CH Rental
CH Rental
Monday Evening, February 16, 2015, at 7:00 Isaac Stern Auditorium / Ronald O. Perelman Stage Iris Derke, Co-Founder and General Director Jonathan Griffith, Co-Founder and Artistic Director presents TWO CULTURES, ONE DREAM JIE YI, DCINY Debut Conductor ANA ISABEL LAZO, Soprano* BRIAN WAHLSTROM, Baritone & Narrator* CHAI-LUN YUEH, Baritone JIAJU SHEN, Pipa Distinguished Concerts Orchestra Distinguished Concerts Singers International XIAN XINGHAI Yellow River Cantata (30 minutes) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Boatmen’s Song Ode to the Yellow River Sing to the Yellow River An Antiphonal Duet at the Riverside Lament of the Yellow River Defend the Yellow River Unleash Your Anger, the Yellow River Intermission Please hold your applause until the end of each complete work. PLEASE SWITCH OFF YOUR CELL PHONES AND OTHER ELECTRONIC DEVICES. JONATHAN GRIFFITH, DCINY Artistic Director and Principal Conductor EARNESTINE RODGERS ROBINSON, Visiting Composer HEATHER SORENSON, Arranger, Orchestrator and Accompanist ANA ISABEL LAZO, Soprano* TSHOMBE SELBY, Tenor BRIAN WAHLSTROM, Baritone* JAMES T. MEEKS AND MICHELLE R. MCKISSACK, Narrators EARNESTINE RODGERS ROBINSON arr. and orch. Heather Sorenson Exodus (World Premiere) (60 minutes) Part I: Let My People Go 1. Cry of the People 2. Let My People Go 3. The Passover Part II: Deliverence 4. Fear Not 5. Song of Moses 6. Song of Miriam Part III: In the Wilderness 7. Manna From Heaven 8. The Ten Commandments Part IV: Triumph 9. The Lord is My Shepherd 10. Great is His Name We Want To Hear From You! Upload your intermission photos and post-show feedback to Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook! #2cultures1dream @DCINY DCINY thanks its kind sponsors and partners in education: Artist Travel Consultants, VH-1 Save the Music, Education Through Music, High 5, and Hyatt Hotel Corporation. We would like to thank the Asian Performing Arts Council and its iSING! International Young Artists Festival for introducing and teaching Mandarin as a lyric language to young Western singers. iSING!’s found and artistic director is the world-renowned bas Hao Jiang Tian. *Ms. Lazo and Mr. Wahlstrom are both appearing with DCINY this evening courtesy of iSING! For information about performing on DCINY’s series or about purchasing tickets, e-mail, call 212-707-8566, or visit our website at DISTINGUISHED CONCERTS INTERNATIONAL NEW YORK 250 W. 57TH STREET, SUITE 1610 NEW YORK, NY 10107 212-707-8566 Notes ON THE PROGRAM XIAN XINGHAI The Yellow River Cantata The historic Yellow River Cantata was written in 1939 by Xian Xinghai with poems and lyrics by Guang Weiran. This major Chinese work uses Chinese and Western musical styles and was written to encourage the Chinese people to take up arms against their invaders. 1. Boatmen’s Song The exciting beginning depicts the boat men’s struggle against torrents while crossing the river. Optimism and laughter lightens the mood, but the struggle continues! 2. Ode to the Yellow River This movement evokes the flow of the Yellow River with all its grandeur and strength. 3. Sing to the Yellow River A simple melody with an expression of suffering and lament, while still being full of hope and spirit. 4. An antiphonal Duet at the Riverside The tune of this folk song is of Shanxi origin. The male singers bring the traditional passages to life. 5. Lament of the Yellow River This is the voice of all suppressed women—the tearful lament of those humiliated by their oppressor. The song is tragic, soulful, and very moving. 6. Defend the Yellow River This majestic, stirring Chinese melody moves from a two-part canon to three and eventually four parts. It is sung with strength, vitality and optimism. 7. Unleash your Anger, the Yellow River The ‘Yellow River’ theme symbolizes the river’s greatness, passionately inspiring all to stand strong against their oppressors. A four-part chorus is sincere and magnificent, full of passion and encouragement. The final words “Sound the struggling siren, to all those who suffer in the world!” are repeated until the song’s end. The turbulence of the river will inspire all those who are suppressed throughout the whole world. —Translated by Iris Cheng and Ryan Chow EARNESTINE RODGERS ROBINSON Exodus (World Premiere) Exodus is a four-part oratorio with narration that passionately depicts the story of the enslaved and downtrodden Israelites living in the land of Egypt; deliverance from Egyptian captivity; and their ultimate triumph in reaching their destination– the Promised Land. The first part tells of the suffering Israelites’ cry to be set free and God’s response to their cries. God calls Moses and commissions him to go down to Egypt and bring forth His people from the land of bondage. Part Two paints a dynamic portrait of the Israelites’ deliverance at the Red Sea and presents songs of praise to God for setting them free. Part Three gives an account of the trials and tribulations that the Israelites encountered in the wilderness as they journeyed toward the Promise Land. The final part is a glorious exultation of victory as the children of Israel finally reached their destination, Canaan. It is filled with high praise to God, for delivering them from bondage in Egypt and bringing them into the Promised Land. Texts AND TRANSLATIONS Yellow River Cantata XIAN XINGHAI Ƅƿ: Unj&ĆĺyǑƞ&ĆĺyǑ(¤ĺŞĭŏ,á5čƭlj» ƨÌ?āyǑX\pcÚò`ǎ8 7nj ¨ìǏƘŴnjħŴ! Űû@ǎƛÄnjŇƭ@ǎ[XÇnjô@ǎŨønj»@ǎj Ş! ŦĻ@ǎƕ9njLjI@ǎv Ʋnjz$@ǎ{İĿnjŏá@ǎŁŹůnjà8þƅ Ň»[XÇnjeŞÐÛǎĉ¥$Ġonj……"}ĺƆǎ" úĺƆǎ$@ǎu@ƬƬNjZxǎn58ąĺļIJïsÌ! 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Have you crossed the Yellow River? Do you remember the boatmen fighting desperately against the surging waves? Listen, if you do not remember! Chorus: Hey-yo! Row! Storm clouds cover the sky! Waves soar as high as the mountains! The cold wind brushes against our faces! The waves crash against the boat! Comrades, keep alert! Helmsman, hold tight! Stay vigilant, do not slacken! Fight for your lives, don’t lose courage! Don’t be afraid of the monstrous waves! Steering the boat is just like being in the battlefront! Unite and pursue forward! Hahahaha! The shore is in sight, we have landed safely, we can finally be at ease and catch our breath. We are ready to face the wrath of the Yellow River again! Ode to the Yellow River Narration: Friends! The Yellow River, with its daring enthusiasm, has emerged from the vast plains of Asia. Mighty and staunch our national spirit it displays! Here, before the River. Let’s sing our song of praise. Baritone: I stand on the mountain peak, gazing at the Yellow River waves as they travel southeast. The waves appear golden in the sunset as they rise and fall. The Yellow River has a natural winding contour from the Kunlun mountains to the Yellow Sea, dividing the central plains of China into the Northern and Southern parts. Ah, Yellow River! You are the cradle of the Chinese nation! You are the birthplace of 5,000 years of ancient Chinese culture. Countless stories of heroism have occurred on your shores! Ah, Yellow River! Your might is like a giant on the plains of Asia. Your heroic physique can be used to protect our nation. Your formidable power extends like two arms across both shores. Our national spirit will flourish under your belt! Sing to the Yellow River Sing to the Yellow River Narration: Surely, being sons and daughters of the Yellow River, we struggle hard, our victory is dawning. Yet, unless our enemy’s wiped out, we will not live in peace. Listen to the suffering of our people, should you not believe! Chorus: Water rushes to the east, flowing for miles. Agitated waters and mountainous waves echo the cries of wolves and tigers. Open waterways and canals have created a flat plain on the east side of the river. The fertile soil provides ideal conditions for crops to grow. Men and women of all ages live in happiness. Since the arrival of the enemy, our people have lived in agony. Their hideous crimes have destroyed families! As the river continues to flow, families are torn apart! An Antiphonal Duet at the Riverside Narration: Our family is torn, we live far apart. Yet, should we keep fleeing? Listen to the two villagers speak! Duet and Chorus: Zhang Laosan, I ask you, where is your hometown? My house is in Shanxi, approximately 300 miles from the river. I ask you, are you a farmer or a businessman? I ploughed the fields with my hoe, harvesting various crops. Why then are you wandering the riverbank alone? Don’t speak of my troubles, I know not where my family is. Zhang Laosan, don’t be sad, my life is worse than yours! Why, Wang Laoqi, where is your hometown? In the northeast, doing business. I haven’t heard anything from my family for 8 years! Both of us have no home to return to. Our pent-up emotions are swirling rapidly like the waters of the Yellow River! Let’s resolve to taking revenge! For your country, we will be soldiers, fighting on the Taihang mountain! From today, we will fight to regain our homeland! Lament of the Yellow River Narration: Friends! We must fight back! Our home isn’t the same at all! Who doesn’t have a home? Who wants to live in tyranny? Listen to a woman’s grief! Soprano: Oh wind, do not howl! Oh clouds, do not hide! Oh Yellow River, do not weep! Tonight, I stand in front of you, pouring out my hatred and grief. Oh fate, so bitter! Oh life, so tough! My enemy, you have no mercy! Oh my baby, you have died so horribly! We have no grudge between us, yet you have destroyed all my selfworth! Tonight, I want to throw yourself into your embrace, to cleanse my sorrows and sufferings! Oh my husband, you are as far as the horizon! I will meet you in another world! Remember how your wife and children have died so tragically! You must avenge their hideous crimes! You need to make them pay for what they have done! Defend the Yellow River Narration: Sons and daughters of our Chinese nation, who wants to be slaughtered like pigs and lambs? With determination that we are bound to win. Let’s defend the Yellow River! Let’s defend Northern China! Let’s defend our entire nation! Chorus: The wind is howling, the horses are screaming. The Yellow River is roaring. To the west stands a tall hill. To the north and east, crops have ripened. There are countless heroes amidst the mountains! In the green tents live the heroic guerrilla forces! Armed with an assortment of guns, wielding knives and spears, they defend our hometowns! Defend the Yellow River! Defend the North! Defend China! Unleash Your Wrath, the Yellow River Unleash Your Wrath, the Yellow River Narration: Listen: The Pearl River is howling! The Yangtze River is in howling! Ah! The Yellow River! Your turbulent water is surging, Your bellow of rage is roaring, tis your fighting order, to all the down-trodden in China! And the world over! Chorus: Unleash your wrath, Yellow River! Stir up your relentless waves, let loose your thunderous wails! Everyone, cry out in battle! Ah! A nation with 5000 years of history, our adversities are many! Our oppressed people cannot bear with the pain anymore. However, a new day is dawning for China, four hundred and fifty million people will unite to defend China to the death. Listen: the Songhua River is calling, the Heilong River is calling, the Pearl River lets out a courageous roar; the Yangtze River is lit up with beacon fire! Ah! Yellow River! Unleash your wrath! Sound your war cry on behalf of China’s suffering people! Sound your war cry on behalf of all laborers of the world! —Translated by Ryan Chow Exodus EARNESTINE RODGERS ROBINSON Cry of the People Oh Lord, my God, have mercy on me. Hear our cry, oh Lord. Hear our cry. Feel our sorrow, Lord; set us free. Oh Lord, my God, have mercy. Amen, Amen, Amen. Let My People Go Surely, Surely. Surely, I have heard the affliction of my people. I have heard their cry. I know their sorrow. He knows our sorrow. I am come to deliver My people. Surely, Surely, Surely, Surely Tell Pharaoh, Let my people go! Go, Pharaoh! Pharaoh! Go! Let my people go! I have heard their cry I know their sorrow. Go, Let my people go! The Passover Weeping and moaning, God smote the first born in all the land of Egypt. We marked our door, We marked our door With the blood, with the blood Of the lamb. And the Lord our God God passed, God passed over us. God broke the shackles and He lifted our burden. God heard our cry and He set us free. God passed, God passed over us. Fear Not Fear not, fear not, fear not. The Lord is with thee The Lord is near, the Lord is near, Whom shall I fear? Though a host should encamp round about me, Though war should rise up against me, My heart shall not fear For the Lord is near. Whom shall I fear? The Lord is near, the Lord is near, Whom shall I fear? The Lord is near. Karov li Adonai, m’ mi ef chad. The Lord is with thee. Karov li Adonai, The Lord is Near Karov li Adonai Whom shall I fear? The Lord is near. Whom shall I fear? Fear not, the Lord is with thee. Song of Moses I will sing unto the Lord, For He has triumphed. The Lord has triumphed. Gloriously! The horse and his rider, He’s thrown in the sea. God blew with His wind And the sea covered them. Hallelujah, hallelujah! God blew with His wind and the sea covered them. Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah! The Lord has made a path in the sea. And He has led us safely through. Hallelujah, Hallelujah! The Lord has led us safely through. The Lord God is mighty, And He shall reign forever. Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah! Song of Miriam Great is our God And greatly to be praised. Hallelujah! The horse and his rider He’s thrown into the sea. Lord God redeemed, redeemed His people. Great is our God And greatly to be praised. Praise His holy name As the eagle bears her young on her wings, So the Lord has borne us out of Egypt land. He has given us the victory. Great is our God And greatly to be praised. Hallelujah! The Lord God led His people forth. Hallelujah! Manna From Heaven We journeyed through the wilderness Weary and worn, weary and worn. Thirsty and hungry Hungry, hungry Thirsty, thirsty. But God, but God, Quenched our thirst with water from the rock. He filled our hunger with manna from heaven. Morning and evening, Goodness and mercy. The Lord has poured His grace on us. The Lord God rained bread from heaven. Journey, journey, journey, journey We journeyed through the wilderness weary and worn, Thirsty and hungry But God, but God, He quenched our thirst with water from the rock. The Lord God rained bread from heaven. My rock and my strength, The everlasting arms. Great is His faithfulness. The Lord God rained bread from heaven. The Lord has poured His grace on us. The Lord has fed us manna from heaven. The Ten Commandments I am the Lord thy God. Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven image. Thou shalt not take the name Of the Lord thy God in vain, Remember the Sabbath day And keep it holy. Honor thy father, Honor thy mother, That thy days may be long in the land. Thou shalt not kill. Thy shalt not commit adultery, They shalt not steal. Thou shalt not bear false witness. Thou shalt not covet anything that is thy neighbors. Thou shalt not, thou shalt not. The Lord is My Shepherd The Lord is my shepherd And I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures. He leadeth me beside the still waters He restoreth my soul And He leadeth me in the paths of righteous. Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death. I will fear no evil. For the Lord is with me. The Lord is my shepherd, And I shall not want. He prepares a table before me In the presence of my enemies He anointeth my head with oil And my cup runneth over. Surely, goodness and mercy shall follow me All of the days of my life And I will dwell in the house of the Lord. Forever and ever Amen. Great is His Name Unto us our God has come, He has shown His mighty power Great is His name! Almighty God, Everlasting God, All the ends of the earth shall see His salvation. He has done unto marvelous things. Unto us, our God has come. Great is His name Almighty God, everlasting God! And He shall reign forever. Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah He shall reign Forever and ever Unto us, Our God has come. Great is His name Almighty! Jehovah! Redeemer! Our Savior! The Alpha! Omega! Messiah! His glorious name! His name, Great is His name! Unto us our God has come He has shown His mighty power Unto us, our God has come Great is His name. Great, great, great, great Great is His name Amen! THE Artists JIE YI, DCINY Debut Conductor Jie Yi teaches at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music and is the Resident Conductor of Shanghai Opera Chorus. In 2006, he was selected to study with Maestro John Nelson in Paris by the “Internship and Overseas Fellowship for Young Conductors” sponsored by the U.S. China Cultural Institute and Cultural Associate of the Committee of 100. In 2010, he received the “Huang He Fellowship” sponsored by Asian Culture Council to study at the Metropolitan Opera under Chorus Master Donald Palumbo as well as Thomas Muraco and Andrew Megill. He has also received full scholarship to study choral conducting with Kent Tritle at Manhattan School of Music. In 2011, he participated in the Jarvi Summer Festival where he was invited to perform with Neeme Jarvi and Parvo Jarvi. In 2008, he was assistant conductor to Maestro Lorin Maazel for the “Symphony Open Day” with the New York Philharmonic. In France, Mr. Yi is a finalist of the “Besancon International Competition for Young Conductors” and one of six conductors to be chosen for the Vendome International Academy of Conducting. Mr. Yi has conducted and assisted conducting performances of Elijah, Messiah, Die Jahreszeiten, Carmina Burana, Bach B minor Mass, Mozart’s and Verdi’s Requiems, and Mahler Symphony No. 8. A selection of his operatic conducting experience includes Die Zauberflöte, Le Nozze di Figaro, Così fan tutte, Don Carlo, La Traviata, L’elisir d’amore, La Bohème, Il Trittico, Turandot, The Merry Widow, Carmen, and I Capuleti e i Montecchi. He has conducted the Ensemble Orchestra de Paris, Orchestra de Besancon, Estonian National Youth Orchestra, Parnu City Orchestra, Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra, Shanghai Opera House Orchestra & Chorus, and Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra, among others. In 2012, Mr. Yi was invited to give an interview with Italian Vogue Magazine in the series “China to the Future” featuring internationally renowned artists. ANA ISABEL LAZO, Soprano Ms. Lazo has been heard in several theaters in Guatemala (National Theater), Nicaragua (Ruben Darío Theater), Costa Rica (Melico Salazar), Panama (Anayanci), Mexico (Queretaro Concert Hall), China (Beijing National Centre for the Performing Arts and The Beijing Century Theater), United States of America (Alice Tully Hall) and Italy (The Puccini Festival). She had been acclaimed for her operatic appearances in the main roles of Tosca, Suor Angelica, Donna Elvira (Don Giovanni), Mimí (La Bohème), and Liú (Turandot). Ana Isabel Lazo, a Guatemalan soprano has captivated audiences with her sonority and colorful timbre. A versatile repertorie, soulful presence and good technique—make her a promising talent for the operatic stage. Ms. Lazo began her studies at a young age in Guatemala City. She later moved to Italy, where she resided for four years, to study with soprano Donata D’Annunzio Lombardi. Currently, she studies with Maestro Bill Schuman in New York City. She has participated in master classes and worked privately with Rolando Panerai, Rockwell Blake, Ines Salazar and Katia Riacciarelli. During 2010 and 2011, Ms. Lazo participated in the Young Artist Program at the Puccini Festival “Accademia di perfezionamento per cantanti Lirici del Festival Pucciniano” at Torre del Lago, Italy; and the “Ensamble Opera Studio” at Genoa’s Carlo Felice. Ms. Lazo was awarded for her “Historical Execution of Italian Opera” by Il Comitato di Guatemala dalla Societá Dante Alighieri, The “Asociación Artista del Año,” and she has been finalist for the international competitions “Gianluca Ricci” (2009) and “Città di Bologna” (2011). In 2012 she participated in the international summer program “iSing! Festival” in China, and in 2013 she was part of the “China International Youth Arts Festival.” TING LI, Tenor Ting Li, Tenor, from Zhejiang Province, China, obtained his B.A. in Voice and Opera at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music. Ting is currently attending Yale School of Music as a first-year Master of Music student in the Opera Program, in conducting under Professor Richard Cross. At the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, Ting studied with Professor Bo Song. In 2012, Ting sang in the annual celebration for the European Union Chamber of Commerce. In the same year, Ting joined the “Three Opera Singers Group” and frequently performed in Mainland China. He also became a mentee in the Shanghai International Vocal Music Master Class and was recommended by maestros Mrs. Xiaoyan Zhou and Mr. Marco Boemi. In 2013, he took on leading roles in numerous opera scenes including L’elisir d’amore, Così fan tutte, Les Contes d’Hoffmann, Die Fledemaus, as well as West Side Story. While at Yale University in 2014, Ting sang main character roles in operas Gianni Schicchi, Aleko, La Nozze di Figaro and opera scenes Romèo et Julliet and Les Contes d’Hoffmann. Ting also performed as soloist singing Handel’s Messiah in Hartford Chorale. Ting was recently selected to participate in the ASPEN program in the coming summer of 2015. BRIAN WAHLSTROM, Baritone and Narrator American Baritone, Brian Wahlstrom is in the midst of a dynamic career that includes opera, musical theater, art song, and popular music. His most recent concert appearances include Carnegie Hall (Zankel), Alice Tully Hall at Lincoln Center and The National Center for Performing Arts in Beijing. As an avid performer of Chinese repertoire, he was honored to be an inaugural member of iSing! Beijing, a distinguished cross-cultural initiative led by famed Metropolitan Opera Bass, Hao Jiang Tian. With ISB, Brian has performed with some of the world’s leading orchestras including the NCPA Orchestra and The New York City Opera Orchestra and has appeared on several national broad- casts in China, including the “Chinese Bridge” on Hunan TV. His most recent operatic and musical theater roles include Giovanni, Don Giovanni; Manuel, La Vida Breve; Mr. Gedge, Albert Herring; John Buchanan Jr., Summer and Smoke, Schicchi, Gianni Schicchi, and Judas, Godspell; Will Parker, Oklahoma. Mr. Wahlstrom currently resides in San Diego where he has a successful career as a recording artist and producer. As a songwriter and pianist, he has been featured on over twenty studio releases in the last four years and has done extensive touring in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Mexico and the United States. Brian holds a Bachelor’s degree from the University of California San Diego, and a Master of Music from Manhattan School of Music. CHAI-LUN YUEH, Baritone Over the last two decades, Mr. Yueh has worked closely with many distinguished directors and conductors such as Sir Yehudi Menuhin, Gino Bechi, Sherrill Milnes, Nancy Milnes, Anton Guadagno, Yves Abel and Adelaide Bishop. He successfully portrayed the leading operatic roles such as Tonio, Rigoletto, Giorgio Germont, Escamillo, Marcello, Sharpless, and Count Almaviva. His voice has been heard at The National Opera of China, the Austin Lyric Opera, the Baltimore Opera, the Connecticut Opera, the Hawaii Opera and Opera Theater of Connecticut. Chai-lun Yueh, award-winning artist, is a dramatic baritone with a rich and powerful voice, a music director, and voice educator. Mr. Yueh is the first Chinese-born classical musician to receive a Grammy Award nomination. He is also a winner of Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions and a finalist at the Pavarotti International Vocal Competition. His vocal album 24 Italian Songs and Arias won The Prestige Music Awards of Gold in 2012 and The Global Music Awards (Award of Excellence) in 2013. The vocal album Infinite Time, a collection of the best and well-known Chinese art songs, also received the Gold Award from The Prestige Music Awards in 2013. As the soloist, he has performed at Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, Chicago Symphony Hall, Boston Symphony Hall, The Strathmore Music Hall in Maryland, Jordan Hall in Boston, and Woolsey Hall at Yale University. Mr. Yueh has also performed in Vienna, Salzburg, Paris and Prague. Mr. Yueh received a B.A. from the Central Conservatory of Music of China, and Artist Diploma and Master of Music from The Hartt School. He has also studied with Mrs. Marlena Malas of The Julliard School and Manhattan School of Music in New York City. JIAJU SHEN, Pipa Jiaju Shen is a graduate of the Shanghai Theater Academy and Pratt Institute. She won the Golden Medal of the China Oriental Arts Star Competition. Jiaju has demonstrated her virtuosity at various important venues, performing at the Beijing Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2008, Shanghai Expo Closing Ceremony in 2010, the Shanghai Spring Festival Gala in 2011, United Nations, Consulate General of People’s Republic of China in New York, the Metropolitan Museum, Lincoln Center, the Rubin Museum of Art, Summer Stage, Washington Performing Arts Society, the Wawa Welcome America Festival, Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month, Asian American Arts Alliance, Queens Library, and Flushing Town Hall among many others in 2013 and 2014. JONATHAN GRIFFITH, DCINY Artistic Director and Principal Conductor An acclaimed conductor, educator and lecturer, Jonathan Griffith has led performances across North America, Europe and Asia. Griffith is co-founder and Artistic Director of Distinguished Concerts International New York (DCINY), which has brought together, under Griffith’s artistic leadership, thousands of musicians and choral singers in concert at prestigious venues across the United States, including Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center and Disney Hall. The founder and Music Director of the Distinguished Concerts Orchestra, Griffith also oversees DCINY’s mentoring program for conductors. Maestro Griffith made his Carnegie Hall conducting debut in 1989 and has since conducted well over 65 performances at Carnegie Hall and Lincoln Center combined. In addition to the major works of the classical repertoire, conducting highlights include the U.S. premieres of Karl Jenkins’ Stabat Mater and Te Deum; Sergei Taneyev’s Upon Reading a Psalm; Miloš Bok’s Missa Solemnis; Luigi Boccherini’s Villancicos; and Eugène Goossens’ reorchestration of Handel’s Messiah, along with world premieres by Eric Funk, Seymour Bernstein, and Robert Convery. Maestro Griffith’s additional conducting credits include the Mormon Tabernacle Choir in Salt Lake City; Manhattan Philharmonic and New England Symphonic Ensemble, both at Carnegie Hall; The European Symphony Orchestra in Spain; Bohuslava Martin Philharmonia and Philharmonia Chorus, Virtuosi Pragensis Chamber Orchestra, Karlovy Vary Symphony Orchestra, and Dvořák Chamber Orchestra, in the Czech Republic; and the Bialystok State Philharmonic in Poland, as well as numerous regional orchestras and choruses across the United States. The Jonathan Griffith Singers, an ensemble drawn from singers across North America and founded in 1987, has made its mark internationally. In recent years, Griffith has led the Singers on highly acclaimed tours to Uruguay and Argentina; to the People’s Republic of China, premiering Karl Jenkins’ The Armed Man: A Mass for Peace in Beijing and Shanghai; and to Pisa, Italy. Dr. Griffith and the Jonathan Griffith Singers toured Turkey in June of 2013 performing the acclaimed Turkish oratorio Yunus Emre by A. Adnan Saygun in Istanbul with the Cemal Reșit Rey Orchestra and in Ankara and Eskin ehir with the Presidential Orchestra at the invitation of the TURKSOY governmental agency. Maestro Griffith is the 2014 winner of The American Prize in Conducting, professional orchestra division. Dr. Griffith received his DMA in conducting from the Conservatory of Music/University of Missouri-Kansas City, a Masters in Music Education from Wichita State University, and Bachelor of Music Education from the University of Kansas. EARNESTINE RODGERS ROBINSON, Visiting Composer on CNN’s special segment, “All About Women.” Her oratorio, The Nativity, premiered at Carnegie Hall in 2001 under the direction of Jonathan Griffith. Excerpts from the Carnegie Hall performance and an interview with the composer aired on National Public Radio as the featured Christmas story on Christmas morning, 2001. One year later, The Nativity oratorio received its international premiere in Prague, Czech Republic. Earnestine Rodgers Robinson is a renowned composer whose illustrious song-writing career began in 1972. Her first oratorio, The Crucifixion was requested by the Library of Congress for its Special Collections. Shortly thereafter, The Crucifixion oratorio was featured in a documentary, “A Woman and Her Music,” which aired on PBS stations across the country. The Crucifixion oratorio received its world premiere at Carnegie Hall in 1997. The performance was featured Ms. Robinson and her musical journey were the subject of an award-winning documentary, Sounds of a Miracle that screened in academy-nominating film festivals around the country. Her book, Driven by Faith, co-written with her son, Todd (a documentarian and medical doctor), takes the reader on a earth-shattering journey of finding purpose. Ms. Robinson resides in Memphis, Tennessee with four of her five children, Todd, Craig, Michelle, and Gaius. Her daughter, Cheryle, lives in Chicago, Illinois. HEATHER SORENSON, Arranger and Orchestrator Composer, arranger, and orchestrator Heather Sorenson entered the church music industry several years ago, and her name has quickly become a welcomed fixture in the publishing world. Heather is hired by the largest and most respected publishers in the world, and her compositions remain at the top of bestseller lists and Editor’s Choice selections. At the age of three, Heather began playing the piano. At fifteen, she won a master class audition with worldrenowned pianist Misha Dichter at the University of Wisconsin. Originally recognized for her skill as a pianist, Heather easily transitioned into the world of composition. Her stylistic diversity is apparent, as she maneuvers both the traditional and contemporary genres of music, often combining the two for a unique blend that has become her artistic fingerprint. Heather’s publications to date include 85 choral compositions, 15 piano books, one vocal solo book, and two albums. Her compositions are performed weekly in thousands of churches worldwide, as well as in historic concert venues including the National Cathedral, the DAR Constitution Hall, and Carnegie Hall. Teaching has become a large part of Heather’s career. She taught all elementary levels of music at Grace Academy of Dallas for four years, served as an adjunct music professor at Baylor University’s School of Music, and has served on many master class panels in piano and songwriting. Heather regularly is a guest speaker and choral conductor at churches across America, and leads scores of sessions each year at various worship conferences, schools, and universities. Currently, Heather spends her time juggling an extremely full writing load, traveling as a guest artist, conductor, and lecturer, while holding the Music Associate position at Lavon Drive Baptist Church in the Dallas area. TSHOMBE SELBY, Tenor Music Performance from Elizabeth City State University. While at the University he excelled as a tenor soloist in the University Choir and held the office of choir president for several years. With the choir, Tshombe toured throughout the United States, Africa and performed for NC State Senators and the United States Congress. It was through his experience with the choir that he discovered his love for opera. Tshombe Selby is a native of Manteo, North Carolina. His first introduction to music came when he convinced his parents to let him join the youth choir at church. He was 5 years old. His musical talents and his willingness to share it were recognized immediately. They were recognized not only by the church, but his school, the community and everyone who heard him sing. By age 15 he had become Minister of Music for his church, taught himself to play the piano and had performed at countless school and community events. After graduating high school, Tshombe received a Bachelor of Arts Degree in In the spring of 2013 Tshombe was invited to apprentice with Nico Castel and his wife Carol Castel of the New York Opera Studio. He worked with the Castels for five months, traveling back and forth between New York City and Manteo. In the fall of 2013, he moved to New York to work with the Castels. This past spring Mr. Selby participated in a concert produced by the New York opera studio one which he sang the act one duet from Verdi’s La Traviata. Most recently Mr. Selby sang the role of King Casper in Menotti’s Amahl and the Night Visitors with the Delaware Valley Opera. Tshombe is currently working on the role of Count Almaviva in Rossini’s The Barber of Seville. JAMES T. MEEKS, Narrator Pastor James T. Meeks is the founder and senior pastor of Salem Baptist Church of Chicago, which has been recognized as one of the fastest growing megachurches in the United States. It is the largest African American church in Illinois with over 15,000 members. Pastor Meeks has been in ministry for 40 years, which has enabled him to spread the gospel beyond the four walls of the church to local communities and around the world including Israel, Africa, China, Jamaica, Argentina, Sweden, Albania and the Czech Republic. A lifetime fixture in the community, Pastor Meeks led a rally to “dry up” the surrounding area of his church by collecting enough votes to close 26 liquor stores in 1998. Deeply committed to the fact that every child deserves a high quality education, Pastor Meeks successfully ran for Illinois State Senator for the 15th Legislative District in 2002. During his tenure, he was a staunch advocate for education reform legislation. He retired from the Illinois General Assembly in 2013 after serving three terms. outreach campaigns organized by a single church in the country. It will be a year of many milestones in 2015 for Pastor Meeks including the 10th anniversary of the House of Hope Arena, the 30th anniversary of Salem Baptist Church of Chicago and his 40th anniversary as a preacher. Pastor Meeks led Salem in the building of the House of Hope Arena, a $50 million, 10,000 seat community and worship center on the far South Side of Chicago in 2005. He launched Vision 2007 two years later, which was considered one of the largest community Pastor Meeks received his B.A. in Religion and Philosophy from Bishop College in Dallas, TX. He and his wife, Jamell, are parents of four children and one grandchild. On January 12, 2015, Pastor Meeks was selected to serve as chairman of the Illinois State Board of Education. He is the author of two books: How To Get Out of Debt and Into Praise, and LifeChanging Relationships. MICHELLE R. MCKISSACK, Narrator journalism from Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. Michelle R. McKissack is an Emmy Award-winning journalist with an accomplished broadcasting career ranging from reporter and anchor positions in Memphis and Chicago on ABC, CBS and Fox affiliates. McKissack received her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Though McKissack’s professional background is in broadcast journalism, her talents also venture into the entertainment industry. She has portrayed the role of reporter and news anchor in the motion pictures, The People vs. Larry Flynt and Castaway. McKissack also co-produced Sounds of a Miracle, a documentary about her mother, composer Earnestine Rodgers Robinson, which has won entrance into film festivals like the Palm Beach International Film Festival and the Indie Memphis Film Festival. She has also performed dramatic narrations as part of her mother’s oratorios, The Crucifixion at Carnegie Hall and The Nativity in Prague with the Czech National Symphony. DISTINGUISHED CONCERTS SINGERS INTERNATIONAL Austin Chinese Choir (TX), Chung-Hwa Chen, Director Calgary Zhi Yin Choir (Canada), Shana Xue Jia Yang, Director College of Lake County Chamber Singers (IL), Ingrid Israel Mikolajczyk, Director Da-Ai Choir (Taiwan), Chen Yun Hung, Director Duffy Liturgical Dance Ensemble (OH), Edna Duffy, Director Kang Hua Singers of Greater Hartford (CT), Chai-lun Yueh, Director Lakeland Chorale (NJ), James Weber, Director The Music Association of Auckland (New Zealand), Iris Cheng, Director New York Festival Singers (NY), Alec Spencer, Director Palatine Children’s Chorus (IL), Rachel Rosellini, Director Providence St. Mel School (IL), David Baar, Director RTP Chinese American Chorus (NC), Marshall Zhu, Director Salem Baptist Church of Chicago/Chicago Voices United (IL), Walter Owens, Director Seattle Chinese Chorus (WA), Lenna Xie, Director Shanghai Philharmonic Association (China), Weiliang Duan, Director Sunshine Chorus (China), Weiliang Duan, Director Soul Umoja (IL), Alexandra Merritt Mathews, Director and Individual Singers from around the globe PERFORMING ARTS PARTNERS DCINY would like to thank our Performing Arts Partners listed below, who, with their financial support, have made this performance possible. Distinguished Concerts Singers International Gayle AdkinsMcDonald Shao Ai Rhea Akhaury Beth Allen Diana Anderson Ivan Anderson Lawanda Anderson Christina Annerino Oluwatoyosi Arogbokun Jessica Bailey Terri Baker Gabrielle Barfield Alexandra Baumgart Mackenzie Beasley Xiang Bixia Rebecca Bora Kai Bosley Jeremy Boyle Diane Bradley Angelique Brown Isabelle Brown Sela Brown Gloria Browning Tony Bryant Abigail Busch Emily Bushmole Aaliyah Bynum Mariah Byrd Wardell A. Campbell II Cathie Chancellor Yuting Chang Ai Fang Chen Chi-feng Chen Chuan Yue Chen Chung-Hwa Chen Sophie Chen Ming-Chu Chen Sue-Lan Chen Xiu Yin Chen Dominique Cheney Iris Cheng Regina Chi Hwei Chu ko Diana Clark Earl Clark Gabriel Classon Rose Colvin Latrice Cook Natasha Cornog Bailey Pei Qin Cui Lei Da Zhou Dacao Tracy Dai Zai He Dai Wen Daling Linda Daniel Felicia Davy Taneia DeBerry Gail Denton Bao Deqiang Tammy Ding Xiang Hua Ding Kang Ding Dong Jing Bei Duan Edna Duffy Adrianne Dunbar Ty Easley Hai Ying Fan Zhong Ying Fan Darryl Farrow Nick Feng Nicolas Flowers Jordan Freer Anna Froehling Xue Dong Fu Allison Gile Kelly Giles Kelly Gimmler Linda Glenn Linda Gray Jianxing Gu Chen Guizhen Kyle Hanson Hsiao-ming Hao Adina Harris Brenda Harris Nakeya HarrisRosenthall Nikki Haywood Chi-San Ho Li-nan Horng Xiao Ming Hu Fei Huang Melanie Hubbard Gu Hui Ingrid Israel Mikolajczyk Willamena Jackson Qatanani Rachael Jameau Meselle Jeff-Eke Laverne Jenkins Hong Ji Wen Lan Ji Mengji Jiang Min Jiang Chen Jie Aprella Johnson Geminesse Johnson Marchello Johnson Karen Jones Samantha Judd Kira Ke Jamaris Kennedy Emily Kielba Sara Kielba Sophie Kish Isabella Kratzer Doris Kwan Raymond Kwan Ellice Kwong Allon Lamot Lewis Mao Lan Princes Isis Lang Vincent Lau Sulien Law Shirley Lawrence Allen Lea Debbie Lee Kam Lam Lee Michelle Lee Sylvia Lee Teddy Lee Patrice Lewis Hai Xia Li Ping Li Wei Li Xiaohong Li mo-tze Lin Tina Lin Xiao Qin Lin Jing Yan Liu Sophie Liu Zou Liusha Lu Liya Daqing Lu Guang Lyu Xiao Yi Lyu Ai Hua Ma Jian Hua Ma Taryn Maclin Pamela Maly LaTisha Marcus Angela Marshall Lauren Martin Lauretta Martin Alexandra Mathews Kay McCastle Carl McGee Paula McGhee Gwen Miller Jordan Miller-Surratt Angel Milton Sharon Mitchell Anne Mok Terence Mok Leslie Moore Brittany Moran Denise Morgan Angela Mosley Julia Mucha Susan Mumphery Divya Murali Yolanda Myles David Nieto Kelly Niggemann Xiaoshan Odom Ebonee Offord Chynita Orange Olajuwon Osinaike Julian T. Owens Walter Owens Kyriaki Pagones Jim Palmore Man Ping Pan Joe Patterson Oree Mellody Payne Lindsey Perone Brianna Pickett Chen Pingyun Viveca Poinsette Kyla Pollard Damon Pollock Naomi Porter Sharon Price Brenda Pryor Jinna Qian Liu Qiguo Yang Qingfen Liuquan Qiu Ping Qiu Marguerite Rhodes Vincent Richardson Diana Robinson LarMont Robinson Lisa Robinson Rick Rochelle Lyndell Rogers Shani Ruiz Manasvi Sagarkar Shi Qun Shen Xin Yan Shen Weiming Shi Sydney Shiffman Beverly Smith Douglas Smith Joseph Smith Leeanne Smith Steven Smith Alan Smithee Vatisha Snider Bethany Sorman Samantha Sowell Simone Sowell Brenda Spicer Brea Steward Lilly Streich Chia-tung Sun Meilin Sun Xiaoping Sun Heidi Tam Carmen Tao Aiyanna TaskerLewis Geneva Todd Sheila Upton Emmett Vaughn Camilla Vazquez Timothy Walker Debra Walker Johnson Da Yong Wang Roy Wang Makayla Watts Rebecca Weeden Jiang Wei Tang Weihua Deidre Wesley Helen Whitfield Mia Williams Lenora Wilson Thea Wilson Angela Winborn Connie Wong Rosita Wong Shirley Wong Chia-yen Wu Li Xing Wu Pei-chi Wu Li Xiangfang Yu Xiaoxuan Defang Xie Leming Xu Li Xu Su Nam Xu Xiong Xueying Jing Yan Xue Yan Shana Yang Wen Jun Yang Xing Lin Yang Yi Lin Ye Fangzi Yen William Yeung Kar Yip Rita Yiu Mei Hua Yu Wenjin Yuan Huizu Zhang Ya Ping Zhang Yuan Zen Zhang Sue Zhang Yue Hua Zhao Li Zhiyong Li Qing Zhong Zuo Shi Zhou Qihong Zhu Shurong Zhu The Performing Arts Partners list includes names supplied by choral directors as of January 13, 2015. Any questions regarding missing or misspelled names should be addressed to the individual directors. DISTINGUISHED CONCERTS INTERNATIONAL NEW YORK Founded by Iris Derke (general director) and Jonathan Griffith (artistic director and principal conductor) Distinguished Concerts International New York is driven by passion, innovative vision, a total belief in its artists, and unwavering commitment to bringing forth unforgettable performer and audience experiences. DCINY is a cre- ative producing entity with unmatched integrity that is a talent incubator, a star-maker, and a presenter of broadly accessible, world-class musical entertainment. For more information about Distinguished Concerts International New York and upcoming DCINY musical events around the world, please visit: DCINY ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Iris Derke, Co-Founder and General Director Jonathan Griffith, Co-Founder, Artistic Director and Principal Conductor Danuta Gross, Director of Finance and Administration Kevin Taylor, Associate Director of Program Development Jason Mlynek, Program Development James Meaders, Program Development Robert Vuichard, Program Development Neil McDonald, Program Development Andrea Macy, Marketing & Promotions Edmundo Montoya, Production Manager DeAnna Choi, Finance & Accounting Karen Cohn, Website and Graphics Emily Nelson, Concert Operations Joshua Grace, Program Development Assistant Maria Braginsky, Program Development Assistant Connor Murphy-White, Intern For press inquires please contact Ms. Shira Gilbert at or 212.707.8566 extension 316. 2015 DCINY Concert and Artist Series Please join us for one of our other events: Friday Evening, March 13, 2015 at 8:00 Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall a cappella NEXT! Le Choeur de chambre du Québec, Robert Ingari, Director Elora Festival Singers, Noel Edison, Director Harmonia Chamber Singers, Robert Pacillo, Director Sunday Afternoon, March 29, 2015 at 2:00 Stern Auditorium/Perelman Stage, Carnegie Hall Total Vocal Deke Sharon, Arranger/Conductor Soloists Shelley Regner, Kelley Jakle (Pitch Perfect) and Chesney Snow Featuring Distinguished Concerts Singers International Sunday Evening, April 12, 2015 at 8:30 Stern Auditorium/Perelman Stage, Carnegie Hall Grant Us Peace Mozart: Mass in C Major, K. 317 (Coronation Mass) Catherine Sailer, DCINY Debut Conductor Ralph Vaughan Williams: Dona Nobis Pacem Trey Jacobs, DCINY Debut Conductor Featuring Distinguished Concerts Orchestra and Distinguished Concerts Singers International Monday Evening, April 13, 2015 at 7:00 Avery Fisher Hall, Lincoln Center Ring of Fire: Pacific Sounds Anthony Giles, Director Featuring Distinguished Concerts Singers International Jim Rice and Ted Christensen, Directors Inglemoor High School Wind Ensemble and Orchestra Friday Evening, May 22, 2015 at 7:00 Stern Auditorium/Perelman Stage, Carnegie Hall A High Lonesome Bluegrass Mass Tim Sharp: Come Away to the Skies: A High, Lonesome Mass (New York Premiere) Tim Sharp, Composer/Conductor Featuring The Chuck Nation Bluegrass Band and Distinguished Concerts Singers International Sunday Evening, May 24, 2015 at 8:30 Stern Auditorium/Perelman Stage, Carnegie Hall Verdi Requiem Jonathan Griffith, DCINY Artistic Director and Principal Conductor Featuring Distinguished Concerts Orchestra and Distinguished Concerts Singers International For DCINY’s full season listing, visit Distinguished Concerts International New York 250 W. 57th Street, Suite 1610, New York, NY 10107 (212) 707-8566 | Richard Termine Weill Music Institute Link Up For 30 years, Link Up has brought fun and exciting musical experiences to thousands of elementary school students. Children in grades 3–5 learn about orchestras through engaging classroom activities that incorporate handson music making with recorders and other instruments, and join their local orchestra for an interactive culminating concert. Teachers in each orchestra’s community receive free curriculum guides, video and audio resources, and workbooks for students to use throughout the year. Carnegie Hall provides this innovative curriculum free of charge. National participation has grown exponentially, with more than 285,000 students taking part this season through partnerships with 70 orchestras and organizations across the country, around the world, and right here at Carnegie Hall. Visit for more information, and a list of our 2014–2015 partner orchestras. Major support for Link Up has been provided by the Siegel Family Endowment, with additional funding from The Ambrose Monell Foundation and The Barker Welfare Foundation. Link Up in New York City schools is made possible, in part, by an endowment gift from The Irene Diamond Fund. The Weill Music Institute’s programs are made available to a nationwide audience, in part, by an endowment grant from the Citi Foundation.