TRATAMIENTO ARANCELARIO -Oregano: Se clasifica en la posición arancelaria 1211.90.90.90 del Nomenclador de Importaciones de EE.UU. (HTSUS) que corresponde a las demás sustancias con propiedades anestésicas, profilácticas o terapéuticas utilizas principalmente como medicamentos o ingredientes para medicamentos distintos de las semillas plantago psillum sin cáscara, albahaca, salvia, y otras hierbas utilizadas para te y otras infusiones (especias simples, no mezcladas) y tiene un arancel de importación de 0 %. REGULACIONES -El producto está regulado por Food and Drug Administration (FDA): y por Animal Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS): -Regulaciones de Producto Generalmente Reconocido como Seguro (GRAS) se puede consultar en 21 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 182.10 (Se adjunta) -Regulaciones sobre etiquetado de especias se pueden consultar en 21 CFR101.22 (Se adjunta) -Tolerancias de pesticidas en los alimentos se puede consultar en 40 CFR Parte180 (Se adjunta) -Requisitos para el Registro de Establecimiento y Notificación Previa de la nueva ley “Bioterrorism Act of 2002” se puede consultar en: BREVE DESCRIPCIÓN DEL MERCADO DE ESPECIAS Estados Unidos es el importador y consumidor más grande del mundo de especias usadas para sazonar productos alimenticios. Cada año se incrementa el consumo de especias. El incremento se debe varios factores: niveles de alta-rentabilidad, aumento de la población, creciente demanda de artículos de la industria alimenticia y el gusto del consumidor que va cambiando. También el consumo de especias se ha incrementado en el sector de alimentos dietéticos, porque las especias pueden hacerlos más sabrosos para el consumidor. Los fabricantes y los procesadores de alimentos están aprendiendo confiar en la condimentación distintiva para hacer sus productos más sabrosos. La mayoría delas especias se importan, pero aproximadamente 190.000.000 libras de productos aromáticos que crecen en los Estados Unidos, provienen de California. Las especias domésticas incluyen las pimientas, pimentón, hierbas tales como la albahaca, el estragón, la menta, el perejil, el sabio, la mejorana y las semillas tales como mostaza, eneldo, hinojo y sésamo. Los productos vegetales deshidratadas, ajo, cebolletas, perejil y las escamas vegetales mezcladas tienen un alto porcentaje de la producción doméstica. Las especias importadas entran en los Estado Unidos principalmente a través de los puertos de ambas costas, pero el volumen en gran medida más grande viene a través de New York . Llegan generalmente a granel. Primero se examinan para limpieza y deben ser aprobadas por Food and Drug Administration antes de que se permitan dejar el puerto. Después son llevadas a las plantas procesadoras que muelen, examinan, limpian más a fondo y se empaquetan. Distinto tipos de molinos se utilizan para moler las especias debido a la variedad amplia de materiales, que deben ser procesados; las semillas, corteza, etc. Por medio de los tamices mecánicos el molinero también regula la fineza de la rutina. Hoy, la industria de la especia ofrece extractos de las especias en las cuales las esencias de los productos crudos se concentran. Éstos extractos están disponibles en varias formas para resolver necesidades específicas de la condimentación. Entre estos se incluyen aceites esenciales, las óleo-resinas y los compuestos que contienen éstos más las especias naturales y otros ingredientes. Fuente: American Spice Trade Association IMPORTADORES ALLIED INTERNATIONAL FOODS, INC. 45500 Ruritan Circle Sterling, VA 20164 Tel: 703-444-5515 Fax: 703-444-6493 Contacto : Carmen Navarro E-mail: Tcarmen@alliedint.comT Website: Twww.alliedint.comT Comentario: Manifestó interés en recibir información de exportadores argentinos de orégano. HERBS GAIA INC. 108 Island Ford Rd. Brevard, NC 28712-2973 Tel: 828-884-4242 Fax: 828-883-5960 Contacto: Jackie Greenfield E-mail: Website: Comentario: Manifestó interés en recibir información de exportadores argentinos de orégano orgánico y convencional. PENN HERB CO LTD 10601 Decatur Rd., Ste 2 Philadelphia, PA 19154-4321 Tel: 215-632-6336 Fax: 215-632-7945 Contacto: William Betz E-mail: Website: Comentario: Importan pero no de Argentina. Manifestó interés en recibir información de exportadores argentinos de orégano BALTIMORE SPICE INC. 9740 Reisterstown Rd. Owings Mills, MD 21117 Tel: 410--363-1700 Fax: 410-363-6619 Contacto: Chris Rodski E-mail: Website: Comentario: Manifestó interés en recibir información de exportadores argentinos de orégano FAMARCO LIMITED INC. 1381 Air Rail Ave. Virginia Beach, VA 23455 Tel: 757-460-3573 Fax: 757-460-2621 Contacto: Ken Hartfelder E-mail: Website: Comentario: Manifestó interés en recibir información de exportadores argentinos de orégano PRECIOS Precios minoristas se pueden consultar en: Precios mayoristas (mercado terminal) se pueden consultar: ASOCIACIONES American Spice Trade Association 2025 M Street, NW , Suite 800 Washington, DC 20036 Tel: 202-367-1127 Fax: 202-367-2127 E-mail: Website: FERIAS Spring Fancy Food Show May 6-8, 2007 McCormick Place, Chicago Tel: 212-482-6440 Fax: 212-482-6459 Contacto: Chris Nemcheck E-mail: Website: Summer Fancy Food Show Fecha: 8-10 Julio, 2007 Jacob K. Javits Center, New York Tel: 212-482-6440 Fax: 212-482-6459 Contacto: Chris Nemcheck E-mail: Website: Natural Products Expo East Fecha: 5-7 Octubre, 2006 Baltimore Convention Center Tel: 303-998-9080 Fax: 303-939-9559 Contacto: Mike Behr E-mail: Website: WEBSITES DE UTILIDAD IMPORTACIONES DE ESTADOS UNIDOS IMPORTACIONES EN DOLARES DE LA PARTIDA BOLSA 1211.90.90.90 EN DONDE SE ENCUENTRA CLASIFICADO EL OREGANO PAIS China Mexico India Taiwan Turkey Canada South Africa France Israel Brazil Hong Kong Germany Bolivia Chile Sweden Bulgaria Peru Spain Egypt Korea Morocco Jamaica Poland Japan Pakistan Fiji Albania Indonesia Thailand Ukraine Haiti Australia Denmark Guatemala Vanuatu Macedonia Sri Lanka United Kingdom Hungary Philippines Russia Czech Republic Croatia Nigeria Netherlands Madagascar 2003 26,151,901 1,945,023 2,584,063 2,192,495 495,424 1,167,388 157,295 754,116 308,643 513,838 3,212,529 1,048,154 535,200 553,454 102,843 460,524 427,772 794,902 575,732 642,966 869,111 294,578 216,375 357,487 190,053 122,801 191,784 284,319 468,552 45,385 155,216 72,296 11,586 100,363 58,515 49,234 32,224 400,475 149,202 46,400 99,899 185,861 190,890 122,295 139,439 0 2004 26,723,652 1,819,972 3,436,707 1,685,324 660,610 3,250,778 763,369 1,168,454 648,765 496,141 2,167,628 1,231,615 525,510 580,875 440,401 619,578 403,184 389,489 645,438 525,253 466,299 455,221 390,358 250,336 221,238 170,121 204,693 528,049 535,273 169,801 99,573 390,043 29,689 159,435 92,538 25,051 85,178 307,427 140,025 104,730 137,112 180,730 129,342 88,693 82,957 0 2005 28,002,266 6,797,973 2,856,207 2,739,855 2,047,844 1,897,002 1,428,456 990,067 926,137 898,317 774,685 773,510 765,752 755,319 670,857 654,836 528,082 493,052 481,078 478,297 427,663 405,855 389,333 336,790 298,058 291,569 286,838 255,865 232,578 214,027 209,349 165,560 156,672 156,363 152,816 132,388 126,294 121,826 118,984 114,545 112,150 105,714 103,809 96,439 64,798 64,122 Ghana Tanzania Greece Vietnam Italy Samoa Argentina Macao Dominican Rep Venezuela Costa Rica Malaysia Namibia Gabon Guinea Cameroon Fr Polynesia Cote d'Ivoire Papua New Guin Ecuador Ethiopia Iran Paraguay Singapore New Zealand Belgium Romania Tonga Lebanon Switzerland Yugoslavia Colombia Syria Portugal Saudi Arabia Kenya Panama Senegal Slovak Republic Bosnia-Hercegov New Caledonia Sierra Leone Burkina Faso El Salvador Congo (ROC) Slovenia Honduras Uruguay Tunisia Somalia Finland Georgia 53,046 0 79,230 21,640 1,188,611 0 18,940 0 70,173 13,869 0 0 29,250 47,885 0 13,165 0 0 0 3,439 0 57,748 18,697 20,000 71,144 31,959 18,766 3,150 3,375 21,775 5,236 0 6,119 2,113 0 23,300 8,768 0 4,060 2,930 10,020 10,922 0 6,600 1,062,000 0 0 0 119,078 2,443 0 237,250 40,718 17,926 73,898 16,915 827,094 0 3,735 0 98,053 90,684 0 0 27,640 35,551 0 29,581 32,190 3,285 4,860 2,400 2,992 3,540 29,725 50,876 26,987 83,112 21,819 0 0 21,310 5,220 48,010 0 9,219 0 19,438 0 9,928 0 61,758 0 0 3,430 11,295 0 3,119 2,423 18,800 0 7,313 21,900 6,375 58,845 58,500 56,312 54,694 45,822 45,325 44,883 42,023 41,762 40,068 35,605 35,304 30,598 27,897 22,844 18,898 18,000 18,000 17,502 14,145 13,060 11,147 10,150 9,600 9,463 7,340 5,357 5,000 4,375 3,591 3,539 3,504 2,777 2,772 2,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Austria Zambia Cyprus Jordan Latvia TOTAL 2,880 0 26,217 8,800 3,724 52,806,924 23,367 45,000 0 3,000 2,355 55,473,496 0 0 0 0 0 60,921,199 IMPORTACIONES EN KILOGRAMOS DE LA PARTIDA BOLSA 1211.90.90.90 EN DONDE SE ENCUENTRA CLASIFICADO EL OREGANO PAIS China Mexico India Taiwan Turkey Canada South Africa France Israel Brazil Hong Kong Germany Bolivia Chile Sweden Bulgaria Peru Spain Egypt Korea Morocco Jamaica Poland Japan Pakistan Fiji Albania Indonesia Thailand Ukraine Haiti Australia Denmark Guatemala Vanuatu Macedonia Sri Lanka United Kingdom Hungary Philippines Russia Czech Republic Croatia Nigeria Netherlands Madagascar Ghana Tanzania 2003 4,816,763 2,689,033 2,244,172 114,711 284,050 197,741 24,122 130,430 31,261 271,241 418,085 215,643 540,730 463,230 88 204,030 90,986 270,392 238,443 59,875 967,368 197,165 85,464 36,196 129,643 17,528 74,363 228,278 261,346 1,593 33,820 48,252 43 149,491 7,050 21,040 5,318 13,191 53,885 32,000 9,100 23,118 40,755 136,840 12,714 0 49,600 0 2004 4,757,116 1,858,933 2,168,211 201,857 310,919 1,238,034 49,142 197,300 81,195 210,749 388,092 224,789 520,538 398,110 515 236,961 97,875 126,316 276,410 43,120 453,882 314,278 103,967 24,871 151,990 21,616 88,893 555,063 240,479 48,525 21,928 102,947 147 211,992 12,100 6,338 8,315 20,722 40,608 70,136 27,092 34,001 24,828 77,375 7,477 0 4,861 7,942 2005 5,509,074 4,338,280 1,976,736 538,491 760,467 1,006,607 48,462 147,559 93,901 298,372 179,895 159,350 745,170 415,226 460 244,076 121,537 206,443 217,844 62,383 376,704 265,421 136,248 5,812 140,757 26,057 117,654 323,816 77,701 107,953 56,241 85,795 4,578 215,171 14,229 45,891 19,205 2,261 35,009 82,707 9,360 6,792 22,984 87,400 10,814 17,392 8,286 21,000 Greece Vietnam Italy Samoa Argentina Macao Dominican Rep Venezuela Costa Rica Malaysia Namibia Gabon Guinea Cameroon Fr Polynesia Cote d'Ivoire Papua New Guin Ecuador Ethiopia Iran Paraguay Singapore New Zealand Belgium Romania Tonga Lebanon Switzerland Yugoslavia Colombia Syria Portugal Saudi Arabia Kenya Panama Senegal Slovak Republic Bosnia-Hercegov New Caledonia Sierra Leone Burkina Faso El Salvador Congo (ROC) Slovenia Honduras Uruguay Tunisia Somalia Finland Georgia Austria Zambia 51,229 11,109 6,776 0 6,180 0 109,479 1,005 0 0 5,750 11,878 0 1,567 0 0 0 4,000 0 4,529 4,560 1,008 38,571 1,431 4,140 210 250 2,301 1,653 0 209 475 0 11,000 1,750 0 298 194 975 2,500 0 2,068 7,075 0 0 0 137,000 600 0 2,570 1,000 0 34,750 9,758 7,898 0 644 0 42,816 5,383 0 0 5,616 8,834 0 7,198 6,438 289 190 51 425 301 20,500 3,963 1,546 1,854 4,971 0 0 790 1,046 9,798 0 2,974 0 3,620 0 3,804 0 6,311 0 0 570 3,950 0 75 4,096 9,000 0 2,009 100 75 6,623 451 23,164 7,310 7,822 13,125 11,359 3,273 92,752 1,745 202 352 7,010 6,604 25,445 5,000 900 3,895 790 4,210 2,357 1,003 7,070 2,890 330 863 1,033 300 250 30 195 991 1,237 137 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cyprus Jordan Latvia TOTAL 7,790 269 214 16,383,800 0 241 147 16,287,660 0 0 0 19,627,225 IMPORTACIONES POR DISTRITO DE LA PARTIDA BOLSA 1211.90.90.90 EN DONDE SE ENCUENTRA CLASIFICADO EL OREGANO DISTRITO ADUANERO Los Angeles, CA San Francisco, CA New York, NY San Diego, CA Baltimore, MD Chicago, IL Laredo, TX Cleveland, OH Seattle, WA Norfolk, VA Detroit, MI Philadelphia, PA Great Falls, MT Miami, FL Houston-Galveston, TX Boston, MA El Paso, TX Savannah, GA Nogales, AZ Pembina, ND Charlotte, NC Anchorage, AK New Orleans, LA Charleston, SC Buffalo, NY Washington, DC Honolulu, HI San Juan, PR Columbia-Snake, OR Dallas-Fort Worth, TX Tampa, FL Ogdensburg, NY Milwaukee, WI Minneapolis, MN Portland, ME St. Albans, VT St. Louis, MO TOTAL 2003 18,230,072 13,685,091 12,376,852 1,104,340 417,163 1,149,517 783,666 91,429 323,285 648,337 665,874 27,968 334,114 506,480 248,651 338,086 66,722 672,184 37,291 153,532 41,892 15,367 49,791 17,915 57,912 23,783 8,900 52,355 125,871 0 432,136 67,047 19,800 0 10,356 0 23,145 52,806,924 2004 16,609,314 13,938,752 12,560,802 1,113,572 626,503 1,478,870 477,538 309,357 2,688,605 1,044,034 459,878 313,685 242,145 542,900 435,297 427,575 201,566 100,567 244,833 523,594 20,498 167,335 212,461 23,324 81,321 57,436 63,615 95,119 47,670 243,059 0 93,955 14,940 3,500 0 7,126 2,750 55,473,496 2005 17,791,250 13,364,310 11,579,795 2,577,966 2,484,050 1,985,231 1,683,065 1,469,623 1,301,613 1,022,121 840,827 571,513 536,818 519,255 412,021 334,833 288,073 280,149 265,932 249,274 245,820 224,025 171,294 126,412 109,725 108,288 92,671 69,525 68,507 61,713 44,621 16,379 16,000 8,500 0 0 0 60,921,199 IMPORTACIONES POR PROGRAMA DE LA PARTIDA BOLSA 1211.90.90.90 EN DONDE SE ENCUENTRA CLASIFICADO EL OREGANO PROGRAMA No program claimed TOTAL 2003 52,806,924 52,806,924 2004 55,473,496 55,473,496 2005 60,921,199 60,921,199 EXPORTACIONES DE ESTADOS UNIDOS EXPORTACIONES EN DOLARES DE LA PARTIDA BOLSA 1211.90.90.95 EN DONDE SE ENCUENTRA CLASIFICADO EL OREGANO EXPORTACIONES TOTAL 2003 18,639,724 2004 34,766,466 2005 26,042,490 EXPORTACIONES EN KILOGRAMOS DE LA PARTIDA BOLSA 1211.90.90.95 EN DONDE SE ENCUENTRA CLASIFICADO EL OREGANO EXPORTACIONES TOTAL 2003 5,583,137 2004 7,775,374 2005 7,223,307 Fuente: Datos compilados de Departamento de Comercio de EEUU (U.S. Department of Commerce) Departamento del Tesoro (U.S. Treasury) y de la Comisión de Comercio Internacional [Code of Federal Regulations] [Title 21, Volume 3] [Revised as of April 1, 2005] From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access [CITE: 21CFR182.10] TITLE 21--FOOD AND DRUGS CHAPTER I--FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) PART 182_SUBSTANCES GENERALLY RECOGNIZED AS SAFE--Table of Contents Subpart A_General Provisions Sec. 182.10 Spices and other natural seasonings and flavorings. Spices and other natural seasonings and flavorings that are generally recognized as safe for their intended use, within the meaning of section 409 of the Act, are as follows: -----------------------------------------------------------------------Common name Botanical name of plant source -----------------------------------------------------------------------Alfalfa herb and seed........... Medicago sativa L. Allspice........................ Pimenta officinalis Lindl. Ambrette seed................... Hibiscus abelmoschus L. Angelica........................ Angelica archangelica L. or other spp. of Angelica. Angelica root................... Do. Angelica seed................... Do. Angostura (cusparia bark)....... Galipea officinalis Hancock. Anise........................... Pimpinella anisum L. Anise, star..................... Illicium verum Hook. f. Balm (lemon balm)............... Melissa officinalis L. Basil, bush..................... Ocimum minimum L. Basil, sweet.................... Ocimum basilicum L. Bay............................. Laurus nobilis L. Calendula....................... Calendula officinalis L. Camomile (chamomile), English or Anthemis nobilis L. Roman. Camomile (chamomile), German or Matricaria chamomilla L. Hungarian. Capers.......................... Capparis spinosa L. Capsicum........................ Capsicum frutescens L. or Capsicum annuum L. Caraway......................... Carum carvi L. Caraway, black (black cumin).... Nigella sativa L. Cardamom (cardamon)............. Elettaria cardamomum Maton. Cassia, Chinese................. Cinnamomum cassia Blume. Cassia, Padang or Batavia....... Cinnamomum burmanni Blume. [[Page 468]] Cassia, Saigon.................. Cinnamomum loureirii Nees. Cayenne pepper.................. Capsicum frutescens L. or Capsicum annuum L. Celery seed..................... Apium graveolens L. Chervil......................... Anthriscus cerefolium (L.) Hoffm. Chives.......................... Allium schoenoprasum L. Cinnamon, Ceylon................ Cinnamomum zeylanicum Nees. Cinnamon, Chinese............... Cinnamomum cassia Blume. Cinnamon, Saigon................ Cinnamomum loureirii Nees. Clary (clary sage).............. Salvia sclarea L. Clover.......................... Trifolium spp. Coriander....................... Coriandrum sativum L. Cumin (cummin).................. Cuminum cyminum L. Cumin, black (black caraway).... Nigella sativa L. Elder flowers................... Sambucus canadensis L. Fennel, common.................. Foeniculum vulgare Mill. Fennel, sweet (finocchio, Foeniculum vulgare Mill. var. duice Florence fennel). (DC.) Alex. Fenugreek....................... Trigonella foenum-graecum L. Galanga (galangal).............. Alpinia officinarum Hance. Geranium........................ Pelargonium spp. Ginger.......................... Zingiber officinale Rosc. Grains of paradise.............. Amomum melegueta Rosc. Horehound (hoarhound)........... Marrubium vulgare L. Horseradish..................... Armoracia lapathifolia Gilib. Hyssop.......................... Hyssopus officinalis L. Lavender........................ Lavandula officinalis Chaix. Linden flowers.................. Tilia spp. Mace............................ Myristica fragrans Houtt. Marigold, pot................... Calendula officinalis L. Marjoram, pot................... Majorana onites (L.) Benth. Marjoram, sweet................. Majorana hortensis Moench. Mustard, black or brown......... Brassica nigra (L.) Koch. Mustard, brown.................. Brassica juncea (L.) Coss. Mustard, white or yellow........ Brassica hirta Moench. Nutmeg.......................... Myristica fragrans Houtt. Oregano (oreganum, Mexican Lippia spp. oregano, Mexican sage, origan). Paprika......................... Capsicum annuum L. Parsley......................... Petroselinum crispum (Mill.) Mansf. Pepper, black................... Piper nigrum L. Pepper, cayenne................. Capsicum frutescens L. or Capsicum annuum L. Pepper, red..................... Do. Pepper, white................... Piper nigrum L. Peppermint...................... Mentha piperita L. Poppy seed...................... Papayer somniferum L. Pot marigold.................... Calendula officinalis L. Pot marjoram.................... Majorana onites (L.) Benth. Rosemary........................ Rosmarinus officinalis L. Saffron......................... Crocus sativus L. Sage............................ Salvia officinalis L. Sage, Greek..................... Salvia triloba L. Savory, summer.................. Satureia hortensis L. (Satureja). Savory, winter.................. Satureia montana L. (Satureja). Sesame.......................... Sesamum indicum L. Spearmint....................... Mentha spicata L. Star anise...................... Illicium verum Hook. f. Tarragon........................ Artemisia dracunculus L. Thyme........................... Thymus vulgaris L. Thyme, wild or creeping......... Thymus serpyllum L. Turmeric........................ Curcuma longa L. Vanilla......................... Vanilla planifolia Andr. or Vanilla tahitensis J. W. Moore. Zedoary......................... Curcuma zedoaria Rosc. -----------------------------------------------------------------------[42 FR 14640, Mar. 15, 1977, as amended at 43 FR 3705, Jan. 27, 1978; 44 FR 3963, Jan. 19, 1979; 50 FR 21044, May 22, 1985; 61 FR 14246, Apr. 1, 1996] [Code of Federal Regulations] [Title 21, Volume 2] [Revised as of April 1, 2005] From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access [CITE: 21CFR101.22] CHAPTER I--FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) PART 101_FOOD LABELING--Table of Contents Subpart B_Specific Food Labeling Requirements Sec. 101.22 Foods; labeling of spices, flavorings, colorings and chemical preservatives. (a)(1) The term artificial flavor or artificial flavoring means any substance, the function of which is to impart flavor, which is not derived from a spice, fruit or fruit juice, vegetable or vegetable juice, edible yeast, herb, bark, bud, root, leaf or similar plant material, meat, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy products, or fermentation products thereof. Artificial flavor includes the substances listed in Sec. Sec. 172.515(b) and 182.60 of this chapter except where these are derived from natural sources. (2) The term spice means any aromatic vegetable substance in the whole, broken, or ground form, except for those substances which have been traditionally regarded as foods, such as [[Page 78]] onions, garlic and celery; whose significant function in food is seasoning rather than nutritional; that is true to name; and from which no portion of any volatile oil or other flavoring principle has been removed. Spices include the spices listed in Sec. 182.10 and part 184 of this chapter, such as the following: Allspice, Anise, Basil, Bay leaves, Caraway seed, Cardamon, Celery seed, Chervil, Cinnamon, Cloves, Coriander, Cumin seed, Dill seed, Fennel seed, Fenugreek, Ginger, Horseradish, Mace, Marjoram, Mustard flour, Nutmeg, Oregano, Paprika, Parsley, Pepper, black; Pepper, white; Pepper, red; Rosemary, Saffron, Sage, Savory, Star aniseed, Tarragon, Thyme, Turmeric. Paprika, turmeric, and saffron or other spices which are also colors, shall be declared as ``spice and coloring'' unless declared by their common or usual name. (3) The term natural flavor or natural flavoring means the essential oil, oleoresin, essence or extractive, protein hydrolysate, distillate, or any product of roasting, heating or enzymolysis, which contains the flavoring constituents derived from a spice, fruit or fruit juice, vegetable or vegetable juice, edible yeast, herb, bark, bud, root, leaf or similar plant material, meat, seafood, poultry, eggs, dairy products, or fermentation products thereof, whose significant function in food is flavoring rather than nutritional. Natural flavors include the natural essence or extractives obtained from plants listed in Sec. Sec. 182.10, 182.20, 182.40, and 182.50 and part 184 of this chapter, and the substances listed in Sec. 172.510 of this chapter. (4) The term artificial color or artificial coloring means any ``color additive'' as defined in Sec. 70.3(f) of this chapter. (5) The term chemical preservative means any chemical that, when added to food, tends to prevent or retard deterioration thereof, but does not include common salt, sugars, vinegars, spices, or oils extracted from spices, substances added to food by direct exposure thereof to wood smoke, or chemicals applied for their insecticidal or herbicidal properties. (b) A food which is subject to the requirements of section 403(k) of the act shall bear labeling, even though such food is not in package form. (c) A statement of artificial flavoring, artificial coloring, or chemical preservative shall be placed on the food or on its container or wrapper, or on any two or all three of these, as may be necessary to render such statement likely to be read by the ordinary person under customary conditions of purchase and use of such food. The specific artificial color used in a food shall be identified on the labeling when so required by regulation in part 74 of this chapter to assure safe conditions of use for the color additive. (d) A food shall be exempt from compliance with the requirements of section 403(k) of the act if it is not in package form and the units thereof are so small that a statement of artificial flavoring, artificial coloring, or chemical preservative, as the case may be, cannot be placed on such units with such conspicuousness as to render it likely to be read by the ordinary individual under customary conditions of purchase and use. (e) A food shall be exempt while held for sale from the requirements of section 403(k) of the act (requiring label statement of any artificial flavoring, artificial coloring, or chemical preservatives) if said food, having been received in bulk containers at a retail establishment, is displayed to the purchaser with either (1) the labeling of the bulk container plainly in view or (2) a counter card, sign, or other appropriate device bearing prominently and conspicuously the information required to be stated on the label pursuant to section 403(k). (f) A fruit or vegetable shall be exempt from compliance with the requirements of section 403(k) of the act with respect to a chemical preservative applied to the fruit or vegetable as a pesticide chemical prior to harvest. (g) A flavor shall be labeled in the following way when shipped to a food manufacturer or processor (but not a consumer) for use in the manufacture of a fabricated food, unless it is a flavor for which a standard of identity has been promulgated, in which case it shall be labeled as provided in the standard: (1) If the flavor consists of one ingredient, it shall be declared by its common or usual name. [[Page 79]] (2) If the flavor consists of two or more ingredients, the label either may declare each ingredient by its common or usual name or may state ``All flavor ingredients contained in this product are approved for use in a regulation of the Food and Drug Administration.'' Any flavor ingredient not contained in one of these regulations, and any nonflavor ingredient, shall be separately listed on the label. (3) In cases where the flavor contains a solely natural flavor(s), the flavor shall be so labeled, e.g., ``strawberry flavor'', ``banana flavor'', or ``natural strawberry flavor''. In cases where the flavor contains both a natural flavor and an artificial flavor, the flavor shall be so labeled, e.g., ``natural and artificial strawberry flavor''. In cases where the flavor contains a solely artificial flavor(s), the flavor shall be so labeled, e.g., ``artificial strawberry flavor''. (h) The label of a food to which flavor is added shall declare the flavor in the statement of ingredients in the following way: (1) Spice, natural flavor, and artificial flavor may be declared as ``spice'', ``natural flavor'', or ``artificial flavor'', or any combination thereof, as the case may be. (2) An incidental additive in a food, originating in a spice or flavor used in the manufacture of the food, need not be declared in the statement of ingredients if it meets the requirements of Sec. 101.100(a)(3). (3) Substances obtained by cutting, grinding, drying, pulping, or similar processing of tissues derived from fruit, vegetable, meat, fish, or poultry, e.g., powdered or granulated onions, garlic powder, and celery powder, are commonly understood by consumers to be food rather than flavor and shall be declared by their common or usual name. (4) Any salt (sodium chloride) used as an ingredient in food shall be declared by its common or usual name ``salt.'' (5) Any monosodium glutamate used as an ingredient in food shall be declared by its common or usual name ``monosodium glutamate.'' (6) Any pyroligneous acid or other artificial smoke flavors used as an ingredient in a food may be declared as artificial flavor or artificial smoke flavor. No representation may be made, either directly or implied, that a food flavored with pyroligneous acid or other artificial smoke flavor has been smoked or has a true smoked flavor, or that a seasoning sauce or similar product containing pyroligneous acid or other artificial smoke flavor and used to season or flavor other foods will result in a smoked product or one having a true smoked flavor. (7) Because protein hydrolysates function in foods as both flavorings and flavor enhancers, no protein hydrolysate used in food for its effects on flavor may be declared simply as ``flavor,'' ``natural flavor,'' or ``flavoring.'' The ingredient shall be declared by its specific common or usual name as provided in Sec. 102.22 of this chapter. (i) If the label, labeling, or advertising of a food makes any direct or indirect representations with respect to the primary recognizable flavor(s), by word, vignette, e.g., depiction of a fruit, or other means, or if for any other reason the manufacturer or distributor of a food wishes to designate the type of flavor in the food other than through the statement of ingredients, such flavor shall be considered the characterizing flavor and shall be declared in the following way: (1) If the food contains no artificial flavor which simulates, resembles or reinforces the characterizing flavor, the name of the food on the principal display panel or panels of the label shall be accompanied by the common or usual name of the characterizing flavor, e.g., ``vanilla'', in letters not less than one-half the height of the letters used in the name of the food, except that: (i) If the food is one that is commonly expected to contain a characterizing food ingredient, e.g., strawberries in ``strawberry shortcake'', and the food contains natural flavor derived from such ingredient and an amount of characterizing ingredient insufficient to independently characterize the food, or the food contains no such ingredient, the name of the characterizing flavor may be immediately preceded by the word ``natural'' and shall be immediately followed by the word ``flavored'' in letters not less than one-half the height of the letters in the name of the characterizing flavor, e.g., ``natural [[Page 80]] strawberry flavored shortcake,'' or ``strawberry flavored shortcake''. (ii) If none of the natural flavor used in the food is derived from the product whose flavor is simulated, the food in which the flavor is used shall be labeled either with the flavor of the product from which the flavor is derived or as ``artificially flavored.'' (iii) If the food contains both a characterizing flavor from the product whose flavor is simulated and other natural flavor which simulates, resembles or reinforces the characterizing flavor, the food shall be labeled in accordance with the introductory text and paragraph (i)(1)(i) of this section and the name of the food shall be immediately followed by the words ``with other natural flavor'' in letters not less than one-half the height of the letters used in the name of the characterizing flavor. (2) If the food contains any artificial flavor which simulates, resembles or reinforces the characterizing flavor, the name of the food on the principal display panel or panels of the label shall be accompanied by the common or usual name(s) of the characterizing flavor, in letters not less than one-half the height of the letters used in the name of the food and the name of the characterizing flavor shall be accompanied by the word(s) ``artificial'' or ``artificially flavored'', in letters not less than one-half the height of the letters in the name of the characterizing flavor, e.g., ``artificial vanilla'', ``artificially flavored strawberry'', or ``grape artificially flavored''. (3) Wherever the name of the characterizing flavor appears on the label (other than in the statement of ingredients) so conspicuously as to be easily seen under customary conditions of purchase, the words prescribed by this paragraph shall immediately and conspicuously precede or follow such name, without any intervening written, printed, or graphic matter, except: (i) Where the characterizing flavor and a trademark or brand are presented together, other written, printed, or graphic matter that is a part of or is associated with the trademark or brand may intervene if the required words are in such relationship with the trademark or brand as to be clearly related to the characterizing flavor; and (ii) If the finished product contains more than one flavor subject to the requirements of this paragraph, the statements required by this paragraph need appear only once in each statement of characterizing flavors present in such food, e.g., ``artificially flavored vanilla and strawberry''. (iii) If the finished product contains three or more distinguishable characterizing flavors, or a blend of flavors with no primary recognizable flavor, the flavor may be declared by an appropriately descriptive generic term in lieu of naming each flavor, e.g., ``artificially flavored fruit punch''. (4) A flavor supplier shall certify, in writing, that any flavor he supplies which is designated as containing no artificial flavor does not, to the best of his knowledge and belief, contain any artificial flavor, and that he has added no artificial flavor to it. The requirement for such certification may be satisfied by a guarantee under section 303(c)(2) of the act which contains such a specific statement. A flavor user shall be required to make such a written certification only where he adds to or combines another flavor with a flavor which has been certified by a flavor supplier as containing no artificial flavor, but otherwise such user may rely upon the supplier's certification and need make no separate certification. All such certifications shall be retained by the certifying party throughout the period in which the flavor is supplied and for a minimum of three years thereafter, and shall be subject to the following conditions: (i) The certifying party shall make such certifications available upon request at all reasonable hours to any duly authorized office or employee of the Food and Drug Administration or any other employee acting on behalf of the Secretary of Health and Human Services. Such certifications are regarded by the Food and Drug Administration as reports to the government and as guarantees or other undertakings within the meaning of section 301(h) of the act and subject the certifying party to the penalties for making any false report to the government [[Page 81]] under 18 U.S.C. 1001 and any false guarantee or undertaking under section 303(a) of the act. The defenses provided under section 303(c)(2) of the act shall be applicable to the certifications provided for in this section. (ii) Wherever possible, the Food and Drug Administration shall verify the accuracy of a reasonable number of certifications made pursuant to this section, constituting a representative sample of such certifications, and shall not request all such certifications. (iii) Where no person authorized to provide such information is reasonably available at the time of inspection, the certifying party shall arrange to have such person and the relevant materials and records ready for verification as soon as practicable: Provided, That, whenever the Food and Drug Administration has reason to believe that the supplier or user may utilize this period to alter inventories or records, such additional time shall not be permitted. Where such additional time is provided, the Food and Drug Administration may require the certifying party to certify that relevant inventories have not been materially disturbed and relevant records have not been altered or concealed during such period. (iv) The certifying party shall provide, to an officer or representative duly designated by the Secretary, such qualitative statement of the composition of the flavor or product covered by the certification as may be reasonably expected to enable the Secretary's representatives to determine which relevant raw and finished materials and flavor ingredient records are reasonably necessary to verify the certifications. The examination conducted by the Secretary's representative shall be limited to inspection and review of inventories and ingredient records for those certifications which are to be verified. (v) Review of flavor ingredient records shall be limited to the qualitative formula and shall not include the quantitative formula. The person verifying the certifications may make only such notes as are necessary to enable him to verify such certification. Only such notes or such flavor ingredient records as are necessary to verify such certification or to show a potential or actual violation may be removed or transmitted from the certifying party's place of business: Provided, That, where such removal or transmittal is necessary for such purposes the relevant records and notes shall be retained as separate documents in Food and Drug Administration files, shall not be copied in other reports, and shall not be disclosed publicly other than in a judicial proceeding brought pursuant to the act or 18 U.S.C. 1001. (j) A food to which a chemical preservative(s) is added shall, except when exempt pursuant to Sec. 101.100 bear a label declaration stating both the common or usual name of the ingredient(s) and a separate description of its function, e.g., ``preservative'', ``to retard spoilage'', ``a mold inhibitor'', ``to help protect flavor'' or ``to promote color retention''. (k) The label of a food to which any coloring has been added shall declare the coloring in the statement of ingredients in the manner specified in paragraphs (k)(1) and (k)(2) of this section, except that colorings added to butter, cheese, and ice cream, if declared, may be declared in the manner specified in paragraph (k)(3) of this section, and colorings added to foods subject to Sec. Sec. 105.62 and 105.65 of this chapter shall be declared in accordance with the requirements of those sections. (1) A color additive or the lake of a color additive subject to certification under 721(c) of the act shall be declared by the name of the color additive listed in the applicable regulation in part 74 or part 82 of this chapter, except that it is not necessary to include the ``FD&C'' prefix or the term ``No.'' in the declaration, but the term ``Lake'' shall be included in the declaration of the lake of the certified color additive (e.g., Blue 1 Lake). Manufacturers may parenthetically declare an appropriate alternative name of the certified color additive following its common or usual name as specified in part 74 or part 82 of this chapter. (2) Color additives not subject to certification may be declared as ``Artificial Color,'' ``Artificial Color Added,'' or ``Color Added'' (or by an equally informative term that makes clear that a color additive has been used in the [[Page 82]] food). Alternatively, such color additives may be declared as ``Colored with ------'' or ``------ color'', the blank to be filled with the name of the color additive listed in the applicable regulation in part 73 of this chapter. (3) When a coloring has been added to butter, cheese, or ice cream, it need not be declared in the ingredient list unless such declaration is required by a regulation in part 73 or part 74 of this chapter to ensure safe conditions of use for the color additive. Voluntary declaration of all colorings added to butter, cheese, and ice cream, however, is recommended. [42 FR 14308, Mar. 15, 1977, as amended at 44 FR 3963, Jan. 19, 1979; 44 FR 37220, June 26, 1979; 54 FR 24891, June 12, 1989; 58 FR 2875, Jan. 6, 1993; 63 FR 14818, Mar. 27, 1998] [Code of Federal Regulations] [Title 40, Volume 23] [Revised as of July 1, 2005] From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access [CITE: 40CFR180.1] [Page 301-321] TITLE 40--PROTECTION OF ENVIRONMENT CHAPTER I--ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) PART 180_TOLERANCES AND EXEMPTIONS FROM TOLERANCES FOR PESTICIDE CHEMICALS IN FOOD--Table of Contents Subpart A_Definitions and Interpretative Regulations Sec. 180.1 Definitions and interpretations. Editorial Note: An alphabetical listing of pesticide chemicals appears at the end of this table of contents. Subpart A_Definitions and Interpretative Regulations Definitions and Interpretations Sec. 180.1 Definitions and interpretations. 180.2 Pesticide chemicals considered safe. 180.3 Tolerances for related pesticide chemicals. 180.4 Exceptions. 180.5 Zero tolerances. 180.6 Pesticide tolerances regarding milk, eggs, meat, and/or poultry; statement of policy. Subpart B_Procedural Regulations Procedure for Filing Petitions 180.7 Petitions proposing tolerances or exemptions for pesticide residues in or on raw agricultural commodities. 180.8 Withdrawal of petitions without prejudice. 180.9 Substantive amendments to petitions. Advisory Committees 180.10 Referral of petition to advisory committee. 180.11 Appointment of advisory committee. 180.12 Procedure for advisory committee. Adoption of Tolerance on Initiative of Administrator or on Request of Interested Persons; Judicial Review; Temporary Tolerances; Amendment and Repeal of Tolerances; Fees 180.29 Adoption of tolerance on initiative of Administrator or on request of an interested person. 180.30 Judicial review. 180.31 Temporary tolerances. 180.32 Procedure for amending and repealing tolerances or exemptions from tolerances. 180.33 Fees. 180.34 Tests on the amount of residue remaining. 180.35 Tests for potentiation. [[Page 302]] 180.40 Tolerances for crop groups. 180.41 Crop group tables. Subpart C_Specific Tolerances 180.101 Specific tolerances; general provisions. 180.103 Captan; tolerances for residues. 180.106 Diuron; tolerances for residues. 180.108 Acephate; tolerances for residues. 180.110 Maneb; tolerances for residues. 180.111 Malathion; tolerances for residues. 180.114 Ferbam; tolerances for residues. 180.116 Ziram; tolerances for residues. 180.117 S-Ethyl dipropylthiocarbamate; tolerances for residues. 180.121 Methyl parathion; tolerances for residues. 180.122 Parathion; tolerances for residues. 180.123 Inorganic bromide residues resulting from fumigation with methyl bromide; tolerances for residues. 180.123a Inorganic bromide residues in peanut hay and peanut hulls; statement of policy. 180.127 Piperonyl butoxide; tolerances for residues. 180.128 Pyrethrins; tolerances for residues. 180.129 o-Phenylphenol and its sodium salt; tolerances for residues. 180.130 Hydrogen Cyanide; tolerances for residues. 180.132 Thiram; tolerances for residues. 180.133 Lindane; tolerances for residues. 180.136 Basic copper carbonate; tolerance for residues. 180.142 2,4-D; tolerances for residues. 180.143 Dipropyl isocinchomeronate; tolerances for residues. 180.144 Cyhexatin; tolerances for residues. 180.145 Fluorine compounds; tolerances for residues. 180.149 Mineral oil; tolerances for residues. 180.151 Ethylene oxide; tolerances for residues. 180.152 Sodium dimethyldithiocarbamate; tol er ance for residues. 180.153 Diazinon; tolerances for residues. 180.154 O,O-Dimethyl S-[(4-oxo-1,2,3-benzotriazin-3(4H)yl)methyl]phosphorodithioate; tolerances for residues. 180.155 1-Naphthaleneacetic acid; tolerances for residues. 180.157 Methyl 3-[(dimethoxyphosphinyl) oxy]bu ten oate, alpha and beta iso mers; tol er ances for res idues. 180.163 1,1-Bis(p-chlorophenyl)-2,2,2-trichloroethanol; tolerances for residues. 180.167 Nicotine-containing compounds; tolerances for residues. 180.169 Carbaryl; tolerances for residues. 180.172 Dodine; tolerances for residues. 180.173 Ethion; tolerances for residues. 180.174 Tetradifon; tolerances for residues. 180.175 Maleic hydrazide; tolerances for residues. 180.176 Mancozeb; tolerances for residues. 180.178 Ethoxyquin; tolerances for residues. 180.180 Orthoarsenic acid; tolerance for residues. 180.181 CIPC; tolerances for residues. 180.182 Endosulfan; tolerances for residues. 180.183 O,O-Diethyl S-[2-(ethylthio)ethyl] phosphorodithioate; tolerances for residues. 180.184 Linuron; tolerances for residues. 180.185 Dimethyl tetra chloro terephthalate; tolerances for residues. 180.189 Coumaphos; tolerances for residues. 180.190 Diphenylamine; tolerances for residues. 180.191 Folpet; tolerances for residues. 180.198 Trichlorfon; tolerances for residues. 180.199 Inorganic bromides resulting from soil treatment with combinations of chloropicrin, methyl bromide, and propargyl bromide; tolerances for residues. 180.200 Dicloran; tolerances for residues. 180.202 p-Chlorophenoxyacetic acid; tolerances for residues. 180.204 Dimethoate including its oxygen analog; tolerances for residues. 180.205 Paraquat; tolerances for residues. 180.206 Phorate; tolerances for residues. 180.207 Trifluralin; tolerances for residues. 180.208 N-Butyl-N-ethyl-[alpha][middot][alpha][middot][alpha]-trifluoro2,6-dinitro-p-toluidine; tolerances for residues. 180.209 Terbacil; tolerances for residues. 180.210 Bromacil; tolerances for residues. 180.211 2-Chloro-N-isopropylacetanilide; tolerances for residues. 180.212 S-Ethyl cyclohexylethyl thi o car ba mate; tolerances for residues. 180.213 Simazine; tolerances for residues. 180.214 Fenthion; tolerances for residues. 180.215 Naled; tolerances for residues. 180.217 Ammoniates for [ethylenebis-(dith i o car ba mato)] zinc and ethyl ene bis [dith i o car bamic acid] bi mo lec u lar and tri mo lec u lar cyclic an hy dro sul fides and di sul fides; tolerances for residues. 180.220 Atrazine; tolerances for residues. 180.221 O-Ethyl S-phenyl ethyl phosphono dithioate; tolerances for residues. 180.222 Prometryn; tolerances for residues. 180.225 Phosphine; tolerances for residues. 180.226 Diquat; tolerances for residues. 180.227 Dicamba; tolerances for residues. 180.228 S-Ethyl hexahydro-1H-azepine-1-car both i oate; tolerances for residues. 180.229 Fluometuron; tolerances for residues. 180.231 Dichlobenil; tolerances for residues. 180.232 Butylate; tolerances for residues. 180.235 Dichlorvos; tolerances for residues. 180.236 Triphenyltin hydroxide; tolerances for residues. 180.238 S-Propyl butylethylthiocarbamate; tolerances for residues. 180.239 Phosphamidon; tolerances for residues. [[Page 303]] 180.241 S-(O,O-Diisopropyl phos phor o dith i oate) of N-(2-mer cap to ethyl) ben zene sul fo na mide; tolerances for residues. 180.242 Thiabendazole; tolerances for residues. 180.243 Propazine; tolerances for residues. 180.245 Streptomycin; tolerances for residues. 180.249 Alachlor; tolerances for residues. 180.252 Tetrachlorvinphos; tolerances for residues. 180.253 Methomyl; tolerances for residues. 180.254 Carbofuran; tolerances for residues. 180.257 Chloroneb; tolerances for residues. 180.258 Ametryn; tolerances for residues. 180.259 Propargite; tolerances for residues. 180.261 N-(Mercaptomethyl) phthalimide S-(O,O-dimethyl phosphorodithioate) and its oxygen analog; tolerances for residues. 180.262 Ethoprop; tolerances for residues. 180.263 Phosalone; tolerances for residues. 180.267 Captafol; tolerances for residues. 180.268 Barban; tolerances for residues. 180.269 Aldicarb; tolerances for residues. 180.272 Tribuphos; tolerances for residues. 180.274 Propanil; tolerances for residues. 180.275 Chlorothalonil; tolerances for residues. 180.276 Formetanate hydrochloride; tolerances for residues. 180.278 Phenmedipham; tolerances for residues. 180.284 Zinc phosphide; tolerances for residues. 180.287 Amitraz; tolerances for residues. 180.288 2-(Thiocyanomethylthio) benzothi azole; tolerances for residues. 180.289 Methanearsonic acid; tolerances for residues. 180.291 Pentachloronitrobenzene; tolerance for residues. 180.292 Picloram; tolerances for residues. 180.293 Endothall; tolerances for residues. 180.294 Benomyl; tolerances for residues. 180.296 Dimethyl phosphate of 3-hydroxy-N-methyl-cis-crotonamide; tolerances for residues. 180.297 N-1-Naphthyl phthalamic acid; tolerances for residues. 180.298 Methidathion; tolerances for residues. 180.299 Dimethyl phosphate of 3-hydroxy-N,N-dimethyl-cis-crotonamide; tolerances for residues. 180.300 Ethephon; tolerances for residues. 180.301 Carboxin; tolerances for residues. 180.303 Oxamyl; tolerances for residues. 180.304 Oryzalin; tolerances for residues. 180.309 [alpha]-Naphthaleneacetamide; tolerances for residues. 180.311 Cacodylic acid; tolerances for residues. 180.312 4-Aminopyridine; tolerances for residues. 180.314 Triallate; tolerances for residues. 180.315 Methamidophos; tolerances for residues. 180.316 Pyrazon; tolerances for residues. 180.317 Propyzamide; tolerances for residues. 180.318 4-(2-Methyl-4-chlorophenoxy) butyric acid; tolerance for residues. 180.319 Interim tolerances. 180.324 Bromoxynil; tolerances for residues. 180.325 2-(m-Chlorophenoxy) propionic acid; tolerances for residues. 180.328 N,N-Diethyl-2-(1-naphthalenyloxy) propionamide; tolerances for residues. 180.330 S-[2-(Ethylsulfinyl) ethyl] O,O-dimethyl phosphorothioate; tolerances for residues. 180.331 4-(2,4-Dichlorophenoxy) butyric acid; tolerances for residues. 180.332 Metribuzin; tolerances for residues. 180.337 Oxytetracycline; tolerance for residues. 180.339 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid; tolerances for residues. 180.341 2,4-Dinitro-6-octylphenyl crotonate and 2,6-dinitro-4octylphenyl crotonate; tolerances for residues. 180.342 Chlorpyrifos; tolerances for residues. 180.345 Ethofumesate; tolerances for residues. 180.349 Fenamiphos; tolerances for residues. 180.350 Nitrapyrin; tolerances for residues. 180.352 Terbufos; tolerances for residues. 180.353 Desmedipham; tolerances for residues. 180.355 Bentazon; tolerances for residues. 180.356 Norflurazon; tolerances for residues. 180.360 Asulam; tolerance for residues. 180.361 Pendimethalin; tolerances for residues. 180.362 Hexakis (2-methyl-2-phenylpropyl)distannoxane; tolerances for residues. 180.364 Glyphosate; tolerances for residues. 180.367 n-Octyl bicycloheptenedicarboxi mide; tolerances for residues. 180.368 Metolachlor; tolerances for residues. 180.369 Difenzoquat; tolerances for residues. 180.370 5-Ethoxy-3-(trichloromethyl)-1, 2, 4-thiadiazole; tolerances for residues. 180.371 Thiophanate-methyl; tolerances for residues. 180.372 2, 6-dimethyl-4-tridecylmorpholine; tolerances for residues. 180.373 [Reserved] 180.377 Diflubenzuron; tolerances for residues. 180.378 Permethrin; tolerances for residues. 180.379 Cyano(3-phenoxyphenyl)methyl-4-chloro-a-(1-methylethyl) benzeneacetate; tolerances for residues. 180.380 Vinclozolin; tolerances for residues. 180.381 Oxyfluorfen; tolerances for residues. 180.383 Sodium salt of acifluorfen; tolerances for residues. [[Page 304]] 180.384 Mepiquat (N,N-dimethylpiperidinium); tolerances for residues. 180.385 Diclofop-methyl; tolerances for residues. 180.388-180.389 [Reserved] 180.390 Tebuthiuron; tolerances for residues. 180.395 Hydramethylnon; tolerances for residues. 180.396 Hexazinone; tolerances for residues. 180.399 Iprodione; tolerances for residues. 180.401 Thiobencarb; tolerances for residues. 180.403 Thidiazuron; tolerances for residues. 180.404 Profenofos; tolerances for residues. 180.405 Chlorsulfuron; tolerances for residues. 180.406 Dimethipin; tolerances for residues. 180.407 Thiodicarb; tolerances for residues. 180.408 Metalaxyl; tolerances for residues. 180.409 Pirimiphos-methyl; tolerances for residues. 180.410 Triadimefon; tolerances for residues. 180.411 Fluazifop-butyl; tolerances for residues. 180.412 Sethoxydim; tolerances for residues. 180.413 Imazalil; tolerances for residues. 180.414 Cyromazine; tolerances for residues. 180.415 Aluminum tris (O-ethyl phos pho nate); tolerances for residues. 180.416 Ethalfluralin; tolerances for residues. 180.417 Triclopyr; tolerances for residues. 180.418 Cypermethrin and an isomer zeta-cypermethrin; tolerances for residues. 180.419 Chlorpyrifos-methyl; tolerances for residues. 180.420 Fluridone; tolerances for residues. 180.421 Fenarimol; tolerances for residues. 180.422 Tralomethrin; tolerances for residues. 180.425 Clomazone; tolerances for residues. 180.426 2-[4,5-Dihydro-4-methyl-4-(1-methylethyl)-5-oxo-1H-imidazol-2yl]-3-quinoline carboxylic acid; tolerance for residues. 180.427 Fluvalinate; tolerances for residues. 180.428 Metsulfuron methyl; tolerances for residues. 180.429 Chlorimuron ethyl; tolerance for residues. 180.430 Fenoxaprop-ethyl; tolerances for residues. 180.431 Clopyralid; tolerances for residues. 180.432 Lactofen; tolerances for residues. 180.433 Sodium salt of fomesafen; tolerance for residues. 180.434 Propiconazole; tolerances for residues. 180.435 Deltamethrin; tolerances for residues. 180.436 Cyfluthrin; tolerances for residues. 180.437 Methyl 2-(4-isopropyl-4-methyl-5-oxo-2-imidazolin-2-yl)-ptoluate and methyl 6-(4-isopropyl-4-methyl-5-oxo-2-imidazolin2-yl)-m-toluate; tolerances for residues. 180.438 Lambda-cyhalothrin and an isomer gamma-cyhalothrin; tolerances for residues. 180.439 Thifensulfuron methyl; tolerances for residues. 180.440 Tefluthrin; tolerances for residues. 180.441 Quizalofop ethyl; tolerances for residues. 180.442 Bifenthrin; tolerances for residues. 180.443 Myclobutanil; tolerances for residues. 180.444 Sulfur dioxide; tolerances for residues. 180.445 Bensulfuron methyl; tolerances for residues. 180.446 Clofentezine; tolerances for residues. 180.447 Imazethapyr; tolerances for residues. 180.448 Hexythiazox; tolerance for residues. 180.449 Avermectin B1 and its delta-8,9-isomer; tolerances for residues. 180.450 Beta-(4-Chlorophenoxy)-alpha-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-1H-1,2,4triazole-1-ethanol; tolerances for residues. 180.451 Tribenuron methyl; tolerances for residues. 180.452 Primisulfuron-methyl; tolerances for residues. 180.454 Nicosulfuron, [3-pyrid i ne car box a mide, 2-((((4,6-di meth oxy pyrim i din-2-yl)amino car bonyl)amino sul fonyl))-N,N-di methyl]; tolerances for residues. 180.455 Procymidone; tolerances for residues. 180.456 Oxadixyl; tolerances for residues. 180.457 Beta-([1,1'-biphenyl]-4-yloxy)-alpha-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-1H1,2,4-triazole-1-ethanol; tolerances for residues. 180.458 Clethodim; tolerances for residues. 180.459 Triasulfuron; tolerances for residues. 180.460 Benoxacor; tolerances for residues. 180.461 Cadusafos; tolerances for residues. 180.462 Pyridate; tolerances for residues. 180.463 Quinclorac; tolerances for residues. 180.464 Dimethenamid; tolerances for residues. 180.465 4-(Dichloroacetyl)-1-oxa-4-azaspiro[4.5]decane. 180.466 Fenpropathrin; tolerances for residues. 180.467 Carbon disulfide; tolerances for residues. 180.468 Flumetsulam; tolerances for residues. 180.469 Dichlormid; tolerances for residues. 180.470 Acetochlor; tolerances for residues. 180.471 Furilazole; tolerances for residues. 180.472 Imidacloprid; tolerances for residues. 180.473 Glufosinate ammonium; tolerances for residues. 180.474 Tebuconazole; tolerances for residues. 180.475 Difenoconazole; tolerances for residues. 180.476 Triflumizole; tolerances for residues. 180.477 Flumiclorac pentyl; tolerances for residues. [[Page 305]] 180.478 Rimsulfuron; tolerances for residues. 180.479 Halosulfuron-methyl; tolerances for residues. 180.480 Fenbuconazole; tolerances for residues. 180.481 Prosulfuron; tolerances for residues. 180.482 Tebufenozide; tolerances for residues. 180.483 O-[2-(1,1-Dimethylethyl)-5-pyrimidinyl] O-ethyl-O-(1methylethyl) phosphorothioate; tolerances for residues. 180.484 Flutolanil (N-(3-(1-methylethoxy)phenyl)-2(trifluoromethyl)benzamide); tolerances for residues. 180.485 Cyproconazole; tolerances for residues. 180.486 Phosphorothioic acid, 0,0-diethyl 0-(1,2,2,2-tetrachloroethyl) ester; tolerances for residues. 180.487 Pyrithiobac sodium; tolerances for residues. 180.488 Hexaconazole; tolerance for residues. 180.489 Sulfosate (Sulfonium, trimethyl-salt with N(phosphonomethyl)glycine (1:1)); tolerances for residues. 180.490 Imazapic-ammonium; tolerances for residues. 180.491 Propylene oxide; tolerances for residues. 180.492 Triflusulfuron methyl; tolerances for residues 180.493 Dimethomorph; tolerances for residues. 180.494 Pyridaben; tolerance for residues. 180.495 Spinosad; tolerances for residues. 180.496 Thiazopyr; tolerances for residues. 180.497 Clofencet; tolerances for residues. 180.498 Sulfentrazone; tolerances for residues. 180.499 Propamocarb hydrochloride, tolerances for residues. 180.500 Imazapyr; tolerances for residues. 180.501 Hydroprene; tolerances for residues. 180.502 Aminoethoxyvinylglycine hydrochloride (aviglycine HCl); tolerances for residues. 180.503 Cymoxanil, tolerance for residues. 180.504 [Reserved] 180.505 Emamectin; tolerances for residues. 180.506 Cyclanilide; tolerances for residues. 180.507 Azoxystrobin; tolerances for residues. 180.509 Mefenpyr-diethyl; tolerance for residues. 180.510 Pyriproxyfen; tolerances for residues. 180.511 Buprofezin; tolerances for residues. 180.512 [Reserved] 180.513 Chlorfenapyr; tolerances for residues. 180.514 Cloransulam-methyl; tolerances for residues. 180.515 Carfentrazone-ethyl; tolerances for residues. 180.516 Fludioxonil; tolerances for residues. 180.517 Fipronil; tolerances for residues. 180.518 Pyrimethanil; tolerances for residues. 180.519 Bromide ion and residual bromine; tolerances for residues. 180.521 Fumigants for grain-mill machinery; tolerances for residues. 180.522 Fumigants for processed grains used in production of fermented malt beverages; tolerances for residues. 180.523 Metaldehyde; tolerances for residues. 180.525 Resmethrin; tolerances for residues. 180.526 Synthetic isoparaffinic petroleum hydrocarbons; tolerances for residues. 180.527 N-(4-fluoro phenyl)-N-(1-methyl ethyl)-2-[[5(tri fluoro methyl)1,3,4-thiadiazol-2-yl]oxy]acetamide; tolerances for residues. 180.528 Dihydro-5-heptyl-2(3H)-furanone; tolerances for residues. 180.529 Dihydro-5-pentyl-2(3H)-furanone. 180.530 2,2-Dimethyl-1,3-benzodioxol-4-ol methylcarbamate; tolerances for residues. 180.532 Cyprodinil; tolerances for residues. 180.533 Esfenvalerate; tolerances for residues. 180.535 Fluroxypyr 1-methylheptyl ester; tolerances for residues. 180.536 Triazamate; tolerances for residues. 180.537 Isoxaflutole; tolerances for residues. 180.538 Copper; tolerances for residues. 180.539 d-Limonene; tolerances for residues. 180.540 Fenitrothion; tolerances for residues. 180.541 Propetamphos; tolerances for residues. 180.543 Diclosulam; tolerances for residues. 180.544 Methoxyfenozide; tolerances for residues. 180.545 Prallethrin (RS)-2-methyl-4-oxo-3-(2-propynyl)cyclopent-2-enyl (1RS)-cis, trans-chrysanthemate; tolerances for residues. 180.546 Mefenoxam; tolerances for residues. 180.547 Prohexadione calcium; tolerances for residues. 180.548 Tralkoxydim; tolerances for residues. 180.549 Diflufenzopyr; tolerances for residues. 180.550 Arsanilic acid [(4-aminophenyl) arsonic acid]; tolerances for residues. 180.551 Fluthiacet-methyl; tolerances for residues. 180.552 Sulfosulfuron; tolerances for residues. 180.553 Fenhexamid; tolerances for residues. 180.554 Kresoxim-methyl; tolerances for residues. 180.555 Trifloxystrobin; tolerances for residues. 180.556 Pymetrozine; tolerances for residues. 180.557 Tetraconazole; tolerances for residues. [[Page 306]] 180.558 N,N-diethyl-2-(4-methylbenzyloxy)ethylamine hydrochloride; tolerances for residues. 180.559 Clodinafop-propargyl; tolerances for residues. 180.560 Cloquintocet-mexyl; tolerances for residues. 180.561 Acibenzolar-S-methyl; tolerances for residues. 180.562 Flucarbazone-sodium; tolerances for residues. 180.563 Ethametsulfuron-methyl; tolerances for residues. 180.564 Indoxacarb; tolerances for residues. 180.565 Thiamethoxam; tolerances for residues. 180.566 Fenpyroximate; tolerances for residues. 180.567 Zoxamide; tolerances for residues. 180.568 Flumioxazin; tolerances for residues. 180.569 Forchlorfenuron; tolerances for residues. 180.570 Isoxadifen-ethyl; tolerances for residues. 180.571 Mesotrione; tolerances for residues. 180.572 Bifenazate; tolerance for residues. 180.573 Tepraloxydim; tolerances for residues. 180.574 Fluazinam; tolerances for residues. 180.575 Sulfuryl fluoride; tolerances for residues. 180.576 Cyhalofop-butyl; tolerances for residues. 180.577 Bispyribac-sodium; tolerances for residues. 180.578 Acetamiprid; tolerances for residues. 180.579 Fenamidone; tolerances for residues. 180.580 Iodosulfuron-Methyl-Sodium; tolerances for residues. 180.581 Iprovalicarb; tolerances for residues. 180.582 Pyraclostrobin; tolerances for residues. 180.583 Triticonazole; tolerances for residues. 180.584 Tolylfluanid; tolerances for residues. 180.585 Pyraflufen-ethyl; tolerances for residues. 180.586 Clothianidin; tolerances for residues. 180.587 Famoxadone. 180.588 Quinoxyfen; tolerances for residues. 180.589 Boscalid; tolerances for residues. 180.590 2,6-Diisopropylnaphthalene (2,6-DIPN); tolerances for residues. 180.591 Trifloxysulfuron; tolerances for residues. 180.592 Butafenacil; tolerances for residues. 180.593 Etoxazole; tolerances for residues. 180.594 Thiacloprid; tolerances for residues. 180.595 Flufenpyr-ethyl; tolerances for residues. 180.596 Fosthiazate; tolerances for residues. 180.597 Mesosulfuron-methyl; tolerances for residues. 180.598 Novaluron; tolerances for residues. 180.599 Acequinocyl; tolerances for residues. 180.600 Propoxycarbazone; tolerances for residues 180.601 Cyazofamid; tolerances for residues. 180.602 Spiroxamine; tolerances for residues. 180.603 Dinotefuran; tolerances for residues. 180.604 Mepanipyrim; tolerances for residues. 180.605 Penoxsulam; tolerances for residues. 180.607 Spiromesifen; tolerances for residues. Subpart D_Exemptions From Tolerances 180.900 Exemptions from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.905 Pesticide chemicals; exemptions from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.910 Inert ingredients used pre- and post-harvest; exemptions from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.920 Inert ingredients used pre-harvest; exemptions from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.930 Inert ingredients applied to animals; exemptions from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.940 Tolerance exemptions for active and inert ingredients for use in antimicrobial formulations (Food-contact surface sanitizing solutions). 180.950 Tolerance exemptions for minimal risk active and inert ingredients. 180.960 Polymers; exemptions from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1003 Ammonia; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1008 Chloropicrin; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1011 Viable spores of the microorganism Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1016 Ethylene; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1017 Diatomaceous earth; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1019 Sulfuric acid; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1020 Sodium chlorate; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1021 Copper; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1022 Iodine-detergent complex; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1023 Propanoic acid; exemptions from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1024 Paraformaldehyde; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1025 Xylene; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1027 Nuclear polyhedrosis virus of Heliothis zea; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1033 Methoprene; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1035 Pine oil; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1037 Polybutenes; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. [[Page 307]] 180.1040 Ethylene glycol; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1041 Nosema locustae; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1043 Gossyplure; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1045 Chlorotoluene; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1049 Carbon dioxide; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1050 Nitrogen; exemption from the requirements of a tolerance. 180.1052 2,2,5-trimethyl-3-dichloroacetyl-1,3-oxazolidine; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1054 Calcium hypochlorite; exemptions from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1056 Boiled linseed oil; exemption from requirement of tolerance. 180.1057 Phytophthora palmivora; exemption from requirement of tolerance. 180.1058 Sodium diacetate; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1062 Butyl benzyl phthalate; exemption from the requirement tolerance. 180.1064 Tomato pinworm insect pheromone; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1065 2-Amino-4,5-dihydro-6-methyl-4-pro pyl-s-tri a zolo(1,5-al pha)pyri mi din-5-one; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1066 O,O-Diethyl-O-phenylphosphoro thioate; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1067 Methyl eugenol and malathion combination; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1068 C12-C18 fatty acid potassium salts; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1069 (Z)-11-Hexadecenal; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1070 Sodium chlorite; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1071 Peanuts, Tree Nuts, Milk, Soybeans, Eggs, Fish, Crustacea, and Wheat; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1072 Poly-D-glucosamine (chitosan); exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1073 Isomate-M; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1074 F.D.&C. Blue No. 1; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1075 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides f. sp. aeschynomene; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1076 Viable spores of the microorganism Bacillus popilliae; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1077 2,2-Dichloro-N-(1,3-dioxolan-2-yl methyl)-N-2-pro penyl ace ta mide; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1080 Plant volatiles and pheromone; exemptions from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1083 Dimethyl sulfoxide; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1084 Monocarbamide dihydrogen sulfate; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1086 3,7,11-Trimethyl-1,6,10-dodecatriene-1-ol and 3,7,11-trimethyl2,6,10-dodecatriene-3-ol; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1087 Sesame stalks; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1089 Poly-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1090 Lactic acid; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1091 Aluminum isopropoxide and aluminum secondary butoxide; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1092 Menthol; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1095 Chlorine gas; exemptions from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1097 GBM-ROPE; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1098 Gibberellins [Gibberellic Acids (GA3 and GA4 + GA7), and Sodium or Potassium Gibberellate]; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1100 Gliocladium virens isolate GL-21; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1101 Parasitic (parasitoid) and predatory insects; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1102 Trichoderma harzianum KRL-AG2 (ATCC 20847) strain T22; exemption from requirement of a tolerance. 180.1103 Isomate-C; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1107 Delta endotoxin of Bacillus thuringiensis variety kurstaki encapsulated into killed Pseudomonas fluorescens; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1108 Delta endotoxin of Bacillus thuringiensis variety San Diego encapsulated into killed Pseudomonas fluorescens; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1110 3-Carbamyl-2,4,5-trichlorobenzoic acid; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1111 Bacillus subtilis GB03; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1113 Lagenidium giganteum; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1114 Pseudomonas fluorescens A506, Pseudomonas fluorescens 1629RS, and Pseudomonas syringae 742RS; exemptions from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1118 Spodoptera exigua nuclear polyhedrosis virus; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. [[Page 308]] 180.1119 Azadirachtin; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1120 Streptomyces sp. strain K61; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1121 Boric acid and its salts, borax (sodium borate decahydrate), disodium octaborate tetrahydrate, boric oxide (boric anhydride), sodium borate and sodium metaborate; exemptions from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1122 Inert ingredients of semiochemical dispensers; exemptions from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1124 Arthropod pheromones; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1126 Codlure, (E,E)-8,10-Dodecadien-1-ol; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1127 Biochemical pesticide plant floral volatile attractant compounds: cinnamaldehyde, cinnamyl alcohol, 4-methoxy cinnamaldehyde, 3-phenyl propanol, 4-methoxy phenethyl alcohol, indole, and 1,2,4-trimethoxybenzene; exemptions from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1128 Bacillus subtilis MBI 600; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1130 N-(n-octyl)-2-pyrrolidone and N-(n-dodecyl)-2-pyrrolidone; exemptions from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1131 Ampelomyces quisqualis isolate M10; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1133 Methyl-1-alkylamido ethyl-2-alkyl-imidazolinium methyl sulfate; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1134 Neomycin phosphotransferase II and genetic material necessary for its production; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1135 Pasteuria penetrans; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1139 Sodium 5-nitroguaiacolate; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1140 Sodium o-nitrophenolate; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1141 Sodium p-nitrophenolate; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1142 1,4-Dimethylnaphthalene; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1143 Methyl anthranilate; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1144 Candida oleophila isolate I-182; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1145 Pseudomonas syringae; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1146 Beauveria bassiana Strain GHA; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1147 Bacillus thuringiensis CryIIIA delta-endotoxin and the genetic material necessary for its production. 180.1148 Occlusion Bodies of the Granulosis Virus of Cydia pomenella; tolerance exemption. 180.1149 Inclusion bodies of the multi-nuclear polyhedrosis virus of Anagrapha falcifera; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1150 6-Benzyladenine; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1151 Phosphinothricin Acetyltransferase (PAT) and the genetic material necessary for its production all plants; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1153 Lepidopteran pheromones; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1154 CryIA(c) and CryIC derived delta-endotoxins of Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki encapsulated in killed Pseudomonas fluorescens, and the expression plasmid and cloning vector genetic constructs. 180.1155 Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies Kurstaki CryIA(c) and the genetic material necessary for its production in all plants; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1156 Cinnamaldehyde; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1157 Cytokinins; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1158 Auxins; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1159 Pelargonic acid; exemption from the requirement of tolerances. 180.1160 Jojoba oil; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1161 Clarified hydrophobic extract of neem oil; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1162 Acrylate polymers and copolymers; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1163 Killed Myrothecium verrucaria; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1165 Capsaicin; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1167 Allyl isothiocyanate as a component of food grade oil of mustard; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1173 Bacillus thuringiensis CryIA(b) delta-endotoxin and the genetic material necessary for its production in all plants. 180.1174 CP4 Enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate (CP4 EPSPS) and the genetic material necessary for its production in all plants. 180.1176 Sodium bicarbonate; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1177 Potassium bicarbonate; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1178 Formic acid; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1179 Plant extract derived from Opuntia lindheimeri, Quercus falcata, Rhus aromatica, and Rhizophoria mangle; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. [[Page 309]] 180.1180 Kaolin; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1181 Bacillus cereus strain BPO1; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1182 Coat Protein of Potato Virus Y and the genetic material necessary for its production; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1183 Potato Leaf Roll Virus Resistance Gene (also known as orf1/orf2 gene) and the genetic material necessary for it's production; Exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1184 Coat Protein of Watermelon Mosaic Virus-2 and Zucchini Yellow Mosaic Virus and the genetic material necessary for its production; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1185 Coat Protein of Papaya Ringspot Virus and the genetic material necessary for its production; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1186 Coat protein of cucumber mosaic virus and the genetic material necessary for its production; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1187 L-glutamic acid; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1188 Gamma aminobutyric acid; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1189 Methyl salicylate; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1190 Glyphosate Oxidoreductase [GOX or GOXv247] and the genetic material necessary for its production in all plants; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1191 Ferric phosphate; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1192 Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies tolwothi Cry9C protein and the genetic material necessary for its production in corn; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1193 Potassium dihydrogen phosphate; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1195 Titanium dioxide; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1196 Peroxyacetic acid; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1197 Hydrogen peroxide; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1198 Gliocladium catenulatum strain J1446; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1199 Lysophosphatidylethanolamine (LPE); exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1200 Pseudomonas fluorescens strain PRA-25; temporary exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1201 Trichoderma harzianum strain T-39; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1202 Bacillus sphaericus; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1204 Harpin protein; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1205 Beauveria bassiana ATCC 74040; exemption from the requirements of a tolerance. 180.1206 Aspergillus flavus AF36; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1207 N-acyl sarcosines and sodium N-acyl sarcosinates; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1209 Bacillus subtilis strain QST 713; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1210 Phosphorous acid; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1212 Pseudomonas chlororaphis Strain 63-28; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1213 Coniothyrium minitans strain CON/M/91-08; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1214 Bacillus thuringiensis Cry3Bb1 protein and the genetic material necessary for its production in corn; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1215 Bacillus thuringiensis Cry2Ab2 protein and the genetic material necessary for its production in cotton; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1216 B-D-glucuronidase from E. coli and the genetic material necessary for its production as a plant-pesticide inert ingredient; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1217 Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1F protein and the genetic material necessary for its production in corn; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1218 Indian Meal Moth Granulosis Virus; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1219 Foramsulfuron; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1220 1-Methylcyclopropene; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1221 Pseudozyma flocculosa strain PF-A22 UL; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1222 Sucrose octanoate esters; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1223 Imazamox; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1224 Bacillus pumilus GB34; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1225 Decanoic acid; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1226 Bacillus pumilus strain QST2808; temporary exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1227 Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1F protein and it genetic material necessary for its production in or on cotton; temporary exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1228 Diallyl sulfides; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. [[Page 310]] 180.1229 Benzaldehyde; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1230 Ferrous sulfate; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1231 Lime; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1232 Lime-sulfur; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1233 Potassium sorbate; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1234 Sodium carbonate; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1235 Sodium hypochlorite; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1236 Sulfur; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1237 Sodium metasilicate; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1238 Oil of lemon; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1239 Oil of orange; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1240 Thymol; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1241 Eucalyptus oil; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1242 Bacillus thuringiensis Cry34Ab1 and Cry35Ab1 proteins and the genetic material necessary for their production in corn; temporary exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1243 Bacillus subtilis var. amyloliquefaciens strain FZB24; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1244 Ammonium bicarbonate; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1245 Rhamnolipid biosurfactant; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1246 Yeast Extract Hydrolysate from Saccharomyces cerevisiae: exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1247 Bacillus thuringiensis VIP3A protein and the genetic material necessary for its production in cotton is exempt from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1248 Exemption of citronellol from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1249 Hygromycin B phosphotransferase (APH4) marker protein and the genetic material necessary for its production in all plants; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1250 C8, C10, and C12 fatty acid monoesters of glycerol and propylene glycol; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1251 Geraniol; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1252 Phosphomannose isomerase and the genetic material necessary for its production in all plants; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1253 Streptomyces lydicus WYEC 108; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1254 Aspergillus flavus NRRL 21882 on peanut; exemption from requirement of a tolerance. 180.1255 Bacillus pumilus strain QST 2808; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1256 Alternaria destruens strain 059; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. 180.1257 Paecilomyces lilacinus strain 251; exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. Subpart E_Pesticide Chemicals Not Requiring a Tolerance or an Exemption from a Tolerance 180.2000 Scope. 180.2003 Definitions. 180.2010 Threshold of regulation determinations. [Reserved] 180.2020 Non-food determinations. Authority: 21 U.S.C. 321(q), 346a and 371. Source: 36 FR 22540, Nov. 25, 1971, unless otherwise noted. Editorial Note: Nomenclature changes to part 180 appear at 62 FR 66023, Dec. 17, 1997. Alphabetical Listing of Pesticide Chemicals -----------------------------------------------------------------------Section Name Number ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ACEPHATE.................................................... 180.108 ACETAMIPRID................................................. 180.578 ACETOCHLOR.................................................. 180.470 ACEQUINOCYL................................................. 180.599 ACIBENZOLAR-S-METHYL........................................ 180.561 ACRYLATE POLYMERS AND COPOLYMERS............................ 180.1162 ACRYLIC AC-STEARYL METHACRYLATE COPOLYMER................... 180.1109 ACTIVE AND INERT INGREDIENTS FOR USE IN ANTIMICROBIAL 180.940 FORMULATIONS (FOOD-CONTACT SURFACE SANITIZING SOLUTIONS)... N-ACYL SARCOSINES AND SODIUM N-SARCOSINATE.................. 180.1207 ALACHLOR.................................................... 180.249 ALDICARB.................................................... 180.269 ALLYL ISOTHIOCYANATE AS A COMPONENT OF FOOD GRADE OIL OF 180.1167 MUSTARD.................................................... ALTERNARIA DESTRUENS STRAIN 059............................. 180.1256 ALUMINUM ISOPROPOXIDE AND ALUMINUM SECONDARY BUTOXIDE....... 180.1091 ALUMINUM TRIS (O,ETHYLPHOSPHONATE).......................... 180.415 AMETRYN..................................................... 180.258 2-AMINO-4,5-DIHYDRO-6-METHYL-4-PROPYL-S-TRIAZOLO (1,5-ALPHA) 180.1065 PYRIMIDIN-5-ONE............................................ AMINOETHOXYVINYLGLYCINE HYDROCHLORIDE (AVIGLYCINE HCI)...... 180.502 4-AMINOPYRIDINE............................................. 180.312 AMITRAZ..................................................... 180.287 AMMONIA..................................................... 180.1003 [[Page 311]] AMMONIATES OF [ETHYLENEBIS (DITHIOCARBAMATO)] ZINC AND 180.217 ETHYLENEBIS (DITHIOCARBAMIC ACID) BIMOLECULAR AND TRIMOLECULAR CYCLIC ANHYDROSULFIDES AND DISULFIDES......... AMMONIUM BICARBONATE........................................ 180.1244 AMPELOMYCES QUISQUALIS ISOLATE M10.......................... 180.1131 ANTHROPOD PHEROMONES........................................ 180.1124 ARSANILIC ACID [(4-AMINOPHENYL) ARSONIC ACID]............... 180.550 ASPERGILLUS FLAVUS AF36..................................... 180.1206 ASPERGILLUS FLAVUS NRRL 21882 ON PEANUT..................... 180.1254 ASULAM...................................................... 180.360 ATRAZINE.................................................... 180.220 AUXINS...................................................... 180.1158 AVERMECTIN B\1\ AND ITS DELTA-8,9-ISOMER.................... 180.449 AZADIRACHTIN................................................ 180.1119 AZOXYSTROBIN................................................ 180.507 BACILLUS CEREUS STRAIN BP01................................. 180.1181 BACILLUS POPILLIAE, VIABLE SPORES........................... 180.1076 BACILLUS PUMILUS GB 34...................................... 180.1224 BACILLUS PUMILUS STRAIN QST 2808............................ 180.1255 BACILLUS SPHAERICUS......................................... 180.1202 BACILLUS SUBTILIS STRAIN QST 713............................ 180.1209 BACILLUS SUBTILLIS GB03..................................... 180.1111 BACILLUS SUBTILLIS MBI 600.................................. 180.1128 BACILLUS THURINGIENSIS BERLINER, VIABLE SPORES.............. 180.1011 BACILLUS THURINGIENSIS CRYIA(b) DELTA-ENDOTOXIN AND THE 180.1173 GENETIC MATERIAL NECESSARY FOR ITS PRODUCTION IN ALL PLANT. BACILLUS THURINGIENSIS CRY2Ab2 PROTEIN AND THE GENETIC 180.1215 MATERIAL NECESSARY FOR ITS PRODUCTION IN CORN OR COTTON.... BACILLUS THURINGIENSIS CRY3Bb1 PROTEIN AND THE 180.1214 GENETICMATERIAL NECESSARY FOR ITS PRODUCTION IN CORN....... BACILLUS THURINGIENSIS CRY34Ab1 and CRY35Ab1 PROTEINS AND 180.1242 THE GENETIC MATERIAL NECESSARY FOR THEIR PRODUCTION IN CORN BACILLUS THURINGIENSIS CRYIA(B) DELTA-ENDOTOXIN AND THE 180.1152 GENETIC MATERIAL NECESSARY FOR ITS PRODUCTION (PLASMID VECTOR PCIB4431) IN CORN................................... BACILLUS THURINGIENSIS CRYIIIA DELTA-ENDOTOXIN AND THE 180.1147 GENETIC MATERIAL NECESSARY FOR ITS PRODUCTION.............. BACILLUS THURINGIENSIS CRY1F PROTEIN AND ITS GENETIC 180.1227 MATERIAL NECESSARY FOR ITS PRODUCTION IN OR ON COTTON...... BACILLUS THURINGIENSIS SUBSPECIES KURSTAKI CRYIA(C) AND THE 180.1155 GENETIC MATERIAL NECESSARY FOR ITS PRODUCTION IN ALL PLANTS BACILLUS THURINGIENSIS SUBSPECIES TOLWORTHI CRY9C PROTEIN 180.1192 AND THE GENETIC MATERIAL NECESSARY FOR ITS PRODUCTION IN CORN....................................................... BACILLUS SUBTILIS VAR. AMYLOLIQUEFACIENS STRAIN FZB24....... 180.1243 BACILLUS THURINGIENSIS VIP3A PROTEIN AND THE GENETIC MATERIAL NECESSARY FOR ITS PRODUCTION IN COTTON............ BARBAN...................................................... 180.268 BEAUVERIA BASSIANA ATCC 74040...................... 180.1205 BEAUVERIA BASSIANA STRAIN GHA............................... 180.1146 BENOMYL..................................................... 180.294 180.1247 BENOXACOR................................................... 180.460 BENSULFURON METHYL ESTER.................................... 180.445 BENTAZON.................................................... 180.355 BENZALDEHYDE................................................ 180.1229 6-BENZYLADENINE............................................. 180.1150 BETA-([1,1'-BIPHENYL]-4-YLOXY)-ALPHA-(1,1-DIMETHYLETHYL)-1H- 180.457 1,2,4-TRIAZOLE-1-ETHANOL................................... BIFENTHRIN.................................................. 180.442 BIFENAZATE.................................................. 180.572 BIOCHEMICAL PESTICIDE PLANT FLORAL VOLATILE ATTRACTANT 180.1127 COMPOUNDS: CINNAMALDEHYDE, CINNAMYL ALCOHOL, 4-METHOXY CINNAMALDEHYDE, 3-PHENYL PROPANOL, 4-METHOXY PHENETHYL ALCOHOL, INDOLE, AND 1,2,4-TRIMETHOXY BENZENE.............. 1,1-BIS(P-CHLOROPHENYL)-2,2,2-TRICHLOROETHANOL.............. 180.163 BISPYRIBAC-SODIUM........................................... 180.577 BORIC ACID AND ITS SALTS, BORAX (SODIUM BORATE DECAHYDRATE), 180.1121 DISODIUM OCTABORATE TETRAHYDRATE, BORIC OXIDE (BORIC ANHYDRIDE), SODIUM BORATE, AND SODIUM METABORATE........... BOSCALID.................................................... 180.589 BROMACIL.................................................... 180.210 BROMIDE ION AND RESIDUAL BROMINE............................ 180.519 BROMOXYNIL.................................................. 180.324 BUPROFEZIN.................................................. 180.511 BUTAFENACIL................................................. 180.592 BUTYL BENZYL PHTHALATE...................................... 180.1062 N-BUTYL-N-ETHYL-A,A,A-TRIFLUORO-2,6-DINITRO-P-TOLUIDINE..... 180.208 CACODYLIC ACID.............................................. 180.311 CADUSAFOS................................................... 180.461 CALCIUM HYPOCHLORITE........................................ 180.1054 CANDIDA OLEOPHILA ISOLATE I-182............................. 180.1144 CAPSAICIN.................................................. 180.1165 CAPTAFOL.................................................... 180.267 CAPTAN...................................................... 180.103 3-CARBAMYL-2,4,5-TRICHLORBENZOIC ACID....................... 180.1110 [[Page 312]] CARBARYL.................................................... 180.169 CARBARYL (1-NAPHTHYL N-METHYLCARBAMATE AND ITS METABOLITE 1- 180.319 NAPHTHOL, CALCULATED AS CARBARYL........................... CARBOFURAN.................................................. 180.254 CARBON DIOXIDE.............................................. 180.1049 CARBON DISULFIDE............................................ 180.467 CARBON TETRACHLORIDE........................................ 180.1005 CARBOPHENOTHION............................................. 180.156 CARBOXIN.................................................... 180.301 CARFENTRAZONE-ETHYL......................................... 180.515 CHLORFENAPYR................................................ 180.513 CHLORDIMEFORM............................................... 180.285 CHLORIMURON ETHYL........................................... 180.429 CHLORINE GAS................................................ 180.1095 2-CHLORO-N-ISOPROPYLACETANILIDE............................. 180.211 CHLORONEB................................................... 180.257 P-CHLOROPHENOXYACETIC ACID.................................. 180.202 BETA-(4-CHLOROPHENOXY)-ALPHA-(1,1-DIMETHYLETHYL)-1H-1,2,4- 180.450 TRIAZOLE-1-1-ETHANOL....................................... 1-(4-CHLOROPHENOXY)-3,3-DIMETHYL- (1H-1,2,4-TRIAZOL-1-YL)-2- 180.410 BUTANONE................................................... 2-(M-CHLOROPHENOXY)PROPIONIC ACID........................... 180.325 CHLOROPICRIN................................................ 180.1008 CHLOROTHALONIL.............................................. 180.275 CHLOROTOLUENE............................................... 180.1045 CHLOROPYRIFOS............................................... 180.342 CHLORPYRIFOS-METHYL......................................... 180.419 CHLORSULFURON............................................... 180.405 CINNAMALEDHYDE.............................................. 180.1156 CIPC........................................................ 180.181 CITRONELLOL................................................. 180.1248 CLARIFIED HYDROPHOBIC EXTRACT OF NEEM OIL................... 180.1161 CLOMAZONE................................................... 180.425 CLORANSULAM-METHYL.......................................... 180.514 CLOTHIANIDIN................................................ 180.586 CLETHODIM................................................... 180.458 CLODINAFOP-PROPARGYL........................................ 180.559 CLOFENCET................................................... 180.497 CLOFENTEZINE................................................ 180.446 CLOPYRALID.................................................. 180.431 CLOQUINTOCET-METHYL......................................... 180.560 COAT PROTEIN OF CUCUMBER MOSAIC VIRUS AND THE GENETIC 180.1186 MATERIAL NECESSARY FOR ITS PRODUCTION...................... COAT PROTEIN OF PAPAYA RINGSPOT VIRUS AND THE GENETIC 180.1185 MATERIAL NECESSARY FOR ITS PRODUCTION...................... COAT PROTEIN OF POTATO VIRUS Y AND THE GENETIC MATERIAL 180.1182 NECESSARY FOR ITS PRODUCTION............................... COAT PROTEIN OF WATERMELON MOSAIC VIRUS-2 AND ZUCCHINI 180.1184 YELLOW MOSAIC VIRUS AND THE GENETIC MATERIAL NECESSARY FOR ITS PRODUCTION............................................. CODLURE, (E,E)-8,10-DODECADIEN-1-01......................... 180.1126 CONIOTHYRIUM MINITANS STRAIN CON/M/91-08.................... 180.1213 COORDINATION PRODUCT OF ZINC ION AND MANEB.................. 180.319 COPPER...................................................... 180.538 180.1021 COPPER CARBONATE, BASIC..................................... 180.136 COUMAPHOS................................................... 180.189 CRYIA(C) AND CRYIC DERIVED DELTA-ENDOTOXINS OF BACILLUS 180.1154 THURINGIENSIS VAR. KURSTAKI ENCAPSULATED IN KILLED PSEUDOMONAS FLUORESCENS, AND THE EXPRESSION PLASMID AND CLONING VECTOR GENETIC CONSTRUCTS.......................... CYANO(3-PHENOXYPHENYL)METHYL-4-CHLORO-A-(1-METHYLETHYL) BENZENACETATE.............................................. CYAZOFAMID.................................................. 180.601 CYCLANILIDE................................................. 180.506 CYFLUTHRIN.................................................. 180.436 CYHALOFOP-BUTYL............................................. 180.576 CYHEXATIN................................................... 180.144 180.379 CYMOXANIL................................................... 180.503 CYPERMETHRIN AND AN ISOMER ZETA-CYPERMETHRIN................ 180.418 CYPROCONAZOLE............................................... 180.485 CYPRODINIL.................................................. 180.532 CYROMAZINE.................................................. 180.414 CYTOKININS.................................................. 180.1157 2,4-D....................................................... 180.142 DAMINOZIDE.................................................. 180.246 DECANOIC ACID............................................... 180.1225 (Z)-9-DEDECENYL ACETATE AND (Z)-11-TETRADECENYL ACETATE (GBM- 180.1097 ROPE)...................................................... DELTA ENDOTOXIN OF BACILLUS THURINGIENSIS VARIETY KURSTAKI 180.1107 ENCAPSULATED INTO KILLED PSEUDOMONAS FLUORESCENS........... DELTA ENDOTOXIN OF BACILLUS THURINGIENSIS VARIETY SAN DIEGO 180.1108 ENCAPSULATED INTO KILLED PSEUDOMONAS FLUORESCENS........... DELTAMETHRIN................................................ 180.435 DESMEDIPHAM................................................. 180.353 DIALLYL SULFIDES............................................ 180.1228 DICHLORMID.................................................. 180.469 DIATOMACEOUS EARTH.......................................... 180.1017 DIAZINON.................................................... 180.153 DICAMBA..................................................... 180.227 DICHLOBENIL................................................. 180.231 4-(DICHLOROACETYL)-1-OXA-4-AZASPIRO[4.5]DECANE.............. 180.465 3,5-DICHLORO-N-(1,1-DIMETHYL-2-PROPYNYL) BENZAMINE.......... 180.317 2,2-DICHLORO-N-(1,3-DIOXOLAN-2-YLMETHYL)-N-2PROPENYLACETAMIDE.......................................... 180.1077 4-(2,4-DICHLOROPHENOXY) BUTYRIC ACID........................ 180.331 DICHLORVOS.................................................. 180.235 DICLOFOP-METHYL............................................. 180.385 DICLOSULAM.................................................. 180.543 OIL OF LEMON................................................ 180.1238 OIL OF ORANGE............................................... 180.1239 [[Page 313]] O,O-DIETHYL S-(2-(ETHYLTHIO)ETHYL PHOSPHORODITHIOATE........ 180.183 N,N-DIETHYL-2-(4-METHYLBENZYLOXY)ETHYLAMINE HYDROCHLORIDE... 180.558 N,N-DIETHYL-2-(1-NAPHTHALENYLOXY)PROPIONAMIDE............... 180.328 O,O-DIETHYL-O-PHENYLPHOSPHOROTHIOATE........................ 180.1066 DIFENOCONAZOLE.............................................. 180.475 DIFENZOQUAT................................................. 180.369 DIFLUFENZOPYR............................................... 180.549 DIFLUBENZURON............................................... 180.377 DIHYDROAZADIRACHTIN......................................... 180.1169 DIHYDRO-5-HEPTYL-2(3H)-FURANONE............................. 180.528 2-[4,5-DIHYDRO-4-METHYL-4(1-METHYLETHYL)-5-OXO-1H-IMIDAZOL-2- 180.426 YL]-3-QUINOLINE CARBOXYLIC ACID............................ DIHYDRO-5-PENTYL-2(3H)-FURANONE............................. 180.529 2,6-DIISOPROPYLNAPHTHALENE (2,6-DIPN)180.590................ S-(O,O-DIISOPROPYL PHOSPHORODITHIOATE) OF N-(2MERCAPTOETHYL) BENZENESULFONAMIDE.......................... 180.241 DIMETHENAMID................................................ 180.464 DIMETHIPIN.................................................. 180.406 DIMETHOATE INCLUDING ITS OXYGEN ANALOG...................... 180.204 DIMETHOMORPH................................................ 180.493 2,2-DIMETHYL-1,3-BENZODIOXOL-4-OL METHYLCARBAMATE........... 180.530 O,O-DIMETHYL S-[4-OXO-1,2,3-BENZOTRIAZIN-3 (4H)- 180.531 YLMETHYL]PHOSPHORODITHIOATE................................ O-[2-(1,1-DIMETHYLETHYL)-5-PYRIMIDNYL] O-EThYL-O-(1- 180.483 METHYLETHYL)PHOSPHOROTHIOATE............................... 1,4-DIMETHYLNAPHTHALENE..................................... 180.1142 O,O-DIMETHYL S-[(4-OXO-1,2,3-BENZOTRIAZIN-3(4H)-YL)METHYL] 180.154 PHOSPHORODITHIOATE......................................... DIMETHYL PHOSPHATE OF 3-HYDROXY-N,N-DIMETHYL CIS-CROTONAMIDE 180.299 DIMETHYL PHOSPHATE OF 3-HYDROXY-N-METHYL-CIS-CROTONAMIDE.... 180.296 DIMETHYL TETRACHLOROTEREPHTHALATE........................... 180.185 DIMETHYLFORMAMIDE........................................... 180.1046 DIMETHYL SULFOXIDE.......................................... 180.1083 2,6-DIMETHYL-4-TRIDECYLMORPHOLINE........................... 180.372 2,4-DINITRO-6-OCTYLPHENYL CROTONATE AND 2,6-DINITRO-4OCTYLPHENYL CROTONATE...................................... DINOTEFURAN................................................. 180.603 DIPHENYLAMINE............................................... 180.190 DIPROPETRYN................................................. 180.329 DIPROPYL ISOCINCHOMERONATE.................................. 180.143 DIQUAT...................................................... 180.226 DIURON...................................................... 180.106 DODINE...................................................... 180.172 180.341 EGG SOLIDS (WHOLE).......................................... 180.1071 EMAMECTIN................................................... 180.505 ENDOSULFAN.................................................. 180.182 ENDOTHALL................................................... 180.293 ENDOTHALL (7-OXABICYCLO-(2,2,1) HEPTANE 2,3-DICARBOXYLIC 180.319 ACID)...................................................... CP4 ENOLPYRUVYLSHIKIMATE-3-PHOSPHATE (CP4 EPSPS) AND THE 180.1174 GENETIC MATERIAL NECESSARY FOR ITS PRODUCTION IN ALL PLANTS ESFENVALERATE............................................... 180.533 ETHALFLURALIN............................................... 180.416 ETHAMETSULFURON-METHYL...................................... 180.563 ETHEPHON.................................................... 180.300 ETHION...................................................... 180.173 ETHOPROP.................................................... 180.262 ETHOFUMESATE................................................ 180.345 ETHOXYQUIN.................................................. 180.178 5-ETHOXY-3-TRICHLOROMETHYL-1,2,4-THIADIAZOLE................ 180.370 S-ETHYL CYCLOHEXYLETHYLTHIOCARBAMATE........................ 180.212 S-ETHYL DIISOBUTYLTHIOCARBAMATE............................. 180.232 S-ETHYL DIPROPYLTHIOCARBAMATE............................... 180.117 S-ETHYL HEXAHYDRO-1H-AZEPINE-1-CARBOTHIOATE................. 180.228 O-ETHYL S-PHENYL ETHYLPHOSPHONODITHIOATE.................... 180.221 ETHYLENE.................................................... 180.1016 ETHYLENE GLYCOL............................................. 180.1040 ETHYLENE OXIDE.............................................. 180.151 S-(2-(ETHYLSULFINYL)ETHYL) O,O-DIMETHYL PHOSPHOROTHIOATE.... 180.330 ETOXAZOLE................................................... 180.593 EXEMPTIONS FROM THE REQUIREMENT OF A TOLERANCE.............. 180.900 FAMOXADONE.................................................. 180.587 C8, C10, and C12 FATTY ACID MONOESTERS OF GLYCEROL AND PROPYLENE GLYCOL........................................... F.D.&C. BLUE NO. 1.......................................... 180.1074 FENAMIDONE.................................................. 180.579 FENAMIPHOS.................................................. 180.349 FENARIMOL................................................... 180.421 FENBUCONAZOLE............................................... 180.480 FENHEXAMID.................................................. 180.553 FENITROTHION................................................ 180.540 FENOXAPROP-ETHYL............................................ 180.430 FENPROPATHRIN............................................... 180.466 FENPYROXIMATE............................................... 180.566 FENTHION.................................................... 180.214 FERBAM...................................................... 180.114 FERRIC PHOSPHATE............................................ 180.1191 FERROUS SULFATE............................................. 180.1230 FIPRONIL.................................................... 180.517 FLUAZIFOP-BUTYL............................................. 180.411 FLUAZINAM................................................... 180.574 FLUCARBAZONE-SODIUM......................................... 180.562 FLUDIOXONIL................................................. 180.516 FLUFENPYR-ETHYL............................................. 180.595 FLUMETSULAM................................................. 180.468 FLUMICLORAC PENTYL.......................................... 180.477 180.1250 [[Page 314]] FLUMIOXAZIN................................................. 180.568 FLUOMETURON................................................. 180.229 FLUORINE COMPOUNDS.......................................... 180.145 N-(4-FLUOROPHENYL)-N-(1-METHYLETHYL)-2-[[5-TRIFLUOROMETHYL)- 180.527 1,3,4-THIADIAZOL-2-YL]OXY]ACETAMIDE........................ FLURIDONE................................................... 180.420 FLUROXYPYR 1-METHYLHEPTYL ESTER............................. 180.535 FLUTHIACET-METHYL........................................... 180.551 FLUTOLANIL (N-(3-(1-METHYLETHOXY)PHENYL)-2- 180.484 (TRIFLUOROMETHYL)BENZAMIDE)................................ FLUVALINATE................................................. 180.427 FOOD-CONTACT SURFACE SANITIZING SOLUTIONS................... 180.940 FOLPET...................................................... 180.191 FORAMSULFURON............................................... 180.1219 FORCHLORFENURON............................................. 180.569 FORMETANATE HYDROCHLORIDE................................... 180.276 FORMIC ACID................................................. 180.1178 FOSTHIAZATE................................................. 180.596 FUMIGANTS FOR GRAIN MILL MACHINERY.......................... 180.521 FUMIGANTS FOR PROCESSED GRAINS USED IN PRODUCTION OF FERMENTED MALT BEVERAGES................................... FURILAZOLE.................................................. 180.471 180.522 GAMMA AMINOBUTYRIC ACID..................................... 180.1188 GERANIOL.................................................... 180.1251 GIBBERELLINS (GA3).......................................... 180.1098 GLIOCLADIUM CATENULATUM STRAIN J1446........................ 180.1198 GLIOCLADIUM VIRENS GL-21.................................... 180.1100 B-D-GLUCURONIDASE FROM E. COLI AND THE GENETIC MATERIAL 180.1216 NECESSARY FOR ITS PRODUCTION AS A PLANT-PESTICIDE INERT INGREDIENT................................................. GLUFOSINATE AMMONIUM........................................ 180.473 GLUTAMIC ACID............................................... 180.1187 GLYPHOSATE.................................................. 180.364 GLYPHOSATE OXIDOREDUCTASE [GOX OR GOXV247] AND THE GENETIC 180.1190 MATERIAL NECESSARY FOR ITS PRODUCTION...................... GOSSYPLURE.................................................. 180.1043 HALOSULFURON-METHYL......................................... 180.479 HARPIN PROTEIN.............................................. 180.1204 HEXACONAZOLE................................................ 180.488 (Z)-11-HEXADECENAL.......................................... 180.1069 HEXAKIS(2-METHYL-2-PHENYLPROPYL)DISTANNOXANE................ 180.362 HEXAZINONE.................................................. 180.396 HEXYTHIAZOX................................................. 180.448 HYDROGEN CYANIDE............................................ 180.130 HYDROGEN PEROXIDE........................................... 180.1197 HYDROPRENE.................................................. 180.501 HYGROMYCIN B PHOSPHOTRANSFERASE (APH4) MARKER PROTEIN AND THE GENETIC MATERIAL NECESSARY FOR ITS PRODUCTION IN ALL PLANTS..................................................... 180.1249 IMAZALIL.................................................... 180.413 IMAZAMOX.................................................... 180.1223 IMAZAPIC-AMMONIUM........................................... 180.490 IMAZAPYR.................................................... 180.500 IMAZETHAPYR................................................. 180.447 IMIDACLOPRID................................................ 180.472 INCLUSION BODIES OF THE MULTINUCLEAR POLYHEDROSIS VIRUS OF 180.1149 ANAGRAPH FALCIFERA......................................... INDIAN MEAL MOTH GRANULOSIS VIRUS........................... 180.1218 INDOXACARB.................................................. 180.564 INERT INGREDIENTS APPLIED TO ANIMALS........................ 180.930 INERT INGREDITENTS OF SEMIOCHEMICAL DISPENSERS.............. 180.1122 INERT INGREDIENTS USED PRE- AND POST-HARVEST................ 180.910 INERT INGREDIENTS USED PRE-HARVEST.......................... 180.920 INORGANIC BROMIDE RESIDUES IN PEANUT HAY AND PEANUT HULLS... 180.123A INORGANIC BROMIDE RESIDUES RESULTING FROM FUMIGATION WITH 180.123 METHYL BROMIDE............................................. INORGANIC BROMIDES RESULTING FROM SOIL TREATMENT WITH 180.199 COMBINATIONS OF CHLOROPICRIN, METHYL BROMIDE, AND PROPARGYL BROMIDE.................................................... INTERIM TOLERANCES.......................................... 180.319 IODINE-DETERGENT COMPLEX.................................... 180.1022 IODOSULFURON-METHYL-SODIUM.................................. 180.580 IPRODIONE................................................... 180.399 IPROVALICARB................................................ 180.581 ISOMATE-C................................................... 180.1103 ISOMATE-M................................................... 180.1073 ISOPROPYL M-CHLOROCARBANILATE (CIPC)........................ 180.319 ISOPROPYL CARBANILATE (IPC)................................. 180.319 ISOXAFLUTOLE................................................ 180.537 JOJOBA OIL.................................................. 180.1160 KAOLIN...................................................... 180.1180 KILLED MYROTHECIUM VERRUCARIA............................... 180.1163 KONTROL H.V................................................. 180.1063 KRESOXIM-METHYL............................................. 180.554 LACTIC ACID................................................. 180.1090 LACTOFEN.................................................... 180.432 LAGENIDIUM GIGANTEUM........................................ 180.1113 LAMBDA-CYHALOTHRIN.......................................... 180.438 LEPIDOPTERAN PHEROMONES..................................... 180.1153 LIME........................................................ 180.1231 D-LIMONENE.................................................. 180.539 LIME-SULFUR................................................. 180.1232 LINDANE..................................................... 180.133 LINURON..................................................... 180.184 LINSEED OIL, BOILED......................................... 180.1056 LYSOPHOSPHATIDYLETHANOLAMINE (LPE).......................... 180.1199 MALATHION................................................... 180.111 MALEIC HYDRAZIDE............................................ 180.175 MANCOZEB.................................................... 180.176 MANEB....................................................... 180.110 MEFENOXAM................................................... 180.546 MEFENPYR-DIETHYL............................................ 180.509 MENTHOL..................................................... 180.1092 MEPANIPYRIM................................................. 180.604 MEPIQUAT (N,N-DIMETHYLPIPERIDINIUM)......................... 180.384 [[Page 315]] N-(MERCAPTOMETHYL) PHTHALIMIDE S-(O,O-DIMETHYL 180.261 PHOSPHORODITHIOATE) AND ITS OXYGEN ANALOG.................. MESOSULFURON-METHYL......................................... 180.597 METALAXYL................................................... 180.408 METALDEHYDE................................................. 180.523 METARHIZIUM ANISOPLIAE STRAIN ESF1.......................... 180.1116 METHAMIDOPHOS............................................... 180.315 METHANEARSONIC ACID......................................... 180.289 METHIDATHION................................................ 180.298 METHOMYL.................................................... 180.253 METHOPRENE.................................................. 180.1033 METHOXYFENOZIDE............................................. 180.544 METHYL-1-ALKYLAMIDO ETHYL-2-ALKYL-IMIDAZOLINIUM METHYL 180.1133 SULFATE.................................................... METHYL ANTHRANILATE......................................... 180.1143 2-METHYL-4-CHLOROPHENOXYACETIC ACID......................... 180.339 4-(2-METHYL-4-CHLOROPHENOXY) BUTYRIC ACID................... 180.318 1-METHYLCYCLOPROPENE........................................ 180.1220 METHYL 3-((DIMETHOXYPHOSPHINYL)OXY) BUTENOATE, A AND B 180.157 ISOMERS.................................................... METHYL EUGENOL/MALATHION COMBINATION........................ 180.1067 METHYL 2-(4-ISOPROPYL-4-METHYL-5-OXO-2-IMIDAZOLIN-2-YL)-P- 180.437 TOLUATE AND METHYL 6-(4-ISOPROPYL-4-METHYL-5-OXO-2IMIDAZOLIN-2-YL)-M-TOLUATE................................. METHYL PARATHION............................................ 180.121 METHYL SALICYLATE........................................... 180.1189 METOLACHLOR................................................. 180.368 METRIBUZIN.................................................. 180.332 METSULFURON METHYL.......................................... 180.428 MINERAL OIL................................................. 180.149 MONOCARBAMIDE DIHYDROGEN SULFATE............................ 180.1084 MYCLOBUTANIL................................................ 180.443 NALED....................................................... 180.215 A-NAPHTHALENEACETAMIDE...................................... 180.309 1-NAPHTHALENEACETIC ACID.................................... 180.155 N-1-NAPHTHYL PHTHALAMIC ACID................................ 180.297 NEOMYCIN PHOSPHOTRANSFERASE II AND THE GENETIC MATERIAL 180.1134 NECESSARY FOR ITS PRODUCTION............................... NICOSULFURON [3-PYRIDINECARBOXAMIDE, 2-((((4,6- 180.454 DIMETHOXYPYRIMIDIN-2-YL)AMINOCARBONYL) AMINOSULFONYL))-N, NDIMETHYL].................................................. NICOTINE-CONTAINING COMPOUNDS............................... 180.167 NITROGEN.................................................... 180.1050 NORFLURAZON................................................. 180.356 NOSEMA LOCUSTAE............................................. 180.1041 NOVALURON................................................... 180.598 NUCLEAR POLYHEDROSIS VIRUS OF HELIOTHIS ZEA................. 180.1027 OCCULSION BODIES OF THE GRANULOSIS VIRUS OF CYDIA POMENELLA. 180.1148 N-OCTYL BICYCLOHEPTENEDICARBOXIMIDE......................... 180.367 N-(N-OCTYL)-2-PYRROLIDONE AND N-(N-DODECYL)-2-PYRROLIDONE... 180.1130 ORTHOARSENIC ACID........................................... 180.180 ORYZALIN.................................................... 180.304 OXADIXYL.................................................... 180.456 OXAMYL...................................................... 180.303 OXYFLUORFEN................................................. 180.381 OXYTETRACYCLINE............................................. 180.337 PAECILOMYCES LILACINUS STRAIN 251;.......................... 180.1257 PARAFORMALDEHYDE............................................ 180.1024 PARAQUAT.................................................... 180.205 PARASITIC (PARASITOID) AND PREDATORY INSECTS................ 180.1101 PARATHION................................................... 180.122 PARATHION (O,O,DIETHYL-O-P-NITROPHENYLTHIOPHOSPHATE) OR ITS METHYL HOMOLOG............................................. PASTEURIA PENETRANS......................................... 180.1135 PELARGONIC ACID............................................. 180.1159 PENDIMETHALIN............................................... 180.361 PENOXSULAM.................................................. 180.605 PENTACHLORONITROBENZENE..................................... 180.291 PENTACHLORONITROBENZENE..................................... 180.319 PENTANE..................................................... 180.1014 PERMETHRIN.................................................. 180.378 PEROXYACETIC ACID........................................... 180.1196 180.319 PESTICIDE CHEMICALS......................................... 180.905 PHENMEDIPHAM................................................ 180.278 O-PHENYLPHENOL AND ITS SODIUM SALT.......................... 180.129 PHORATE..................................................... 180.206 PHOSALONE................................................... 180.263 PHOSPHAMIDON................................................ 180.239 PHOSPHINE................................................... 180.225 PHOSPHINOTHRICIN ACETYLTRANSFERASE (PAT) AND THE GENETIC 180.1151 MATERIAL NECESSARY FOR ITS PRODUCTION ALL PLANTS........... PHOSPHOMANNOSE ISOMERASE AND THE GENETIC MATERIAL NECESSARY 180.1252 FOR ITS PRODUCTION IN ALL PLANTS........................... PHOSPHOROUS ACID............................................ 180.1210 PHOSPHOROTHIOIC ACID, O,O-DIETHYL O-(1,2,2,2- 180.486 TETRACHLOROETHYL)ESTER..................................... PHYTOPHTHORA PALMIVORA...................................... 180.1057 PICLORAM.................................................... 180.292 PINE OIL.................................................... 180.1035 PIPERONYL BUTOXIDE.......................................... 180.127 PIRIMIPHOS-METHYL........................................... 180.409 PLANT EXTRACT DERIVED FROM OPUNTIA LINDHEIMERI, QUERCUS 180.1179 FALCATA, RHUS AROMATICA, AND RHIZOPHORIA MANGLE............ PLANT VOLATILES/PHEROMONE................................... 180.1080 POLY-N-ACETYL-D-GLUCOSAMINE................................. 180.1089 POLYBUTENES................................................. 180.1037 POLY-D-GLUCOSAMINE.......................................... 180.1072 POLYHEDRAL OCCLUSION BODIES OF AUTOGRAPHA CALIFORNICA NUCLEAR POLYHEDROSIS VIRUS................................. 180.1125 POLYMERS.................................................... POLY(VINYLPYRROLIDONE/1-EICOSENE)........................... 180.1104 [[Page 316]] POLY(VINYLPYRROLIDONE/1-HEXADECENE)......................... 180.1105 POTASSIUM BICARBONATE....................................... 180.1177 POTASSIUM DIHYDROGEN PHOSPHATE.............................. 180.1193 POTASSIUM OLEATE AND RELATED C12-C18 FATTY ACID POTASSIUM 180.1068 SALTS...................................................... POTASSIUM SORBATE........................................... 180.1233 POTATO LEAF ROLL VIRUS RESISTANCE GENE (ALSO KNOWN ASORF1/ 180.1183 ORF2 GENE) AND THE GENETIC MATERIAL NECESSARY FOR IT'S PRODUCTION................................................. PRALLETHRIN (RS)-2-METHYL-4-OXO-3-(2-PROPYNYL)CYCLOPENT-2ENYL (1RS)-CIS, TRANS-CHRYSANTHEMATE....................... PRIMISULFURON-METHYL........................................ 180.452 PROCYMIDONE................................................. 180.455 PROFENOFOS.................................................. 180.404 PROHEXADIONE CALCIUM........................................ 180.547 PROMETRYN................................................... 180.222 PROPAMOCARB................................................. 180.499 PROPANIL.................................................... 180.274 PROPARGITE.................................................. 180.259 PROPAZINE................................................... 180.243 180.545 PROPETAMPHOS................................................ 180.541 PROPICONAZOLE............................................... 180.434 PROPIONIC ACID.............................................. 180.1023 PROPOXYCARBAZONE............................................ 180.600 S-PROPYL BUTYLETHYLTHIOCARBAMATE............................ 180.238 PROPYLENE OXIDE............................................. 180.491 PROPYZAMIDE................................................. 180.317 PROSULFURON................................................. 180.481 PSEUDOMONAS CHLORORAPHIS STRAIN 63-28....................... 180.1212 PSEUDOMONAS FLUORESCENS A506, 1629RS, 742RS................. 180.1114 PSEUDOMONAS FLUORESCENS E-1053.............................. 180.1088 PSEUDOMONAS FLUORESCENS STRAIN PRA-25....................... 180.1200 PSEUDOMONAS FLUORESCENS STRAIN NCIB 12089................... 180.1129 PSEUDOMONAS SYRINGAE........................................ 180.1145 PSEUDOZYMA FLOCCULOSA STRAIN PF-A22 UL...................... 180.1221 PUCCINIA CANALICULATA (ATCC 40199).......................... 180.1123 PYMETROZINE................................................. 180.556 PYRACLOSTROBIN.............................................. 180.582 PYRAFLUFEN-ETHYL............................................ 180.585 PYRAZON..................................................... 180.316 PYRETHRINS.................................................. 180.128 PYRIDABEN................................................... 180.494 PYRIDATE.................................................... 180.462 PYRIMETHANIL................................................ 180.518 PYRITHIOBAC SODIUM.......................................... 180.487 PYRIPOXYFEN................................................. 180.510 QUINCLORAC.................................................. 180.463 QUINOXYFEN.................................................. 180.588 QUIZALOFOP-ETHYL............................................ 180.441 RESMETHRIN.................................................. 180.525 RIMSULFURON................................................. 180.478 RHAMNOLIPID BIOSURFACTANT................................... 180.1245 SETHOXYDIM.................................................. 180.412 SIMAZINE (2-CHLORO-4,6-BIS(ETHYLAMINO)-S-TRIAZINE).......... 180.213 SODIUM BICARBONATE.......................................... 180.1176 SODIUM CARBONATE............................................ 180.1234 SODIUM CHLORATE............................................. 180.1020 SODIUM CHLORITE............................................. 180.1070 SODIUM DIACETATE............................................ 180.1058 SODIUM DIMETHYLDITHIOCARBAMATE.............................. 180.152 SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE......................................... 180.1235 SODIUM METASILICATE......................................... 180.1237 SODIUM 5-NITROGUAIACOLATE................................... 180.1139 SODIUM O-NITROPHENOLATE..................................... 180.1140 SODIUM P-NITROPHENOLATE..................................... 180.1141 SODIUM SALT OF ACIFLUORFEN.................................. 180.383 SODIUM SALT OF FOMESAFEN.................................... 180.433 SPINOSAD.................................................... 180.495 SIROMESIFEN................................................. 180.607 SPIROXAMINE................................................. 180.602 SPODOPTERA EXIGUA NUCLEAR POLYHEDROSIS VIRUS................ 180.1118 STREPTOMYCES LYDICUS WYEC 108............................... 180.1253 STREPTOMYCES SP. STRAIN K61................................. 180.1120 STREPTOMYCIN................................................ 180.245 SUCROSE OCTANOATE ESTERS.................................... 180.1222 SULFENTRAZONE............................................... 180.498 SULFOSATE (SULFONIUM, TRIMETHYL-SALT WITH N- 180.489 (PHOSPHONOMETHYL)GLYCINE (1:1))............................ SULFOSULFURON............................................... 180.552 SULFUR...................................................... 180.1236 SULFUR DIOXIDE.............................................. 180.444, SULFURIC ACID............................................... 180.1019 SULFURYL FLUORIDE........................................... 180.575 SULPROFOS................................................... 180.542 SYNTHETIC ISOPARAFFINIC PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS.............. 180.526 TEBUTHIURON................................................. 180.390 TEFLUTHRIN.................................................. 180.440 TERBACIL.................................................... 180.209 TEBUCONAZOLE................................................ 180.474 TEBUFENOZIDE................................................ 180.482 TEPRALOXYDIM................................................ 180.573 TERBUFOS.................................................... 180.352 TETRACHLOVINPHOS............................................ 180.252 1,2,4,5-TETRACHLORO-3-NITROBENZENE.......................... 180.203 TETRACONAZOLE............................................... 180.557 TETRADIFON.................................................. 180.174 TETRAHYDRO-5,5-DIMETHYL-2(1H)-PYRIMIDINONE (3-(4- 180.395 TRIFLUOROMETHYL)PHENYL)-1-(2-4-(TRIFLUOROMETHYL)PHENYL) ETHENYL)2-PROPENYLIDENE) HYDRAZONE......................... THIABENDAZOLE............................................... 180.242 THIACLOPRID................................................. 180.594 THIAMETHOXAM................................................ 180.565 THIAZOPYR................................................... 180.498 THIDIAZURON................................................. 180.403 THIFENSULFURON METHYL....................................... 180.439 THIOBENCARB................................................. 180.401 2-(THIOCYANOMETHYLTHIO) BENZOTHIAZOLE....................... 180.288 THIODICARB.................................................. 180.407 THIOPHANATE-METHYL.......................................... 180.371 THIRAM...................................................... 180.132 THYMOL...................................................... 180.1240 TITANIUM DIOXIDE............................................ 180.1195 [[Page 317]] TOLERANCE EXEMPTIONS FOR MINIMAL RISK ACTIVE AND INERT 180.950 INGREDIENTS................................................ TOLYLFLUANID................................................ 180.584 TOMATO PINWORM INSECT PHEROMONE............................. 180.1064 TRALOMETHRIN................................................ 180.422 TRALKOXYDIM................................................. 180.548 TRIASULFURON................................................ 180.459 TRIAZAMATE.................................................. 180.536 TRIBENURON METHYL........................................... 180.451 TRIBUPHOS................................................... 180.272 TRIBUTYLPHOSPHOROTRITHIOITE................................. 180.186 S-2,3,3-TRICHLOROALLYL DIISOPROPYLTHIOCARBAMATE............. 180.314 TRICHLORFON................................................. 180.198 TRICHODERMA HARZIANUM KRL-AG2 (ATCC 20847) STRAIN T- 180.1102 22......................................................... TRICHODERMA HARZIANUM STRAIN T-39........................... 180.1201 TRICLOPYR................................................... 180.417 TRIFLOXYSTROBIN............................................. 180.555 TRIFLOXYSULFURON............................................ 180.591 TRIFLUMIZOLE................................................ 180.476 TRIFLURALIN................................................. 180.207 TRIFLUSULFURON METHYL....................................... 180.492 2,2,5-TRIMETHYL-3-DICHLOROACETYL-1,3-OXAZOLIDINE............ 180.1052 3,7,11-TRIMETHYL-1,6,10-DODECATRIENE-1-OL AND 3,7,11- 180.1086 TRIMETHYL-2,6,10-DODECATRIENE-3-OL......................... TRIPHENYLTIN HYDROXIDE...................................... 180.236 TRISULFURON................................................. 180.459 TRITICONAZOLE............................................... 180.583 VINCLOZOLIN................................................. 180.380 XYLENE...................................................... 180.1025 YEAST EXTRACT HYDROLYSATE FROM SACCHAROMYCES CEREVISIAE..... 180.1246 ZINC PHOSPHIDE.............................................. 180.284 ZIRAM....................................................... 180.116 ZOXAMIDE.................................................... 180.567 -----------------------------------------------------------------------Note: The Alphabetical Listing of Pesticide Chemicals is a finding aid intended for the convenience of the reader. This list is compiled and kept up to date by the Environmental Protection Agency and is revised through July 1, 2005. GLOSSARY Note: The items in this glossary were compiled as an aid to the users of the Code of Federal Regulations. Inclusion or exclusion from this glossary has no legal significance. APPLI = APPLICATION C-I MET = CHOLINESTERASE-INHIBITING METABOLITES CARB = CARBAMATES EPWRR = EDIBLE PORTION WITH RIND REMOVED EXC = EXCEPT I (IN PPM COLUMN) = INTERIM TOLERANCE INC = INCLUDING K=CWHR = KERNEL PLUS COB WITH HUSK REMOVED MBYP = MEAT BYPRODUCTS MIN = MINIMUM N (IN PPM COLUMN) = NEGLIGIBLE RESIDUES NMT = NOT MORE THAN NON-PER BAG/PKGD RAC = NON-PERISHABLE PACKAGED OR BAGGED RAW AGRICULTURAL COMMODITY PPM = PART(S) PER MILLION POST-H = POSTHARVEST APPLICATION PRE-H = PREHARVEST APPLICATION PRE-S = PRESLAUGHTER APPLICATION PRODS = PRODUCTS rollert T (IN PPM COLUMN) = TEMPORARY TOLERANCE [41 FR 4537, Jan. 30, 1976] Definitions and Interpretations (a) Administrator, without qualification, means the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. (b) Agency, without qualification, means the Environmental Protection Agency. (c) [Reserved] (d) Registration Division means the unit established within the Environmental Protection Agency charged with administration of the Pesticide Residue amendment to the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (section 408). (e) Raw agricultural commodities include, among other things, fresh fruits, whether or not they have been washed and colored or otherwise treated in their unpeeled natural form; vegetables in their raw or natural state, whether or not they have been stripped of their outer leaves, waxed, prepared into fresh green salads, etc.; grains, nuts, eggs, raw milk, meats, and similar agricultural produce. It does not include foods that have been processed, fabricated, or manufactured by cooking, freezing, dehydrating, or milling. (f) Where raw agricultural commodities bearing residues that have been exempted from the requirement of a tolerance, or which are within a tolerance permitted under section 408 are used, the processed foods will not be considered unsafe within the meaning of section 406 if: [[Page 318]] (1) The poisonous or deleterious pesticide residues have been removed to the extent possible in good manufacturing practice; and (2) The concentration of the pesticide in the preserved or processed food when ready to eat is not greater than the tolerance permitted on the raw agricultural commodity. (g) For the purpose of computing fees as required by Sec. 180.33, each group of related crops listed in Sec. 180.34(e) and each crop group or subgroup listed in Sec. 180.41 is counted as a single raw agricultural commodity in a petition or request for tolerances or exemption from the requirement of a tolerance. (h) Tolerances and exemptions established for pesticide chemicals in or on the general category of raw agricultural commodities listed in column A apply to the corresponding specific raw agricultural commodities listed in column B. However, a tolerance or exemption for a specific commodity in column B does not apply to the general category in column A. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A B ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alfalfa....................................... Medicago sativa, (alfalfa, lucerne); Onobrychio viciaefolia (sainfoin, holy clover, esparcet); and Lotus corniculatus (birdsfoot trefoil); and varieties and/or hybrids of these. Bananas....................................... Bananas, plantains. Beans......................................... Cicer arietinum (chick peas, garbanzo beans); Lupinus spp. (including sweet lupine, white sweet lupine, white lupine, and grain lupine). Phaseolus spp. (including kidney beans, lima beans, mung beans, navy beans, pinto beans, snap beans, and waxbeans); Vicia faba (broad beans, fava beans); Vigna spp. (including asparagus beans, blackeyed peas and cowpeas). Beans (dry)................................... All beans above in dry form only. Beans (succulent)............................. All beans above in succulent form only. Blackberries.................................. Rubus eubatus (including bingleberries, black satin berries, boysenberries, Cherokee blackberries, Chesterberries, Cheyenne blackberries, coryberries, darrowberries, dewberries, Dirksen thornless berries, Himalayaberries, hullberries, Lavacaberries, lowberries, Lucretiaberries, mammoth blackberries, marionberries, nectarberries, olallieberries, Oregon evergreen berries, phenomenalberries, rangerberries, ravenberries, hybrids rossberries, Shawnee blackberries, and varieties and/or of these). Broccoli...................................... Broccoli, chinese broccoli (gia lon, white flowering broccoli). Cabbage....................................... Cabbage, Chinese cabbage (tight-heading va rieties only). Caneberries................................... Rubus spp. (including blackberries; Rubus caesius (youngberry); and Rubus loganbaccus (loganberry); Rubus occidentalis, idaeus, strigosus (red and black raspberries); and varieties and/or hybrids of these. Celery........................................ Celery, Florence fennel (sweet anise, sweet fennel, finochio) (fresh leaves and stalks only). Cherries...................................... Sour cherries, sweet cherries. Citrus fruits................................. Grapefruit, lemons, limes, oranges, tangelos, tangerines, citrus citron, kumquats, and hybrids of these. Endive........................................ Endive, escarole. Lettuce....................................... Lettuce, head; and lettuce, leaf Lettuce, head................................. Lettuce, head; crisphead varieties only Lettuce, leaf................................. Lettuce, leaf; cos (romaine), butterhead varieties Marjoram...................................... Origanum spp. (includes sweet or annual marjoram, wild marjoram or oregano, and pot marjoram). Melons........................................ Muskmelons, including hybrids and/or varieties of Cucumis melo (including true cantaloupe, cantaloupe, casaba, Santa Claus Persian melon, crenshaw melon, honeydew melon, honey balls, melon, golden pershaw melon, mango melon, pineapple melon, snake melon); and watermelons, including hybrids and/or varieties of (Citrullus spp.). Muskmelons.................................... Cucumis melo (includes true cantaloupe, cantaloupe, casaba, balls, pineapple Santa Claus melon, crenshaw melon, honeydew melon, honey Persian melon, golden pershaw melon, mango melon, melon, snake melon, and other varieties and/or hybrids of these.) Onions........................................ Dry bulb onions, green onions, and garlic. Onions (dry bulbs only)....................... Garlic, onions (dry bulbs only), shallots (dry bulbs only). Onions, green................................. Green onions, leeks, spring onions or scallions, Japanese bunching onions, green shallots, or green eschalots. Oriental radish (root and tops)............... Raphanus sativus var. longipinnatus (root and tops), including radish, Chinese or Japanese radish (both white and red), winter daikon, lobok, lo pak, and other cultivars and/or hybrids of these. Peaches....................................... Peaches, nectarines Peas.......................................... Cajanus cajan (includes pigeon peas); Cicer spp. (includes chick peas and garbanzo beans); Lens culinaris (lentils); Pisum spp. (includes dwarf peas, garden peas, green peas, English peas, field peas, and edible pod peas). [Note: A variety of pesticide tolerances have been previously established for peas and/or the beans. Chick peas/garbanzo beans are now classified in both bean and the pea categories. For garbanzo beans/chick peas ONLY, the highest established pea or bean tolerance will apply to pesticide residues found in this commodity.] Peas (dry).................................... All peas in dry form only. Peas (succulent).............................. All peas in succulent form only. Peppers....................................... All varieties of peppers including pimentos and bell, hot, and sweet peppers. Rapeseed...................................... Brassica napus, B. campestris, and Crambe abyssinica (oilseedproducing varieties only which include canola and crambe.) Sorghum (grain)............................... Sorghum spp. [sorghum (grain), sudangrass (seed crop), and hybrids of these grown for its seed]. [[Page 319]] Sorghum (fodder, forage)...................... Sorghum ssp. [(sorghum (fodder, forage), sudangrass, and hybrids of these grown for fodder and/or forage)]. Squash........................................ Pumpkins, summer, and winter squash. Sugar apple................................... Annona squamosa L. (sugar apple, sweetsop, anon), and its hybrid L. A. squamosa L.xA. cherimoya M. (atemoya). Also A. reticulata (true custard apple). Summer squash................................. Fruits of the gourd (Cucurbitaceae) family that are consumed when immature, 100% of the fruit is edible either cooked or raw, once picked it cannot be stored, has a soft rind which is easily penetrated, and if seeds were harvested they would not germinate; e.g., Cucurbita pepo (i.e., crookneck squash, straightneck squash, scallop squash, and vegetable marrow); Lagenaria spp. (i.e., spaghetti squash, hyotan, cucuzza); Luffa spp. (i.e., hechima, Chinese okra); Momordica spp. (i.e., bitter melon, balsam pear, balsam apple, Chinese cucumber); Sechium edule (chayote); and other cultivars and/or hybrids of these. Sweet potatoes................................ Sweet potatoes, yams. Tangerines.................................... Tangerines (mandarins or mandarin oranges); tangelos, tangors, and other hybrids of tangerine with other citrus. Tomatoes...................................... Tomatoes, tomatillos. Turnip tops or turnip greens.................. Broccoli raab (raab, raab salad), hanover salad, turnip tops (turnip greens). Wheat......................................... Wheat, triticale. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (i) Unless otherwise specified, tolerances and exemptions established under the regulations in this part apply to residues from only preharvest application of the chemical. (j) Unless otherwise specified in this paragraph or in tolerance regulations prescribed in this part for specific pesticide chemicals, the raw agricultural commodity to be examined for pesticide residues, shall consist of the whole raw agricultural commodity. (1) The raw agricultural commodity bananas, when examined for pesticide residues, shall not include any crown tissue or stalk. (2) Shell shall be removed and discarded from nuts before examination for pesticide residues. (3) Caps (hulls) shall be removed and discarded from strawberries before examination for pesticide residues. (4) Stems shall be removed and discarded from melons before examination for pesticide residues. (5) Roots, stems, and outer sheaths (or husks) shall be removed and discarded from garlic bulbs and dry bulb onions, and only the garlic cloves and onion bulbs shall be examined for pesticide residues. (6) Where a tolerance is established on a root vegetable including tops and/or with tops, and the tops and the roots are marketed together, they shall be analyzed separately and neither the pesticide residue on the roots nor the pesticide residue on the tops shall exceed the tolerance level, except that in the case of carrots, parsnips, and rutabagas, the tops shall be removed and discarded before analyzing roots for pesticide residues. (7) The crowns (leaves at the top of the fruit) shall be removed and discarded from pineapples before examination for pesticide residues. (8) The term lima beans means the beans and the pod. (9) The term peanuts means the peanut meat after removal of the hulls. (k) The term pesticide chemical means any substance that is a pesticide within the meaning of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act, including all active and inert ingredients of such pesticide. (l) The term negligible residue means any amount of a pesticide chemical remaining in or on a raw agricultural commodity or group of raw agricultural commodities that would result in a daily intake regarded as tox i co log i cal ly insignificant on the basis of scientific judgment of adequate safety data. Ordinarily this will add to the diet an amount which will be less than 1/2,000th of the amount that has been demonstrated to have no effect from feeding studies on the most sensitive animal species tested. Such toxicity studies shall usually include at least 90-day feeding studies in two species of mammals. (m) The term nonperishable raw agricultural commodity means any raw agricultural commodity not subject to rapid decay or deterioration that would render it unfit for consumption. Examples are cocoa beans, coffee beans, [[Page 320]] field-dried beans, field-dried peas, grains, and nuts. Not included are eggs, milk, meat, poultry, fresh fruits, and vegetables such as onions, parsnips, potatoes, and carrots. (n) The term tolerance with regional registration means any tolerance which is established for pesticide residues resulting from the use of the pesticide pursuant to a regional registration. Such a tolerance is supported by residue data from specific growing regions for a raw agricultural commodity. Individual tolerances with regional registration are designated in separate subsections in 40 CFR 180.101 through 180.999, as appropriate. Additional residue data which are representative of the proposed use area are required to expand the geographical area of usage of a pesticide on a raw agricultural commodity having an established ``tolerance with regional registration.'' Persons seeking geographically broader registration of a crop having a ``tolerance with regional registration'' should contact the appropriate EPA product manager concerning additional residue data required to expand the use area. (o) The term pesticide chemical residue means a residue on or in a raw agricultural commodity or processed food of: (1) A pesticide chemical; or (2) Any other added substance that is present on or in the commodity or food primarily as a result of the metabolism or other degradation of a pesticide chemical. (p) The term food commodity means: (1) Any raw agricultural commodity (food or feed) as defined in section 201(r) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA); and (2) Any processed food or feed as defined in section 201(gg) of the FFDCA. [36 FR 22540, Nov. 25, 1971] Editorial Note: For Federal Register citations affecting Sec. 180.1, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and on GPO Access. Effective Date Note: At 70 FR 33360, June 8, 2005, Sec. 180.1 was amended by adding text to reserved paragraph (c); removing paragraph (d); redesignating paragraphs (e) through (p) as paragraphs (d) through (o); revising newly redesignated paragraphs (e), (j), and (n); and revising the introductory text and adding a new paragraph (10) to newly redesignated paragraph (i), effective Aug. 8, 2005. For the convenience of the user, the revised and added text is set forth as follows: Sec. 180.1 Definitions and interpretations. ***** (c) FFDCA means the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, as amended, 21 U.S.C. 301-392. ***** (e) Where a raw agricultural commodity bearing a pesticidechemical residue that has been exempted from the requirement of atolerance, or which is within a tolerance permitted under FFDCA section 408, is used in preparing a processed food, the processed food will not be considered unsafe within the meaning of FFDCA sections 402 and 408(a), despite the lack of a tolerance or exemption for the pesticide chemical residue in the processed food, if: (1) The pesticide chemical has been used in or on the rawagricultural commodity in conformity with a tolerance under this section; (2) The pesticide chemical residue has been removed to theextent possible in good manufacturing practice; and (3) The concentration of the pesticide chemical residue in theprocessed food is not greater than the tolerance prescribed for thepesticide chemical residue on the raw agricultural commodity. ***** (i) Unless otherwise specified in this paragraph or in tolerance regulations prescribed in this part for specific pesticide chemicals, the raw agricultural commodity or processed food to be examined for pesticide residues, shall consist of the whole raw agricultural commodity or processed food. ***** (10) For processed foods consisting primarily of one ingredient and sold in a form requiring further preparation prior to consumption (e.g., fruit juice concentrates, dehydrated vegetables, and powdered potatoes), the processed food to be examined for residues shall be the whole processed commodity after compensating for or reconstituting to the commodity's normal moisture content, unless a tolerance for the concentrated or dehydrated food form is included in this part. If there exists a tolerance for a specific pesticide on the processed food in its concentrated or dehydrated food form, for the purpose of determining whether the food is [[Page 321]] in compliance with that tolerance, the processed food to be examined for residues shall be the whole processed commodity on an ``as is'' basis. ***** (j) The term pesticide chemical shall have the meaning specified in FFDCA section 201(q)(1), as amended, except as provided in Sec. 180.4. ***** (n) The term pesticide chemical residue shall have the meaning specified in FFDCA section 201(q)(2), as amended, except as provided in Sec. 180.4.