secretary`s report - The University of Illinois Board of Trustees
secretary`s report - The University of Illinois Board of Trustees
March 26,2008 SECRETARY'S REPORT The Secretary presents for information the following lists: changes to academic appointments for contract year 2007-08, new hires, resignations, notices of nonreappointment, and retirees re-hired. APPOINTMENTS AND CHANGES MADE BY THE PRESIDENT See attached pages. The report format reflects the Banner report production style. Changes to Academic Appointments for Contract year 2007-2009 Reported to the Board on March 26,20Og Urbana Job Title Department Job FTE MEDIA/COMNC SPEC lntercolleg¡ate Athletics f .00 l2mth 01to1t2008 Aronson, Sari Gilman ADJ PROF Law 0.03 9/9mth Bailey, Tonja Y {SSOC HEAD COACH, & lntercollegiate Athletics 1.00 Basar. M Tamer ^/ÆRACK SWANLUND ENDOWED Electr¡cal & Computer Eng 0.00 Name \rner, Mary uatnenne ]HAIR Service Begin End Date Service Salary Change Reason 08t15t2008 $4,583.33 /mo Salary 0'U01t2008 05t15t2008 $382.00 /mo 10l12mth 01t01t2008 08t15t2008 $4,875.00 /mo 9/12mth 08t16t2007 05/15/2008 $1,458.33 /mo Service Description Date Title, FTE & Salary Title & Salary rme ¿t Salary Basar, M Tamer PROF Electrical & Computer Eng 1.00 9/12mth o8,t16t2007 05t15t2008 $17,816.68 /mo Salary Bellm. Robert C YST NSRL EXTASSOC qgr Consumer & Env Sci 0.00 12mth 01/16/2008 08t15t2008 $413.92 /mo Title & Salary \dmn Billingsley, Eddie INTERIM COUNTY EXT DIR Cooperative Extension 0.00 12mth 1',U16t2007 01t15t2008 $150.00 /mo Title & Salary Jrlr¡ngsley, Eddie COUNTY EXT DIR III Cooperative Extension f .00 l2mth 11t't6t2007 08t15t2008 $5,787.50 /mo Salary BOnner-Mcuuft¡e, Marlah DIR OF DEVLP FAA MUSIC F¡ne & Appl¡ed Arts Admin 1.00 l2mth 01t16t2008 08t't5t2008 $6,089.50 /mo Title & Salary Broga, Penny D ASSOC DIR FOR BUS AFF School of lntegrative Biology 1.00 lzmth 12t16t2007 o8t15t2008 $5,4,l6.67 /mo Title & Salary Buckner, Janiele Lene JSER SERV SPEC CITES 1.00 l2mth 01t16t2008 08/15/2008 $3,583.33 /mo Salary Buetow, Katherine A IACUC SPEC lnst Animal Care & Use Comm¡ttee 1.00 l2mth 12t16t2007 08/15/2008 $4.166.67 /mo Salary Bush. Natalie C DIR OF RES ADMN Vlechanical Science & 1.00 12mth 12t07t2007 08/15/2008 $6,041.67 /mo Title & Salary !ngineering Carpenter, Nathan R USER SERV SPEC CITES 1.00 12mth 01/16/2008 08/15/2008 $3,750.00 /mo Salary latanzarite, Christine Jane INTERIM DIR Pgm for Res in the Humanities 0.00 9/12mth 01t01t2008 05/15/2008 $416.67 /mo Cerezo. Alicia Title & Salary COORD TECH ENHNCD BASIC SPAN Spanish, ltalian & r.00 9/12mth 08t't6t2007 12t31t2007 $4,4E6.88 /mo Salary Cha, Ester J USER SERV SPEC CITES 1.00 12mth 01t16t2008 08/1 5/2008 $3,541.67 /mo Salary ;olravy, Kevin James ìES ENGR Electrical & Computer Eng r.00 l2mth 12t22t2007 08/15/2008 $4,791.67 /mo Salary Cribbs, Charles Christopher SR SYST ENGR Supercomputing Applications 1.00 l2mth 01t02t2008 08/15/2008 $6,250.00 /mo Dalmasso- Erik A Title & Salary ALUMNI VOLUNTEERS SOORD \dmiss¡ons and Records 1.00 12mth 12t17t2007 08/15/2008 $3J66.6? /rno Title & Salary Page 1 of 4 Portuguese Changes to Academic Appointments for Contract Year 2007-2008 Reported to the Board on March 26,2008 Urbana Name Job Title Department Job FTE fixon. Jonathan M RES PRGRMR CITES 1.00 l2mth 01t16t2008 Duncum, Paul Angus PRGM COORD Art & Design 0.00 12mth D'Urso. Teresa K DIR, REGSTR & ADVS lollege of Business 1.00 12mth Service Service Begin End Date Service Salary Change Reason 08/15/2008 $3,750.00 /mo Salary 10t16t2007 05t15t2008 $571.43 /mo Title & 12t16t2007 08t15t2008 $5,833.33 /mo Description Date Salary tße ¿t Salary Emanuel, Tom W., Jr. DIR OF ACAD AFF nst¡tute of Aviation 1.00 l2mth 08r16t2007 08/15/2008 $5,295.67 /mo Salary Esfahani, Had¡ S INTERIM DIR GLOBAL STDY LAS Administration 0.00 9/l2mth 08t16t2007 05/1 5/2008 $416.67 /mo Title & sraf. Er¡c Clifford ASSOC PROF OF SPAN Spanish, ltalian & Portuguese 1.00 9/12mth 08t16t2007 12t31t2007 ï7,451.44 lmo lackman. Arthur J IT SERV SPEC Intercolleg¡ate Athlet¡cs 1.00 12mth 01t02t2008 0811512008 $4,5E3.33 /mo Salary Salary ilile ö Salary Hahn. Laura Diane rcH ASSOC As an lntl 0.15 9/9mth 01/01/2008 05/15/2008 nterco¡leg¡ate Athletics 1.00 l2mth 01t16t2008 08/1 5/2008 $6¿50"00 rnõ sarary Food Science & Human Nutrition 0.00 l2mth o&t16t2007 08t15t2008 $1,250.00 /mo Title & ntercollegiate Athletics 1.00 12mth 02t01t2008 08/15/2008 $6,813.67 /mo Salary =nglish $888.89 /mo -anguage Hanna, Christan D {SST ATHL DIR/SALES I ilUe,Fttsü Salary VIKTG Helferich, William G ]IET, WOMEN'S HLTH & \GING PROF Hernandez. Luis Ñrùruu HtsAu L;uAuFt, I Salary iTRENGTH -{esselschwerdt, Steven P ASSOC DIR FOR SPACE MGMT Fac¡lities and Services 1.00 12mth 12116t2007 08/1 5/2008 $7.924.09 /mo Salary Hile. Tessa M ASST DIR OF FIN OPER urvrsron 01 uampus Recreation 1.00 l2mth 12t16t2007 08115t2008 $6,666.67 /mo Title & lnsana. Michael INTERIM HEAD. BIOENGR 3ioengineer¡ng 0.00 9/12mth 01t16t2008 05t15t2008 $625.00 /mo Title & Salary Kibler, B Elizabeth DIR 3raduate Admin 1.00 l2mth o1t16t2008 08t15t2008 $4,583.33 /mo fmeat Salary Kind-Keppel, Heather Marie PRGM COORD Housing Division 0.00 12mth 01114t2008 05t15t2008 $560.00 /mo Salary ionstanty, steven Mattheu¡ WEB APP PRGRMR Office of Dean of Students 1.00 l2mth 12t16t2007 08/15/2008 $4,666.67 /mo Title & (ramer. Arthur F PROF Psychology 1.00 9/l2mth 01t16t2008 05/1 5/2008 $15.908.17 /mo Salary Lacy, Lynnell J SOORD DEVLP AND ALUM lndustr¡al & Enterprise Sys Eng 1.00 12mth 01t28t2008 08/15/2008 $4.091.67 /mo T¡tle & REL rROF Law 1.00 9/l2mth 11t16t2007 05/15/2008 $14,'192.75 /mo Salary Salary Leipold, Andrew D Pagez of 4 Salary Salary Changes to Academic Appointments for Contract Year 2007-2008 Reported to the Board on March 26, 2008 Urbana Name Job Title Department Job FTE Loeb, PeterA ]ROF l\lathematics 1.00 9/12mth 11t16t2007 05t15t2008 $9.123.92 /mo Salary Lyons, Kathryn M MGR OF SERV CITES 1.00 l2mth 01t'16t2008 08/15/2008 $4,583.33 /mo Salary VlcAllister. Jeana L I\4GR OF SYST SERV ACES lnfo Tech & Cmc Svcs 1.00 12mth 12t16t2007 oBt15t2008 $5,333.33 /mo Service Service Begin Description Date End Date Service Salary Change Reason FTE & Salary McFarling, Jamie Marie ASST DIR OF ADM \dmissions and Records 1.00 lzmth 01t16t2008 08t15t2008 $4.166.67 /mo ilue ó Salary llcNe¡ll. Charles L ASSOC PROF Music 1.00 9/12mth 0'u16t2008 05/r5/2008 $7.768.42 /mo Salary Ml¡cele, Lisa R SOUNS Un¡versity Laboratory HS 0.00 10l12mth 08t't6t2007 08t15t2008 $583.33 /mo Salary Vl¡chaels, Susan L CSST TO THE DEAN Education Admin¡stration 1.00 12mth 01/01/2008 06/15/2008 $7,333.33 /mo Title & Salary Milton. Howard \SSOC DIR OF DEVLP lntercollegiate Athletics 1.00 l2mth 01t16t2008 08t15t2008 S6.008.33 /mo Title & Salary M¡nard, Jason P T SERV SPEC lntercollegiate Athlet¡cs r.00 12mth 01t02t2008 08/1 5/2008 $4,583.33 /mo I ltle ö. Salary Montgomery, Matthew P GOUNTY EXT DIR II 3ooperative Exlension 1.00 l2mth 01t07t2008 08/f5l2008 $4.541.67 /mo Title & l\íoreland, Benjamin J ASSOC DIR MBAADM VIBA Program 1.00 12mth 12t16t2007 08/15/2008 $4,166.67 /mo Salary \dministration rlte & Salary l\ilorton, Benjamin qSST DEAN OF STDNT Student Conflict Resolut¡on r.00 12mth 01t02t2008 08/1 5/2008 $3,750.00 /mo Itfle õ Salary Novakofski, Jan Ë )tR. tAcuc Animal Sciences 0.00 l2mth 09t21t2007 08t15t2008 $2.000.00 /mo Title & Salary 3hms, Cory J PRGM COORD Housing Division 0.00 12mth 01107t2008 05/1 5/2008 $560.00 /mo Salary )assalacqua, Ginger K SR COORD OF CLIENT SERV & COMNC y'eterinary Teaching 1.00 12mth 12t16t2007 08t15t2008 $4,916.67 /mo Title & Salary Robbennolt, Jenn¡fer Kirkpatr¡ck PROF Law 1.00 9/l2mth 11t16t2007 05/15/2008 $12,456.67 /mo Salary Sharpe, Ryan Thomas USER SERV SPEC CITES 1.00 l2mth 01/16/2008 08t15t2008 $3,541.67 /mo Salary Shier, Marion D /ST NSRL EXT ASSOC Agr Consumer & Env Sci Admn 0.00 12mth 01t16t2008 08/1 5/2008 $418.75 /mo Title & Salary Skottene. Thomas \SSOC DIR OF ADM Admiss¡ons and Records 1.00 l2mth 01t16t2008 08/15/2008 $6,666.67 /mo T¡tle & Smith Albert, Emily Elizabeth Mts,MÞEK\jFIII'/MK COORD Labor & lndustrial Relations 1.00 l2mth 01t01t2008 08/15/2008 $3,250.00 /mo {ospital Salary Page 3 of 4 I(j Salary Changes to Academic Appointments for Contract Year 2007-2008 Reported tothe Board on March 26,2008 Urbana Name Job Title Department Job FTE Smucker, Samuel J SRAD PRGM RES COORD Bioengineering 1.00 l2mth 01t01t2008 Song, Cheng VST SCHOLAR Pathobiology 0.50 12mth 01to1t2008 Service Service Beg¡n Description Date End Date Serv¡ce Salary Change Reason 08t15t2008 $3,586.50 /mo Salary 08/1 5/2008 $1,513.00 /mo FTE & Sâlary Staurer, Lesile önan TUI I UKIAL AI'¡'OL; News Bureau 0.75 l2mth 0'U16t2008 o&t15t2008 S3.305.63 /mo Strand. Richard Kad PHD COORD Arch¡tecture 0.00 9/12mth 01to'U2008 05t15t2008 $200.00 /mo Salary I llle ð( Salary Sullivan. Ronda L ASST TO THE HEAD Agricultural & Biological 1.00 12mth 02t't6t2008 08/15/2008 $6.541.67 /mo Salary 1.00 12mth 0l/16/2008 08t15t2008 $4,958.33 /mo Title & Salary !ngr [hemanson, Jenn¡fer A ASSOC REGISTRAR FOR Facility Mgmt and FMS Scheduling tuney, ilmmr ASST DIR Admissions and Records 1.00 l2mth 11t19t2007 08/15/2008 $4,675.00 /mo Salary W¡lliams, Kristopher B DIR OF OPER Materials Research Lab r.00 12mth 12t16t2007 08t15t2008 $7,083.33 /mo Title & Salary W¡lliamson, Loretta L SR DIR OF DEVLP Ofc VC lnst Advancement 1.00 l2mth 02t01t2008 0E/15/2008 $10,000.00 /mo Salary Woodward. Robert T ]LIN ASSOC PROF Cl¡nical Sciences Administralion 0.10 l2mth 08t2'U2007 0E/1 5/2008 $1,113.00 /mo ÞlÈ.ö. Krannert Center 0.00 12mth Zazal. Nicholas A Page 4 of 4 =VENTS COORD Salary 12t16t2007 05/15/2008 $876.00 /mo Salary Changes to Academic Appointments for Contract Year 2007-2008 Reported to the Board on March 26, 2008 Chicago Name Job Title Department Job FTE \l-Kodmany, Kheir M. CO-DIR iJrban Planning and Policy 0.00 9/12mth 08t16t2007 \l-Kodmany, Kheir M. VST DIR OF GRAD STDY Urban Planning and Policy 0.00 9/9mth Anderson-Shaw. Lisa K ]LIN ASST PROF Medical-Surgical Nursing 0.20 Aslan, Ronald J ]ROJ COORD Ambulatory Clinical Services Bastone-Leverenz. Rosemarie C SR NETWORK SERV SPEC 3av¡rsha. William M Service Begin End Date Service Salary Change Reason 05t15t2008 $250.00 /mo Title & 08t16t2007 12t31t2007 $555.56 /mo Title & 12mth 01t01t2008 06/f5l2008 $1.399.46 /mo 1.00 12mth 11t16t2007 0811512008 $4.187.08 /mo Salary Ul Hospital & Clinics 1.00 l2mth 11t16t2007 08/15/2008 $4.881.47 /mo Title & Salary ASSOC ATHL DIR ntercolleg¡ate Athletics 0.00 l2mth 11t16t2007 051'15t2008 $ l,000.00 /mo Salary Berkes. Jamie Lee INSTR Vledicine 0.32 12mth 1211612007 08/1 5/2008 $3,540.33 /mo FTE & Salary Bernstein, Roberta L. ASST DIR, MED SCI PRGM College of Medicine Administration 1.00 12mth 0111612008 08/15/2008 $5,583.33 /mo Title & Salary Bhagat, Hemal¡ SUPVR PHARM Ul Hosp & Clin¡cs Ancillary Serv 1.00 l2mth 01/16/2008 08/15/2008 $8,280.33 /mo Salary Blaszczyk, Stan RES PRGRMR Chemistry 0.00 l2mth 11t't6t2007 01t15t2008 $1.279.00 /mo Salary Bulanda. Michelle M CLIN ASST PROF Education 0.50 l2mth 08t16t2007 12t31t2007 $3.113.37 /mo Service Description Date Salary Salary Title, FTE & Salary FTE & Salary 3ulanda, M¡chelle M LIN ASST PROF Itr for Urban Education 0.10 12mth 08116t2007 06/15/2008 lsrch & Dev 3urke-M¡lter. Jane Katherine RES SPEC IN HLTH SYST RES Burns. Michelle COORD OF COCHLEAR IMPLANT SERV at Çilnrcs FTE & Salary 1.00 'l2mth 't1t05t2007 08/15/2008 $5,982.58 /mo FTE & Salary - 1.00 12mth 12t28t2007 08/15/2008 $5.740.08 /mo Salary Psychiatry ur r-tosp $622.67 /mo Ancillary Serv Bursua, Adam ]LIN PHARM Ul Hosp & Clinics Ancillary Serv 1.00 l2mth 01t16t2008 08/15/2008 $8,328.82 /mo Salary Cager, Gabrielle SPEC IN AUDIOLOGY Ul Hosp & Clinics Ancillary Serv 1.00 l2mth 12t28t2007 o8t15t2008 $5,856.00 /mo Salary Canoll, Robêrt ASSOC PRGM DIR GCRC 3ollege of Medicine {dministration U.1U l2mth 12t01t2007 08/1 5/2008 $760.10 /mo Cassidy, Michael J ASSOC ATHL DIR ntercollegiate Ath let¡cs 1.00 12mth 11t16t2007 08/15/2008 $4.708.33 /mo Copeland, Christ¡na G RËS SPEC IN DEVLP DISABILITIES Ctr for Urban Education Rsrch & Dev 1.00 12mth 08t16t2007 o8't15t2008 $5,002.83 /mo Salary Corte, Anthony M LECTURER lVlanagerial Studies 0.00 9/9mth 01t01t2008 05/1 5/2008 $f ,111.77 /mo Salary E - Title, FTE & Salary Title & Salary Page 1 of6 Changes to Academic Appointments for Contract Year 2007-2008 Reported to the Board on March 26,2008 Chicago Name Job Title Department Job FTE Sousins. Brian K CAMPUS RECR DIR Campus Recreation r.00 l2mth UIK SAKL;UMts,Kb DYNAMICS PRGM Physiology and B¡ophysics 0.00 9/12mth oBt16t2007 05/15/2008 $3.160.42 /mo Salary DIR. CUB ..;EA - Undergraduate L00 12mth 12116t2007 08/1 5/2008 $5,317.63 /mo Title & Jl Hosp & Clinics - Physn 0.40 12mth 08t16t2007 08/15/2008 $7,354.37 /mo 0.00 9/9mth 01t01t2008 0511512008 $1,111.11 /mo Service Service Begin Description Date 12t16t2007 End Date Service 08t15t2008 Salary Change Reason $5,833.33 /mo Title & Salary )e Tombe, Pieter P Delagaza, Joseph )rograms Desa¡, Prakash N qSSOC MED OFCR Salary Salary Support Dorvil, Michele A. LECTURER Research Centers ilüe ó Salary Dubick, Scott Bruce HLTH PHYS Envir Health & Safety 1.00 12mth 12t16t2007 08/f5/2008 $4,583.33 /mo Title & Engle, Janet P INTERIM HEAD, PMPR Pharmacy Practice 0.00 12mth '12t16t2007 08/15/2008 $833.33 /mo Title & Fanti, Marci J. VST DIR HR, COLL OF MED 0ollege of Medicine Administrat¡on 1.00 12mth 10t15t2007 08/1 5/2008 $7.666.67 /mo Title & Ferguson, Debra DIR DEVLP 1.00 12mth 08t16t2007 0E/15/2008 $7.500.00 /mo Title & rinnessy, Patrick ADJ LECTURER lonors College 0.00 9/9mth 01t14t2008 05/1 0/2008 $1,400.00 /mo :udacz, John A. {SST TO HEAD lhemistry 0.00 l2mth 11t1612007 12t15t2007 $1,425.00 /mo Salary Sallant. Sarah Anne !ECTURER tulonum tn tn¡enslve 0.00 Service Dates as 011't612008 03t15t2008 $645.00 /mo Salary Salary Salary Sollege of Medic¡ne Salary {dministration Salary Title & Salary English lndicated uatvan. Aþet -ECTURER Accounling 0.00 9/9mth 01t0'U2008 05/1 5/2008 $1,487.33 /mo Salary Genr¡ch, Kristyn Marie VST RES SPEC Biologic Resources Laboratory 1.00 12mth 12t',t6t2007 08/1 5/2008 $2,916.67 /mo rme at Salary Giezban. Michalina A RES PRGRMR Academic Computing & Comm Ctr 1.00 12mth 01t16t2008 08t15t2008 $4.166.67 /mo Salary Sirotti. Mariela H. IVIED Otolaryngology 1.00 12mth 12t16t2007 08/1 5/2008 $7,250.00 /mo Title, FTE & Sislason, Eric A INTERIM CHANC f,fc of the Chancellor 1.00 12mth 01t01t2008 08t15t2008 $22.916.67 /mo Title & Glacken, Joann Margaret RES SUPPT SPEC - IRB lollege of Medic¡ne at ìockford 1.00 l2mth 01t28t2008 08/1 5/2008 $3,333.33 /mo Title & Salary Gonzalez-Meler, Miquel Angel SONT EDUC FAC f,ffice of Cont¡nu¡ng lducation 0.00 Service Dates as 10t16t2007 12t15t2007 $2.080.00 /mo tme ó Salary chem¡stry 0.60 01t01t2008 08/1 5/2008 $2,100.00 /mo tme,FtÈú ANESTH NURS SPEC Salary Salary Guajardo, Raphael G PRGM COORD lndicated l2mth Safary Page 2 of 6 Changes to Academic Appointments for Contract Year 2007-2008 Reported to the Board on March 26,2008 Chicago Job Title Department Harris, Tamitra Rosetta FIN AID ADMNR F¡n A¡ds Ofc Hefferly, Michael DIR. AUDIOLOGY ut Flosp at uilnrcs - Job FTE Service Service Begin Description Date End Date Service Salary Change Reason 1.00 l2mth 01t16t2008 08/15/2008 $2.916.67 /mo I nle ð. Salary 1.00 12mth 12t28t2007 08/15/2008 $8,201.33 /mo Salary I.UU l2mth 01t16t2008 08/1 5/2008 $5.252.07 /mo Salary 1.00 't2mth 12t01t2007 08t15t2008 $5.416.67 /mo Title & 1.00 12mth 12t15t2007 Ancillary Serv {oehne. Charfes W ASST DIR Jff¡ce for the Pro of Res Subj lOilenoecK, unnstopner M. SR IT SPEC Ctr for Adv Dist Educ Pub Htth Honeyman, Jami Lynn r'ST PSYCHIAT SOCIAL Psychiatry Salary 08/1 5/2008 $3,666.67 /mo úVORKER lmrie. Heather J \ssoc Jones, John A -ECTURER €rras, Lieorgros Khavidi. Shahnaz DrR PROF CLIN INSTR I rfte ü Salary Office of Women's Affairs 1.00 12mth 08t16t2007 08/15/2008 $4,006.37 /mo Salary CBA - Undergraduate Programs 0.00 liervrce uales as 10t16t2007 't2t15t2007 $1.750.00 /mo Title & Salary CBA - Undergraduate Programs 0.00 01t16t2008 03/15/2008 $6.250.00 /mo Salary Nursing Admin¡strat¡on 0.40 11t16t2007 12t15t2007 $2,815.75 /mo Salary lndicated servrce uates as lndicated Service Dates as lndicated K¡lmartin, Margaret A STAFF SPEC IN NURS Ul Hosp & Clinics - Physn Support 1.00 12mth 02t16t2008 o8t15t2008 $7,500.00 /mo Salary Kishta, Ahmed PATH INFO SYST COORD Ul Hosp & Clinics qncillary Serv 0.90 l2mth 12t16t2007 o8,t15t2008 $6.312.33 /mo Salary Koehler. David OLIN ASST PROF Vlanagerial Studies 0.00 9/9mth 01t0112007 05t't5t2007 $1,4E7.55 /mo Salary Kong, Julie C 3OORD OF RES PRGM School of Public Health 0.00 12mth 08t16t2007 09t27t2007 $4.17 /mo Salary 0.00 12mth 081't612007 09t27t2007 $79.17 /mo Salary Ul Hosp & Clinics - Physn Support 0.26 l2mth 01t01t2008 08t15t2008 \dm¡n Kong, Julie C }OORD OF RES PRGM 3chool of Public Health \dmin Kukreja, Subhash C PHYSN SURG $3.666.67 /mo FTE & Salary Kukreja, Subhash C PHYSN SURG Medicine 0.24 12mth 01t01t2008 08t15t2008 $3,433.33 /mo FTE & Salary Kukæja, Subhash C VST PROF NÍed¡c¡ne 0.50 l2mth 01t0'U2008 o&t15t2006 $7.566.67 /mo Title, FTE & Lee, Chang R PRGM COORD Research Services 1.00 12mth 't2r't6t2007 08/15/2008 $4,750.00 /mo tme af Salary -orkov¡ch. Malinda K INTERIM PROJ COORD 3fftce of Admissions 0.00 12mth 't2t0'v2007 04t30t2008 $1,000.00 /mo Title & Maroen-KoDrnson, uanteile u. ADJ INSTR )fc Advance & Commun 0.00 9/9mth 01t01t2008 05/15/2008 $800.00 /mo Title & Salary Salary Salary ìelat¡ons Page 3 of 6 Changes to Academic Appointments for Contract Year 2007-2008 Reported to the Board on March 26,2008 Chicago Name Marreooy, Kadna Knsnna Marucna, Hnililp I h( Job FTE Service Begin Description Date End Date Service Salary Change Job Title Department ìES PRGRMR Academic Computing & Comm Ctr 1.00 l2mth 11t16t2007 08/15/2008 $6,633.17 /mo Salary VSTASSOC DEAN FOR Dentistry Administration 0.00 9/12mth 11t16t2007 05/1 5/2008 $2,500.00 /mo Title & Salary Service RES Reason McGee. Anastas¡a P ASSOC DIR Ofc Advance & Commun Relations 1.00 l2mth 12t16t2007 oE,t15t2008 $6,333.33 /mo Title & Salary Melberg, William F. LECTURER Vlanagerial Sludies 0.00 9/9mth 01t01t2008 05t15t2008 $1.354.44 /mo Salary Miller. Michael T. CLIN ASST PROF Vlanagerial Studies 0.00 9/9mth 01t01t2008 05t15t2008 $1,686.00 /mo Salary l\Iorris, Lauren B. INTERIM PROJ COORD fff¡ce of Admissions 0.00 12mth 12t01t2007 04t30t2008 $1.000.00 /mo Title & Salary Moruzzi. Norma Claire ]OORD Political Science 0.00 9/12mth 01to1t2008 05t15t2008 $250.00 /mo I rûe ¿t Salary Moruzzi. Norma Claire ASSOC PROF Pol¡tical Science 0.50 9/12mth 02t16t2008 05/15/2008 $2.770.83 /mo Salary Vloruzzi, Norma Claire ASSOC PROF Gender and Women's Studies 0.50 9/12mth 02t16t2008 05115t2008 $2,770.83 /mo Salary \aylor, Josh R ASST DIR Acaoemrc uompulrng ü 1.00 12mth 't1t16t2007 08/1 5/2008 $7.500.50 /mo Salary r.00 12mth 0'I16t2008 08/15/2008 $5.108.33 /mo ilüe ¿f Salary 0.00 Service Dates as lndicated 01t16t2008 03/15/2008 $735.00 /mo Salary 3BA - Undergraduate 0.00 Serv¡ce Dates as lndicated o1t16t2008 03t15t2008 $2.583.75 /mo Salary CBA - Undergraduate 0.00 Service Dates as 01/16/2008 03t15t2008 $6.250.00 /mo Salary 12t16t2007 08/15/2008 $4,79f .67 /mo Comm Ctr )lech. Rachel Ann ASST DIR umce 10r tne Hro 01 Kes Subj Jnufrock. David Scott LECTURER Tutorium in lntensive English Pagano, Anthony M ASSOC PROF )rograms Page, Albert L PROF Programs Parker, Corey Jason ]OORD, PATH EDUC )RGM arKer, Kenoat ?epperberg, David R Pepperberg, David R Pathology lndicated 1.00 'l2mth lllle ð. Salary r'ST DIR. PROJ CHANCE Enrollment & Acad Services 0.00 12mth 11t16t2007 08/15/2008 $1.445.00 /mo Title & Salary I utK, t{ts I |NAL IMPLANT PRGM Ophthalmology & Visual 0.00 l2mth 08t16t2007 08t15t2008 $1,250.00 /mo Title & Salary SR RES SCI Ophthalmology & Visual 0.10 12mth o8r16t2007 08/15/2008 $2.601.75 /mo Salary 0.00 12mth 08t16t2007 08/r5l2008 $4,495.23 /mo Salary 0.00 9/9mth 01/01/2008 05/15/2008 51.111.00 /mo Title & Salary vùr Sci Sci Pepperberg, David R DIRNANOSCALE PROJ Ophthalmology & Visual Sci Perales. Jose Page 4 of 6 LEGTURER Latin American &Latino Studies Changes to Academic Appointments for Contract Year 2007-2008 Reported lo the Board on March 26, 2008 Chicago Department Job FTE ,ECTURER \natomy and Cell Biology 0.50 12mth 12t04t2007 08t15t2008 $3'775.00 /mo Title, FTE & Peterson, Elizabeth Walker ]LIN ASSOC PROF )ccupational Therapy 1.00 l2mth 12t16t2007 08t15t2008 $6,404.74 /mo Salary Police Hall. Roseanda IR SPEC Human Resources at UIC 1.00 12mth 12t16t2007 08/15/2008 $5,416.67 /mo Salary Powell, Kathryn CLIN ASST PROF u¡c Aovance & uommun 0.45 Service Dates as 12t16t2007 01t15t2008 $3.002.15 /mo Name Job Pesc¡telli. Maurice ïitle Service Service Begin Description Date End Date Serv¡ce Salary Change Reason Salary Relations Powell, Kathryn CLIN ASST PROF Ofc Advance & Commun 0.05 Relations t'ervrce uales as FTE & Salary lndicated 01t16t2008 02t15t2008 $313.27 /mo FTE & Salary lndicated Ramirez, Leonard ADJ LECTURER Latin American &Latino Studies 0.00 9/9mth 01/01/2008 05/15/2008 $1,111.00 /mo Title & Salary Raney, Gary E. CHAIR Psychology 0.00 9/12mth 08/'16t2007 05/1 5/200E $833.33 /mo Salary Rasmussen, Beth SPEC IN AUDIOLOGY Ul Hosp & Clinics Ancillary Serv 1.00 12mth 12t26t2QO7 06/15/2008 $5,236.08 /mo Salary lausa Williams. Monica M ASSTTO THE CHANC l/ice Chancellor for 0.00 l2mth 0'u01t2008 08/15/2008 $416.67 /mo Research ì¡seman. Debra L ìmeileh. Amin M I rfle at Salary PSYCHIAT SOCIAL Jl Hosp & Clinics ÚVORKER qncillary Serv RES SPEG IN HLTH SCI rhys¡ology and Biophysics r.00 12mth 01t16t2008 08/15/2008 $4.834.66 /mo FTE & Salary 0.48 l2mth 't1t16t2007 08/1 5/2008 $1.093.00 /mo FTE & Salary Roe, George Ryan, William A SLIN ASSOC PROF CDJ LECTURER CBA - Undergraduate Programs 0.00 Honors College 0.00 servtce uates as 01/16/2008 03/1 5/2008 $5,333.34 /mo 01t10t2008 o6t10t2008 S1.400.00 /mo Salary lnd¡cated Service Dates as lndicated Irüeü Salary Sadikot, Ruxana ,HYSN SURG Medicine 0.10 l2mth 01t01t2008 08t15t2008 $1,851.00 /mo Sarav¡a, Lydia A. -ECTURER English 0.00 9/9mth o'v01t2008 05/15/2008 $333.33 /mo Salary Smith. Brett VIED PHYSN Ul Hosp & Clin¡cs Ancillary Serv 1.00 l2mth 01t01t2008 0E/1 5/200E $9.E65.67 /mo Salary sporer, Amy ASST DIR RES MGMT lnstitute for Hlth Research &Policy 1.00 l2mth 1',U01t2007 08t15t2008 $6.666.67 /mo Title & Salary Stoner, Gregg D tr,ÃtrU UIK. FAM MtrU FtsL PRGM Family and Community Medicine 0.20 12mth 09t16t2007 08t't5t2008 $1,338.91 /mo Title, FTE & Salary Straughan, Kirsten Annika VST CLIN ASST PROF Kinesiology and Nutrition 1.00 l2mth 01/01/2008 08/1 5/2008 $3.822.92 /mo Title & Salary Suss, Nichole SPEC IN AUDIOLOGY Jl Hosp & Clinics - 1.00 12mth 12t28t2007 08/15/2008 $4,999.00 /mo Salary {ncillary Serv Page 5 of 6 - Title, FTE & Salary Changes to Academic Appointments for Contract Year 2007-2008 Reported to the Board on March 26, 2008 Chicago Sutton, Jam¡e Alyssa felleen. Sharon Louise Job Title Department Job FTE }OORD OF ACCREDITED )RGM Human Nutrition 1.00 RES ASSOC PROF lnst for Res On Race & Pub Pol 0.27 12mth 10t16t2007 End Date Service 08/15/2008 Salary $5,833.33 /mo Change Reason ilüe at l2mth 10t15t2007 12t3',U2007 $1,682.04 /mo FTE & Salary RES ASSOC PROF lnst for Res On Race & Pub Pol o.12 Thompson, Peter VST CLIN ASST PROF Managerial Stud¡es 0.00 TCH ASSOC Medical-Surgical Nursing 0.75 Vuckovic, Karen Mary Begin Descrípt¡on Date Salary Telleen, Sharon Louise B Service Service 0'U01t2008 06t15t2008 $757.79 /mo FTE & Salary 9/9mth 0'u0'u2008 05/1 5/2008 $1,525.55 /mo Title & Salary 9/12mth 02t16t2008 05/15/2008 $3,800.64 /mo f 2mth FTE & Salary VVAAK. JASON M CSST DIR Ofc of the Chancellor 1.00 l2mth 12t16t2007 08t15t2008 $4.000.00 /mo Irtle ö Salary Wang, Jie qSST CLIN PROF CBA - Undergraduate 0.00 servrce uates as 0't/16/2008 03/1 5/2008 $3,100.00 /mo Title & Salary Programs lndicated rÂ/augh, Jordan B /ST DIR OF FIN College of Medicine Adminishation 1.00 l2mth o'vo7t2008 08t15t2008 $7,083.33 /mo Title & Salary West, Patricia M JR RES PROJ COORD Surgery 1.00 l2mth 11t16t2007 08/f5l2008 $7,916.67 /mo Title & Salary Whittier. Fabiene INTERIM PROJ COORD Office of Systems and 0.00 12mth 12t01t2007 04t30t2008 $1.000.00 /mo Title & Salary 1.00 12mth 12t01t2007 08t15t2008 $4,833.33 /mo Titlê & Services Yen. Michael IT SPEC Itr for Adv Dist Educ Pub {tth Salary Zdenek. Connie DATA MGMTANLYS y'ice Prov Resource Plng $ Mgmt 0.75 l2mth 12t08t2007 08t15t2008 $4.000.00 /mo Title & Salary Zimmerman, Kimberley Beth DIR SPEECH PATH ut Hosp ¿f uilnrcs Ancillary Serv 1.00 12mth 01t0'U2008 08/1 5/2008 $6,666.67 /mo Title & Salary Page 6 of 6 Changes to Academic Appointments for Contract Year 2007-2008 Reported to the Board on March 26, 2008 Springfield Name Job Title Department Job FTE Branson. Leonard )ROF Accountancy 0.00 9/12mth 01t16t2008 3ardoza, Kavitha Julia qDJ LECTURER Sommunication 0.00 9/9mth 01t0'U2008 Service Service Begin Description Date End Date Service Salary Change Reason 05/r5/2008 $1,366.74 /mo Salary 05t15t2008 $488.89 /mo ItUeú Salary ASSOC PROF y'C Academic Affairs 0.00 9/9mth 01t16t2008 05t15t2008 $874.89 /mo Salary 'lall, James Patr¡ck ASSOC PROF Vlanagement lnformation Systems 0.00 9/12mth 01t16t2008 05t15t2008 $331.25 /mo Salary luff, Joseph W. ASST PROF Management 0.00 9/12mth 01/16/2008 05t15t2008 $331.25 /mo Salary lessup, Carol Meneghetti ASSOC PROF Accountancy 0.00 9/12mth 01t16t2008 05/'t5/2006 $331.25 /mo Salary Karri, Ranjan ASSOC PROF Management 0.00 Service Dates as 0't/16/2008 03/15/200E $33f .24 /mo Salary lisenhart, Kathryn E lndicated Killam. Lenore lrene ADJ INSTR Public Health 0.00 9/9mth 0u01t2008 05t15t2008 5466.67 /mo Title & Salary Kynion, Rae Lynne ADJ INSTR Educational Leadership 0.00 9/9mth 01/01/2008 05/15/2008 $1,066.67 /mo Title & Salary LaFollette, Sharron E. ASSOC PROF VC Academic Affairs 0.00 9/9mth 01t16t2008 05/15/2008 $881.84 /mo Salary Lohrasb¡, Ardesh¡r ASSOC PROF Business Administration 0.00 Service Dates as 01t16t2008 04t15t2008 $331.25 /mo Salary lndicated Long, Denise H \DJ INSTR English o.25 9/9mth 01t0'u2008 051't5t2008 $488.89 /mo Title, FTE & Salary Long, Denise H CDJ INSTR Engl¡sh 0.07 9/9mth 01/01/2008 01t15t2008 $313.89 /mo Title, FTE & Salary McDev¡tt. Paul K \SSOC PROF Susrness ü Management Sen Exp 0.00 üervrce uales as 12t16t2007 04t1512008 $500.00 /mo Salary \SSOC PROF Vlanagement 0.00 9/12mth 01t't6t2008 05/1 5/2008 $331.25 /mo Salary )hillips, William H. \SSOC PROF lducational Leadership 0.00 9/12mth 01/16/2008 05/15/2008 $207.03 /mo Salary Powers. Candace L \SST TO THE DEAN & Human =ducat¡on Services Adm 1.00 l2mth 01/01/2008 08t15t2008 $4,886.42 /mo Salary Scannell, Nancy J ASSOC PROF Susiness Administration 0.00 9/12mth 01t't6t2008 0511512008 $331.25 /mo Salary Scarbrough, Valer¡e Jayne ADJ LECTURER iocial Work 0.00 9/9mth 01/01/2008 05/15/2008 $577.78 /mo Title & Salary Schaub. Donna J ASST TO THE DEAN LAS Adm¡nistration 1.00 l2mth 0'U01t2008 08/15/2008 $4,380.67 /mo Salary aramesnwar, Sangee¡a Page 1 of2 lndicated Changes to Academic Appointments for Contract Year 2007-2008 Reported tothe Board on March 26,2008 Springfield End Date Department Job FTE Schwark, Stephen J )ROF Political Stud¡es 0.00 9/12mth o1t16t200E 05/1 5/2008 $92ô.28 /mo Salary Shipp, Judy L CDJ LECTURER Human Development 0ounsel¡ng 0.00 9/9mth 01t01t2008 05/1 5/2008 $444.44 lmo Title & Salary Steele, Nathan L. CSST PROF Management 0.00 9/12mth 0'U16t2008 05/15/2008 S331.25 /mo Salary Ianaka, Tyler T \DJ LECTURER feacher Education 0.00 9/9mth 0'Uo'U2008 05/15/2008 $1.155.55 /mo I llle öt Salary faylor, Natalie A. \SST TO THE DEAN tsoucaüon ü Human Services Adm 1.00 l2mth 01/01/2008 08/15/2008 S4.256.75 /mo Salary y'an Dyke-Brown, Barbara A. \DJ INSTR rol¡t¡cal Stud¡es 0.00 9/9mth 01t16t2008 05/15/2008 $525.00 /mo Title & l/l/illiams, Ryan K. \SST PROF 3riminal Justice 0.00 9/12mth 01t16t2008 05t15t2008 $808.93 /mo Salary )ROF 3usiness Administration 0.00 Service Dates as lndicated 01/16/2008 04t15t2008 $331.25 /mo Salary Job Title Service Service Begin Description Date Service Salary Change Reason Salary ú1/right, Page 2 oÍ 2 Robert E Ghanges to Academic Appointments for Contract Year 2007-2008 Reported to the Board on March 26,2008 U n¡versity Administration Ballinger, Andrea S Job Title Department Job FTE INTERIM ASST V PRES Dec¡sion Support 0.00 Service Service Begin Description Date 12mth 12t',t6t2007 End Date Service 08/15/2008 Salary $775.83 /mo Change Reason rllreö Salary Bossert, Peter =NTERPRISE SYST SPEC Adm¡n lnfo Tech Services 1.00 12mth 12t16t2007 08/1 5/2008 $6,522.92 lmo Salary Salary Edwards, E Bradley )ATENT COORD OTM Urbana-Champaign 1.00 12mth 02t16t2008 08t15t2008 $5,830.83 /mo Frull. uene )IR OF IT AUDITS Office of University Audits 1.00 l2mth 1'U02t2007 oat15t200E $7.250.00 /mo I rüe at Salary Slascott. Colleen Patrice PROJ COORD CTM Ghicago 1.00 12mth 12t'16t2007 08/15/2008 $4,508.82 /mo Salary Slenn, Amy R BUS PROCESS SPEC qssoc VP Human 0.60 12mth 12t16t2007 08/15/2008 $2.589.93 /mo FTE & Salary ìesources Hall. Lashawnda V Hall, Ryan M )BFS - UIC Grants & lonhacts 0.00 l2mth 01r't6t2008 07t15t2008 $1,000.00 /mo Salary CONTRACTS PROJ MGR )BFS - Business lnfo 1.00 12mth 01t16t2008 08/15/2008 $4,166.67 /mo Title & Title, FTE ASST DIR GRANTS & Systems Salary Krol, Margaret V, OHIEF TECHNOL OFCR 3lobal Campus 0.50 12mth 08t16t2007 06/15/2008 59.333.00 /mo Krol, Margaret V. NTERIM ASSOC V PRES Admin lnfo Tech Services 0.00 12mth 08t16t2007 o1t3'v2008 $1,063.00 /mo & Salary ilfle ¿Í Salary Norvell. Jonathan M Oleynichak, Gina ASSOG DIR AGRI INVESTMENTS OBFS - Treasury RSRSC & POLICY ANLYS UõI.ùi. UIUU AVI' 1.00 12mth 't2t16t2007 08/15/2008 57,431.77 lmo Salary 1.00 12mth 01t1412008 08/15/2008 $4,500.00 /mo Title & 0.70 1zmth 01t16t2008 08t15t2008 $3,089.24 /mo FTE & Salary 0.00 12mth 01t16t2008 07t't5t2008 $650.00 /mo Salary Operations Bus¡ness & Finance Red¡ger, Gayle Kamerer BUS INFO SPEC OBFS - Business lnfo Salary Systems GRANTS & CONTRACT SPEC CBFS - UIC Grants & Rice, Scott Edward ASSOC UNIV COUNS Jniversity Counsel 1.00 l2mth 01t16t2008 08/15/2008 $8,500.00 /mo Salary Stephens, Cody COORD OF RES PRGM lnst¡t of Govt & Pub Affs 0.75 12mth 011't6t2008 08t15t2008 $2.896.77 /mo FTE & Salary Reynolds, Darryl P Page 1 of 1 3ontracts New Hires Reported to the Board on March 26, 2008 Urbana Serv¡ce Beg¡n Date Service End o'U07t2008 05t15t2008 $4,631.58 /mo 12n3/2007 oBt15t2008 $4,166.67 /mo 41t14t2008 05/1 5/2008 $1,625.00 /mo 12t03t2007 08t15t2008 $3,605.00 /mo 9/9mth 01/16/2008 05/l 5/2008 $1,000.00 /mo Surgery 1.00 th2mlh 01t11t2008 05/15/2008 $4,166.67 /mo $3,500.00 /mo FTE Service Description 1.00 Serv¡ce Dates as lndicated Job Job Title Department VST ASST PROF Mathematics Amold, Charles Willis DATABASE PRGRMR Beckman lnst¡tute 1.00 12mth Ascoli, Jean L VST PROF Env¡ronmental Counc¡l 0.20 Service Dates as lnd¡cated Assell, Laurie Kemm VST ÊXT OUTR ASSOC Cooperative Extension 1.00 12mth Aubourg, Nad¡ne VST SCHOLAR Food Sc¡ence & Human Nutrit¡on 1.00 Aramâyona Delgado, Jav¡er Aucar, John A VST ASSOC PROF Bab¡arz, James A RES PRGRMR Baer, Cynthia COUNTY EXT DIR Bahler, Blake Christopher Date Salary CITES 1.00 12mth 01t02t2008 08/15/2008 Cooperat¡ve Extension 1.00 l2mth 11t26t2007 08/l5/2008 $4,083.33 /mo INATLADM PROC COORD Adm¡ssions and Records 1.00 12mth 1211212007 08t15t2008 $3,250.00 /mo Bales, Thaddeus Basel ENGR SPEC Fac¡lities and Serviees 1.00 l2mth 01t07t2008 08/15/2008 $6,854.17 /mo Bamhart, Anne Calvert ADJ LECTURER L¡brary & lnformation Science 0.25 9/9mth 011o112008 05/15/2008 $1,333.33 /mo Batcha, Tamilselvam RES SPEC IN LIFE SCI Microbiology 1.00 12mth 12t14t2007 08/1 5/2008 $3,967.08 /mo STDNTACAD PRGM COORD Agriculturâl & Biological Engr 1.00 12mth 01/03/2008 08t15t2008 $3,750.00 /mo Brandt, Heather Rene COORD TSTG CTR Omce of Dean of Students 1.00 12mth 12t16t2007 08/1 5/2008 $2,875.00 /mo Brodnan, Gary Lôe ADJ LECTURER Curiculum and Instruct¡on 9/9mth 01t16t2008 05t15t2008 $600.00 /mo Brodnan, Kathleen ADJ LECTURER Curiculum and lnstruction 9/9mth 01/16/2008 05/1 5/2008 $800.00 /mo Bronson-Lowe, Daniel Lee VST LECTURER K¡nesiology & Community Health 9/9mth 01to1t200a 05/1 5/2008 $1,333.33 /mo Capilla, Ana Toralbo VST SCHOLAR Beckman lnst¡tute 0.20 0.25 0.22 0.50 Serv¡ce Dates as lnd¡cated 0210112008 06t15t2008 $1,749.91 /mo Supercomput¡ng Appl¡cat¡ons '1.00 l2mth 01t02t2008 08/15/2008 $5,416.67 imo Boone, Anne M I Capitanu, Boris RES PRGRMR Cate, Shannon L VST LECTURER lnst of Communicat¡ons Rsch 0.25 9/9mth 01t0112008 05/15/2008 $1,777.78 lmo Chaguinian, Christophe VST INSTR French 0.33 9/9mth 01t01t2008 05t15t2008 $1,111.11 /mo Chesler, Patricia Ann VST SR RES SPEC School of Soc¡al Work 1.00 l2mth 01/1 6/2008 06/30/2008 $9,583.33 /mo Coyle, Heather VST EXT UNIT EDUC, CED Cooperat¡ve Extension ñ7 l2mth 11t16t2007 o8t15t2008 $3,041.67 /mo Craddock, He¡d¡ C ACAD ADVR & COORD UNDER lndustrial&Enterprise 1.00 l2mth 01t02t2008 08t15t2008 $3,541.67 /mo Cross, Theodore Paul VST RES SPEC School of Social Work 1.00 12m|l!. 12t16t2007 06/30/2008 $6,466.67 /mo Crow, Shelby Lee VST EXÏ UNIT EDUC, CED Cooperativè Extension L00 12mth 't2t16t2007 08/l5/2008 $3,700.00 /mo Dahlke, Birgit VST ASST PROF Germanic Languages & Lit 1.00 9/9mth 01t01t2008 05/15/2008 $6,666.67 /mo Damell, Kimberly Dâwn OSPRA SPEC Ofc Sponsored Prgs & Res Admin 1.00 l2mth 01/16/2008 08/1 5/2008 $3,000.00 /mo Darnell, Tony RES PRGRMR Astronomy '1.00 l2mth 1210512007 08/1 5/2008 $6,666.67 /mo Dawson, Stephanie Erin ADM SPEC Admissions and Records 1.00 12mth 12t03t2007 08t15t2008 $2,333.33 /mo Deakin, Charles ASST POLICE TRNG SPEC Police Training lnst¡tute 1.00 12mth 12t16t2007 08/1 5/2008 $5,250.00 /mo Sys Eng Derfiemi, Eda VST LECTURER lnst of Communications Rsch 0.50 9/9mth 01t01t2008 05/'15/2008 $3,555.56 /mo Derhemi, Eda VST INSTR Spanish, ltalian & Portuguese 0.50 9/9mth 01t01t2008 05t15t2008 $1,600.78 /mo Devries, Peul J COMPL COORD lntercollegiate Athlet¡cs 1.00 12mth 12t03t2007 08/t 5/2008 $5,416.67 /mo Dimock, Susan Cord¡a VST ASST PROF Pol¡t¡cal Science 0.33 9/9mth 0t/01/2008 05/1 5/2008 $3,333.33 /mo Page I of 5 New Hires Reported to the Board on March 26, 2008 Urbana Job Title Deoarlment Dolan, Thomas J ADJ PROF Nuclear Plasma & Red Engr Dunham, Anna Catherine CONF CTR MKTG DIR VC Student Affairs Durk¡n, Valerie Ann ADJ LECTURER Cuniculum and lnstruction Ehler, Lesl¡e MEDIA COMNC SPEC Housing D¡v¡sion Feller, Ronda Jo ADJ LECTURER Cuniculum and lnstruct¡on Filler, Ronald H ADJ PROF Law Foley, Donna Lynn ASST DIR Franks, William Trent SPECTROSCOPIST School of Chemical Sciences Fredericks, Lisa Page VST VET RES SPEC Vet Clinical Medicine Fredricksen, Mark A SYST ENGR Supercomputing Appl¡cations Frye, Janie Catherine VET RES SPEC Pathobiology Gauthreaux, Sidney A VST SCHOLAR C¡v¡l & Environmental Eng Gratz, Steven VST TCH ASSOC Human & Community Development Green, Andrew VST ASST PROF Politicâl Science Greene, M¡tzi Oned¡a VST PRGM COORD Conferences end lnst¡tutès Gudeman, Helen J ADJ LECTURER Cun¡culum and lnstruction Hake, Eric Robert VST ASSOC PROF Economics Harden, Yvonne Anita ASST DIR -- MS.TAX PRGM Accountancy Hanis, Martin D RES ENGR Micro and Nanotechnology Lab Haris, Steven L VST PROF Law Hert, Mark Smylie NETWORKADMN Cooperat¡ve Extens¡on Hauenste¡n, George H DIR OF DEVLP Broadcasting General Admin Heier, Sarah ASST TO THE DIR Admiss¡ons and Records Hellner, Mark L ADJ PROF Law Holda, Nancy COORD RES PRGM Chemistry Holley, Jean Lake VST CLIN PROF lnternal Medicine Hooker, Joseph Edward ADJ LECTURER Urben & Rêgionel Plenn¡ng Hsieh, Jonathan ACCESSIBLE DEVLP SPEC CITES Hufford, Sandy J VST FAM LIAISON SPEC Spec¡al Education lngram, W¡lliam A VST RES PRGRMR Library Research & Publication Jayne, Holly D CLIENT SERV SPEC Veterinary Teach¡ng Hospital Johnson, Andre Bruce ASSTTO HEAD COACH, WBB lntercollegiate Athletics - MSBA/TECH Business Administration Jones, Janet MGR CITES Jones, Joseph E VST LECTURER Mus¡c Jorstad, Chip Steven DIR OF DEVLP Mechanical Science & Engineering Pegê 2 of 5 Job FTE 0.25 1.00 0.38 1.00 0.13 0.05 1.00 1.00 0.50 1.00 .00 0.25 0.33 0.25 1.00 0.25 0.33 1.00 1.00 0.45 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.10 .00 0.30 0.40 1.00 1.00 1.00 .00 .00 1.00 0.25 1.00 1 1 1 1 Service DescriDtion 9/9mth 12mth 9/9mth 12mth 9/9mth 9/9mth l2mth 12mth l2mth 12mth l2mth Service Begin Date Service End Date O1lO1l2O08 05/15/2008 $1,333.33 /mo 1111212007 08/15/2008 $4,833.33 /mo 01/16/2008 05/15/2008 $900.00 /mo 1210312007 08/15/2008 $2,833.33 /mo 0111612008 05/15/2008 $400.00 /mo O1l01l2OO8 05/1 512008 $611.11 /mo 1211012007 08/15/2008 S4,666.67 /mo 0111612008 08f5/2008 S4,166.67 imo 1211712007 08f5/2008 $1,666.ô7 /mo 121161200T O8l15l2OOg $4,583.33 /mo 1210312007 Ogl15l200g $3,125.00 /mo Service Dates as O5l31l2OOB $4,000.00 /mo Service Dates lndicated O1l01l2OO8 as lndicated 1211612007 05/15/2008 S2,400.00 /mo 9/9mth l2mth 9/9mth 9/9mth 12mth l2mth 9/9mth lzmth l2mth 12mth 9/9mth 12mth l2mth 9/9mth l2mth 12mth l2mth l2mth I 0/1 2mth l2mth 9/9mth 12mth 0110112008 05i15/2008 î1,777.78 lmo $3,416.67 /mo 12lO3l2OO7 08/15/2008 01/16/2008 O5l15nOO8 O1l01l200g 05/15/2008 $800.00 /mo $2,444.44 lmo 1210312007 08/15/2008 $5,000.00 imo 1212012007 08/15/2008 $3,750.00 /mo O1t01l2OO8 05/15/2008 $5,555.56 /mo 1210312007 08/1 5/2008 $5,000.00 /mo 01/08/2008 08/15/2008 $7,500.00 /mo 1112612007 08/15/2008 $2,500.00 /mo O1lO1noOg 05/15/2008 $1,222.22 Imo 1U19l2oO7 08/15/2008 $3,833.33 /mo 0811612007 Ogl15l2008 $5,125.00 /mo 0110'112008 05/15/2008 $2,666.67 /mo 0111412008 08/15/2008 $3,166.67 /mo 01/03/2008 O8l'1512O08 $3,433.33 /mo O1l07l20og 0811512008 $4,308.33 /mo 1111612007 Ogt15l2o08 $3,291.67 /mo O3l3'l l2OOg S3,333.33 /mo 'l 1 121 l2Ùo7 ún112008 08/15/2008 û4,833.33 /mo O1lO1l20Og 05/15/2008 $1,333.33 /mo 12l17nOO7 08/15/2008 $6,750.00 /mo New Hires Reported to the Board on March 26, 2008 Urbana Name Job Title Keefe, Ken J SOFTWARE ENGR Service Description Serv¡ce Begin Date SeN¡ce End Job FTË lnformation Trust lnstilute 1.00 1zmth 01t02t2008 08/l5/2008 $5,250.00 /mo DeÞartment Date Salary Kelley, Mary Jane Maybanks ADJ LECTURER Curiculum and lnstruction 0.50 9l9mth 0t/01/2008 05n5/2008 $1,600.00 /mo Korshunov, Serge¡ RES SCI Microbiology 1.00 l2mth 12t07t2007 oBt15t2008 $3,083.33 /mo Kowalczyk, Bonnie L HEAD TCH Human & Community Development 1.00 12mth 01/16/2008 08t15t2008 $2,583.33 /mo 05n5n008 $1,222.22 lmo Law 0.10 9/9mth üß1n008 VST ASSOC PROF Bus¡ness Adm¡nistrat¡on 1.00 9/9mth 01t0'U2008 05/l5/2008 $18,333.33 /mo MKTG WEB COORD Academic Outreach 1.00 l2mth 01t02t2008 08/15/2008 $4,416.67 /mo Lage, Stephanie M ASST TO THE DIR Env¡ronmental Counc¡l L00 1zmth 0111612008 08/15/2008 $4,583.33 imo Lam, Tina Loan VST PROJ COORD Disability Res & Educ Svcs 1.00 1zmlh 12t03t2007 08/15/2008 $2,916.67 /mo Landqu¡st, Bethany Lynn CHEM LRNG CTR SPEC Chemistry 1.00 12mth 01t14t2008 08/15/2008 $3,333.33 /mo School of Soc¡al Work 0.49 l2mth 01i16/2008 08/15/2008 $1,875.00 /mo 0.25 9/9mth 01t01t2008 05/t 5/2008 $876.67 /mo 0.25 o17 .00 O.2O 9/9mth 9/9mth l2mth 0110112008 05t15t2008 $1,777.78 tmo 01/01/2008 o5t15t2008 $1,444.44 lmo 1211612007 08/1 5/2008 $5,666.67 /mo 0l/08/2008 06/30/2008 $500.00 /mo lzmth 12t03t2007 08t15t2008 $2,583.33 /mo Kuenning, Matthew Philip ADJ PROF Kuo, Ching Chung Kylasam, Arathi Larison, Tara Earls VST CURR SPEC Lee, Curley M VST LECTURER lndustrial&Enterprise Lee, Emery G. VST ASST PROF Political Sc¡ence Lee, Jinhee VST INSTR E. Asian Languages & Cultures Lee, Jong Sung RES SCI Supercomput¡n9 Appl¡cations Lee, Mira VST SCHOLAR Computer Sc¡ence Sys Eng 1 Service Dates as 1.00 lndicated Leonard, Sarah COORD RES PRGM Chemical & Biomolecular Engr Lev, Jemes R ARCH, CAP PLNG Facilities and Serv¡ces 1.00 12mth 01/10/2008 08t15t2008 $5,583.34 /mo Lindqu¡st, Mary Florence ADJ LECTURER Curriculum and lnstruct¡on 0.65 9/9mth 01t16t2008 05/15/2008 $2,070.00 /mo Lucht, Karla Stover CMPUT ASST INSTR SPEC Library & lnformatíon Science 1.00 12mth 01t16t2008 08/15/2008 $3,450.00 /mo Maher, Edward Frank VST ASST PROF Anthropology 0.50 9i9mth 01t01t2008 0s/15/2008 $1,333.33 /mo Marcinkowski, Matlhew Macie¡ LECTURER F¡nance 0110112008 Oãl1snoog $7,944.44 Imo Masters, M¡chael David VST RES SPEC IN LIFE SCI lnst¡tute for Genomic Biology Mc.Auley, Elise Renay VST RES SPEC K¡nesiology & Commun¡ty Health McFadden, Tiffany L. VST CLIN INSTR Veterinary Teaching Hosp¡tal 9/9mth 12mth l2mth 12mlh Mekonnen, Dereje Worku VST SCHOLAR Plant Biology Melb¡nger, Michael Sylvester ADJ PROF Law M¡talski, Marc A VST ASST PROF Arch¡tecture Montavon, Mary ADJ LECTURER Curriculum and lnstruction Moos, Charity PRGM MGR Comm On lnstit Cooperation Moss, Shel¡a D ASST DIR Graduate Admin 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.50 0.10 0.30 0.25 1.00 1.00 Mullen, Jess¡ca E VST LECTURER Art & Design Myhre, Theodore IT PRO SUPPORT SPEC Nectoux, Tracy Marie Nguyen, Trang Huong Page 3 of 5 0110712008 08/15/2008 $2,500.00 /mo 011161200g 08/15/2008 $2,500.00 /mo o1l04l2oog 08/15/2008 lnd¡cated 1211612007 o1l15l2oo8 Dates as lndicated 011161200A O2llsl200a 9/9mth 01/01/2008 05f5/2008 01/01/2008 05/15/2008 9/9mth o2ß4t2oos 08/15/2008 l2mth Serv¡ce Dates as Serv¡ce $5,833.33 /mo $1,200.00 /mo $5,500.00 /mo $2,555.56 /mo $1,333.33 /mo $4,583.33 /mo 12mth 1211612007 0811512008 $3,583.33 /mo 0.25 9/9mth 01/01/2008 05/15/2008 $1,1,l1.11 /mo CITES 1.00 12mth 12t03t2007 08t15t2008 $4,166.67 /mo VST IL NEWS PROJ CATA/ST ASST Library 1.00 12mth 01/16/2008 08/15/2008 $3,583.33 /mo RES SPEC IN LIFE SCI lnst¡tute for Genomic Biology 1.00 12mth 12tO512007 08/15/2008 $2.686.67 /mo New Hires Reported to the Board on March 26,2008 Urbana Job ïtle DèDartment Serv¡ce Begin Date Service End Serv¡ce Description 0.13 9/9mth 01t01t2008 05/1 5/2008 $888.89 /mo Job FTE Date Salarv Olsson, Ulf E VST PROF German¡c Languages & L¡t Padilla, Karina J ADM COUNS Adm¡ss¡ons and Records 1.00 12mth 01t07t2008 08/1 5/2008 $3,000.00 /mo Padioleau, Yoann VST LECTURER Computer Sc¡ence 0.25 12mth 01/01/2008 05t15t2008 $1,687.00 /mo Paje, Edd¡e PRGM COORD Ofi¡ce of Dean of Students 1.00 l2mth 01t14t2008 08t15t2008 $2,916.67 /mo Park, So Yeon VST LECTURER Computer Science 0.25 12mth 01/01/2008 05t15noo8 s1,687.00 /mo Perry, Oric NETWORKADMN SPEC Fire Service lnst¡tute 1.00 t2mth 01t10nooB 08/1 5/2008 $4,833.33 /mo P¡ez, Wendell A ADJ LECTURER L¡brary & lnformat¡on Science 0.25 9/9mth 01t01t2008 05/1 5/2008 $1,333.33 /mo Poulosky, Laura Jean VST ASST PROF French 0.25 9/9mth 01t01t2008 05t15t2008 $1,111.11 /mo Pr¡mer, Cal Anne RES PRGRMR Ofr¡ce of the Chancellor 1.00 l2mth 12t03t2007 08/l5/2008 $3,750.00 /mo Pritschet, Jeanette ADJ LECTURER School of Soc¡al Work 0.15 9/9mth 01to1t2008 05/15/2008 $888.89 imo Reffett, Jennifer Clennon ADJ LECTURER Curiculum and lnstruction 0.50 9/9mth 01/01/2008 05t15t2008 Rhoads, Dean B ADJ PROF Law 0.03 9/9mth 01t01t2008 05/1 5/2008 Rhode, Robert Harold ADJ PROF Law 0.03 9/9mth 01/01/2008 05t15t2008 $407.41 /mo Rizzott¡, Davide S VST ASSOC PROF Accountancy 0.50 9/9mth 01/01/2008 o6t15t2008 $6,666.67 /mo Robison, Sarah E DIR, ADVCMT Med¡c¡ne at UC Adm¡nistrat¡on 1.00 lzmth 12t03t2007 08/1 5/2008 $6,250.00 /mo Ross, Robèrt Brent VST ASST PROF Business Administrat¡on 0.50 9/9mth 01/01/2008 05/l 5/2008 $5,800.00 /mo $1,600.00 /mo $407.41 /mo Rugg,.Jeffrey L. EXT UNIT EDUC, HORT & IPM Cooperat¡ve Extension 1.00 l2mth 12t17t2007 08/15/2008 $5,000.00 /mo Rupassara, Swarnamali Indumathie RES SPEC IN LIFE SCI Animal Sc¡ences 1.00 l2mth 12t10t2007 08/15/2008 S3,750.00 /mo Russell, Margaret A VST LECTURER Linguistics 0.50 9/9mth 01t01t2008 05/15/2008 ç2,222.22 lmo Saam, Jan VST SCHOLAR Beckman lnstitute 1.00 12mth 11t19t2007 08t15t2008 $2,916.67 /mo 1.00 I Schankin, Ronald L PRGM MGR Executive MBA Program Sener, Melih Kemal VST SCHOLAR Phys¡cs Senano, Amauri Rosali VST INSTR Spanish, ltalian & Portuguese S¡ghtler, Kevin W VST DIR PRFNL SCI MASTE Graduate Admin Simpson, Cloleeta Amanda VST ASST DIR Equal Opportunity and Access Singer, Lena M VST MANAGING EDITOR Food Science & Human Nutrition S¡ngh, Kuldeèp CLIN ASST PROF Veterinary D¡agnostic Lab Singh, Kuldeep CLIN ASST PROF Pathobiology Soukhov, Alexandre VST PROF Mathematics Stack-Aguine, El¡as P VST CLIN ASSOC Veterinary Teaching Hospital Stiles, Bradley Jon VSTTCH ASSOC English Sutkowski, Edward F ADJ PROF Law Tang, Wenwu VST RES SPEC Geography Tucker, Robert B SR APP DEVLPR Facilities and Services Van Dam, Elizabeth Page 4 of 5 ADM SPEC Adm¡ss¡ons and Records 1.00 0.67 L00 '1.00 0.75 0.75 0.25 1.00 0.67 L00 0.03 0.49 1.00 1.00 l2mth '12t16t2007 08/15/2008 $4,333.33 /mo Serv¡ce Dates as lnd¡cated 01t10t2008 07/09/2008 $3,166.67 /mo 9/9mth 01t01t2008 05/l 5/2008 $1,980.77 /mo lzmth 1210112007 08/1 5/2008 $9,166.67 /mo l2mth 11t16t2007 08/15/2008 $5,833.33 /mo l2mth 1',U16t2007 08/15i2008 82,243.58 lmo 12mth 01t07t2008 08/15/2008 $5,312.50 /mo 12mth 01t07t2008 08/1 5/2008 $1,770.83 /mo Serv¡ce Dates as lndicated 01t07t2008 05t'15t2008 $4,631.56 /mo l2mth 01t28t2008 07t27t2008 $2,333.33 /mo 9/9mth 01t01t2008 05t15t2008 $2,895.93 /mo 9/9mth 01to1t2008 05/15/2008 $407.41 /mo Serv¡ce Dates as lndicated 01/03/2008 05/15/2008 $2,352.00 /mo l2mth 12t03t2007 08/15/2008 $6,083.34 /mo g/l2mth o'tß1t2008 05/15/2008 $1,863.07 /mo New Hires Reported to the Board on March 26, 2008 Urbana Service Begin Job FTE Serv¡ce DescriDtion Date Serv¡ce End Date 1.00 l2mth 12t17t2007 08t15t2008 $2,500.00 /mo 12t2812007 08/15/2008 $1,500.00 /mo 01t01t2008 05/15/2008 S1,520.00 /mo Salary Job Title DeDartment Van Duyne, Krist¡n Nicole ADM COUNS Admissions and Records Vasquez, Joèl VST SCHOLAR An¡mal Sc¡ences 1.00 12mth Ve¡cht, Aaron Michael VST SCHOLAR Physics 0.50 9/9mth Volz, Kurt E ADJ LECTURER School of Soc¡al Work 0.15 9/9mth 01t01t2008 05/1 5/2008 $888.89 /mo Waldrop, Lara RES SCt Electrical & Computer Eng 1.00 l2mth 12t',l6t2007 08/15/2008 S6,000.00 /mo Wallaco, Catherine Lee MtcRoscoPtsT Beckman lnstitute l2mth 12t16t2007 08t15t2008 $3,000.00 /mo We¡nberg, Shelley E LECTURER Ph¡losophy 0.67 9/9mth 01/01/2008 05t1512008 $3,111.11 /mo Weiss, Lindâ ADJ LECTURER School of Social Work 0.15 9/9mth 01t01t2008 05/15/2008 $888.89 /mo Wise, Micfiael E ADJ PROF Law 0.s0 9/9mth 01/16/2008 05/15/2008 $687.50 /mo Wolf, Wendy E VST LECTURER Kinesiology & Community Health 0.30 9/9mth 09t16t2007 12t31t2007 $933.20 /mo Yoo, Sandra E ARCH, CAP PLNG Facilit¡es and Services 1.00 1zmth 0l/l6/2008 08/15/2008 $5,000.00 /mo Yorde, Susan L VST PROJ COORD Special Education 1.00 12mth 12t17nOO7 08/t5/2008 $4,203.50 /mo Zhang, Ju VST SCHOLAR Computational Science & Engr 1.00 12mth 12t121?OO7 08/l 5/2008 $4,166.67 /mo Page 5 of 5 New Hires Reported to the Board on March 26, 2008 Ch¡cago Service Beg¡n Job FTE Serv¡ce DescriÞtion Date Service End Date Pub Hlth Mentl Hlth &Admin Nsg 0.50 9/12mth 01/01i2008 05/15/2008 $1,753.33 /mo VST ADULT/FAM LIT EDUC Ctr for Urban Educat¡on Rsrch & Dev L00 12mth 12t03t2007 01t15t2008 $3,000.00 /mo ASST TO THE DEAN Applied Health Sciences Admin 1.00 12mth 011o712008 08/15/2008 $3,125.00 /mo Anthony, Sean W VST LECTURER Humanities 0.33 9/9mth 01t01t2008 05t15t2008 Ayers, Mary Kay CERT NURS MIDWIFE Obstetrics & Gynecology 1.00 l2mth 11n6n007 08n5/2008 Bacsa, Sarolta VST RES SPEC IN HLTH SCI Ophthalmology & V¡sual Sci 0.85 l2mth 01n6noo8 08/1 5/2008 S1,750.00 /mo Bailey-Mccary, Lata¡via LaFayetta VST PROJ COORD, FIN Family Medicine 1.00 lzmth 02t16t2008 08/1 5/2008 $2,916.67 /mo Balderas, Estela VST COMNC & MKTG COORD Midwesl Aids Tra¡n & Educ Ctr 1.00 12mth 1211612007 06/30/2008 $3,750.00 /mo Ballentinè, Mary Catherine VST PROJ COORD Ctr for Adv Dist Educ Pub Hlth 1.00 l2mth 12t16t2007 08/15/2008 $5,416.67 /mo Bandepalli, Rekha VST ASST PROF CLIN PEDS Pediatrics 0.50 l2mth 12t01t2007 08/15/2008 $6,250.00 /mo 12mth 12t01t2007 08/15/2008 $10,000.00 /mo 08/15/2008 $2,916.67 /mo Job Title Department Albecker, Catherine Claire VST CLIN INSTR Alter, Todd E Alvarêz, Elda Salary $888.89 /mo $7,491.67 /mo Bandepall¡, Rekha PHYSN SURG Pediatrics 0.50 Bautista, Sydelle M. PROJ COORD Anatomy and Cell Biology 1.00 12mth 01t02t2008 Beaudoin, Leanne VST TCH ASSOC Psychology 0.50 9/9mth 01t01t2008 05t15t2008 $1,500.00 /mo Belcher, Lauren ACAD ADVR, LGSB CBA - Undergraduate Programs 1.00 l2mth 12n0n007 08/1s/2008 $3,250.00 /mo Blanchârd, Emily ACAD ADVR LAS Student Affairs 1.00 12mth 01t02n008 08115t200s $2,833.33 /mo Bobadilla, Jessica UGRAD PRGM COORD Bioengineering 1.00 12mth 11t16t2007 oa15noo8 $2,791.67 /mo Bouvier, Marlene VST ASSOC PROF Microbiology and lmmunology 1.00 9/12mth 12t01t2007 05/15/2008 $6,891.39 /mo Boyd-Seale, Debra L VST SR RES SPEC Medical-Surgical Nurs¡ng 1.00 12mth 01t16t2008 08/1 5/2008 $5,166.67 /mo Brion, Randall VST LECTURER Performing Arts os115t2008 $3,555.56 /mo VST ASST TO THE DIR African-American Cultural Cntr 1211612007 Ogl15l2OO8 S2,333.33 /mo Burdett, Theodore Joseph ADJ LECTURER School of Art and Design 0'll01l2008 05/15/2008 $888.89 /mo Calderon, Mary Frances FIN AID ADMNR F¡n A¡ds Ofc 9/9mth f 2mth 9/9mth l2mth 01l01l2OOB Brown, Tem¡ka P 0111612008 08/15/2008 $2,916.67 /mo Cardell, Daniel J LECTURER CBA - Undergraduate ProgÍams $1,750.00 /mo VST RES SPEC Maternal Child Nursing lndicated 1011612007 oll11l2oog l2mth 1211512007 Caruso, Bridget C Castro-Malek, Anna L¡za VST PROJ COORD Ophthalmology & Visual Sci Cavero, Jorge A CMTY OUTR COORD Medical Educat¡on 0.80 1.00 o.20 1.00 0.25 1.00 1.00 0.10 Chastkofsky, Michael VST RES SPEC Ctr for Pharmaceutical Biotech Chen, Chên Hua VST PROJ COORD Cheppud¡ra, Bopaiah Pooviah VST SR RES SPEC IN HLTH SCI Service oates as 08/l 5/2008 $2,942.33 imo 12mth 12mth 1111512007 OS4Ba0OS $3,333.33 /mo 1010112007 08/15/2008 S833.33 /mo 1.00 12mth 12t13t2007 08/.15/2008 $2,500.00 /mo Biopharmaceutical Sciences 1.00 12mth 01t01t2008 08/,l 5/2008 $2,750.00 /mo Pharmacology 1.00 l2mth 07n1noo\ 08/l 5/2008 $3,333.33 /mo l2mth 12t03t2007 08t15t2008 S2,333.33 /mo ASST FIELDWORK COORD Occupat¡onal Therapy 0.50 Compton, James W. SR FELLOW Great Cities lnst¡tute 0.45 l2mth 01/01/2008 08t15t2008 $2,916.67 /mo Contey, Lou¡s ADJ LECTURER Performing Arts 0.40 9/9mth 01t01t2008 05/1 5/2008 $1,777.78 lmo Cousins, L¡ndsay VST CHILD LIFE SPEC Nursing 1.00 1zmth 01t14t2008 08/1 5/2008 03,666.67 /mo Coval, Kevin PROJ COORD Hull House Museum o.25 l2mth 12tO1t2007 08/15/2008 $1,041.67 /mo Curet, L Anton¡o ADJ PROF Anthropology 0.50 9/9mth 01to1t2008 ost15t2008 01,555.56 /mo Clark, Sâra E Page I of 5 New Hires Reported to the Board on March 26, 2008 Chicago Deoartment Cunie, Elizabeth Anne VST LECTURER Spanish French ltalian & Por n^7 9/9mth O1lO1n008 Czarl, Margaret B VST RES INFO SPÊC Med¡cal Education 0.50 l2mth 0110'112008 Daly, Vona¡re PROJ COORD Ctr for Cardiovascular Res l2mth l2mth 9/9mth 9/9mth 12mth 9/9mth 12mth l2mth 1111912007 Service Desdiot¡on Begin Job'litlê Job FTE Service Name Date Serv¡ce End Date 05/15/2008 08/15/2008 08/15/2008 Salarv $1,911.11 /mo $1.500.00/mo Daly, Vona¡re PROJ COORD Physiology and Biophysics Danford, Karen P VST ASST PROF Germanic Studies Daniels, Erica ADJ LECTURER Performing Arts DeLequil, Amel¡a VST RES SPEC IN PUB HLTH Epidemiology and B¡ostatistics D¡az, Jesse VST LECTURER Soc¡ology Dosa, Sandor VST SCHOLAR Pathology Ellis, Taconia VST ASST TO VICE DEAN College of Medicine Administration Elster, Nanette Rose LECTURER Commun¡ty Heallh Sc¡ences Epstein-Reeves, Marc lra PATIENT INTAKE COORD Ul Hosp & Clinics - Anc¡llary Serv Erland, Kristina Elizabeth VST COORD SOCIAL WORK Ul Hosp & Clinics - Ancillary Serv Fojas, Camilla VST ASSOC PROF Spanish French ltalian & Por Franklin, Nina Cher¡e VST PROJ COORD Applied Heallh Sc¡ences Adm¡n Fregoso, Maria T. LECTURER Latin American &Latino Studies Frer¡chs, Kathryn EVENT COORD, SMS Business Administral¡on Admini Friedeþerg, Laura PROJ COORD Ophthalmology & Visual Sc¡ Gao, Q¡ng VST SCHOLAR Ctr for Magnetic Resonance Rsc 0.95 0.05 0.50 o.2O 1.00 0.67 1.00 1.00 O.25 1.00 1.00 0.33 0.50 0.33 1.00 1.00 0.25 Garc¡a-Montenegro, Jesus G LECTURER Latin American &Latino Studies 0.33 9/9mth George, Leelamma Aleyamma NURSE RES SPEC Surgery 1.00 12mth Glacken, Joann Margaret RES SUPPT SPEC. IRB College of Medicine at Rockford 1.00 l2mth Goldwasser, Matthew L VST RES SPEC Education 1.00 l2mth Gray, Melissa Jo VST NURS PRACT SPEC Ofc Advance & Commun Relations 0.60 12mth Guzman, Carmen J. STDNT EMPL SPEC Career Sefvices 1.00 12mth 08/15/2008 $600.00 /mo 0l/01/2008 05/15/2008 $1,111.11 /mo 1210112007 08/15/2008 S5,833.33 /mo 0112812008 08/15/2008 $3.333.33 /mo 1210312007 08/l 5/2008 $5.666.ô7 /mo 1210312007 08/15/2008 $3,850.00 /mo 0111412008 08/15/2008 $3,167.67 /mo Haberkamp, Thomas J PHYSN SURG Otolaryngology l2mth 0110112008 0811512008 S10,833.33/mo Haberkamp, Thomas J VST PROF Otolaryngology nÃñ l2mth 0110112008 OgllSl2OOA $10,833.33/mo Haq, lnamul VST LECTURER Religious Studies 0.33 9/9mth 0110112008 Haffis, Rodney L VST RES SPEC Education 1.00 12mth '1210312007 05/15/2008 08/15/2008 Hawes, M¡chelle VST PROJ COORD Ambulatory Clin¡cal SeMces 1.00 12mth 1211712007 08/1 Henllân-Jones, Rebecca VST BUS OPER COORD Office Healthcare Management 1.00 12mth 1211712007 Hopkins, Judy Faye VST ASST DIR Ctr for Social Pol¡cy & Rsrch 1.00 l2mth OlllOt2OOA Hudson, Rebecca Anne ADJ LECTURER Jane Addams Social Work 0.30 9/9mth 0110112008 Hulford, Debra J VST NURS PRACT SPEC Ofc Advance & Commun Relations 0.80 l2mth O1lO7n008 Hynes, Juliana Marie VST COORD REGULAT KNOWL & SUPP Ctr Clin¡cel & Trenslat¡onal Sc¡ 0.50 l2mth 0111612008 Page 2 of 5 $3.333.33 /mo 08/15/2008 $166.67 /mo 0110112008 05f5/2008 $1.111.11 /mo 01l01l2oog 0511512008 $888.89 /mo 1112012007 08/15/2008 $2,666.67 /mo 1111912007 0511512008 $2,444.44 lmo 08/15/2008 0112812008 08/15/2008 Serv¡ce Dates as lndicated 1011612007 12n5nOO7 o1l14t2o08 08/15/2008 12mth $1.750.00 /mo 12mth 9/9mth 0110112008 0111612008 $3,333.33 /mo $2.500.00 /mo $5,975.00 /mo 08/'15/2008 $3,458.33 /mo 01/01/2008 Osl15l2008 $1,777.77 lmo lndicated 1211612007 06/30i2008 $1,888.92 /mo lndicated 0111312008 05/15/2008 12mth 01/03/2008 08/15/2008 $1,111.1 1 /mo 12mth 12mth $3,750.00 /mo Serv¡ce Dates as 121'l7l2OO7 Serv¡ce Dates as 0110212008 08/15/2008 $4,583.33 /mo 11|2OI2OO7 5/2008 08/15/2008 08/15/2008 05/15/2008 08/1 5/2008 08/15/2008 Sl.111.ll imo $5.666.67 /mo $2,791.67 /mo $4.166.67 /mo $3,750.00 /mo $1,097.33/mo $4,933.33 /mo $2,833.33 /mo New Hires Reported to the Board on March 26, 2008 Chicago Name Job lmbesi, Marta Jackson, Diana Marie Title Service Begin Service End Salary DeÞartment Job FTE Service Descriotion Date Date VST SR RES SPEC IN HLTH SCI Psychiatry 1.00 l2mth 01t0'v2008 oBt15t2008 $3,750.00 /mo VST FIN SERV SPEC CAS Admin¡stration 1.00 l2mth 12t20t2007 08t15t2008 $2,708.33 /mo VST EVAL SPEC Midwest Aids Train & Educ Ctr L00 l2mth 02t04t2008 08/f5l2008 $5,166.67 /mo J¡ao, Zhe RES ASST PROF Medic¡ne 1.00 l2mth 12t10t2007 o8t15t2008 $4,600.00 /mo Johnson-Cross, Rochelle ADJ LECTURER Jane Addams Soc¡al Work U,JU 9/9mth 011o1t2008 05/15/2008 $1,097.33 /mo Johnston-Bloom, Ruchama J LECTURER Humânities 0.33 9/9mth 01t01t2008 05t15t2008 Kao, Hua Huey FIN AID ADMNR Fin Aids Ofc 1.00 l2mth 01t16t2008 08/15/2008 $2,916.67 /mo Karas, Kelly Mar¡e VST LECTURER Biological Sc¡ences 0.50 9/9mth olto'U2008 05/1 5/2008 $1,377.78 lmo 9/9mth 01to1t2008 ost15t2008 $888.89 /mo Jacob, Beth-Anne Karolak, Jason Alexander ADJ ASST PROF School of Art and Design 0.25 $888.89 /mo Kesen, Muge Ruken VST INSTR OF OPHTHAL Ophthalmology & Visual Sci 1.00 l2mth 11t26t2007 08/15/2008 $4,240.00 /mo Kessler, Chad Samuel ADJ ASST PROF Medical Education 0.10 9/9mth 10t01t2007 05t15t2008 i2,222.?2 Imo Khan, MunawwarAli VST RES ASST PROF Biological Sciences 1211512007 03/1 5/2008 S1,666.67 /mo K¡llough, Edward Alex ADJ ASST PROF School of Art and Des¡gn 9/9mth 01101t2008 05/l5/2008 $888.89 /mo Kim, Hosung VST RES PRGRMR Library-East 12mth 01t16t2008 08/15/2008 $3,333.33 /mo Kom¡tas, Joy EDUC & CLIN PRGM COORD Med¡cine 0.50 Service O.2O 1.00 1.00 12mth 11126t2007 08t15t2008 $2,916.67 /mo Kutella, Kristin A PROJ COORD Ofc of lnternat¡onal Affairs 1.00 l2mth 01to712008 08/15/2008 $3,000.00 /mo LaBlaiks, Marilyn VST DIR ASST LABOR & EMP REL/COMPL Human Resources at UIC 1.00 12mth 12t03t2007 08/15/2008 $9,583.33 /mo Landrie, Chad L. LECTURER Chemistry 1.00 9/9mth 01/01/2008 05/15/2008 $4,280.00 /mo Langley, Patric¡a VST LECTURER Span¡sh French ltalian & Por 0.67 9/9mth 01/01/2008 05/15/2008 $1,911.11 /mo LeDonne, Cindy S SIMULATION SPEC Med¡cal Educat¡on 1.00 1zmth 01t02t2008 08/15/2008 $5,416.67 /mo Commty Outreach lnlervent Proj 0.25 1zmth 07t01t2007 12t31t2007 $870.75 /mo Levin, Elise Claire RES SPEC IN PUB HLTH Dates as lndicatèd Lopez, Blanca A VST PROJ COORD, EDUC & CLIN SERV Epidemiology and Biostatistics 't.00 '12mth 12t16t2007 08/15/2008 $3,750.00 /mo Lugo.Perez, Jav¡er VST LECTURER B¡olog¡cal Sciences 0.50 9/9mth 01t01t2008 05t15t2008 $1,377.78 lmo Lyons, John E. SR CLIENT SERVER APP SYST ANLY Ul Hosp & Cl¡n¡cs 1.00 l2mth 01to7t2008 08/1 5/2008 $7,333.33 /mo MacFarlane, Rachel VST COORD CLIN & RES PRGMS PSY Psych¡atry 1.00 lzmth 1U16nOO7 08/1 5/2008 $2,277.08 lmo 9/9mth 01to1t2008 ost15t2008 $1,666.67 /mo Madamala, Kusuma ADJ ASST PROF Community Health Sciencès 0.25 $955.56 /mo Makowska, Justyna VST LECTURER Spanish French ltalian & Por 0.33 9/9mth 01to1t2008 05/15/2008 Malcomè, Merion Len¡se VST PSYCHIAT SOCIAL WORK Psychiatry 1.00 12mth 12t03t2007 08t15t2008 $3,458.33 /mo Mars¡glia, Bernard James VST PROJ COORD, FAM MED Fam¡ly Med¡cine 1.00 $4,416.67 /mo Martin, Christopher David VSTASSOC DIR NEWS BUREAU Off¡ce of Public Affairs Mason, Theresa Marie RECRUIT & ADM COUNS Offic of Registration & Record Matthiesen, Valerie CLIN ASSOC PROF Medical-Surgical Nursing 0.80 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.45 0.60 Mccoy, Giovanna Alaine ADM COUNS Ofr¡ce of Adm¡ssions Medland, Jacquel¡ne J CLIN ASST PROF Pub Hlth Mentl Hlth &Admin Nsg Meslar, Patric¡e M VST RES NURS SPEC Medic¡ne Page 3 of 5 12mth Service Dates as hdicated 12mth 12mth l2mth 9/12mth l2mth 01t04t2008 0410412008 o1l22l2oo8 05/15/200E S4,800.00 /mo 1211612007 08t15t2008 $2,277.08 lmo 0110112008 08/15/2008 $6,833.33 /mo 01/16/2008 08/15/2008 82,277.08 lmo OllOll2OOg o5t15t2008 $2,343.75 /mo 01f6/2008 08/15/2008 $3,666.67 /mo New Hires Reported to the Board on March 26, 2008 Ch¡cago Name Job Title Migrditch¡an, Myriam ADJ ASST PROF School of Architecture Mihajlov¡c, Steven ADJ LECTURER Cr¡minology, Law, and Justice Moreno, Cynthia RECRUIT & ADM COUNS Ofr¡ce of Systems and Services Munoz, Luis Roserdo CMTYOUTR COORD Medical Education 0.33 0.33 1.00 0.10 Nimmo, Karalyn Nancy PROJ COORD Fam¡ly and Commun¡ty Medicine O'Brien, Judy A VST PROJ COORD, FIN Oh, Hyun-Jung VST PRGM & POLICY ANLYS DeDartment Job FTE Service DescriDtion Sêrv¡ce Beg¡n Date 9/9mth Service Dates o1l01l2oog as lnd¡cãted 01/08/2008 12mth l2mth ollo2l2ooB 0.90 12mth 11t27n007 Family Medicine 0.40 12mth Ophthalmology & V¡sual Sci 1.00 12mth Service End Date 05/15/2008 Salarv $1,540.00 /mo 05/15/2008 $888.89 /mo 0811512008 $2,333.33 /mo 1010112007 08/l 5/2008 $833.33 /mo 08/1 5/2008 $2,916.67 /mo 11t16t2007 08/1 5/2008 $1,733.33 /mo 11t'16t2007 08/15/2008 $3,383.33 /mo Pal¡der, Ryan VST ASST PROF School of Architecture no^ 9/9mth 0'1t01t2008 05/15/2008 $4,480.00 /mo Parkêr, Brenda INSTR Urban Planning and Pol¡cy 1.00 9/12mth 01to1t2008 05/15/2008 $5,291.67 /mo Peculis, Lori VST ASST TECHNOL SPEC lnst on D¡sabil¡ty & Human Dev 1.00 12mth 01t14t2008 06/30/2008 $5,416.67 /mo Pela, Emily E VST PROJ COORD, RES Family Medicine 1.00 12mth 12t16t2007 08/l 5/2008 $4,416.67 /mo Pèters, Jamês Edward ADJ LECTURER Urban Planning and Policy 0.08 9/9mlh 01t0'U2008 05/.l5/2008 $666.67 /mo Peterson, Andrea Marie ADJ LECTURER Jane Addams Social Work 0.30 9/9mth 01t01t2008 051 s/2008 $l,097.33 /mo Petro, Benjamin John VST RES SPEC IN HLTH SCI Medicine 1.00 12mth 01t16t2008 08t15t2008 $2,916.67 /mo Pniewski, Jamie E ADM COUNS Off¡ce of Admiss¡ons 1.00 l2mth 0f/16/2008 o8t15t2008 $2,277.O9 lrno Podraza, Lynn A VST COORD REGUTAT KNOWL & SUPP Ctr Clinical & Translational Sci 0.50 12mth 01/1 6/2008 08/15/2008 $3,333.33 /mo Poska, Olivia Vitalè ADJ LECTURER Art History n?? 9/9mth 01/01/2008 05/15/2008 $l,000.00 /mo Rac, Matthew R VST RES SPEC Psychology 0.50 l2mth 01/0't/2008 08/15/2008 $1,140.62 /mo Rincon, Son¡a RECRUIT & ADM COUNS Offic of Reg¡strat¡on & Record 1.00 l2mth 01/1 6/2008 08/15/2008 92,277.08 Rogers, EsterTonea VST TCH ASSOC Psychology o.25 9/9mth 01t01t2008 05/15/2008 $750.00 /mo Rose-Finnell, Linda VST PROJ COORD Neurolog¡cal Surgery 1.00 12mth 12t0312007 04/30/2008 $5,166.67 /mo Rucker, Janet VST ASST DIR OF COMNC College of Medic¡ne Administration 1.00 lzmth 12t03t2007 08t't5t2008 $4,250.00 /mo Ryan, Zoe ADJ ASST PROF School of Art and Des¡gn o.20 9/9mth 01t01t2008 05/l 5/2008 $1,111.1'l /mo Sanchez, lsis VST RES INFO SPEC Med¡cine 0.50 12mth 11n6n007 08/1 5/2008 $1,f 66.67 /mo Schrom, John R VST CLIN COORD Surg¡cal Oncology 1.00 12mth 12t17n007 08/1 5/2008 $3,125.00 /mo mo Schwichtenberg, Holly Ann VST PROJ COORD Student Affairs 1.00 12mth 12116t2007 08/15/2008 $2,725.00 /mo Seals, Antoinette Marie RECRUIT & ADM COUNS Omce of Systems and Serv¡ces 1.00 12mth 01t02t2008 08/15/2008 $2,333.33 imo Sid¡k, Khalifah B. ASSOC DIR Biomedical Science 0.49 12mth 12t16t2007 08/15/2008 $1,666.67 /mo S¡ngdahlsen, Lauren PRGM COORD, SMS Bus¡ness Administralion Admini 1.00 l2mth 01t03t2008 08/1 5/2008 $3,125.00 /mo S¡ngh, Yogesh Kumar VST RES SPEC IN HLTH SCI Ophthalmology & Visual Sci 1.00 l2mth 01t02t2008 08t15t2008 $2,333.33 /mo Skarpath¡otis, Anita Stasia VST LECTURER Classics & Med¡tenan Studies 0.33 Serv¡ce Dates as lndicated 01t14t2008 05/15/2008 $1,344.44 lmo Skowronski, Francesca Nina VSTASST PROF OF CLIN PSYCH Psychiatry 0.30 l2mth 11t16t2007 08/15/2008 $l,562.50 /mo Skowronski, Francesca Nina VST CLIN PHYSN Psych¡aW 0.70 1zmth '11n6n007 08/15/2008 $3,645.83 /mo Sm¡th, Nichole Fa¡th VSTACAD COUNS African American Academic Netw 1.00 l2mth 12t10t2007 08t15t2008 $2,500.00 /mo Sp¡elfogel, Jill Eden VST PROJ COORD Jane Addams Soc¡al Work 1.00 12mth 12t12t2007 08/1 5/2008 $2,666.67 /mo Page 4 of 5 New Hires Reported to the Board on March 26, 2008 Chicago Service Description Service Bègin Date Serv¡ce End Date 1.00 12mth 12t17t2007 08/1 5/2008 Kinêsiology and Nutrit¡on 0.20 9/9mth o'lto1no08 05t15t2008 91,111.11 lmo Office of Development L00 l2mth 01t22t2008 oBt15t2008 $4,416.67 /mo ADJ LECTURER Urban Plann¡ng and Policy 0.15 9/9mth 01t01t2008 05/15/2008 $1,333.33 /mo Suleman, Samar VST RES SPEC IN HLTH SCI Ophthalmology & V¡sual Sci 1.00 12mth 11t09n007 08t15t2008 $2,277.08 lnto Tell, Robert VST RES INFO SPEC Medicine 1.00 12mth 12nO2OO7 06/09/2008 $2,416.67 /mo Tonegutti, Martâ VST LECTURER Spanish French ltal¡an & Por 0.67 9/9mth 01t01t2008 0s/15/2008 $1,911.11 /mo Townsell, Stephanie Jackson VST PROJ COORD Commun¡ty Health Sciences 0.50 12mth 01t14n008 08/1 5/2008 $f ,875.00 /mo Toye, Sophie VST SR RES SPEC IN HLTH SCI Pharmacology 1.00 lzmth 01t16t2008 08/15/2008 $2,916.67 /mo Trajcevski, Goce ADJ LECTURER Engineering Adm¡n 0.25 9/9mth 0110112008 05/15/2008 S1,555.56 /mo 1.00 l2mth 01t02t2008 08/15/2008 $3,583.33 /mo Job Title Department Stabila, Luc¡ana Theresa VST PATIENT CARE COORD Orthodontics Staver, Michael J ADJ INSTR Stillwagon, Shannon VST ASSOC DIR OF SPEC EVENTS Stonehouse, Karen Lynn Tucker, Joyce L ACAD COORD Math Stat¡stics & Comp Scnc Job FTE Salary $4,458.33 /mo Ueltzen, Jennifer L CLIN PHARM Pharmacy Pract¡ce 1.00 'l2mth 01t07t2008 0811512008 $8,333.33 /mo Vaishnav, Avani RES SPEC IN HLTH SCI Pathology 1.00 12mth 01/t 6/2008 08/15/2008 $3,f 25.00 /mo Vanlandeghem, Karen ADJ LECTURER Community Health Sciences 0.25 9/9mth 01t01t2008 05t15n008 S1,111.11 /mo Viana, Maria Grace Costa SR RES SPEC Orthodont¡cs 1.00 12mth 12t16t2007 08/15/2008 $4,250.00 /mo Walsh, Lauren T COORD, MKTG & PROMO Med¡c¡ne 1.00 l2mth 12t06t2007 08/15/2008 $3,000.00 /mo 08/15/2008 $3,750.00 /mo Wang, We¡hua RES SPEC IN HLTH SCI Research Resources Center 1.00 l2mth 12tO312007 White, Ann Folino ADJ LECTURER Performing Arts 0.20 9/9mth 01t0112008 05/15/2008 $888.89 /mo Whitehait Lauren T FIN AID ADMNR F¡n Aids Ofc 1.00 12mth 01t16t2008 oa15noo8 $2,916.67 imo W¡ghtkin, John ADJ LECTURER CBA - Undergraduate Programs 0.26 Serv¡ce Detes as lndicated 0t/l 6/2008 03/15/2008 $1,875.00 /mo W¡ll, David S VST RES SPEC IN HLTH SCI Medic¡ne 1.00 l2mth 01/1 6/2008 08/15/2008 $2,277.08 Imo Wollwage, Seth Drummond VST PSYCH SOCIAL WORKER Psych¡atry 1.00 l2mth 11t1912007 08/15/2008 $5,416.67 /mo Ophthalmology & V¡sual Sci nnE l2mth 11t16t2007 08/05/2008 $166.67 /mo Wu, Ch¡h-We¡ VST SCHOLAR Yonkaitis, Cathèrine Falusi ADJ CLIN INSTR Pub Hlth Mentl Hlth &Admin Nsg 0.20 9/9mth 01t16t2008 05t15t2008 $1,155.56 /mo Yoon, Cheon Joo VST RES SPEC IN HLTH SCI Med¡cine 1.00 1zmth o'Uozt2008 0815/2008 $2,916.67 /mo Ytuniago, Judith A ADJ ASST PROF Education 0.33 9/9mth 01t01t2008 o5t15t2008 $1,000.00 /mo Yu, Jing ASST DIR ADM, MKTG & RECRUIT CBA - Undergraduatê Programs 1.00 lzmth 12t16t2007 08/15/2008 $4.333.33 /mo Page 5 of 5 New Hires Reported to the Board on March 26, 2008 Springfield Job FTE Service Descriotion Service Beg¡n Date Serv¡ce End Date Criminal Justice 0.25 9/9mth 01t01t2008 05/15/2008 $466.67 /mo Ofüce of Web Services 0.80 l2mth 01t16t2008 08/15/2008 $3,750.00 /mo ADJ LECTURER Teacher Educât¡on 0.25 9/9mth 01t01t2008 05/15/2008 $555.55 /mo LECTURER Computer Science 1.00 9/12mth 01t02t2008 05/15/2008 $5,833.33 /mo Name Job Title DeDartment Blair, Elizabeth A ADJ INSTR Broccardo-Dâv¡s, Christine A VSTASSOC DIR OF WEB SERV Casner, Sharon Kay Deng, Ping Dramin, Robert Eli ADJ INSTR Teacher Education o.25 9/9mth 01t01t2008 05t15t2008 $666.67 /mo Ford, Jul¡a Christine ADJ INSTR Human Services o.25 9/9mlh 0110112008 05/15/2008 $533.33 /mo $4,083.33 /mo Gonzalez-Beeson, Kimberly ASSTTO THEÐEAN LAS Administration 1.00 12mth 12t30t2007 08/15/2008 Goulet, Betsy P ADJ INSTR Human Serv¡ces 0.25 9/9mth 01t01t2008 05/15/2008 $533.33 /mo Heupel, Dana Douglas DIR AND EXEC EDITOR lll¡nois lssues/Publ¡cations 1.00 l2mth 01t07t2008 08/l 5/2008 $5,500.00 /mo Johnson, Kenneth ADJ ASST PROF Philosophy 0.25 9/9mth 01t01t2008 05/1 5/2008 $555.55 /mo Kincaid, Kurt Lee ADJ INSTR Computer Science 0.25 9/9mth 01t01t2008 ost15t2008 Lane, Rick DIR INATL STDNT SERV lnternational Student Services 1.00 12mth 01t16t2008 08/15/2008 $3,916.67 /mo Marsagl¡a, John A ADJ INSTR Teacher Educat¡on 0.25 9/9mth 01t01t2008 o511512008 $533.33 /mo M¡chaud, Gregory R ADJ INSTR Public Health o.25 9/9mth 01to1t2008 0s/1 5/2008 $466.67 /mo Paetsch, Kenneth ADJ PROF Manâgement 0.25 9/9mth 01to1t2008 05/1 5/2008 $666.67 /mo Perkins, Vicki Mudry ADJ INSTR Engl¡sh 0.50 9/9mth 01toîn008 05/1 5/2008 $955.55 /mo Perko, Jodi ADJ LECTURER Human Serv¡ces 0.25 9/9mth 01/01/2008 05t15t2008 $533.33 /mo Price, Jennifer L. ADJ INSTR Teacher Educetion 0.30 Service Dates as lndicated 10t't6t2007 12t15t2007 $200.00 /mo Scanlon, John A. ADJ INSTR V¡sual Arts 0.25 9/9mth 01t01t2008 05t15t2008 $488.89 /mo Scott, Dene Lynn ADJ INSTR Teacher Education o.25 9/9mth 01t01t2008 05t15t2009 $666.66 /mo Small, Joan ADJ INSTR Public Administrat¡on 0.25 9/9mth 01/01/2008 05/15/2008 $555.56 /mo Vaughn, Dan¡el Leon ADJ INSTR Environmentâl Studies 0.25 9/9mth 01t01t2008 05t15t2008 $444.44 lmo Waitê, Vanessa ADJ INSTR Educational Leadership 0.25 9/9mth 01t01t2008 05t15t2008 $533.33 /mo Zillion, Shannon D TICKET MGR Auditorium 1.00 1zmlh 12tO1n0o7 08t15t2008 $2,666.67 /mo Page I of I $555.56 /mo New Hires Reported to thè Board on March 26, 2008 University Administration Name Job Title Department Job FTE Service DescriDtion Serv¡ce Begin Date Service End Dale Abro,Dure-ShahwarShahabuddin RESPRGRMR OBFS - Business lnfo Systems 1.00 l2mth 01t07nooB 08/15/2008 Anderson, Shannon Leigh VST TRNG SPEC Admin lnfo Tech SeMces 1.00 12mth 't2t17t2007 08/15/2008 $3,000.00 /mo Anderson, Shirley PROCUREMENT SPEC OBFS - UIC Purchasing 1.00 12mth 01to7no08 08/1 5/2008 $4,583.33 /mo $5,000.00 /mo Balusan¡, Shirisha QUALITY ASSURANCE SPEC Admin lnfo Tech Services 1.00 lzmth 0110712008 08t15t2008 $4,916.67 /mo Gilson, Christie Lynn VST DISAB/DIST EDUC SPEC GC - Executive Ofüce 0.75 l2mth 01t14t2008 08/15/2008 $2,810.00 /mo lsaac, Michael J PROJ SPEC OTM Chicago L00 12mth 12t16t2007 08/l 5/2008 $3,416.67 /mo Johnson, Maureen L. GRANTS & CONTRACTS SPEC OBFS - UIC Grants & Contracts 1.00 lzmth 12t03t2007 08/15/2008 $4,416.67 /mo Knazze, Brandie Victoria ASST DIR PURCH OBFS OBFS - UIC Purchas¡ng 1.00 12mth 01t16t2008 08/1 5/2008 $7,083.33 /mo $5,000.00 /mo Komolafe, Nester CONTRACT COORD OBFS - UIC Purchasing 1.00 l2mth 01t14noo8 08t15t2008 Mosio, Andrew M INFO TECH AUD Omce of Un¡versity Audits 1.00 'l2mth 01t21t2008 08/15/2008 S4,583.33 /mo Murton, Rosella Margaret ASST DIR STRATG PROCUREMENT OBFS - Univ Strateg¡c Procurement L00 12mth 12n6n007 08/l 5/2008 $6,500.00 /mo Parga, Jenn¡fer Lynne TECH SPEC Global Cempus - Technology Services 1.00 l2mth 12t17t2007 08/lsl2008 $6,000.00 /mo Sunkara, Venkaleswara Prâsad DATA WAREHOUSE DESIGNER Decision Support 1.00 l2mth 12t10t2007 08/15/2008 $7,333.33 /mo Vân Ormer, Kathy Susan REGIONAL PRGM DIR U Outreach & Public Service 1.00 12mth 01/16/2008 08/15/2008 $5,208.33 /mo Wallace, Christine M PRGM MGR Global Campus - Program Management 1.00 lzmth 11t16t2007 08/15/2008 $6,875.00 /mo Page 1 of 1 Resignations Reported to the Board on March 26,2008 Urbana Name Page 1 of 2 Last Date of Employment Aubry, Brian V 01t15t2008 Baudry, Jerome Yves 01t31t2008 Blunier, Susan Ann 12t12t2007 Broeren, Jennifer Lynn 12t21t2007 Bruns. Rebecca 12t15t2007 Busing, RobertA 01t31t2008 Cerezo, Alicia 12t31t2007 Chaplin, Lan Nguyen 12t31t2007 Chen, Edward Z 01t14t2008 Courtney, Tod Andrew 11t25t2007 Davis, Kyle J 01t19t2008 Evans, Greg L 12t02t2007 Friends, Candise Davis 01t14t2008 Graf, Eric Clifford 12t31t2007 Green. Melissa V 01t0712008 Grosser, Benjamin Adam 12t02t2007 Gustafson, Hadra Anne 12t15t2007 Hanlon, Kathryn J 12t31t2007 Hart, Erin Harrison 1211512007 Hirschmann, Deborah A 12t05t2007 Howerton, Cheryl L 11t30t2007 Jakoby, MichaelGeorge 01t01t2008 Resignations Reported to the Board on March 26,2008 Urbana Name Page2ot2 Last Date of Employment Kimball, Jonathan W 12t21t2007 Levanti, Lindsay Kristine 01t25t2008 Liu, Lei 12t07t2007 Luo, Haiyun 12t31t2007 McDermott, Marcia A 12t31t2007 Michael, Nathan Owen 12t15t2007 Monnin, Mark E 12t27t2007 Nieves, Jorge A 11t16t2007 Park, Denise C 12t31t2007 Peeples, Geraldine G 12t31t2007 Ponda, Atul Paul 01t12t2008 Ramsey Walter, Allison Brooke 12t21t2007 Rios. Leslie Aileen 01t15t2008 Ritzo, Christopher' 12t14t2007 Saldana, Roy 01t09t2008 Sewell, Jason R 't2t31t2007 Snyder, Peter 01t10t2008 Stephens, Benjamin Anthony Charles 12t28t2007 Taylor, Ellen E 12t21t2007 Titotadeo, RaulY 12t13t2007 Twine, Tracy 01t10t2008 Resignations Reported to the Board on March 26,2008 Chicago Last Date of Employment Page 1 of3 Ai, Xun 01t31t2008 Aletich, VictorA 12t31t2007 Anselmo, Linda 01/08/2008 Artman, Allison J 0111512008 Berg, Melody Lee 01t18t2008 Brennan, William Michael 12t15t2007 Chung, Chilly Sara 11t21t2007 Colletti, Diane 01t18t2008 Collins, Michael 01t16t2008 Cotwright, Antonia 01102t2008 Deleon, Jacqueline A 12131t2007 Dyer, Rex B. 01t11t2008 Edward, Deepak Paul 12t't5t2007 Farhi, Negar 0'U15t2008 Fisher, Denise E. 12t31t2007 Forgey, Mary Kathleen 12t07t2007 Garcia. Jennifer Dahl 12t31t2007 Gould, Robert 12t31t2007 Griffiths, PaulJ 12131t2007 Guajardo, RaphaelG 12t31t2007 He, Ping 01t15t2008 Honeyman, JamiLynn 12t14t2007 Resignations Reported to the Board on March 26, 2008 Chicago Name Page 2 of 3 Last Date of Employment lrvine, Abigail Ellen 01t04t2008 Jacobson, Pamela Lyn 12t19t2007 Jeanes, Jodi 12t31t2007 Krueger, Jacqueline Marie 01t15t2008 Landek, Kara E. 12t28t2007 Lanzino, Giuseppe 12t31t2007 McReynolds, Ami 12t07t2007 Mensah, Kortet 11t16t2007 Meyer, Lynne E 12t28t2007 Mika, Kathleen 01t03t2008 Minnick, Tim J 01t04t2008 Murray, James P 11t30t2007 O'Keefe, Christine 12t07t2007 Perez, Dennis J 12t14t2007 Pogwizd, Steven M 12t31t2007 Predescu, Sanda 01t04t2008 Radziszewski, Margaret 12t15t2007 Raygoza, Nubia 01t31t2008 Sandoval. Ofelia 12t07t2007 Schwarzbach, Mitchell D. 01t15t2008 Singh, Dev K 12t17t2007 Sochacki. Paula Milas 12t11t2007 Resignations Reported to the Board on March 26,2008 Chicago Last Date of Employment Page 3 of 3 Telleen, Sharon Louise 12t31t2007 Walker, Lassie Latonia 01t02t2008 Wator, Andrea 01/09/2008 J Wilgus, TraciA 12t31t2007 Winterhalter, Deidre Kellens 01t04t2008 Witkiewitz, Katie 12t15t2007 Wu, Kristina 12t15t2007 Zhu, Yujie 0'U3112008 Resignations Reported to the Board on March 26,2OOg University Administration Last Date of Employment Page 1 of 1 Barnes, O Martin 01/06/2008 Lakshtanova, Yekaterina 1210412007 Pisano. Kenneth S 12t14t2007 Notices of Nonreappointment Reported to the Board on March 26,2008 Urbana Service End Name Job Title Department Drake, Steven Jeffrey CREATV SPEC Beckman lnstitute 08/1 5/2008 Garcia, Manuel Jesus ASST DIR Education Administration 08/15/2008 Gardner, Dale INATL EDUC COORD St lnternational Acad Affairs 0811512008 Guoy, Damrong RES SCI Computational Science & Engr 07t15t2008 Heimbaugh, Terry L COORD OF RES IN DEPT OF CHEM Chemistry 08t15t2008 Mizai, Farzad CMPUT SUPPORT SPEC Broadcasting General Admin 12t14t2008 O'Dear, Laurisa M NETWORKANLYS Broadcasting General Admin 0113112009 Severy, Michael ASST DEAN OF STDNTS Offìce of Dean of Students 08/1 5/2008 Page 1 of 1 Date Notices of Nonreappointment Reported lo the Board on March 26,2008 Chicago Service End Page Name Job Title Department Bell, Timothy COORD, DENT INVENTORY DentalClinics 08/1 5/2008 Bliese, Robert K DIR OF CLIN OPER DentalClinics 12t31t2008 Brookfield, Jeffri Linda ASSOC DIR, RES & TRNG Ctr for Urban Education Rsrch & Dev 08115t2008 Brookfield, Jeffri Linda ASSOC DIR, RES & TRNG Education ogt't5t2008 Buchanan, David Lee COORD CLIN SKILLS LAB COM-Peoria Academic Affairs o8r15t2008 Coleman, Dianne M. GRANTS & CONTRACTS SPEC Ctr for Adv Dist Educ Pub Hlth 08t15t2008 Cooper, Andrew SR RES SPEC IN PUB HLTH Ctr for Adv Dist Educ Pub Hlth 08/1 Coughlin, Joyce McNamara PRAC ADVC SPEC Nursing o2t10t2009 Fitzgerald, Kimberly Marie PROJ COORD Electrical & Computer Engr 08t15t2008 Golas, Mary Louise PRAC ADVCMT SPEC Nursing 08/1 5/2008 Goodman, Mark MULTIMEDIA PROD SPEC Ctr for Adv Dist Educ Pub Hlth 08t15t2008 Guillory, Barbara L. COORD NEW CLIENTS & GRANT WRIT Education 09/30/2008 Harrison, Jacquelyn ACAD RES COORD LAS Administration 08t"t5t2008 Hollenbeck, Christopher M. SR IT SPEC Ctr for Adv Dist Educ Pub Hlth 08/1 5/2008 Hosick, Stephen Seth ASST DIR UIMCC HR OPER Ul Hospital& Clinics 08/1 lrvine, Cynthia Marie PROJ COORD Medicine 't1t15t2008 Kapadia, Alpesh H SR PRGRMR Ctr for Adv Dist Educ Pub Hlth 08/1 Kapadia, Devangna Alpesh PROJ COORD .WEB Ctr for Adv Dist Educ Pub Hlth 08t15t2008 Krzak, Andrew ASST DIR OF NETWORK & WEB SITE Gtr for Rsch-Law/Crim Justice 08t15t2008 Kuffner, Mary Jo ASST DIR OF ADMIN Ctr for Adv Dist Educ Pub Hlth 02t15t2009 Leak, Brandon UIMC EMPLOYEE REL COORD Ul Hospital& Clinics 08t15t2008 Maiorano, Michael J CLIENT SERV COORD Education 09/30/2008 Mc Elvain, Maureen A RES SPEC IN HLTH SCI Physiology and Biophysics o8,t15t2008 Miller, Lawrence MULTIMEDIA PROD SPEC Ctr for Adv Dist Educ Pub Hlth 08r15t2008 Nair, Raju PROJ COORD Biochem & Molecular Genetics o8t15t2008 I of2 Date 5/2008 5/2008 5/2008 Notices of Nonreappointment Reported to the Board on March 26,2008 Chicago . Service End Name Job Title Department Nicks, Lloyd WEBMASTER SPEC Dentistry Administration 08t15t2048 Peto, Sidonia DIR OF CE Dentistry Administration 08/1 5/2008 Phaovanij, Kriengsilp GRANTS & CONTRACTS SPEC Ctr for Adv Dist Educ Pub Hlth 08/1 5/2008 Pustek, David GRANTS & CONTRACTS SPEC Ctr for Adv Dist Educ Pub Hlth 08/15/2008 Rothstein, Jason PROJ COORD - WEB BASED PROJ Ctr for Adv Dist Educ Pub Hlth 08t15t2008 Ryan, Amber Lynn EDUC COM ACAD COORD Pediatric Dentistry 12t31t2008 Shiraishi, Yukiko PROJ COORD Occupational Therapy 08/1 5/2008 Snowden, PeggyA. CLIENT SERV COORD Education 09/30/2008 Tincknell, Timothy DIR PHYSN PRAC Ambulatory Clinical Services 08/1 5/2008 Uryasz, David Matthew PRGM SPEC - GAMES & SIM Ctr for Adv Dist Educ Pub Hlth 08/15/2008 Vogh, Bryan PRGM COORD TECHNOL Library-East 07t27t2008 Washington, Julie Ann ASST DIR Office for the Pro of Res Subj 0"U31t2009 Wellman, David RES DATAANLYS Family and Community Medicine 08t't5t2008 Wiebel, Victoria ASST DIR PH WORKFORCE DEV Ctr for Adv Dist Educ Pub Hlth 02t15t2009 Wongchinsri, Montanee GRANTS & CONTRACTS SPEC Ctr for Adv Dist Educ Pub Hlth 08t15t2008 Wongchinsri, Patcharee GRANTS & CONTRACTS SPEC Ctr for Adv Dist Educ Pub Hlth oe,t15t2008 Woodin, David PROJ COORD - WEB BASED PROJ Ctr for Adv Dist Educ Pub Hlth 08/1 5/2008 Yen, Michael IT SPEC Ctr for Adv Dist Educ Pub Hlth o8,t1512008 Page2 of2 Date March 2008 Retirees Re-Hired. Urbana (Within Guidelines Adopted by the Board of Trustees, July 13, 2006) Curent or Future Appo¡ntment lnformat¡on Historical Appo¡ntment lnformation Name Â/illiam H. Albers Carl Altstetter Job Title and Employing Un¡t Before Retirement rrofessor, Department rf Pediatrics, College of Vledicine at Peoria )rofessor, Department Date After Retirement 01t01t1998 =noineerino Jrotessor, Depanment rf Educational Dianne Andrews Cheryl Ann Barber Brad N. Bowen Samuel H. Carpenter Samuel H. Carpenter \ssistant Professor. )epartment of French; ¡nd Coordinator, :oreign Language feacher Education \ssistant Professor, )epartment of French; ¡nd Coordinator, =oreign Language feacher Education Program Coordinator, Conferences and lnstitutes, Office of Continuinq Education Engineer, Facilities and Services Jrolessor tsmentus, )epartment of Pathology, Job FTE* Service Dates Salary Source of Funds Gode** NA uöt1otut - 1zt31tgt total $200 lnstitutional 1 25o/o 01t01t08 - 05/15/08 total $15,000 lnstitutional 1 33o/o 01/01/08 - 05/15/08 total $7,000 lnstitutional 'l 33o/o 01t01t08 - 05/15/08 total $6,000 lnstitutional 1 25o/o 01/16/08 - 07t15t08 total $5,796 lnstitutional I 0% 04t01t08 - 03/31/09 $23lhour lnstitutional 4 Oo/o 12t16t07 - 12t15t08 $38.50/hour lnstitutional 4 lollese of Medicine )rofessor Emeritus, )epartment of Materials Science and Engineering 03t16t2007 )rofessor Emeritus. )epartment of Educational )svnhnlnov 01t06t2003 y'isiting Assistant Professor, )svcholoov Dianne Andrews Job T¡tle and Employing Unit Post-Ret¡rement 01t01t2004 ¡f Materials Science and ingineering; and \ssistant Dean and )irector of lnternational )rograms, College of Thomas H. Anderson Policy Provision First Rêh¡re )epartment of French 01t06t2003 r'isiting Assistant Professor, :oreign Language Teacher lducation 04t01t2008 Academic Hourly, Conferences and lnstitutes, Office of Continuing Education 12t16t2007 Academic Hourly, Office of the Dean, College of Engineering Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Enoineerino 05t16t2007 Professor Emeritus, Department of Civil and Environmehtal Engineering 50o/o 12t16t07 - 06/15/08 total $33,433 Grant 2 Prolessor, Uepanmenl 05t16t2007 Professor Emeritus, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 25% 06/16/08 - 06/30/08 total$1,393 Grant 2 of Civil and Environmental Fnninacrina Page I of6 March 2008 Retirees Re-Hired, Urbana (Within Guidelines Adopted by the Board of Trustees, July 13, 2006) Historical Appointment lnfo¡mat¡on Name Gregg W. Clabaugh Gregg W. Glabaugh Job Title and Employing Unit Before Retirement First Rehire Veterinary Research Specialist, Veterinary Diaqnostic Laboratorv veleflnary Researcn Specialist, Veterinary 1010312005 10t03t2005 Date After Retirement Current or Future Appointment lnformation Job Title and Employ¡ng Unit Post-Retirement Pol¡cy Prov¡sion Job FTE* Service Dates Salary Source of Funds Code** Academic Hourly, Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory 0o/o 01t02t08 - 03/31/08 $20.65/hour lnstitutional 4 Academic Hourly, Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory QYo o4to1t08 - 08/01/08 $24lhour lnstitutional 4 20Yo 02t16t08 - 08/15/08 total$22,076 lnstitutional 1 NA 01t16t08 - 05t07t08 totalS1.040 lnstitutional 1 25o/o 01t16t08 - 03/15/08 total $29,951 Grant 2 NA 02t28t08 - 05/15/08 total $600 lnstitutional 1 NA 03/03/08 - 03/05/08 total$1,500 lnstitutional 1 NA o4to2to8 - o4to7to8 total$1,500 lnstitutional ¡ ÙYo 09t28t07 - 05/30/08 lnstitutional 4 NA o'lto4to8 - o2to2to8 total $2,500 lnstitutional 1 0% 02t01t08 - 01t31t09 $18/hour Grant 2&4 Diaanncfin I ahnratnrv Ruth A. Glark Daniel Detwiler Leigh S. Estabrook James A. Gentry James A. Gentry Professor, Department of Speech Commrrninatian Visiting Specialist in Education, School of Sncial Wark Professor. Graduate School of Library and nformation Science Professor, Department ¡f Finance Professor, Department ¡f Finance James A. Gentry Drofessor, Department rf Finance ilizabeth A. Jockusch l-eaching Associate, Jniversity Laboratory lioh School Associate Professor and Chief, lmaging, Department of Veterinary Clinical It/lcdininc Associate Agronomist, Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Studies Stephen K. Kneller lames M. Lang 02t16t2008 t/isiting Professor, Department rf Speech Communication Lecturer, Division of Academic Outreach, Office of Continuing F¡lueefion 01t16t2003 Professor Emerita, Graduate School of Library and lnfnrmatinn Snien¡-e 10t21t2002 Professor Emeritus, Department of Finance 10t21t2002 )rofessor Emeritus. China Executive Leadership Program, lnternational Proqrams and Studies 10t21t2002 rrofessor Emeritus, China Executive Leadership rrogram, lnternational )roorams and Studies 01t16t2007 \cademic Hourly, University -aboratory High School 08/16/2003 09t01t2007 \ssoctate Prolessor hmentus, )epartment of Veterinary $1 Sihour llinical Medicine 07t25t2005 Academic Hourly, Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Studies Page 2 of 6 March 2008 Retirees Re-Hired, Urbana (Within Guidelines Adopted by the Board of Trustees, July 13, 2006) Current or Future Appo¡ntment lnformation Historical Appo¡ntmênt !nformat¡on Job Title and Employ¡ng Unit Before Retirement First Rehire Professor and Assistant Dean, Department of Mechanical and ndustrial Enqineerino Ieaching Associate, Jniversity Laboratory lioh School Senior Library Specialist, Jniversity Library 10t21t1994 Professor Emeritus, Office of the Dean, College of Engineering 8t1612004 2t24t2008 Nlorgan J. Lynge, Jr. )rofessor and Chair, )epartment of Finance 2t10t2003 Morgan J. Lynge, Jr. rrofessor and Chair, )epartment of Finance 2t10t2003 Morgan J. Lynge, Jr. ?rofessor and Chair, )epartment of Finance 2t10t2003 Morgan J. Lynge, Jr. Professor and Chair, Department of Finance 2t10t2003 PaulJ. Magelli r/isiting Professor and \cting Director, 10t1t1992 Name Carl S. Larson Rosemary Munch Laughlin Pamela J. Lindell Date After Job T¡tle and Employ¡ng Un¡t Post-Retirement Policy Provision Job FTE* Service Dates Salary Source of Funds Code** 35o/o 01t16t08 - 08/15/08 total $15,400 lnstitutional 1 Academic Hourly, University Laboratory High School 0o/o 09t28t07 - 05/30/08 $18/hour lnstitutional 4 Academic Hourly, University 0% 02t24t08 - 02t23t09 $16.86/hour lnstitutional 4 Professor Emeritus, China Executive Leadership Program, lnternational Proorams and Studies Professor Emeritus, China Executive Leadership Program, lnternational Proqrams and Studies Professor Emeritus, China Executive Leadership Program, lnternational Proorams and Studies Professor Emeritus, China Executive Leadership Program, lnternational Proorams and Studies {djunct Professor, Executive Vlasters of Business {dministration Program NA 01t01tog - o1t31tog total $700 lnstitutional 4 NA 02t26t08 - 02128108 total$1,500 lnstitutional 4 NA 03/04/08 - 03t04t08 total $750 lnstitutional I NA 03t27t08 - 03128108 total $1,500 lnstitutional 1 NA 03t28t08 - 04t12t08 total $14.000 lnstitutional I 1t14t2008 \cademic Hourly, McKinley 0o/o 01t14t08 - 05/10/08 $65/hour lnstitutional 4 1t1t2008 Health Center r'isiting Professor, Department ¡f Statistics 25% 01/01/08 - 08/15/08 total $12,000 lnstitutional 1 NA o1to1to8 - 05/1sl08 total $6,000 lnstitutional 1 Retirement library ixecutive Masters of I 3usiness Administration )rocram rffalter J. Maguire John l. Marden Shristiane T. Martens Staff Physician, VlcKinlev Health Center )rofessor and Associate 3hair, Department of Statistics )rofessor, School of Art rnd Desion 1t1t2008 Professor Emerita, Campus ¡lonors Prooram Page 3 of 6 March 2008 Retirees Re-Hired, Urbana (Within Guidelines Adopted by the Board of Trustees, July 13, 2006) Historical Appointment lnformation Name Gavin L. Meerdink Sharon D. Michalove ìichard E. Mitchell Kent Bourdon Monroe Kent Bourdon Monroe )arl Raymond Moore Marvin R. Paulsen Job Title and Employing Unit Before Retirement Clinical Professor, Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratorv Associate Director of Undergraduate Studies; and Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Policy Studies; and Adjunct Assistant Professor, Deoartment of Historv Professor, Department of Historv JM Jones Distinguished Professor of Marketing, Department of Business Administration JM Jones Distinguished Professor of Marketing, Department of Business \dministration 3rant Specialist, Office ¡f Grants and Contracts )rofessor, Department lf Agricultural and Josephine W. Payne Josephine W. Payne liolooical Enoineerino Coordinator for Student Ieachers and Visiting {ssistant Professor, School of Art and Desigr Coordinator for Student Teachers and Visiting Assistant Professor, School of Art and Design Current or Future Appo¡ntment lnformation First Rehire Date After Retirement 06116t2007 05t16t2007 Policy Job Title and Employ¡ng Unit Post-Retirement Visiting Clinical Professor, Cffice of the Dean, College of y'eterinarv Medicine Academic Hourly, Department of Sociology 05t19t2003 Professor Emeritus, Department of Historv 09t16t2005 Professor Emeritus. Office of lhe Dean, College of Business 0911612005 Professor Emeritus. Office of :he Dean, College of Business 0411512004 \cademic Hourly, Cooperative lxtension Service 09t16t2006 Professor Emeritus, Department of Agricultural and 04t16t2007 0411612007 Biolooical Enoineerino Visiting Assistant Professor, School of Art and Design Visiting Assistant Professor, School of Art and Design Job FTE* NA 0o/o Salary Source of Funds Prov¡s¡on Gode** 10105107 - 10t05t07 total $113 lnstitutional 1 12tO3tO7 - 11t15t08 $28lhour lnstitutional 4 Service Dates 100o/o 05/16/08 - 06/15/08 total $9.000 lnstitutional 1 NA 07t15t08 - 07t31t08 total $8,250 lnstitutional 1 NA 10t15t08 - 10t23t08 total $8.250 lnstitutional 'l Qo/o 01121108 S20/hour lnstitutional 4 total$12,100 Grant 2 - 04/30/08 10% 03/01/08 - 12t31t08 NA 10101107 - 11t15t07 total$1,000 lnstitutional I NA 01/01/08 - 05t15t08 total$1,000 lnstitutional 1 Page 4 of 6 March 2008 Retirees Re-Hired, Urbana (Within Guidelines Adopted by the Board of Trustees, July 13, 2006) H¡storical Appointment lnformation Name Douglas G. Peterson J. CarlPirkle. Jr. John E. Prussing David J. Schaeffer Job Title and Employing Unit Before Retirement Extension Communication Specialist, lnformation Technology and Communication Services, College of Agricultural Consumer and Environmental Snienneq )irector of Development ¡nd Lecturer. )epartment of Chemical =noineerino f,rofessor, Department rf Aerospace inoineerino \ssociate Professor and Current or Future Appointment lnformation First Rehire Date After Retirement Job Title and Employing Unit Posl-Retirement 01t02t2008 Academrc Hourly, Çooperatrve Policy Provision Job FTE* Service Dates Salary Source of Funds Code** 0% 01to2t08 - 06/30/08 $20lhour Grant 2&4 0% 08t16t07 - 08/15/08 $30/hour lnstitutional 4 24% 01/16/08 - 05/15/08 total$11,585 lnstitutional 10% 02t16t08 - 12t15t08 total $10,000 Grant 2 NA 12116t07 - 08/15/08 total$7,600 lnstitutional 1 25o/o 01to1t08 - 05/15/08 total $15,000 Grant 2 58% o1to1to8 - 06/30/08 total $39,171 Grant 2 total$2,000 lnstitutional 1 2Slhour lnstitutional 4 Extension Service 12105t2000 \cademic Hourly, Department ¡f Chemical and Biomolecular !ngineering 08t16t2007 09t01t2006 ienior Research foxicologist, Departmen' )rofessor Emeritus. )epartment of Aerospace =noineerino \ssociate Professor Emeritus. )epartment of Civil and invironmental Engineering lf Veterinary Stanley L. Shinall Darrell F. Socie Marshall R. Thompson úúilliam J. Tranquilli /úilliam J. Tranquilli ìiosciennas Assistant Professor. Department of French Professor, Department of Mechanical Science and Enoineerino Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Fnoineerinn rrofessor, Department rf Veterinary Clinical l/leclicinc Professor, Department of Veterinary Clinical Medicine 10t21t1998 Assistant Professor Emeritus, Guided lndividual Study, Office cf Continuing Education 03t01t2005 Professor Emeritus, Department of Mechanical Science and Enoineerinq 08t21t1997 Professor Emeritus, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 10t04t2007 Professor Emeritus, Office of :he Dean, College of y'eterinarv Medicine NA 10t04t07 - 10t04t07 101o4t2007 rrofessor Emeritus/Academic {ourly, Veterinary Teaching {osoital 0% o2t18t08 - 01t31t09 $1 Page 5 of 6 March 2008 Retirees Re-Hired, Urbana (Within Guidelines Adopted by the Board of Trustees, July 13, 2006) Current or Future Appointment lnformation H¡storical Appo¡ntment ¡nformat¡on Policy Provis¡on Job Title and Employing Unit Before Retirement First Rehire 3arolyn S. White r/isiting Program 3oordinator, Department rf Agricultural and 3onsumer Economics 05t01t2007 \cademic Hourly, Department rf Computer Science 0% 0"u01108 David Thomas Whitford \ssociate Professor, 04t16t2005 \ssociate Professor Emeritus. NA o% Name Department of Finance lrederic Terry Wilson \lanager of Services, 3ampus lnformation l'echnologies and Date After Rêt¡rêment Job Title and Employing Unit Post-Retirement Job FTE* Salary Source of Funds Gode** $32.32lhour Grant 2&4 o3t27108 - 05/15/08 total $1,400 lnstitutional 'l 04t07t08 - o9to7to8 $39.48/hour lnstitutional 4 Service Dates - 12t31t08 )epartment of Finance 04t07t2008 \cademic Hourly, Campus nformation Technologies and iducational Services Educational Serv¡ces -Job FTE: NA = Project for a pre-defined duration; no formal FTE. Payment rendered at conclusion of project. **Policy Provision Code: 1. Ret¡red faculty members who teach courses, advise students, and perform related duties on a part{¡me or occasional basis. 2. Retired faculty or staff members who conduct research on appointments funded by grants and contracts. 3. Retired clinical faculty members who are employed to provide patient care on a part-time or occasional basis. 4. Retirees who are appointed as academ¡c hourly employees on a temporary bas¡s. 5. Retirees who are appointed on a temporary basis to perform staff functions when other options are not feasible. Page 6 of 6 March 2008 Retirees Re-Hired, Chicago (Within Guidelines Adopted by the Board of Trustees, July 13, 2006) Historical Appointment lnformat¡on Name Bernard H. Baum Robert H. Bryant 3ruce J. Calder Geoffrey A. Cordell James E. Cracraft Kathleen Crittenden Kevin G. Croke r'ijay K. Garg )aniel Graupe Randal Craig Jaffe Job Title and Employing Unit Before Retirement First Rehire rrolessor, utvtston oÍ Et21t2002 Health Policy and \dministration. School or >uhlic Health Associate Professor of Structural Mechanics. Department of Civil and Malerials Enoineerino Associate Professor, Deoartment of Historv Professor of Pharmacognosy, Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacoonosv Professor, Department of Hislorv Professor, Department of Socioloov Professor, Division of Health Policy and Administration, School o' Public Health Professor, Department ¡f Electrical and lomnr¡fer Fnoineerino )rofessor, Department rf Electrical and lomnrrter Fnoineerino Professor, Department of Physiology and Biophysics, College of Medicine at Chicago and Assistant to the Director, Research Resources Center, Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research Date After Retirement 1t6t2000 1t1t2008 8t21t2002 1t1t2008 1t6t2002 5t16t2007 8t16t2004 3t1t2008 Current or Future Appointment lnformation Job Title and Employ¡ng Unit Post-Retirement ProÌessor tsmentus, urvrsron ol Health Policy and {dministration, School of )ublic Health Associate Professor Emeritus. Department of Civil and Materials Engineering Associate Professor. Deoartment of Historv Visiting Director, Center for Advanced Design, Research and Exploration (CADRE), Office of the Vice Chancellor for Recearnh Professor Emeritus, Dêrìârtmênf of Histnrv Professor, Department of Mafernal Child Nrrrsino Professor Emeritus, Division of Health Policy and Administration. School of Puhlie Health \djunct Professor, Online lducation, Engineering \dministration )rofessor Emeritus, Policy Provision Job FTE* Service Dates Salary Source of Funds Code** 4% 02t16to8 - 08/15/08 total $2,000 lnstitutional 1 50% 01t01r08 - 05/15/08 total $17,074 lnstitutional 1 50o/o 01/01/08 - 05/15/08 total $8.000 lnstitutional 1 NA 08/16/06 - 08t15t07 total $78,000 Grant z 50% 01t01t08 - 05/15/08 total $8,000 lnstitutional 1 5% 02t01t08 - 05/15/08 total $1,383 Grant 2 30% 01/01/08 - 05/15/08 total $9,000 lnstitutional 2 0o/o 01t02t08 - 02t07t08 total$21,000 Grant 1 25% 03/01/08 - 08/15/08 total $7,083 lnstitutional 1 NA o8t16to7 - 12t31t07 total $2,083 lnstitutional 1 )epartment of Electrical and 12t16t2007 lomouter Enoineerino Animal Care and lnstitutional Biosafety (ACl B) Participant, Office for the Protection of Research Subjects, Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research Page I of3 March 2008 Retirees Re-Hired, Chicago (Within Guidelines Adopted by the Board of Trustees, July 13, 2006) Current or Future Appo¡ntment lnformation Historica! Appo¡ntment Information Name Nancy R. John Job Title and Employ¡ng Unit Before Retirement First Rehire \ssistant University -ibrarian and Associate rrofessor, University 9t1t2005 Date After Retirement Job Title and Employing Unit Post-Retirement Associate Professor and Policy Provision Job FTEi Service Dates Salary Source of Funds Code** 33Yo 02t16t08 - 04t15t08 total $5.000 lnstitutional 1 0o/o 02t01t08 - 07t31t08 $27.69/hour State 4 1 History Makers Catalog Librarian, University Library ihrarv Judith Maas Naomi M. Morris Darrel L. Murray y'isiting Resource and 2t1t2008 )olicy Analyst, Vice )rovost for Resource )lanning and Vlânâõêmênt )rofessor. Division of )ommunity Health Sciences. School of )ublic Health )rofessor, Department rf Biological Sciences Academic Hourly - Special Projects Coordinator, Office of Programs and Academic Affairs 3t1t2005 Professor Emerita, Division of Community Health Sciences, School of Public Health 20o/o 02t29t08 - 08/15/08 total$12,764 lnstitutional 8t21t2001 Professor Emeritus, Department of Biological 25o/o 01t01t08 - 05/15/08 total $3,100 lnstitutional 4 t Snienc-cs Frank U. Perry Donna D. Petras Bonnie Ellen Smith llinical Associate )rofessor and Clinic }hief, Department of ìestorative Dentistry rnd Dental Clinics \ssistant Professor. Jane Addams College of Social Work: and \ssistant Professor. Vlidwest Aids Training ¡nd Education Center 't\ilaTtrel Speech Scientist and )irector of Speech rathology, University of 9t1t2007 Continuing Education Faculty, Department of Restorative Dentistry NA 01/10/08 - o1t10t08 total$1,200 lnstitutional 1 12t1t2007 \cademic Hourly - Training rrogram Coordinator, Midwest \ids Training and Education 0% 12t01t07 - 08/31/08 $2Slhour Grant 2 Oo/o 03/03/08 - 08/15/08 $50/hour lnstitutional 3 lenter (MATEC) 3t3t2008 \cademic Hourly - Speech Scientist, University of lllinois {ospital and Clinics llinois Hospital and llinics; and Professor of Speech Pathology, )epartment of )tolaryngology, College rf Medicine at Chicago Page 2 of 3 March 2008 Retirees Re-Hired, Chicago (Within Guidelines Adopted by the Board of Trustees, July 13, 2006) H¡storical Appointment lnformation Name \vrum l. Weinzweig larbara S. Wood Steven P. Zawadzki Job Title and Employing Unit Before Retirement First Reh¡re Professor, Department ¡f Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science )rofessor of Speech, 1t16t2008 )epartment of lommunication lnterim Assistant Director of Business Affairs, Office of Business and Financial Date After Retirement 1t16t2007 Current or Future Appointment lnformation Job Title and Employ¡ng Un¡t Post-Ret¡rement Pol¡cy Provision Job FTE* Service Dates Salary Source of Funds Gode** Continuing Education Faculty, Office of Continuing Education 33% 01116108 - 05/15/08 total$9,261 lnstitutional 1 Professor, Business 41o/o 01t16t08 - 03/15/08 total $6,000 lnstitutional 1 ÙYo 02to4to8 - 12t31t08 $55/hour State 4 Administration, Executive MBA 12t11t2006 Academic Hourly - Special Project Coordinator, Academic and Enrollment Services Services *Job FTE: NA = Project for a pre-defined duration; no formal FTE. Payment rendered at conclusion of project. **Policy Provision Code: 1. Retired faculty members who teach courses, advise students, and perform related duties on a partlime or occasional 2. Retired faculty or staff members who conduct research on appointments funded by grants and contracts. 3. Retired cl¡n¡cal faculty members who are employed to prov¡de patient care on a part-time or occasional basis. 4. Ret¡rees who are appointed as academic hourly employees on a temporary basis. 5. Retirees who are appo¡nted on a temporary basis to perform staff functions when other options are not feasible. basis. Page 3 of 3 March 2008 Retirees Re-Hired, Springfield (Within Guidelines Adopted by the Board of Trustees, July 13, 2006) Current or Future Appo¡ntment lnformation H3storical Appo¡ntment lnformat¡on Name William Bloemer Job Title and Employing Unit Beforê Ret¡rement First Rehire Ret¡rement Post-Retirement )ean, College of L¡beral \rts and Sciences; rrofessor, Chemistry rrogram; and Professor, 3linical Laboratory 09t01t2003 rofessor Emeritus, Chemistry Date After Job FTE* 50% Service Dates Salary Source of Funds Policy Provision Codet* 0ll01/08 - 05/15/08 total $5,400 lnstitutional 1 75o/o 07t01108 - 06/30/09 total $56,400 lnstitutional 5 5oo/o 01t01t08 - 05/15/08 total $6,400 lnstitutional 1 Job Title and Employ¡ng Un¡t fo9ram frooram )aula Garrott \ssociate Professor, 03t02t2005 3linical Laboratory ¡l/illiam Martz qniêncê Prnnram {ssociate Professor. Shemistrv Prooram 09/16/2000 nterim Science Division )irector, College of Liberal \rts and Sciences \ssociate Professor Emeritus. lhemistrv Prooram -Job FTE: NA = Project for a pre-defined duration; no formal FTE. Payment rendered at conclusion of project. **Policy Provision Code: 1. Ret¡red faculty members who teach courses, advise students, and perform related duties on a part-time or occasional basis. 2. Retired faculty or staff members who conduct research on appo¡ntments funded by grants and contracts. 3. Retired clinical faculty members who are employed to provide patient care on a part-time or occasional 4. basis. Ret¡rees who are appointed as academic hourly employees on a temporary basis' S. Retirees who are appointed on a temporary basis to perform staff functions when other options are not feasible. Page I of 1 March 2008 Retirees Re-Hired, University Administration (Within Guidelines Adopted by the Board of Trustees, July 13, 2006) Currênt or Future Appointment lnformat¡on H¡stor¡cal Appointment lnformation Name iue E. Sturmon Job Title and Employlng Unit Before Retirement Associate Director of Purchasing, Office of Business and Financial Services Job FTE* Service Dates Salary Source of Funds Policy Provision Code*' NA 02118108 - o2l17tog $45/hour State 4 First Rehire Date After Ret¡rement Job Title and Employ¡ng Un¡t Post-Retirement 02t18t2008 Academic Hourly - Purchas¡ng Office of Business and Financial Services "Job FTE: NA = Projectfor a pre-defined duration; no formal FTE. Payment rendered at conclusion ofproject' **Policy Provision Code: 1. Ret¡red faculty members who teach courses, advise students, and perform related duties on a part{ime or occasional basis. 2. Retired faculty or staff members who conduct research on appointments funded by grants and contracts. 3. Retired clinical faculty members who are employed to prov¡de patient care on 4. a part-l¡me or occas¡onal basis. Ret¡rees who are appointed as academic hourly employees on a temporary basis. S. Retirees who are appointed on a temporary basis to perform staff functions when other options are not feasible. Page I of1
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