Noise Assessment on Leaf Blowers
Noise Assessment on Leaf Blowers
REPORT S O F T H E M I N I S T RY O F T H E E N V I RO N M E N T 2 1e n | 2007 Noise Assessment on Leaf Blowers Jukka Pietilä Lauri Tuunanen MINIST RY O F T H E E N V I RO N M E N T R E P O RT S O F T H E M I NISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT Noise Assessment on Leaf Blowers Jukka Pietilä Lauri Tuunanen Helsinki 2007 MINISTRY OF THE E N V I RO N M E N T 21en | 2007 REPORTS OF THE MINISTYRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT 21en | 2007 Ministry of the environment Environmental Protection Department Layout: Marjatta Naukkarinen Photo: Lippo Sundberg Translation: Done Information Oy The publication is available in the Internet: ISBN 978-952-11-2928-5 (PDF) ISSN 1796-170X (online) PREFACE The noise associated with leaf blowers is frequently a source of complaint, but it is difficult to interfere with their use. This noise assessment serves market supervision of this equipment. The concept is to gradually attract the attention of consumers and equipment manufacturers alike to the noise factor caused by leaf blowers. Noise emissions from leaf blowers and leaf vacuums are regulated under the European Union directive relating to the noise emission in the environment by equipment for use outdoors (2000/14/EC) and Finland’s Government Decree on noise emission levels from equipment for outdoor use (621/2001), which calls for noise labelling, but noise level limit values have not been assigned for them. The goal of the Finnish Ministry of the Environment has been to obtain additional information to consider whether or not noise level limit values should be assigned to leaf blowers. The report on environmental noise caused by leaf blowers was completed on the initiative and through the funding of the Ministry of the Environment. The work was realized by MTT Vakola, where Jukka Pietilä, Senior Researcher, acted as project manager. In addition to Mr Pietilä, Jukka Havento, Researcher, Väinö Ikonen, Research Technician, and Lauri Tuunanen, Inspector, participated in the work. Warmest appreciation is extended to all who were involved in the implementation of this report. Helsinki, October 2007 Ministry of the Environment CONTENTS Preface ............................................................................................................................... 3 Abstract............................................................................................................................... 5 1 Introduction................................................................................................................ 7 1.1 Premises of report.............................................................................................7 1.2 Legislation...........................................................................................................7 1.3 Content of regulations . ................................................................................... 8 1.4 Leaf blower........................................................................................................10 1.5 Noise emissions .............................................................................................. 11 1.6 Leaf blower noise measurement ..................................................................12 2 Materials and methods . ...................................................................................... 14 2.1 Leaf blowers on the Finnish market............................................................14 2.2 Inspected leaf blowers....................................................................................14 3 Results . ....................................................................................................................... 16 3.1 Declarations of conformity............................................................................ 16 3.2 Equipment labels.............................................................................................18 3.3 Information in the Commission’s database...............................................19 3.4 Noise measurement ....................................................................................... 19 3.5 Noise results..................................................................................................... 20 3.6 Frequency analysis.......................................................................................... 21 4 Conclusions. .............................................................................................................. 25 4.1 General............................................................................................................... 25 4.2 Observations on noise results.......................................................................25 4.3 Commission’s noise database........................................................................26 4.4 Assessment on a unit-by-unit basis............................................................. 27 References. ....................................................................................................................... 34 Annex 1. List of leaf blowers on the market in December 2006. ............. 35 Documentation page. .................................................................................................. 38 Kuvailulehti. ..................................................................................................................... 39 Presentationsblad.......................................................................................................... 40 Reports of the Ministry of the Environment 21en | 2007 Abstract For this report, some of the leaf blowers available on the Finnish market were inspected to determine if they were in keeping with the requirements of the European Union directive relating to the noise emission in the environment by equipment for use outdoors (2001/14/EC). A Government Decree on noise emission levels from equipment for outdoor use (621/2001) has been enacted in Finland. The purpose of the decree is to reduce the noise in the environment caused by the use of outdoor equipment. The decree concerns only that equipment used outdoors specifically mentioned in the decree. This equipment is divided into two separate groups: that for which an upper limit has been set for environmental noise and that whose environmental noise should be known and reported, but for which there is no noise limit. Leaf blowers belong to the latter group. According to the outdoor equipment noise directive, the environmental noise produced by a leaf blower should be marked on the unit, and a declaration of conformity which includes the details specified in the directive should be provided along with the device. Leaf blowers are also affected by other requirements than just the outdoor equipment noise directive. These are, for example, the machinery directive (98/37/ EC, concerning the safety of machinery) and the low-voltage directive (73/23/EEC, specific to electrical equipment for use within certain voltage limits). A unit may be launched on the market and its sale initiated only if it fulfils all requirements stipulated for the same. To show that the unit fulfils the declaration of conformity, it should be affixed with the European Union’s CE label. For the purpose of this report, basic information was acquired on leaf blowers available on the Finnish market, and their importers were surveyed. All in all, there are over 70 brands and models of leaf blowers on the market. For the purpose of more precise clarification, 14 leaf blowers were obtained, of which four were electrical in operation and 10 were internal combustion engine-powered. Six of the blowers can also be used as a vacuum. The noise level of the blowers was measured and they were inspected with regard to the other aspects required by the directive on outdoor equipment noise: guaranteed sound power value, declaration of conformity, CE marking and the labelling performed on the basis of the machinery directive. In connection with the measurement, a frequency analysis was also performed on the noise caused by the blowers. Reports of the Ministry of the Environment 21en | 2007 On the basis of this clarification, virtually all leaf blowers fulfil the basic requirements of the outdoor equipment noise directive, i.e., the CE marking, label indicating guaranteed sound power, and the manufacturer’s declaration of conformity. For the most part, deviations from the requirements of the directive amongst the leaf blowers inspected were minimal. The environmental noise level values affixed to the equipment are, as a rule, correctly reported and have not been exceeded, with the exception of three units. One of the blowers totally lacked an environmental noise label. One defect with respect to the noise level labels was that the blower noise value of one blast apparatus was greater than what was marked on the machine, and the reported noise level values in two of the blowers were exceeded when using the units as a vacuum. The reason for the last two cases may be that the manufacturer had not considered evaluating the noise caused by the unit when used as a vacuum. The largest deviations concerned the machines with regard to which the manufacturer had not carried out the declaration of conformity-related procedures, nor had the equipment importers taken care of the matter. Reports of the Ministry of the Environment 21en | 2007 1 Introduction 1.1 Premises of report This report was completed on the basis of an assignment from the Finnish Ministry of the Environment, December 2006–May 2007 at MTT Vakola (Agrifood Research Finland, Vihti). In this clarification, measurements and assessments were carried out in order to determine if the leaf blowers sold in Finland fulfil the requirements of the European Union’s outdoor equipment noise directive. The noise value of the blower equipment was measured and calculated, and a one-third octave band frequency analysis on the amount of noise was carried out. The results were compared with the guaranteed values reported on the equipment. At the same time, the equipment labels were checked as well as the instructions and declarations of conformity, in order to verify whether these were correct as compared to the measured noise values and the legislative requirements. The report features 14 separate leaf blowers. In completing this report, the work distribution at MTT Vakola was such that Jukka Havento, Researcher, gathered information on the leaf blower market as well as leaf blowers available on the market. Väinö Ikonen, Research Technician, examined the machines’ labels and prepared the blowers for measurement. The measurements were performed by Väinö Ikonen and Jukka Pietilä, Senior Researcher. Lauri Tuunanen, Inspector, was responsible for the analysis of the measurement results. The photographic images in the report have been taken by Lippo Sundberg. Jukka Pietilä wrote this report and was also responsible for its realization. Anni Rimpiläinen, Senior Advisor, supervised the work at the Ministry of the Environment. 1.2 Legislation Environmental noise from leaf blowers is regulated under Directive 2000/14/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 May 2000 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the noise emission in the environment by equipment for use outdoors. The directive has been brought into force in Finland through the Government Decree on noise emission levels from equipment for outdoor use (621/2001), issued 5 July 2001. The purpose of the directive is to harmonize the requirements concerning noise emissions by equipment for use outdoors so as to prevent obstacles to the free movement of these machines. According to the rationales for the directive, reducing noise levels will protect the health and well-being of citizens as well as protect the environment. The original directive has been amended by Directive 2005/88/EC. The amendment has no effect on the measurement or assessment of noise with respect to leaf Reports of the Ministry of the Environment 21en | 2007 blowers. A corresponding amendment has been made to the national legislation by means of the Government Decree 953/2006. In addition to the outdoor equipment noise directive, two other directives concern leaf blowers: Directive 98/37/EC of the European Union and of the Council of 22 June 1998 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to machinery (machinery directive) and Directive 73/23/EEC of 19 February 1973 on the harmonization of the laws of Member States relating to electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits (low-voltage directive). Whether the blowers fulfil the technical requirements set by the two directives has not been clarified in this report. 1.3 Content of regulations The noise level regulations with respect to the Government Decree on noise emission levels from equipment for outdoor use (621/2001) are presented in the following condensed form. Hereafter, the name used for this decree shall be “decree on outdoor equipment noise”. According to Section 1 of the decree on outdoor equipment noise, the decree shall be applied only to the equipment used outdoors that is mentioned in Sections 3 and 4. The decree is not to be applied to devices requiring an external power source, units used in transport, or equipment intended for use by the authorities. In Section 2 of the decree, the specifications are presented with regard to equipment used outdoors, the use of this equipment, conformity assessment procedures, labels, sound power level and measurement as well as guaranteed sound power level. The sound power level is specified in accordance with standards EN ISO 3744:1995 and EN ISO 3746:1995. In the decree on outdoor equipment noise, the specifications for equipment are in keeping with Annex 1 to the outdoor equipment noise directive. The term ‘measured sound power level’ means the noise power level as determined from measurements as laid down in Annex III to the noise directive. The term ‘guaranteed sound power level’ means a sound power level in which the uncertainties deriving from production fluctuations and measurement methods are measured, in addition to the measured sound power level. The guaranteed sound power level is the noise value that the equipment noise must be below when it is measured in accordance with the directive on outdoor equipment noise, Annex III. In Section 3 of the decree on outdoor equipment noise, the limit values of certain equipment-related noise emissions have been provided. The guaranteed sound power level of the equipment mentioned in this paragraph cannot be exceeded with respect to the limit values mentioned in this paragraph. Some of the transition periods connected with the limit values were altered in the Government Decree 953/2006, as issued in 2006. This amendment has not affected the measurement or specification of outdoor equipment noise with respect to leaf blowers. In Section 4 of the decree, 41 equipment groups are mentioned whose guaranteed sound power level should be known and reported but which do not have a noise limit. Leaf blowers and leaf collectors represent some of these machines. Section 5 of the decree concerns the launching of the equipment onto the market, initialization and free mobility. The unit may be launched on the market in the event that it fulfils the requirements concerning noise emissions, its conformity to the regulations has been assessed, and the equipment labels as well as the EC declaration of conformity are in accordance with the stipulations of the decree. Because leaf blowers do not have limit values for noise emissions, the requirements with respect to the same are met when the guaranteed sound power level is known and reported. Reports of the Ministry of the Environment 21en | 2007 On the basis of Section 6 of the decree on outdoor equipment noise, the equipment must be assessed with respect to its conformity to the regulations and a declaration of conformity in both Finnish and Swedish must be delivered with the unit. According to Annex 1 to the decree on outdoor equipment noise, the declaration of conformity should at minimum contain the following information: - the name and address of the manufactrer or authorized representative within the area of the European Community - the name and address of the party that has the stored technical documents - a description of the unit - the conformity assessment procedure followed, internal inspection of leaf blowers in practice: Annex 6 (for leaf blowers, the data from the reported institution is not required) - measured sound power level - guaranteed sound power level - declaration that the unit conforms to the requirements of the directive on outdoor equipment noise if required, a reference to other directives and their declarations of conformity - place of issue and date of the declaration - details on the authorized person who has undersigned the notice Nevertheless, there is no need to mention the party who has stored the technical documents in the declaration of conformity in the event that the manufacturer himself stores the technical documents concerned (Annex 6, Government Decree on noise emission levels from equipment for outdoor use). Section 7 of the decree concerns the CE marking of conformity as well as other markings on the equipment. The equipment is regarded as in keeping with the requirements in the event that it has a CE marking and indication of guaranteed sound power level, and a declaration of conformity is delivered together with the unit. There are also regulations concerning the format and size of these labels and their attachment in the decree. Figure 1. Example of sound power level label for affixing to the equipment. According to the decree, if a CE marking is applied to, e.g., a leaf blower, it must also fulfil the requirements of the other directives affecting the unit. For leaf blowers, these are the machinery directive (98/37/EC) and, in the case of electrical units, the low-voltage directive (73/23/EC). These must therefore also be mentioned in the declaration of conformity. Reports of the Ministry of the Environment 21en | 2007 On the basis of the machinery directive, the following information at minimum should be attached to the equipment in a manner easily readable and permanently affixed: - the name and address of the machine manufacturer - CE marking - series or type marking - possible serial number and - year of manufacture Section 8 of the decree on outdoor equipment noise deals with the supervisory authorities, Section 9 with the notified bodies, Section 10 with the collection of noise data, Section 11 with the entry into force and Section 12 with the transitional provision. According to Section 10 the manufacturer of the equipment or importer within the area of the European Community must deliver a copy of the declaration of conformity to the Finnish Environment Institute. The Environment Institute supplies copies of the declaration of conformity to the European Commission, which maintains a list of this information and compiles a summary of the data in force. The data submitted on leaf blowers are available for view on the Internet ( EN/EN_EQUIPMENT45.PDF). In addition, the following eight annexes are included in the decree on outdoor equipment noise: Annex 1: EC declaration of conformity – specifies its content. Annex 2: Models of the CE marking conformity and of the indication of guaranteed sound power level. Specifies the appearance of markings. Annex 3: Internal production control, assessment of technical documentation and periodical checks – describes the assessment method of conformity with the requirements affecting the noise-limited machine. Annex 4: Unit verification – describes the assessment method of conformity with requirements of the noise-limited machine in the event that only a few individual units are made. Annex 5: Full quality assurance – describes the assessment method of conformity with requirements of the noise-limited machine when the manufacturer has a quality system for design and production. Annex 6: Internal production control – describes the aspects to be taken into account in launching the equipment with noise marking onto the market. Annex 7: Minimum requirements to be taken into account by member states when appointing notified bodies. Annex 8: Unit verification, model of conformity certificate. Supplements Annex 4. 1.4 Leaf Blower According to Annex 1 of the directive on outdoor equipment noise, a leaf blower is defined as “A powered machine appropriate to clear lawns, paths, ways, streets, etc. of leaves and other material by means of a high velocity air flow. It may be portable (hand-held) or not portable but mobile”. 10 Reports of the Ministry of the Environment 21en | 2007 Figure 3. Handheld leaf blower Figure 2. Backpack-model leaf blower 1.5 Noise emissions Sound power of equipment (noise emission) W is specified as an intensity vector I integral over the closed surface S, which surrounds the device: 3 D3 ) W °° I v dS °°In dS z Inmean S S S inwhich In is the normal component of the intensity vector I in the surface element dS . The sound power unit is a watt. In the practical measurements, the measurement surface can be divided into equally large sectors. From the centre of these areas, the normal components In of the intensity are measured, from which the average value In,mean is calculated. The sound power is obtained by multiplying the average value In,mean (W/m2) by the measurement surface S (m2). The sound power level (LW) is the sound power reported as the decibel unit, ref W0 = 10-12 W. ¥ 7 , 7 LOG¦¦ § 7 ´ µµ ¶ The A-weighted sound power level is marked LWA. (Pasanen et al. 2003) Reports of the Ministry of the Environment 21en | 2007 11 1.6 Leaf blower noise measurement There is no standard method for the measurement of leaf blower noise. For this reason, in Part B No. 34 of the directive on outdoor equipment noise, the noise measurement method for leaf blowers has been specified. According to the directive, the basic noise emission standard for leaf blowers is SFS-EN ISO 3744:1994 Acoustics — Determination of sound power levels of noise sources using sound pressure — Engineering method in an essentially free field over a reflecting plane. In the basic standard, the measurement method is specified with details and the measurements of the various machines and equipment are based on this standard. Furthermore, in accordance with the directive on outdoor equipment noise, the microphone locations, measurement surface and measurement distance used in noise measurement are specified in ISO 11094:1991 Acoustics — Test code for the measurement of airborne noise emitted by power lawn mowers, lawn tractors, lawn and garden tractors, professional mowers, and lawn and garden tractors with mowing attachments. The measurements were performed on an open asphalt field and, at the measurement site, plating covering an area of 3.6 m x 3.6 m is placed on the asphalt. The plating is made up of elements 1.2 m x 1.2 m in size. These have plywood as their base with mineral wool on top, and this is tied with a net. The plates are set in accordance with Figure 4 so that the plates covered with thin net are at the corners, and the plates covered with thicker net are in the centre. The thicker netting withstands the weight of the trial equipment and the user. The central point of the middle plate is, at the same time, the central point of the measuring hemisphere. Figure 4. Measurement base 12 Reports of the Ministry of the Environment 21en | 2007 The locations for the microphones used in the noise measurement of the leaf blowers are presented in Figure 5. The distance of microphone points 1 to 4 from the central point of the circle is 3.96 m, and they are at a height of 1.5 m from the ground surface. The higher microphone points 5 and 6 are 2.82 m in distance from the central point of the circle, and they are at a height of 2.84 m from the ground surface. Figure 5. Location of the microphones Reports of the Ministry of the Environment 21en | 2007 13 2 Materials and methods 2.1 Leaf blowers on the Finnish market For the purpose of clarification, information was gathered about the leaf blowers available on the Finnish market. The information is based on the reports of importers which were collated from magazines, the Internet and by telephoning the importers themselves. The leaf blowers on the Finnish market are presented in Annex 1 to this report. In acquiring the machines, it emerged that the market ‘revives itself’ continuously. New models come and old ones go, so that the list presented is not quite up-to-date. The list in Annex 1 corresponds to the situation in December 2006. Information was obtained on 35 brands, and the various models totalled 74. According to this clarification, 44 of the units on the market were internal combustion engine-driven, whereas those using electricity from the grid totalled 28, and 2 were battery-powered. Some of the brands and models turned out to be complementary models — i.e., technically similar equipment is sold under various brands. The total number of importers was 22. Some of the importers acted as representatives for several brands, so the number of importers was smaller than the number of leaf blower brands on the market. 2.2 Inspected leaf blowers In selecting the blowers for inspection and measurement, a market report was utilized. For the purpose of measurement, four electrical and ten combustion engine-operated blowers were acquired. The blowers were selected so that all power classes were obtained for inspection. Only one of each product from the same manufacturer was acquired. Auxiliary models — versions of the same machine sold under various brands — were also not purchased, because the object was that all of the blowers would be different from each other. The electrical leaf blowers are smaller power-wise than those driven by combustion engines. In addition, the electric cable in the former restricts the usage area of the blower, so that electrical blowers are branded as intended for light use by private households. Electrical blowers are also distinctly economical in price compared to those that are combustion engine-driven. Blowers using an internal combustion engine can be divided into handheld and backpack blowers. The engine and blast apparatus of the backpack blowers are kept in a knapsack worn on the back. A hose is held by hand and also guided manually, the blast being thereby targeted at the desired object. The handheld blowers are lighter and weaker in blasting power than the backpack models. In planning this clarification, it was considered that the blowers using combustion engines could be grouped under 14 Reports of the Ministry of the Environment 21en | 2007 ‘amateur’ and ‘professional’ use. Distribution from one end of power efficiency to the other is easy to perform, but the intermediate area between these types of blowers remains unclear, so such grouping was abandoned. The inspected blowers were purchased from retail dealers during the period of November 2006–January 2007. In Table 1 below, the leaf blowers chosen for measurement, as well as some technical specifications, are presented. Images of the inspected leaf blowers are found in Section 4.4. Table 1. The blowers inspected for the report, their driving power, mode of use, without yield and measured engine rotation rate. Brand Model Serial number of measured blower Type of blower Largest air volume, m3 /h * c = internal combustion engine e=electrical b= backpack h= handheld Engine running speed idle running working speed r/s r/s Echo PB 650 no brand c b 1 200 42 117 Gardol GLS250 INF-1535-G e h - 0 211 Glans Power BV A2001 no brand e h 720 0 208 Homelite HDP 30 604000040 c h 720 50 123 Honda HDP 25-E UBAJ-1022398 c h 630 47 117 Husqvarna 125BT 3000290 c b 654 50 123 Iskra 24 cc 60200107 c h 236 63 137 Jonsered BV 2125 066005N200441 c h - 58 117 Makita BHX2500 501603 c h 606 50 125 Oleo-Mac BV 162 5246361244 c b 1200 38 120 Solo 472 00627005 c b 1100 55 93 Stihl BR 600 268867455 c b 1720 33 117 Toro Ultra 350 240015G73 e h 654 0 262 Valex Merak 2000 4264293/04 e h - 0 221 * According to manufacturer’s information Six of the blowers can also be used as vacuums. These are the electrically powered Glans-Power, Gardol, Toro and Valex as well as the internal combustion engine-driven Jonsered and Iskra. Reports of the Ministry of the Environment 21en | 2007 15 3 Results 3.1 Declarations of conformity The declarations of conformity supplied with the blowers and their content were examined according to the requirements of the directive on outdoor equipment noise. In the inspection, whether or not the declaration of conformity in Finnish and Swedish as well as the information required in the declaration by the directive on outdoor equipment noise were provided was examined. In Table 2, there is a summary of the inspection results. The directives have been written into the table in the form in which they written in the declaration of conformity. Table 2. Inspection results from the declarations of conformity yes = inspected item fulfils requirements, no = inspected item does not fulfil requirements or the matter is not reported. 16 Assessment procedure Measured sound power level, dB Guaranteed sound power level, dB Declaration of conformity Place and date Provider of declaration and personal information Directives which the declaration concerns Kioritz Corp. no was yes 109 112 yes yes yes 98/37/EC, 2000/14/ EC, 89/336/ EEC, 2002/88/EC Not in Finnish or Swedish Gardol GLS250 ISC GmbH no yes no 99 101 yes yes yes 98/37/EG, 73/23/ EWG, 2000/14/EG 89/336/ EWG Part in Finnish or Swedish, part in German GlansPower BV A2001 KoneGlans, Salo - importer No de- clar- ation of conformity Homelite HDP 30 Homelite yes c/o Ryobi Technologies no no 106 108 yes 73/23/EEC, 93/68/EEC, 2000/14/EY, 89/336/ EEC, 2002/88/EC In Finnish and Swedish Reports of the Ministry of the Environment 21en | 2007 yes no Languages Description of equipment Echo PB 650 Name of manufacturer or representative Storer of technical documents Brand and model Description of equipment Assessment procedure Measured sound power level, dB Honda HHB 25-E Honda Motor Co. yes yes yes 101 Husqvarna 125BT Husqvarna AB no yes no Iskra 24 cc VKO FIN- No 63610 importer dec- Jonsered BV 2125 Electrolux no Home Products Inc. Makita BHX 2500 Makita International Europe Ltd. Oleo-Mac BV 162 Guaranteed sound power level, dB Declaration of conformity Place and date Provider of declaration and personal information Directives which the declaration concerns Languages Name of manufacturer or representative Storer of technical documents Brand and model 102 yes yes yes 98/37/EC, 2000/14/ EC, 89/336/ EEC In Finnish and Swedish 101.3 102.0 yes yes yes 98/37/EG, 2000/14/ EG, 89/336/ EEC In Finnish and Swedish la- ration of con- for- mity yes yes 107 112 yes yes yes 98/37/EC, 2000/14/ EC, 89/336/ EEC In Finnish and Swedish yes no no 102 106 yes yes yes 89/392EEC, 2000/14/ EC, 89/336/ EEC Not in Finnish or Swedish EMAK s.p.a. no yes yes 110.1 111 yes yes yes 98/37/EC, 2000/14/ EC, 89/336/EC, 2002/88/ EC, 97/68/ EC In Finnish and Swedish Solo 472 Solo Kleinmotoren GmbH no yes no 101.0 101.5 yes yes yes 98/37/EG, 2000/14/ EG, 89/336/ EGW Not in Finnish or Swedish Stihl BR 600 Andreas Stihl AG & Co yes yes no 108 109 yes yes yes 98/37/EC, 2000/14/ EC, 89/336/ ECC In Finnish and Swedish Toro Ultra 350 The Toro Company no yes yes 100 101 yes yes yes 98/37/EC, 2000/14/ EC, 89/336/ EEC, 2002/88/EC In Finnish and Swedish Valex Merak 2000 Valex sPa no yes yes 101.0 107 yes yes no 98/37/EC, 73/23/EC, 89/366/EC, 93/68/EC, 2000/14/EC In Finnish and Swedish With two of the machines — Glans-Power and Iskra — the declaration of conformity was lacking entirely. With the others, the declaration was included in the delivery, and five of these included all the required information. There were deficiencies which were not substantial in seven of the leaf blower declarations. The most common deficiency in content was that the assessment procedure for the declaration of conformity was missing. Reports of the Ministry of the Environment 21en | 2007 17 In all declarations of conformity, both the measured and guaranteed sound power levels were mentioned, and a declaration that the device fulfilled the requirements of the directive as well as both the place of issue and date of the declaration were included. The equipment description was lacking in two of the declarations, and personal information on the providers of the declaration was not included in two declarations. In the equipment description, it was regarded as sufficient that a leaf blower was mentioned in the declaration; it was also not taken into account in the inspection whether the serial or production numbers conserning declaration were mentioned. Information about the party who has stored the documents was provided in three of the declarations, and the assessment procedure was mentioned in six declarations. The inspected declarations covered, at minimum, the environmental noise as well as mechanical and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) directives. In six of the units, the declaration was in Finnish and Swedish in accordance with the requirements. In Husqvarna’s delivery, the declaration was in the Finnish language only: the reason for this may be that the business delivered the device as ready to be used for its Finnish-speaking clients, and the declaration was attached to the operating manual. This matter was checked separately and it was confirmed that the declaration is also available in Swedish. Four of the declarations (Echo, Jonsered, Makita and Solo) lacked the Finnish and Swedish language versions entirely; one declaration was Finnish and Swedish in parts and was partly in German (Gardol). With Jonsered, the reason was a packaging error: the instruction containing the declaration had two copies of the same language version. It emerged later that the declaration is normally in both Finnish and Swedish. 3.2 Equipment labels The equipment labels were examined on the basis of the directive on environmental noise and the machinery directive. According to the directive on outdoor equipment noise, there should be a CE marking and guaranteed sound power level label on each leaf blower. To be in keeping with the machinery directive, the unit should have the name and address of the manufacturer, series and type, possible serial number and year of manufacture. If the machine has a serial number, the lack of the year of manufacture is not noted. It was assumed that if there was a need to do so, it would be possible to determine the year of manufacture on the basis of the serial number. The results of the inspection have been summarized in Table 3. The content of the equipment noise labels were in accordance with the requirements in all units except the Glans-Power, which was missing the information on the sound power level and manufacturer. A discrepancy was noted in the noise values reported with the Solo leaf blower: 100 dB was marked as the guaranteed sound power level, whereas in the declaration of conformity the value given was 101.5 dB. In the Commission’s database, Solo’s measured and guaranteed noise value is given as 101 dB. In reference to the requirements of the machinery directive, Echo lacked a serial number, the manufacturer details for Gardol were deficient, and the manufacturer information and serial number were missing from Glans-Power. The labels on the Echo, Gardol, Makita, Oleo-Mac and Valex leaf blowers will evidently not stay affixed for any extended period. The reason for this is that the markings were in the form of labels whose adhesive is poor. 18 Reports of the Ministry of the Environment 21en | 2007 Table 3. Labels on leaf blowers examined on the basis of the requirements of the machinery directive and directive on outdoor equipment noise. yes = fulfils the requirements, no = does not fulfil the requirements Brand Model Labels Directive on outdoor equipment noise Machinery directive manufacturer details type serial no. CE marking guaranteed value, dB Echo PB 650 yes 112 yes yes no Gardol GLS250 yes 101 partly yes yes Glans-Power BV A2001 yes no no yes no Homelite HDP 30 yes 108 yes yes yes Honda HDP 25-E yes 102 yes yes yes Husqvarna 125BT yes 102 yes yes yes Iskra 24 cc yes 108 yes yes yes Jonsered BV 2125 yes 112 yes yes yes Makita BHX 2500 yes 106 yes yes yes Oleo-Mac BV 162 yes 111 yes yes yes Solo 472 yes 100 yes yes yes Stihl BR 600 yes 109 yes yes yes Toro Ultra 350 yes 101 yes yes yes Valex Merak 2000 yes 107 yes yes yes 3.3 Information in the Commission’s database Finally, the question of whether or not the machine information is found in the Commission’s noise-related database was examined. Data on only three of the blowers were found in the database: Honda, Kioritz Corporation (Echo) and Solo. Of these, only Honda’s data was the same as in the declaration of conformity: on the basis of the date, the information on the others was evidently from some previous version. The information in the database was last checked 5 June 2007. 3.4 Noise measurement The noise measurements were conducted in accordance with MTT Vakola’s accredited quality system. The measurements were performed outdoors, and the measurement surface was, in keeping with the standard ISO 11094:1991, an artificial surface — i.e., mineral wool was used on an asphalt surface. The radius of the hemisphere from which the noise level was calculated was 4 m, so that the surface area of the hemisphere was 101 m2. The acoustic pressure level was measured from six individual points. During the measurements, the leaf blower was kept in the normal usage position so that the air discharge hole was 50 mm (± 20 mm) above the central point of the hemisphere. The handheld leaf blowers were held by hand during the measurements. In the event that the blower can additionally be used as a vacuum, its noise was also measured in the vacuum operation. Reports of the Ministry of the Environment 21en | 2007 19 Image 6. Sound power measurement. The lower and upper measurement points from the back left are shown in the image. 3.5 Noise results The environmental noise specified for the leaf blower as well as the guaranteed value marked on the machine are presented in Table 4. Table 4. The measured equipment noise values of the leaf blowers as compared to the guaranteed values. In addition, the type of motor and the air output reported by the manufacturer are included in the comparison. 20 Brand Model Equipment noise, dB Engine Air amount Function Measured value Guaranteed value Cylinder capacity, Synchrocm3 nism m3/h Echo PB 650 blower 109 112 63.3 2 1 200 Gardol GLS250 blower 96 101 electricity - vacuum 97 101 GlansPower BV A2001 blower 99 electricity 720 vacuum 98 Homelite HDP 30 blower 107 108 30 2 720 Honda HDP 25-E blower 99 102 25 4 630 Husqvarna 125BT blower 101 102 25.4 2 654 Iskra 24 cc blower 107.5 108 24 2 236 vacuum 109 Jonsered BV 2125 blower 104 112 25 2 - vacuum 106 Makita BHX2500 blower 101 106 25 4 606 Oleo-Mac BV 162 blower 110 111 61.3 2 1200 Solo 472 blower 105 100 53 2 1100 Stihl BR 600 blower 108 109 64.8 4 1720 Toro Ultra 350 blower 101 101 electricity vacuum 102 Valex Merak 2000 blower 97 107 electricity vacuum 101 Reports of the Ministry of the Environment 21en | 2007 654 - It was possible to carry out the comparison with all blowers except the Glans-Power, whose sound power value was not reported. The sound power values of the blow function of the blowers fulfilled the terms of the declaration, i.e., the measured value was lower or as high as the guaranteed noise value. The Solo blower was an exception. Its guaranteed sound power value was lower than that measured. As previously mentioned, there was something unclear about the guaranteed value, because as marked it was different from that noted in the instructions. The environmental noise caused by the vacuum operation of two blowers exceeded the guaranteed value. These were Toro and Iskra. 3.6 Frequency analysis The A-weighted acoustic pressure levels at 1/3 octave bands of various machines are described. The acoustic pressure peaks with various machines were between 500–5,000 Hz. Evidently a peak causes the sounds caused by the spinning of the blower rotor. The peak of the acoustic pressure levels may be a flat frequency range, as with Husqvarna, for example, or one higher peak value, that of Homelite. The comparison was also made with unweighted values, but the same aspects came out from these results as with the weighted values. With machines using internal combustion engines, the operational frequency of the engine is seen as clear rises in the diagram, but the acoustic pressure level caused by the engine is nevertheless clearly lower than the acoustic pressure level of the blower. The diagrams of the frequency-based acoustic pressure level with various equipment are uniform. The reason for this is the equipment being of the same size as well as the fact that the operational principles and solutions of the units are identical. Echo PB 650 Sound pressure dB(A) 80 70 60 50 40 30 10 100 1000 10000 100000 Frequency Hz Reports of the Ministry of the Environment 21en | 2007 21 Gardol GLS 250 suction and blow Sound pressure dB(A) 80 70 60 50 40 30 10 100 1000 Frequency Hz 10000 suction 100000 blow HONDA HHB 25-E Sound pressure dB(A) 80 70 60 50 40 30 10 100 1000 10000 100000 10000 100000 10000 100000 Frequency Hz Homelite HDP 30 Sound pressure dB(A) 80 70 60 50 40 30 10 100 1000 Frequency Hz Makita BHX 2500 Sound pressure dB(A) 80 70 60 50 40 30 10 100 1000 Frequency Hz 22 Reports of the Ministry of the Environment 21en | 2007 Husqvarna 125 BT Sound pressure dB(A) 80 70 60 50 40 30 10 100 1000 10000 100000 10000 100000 10000 100000 10000 100000 Frequency Hz Oleo-Mac BV 162 Sound pressure dB(A) 80 70 60 50 40 30 10 100 1000 Frequency Hz Iskra 24 cc Sound pressure dB(A) 80 70 60 50 40 30 10 100 1000 Frequency Hz Solo 472 Sound pressure dB(A) 80 70 60 50 40 30 10 100 1000 Frequency Hz Reports of the Ministry of the Environment 21en | 2007 23 Jonsered BV 2125 Sound pressure dB(A) 80 70 60 50 40 30 10 100 1000 10000 100000 Frequency Hz Toro Ultra 350 suction and blow Sound pressure dB(A) 80 70 60 50 40 30 10 100 1000 Frequency Hz 10000 suction 100000 blow Stihl BR 600 Sound pressure dB(A) 80 70 60 50 40 30 10 100 1000 10000 100000 Frequency Hz Valex Merak 2000 suction and blow Sound pressure dB(A) 80 70 60 50 40 30 10 100 1000 Frequency Hz 24 Reports of the Ministry of the Environment 21en | 2007 10000 suction 100000 blow 4 Conclusions 4.1 General The basic requirements of the directive on outdoor equipment noise — the CE marking, labelling of the guaranteed sound power level and the manufacturer’s declaration of conformity — are fulfilled quite well. In the great majority of the leaf blowers inspected, the deviations from the stipulations of the directive on outdoor equipment noise were minimal. On the basis of this inspection, it appears that the manufacturers know and follow closely, for the most part, the requirements of the directive on outdoor equipment noise. The greatest deficiencies were in units whose manufacturer had not completed the procedures for declaration of conformity, nor had the importers of this equipment handled the matter. The guaranteed environmental noise values are in most cases reported correctly, though with one blower, the labelling was entirely lacking, in another the guaranteed noise value was exceeded, and the marked noise values of two blowers were exceeded when using the blower as a vacuum. The reason for this may be that the manufacturers have failed to assess the noise caused in operating the machine as a vacuum. The declaration of conformity was missing from two of the blowers. Declarations containing all required and completely correct information totalled five. With the other declarations of conformity, deficiencies arose because the declaration lacked one or two of the required details, such as the assessment procedure, declaration signatory, place of issue and the date of declaration. 4.2 Observations on noise results In the clarification, the measured noise power values of the combustion engine blowers varied between 99–109 dB. The electrical devices were quieter on the average, 96–101 dB. The electrical blowers were, however, weaker in their blast efficiency, so any direct conclusion on whether they are quieter than units using internal combustion engines cannot be reached. In the frequency analyses, it additionally became apparent that the largest part of the blower noise was generated by the rotor rather than the machine’s motor. In comparing the blast efficiency of the various devices, it is noted that even a small-powered unit can be noisy. For example, the air yield of the Iskra blower is, according to the manufacturer, 236 m3/h. Stihl, which is double in motor capacity, generates blast air almost eightfold — 1,720 m3/h — but the noise value of the equipment is the same. Because the power of the blowers affects the performance, the level of noise the environment receives can grow if the same amount of work is performed with a minimally powered device, even if with a slightly quieter blast apparatus. If a noise Reports of the Ministry of the Environment 21en | 2007 25 limit is placed on blowers, the situation may result in the environmental noise of all blowers being approximately the same. In this case, work lasting longer is performed with a blower which, if a more effective one were used, would be handled faster. With the equivalent workload, noise is spread through the environment for a longer period. On the other hand, it should be noted that there are large differences as well in the noise values of same-power blowers. 4.3 Commission’s noise database In seeking noise data on leaf blowers from the Commission’s noise database, a few observations were made with regard to the serviceability and functionality of the database. First of all, the database Internet address is difficult to find and unknown to consumers. There is no direct access to the database from, e.g., the Commission’s web page, or at least this sort of link has not yet been added. Instead, the search key “noise database” in the Google search engine elicited the address of the Commission’s database. This too, however, requires strong knowledge on the part of the user and familiarity with what is being sought. The Finnish- or Swedish-speaking user should know the name of the machine he or she is seeking in English, so that the right one will be found from the database amongst the almost 60 headings. In the event that the equipment group is known and is found, the next problem is to discover the unit being sought from others in its midst. The leaf blowers are grouped according to motor efficiency, but in the marketing of internal combustion engine-driven leaf blowers, the cylinder capacity of the engine appeared to be most frequently presented as a feature of the engine. Similarly, the meaning of “Net Installed Power Category” as used in the group remained unclear as to what sort of power is intended. This ambiguity is emphasized by the fact that the data on the same blower may be in two separate power categories. The database does not work, as there were only three of the inspected 14 devices in the database and, of these, only the data particular to one of them was completely correct — the other two were out-of-date. On the other hand, there are various models in abundance representing the same make in the database, of which not all are on sale in Finland, making the use of the database troublesome from the consumer’s perspective. The greater difficulty, however, is the fact that in using the database one should know who the manufacturer of the unit is — finding it by the commercial name may not be successful. The marketing of this equipment, on the other hand, is based more on the machine brand than its manufacturer. 26 Reports of the Ministry of the Environment 21en | 2007 4.4 Assessment on a unit-by-unit basis Echo PB650 - Internal combustion engine-driven backpack blower, 2-stroke, motor cylinder capacity 63.3 cm3, power unknown. - Delaration of conformity: not in Finnish or Swedish. - The labelling was mainly in keeping with the requirements of the directive on outdoor equipment noise and the machinery directive. The machine lacked a serial number or corresponding identification. - Information on the machine was in the Commission’s database (old model). - The measured sound power level, 109 dB, was lower than the guaranteed value, 112 dB. Gardol GLS250 - Electrically powered, handheld blower and vacuum, power 2.5 kW. - Declaration of conformity; information on assessment procedure lacking, only partly in Finnish and Swedish. - The labelling was mainly in keeping with the requirements of the directive on outdoor equipment noise and the machinery directive. Information on the manufacturer was deficient. - Information on the machine not in the Commission’s database. - The measured sound power level, 96 dB for the blast apparatus and 97 dB for the vacuum, was lower than the guaranteed value, 101 dB. Reports of the Ministry of the Environment 21en | 2007 27 Glans-Power BV A2001 - Electrically powered, handheld blower and vacuum, power 2.2 kW. - Declaration of conformity missing. - The labelling was not in accordance with the requirements of the directive on outdoor equipment noise and the machinery directive. Labelling on the guaranteed noise value was missing. The machine did not show information on the manufacturer. The serial number or other identification was missing. - Information on the machine not in the Commission’s database. - The measured sound power level was 99 dB for the blast apparatus and 98 dB for the vacuum. Guaranteed value not reported. Homelite HDP 30 - Internal combustion engine-driven backpack blower, motor cylinder capacity 30 cm3, power unknown. - Declaration of conformity. Description of unit and assessment procedure as well as place of issue and date of declaration missing. - The labelling was in keeping with the requirements of the directive on outdoor equipment noise and the machinery directive. - Information on the machine not in the Commission’s database. - The measured sound power level, 107 dB, was lower than the guaranteed value, 108 dB. 28 Reports of the Ministry of the Environment 21en | 2007 Honda HHB 25-E - Internal combustion engine-driven, handheld, blast apparatus and vacuum, motor cylinder capacity 25 cm3, power 0.8 kW. - Declaration of conformity. No deficiencies. - The labelling was in keeping with the requirements of the directive on outdoor equipment noise and the machinery directive. - Information on the machine was in the Commission’s database, the only one that was completely correct. - The measured sound power level, 99 dB, was lower than the guaranteed value, 102 dB. Husqvarna 125BT - Internal combustion engine-driven backpack blower, motor cylinder capacity 25 cm3, power 0.7 kW. - Declaration of conformity. Information about assessment procedure lacking. - The labelling was in keeping with the requirements of the directive on outdoor equipment noise and the machinery directive. - Information on the machine not in the Commission’s database. - The measured sound power level, 101 dB, was lower than the guaranteed value, 102 dB. Reports of the Ministry of the Environment 21en | 2007 29 Iskra 24 cc - Internal combustion engine-driven, handheld, blast apparatus and vacuum, motor cylinder capacity 24 cm3, power 0.8 kW. - Declaration of conformity missing. - The labelling was in keeping with the requirements of the directive on outdoor equipment noise and the machinery directive. - Information on the machine not in the Commission’s database. - Measured sound power level for blast apparatus, 107 dB, was lower than the guranteed value, 108 dB and the measured sound power level for the vacuum, 109 dB, was greater than the guaranteed value, 108 dB. Jonsered BV 2125 - Internal combustion engine-driven, backpack blast apparatus and vacuum, motor cylinder capacity 25 cm3, power 0.7 kW. - Declaration of conformity. No deficiencies. - The labelling was in keeping with the requirements of the directive on outdoor equipment noise and the machinery directive. - Information on the machine not in the Commission’s database. - Measured sound power level for blast apparatus, 104 dB, was lower than the guaranteed value, 112 dB, and the measured sound power level for the vacuum, 106 dB, was lower than the guaranteed value, 112 dB. 30 Reports of the Ministry of the Environment 21en | 2007 Makita BHX2500 - Internal combustion engine-driven, handheld blower, motor cylinder capacity 25 cm3, power 0.8 kW. - Declaration of conformity. Description of unit missing, information about assessment procedure missing, not in Finnish or Swedish. - The labelling was in keeping with the requirements of the directive on outdoor equipment noise and the machinery directive. - Information on the machine not in the Commission’s database. - The measured sound power level, 101 dB, was lower than the guaranteed value, 106 dB. Oleo-Mac BV 162 - Internal combustion engine-driven backpack blower, motor cylinder capacity 61 cm3, power 3.3 kW. - Declaration of conformity. No deficiencies. - The labelling was in keeping with the requirements of the directive on outdoor equipment noise and the machinery directive. - Information on the machine not in the Commission’s database. - The measured sound power level, 110 dB, was lower than the guaranteed value, 111 dB. Reports of the Ministry of the Environment 21en | 2007 31 Solo 472 - Internal combustion engine-driven backpack blower, motor cylinder capacity 53 cm3, power unknown. - Declaration of conformity. Information about assessment procedure missing, not in Finnish or Swedish, ambiguity over magnitude of guaranteed value. - The labelling was in keeping with the requirements of the directive on outdoor equipment noise and the machinery directive. - Information on the machine was in the Commission’s database (old model). - The measured sound power level, 105 dB, was greater than the guaranteed value, 100 dB. Stihl BR 600 - Internal combustion engine-driven backpack blower, motor cylinder capacity 65 cm3, power 2.8 kW. - Declaration of conformity. No deficiencies. - The labelling was in keeping with the requirements of the directive on outdoor equipment noise and the machinery directive. - Information on the machine not in the Commission’s database. - The measured sound power level, 108 dB, was lower than the guaranteed value, 109 dB. 32 Reports of the Ministry of the Environment 21en | 2007 Toro Ultra 350 - Electrically powered, handheld blower and vacuum, power 1.5 kW. - Declaration of conformity. No deficiencies. - The labelling was in keeping with the requirements of the directive on outdoor equipment noise and the machinery directive. - Information on the machine not in the Commission’s database. - The measured sound power level for the blast apparatus, 101 dB, was as high as the guaranteed value, 101 dB, and the measured sound power level for the vacuum, 102 dB, was higher than the guaranteed value, 101 dB. Valex Merak 2000 - Electrically powered, handheld blower and vacuum, power 2.0 kW. - Declaration of conformity. Personal information on declaration signatory lacking. - The labelling was in keeping with the requirements of the directive on outdoor equipment noise and the machinery directive. - Information on the machine not in the Commission’s database. - The measured sound power level, 97 dB for the blast apparatus and 101 dB for the vacuum, was lower than the guaranteed value, 107 dB. Reports of the Ministry of the Environment 21en | 2007 33 References DIRECTIVE 2000/14/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 8 May 2000 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the noise emissions in the environment by equipment for use outdoors (EYVL L 162, 3 July 2000). DIRECTIVE 2006/42/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 17 May 2006 on machinery, and amending Directive 95/16/EC (recast). SFS-EN ISO 3744 Acoustics. Determination of sound power levels of noise sources using sound pressure. Engineering method in an essentially free field over a reflecting plane (ISO 3744:1994). Helsinki: Finnish Standards Association SFS. 41 pages. SFS-EN ISO 3746:en. Acoustics. Determination of sound power levels of noise sources using sound pressure. Survey method using an enveloping measurement surface over a reflecting plane (ISO 3746:1995). Helsinki: Finnish Standards Association SFS. 32 pages. ISO 11094:1991 Acoustics. Test code for the measurement of airborne noise emitted by power lawn mowers, lawn tractors, lawn and garden tractors, professional mowers, and lawn and garden tractors with mowing attachments. Zürich: International Organization for Standardization. 11 pages. COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 73/23/EEC of 19 February 1973 on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits (Low-voltage Directive) (EYVL L 77, 26.3.1973, p. 29) Pasanen, Teemu; Rytkönen, Esko & Sorainen, Esko. 2003. Kiinteistönhoitokoneiden melu [Noise respective to property maintenance machines]. Kuopio Area Occupational Health Institute. Physics Laboratory. Kuopio 2003. Duplicate, available from the Finnish Ministry of the Environment. VnA 5.7.2001/621. Valtioneuvoston asetus ulkona käytettävien laitteiden melupäästöistä [Government Decree on noise emissions from equipment for outdoor use] 621/2001. Issued: Helsinki 5 July 2001. VnP 21. December 1994. Valtioneuvoston päätös koneiden turvallisuudesta [Government Decision on the safety of machines] 1314/1994. Issued: Helsinki 21 Dec. 1994. 34 Reports of the Ministry of the Environment 21en | 2007 Annex 1. List of leaf blowers on the market in December 2006 Tornado 1600 1600 W electric 3,2 828 346 e H GardenVac 2200W Turbo 2200 W electric 5,1 900 212 e H 2500 W electric - - - e H 1300 W electric 4,2 - 198 e H BV-A1501 1800 W electric - 900 330 e H BV-A2001 2200 W electric - 720 330 e H EBV-260 - 25,4 4,2 - - 2 H EB-650 2,7 63,3 11 2016 324 2 B YardBroom 30cc - 30 5,2 720 270 2 H BackPacker 30cc - 30 5,7 720 270 2 B 0,8 25 4,7 630 250 4 H 2200 W electric - - 250 e H 2150 W electric - - - e H 225B 1 26,9 5,1 426 205 2 H 225Bx 1 26,9 5,3 426 205 2 H 125BT 0,7 25,4 5,9 654 187 2 B 141B 2 40,2 10 822 259 2 B 170BT 2,6 64,9 12 1260 318 2 B 356BTx 2,4 51,7 10,2 1302 284 2 B 2,6 48,6 9,9 - 292 2 B 0,7 25 4,8 - - 2 H GARDOL GLS250 GERN Garden 1300W GLANS-POWER HOMELITE HONDA HHB25-E HORSE POWER 2200W HURRICANE HLS215 HUSQVARNA HUSQVARNA 155B JONSERED BV 2125 Reports of the Ministry of the Environment 21en | 2007 35 ISKRA AB3203 0,8 24 6,4 236 145 2 H 1800 W electric - - - e H BHX2500 0,8 25 4,4 606 233 4 H RBL500 1,9 49 8,7 1030 418 2 B GV2200 2200 W electric - - - e H BVM250 Tornado 0,7 25 - - - 2 H BV 126 0,9 25,4 3,9 700 266 2 H BV 162 3,3 61,3 9,4 1200 324 2 B 2000 2000 W electric - - - e H 2200 2200 W electric - - - e H 0,7 25 4,6 - 325 2 H RESV2000 2000 W electric 3,8 780 252 e H RGBV3100 - 31 5,5 720 257 2 H EB 630 2,9 62 9 1044 323 2 B EB 8510 3,3 79,7 11,1 1290 360 2 B 440 - 29 5,3 630 - 2 H 445 - 36,3 8,3 800 - 2 B 472 - 53 9,3 1100 - 2 B SH 55 0,7 27,2 4,8 730 227 2 H BR 380 2,5 56,5 9,1 1260 295 2 B BR 500 2 64,8 9,9 1380 291 4 B BR 600 2,8 64,8 9,5 1720 324 4 B - 56,5 9,1 890 281 2 B L&D 1800 MAKITA McCULLOCH OLEO-MAC PARK PARTNER BV25 RYOBI SHINDAIWA SOLO STIHL STIHL BR 420 36 Reports of the Ministry of the Environment 21en | 2007 TANAKA THB-2510VS 1 24 3,6 517 209 2 H TBL-4600 1,8 43 9,5 850 322 2 B LS 2300 2300 W electric 4,2 900 270 e H LS 2400 - 24 6,4 - 144 2 H 1500 W electric 3,3 654 350 e H 1800 W electric - - 216 e H Marek 2000 2000 W electric - - - e H Ghibli 2000 2000 W electric - - 216 e H 1100 W electric 2,9 615 - e H TEXAS TORO Ultra Blower Vac VALEX Mistral 1800 VALEX VIKING BE 600 Reports of the Ministry of the Environment 21en | 2007 37 D OCUMENTATION PAGE Publisher Ministry of the Environment Environmental Protection Department Author(s) Jukka Pietilä, Lauri Tuunanen Title of publication Lehtipuhaltimien meluselvitys (Noise Assessment on Leaf Blowers) Publication series and number Reports of the Ministry of the Environment 21en/2007 Theme of publication Environmental protection Date October 2007 Parts of publication/ other project publications The study measured and assessed whether the leaf blowers on the Finnish market meet the requirements of directive relating to the noise emission in the environment by equipment for use outdoors (2000/14/EC). The sound power level was measured and a one-third octave band analysis was done. The results were compared with the manufacturers’ guaranteed sound power level indications. In the study, the CE markings, instructions, and the EC declarations of conformity of the blowers were checked to see if these fulfilled the requirements of the EU legistation, and if the declared noise values were in accordance with the measured noise values. The study looked at 14 leaf blowers. Abstract Most of the blowers fulfilled the basic requirements of the noise directive. These are the CE marking, the indication of the sound power level, and the EC declaration of conformity. Deviations from other requirements of the noise directive were minor in the 14 blowers studied. According to the results of the study, the manufacturers of these machines know and follow the requirements of the noise directive. The most serious shortcomings were found with blowers whose manufacturers had not applied the procedure for the declaration of conformity, and whose importers had not followed through on it either. The guaranteed sound power levels were mostly marked correctly, and generally the measured value did not exceed the CE-marked one. One blower did not have the CE marking and one had too low of an indicated value. Thus, the indications of guaranteed sound power levels were, in general, reliable. In addition, there were deviations found in two blowers when their leaf-collecting mode was used. In this mode, their guaranteed value was exceeded. The reason may be that the manufacturers had not measured the noise for the leaf-collecting mode of the blower. The European Commission noise database was also checked to find data on the tested leaf blowers. The database was difficult to use, and it does not seem to serve an ordinary consumer as intended. Leaf blower, The Equipment Noise Emission Directive, 2000/14/EC, equipment for use outdoors, noise measurement, EC declaration of conformity, guaranteed sound power level, noise emissions, noise database, environment Keywords Financier/ commissioner ISBN (pbk.) ISBN 978-952-11-2928-5 (PDF) ISSN (print) ISSN 1796-170X (online) No. of pages 40 Language Finnish Restrictions Public Price (incl. tax 8 %) For sale at/ distributor Edita Publishing Ltd. P.O. Box 800, FI-00043 EDITA tel. +358 20 450 05, telefax +358 20 450 2380, e-mail: Financier of publication Ministry of the Environment Printing place and year 38 Reports of the Ministry of the Environment 21en | 2007 K UVAILULEHTI Julkaisija Ympäristöministeriö Ympäristönsuojeluosasto Tekijä(t) Jukka Pietilä, Lauri Tuunanen Julkaisun nimi Lehtipuhaltimien meluselvitys Julkaisusarjan nimi ja numero Ympäristöministeriön raportteja 21en/2007 Julkaisun teema Ympäristönsuojelu Julkaisuaika Lokakuu 2007 Julkaisun osat/ muut saman projektin tuottamat julkaisut Tiivistelmä Selvityksessä mitattiin ja arvioitiin täyttävätkö Suomessa myytävät lehtipuhaltimet laitemeludirektiivin, direktiivi 2000/14/EY, vaatimukset. Selvityksen yhteydessä puhaltimien laitemeluarvo mitattiin ja laskettiin sekä melusta tehtiin kolmasosaoktaaveittainen taajuusanalyysi. Tuloksia verrattiin laitteissa ilmoitettuihin taattuihin arvoihin. Laitteiden merkinnät, käyttöohjeet ja valmistajien antamat vaatimustenmukaisuusvakuutukset tarkastettiin sen selvittämiseksi, olivatko nämä oikein verrattuna mitattuihin meluarvoihin ja lainsäädännön vaatimuksiin. Selvityksessä oli 14 erilaista lehtipuhallinta. Laitemeludirektiivin perusvaatimuksia, jotka ovat CE-merkintä, merkintä taatusta äänitehotasosta ja valmistajan vakuutus, noudatetaan varsin hyvin. Suurimmassa osassa tarkastettuja lehtipuhaltimia poikkeamat laitemeludirektiivin muista vaatimuksista olivat vähäisiä. Tarkastuksen perusteella valmistajat tuntevat ja noudattavat laitemeludirektiivin vaatimuksia pääosin hyvin. Suurimmat puutteet olivat laitteissa, joiden valmistaja ei ollut soveltanut vaatimustenmukaisuusvakuutusmenettelyä, eivätkä näiden laitteiden maahantuojat olleet asiaa hoitaneet. Taatut meluarvot olivat pääsääntöisesti oikein ilmoitetut, yhdessä puhaltimessa taattua arvoa ei ilmoitettu ja toisessa puhaltimessa ilmoitettu taattu arvo oli liian pieni mittaustulokseen verrattuna. Ilmoitettuihin meluarvoihin voi pääsääntöisesti luottaa. Kaksi poikkeamaa tuli puhaltimen imurikäytöstä. Tähän saattaa olla syynä se, että valmistaja ei ole huomannut arvioida koneen imurikäytön melua. Selvityksen yhteydessä haettiin lehtipuhaltimien tietoja myös EU:n komission ylläpitämästä melutietokannasta. Tällöin havaittiin, että tietokantaa on vakea käyttää, eikä se palvele lehtipuhaltimen hankkijaa tarkoitetulla tavalla. Asiasanat lehtipuhallin, laitemeludirektiivi, 2000/14/EY, melun mittaus, vaatimustenmukaisuuden arviointi, taattu meluarvo, äänitehotaso, komission melutietokanta, ympäristö Rahoittaja/ toimeksiantaja ISBN (nid.) ISBN 978-952-11-2928-5 (PDF) ISSN (pain.) ISSN 1796-170X (verkkoj.) Sivuja 40 Kieli Suomi Luottamuksellisuus Julkinen Hinta (sis.alv 8 %) Julkaisun myynti/ jakaja Edita Publishing Oy, Asiakaspalvelu, PL 800, 00043 EDITA puh. 020 450 05, telefax 020 450 2380, sähköposti: Julkaisun kustantaja Ympäristöministeriö Painopaikka ja -aika Reports of the Ministry of the Environment 21en | 2007 39 P RESENTATIONSBLAD Utgivare Miljöministeriet Miljövårdsavdelningen Författare Jukka Pietilä, Lauri Tuunanen Publikationens titel Lehtipuhaltimien meluselvitys Datum Oktober 2007 (Buller från lövblåsare) Publikationsserie och nummer Miljöministeriets rapporter 21en/2007 Publikationens tema Miljövård Publikationens delar/ andra publikationer inom samma projekt Sammandrag I detta projekt undersöktes om lövblåsare som säljs på den finländska marknaden uppfyller kraven i utrustningsbullerdirektivet 2000/14/EG. Lövblåsarnas buller mättes och uträknades, och en oktavbandsanalys utfördes i tredjedels oktavband. Resultaten jämfördes med de garanterade bullervärden som tillverkarna uppgett på lövblåsarna. Lövblåsarnas märkningar och bruksanvisning samt tillverkarnas försäkran om överensstämmelse inspekterades för att se om dessa överensstämde med testvärdena och de gällande kraven. Undersökningen omfattade 14 olika lövblåsare. Det kunde konstateras att tillverkarna väl efterföljer bullerdirektivets grundkrav. Dessa är CE-märkning, märkning om garanterad ljudeffektnivå och försäkran om överensstämmelse. I största delen av de undersökta lövblåsarna var avvikelserna från bullerdirektivets krav små. Enligt undersökningen känner och efterföljer tillverkarna bullerdirektivet i huvudsak väl. De största bristerna fanns i lövblåsare vars tillverkare inte avgett försäkran om överensstämmelse och där inte heller importören hade skött om den saken. De garanterade bullernivåerna hade i regel uppgetts korrekt. De överskreds inte heller i mätningarna, med undantag av ett par fall. En blåsare märkning av garanterad ljudeffektnivå och för en blåsare var det märkta värdet saknade mindre än det mätta. Man kan i regel lita på de uppgivna bullervärdena. Ett par undantag var vid användning av lövblåsarna för sugning. Orsaken kan vara att tillverkaren glömt eller annars underlåtit att utreda lövblåsarens buller vid sugning. I samband med undersökningen söktes också data om de testade lövblåsarna i den bullerdatabas som EU-kommissionen upprätthåller. Då konstaterades att denna databas är svår att använda, och den betjänar inte på avsett vis den som skall skaffa en lövblåsare. Nyckelord lövblåsare, utrustningsbullerdirektiv, 2000/14/EG, bullermätning, överensstämmelse med krav, garanterad bullernivå, ljudeffektnivå, bullerdatabas, miljö Finansiär/ uppdragsgivare ISBN (hft.) ISBN 978-952-11-2928-5 (PDF) ISSN (print) ISSN 1796-170X (online) Sidantal 40 Språk Finska Offentlighet Offentlig Pris (inneh. moms 8 %) Beställningar/ distribution Edita Publishing Ab, Kundservice, PB 800, FI-00043 EDITA tel. +358 20 450 05, telefax +358 20 450 2380, e-mail: Förläggare Miljöministeriet Tryckeri/tryckningsort och -år 40 Reports of the Ministry of the Environment 21en | 2007 ket meet the requirements of the environmental noise directive (2000/14/EU). The sound power level was measured and a one-third octave band analysis was done. The results were compared with the manufacturers’ guaranteed sound power level indications. In the study, the CE markings, instructions, and the EC declarations of conformity of the blowers were checked to see if these fulfilled the requirements of the EU legislation, and if the declared noise values were in N oise a ssessment on Le af blowers The study measured and assessed whether the leaf blowers on the Finnish mar- accordance with the measured noise values. The European Commission noise database was also checked to find data on the tested leaf blowers. ISSN 1796-170X (verkkoj.) M I NI S TRY O F TH E EN V IRON MEN T ISBN 978-952-11-2928-5 (PDF)