Brandon David Steven Sunny Maggie Eliza Amber James Kieron Clarissa Jacob Tinikia Brittany Danyel Renford Robin Chris Oliver Kenny Grace Nicholas Sebastian Zach Andy Aaron Ronald Garrett Brittany Libby Joseph Brandon Sian Joseph Jonathan z3 Team The Jef f ersons Fat Albert Good Times Good Times Cajun Cubes Martin-Curtis-Jesuit Alice Pang & The Mermits The Answer Is 7 Quit Drinking Haterade Good Times File' Five Quit Drinking Haterade Quit Drinking Haterade The Jeffersons The Jeffersons Fat Albert File' Five Martin -Curtis- Jesuit The Jeffersons Pat Albert Fat Albert Cajun Cubes Martin-Curtis-Jesuit Alice Pang & The Mermits OS Extras OS Extras File' Five Alice Pang & The Mermits The Answer Is 7 OS Extras Mon-Val Mon Val Fat Albert Martin -Curtis- Jesuit The Answer Is 7 OS Extras Mon Val Mon-Val Good Times File' Five Cajun Cubes Team Standings: O:-Sets Division: Junior Subdivision: ID Team Place Total Geo - City /SLale 1.0 1.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 6.0 7.0 7.0 9.0 0.0 1.0 AA-Ann Arbor, MI UT-Detroit Renais, DT-Detroit Renais, SE-St. Bernard Pa, NO-New Orleans, LA JF-Jefferson Pari, DT Detroit Renais, JF-Jefferson Pari, NO-New Orleans, LA ZZ-, WP-WPAGL, PA 96 96 93 88 88 85 84 84 74 67 65 019$ 0163 014% 029 004 006 015 005 003 022 018 Quit Drinking Haterade The Jeffersons Good Times The Answer Is 7 Martin-C:rtis-Jesuit File' Five Fat Albert Cajun Cubes Alice Pang & The Mermits OS Extras Mon-Val 2y P. 1 05/01/02 MI MI LA LA MI LA Individual Standings :r World Events ) Division : Place 1 2 3 4 4 6 7 8 9 10 10 12 12 14 14 16 17 18 18 20 20 22 22 24 25 26 27 27 29 30 30 32 33 34 35 35 37 38 39 40 41 41 41 41 45 45 47 47 49 50 Junior Y 39 ft" EAS ID Last First Pta Team 097 088 090 036 008 007 054 044 082 086 006 099 052 089 081 053 083 060 010 057 048 043 042 084 046 051 063 037 056 079 015 040 038 041 085 009 045 014 061 070 067 062 012 011 072 064 087 050 098 078 Kabadi Brown Bernardo Guy Jones Landson Thomas Bail Lowden West Boone Remscrim Miller Scott Bertovich Omps Medwid Yu Crum Gorrell Thorn Decker Babinka Williams hove Kursey Barber Klepadlo Bowser O'Donnell Kayser West Messinger Stopiak Van Arsdale Wilburn Long Criste Edge Perry Currie Martin Wallace Grimmett Nero Clemons Wright Curtis Marandici Kaplan S u raj 190 180 174 168 168 166 164 158 156 152 152 150 150 144 144 142 138 132 132 130 130 126 126 124 122 120 112 112 106 102 102 98 86 84 82 82 78 76 72 70 66 66 66 66 64 64 60 60 52 48 FL Reads WEV Extras FL Rea ds 4 Eagles & an Indian E=mc2 E=mc2 Square Root of Bob Spongebob Squarepants Mon-Val Mon-Val E=mc2 FL Reads Square Root of Bob FL Reads Mon-Val Square Root of Bob Mon-Val IU4 - Beav WEV E=mc2 IU4-Beav WEV Alex Maria Alex Amy Tyler Laurel Wes Brandon Andy Logan Zach Aaron Catherine Nicholas Lars Joseph Victoria Patrick Mike E.J. Eddie Maggie Aaron Tyl er Adam Kenneth Frankie Aubrey Alan Emily Kory Michael Stephanie matt Brent Kenny Michael Arthur Kenneth Danyel Steven Kym Stacy James Ti-Yanna Libby Jessica Michael Aaron 2S' Spongebob Squarepants IU4-Beav WEV Spongebob Squarepants Mon-Val Spongebob Squarepants Square Root of Bob Good Times 4 Eagles & an Indian IU4-Beav WEV IU4 - Beav WEV The Space Racers 4 Eagles & an Indian 4 Eagles & an Indian WEV Extras WEV Extras The Space Racers Spongebob Squarepants The Space Racers Good Times Fat. Albert Fat Albert Good Times The Space Racers E=mc2 The Jeffersons Good Times WEV Extras Square Root of Bob FL Reads WEV Extras 2002 National Academic Games Championships Team Standings: -=VCRtS P. 1 05/01/02 7 Place Total ID Team Geo - City/State ----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------1 714 018 Mon Val WP-WPAGL, PA 2 710 023 FT. Reads zz-, 3 684 001 E-mc2 RT-RESA 11, WV 4 636 012 Square Root of Bob EP-Eastern Panhan, WV 5 614 010 Spongebob Squarepants ME-Mercer, PA 6 596 024 IU4-beav WEV zz-, 7 490 007 4 Eagles & an Indian HA-Harrison Count, WV 8 454 028 WEV Extras zz-, 9 362 014 Good Times DT-Detroit Renais, MI 10 346 002 The Space Racers RT RESA II, WV 11 172 015 Fat Albert DT-Detroit Renais, M1 12 144 016 The Seffersons DT-Detroit Renais, MI 26 individual Place Standings: .residents ID Last First 1 1 3 4 5 5 7 8 8 10 11 12 12 12 15 15 053 021 093 082 054 016 030 102 027 092 020 095 048 010 100 083 Omps Daigle Klein Lowden Thomas Whalen Cindass Henan Bennett Beal Talens Naughton Thorn Crum Brodmeyer Medwid Lars 15 076 Riius 15 19 19 19 22 22 22 22 22 27 28 28 30 30 30 33 33 33 36 36 36 39 39 41 41 41 41 45 45 45 45 45 45 062 094 052 042 103 096 057 032 018 044 084 077 104 081 023 056 017 007 089 022 006 088 037 036 033 028 019 087 080 078 065 060 046 Martin Liaw Miller Babinka George Mesberg Gorrell Moses Laila Hall Williams Hunter Guatc Bertovich Plainer Bowser Pegg Landson Scott Shah Boone Brown Klepadlo Guy Shah Barker Alt Wright Cook Kaplan Damarus Yu Love Pts Jay Maggie Brandon Laurel Chris Renford Sebastian Jonathan Team 9 ,3 PLAYERS 49 49 Square Root of Bob Martin-Curtis-Jesuit 47 Quit Drinking Haterade 43 42 42 40 39 39 Mon-Val Square Root of Bob Alice Pang & The Mermits Cajun Cubes The Answer Is 7 Cajun Cubes 37 Quit Drinking Haterade 34 33 Alice Pang & The Mermits Quit Drinking Haterade 33 Spongebob Squarepants 33 32 32 32 32 31 E-mc2 The Answer Is 7 Mon Val B#3 Good Times Quit Drinking Haterade 31 Square Root of Bob 31 30 30 30 30 30 29 28 28 27 Spongebob Squarepants The Answer Is 7 Eclectic ?RE ' S 27 Mon-Val Martin - Curtis- Jesuit Libby Jennifer 27 26 26 26 25 25 25 24 24 23 23 23 23 22 22 BC Beaver All-SLars Alice Pang & The MenniLs E=mc2 Eclectic PRES Martin - Curtis - Jesuit E=mc2 PRES Extras 4 Eagles & an Indian 4 Eagles & an Indian File' Five Cajun Cubes Alice Pang & The Mermits Eclectic PRES B#3 Aaron Elan Victoria Tyler 22 B#3 22 22 22 Good Times BC Beaver All-Stars Eliza Richard Matt E.J. Patrick Jasmine Joseph Robert Steven David Aaron Maggie Brittany Zach Mike Clarissa Nicholas Wes Aaron Robin John Nicholas Garrett Aubrey Chris Tyler Catherine Ronak Logan Alex Frankie Alex Sunny Tyler Daniel 21 BC Beaver Al l-Stars File' Five Alice Pang & The Mermits Spongebob Squarepants Mon-Val B#3 The Answer Is 7 Spongebob Squarepants 2002 National Academic Games Championships Team Standings: Place Total 1 2 3 166 155 149 148 147 133 131 125 122 119 108 107 99 81 80 78 76 53 53 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 32 13 14 15 16 17 18 18 ID 019 003 012 029 018 004 005 009 003 017 013 025 014 007 006 015 002 030 016 Team Geo Quit Drinking Haterade AA -Ann Arbor, MI Alice Pang & The Mermits NO-New Orleans, LA EP Eastern Panhan, WV SR-St. Bernard Pa, LA WP-WPAGL , P A NO-New Orleans, LA JF-Jefferson Pari, LA ME-Mercer, PA RT-RESA II, WV BR-Broward County, FL BV Beaver County, PA zz-, DT-Detroit Renais, MI HA-Harrison Count, WV JF-Jefferson Pail, LA DT-Detroit Renais, MI RT-RESA II , WV zz-, DT-Detroit Renais, MI Square Root of Bob The Answer Is 7 Mon-Val Martin-Curtis-Jesuit Cajuns Cubes Spongebob Squarepants R ♦ mc2 BT3 BC Beaver All-Stars Eclectic PRES Good Times 4 Eagles & an Indian File' Five Fat Albert The -=Cvers PRES Extras The J.-_= -r=ar.s Z8 - City/State Place ID Last Pta Matt Eliza Alex Eian Suraj David Ti-Yanna 24 24 24 24 23 Quit Quit Quit Good Palm 23 Quit Drinking Haterade 23 23 23 22 22 22 22 22 21 21 21 21 21 20 Good Times Good Times Good Times Good Times BC Beaver All-Stars Palm Mich Cajun Cubes Cajun Cubes Pat. Albert Fat Albert Fat Albert BC Beaver All-Stars E=mc2 20 The Jefferson 20 20 20 20 20 19 19 19 19 19 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 17 17 17 17 17 16 16 Fat Albert BC Beaver All-Stars BC Beaver All-Stars File' Five 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 10 1 Naughton 0923 Beal 091 Baker 065 3 Damarus 097 Kabadi 094 Liaw 064 Clemons 062 Martin 061 Edge 063 Barber 056 Bowser 055 Acosta 028 Barker 10 026 Sevin Tyler Kimberly 15 15 15 15 15 070 069 067 060 006 Perry Blevins Kenneth Ronald Currie Danyel Yu Victoria 20 082 20 20 20 20 20 20 27 27 27 27 27 32 32 32 32 32 32 073 066 058 057 032 029 099 093 072 068 031 084 080 074 059 034 033 Boone Lowden Hay McEwa n Logan Brandon Amber Mitchell Shelly 32 027 32 40 40 40 40 40 45 45 45 45 45 45 008 081 071 049 036 030 098 090 083 075 035 011 Gorrell Moses Sevin Remscrim Klein Nero Alston Chan Williams Cook Moss Mayhue Lepine Shah Bennett Jones Bertovich Blevins Grober Mike Clarissa Kri sty Zach Maggie James Brittany Grace Aaron Jennifer Morgan Lauren Ileen Sunny Jonathan Amy Nicholas Michael Katie Guy Alex Cindass Marandici Bernardo Medwid Nobles Renford Michael Maria Joseph Tinikia Joseph Stacy 1 1 1 4 095 Iran Grimmett Steven Arthur Kenneth Aubrey Oliver Kieron 16 16 Team 70 LAV ERS First Mon -Val Cajun 2. 91 Cubes Palm Mich Quit Drinking Haterade The Jeff ersons Fat Albert File' Five Mon-Val B#3 The Jeffersons BC Beaver All-Stars File' Five File' Five Cajun Cubes E=mc2 Mon-Val The Jeffersons Eclectic LING 4 Eagles & an Indian Cajun Cubes Palm Mich Eclectic LING M o n Val The Jeffersons 16 16 Drinking Haterade Drinking Haterade Drinking Haterade Times Mich __ve E_¢z L^IY11 ^^. ^_1' P. Davis' on : 1 05/01/02 Geo - City/State ------------------ -------- -----014 ZCnod Times 1.0 115 2.0 101 0133 HC Bea ve. r A11- Sr.ars Palm Mich 94 020 1.0 91 006 File' Five 4.0 018 Mon-Val S.0 86 5.0 81 001 6-mc2 DT Detroit Renais, MI BV-Beaver County, PA ZZ-, JF-Jefferson Pari, LA WP-WPAGL, PA RT-RF.SA II, WV 2002 National Academic Games Championships Team Standings: P1aCe Total ------- ------1.0 114 2.0 102 :3. 0 99 4.0 90 5.0 74 6.0 71 7.0 69 8.0 61 j 1.ingl:i shtik ID ----0191 015 005 016 026 017 007 002 P. 1 05/01/02 Subdivisi oil: B Team Geo - C-ty/State -----------------------Quit Drinking Haterade Fat A:hers Cajun Cubes The Jeffer' sons Eclectic LIN,' B43 4 Eagles & an Indian The Space Racers 30 AA-Ann. Arbor, MI -------------------[)T-Detroit Re::ais, MI J.--Jefferson Pari, LA DT -Detroit Renais, 1,11 AR- Broward County, HA-Harrison Count, RT-RESA II, WV FL WV Individual Standings: Place 1 2 2 4 5 6 7 7 7 10 11 11 13 13 13 13 17 17 17 20 20 22 22 22 22 26 26 26 26 30 30 30 33 33 33 33 37 37 37 37 41 41 41 41 45 45 47 47 47 5o Propaganda ID Last First 059 093 020 032 091 060 099 084 053 027 101 081 082 042 026 021 100 097 017 045 018 065 052 046 033 095 088 083 035 050 030 019 096 094 054 025 092 086 058 028 103 077 061 029 062 057 067 016 008 034 Mayhue Klein Talens Moses Baker Yu Lauren Maggie Richard Clarissa Alex Victoria Zach Aaron Lara Jonathan Brandon Nicholas Brandon Maggie Kimberly Jay Jasmine Suraj Chris Kenny Nicholas Eian Aaron Tyler Sunny Matt Alex Joseph Joseph Jessica Renford Daniel Zach David Laurel Jacob Eliza Andy Shelly Tyler Brittany Robin Arthur Kristy Steven Mike Danyel Chris Amy Ilcen Rems erim Williams Omps Bennett Deshotel Bertovich Lowden Babinka Sevin Daigle Brodmeyer Kabadi Pegg Long Lalla Damarus Miller Love Shah Naughton Brown Me dwid Tran Curtis Cindass Alt Mesherg Liaw Thomas Rongey Beal West Mitchell Barker George Hunter Edge Sevin Martin Gorrell Currie Whelen Jones Lepine Division: Pt-s 65 6161 60 59 55 52 52 52 51 50 50 48 48 48 48 47 47 47 46 46 44 44 44 44 43 43 43 43 42 42 42 41 41 41 41 40 40 40 40 39 39 39 39 38 38 37 37 37 36 31 Team Junior P. 1 88 Pw yE e S BC Beaver All-Stars Quit Drinking Haterade Alice Pang & The Mermits File' Five Quit Drinking Haterade BC Beaver All-Stars FL Reads Mon-Val Square Root of Bob PROP Extras The Answer Is 7 Mon-Val Mon Val Spongebob Squarepants Cajun Cubes Martin-Curtis-Jesuit The Answer Is 7 FL Reads Alice Pang & The Mermits Spongebob Squarepants Alice Pang & The Mermits Good Times Square Root of Bob Sponge bob Squarepants File' Five Quit Drinking Haterade. PROP Extras Mon-Val File' Five Square Root o f Bob f Cajun Cubes Alice Pang & The Mermits PROP Extras Quit Drinking Haterade Square Root of Bob Martin-Curtis-Jesuit Quit Drinking Haterade Mon-Val BC Beaver All-stars Cajun Cubes The Answer Is 7 B#3 Good Times Cajun Cubes Good Times BC Beaver All-stars Fat Albert Alice Pang & The Mermits E-mc2 File' Five 05/01/02 Props ands Place 2 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Total 244 233 233 232 220 218 211 195 18_ 178 167 142 141 128 126 108 93 71 ID Team Geo - City/State 019 018 003 013 005 006 012 029 004 008 014 017 023 001 027 015 016 002 Quit Drinking Haterade Mon-Val Alice Pang n ^& The Mermits AA - Ann Arbor, MI WP-WPAGL, PA NO New Orleans, LA BV-Beaver County, PA JF-Jefferson Pari, LA JF-Jefferson Pari, LA BC Beaver A l l -Stars Cajun Cubes File' Five S ot are Root of Bob The Answer Is 7 Martin - Curtis-Jesuit Spongebob Squarepants Good Times B#3 FL Reads E=mc2 PROP Extras Fat Albert The Jeffersons The Space Racers 32- EP-Eastern Panhan, WV SB-St . Bernard Pa, LA NO-New Orleans, LA ME-Mercer, PA DT-Detroit Renais, MI BR-Broward County, FL 22-, RT-RESA II, WV zz-, DT-Detroit Renais, MI DT-Detroit Renais, MI RT-RESA II, WV 2002 National Academic Games .siWPF ^ P. t a ke] Championships. Standings: Middle 24S PLAyE*S 7771 Page 1 05/01/02 ---- ----- -------------------------------------------------W-r Plc ID Last First Geo W E 0 A M L P Total -------------------------------------------------------- ------------------2.13 Torres 1 Jack SB 0 24 22 0 66 0 55 94.000 018 2 Dombrowski Andrew PB 0 20 0 188 65 24 37 89.973 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 215 235 025 202 153 204 232 240 Lewis Pellittier Shults Lapedis Van Duinen Zhang Hague Chapman Paul Amy Randy Marissa BryarAndrew 11 151 12 13 14 15 176 209 207 033 Petzold Donavich Mark Rachel Josh 16 17 241 Gillen 019 18 19 20 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 217 236 216 203 027 100 245 219 214 208 101 040 099 201 102 180 206 023 234 116 132 213 239 Gartner Spivak Francis Mabrouk Mike Tim Kappler Mike Branley Justin Goldwasser Dafna Stewart Ray Hoehn Lisa Puneky Sean Lapic Seth Chu Alan Rose Kristin Monj ure Robert Akhigbe David Gabauer Stephen Liu Lola Templet Justin 41 184 Petrucci Melanie 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 037 197 221 243 249 034 237 170 Farber Bhalla Allan Sheena Hayward Shears Josh Martin Danielle Justin Yu Holoshitz Tran Nicole 1R AA SB SB JF SB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Peter MR 0 Mozahid Sarah Tamar B ao Laura Lisa Maya Jeffery Walsh Shaddix Yasmiene Anna Andy Shane Ries s Michael LiU Taylor Wu Sackett Candebat Shekailo Jonathan AA SB PB AA GR AA SB SB GR BV AA AA JF SB PB AA SB AA AA PB NO SB AA AA AA NO JF NO AA NO BV AA PB SB NO WP AA SB BV 33 22 22 23 22 20 24 22 23 23 24 23 20 20 20 24 24 23 21 23 20 22 20 24 24 24 21 23 22 19 22 20 22 21 22 24 16 22 18 19 17 18 22 22 20 15 22 12 20 24 0 24 21 23 22 23 20 0 24 16 20 20 0 20 18 18 20 0 17 24 20 24 20 20 17 22 18 21 0 22 0 18 24 15 16 15 0 21 0 22 17 24 19 18 0 0 0 186 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 102 0 0 0 0 162 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 134 0 0 0 0 162 0 0 0 0 169 0 0 0 0 0 176 57 55 30 46 60 40 55 52 46 48 27 41 53 56 21 34 55 43 38 29 51 39 28 25 32 54 48 38 39 35 54 23 25 39 19 21 42 56 47 38 37 20 38 47 43 44 61 24 0 22 24 23 24 0 0 22 18 24 24 21 0 22 23 0 24 29 19 0 0 22 19 20 0 18 0 24 0 19 22 24 0 0 0 19 0 15 20 20 20 0 0 18 0 15 53 48 45 37 35 41 48 45 50 49 5 49 34 45 50 47 42 38 50 44 44 42 29 41 32 34 35 40 30 44 28 16 46 44 42 51 30 43 48 37 17 41 42 23 42 33 0 89.855 86.945 86.735 86.727 85.818 85.545 84.945 84.545 83.545 80.836 80.818 80.291 80.273 80.000 79.937 79.873 79.327 78.636 78.636 77.448 76.745 76.509 76.182 76.091 75.636 75.473 75.455 75.273 75.182 74.927 74.557 74.364 74.164 73.382 73.236 72.502 72.273 72.127 72.036 71.818 71.534 71.273 71.145 71.127 70.964 70.400 70.093 2002 National Academic Games Championships Middle DIVISION SWEEPSTAKES RESIT TS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 23 22 23 24 24 26 27 28 303 089 086 037 087 104 014 058 090 038 088 039 016 040 015 017 084 041 042 018 059 091 001 020 021 002 019 022 Unthinkable If I flip a coin... Triple A Rcckin' Crew Sr . Martin / Ridgewood Hot Tuna Cornbread 4 Princesses & a Beanstalk Mardi Gras Revelers The Rabies Carriers Cocktail, fruit Not Just Curtis Unstoppable Atrociousness St. Catherine Challenge Nguyen N . O. Nothings Le Bon Tempt Lagniappe Harri Indians CSB-Palcons Saints Never Dat Schizophrenia Foosball is 4 the debil! Roger That Past Perfect Predators Peace Out Frum Da Ghetto Nebula Raise -Up How Did We Get Here? 3y 05/01/02 7.0 13.0 19.0 22.0 33.0 34.0 36.5 36.5 61.0 62.5 64.5 65.5 69.5 76.0 77.5 78.0 79.0 81.5 86.5 87.0 93.5 103.0 104.0 104.5 104.5 132.5 125.0 128.5 individual Place 1 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 Standings: Rguai iO::S ID Last First 219 217 Taylo r Spivak Wu Mike Maya Tim Kappler Mike Zhang Donavich Akhigbe Andrew Rachel David Ball Orry Gartner Lisa Chapman Francis Sarah Jeffery Yu Liu Petzold Josh Anna Mark Goldwasser Dafna Shults Huynh Shears Candebat Randy Han Jonathan Nicole 214 208 204 176 776 105 019 240 236 209 20.3 151 040 025 246 243 237 235 234 232 221 215 213 210 206 202 115 102 100 099 026 220 216 159 111 101 056 023 2S0 249 245 241 207 180 174 155 153 Pellittieri Amy Monjure Hague Robert Mozahid Hayward Josh Lewis Paul Liu Lola Buchsbaum Chu Lapedis Seth Alan Marissa Eyman Puneky Chris Sean Shaddix Shane Stewart Wagshol Ray Matthew Beal Mabrouk P at Yasmiene Pts 24 24 Tiemeyer Lorio Branley Jones Rose Pechon Martin Riess Kayla Meg Justin Eric Kristin Leigh Danielle Michael Gillen Holoshitz Laura Tamar Lapic Seth Jeremy Josh Bryan CUstc' Gray Van 3s Team 2 3 .r PLR yEQS Unthinkable If I flip a coin... 24 If I flip a coin... 24 24 24 Unstoppable Atrociousness Hot Tuna Cornbread Triple A Reckin' Crew 24 BC Probability of One 24 24 24 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 21 N.U. Nothings Not Just Curtis Crazy Psychotic G-at-Nappers 4 Princesses & a Leanct.alk 21 If I flip a coin... 21 21 21 21 21 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Schizophrenia St . Catherine Br . Martin / Ridgewood Never Dat Crazy Psychotic Goat-Nappers We Know Jack ... Sadly We Know Jack ... Sadly Flub A 4 Princesses & a Beanstalk Hot Tuna Cornbread BC Probability of One BC Probability of One The Rabies Carriers The Rabies Carriers Unthinkable Hot Tuna Cornbread Triple A Reckin' Crew The Rabies Carriers Le Bon Tempt Why Are We Here? Flub A Flub A 4 Princesses & a Beanstalk Unthinkable Unthinkable Unthinkable Cocktail, fruit If I flip a coin... Unstoppable Atrociousness Unstoppable Atrociousness Hot Tuna Cornbread Triple A Reckin' Crew N.O. Nothings Br. Martin / Ridgewood Br. Martin / Ridgewood Br . Martin/Ridgewood Crazy Psychotic Goat - Nappers Cocktail, fruit 2002 National Academic Games Champtonr.h ips E ^'.:a c. `. onr. Ulviu:on:[ 4ie Place Total ID Team 109 97 9•. N2 73 72 7,', €9 S9 089 104 038 059 021 043 036 ^R2 061 05/01/02 ----------- :f 1 flip a coin... 4 Princesses & a Beanstalk Not. Just Curtis Schizophrenia Peace Out From Da Ghetto Montour Spartans :TT-4 Expo Net 9C Five TAN-gents EQ Buffr • 1 Geo City/ ;rate ------- ------- ----- ---------- 1.0 j 2.0 3.0 1.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 3.0 3.0 P. AA Ann Arbor, MI S5-St. Bernard Pa. LA NO-New Orleans, LA GR-Grand Rapids, M1 BR Broward County, FL WP-WPAGL, PA IU-IU4 League, PA By Beaver County, PA MR-Martin County, Fh Divic_o:c: Subd_ Goo - City/State ---- --- - 1.0 3.0 3.0 1.0 i.0 i.0 7.0 3.0 1.0 S - :06 99 96 AS 02 71 63 59 59 - ----- ----------------------------- ---- 086 079 040 004 014 035 092 022 002 Divic. on: Place Total ID Team -------------- ----- -------- 1.0 3.0 3.0 1.0 i.0 7.0 7.0 3.0 3.0 S 113 104 91 . 16 74 71 103 087 039 016 033 020 72 C84 71 48 019 C94 AA-Am Arbor, M.T BV Beaver County, PA NO-New Orleans, LA Pb-Palm Beach Cou, FL JF-Jefferson Pari, LA !U-IU4 League, PA WPWPAGL, PA RR- Broward counL y, FL RT-RESA 11, WV Triple A Reckin' Crew BC Probability of One N . O. Nothing. Why Are We Hare? Mardi Gras Revelers Cycling to NC? PA RQ How Did We Get Here? Nebula -------- M:cn. -Subdivs:oa Ceo - City/state ------- ---------- -------- -------- Unthinkable :3b-St. Bernard Pa, HoL Tuna Cornbread AA-Ann Arbor, MI St. Catherine NO-New Orleans, LA Challenge Nguyen IF-Jefferson Pari, Scuare Root o' all Evil lU-IU4 League. PA Past Perfect Predators BR-3rcwar^ County. _ndians 1R-:=I-=n Piver C. R? -- se-7P UP-Unr: Pie, -^ xtraa 22-, 3 (e --- LA LA FL FL MZ 2002 National Academic Games Team Standings: Division: Eguat_one Championships Nidcle Subdivision: ?lace Total :P Geo City/State Team ----------------------- --------- ------------ 1.0 5 104 037 Bs. Martin/Ridgewood 2.C 102 058 The Rabies Carriers 3.C 90 106 We Know Jack . Sadly 4.0 86 090 Cocktail, f ruit 5.0 76 017 Lagniappe. 6.0 72 081 BC Fi 'R US 7.0 71 093 AA -Beau EQ 8.0 62 060 N' sha and the ;.:ys Scn:are Roc- of Rob 9.0 59 053 NO-New Orleans, ].A GR-C;rAnd Rapids, MI SEA-St. Bernard ?a, LA AA Ann Arbor, MI ,IF-Cef`erson Pari, LA B'v-Bedver C OUnty, PA zz , MR-Karrin County, FL EP-Ear.terr, Par.han, WJ 20C2 National Academic Games Championships Team Standings : E ia,icns Division: Xiddle Subdivision: P. 2 05/01/02 Gen - C_ty/State ----- -- ------- -- 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 5.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 0.0 1.0 Z 105 100 96 88 64 84 78 76 75 72 62 -- 003 105 088 015 041 018 042 044 091 080 001 - -------------- ----------- ---------------------- Crazy Psychotic Goat-Nappers Flub A Unstoppable Atroriousucss Le Son Tempt CSE-Falcons Never Dat Saints WPACL Pirates Focsball is 4 the deb-41! BC Quadratics Roce r '11,+L 17 -------- PB-Pa:m. Beach Cou, FL SB-St. Bernard Pa, LA AA-Ann Arbor, MI JF-Jefferson Pari, LA NO-New Orleans, LA UP-University pre, MI NO-New urleans, LA WP-WPAGL, PA AA A-Ann Ar'oor, MI BV-Reaver County, PA RT -RESA 21, Wv' Un-Sets Place 1 1 ID Last 249 Martin 245 Riess U First Danielle Michael 1 235 Pellitt ri Amy 1 Tim Josh Martssa 1 1 1 8 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 18 18 18 18 18 18 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 37 37 37 37 37 37 43 43 43 43 43 43 214 209 Wu 2 Yu 202 Lapedis 116 Akhigbc Q 240 Chapman 204 Zhang 233 Torres 232 Haque 224 Whitehead 221 Hayward 206 Chu 152 Herron 119 Jackson 099 Stewart 218 Taylor 153 Van Duinen 104 Boland 102 Puneky 039 Floyd 037 Farber 244 Cochran 241 Gillen 223 Roytman 219 Taylor 217 Spivak 215 Lewis 208 Kappler 203 Liu 151 Petzold 103 Rouquette 101 Branley 043 Schulz 033 Than 156 McKay 108 white 206 Walker 048 Prater 036 Richardson 034 Sackett 246 Huynh 242 Henao 237 Candebat 236 Francis 234 Monjure 227 Chen Pta Team 144 PL A yea S 24 We Know Jack ... Sadly 24 Flub A 24 Unthinkable 24 Unstoppable Atrociousness 24 Hot Tuna Cornbread 24 24 23 23 David Sarah Andrew Jack Mozahid Triple A Reckin' Crew N.O. Nothings 4 Princesses & a Beanstalk Triple A Reckin' Crew 22 Unthinkable 22 Unthinkable Patrick 22 Cocktail, fruit Josh Alan 22 22 22 22 22 21 21 21 21 21 21 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 19 19 19 19 19 19 18 Quentin Trevor Ray hran Bryan Robbie Sean Philip Allan Tracy Laura Max Mike Maya Paul Mike Anna Mark Robert Justin David Sao Alisha Ryan Joey Doug Jerica Justin Han Caroline Nicole Cocktail, fruit Hot Tuna Cornbread The Rabies Carriers CSB-Falcons Br . Martin/ Ridgewood If I flip a coin... The Rabies Carriers Not Just Curtis Br. Martin/Ridgewood Lagniappe Mardi Gras Revelers Flub A 4 Princesses & a Beanstalk Cocktail, fruit If I flip a coin... If I flip a coin... If I flip a coin... Hot Tuna Cornbread Triple A Reckin' Crew The Rabies Carriers By. Martin/Ridgewood Br. Martin/Ridgewood Le Bon Tempt Mardi Gras Revelers Schizophrenia Not Just Curtis Not Just Curtis Challenge Nguyen Mardi Gras Revelers Mardi Gras Revelers Flub A 18 Flub A 43 216 Mabrouk 18 4 Princesses & a Beanstalk 18 Unthinkable 18 Unthinkable Robert Cathy 18 Foosball is 4 the debil! 18 If I flip a coin... Yasmiene 43 210 Buchsbaum Seth 18 Unstoppable Atrociousness Jeffery 3S Team Standings : Place 1.0 :1vi$ior: M ayle P . 1 05/01/02 ScbdXV_S otTotal Tear. :eo City/State 3 086 100 037 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 92 80 75 72 69 67 65 104 041 015 091 059 045 Di6 Triple A Reckin' Crew Br. Martin /Ridcewond 4 Prinrecpec & u Bcarstalk CSB- Faic o[Ib Lc Bon Tempt FooshMll i n 4 Schi zophrenla WPAGL Steelcra Never Dat. Q Dividivn Team -------- 1.0 I 104 103 2.0 96 087 3.0 94 090 4.0 91 036 5.0 79 040 6.0 77 016 7.0 62 019 8.0 59 023 9.0 46 096 AA-Anu Arbor, MI NO New Orleans, 1.A :;B-St. Bernard Pa, LA NO-New Orleans, LA JF-JcLicrson Pari, LA AA Ann Arbor, MI GR-Grand Rapids, MI WP-WPAGL, PA UP-UnivcrsiLy Pre, M] -co - City/Stale ------- ----------------------- Unthinkable Hot Tuna Cornbread Cocktail, truit Not Just Curtia NO. Norhincs Challenge Nquyen Rais e -Up Unio n S uir r. OS cxt:Ar ------------------- HB-SL Bernard Pa, LA AA-Ann Arbor, MI AA Ann Arbor, M1 NO-New Orleans, LA NO-New Orleans, LA JF- Jutters on Pari, LA UP- University Pre, MI III IU4 League, PA Wit WPAG-, PA Divrsr_.- Yi^Pie Subo±vir:Cn: i_ 1.0 2. 2.U 3.0 3.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 0.0 9.0 0.0 1.0 99 97 95 9S 88 84 83 77 76 65 59 089 105 058 014 088 106 017 042 .739 046 05 if I clip Flub A The kabier. Cdrriurs Mardi UraG Revelers Unstoppable Atrociousness We Know Jack ... Sadly Lagniappe S a in t.. a St. Catherine WPAGL Piratea AA-IU4 OS 34 AA-Acs. Arbor, MI SB St. 3ernard Pa, LA GR-Grand Rapids, MI .7F-Jefferson Pari, LA AA-Ann Arbor, MI SB-SL. Bernard Pa, LA JF Jefferson Pari, LA NO New Orleans, LA NO-New Orleans, LA WP-WPAGL, PA zz-, Individual Place ID Standings: World Events Last ----- ---- -------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 8 11 12 12 14 15 16 17 17 19 20 21 22 22 24 25 25 2S 28 29 29 31 31 33 33 35 36 36 38 38 198 089 006 018 025 142 189 199 170 020 172 137 129 197 133 063 132 027 087 017 148 134 011 145 180 131 086 090 168 135 147 143 146 069 098 088 070 196 067 Suen Smith Saunders Dombrowski Shults Baronowski Santillo Urso Shekailo Glenn West Zagari Breslin Bhalla Miller Reddy Gabauer Walsh Morin Dickey Swaim Nagel Adkins Eifert Lapic Plainer Hall Thorn Pawlak VanAuken Shaw King Murray Cramer Ellison Shomin Lo Cibrowski Nichols 40 079 Gargasz 41 41 43 44 45 45 45 48 48 48 175 076 022 026 136 019 009 141 082 024 Davies Creagan Nicolay Wagshol Wojcik Gartner Vanove r Stiger Proch Schnitzer Division: Middle P149yEAS First Pis Team _____ _ __ _ __ ____-----------------------Jeff 202 Harri Indians 198 Joel Happy Shiny People Justin 196 Roger That Andrew 188 TANG Randy 186 TANG 182 WPAGL Pirates John Emmett 178 BC The Osbornes VL to 176 Harri Indians Peter 176 Space Cadets Danny 176 TANG 174 Jimmy Space Cadets Natalie 170 WPAGL Pirates Carmela 170 WPAGL Pirates Sheena 169 Harri Indians 166 WPAGL Pirates Sarah Vishnu 164 H arri Indians Stephen 162 Montour Spartans Andy 162 TANG Alex 1S8 Happy Shiny People TANG Troy 154 Kelsey 150 Square Root of Bob 148 Robert Montour Spartans Ethan 148 Nebula 138 Erin Square Root of Bob Seth 134 Ally-Beav WEV 134 Paul Montour Spartans Grace 134 Happy Shiny People Katie 132 Super Rock 130 Nathan Space Cadets Montour Spartans Robert 130 120 Frank Square Root of Bob Amanda 120 Ally-Beav WEV 118 Dan Square Root of Bob Luke 118 Peace Out Frum Da Ghetto $4 Ryan Michael Billy Ryan Whitney Nick Adam Jesse Dusty Matthew Kevin Lisa Ashley Nancy Roxanne Andrea q0 116 Happy Shiny People 114 114 112 112 110 108 108 106 104 102 102 102 100 100 100 Happy Shiny People Peace Out Frum Da Ghetto Harri Indians Past Perfect Predators Super Rock BC The Osbornes How Did We Get Here? Social Outcasts Social Outcasts WPAGL Pirates Social Outcasts Roger That Ally-Beav WEV Super Rock Social Outcasts 2002 National Academic Games Championships Team Standings: Word Fventc Geo - City/State 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 866 823 790 720 660 632 616 010 084 047 032 048 064 057 TANG Harri Indians WPAGL Pirates Happy Shiny People Montour Spartans Space Cadets Square Root of Bob 8 524 001 Roger That 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 496 492 466 460 446 310 292 242 234 98 034 002 011 097 083 021 022 020 018 019 Super Rock Nebula Social Outcasts Ally- Beav WEV BC The Osbornes Peace Out Frum Da Ghetto How Did We Get Here? Past Perfect Predators Never Dat Raise-Up if PB-Palm Beach Cou, IR-Indian River C, WP-WPAGL, PA FL Pb 1U-1U4 :League, PA WP-WPAGL, PA MR-Martin County, FL EP-Eastern Panhan, WV RT-RESA II, WV IU-IU4 League, PA RT-RESA II, WV PB-Palm Beach Cou, FL WP-WPAGL, PA BV-Beaver County, PA BR-Broward County, FL ER-Broward County, FL BR-Broward County, FL UP-University Pre, MT UP-University Pre, MI Individual Place ID 1 2 3 4 4 6 7 8 233 018 084 181 170 153 194 215 9 241 9 11 11 11 15 15 17 239 238 236 235 232 190 101 172 17 Standings: Torres Jack 66 Unthinkable Dombrowski Andrew Michele 65 63 61 61 60 58 57 56 56 55 We Know How to Vote Taft. Loves Jenny Craig BC Hickories Presidential Hopefuls The Rabies Carriers BC Hickories If I flip a coin... 4 Princesses & a Beanstalk 4 Princesses & a Beanstalk 4 Princesses & a Beanstalk 55 Unthinkable Shane Tracy Vishnu Rachel 55 55 54 54 53 53 52 52 51 51 49 49 48 Unthinkable Unthinkable BC Hickories Br. Martin/ Ridgewood Presidential Hopefuls Mardi Gras Revelers 4 Princesses & a Beanstalk St. Catherine BC Hickories Br. Martin/Ridgewood Notorious P-I-G's Harri Indiana BC Custer 's Last Stand Moeller Shekailo Amanda Van Duinen Peter Bryan ward Stephan Lewis Gillen Templet Monira Francis Pellittieri Ilaque Paul Laura Justin Naima Je L Lcry Amy Mozahid Lapis Seth Justin 033 Branley West Tran 19 19 240 109 Chapman Vocke 21 175 21 100 23 244 23 25 25 25 28 28 28 31 31 33 34 34 36 36 36 39 39 39 42 42 44 44 063 176 174 040 249 184 114 202 151 133 248 237 216 129 034 251 247 213 2C7 112 204 134 Davies Shaddix Cochran Reddy Donavi ch Custer Sarah Patrick Adam 46 245 46 46 46 46 234 201 148 126 i1 Jimmy Bao Team 220 yEes First Sarazen Pte PL ni Last Jeremy 48 BC sister's Last Stand Goldwasser Daf a a Martin Petrucci Danielle Charters Andrew Lapedis Petzold Marissa Mark Sarah 48 47 47 47 46 Le Bon Tempt Who Cares? BC Hickories N.O. Nothings Triple A Reckin' Crew 46 The Rabies Carriers Andrew Robert Michael 45 44 44 43 43 43 42 42 42 41 41 40 40 39 Montour Spartans Notorious P-I-G's 4 Princesses & a Beanstalk If I flip a coin... Montour Spartans Mardi Gras Revelers who Cares? Who Cares? Unstoppable Atrociousness Hot Tuna Cornbread St. Catherine Triple A Reckin' Crew Montour Spartans Who Cares? Miller Melanie Morris Candebat Mabrouk Breslin Michael Nicole Sackett Justin Schmitt Maher Liu Holoshitz Castanza Zhang Nagel Riess Mo njure Yasmiene Camels Isabella Mark i,ola Tamar Eliot Robert 39 Unthinkable Hoehn Lisa Swaim Bukaty Kelsey Eddie 39 39 Triple A Reckin' Crew Square Root of Bob 39 Saints l2 2002 Nat'-anal Academic Games Championships Presidents Place Total ID Team Geo - City/State 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 271 270 263 204 201 200 197 195 191 190 189 188 187 178 170 166 071 103 104 10 8 107 037 089 028 014 086 009 039 049 066 058 072 BC Hickories Unthin kable 4 Princesses & a Beanstalk Wh o C ares ? Notorious P-I-G's Br . Martia / Ridgewood If I flip a coin... Taft Loves Jenny Craig Mardi Gras Revelers Triple A Reckin' Crew We Know How to Vote St. Catherine Montour Spartans Presidential Hopefuls The Rabies Carriers BC Custer ' s Last Stand 17 157 042 Saints 18 19 20 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 31 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 155 147 144 344 14 3 131 130 129 128 126 125 121 115 113 113 111 109 308 105 97 93 92 88 83 81 71 60 087 084 088 038 098 050 016 001 040 002 015 017 090 073 012 091 056 030 065 041 020 074 021 059 031 022 013 Hot Tuna Cornbread Harri Indians Unstoppable Atrociousness Not Just Curtis PRES Extr as WPAGL Pirates Challenge Nguyen Roger That N.O. Nothings Nebula Le Bon Tempt Lagniappe Cocktail, fruit BC Carpetbaggers We Can ' t Vote so Why Play? Foosball is 4 the debill Square Root of Bob Peoples Choice Born Leaders CSB - Falcons Past. P er f ect Predators BC Grant & Her Cabinet Peace Out Frum Da Ghetto Schizophrenia Hello Dolly Madison How Did We Get Here? McCAJY BV-Beaver County, PA SB St. Bernard Pa, LA SB-St. Bernard Pa, LA S B- St . B e rn ar d P a, L A SB-St . Bernard Pa, LA NO-New Orleans, LA AA. Ann Arbor, MI IU-IU4 League, PA JF-Jefferson Pari, LA AA-Ann Arbor, MI PB-Palm Beach Cou, FL NO-New Orleans, LA WP-WPAGL, PA MR-Martin County, FL GR-Grand Rapids, MI BV-Beaver County, PA NO-New Orleans, LA AA-Ann Arbor, MI JR-Indian River C, FL AA-Ann Arbor, M1 NO-New Orleans, LA zz- , WPWPAGL, PA JF-Jefterson Pari, LA RT-RESA II, WV NO-New Orleans, LA RT-RESA II, WV JF-Jefferson Pari, LA JF-Jefferson Pari, LA AA-Ann Arbor, MI BV-Beaver County, PA RE-Palm Beach Cou, FL AA-Ann Arbor, MI EP-Eastern Panhan, WV 1U-IU4 League, PA MR-Martin County, FL NO-New Orleans, LA BR-B rowar d C oun t y, FL BV-Beaver County, PA SR-Broward County, FL GR-Grand Rapids, MI IU-IU4 League, PA BR-Broward County, FL WI-Wilkinson Coun, GA 1 43 Individual Standings: Linguishtir, PtS 1 1 1 1 1 1 230 224 222 216 215 209 1 201 1 1 1 1 1 1 14 14 14 14 14 14 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 30 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 47 47 47 47 204 202 201 031 023 018 217 205 157 155 153 021 219 206 200 156 151 045 042 025 024 019 177 173 079 047 033 022 221 220 208 197 167 165 152 052 051 037 035 214 213 203 191 Machak Whitehead Pinchuk Mabrouk Lewis Yu Holoehitz Q) Zhang Lapedis Hoehn McGahee Rose Dombrowski Spivak Cao Bowler Gray Van Duinen Lettsome Taylor Chu Brower McKay Petzold Ngo Stamps Shults Schnitzer Gartner Grant Rlair Gargasz Bickle Tran Nicolay Hayward Beal Kappier Bhalla Patel Jacobson Herron Stickling Noor Farber Webb Wu Liu Liu Ussia Christina Patrick Andrei Yasmiene Paul Josh Ta mar Andrew Marissa Lisa Richard Kristin Andrew Maya Nancy Sarah Josh Bryan Andrew Mike Alan Anna Alisha Mark Theo Aleesha Randy Andrea Lisa Jacey Ben Nick Benjamin Rao Dusty Josh Pat Mike Sheens Tu]si Tiffany Quentin Kyle Mahe AI'_an Renaldo Tim Lola Anna Alex N9f Team a'42 PLAyE4S 24 AA-Beav LING 24 Cocktail, fruit 24 24 Cocktail, fruit 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 If I flip a coin... If I flip a coin... Hot Tuna Cornbread Hot Tuna Cornbread Triple A Reckin' Crew Triple A Reckin' Crew Triple A Reckin' Crew McCAJY Hukd awn fonika werkd fur mee 23 23 23 23 23 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 Look, it's a TV! If 1 flip a coin... Sot Tuna Cornbread Schizophrenia The Rabies Carriers The Rabies Carriers Look, it's a TV! If I flip a coin... Hot Tuna Cornbread Triple A Reckin' Crew Schizophrenia The Rabies Carriers Challenge Nguyen be Ron Tempt Look, it's a TV! 22 22 Hukd awn foniks werkd fur mee Hukd awn foniks werkd fur mee 21 21 21 21 21 BC Funky Beavers 21 20 Hukd awn foniks werkd fur mee Cocktail, fruit 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Cocktail, fruit Hot Tuna Cornbread Harri Indians Avengers Avengers The Rabies Carriers Lagniappe Lagniappe Mardi Gras Revelers Mardi Gras Revelers Unstoppable Atrociousness Unstoppable Atrociousness Triple A Reckin' Crew BC Ding-A-Lings 24 23 20 20 20 19 19 19 19 BC Diagrams conjunction Function Challenge Nguyen Mardi Gras Revelers Linci'.ti stttik Division: Mlddle Sundivisiion: A Cco - City/Stare Place Total ID Team ------------------------------------------------ LO ^J y,Q:11 089 If 1 flip a coin... 2.C 106 OSR The Rabies Carriers 3.0 91 017 l agniappe 4.0 82 099 A4 -Beav LING 5.0 80 075 BC Ding-A-lings 6.0 78 029 A Pasta Fee 001 Roger That 7.0 63 8.0 56 022 How D id We Get Here? NN Ann Arbor, Ml Gk-Grand Rapids, MI J!'-Jet ferso. Pari, LA -.7 BV Beaver County. PA I0-IU4 League, PA RI.-RESA TI, WV BR-Broward County, Fl, Ling,tinhrik D'visinz: h:i ld.e P. 1 05/01/02 St:hoiv; si or-: 'I'ota] ID Team Ceo City/State Team Standings : Place 3.0 S L06 2.0 S '-05 005 Hukd awn foniks werkd fur mee PB-Palm Beach Cou, FL 090 Cocktail, fruir AA-Ann Arbor, MI 059 Schizophrenia OR-Grand Rapids, M1 016 Challenge NJuycn JF-jeffce=', Pan, LA BV Beaver County, PA 071 RC Diagrams AL-Ann Arbor, MI 088 Unstonpable Arroniousness BR-Hrowa rd County, FL 021 Peace Out Fr'ur. La Ghetto RT-RESA :1, WV 002 Nebula Linguishtir. Subdivision 1.0 I 113 086 Triple A Reckin' Crew 2.0 99 014 Mardi Gras Reve'_ers 3.0 88 063 Avencers 4.0 85 025 Conjunction Function 5.0 77 078 BC Funky Beavers 6.0 74 091 Foosball is 4 the dehil! 7.0 66 O13 McCAJY 8.0 65 020 Past Perfect Predators Team Standings: I Lingu_s:-tt_k 1.0 2 -13 087 2.0 f 705 006 3.0 82 015 8= 0,16 4.0 5.0 79 027 6.0 77 062 7.0 71 084 8.0 C3 054 109 25 9.0 Dlvi__ra, ah:a. r Subdivision: u Ceo & I vb/01/02 AA - Ann Arbor, MI Hot Tuna Ccrnhrear. Look, it's a TV! Le Bon Tempt BC Grammar 'R Us To Infinitive LING Masters AA-Atu: Arbor, MI ,F Jefferson Par', LA MR-Martin County, FL IU-1U4 League, PA BV-BCavcr County, PA PA Ann Arbor, MI W_-Wilkinson Coun, GA yR-Broward County, FL 2B-Palm Beach Cou, FL JF-Jeffersor. Pari, LA Beyond Harri Indians Square Root of Bob LINO Special BV Beaver Co un ty. PA 1t7-TI74 League, PA MR-Martin County, FL IR- Indian River C, FL EP-Bactern Panhan, WV zz-, 4S Individual Standings : Pro•?aganda Division: Middle Team 1 2 3 3 5 6 6 6 9 9 9 12 12 12 12 16 16 18 18 18 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 36 36 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 48 48 48 233 131 247 215 3.32 203 151 019 207 190 1'16 235 232 184 048 217 193 205 139 023 241 240 135 123 110 090 025 234 226 187 130 102 100 042 027 239 181 245 243 236 230 183 147 138 120 116 034 221 220 214 Torres Fleiner Maher Lewis Gabauer Liu Petzold Gartner Holoshitz Smith Donavich Pellittieri Haque Petrucci Prater Spivak Wagner Cao Blazoncyzk Rose Gillen Chapman VanAuken Landry Glaviano Thorn Shults Monjure Brown Roman D 'Ottavio Puneky Shaddix Stamps Walsh Templet Moeller Riess Shears Francis Machak Palombo Shaw Taylor Preston Akhigbe Sackett Hayward Beal Wu Jack Paul Mark Paul Stephen Anna Mark Lisa Tamar Jackelyn Rachel Any Mozahi.d Melanie Doug Maya Rachel Nancy Kara Kristin Laura Sarah Robert Francis Michael Katie Randy Robert David Ted Michael Sean. Shane Aleesha Andy Justin Amanda Michael Jonathan Jeffery Christina Maria Frank Nikki Zach David Justin Josh Pat Tim 61 ` 55 54 53 53 51 SO 50 50 49 49 49 48 48 48 48 47 47 46 46 46 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 43 43 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 41 41 41 218 PCRyEt S Unthinkable Mo n t o ur Spartans Who Cares? If I flip a coin.... Montour Spartans Triple A Reckin' Crew The Rabies Carriers Uhhhhhhhh... Hot Tuna Cornbread BC Prop-A-Delics BC Prop- A-Teers Unthinkable Unthinkable BC Prop-A-Delics Challenge Nguyen It I flip a coin... BC Prop-A-Delice Hot Tuna Cornbread WPAGL Pirates Uhhhlthhhh... 4 Princesses & a Beanstalk 4 Princesses & a Beanstalk WPAGL Pirates CSB-Falcons St. Catherine Appeal to Ignorance, Duh We Know the Author's Mom Unthinkable Foosball is 4 the debil! BC Prop-A-Delics WPAGL Pirates Br. Martin/Ridgewood Br. Martin/ Ridgewood be Bon Tempt 4 Princesses & a Beanstalk BC Prop- A-Delice Who Cares? Notorious P-1-G's Unthinkable AA-Ally PROP BC Prop-A-Teers PROP Extras WPAGL Pirates CSB-Falcons NO. Nothings Mardi Gras Revelers Cocktail, fruit Cocktail, fruit Unstoppable Atrociousness 2002 National Academic Games Championships Team Standings: Propagan3a Geo - City/State ------- ------ ----- --------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 22 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 31 33 33 35 36 37 38 38 40 41 42 43 44 237 231 218 209 208 203 200 198 195 393 192 184 183 177 175 174 172 166 161 160 160 159 159 158 154 152 151 148 147 136 133 133 126 126 122 121 116 114 134 110 108 101 93 72 103 067 007 052 051 089 037 086 068 041 104 014 108 024 008 107 016 038 015 088 039 090 040 058 091 018 100 087 042 055 101 020 102 021 017 001 022 069 013 002 026 070 085 019 Unth inkable BC Prop - A-Delice Uhhhhhhhh... WPAGL Pirates Montour Spartans If : flip a coin... Br . Martin/ Ridgewood Triple A Reckin' Crew BC Prop-A Teers CSB-Falcons 4 Princesses & a Beanstalk Mardi Gras Revelers Who Cares? Appeal to ignorance, Duh We Know the Author's Mom Notorious P-I-G's Challenge Nguyen Not Just Curtis be Bon Tempt Unstoppable Atrociousness St . Catherine C ocktai l , f ruit N . O. Nothings The Rabies Carriers Foosball i s 4 the debil! Never Dat AA-Ally PROP H ot Tuna C orn b rea d Saints Square RooL of Bob PA PROP Past Perfect Predators PROP Extras Peace Out Frum Da Ghetto Lagniappe Roger That How Did We Get Here? BC Proppets of the Future McCAJY Nebula Propa Gunga Din BC Huh? Palm Indiana Raise-Up 7 --------------------- SB-St . Bernard Pa, LA RV-Beaver County, PA PB-Palm Beach Cou, FL WP-WPAGL, PA WP-WPA3L, PA AA-Ann Arbor, MI NO-New Orleans, LA AA-Ann Arbor, MI BV-Beaver County, PA NO-New Orleans, LA SB-St . Bernard Pa, LA JP-Jefferson Pari, LA SB-St . Bernard Pa, LA IU-IU4 League, PA PE-Palm Beach Cou, FL SB-St. Bernard Pa, LA JF-Jefferson Pari, LA NO-New Orleans, LA JF-Jefferson Pari, LA AA-Ann Arbor, MI NO-New Orleans, LA AA-Ann Arbor , MI NO-New Orleans, LA GR-Grand Rapids, Ml AA-Ann Arbor, MI UP-University Pre, MI zz-, AA-Ann Arbor , MI NO-New Orleans, LA EP-Eastern Panhan, WV 22-, BR-Broward County, FL 7.2-, BR-Broward County, FL JF-Jefferson Pari, LA RT-RESA 11, WV BR-Broward County, FL BV-Beaver County, PA WI-Wilkinson Coun, GA RT-RESA II, WV III-IU4 League, PA BV-Beaver County, PA IR-Indian River C, FL UP-University Pre, MI 2002 National Academic Games Championships I Standings: Ele e:cary Z$ PLR ye as Page 1 05/01/02 Plc 8 027 030 263 286 170 290 275 142 Bradford Garcia Everett Lord Hendrickso Wendling Tang Egner Stephen Jose Katie Jordan Emily Alex Catherin Nathan PB PB AA SB BV SB AA GR 9 29] Gregoire Ryan SB 10 11 12 13 287 293 223 276 081 264 028 272 164 Jones Cusimano Askren Glaser Williams Hur DiLallo Klein Couch Ryan Nick SB SB IR AA NO AA PB AA BV 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 14 15 16 :7 78 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 3s 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 4A 49 Jillian Noah Ajoke Alice M ar cus Mike Aaron Kyle. 225 Collins 190 080 171 035 186 274 294 279 241 273 090 222 082 111 094 148 280 285 165 267 292 036 271 289 032 Weimer McMillan Kirchner Vogel Schartner Stein Yousuf Roos Ball Lisull Frank Pechter Heisser Hart Lustig Carrillo Swanson Uribe Daugherty Li Africh Wiiensky Kirshner Barras Mandalia Aiden Lenny Andres Tim Amy Maurice Adam Brent Abbie Amit 145 Petzold Theodore 105 033 233 Falgout Sopczak Kim Leo Kevin Jonathan 104 Bierria Nandi Emma Sam Emily Kevin Rachel Bennett Adil Ben Jane Emma Jaleesa Diana Michael Joseph Joseph 1R BV NO BV PB BV AA SB AA JF AA NO IR NO NO NO GR AA AA BV AA SB PB AA SB PB GR NO PB OF NO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 24 24 21 19 24 23 24 22 21 18 24 23 22 0 0 24 23 0 23 24 20 19 22 15 0 20 22 210 190 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 110 0 0 48 40 36 51 50 41 27 32 42 54 58 46 30 28 15 20 24 0 23 0 23 23 0 0 0 24 23 0 49 51 40 49 47 39 41 26 49 33 51 26 31 51 0 23 22 0 22 24 23 78-103 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 21 18 19 19 22 19 20 18 23 22 23 21 22 18 22 24 is 21 23 21 20 19 17 20 23 19 19 23 17 21 24 24 19 0 24 0 0 0 24 0 0 0 22 24 13 17 22 22 0 23 to 12 22 15 17 0 18 18 0 20 21 0 18 22 0 21 22 128 0 0 152 0 0 0 140 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 86 0 0 192 0 0 88 0 0 K8 89.640 88.381 86.897 86.881 83.579 81.299 81.172 80.241 80.157 80.011 79.667 79.606 78.414 78.253 0 22 41 77.851 23 39 38 53 39 51 0 42 11 25 19 25 15 32 28 28 22 20 23 20 0 15 22 20 24 0 24 24 22 0 24 0 44 48 36 32 29 43 36 41 28 37 40 0 27 40 30 27 51 0 44 27 26 29 49 34 36 0 25 35 23 25 20 0 0 37 0 14 21 18 36 20 0 20 19 0 0 22 0 21 22 0 76.517 75.471 75.371 75.153 75.027 74.215 74.000 73.602 73.552 72.789 72.640 72.345 72.207 71.019 70.920 70.586 37 70.548 43 0 38 44 32 24 36 36 15 29 29 26 36 27 39 24 70.318 70.172 69.648 69.556 69.498 69.069 68.897 68.829 68.345 67.372 67.349 67.345 67.276 67.057 67.000 66.977 2002 National Academic Games Championships Elementary DIVISION SWEEPSTAKES RESULTS 05/01/02 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 127 089 128 109 027 107 049 110 031 108 029 033 090 111 032 030 OSO 028 St. Bernard Team A Indian River A St . Bernard Team B MaMaMy MyMama Sasasaid Ben Franklin A Brune Teezerz Mad Cow Disease RU2 good 4 your Home? Carolina Rose The Double Crossers Lake Forest How High Ben Franklin C Indian River B We goin' to da 'chip! CBS - SDS-SCS Ben Frankl in B Typhoid Fever John Curtis Loose Cannons 19 002 ' s'eam Delta 104.0 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 017 018 016 034 052 001 051 #1 Goal Setters Freaky Brainy idiots Bone Heads JC - SCS Leprosy The Stars We ' re Contagious 106.0 111.0 117.5 130.5 116.0 137.5 141.5 44 23.5 26.0 26.5 30.5 32.0 33.5 43.0 63.0 63.5 69.5 71.0 72.5 78.0 79.5 84 . 0 88.0 90.5 94.0 Individual Standings : Equations Division: LleRtc'.ilt az_.' First Pta 1 290 1 784 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 263 262 234 233 223 147 142 083 082 033 030 027 279 276 275 274 264 236 232 148 C89 036 032 028 294 291 282 273 239 235 222 27 113 27 27 27 27 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 081 080 052 029 287 286 280 272 269 257 245 241 240 146 143 114 Wendling Oh Ever ett Chong Nguyen Kim As kren Beer Egner Fleury Ileisser Sopczak Garcia Bradford Roos Glaser Tang Stein Her Wren Burkett Carrillo Hawley Wilensky Mandalia DiLa/to Yousuf Gregoire Chen Lisull Percy Min Katie Albert Joseph Jonathan Jillian Brysicn Nathan. Jade 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 21 21 21 21 23 21 21 21 21 21 Michael Kevin Jose Stephen Ben Noah Catherine Bennett Alice Team Z7 3 We goin' to da 'ship! Brane Teezerz Brane Teezerz American Po Boys American Po Boys Indian River A Typhoid Fever Mad Cow Disease Ben Franklin A Ben Franklin A Southern. Leeks Rubber Duckies Rubber Duckies RU2 good 4 your Home? RU2 good 4 your Home? MaMaMy MyMama Sasasaid MaMaMy MyMama Sasasaid Brane Teezerz American Po Boys American Po Boys Typhoid Fever John Curtis Loose Cannons Rubber Duckies Rubber Duckies Rubber Duckies St. Bernard Team B St. Bernard Team B We goin' to da 'ship! MaMaMy MyMama Sasasaid Diversions du Jour American Po Boys Indian River A Ben Franklin C Ben Franklin A Ben Franklin A Bone Heads Southern Geeks St. Bernard Team A St. Bernard Team A RU2 good 4 your Home? MaMaMy MyMama Sasasaid The Double Crossers Potpourri - EQ Potpourri EQ Diversions du Jour Diversions du Jour Mad Cow Disease Dooge Michael Andrew Aiden Chris Adam Amit Marcus Adil Ryan Bonnie Emma Gina Tien Diana Shavonne Ajoke Sam Fernandus Billy Ryan Jordan Lenny Mike Ziheng Miles Stephen Jane Katie Paul Bootzin Lauren Pack Jannae 21 Ben Franklin C Tran Pechter Temple Williams McMillan Ellen Fernandez Jones Lord Swanson Klein Yang Indest Liuzza Bali Urban 21 So PLAYERS Mad Cow Disease vcn:anions 11b1611,]_: EJd n. V_I'S C.32'1 Sub-dlv_s.jrL: Geo - City/Stalu -------------------- I.0 ' 108 109 2.0 95 050 3.0 94 029 4.0 88 093 5.0 77 068 6.0 75 090 7.0 63 002 8.0 60 113 9.0 53 086 MaMaNy I4 y Mama Typhoid 'ever AA-Ann Arb or, MI R -Grand Rapids, MI NO-New Orleans, LA .-IF-Jefterson Pail, LA HV-beaver County, PA IR- India. River C, FL O Lake ForesL How High Potpourri ED The S.p iare Roots Ind ian --- River B :I, RT-RESA Team Della EP ED The Sig WV EP-Eastern Panhan, WV MK Mecklenburg All, NC Di• ✓ ision: Pi Su hdavtr.ion: =.nea t rv P. 1 05/01/02 Geo - City/State 112 027 Hen Frankl n A 2.0 l03 3.0 98 4.0 90 5.0 R3 6.0 71 7.0 SE. 5.0 53 069 052 061 016 052 Indian River I.0 S A hitler6l UIId du Jour The Solvers Rose Heads Lepr os y Des MACS The 7,l_- .s Machine 004 Shaarockers $i Team Standings: Division: ELan nL ar• Subdivisaott: Team 1.0 ^, 3 lo? NO New Orleans, LA IR-Indian River C, FL .7F- ,lefferson Pari, LA RV-Heaver County, PA UP-Ut liVersi ly Pre, MI GR Grand Rapids, MT MK-Mecklenhurg Ar, NC SP-ST. PATRICK, NC 1 05/01./02 C;eo 107 Brans "ae7err - City/State -ASCII Arbor, MI SE SL. B er nar d Pa, LA NO New Orlean s, :LA NO New O r leans, [.A RV-Reav er County, PA .7F-J efferso n Pari, LA A.A 2.0 101 127 St. Barnard ':'cant A 3.C 92 033 Hen Frank' in C 4.C 63 032 CHS-SUS-SCS 5.0 77 056 The Fa: L_tic For-mu_ii 6.0 75 102 JP du Jour ED 7.0 73 018 Freaky Rra:ny Tdiors 8.0 62 051 We're Conragi0u. 9.0 48 084 MAC:S-A-Mil_iua SI it I?- Hrnward 'County. FL Gk- crand Rapids. MI RK Mecklenburg Ar, NC 2002 National Acadertcc Games Champinnships os/ol/o2 n Subd1v Subdivis_r. Place Total Gee - City1State Team : 71, ---------------------------------- 5 10-1 X49 1.0 2.0 100 129 3.0 96 _ 11 4.0 92 030 Ben OR Grand RapidE, MI SH -Sr . Bernard Pa, LA AA- Allis Arbor, MI NO-New Orleans, LA Mad Cow Disease St. Bernard Team h We g oin' to da 'ship! Franklin H 5.0 72 087 L.•V equals 1D • Liny 6.0 71 026 Just the Factorial Mam 7.0 69 095 Spitty Itty'r. - :?•:Q 8.0 59 083 MACS Inc •Ciro 8,0 59 035 WPAGL L11' TLia.t MR Martin Col:nry, FL 'I;- T114 League, PA JF-Jefferson Puri, LA MY Mecklenburg Ar, NC WP-WPAGL, PA Division: Subdivis cr. Geo - City/State 1.0 2. 2,0 2.0 2.0 5.0 5.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 87 78 78 76 62 38 005 108 028 025 094 Rubber Puckres The Double Cronners John Curtis loose C,simons Jackson High Rollers Pe:ican Power 1 OSS The Number Crunchers 031 Carolina Rose 036 WPAGL Lit' Steelers 114 WV-Hrnw C'ubcs Tema Standings : E9'-a t,ct -_- ?B-Palm Beach. Cou, F1. AA A= I.rbnr, MI NO New C:rieans, LA JA-Jack s);:, MI JF-Jefferson P ari, LA BV Beaver County, PA NO New Orleans, LA WP-WPAGL, PA zz-, -tcvision: P. 1 05/01/02 Subdi :•___^ Pl ac e T ota l ---------- ID Team -------- -------- Oeo - .itv/State ------ ------------------ ------ ------- 1.0 S 116 131 American Po Boys .IF-Jelt-rson Peril LA 2.0 103 110 RU2 good 4 your Home ? AA-Ann Arbor, MI 3.0 101 006 Southern Geeks PB Palm Beach Cou, FL 4.0 94 067 The Power Tower BV-Heaver County, PA 5.0 89 021 MOPS IV-IU4 Teague. PA 6.0 87 082 The MACS-1- Mizers MK -Mecklenburq Ar, NC 7.0 82 017 01 0oa1 Setters UP University Pre, MI 5.0 71 034 JC SCS NO-New Orleans, LA 9.0 64 044 WV Spear Catchers EP-Eactc:__ Panhan, WV 0.0 61 003 Shamrockera t1 SP -ST. rATRTCK, NC 1.0 411 001 The Stars RT-RESA ::, WV .5' 2- individual Standings: Place ID Last D ivision On-Sets : Team E_uinentaSy P. OSi01jC2 First Pte I SY P«iyE4s Ari1 24 24 24 24 24 23 23 23 23 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 19 19 19 St . Bernard Team B MaMaMy MyMama Sasasaid MaMaMy MyMama Sasasaid Brane Teezerz Ben Franklin A St. Bernard Team A St. Bernard Team A We goin' to da 'ship! Ben Franklin A St. Bernard Team A MaMaMy MyMama Sasasaid MaMaMy MyMama Sasasaid Brans Teezerz Diversions duJour Typhoid Fever 19 Spiffy iffy's - OS 19 19 19 19 19 Diversions duJour American Po Boys Ben Franklin C CBS-SDS-SCS Carolina Rose ------- ------ ------- 1 1 1 1 1 6 6 6 6 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 42 42 42 42 42 294 275 272 263 080 290 286 284 082 287 274 273 264 237 148 144 124 105 104 097 090 084 081 289 270 265 257 233 087 086 276 271 268 2S0 238 235 142 114 100 096 085 291 269 252 246 240 Yousut Tang Klein Everett McMillan Wendling Lord Oh Heisser Jones Stein Lisull Hur Gustavson Carrillo Witte Carlberg Fal g out Bierria Onyendwa Frank Schwab Williams Barras Zhang Tang lndest Kiin Bave Figueroa Glaser Kirshner Nikam Nusrat Stuntz Tran Egner Pack Welcome Cromarti Treeby Gregoire Yang Rogers Nguyen Urban 42 236 Wren 42 42 42 110 107 102 LaCoste Martina Hudson Catherine Mike Katie Sam Alex Jordan Min Michael Ryan Bennett Emma Alice Micah Alden Arula Steven Leo Nandi Emcka Jaleesa Jeremy Ajoke Abbie Wanxin Caroline Miles Jonathan Lauren Sergio Noah Brent liinayak Tasnoba Shannon Tien Nathan Jannae Kenny Marcos Ian Ryan Ziheng Bridget Cecil Katie Michael Matthew Taylor Amber 10 Mad Cow Disease WPAGL Lil' Steelers CBS-SDS-SCS Carolina Rose Ben Franklin B Lake Forest How H Ben Franklin A Ben Franklin A St . Bernard Team A The Double Crossers Brune Teezerz Pelican Power 2 American Po Boys John Curtis Loose Cannons John Curtis Loose Cannons RU2 good 4 your Ilome? M.aMaMy MyMama Sasasaid The Double Crossers Pelican Power 2 Diversions dumour American Po Boys Mad Cow Disease Ben Franklin C Carolina Rose Ben Franklin B John Curtis Loose Cannons St . Bernard Team B The Double Creasers JP du Jour - OS 1 Academic 3amcs Chamr.i onships Or.- l'ot al ?lace ------- ----- [I) Team 3 112 109 97 96 94 89 64 63 f7 52 028 132 049 033 052 103 037 Oil, C. 0 7.0 7.0 9.0 Division: 5_emeutarj ----- ---------------------------------- 2.0 ` 3.0 4.0 5.0 1.0 ,__ MaMaMy MyMama Sanasaid Jolm Curtis Loose Cannons Div ersi on s d uJour Mad Cow Disease Ben Franklin C Leprosy Cr du Jour - OS SPACQL Lil' Pirates Bone Head: AA Fuss! Arbor, MI NO-New Orleans, LA JF-Jeff er son Pa r i, LA CR-Grand Rapids, MI NO New Orleans, LA GR-Grand Rapids, Mi JF-Jefferson Pari, LA WP-WPACL, PA IWP-University Pre, MI `^r-F-rte Place Total ID -- - - -- --- --------- 7.0 1 2.0 3.0 3.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 0.0 1.0 106 96 93 93 89 88 79 76 67 63 60 027 108 28 1 031 091 111 050 034 017 038 101 St. Bernard Tcam B Carolina Rose Amclican Po Boys We goin' to da 'ship! Typhoid F ever JC SCS #1 Goal Setters WPAGL Lil' Stcelers ?oLpourri OS S 94 91 90 84 82 82 79 76 7S 58 ------ WP-WPAC4I, PA JF- Jefferson Pari, LA Division: fiementai-; Sun -.on: Ld Total 2 : - City/Slate NO New Orleans, i.A AA Ann Arbor, M: SB-Sr. Bernard Pa, LA NO-New Orleans, LA JF-Jefferson Pari, i,A FA Ann Arbor, .Nil Gil -G rand Rapids, MI NO-New 3r ✓_a::s, LA LP University Pre, M: The. Double Crossers Geo City/State ---- 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 6.0 8.0 9.0 0.0 1.0 Geo Ben Franklin A ': eam Standings: Place Team --------------------------------------- - 227 St. Bernard Team A 107 Brans Teezerz 030 Ben Franklin a 032 CBS- DS-SCS 100 Pelic:.n Power 2 096 S piffy Ifty's - OS CIS Jackson High Rollers 029 Lake Fnrent Now High Ri12 good 4 your Home? 022 BUG l10 051 We're Contagious S`f -- Bernard Pa, L! -.A-Ann Arbor, MI NO-New Orleans, LA NO New Orleans, LA ,IF-Jefferso n Pari L JF- Jeffer son: Pali, LI JA-Jackson, MI NO New Orleans, LA AA Ann Arbor, MI 'u-11M L.eague, PA GR-Grand Rapids, MI Individual Standings : World events Division: Elementary Place ID Last First Pts Team 7 / PIM YEA .$ ----- - - --- -- - --------- ------------ ----- -- ------------------1 2 027 032 Bradford Mandalia Stephen Amit 210 192 3 030 Garcia Jose 190 Polka Dotted Flying Fish 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 10 14 15 16 16 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 29 31 32 32 32 35 35 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 43 45 46 46 48 48 50 141 034 031 122 230 225 120 073 049 035 075 229 220 129 126 028 132 050 125 014 223 069 219 007 048 231 189 033 123 036 011 137 121 222 224 064 060 067 029 135 131 138 124 013 227 055 130 Ulsch Trumbach K raushar McClellan Suen Collins Collins Kirkwood Williams Vogel Young Dangler Lord Wagner Gallo DiLallo Dellinger Barkley Mcc llough Pi c kl eseimer Askren Sipe Helfman Porter Reddy Narzinich Van Kirk Sopczak Mueller Wilensky Stepp Ortiz Martinelli Pechter Cibrowski Sturm Berkman Hancock Fernandez Laing Blake Shawyer Carlherg Phillips Moulder Adams Skibo Tyler Tyler Raquel Stacy Jason Kyle Ryan Justin James Kevin Robbie CJ Nick Madison Mike Marcus Matt Samantha Devon I saac Jillian Tyrel Brian Nicholas Pryanka John Matt Kevin Natalie Adam Britny Danielle Victor Diana Chris Erica Ben Zack Billy Brieanne Kelly Victoria Steven Chelsea Grant Ashley Sara 178 174 172 1SB 156 152 140 140 140 140 138 134 132 132 132 128 122 118 116 114 110 106 100 98 96 94 94 88 86 86 86 84 84 80 78 76 74 68 58 56 56 54 52 52 50 50 48 WV Spear Catchers Polka Dotted Flying Fish Muppetz WPAGL Lill Pirates Indian River B Indian River A WPAGL Lill Pirates Millard Fillmore Fan Club Extra WEV Muppetz Millard Fillmore Fan Club Indian River B Extra WEV WPAGL Lill Pirates WPAGL Lill Pirates Muppetz EP WEV Bone Heads WPAGL Lill Steelers - cam De l ta Indian River A Millard Fillmore Fan Club Extra WEV The Stars SS Polka Dotted Flying Fish Polka Dotted Flying Fish Indian River B WEV Extras Muppetz WPAGL Lil l Steelers Muppetz Team Delta EP WEV WPAGL Lill Pirates Indian River A Indian River A Freaky Brainy Idiots Freaky Brainy Idiots WEV Extras Polka Dotted Flying Fish WV Spear Catchers EP WEV WV Spear Catchers WPAGL Lill Steelers Team Delta Indian River B #1 Goal Setters WPAGL Lil l Steelers 824 646 614 462 012 039 013 019 Polka Dotted Flyi ng Fish WPAGL Li l' Pirates Muppetz Millard Fillmore Fan Club 458 089 Indian River A 454 400 346 344 290 266 240 200 li0 94 48 090 118 046 040 116 002 117 018 001 016 017 Indian River B Extra WEV WV Spear Catchers WPAGL Lit' Steelers EP WEV Team Della WEV E xtras Freaky Brainy Idiots Stars T B one Heeds Ss_t #1 Goal ^e Ers Sc. PB-Palm Beach Cou, WP-WPAGL, PA PB-Palm Beach Cou, IU-1U4 League, PA IR-Indian River C, IR- I ndian River C, FL FL FL FL zz-, EP-Eastern Panhan, WP-WPAGL, PA WV EP-Eastern WV Panhan, RT-RESA IT, WV ZZ- , BR-Broward County, RT-RESA I„ WV UP-University Pre, UP-University Pre, FL MI M1 Individual Standings: Fresidents Division: Elementary yE ID Last First Pts Team P Lg QS 231 ------- ------ -------------- - ----------- ----- ------ -- .----------1 293 Cusimano Nick 58 St. Bernard Team B 2 199 Cristanti 56 Brian The MACS-1-Mizers 3 287 Jones Ryan. 54 St. Bernard Team A 4 201 Farley Bryan 53 The MACS- I-M izers 4 190 Weimer Emma 53 Coolios 6 286 Lord 51 Jordan St. Bernard Team A 171 6 Kirchner Emily 51 Coolios 6 ill Hart Joseph 51 Ben Franklin C 6 034 Trumbach Tyler 51 Fuschia Platypuses 10 170 Hendrickson Emily 50 Famous Five 11 165 Daugherty Tim 49 No Brainers 11 103 Johnson Jared 49 Carolina Rose 13 139 Strider Adam 48 WV Spear Catchers 13 027 Bradford Stephen 48 Fuschia Platypuses 15 295 Gorbaty Russell 47 St. Bernard Team B 231 Narzinich 16 John 46 Indian River B 16 223 Askren Jillian 46 Indian River A 16 194 Birch Andrew 46 The MACS-I-Mizers 19 183 O'Neill Stephanie 45 Coolios 20 094 Lustig Joseph 44 Lake Forest How High 21 014 Pickleselmer Isaac 43 Team Delta 22 291 Gregoire 42 St. Bernard Team B Ryan 22 186 Schartner Rachel 42 Coolios 22 Icl Brooks Tssac 42 Carolina Rose 290 Wendling 25 Alex 41 St. Bernard Team A 193 Adkins 25 Alex 41 MACS-A-Million 27 180 Morelli 40 Nate Famous Five 27 163 cotter Rachel 40 Famous Five 27 102 40 Hudson Amber Carolina Rose 27 030 Garcia Jose 40 Fucchia Platypuses 31 189 Van Kirk Matt 39 Coolios 164 31 Couch Aaron 39 The GATE Openers 31 080 McMillan Sam 39 Ben Franklin A 34 225 Collins 38 Kyle Indian River A 34 200 Cristanti Caitlin 38 MACS-A-Million 34 100 Welcome Kenny 38 Carolina Rose 37 104 Bierria Nandi 37 Carolina Rose Williams 37 049 James 37 37 007 Porter Nicholas 37 The Stare 40 292 Africh Maurice 36 St. Bernard Team B 40 263 36 Everett Katie Brans Teezerz 40 173 Lancaster Kristen 36 No Brainers 40 069 Sipe Tvrel 36 Millard Fillmore Fan Club 44 289 Barras Abbie 35 St. Bernard Team A 44 214 Tran Thinh 35 MACS-A-Million 44 181 Morrison Christy 35 The Hedwigs 47 267 Li Amy 34 The Double Crossers 179 48 err=t Justin 33 The GATE Openers 48 068 Murrie_1 t.yd i a 33 Millard Fillmore Fan Club 50 226 L ,Utz Victoria 32 Indian River A Place S7 Presidents Place Division: Elementary P. 2. 05/01/02 Geo - City/State Total 1D Team 230 070 Coolios 208 128 St. Bernard Team B 207 073 The MACS-I-Mizers 206 031 Carolina Rose 201 127 St. Bernard Team A 189 071 Famous Five 177 011 Fuschia Platypuses 159 089 Indian River A 159 072 No Brainers 151 029 Lake Forest How High 146 065 The Hedwigs 146 019 Millard Fillmore Fan Club 144 079 MACS-A-Million 144 048 WV Spear Catchers 139 066 The GATE Openers 134 041 WPAGL Lill Pirates 123 027 Ben Franklin A 116 090 Indian River B 114 033 Ben Franklin C 108 107 Brans Teezerz 107 049 Mad Cow Disease 106 002 Team Delta 103 003 Shamrockers #1 102 120 PRES Hopes 101 109 MaMaMy MyMama Sasasaid 101 078 MACS Factors 100 110 RU2 good 4 your Home? 100 032 CBS -SDS-SCS 98 043 WPAGL Lill Steelers 94 018 Freaky Brainy Idiots 92 050 Typhoid Fever 90 108 The Double Crossers 87 034 JC-SCS 82 119 EP PRES 82 028 John Curtis Loose Cannons 80 111 We goin ' to da 'ship! 79 030 Ben Franklin B 78 051 We're Contagious 77 001 The Stars 69 020 Tippecanoe & Tyler Who? 64 130 Extra PRES 60 004 Shamrockers #2 58 080 MACS The Facts machine 54 014 WASO WILCO 46 081 The Big MACS 39 052 Leprosy f8 BV- Beaver County, PA SR-St. Bernard ?a, LA MK-Mecklenburg Ar, NC NO-New Orleans, LA SB-St . Bernard Pa, LA BV-Beaver County, PA P8-Palm Reach Cou, FL lR-Indian River C, FL BV-Beaver County, PA NO-New Orleans, LA PV-Beaver County, PA IU-:',14 League, PA MK-Mecklenburg Ar, NC EP-Eastern Panhan, WV BV-Beaver County, PA WP-WPAGL, PA NO-New Orleans, LA IR-Indian River C, FL NO-New Orleans, LA AA-Ann Arbor, M1 OR-Grand Rapids, MI RT-RESA II, WV SP-ST. PATRICK, NC zz-, AA-Ann Arbor, MI MK-Mecklenburg Ar, NC AA-Ann Arbor, MI NO-New Orleans, LA WP-WPAGL, PA BR-Broward County, FL GR- Sr and Rapids, MI AA-Ann Arbor, MI NO-New Orleans, LA EP Eastern Panhan, WV NO-New Orleans, LA AA-Ann Arbor, MI NO-New Orleans, LA GR-Grand Rapids, M1 RT RESA IT, WV 1U-IU4 League, PA zz-, SP-ST. PATRICK, NC MK-Mecklenburg Ar, NC WI-Wilkinson Coun, GA MK-Mecklenburg Ar, NC GR-Grand Rapids, MI Division: Elementary P. 1 05/01/02 PLs 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 10 10 30 10 10 16 16 16 16 16 36 16 16 16 16 16 16 28 28 28 28 28 28 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 279 274 264 263 241 238 234 223 222 276 275 269 225 170 142 273 272 265 257 242 233 226 224 174 145 035 028 280 229 166 033 031 026 283 270 267 256 253 232 227 220 190 187 186 180 164 049 036 030 Roos Stein Hur Everett Ball Stuntz Nguyen Askren Pechter Glaser Tang Yang Collins Hendrickson Egner Lisull Klein Tang Indest Taylor Kim Damutz Cibrowski Laughlin Petzold Vogel DiLallo Swanson Dangler Davies Sopczak Kraushar Allen Garber 50 273 . Zhang Li Perkins Zambito Burkett Moulder Lord Weimer Shannon Ben Bennett Team / 43 PL RyELS Theodore Kevin Marcus i.enny CJ 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 23 23 23 23 23 23 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 21 21 RL12 good 4 your Home? MaMaMy MyMama Sasasaid Brane Teezerz Braise Teezerz Tres Chic Tres Chic American Po Boys Indian River A Indian River A RU2 good 4 your Home? MaMaMy MyMama Sasasaid The Double Crossers Indian River A The Cafeteria Kids Mad Cow Disease MaMaMy MyMama Sasasaid MaMaMy MyMama Sasasaid Brane Teezerz Pelican Power 3 Potpourri LING American Po Boys Indian River A Indian River A Blorange Seminoles Mad Cow Disease Blorange Seminoles Unspotted Cows RU2 good 4 your Home? Indian River B Sarah 21 The Word Wizards Kevin Raquel Kimberly Solomon 21 21 21 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 19 Blorange Seminoles Unspotted Cows Unspotted Cows We goin ' to da 'ship! The Double Crossers The Doubie Crossers Potpourri - LING Spiffy Iffy's - LIN American Po Boys Indian River B EQ equals IQ + Ling The Sentence Makers The Word Wizards The Cafeteria Kids The Verbsters The Verbsters WV-Brow Cubes Unspotted Cows Unspotted Cows MaMaMy MyMama Sasasaid Alice Katie Jane Shannon Joseph Jill an Diana Noah Catherine Ziheng Ky' P. Emily Nathan Emma Mike Caroline Miles Patrick Jonathan Victoria Chris Joshua Wanxin Amy Ariel Lauren Andrew Grant Nick Emma Emma Schartner Rachel Morelli Couch Williams Wilensky Nate Aaron James Adam Garcia Jose Kirshner Arent 51 Team Standings : Linguishtik Place Total TD Division : ciementar.+ P. L 05/01/02 Subdivision: Team Gen City/State ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - 1.0 110 109 MaMaM y MyMama Sasasaid 2.0 97 098 Potpourri LING 3.0 89 062 The Word Wizards 4.0 85 099 Pelican Power 3 5.0 81 087 EO equals 10 + Ling 090 Indian Fiver Ti 6.0 7f, 6.0 76 014 WAS,) WIL:'O ?A-Aa n Arbor, MI JF -_ Jc fcrson Pari, LA Ti -Beaver County, PA JI'-Jeffer.=.on Par- , L;. MR-Martial County. FT, TRIndian River C, FL '.I -Wil Y.inson Coun, GA 8.0 GR-Grand Papids, MI 62 051 Team Standings: ?lace Tot a l --------- We'r e Con'-acious L=r.qui shr_= Div, is ion :' Elcme.. care Subdivision ID Team ------------ Geo - City/State ----------- ------------- 1.0 S 97 008 Blcrange Seminoles 2.0 96 110 R'J2 good 4 your Home'? 3.0 94 049 Mad Cow Disease 16 122 LIN3 Exzra;: L_nguishtik Division: <1e ucn: arv Subdi v ision: C Place Total ID Team -- --------- ---- I,i n^:' SL1'__I: P. 1 05/07/02 acv - City/Stare ------------ --------------- 1.0 S .04 007 Jnspot:ed Cows 2.0 3 -01 107 Erane Tee7erz 3.0 I, 99 106 Tres Chic 4.0 84 064 The Verbsters 5.0 72 054 The Thinizers 6.0 69 C50 Typhoid Fever 6.0 69 024 Imperative imps 8.0 62 123 E:P LING 9.0 5E -18 "reakv Brainy Idiots e -ace ----------- PE-Palm Beach Cou, FL AA Ann Arbor, MI CM- ^--and Rapids, MI BV-Seaver County, PA JF -Jel lersnn Pa ri, T-A EP East ern Panhan, WJ ,7F- ,ieffers on Pari, LA RT -PI:sA I:, WV 4.0 92 063 The Cafeteria Kids 5.0 /4 C97 Spiffy Iffy's LIN 6.0 72 045 WV .'peal Catcharn 7.0 71 IC4 JF du Jour IN 8.0 62 002 T eam De:ta 9.0 ----------- Divis ion : F'. m-nt arv Subdivision :I D ---------------- PB Palm ( teach Ccu, FL AA -Ann Arbor, MI J!'- Jefferson Pani, LA PV-Seav er County, PA By Sea aver County, PA GR-';z' a nd Rapids, MT ,I-IU4 League, PA EP Eastern Pasha::, W'V' BR Broward ('otu)Ly, F= P. 05/01/02 rorai IV ream :' Cu City/Stale ------ -. --_____-- -_-_____-__. --________- ----------------- ---------- 1. 0 S 115 089 Indian River A IP-Tndian River C, FL 2.0 96 108 The D o uble `,'tossers AA -Ann Arbor, MT 3.0 93 133 American Po Boys JF-Jc`lersor. Par , --A 4.0 86 053 The S entence. Maters BV-Bea ve r County. PA 5.0 65 111 We grin' to da 'ship! AA -Ann Arbor, MI 6.0 69 052 Leprosy GR-:;rand Rapids, ml 7.0 S9 001 The Stars P.'I'-Rli$A II, WL' 8.0 43 114 WV-prow Cubes zz- Lo Individual Standings: Propaganda Place ID 1 1 3 3 3 6 6 6 9 10 11 187 182 293 081 030 291 286 027 164 170 237 13 199 13 13 15 285 272 235 15 177 15 15 19 19 19 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 30 30 30 30 30 30 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 44 44 44 47 47 47 47 171 094 194 166 101 275 236 191 186 163 123 068 028 279 263 232 173 090 014 290 233 210 204 168 121 076 031 280 242 181 294 111 106 013 Last First it=vision: L.=eme r.t any Pts Team 2 's t P LR yta S Prop inato rs Shannon Emma Nardone Jacob Cusimano Williams Garcia Nick Ajoke Jose Gregoire Ryan 49 St. Bernard ' T'eam B Lord Jordan St. Bernard Team A Bradford Stephen Couch Hendrickson Aaron Rmily 49 49 48 Gustafson Micah Cristanti Uri be Brian Andres Mike Tien Klein Tran McKaskey Kirchner Lustig Birch Davies Brooks Tang Wren Adkins Schartner Cotter Mueller Munnell DiLallo Roos Everett Burkett Catherine Michael Alex Rachel Rachel Natalie Lydia Marcus Pickleseimer Wendling Kim Isaac Alex Jonathan McCarthy Hefron Fattore Ryan Michael Alex Martinelli Victor Fleming Kraushar Swanson. Cary Raquel Lenny Taylor Patrick Morrison Yousuf Christy Adil Hart Joseph Chetan Chelsea Dargan Phillips L1 Teddie Bears 45 45 No Clue Smarties J? du Jour - PROP The MACS-I-Mizers 44 We c,oi:i' to da 'ship! 44 43 43 43 43 42 42 42 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 40 40 40 40 40 40 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 38 38 38 37 37 37 37 MaMaMy MyMama Sasasaid Attack of the Straw Men 47 Emily Joseph Andrew Sarah I seat Frank Propinators St. Bernard Team B Ben Franklin A 51 ' Peddle Bears Kayla Ben Katie Andrew Kristen Jaleesa Lancaster 54 54 51 51 Propinators Propinators Lake Forest How High The MACS-I-Mizers No Clue Carolina Rose MaMaMy MyMama Sasasaid Attack of the Straw Men ?-IkCS -A-Mil lion Pro_inators The Persuaders WPAGL Lil' Steelers Academic Attachment Unwishful Thinkers RU2 good 4 your Home? Brane Teezerz Attack of the Straw Men The Persuaders Lake Forest How High Team Delta St. Bernard Team A Attack of the Straw Men MACS Factors The ARCS- I-Mizers The Team WPAGL Lill SteelLrs wishful Thinkers Teddie Bears RU2 good 4 your Home? Attack of the Straw Men The Persuaders St. Bernard Team B Ben Franklin C CBS-SDS-SCS Team Delta 2002 National Academic Games Championships Team Standings: Pace J Frnr.aganda Elemcaary Total ID Team Geo - C tv/State 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 11 11 13 235 202 201 194 190 187 179 177 163 163 158 Ise 156 057 009 112 128 073 059 127 042 105 027 060 058 069 Propinators BV-Beaver County, PA PB Palm Beach Cou, FL JF-Jefferson Pari, LA SB-St. Bernard Pa, LA MK-Mecklenburg At, NC BV Beaver County, PA SB St. Bernard Pa, LA WP-WPAGL, PA JF-Jefferson Pari, LA NO-New Orleans, LA BV-Beaver County, PA BV-Beaver County, PA BV-Beaver County, PA AA-Ann Arbor, MI MK-Mecklenburg Ar, NC PB-Palm Beach Cou, FL NO-New Orleans, LA NO-New Orleans, LA AA -Ann Arbor, Ml IU-IU4 League, PA AA Ann Arbor, MI NO-New Orleans, LA NO-New Orleans, LA AA-Ann Arbor, MT GR-Grand Rapids, MI NO-New Orleans, LA IR-Indian River C, FL RT-REST IT, WV MK-Mecklenburg Ar, NC BV-Beaver County, PA IU-IU4 League, PA NO-New Orleans, LA SP-ST. PATRICK, NC BR-Broward County, FL WP-WPAGL, PA EP-Eastern Panhan, WV NO-New Orleans, LA UP-University Pre, MI EP-Eastern Pathan, WV 14 155 109 MaMaMy MyMama Sasasaid 14 16 17 18 19 19 21 22 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 155 154 151 147 143 143 141 138 138 136 128 1.25 124 123 121 120 117 109 107 106 101 98 97 95 91 84 80 73 72 69 59 58 51 074 010 031 032 110 025 107 033 030 111 049 029 089 002 075 125 023 028 003 018 088 124 034 017 047 090 076 001 108 004 016 077 014 MACS Factors Unwishful Thinkers Carolina Rose CBS-SDS-SCS RU2 good 4 your Home? Academic Attachment Brans Teezerz Ben Franklin C Ben Franklin B We goin' to da 'ship! Mad Cow Disease Lake Forest How High Indian River A Team Delta MACS-A-Million Beav - Brow PROP wishful Thinkers John Curtis Loose Cannons Shamrockers #1 Freaky Brainy Idiots AV Prop EP PROP JC-SCS #1 Goal Setters WV Spear Catchers Indian River B MACS The Facts Machine The Stars Teddie Bears Attack of the Straw Men St. Aernard Team B The MACS-I-Mizers The Persuad ers St. Bernard Team A WPAGL Lii' Steelers JP du Jour - PROP Ben Franklin A The Team Smarties No Clue The Double Crossers Shamrockers #2 Bone Heads The Big MACS WASO WILCO Lz. 1R-I nd ian River C, FL MK Mecklenburg Ar, RT-RESA II, WV AA-Ann Arbor, MI SP-ST. PATRICK, NC UP-University Pre, MK-Mecklenburg Ar, WI-Wilkinson Coun, NC MI NC GA