downtown management board agenda
downtown management board agenda
DOWNTOWN MANAGEMENT BOARD Quality Services for a Quality Community MEMBERS Luke Allen Hackney, Chair Jeffrey Kusler, Vice Chair Ray Walsh, Treasurer James Croom Jen Flood Michael Krueger Mayor Mark Meadows Thomas Muth Chanelle Riley Staff Liaison Amy Schlusler (517) 319-6931 Eric Fox (517) 319-6923 City of East Lansing DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING, BUILDING AND DEVELOPMENT 410 Abbot Road East Lansing, MI 48823 (517) 319-6930 AGENDA October 4, 2016 – 2:00 p.m. Court/City Council Conference Room 101 Linden Street, First Floor 1) Welcome and Roll Call 2) Public Comment 3) Approval of Minutes A) September 13, 2016 (attachment) 4) Approval of Agenda 5) Financial Reports A) August 2016 Financial Report (attachment) 6) New Business A) International Scavenger Hunt with DMB/OISS (attachment) B) Merchandising Seminar with Michele Reeves & Business Visits (attachment) C) New DMB Logo (handout) 7) Old Business A) Paint the Aves (attachment) B) Great Pumpkin Walk (attachment) 8) Committee Reports A) Marketing/Business Relations Committee i. Synopsis of September 21, 2016 meeting (attachment) ii. Green Friday/Winter Glow Ice Sculpture Walk (attachment) iii. Approval of Homecoming Balloons iv. EL Going Green Project Sponsorship B) Downtown Maintenance Committee C) Parking Update 9) DDA Liaison Report City of East Lansing Downtown Management Board Agenda – (10/04/2016) – Page 1 of 2 10) Staff Reports A) Co-Op Funds Letter to Downtown Merchants (attachment) B) Holiday Decorations/Lighting Update 11) Written Communications A) Thank you letter to MSUFCU for sponsorship of Paint the Aves (attachment) 12) Adjourn Next Meeting Date: November 1, 2016 City of East Lansing Downtown Management Board Agenda – (10/04/2016) – Page 2 of 2 DOWNTOWN MANAGEMENT BOARD Quality Services for a Quality Community MEMBERS Luke Allen Hackney, Chair Jeffrey Kusler, Vice Chair Ray Walsh, Treasurer James Croom Jen Flood Michael Krueger Mayor Mark Meadows Thomas Muth Chanelle Riley Staff Liaison Amy Schlusler (517) 319-6931 Eric Fox (517) 319-6923 City of East Lansing DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING, BUILDING AND DEVELOPMENT 410 Abbot Road East Lansing, MI 48823 (517) 319-6930 MEETING MINUTES September 13, 2016 - 2:00 p.m. Court/City Council Conference Room 101 Linden Street, First Floor Present: Luke Allen Hackney, Ray Walsh, Michael Krueger, Jen Flood, James Croom, Mayor Mark Meadows, Thomas Muth Absent: Jeffrey Kusler, Chanelle Riley Staff Members Present: Amy Schlusler, Terri Soliday 1) Welcome and Roll Call Chair Hackney opened the meeting at 2:03 p.m. At the taking of the roll, Riley and Kusler were absent. Hackney welcomed new board member Thomas Muth, and introductions were made. A) Proclamation – Douglas Jester As Douglas Jester was not at the meeting, Hackney said they would give him the proclamation when he arrives. 2) Public Comment – None. 3) Approval of Minutes A) August 2, 2016 Croom moved to approve the minutes of the August 2, 2016 regular board meeting as written; Walsh seconded the motion. Vote: All yeas, motion carried unanimously. 4) Approval of Agenda Mayor Meadows moved to approve the Agenda as written; Walsh seconded the motion. Vote: All yeas, motion carried unanimously. City of East Lansing Downtown Management Board Minutes – (9/13/2016) – Page 1 of 4 5) Financial Reports A) July 2016 Financial Report Schlusler reviewed the July Financial Report and said the balance was closer to $18,000 - $19,000. She reported all the sponsorship money and expenses for the Downtown Dance Event will filter through the DMB accounts. B) FY DMB Co-Op Program Recommendation Schlusler said at the last Marketing Committee meeting they discussed the Fiscal Year 17 budget and long-term marketing strategies. Last February they held Strategic Priorities sessions, and one of the key goals was promoting East Lansing as a whole instead of individual businesses. The committee recommended at this time to not offer co-op dollars to downtown businesses, as only 30 to 40 businesses out of approximately 180 are able to take advantage of the funds. The board concurred with their recommendation. 6) New Business A) EL Goes Green Crowdfunding Campaign Schlusler said about a week ago the City announced a new crowdfunding campaign to raise $30,000 by October 14 for recycling containers and bicycle parking along M.A.C. and in Ann Street Plaza. She said if $30,000 is raised, $30,000 will be matched by the MEDC. The board recommended that this be discussed at the next Marketing Committee meeting. B) 2016 Paint the Aves Schlusler said the Downtown Marketing Committee recommended that the board provide a sponsorship of $750 towards this event. She noted she received a $750 sponsorship from MSUFCU. Hackney moved to allocate $750 towards event; Krueger seconded the motion. Vote: All yeas. Motion carried unanimously. 7) Old Business A) Downtown Holiday Decorations & Lighting Purchase Schlusler said historically the DMB purchased fresh holiday greenery each year, but the costs to do this have gone up significantly, so they looked into purchasing faux greenery and having pocket lighting in the 500 block (Artist Alleys) and in the William B. Sharp Park. Staff triple checked the expenses, and it will cost an additional $2,047.54 from the original estimate of $8,400. The DDA contributed $4,200 toward the holiday lighting during their last board meeting, assuming that was a 50% contribution in cost. Meadows moved to approve a total allocation of $6,250 for the purchase of faux holiday greens and to enter into a contract with Shine Lighting to install lights throughout the downtown. Vote: All yeas. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Meadows said with the new developments coming in, a Parking Requirements Committee was just formed to look at parking needs in the downtown, and the committee will need two members from the DMB. He said the first meeting will be in October. Meadows moved that Hackney and Krueger serve on the Parking Requirements Committee; Croom seconded the motion. Vote: All yeas. Motion carried unanimously. City of East Lansing Downtown Management Board Minutes – (9/13/2016) – Page 2 of 4 Krueger left at 2:31 p.m. B) Follow-Up to Downtown Welcome Dance Schlusler said the dance held last Saturday in Ann Street Plaza to welcome the students was a success, and a couple hundred people attended. She noted it was entirely fundraised, and the DDA and DMB each contributed. It cost approximately $4,500, and there is the potential to tag it onto the Summer Concert series next year. Hackney said this will be discussed at a Marketing Committee meeting, and Councilmember Susan Woods and Heather Surface will be invited. C) Follow-Up to 2016 Sidewalk Sales & Social Media Campaign Schlusler said 32 businesses participated, roughly triple from last year. They gave parking vouchers for the first 30 businesses who registered, advertised on the City Pulse and Downtown East Lansing webpages, and two promotional banners were installed at Michigan and Harrison. Schlusler said staff could send a survey to businesses to see how it went. 8) Committee Reports A) Joint meeting of Marketing/Business Relations Committee i. Synopsis of August 17, 2016 meeting Schlusler said they continue to work with Media Advantage, the social media company, and expect to receive a draft of a new logo from them soon. ii. Rental of Porta Potties for Football Games Schlusler said the recommendation from the Marketing & Business Relations Committee was to allocate $1,130 for porta-potties for the U of M and Ohio State games, as 90% of business replying to a survey said they had problems with public urination on their properties on game days. Hackney moved to approve an expenditure of $1,130 for the Ohio State and U of M games on October 13 and October 29 respectively; Muth seconded the motion. Vote: All yeas. Motion carried unanimously. iii. GLCVB Co-Op Advertisement Schlusler distributed a rough draft of the GLCVB ad. She said six businesses are participating, and they may have seven. Next year they will re-evaluate putting an ad in the GLCVB Visitors Guide. B) Downtown Maintenance Committee They have not met; they will be setting up a meeting for a walk-through. D) Parking Update No updates. City of East Lansing Downtown Management Board Minutes – (9/13/2016) – Page 3 of 4 9) DDA Liaison Report Croom said this month the board heard that the developer for the former Park District property will be redoing their site plan. He said after the revised site plan is submitted, it will be reviewed at a DDA meeting. He reported the DDA sent a letter to include the Evergreen properties in any site plan. He added that the DDA does not have a signed Development Agreement yet. He said the DDA also recommended that Council extend that December 31st demolition date so that the $10,000 MBT credit can be used. He indicated Council is considering ordinances on composition of buildings with regard to seniors and condominiums. The DDA voted to contribute to holiday decorations and lighting. Walsh asked about the banner dangler program. Schlusler said we will actually own our decorations and Shine Lighting will put them up. The suggestion was made to approach the Board of Water and Light about contributing to holiday lighting. 10) Staff Reports A) September 13 City Council Presentations i. National Welcome Week Proclamation ii. El Azteco 40th Anniversary Proclamation Schlusler invited people to attend City Council presentations this evening for National Welcome Week and El Azteco’s 40th anniversary. She said the DMB Welcome Week activities will be on October 7; the City is partnering with OISS on October 7 to do downtown tours and a scavenger hunt. Eric Fox is working with OISS. B) 2016 Great Pumpkin Walk Schlusler reported the Great Pumpkin Walk is on October 27. Safe Halloween is also on that day, the Broad will be having some activities, and the Wild Goose Inn is doing Land of Oz again. 11) Written Communications A) Resignation letter from Douglas Jester Walsh moved to adopt the proclamation honoring Douglas Jester for his years of service on the DMB; Muth seconded the motion. Vote: All yeas. Motion carried unanimously. 12) Adjourn There being no further business, Hackney moved to adjourn the meeting at 3:07 p.m.; Muth seconded the motion. Vote: All yeas. Motion carried unanimously. City of East Lansing Downtown Management Board Minutes – (9/13/2016) – Page 4 of 4 DMB FINANCIAL REPORT - August 2016 FY2016 YEAR END DMB ACCOUNT Revenues: Assessment - Real Property Charges for Services Sponsorships Misc. Advertising Revenues Contributions and Donations Interest Revenues Reappropriated Fund Balance Total Revenue Expenditures: Direct Work Order Salaries Direct Work Order Benefits Salaries/Benefits Office Supplies Contract Services Contract Services/Marketing Dues and Memberships Equipment Charge/Copier Girls Day Out Miscellaneous Computer Rental Other Internal Charges Total Expenditures Difference Fund Balance MONTHLY ACTIVITY ACTUAL YEAR TO DATE Pending $736.88 $500.00 $7,200.00 $0.00 $0.00 $192.93 $1,000.00 $9,629.81 $43,314.76 $2,544.00 $2,250.00 $5,580.00 $1,639.42 $143.02 $0.00 $55,471.20 $43,315.00 $2,000.00 $1,000.00 $2,800.00 $0.00 $200.00 $1,000.00 $50,315.00 $0.00 $750.00 $2,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,750.00 $42,578.12 $750.00 $2,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $7.07 $0.00 $45,335.19 $9,000.00 $3,000.00 $1,451.63 $0.00 $3,892.18 $41,693.18 $11,090.00 $3,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,500.00 $27,095.00 $750.00 $250.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,200.00 $3,685.00 $1,500.00 $500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,200.00 $6,185.00 $9,590.00 $2,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $7,380.00 $16,100.00 $250.00 $0.00 $0.00 $73.47 $1,500.00 $835.00 $61,695.46 $250.00 $50.00 $500.00 $2,400.00 $1,430.00 $3,000.00 $50,315.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $119.17 $0.00 $8,004.17 $250.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $238.34 $0.00 $11,873.34 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,191.66 $0.00 $36,761.66 ($5,254.17) $33,461.85 ($6,224.26) $0.00 $7,488.53 July Fund Balance at Start of Fiscal Year Year to Date LESS 10% Total Revenue - Restricted Funds Subtotal Pending Expenses Anticipated Revenue BALANCE AVAILABLE - Unrestricted Funds FY2017 BUDGET August $13,712.79 $38,716.02 $4,258.52 $48,170.29 $33,085.83 $10,129.81 $25,214.27 Fund Balance at Start of Fiscal Year Year to Date LESS 10% Total Revenue - Restricted Funds Subtotal Pending Expenses Anticipated Revenue BALANCE AVAILABLE - Unrestricted Funds $13,712.79 $33,461.85 $4,533.52 $42,641.12 $36,761.66 $9,629.81 $15,509.27 Budget $2,000.00 $2,500.00 $2,000.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $250.00 $250.00 $500.00 $250.00 $750.00 $10,000.00 Monthly Activity $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Actual Year To Date $0.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,500.00 Pending $2,000.00 $2,500.00 $0.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $250.00 $250.00 $0.00 $250.00 $750.00 $7,500.00 Co-Op Advertising Co-Op Advertising Budget $5,145.00 Monthly Activity $0.00 Actual Year To Date $0.00 Pending $0.00 Marketing Miscellaneous Annual Advertising (i.e. TV, social media, text, etc.) Budget $9,950.00 Monthly Activity $0.00 Actual Year To Date $0.00 Pending $7,500.00 Contract Services/Marketing Budget Direct Advertising Events Green Friday Winter Glow Premiere Sponsor Summer Concert Series Premiere Sponsor Ice Skating Rink Art Festival Jazz Festival Folk Festival LAUNCHED Open Mic Night Taste of East Lansing Paint the Aves Direct Advertising/Events Subtotal: Promotional Advertising (i.e. Be A Tourist/Chili) Marketing Miscellaneous Subtotal: Total Contract Services/Marketing Budget Contract Services See reverse side for breadown $2,000.00 $11,950.00 $3,685.00 $3,685.00 $3,685.00 $3,685.00 $1,100.00 $8,600.00 $27,095.00 $3,685.00 $6,185.00 $16,100.00 Monthly Activity $3,200.00 $3,200.00 Actual Year To Date $3,200.00 $3,200.00 Budget $3,000.00 $3,000.00 Pending $7,380.00 $7,380.00 Downtown Management Board August 2016 Expenditure Detail REVENUES: Charges for Services East Lansing Artist Enterprises Mackerel Sky, Beggar's Banquet 325A Grove - Woven Art GLCVB ads $250.00 $500.00 $750.00 Pending Charges for Services New Providence (Crunchy's) Student Book Store GLCVB ad GLCVB ad $250.00 $250.00 $500.00 Sponsorships EL Welcome Dance Pending Sponsorships DDA MSUFCU EL Welcome Dance EXPENDITURES: Direct Work Order Salaries Direct Work Order Benefits Computer Rental $2,000.00 Contribution to holiday lighting Paint the Aves August August August DOWNTOWN MARKETING Pending Events Green Friday Winter Glow Premiere Sponsor Ice Skating Rink Art Festival Jazz Festival Folk Festival LAUNCHED Taste of East Lansing Paint the Aves $4,200.00 $750.00 $2,250.00 $7,200.00 $750.00 $250.00 $119.17 $2,000.00 $2,500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 $750.00 $7,500.00 Pending Annual Advertising (social media, text, etc) Media Advantage Digital marketing contract Promotional Advertising (Be a Tourist, Chili Cookoff) GLCVB 2017 Visitor Guide advertising - INV 33375 City Pulse Banner ad for Sidewalk Sales - INV 16400 Pending Promotional Advertising Ice Sculptures Student Bookstore EL Going Green sponsorship Homecoming balloons Total Pending - Downtown Marketing: Contract Services Lee Lattimore III On Stage Visuals DJ services for Downtown Welcome Dance Lighting for Downtown Welcome Dance $7,500.00 $3,550.00 $135.00 $3,685.00 $500.00 $100.00 $500.00 $1,100.00 $16,100.00 $1,200.00 $2,000.00 $3,200.00 Pending Contract Services Porta‐potties for football games Holiday Lighting $1,130.00 $6,250.00 $7,380.00 PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Quality Services for a Quality Community MEMORANDUM City of East Lansing PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 410 Abbot Road East Lansing, MI 48823 (517) 319-6930 TO: Downtown Management Board FROM: Eric Fox, Downtown Management Board Coordinator DATE: September 28, 2016 SUBJECT: Greek Life / OISS Scavenger Hunt Quickly approaching is the Downtown Scavenger Hunt on Friday, October 7, 2016. Members of Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity and Zeta Tau Alpha Sorority will be teaming up to lead small groups of international students involved with the Office of International Students and Scholars (OISS) throughout the Downtown on a scavenger hunt. Participants and group leaders will meet at the Broad Art Museum at 4:00 p.m. on the day of the event. Prior to the scavenger hunt beginning, international students and Greek Life members will have a change to mingle, get to know one another, and receive a scavenger instruction form. The instructions are as follows: General Instructions: Each group must have a designated "picture/video taker" with ample phone storage and the ability to upload a file to Facebook To complete a task, a picture or video must be taken of the required task One group member must upload a photo album (with all accomplished tasks) to Facebook and tag Downtown East Lansing. (Feel free to tag each business, too!) Each group that completes at least 5 tasks and uploads a photo album to Facebook will receive a free t-shirt for every group member All groups must have album submitted no later than 6:00 p.m. All groups must come back to the Broad before 6:00 p.m. to receive free t-shirt Tasks (No Specific Order): In Underground Printing take a picture of a group member wearing green and white striped overalls next to Tom Izzo Take a selfie of all group members trying on a bow-tie in East Lansing Threads Find a work of art in Saper Galleries created by a Michigan Artist, then take a picture of it Find the Pinball Pete's clock and take a group picture in front of it PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Quality Services for a Quality Community Take a picture with Woven Art's sheep Become Sparty in Student Book Store (hint - look for Sparty cutout) Take a picture of someone reading a book written in a foreign language in Curious Book Shop Take a selfie with a random person on the street who is wearing MSU apparel (make sure to ask permission first!) Take a video of a group member playing corn hole next to Jersey Mike's and Sweet Lorraine's (Must get at least one bag in the hole!) Staff is currently working on designing an instruction guideline form to distribute to the students encompassing all tasks and general instructions. It is staff’s wish that every participant in the scavenger hunt receive a t-shirt. Retro Duck has graciously agreed to donate 50 t-shirts for the event. However, it is estimated that there will be 100 international students and volunteers taking part in the event. In order to make sure there are enough t-shirts for every participant, staff is requesting an extra 50 t-shirts to be ordered from Retroduck and sponsored by the DMB. The t-shirts have been quoted at $5 per shirt, which would total $250 in total. Staff also received a quote from a second vendor, Underground Printing. That quote information is enclosed. If approved, the $250 expenditure for t-shirts would come out of the Contract Service/Marketing line item of the budget, which currently holds $10,995.00. All other expenditures for the event, including rental of the Broad and supplies, are being paid for by Michigan State University and the City of East Lansing. Please advise staff of any questions. PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Quality Services for a Quality Community Underground Printing Quotation: Quote #Q816205 for ( 09.20.2016 2:50pm Gildan Heavy Cotton Basic T-Shirt | Color - White Screenprinting | Full Back - 1 Color(s) | Left Chest - 1 Color(s) $9.07 per 25 pcs Place This Order product Screenprinting $7.66 per 50 pcs Place This Order product Screenprinting $6.41 per 100 pcs Place This Order product Screenprinting $5.90 per 150 pcs Place This Order product Screenprinting Place Your Order TODAY and it Will Arrive On: 10/03/2016 -Add $1.00/pc for a 2XL, $1.50/pc for a 3XL and $2.50/pc for a 4XL -Your Quote is valid for 14 days -Above Pricing does not include Any Applicable Sales Tax -40+ Stock Print Colors to Choose from! Non-Stock colors may require a $25 fee -Personalization is easy! $5.00 per Name and $3.00 per Number -Greek/Collegiate Licensed Orders May Require Royalty and/or A Later In-Hands Date PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Quality Services for a Quality Community MEMORANDUM City of East Lansing PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 410 Abbot Road East Lansing, MI 48823 (517) 319-6930 TO: Downtown Management Board FROM: Amy Schlusler, Community Development & Engagement Manager DATE: September 30, 2016 SUBJECT: Merchandising Seminar with Michele Reeves On Friday, October 7, 2016, the City of East Lansing Downtown Development Authority is hosting a merchandising seminar with downtown revitalization consultant Michele Reeves. During the seminar Ms. Reeves will present “Six Steps to Retail Success,” focusing on ways in which business owners and managers can make minor improvements to their businesses (i.e. windows, signage, and lighting) that ideally lead to more sales and customers. The seminar begins at 9:00 a.m. and is being held in the East Lansing Marriott at University Place, in the former Douglas J Salon location. A copy of the event invitation is attached. Immediately following the seminar, Michele will conduct a walk-through to downtown business locations. At each location, Michele will provide helpful hints on how each business could implement small changes within its store that lead to better emphasis of products and services. Current businesses that have agreed to host Michele are: Student Book Store, Curious Books, The Record Lounge, and Silver & Beyond. Staff looks forward to participating in this event with board members. Attachment INCREASE SALES PER SQUARE FOOT Six Steps to Retail Success OCTOBER 7, 2016 9:00 - 10:00 AM East Lansing Marriott at University Place 300 M.A.C. Ave., Suite 120 MICHELE REEVES downtown revitalization consultant PRESENTATION Increase Sales Per Square Foot-- Six Steps to Retail Success Every ground floor business in downtown East Lansing is telling a story, the question is whether that story is coaxing customers in the door, encouraging them to circulate, and ultimately purchase your products and services. Join us on October 7 and learn some quick and easy Must-Do’s in the six key areas for retail success and improved revenue generation. Sidewalks The retail experience happens long before a customer walks through the door. If you aren’t using the sidewalk and exterior to drive sales, you are leaving money on the table. Windows Windows allow us to get a glimpse into the soul of a business. They should be transparent, they should be visually engaging, and they should tell us something about the experience that awaits us if we venture inside. Merchandising How you display products is almost as important as what the products are. We will share some quick tricks for creating displays that grab customer attention and move product. Lighting If there is a secret sauce in retailing, it would be lighting. We’ll share the types and sizes of bulbs that create that subconscious zing that draws our eye to merchandise and the lighting shades that establish happy moods! Signage & Communication Businesses often worry about the signs that no one looks at, while not communicating about the interesting things customers want to know! Circulation Every business should create a circulation pattern for customers to ensure that every square inch of space you are paying rent for is actually generating revenue! IN-STORE RETAIL REVIEWS After the presentation, Michele Reeves — a leading downtown revitalization consultant in the US — will be leading in-store walkthroughs in East Lansing businesses to discuss and apply the six steps to retail success to actual downtown establishments. RSVP at (517) 319-6907 or Example provided by Civilis Consultants Before After City of East Lansing 410 Abbot Road East Lansing, MI 48823 MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR RETAIL SPACE PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Quality Services for a Quality Community MEMORANDUM City of East Lansing PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 410 Abbot Road East Lansing, MI 48823 (517) 319-6930 TO: Downtown Management Board FROM: Amy Schlusler, Community Development & Engagement Manager DATE: September 30, 2016 SUBJECT: 2016 Paint the Aves With MSU Homecoming Week a little more than one week away, staff is preparing for the 2016 Paint the Aves event. For this event, student groups register to paint downtown merchant windows with designs supporting this year’s homecoming theme “Spartans for Life.” Students are able to register through Thursday, October 6, 2016. On that same day, sketches of the proposed window paintings must be submitted for review and approval. On Friday, October 7, 2016, representatives of the City and MSU will meet to review the proposed sketches to ensure that they meet all program guidelines. Students will paint the business windows between Monday, October 10 and Tuesday, October 11, 2016. A panel of jurists will then walk by the windows and score them on Tuesday evening. The first, second, and third place student group/business windows will be announced on Thursday, October 14, 2016 just before the Homecoming Parade. Staff will provide post-event information, as well as photos of the painted windows during the November 1, 2016 board meeting. Please don’t hesitate to contact staff with any additional questions. PLANNING, BUILDING & DEVELOPMENT Quality Services for a Quality Community MEMORANDUM City of East Lansing PLANNING, BUILDING & DEVELOPMENT 410 Abbot Road East Lansing, MI 48823 TO: Downtown Management Board FROM: Eric Fox, Downtown Management Board Coordinator DATE: September 28, 2016 SUBJECT: Great Pumpkin Walk The Great Pumpkin Walk is scheduled to take place Thursday, October 27, 2016 from 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. in downtown East Lansing. Enclosed please find a copy of the event posted that will be distributed to downtown businesses. By placing this in the business windows, trick-or-treaters are aware that the business is participating. (517) 319-6930 Staff estimates that over 50 merchant locations will participate in the Great Pumpkin Walk this year. Staff has already received a large number of phone call inquires regarding the event details, and staff has posted additional event information on Michigan State University has, once again, confirmed to host the event, and a large turnout is expected. Please inform staff of any questions. TRICK OR TREAT AT THE GREAT PUMPKIN WALK THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2016 5-7 P.M. • DOWNTOWN EAST LANSING • Bring the kids downtown to show off their costumes & collect treats from over 50 businesses! Continue the fun at these events on October 27... “Wizard of Oz” at the Wild Goose Inn Safe Halloween w/ MSU Greeks Costumed actors and puppets transform the Wild Goose Inn (512 Albert Ave.) into the Land of Oz! Please enter from the alley. Trick-or-treating and Halloween spirit abounds on M.A.C. between Elizabeth and Burcham from 5:30-7:30 p.m.! DOWNTOWN MANAGEMENT BOARD Marketing Committee & Business Relations Joint Meeting MEMBERS James Croom Jen Flood Luke Allen Hackney Doug Jester Vivian Keeney Michael Krueger Jeffrey Kusler Chanelle Riley Ray Walsh Staff Liaison Amy Schlusler (517) 319-6931 City of East Lansing DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING , BUILDING AND DEVELOPMENT 410 Abbot Road East Lansing, MI 48823 (517) 319-6930 SYNOPSIS September 21, 2016 – 3:30 p.m. 410 Abbot Road Conference Room A, City Hall Present: Mike Krueger, Luke Allen Hackney, Ray Walsh. Jim Croom Staff Members Present: Amy Schlusler, Terri Soliday, Eric Fox, Heather Surface The meeting began at 4:06 p.m. Present were Committee members Krueger, Walsh, Croom and Hackney. 1) Downtown Ice Sculptures for Winter Glow i. Special Guest: Heather Surface, Community Events Schlusler reminded the committee that the DMB is underwriting Winter Glow in the amount of $2,500. Winter Glow is on December 3; Green Friday and Arts Night Out are on December 2. Surface suggested having ice sculptures outside of businesses for Winter Glow in addition to the sculptures which Community Events pays for. She said the sculptures cost approximately $175 apiece. The board discussed having a treasure hunt and prizes. Walsh moved to allocate up to $500 for ice sculptures, offering the first 20 businesses $25 off the purchase of a sculpture. Hackney seconded the motion. Vote: All yeas. Motion carried unanimously. 2) Review of DMB Logo The committee discussed the logo ideas submitted by Media Advantage and will contact Media Advantage after the meeting with their input. 3) 2016 Downtown Homecoming Balloons Schlusler said in the past Student Book Store has put up green and white balloons in front of businesses for homecoming. Mike Wylie said they are willing to do that again this year for $100. Walsh moved to purchase balloons for homecoming from Student Book Store in the amount of $100; Croom seconded the motion. Vote: All yeas. Motion carried unanimously. City of East Lansing Downtown Management Board Marketing/Business Relations Joint Committee Meeting Synopsis (09/21/2016) – Page 1 of 2 4) Great Pumpkin Walk Advertisement Fox said he was contacted by the City Pulse to see if we wanted to include an ad in their Halloween edition. The committee instead suggested that we have Media Advantage put the event on Snapchat, since the event is so well attended. 5) EL Going Green Project Sponsorship Schlusler advised that this crowdfunding campaign for recycling containers and bicycle parking is going on now. If the City raises $30,000 by October 14, MEDC will match the funds. She said the DDA and Amcor have already contributed $55,000 for recycling containers, which were placed in high pedestrian traffic areas in the downtown. The additional amounts raised will be for recycling containers and bike loops, which will be placed throughout all six blocks. She indicated the DDA is expected to contribute $10,000 at the board meeting tomorrow. Walsh moved to provide a $500 sponsorship; Hackney seconded the motion. Vote: All yeas. Motion carried unanimously. 6) Workshop with Michele Reeves Schlusler indicated the City is holding a merchandising seminar on October 7 at 9 a.m. in the former Douglas J space in University Place. Michele Reeves is the downtown consultant leading the workshop and will be giving ideas on how storefronts can be improved. Fox added also on October 7 is the event hosted by the Office of International Students and Scholars (OISS). They will be meeting at the Broad at 4 p.m. Small groups of international students will be touring downtown businesses, and there will be a scavenger hunt. The meeting adjourned at 4:47 p.m. City of East Lansing Downtown Management Board Marketing/Business Relations Joint Committee Meeting Synopsis (09/21/2016) – Page 2 of 2 PLANNING, BUILDING & DEVELOPMENT Quality Services for a Quality Community MEMORANDUM City of East Lansing PLANNING, BUILDING & DEVELOPMENT 410 Abbot Road East Lansing, MI 48823 (517) 319-6930 TO: Downtown Management Board FROM: Amy Schlusler, Community Development & Engagement Manager DATE: September 21, 2016 SUBJECT: Green Friday/Winter Glow Ice Sculpture Walk During the September 21, 2016 DMB Marketing Committee meeting, staff and members of the board met to discuss new opportunities for DMB merchants during the Green Friday/Winter Glow event weekend. During that meeting staff proposed the idea of working with the Ice Sculpture Company, Miller Ice, to design and carve ice sculptures that would be placed outside of business locations beginning Friday, December 2. The blocks of ice carved would be 40” X 20” X5”. The ice carvings could be themed, and reflect something like “Holiday Wonderland.” The total cost for each ice sculpture is $175. However, as an incentive for downtown businesses to participate, the Marketing Committee agreed to provide $25 towards the registration fee to the first 20 businesses that signed up to participate. As such, those 20 businesses would only pay $150. The total allocation of the DMB is not to exceed $500. Once businesses have registered, staff will create a program/brochure with information on where persons can see the sculptures. The intent is to market an Ice Sculpture Walk throughout the downtown. Attached please find a few photos of ice sculptures that are similar in size to those that will be carved. It is staff’s intent to begin the registration process with businesses in early November, following the Great Pumpkin Walk. Attachments Sample Ice Sculptures September 30, 2016 Dear Merchant: During 2016, the East Lansing Downtown Management Board has undertaken a Strategic Priorities project, in which board members have set forth short-term and long-term goals of the organization. During the strategic priorities process, the board identified projects and activities that it intends to focus staff time and financial resources towards. As an example, in August of 2016, the Downtown Management Board adopted the implementation of a social media and branding campaign. As a result, a new logo has been created and will be marketed throughout the Greater Lansing region. In addition, heavy emphasis is being placed on social media advertising platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat, with posts being published every month. Also as part of the strategic priorities project, all DMB programs were reviewed and evaluated. After much discussion, it is the decision of the Downtown Management Board to suspend the DMB Co-Op Advertising program at this time. As such, no co-op funds will be made available to downtown merchants through June 30, 2017. It is important to note that this decision is only in effect until next June. At that time, the future of the program will once again be evaluated. If you, as a merchant, wish to comment on the suspension of the program, please do not hesitate to contact staff via phone (517) 319-6930 or email at: The DMB looks forward to working cohesively with businesses to promote and support events and programming throughout Downtown East Lansing. Sincerely, Luke Hackney DMB Chair Eric Fox DMB Coordinator Amy Schlusler Community Development & Engagement Manager