british columbia, canada
british columbia, canada
THERE’S SO MUCH TO HIKE · THERE’S SO MUCH TO SEE · THERE’S SO MUCH TO SHOP · THERE’S SO MUCH TO EXPLORE · SMITHERS br it ish columbia, cana da OFFICIAL VISITOR GUIDE THERE’S SO MUCH TO HIKE · THERE’S SO MUCH TO SMITHERS · THERE’S SO MUCH TO SHOP · THERE’S SO MUCH TO EXPL SM I T H E R S’ o nly F U L L SE RV IC E HOT E L discover the difference ZOER’S MODER N GR ILL & LOUNGE · F IR ESIDE PUB Relax and enjoy Smithers with the hospitality of the Hudson Bay Lodge. Take in the spectacular view of Hudson Bay Mountain from one of our spacious rooms or relish the comfort of one of our King suites, each with its own electric Åreplace. Zoer’s Modern Grill & Lounge is the perfect place for a family meal or a business lunch. Care to try a more casual atmosphere with friends or colleagues? You’ll love the Fireside Pub, where you can watch the sporting events while enjoying one of our many drink specials. M E E T I N G & B A N QU E T FAC I L I T I E S · L OD GE L IQUOR S T OR E A I R P ORT S H U T T L E · B U S I N E S S & F I T N E S S FAC I L I T I E S Tol l-f re e re se r va t i o n l i n e 1. 8 0 0 . 6 6 3 . 5 0 4 0 w w w. Hud s o n B ayL o d g e .c o m 3 2 51 E a s t H i g hw ay 16 , S m it he r s RE · THERE’S SO MUCH TO GOLF · THERE’S SO MUCH TO FISH · THERE’S SO MUCH TO DISCOVER · THERE’S SO MUCH TO CLIMB CONTENTS there’s so much to smithers! 2 PARADISE FOUND 4 THE POWER OF A PLACE 6 FILL YOUR SOUL, AND YOUR CUP 8 WINTER MAGIC 10 GONE FISHIN’ 12 THRILLS ON TWO WHEELS 13 SMITHERS MAP 14 TELKWA HIGH ROAD CIRCLE TOUR 15 1, 2, 3, FORE! 16 TELKWA MAP 18 THE VILLAGE OF TELKWA 21 MORICETOWN 22 THINGS TO DO 24 VISITOR AMENITIES COVER PHOTO High above Silver King Basin in the Babine Mountains Provincial Park, a hiker stops to take in the vista. Numerous trails (many start only 30 minutes from Smithers) provide access into Silver King Basin and other spectacular areas of the park. For overnight stays, many hikers take advantage of the Joe L’Orsa cabin. The Smithers & Area Visitor Guide is a publication of the Smithers Tourism Advisory Committee Design & print production: Bulkley Valley Printers (Smithers) This document is available electronically (PDF) from Contents © 2011 Town of Smithers. All information was accurate at time of printing. PRINTED IN CANADA Photo by Ryan Jensen Inset photo: Smithers Main Street VISITOR INFORMATION There’s no better place to start your planning or your visit than the Smithers Visitor Centre. This resource centre can assist visitors with: • local, regional and provincial visitor information • trip planning • accommodations and restaurants • BC Ferries reservations • hunting, fishing and guiding information • maps (road maps, backcountry maps, forest service maps) • souvenirs (clothing, postcards, pins, stamps, First Nations art) • wireless internet Smithers Sm & Telkwa T Prince Rupert Prince George GREAT NORTHERN Jasper (AB) Port Hardy Vancouver FOLLOW THE HIGHWAY SIGNAGE TO 1411 COURT STREET, SMITHERS (SEE MAP PAGE 16) Circle Routes 1.800.542.6673 LOCAL 250.847.5072 Our area is featured on two provincial ‘circle routes’— Heritage Discovery and Great Northern. For printable route maps and details, visit: TOLL-FREE Smithers, British Columbia, Canada HERITAGE DISCOVERY Victoria {1} THERE’S SO MUCH TO HIKE · THERE’S SO MUCH TO SMITHERS · THERE’S SO MUCH TO SHOP · THERE’S SO MUCH TO EXPL PARADISE FOUND THE ANNUAL FALL FAIR THE BEST WAY TO EXPERIENCE THE BULKLEY RIVER TOM GRASMEYER MAINCURRENT RAFTING FILL UP YOUR SPIRIT. WEAR OUT YOUR CAMERA. {2} WILDFLOWERS ON THE TRAIL TO CRATER LAKE SMITHERS MAIN STREET TOM GRASMEYER TOM GRASMEYER Smithers, British Columbia, Canada RE · THERE’S SO MUCH TO GOLF · THERE’S SO MUCH TO FISH · THERE’S SO MUCH TO DISCOVER · THERE’S SO MUCH TO CLIMB frame your memories in our mountains SMITHERS IS KNOWN FOR ITS EMERALD RIVERS, EXPANSIVE PARKS, BLUE LAKES, ANCIENT GLACIERS, CHARMING MAIN STREET AND PULSING ART SCENE. THERE’S SO MUCH TO DO Going up, going down—Mountains give you only two directions of travel. Thanks to this, we’ve become something of a haven for bikers, skiers, snowboarders, hikers, climbers, mountaineers, and all kinds of other up-and-down sports. Pedal power—If mountain biking is your thrill of choice, you’ll love the extensive trail network that is so near to Smithers. Check out the Smithers Mountainbike Association’s website ( and see page 12 in this publication. If you’re looking for a more subdued family ride, try the Smithers Perimeter trail. It’s an easy ride or walk that takes you right around Smithers in a 13-kilometre loop trail—do part or all of it. Paddle power—From whitewater to flatwater, Smithers abounds with opportunities to whet your paddle passion. World-class paddling and rafting rivers surround us. Backcountry canoe trips through lake and river chains are ready for your discovery. Hook and sinker—Around here, where there is water there are fish. The fishing here is legendary. It’s not without reason that we’re the fishing destination of choice for people from around the world. The Bulkley, Suskwa, Morice, Babine and Kispiox rivers offer nearly year-round fishing opportunities and nearby lakes rarely disappoint even the most casual fishers. See page 10. Play it where it lands—You have two choices for golf in Smithers: a championship course and a par-3. Both offer RV parking, clubhouses and golfing opportunities that you may decide ought to be repeated and enjoyed over a few days. See page 17. fair and other community events make Smithers a yearround cultural destination (see page 6). Annual carnivals, exhibitions, concerts, tournaments and festivals mark out the seasons in Smithers (see page 22). A thousand words around every corner—You’ll be taking a lot of pictures here. That’s only natural, since the beauty of the place might leave you speechless. We’re surrounded by mountain ranges, lush and diverse forest ecosystems, and vistas around every bend. Life’s a beach—Families love our lakes and beaches. Tyhee Lake Provincial Park, near Telkwa, has a large sandy beach with a swimming area, playground, boat launch and boaters’ beach. With firepits, walking trails, tables and hot showers, it’s a great place to camp and enjoy waterskiing, wakeboarding, sailing, fishing and other activities. Lake Kathlyn, just outside of Smithers, is a favourite for canoeing, sailing, swimming and playing. We’re not alone—We share this natural environment with important neighbours. If you look in the right places, you’ll have a chance of seeing black and grizzly bears, moose, deer, elk, beavers, mountain goats, marmots, and birds too numerous to list. Hunters love the vast and productive environment around Smithers. THERE’S SO MUCH TO PLAN Do you need help in planning your visit? Have a look through this publication and visit or call our Visitor Centre at 1.800.542.6673. When you come to Smithers, you’ll be in for something special. THERE’S SO MUCH TO SEE Artistic licence—We’re a creative place. Coffeehouses, art galleries, music festivals, performing arts, the annual fall NORTHERN books IN THE LAND OF THE RED GOAT From an Ontario private school to the headwaters of the Stikine River, Bob Henderson recounts his conversion from privilege to pack saddles in BC’s rugged Spatsizi country. Discover the beauty of the backcountry and the people who have made it their home. Spatsizi Wilderness Vacations Smithers is your gateway... · Fly-in cabin rentals · Guided wilderness tours in Spatsizi Park 40 Years of Excellence In Adventure Travel CLNGWD 2419c (Smithers Vis Guide ad).indd 1 Smithers, British Columbia, Canada | (866) 847.9692 23/11/2010 3:33:34 {PM 3} THERE’S SO MUCH TO HIKE · THERE’S SO MUCH TO SMITHERS · THERE’S SO MUCH TO SHOP · THERE’S SO MUCH TO EXPL THE POWER J. MASON ADAMS DRUGSTORE (CORNER OF 2ND AVE AND MAIN ST). TODAY THE BUILDING IS HOME TO A MEDICAL CLINIC AND PHARMACY. PHOTO: KILLAM, PROVIDED BY BULKLEY VALLEY MUSEUM PIONEERS, RAILWAYS, ANCIENT SALMON, A LOST AMERICAN NUCLEAR WARHEAD…SMITHERS HAS A LOT OF STORIES TO TELL. {4} MAIN STREET (LEFT) AND THE GTPR ROUNDHOUSE OLD MINING EQUIPMENT IN THE BABINE MOUNTAINS, TESTIMONY TO THE AREA’S MINING HISTORY PROVIDED BY BULKLEY VALLEY MUSEUM RYAN JENSEN Smithers, British Columbia, Canada RE · THERE’S SO MUCH TO GOLF · THERE’S SO MUCH TO FISH · THERE’S SO MUCH TO DISCOVER · THERE’S SO MUCH TO CLIMB OF A PLACE you’ll love this place for the stories it tells HUMAN HISTORY IN THE BULKLEY VALLEY BEGINS WITH THE WET’SUWET’EN PEOPLE, WHO HAVE CALLED THIS PLACE HOME SINCE TIME IMMEMORIAL. The Wet’suwet’en, members of the Carrier language group, lived on and administered land throughout the Bulkley Valley and vast areas beyond it. The most important Wet’suwet’en settlement was, and continues to be, Kyah Wiget (Moricetown). See page 21 for more information on the Wet’suwet’en. In 1913, the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway (GTPR) established a roundhouse and maintenance yard in what was then established as Smithers. Smithers was to be a divisional point on the GTPR’s line between Prince George and the line’s terminus in Prince Rupert. Smithers quickly became an economic hub for the region, with industries such as forestry, agriculture and mining feeding this growth. Since the beginning of Smithers, the mining industry has flourished here. Historic mine shafts and old discarded equipment from the early days of mining’s history in Smithers continue to dot the mountainsides. Perhaps nowhere is this more evident than in the Babine mountain range just east of Smithers. Colourful personalities such as Peavine Harvey (after whom Harvey Mountain is named) NORTHERN create an impressive and colourful human backdrop to the development of Smithers. Peavine Harvey pioneered in the “Driftwood Canyon” area, today a provincial park and the site of one of British Columbia’s most important fossil beds. In fact, Driftwood Canyon is the site of the earliest known salmonid fossil, Eosalmo driftwoodensis. Driftwood Creek, which runs through the provincial park, continues to demarcate two Wet’suwet’en house territories. Visit Driftwood Canyon Provincial Park to find out more about the history witnessed by these mountains. Smithers is home to the Bulkley Valley Museum, situated in the former government building (built 1925) at the corner of Main Street and Highway 16. The museum houses displays featuring the cultural and technological development of the Bulkley Valley. An important part of the permanent exhibition is the Aviation Exhibit, including the story of the crash of a US Air Force B-36 bomber in nearby mountains in 1950. The bomber became the world’s firstever “broken arrow,” the code name used by the US armed forces for an atomic weapons delivery system (plane or submarine) which has crashed. The museum also hosts the “Smithers Culture Crawl”—a walking tour of museum exhibits located throughout town that allow visitors to explore the immigration of Swiss and Dutch settlers in the 1930s. Visit for more information. books SMITHERS—A RAILROAD TOWN A dashing story of the big dreams and bold plans of the men and women who brought the railroad to the Bulkley Valley and went on to build the town of Smithers. A story of northern pioneer spirit. Written by Harry Kruisselbrink. PLANTS OF NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA THE STORY OF THE TRAGIC 1950 CRASH OF THE B-36B, AMERICA’S FIRST ‘BROKEN ARROW’, IS TOLD AT THE BV MUSEUM. Whether you’re on the trail or just examining the flora at a rest stop anywhere east of Hazelton, Plants of Northern BC (MacKinnon, Pojar, Coupe) is an essential field guide. The Bulkleyy V Valley alley M Museum u s eu THE RAILROADER’S WIFE The history of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railroad comes to life with this collection of historic letters woven throughout Jane Stevenson’s narration. The book is beautifully designed and full of archival photographs. Where Yesterday Meets Tomorrow Main St. & Hwy 16, Smithers Tel. 250-847-5322 Email: · Web: Smithers, British Columbia, Canada BVHS 2532 (Smithers Visitor Guide).indd 1 {5} 25/11/2010 11:18:17 AM THERE’S SO MUCH TO HIKE · THERE’S SO MUCH TO SMITHERS · THERE’S SO MUCH TO SHOP · THERE’S SO MUCH TO EXPL FILL YOUR SOUL, AND trendy coffee shops · sophisticated EXPLORE THE VISUAL ARTS IN SMITHERS’ NUMEROUS GALLERIES. THE CENTRAL PARK BUILDING HOUSES THE ART GALLERY AND MUSEUM. FRANK EBERMANN INSTALLATION ON THE FRONT LAWN. TOURISM SMITHERS JF BERGERON / ENVIRO FOTO PAINTERS, SCULPTORS, DANCERS, WRITERS, MUSICIANS, PHOTOGRAPHERS AND FILMMAKERS HAVE FOUND THEY CAN BOTH CREATE AND FIND AN AUDIENCE IN THIS COMMUNITY. {6} ONE OF SMITHERS’ MANY WONDERFUL CAFÉS SMITHERS IS HOME TO MANY AWARDWINNING AND INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNIZED MUSICIANS, INCLUDING ALEX CUBA. INCITE MEDIA CARAS Smithers, British Columbia, Canada RE · THERE’S SO MUCH TO GOLF · THERE’S SO MUCH TO FISH · THERE’S SO MUCH TO DISCOVER · THERE’S SO MUCH TO CLIMB YOUR CUP art galleries · juno award winning musicians BEGIN YOUR JOURNEY THROUGH THE WORLD NORTHERN OF SMITHERS ARTISTS AT THE SMITHERS ART THE WEATHER FROM THE WEST GALLERY. Shows change monthly, featuring both local and regional works. From the gallery in the historic Central Park Building, you can begin your art walk to the private galleries, and through many downtown shops and restaurants that display local art. The departures room at the Smithers Regional Airport also displays local photographs and paintings. The annual Midsummer Music Festival is the key event of the Bulkley Valley music scene. This three-day celebration of song is the longest-running music festival in northern BC, and features acts from the region and from across Canada. Smithers loves its musical stars, including homegrown Mark Perry and Jenny Lester, and those who have made Smithers home, including two-time Juno Award winner and Latin Grammy recipient Alex Cuba. Any time of the year, music dominates the local culture scene, with coffeehouses, concerts and summer street performances. February is Jazz Month in Smithers, with a jazz retreat and many performances. The Valley Youth Fiddlers make their hometown proud, performing year-round both in local venues and out of town, including the Vancouver Folk Festival. Local music recordings, and they are plentiful, can be found in downtown bookstores. For information on upcoming concerts, ask at the Visitor Centre or Mountain Eagle Books just off Main Street. The Bulkley Valley has provided inspiration for the written word and a book is a great souvenir of your visit. A local guide book will help you find walking or biking trails and identify the plants you see along the way. Learn about valley history, including that of the Wet’suwet’en First Nation, the indigenous people of this area. There are also books of poetry and fiction, as well as children’s books. While the natural landscape—the mountains, glaciers, rivers and lakes—dominates Smithers when one spends a bit of time in the community, the heart of the artist emerges, enriching and adding vibrancy. We invite you to stop awhile, view the canvas, listen to the music and feel the spirit of this unique mountain town. COFFEE SHOPS & ART VENUES Here are a few places you can go to enjoy some visual arts in Smithers. Some of these are cafés. Grab a cup and gaze away. JAVA’S COFFEE HOUSE 3735 Alfred Avenue LOUISE’S KITCHEN 1293 Main Street SMITHERS ART GALLERY Corner of Hwy 16 & Main THE WOODEN MALLARD 1132 Main Street NIELSEN GALLERY 1055 Hudson Bay Mtn Rd RED DOOR GALLERY 4063 4th Avenue books A collaboration between poet Sheila Peters and visual artist Perry Rath that explores the physical and spiritual landscape of the Bulkley Valley in vivid images and reflective meditations. Published by Creekstone Press. Smithers Public Library Public computers Wi-Fi Internet Local Information Friendly Service 250-847-3043 · 3817 Alfred Avenue TOS 2419c (Smithers Public Library).indd 1 17/12/2010 7:47:27 AM SMITHERS PUBLIC LIBRARY The Smithers Public Library is a great place to stop into after strolling down Main Street. Relax with the newspaper or a wide selection of magazines. Learn more about the Bulkley Valley by perusing our local history collection. Check your email, local weather reports or what’s happening on the road up ahead with ½-hour free Internet access. Are you a BC resident? Sign up for a BC OneCard and check out books to read on the road. Hours Monday, Wednesday, Friday 12 – 5 pm Tuesday & Thursday 12 – 9 pm Saturday 10:30 am – 5 pm Smithers, British Columbia, Canada {7} THERE’S SO MUCH TO HIKE · THERE’S SO MUCH TO SMITHERS · THERE’S SO MUCH TO SHOP · THERE’S SO MUCH TO EXPL WINTER MAGIC smithers gives HUDSON BAY MOUNTAIN SKI AREA BACKCOUNTRY TOURING IN THE HOWSON RANGE PETER KUCHAR PARADISE HAS FOUR SEASONS. BACKCOUNTRY TOURING IN THE HOWSON RANGE BEAR MOUNTAINEERING BEYOND THE BOUNDARIES Beyond the ski area limits, there is a wide world of steeps, glades and glaciers. The Bulkley Valley’s wild mountain playground is for those many skiers and boarders who leave the lifts behind and venture into the ranges beyond the boundaries. Make sure you check and understand the Canadian Avalanche Centre’s current bulletin before setting out, or go with one of the valley’s ACMG certified guides. Backcountry skiing in the Bulkley Valley is plentiful and dispersed throughout the valley. Start by driving west to the Kitseguecla Valley and turn up to the Hankin-Evelyn system of gladed runs and alpine skiing. There are numerous tree runs as well as access to alpine. The Prairie, Crater Lake and the winter summit of Hudson Bay Mountain are easy trips from the ski hill. The terrain is great but the snow is often wind-affected. In very stable avalanche conditions, the Kathlyn Face of Hudson Bay Mountain offers a 2,300-vertical-metre trip (yes that’s over 7,000 feet) for strong, experienced skiers. In the Babine Mountains, there are numerous shorter, but interesting and demanding, ski trips: Mount Cronin, Mount Hyland, the Galleon and the Reiseter Glaciers. All are accessible from the beautiful Joe L’Orsa Cabin. Finally, for skiing amid large glaciers and rugged peaks, check out the Burnie Glacier Chalet in the wild Howson Range, now protected as a park. Very deep snowpacks and air-only access make this a skiing destination on par with more famous (still!) places in the Selkirks. Make sure you read John Baldwin’s wonderful new guidebook, Exploring the Coast Mountains on Skis. BEAR MOUNTAINEERING {8} Smithers, British Columbia, Canada RE · THERE’S SO MUCH TO GOLF · THERE’S SO MUCH TO FISH · THERE’S SO MUCH TO DISCOVER · THERE’S SO MUCH TO CLIMB new youth to old man winter IN THE WINTER IN SMITHERS, YOUR ONLY DILEMMA IS WHAT TO DO FIRST! You could go skiing at Hudson Bay Mountain Resort. Just 20 minutes from downtown, don your skis or snowboard to enjoy 300 acres of varied terrain. Four lifts offer access to 36 runs—including the very popular “Trail to Town”. Be sure to take a break in the Panorama Lodge for a hot drink or a great meal. The Prairie, just beyond the ski area boundaries, was the setting for the Disney Film “Eight Below”. The ski area is open from the end of November through mid-April with great snow conditions. Snow in the Bulkley Valley is dry and powder is plentiful. Visiti If cross-country skiing is more to your preference, the BV Nordic Centre offers a first-class experience, just 10 minutes from downtown. There are 45 kilometres of well-groomed classic and skate track, a 4.5-km dog-friendly ski loop, and about 5 kilometres of lit track. The Nordic centre is open November to April (and sometimes longer). The centre hosts a variety of events and races all season long. For information visit Snowshoeing is a great way to silently wander over the winter trails. Snowshoes are available for rent in local sport shops and you can explore as much or as little as you wish. Ice skating and pond hockey are also valley favourites. There is an outdoor rink just behind the Visitor Centre in Smithers, and in Telkwa you will find the Riverside Rink. NORTHERN If it is the thrill of horsepower that calls to you—there are many snowmobile areas in the Bulkley Valley for you to explore. The Smithers Snowmobile Association has mountain cabins, miles and miles of groomed track, and a trail map to help you get around. The staff at the snowmobile shops can answer your questions and give you directions to the Onion, Dome or Microwave and you’ll be off for a great sledding adventure! Take in ice action when you visit Smithers: skating, curling or, of course—Canada’s game—hockey. The Smithers Steelheads are our Central Interior Hockey League team. Visit for the game schedule. books TREES AND SHRUBS IN WINTER Trees and Shrubs in Winter An Identification Guide for Northern British Columbia Rosamund Pojar • Evi Coulson Winter brings a sparse but beautiful cloak to the flora of northern BC. With this field guide, the most recent release from local publisher Creekstone Press, you’ll learn to identify trees and shrubs by their winter characteristics. SNOWMOBILING IN THE SINCLAIR RANGE ERIC WESSEL Smithers, British Columbia, Canada {9} THERE’S SO MUCH TO HIKE · THERE’S SO MUCH TO SMITHERS · THERE’S SO MUCH TO SHOP · THERE’S SO MUCH TO EXPL GONE FISHIN’ ply rivers, lakes, and streams THE PROMISE OF ANOTHER PERFECT DAY: TROUT FISHING AT KITSEGUKLA LAKE KEITH DOUGLAS PHOTOGRAPHY WORLD-CLASS RIVERS FLOW HERE, EACH PREGNANT WITH PROMISE OF NEW LEGENDS FISH WITH THE LOCALS Flies created locally by Don Lambie (Telkwa) Skeena Dancer Telkwa Sunset Telkwa Sunrise MINING FOR SILVER, FISHING FOR STEELHEAD Skeena Shrimp TOURISM SMITHERS { 10 } Telkwa Dancer Smithers, British Columbia, Canada RE · THERE’S SO MUCH TO GOLF · THERE’S SO MUCH TO FISH · THERE’S SO MUCH TO DISCOVER · THERE’S SO MUCH TO CLIMB for the fight of a lifetime WHEN THE ICE MELTS FROM LAKES AND STREAMS, IT’S TIME TO GO FISHING. The early river season begins in the Bulkley Valley with the spring salmon run (June through August). There is a sockeye fishery on the Babine River in August. The pink salmon tend to show up in the middle of August and run through mid-September. Coho salmon fishing happens in the month of September. Late summer and fall are really exciting as the prized steelhead is making its way upriver. When steelhead return to the river each year, anglers from distant places begin their annual migration, too. The steelhead, like other salmon, seek out the waters of their birth in order to start the life cycle anew. So, too, the angler is drawn—the desire to catch a steelhead is too strong to resist. In the morning mist, the angler wades, a fly is cast, there is a rise and the line goes tight. Then the battle of will and strength ensues. When the fish and fisher finally meet, there t, ther re is a magical touch and then a parting as the steelhead d is returned to the river to complete its journey. Someonee hass remarked that fly fishing is like religion. Well, if that’ss so,, the house of prayer is the river in autumn. The namess of our rivers are known around the world—Bulkley, Morice, Kispiox, Babine, Sustut, and Skeena. This is steelhead paradise, and so when autumn arrives the anglers return. The steelhead is an anadromous fish. That means it is born in fresh water, makes its way to the ocean and eventually, some years later, returns to its home water to spawn. What makes steelhead different from other ocean-run fish is its ability to spawn more than once. Some call the steelhead a salmon, some say it’s an ocean-run trout. But beyond debate is its beauty and strength, truly one of nature’s miracles. The steelhead of the Skeena River system are among the largest in the world. The Kispiox and Babine rivers in particular are known for large fish. Anglers from afar ply the waters of the Skeena system—with dreams of catching a very large steelhead, and often-times those dreams are Everything for the Outdoors. Everything for Adventure. Fish Hike Camp Explore TOS 2419c (Oscars Source for Sports).indd 1 250.847.3377 1222 Main Street, Smithers realized. Steelhead between 20 and 30 pounds are known to swim up the waters of the Babine. Of the five species of Pacific salmon, four swim in our waters. They are chinook (also known as spring or king), coho (silver), sockeye and pink (humpies). Check the BC Freshwater Fishing Regulations Synopsis for information on when you can fish for salmon and other species. Lakes and smaller streams abound in the Smithers area and contribute to the fishing experience of our area. Where river fishing requires a certain amount of daring, experience and skill, lake and small-stream fishing can be more leisurely—perhaps more attractive for family or youth fishing. However, the rewards can be just as exciting. Of particular note is Rainbow Alley, the stretch of water between Babine Lake and Nilkitkwa Lake. Here you can fish for some of the largest rainbow trout found anywhere in the world! Trolling or casting from a small boat or canoe is common in the smaller lakes. Popular trolls are wedding bands, triple teasers and small spinners. A wet fly on o a fly line is also an effective troll. Basic trolling or casting equipment on smaller lakes includes a 5’ to 7’ ca rod, ro up to 12-lb. test line and a light spinning reel. All rivers and streams in this area are restricted to single riv barbless hooks. Depending on the time of year and the bar ‘fly hatch’, belly-boating with wet or dry flies can be very productive. Smithers and area lakes area abound with cutthroat, Sm rainbow trout, lake trout (char) and brook trout. Bull rainb Trout T t and Dolly Varden are frequently caught in the smaller streams and rivers. Catch/release and gear regulations are more relaxed in lakes, but still apply in creeks and small streams. A thorough read of the BC Freshwater Fishing Regulations Synopsis is recommended to determine openings and closures for species, tackle and bait restrictions. The “regs” are available at visitor centres, fishing shops throughout BC and online at Fishing and tackle shops are also great places to find out where the fish are biting and what they are biting on. To complement your lake, creek and smaller-river fishing, camping is abundant in BC’s world-renowned provincial parks. In the Smithers area, popular provincial parks situated beside fishing lakes include Tyhee Lake, Ross Lake and Seeley Lake. These scenic parks are situated adjacent to the Yellowhead Highway (Route 16). For those wishing a more remote experience, BC Recreation Sites are located near many backcountry lakes and streams. Maps of recreation sites and trails can be purchased at BC Visitor Centres and current information is available at Riverside Municipal Campsite and the many private campsites in the Bulkley Valley welcome you home after a day out fishing and can help with information on where to find the next fishing hole. Smithers, British Columbia, Canada 17/12/2010 7:46:22 AM { 11 } THERE’S SO MUCH TO HIKE · THERE’S SO MUCH TO SMITHERS · THERE’S SO MUCH TO SHOP · THERE’S SO MUCH TO EXPL THRILLS ON TWO WHEELS To the Community Forest Community Forest Rec. Trails To the Bottom of Chair Hudson Bay Mtn Resort Area To Simpson’s Gulch and South Peak The Bluff Trails Bluff Trailhead Duthie Trailhead ZOBNICK ZO BN IC K View Point Boyle Trailhead Simpson’s Gulch RO Trailhead AD RAILWAY ROAD SMITHERS DOWNHILL THRILLS MAP COURTESY OF TAYLOR FOX/INCITE MEDIA Bring your bike to Smithers and head to the hills! Trails range from easy (the Perimeter Trail that surrounds Smithers) to technical (such as Piper Down and Piper Cross on Hudson Bay Mountain), to a combination (like Cronin Pass in the Babine Mountains Provincial Park). The Bluff Trail Network has several access points, including one downtown. This will take you into the Boardwalk Trails, aptly named with hundreds of metres of boardwalks. The Upper Hudson Bay Mountain Trails, Ptarmigan Trails and the Smithers Community Forest Trails all offer miles and miles of biking entertainment. Across the valley, Babine Mountains Provincial Park has trails in simply spectacular settings. Silver King Basin is home to the Joe L’Orsa Cabin where you can A Guide to enjoy a short break or stay overnight. For the Recreation & Trai the Smithers Areals in adventurous, ride the Cronin Pass and enjoy the views from the top of the world. The Cronin Trail traverses the park past remnants of old mines, over Hyland Pass, and down through Silver King Basin to Driftwood. It requires some effort, but it is worth it! Malkow Lookout is a local favourite for hiking, biking and horseback riding, so please be aware of other trail users. This trail is for novice to intermediate riders. For further information on mountain biking in and around Smithers, drop into any of the bike shops in town, or visit Your Leader in Outdoor Recreation in Northern BC Courses in canoeing & wilderness skills Guided canoeing & skiing From mou mountaintops to valley bottom, those who want to hike, mountain bike, canoe and camp will b be entertained in the Bulkley Valley. Spectacular scenery, S wildlife and space to fill your soul is waiting for you. Smithers offers miles of trails on various tterrain for hiking and mountain biking. There are routes suitable for children as well as many tha that are challengin g. Enjoy a quiet camping spot on the th lake shore or taking in the colour of alpine flowers. Explore to your hearts content. { 12 } Smithers, British Columbia, Canada TOS 2419c (Northern Sun Tours).indd 1 1·888·847·4349 29/11/2010 9:51:37 AM RE · THERE’S SO MUCH TO GOLF · THERE’S SO MUCH TO FISH · THERE’S SO MUCH TO DISCOVER · THERE’S SO MUCH TO CLIMB SMITHERS MAP WEST TO MORICETOWN, TERRACE, PRINCE RUPERT Sunny Point Dr VISITOR CENTRE N Reiseter Lagopus Pl Driftwood Dr L E Y RIVERSIDE ERSIDE PARK P & MUNICIPAL NICIPAL CAMPGROUND 9th Ave St Walnut r cie Gla Columbia Dr Dr nee rP l St 10th Ave 10 m 6th Ave e Av e Av o nit Main St Rive rside Dr 16th Ave 15th Ave 14th Ave Princess Hillside Dominion Fu lto St nA ve . Rd ge nta Fro on ini om D Na din a t aS ver St 16th A Ave rt lbe t nS cou nio mi n Va Do Dr t gS Kin Victoria e Av e Av ve yA Heritage Train Station t Fronta g rt lbe A ve dA 2n ver t aS ori t Vic St Third Ave Gould Pl e Rd. t aS 19th Ave ay red a ilw g pin op h s Ma ber Hu Main St ct tri s i d 17th Ave dw Alf Ra in St 13th Ave St Qu 18th Ave oa Br een ss nce Pri Co 12th Ave Main St ve tA lum St 1s bia ve dA 2n Ma Court 4th en St een ueen Que 3rd ba St 11th Ave g ipe nn Wi 8th Ave El Pio 7th Ave Birc h Rd da hal Ce B U L nt Rose Dr . Rd GE TA RI K HE PAR St ro To Skeen ice Mor CUR ew ge nvi nta tai Fro un Mo A EN AR OL PO LING e Av r nto a 4th . Cres K Astlais Pl Bulkley Dr. Montreal R Hyland Cronin Follow the highway signs to 1411 Court Street (near corner of Main Street and Highway 16) E R I V Turner Way EAST TO TELKWA & PRINCE GEORGE cou n Va t SIDEWALKS TO A UNIQUE SMALLper TOWN SHOPPING EXPERIENCE. t tS Ru ELKS PARK Pacific St FALL FAIR GROUNDS so n H ud Ba y Rd Mtn Smithers is a mecca for sporting enthusiasts. If you want golf clubs, fishing rods, skateboards or wakeboards, hiking boots and technical clothing or camping gear—you will find it here. Rejuvenate yourself at a sidewalk café with a cappuccino and a handmade pastry. Then stroll under the international flags on Main Street and browse the many locally owned shops. You will find great service and quality in clothing, bookstores featuring local authors and local music, games and toys, local art and pottery. If you need a treat, look for homemade fudge or pick up some “made in Smithers” smoked sausage, pepperoni or jerky for your picnic. If you are in Smithers on Saturday between May and October, don’t miss the Farmers’ Market at the intersection of Highway 16 and Main Street. Tatl ow R d aS ori t Vic 19th Ave FOLLOW THE RED BRICK Smithers, British Columbia, Canada LEGEND Trail Boat launch Golf Course Hospital Camping Airport RV Camping Fishing Picnic Tables Wildlife Viewing { 13 } THERE’S SO MUCH TO HIKE · THERE’S SO MUCH TO SMITHERS · THERE’S SO MUCH TO SHOP · THERE’S SO MUCH TO EXPL TELKWA HIGH ROAD To Prince Rupert (314 km) MORICETOWN G 25.7 km Telkwa ; BULKLEY m 7.2 k A BULKLEY VALLEY MUSEUM 1 Spend some time learning about the human and ancient natural history of the Bulkley Valley. Entrance is by donation. Y E L L OW HE A D Hig h Paved highway Paved road Gravel road Circle route RIVE H B ALDERMERE TRAILS Enjoy the sandy beach, wildlife viewing platform and many amenities of the park, including playground, firepits, covered picnic facilities and more. D DRIFTWOOD CANYON PROVINCIAL PARK A world-renowned fossil bed and the site of the world’s earliest known salmonid fossil. Wheelchair accessible trail with interpretive signage, picnic sites and firepits. E BABINE MOUNTAINS PROVINCIAL PARK Access the alpine or stay in the valley—trails abound in this incredible park. F MOUNTAINVIEW TRAIL RIDING Salmon are an important part of northern BC’s heritage, lifestyle and economy. Learn about the fish at this pictureque stop. I ADAM’S IGLOO WILDLIFE MUSEUM summer road only Discover northern BC’s wildlife—up close and personal —in one of Smithers’ most unique buildings. J TWIN FALLS AND KATHLYN GLACIER The Kathlyn Glacier feeds two prominent falls in this J mountain gorge. Take a short walk (15 minutes) to the viewing platform on a moderately easy trail (some uphill grade). K GRIZZLY BEAR AT THE SMITHERS AIRPORT Book a scenic trail ride for an hour or a day. Groups are welcome. Call ahead: 250-847-5101. G MORICETOWN Stop in at the airport and see the grizzly bear on display inside the terminal. L HUDSON BAY MOUNTAIN SKI AREA The site of the oldest Wet’suwet’en settlement in the Bulkley Valley. In August and early September, watch the traditional harvest of salmon in the canyon. Visit the Cultural Interpretive Centre above the canyon. Winter or summer, recreation opportunities abound here. Crater Lake trail starts from the Prairie T-bar. Excellent views of Smithers and the valley from various parts of the mountain. TOBOGGAN CREEK FISH HATCHERY 14 kilometres (9 miles) west of Smithers Just off Highway 16 is the Toboggan Creek Fish Hatchery, a rearing ground for salmon and a tranquil oasis for people. Toboggan Creek originates in the glaciers on Hudson Bay Mountain just behind the hatchery. That clear, cold water is temporarily diverted to the hatchery, where coho and chinook salmon are raised before being released into valley streams. Visitors are welcome at the hatchery, to learn about the fish and to enjoy the peaceful setting. You can enjoy a tour of the facility, or you can picnic on the well-maintained grounds, take a walk along the creek trail, or bring friends and family and set up your own ball game at the diamond. Toboggan Creek Hatchery is open from April to October. { 14 } m C TYHEE LAKE PROVINCIAL PARK I H TOBOGGAN CREEK FISH HATCHERY 4k An easy trail walk to the site of the Bulkley Valley’s earliest non-First Nations settlement. R RE · THERE’S SO MUCH TO GOLF · THERE’S SO MUCH TO FISH · THERE’S SO MUCH TO DISCOVER · THERE’S SO MUCH TO CLIMB CIRCLE TOUR 1, 2, 3, FORE! E Smithers boasts two excellent golf courses—one on each side of town. Both offer outstanding vistas of Hudson Bay Mountain, clubhouses with food and beverage services, driving ranges, and RV parking and camping. 4k m D F 3.7 km e McCab Ol d Ba bi ne La ke Ro ad Road Rd .1 14 ad ) km ke La ne Tyhe e Ba A bi 7 km t on m ew Vi Rd (E r pe Up 16. Lake Kathlyn ck m an Ro K 11 .6 SMITHERS Lake C km B To Prince George (357 Y E L L OW HE A D TELKWA TELKWA Seymour Lake .1 21 km L BLIX 2378 (Cover).ai oad in R on uds M Bay ta oun 22/11/2010 1:52:40 PM NORTHERN Trails to Timberline in West Central British Columbia THIRD EDITION Einar Blix · Andrew Blix H A new edition of Trails to Timberline: A comprehensive guide, with route maps, to 72 hikes in West Central British Columbia books TRAILS TO TIMBERLINE, 3RD ED. From valley floor to mountain top, Trails to Timberline is an indispensable companion for those wishing to explore the more hidden parts of the Bulkley Valley on foot. Well supplied with maps and GPS waypoints, this book is a “must have” for any local hiker. KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN You have a good chance of seeing wildlife on any of our roads, but your chances are especially good on the Telkwa High Road. Watch for moose, bear (grizzly and black), deer, beaver, foxes, and migratory and resident birds. { 15 } THERE’S SO MUCH TO HIKE · THERE’S SO MUCH TO SMITHERS · THERE’S SO MUCH TO SHOP · THERE’S SO MUCH TO EXPL TELKWA MAP TRY IT OUT! WEST TO SMITHERS, PRINCE RUPERT SMITHERS Tyee Rd High Road E KE Telkw a LA TY H EE LA KE TYHEE LAKE PROVINCIAL PARK EDDY PARK Aldermere ER RIV Ave Hill Ave EY Hope 1st St 2nd St Hubert Rd Howson Ave Telegraph St Tower St 2nd St 1st St 3rd St 5th St 4th St Trail Ave BULKL PLAY AT TYHEE LAKE Tyhee Lake Provincial Park features sandy beaches, boat launch, swimming area, picnic tables, fire pits, a playground and so much more. PICNIC AT EDDY PARK One of Telkwa’s most picturesque locations, Eddy Park is a great place for picnic lunches. DISCOVER HISTORY ON FOOT Aldermere (near present-day Telkwa) was the earliest European settlement in the Bulkley Valley. Pick up a walking tour brochure from the Village of Telkwa office. Hankin E Tyler Ave R A R IV Riverside STAIRWAY W As hS K Bir ch Co tt o EAST TO PRINCE GEORGE KINSMEN PARK St Ju nip er St on Pin eS t Rd El m St nw ood St LEGEND St Co alm ine od nw o to Ch err y Fi r Walnut Cr St S ce ru Sp Cr Co t St Ma ple Cr Rd St Oak Cr Fi r St ne mi al Co Rd Ce da rS lan d Trail Boat launch Golf Course Hospital Camping Airport RV Camping Fishing Picnic Tables Wildlife Viewing t r pla Po W oo d spen Cr HISTORIC ALDERMERE TOWNSITE ws La Do gw oo d t t L rS de Al TE AREA llow Wi St es t Ch nu t Cr t NORTHERN books KING OF ROME Telkwa resident Hans Saefkow illustrated this lovely picture book, which follows the true story of Charlie and his amazing pigeon, and the hope they brought to his working-class world. Gorgeous pencil and crayon illustrations capture both the era and the sense of flight. FOR MORE INFO Visit or call the Smithers Visitor Centre. See page 1 for contact information. Also see pages 22 and 23 for events and attractions. { 16 } HE e Av N TELKWA GO FISH The Bulkley Valley is a haven for anglers, but you don’t have to be a pro to have success. Get your BC Fishing Licence and then drop your hook into a river, stream or lake (summer or winter) to make some fine, finned memories. See pages 10 and 11 for more information on fishing. PADDLE YOUR BOAT Drop a canoe onto a tranquil mountain lake or raging whitewater river. We have it all. DRIVE IN CIRCLES Pick up a map from the Smithers Visitor Centre and drive a circle tour of the area. HIKE TO SILVER KING BASIN Silver King Basin is an easily accessible mountain basin in the heart of Babine Provincial Park with year-round access and a BC Parks cabin ($5/night). TY ve nA dso Hu er nt Hu HIKE TO CRATER LAKE Access the alpine from Hudson Bay Mountain ski area. An easy 1.5 to 2 hour walk to Crater Lake. WALK THE PERIMETER TRAIL Smithers is ringed by an all-season trail suitable for walks, jogs and nonmotorized bikes. See the Smithers map. VISIT TWIN FALLS Gushing from Kathlyn Glacier hundreds of feet above, Twin Falls is a Smithers landmark. An easy 15-minute walk from the parking lot brings you to the viewing platform. Bring your camera! CULTURE CRAWL Pick up a “Culture Crawl” brochure from the Bulkley Valley Museum and discover Smithers’ living past. Smithers, British Columbia, Canada RE · THERE’S SO MUCH TO GOLF · THERE’S SO MUCH TO FISH · THERE’S SO MUCH TO DISCOVER · THERE’S SO MUCH TO CLIMB Western Canada’s Largest Insurance Broker It’s A lways B een A bou t th e P owder. wder. Smithers, BC I 3895 First Avenue I 250-847-4233 Home BVP 2419c (Visitor Guide) I ICBC Auto I Business 23/11/2010 I Life 8:38:29 AM I Travel 25-Metre Pool · Tot Pool · Hot Tub Sauna · Fitness Studio Indoor Rock Climbing Wall Squash & Racquetball Courts 1316 Toronto St., Smithers PH. 250-847-4244 ■ HISTOR IC AL NOTE Visit the Powder Room. 5VY[O(TLYPJH»ZTVZ[JVUZPZ[LU[WV^KLY JVUKP[PVUZHYLVUS`TPU\[LZMYVT KV^U[V^U:TP[OLYZ9L]LSPU\UJYV^KLK IPNTV\U[HPU]LY[PJHS[OLUZRPVY ZUV^IVHYKIHJROVTLVU[OL[YHPS[V[V^U 1.866.665.4299 · TOS 2419c (Hudson Bay Mountain).indd 1 IT’S A WRAP If you’ve ever taken a carton of eggs home from the store, you have Joseph Coyle of Telkwa to thank for that. Joseph Coyle was the editor of the Bulkley Valley’s first newspaper, The Interior News (which is still alive and well in Smithers), and the inventor of the egg carton. In 1911, Mr. Coyle developed a paper egg carton in order to settle a dispute between a hotel owner and his egg supplier, a local farmer. Properly packaged, the eggs were safe from farm to market. Mr. Coyle’s invention didn’t take long to arrive on the market, and soon paper egg cartons were being manufactured throughout North America and distributed around the world. So next time you crack an egg in the pan (instead of on the floor), think of the Bulkley Valley and Mr. Joseph Coyle. 2/12/2010 10:41:37 AM Homes With Altitude :SPKLYPNO[[V`V\YKVVYHM[LYHKH`VMZRPPUN ^VYSKJSHZZWV^KLY/PRLVYIPRL[OLZ\TTLY TLHKV^ZHISHaL^P[OJVSV\Y(UKNHaLV\[V]LY [OLWYPZ[PUL)\SRSL`=HSSL`MYVT`V\YJVa` TV\U[HPUOVTLPU/\KZVU)H`4V\U[HPU,Z[H[LZ /\KZVU)H`4V\U[HPU,Z[H[LZJVT This is not an offering for sale and such offering can only be made by Disclosure Statement E&OE. Smithers, British Columbia, Canada TOS 2419c (Hudson Bay Mountain Estates).indd 1 { 17 } 2/12/2010 10:43:36 AM THERE’S SO MUCH TO HIKE · THERE’S SO MUCH TO SMITHERS · THERE’S SO MUCH TO SHOP · THERE’S SO MUCH TO EXPL THE VILLAGE OF TELKWA where rivers meet EDDY PARK OFFERS VISITORS SCENIC VISTAS, EASILY ACCESSIBLE FISHING, AND A CHANCE TO RELAX. WITH TWO RIVERS, A LAKE, TRAILS AND HISTORIC BUILDINGS…YOU’LL NEED TO MAKE TIME FOR TELKWA TELKWA IS HOME TO SOME OF THE BULKLEY VALLEY’S OLDEST BUILDINGS BEACHSIDE FUN AT TYHEE LAKE IN TELKWA TOM GRASMEYER BROOK MCLEOD { 18 } Smithers, British Columbia, Canada RE · THERE’S SO MUCH TO GOLF · THERE’S SO MUCH TO FISH · THERE’S SO MUCH TO DISCOVER · THERE’S SO MUCH TO CLIMB and friends gather NESTLED ON THE BANKS OF THE WORLD-RENOWNED BULKLEY AND TELKWA RIVERS, THE PICTURESQUE, HISTORIC VILLAGE OF TELKWA BORDERS TYHEE LAKE PROVINCIAL PARK. Surrounded by snow-capped mountain ranges and a myriad of lakes and streams, Telkwa’s spectacular natural setting offers extensive outdoor adventure and recreational opportunities. Whether you love to hike into an alpine lake, raft through whitewater rapids, ski down fresh powder slopes or battle the will of large steelhead, Telkwa has year-round wilderness adventures. Local sightseeing and adventure tour operators offer world-class hunting and sport fishing, hiking, canoeing, rafting, kayaking, bird watching and wilderness photography explorations. The adventures continue in the winter with phenomenal ice climbing, crosscountry, backcountry and downhill skiing, snowmobiling and snowshoeing. It was in 1906 when the valley’s first European settlers put down stakes at a place that First Nations people referred to as “Where the Rivers Meet”. The first townsite in the area, Aldermere, was established on the bluff above the VOT 2419c (Smithers Vis Guide Bulkley River on the Telegraph Trailad).ai system.21/10/2010 Aldermere9:29:56 was AM a central restocking spot for prospectors following the call of the Gold Rush. As the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway began constructing the western section of its railway in 1907, many businesses and settlers began to move down the hill to the present site of Telkwa to be closer to the anticipated railway and an easier water supply. Today, over 100 years later, the community of Telkwa continues to be called home by nearly 1,500 residents. An extensive walking trail system winds through the original townsite of Aldermere and embraces Telkwa’s parks and historical buildings, including the restored 1910 St. Stephen’s Anglican Church and the Pioneer Museum. Many of Telkwa’s historical buildings, including the library, remain as testaments to the past and can be seen with a self-guided walking tour. Telkwa is just 12 kilometres from Smithers. Whether you prefer to stay at the provincial campsite with kid-friendly beaches, a local private campsite, B&Bs or lodge in the area, or just to visit for the day, enjoy our beautiful riverfront walks and numerous trails, watch local fishermen try their luck on the river, see the adventurous float down the river, and watch for wildlife. To discover a piece of British Columbia’s history, stop at the Telkwa Museum (1621 Highway 16) or the village office at 1704 Riverside Street and pick up a walking tour brochure. Where Rivers Meet and Friends Gather Make Telkwa your destination this summer! With two beautiful rivers, an incredible provincial park, a gorgeous lake, and almost boundless opportunities for outdoor recreation, you won’t forget Telkwa. Enjoy world-class salmon and steelhead fishing, take in the beauty of our walking trails, and discover what makes Telkwa so unique. Smithers, British Columbia, Canada 250.846.5212 { 19 } THERE’S SO MUCH TO HIKE · THERE’S SO MUCH TO SMITHERS · THERE’S SO MUCH TO SHOP · THERE’S SO MUCH TO EXPL 1175 Main St. Smithers, BC V0J 2N0 Ph: 250-847-9222 • Toll-Free: 1-800-360-3268 website: email: PHRMSV 2532 (Smithers Visitor Guide).ai 03/4/2009 10:39:50 AM CLDRWD 2419c (Smithers Visitor Guide).indd 1 18/10/2010 12:57:55 PM Pharmacist On Site One-hour Digital Photo Lab Full-Service Cosmetic Department E-mail photos to Two Convenient Locations in Smithers 3752 – 4th Ave. (in mall) Ph. TOS 2419c (Visitor Guide).ai 29/11/2010 9:15:04 AM (250) 847-4474 All services plus pharmacy 1211 Main Street Ph. (250) 847-8750 Pharmacy only River Rafting Packages Relax with friends and family on a Sunset Cruise, or feel the adrenaline rush Save 10% Call to stay and save 10% if you book a rafting trip and a room with these participating accommodations: of a Whitewater Raft Trip. Looking for something just a little different—call for custom trip or team building outings for your organization. Then enjoy a warm welcome home at one of our preferred hotels. 1-800-663-7676 1-800-663-5040 River Rafting Reservations Toll free 1-877-909-7238 local 250-877-2144 { 20 } Main Current RIVER RAFTING & ECO ADVENTURES Smithers, British Columbia, Canada RE · THERE’S SO MUCH TO GOLF · THERE’S SO MUCH TO FISH · THERE’S SO MUCH TO DISCOVER · THERE’S SO MUCH TO CLIMB MORICETOWN wet’suwet’en community VIEW TRADITIONAL FISHING METHODS FROM HIGH ABOVE THE AWE-INSPIRING CANYON AT MORICETOWN TOURISM SMITHERS A HISTORIC SETTLEMENT FOR THE WET’SUWET’EN PEOPLE, MORICETOWN WAS AT ONE TIME THE LARGEST VILLAGE IN THE BULKLEY VALLEY. IT REMAINS AS ONE OF THE VALLEY’S OLDEST SURVIVING SETTLEMENTS AND CONTINUES TO BE REFERRED TO BY ITS TRADITIONAL NAME, “KYAH WIGET”. Moricetown’s most central feature is the world-renowned canyon, where Wet’sinkwha (the Bulkley River) narrows to only a few metres as it roars with white fury between solid rock walls. The spectacle of water and rock meeting with such force is one not to be quickly forgotten. It is here that Wet’suwet’en fishers perform their critical and dangerous task of gathering the winter’s supply of salmon. From the canyon’s rocks above the river, First Nations fishers use traditional gaff poles and dip nets to harvest migrating salmon. Even today, this salmon harvest supplies a portion of the winter food for families and elders of Moricetown. Visitors are welcome to watch from various points surrounding the canyon as traditional fishing methods are employed. Just beyond the canyon, the river calms as it flows past “Idiot Rock”, one of the most popular fishing spots on the Bulkley River. Visitors can enjoy the river’s pristine beauty, and watch for bears and other wildlife fishing and swimming in the river. If you hold a valid BC angling licence and have paid a moderate angling fee to the Moricetown Fisheries Officer, you are welcome to fish from Idiot Rock. Directly above the canyon falls is a fully serviced campground and RV park, featuring the recently built Cultural Interpretive Centre. The centre displays cultural artifacts, historical photos, and local art and craft displays. Only a short walk or drive from the canyon is the Moricetown Multiplex. This community meeting place houses the Moricetown Band Administration, Moricetown Elementary School and Kyah Wiget Education Society. This building is art in itself—a breathtaking display of Wet’suwet’en art in a well-defined modern architectural structure. For more information on Wet’suwet’en culture, please visit or Smithers, British Columbia, Canada NORTHERN books A SMALL AND CHARMING WORLD Bulkley Valley publisher Creekstone Press’ reprint of A Small and Charming World (Gibson) offers a glimpse of aboriginal communities in the 1950s. The press’ first book, Canyon Creek, offers a fictionalized account of slightly earlier Wet’suwet’ensettler interaction. { 21 } THERE’S SO MUCH TO HIKE · THERE’S SO MUCH TO SMITHERS · THERE’S SO MUCH TO SHOP · THERE’S SO MUCH TO EXPL THINGS TO DO there’s so much to do in Smithers! WINTER CARNIVAL MAIN STREET PARADE THE BULKLEY VALLEY EXHIBITION TELKWA DEMOLITION DERBY TOURISM SMITHERS TOM GRASMEYER BROOK MCLEOD EVENTS FOR COMPLETE EVENT INFORMATION CALL 1.800.542.6673 JANUARY MAY SEPTEMBER · Smithers Curling Club Ladies’ Edelweiss Bonspiel · Ski and Snowboard Week · McBike Mother’s Day Run · Telkwa Demolition Derby and Barbecue · Smithers Golf & Country Club Men’s Northern Open · BC Rivers Day FEBRUARY · Jazz Retreat Jazz workshops and performances · Spirit of the Mountains Festival A celebration of sport and art · Wine Festival · Smithers Curling Club Men’s Steelhead Bonspiel · Snowmobile Club’s Drag Races MARCH · Lord of the Boards Ski, snowboard and telemark competition · Ski Everest Challenge · Festival of Voices Choir and voice training · Big Band Dance · BV Cross-Country Ski Club Marathon · Annual Schuss Boomer Downhill ski race APRIL · Smithers Trade Expo · Schnai Dai End of the ski season celebration { 22 } Walk or run for charity · Relay for Life A 12-hour celebration of music, walking and sharing. Fundraiser for the Cancer Society A celebration of rivers JUNE OCTOBER · Tour de Smithers · Best of the Fest Film Festival · Thanksgiving Bicycle road race · Midsummer Music Festival NOVEMBER JULY · Christmas in the Gallery · Canada Day (Smithers) · Dominion Day (Telkwa) · Tyhee Lake Triathlon · TatlowFest An artisan and craft fair DECEMBER · Christmas Cantata4:09:05 PM BV Fall Fair 'ad'.ai 14/12/2010 Music of the season A celebration of paddle sports · BV Museum hosts a day-long “Garden Tour” It’s Fair Time! AUGUST · Smithers Golf & Country Club Ladies’ Northern Open · BV Folk Music Society Guitar Camp & Youth Guitar Camp · Bulkley Valley Fall Fair and Agricultural Exhibition August 25 – 28, 2011 August 23 – 26, 2012 20112 MIDWAY · DISPLAYS RODEO · VENDORS Smithers, British Columbia, Canada 250·847·3816 RE · THERE’S SO MUCH TO GOLF · THERE’S SO MUCH TO FISH · THERE’S SO MUCH TO DISCOVER · THERE’S SO MUCH TO CLIMB ATTRACTIONS MUSEUMS/GALLERIES ADAM’S IGLOO WILDLIFE MUSEUM ~11 km West of Smithers on Hwy. 16 Ph: 250.847.3188 An extensive collection of British Columbia wildlife on display in a unique “igloo” dome. BULKLEY VALLEY MUSEUM Main St. and Hwy. 16, Smithers Ph: 250.847.5322 Housed in the Central Park Building, the BV Museum offers unique exhibits and insights into the early days of Smithers and the Bulkley Valley. SMITHERS ART GALLERY 1425 Main St., Smithers Ph: 250.847.3898 Web: Located in the historic Central Park Building. Features local and regional artwork that changes monthly. SMITHERS GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB Hwy. 16 W at Scotia St., Smithers Ph: 250.847.5950 FLIGHTSEEING ALPINE LAKES AIR Seaplane Base Road, Telkwa Ph: 250.846.9488 Email: Web: CANADIAN HELICOPTERS 2880 Victoria Drive, Smithers Ph: 240.847.9444 Email: Web: HIGHLAND HELICOPTERS 6118 Harvard Way, Smithers Ph: 250.847.3859 Email: Web: Championship 18-hole course with exceptional greens and licensed clubhouse. OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES BEAR MOUNTAINEERING Ph: 250.847.3351 Web: Expeditions, treks and hikes. MAINCURRENT RAFTING Ph: 1.877.909.7238 Email: Easy day trips to multi-day whitewater. MCBIKE & SPORT 1191 Main St., Smithers Ph: 250.847.5009 Mountain bike rentals. INDOOR ACTIVITIES BV POOL & RECREATION CENTRE 1316 Toronto St., Smithers Ph: 250.847.4244 Web: Squash courts, fully equipped fitness room, swimming pool, children’s pool, hot tub, sauna, climbing wall. SMITHERS BOWL 3772 Alfred Ave, Smithers Ph: 250.847.9840 Web: MOUNTAIN VIEW ADVENTURES 17366 Telkwa High Road Ph: 250.847.5101 info@mvtrailriding THERE’S SO MUCH! Smithers is full of businesses that are ready to make your visit especially memorable. Visit or call the Visitor Centre at 1.800.542.6673. Horseback riding and trail rides. NORTHERN SUN TOURS Ph: 888.847.4349 Email: Web: Canoe trips—day and multi-day trips. TOBOGGAN CREEK FISH HATCHERY 14 km west of Smithers on Hwy. 16 Ph: 250.847.4458 5-pin bowling for all ages. Take a tour of the hatchery and learn about salmon, use the well-maintained picnic grounds, walk the creek trail, or set up a game on the ball diamond. April – October. GOLF RIVERSIDE GOLF & RV PARK 575 Hwy. 16 E, Smithers Ph: 250.847.3229 18-hole par 3 with driving range and RV park. A L W A Y S T H E S M A R T C H O I C E ! ASK ABOUT OUR NORTHERN BC TOURISM RATE! Located just off Highway 16 and minutes away from downtown boutiques and restaurants, the beautiful countryside awaits you at Sandman Inn Smithers! The Sandman Advantage: Centrally located + 35 comfortable guest rooms + Kitchenette suites + Fitness centre + High speed internet access + Meeting room & business centre + 3932 Hwy 16 W, Smithers BC, V0J 2N0 T 250 847 2637 F 250 847 3709 Pet friendly *Subject to availability, taxes not included. Cannot be combined with any other offers. Reservations must be made in advance. PROUD TO BE A SMOKE FREE ENVIRONMENT! 1+800+SANDMAN Smithers, British Columbia, Canada { 23 } THERE’S SO MUCH TO HIKE · THERE’S SO MUCH TO SMITHERS · THERE’S SO MUCH TO SHOP · THERE’S SO MUCH TO EXPL Wheelchair access Swimming Pool Hot tub/Spa On-site restaurant Kitchenettes Fitness Room E-mail Pet Friendly Phone RV Hookups Address Cabins FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE BUSINESS DIRECTLY Tenting ACCOMMODATIONS Internet access VISITOR AMENITIES small town hospitality CAMPING Cozy Cottages & RV at Round Lake 20806 Hwy. 16, Telkwa 250.846.9160 • Lakefront cabins with everything: a group RV site, sailing, campfires, trails, boat rentals, in a conveniently located, beautiful natural environment. Fort Telkwa RV Park 11939 Hwy. 16 East, Telkwa 250.846.5012 Full hook-up sites. 30-50 amp/sewer/water/ca tv. Free RV wash, showers, sauna, coin laundry, WiFi, campfires, firewood. Glacier View RV Park 9028 Nouch Frontage Road, Smithers 250.847-3961 • Panoramic glacier view, full-service pull-throughs, handicap bathroom, WiFi, laundromat. Selfcontained cabin rentals, electric heat, kitchens and bathrooms. See ad on this page. Moricetown RV Park Hwy. 16, Moricetown 250.847.1461 Dump station, fishing, flush toilets, laundromat, pay phone, RV hookups, showers, tent sites Riverside Municipal Campground 19th Avenue, Smithers 250.847.1600 Dry toilets, firepits, firewood, kitchen, water, sewer, power, pay phone, river fishing, nature and bicycle trails, playground, pets on leash. Riverside Golf & RV Park 18-hole par-3 range with driving range and RV park attached. Come check out our full menu and enjoy the view! Tyhee Lake Provincial Park 12 km east of Smithers in Telkwa 250.638.8490 Well-maintained sites, sandy beachfront, group sites, hot showers, fire pits, walking trails, RVs welcome (no hookups) Glacier View • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Sunshine Inn and Estates RV Park & Cabin Rentals VIP Suites Deluxe Suites Kitchenettes King Rooms Standard Rooms y in ou r s t a Enjoy y rs’ e h t i m S est hotel new Amenities • Pull-through Sites • Free WiFi • Laundromat • Cabins w/ Kitchens & Bathrooms • Tenting • Large Full Service Back-ins 250-847-3961 9028 Nouch Frontage Road Continental Breakfast Sun Deck with Mountain View Elevator Handicap Access Free Wireless Internet Computer Terminal Vending Machine Conference Room 3880 Fourth Avenue s Smithers, BC V0J 2N0 Toll-free: 877.674.4637 s Phone: 250.847.6668 8 km west of Smithers, BC, Halfway between Prince George & Prince Rupert { 24 } GVR 2419c (Smithers Visitor Guide).indd 1 Smithers, British Columbia, Canada 17/12/2010 7:48:31 AM We are pleased to offer a full-service facility with 58 clean, modern, quiet and comfortable rooms and suites with gorgeous views of the mountains. Conveniently located in the heart of Smithers, one block away from the downtown core. Wheelchair access • Swimming Pool • Hot tub/Spa Kitchenettes • On-site restaurant Fitness Room E-mail Pet Friendly Phone RV Hookups Address Cabins FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE BUSINESS DIRECTLY Tenting ACCOMMODATIONS Internet access RE · THERE’S SO MUCH TO GOLF · THERE’S SO MUCH TO FISH · THERE’S SO MUCH TO DISCOVER · THERE’S SO MUCH TO CLIMB BED & BREAKFASTS, LODGES AND RESORTS Banner Mountain Lodge #3 – 12753 Babine Lake Road 250.846.5655 Your own house for a room rate in the Babine Mountains, minutes from Smithers—spacious, beautiful location and facilities. Bulkley River Cottages Smithers 250.847.9233 Bed & Breakfast near Lake Kathlyn and a guest house on the river. Offers fishing and outdoor adventure opportunities. Logpile Lodge 3105 McCabe Road, Smithers 250.847.5152 Perfect blend: nature and comfort. 10 minutes from town. 6 rooms, one suite, large balconies, meeting room. Call for reservations. Sidewinder Inn Hudson Bay Mountain, Smithers 250.877.1834 Mountainside chalet on Hudson Bay Mountain. 6 bedrooms, large kitchen, recreation room, hot tub and BBQ. Silvern Lake Trail B&B 10434 Horlings Road, Smithers 250.847.4835 Glacier view, hot tub, private bathrooms. Separate entrance. Guest lounge, fireplace, internet, pantry kitchen, home baking. Dinner available on request. Smithers Driftwood Lodge 9475 Old Babine Lake Road, Smithers 250.847.5335 Breathtaking view over the Bulkley Valley, 10 minutes from town, 6 rooms, the “Great Room” for seminars, meetings, weddings, anniversaries. See ad on this page. Tyhee Lake Guest Ranch 8265 Tyhee Lake Road, Telkwa 250.846.9690 Spacious log house, lake frontage. One room king size with private bath, 2 rooms queen size, separate bathrooms, guest kitchen. CAPRI 2419c (Smithers Visitor Guide) 13/10/2010 Capri Motor Inn • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2:30:55 PM Smithers Driftwood Lodge B E D & BR E A K FA S T Unwind and relax from the daily routine at a unique location. Enjoy the peace and quiet at your “Home away from Home.” 61 Modern, Air-Conditioned Rooms Movie & Sports Channels Within walking distance of downtown businesses and shopping A Quiet, Peaceful Getaway Call for room rates and event booking Toll-free 1-800-663-3120 Weddings · Anniversaries · Reunions Seminars and Meetings · Business Retreats 250-847-5335 9475 Old Babine Lake Road, Smithers Smithers, British Columbia, Canada TOS 2419c (Smithers Driftwood Lodge).indd 1 { 25 } 30/11/2010 10:15:40 AM THERE’S SO MUCH TO HIKE · THERE’S SO MUCH TO SMITHERS · THERE’S SO MUCH TO SHOP · THERE’S SO MUCH TO EXPL Kitchenettes On-site restaurant Hot tub/Spa Swimming Pool Wheelchair access Fitness Room E-mail Pet Friendly Phone RV Hookups Address Cabins FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE BUSINESS DIRECTLY Tenting ACCOMMODATIONS Internet access VISITOR AMENITIES • • • • • • HOTELS & MOTELS Aspen Inn & Suites 4268 Highway 16, Smithers 800.663.7676 60 rooms, standards, suites, family rooms with bunkbeds, highspeed wireless internet, indoor pool, spa, sauna, restaurant and lounge. See ad on back inside cover. Capri Motor Inn 3984 Highway 16 W., Smithers 250.847.4226 Over 60 comfortable, affordable rooms to meet your needs. Ample parking, 24hr desk service, highspeed internet, onsite restaurant. See ad on page 25. Cointé River Inn 4420 Madison Ave. & Hwy. 16, Telkwa 250.846.5551 Enjoy a comfortable stay in a classic heritage building. Bistro, world-class fishing, wireless internet, satellite TV, ensuite, continental breakfast. Fireweed Motor Inn 1515 Main Street, Smithers 250.847.2208 Centrally located on Smithers’ Main Street, walking distance to the town’s best restaurants. See ad on page 27. Florence Motel 4160 Highway 16 W, Smithers 250.847.2678 Affordable, clean, quiet, secure courtyard, ground-level entry, wireless internet, kitchen suites, weekly, monthly discounts, pets OK. Hudson Bay Lodge 3251 Highway 16, Smithers 800.663.5040 Smithers’ only full-service hotel. Conference and banquet facilities, bar, restaurant and liquor store, sauna. See ad on front inside cover. Mountain View Motel & Suites 4435 Highway 16 W., Smithers 250.847.9009 Affordable, clean, large rooms, suites, new ownership, free wireless internet, weekly, monthly discounts, pets allowed. Sandman Inn 3932 Highway 16 W., Smithers 250.847.2637 Centrally located. Rooms with fridges, microwaves and internet access. Five deluxe kitchen suites. See ad on page 23. Smithers Guesthouse 1766 Main Street, Smithers 250.847.4862 Enjoy Austrian hospitality and charm. Award-winning guesthouse/B&B with or without breakfast – you choose! Sundeck, mountain view, free WLAN. See ad on page 27. Stork Nest Inn 1485 Main Street, Smithers 877.647.3831 A cozy bed & breakfast style inn close to restaurants and shopping. Quiet, comfortable, clean and non-smoking. Free full breakfast. See ad on this page. Sunshine Inn Estates 3880 4th Avenue, Smithers 250.847.6668 Smithers’ newest hotel located right in the heart of town. Experience the luxury you deserve! Sauna. See ad on page 24. Twin Valley Inn 3939 Highway 16, Smithers 250.847.3281 Hotel with a bar, restaurant and cold beer & wine store. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Great Rates · Free Full Breakfast Close to Downtown 1485 Main Street, Smithers 1-877-647-3831 · 250-847-3831 { 26TOS } 2419c (Stork Nest Inn).indd 1 Smithers, British Columbia, Canada 1/12/2010 9:17:15 AM RE · THERE’S SO MUCH TO GOLF · THERE’S SO MUCH TO FISH · THERE’S SO MUCH TO DISCOVER · THERE’S SO MUCH TO CLIMB VISITOR AMENITIES FOOD & BEVERAGE FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE BUSINESS DIRECTLY A &W 4086 Hwy. 16, Smithers Ph: 250.847.3700 Licensed premises Fast food BLUE FIN SUSHI BAR 1232 Main St., Smithers Ph: 250.847.5341 Serving sushi and other Japanese cuisine. ALPENHORN BISTRO & BAR 1261 Main St., Smithers Ph: 250.847.5366 Email: Web: Upscale casual dining experience, locally crafted menu, premium taps and liquors, featuring sunny Main St. patio. Families welcome. ASPEN RIVERHOUSE & LOUNGE 4268 Hwy. 16, Smithers Ph: 250.847.1927 · 1.800.663.7676 Email: Web: Restaurant offers breakfast, lunch and dinner. New lounge designed in local heritage theme offers exceptional atmosphere for weddings and parties. BARISTAS 1260 King St., Smithers Ph: 250.847.3000 Web: BOSTON PIZZA (#45) 1492 Main St., Smithers Ph: 250.847.3099 Web: Licensed restaurant and sports bar serving pizza, pasta, salads and ribs. Open late every night! CAPRI FAMILY RESTAURANT 3984 Hwy 16, Smithers Ph: 250.847.4412 A favourite restaurant among Smithers residents and travellers alike—special tour menus available. CHATTERS PIZZERIA & BISTRO 3847 4th Ave., Smithers Ph: 250.847.6656 Great food, cozy atmosphere, nice people, licensed. Walking distance from motels. All food prepared using our own recipes. Dining room Coffee shop & lighter fare COINTÉ RIVER INN 4420 Madison Ave. & Hwy 16, Telkwa Ph. 250.846.5551 A new coffee shop in one of Telkwa’s beautifully restored historic buildings. DAIRY QUEEN 4180 Hwy. 16, Smithers Ph: 250.847.8806 JAVA’S RESTAURANT 3735 Alfred Ave., Smithers Ph: 250.847.5505 Home-style lunches, delicious desserts and espresso coffees, Mediterranean dinner menu, licensed with a selection of wines. KFC 4341 Hwy. 16, Smithers Ph: 250.847.0000 LOGPILE LODGE 3105 McCabe Road, Smithers Ph: 250.847.5152 Web: European-style dinners are offered several times a week. Call in advance. Computer gaming and coffee bar. LOUISE’S KITCHEN 1293 Main St., Smithers Ph: 250.847.2547 Homemade Ukrainian and Canadian cuisine. LUFTIKUS 3712 1st Ave., Smithers Ph. 250.877.9322 Thai, Indian, Mexican—including vegetarian selections. Centrally located on Smithers’ Main Street, the Fireweed Motor Inn is the place to stay! We‘re walking distance to the town’s best restaurants and shops. MASA YAMA 1080 Main St., Smithers Ph. 250.847.8060 Enjoy sushi and other Japanese menu items. 1515 Main Street, Smithers, BC • Tel: 250.847.2208 stay@À • www.À TOS 2419c (Fireweed ad).indd 1 17/12/2010 7:57:34 AM Smithers, British Columbia, Canada { 27 } THERE’S SO MUCH TO HIKE · THERE’S SO MUCH TO SMITHERS · THERE’S SO MUCH TO SHOP · THERE’S SO MUCH TO EXPL VISITOR AMENITIES MCDONALD’S RESTAURANT 3720 Hwy. 16 East, Smithers Ph: 250.847.6142 MIDWAY SERVICE Hwy. 16, Telkwa Ph. 250.846.5320 MOUNTAIN EAGLE BOOKS 3775 3rd Ave., Smithers Ph. 250.847.5245 MOUNTAINSIDE CAFÉ 3763 4th Ave., Smithers Ph: 250.847.3455 The yummiest, friendliest, grooviest cafe experience in Smithers! NORTHERN STAR CAFÉ 1128 Main St., Smithers Ph: 250.847.9929 RIVERSIDE GOLF & RV PARK 575 Hwy. 16 East, Smithers Ph: 250.847.3229 Come check out our full menu and enjoy the view! Operates May – October. SCHIMMEL’S BAKERY 1172 Main St., Smithers Ph: 250.847.9044 Coffee, tea, espresso, soup, sandwiches, cinnamon buns, pastries, bread and more— all made fresh. SUBWAY 1323 Main St., Smithers Ph: 250.847.4771 TIM HORTONS 3932 Hwy. 16 W, Smithers Ph: 250.847.5118 TRACKSIDE CANTINA 3815 Railway Ave., Smithers Ph: 250.847.3363 STARBUCKS 3664 Hwy. 16 (inside Safeway), Smithers Ph: 250.847.2622 TWIN VALLEY INN 3939 Hwy. 16, Smithers Ph: 250.847.3281 STEAKHOUSE ON MAIN 1314 Main St., Smithers Ph: 250.847.2828 ZOER’S MODERN GRILL & LOUNGE 3251 Hwy. 16 East, Smithers Ph: 250.847.4581 Web: A steakhouse with a fresh new menu. Western & fine dining, fireside steak, chicken, ribs, schnitzel and appetizers. PANAGO PIZZA 3860 Broadway Ave., Smithers, Ph: 250.847.9199 AUTOMOTIVE / RV DEALERSHIPS COAST MOUNTAIN GM Frontage Road, Hwy 16, Smithers Ph: 250.847.2214 We’re worth the trip! FRONTIER CHRYSLER LTD. 3046 Hwy # 16 East, Smithers Ph: 250.847.4266 New and used automotive sales, service. HOSKINS FORD SALES LTD. 3146 Hwy 16 East, Smithers Ph: 250.847.2237 New and used automotive sales, service, autobody shop. GLACIER TOYOTA 3187 Tatlow Rd., Smithers Ph: 250.847.9302 New and pre-owned sales, leasing, parts and service, full glass repair and detail departments. GENERAL AUTO 1ST AID AUTOBODY 3318 Hwy 16, Smithers Ph: 250.847.8720 ADEMA’S AUTO SHOP 4381 Hwy. 16, Smithers Ph: 250.847.2340 Repairs to foreign/imported vehicles. ALL SEASONS AUTOMOTIVE LTD 3829 Hwy. 16, Smithers Ph: 250.847.9428 ALL-WEST GLASS 3424 Hwy. 16 East, Smithers Ph: 250.847.2263 Automotive glass repair and replacement. BEL-AIR AUTOMOTIVE 1535 Main St., Smithers Ph: 250.847.4369 FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION, PLEASE CALL THE BUSINESS DIRECTLY CANADIAN TIRE 3221 Hwy. 16, Smithers Ph: 250.847.3117 For all your parts, service, hardware, housewares and sporting good needs. EN-JOY MACHINE 4381 Hwy. 16 , Smithers Ph: 250.847.4737 Engine rebuilding, small engine repair. FOUR SEASONS AUTOMOTIVE 3859 Fourth Ave., Smithers Ph: 250.847.5277 KAL TIRE 2 – 4320 Hwy. 16, Smithers Ph: 250.847.2665 Web: NORTHLINE COLLISION 3408 Hwy. 16 W, Smithers Ph: (250) 847-5121 OK TIRE & AUTO SERVICE 3911 Hwy. 16, Smithers Ph: 250.847.4478 TATLOW TIRE 2668 Tatlow Road, Smithers Ph: 250.847.3286 RV REPAIR BABINE TRUCK & EQUIPMENT LTD. 3364 Hwy. 16, Smithers Ph: 250.847.3981 BOB’S MOBILE RV REPAIRS Ph: 250-877-1070 We bring our service to you! NORTH CENTRAL PLUMBING & HEATING LTD. 3835 Broadway Ave, Smithers Ph: 1.877.411.6274 · 250.847.3060 Propane service and appliance sales for the RV owner. Light and recreational vehicles; heavy-duty, industrial truck and trailer parts, and service for all makes and models. RENTALS DOLLAR RENT-A-CAR Smithers Airport Terminal, Smithers Ph: 1.888.808.9070 or 250.847.5569 Car and truck rentals. FRONTIER TRUCK RENTALS Hwy. 16 East, Smithers Ph: 250-877.7769 Full range of truck rentals. NATIONAL CAR RENTALS Smithers Airport, Smithers Ph: 250.847.2216 · 1.800.227.7368 THRIFTY CAR & TRUCK RENTAL Smithers Airport, Smithers 250.847-3332 · 1-888-808-9070 Monthly rates available! Call Smithers location for best rates. TAXI & LIMOUSINE BV TAXI SERVICE Ph: 250.847.2306 MAJESTIC KNIGHTS LIMOUSINES Ph: 250.847.2460 TOWING AARDVARK TOWING Ph: 250.847.3443 AL’S TOWING Ph: 250.847.9726 Towing and road services. Servicing the Bulkley Valley, Lakes District, Hazeltons, Terrace and Hwy. 37. TYLER’S TOWING Ph. 250.847.2413 Specializing in transmission repairs. { 28 } TRUCK PRO - SMITHERS PARTS & SERVICE LTD. 3465 Victoria Drive, Smithers Ph: 250.847.4287 Smithers, British Columbia, Canada RE · THERE’S SO MUCH TO GOLF · THERE’S SO MUCH TO FISH · THERE’S SO MUCH TO DISCOVER · THERE’S SO MUCH TO CLIMB Alpine themed rooms with duvets · Hot tub & sauna Smithers’ only accommodation with an indoor pool Wi-Fi internet · Kitchens and family rooms available Bike rentals · Airport shuttle · Seasonal packages Toll-free 1-800-663-7676 There’s Always Something Going On at The Riverhouse. Come for licensed family dining and enjoy good company in the ambience of the Riverhouse Restaurant & Lounge. the at the Highway 16, Smithers Call Smithers, British Columbia, Canada 250.847.4672 { 29 } H AW K A I R G E TAWAY S EXPLORE CELEBRATE DISCOVER SMITHERS EXCLUSIVE NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA TOURS AND A D V E N T U R E S V I A H AW K A I R GETAWAY PACKAGES VISIT WWW.HAWKAIR.CA CLICK ON “GETAWAYS” FOR FULL DETAILS. WWW.HAWKAIR.CA 1-800-487-1216 T E R R A C E - KI T IMAT SMIT HERS-H O U S TO N P R I NC E R U P ERT VANC O U VE R
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