Winchester LE
Winchester LE
WinchesterRanger ® ® Law Enforcement Ammunition: HANDGUN AMMUNITION 4-7 RIFLE AMMUNITION 8-9 SHOTGUN AMMUNITION 10-11 FRANGIBLE AMMUNITION 12-13 WINCLEAN®/SUPERCLEAN NT® AMMUNITION 14 BALLISTICS WORKSHOP & PROGRAM TRAINING 15 AMMUNITION SPECIFICATIONS 16-17 HANDGUN AMMO BARRIER TEST CHART 18-19 Winchester products have served the law enforcement community for over 140 years. Protecting civilian and law enforcement lives through industry leading bullet and ammunition designs is not just a recent idea for Winchester–It’s been a way of life. 7RGD\ZHFRQWLQXHWRIXO¿OOFULWLFDOQHHGVZLWK ground-breaking products that meet and exceed your toughest requirements. These new technologies are the direct result of active duty comments and feedback– and through our active support of the Association of Firearm and Toolmark Examiners (AFTE) and the International Association of Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors (IALEFI). Combining our industry leading research and development with real world feedback and testing allows us to continue providing the front lines with the highest performing ammunition available. No matter if your front line is Main Street, USA or a hostile international environment, Winchester Ranger Ammunition is ready, willing and able to serve with you. In support of our continuous improvement initiatives, our manufacturing facilities in East Alton, IL, achieved ,62UHFHUWL¿HGWRWKH,62VWDQGDUGLQ 'HFHPEHU Latest Innovations from Winchester: Rarely does an armed confrontation unfold in a manner that leaves the threat out in the open and easily susceptible to lethal force. Walls, autos, heavy clothing and other REMHFWVHDVLO\LQÀXHQFHWKHRXWFRPH Law enforcement must be prepared with the best possible tools to deal with and overcome those barriers. Ranger® Bonded handgun ammunition was created to deliver maximum penetration and effectiveness through the toughest of barriers. This is achieved by Winchester’s proprietary core/jacket ERQGLQJSURFHVVZKHUHDVSHFL¿FDOO\ designed hollow point cavity acts in unison with the bonded core and bullet jacket to control expansion. Ranger® T Series uses a patented SXT® hollow point jacket design to achieve an unbeatable combination of expansion and penetration. Consistent stopping power in real world situations backed by street proven accuracy and reliability make this a top duty round. (ANDGUN!MMUNITION3PECIlCATIONS Ranger ® T SERIES (OLLOW0OINT When a situation unfolds, so does the Ranger® T Series handgun ammunition. With an unbeatable combination of expansion and penetration enhanced by engineered segments in the patented SXT® design, the T Series can s0ROVIDESCONSISTENTEXPANSION THROUGHAVARIETYOFBARRIERS s!IDSINMAXIMIZINGUPSETAT BOTHLONGANDSHORTRANGES be relied on to deliver consistent stopping power in real world situations. Backed by a comprehensive testing and training program, Winchester T Series is ammunition that always performs at its best—even when things are at their worst. Copper Alloy Jacket ,EAD!LLOY#ORE s0ATENTEDREVERSETAPERDESIGNHELPSLOCKINLEADCOREONIMPACT s,EADALLOYCOREFORSUPERIORACCURACY ANDIMPROVEDUPSETPERFORMANCE s4HICKATNOSEFORIMPROVEDINTEGRITYAGAINSTHARDBARRIERS ANDINCREASEDWEIGHTRETENTION t&ĩĔĖĝĝĖğĥ4ĥĠġġĚğĘ1ĠĨĖģ t0ĦĥĤĥĒğĕĚğĘ1ĖğĖĥģĒĥĚĠğ &ĩġĒğĤĚĠğé8ĖĚĘęĥ3ĖĥĖğĥĚĠğ s4HINATHEELFORIMPROVEDACCURACY t4ĦġĖģĚĠģ"ĔĔĦģĒĔĪ t8ĚĕĖģé4ĥģĠğĘĖģ4Ěĩ1ĖĥĒĝ$ĠğėĚĘĦģĒĥĚĠğ -ASSIVE%XPANSION s3IXSEGMENTUPSETWITHENHANCEDSTRENGTH s-ASSIVEFRONTALAREAFORSTOPPINGPOWER 6 Ranger (ANDGUN!MMUNITION3PECIlCATIONS (OLLOW0OINT#AVITY ,EAD#ORE s$ESIGNEDTOWORKWITH7INCHESTERSEXCLUSIVE BONDINGTECHNOLOGYTODELIVEROUTSTANDING PERFORMANCETHROUGHTHETOUGHESTBARRIERS s0URELEADCORESAREUSEDFOR CONSISTENTBULLETFORMINGANDTO PROMOTESUPERIORACCURACY $RAWN#OPPER!LLOY*ACKET WITH0ROlLED7ALL4HICKNESS s#USTOMJACKETWALLPROFILEMAXIMIZES BULLETPERFORMANCE s5NIFORMNOTCHINGHELPSENSURE CLEANPETALPERFORMANCE ® BONDED Ranger®%RQGHGKDQGJXQDPPXQLWLRQZDVVSHFL¿FDOO\ created to deliver maximum penetration through the toughest of barriers. This effectiveness is made possible thanks to the Winchester proprietary core/jacket bonding process—and is enhanced with a special hollow point cavity that acts in unison to control expansion, leading to maximum weight retention and deep penetration through hard and abrasive barriers including auto glass. Selected by federal law enforcement agencies for their .40 and 9mm caliber service rounds, the Ranger Bonded gives you the penetration to handle the most serious of threats. t4ĦġĖģĚĠģ1ĖğĖĥģĒĥĚĠğ 0ROPRIETARY"ONDING0ROCESS s!LLOWSTHELEADCOREANDJACKETTOACT TOGETHERASAUNITTOCONTROLEXPANSION s'REATERRETAINEDWEIGHTMEANSDEEPERPENETRATION t*ĕĖĒĝėĠģ"ĦĥĠ(ĝĒĤĤĠģ0ĥęĖģ "ēģĒĤĚħĖ#ĒģģĚĖģĤ t1ĖģĞĒğĖğĥ$ĠģĖ+ĒĔĜĖĥ#ĠğĕĨĚĥę 4ġĖĔĚĒĝ)ĠĝĝĠĨ1ĠĚğĥ$ĒħĚĥĪ t0ĦĥĤĥĒğĕĚğĘ"ĔĔĦģĒĔĪ 7 Winchester CENTERFIRE ® 2ImE!MMUNITION3PECIlCATIONS 0ROPELLANTS When there is no room for error, there is no room for anything but Winchester®&HQWHU¿UHULÀHDPPXQLWLRQ s#LEANBURNINGPROPELLANTSARESPECIFICALLY FORMULATEDANDCUSTOMBLENDEDTOMAXIMIZE VELOCITYANDONTARGETENERGY Ready to meet all of your tactical and patrol applications, WKHH[WHQVLYH&HQWHU¿UHOLQHXSKDV\RXFRYHUHG "ULLETS 0RIMER s"ULLETSARECUSTOMDESIGNEDANDMANUFACTUREDTO PRECISESPECIFICATIONSTODELIVERSPECIFICONTARGET PERFORMANCECHARACTERISTICS4HESECHARACTERISTICS VARYDEPENDINGONBULLETDESIGN s.ONCORROSIVEPRIMERDELIVERSFAST DEPENDABLEIGNITIONUNDERANY SHOOTINGCONDITION 3HELLCASE s#ASESAREENGINEEREDTOPRECISE TOLERANCESTOENSURESMOOTHFEEDING ANDPOSITIVECHAMBERING For critical tactical shots, the Ranger .223 64-grain Power Point bullet or Supreme Elite® .308 with XP3® bullet technology delivers unsurpassed penetration with controlled expansion through glass and tough barrier materials. Need exceptional dependability, consistency and "match-grade" accuracy or maximum stopping power? Then reach for the devastating on-target effect of Ranger® Ballistic Silvertip® and Supreme® Match ammunition featuring the renowned Sierra® Boat Tail Hollow Point (BTHP) bullet. t.ĒĤĤĚħĖ4ĥĠġġĚğĘ1ĠĨĖģ t1ĚğġĠĚğĥ"ĔĔĦģĒĔĪ t8ĚğĔęĖĤĥĖģĒğĕ/ĠĤĝĖģ*ğĔ$ĠĞēĚğĖĕ5ĖĔęğĠĝĠĘĚĖĤ¥%ĖĝĚħĖģ6ğĞĒĥĔęĖĕ#ĦĝĝĖĥ1ĖģėĠģĞĒğĔĖ t&ĩĥĖğĤĚħĖ-ĚğĖĠė-ĒĨ&ğėĠģĔĖĞĖğĥ3ĚėĝĖ"ĞĞĦğĚĥĚĠğ3ĒğĘĖģ¥4ĦġĖģ$ĝĖĒğ/5¥4ĦġģĖĞĖ¥Ēğĕ4ĦġģĖĞĖ&ĝĚĥĖ¥ 3LUGS"UCKSHOTAND4RAINING!MMUNITION3PECIlCATIONS 0RIMER Ranger 0AYLOAD s.ONCORROSIVEPRIMERDELIVERSFAST DEPENDABLEIGNITIONUNDERANY SHOOTINGCONDITION s%ITHERSHOTBUCKSHOTOROZRIFLEDSLUGS ® SHOTSHELL With more than 140 years experience, Winchester® Ranger® shotshells provide a decisive tactical advantage WR/DZ(QIRUFHPHQWRI¿FHUVZLWKWLJKWSDWWHUQLQJ %XFNVKRW/RDGVDQGKLJKDFFXUDF\5LÀHG+ROORZ3RLQW Slugs and Sabot Slugs. For all the performance of traditional Ranger loads and slugs without the high power kick, look to Ranger Low Recoil Buckshot Loads and Low Recoil Hollow Point Slugs. These products deliver less shooting fatigue and quick, on-target follow-up shots with clean-burning, low ÀDVKSRZGHUIRUUHGXFHGQLJKWYLVLRQORVV 7ADDING s#UPANDFIBERWADSPROVIDEEFFECTIVEGAS PRESSURESEALINSLUGLOADS s0LASTICSHOTCUPSPROTECTBUCKSHOTPELLETS ANDPROVIDEIMPROVEDPATTERNPERFORMANCE FORLOWRECOILBUCKSHOTLOADS 3HELLCASE s0OLYFORMEDPLASTICTUBESAREUSEDTOCREATE SMOOTHHULLSTOIMPROVECYCLINGTHROUGHALL SHOTGUNACTIONS 6SHFL¿FDOO\GHVLJQHGIRUWUDLQLQJUHTXLUHPHQWV Winchester® AA® & WinLite® Target Loads and Ranger® Non-Toxic Steel Shotshells make the ideal introductory rounds for shotgun familiarization. t-ĠĨ3ĖĔĠĚĝ#ĦĔĜĤęĠĥ-ĠĒĕĤ%ĖĝĚħĖģǼǹǷ-ĖĤĤ3ĖĔĠĚĝ5ęĒğ4ĥĒğĕĒģĕ-ĠĒĕĤ t-ĠĨ3ĖĔĠĚĝ)ĠĝĝĠĨ1ĠĚğĥ3ĚėĝĖĕ4ĝĦĘĤ1ģĠħĚĕĖ$ĠğĤĚĤĥĖğĥ"ĔĔĦģĒĔĪ1ĖğĖĥģĒĥĚĠğ Ēğĕ&ĩġĒğĤĚĠğ1ĖģėĠģĞĒğĔĖ t8Ěğ-ĚĥĖ¥0ėėĖģĤĦġĥĠĒǾǹǷ3ĖĕĦĔĥĚĠğĚğ3ĖĔĠĚĝ$ĠĞġĒģĖĕĥĠ4ĥĒğĕĒģĕ4ęĠĥĤęĖĝĝ3ĠĦğĕĤ t*ğĤĥĒğĥ4ęĠĥĤęĖĝĝ*ĕĖğĥĚėĚĔĒĥĚĠğ3Ėĕ*ğĕĚĔĒĥĖĤ#ĦĔĜĤęĠĥ(ģĒĪ*ğĕĚĔĒĥĖĤ4ĝĦĘ Ranger FRANGIBLE SF !MMUNITION3PECIlCATIONS "ULLET$ESIGN s(OMOGENEOUSDESIGNDELIVERS HIGHACCURACYANDTRAJECTORY MATCHESOFCONVENTIONALLEADED TRAININGROUNDS 0RIMER EE D EA EL IR FF TO IN E RN R BO AI PO N W DO AD P RA ET NG RA EE 0ROPELLANT s0ATENTEDHEAVYMETALFREE PRIMERELIMINATESAIRBORNELEAD CONTAMINATIONATTHEFIRINGPOINT s7INCHESTERCLEANBURNINGPROPELLANT MINIMIZESRESIDUEANDFOULINGINGUN ACTIONSANDBARRELS s#ONTAINSNOLEADBARIUMANTIMONY ORSTRONTIUM FR LE TY ILI IB G AN FR WINCLEAN® TM Ranger® Frangible SF™ gives military and law enforcement personnel a realistic, reduced hazard option for close quarters training and special purpose applications. s!NEXCLUSIVEBLENDOFCOPPERTINCOMPOSITE MATERIALSANDPATENTEDHEATTREATED METALMANUFACTURINGTECHNOLOGY RESULTSINSUPERIORFRANGIBILITY FR ® By incorporating totally lead-free-powdered metal SURMHFWLOHV5DQJHU)UDQJLEOH6)KDQGJXQULÀHDQG shotshell ammunition delivers superior frangibility against hard targets and is lethal against soft targets. Since there is no jacket, plating or surface treatment on the projectiles, QRWKLQJEXW¿QHORZHQHUJ\GXVWSDUWLFOHVUHPDLQDIWHU impact with hard surface targets – reducing ricochet and target backsplash. t/Ėĩĥ(ĖğĖģĒĥĚĠğ3ĖĕĦĔĖĕ)ĒīĒģĕ"ĞĞĦğĚĥĚĠğ t'ģĒğĘĚēĝĖ"ĘĒĚğĤĥ)Ēģĕ5ĒģĘĖĥĤ SUPERCLEAN® t)ĖĒħĪ.ĖĥĒĝ'ģĖĖ1ģĚĞĖģĒğĕ1ģĠěĖĔĥĚĝĖ FRANGIBLE 2ANGER®&RANGIBLE3&TM (ANDGUN!MMUNITION 7INCHESTER2ANGER®&RANGIBLE3&HANDGUNLOADSGIVE YOUOUTSTANDINGACCURACYANDTHESAMEPOINTOFIMPACT ASDUTYAMMUNITIONATYARDSWHILEMORECLOSELY APPROXIMATINGTHEFELTRECOILOFDUTYLOADSCOMPAREDTO OTHERFRANGIBLEOFFERINGS 2ANGER®&RANGIBLE3&TM 2ANGER®&RANGIBLE3&TM #ENTERFIRE2IFLE!MMUNITION "UCKSHOTAND3LUGS &ORLONGDISTANCETRAININGANDSPECIALPURPOSE APPLICATIONS3&#ENTERFIRERIFLEAMMUNITIONDELIVERSTHE PERFORMANCEYOUNEEDWITHOUTTHERISKOFRICOCHETBACK SPLATTERANDAIRBORNEHEAVYMETALPARTICLES 2ANGER&RANGIBLE3&BUCKSHOTLOADSANDMULTIPURPOSE SLUGSPROVIDEAREALISTICANDREDUCEDHAZARDOPTIONFOR INTENSIVESHOTGUNFAMILIARIZATIONINSTRUCTIONANDTRAINING ASWELLASSPECIALPURPOSEAPPLICATIONS Winchester® (ANDGUN!MMUNITION WinClean® handgun ammunition uses Winchester patented lead- and heavy-metalfree primers and features an advanced bullet jacket called the Brass Enclosed Base (or BEB) that completely covers the base and sides of the bullet with a brass jacket. Together these technologies are designed to eliminate airborne OHDGRULJLQDWLQJDWWKH¿ULQJSRLQW,QDGGLWLRQ to creating a safer shooting environment, WinClean features a brass case and Winchester legendary performance and reliability. WINCLEAN Winchester® ® (ANDGUNAND2ImE!MMUNITION SuperClean NT® ammunition takes lead completely out of the equation to create a safer and cleaner shooting environment. The specially designed soft point/tin-core bullet delivers superior accuracy and function in DOOKDQGJXQVDQGULÀHV²ZKLOHHOLPLQDWLQJ the down range equipment and bullet trap contamination associated with standard leaded ammunition. t-ĖĒĕĒğĕ)ĖĒħĪ.ĖĥĒĝ 'ģĖĖ1ģĚĞĖģ t#ģĒĤĤ&ğĔĝĠĤĖĕ#ĒĤĖ &ĝĚĞĚğĒĥĖĤ-ĖĒĕ 7ĒġĠģĚīĒĥĚĠğėģĠĞ #ĦĝĝĖĥ#ĒĤĖ t&ĩĔĖĝĝĖğĥ"ĔĔĦģĒĔĪ In addition, SuperClean NT products offer the same point-of-impact and average 85% felt recoil of conventional duty rounds. Add Winchester patented, leadfree heavy-metal-free primers and clean burning propellant, and you have a breakthrough in high performance, non-toxic ammunition. WinClean creates a benchmark for cleanliness, with less barrel, action and shellcase residue. To the shooter, that means less time cleaning guns and more time on the range. EE D FR EA L RE F TO N OI P NE R BO R AI WINCLEAN® SUPERCLEAN® FRANGIBLE N W DO FI AD P E NG RA TY ILI B GI AN FR LE A TR EE FR SUPERCLEAN NT t-ĖĒĕ'ģĖĖ5Ěğ$ĠģĖ#ĦĝĝĖĥ t-ĖĒĕĒğĕ)ĖĒħĪ.ĖĥĒĝ 'ģĖĖ1ģĚĞĖģ t4ĦġĖģĚĠģ"ĔĔĦģĒĔĪ ® Winchester® 2EAL7ORLD2ESULTS LAW ENFORCEMENT BALLISTICS WORKSHOP AND TRAINING TOOLS Knowing the ballistics of the ammunition you choose is FULWLFDOWR\RXURI¿FHUV¶VDIHW\DQGVXUYLYDO7KDW¶VZK\ Winchester offers a comprehensive terminal ballistics workshop program for interested Law Enforcement agencies across the country. )HDWXULQJDÀHHWRIVSHFLDOO\GHVLJQHGWUDLOHUVDVPRELOH labs, Winchester representatives conduct and share their knowledge of terminal ballistics performance using industry standard 10% ballistic gelatin and a variety of other real-world barriers. The Winchester Law Enforcement Ballistics Workshop is DKDQGVRQH[SHULHQFHZKHUHRI¿FHUVDUHLQYROYHGHYHU\ step of the way. Interesting and informative, we believe DQ\RI¿FHULQYROYHGLQWKHVHOHFWLRQRIGXW\DPPXQLWLRQ ZRXOG¿QGLWYHU\ZRUWKZKLOHWRDWWHQG 4ALKTO/UR4ECHNICAL3PECIALISTS 7INCHESTERHAS,AW%NFORCEMENT!MMUNITION4ECHNICAL3PECIALISTSTOANSWERANYQUESTIONSYOUMAYHAVE 0LEASECONTACTUSDIRECTLYFROMAMTOPM#ENTRAL4IME-ONDAYTHROUGH&RIDAY 9OUCANALSOWRITEEMAILORFAXUSWITHYOURQUESTIONS 7INCHESTER,AW%NFORCEMENT!MMUNITION 3ENIOR4ECHNICAL3PECIALIST 0OWDER-ILL2Ds%AST!LTON),s0HONEs&AXs%MAILPFNOWAK OLINCOM To request a Winchester Ranger Ballistics Workshop DW\RXUGHSDUWPHQWRUWR¿QGWKHFXUUHQWVFKHGXOH of events, please contact your local Winchester Law Enforcement Ammunition Distributor or the Winchester Law Enforcement Ammunition website at WWW7INCHESTERCOMLAWENFORCEMENT Law Enforcement Ammunition: Handgun Ballistics Symbol Cartridge Bullet Wt. Grs. Bullet Type Velocity (fps) Muzzle 5 Yds. 25 Yds. Energy (ft-lbs.) Barrel Length Muzzle 25 Yds. (Inches) 2ANGER®"ONDED(ANDGUN RA38B RA357SB RA9BA RA9B RA40BA RA40B RA45GB RA45B 38 Special +P 357 SIG 9mm Luger +P 9mm Luger 40 S & W 40 S & W 45 G.A.P. 45 Auto 38O Auto 357 SIG 9mm Luger +P 9mm Luger +P+ 9mm Luger 40 S & W 40 S & W 45 Auto 45 Auto +P Bonded Bonded Bonded Bonded Bonded Bonded Bonded Bonded 950 1350 1180 995 1140 1025 935 935 946 1331 1169 990 1130 1019 931 931 941 1262 1126 970 1091 995 914 914 260 506 383 323 476 420 446 446 249 442 349 307 436 396 427 427 4V 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 95 125 124 127 147 165 180 230 230 "T" Series "T" Series "T" Series "T" Series "T" Series "T" Series "T" Series "T" Series "T" Series 1000 1350 1180 1250 990 1140 990 935 990 990 1331 1169 1236 985 1129 987 931 985 959 1262 1126 1183 967 1091 977 914 965 211 506 383 441 320 476 392 446 501 194 442 349 395 305 436 381 427 475 3.75 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 130 110 115 115 124 147 155 180 Jacketed Hollow Point Jacketed Hollow Point Jacketed Hollow Point Jacketed Hollow Point Full Metal Jacket (Ball) Full Metal Jacket (Flat Nose) Jacketed Hollow Point Jacketed Hollow Point 815 1155 1335 1225 1185 985 1210 1020 812 1142 1319 1210 1174 980 1195 1015 801 1094 1258 1154 1132 963 1148 991 192 326 455 383 387 317 502 417 185 293 404 340 352 303 454 392 2V 4V 4 4 4 4 4 4 100 90 100 135 175 175 Frangible SF Frangible SF Frangible SF Frangible SF Frangible SF Frangible SF 1490 1400 1300 1170 1000 1000 1461 1377 1282 1158 994 994 1350 1290 1215 1113 969 969 493 392 375 410 389 389 405 333 328 371 365 365 4 4 4 4 5 5 95 125 115 124 147 125 125 165 180 230 185 230 BEB Flat Nose BEB JSP BEB Truncated Cone BEB Truncated Cone BEB Truncated Cone BEB JSP BEB Flat Nose BEB Truncated Cone BEB Truncated Cone BEB Truncated Cone BEB Truncated Cone BEB Truncated Cone 955 775 1190 1130 990 1370 1350 1130 990 875 910 875 947 774 1178 1120 985 1350 1331 1121 985 870 902 870 916 748 1135 1081 967 1275 1262 1089 965 857 870 857 192 167 362 352 320 521 506 468 392 391 340 391 177 155 329 325 305 451 442 434 372 375 311 375 3.75 4V 4 4 4 4V 4 4 4 5 5 5 Jacketed Soft Point Jacketed Soft Point Jacketed Soft Point Jacketed Soft Point 1200 975 1155 1050 1185 967 1141 1042 1131 938 1091 1014 336 232 415 416 298 215 370 388 4 4V 4 5 2ANGER®(ANDGUN RA38SP RA38110HP+ RA9115HP+ RA9MMJHP RA9124N RA9MM147FMJ RA40155HP RA40180HP 38 Special +P 38 Special +P+ 9mm Luger +P+ 9mm Luger 9mm NATO 9mm Luger 40 S & W 40 S & W 357 SIG 9mm Luger +P 9mm Luger +P 40 S & W 45 G.A.P. 45 Auto 7IN#LEAN®(ANDGUN WC3801 WC381 WC91 WC92 WC93 WC3571 WC357SIG WC401 WC402 WC45G WC451 WC452 380 Auto 38 Special 9mm Luger 9mm Luger 9mm Luger 357 Magnum 357 SIG 40 S&W 40 S&W 45 G.A.P. 45 Auto 45 Auto 3UPER#LEAN.4®(ANDGUN SC9NT SC38NT SC40NT SC45NT 9mm Luger 38 Special 40 S&W 45 Auto Bullet Wt. Grs. Bullet Type Muzzle Velocity (fps) 5 Yds. 25 Yds. Energy (ft-lbs.) Muzzle 25 Yds. Barrel Length (Inches) USA9JHP2 USA40JHP 9mm Luger 40 S&W 147 180 Jacketed Hollow Point Jacketed Hollow Point 990 1010 985 1004 967 980 320 408 305 384 4 4 45 60 85 158 110 148 158 125 125 158 125 125 115 147 125 145 158 158 155 175 175 210 185 185 Expanding Point Silver Tip Hollow Point Silver Tip Hollow Point Lead Round Nose Silver Tip Hollow Point Lead Wad Cutter Lead Semi Wad Cutter Jacketed Hollow Point Silver Tip Hollow Point Lead Semi Wad Cutter HP Silver Tip Hollow Point Silver Tip Hollow Point Silver Tip Hollow Point Silver Tip Hollow Point Jacketed Hollow Point Silver Tip Hollow Point Jacketed Hollow Point Jacketed Soft Point Silver Tip Hollow Point Silver Tip Hollow Point Silver Tip Hollow Point Silver Tip Hollow Point Silver Tip Hollow Point Silver Tip Hollow Point 815 970 1000 755 945 710 755 945 945 890 1240 1450 1225 1010 1450 1290 1235 1235 1205 1290 1250 1250 1000 1000 806 962 991 752 940 702 751 940 940 886 1228 1428 1210 1005 1427 1275 1220 1220 1193 1273 1235 1233 993 993 770 930 958 739 918 671 738 921 921 872 1181 1343 1154 985 1338 1218 1164 1164 1146 1209 1180 1171 967 967 66 125 189 200 218 166 200 248 248 278 427 583 383 333 583 535 535 535 500 649 607 729 411 411 59 115 173 192 206 148 191 235 235 267 387 501 340 317 497 478 475 475 452 568 541 639 384 384 2 4 3.75 4V 4V 4V 4V 4V 4V 4V 5 5 4 4 4V 4V 4V 4V 4 5.5 6.5V 4V 5 5 50 71 95 130 125 125 130 150 124 115 115 147 124 147 125 125 110 180 165 180 240 230 230 230 185 230 Full Metal Jacket (Ball) Full Metal Jacket (Ball) Full Metal Jacket (Flat Nose) Full Metal Jacket (Ball) Jacketed Hollow Point Jacketed Soft Point Full Metal Jacket (Ball) Lead Round Nose Full Metal Jacket (Ball) Full Metal Jacket (Ball) Jacketed Hollow Point Jacketed Hollow Point Full Metal Jacket (Ball) Full Metal Jacket (Truncated Cone) Full Metal Jacket (Flat Nose) Jacketed Hollow Point Jacketed Hollow Point Jacketed Hollow Point Full Metal Jacket (Truncated Cone) Full Metal Jacket (Flat Nose) Jacketed Soft Point Full Metal Jacket Jacketed Hollow Point Full Metal Jacket (Ball) Full Metal Jacket (Truncated Cone) Jacketed Hollow Point 760 905 955 1215 945 850 800 845 1460 1190 1170 990 1140 990 1350 1350 1295 1010 1060 1025 1180 850 880 835 910 880 754 900 949 1202 940 845 796 842 1444 1176 1157 985 1130 985 1331 1331 1271 1004 1053 1018 1169 831 876 831 905 876 733 879 907 1152 921 826 782 828 1381 1125 1108 967 1091 967 1262 1262 1183 980 1029 993 1126 817 860 817 885 860 64 129 192 426 248 201 185 238 587 362 350 320 358 320 506 506 410 408 412 420 742 356 395 356 340 395 60 122 174 383 235 189 177 228 525 323 313 305 328 305 442 442 342 384 388 394 676 341 378 341 322 378 2 4 3.75 5 4V 4V 4V 4V 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4V 4 4 4 4V 5 5 5 5 5 3UPER8®(ANDGUN X25AXP X32ASHP X380ASHP X38S1P X38S9HP X38SMRP X38WCPSV X38S7PH X38S8HP X38SPD X38ASHP X923W X9MMSHP X9MMST147 X3576P X357SHP X3574P X3575P X40SWSTHP X10MMSTHP X41MSTHP2 X44MS X45GSTHP X45ASHP2 25 Auto 32 Auto 380 Auto 38 Special 38 Special 38 Special 38 Special 38 Special +P 38 Special +P 38 Special +P 38 Auto +P 9x23 Winchester 9mm Luger 9mm Luger 357 Magnum 357 Magnum 357 Magnum 357 Magnum 40 S&W 10mm Auto 41 Rem Magnum 44 Magnum 45 G.A.P. 45 Auto 53!"RAND(ANDGUN 2ANGER®&RANGIBLE3&™(ANDGUN RA357SSF RA9SF1 RA9F RA40SF RA45GSF RA45SF Cartridge 3UBSONIC#ENTERlRE$UTY(ANDGUN 130 125 124 147 165 180 230 230 2ANGER®43ERIES(ANDGUN RA38OT RA357SIGT RA9124TP RA9TA RA9T RA40TA RA40T RA45T RA45TP Symbol 105 110 140 170 Q4203 Q4255 Q4206 Q4205 USA38JSP USA38SP Q4171 Q4196 Q4304 Q4172 USA9JHP USA9JHP2 USA9MM USA9MM1 Q4309 USA357SJHP Q4204 USA40JHP USA40SW Q4238 Q4240 USA45G USA45GJHP Q4170 USA45A USA45JHP 25 Auto 32 Auto 380 Auto 38 Super Auto +P 38 Special 38 Special 38 Special 38 Special 9x23 Winchester 9mm Luger 9mm Luger 9mm Luger 9mm Luger 9mm Luger 357 SIG 357 SIG 357 Magnum 40 S&W 40 S&W 40 S&W 44 Rem Magnum 45 G.A.P. 45 G.A.P. 45 Auto 45 Auto 45 Auto Law Enforcement Ammunition: Rifle Ballistics Bullet Wt. Symbol Bullet Type Muzzle Velocity (fps) 50 yds. 100 yds. Law Enforcement Ammunition: Shotshell Ballistics Energy (ft. lbs.) Muzzle 50 yds. 100 yds. Symbol Trajectory (inches) 50 yds. 100 yds. 150 XP3 2825 2719 2616 2658 2463 2279 -0.2 0 168 BTHP 2680 2581 2485 2680 2485 2303 -0.1 0 2770 2557 2351 1024 871 737 -0.6 0 60 Nosler Partition Velocity (fps) Energy @ 3 ft 00 Buck 00 Buck 00 Buck 00 Buck 00 Buck 8 8 9 9 9 25 5 25 5 25 1145 1145 1145 1145 1325 1190 1190 1335 1335 1790 2 3/4" 00 Buck 9 25 1300 1180 2 3/4" 2 3/4" 2 3/4" 2 3/4" 3" 3" 000 Buck 00 Buck 1 Buck 4 Buck 1 Buck 00 Buck 8 9 16 27 24 15 - 1325 1325 1250 1325 1040 1210 2090 1825 1915 2090 1990 2490 2 3/4" 00 Buck 12 - 1295 2260 Shell Length Slug Weight Slug Type 3UPER8®"UCKSHOT 55 Frangible SF 3150 2782 2442 1212 945 728 -0.2 0 62 55 55 64 69 Penetrator Ballistic Silvertip Pointed Soft Point Power-Point BTHP 3095 3240 3240 3020 3060 2950 3051 2986 2816 2853 2810 2871 2747 2621 2740 1318 1282 1282 1296 1435 1189 1136 1089 1127 1248 1087 1006 921 976 1151 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.2 -0.2 0 0 0 0 0 Jacketed Soft Point 3090 2759 2457 1161 930 737 -0.2 0 XB12000 XB1200 XB121 XB124 XB1231 (Magnum) XB12300 (Magnum) 2ANGER® RA556M855 RA223BSTA RA223R RA223R2 RA223M 2 3/4" 2 3/4" 2 3/4" 2 3/4" 2 3/4" RA1200SF Frangible SF 2ANGER®&RANGIBLE3&™ RA223SF Rounds per box 2ANGER®&RANGIBLE3&™"UCKSHOT 2ANGER®.OSLER®0ARTITION® Q3283 *14.5" Barrel Pellet Count RA12008 (Low-Recoil) RA120085 (Low-Recoil) RA1200 (Low-Recoil) RA12005 (Low-Recoil) RA1200HD 3UPREME® S308M Pellet Size 2ANGER®"UCKSHOT 3UPREME®%LITE SXP308 Shell Length 3UPREME®"UCKSHOT X12XCOB5 ® 3UPER#LEAN.4 SC556NT 55 Symbol Velocity (fps) Energy @ 3 ft ® 2ANGER 3LUGS RA12RS15 (Low-Recoil) Symbol Bullet Wt. Bullet Type Bare Gelatin Heavy Cloth Steel Wallboard Plywood Auto glass Gelatin % 2 3/4" RA12RSSF Frangible SF 2ImE"ARRIER0ENETRATION$ATAINCHES RA223R RA223BSTA Q3131A USA2232 RA223M RA223R2 SC556NT Q3283 SBST308A S308M SXP308 55 55 55 45 69 64 55 60 168 168 150 PSP BST FMJ JHP BTHP PP JSP Partition BST BTHP XP3 1 oz. H.P. Foster 1200 1400 2 3/4" 375 grs. Frangible SF 1275 1355 2 3/4" 1 oz. H.P. Foster 1600 2490 2ANGER®&RANGIBLE3&™3LUGS ® 9.75 12 12 4.5 9 13 15.6 17.4 14.3 17 26.5 9.8 13 15 4.5 10.25 13.25 14.3 17.3 17 20 27.2 7.7 6 9 3 6.75 12.5 11.5 16.0 9.6 9.0 27.4 8.05 8 6 4.25 6.5 11.25 13.3 15.3 11.7 12.5 27.5 8.90 13.5 6 4.5 9.5 11.75 15.1 16.2 13.2 14 33 3.5 9.5 2.5 1.75 2 5 9.4 16.4 9 10 27.4 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 20% 20% 10% 3UPER8 3LUGS X12RS15 Symbol Shell Length Powder Dram Equivalent Velocity fps @ 3 ft. Oz.Shot Shot Sizes 980 1200 1145 26 gram 1 1/8 1 1/8 8 7.5, 8 7.5, 8 1280 1325 1 1/8 1 3HOTSHELL4RAINING2OUNDS AA12FL TRGT12M TRGT12 2 3/4" 2 3/4" 2 3/4" 2 1/2 3 2 3/4 80%24®.ON4OXIC3TEEL3HOTSHELL.ON&RANGIBLE WE12GTH WE12GT Symbol 2 3/4" 2 3/4" Velocity (fps) 3 1/4 3 1/4 10% Gelatin 25 yd. penetration Pattern or Group Recoil ft. lbs. with 8lb. gun 2" 40 yds. 2" 40 yds. 12" 25 yds. 11" 25 yds. 10" 25 yds. 29.1 15.6 23.1 15.8 13.4 ,AW%NFORCEMENT3HOTSHELL0ERFORMANCE$ATA X12RS15 RA12RS15 RA1200HD RA12005 RA120085 1600 1200 1325 1145 1145 12.4" 18.6" 15.8" 15.7" 15.7" 6, 7 6, 7 CARTRIDGE Handgun Bullet Barrier Testing Protocol The Ballistic Properties and terminal effectiveness of Winchester Law Enforcement Ammunition are monitored and controlled throughout the manufacturing, quality control and test process. All testing is performed in the Winchester laboratories using strict industry guidelines. Bare Gelatin Heavy Cloth 380 T-Series – 95gr. RA380T/Muzzle Velocity (fps)—1000 Penetration : 7.65" Expansion : 0.65" Retain Wt. : 86 % Retain Wt. : 82 gr. Penetration : 7.85" Expansion : 0.64" Retain Wt. : 97 % Retain Wt. : 92 gr. 38 Special +P Bonded – 130gr. RA38B/Muzzle Velocity (fps)—950 Penetration : 11.5" Expansion : 0.623" Retain Wt. : 100 % Retain Wt. : 130 gr. Penetration : 11.3" Expansion : 0.617" Retain Wt. : 100 % Retain Wt. : 130 gr. 9mm +P T-Series – 124gr. RA9124TP/Muzzle Velocity (fps)—1180 Penetration : 11.4" Expansion : 0.780" Retain Wt. : 95 % Retain Wt. : 117.8 gr. Penetration : 13.2" Expansion : 0.775" Retain Wt. : 98 % Retain Wt. : 122.1 gr. 9mm +P+ T-Series – 127gr. RA9TA/Muzzle Velocity (fps)—1250 Penetration : 14.3" Expansion : 0.680" Retain Wt. : 92 % Retain Wt. : 116.7 gr. Penetration : 14.4" Expansion : 0.703" Retain Wt. : 93 % Retain Wt. : 118 gr. 9mm T-Series – 147gr. RA9T/Muzzle Velocity (fps)—990 Penetration : 13.9" Expansion : 0.65" Retain Wt. : 96 % Retain Wt. : 141 gr. Penetration : 14" Expansion : 0.66" Retain Wt. : 97 % Retain Wt. : 143 gr. 9mm Bonded – 147gr. RA9B/Muzzle Velocity (fps)—995 Penetration : 14.7" Expansion : 0.62" Retain Wt. : 99.3 % Retain Wt. : 146 gr. Penetration : 15.8" Expansion : 0.58" Retain Wt. : 99.4 % Retain Wt. : 146 gr. 9mm +P Bonded – 124gr. RA9BA/Muzzle Velocity (fps)—1180 Penetration : 12.6" Expansion : 0.68" Retain Wt. : 100 % Retain Wt. : 124 gr. Penetration : 18.2" Expansion : 0.56" Retain Wt. : 100 % Retain Wt. : 124 gr. 357 SIG Bonded – 125gr. RA357SB/Muzzle Velocity (fps)—1350 Penetration : 12.5" Expansion : 0.576" Retain Wt. : 100 % Retain Wt. : 125 gr. Penetration : 12.0" Expansion : 0.684" Retain Wt. : 100 % Retain Wt. : 125 gr. 357 SIG T-Series – 125gr. RA357SIGT/Muzzle Velocity (fps)—1350 Penetration : 12.3" Expansion : 0.632" Retain Wt. : 90 % Retain Wt. : 113 gr. Penetration : 14" Expansion : 0.680" Retain Wt. : 91 % Retain Wt. : 113.9 gr. 40 Cal. T-Series – 180gr. RA40T/Muzzle Velocity (fps)—990 Penetration : 13.8" Expansion : 0.608" Retain Wt. : 91 % Retain Wt. : 164 gr. Penetration : 13.4" Expansion : 0.640" Retain Wt. : 95 % Retain Wt. : 171 gr. 40 Cal. Bonded – 180gr. RA40B/Muzzle Velocity (fps)—1025 Penetration : 13.2" Expansion : 0.679" Retain Wt. : 100 % Retain Wt. : 180 gr. Penetration : 13.9" Expansion : 0.689" Retain Wt. : 100 % Retain Wt. : 180 gr. 40 Cal. S&W T-Series – 165gr. RA40TA/Muzzle Velocity (fps)—1140 Penetration : 13.2" Expansion : 0.799" Retain Wt. : 99 % Retain Wt. : 163.3 gr. Penetration : 14.2" Expansion : 0.828" Retain Wt. : 99 % Retain Wt. : 164.5 gr. 40 Cal. Bonded – 165gr. RA40BA/Muzzle Velocity (fps)—1140 Penetration : 13.8" Expansion : 0.613" Retain Wt. : 100 % Retain Wt. : 165 gr. Penetration : 14" Expansion : 0.688" Retain Wt. : 100 % Retain Wt. : 165 gr. 45 G.A.P. Bonded – 230gr. RA45GB/Muzzle Velocity (fps)—935 Penetration : 12.1" Expansion : 0.845" Retain Wt. : 100 % Retain Wt. : 230 gr. Penetration : 12.2" Expansion : 0.840" Retain Wt. : 100 % Retain Wt. : 230 gr. 45 Auto T-Series – 230gr. RA45T/Muzzle Velocity (fps)—935 Penetration : 11.3" Expansion : 1.017" Retain Wt. : 100 % Retain Wt. : 230 gr. Penetration : 11.9" Expansion : 1.012" Retain Wt. : 100 % Retain Wt. : 230 gr. 45 Auto Bonded – 230gr. RA45B/Muzzle Velocity (fps)—935 Penetration : 12.1" Expansion : 0.845" Retain Wt. : 100 % Retain Wt. : 230 gr. Penetration : 12.2" Expansion : 0.840" Retain Wt. : 100 % Retain Wt. : 230 gr. 45 +P Auto T-Series – 230gr. RA45TP/Muzzle Velocity (fps)—990 Penetration : 11.8" Expansion : 0.936" Retain Wt. : 99 % Retain Wt. : 228 gr. Penetration : 12.7" Expansion : 0.926" Retain Wt. : 99 % Retain Wt. : 228.2 gr. Wallboard Plywood Steel Auto Glass Penetration : 15" Expansion : 0.36" Retain Wt. : 99 % Retain Wt. : 94 gr. Penetration : 15.5" Expansion : 0.36" Retain Wt. : 96 % Retain Wt. : 91 gr. Penetration : 9.3" Expansion : 0.36" Retain Wt. : 98 % Retain Wt. : 93 gr. Penetration : 4.5" Expansion : NA Retain Wt. : 81 % Retain Wt. : 77 gr. Penetration : 10.1" Expansion : 0.592" Retain Wt. : 100 % Retain Wt. : 130 gr. Penetration : 15.2" Expansion : 0.477" Retain Wt. : 100 % Retain Wt. : 130 gr. Penetration : 11.3" Expansion : 0.526" Retain Wt. : 100 % Retain Wt. : 130 gr. Penetration : 9.3" Expansion : 0.515" Retain Wt. : 85.3 % Retain Wt. : 111 gr. Penetration : 11.6" Expansion : 0.795" Retain Wt. : 99% Retain Wt. : 122.5 gr. Penetration : 13.3" Expansion : 0.742" Retain Wt. : 94 % Retain Wt. : 116.2 gr. Penetration : 19.5" Expansion : 0.400" Retain Wt. : 100 % Retain Wt. : 124 gr. Penetration : 11.3" Expansion : 0.505" Retain Wt. : 67 % Retain Wt. : 82.7 gr. Penetration : 11.5" Expansion : 0.735" Retain Wt. : 100 % Retain Wt. : 127 gr. Penetration : 12.3" Expansion : 0.750" Retain Wt. : 97 % Retain Wt. : 122.9 gr. Penetration : 22.7" Expansion : 0.393" Retain Wt. : 100 % Retain Wt. : 127 gr. Penetration : 9.7" Expansion : 0.519" Retain Wt. : 61 % Retain Wt. : 77.6 gr. Penetration : 15" Expansion : 0.67" Retain Wt. : 98 % Retain Wt. : 144 gr. Penetration : 14.8" Expansion : 0.62" Retain Wt. : 100 % Retain Wt. : 147 gr. Penetration : 17" Expansion : 0.45" Retain Wt. : 100 % Retain Wt. : 147 gr. Penetration : 10.8" Expansion : 0.52" Retain Wt. : 72 % Retain Wt. : 106 gr. Penetration : 16.7" Expansion : 0.56" Retain Wt. : 100 % Retain Wt. : 147 gr. Penetration : 16.5" Expansion : 0.59" Retain Wt. : 100 % Retain Wt. : 147 gr. Penetration : 19" Expansion : 0.42" Retain Wt. : 100 % Retain Wt. : 147 gr. Penetration : 12.6" Expansion : 0.55" Retain Wt. : 91.6 % Retain Wt. : 135 gr. Penetration : 11.9" Expansion : 0.64" Retain Wt. : 100 % Retain Wt. : 124 gr. Penetration : 15.8" Expansion : 0.57" Retain Wt. : 100 % Retain Wt. : 124 gr. Penetration : 22" Expansion : 0.42" Retain Wt. : 100 % Retain Wt. : 124 gr. Penetration : 12.7" Expansion : 0.58" Retain Wt. : 83.7 % Retain Wt. : 104 gr. Penetration : 13.1 Expansion : 0.707" Retain Wt. : 100 % Retain Wt. : 125 gr. Penetration : 16" Expansion : 0.487" Retain Wt. : 100 % Retain Wt. : 125 gr. Penetration : NA Expansion : NA Retain Wt. : NA Retain Wt. : NA Penetration : 11.0" Expansion : 0.613" Retain Wt. : 76.0 % Retain Wt. : 95 gr. Penetration : 12.7" Expansion : 0.775" Retain Wt. : 98 % Retain Wt. : 122.5 gr. Penetration : 11.8" Expansion : 0.770" Retain Wt. : 92 % Retain Wt. : 115.3 gr. Penetration : 21.5" Expansion : 0.423" Retain Wt. : 100 % Retain Wt. : 125 gr. Penetration : 11.7" Expansion : 0.448" Retain Wt. : 62 % Retain Wt. : 77.3 gr. Penetration : 13.1" Expansion : 0.660" Retain Wt. : 98 % Retain Wt. : 176 gr. Penetration : 15.1" Expansion : 0.640" Retain Wt. : 99 % Retain Wt. : 178 gr. Penetration : 17.0" Expansion : 0.520" Retain Wt. : 99 % Retain Wt. : 178 gr. Penetration : 12.0" Expansion : 0.610" Retain Wt. : 85 % Retain Wt. : 153 gr. Penetration : 13.3" Expansion : 0.689" Retain Wt. : 100 % Retain Wt. : 180 gr. Penetration : 14.6" Expansion : 0.683" Retain Wt. : 100 % Retain Wt. : 180 gr. Penetration : 17.3" Expansion : 0.513" Retain Wt. : 100 % Retain Wt. : 180 gr. Penetration : 14.8" Expansion : 0.588" Retain Wt. : 90 % Retain Wt. : 162.6 gr. Penetration : 11.4" Expansion : 0.814" Retain Wt. : 99 % Retain Wt. : 164.8 gr. Penetration : 13" Expansion : 0.825" Retain Wt. : 99 % Retain Wt. : 164.7 gr. Penetration : 21.3" Expansion : 0.451" Retain Wt. : 100 % Retain Wt. : 165 gr. Penetration : 12" Expansion : 0.521" Retain Wt. : 75.3 % Retain Wt. : 124.2 gr. Penetration : 12.5" Expansion : 0.701" Retain Wt. : 100 % Retain Wt. : 165 gr. Penetration : 14.3" Expansion : 0.693" Retain Wt. : 100 % Retain Wt. : 165 gr. Penetration : 17.6" Expansion : 0.514" Retain Wt. : 100 % Retain Wt. : 165 gr. Penetration : 12.4" Expansion : 0.588" Retain Wt. : 88 % Retain Wt. : 145.3 gr. Penetration : 13.3" Expansion : 0.768" Retain Wt. : 100 % Retain Wt. : 230 gr. Penetration : 16.1" Expansion : 0.725" Retain Wt. : 100 % Retain Wt. : 230 gr. Penetration : 19.1" Expansion : 0.540" Retain Wt. : 100 % Retain Wt. : 230 gr. Penetration : 11.9" Expansion : 0.615" Retain Wt. : 86 % Retain Wt. : 197.4 gr. Penetration : 14.1" Expansion : 0.828" Retain Wt. : 100 % Retain Wt. : 230 gr. Penetration : 13.2" Expansion : 0.835" Retain Wt. : 100 % Retain Wt. : 230 gr. Penetration : 21.1" Expansion : 0.461" Retain Wt. : 100 % Retain Wt. : 230 gr. Penetration : 13.2" Expansion : 0.611" Retain Wt. : 99 % Retain Wt. : 226.3 gr. Penetration : 13.3" Expansion : 0.768" Retain Wt. : 100 % Retain Wt. : 230 gr. Penetration : 16.1" Expansion : 0.725" Retain Wt. : 100 % Retain Wt. : 230 gr. Penetration : 19.1" Expansion : 0.540" Retain Wt. : 100 % Retain Wt. : 230 gr. Penetration : 11.9" Expansion : 0.615" Retain Wt. : 86 % Retain Wt. : 197.4 gr. Penetration : 12.3" Expansion : 1.039" Retain Wt. : 100 % Retain Wt. : 230 gr. Penetration : 12.2" Expansion : 1.010" Retain Wt. : 99 % Retain Wt. : 228.7 gr. Penetration : 25.2" Expansion : 0.461" Retain Wt. : 100 % Retain Wt. : 230 gr. Penetration : 11.7" Expansion : 0.645" Retain Wt. : 90 % Retain Wt. : 207.2 gr. WWWWINCHESTERCOMLAWENFORCEMENT WINCHESTER® RANGER® LAW ENFORCEMENT AMMUNITION 1-800-356-2666 WWW.WINCHESTER.COM/LAWENFORCEMENT 5ęĖĢĦĒĝĚĥĪĞĒğĒĘĖĞĖğĥĤĪĤĥĖĞĠė8ĚğĔęĖĤĥĖģ"ĞĞĦğĚĥĚĠğĚĤ*40ȂǹǹǺǻǹǹǹ$ĖģĥĚėĚĖĕĨęĚĔęĥĠĒ8ĚğĔęĖĤĥĖģĔĠğĤĦĞĖģĞĖĒğĤĠğĖ ĥęĚğĘ8ĚğĔęĖĤĥĖģĔĠĞĞĚĥĤĥĠĞĖĖĥĚğĘĔĦĤĥĠĞĖģĖĩġĖĔĥĒĥĚĠğĤǺǹǹġĖģĔĖğĥĠėĥęĖĥĚĞĖĥęģĠĦĘęĥęĖĔĠğĥĚğĦĒĝĚĞġģĠħĖĞĖğĥġģĠĔĖĤĤ 4ġĖĔĚėĚĔĒĥĚĠğĤĚğĥęĚĤ1ģĠĕĦĔĥ$ĒĥĒĝĠĘĒģĖĤĦēěĖĔĥĥĠĔęĒğĘĖĨĚĥęĠĦĥğĠĥĚĔĖ'ĠģĤĦĘĘĖĤĥĖĕģĖĥĒĚĝġģĚĔĚğĘĔĠğĤĦĝĥĪĠĦģĝĠĔĒĝ8ĚğĔęĖĤĥĖģ"ĞĞĦğĚĥĚĠğĕĖĒĝĖģ)ĠĕĘĕĠğ5ģĚġĝĖ4&Ȁ&/Ēğĕ1ĪģĠĕĖĩ ĒģĖģĖĘĚĤĥĖģĖĕĥģĒĕĖĞĒģĜĤĠė)ĠĕĘĕĠğ1ĠĨĕĖģ$ĠĞġĒğĪ*ğĔ/ĠĤĝĖģ"ĔĔĦēĠğĕ#ĒĝĝĚĤĥĚĔ5Ěġ1ĒģĥĚĥĚĠğ&5*1Ēğĕ&ǻĒģĖģĖĘĚĤĥĖģĖĕĥģĒĕĖĞĒģĜĤĠė/ĠĤĝĖģ*ğĔ#ĒĝĝĚĤĥĚĔ4ĚĝħĖģĥĚġ$ĠĞēĚğĖĕ 5ĖĔęğĠĝĠĘĪĒğĕ1ĒģĥĚĥĚĠğ(ĠĝĕĒģĖěĠĚğĥĥģĒĕĖĞĒģĜĤĠė/ĠĤĝĖģĒğĕ0ĝĚğ$Ġģġ4ĚĖģģĒ.ĒĥĔę,ĚğĘĚĤĒģĖĘĚĤĥĖģĖĕĥģĒĕĖĞĒģĜĠė4ĚĖģģĒ#ĦĝĝĖĥĤ$ĒĤĦĝĝĚĤĒģĖĘĚĤĥĖģĖĕĥģĒĕĖĞĒģĜĠė3ĚĔęĒģĕ+$ĒĤĦĝĝ ǻǹǺǹ8ĚğĔęĖĤĥĖģ0ĝĚğ$Ġģġ &ĒĤĥ"ĝĥĠğ*ĝĝĚğĠĚĤǿǻǹǻǽ
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