OMNI Hybrid MAXX Shotgun - American Tactical Imports
OMNI Hybrid MAXX Shotgun - American Tactical Imports
American Tactical is a leading importer, manufacturer, and domestic distributor of firearms, ammunition, tactical equipment, and accessories. We realize that our clients and your customers expect the highest levels of quality, value and service. We pride ourselves on always being steps ahead of our competition, providing a simple, one-stop resource for all of your industry needs. As exclusive manufacturer distributors, American Tactical brings you unique products backed by unbeatable warranties. Your success is our highest priority. Thank you for your business. Sport Directory Omni Hybrid MAXX............................4,5 GSG Rifles.....................................24-25 Omni Hybrid...................................... 6,7 GSG-522 Carbine & Pistol................. 27 Milsport Rifles..................................... 8 GSG 1911 Pistols............................... 28 AT-47 Rifle........................................... 9 GSG 110-RD Rotary Magazines........ 29 Complete Upper Kits.................... 10,11 GSG Accessories................................30 OMNI MAXX Shotgun......................... 14 ISSC.................................................... 32 Cavalry Shotguns............................... 15 Accessories................................... 34,35 Alpha Arms Shotguns....................... 16 RUKX Gear......................................... 37 Tac Shotguns..................................... 17 L.E. Rifles........................................... 38 Firepower Xtreme Pistols.............20-21 Sport Mil-Sport Mil-Sport Sport Limited LIFETIME ANTY WA R R on all Sport Sport Sport Firearms Sport Sport Sport Omni Hybrid MAXX Our ALL NEW OMNI HYBRID MAXX features a Patent Pending metal reinforced polymer upper receiver along with a fully-patented metal reinforced polymer lower receiver. Omni Hybrid MAXX • M4 16” 5.56 Black Nitride Coated Barrel • Flat Top, Optics Ready •A vailable with a 10 or 30RD PMAG • 6.25 lbs Patent Pending OMNI Hybrid MAXX Upper • Metal-reinforced polymer upper receiver • Lightweight with durability of a forged aluminum upper • Metal insert to reinforce critical areas • Multi-Caliber, 5.56mm, 300BLK, 22LR, 6.8 SPC • Accepts all Mil-Spec parts • Only 1/2 a pound! (8 ounces) Item: ATIGOMX556 NEW for 2015! Omni Hybrid 5.56MAXX • Complete 5.56 upper • 7”quad rail • 30RD PMAG • 6.5 lbs Item: ATIGOMXQ556 Omni Hybrid MAXX 22 Combo + OMNI Hybrid Upper • .22LR Carbine with complete 5.56 upper • 10” Free float quad rail • 30RD 5.56 PMAG • .22LR 28RD magazine OMNI Hybrid Lower Item: ATIGOMXC26 Fully-patented metal-reinforced polymer lower receiver Omni Hybrid MAXX 300 • Reinforced at critical point of buffer tube housing • Complete 300AAC Blackout upper • 10”Free float quad rail • 30RD PMAG • 6.5 lbs • Lightness of polymer with stability of a billet receiver Item: ATIGOMX300 Fully-patented inter-lock hammer and trigger pin retainment system PMAG Magazines Included With All OMNI Products • Prevents movement from the hammer and trigger pin during firing. • 30 round PMAG magazines included Patent # US8789305B1 | | AT A GLANCE • Complete fully-patented metal-reinforced Omni polymer lower receiver and inter lock hammer & trigger pin retainment system • Patent pending metal reinforced polymer Omni Hybrid MAXX Upper • Mil-Spec AR15 lower parts kit • Beveled mag well • Enhanced trigger guard • Includes Magpul PMAG magazines • Mil-Spec compatible • 6 Position Rogers Super-Stoc OMNI Hybrid MAXX 5.56 Pistol • 5.56 NATO • 7.5” BBL • 7” Free float quad rail • 30RD PMAG • 4.75 lbs Item: ATIGOMXP556 4 X AX M NOW AVAILABLE! Combination of Hybrid Lower and Hybrid Upper ID BR HY American Tactical Rifles/Pistols Omni Hybrid MAXX 300 Pistol • 300 AAC Blackout • 8.5” BBL • Optics ready • 30RD PMAG • 4.95 lbs Item: ATIGOMXP300 Omni Hybrid Combination of Hybrid Lower and Aluminum Upper The Omni Hybrid lower features a patented hammer and trigger pin retainment system, preventing movement from the hammer and trigger pin during firing. Omni Hybrid M4 The Omni Hybrid also features our patented over-molded metal insert, which reinforces the buffer tube housing and rear takedown pin. This allows for metal-on-metal contact with both the buffer tube as well as the rear takedown pin thus increasing strength and durability from recoil and consistent firing. In addition, Magpul PMAGs are now included with all Omni Hybrid products. • M4 16” 5.56 Black Nitride Coated Barrel • Flat Top, Optics Ready •A vailable with a 10 or 30RD PMAG • 6.25 lbs Fully-patented metal-reinforced polymer lower receiver • Reinforced at critical point of buffer tube housing ID BR HY NI OM American Tactical Rifles/Pistols Item: ATIGOMNIHA556 • Lightness of polymer with stability of a billet receiver Omni Hybrid 5.56 • Complete 5.56 upper • 7”quad rail • 30RD PMAG • 6.5 lbs Item: ATIGOMNIHQA556 AT A GLANCE • Complete fully-patented metal-reinforced Omni polymer lower receiver • Patent pending interlock hammer & trigger pin retainment system Omni Hybrid 22 Combo Omni Hybrid Lower Fully-patented inter-lock hammer and trigger pin retainment system • .22LR Carbine with complete 5.56 upper • 10” quad rail • 30RD 5.56 PMAG • .22LR 28RD magazine • Prevents movement from the hammer and trigger pin during firing. • 30 round PMAG magazines included Item: ATIGOMNIHC26 Omni Hybrid 300AAC Blackout • Complete 300AAC upper • 10”Free float quad rail • 30RD PMAG • 6.5 lbs Patent # US8789305B1 • Mil-Spec AR15 lower parts kit • Beveled mag well • Enhanced trigger guard • Includes PMAG magazine • Mil-Spec compatible Item: ATIGOMNIHA300 Omni Hybrid Multi-Caliber Complete Lower Receiver • Complete OMNI Hybrid Polymer Lower Receiver, 6-position stock • 30RD PMAG magazine OMNI Hybrid 5.56Pistol • 5.56 NATO • 7.5” BBL • 7” Free float quad rail • 30RD PMAG • 4.75 lbs Item: ATIGLOW201P 6 | | Item: ATIGOMNIPH7QA556 Omni Hybrid 300 Pistol • 300 AAC Blackout • 8.5” BBL • 7” Free float quad rail • 30RD PMAG • 4.95 lbs Item: ATIGOMNIPH7QA300 7 Mil-Sport Tactical Rifles Sport Combination of Aluminum Lower and Aluminum Upper rt Sport rt Sport rt Sport rt and are priced just right. New for 2014—our Mil-Sports now include a PMAG magazine! American Tactical AT-47 Sport The AT-47 is a 7.62x39mm Rifle assembled in the USA by American Tactical. Made from Zastava M70 parts kits sourced from Serbia, the AT-47 features a US made receiver and barrel. All of the Zastava parts in each AT-47 originated in one complete rifle. Each rifle Mil-Sport was de-milled and packaged as a parts kit individually to keep original matching parts together on each US assembled rifle. Featuring the original underfolding stock, the AT-47 is functional in both the field and in close quarter Mil-Sport situations. Sport Final (for now) Sport Sport Sport Sport Sport Mil-Sport Carbine 5.56 • Aluminum Forged Upper and Lower Receivers • 30RD PMAG magazine Sport Milled lower receiver made in the USA! Sport AT A GLANCE Sport • M4 16” Black Nitride coated barrel • Flat top Sport • 30RD PMAG magazines • Aluminum lower receiver Sport American Tactical AT-47 PMAG Magazines are included in all Mil-Sport products • US made receiver & barrel • Original wood furniture • Folding stock • 30RD TAPCO mag • 8.2 lbs Sport rt 47 Introduced in 2012, the Mil-Sport M4 Carbines became instant hits among customers looking for top quality AR-15 style rifles with forged aluminum receivers. Fine-tuned with many popular features, these U.S.built beauties perform perfectly right out of the box, AT t/ or Sp ilM American Tactical Rifles Item: ATIGAT47UFM Sport AT-47 Sport AT A GLANCE Sport Mil-Sport M4 • M70 Yugo parts kit Sport • 16” Barrel • 7.62 x 39 • 30RD magazine • M4 16” 5.56 Black Nitride Coated Barrel • Flat Top, Optics Ready • Available with a 10 or 30RD PMAG • 6.25 lbs • 4140 hardened steel lower receiver Item: ATIG15MS AT-47 CA Compliant Mil-Sport with Rail • 10RD magazine • California DOJ approved • Fixed stock • 7” quad rail • 7.25 lbs Item: ATIG15MSQ 8 | | Item: ATIGAT47UFMCA 9 Sport Sport Kits Complete Aluminum Upper Sport • Standard M4 hand guard • A2 flash hider • Includes lower parts kit and buttstock Sport Item: ATITRKT03P Sport Sport Sport Final (for now) Complete OMNI Hybrid Upper Kits Sport Sport Mil-Sport M4 5.56 16”BBL Rifle Kit with Complete OMNI Hybrid Upper Sport • Fully-assembled upper receiver • Picatinny rail gas block • Black Nitride coated 16” BBL • 2 PMAGs included Mil-Sport • M4 Handguard • A2 flash hider Sport • Includes lower parts kit and buttstock Item: ATIRKTH01 Quad Rail 5.56 16” BBL Rifle Kit with Complete Milsport Upper 5.56 16”BBL Rifle Kit with Complete Upper OMNI Hybrid Upper •F ully-assembled upper receiver • Picatinny rail gas block • Black Nitride coated 16” BBL • 2 PMAGs included • Fully-assembled upper receiver • Low profile gas block • Black Nitride coated 7.5” BBL Sport • 7” quad rail • A2 flash hider • Includes lower parts kit and buttstock Item: ATITRKT05P Sport Sport Quad Rail 300AAC 16” BBL Rifle Kit with Complete Upper •F ully-assembled upper receiver • Low profile gas block • Black Nitride coated 16” BBL • 2 PMAGs included • 10” quad rail • A2 flash hider • Includes lower parts kit and buttstock Item: ATITKT07P • 7” Free float quad rail • Pistol buffer tube included • Ambidextrous sling plate Item: ATIPKT01P Item: ATIRKTH02 Sport Sport Sport KITS AT A GLANCE Sport • M4 16” Black Nitride coated barrel Sport • Flat top Sport • 2 30RD PMAG magazines • A2 Flash Hider Sport Quad Rail 300 AAC 16”BBL Rifle Kit with Complete Upper OMNI Hybrid Upper • Fully-assembled upper receiver • Low profile gas block • Black Nitride coated 16” BBL 5.56 7.5” BBL Pistol Kit with Complete Milsport Aluminum Upper • Fully-assembled upper receiver • Low profile gas block • Black Nitride coated 7.5” BBL • 2 PMAGs included • 2 PMAGs included • 7” quad rail ts Ki Sport M4 5.56 16” BBL Rifle Kit with Complete Milsport Upper •F ully-assembled upper receiver • Picatinny rail gas block • Black Nitride coated 16” BBL • 2 PMAGs included Sport American Tactical Upper Kits Sport r pe Up Sport CompleteMil-Sport Upper Kits e et pl m Co Mil-Sport • 2 PMAGs included • 10” quad rail Sport Item: ATIRKTH03 5.56 7.5” BBL Pistol Kit with Complete OMNI Hybrid Upper • Fully-assembled upper receiver • Low profile gas block • Black Nitride coated 7.5” BBL • 2 PMAGs included • 7” Free float quad rail • Pistol buffer tube included • Ambidextrous sling plate Item: ATIPKTH01 Sport Sport KITS AT A GLANCE • Metal-reinforced polymer upper receiver Sport • lightweight with durability of a forged aluminum upper • 2 metal inserts to reinforce critical areas of the upper • Multi-Caliber, 5.56mm, 300BLK, 22LR, 6.8 SPC • Accepts all Mil-Spec parts 10 300 BLK 8.5” BBL Pistol Kit with Complete Milsport Aluminum Upper 300 BLK 8.5” BBL Pistol Kit with Complete OMNI Hybrid Upper •F ully-assembled upper receiver • Low profile gas block • Black Nitride coated 8.5” BBL • 2 PMAGs included • Fully-assembled upper receiver • Picatinny rail gas block • Black Nitride coated 8.5” BBL • 2 PMAGs included • 7” Free float quad rail • 7” Free float quad rail • Pistol buffer tube included • Ambidextrous sling plate Item: ATIPKT02P | | • Pistol buffer tube included • Ambidextrous sling plate Item: ATIPKTH02 11 American Tactical Firearms INVENTORY LISTING OMNI Hybrid & Omni Hybrid MAXX MODEL OMNI Hybrid OMNI Hybrid OMNI Hybrid OMNI Hybrid OMNI Hybrid OMNI Hybrid OMNI Hybrid OMNI Hybrid OMNI Hybrid OMNI 556 OMNI 556 OMNI 300 OMNI 300 OMNI 556 OMNI 556 OMNI 556 OMNI 556 OMNI 556 OMNI Hybrid OMNI Hybrid MAXX OMNI Hybrid MAXX OMNI Hybrid MAXX OMNI Hybrid MAXX OMNI Hybrid MAXX OMNI Hybrid MAXX OMNI Hybrid MAXX OMNI Hybrid MAXX OMNI Hybrid MAXX OMNI Hybrid MAXX OMNI Hybrid MAXX OMNI Hybrid MAXX SKU # ATIGLOW200P ATIGLOW200PCA ATIGLOW201P ATIGLOW201PCA ATIHUP200 ATIGOMNIH22 ATIGOMNIH22CA ATIGOMNIHC26 ATIGOMNIHC26CA ATIGOMNIHA556 ATIGOMNIHA556CA ATIGOMNIHA300 ATIGOMNIHA300CA ATIGOMNIHQA556 ATIGOMNIHQA556CA ATIGOMNIPH7QA556 ATIGOMNIPH7QA556R ATIGOMNIPH7QA556I ATIGOMNIPH7QA300 ATIGOMX556 ATIGOMX556CA ATIGOMXQ556 ATIGOMXQ556CA ATIGOMX300 ATIGOMX300CA ATIGOMXP556 ATIGOMXP300 ATIGOMXC26 ATIGOMXC26CA ATIGOMX410 ATIGOMX410CA CALIBER MULTI MULTI MULTI MULTI MULTI MULTI MULTI MULTI MULTI 5.56x45 5.56x45 .300 .300 5.56x45 5.56x45 5.56x45 5.56x45 5.56x45 .300 5.56x45 5.56x45 5.56x45 5.56x45 .300 .300 5.56x45 .300 MULTI MULTI .410 .410 BBL 16” 16” 16” 16” 16” 16” 16” 16” 16” 16” 7.5” 7.5” 7.5” 8.5” 16” 16” 16” 16” 16” 16” 7.5” 8.5” 16” 16” 18.5” 18.5” FEATURES Omni Hybrid Stripped Multi Caliber Lower W/ PMAG Magazine Omni Hybrid Stripped Multi Caliber Lower W/ PMAG Magazine, CA Compliant Polymer Lower, AR15, Telestock with Parts Kit W/ PMAG Magazine Polymer Lower, AR15, Telestock with Parts Kit, Bullet Button, CA Compliant W/ PMAG Magazine OMNI Hybrid Stripped Multi Caliber Lower W/ Insert OMNI Hybrid 22 Carbine 22LR 30RD PMAG Magazine OMNI Hybrid 22 Carbine 22LR 10RD California compliant OMNI Hybrid 22 Combo 30RD PMAG W/556 Complete upper OMNI Hybrid 22 Combo 10RD W/556 Complete upper California compliant M4 Carbine, 6-Position Stock, 30RD PMAG Magazine M4 Carbine, 6-Position Stock, 10RD Magazine California compliant OMNI Hybrid 300 AAC Carbine 6 Position Stock 30RD Magazine OMNI Hybrid 300 AAC Carbine 6 Position Stock 30RD Magazine California Compliant M4 Carbine, 6-Position Stock, 30RD PMAG Magazine, 7” quad rail M4 Carbine, 6-Position Stock, 30RD PMAG Magazine, 7” quad rail, Bullet Button, CA Compliant AR-15 Pistol, 23” length, 30RD PMAG Magazine, 7” float rail AR-15 Pistol, Red Dot Sight, 23” length, 30RD PMAG Magazine, 7” float rail AR-15 Pistol, Iron Sights, 23” length, 30RD PMAG Magazine, 7” float rail OMNI Hybrid Pistol with aluminum upper, 30RD PMAG magazine, 7” float rail OMNI Hybrid MAXX Carbine, 30RD, 6-Postion Stock OMNI Hybrid MAXX Carbine, 10RD, 6-Position Stock, CA Compliant OMNI Hybrid MAXX Carbine, 30RD, 7” Quad Rail, 6-Postion Stock OMNI Hybrid MAXX Carbine, 30RD, 7” Quad Rail, 6-PostionStock, CA Compliant OMNI Hybrid MAXX Carbine, 30RD, 6-Position Stock OMNI Hybrid MAXX Carbine,10RD,6-PostionStock, CA Compliant OMNI Hybrid MAXX Pistol, 30RD, 7” float rail PMAG Magazine OMNI Hybrid MAXX Pistol, 30RD, 7” float rail PMAG Magazine OMNI Hybrid MAXX 22/ 5.56 Combo 28RD W/ 2-30RD PMAG Magazines OMNI Hybrid MAXX 22/ 5.56 Combo 28RD W/ 2-10RD PMAG Magazines, CA Compliant OMNI Hybrid MAXX Shotgun, 15RD W/ 6-Position Stock OMNI Hybrid MAXX Shotgun, 5RD W/ 6-Position Stock MSRP $54.95 $54.95 $164.95 $174.95 $39.95 $389.95 $399.95 $789.95 $799.95 $619.95 $629.95 $649.95 $659.95 $649.95 $659.95 $619.95 $679.95 $669.95 $669.95 $599.95 $609.95 $629.95 $639.95 $644.95 $654.95 $589.95 $619.95 $769.95 $779.95 $649.95 $659.95 CALIBER 5.56x45 .300 5.56x45 5.56x45 5.56x45 5.56x45 .300 .300 BBL 7” 8.5” 16” 16” 16” 16” 16” 16” FEATURES AR-15 Pistol Kit, pistol buffer assembly lower part kit w/ OMNI Hybrid Upper, free float rail, 2-30RD PMags AR-15 Pistol Kit, pistol buffer assembly, lower part kit w/ OMNI Hybrid Upper, free float rail, 2-30RD PMags Rifle Kit W/ OMNI Hybrid Upper, 6-Position Stock, and 30RD PMAG (no trigger guard) Rifle Kit W/ OMNI Hybrid Upper, 6-Position Stock, 10RD PMAG (no trigger guard) CA Complient Rifle Kit W/ OMNI Hybrid Upper, 6-Position Stock, 30RD PMAG, W/ quad rail (no trigger guard) Rifle Kit W/ OMNI Hybrid Upper, 6-Postion Stock, 10RD PMAG W/ quad rail (no trigger guard) CA Complient Rifle Kit W/ OMNI Hybrid Upper, 6-Position Stock, 30RD PMAG Rifle Kit W/ OMNI Hybrid Upper, 6-Postion Stock, 10RD PMAG MSRP $489.95 $509.95 $479.95 $489.95 $489.95 $499.95 $499.95 $509.95 OMNI Rifle and Pistol Kits MODEL OMNI 556 Pistol Kit OMNI 300 Pistol Kit OMNI 556 Rifle Kit OMNI 556 Rifle Kit OMNI 556 Rifle Kit OMNI 556 Rifle Kit OMNI 300 Rifle Kit OMNI 300 Rifle Kit SKU # ATIPKTH01 ATIPKTH02 ATIRKTH01 ATIRKTH01CA ATIRKTH02 ATIRKTH02CA ATIRKTH03 ATIRKTH03CA Mil-Sport Rifles & Kits 12 MODEL American Tactical Pistol Kit American Tactical Pistol Kit American Tactical MILSPORT American Tactical MILSPORT American Tactical MILSPORT American Tactical MILSPORT American Tactical MILSPORT American Tactical MILSPORT American Tactical MILSPORT SKU # ATIPKT01P ATIPKT02P ATIRKT03P-2 ATIRKT03P-2CA ATIRKT05P-2 ATIRKT05P-2CA ATIG15MS ATIG15MSCA ATIRKT07P-2 CALIBER 5.56x45 .300 5.56x45 5.56x45 5.56x45 5.56x45 5.56x45 5.56x45 .300 BBL 7” 7” 16” 16” 16” 16” 16” 16” 16” American Tactical MILSPORT American Tactical AT-47 American Tactical AT-47T ATIRKT07P-2CA ATIGAT47UFM ATIGAT47UFMCA .300 7.62x39 7.62x39 16” 16” 16” FINISH Blued Blued Blued Blued Blued Blued Blued FEATURES AR-15 Pistol Kit W/ 2 Mags, Standard AR Parts Kit AR-15 Pistol Kit, buffer assembly lower parts kit, free float rail, 2 30RD PMAGs M4 Rifle kit with Complete Upper, 6 -Position Stock W/ 2-30RD PMAG Magazine M4 Rifle kit with Comlete Upper, 6 -Position Stock W/ 2-10RD PMAGs CA Complient M4 Rifle kit with Complete Upper, 6-Position Stock, Quad Rail, 2-30RD PMAGs M4 Rifle kit with Complete Upper, 6-Position Stock, Quad Rail, 2-10RD PMAGs M4 Carbine, A3 Flat-Top, 6-Position Stock, 30RD PMAG Magazine M4 Carbine, CA Compliant, A3 Flat-Top, 6-Position Stock, 10RD .300 Rifle Kit, Quad Rail, Complete forged upper, 6-Position Stock w/ 2-30RD PMAGs MSRP $499.95 $519.95 $489.95 $499.95 $505.95 $515.95 $649.95 $659.95 $505.95 Blued Blued Blued .300 Rifle Kit, Quad Rail, Complete forged upper, 6-Position Stock w/ 2-10RD PMAGs AK-47 Style, Under-folding stock, wood furniture, 30RD Magazine AK-47 Style, Under-fold stock, wood furn, 10RD MAG, Bullet Button, CA Comp $515.95 $749.95 $779.95 | | 13 American Tactical Shotguns The ATI Omni Maxx .410 shotgun is a gas operated, short stroke, balanced piston system designed to use 2.5 “.410 shells. It functions with a wide variety of .410 loads from bird shot to slugs. The proprietary gas system and bolt carrier group are patent pending. The initial version will include an 18.5” barrel threaded for Remington style Cavalry Over/Under chokes. The complete rifle will be built on ATI’s Omni Hybrid lower with a six position adjustable SuperStoc and ambidextrous sling attachment plate. The upper handguard will be a 10” free floating quad rail. The shotgun will be available as both a complete unit as well as a separate upper receiver assembly. We are proud to present our newest line of Cavalry hunting and sporting shotguns. The Cavalry SX Over/Under comes in 12-20-28410 gauge, and also comes with auto ejector NEW for 2015! versions. Triggers are single selective, chambered for up to 3” Magnum, and come with 5 interchangeable chokes. Cavalry SVE Over/Under 12 Guage • Wood Stock •12 guage 3”chamber • High rib double head • 28” barrel • Ejector (SVE) or Extractor (SV) versions available Item: ATIGKOF (12) (20) (28) (410) + SV or SVE •1 8.5” BBL •R emington style chokes • 6 Position Super-Stoc TM • Ambidextrous sling plate Item: ATIGOMX410 (Each .410 MAXX Shotgun will come with a 5RD magazine, however 15RD magazines will be sold seperately) AT A GLANCE • 18.5” threaded barrel • 6 Position adj. stock • 5 RD polymer magazine Omni Hybrid MAXX .410 Shotgun • Complete .410 upper • 10”quad rail • 5RD magazine • 6.5 lbs NS GU OT SH OMNI Hybrid MAXX Shotgun .410 Magazines (patent pending) Cavalry SV Over/Under .410/28 Combo The OMNI Hybrid MAXX .410 magazines are newly designed and proprietary to ATI’s shotgun. They feature a design which allows maximum use of the magazine well in order to feed 2.5” .410 shells. • New scaled version—.410 & 28—comes with extra vented 28 gauge ribbed barrel and choke tubes • 7.45 lbs Item: ATIGKOF410-28SV Cavalry Sport NEW for 2015! • Wood Stock • 12 guage 3” chamber • High rib double bead • 6.8 lbs • Extractor • 30” BBL Item: ATIGKOF (12SP) (20SP) (28SP) (410SP) AT A GLANCE • 4140 Chrome moly steel barrel, Chrome Plated inside and outside • 5 Interchangeable Chokes (C, IC, M, IM, F) • 3” Chamber (Magnum) • Single Selective Trigger • Turkish Walnut Stock – Oil Finished • Brass Front Bead Sight • Optional Ejector Version 14 | | 15 Alpha Shotguns New for 2015, we are proud to offer our new Alpha Shotguns! ATI’s Alpha Shotguns have two different models available, Alpha Field and Alpha Sport. Alpha Field is made for hunting, with a stock and forearm made of Turkish Walnut and a 28” barrel that operates on a Semi-Auto Inertia recoil system. CALIBER 12 Gauge, 3” The Alpha Sport is built for sport shooting. It has a polymer stock and forearm on a 26” barrel. The Alpha Sport has a thin forearm, the sleek narrow design allows the shooter to improve their grip. A wide vent rib and a fiber optic front sight, makes it easy to have fast target acquisition. TAC Shotguns CALIBER 12 Gauge, 3” Back again for 2015 are our new and improved shotguns in pump-action and semi-automatic. Now available with 18.5” or 28” barrels. The TAC-P & TAC-S each come in 12 gauge, ideal for tactical situations. Both feature an 18.5” barrel, chambered to handle up to 3” Magnum shells and come with black synthetic furniture. BBL 18.5”/28” BBL 26”/28” NEW for 2015! NS GU OT SH American Tactical Shotguns AT A GLANCE Alpha Shotguns • 12 gauge TAC-S Semi Auto Shotgun • Semi-Auto with synthetic stock • 6.4 lbs • 18.5” BBL Item: ATIGTACSX2 • Semi-Auto Inertia Recoil System • Wide Vent Rib • Fiber Optic Front Sight • 12 guage, 3” Chamber • Capacity 5+1 • Chambered 3”magnum • Semi- Auto inertia recoil system • Fiber optic front sight • Wide vent rib TAC Semi Auto Shotgun Combo • 28”/18.5” vented ribbed barrel w/3 choke tubes • 6.4 lbs • 12 gauge, 3” • Capacity 5+1 ATI Alpha Field Semi Auto Shotgun • Semi-Automatic inertia recoil system • Checkered Walnut stock and forearm • 12 gauge, 3”Chamber • Capacity 5+1 • 28” BBL Item: ATIGTACSX2COM AT A GLANCE • 12 gauge • Chambered 2 3/4 — 3” Magnum • 18.5” barrel Item: ATIGAF1228VR TAC-P Pump Action Shotgun • Forearm with picatinny rail • 5.95 lbs • 18.5” BBL • 12 gauge, 3” Chamber • Capacity 5+1 Item: ATIGTACPX2 • Synthetic stock and forend • Rubber butt pad ATI Alpha Sport Semi Auto Shotgun • Semi-Automatic inertia recoil system • Polymer stock and forearm • 12 gauge, 3”Chamber • Capacity 5+1 • 26” BBL TAC Pump Shotgun Combo • 28”/18.5” vented ribbed barrel w/3 choke tubes • 12 guage, 3” Chamber • Forearm with picatinny rail • 5.95 lbs • Capacity 5+1 Item: ATIGAS1226VR 16 | | Item: ATIGTACPX2COM 17 American Tactical Firearms INVENTORY LISTING Shotguns ATI OMNI Hybrid MAXX Shotguns MODEL OMNI Hybrid MAXX OMNI Hybrid MAXX SKU # ATIGOMX410 ATIGOMX410CA CALIBER .410 .410 BBL 18.5” 18.5” FEATURES OMNI Hybrid MAXX Shotgun, 15RD W/ 6-Position Stock OMNI Hybrid MAXX Shotgun, 5RD W/ 6-Position Stock MSRP $649.95 $659.95 Cavalry Shotguns MODEL SKU # CALIBER BBL FINISH FEATURES MSRP Cavalry SX ATIGKOF12SV 12 GA 28” Black Chrome Engraved Receiver with Wood Stock and Extractors $509.95 Cavalry SX ATIGKOF20SV 20 GA 26” Black Chrome Engraved Receiver with Wood Stock and Extractors $509.95 Cavalry SX ATIGKOF410SV .410 GA 26” Black Chrome Engraved Receiver with Wood Stock and Extractors $509.95 Cavalry SX ATIGKOF28SV 28 GA 26” Black Chrome Engraved Receiver with Wood Stock and Extractors $509.95 Cavalry SXE ATIGKOF12SVE 12 GA 28” Black Chrome Engraved Receiver with Wood Stock and Ejectors $569.95 Cavalry SXE ATIGKOF20SVE 20 GA 26” Black Chrome Engraved Receiver with Wood Stock and Ejectors $569.95 Cavalry SXE ATIGKOF410SVE .410 GA 26” Black Chrome Engraved Receiver with Wood Stock and Ejectors $569.95 Cavalry SX ATIGKOF20SVY 20 GA 26” Black Chrome Youth Model, Engraved Receiver with Wood Stock and Extractors $509.95 Cavalry SX ATIGKOF410SVY .410 GA 26” Black Chrome Youth Model, Engraved Receiver with Wood Stock and Ejectors $509.95 Cavalry SX Combo ATIGKOF410-28SV .410 GA 26” Black Chrome Engraved Receiver with Wood Stock and Extractors, and extra 28 gauge barrel $889.95 Cavalry Sport ATIGKOF12SP 12 GA 28” Black Chrome Engraved Receiver with Wood Stock, Extractors $549.95 Cavalry Sport ATIGKOF28SP 28 GA 28” Black Chrome Engraved Receiver with Wood Stock, Extractors $549.95 Cavalry Sport ATIGKOF20SP 20 GA 28” Black Chrome Engraved Receiver with Wood Stock, Extractors $549.95 Cavalry Sport ATIGKOF410SP .410 GA 28” Black Chrome Engraved Receiver with Wood Stock, Extractors $549.95 Alpha Shotguns MODEL SKU # CALIBER BBL FINISH FEATURES MSRP Alpha Field ATIGAF1228VR 12 GA 28” Black Field Shotgun W/ Wood Stock, Inertia $549.95 Alpha Sport ATIGAS1226VR 12 GA 26” Black Sport Shotgun W/ Synthetic Stock, Inertia $499.95 TAC Shotguns 18 MODEL SKU # CALIBER BBL FINISH FEATURES MSRP TAC-PX2 ATIGTACPX2 12 GA 18.5” Black Pump Action with Synthetic Stock $219.95 TAC-SX2 ATIGTACSX2 12 GA 18.5” Black Semi-Automatic with Synthetic Stock $299.95 TAC-COMBO ATIGTACSX2COM 12 GA 18.5” Black Semi-Automatic with Synthetic Stock, Extra barrel, choke tubes $419.95 TAC-COMBO ATIGTACPX2COM 12 GA 18.5” Black Pump Action with Synthetic Stock, Extra barrel, choke tubes $349.95 | | Firepower Xtreme FX-45 Hybrid 1911 Pistols FX-45 Steel 1911 Pistols We are proud to announce the development of the all new FXH-45! This is a Hybrid 1911 that has a polymer frame with 2 metal inserts for added stability and durability. Made in similar fashion to our other hybrids, this unique Patent-pending firearm has a steel match grade barrel CALIBER .45ACP BBL 3.25–5” MAGAZINE 8 S OL ST PI Firepower Xtreme Hybrid and a custom designed steel slide. The frame was built to have an ergonomic feel with built in finger grooves. The FXH-45 accepts Glock front and rear sights, including aftermarket night sights as well. This new breed of 1911 is compatible with most standard 1911 parts and grips. FINISH Black NEW for 2015! 1911 fans will surely take notice when they see the attractive new pricing of the proven Firepower Xtreme series. Our classic line of 1911s includes military and G.I. models, each CALIBER .45ACP BBL 4.25–5” FX Firepower Xtreme 1911 Pistols styled with all steel parts and solid mahogany grips. Compatible with many different brands of 1911 magazines and parts as well! MAGAZINE 8 FINISH Black AT A GLANCE • 4140 slide with rear military serrations • Military slide stop • Military trigger FXH-45C FX G.I. • 5” Barrel •P olymer frame • Steel Slide • 8rd Capacity • 4.25” Barrel • Polymer frame • Steel Slide • 8rd Capacity • 4.25” barrel • 2.1 lbs • 8rd Capacity Item: ATIGFXH45 Item: ATIGFXH45C FXH-45 • Beaver tail safety grip Item: ATIGFX45GI FXH-45D • 3.25” Barrel • Polymer frame • Steel Slide • 7rd Capacity FX Military • 5” barrel • 2.3 lbs • 8rd Capacity Item: ATIGFXH45D Item: ATIGFX45MIL *Prototype renderings, not actual product photos 20 | | 21 Firepower Xtreme INVENTORY LISTING Firepower Xtreme Hybrid 1911s MODEL SKU # CALIBER BBL FINISH FEATURES MSRP FXH-45 ATIGFXH45 .45ACP 5” Black Steel Slide, Ply Frame, 8RD Magazine $549.95 FXH-45C ATIGFXH45C .45ACP 4.25” Black Steel Slide, Ply Frame, 8RD Magazine $549.95 FXH-45D ATIGFXH45D .45ACP 3.25” Black Steel Slide, Ply Frame, 7RD Magazine $549.95 Firepower Xtreme Steel 1911s MODEL SKU # CALIBER BBL LENGTH FINISH FEATURES MSRP Firepower Xtreme GI ATIGFX45GI .45ACP 4.25” 7.84” Black 8 Round Magazine $399.95 Firepower Xtreme Military ATIGFX45MIL .45ACP 5” 8.46” Black 8 Round Magazine $399.95 8 Round Magazine ACTM04508PFB .45 ACP - - - Stainless Black with Overmold $26.99 German Sport Guns 22 22| || | ES FL RI Retaining as many of the original specs as possible, the GSG versions of these classic rifles — the MP40, STG44 and AK-47 are chambered in 22.LR. These pieces of G GS GSG Classic Rifles German Sport Guns GSG MP-40 history flawlessly send ammo accurately and quickly downrange, and are perfect for casual plinking, target shooting, and hunting. CALIBER .22LR BBL 17.2” • Black synthetic furniture • Comes in handmade limited WWII period-style wooden crate • 8.3 lbs MAGAZINE 10, 23 FINISH Powder Coat Item: GERGMP40 AT A GLANCE GSG STG-44 CALIBER .22LR BBL 17.2” MAGAZINE 10, 25 FINISH Powder Coat • Wooden furniture • Adjustable sights & trigger • All steel construction • 9.4 lbs Item: GERGSTG44X • Manufactured as close to original specs as possible • Chambered in .22LR AK-47’s • Textured pistol grip • Classic AK-47 design • Available with 10- or 24-round magazine GSG AK-47 CALIBER .22LR BBL 16.5” MAGAZINE 10, 24 FINISH Powder Coat GSG AK-47 Synthetic • Black polymer furniture • 6.5 lbs Item: GERG2224AK47 GSG AK-47 Rebel Packed in an old-world style limited quantity handmade pine crate made by Amish craftsman. • Wooden furniture • Hand weathered • 6.75 lbs Item: GERG2224AK47R 24 | | 25 Very simply, in your hands the GSG-522 is as solid as a rock. This value-packed beauty’s style is unique in its class, and the 522’s many distinctive features make it a ‘must have’ item for all firearm enthusiasts. Sporting a light weight polymer upper and lower reciever, picatinny rail, textured grip, ambidextrous safety, and a distinctive front site, the GSG-522 will send .22LR rounds downrange with amazing accuracy and reliability. CALIBER .22LR BBL 16.5”,9” MAGAZINE 10, 22 FINISH Powder Coat ol st Pi s/ fle Ri GSG-522 Carbine & Pistol G GS German Sport Guns GSG-522 LW with Retractable Stock • Total length 33.6” • 5.95 lbs Item: GERG522RLC22 AT A GLANCE • Textured pistol grip • Re-designed front sight GSG-522 LW Carbine • Total length 33.6” • 5.75 lb Item: GERG522CLB10 • Integrated weaver rail • Wide magazine release paddle • Integrated sling bracket • Ambidextrous safety GSG-522 SD LW • Ribbed hand guard and large “SD” style barrel shroud • 6 lbs Item: GERG522SLDB22 GSG-522 SD LW with Retractable Stock 522 PISTOLS • Re-designed front sight • Integrated weaver rail • All-new magazine release • Integrated sling bracket • Ribbed hand guard and large“SD” style barrel shroud • 6.2 lbs ALSO AVAILABLE: Item: GERG522RLSD22 GSG-522 LW Pistol • Total length 15.275” • 4.85 lbs • 10RD magazine Item: GERG522PLB10 Retractable Stock Item: GER202261 26 | | 27 MAG. 10 FINISH Powder Coat WEIGHT 2.15 lbs GSG 110RD Rotary Magazine S UM DR BBL 5” GSG also offers a compatible slide .22LR conversion kit with a 10-round magazine for owners of .45ACP 1911s. & CALIBER .22LR GSG 1911 belongs in the hands of everyone who wants an excellent pistol at a great price. S OL ST PI GSG’s .22LR version of the classic 1911 pistol retains the originals’ uniqueness along with exciting new technology and features, including several safety functions to meet today’s rigorous standards such as a magazine disconnect safety. From casual plinking to competitive shooting, the G GS GSG 1911 Pistol’s German Sport Guns Decrease your reload times with the new GSG 110 round drum magazine. It holds 5 times what the single .22 round magazine can hold. California version available. (Pictured) Item: GERG1911TGTCA A version is also available for the Ruger 10/22. AT A GLANCE 1911 Pistols • Same spec and weight as a .45 1911 GSG 1911 Target Pistol •T arget-style checkered molded grips • Picatinny rail • Adjustable rear sight • Compatible with other 1911 Parts 110 Round Rotary Magazine for GSG 522 Item: GERG1911TGT +NY Item: GERMR110 GSG 1911 Conversion Kit • Walnut grips Converts your .45 1911 pistol to a .22LR 1911. Includes slide, barrel, one ten round magazine, and instructions in a plastic storage case. Item: GERG2210M1911 • Skeletonized trigger • Beaver tail & grip safety Shown here with the GSG 522 SD with retractable stock GSG 1911 • Threaded barrel • Mag disconnect safety 110 Round Rotary Magazine • Polymer construction Item: GER1911CONV • 110RD .22LR capacity • Version for Ruger 10/22 semi automatic rifles 110 Round Rotary Magazine for Ruger 10/22 TM GSG 1911 AD-OPS • Picatinny rail • 4” faux suppressor Item: GERG1911ADOP Item: GERMR110TEN22 GSG 922 • Threaded barrel • 3-hole Skeleton trigger Item: GERG2210GSG9 28 | | 29 TM GSG Rifles GSG Accessories GSG also offers accessories for their products; silencer adaptors, scope mounts, grips and spare magazines! GSG STG 44 Scope Mount GSG 1911 Target Grips • Fits STG 44 • Allows mounting of optics • Palm swell • Molded wood grips • Flared bottom Item: GER4440109 Item: GER4110151 MODEL SKU # CALIBER BBL LNGTH FINISH FEATURES MSRP MP-40 GERGMP4010 .22LR 17.2” 37.2” PC Carbine, black, 10RD, wooden crate $539.95 MP-40 GERGMP40 .22LR 17.2” 37.2” PC Carbine, black, 23RD, wooden crate $539.95 MP-40 GERMP40PV .22LR 10” - PC Pistol, black, 28RD $539.95 MP-40 GERMP40PV10 .22LR 10” PC Pistol, black, 10RD $539.95 MP-40 GERMMP4010 .22LR - - - MP-40 Magazine 10RD $39.99 MP-40 GERMMP4023 .22LR - - - MP-40 Magazine 28RD $39.99 STG-44 GERGSTG4410X .22LR 17.2” 37.2” PC Carbine, wood stock, 10RD, Cardboard box $429.95 STG-44 GERGSTG44X .22LR 17.2” 37.2” PC Carbine, wood stock, 25RD, Cardboard box $429.95 STG-44 GERM4440103 .22LR - - - STG-44 Magazine 25RD $39.95 STG-44 GERM4440104 .22LR - - - STG-44 Magazine 10RD $39.95 STG-44 GERM4440104S .22LR - - - STG-44 Short Magazine 10RD $43.95 STG-44 GER4440109 .22LR - - - STG-44 Scope mount $39.95 GSG AK-47s MODEL SKU # CALIBER BBL LNGTH FINISH FEATURES MSRP AK-47 AK-47 AK-47 REBEL AK-47 REBEL GERG2210AK47 GERG2224AK47 GERG2210AK47R GERG2224AK47R .22LR .22LR .22LR .22LR 16.5” 16.5” 16.5” 16.5” 33.5” 33.5” 33.5” 33.5” Synth Synth Wood Wood Polymer Furniture, 10RD Polymer Furniture, 24RD Wood Furniture, 2 - 10RD Magazines Wood Furniture, 2 - 24RD Magazines $415.95 $415.95 $482.95 $482.95 GSG-522 Carbines GSG 522 Silencer Adapter GSG 1911 Silencer Adapter GSG 1911 Bridge Mount • Fits GSG 5/522P • Accepts standard 1/2X28 silencers • Fits GSG M1911/522PK • Accepts standard 1/2X28 silencers • Fits 1911 pistols • Allows mounting of optics Item: GER202551 Item: GER4110112 Item: GER4110110 MODEL SKU # CALIBER BBL LNGTH FINISH FEATURES MSRP GSG-522 GERG522CLB10 .22LR 16.25” 33.6” PC Light Weight Carbine, Synthetic Stock, 10RD $299.95 GSG-522 GERG522CLB22 .22LR 16.25” 33.6” PC Light Weight Carbine, Synthetic Stock, 22RD $299.95 GSG-522 GERG522RLC22 .22LR 16.25” 33.6” PC Light Weight Carbine, Retractable Stock, 22RD $319.95 GSG-522 GERG522RLC10 .22LR 16.25” 33.6” PC Light Weight Carbine, Retractable Stock, 10RD, CA Compliant $319.95 GSG-522 SD GERG522RLSD10 .22LR 16.25” 33.6” PC Light Weight Carbine, Retractable Stock, 10RD Ribbed Forend Large Shroud $334.95 GSG-522 SD GERG522RLSD22 .22LR 16.25” 33.6” PC Light Weight Carbine, Retractable Stock, 22RD Ribbed Forend Large Shroud $334.95 GSG-522 GERG522SDLB10 .22LR 16.25” 33.6” PC Light Weight Carbine, Synthetic Stock, 10-RD Ribbed Forend Large Shroud $319.95 GSG-522 GERG522SDLB22 .22LR 16.25” 33.6” PC Light Weight Carbine, Synthetic Stock, 22-RD Ribbed Forend Large Shroud $319.95 GSG-522 SD GERG522SDLB110 .22LR 16.25” 33.6” PC Light Weight Carbine, Synthetic Stock, 110-RD Mag, Ribbed Forend Large Shroud $359.95 GSG-522 GERG522CLB110 .22LR 16.25” 33.6” PC Light Weight Carbine, Synthetic Stock, 110-RD Mag $346.95 GSG-522PK GERG522PKB10 .22LR 4.52” PC Light Weight Pistol, Compact 22LR, 10 RD $420.95 GSG-522P GERG522PLB10 .22LR 9” 18.6” PC Light Weight Pistol, Textured Pistol Grip, Integrated Weaver Rail, 10RD $299.95 GSG-522 GERMR110 .22LR - - PC Rotary Magazine 22LR 110-RD Fits all GSG-5/522 Models $79.95 GSG-522 GERMR110TEN22 .22LR - - PC Rotary Magazine 22LR 110-RD Fits Ruger 10/22 $79.95 Magazine GERMGSG510PK .22LR - - - 10 Round Short PK Style Magazine $37.95 GSG-922 Pistols GSG MP40 23RD .22LR Magazine GSG 10RD 1911 .22LR Magazine GSG AK-47 24RD .22LR Magazine Item: GERMMP4023(23RD) Item: GERMMP4010 (10RD) Item: GERMM1911 Item: GERMAK4724 (24RD) Item: GERMAK4710 (10RD) MODEL SKU # CALIBER BBL LNGTH FINISH FEATURES MSRP 922 GERG2210GSG9 .22LR 3.4” 7” PC Skeleton Trigger, Beaver Tail Grip Safety, 10RD Mag $379.95 922 GERG2210GSG9CA .22LR 3.4” 7” PC Skeleton Trigger, Beaver Tail Grip Safety, Non-threaded barrel, CA DOJ approved, 10RD Mag $384.95 GSG 1911’s MODEL SKU # CALIBER BBL LNGTH FINISH FEATURES MSRP 1911 1911 1911 GERG2210M1911 GERG2210M1911CA GERG1911ADOP .22LR .22LR .22LR 5” 5” 5” 8.5” 8.5” 12.5” PC PC PC Skeleton Trigger, Beaver Tail Grip Safety, Walnut Grips, 10RD Mag CA Compliant, Skeleton Trigger, Beaver Tail Grip Safety, Walnut Grips, 10RD Skeleton Trigger, Beaver Tail Grip Safety, Picatinny Rail, Faux Supressor, 10RD $299.95 $309.95 $309.95 1911 Target 1911 Target 1911 Target Conversion Kit GERG1911TGT GERG1911TGTCA GERG1911TGTNY GER1911CONV .22LR .22LR .22LR .22LR 5” 5” 5” 5” 8.5” 8.5” 8.5” PC PC PC PC Skeleton Trigger, Beaver Tail Grip Safety, Picatinny Rail, Target-style Molded Grips, 10RD Skeleton Trigger, Beaver Tail Grip Safety, Picatinny Rail, Molded Grips, 10RD CA Compliant Skeleton Trigger, Beaver Tail Grip Safety, Picatinny Rail, Molded Grips, 10RD NY Compliant GSG-1911 Conversion Kit for Full Size 1911’s, .22LR, 10RD $339.95 $346.95 $346.95 $179.95 GSG Accessories MODEL 30 GSG 522 22RD .22LR Magazine 2-Pack GSG STG-44 25RD .22LR Magazine GSG STG-44 10RD “Shorty” .22LR Magazine • Fits either GSG 5 or GSG 522 • Replacement mag for STG-44 • New short stack for STG-44 Item: GERMGSG22TP (22RD) Item: GERMGSG10TP (10RD) Item: GERM4440103 (25RD) Item: GERM4440104 (10RD) Item: GERM4440104S | | SKU # FEATURES MSRP GSG 1911 Target Grips GER4110151 GSG 1911 molded wood target handgrips $49.95 GSG 522 Silencer Adapter GSG 1911 Bridge Mount GER202551 GER4110110 GSG 522 Silencer Adapter GSG 1911 AD OPS Bridge Mount $29.99 $37.95 GSG 1911 Silencer Adapter GER4110112 GSG 1911 Silencer Adapter $24.99 10RD Mag for 1911 10RD Mag for AK-47 24RD Mag for AK-47 10RD Mags for GSG 522 22RD Mags for GSG 522 10RD Short Stack Mag for GSG STG 44 25RD Mag for GSG STG 44 10RD Mag for GSG STG 44 23RD Mag for GSG MP40 10 RD Mag for GSG MP40 GERMM1911 GERMAK4710 GERMAK4724 GERMGSG10TP GERMGSG22TP GERM4440104S GERM4440103 GERM4440104 GERMMP4023 GERMMP4010 Mag for .22LR 1911 10 ROUND Mag for .22LR AK-47 10 ROUND Mag for .22LR AK-47 24 ROUND Mags for .22LR GSG 5 or GSG 522 10 ROUND 2 Pack Mags for .22LR GSG 5 or GSG 522 22 ROUND 2 Pack Mag for .22LR STG-44 10 ROUND Short stack Mag for .22LR STG-44 25RD Mag for .22LR STG-44 10RD Mag for .22LR MP-40 23RD Mag for .22LR MP-40 10RD $39.95 $42.95 $42.95 $44.95 $44.95 $43.95 $39.95 $39.95 $39.99 $39.99 ISSC The ISSC-Austria Modern Sporting Rifle MK22 Rifle is engineered and precision-built in Austria incorporating the look and feel of a military-style designed rifle with the modern elements of a modern sporting rifle platform. The MK22 features an adjustable folding stock or non-folding stock with three positions and adjustments for shoulder fit. for inexpensive high velocity 22LR ammunition, the accurate rapid fire performance of the M22 offers the shooter an economical shortcut for modern pistol practice. The straight-pull action on the SPA 22/17 carbine is patterned after some of the best known Biathlon rifles: as such, they truly are a breeze to cock, as the shooter only needs to operate the oversize handle with the index finger, pulling them back and forth with minimum effort before shooting again; a level of speed that’s unmatched in the world of leisure plinking repeaters. All metal parts in the SPA 22/17 carbines are manufactured out of AISI-4140 carbon steel. The M22 is the ideal Range pistol. The M22 brings you handling and performance that is closer to the modern defensive handgun than any other rimfire pistol. Designed M-22 GEN2 • 4” Barrel • 2-10 RD Magazines • 5 Safeties • .22lr Item: ISSG111000 MK-22 GEN2 • Adjustable folding stock • 3 positions & adjustment for shoulder fit • 22 RD Magazine • .22lr Item: ISSG211000 SPA Synthetic Stock • Synthetic Stock • 5lb trigger • 10 RD Magazine • Straight pull action • .22lr, .17hmr Item: ISSG511000 SPA Wood Stock • Wood • Straight pull action • 5lb trigger • 10 RD Magazine • .22lr, 17hmr Item: ISSG511001 ISSC 32 MODEL M-22 GEN2 SKU # ISSG111000 CALIBER .22LR BBL 4” LNGTH 7” FINISH Black FEATURES 2 10RD Mags MSRP $249.95 MK-22 GEN2 ISSG211000 .22LR 16” 22” Black Folding Stock, 22RD $469.95 SPA-22 ISSG511000 .22LR 20” 38.5” Black Black Synthetic Stock, 5lb trigger, 10RD $499.95 SPA-17 ISSG511001 .22LR 20” 38.5” Black Wood Stock, 5lb trigger, 10RD $569.95 SPA-17 ISSG511003 .22LR 20” 38.5” Black Black Synthetic Stock, 5lb trigger, 10RD $499.95 | | Accessories Accessories American Tactical imports only the best products and with the best prices to beat the competition all day long. Whether it’s for a pistol or rifle, American Tactical gives your customers a huge and highly affordable selection, making their impulse and planned purchasing decisions easy. Electro Duo Sight Tactical Rear Sight Item: ATIDUOSIGHT Item: ATIMT023 Scorpion Pro Gear Pistol Bag Flip Up Front & Rear Sight Combo • Length: 12” Height: 8” • 3 pockets • Black Canvas •D ual aperture, adjustable windage Item: ATIMT3435 Flip-up Front Sight Item: ATIMT034 Item: SC01002B Flip-up Rear Sight Discreet Pistol Bag AR-15 Wrench •D ual aperture, adjustable windage • Length: 12” Height: 8” • 3 pockets, black canvas Item: ATIARWRENCHBP Item: ATIFURS Item: ATICPB2903 MicroDot Reflex Sight AR-15 Carry Handle 7” M4 Quad Rail Hand Guard •D ual Illuminated red/green Item: ATIMT0017 • Durable, lightweight aluminum ACT Mag 8RD 1911 .45 ACP Magazine Item: ATIMT021 • Composite floor plate dot optical sight, 1/2 MOA Item: ACTMC4508PFB (8RD) Item: ACTMC4507PFB (7RD) Item: ATIRTDT125 34 S IE OR SS CE AC American Tactical Accessories | | 35 American Tactical RUKX GEAR TM SKU # FEATURES MSRP Electro Duo Sight MicroDot Reflex Sight Red Dot Sight Green Dot Sight Flip Up Sight Combo Rear Sight AR-15 Armorer’s Wrench AR-15 Carry Handle 10RD Mag for M-4 28RD Mag for M-4 Pistol Bag Discreet Pistol Case Flip up Rear Sight Flip up Front Sight Quad Rail Hand Guard Vertical Folding Fore Grip 8RD Mag for .45 1911 ATIDUOSIGHT ATIRTDT125 ATIRDS ATIGDS ATIMT3435 ATIMT023 ATIARWRENCHBP ATIMT0017 ATIG42210 ATIMG42228 SCO1002B ATICPB2903 ATIFURS ATIMT034 ATIMT021 ATIVFGFLD ACTMC4508PFB Tactical Electro Dot Sight, Red And Green With Four Reticles Dual illuminated red/green dot optical sight, 1/2 MOA Tactical Electro Dot Sight, Red Dot With Matte Finish Tactical Electro Dot Sight, Green Dot With Matte Finish American Tactical Sight Combo Flip Up Front And Rear Sights American Tactical Rear Sight Ar15 Style W/Windage & Elevation Armorer’s Tool For AR-15 Carry Handle For AR-15 Flat Top With Rear Adjustments Mag for .22LR upper, 10RD Mag for .22LR upper, 28RD Scorpion Pro Gear Deluxe Pistol Bag - Black, Multiple Pockets Scorpion Pro Gear Discreet Pistol Case - Black, 12.5x7x2.5” Flip up Rear Sight for AR-15 Mounts to picatinny rail dual aperture wind elevation adjust Flip up Front Sight M4 Quad Rail Hand Guard w/covers 7” Drop in Vertical Folding Fore Grip w/ Pres switch notches quick detach Mag for .45ACP 1911 8 ROUND composite floor plate $50.00 $49.95 $86.00 $86.00 $62.99 $31.00 $32.00 $40.00 $29.95 $29.95 $16.99 $9.99 $49.00 $29.99 $50.00 $24.00 $26.99 American Tactical’s RUKX Gear bags are designed to allow the wearer to be able to efficiently access their gear on the go along with having a comfortable carry. RUKX Gear is manufactured for maximum durability. These packs will keep your equipment protected from the harshest environments. NEW for 2015! RUKX GEAR 1 Day Back Pack • 4 compartments • Tan or Black Canvas Item: ATICT1DT AT A GLANCE American Tactical RUKX Gear 36 •Made of 600D Polyester SKU# Features MSRP ATICT1DB ATI RUKX Tactical 1 day backpack black $45.95 ATICT1DT ATI RUKX Tactical 1 day backpack tan $45.95 ATICT3DB ATI RUKX Tactical 3 day backpack black $49.95 ATICT3DT ATI RUKX Tactical 3 day backpack tan $49.95 ATICT5DB ATI RUKX Tactical 5 day back pack $79.95 RUKX GEAR 5 Day Back Pack ATICT36DGB ATI RUKX Tactical 36” double gun case black $84.95 • Black Canvas ATICT36DGT ATI RUKX Tactical 36” double gun case tan $84.95 Item: ATICT5DB ATICT36SGB ATI RUKX Tactical 36” single gun case black $79.95 ATICT36SGT ATI RUKX Tactical 36” single gun case tan $79.95 ATICT42SGB ATI RUKX Tactical 42” single gun case black $84.95 ATICT42SGT ATI RUKX Tactical 42” single gun case tan $84.95 ATICT46SGB ATI RUKX Tactical 46” single gun case black $99.95 American Tactical provides warranty services, parts and repairs for our products. If you believe your American Tactical product or American Tactical brand product needs service, please email In said email, be sure to provide: make, model, serial number, and caliber of the firearm in question; as well as the owner’s name, address, city, state, zip, email address and phone number. One of our representatives will assist you and provide further instructions. All returns for service or repair require a Return Authorization (RA) number to be issued by an American Tactical representative. An American Tactical representative will send an RFID tag via USPS along with instructions on shipping the firearm. No returns for service will be accepted without an American Tactical issued RA number written clearly on the outside of the package and a RFID tag attached to the firearm. Any items received without an American Tactical issued RA number will be returned to the sender without action. Service time frame may vary due to service queue and availability of parts from various manufacturers. It is the responsibility of the consumer to ship any firearms or products to American Tactical Warranty, Service Policy & Procedure. American Tactical has a lifetime limited warranty on all products. AR GE MODEL KX RU Accessories INVENTORY LISTING •Reinforced Velcro and heavy-duty non-rust zippers •Water resistant RUKX GEAR Gun Cases RUKX GEAR 3 Day Back Pack Limited LIFETIME • Tan or Black Canvas ANTY WA R R on all Item: ATICT3DB Firearms • Single & Double Gun Cases • Single Case Sizes- 36”, 42” or 46” • Double Case Size- 36” only • Tan or Black Canvas Item: ATICT46SGB American Tactical for service. All firearms must be registered on-line at before an American Tactical representative can issue a return authorization number. If an item is outside of warranty coverage, an American Tactical representative will contact you before further action is taken. If you are returning a pistol, they are not mailable through the United States Postal Service and must be shipped via common or contract carrier. (18 U.S.C. §§ 1715). All firearms returned to American Tactical for service can only be shipped back to the original senders address. Change of return shipping address once received is not authorized. | | 37 Sport Law Enforcement Rifles LE PROGRAM & CLASS III DEALERS American Tactical has several products to meet law enforcement use. Tax-out agency pricing is available upon request. Please contact for more information. American Tactical will customize configurations based on Agency needs. MAXX 5.56 7.5” SBR • Hybrid upper/lower receivers • Low profile gas block • Black Nitride coated BBL • 2 PMAGs included • 7” quad rail • 6 position Rogers Superstock Item Shown: ATIGLAWOMX556PA7 OMNI MAXX 7.5” SBR Item: ATIGLAWOMX556PA7 OMNI MAXX 11.5” SBR Item: ATIGLAWOMX556PA OMNI MAXX 16” CARBINE Item: ATIGOMX556 OMNI HYBRID 5.56 11.5” SBR • OMNI Hybrid lower receiver • Aluminum upper receiver • Low profile gas block • Black Nitride coated BBL • 2 PMAGs included • 10” quad rail • 6 position Rogers Superstock Models available: OMNI HYBRID 7.5” SBR Item: ATIGLAWOH556PA7 OMNI HYBRID 11.5” SBR Item: ATIGLAWOH556PA OMNI HYBRID 16” CARBINE Item: ATIGOHA556 Item Shown: ATIGLAWOH556PA ATI-15 MILSPORT 16” CARBINE Sport Sport Sport38 Models available: Sport Final (for now) • Forged Aluminum upper & lower • Low profile gas block • Black Nitride coated BBL • 2 PMAGs included • Free Float M4 handguard • 6 position Rogers Superstock Sport Item Shown: ATIG15MS AcuSport Corporation 800-543-3150 Chattanooga Shooting Supplies, Inc. 1-800-251-4808 Gun Accessory Supply 209-845-3940 RSR Group, Inc. 800-458-4867 AmChar Wholesale, Inc. 800-333-0695 Davidson’s 928-776-8055 Hicks Inc. 800-633-5634 Sports South 800-388-3845 Apple Land Sports Supply, Inc. 608-735-4470 Ellett Bros. 800-845-3711 Jerry’s Sports Center 800-444-6744 W.L. Baumler 440-288-1271 Big Rock Sports 800-545-5654 Farwest Sports, Inc. 253-922-2222 Lew Horton 508-366-7400 Bill Hicks & Co 800-223-0702 Farris Brothers 800-521-7673 LM Burney Distributors, LLC 800-737-3006 Brownell’s 800-741-0015 Grice Gun Shop 814-765-9273 MGE Wholesale 1-800-734-5965 Camfour 413-564-2300 Gunarama Wholesale 800-333-3006 Ron Shirks 717-272-5671 William’s Shooter Supply 217-222-4195 Zanders Sporting Goods 618-443-2400 Limited LIFETIME ANTY WA R R on all Firearms Models available: MILSPORT 7.5” SBR Item: ATIGLAWMS556PA7 OMNI HYBRID 11.5” SBR Item: ATIGLAWMS556PA OMNI HYBRID 16” CARBINE Item: ATIG15MS Commercial Dealers who also stock law products can purchase LE products. Contact for more information and pricing. Sport Sport | | 39
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