CITY OF JACKSONVILLE BEACH FLORIDA Council Briefings Notice City Manager George Forbes and/or Staff will conduct Council Briefings to discuss Council Agenda Items and other issues: .:. Friday, September 2,2011,2:00 •:. p.m . Tuesday, September 6, 2011 at 7:30 a.m. Council Members in attendance at one or both of the briefings may include: Mayor Sharp Please note: • Lee Buck • Penny Christian • Rick Knight • Steve Hartkemeyer • Jeanell Wilson • Tom Taylor Council members in attendance at any briefing may vary, according to their schedules. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 286.26, Florida Statutes, persons with disabilities needing special accommodation to participate in this meeting should contact the City Clerk's Office at (904) 247-6299 x 10 no later than 5:00 p.m., on Thursday, September 1,2011. City of Jacksonville Beach> 11 North 3rd Street> Jacksonville Beach, Florida 32250 vv;ww.jacksonvil1ebeach.or~· (904) 247-6100 RC 110906 Briefing Notice CITY OF JACKSONVILLE BEACH FLORIDA MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Jacksonville Beach, Florida Council Members: The following Agenda of Business has been prepared for consideration and action at the Regular Meeting of the City Council on Tuesday, September 6, 2011 at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers, 11 North Third Street, Jacksonville Beach, Florida. Opening Ceremonies: Invocation Salute to the Flag Roll Call 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: • • • • City Council City Council City Council Regular City FY 2012 Budget FY 2012 Budget FY 2012 Budget Council Meeting Workshop, held August 2,2011 Workshop, held August 8, 2011 Workshop, held August 9,2011 held, August 15,2011 2. ANNOUNCEMENTS: 3. COURTESY OF THE FLOOR TO VISITORS: 4. MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: (a) Employee of the Quarter Award - 2nd Quarter - Rhonda Street, Finance Department 5. CITY CLERK 6. CITY MANAGER: (a) Approve Employee Insurance Benefits and Third Party Administration for Calendar Year 2012 (b) Approve the Purchase of Handguns and Related Equipment for the Police Department from the Equitable Sharing Fund (c) Approve the Purchase of a Replacement Animal Control Vehicle 7. RESOLUTIONS: RCl10906agn Page 1 of2 Memorandum, Mayor and City Council City Council Agenda for September 6, 1011 8. ORDINANCES (a) ORDINANCE NO. 2011-8002 - FIRST READING AN ORDINANCE TO REPEAL CITY ORDINANCES REGULATING FIREARMS AND AMMUNITION BY AMENDING SECTION 2-191; "DEFThTITIONS"; OF CHAPTER 2; "AD:rv1ThTISTRATION";ARTICLE VII; "CNIL EMERGENCIES"; AMENDING SECTION 5-2; "SAME-HUNTING, SHOOTING, ETC., PROHIBITED; WHEN BIRDS DEEMED NUISANCE; MANNER OF DESTROYING"; OF CHAPTER 5; "ANIMALS AND FOWL"; ARTICLE 1; "IN GEJ\1ERAL"; AMENDING SECTION 16-11; "REGULATION OF FIREWORKS"; OF CHAPTER 16; "MISCELLANEOUS OFFENSES A.l\ID PROVISIONS"; ARTICLE 1; "IN GENERAL"; DECLARING NULL AND VOID IN THEIR ENTIRETY SECTION 16-3; "DISCHARGING FIREARMS; USE OF DANGEROUS WEAPONS"; AND SECTION 16-3.1; "OPERATION OF OUTDOOR SHOOTING RANGES"; OF CHAPTER 16; MISCELLANEOUS OFFENSES AND PROVISIONS"; ARTICLE 1; "IN GENERAL"; OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE BEACH, FLORIDA; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT WITH THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE (As required by state law, this ordinance will repeal city ordinances regulating firearms and ammunition) (b) ORDINANCE NO. 20ll-8001-SECOND READING AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPrvIENT ORDINANCE NO.S 2004-7873 AND 2005-7907, SUPPLEMENTING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS AND ZONING ATLAS FOR THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE BEACH, FLORIDA, AS PROVIDED UNDER CHAPTER 34 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF SAID CITY (This Amendment is for the Baptist Medical Center-Beaches) Respectfully submitted, IslGeorge D. Forbes CITY MANAGER GDF:cmm 09/01/2011 If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Council with respect to any matter considered at any meeting, such person may need a record of the proceedings and, for such purpose, such person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. The public is encouraged to speak on issues on this Agenda that concern them. Anyone who wishes to speak should submit the request to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the meeting. Theseforms are available at the entrance of the City Council Chambers for your convenience In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 286.26, Florida Statutes, persons with disabilities needing special accommodation to participate in this meeting should contact the City Clerk's Office at (904) 247-6299, ext 10, no later than 5:00 PM, Thursday September 1,2011. RCII0906agn Pagelof2 City of Jacksonville Beach Minutes of City Council FY 2012 - Budget Workshop Tuesday, August 2, 2011- 4:00 PM Mayor Sharp called the Budget Workshop to order at 4:00pm. City Council members in attendance: Lee Buck Penny Christian Steve Hartkemeyer Rick Knight Tom Taylor Jeanell Wilson Mayor FIand Sharp A. .~ _ . ~ Also present were City Manager George Forbes, Budget Officer Trish IW:~r:ts, and Business Tax Inspector Nancy Pyatte. sf. .; ~~ "' ~G ~~ Announcement ,J~ .. Mayor Sharp stated that an internet news source recently 900ducted a survey of America's.favorite and in the top 20 locations Jacksonville Beach is rated p1;lID.Qerone! ..,. . < .., beaches ? Public Works Department Mr. Forbes presented the FY 2012 Propos~ Budget for the department beginning with the organization and staffing of the five divisions. The missidti statement was reviewed, noting that Public Works is responsible for drinking water, wastewater, streets, stormwater, and sanitation ...""" Ty Edwards, Public Works Director, stated the accomplishments where gis department rebuilt, improved, and enhanced city infrastructure. He listed the coropletW constructiorrof the Avalon Subdivision project, 2nd and 4th Avenues North W~ Main project, Wast~ater Treatment Plant project, FDOT Design/Build 9th Street project, and new.sidewalk on 4th Avenue North. i .~ ~ Mr. Edwards then dis'Cussed the goals for 2012 to complete-design and construction on several projects that were visited on the tour previously. A few noted are the 9th Street South road improvements, the Downtown Vi~~lan, Lake Mffdred Stormwater Pump Station, and the Street North Sewer ~ . Replacementji -. 11"- ~•. - z= ,~' §: Ther~~s "a brief discussion about the trash c-~ns on 1st Street. Mr. Forbes stated this program has been revie\:ve~~xtensively. Public Works is in the process of rebuilding the cans rather than buying new ones. Mr. Forbes stated they look great and wilfbe more cost effective. The performance measures listed and reviewed are for drinking water, wastewater, streets, stonnwater, and sanitation. In the Financial Surufilary Mr. Forbes explained that the funding sources are from Sanitation, Water & Sewer, Stormwater, LOcal!§bption Gas Tax, and the General Fund (Streets). The projected $18,834,284 budget is less than this ye¥ primarily due to the completion of the waste water treatment facility. ii Mr. Edwards stated environmental issues are one of the biggest uncertainties going forward into the next budget year. On the Federal level there is EPA and on the State level there is DEP. There will be unfunded, mandated costs and stricter standards to upgrade, maintain and inspect wastewater and stormwater facilities. Also a concern, Mr. Edwards stated the Water/Sewer Fund needs additional revenue. The stormwater rates were set 21 years ago, 1991. FY2012 BudgetWkshp min Page 1 of6 Minutes ofFY 2012 City Budget Workshop Tuesday, August 2,2011 - 4:00 p.m. Mr. Forbes moved on to the Distribution & Collection Division stating they are responsible for 109 miles of water mains, 85 miles of sewer mains, 18 miles of force mains, 2,126 manholes, 858 fire hydrants, 2,652 water valves, 10,355 water services, and 8,795 sewer services. Much of this is in need of rehab andlor replacement. Mr. Edwards reviewed the Division Objectives listed. Replacement of deteriorated water mains, cleaning of sanitary and storm mains, relining manholes, flushing hydrants, and exercising water distribution valves is required to maintain the City's infrastructure. .:r-~ Reviewing the projected Division Budget of $3,688,501 Mr. Forbes noteg,...tee increase, stating it is due to capital outlay for the funding of the North 2nd Street Sewer Improvem.€nl Project. Also included is the funding (as listed) for small equipment replacement, as necessary, s~~r'manhole rehabilitation, and other water/sewer rehabilitation. In operating expenses, the $45,0004 mainly 'for contractual services for cleaning of large sewer pipes that we don't have the capacity to.$o in-house. .'- ~.$ -. .... Mr. Edwards reported there is a new state law requiring-a state licensed water distribution operator or a licensed utility contractor for working on water mains 'his, new re~latory requirement ~'Game effective May 2011 and we now have six personnel that are frcensed to do tJiis. work whenever iF.!ereis a leak or repair needed. For the large projects the City uses utility contractor $~ r -: Mr. Forbes presented the Pollution Contro ~ivisions' operatioris and programs that are funded by the Water & Sewer Enterprise Utility. The divisIQn operates/maintains the wastewater systems with the MGD capacity of 4.5 million gallons at the new treatm.~nt fa~ili-ty. " , ,;. Mr. Edwards reviewed the plans for increasing the recJ~ed. water usage for irrigation as noted in the Division Objectives. Operation of the new Wastewatef reatment Facility is ramping up and Mr. Edwards stated they are in the pe~l1g-ph~ with DEP. " _.:'f -e Mr. Forbes reviewed<tfi~ Pollution Control Division budget stating the Capital Outlay increased because of the Lift Station #3 Project, but the operating budget decreased with the new plant in operation . .;~ $. Regarding t~'tudget issues, Mr.Edwards reviewed the funding (as listed) for several projects starting with the Lift d ~tion #3 Project, replacement of a 4,000 gl. fuel storage tank, design of Lift Station #15 • Impro~ipents, and replacement of a Bobcat b-ell.der. Also funding includes installing fiber and cameras for eachsof th~ four SRB tanks, replacement of refrigerated automated samplers, flow meter replacement at Lift Station #1 ,'.&ndData Flow Telemetry upgrades. o - There are some uncertainties, NfL Edwards explained, regarding chemicals at the new Wastew4ter Treatment facilities. After ,SiF exact data available. Ml:~Edwards stated there are also environmental compliance issues and we just have to be flexible increasing operating costs for utilities and several months of operation there will be concerns about increasing regulation on and ready to act. Next, Mr. Forbes reviewed the Water Plant Division's operations and objectives, explaining they are responsible for the City's drinking water production and stormwater treatment facilities. Mr. Forbes stated the projected budget for Capital Outlay increased due to telemetry software upgrades, roof upgrades, and design for the new Storage and Utility building at Water Plant #2. FY2012 Budget Wkshp min Page 2 of6 Minutes ofFY 2012 City Budget Workshop Tuesday, August 2,2011- 4:00 p.m. Mr. Edwards addressed the uncertainties with the renewal of the Water Consumptive Use Permit to withdraw water from the Floridan Aquifer. Increasing environmental regulations may increase future capital and operational costs. Mr. Forbes explained the Streets Division maintains the streets, rights-of-way, sidewalks, and drainage collection systems. This division also manages the garbage collection. The Division Objectives were reviewed by Mr. Edwards, to coat/resurface up to 10 miles of roads, maintain stonnwater drainage system, maintain traffic/pedestrian signs, and garbage collection. / .•• -=:- Mr. Forbes reviewed the $1,514,674 budget for the Streets Division whtcfl is funded by the General Fund, the Local Option Gas Tax, Stonnwater Utility, and the Sanitation )/'til~~ The gas tax revenues have decreased due to the increasing gas and fuel costs and the results ar&budget reductions. ~. ". The Stonnwater Utility Program, presented next by Mr. Forbe fund~ the operation and maintenance of the stonnwater collection and treatment infrastructure. He pOM:!. d out that new capital.eenstruction projects are being deferred for a year until after 2012 when the d~~ilI be paid off. ~ -r. "4': . .~~ t ~ ~ Mr. Edwards reported the funding (as listed) will be used for pipe a~·:v·au~tcleaning, drajhage system and erosion control repairs, and stonnwater analysis.. ,-= .,. . Mr. Forbes presented the Sanitation Utility which provides the removal and disposal of garbage, debris, and recyclables for the City. There is 'a. slight increase in their budget due to moving the street sweeper operator to Sanitation and also replacement of a darn bucket truck. " PARKS AND RECREATION Administration ' . .,d/; §i.. ~- Mr. Forbes began with the Recreation Administration divisions, which includes Ocean Rescue, Special Events, Huguenot Tennis Center; Oceanfront R~stroom Facilities, Carver Recreation Center, Community G.ente l&; Exhibition lia1l, ann aU Park Maintenance citywide. Also, Parks & Recreation is responsibl~1;r the City's I8-hole Golf Course that operates year-round, and the Grounds Maintenance Divisio,t;li.fu~intainsthe City's parks, golf-course, grounds, and cemeteries. ~~ .' Mr. Forbes gave an overview of the organization, accomplishments, goals, and performance measures of the Recreation and Parks Department and stated that the proposed budget is down approximately 10% from last year. There is a reduction in operating costs as the department has eliminated 8 positions since 20'10. , .~ The Director, Gary Meadors, introduced the Recreation Superintendent, Jimmy Wilkins. Mr. Wilkins reviewed the departmest's accomplishments (as listed) for the surf camps, City events, and adult and youth sports programs. Performance Measures (as listed) were reviewed by Mr. Forbes, noting these are tracked monthly and annually. The activities are rated by the customer's satisfaction surveys (as listed) when they participate in the programs (as listed). Mr. Forbes reviewed the Financial Summary noting overall costs have decreased but service levels are maintained. The department also took over Special Events from the Executive Department, moving a part-time employee. FY2012 Budget Wkshp min Page 3 of6 Minutes ofFY 2012 City Budget Workshop Tuesday, August 2,2011- 4:00 p.m. Mr. Meadors talked about the cost-sharing with some of the leagues which helps with the operating costs at Wingate Park. Ocean Rescue Mr. Meadors introduced Ocean Rescue Supervisor Tom Wright and one of the three Lieutenants, Taylor Anderson. He stated the lifeguards do a great job for the City and ~ll the people at the beach. Mr. Meadors said they both work hard on training for recruits. ./~Jo~ Mr. Anderson explained that the training schedule consists of 4 days~f physical runfswim training and the remaining work days are for medical training. There is conti < ing in-service training daily. Mr. Anderson stated there is communication throughout the day re.,gw mg ocean. conditions, lost and found reports, pier activity, and so on. /~Mr. Meadors reviewed the accomplishments of the.,.di'~ision (as-listed), noting the liopuo. Lifeguard Program, US Lifesaving accreditations, the IRB, Em; and Beach Driving Safety certifications. They also provide community safety lectures and distribute brochures ..•./ ~ $. -, Ocean Rescue strives to ensure ocean and~ach safety at all times, not only for the public but for the lifeguards too. Mr. Meadors recognized T~y10f Anderson for his out&tanding actions when responding for one of our lifeguards that fell and suffered a neck injury. Taylor took responsibility for immobilizing, hospital transportation, and following-up' at the hospita] for the young man and did an outstanding job. ' ~§j"-tf, ". - <;.-~ Mr. Meadors addressed tb{~oals (as listed), noting number one-is zero drownings, continuing with the community programs n~lning, accreditations and certifications. '" Mr. Meadors advised that the only, budget issue for the division is replacement of one Ocean Rescue vehicle, a Pol~~-side by Side:' ..•• .". _.£:$ . ~ Tenms.@enter .,-;:' .s The i~c~nt accomplishments, goals, anc!tbudget issues were reviewed by Mr. Meadors and Mr. Forbes. Jim Watford, Terinis Pro, was introduced and he reviewed the various programs (as listed) that the Tennis Center offers. Mr. \yatford reported the membership and programs (all age groups) have increased tremendousl~ and411eTennis Center is one of the busiest in the area and around Jacksonville. Oceanfront Restrooms Mr. Forbes reviewed the objectives, accomplishments and goals for this division (as listed). He stated that restroom facilities are located at 5th Avenue North and 2nd Avenue North with outdoor showers. Mr. Forbes explained this is a totally contracted division that maintains and meets the performance measures. FY2012 Budget Wkshp rnin Page 4 of6 Minutes ofFY 2012 City Budget Workshop Tuesday, August 2, 2011 - 4:00 p.m. Mr. Meadors reported this includes oceanfront showers at 19th Avenue N., 5th Avenue N., 2nd Avenue N., and ih Avenue S. There will be another shower added at the Beach Blvd. end zone, by the Lifeguard Station. Carver Center Ms. Latoya Thomas, the Carver Center Recreation Leader, was introduced by Mr. Meadors. Ms. Thomas reviewed the division objectives and recent accomplishments (as listed) stating the focus with the kids is on school- getting them from school to the center, homewor~d. reading assistance, and making sure they all pass to their next grade level. Ms. Thomas repo¢~that the-department received a donation of books (for all ages) from the PGA Tour for the new R~i1ihg Corner that was created in the game room. ,;,; .& Mr. Forbes reviewed the division's budget issues noting 1h1 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding has been reduced and may still be Slk*ct to further federal budget reductions. A correction was noted under the Financial Summary.j-The CDBG~ays for $73,671- of the __ .eost of this program, not $91,827. The Cathedral Arts program-had to. be elim.i1}atedfor next year." _4:4 -:.. 4. Community Center & Exhibition Hall Mr. Forbes reviewed the objectives, accomplishments and goals (as listed) for the Community Center and Exhibition Hall. We continue to market the center on the internet arid locally. Revenues have covered approximately 47% of the City's operating anc4naintenance c9sts for this facility. Mr. Forbes stated the City has been very successful with this faciltt¥.. .;•.t. .;ii •• .t:~ Special Events .•.!" Mr. Forbes reviewed'the objectives, funding sources and rtses, and stated the special events budget has been reduced by $117,469. Due toreductions in the General Fund revenue, Mr. Forbes explained there is a reductionia-ehe number and scope of sp.e~ial events for next year. It is recommended to eliminate the fuew~#~d the parade for 2012. Mr. j6(15~s explained this past 4th of July w~ the most difficult for the City. We came too close to losing control and not being able to hJUldle the huge crowds with our Police department and other available resources. A lengthy discussion ensued about this event turning into a liability for the City and it was agreed to eliminate the fireworks from the budget. The Opening of theBeaches Parade was the next item for discussion. This event is more family oriented, held in the daytime, and all agreed is a good tradition to keep. One concern about the parade is the difficulty of having it if 1st Street is under construction. The direction of the Council was to keep the parade in the budget and try to work around any road construction. Mr. Forbes discussed the many fundraising/awareness events (as listed), stating that these are in addition to the City-sponsored events, requiring large amounts of man-hours to staff and support. Mr. Forbes suggested that after the budget is adopted we can revisit the Special Events budget and consider modifications to the event schedule. FY2012 Budget Wkshp min Page 5 of6 Minutes ofFY 2012 City Budget Workshop Tuesday, August 2,2011 - 4:00 p.m. Golf Course Division Mr. Forbes reviewed the division objectives, recent accomplishments, and the goals for FY2012. He advised that the golf course is in excellent condition and competitive with other courses. Play is down throughout the country. \Ve used to average 60,000 rounds annually and now we're at about 50,000. The funding sources and revenues for the golf course were discussed and Mr. Forbes noted two corrections - Projected Revenue FY2012 should read $ 1,404,842, ~Golf Course Revenues, Miscellaneous should read $ 240,253. /~4" . A brief discussion ensued about the revenues for 2010 and for 2011,(Ms. Roberts confirmed the 2010 revenue was $1,522,909 and the 2011 projected revenue is $1,63~E5. . ~<. Mr. Meadors reviewed the customer service surveys and' 'oducecl Sandy Suckling, Golf Pro. Mr. Suckling talked about the various programs and toumamgnis at the Golf Course. He explained several advertising resources used to capture new play and ge~"fate revcnsp, while keepingexpenditures down for operating costs. i~' '.,. Mr. Meadors reviewed that adjustments to staffing have been made over the past few years. Mr. Suckling is the only full time employee inl~ Pro Shop and we are compensating with more part time employees. Also he reported The Right SpDt chef runs a full restaurant service Thursday through Sunday evenings and this is proving very suceessful, - '" Mr. Meadors stated the budget issues for FY201U which are tJigation replacement of the riding gI:~ps-mQwer . .Si main line fittings and 0:.: Grounds Maintenanct Division ~$"---Mr. Meadors stated the objectives, ~tcomplishments ~d goals (as listed) for the division. He said that the facilities ~w-properly maintained which ineludes all the parks/cemeteries/grounds as well as all of the City (acitities. Mr. Meadors reviewed the- projected Budget Issues and said one of the biggest challenges will be the Downtown Destination Street Landscape. This will be a year-round contracted mainleUan.ce expense for the-sprinkler system as well as the landscaping. '" Mr. Forbes reviewed the cost allocatio~s (as listed) for this division, along with the Tree Protection program. e: The workshop was adjourned at 6:00 p.m. Submitted by: Nancy J Myatte BusinessTax Inspector Approved: Fland O. Sharp, Mayor Date: September 6, 2011 FY2012 Budget Wkshp min Page 6 of6 City of Jacksonville Beach Minutes of City Council FY 2012 - Budget Workshop Monday, August 8, 2011- 4:00 PM Mayor Pro Tern Christian called the Budget Workshop to order at 4:00pm. City Council members in attendance: Lee Buck Penny Christian Steve Hartkemeyer Rick Knight Tom Taylor Jeanell Wilson Mayor Fland Sharp - Absent p / ... <' Also present were City Manager George Forbes, Finance Director HatiY Royal, Budget Officer Trish Roberts, Chief Gary Frazier, Fire Department, Chief Bruce Thomasbn, PoJice Department, and Senior Secretary, Cathy Martinich. 4 Fire Department A Mr. Forbes presented the FY 2012 Proposed Budget/or the Fire.Department, reviewed the Mission Statement and Authorized Positions of the departm'&t. The dep~ent is capable o.f responding to three simultaneous emergency calls or a single serious fire emeI.:~cy with eight firefighters and one safety officer. He said that a major disaster would utilize all fire department and City resources, with automatic mutual aid from Jacksonville alltdSt. Johns County. Mr. Forbes stated that the department is functioning with the same number of employees as last year, including firefighters with advanced life support training and paramedic certifications. The department perffi'rms building inspections, installs child car seats, tests and installs smoke dectors in homes, and provides fire prevention education to the community. The Fire department c~rdinaJes disa-&thmanagement for the City and does the necessary training fer-al! departments. ,.§§' ". Chief Frazier provided-an overview of the upgraded radio system, stating almost everyone in the City has been upgraded 1.'6-' P25 radios. The P25 system allows regions to communicate with each other, which is required by the federal goyemment. Parks a d Recreation is the only department still in need of radio upgrades.: Police, Fire, B~aches Energy, and Public Works departments have the upgraded satellite pl}0il;s. ~ ~ Chie/",*,razier stated that AED's - external defibrillators - have been installed in all City buildings. Employees. have been instructed iy their use, including CPR training. Also, extensive hurricane/tropical storm training, including a three hour practical exercise, was recently completed for City supervisors. Chief Frazier reported there4ere zero fire deaths this past year. We attribute that to the prevention program and quick response by personnel. The average response time is less than four minutes. The various services provided by the department are Fire safety surveys, high hazard inspections, check and install smoke detectors for citizens, and install child safety seats. Chief Frazier said families from this area of Florida and Georgia come here for the child safety seat installations, as we are one of the few Fire Departments that offer the service. A brief discussion ensued regarding the excellent response time of the Fire Department and Rescue services provided. Chief Frazier explained a recent fire was quickly contained because the sprinkler CC Wkshp l10808min Page 1 of3 Minutes ofFY 2012 City Budget Workshop Monday, August 8, 2011 - 4:00 p.m. system came on before their arrival. Mr. Forbes emphasized as part of the fire prevention policy, the City requires any commercial building 7000 square feet or more to have a working sprinkler system. Chief Frazier explained the City has received funds in the past few years from grants. These are not available, as in the past, due to the current economic situation. Chief Frazier elaborated on the condition of the Self Contained Breathing Apparatuses (SCBA' s) and stated they need to be replaced next year. These units are twelve years old and are recommended to be replaced after ten years. New standards in 2012 and 2013 for SCBA's will be in place, and Chief Frazier stated the replacement units will meet the new standards. $4 Chief Frazier reported that emergency preparedness training is in pl ~~andthe City is ready in case of a storm. Mr. Forbes and Chief Frazier detailed the em~tgenc.y management process and responsibilities of personnel before and after a hurricane. {. Chief Frazier advised that equipment replacements are ~c1feduledfor 2014. Mr. Forbes explained the plan used to pay for new trucks and equipment that ha.s"f'eachedrecommended replacement e:date. ~". , #~ -. The Comparison Survey of six coastal city fire departments refleeted t~at the Jacksonsille Beach Fire Department performs efficiently and cost effectively. , Police Department Chief Thomason reported the changes to department-personnel, stating that the school resource officer position was eliminated because this position will noV{@ep~rfoflUed,t5ya school board police officer, and a part time school crossing-guard has been adde' He exp-lained how the department polices the City, ensuring people feel safe in the community. • .~ Chief Thomason sai€t1hatthe department is only one part-of the criminal justice system. He described the arrest process and Iegal-system.used to determinethe punishment of offenders. He explained that when the Duv~LG.ooQU11ty Jail becomes fun, people w~ have committed lesser crimes are released; then the cycle b~ns -again, . ",- ... § . offic",,~rfhave added documentation to arrest forms noting the number of repeat occurrences of the same crimes; in hopes of encouraging judges to issue tougher sentences for repeat offenders. e Chief Thomason stated that disturbances by the homeless have decreased in the last six months. Supervisory reports show nei homeless are in town on a daily basis. Downtown CAPE officers explain laws and expectati€f~ of the City, give HOPE team cards, and encourage them to obtain assistance. Chief Thomason complimented the job Lori Anderson, the new Executive Director of the Mission House, is doiag, stating "she is running a tight ship" and making sure the homeless are fulfilling their requirements to continue participation at the Mission House. Mr. Forbes asked Chief Thomason to review the divisions of the department. Over 41,000 calls for service were answered last calendar year, and there were 67,000 total officer responses. He noted that most of these calls required two officers to respond and that over 70% of the arrests and notices to appear are issued to people that do not live in Jacksonville Beach. He explained that General Investigations Team detectives handle murders, sexual assaults, and felony thefts. Community Response Team detectives handle serial crimes, vice, and drug-related offenses. FY2012BudgetWkshpmin Page 2 of3 Minutes ofFY 2012 City Budget Workshop Monday, August 8, 2011 - 4:00 p.m. Mr. Forbes interjected the Community Response Team is made up of detectives and is designed to solve problems and can be assigned to different tasks. T heir main focus has been on the downtown area. Discussion ensued regarding the tasks of the different divisions, officers and their duties, noting their excellent performances. Chief Thomason reviewed recent accomplishments. The Citizen Police Academy has completed 26 classes and is currently running its 27th. Approximately 750 people have graduated from the program. Citizen Police Academy Alumni Association members donated over 10,000 hours of volunteer service in 2010, and the department now has 19 volunteers trained as Citizens On Patrol scheduled on a regular basis. Citizens On Patrol volunteers receive training in traffic, report writing, and ~ parking enforcement to provide additional assistance to the Patrol Divi§i6n. Chief Thomason said this is an extremely positive program. The department provides the car,.tfiey drive and the uniforms. All their time is volunteered. ..-4.. .., o. Quarterly Customer Service Surveys conducted by the d%partm~nt were :explained. They have continued to be positive. Also, the results of the trie~i4f customer service survey will be available soon. .-.•. .. Chief Thomason noted a correction to the Selected Crimes StatJcs showing one hqmicide in 2010. There were none in 2010, and the correction will be reflected-en the final document. Chief Thomason explained goals and response times. He noted that, while speed of response is important, the quality of the service provided by th~ officer is most importffi1t. Mr. Forbes mentioned there are two types of calls: Emergency calls such a'S crimes in progress; e.g., robbery, homicide, etc. and nonemergency calls: the crime has already occurred; e.g., theft, hili-glary, etc.. .•.--.;;;:. .•.. Mr. Forbes said the Gen~undBudget is down ~.8% because of new employees, turnover, and one less position. Mr. Forbes reviewed the Special Revenue Funds. The Department has been awarded $96,548 in grant run-"Cls which will be used for partial Community Response Team funding and a special crimes task force. The Department is also receiving $15,027 from the Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Local, wJ;tie.h will be used to replace SWA 1: b"liilisticvests . ~ . .$ .'. Chief'Tb6inason outlined plans for computer~ equipment for the cars, and car replacements. He said $ the ~l!fldng Program continues, and lot closing times are adjusted as needed. Chief Thomason noted that the School Resource Officer for Fletcher High School is now funded under the Duval County School Board. This has decreased the department's sworn positions from 61 to 60. The workshop was adjournedgt 5:15 p.m. ~.:i Submitted by: Cathy M. Martinich Senior ~ecretary Approved: IslPenny Christian Penny Christian, Mayor Pro-Tern Date: FY2012BudgetWkshpmin Page 3 of3 City of Jacksonville Beach Minutes of City Council FY 2012 - Budget Workshop Tuesday, August 9, 2011 - 4:00 PM Mayor Pro Tern Christian called the Budget Workshop to order at 4:00pm. City Council members in attendance: Lee Buck Penny Christian Steve Hartkemeyer Rick Knight Tom Taylor Jeanell Wilson Mayor Fland Sharp - Absent ..sI Also present were City Manager George Forbes, Harry Royal FinanC€ Officer, Budget Officer Trish Roberts, Roy Trotter, Director of Beaches Energy Services, and Seni~~ecretary, Cathy Martinich. $. ~ Beaches Energy Services ,~ " .Mr. Forbes introduced Roy Trotter and named the diviS'i~ns under his direction and described their .t:. responsibilities: <! ~.::."l • • • • • • • • Administration Engineering Relay/Substations Construction & Maintenance'F Storeroom Natural Gas Meter Services Property Management Mr. Forbes outlined employee positions and said that because of upcoming retirements, temporary overhires of Journeymen ~et"'e made and also in the Relay/Substation and Systems Operations. ~ - Beginning with the department's accomplishments fofsthe past year, Mr. Trotter reported that the GIS system has beea-cnstemized and configured, the reptication server has been built and tested and we are in the proces~.;Qfsecuring new notebook computers with a mapping system for vehicles. He said there are 25 miles 0~4as lines installed and 104 customers on line. The demand side management program regarding publi~~m:rators will be expanded to four City generators to double peak shaving ability. Mr. Trotter said that !be Municipal Service District project in St. Johns County is complete and all overhead lines east of AlA are underground. Mr. Trotter expla~ed the voltage reduction program. Mr. Forbes reviewed the Performance Measures, noting the importance of competitive costs, service, and reliability. He outlined reliabifity to customers, and stated the annual average duration of customer outage is 17 minutes, whereas the other 23 cities that were surveyed averaged 78 minutes. Mr. Forbes explained c~stomer service standards, and gave an overview of the excellent customer survey results by Utility Billing and Energy Audit employees. Mr. Forbes discussed the cost of services and said that our rates are very competitive. FY2012BudgetWkshpmin Page 1 of2 Minutes of FY 2012 City Budget Workshop Tuesday, August 9, 2010 -4:00 p.m. Mr. Trotter gave an overview of the department goals. Mr. Trotter stated that the capital improvement plan projects have been completed. Mr. Forbes described the Performance Measures and said that service and reliability to customers is important to maintain. He said the purchased power is the greatest expense and discussed the cost and service factors. He explained natural gas is new to services and noted a change in the proposed budget under "Transfers" from $3,528,028 to $3,518,258. Mr. Trotter reported generation resources include more than 60% of clean bunting natural gas. Natural gas and coal mixtures are more cost efficient. Regulatory issues continue wi~~RC, FERC and the FRCC regarding compliance standards of the operating transmission grid an.Q.~ed that the demand reduction program has been a great success. ,/:i; " " :. ' ~ 'i ." ' Mr. Trotter detailed the Capital Projects that are planned fo.t~-PY2012. Mr.F0f~es stated service and reliability is most important to maintain, and with the replac,¢:ient projects that are'icfreduled, goals will be met. ,,,,!. ~: ~ ~. Mr. Forbes brought attention to the Natural Gas Distribution Systems map provided ari~ pointed out a portion of the gas lines that have not been installed, but could be i~ it became necessary the future. He said there would soon be a need to contract with a TECO certifiedcompany to assist with the installation of natural gas service lines for the City. ~ in Mr. Forbes discussed the Property Management division of Beaches Energy. He explained that bi-annual inspections are done on all City facilities and gave an overview of the recent accomplishments by the department. He emphasized that the importance of customer service t-Ow~rdemployees is just as important " as toward citizens. Mr. Forg.e~detailed the lease agr.e~ments the City holds in the various buildings and towers leased out. He saig.-flfktthe leases are enterprise funds, whieh are important to the City. ' J~ Mr. Forbes explaine4.~ detail the Capital Outlay. Mr. Trotter discussed the computer system for SCADA and communications equipment at th~ substation. .:.:- Mr. Forbes d~d a revised reconciliation of the budget and presented it as the final proposed budget (Attachedis atricia Roberts gave an explanation of the items that had been adjusted. The ,,-~hop was adjournedat 5:07 p.m. Submitted by., Cathy M. Martinich Senior Secretary Approved: Penny Christian, Mayor Pro Tern Date: FY20 11BudgetWkshpmin Page 2 of2 Minutes of Regular City Council Meeting held Monday, August 15,2011, at 7:00 P.M. In the Council Chambers, 11 North 3rd Street, Jacksonville Beach, Florida. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Fland Sharp called the meeting to order. OPENING CEREMONIES: Invocation was by Council Member Knight, followed by the Salute to the Flag. ROLLCALL: Mayor: Fland Sharp Council Members: Lee Buck (absent) Steve Hartkemeyer Penny Christian Jeanell Wilson Rick Knight Tom Taylor Also present was City Manager George Forbes and Nancy J. Pyatte, City Clerk's Office. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: It was moved by Ms. Christian, seconded by Ms. Wilson, and passed, to approve the following minutes, as presented: City Council Budget Tour, held July 29,2011 City Council FY 2012 Budget Workshop, held August 1,2011 Regular City Council Meeting held August 1, 2011. ANNOUNCEMENTS: COURTESY OF THE FLOOR TO VISITORS: No one came forward to address the Council. CITY MANAGER: (a) Approve Monthly Financial Reports - Month of July 2011 Motion: (b) It was moved by Ms. Christian, seconded by Ms. Wilson, and passed, to approve the Monthly Financial Reports for the month of July 2011. Approval to Accept Trade-in Values on New Vehicle Purchases RCl10815min Page 1 of5 Minutes of Regular City Council Meeting held Monday, August 15,2011 Motion: It was moved by Ms. Christian, seconded by Ms. Wilson, to authorize the City Manager to accept trade-ins for new vehicle purchases if the trade-in value is deemed to be in the best interest of the City . Mr. Forbes explained that the existing bucket truck was approved for replacement and included in the approved FY2011 Budget. In the past these trucks were surplused then auctioned. The City has received a trade-in offer, to be deducted from the invoice, which is more than the previous trucks have been sold for at auction. Roll call vote: Ayes - Hartkemeyer, Knight, Taylor, Wilson, Christian, and Mayor Sharp; motion carried unanimously. (c) Award Bid No. 1011-17 for Rebuilding Substation Class Switches Motion: It was moved by Ms. Christian, seconded by Ms. Wilson, to award Bid No. 101117 for rebuilding substation class switches to Southern Switch and Contacts Inc. for a period of one year, with an option to renew for an additional one year extension upon approval ofthe City Manager. Mr. Forbes advised this is for contract services at Beaches Energy Services' Substations . Roll call vote: Ayes -Knight, Taylor, Wilson, Christian, Hartkemeyer, and Mayor Sharp; motion carried unanimously. (d) Award Bid No. 1011-14 for the Purchase of 138kV Brace Post Insulators Motion: It was moved by Ms. Christian, seconded by Ms. Wilson, to award Bid No. 101114 for the purchase of 138kV Brace Post Insulators to Electric Supply Inc . Mr. Forbes stated that the new insulators will include a corona ring at the post insulator end to prevent deterioration. Roll call vote: Ayes - Taylor, Wilson, Christian, Hartkemeyer, Knight and Mayor Sharp; motion carried unanimously. (e) Award Bid No. 1011-16 for the Purchase of Copper Wire and Cable Motion: It was moved by Ms. Christian, seconded by Ms. Wilson, to award Bid No. 101116 for the purchase of copper wire and cable to HD Supply Electrical, Ltd . Mr. Forbes explained that this is purchased annually and stocked in the storeroom for Beaches Energy Services use. RCl10815min Page 2 of5 Minutes of Regular City Council Meeting held Monday, August 15, 2011 Roll call vote: Ayes - Wilson, Christian, Hartkemeyer, Knight, Taylor and Mayor Sharp; motion carried unanimously. (f) Award Bid No. 1011-15 for a Battery Bank and Battery Charger Motion: It was moved by Ms. Christian, seconded by Ms. Wilson, to award Bid No. 1011-15 for a battery bank and battery charger. Mr. Forbes stated this will replace the existing battery bank and charger at Guana Substation, which has to be maintained according to industry standards. Roll call vote: Ayes - Hartkemeyer, Knight, Taylor, Wilson, Christian and Mayor Sharp; motion carried unanimously. ORDINANCES (a) Ordinance No. 2011-8000 - Second Reading Mayor Sharp requested that Nancy Pyatte read Ordinance No. 2011-8000, on its second reading, by title; whereupon Ms. Pyatte read the following: "AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 15, LICENSES, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES FOR THE INCORPORATED AREA OF THE CITY OF JACKSOl\TVILLE BEACH, FLORIDA, IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTER 205, FLORIDA STATUTES, BY AME~l)ING THE TERM OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE TO LOCAL BUSINESS TAX RECEIPT, AND CLARIFICATION OF CERTAIN BUSINESS DESCRIPTIONS, REPEALING ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH" Motion: It was moved by Ms. Christian, seconded by Ms. Wilson, to adopt Ordinance No. 2011-8000, on its second reading, as read by title, amending Chapter 15, Licenses, of the Jacksonville Beach Code of Ordinances. Roll call vote: Ayes - Knight, Taylor, Wilson, Christian, Hartkemeyer and Mayor Sharp; motion carried unanimously. (b) Ordinance No. 2011-8001- Second Reading - Public Hearing Mayor Sharp requested that Nancy Pyatte read Ordinance No. 2011-8001, on its second reading, by title; whereupon Ms. Pyatte read the following: "AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE NOS. 2004-7873 AND 2005-7907, SUPPLEMENTING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS AND ZONING ATLAS FOR RCl10815min Page 3 of5 Minutes of Regular City Council Meeting held Monday, August 15,2011 THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE BEACH, FLORIDA, AS PROVIDED UNDER CHAPTER 34 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF SAID CITY" (This Amendment is for the Baptist Medical Center Beaches) Mayor Sharp read the following: "This ordinance for the rezoning of property is before this Council for a public hearing and consideration on its first reading. Under the laws of the State of Florida, an application for the rezoning of property is handled as a 'quasi-judicial' proceeding. A quasi-judicial proceeding means that a governing body is now functioning in a manner similar to a court with the Mayor and Council sitting as impartial decision makers hearing testimony and questioning presenters, who are to provide substantial and competent evidence to support their side of the issue. It is the duty of the Council to arrive at sound decisions regarding the use of property within the City. This includes receiving citizen input regarding the proposed use on the neighborhood, especially where the input is fact-based and not a simple expression of opinion. It is the applicant's burden to demonstrate that their application is consistent with the Land Development Code and the Comprehensive Plan. If the applicant is successful in showing consistency, then it is up to the local government to produce competent, substantial evidence of record that the application should be denied. The Council's decision on a rezoning application is based on the criteria set forth in Section 34-211 of the Land Development Code. Each member of the Council has been provided with a copy of the criteria." In addition, the Council has received a copy of the application and the staff and Planning Commission reports on this rezoning request. Mayor Sharp opened the Public Hearing on Ordinance No. 2011-8001. Mac McCuller, 225 Water Street, Ste. A, Jacksonville, FL 32202, representing the applicant, requested a continuance. Mr. McCuller stated some language needed to be amended regarding the square footages so that the existing uses on the property are included in the uses authorized in this amended PUD. There being no further speakers, Mayor Sharp closed the Public Hearing and read the following: "Beginning with myself, each of the members is requested to indicate for the record both the names of persons and substance of any ex-parte communications regarding this application. An ex-parte communication refers to any meeting or discussion with a person or citizen who may have an interest in this decision, which occurred outside the public hearing process." Ex-Parte Communications: • • Mayor Sharp - none Rick Knight - none RCl10815min Page 4 of5 Minutes of Regular City Council Meeting held Monday, August 15,2011 • • • • Tom Taylor - none Steve Hartkemeyer - none Jeanell Wilson - none Penny Christian - none There being no further discussion, the Mayor closed the public hearing. Motion: It was moved by Ms. Christian, seconded by Ms. Wilson, to carry over to the next Council meeting Ordinance No. 2011-8001, second reading, amending the PUD ordinances governing the Baptist Medical Center - Beaches by consolidating the three hospital owned properties and by incorporating a master signage plan, as read by title. Roll call vote: Ayes -Taylor, Wilson, Christian, Hartkemeyer, Knight and Mayor Sharp; motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business coming before the Council, Mayor Sharp adjourned the meeting at 7:15 p.m. Submitted by: Nancy J. Pyatte City Clerk's Office Approval: Fland o. Sharp, Mayor Date: September 6. 2011 RCII0815min Page 5 of5 OFFICE OF CITY MANAGER City of Jacksonville September 6, 2011 Beach Ms. Rhonda Street City Hall Finance Department 11 North Third Street Jacksonville Beach Dear Rhonda, FL 32250 Phone: 904.247.6268 Fax: 904.247.6276 It is with great pleasure that we present you this letter of appreciation for your outstanding job performance as the computer Systems OperatorlWeb Administrator. You have been selected as an Employee of the Quarter for the 2nd Quarter of 2011. You are being recognized for: • Providing exemplary customer service, quickly responding to requests for information and website updates. • Promoting a cooperative spirit on the job, voluntarily taking over as editor of Tidelines and implementing new plans for improvement. • Providing reliable service and delivering services when promised in a professional and helpful manner. Please accept our sincere gratitude and thanks for your outstanding performance. It truly exemplifies the dedication and spirit for which we all strive to attain as public employees. Sincerely, ~ 0 George D. Forbes City Manager GDF:cn ;-;k- HUMAN RESOURCES City of Jacksonville MEMORANDUM Beach TO: George Forbes, City Manager FROM: Karen Nelson, Director of Human Resources DATE: August 31, 2011 RE: Employee of the Quarter Award City Hall 11 North Third Street Jacksonville Beach FL 32250 Phone: 904.247.6263 2nd Quarter of 2011 Fax: 904.247.6169 VINv' This is to advise that the final determination for Employee of the Quarter for the 2nd Quarter of 2011 has been made. It is my pleasure to announce the following selection: Rhonda Street Finance Department Please refer to the attached letter on her achievements. According to our Awards Program, this individual should be recognized by the City Council with a personalized letter from you and the City of Jacksonville Beach Employee of the Quarter pin. I am forwarding this information to you so that a presentation can be made at the September 6, 2011 Council Meeting. The recipient will be notified to attend. Additionally, for your information, the Department Director will be having a departmental award ceremony which will include the presentation of a check in the amount of $100 and a personalized certificate for their employee. KN:cn Attachment HUMAN RESOURCES JACKSONVILLE 'BEACH, City of Jacksonville Beach City Hall 11 North Third Street Jacksonville MEMORANDUM Beach TO: George D. Forbes, City Manager FROM: Karen Nelson, Human Resources Director SUBJECT: Employee Insurance Benefits and Third Party Administration Calendar Year 2012. FL 32250 Phone: 904.247.6263 for DATE: August 23, 2011 Fax: 904.247.6169 ACTION REQUESTED City Council approval to renew contracts with: o Cigna for employee health, dental and voluntary vision insurance and HRA administration, effective January 1,2012. • Medcom for flexible spending administration, effective October 1, 2011. BACKGROUND In April, 2011, the City Council approved extending Cigna's contract from October 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011 with no rate increase. completed discussions We recently for a new contract, effective January 1, 2012, for the calendar year. The discussions resulted in the following: Cigna • Medical - No change in plans or plan benefits; rate increase. • Dental HMO - Change in the copay schedule; no rate change. It Standard Dental PPO - No plan change; no rate change. • Premium Dental PPO - No plan change; rate increase. • Vision - This is a voluntary product, paid 100% by employees; no rate or plan changes. • HRA - Cigna is the administrator for the Health Reimbursement Account and there is no change in rates for administering this plan. Memorandum to George D. Forbes August 23, 2011 Page 2 of 2 The overall approximately projected $185,891. increased cost The increase for the health insurance plans is in cost to the City is estimated at $162,350, which is included in the 2012 proposed budget. Employees selecting the CoPay Plan will see increases ranging from 3% to 8%, depending on coverage selected, while employees selecting the lower cost HRA Plan will have no increase in rates. The Standard Dental PPO has no change in benefits or rates. The Dental HMO is a revised plan with higher copays, but the rates remain unchanged from the current year. The Premium Dental PPO Plan has a 19% increase in rates, which will be paid by employees who select it. See Exhibits A and B for Summaries of the medical and dental plans and rate schedules. Medcom is the third party administrator for the Health Flexible Spending Plan and the Dependent Care Flexible Spending Plan and there is no change in rates for administering these plans. RECOMMENDATION Approve the contracts with Cigna and Medcom as outlined in the memorandum dated August 23,2011 from Karen Nelson, Human Resources Director, and titled "Employee Insurance Benefits and Third Party Administration 2012". for Calendar Year EXHIBIT A-Medical Plans City of Jacksonville Beach Employees Proposed Benefits Effective January 1, 2012. This is a summary only. CIGNA Benefit Highlights Copav Plan HRAPlan Employer Contribution Employee - $500 ! Family $1,000 In Network Out-of-Network PHYSICIAN SERVICES Primary! Specialty Care Office Visit Routine Preventive Care (including mammogram and scopic procedures) Inpatient Hospital Physician Visit FACILITY SERVICES Inpatient Hospital! Outpatient Facility Emergency Room Urgent Care Facility Independent X-ray andlor Lab Facility (You Pay) 30% after plan deductible (You Pay) $30! $50 Plan pays 100% Plan pays 100% (You Pay) 30% after plan deductible (You Pay) 30% after plan deductible (You Pay) 50% after plan deductible (You 30% 30% 30% 30% (You pay) 30% after plan deductible $200 copay*, then 100% (You pay) 50% after plan deductible $200 copay*, then 100% Pay) after after after after plan plan plan plan deductible deductible deductible deductible MENTAL HEALTH and SUBSTANCE ABUSE (You Pay) Inpatient Facility 30% after plan deductible 30% after plan deductible Outpatient Physicians Office PRESCRIPTION DRUGS Generic drugs $15 * (*preventive generic Preferred brand-name drugs prescriptions covered at 100%) $30 Non-preferred brand-name drugs $60 (included) Self administered injectables MAXIMUMS! DEDUCTffiLES ! COINSURANCE Lifetime Maximum I Unlimited per individual $4,000 individual Calendar Year Deductibles $8,000 family* admitted) (*>1Iaivedif admitted) $50 copay* (*waived admitted) Place of service cost! waive deductible You pay 50% after plan deductible (You pay) 30% after plan deductible $50 per visit (You pay) 50% after plan deductible 50% after plan deductible $15 $30 $50 25% None Unlimited per individual $3,000 individual $9,000 family Unlimited per individual $6,000 individual $12,000 family $5,000 individual $15,000 family $10,000 individual $20,000 family deductibles & copays excluded deductibles & copays excluded (*waived if admitted) (You Pay) 50% after plan deductible Plan pays 100% $50 copay* (*waived if if "collective - all family members contribute towards the family deductible Out-of-Pocket Maximums $6,000 individual $12,000 family* "collective - all family members contribute towards the family OOP max. deductibles count towards oOP max. EXHIBIT A-Dental Plans City of Jacksonville Beach Employees Proposed Benefits Effective January 1, 2012. This is a summary of benefits only. Sample Procedures ADA D0150 Comprehensive Oral Evaluation Office Visit Premium Plan (PPO) Reimbursement from Company In Network Out Network 100% 90%ofUCR D02l0 X-Rays 100% 90%ofUCR Dlll0 Cleaning - Adult 100% 90%ofUCR D2330 Fillings - Resin Based Composite One surface, Anterior Root Canal Anterior Full Upper Denture Extractions, Erupted Tooth Orthodontics 80% 70%ofUCR 80% 70%ofUCR 50% 40%ofUCR 80% 70%ofUCR 0% 0% D33l0 D5110 D7l40 Special Features Standard Reimbursement Plan (PPO) from Company In or Out Network 100% of In-Network Fee Schedule 100% of In-Network Fee Schedule 100% of In-Network Fee Schedule 80% of In-Network Fee Schedule Basic Plan (DHMO) New. Plan Copayment made by employee In Network Only $0 $5-0ffice Visit Fee (in addition to any other applicable patient charges) $0 $0 (limit 1 every 6 months) additional cleaning - $45 $22 80% of In-Network Fee Schedule 0% $330 80% of In-Network Fee schedule 0% $53 Deductible $50 / $150 Family (waived for Class 1 procedures) Annual Max. $1,000 (Standard Plan) $1,500 (premium Plan) Choose any Dentist OR use In-Network Dentist for greater benefit $350 D8660 - Pre -Orthodontic Treatment Visit - $66 D8670 - Children 24 Month Treatment - $2,460 D8670 - Adults 24 Month Treatment - $3,330 No Deductibles No Claim Forms No Annual Maximums Choose a network dentist EXHIBIT B Health Insurance Renewal Rates Eff ective Januarv t, 2012 HEALTH Monthly Total Premium Monthly City Contribution Monthly Employee Contribution HRA Plan Current New Current New Current New Single $393.28 $426.58 $393.28 $426.58 $0.00 $0.00 E & Spouse $781.65 $848.81 $507.85 $575.01 $273.80 $273.80 E & Child $742.81 $806.59 $517.77 $581.55 $225.04 $225.04 $1,247.97 $1,355.79 $667.87 $775.69 $580.10 $580.10 CoPay Plan Current New Current New Current New Single $500.83 $542.90 $393.28 $426.58 $107.55 $116.32 E & Spouse $998.51 $1,082.91 $507.85 $575.01 $490.66 $507.90 E & Child $948.74 $1,028.90 $517.77 $581.55 $430.97 $447.35 $1,596.09 $1,731.31 $667.87 $775.69 $928.22 $955.62 Retiree HRA Current New Current New Current New Single $387.34 $420.64 $0.00 $0.00 $387.34 $420.64 E & Spouse $775.71 $842.87 $0.00 $0.00 $775.71 $842.87 E & Child $736.87 $800.65 $0.00 $0.00 $736.87 $800.65 $1,242.03 $1,349.85 $0.00 $0.00 $1,242.03 $1,349.85 Family Family Family DENTAL Monthly Total Premium Monthly City Contribution Monthly Employee Contribution DHMO Current New Current New Current New Single $11.97 $11.97 $11.97 $11.97 $0.00 $0.00 Family $25.56 $25.56 $14.86 $14.86 $10.70 $10.70 Single $9.32 $9.32 $9.32 $9.32 $0.00 $0.00 Family $30.05 $30.05 $14.86 $14.86 $15.19 $15.19 Single $25.24 $30.04 $14.86 $14.86 $10.38 $15.18 Family $70.28 $83.63 $14.86 $14.86 $55.42 $68.77 Standard DPPO Premium DPPO POLICE DEPARTMENT Bruce A. Thomason Chief of Police City of Jacksonvilie Beach Police Department To: George D. Forbes, City Manager From: Bruce A. Thomason, Chief of Police SUbject: Purchase of Handguns and Related Equipment Department from Equitable Sharing Fund Date: August 17,2011 101 Penman Road, South Jacksonville Beach FL 32250 Phone: 904.247.6343 Fax: 904.247.6342 for the Police ACTIONS REQUESTED 1. Approve the purchase of new Gen4 Glock 21 handguns and related equipment from GT Distributors of Georgia using seizure monies from the federal Equitable Sharing Fund; and 2. Declare current Generation 3 Glock 21 handguns and related equipment as surplus and authorize their trade-in to GT Distributors of Georgia to offset cost of the new weapons. BACKGROUND In January 2002, the City Council authorized the purchase of Generation 3 Glock 21 handguns for the police department. While the weapons have maintained a high standard of performance and reliability, the new Gen4 (Generation 4) Glock has upgrades unavailable on the current weapon. Those features include the following: • • • • • Multiple back strap system that allows the officer to change the circumference of the grip to fit his/her individual hand size; Reversible magazine catch that can be switched to fit a left- or righthanded shooter without adding parts; Rough-textured surface designed to enhance grip traction; Dual recoil spring assembly that noticeably reduces recoil, allowing for better accuracy and quicker follow-up shots; and New recoil spring that increases the life of the assembly. \. • ~ 1995 1 The Police Department received quotations from the following three vendors for 74 Gen4 Glock 21 semi-automatic handguns in .45 caliber, with 150 ammunition magazines: VENDOR ITEM NUMBER UNIT SHIPPING GT Distributors, Inc., Gen4 Glock 21 Pistol Magazine 74 TOTAL TRADE-IN COST Rossville, GA LESS $29.95 $489.00 $325.00 $12,136.00 Each 150 . $19.50 $ 2,925.00 $15,090.95* GRAND TOTAL B & H Gun Rack, Inc., Merritt Island, FL .: Lou's Police Distributors, Inc., Hialeah, FL ,. . . Gen4 Glock 21 Pistol Magazine 74 $489.00 150 $19.50 Gen4 Glock 21 Pistol 74 $489.00 Magazine 150 $19.50 -0- $320.00 Each .;;' ., $2,925.00 -", " -0- $12,506.00 GRAND TOTAL $15,431.00 $250.00 Each $17,686.00 :-. GRAND TOTAL $2,925.00 $20,611.00 *Low Quote In 2002, the City purchased the Generation 3 handguns through a competitive bid process, paying $417.00 per weapon. GT Distributors, Inc. offered $325.00 per handgun as trade-in value toward the purchase of the new weapons, only a $92.00 reduction in value after more than nine years of use. This purchase meets statutory requirements for the Equitable Sharing Fund, according to the Asset Forfeiture & Money Laundering Section, Criminal Division, U. S. Department of Justice. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Approve a draw of $15,090.95 from the federal Equitable Sharing Fund for the purchase of new Gen4 Glock 21 handguns and magazines; and 6 2. Declare current Glock 21 handguns as surplus and authorize their trade-in for $325.00 each to ffi~ GT Distributors, Inc. GlockGen4Purchase 06Sepll 2 POLICE DEPARTMENT Bruce A. Thomason Chief of Police City of Jacksonville Beach To: George D. Forbes, City Manager From: Bruce A. Thomason, Chief of Police Subject: Purchase Replacement Animal Control Vehicle Date: August 26,2011 Police Department 101 Penman Road, South Jacksonville Beach FL 32250 Phone: 904.247.6343 Fax: 904.247.6342 ACTION REQUESTED Approve the purchase of a 2011 Chevrolet Pickup Truck for the Animal Control Officer. BACKGROUND Earlier this week, vehicle maintenance personnel inspected the animal control vehicle, a 2006 Chevrolet four-wheel drive pickup with 43,000 miles, and found undercarriage corrosion so pervasive they recommended taking the vehicle permanently out of service. The police department receives numerous complaints annually from citizens about dogs on the beach during prohibited hours and dogs not being kept on a leash. To address those complaints, the animal control officer is instructed to check the beachfront daily. This is typically done several times during each shift. The corrosion from salt and sand is a direct consequence of the beach patrols. A replacement 2011 Chevrolet four-wheel drive pickup can be purchased under Florida Sheriffs Association state bid # 10-18-0907 for $20,276 from Garber Chevrolet in Green Cove Springs. Cost for vehicle striping, a new emergency light package, and transfer of the camper shell to the new vehicle will add approximately $1,500, bringing the total, estimated cost to $21,776. Funding is available in the Police Department budget. ~ 1995 RECOMMENDATION Approve the purchase of a replacement animal control vehicle, as detailed in an August 26,2011, memorandum from the Police Chief entitled, "Purchase Replacement Animal Control Vehicle". PurchaseACOVehReplacement 06Sep 11 2 POLICE DEPARTMENT Bruce A. Thomason Chief of Police City of Jacksonville Beach Police Department 101 Penman Road, South Jacksonville FL To: George D. Forbes, City Manager From: Bruce A. Thomason, Chief of Police Subject: Proposed Amendments to Chapters 2, 5, & 16 of the Code of Ordinances Rescinding All Regulations of Firearms Date: August 24,2011 Beach 32250 Phone: 904.247.6343 Fax: 904.247.6342 I ACTION REQUESTED Adoption of City Ordinance #2011-8002, amending Chapter 2, "Administration"; Chapter 5, "Animals and Fowl"; and Chapter 16, "Miscellaneous Offenses and Provisions"; of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Jacksonville Beach, Florida. BACKGROUND During the 2011 State of Florida legislative session, the Legislature passed, and the Governor signed, a new state statute (F.S. §790.33) removing essentially all authority for any governmental entity other than the state and federal government to regulate firearms and ammunition. The statute further requires counties and municipalities to rescind, to declare null and void, any and all ordinances that currently address firearms and ammunition. Failure to rescind existing ordinances prior to October 1, 2011, or to abide by terms of the state statute on and after October 1,2011, could subject not only the City but also its employees and elected officials to substantial fines. The following bullets highlight the proposed changes: • ~ ~< ~ ~ Delete the words "firearm of any type, size or configuration," as a part of the phrase, ' Weapon means a firearm of any type, size or configuration', within the broader definition of the term weapon, located in Chapter 2, Article VII, Section 2-191. 1 1995 • Delete the words, "starter pistols and toy cannons," as a part of the phrase, 'but excludes starter pistols and toy cannons used during organized sporting events and/or city-approved parades or celebrations.', within the broader definition of the term fireworks, located in Chapter 16, Section 16-11. • Delete the words, "shoot" and "shoot or," from the sentence, 'It shall be unlawful to trap, hunt, shoot or attempt to shoot or molest in any manner any bird or wild fowl or to rob bird nests or wild fowl nests.', located in Chapter 5, Sec. 5-2. • Chapter 16, Section 16-3, "Discharging firearms; use of dangerous weapons", must be rescinded and declared null and void in its entirety. • Chapter 16, Section 16-3.1, "Operation of outdoor shooting ranges", must be rescinded and declared null and void in its entirety. RECOMMENDATION Adopt Ordinance #2011-8002, that amends Chapters 2, 5, & 16 of the Code of Ordinances Rescinding All Regulations of Firearms. FirearmsOrdinanceRescindMemo06Sep 11 2 Chapter 16, "Miscellaneous Offenses & Provisions", Sec. 16-3. "Discharging Firearms; Use of Dangerous Weapons" It shall h@ luilawful Wi" ailY P€F500 te dis@hapg@ allY gun ep pist81 er 8diep fiF@apms, ex@€pt Hi @as€s 8f li€@nsed 5h8etillg gall@ri@s ep law €nwp@@mtl"ftteffi@@FSm tfi@liD@€If dDt5-, eF te us@ ill a liallg@Feas manB@F slingshets eF ail' FiR@san~ pistels. Chapter 16, "Miscellaneous Offenses & Provisions", Sec. 16-3.1 "Operation Shooting Ranges" of Outdoor It shall h@llnlalidlll ftw ~my p@yseD te ep@pat@ aD elltdeep sheeting FaDge witliiB the eity limits €If the Ci~- ef Jaelfi!S8Dyille B@aeh @Keept as h@F@iDaft@FpFeYi€l@~: (1) It is the iBt@~ltef this sedi8D t€~ permit the ep@patieD ef aD 8titdeeF sheeting MDg@ iD harmeD,- with a~jaeeDt pFefJerti@s aDd wh@l'@apprefJriat@ sak~- Bi@aSliFes aFe fJreyide~ te fJrlK@Dt adja@lmt pFefJerti@s {rem @xperi@D@iDgaDY eDeFeaehm@Dt eF eff@ets €Ill the pea@@and tFaIUlllili~- @Djey@~By the 8@@llfJaDtsef aEijae@nt llF€lfJ@rii€s reslliting {rem the llse 9f tRe ellt~eer sluHJtiDg F~lIlge. (2) Th@ eDly €latd€ler sheetmg fJermitte~ withm the ei~- limits sHh@ Ci~- ef Jaeleell'dlle Beaek is the eut€ieel' sheeting raDg@ alltkeFiz@~ te Be maintamed aDd efJ@ra!e~ By Frat@rnal OFdep efPelil~e, Neriheast@p Le~g@ #17 ("FOP") By an epd@p ef the Cip@llit CeDri, 4t@ Jll~ieial Cipelli!, WI' Dllyal CellDty, Flepida, eDDeeemh@p 6, ~ (J) The tlS@eCth@ Cirellit Ceurt erdeped FOP elltde€!p sheetiDg paDge shaUDet eemm@n@@DRtH nee@5sapy an~ apfJpeppiate Baele!efJs, si~e Berms ep walls, saf@ty Baffl@s, an~ etk@p safety meaSllpcs hWfe BecD eeBstf'ueted aeeep~iBg t€l llialls ppepaped hy a Flepida ppeiessi€mal cngiDe@p with spceializ@d eXfJ@rtise m the area ef pistel paDge safet5-; afJPpeYfd By the €lily; aDd a e@rtificatc ef ecellfJaBey has BecD isslle~ By the JaeleeDYille B@aek Bllildmg InsfJ@etieD DiyisieD. Slleh mcaSlipes shall pemam ill fJlaee and he maintaiDe~ in cemfJlianee with the plalls apfJf'eved hy the ei~- dlipiDg all times WhCD the sheeting MDge is ill €IfJerath~D. (4) Th€ limited eutdeer F@deral ~ays 8ftke ¥rcelt an~ hell¥'s ef €lfJ€patieD ef aft ell!~8ep sheeting railg@ are tlJ Meft~ay tkl'lJllgk Ff'i~&y B@tllH{;1B 9:00 a.m. aft~ 4:00 fJ.m. OfJ@pati€lft ef aft sk€letiftg pange is slleeificaUy ppekihitc€! eft Saturday all~ SUH:~ay aftd eft any klJIiday. (~) Us@ IJf the €lHt~lJer shee!mg raDge ~ limited te han~glllis. (6) A-II tapg@ts HS@~at the 8ut~lJlJr sheetiDg pallg@ shall he made ef llaller, ef a ~'fJe all~ €J:Hali~' e€lmmcl'cially ayailahll~ ~I' sHch pupileses. (7) The eut~eel' SD€HJting pang@ shalllH~ ep@pate~ at all times iD a@@€IpdaD@@ with tlw laws ef the ~tah~ ef Flepida, the Cit5- €IfJaeliSeH:Yille Beadt, aDd all staftdards fWemuIgated hy th€l Nathmal Rifl@ Asseeistilm 8fJfJli@8hl@to su@h fa@iliti@s. Proposed Deletions to Ordinances Relating to Firearms (Deletions: Strikeouts in red) Chapter 2, "Administration", Art. VII, "Civil Emergencies", Sec. 2-191. "Dermitions" Weapon means a fif'@arm 8£ aft} tY}J@,size 81' @8ftfigHf'ati8D, cutting instrument of any type, size or configuration; tear gas gun or chemical weapon or device; electric weapon or device; or any other device or object not commonly considered a weapon but which, in its use, intended use, or threatened use, is capable of causing injury to a person; e.g., rock, bottle, stick, club, bat, etc. Chapter 5, "Animals and Fowl", Art. I, "In General", Sec. 2-191. "Same-Huntim!:. Shooting, Etc, Prohibited; When Birds Deemed Nuisance; Manner of Destroying" It shall be unlawful to trap, hunt, ~or attempt to Sfl€l€lt rsf molest in any manner any bird or wild fowl or to rob bird nests or wild fowl nests. Provided, however, if starlings or similar birds are found to be congregating in such numbers in a particular locality that they constitute a nuisance or a menace to health or property in the opinion of the proper health authorities of the city, then in such event the health authorities shall meet with representatives of the Audubon Society, Bird Club, Garden Club or Humane Society, or as many of the clubs as are found to exist in the city, after having given at least three (3) days actual notice of the time and place of the meeting to the representatives of the clubs. If as a result of the meeting no satisfactory alternative is found to abate such nuisance, then the birds may be destroyed in such numbers and in such manner as is deemed advisable by the health authorities under the supervision of the chief of police. Chapter 16. "Miscellaneous Offenses & Provisions", Sec. 16-11. "Regulation of Fireworks" Fireworks means and includes any combustible or explosive composition or substance or combination of substances or, except, as hereinafter provided, any article prepared for the purpose of producing a visible or audible effect by combustion, explosion, deflagration or detonation. The term includes blank cartridges and toy cannons in which explosives are used, firecrackers, torpedoes, skyrockets, roman candles, dago bombs, and any fireworks containing any explosives or flammable compound or any tablets or other device containing any explosive substance; out @ulu€l@s start@f' }JiSt8~ aad t8)" @aDIWfiSused duriDg 8f'gaDiz@d s}J€wtmg lW@DtSaDd/8!' @ity appr8y@d parades 81"@@I@bl"ati8ftS"t For purposes of this section, the defmition of "frreworks" does not include any item listed in F.S. § 791.01(4) (b) and (c). Introduced By: 1st Reading: 2nd Reading: _ _ _ ORDINANCE NO. 2011-8002 AN ORDINANCE TO REPEAL CITY ORDINANCES REGULATING FIREARMS AND AMMUNITION BY AMENDING SECTION 2-191; "DEFINITIONS"; OF CHAPTER 2; "ADMINISTRATION"; ARTICLE VII; "CIVIL EMERGENCIES"; AMENDING SECTION 5-2; "SAMEHUNTING, SHOOTING, ETC., PROHIBITED; WHEN BIRDS DEEMED NUISANCE; MANNER OF DESTROYING"; OF CHAPTER 5; "ANIMALS AND FOWL"; ARTICLE I; "IN GENERAL"; AMENDING SECTION 16-11; "REGULATION OF FIREWORKS"; OF CHAPTER 16; "MISCELLANEOUS OFFENSES AND PROVISIONS"; ARTICLE I; "IN GENERAL"; DECLARING NULL AND VOID IN THEIR ENTIRETY SECTION 16-3; "DISCHARGING FIREARMS; USE OF DANGEROUS WEAPONS"; AND SECTION 16-3.1; "OPERATION OF OUTDOOR SHOOTING RANGES"; OF CHAPTER 16; "MISCELLANEOUS OFFENSES AND PROVISIONS"; ARTICLE I; "IN GENERAL"; OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE BEACH, FLORIDA; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT WITH .nns ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Code of Ordinances of the City of Jacksonville Beach contains laws enacted by the City Council of the City of Jacksonville Beach that regulate the carrying, possessing, or discharging of firearms, and the operation of outdoor shooting ranges; and WHEREAS, the Legislature of the State of Florida has recently taken action to preempt the, " ... whole field of regulation of firearms and ammunition, including the purchase, sale, transfer, taxation, manufacture, ownership, possession, storage, and transportation thereof, to the exclusion of all existing and future county, city, town, or municipal ordinances or any administrative regulations or rules adopted by local or state government relating thereto." [F.S. §790.33 (1)]; and Ordinance No. 2011-8002 Page 1 of4 WHEREAS, the Legislature of the State of Florida has declared, " ... all ordinances and regulations null and void which have been enacted by any jurisdictions other than state and federal, which regulate firearms, ammunition, or components thereof; to prohibit the enactment of any future ordinances or regulations relating to firearms, ammunition, or components thereof unless specifically authorized by this section or general law; and to require local jurisdictions to enforce state firearms laws." [F.S. §790.33 (2) (a)]; and WHEREAS, Chapter 790, Section 790.33, as enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida, and signed into law by the Governor of the State of Florida, directs that all ordinances of the City of Jacksonville Beach in conflict with this state statute shall by law be declared null and void before October 1, 2011. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. That the term Weapon, as defmed in Article VII; "Civil Emergencies"; Section 2-191; "Definitions"; of Chapter 2; "Administration"; of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Jacksonville Beach, Florida, is rescinded and declared null and void in its entirety; and that a new defmition of Weapon is created and shall read as follows: Sec. 2-191. Definitions. Weapon means a cutting instrument of any type, size or configuration; tear gas gun or chemical weapon or device; electric weapon or device; or any other device or object not commonly considered a weapon but which, in its use, intended use, or threatened use, is capable of causing injury to a person; e.g., rock, bottle, stick, club, bat, etc. SECTION 2. That Section 5-2; "Same-Hunting, shooting, etc., prohibited; when birds deemed nuisance; manner of destroying"; of Article I; "In General"; of Chapter 5; "Animals and Fowl"; of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Jacksonville Beach, Florida, is rescinded and declared null and void in its entirety; and that a new Section 5-2 is created and shall read as follows: Ordinance No. 2011-8002 Page 2 of4 Sec. 5-2. Same-Hunting, shooting, etc., prohibited; when birds deemed nuisance; manner of destroying It shall be unlawful to trap, hunt, or attempt to molest in any manner any bird or wild fowl or to rob bird nests or wild fowl nests. Provided, however, if starlings or similar birds are found to be congregating in such numbers in a particular locality that they constitute a nuisance or a menace to health or property in the opinion of the proper health authorities of the city, then in such event the health authorities shall meet with representatives of the Audubon Society, Bird Club, Garden Club or Humane Society, or as many of the clubs as are found to exist in the city, after having given at least three (3) days actual notice ofthe time and place of the meeting to the representatives of the clubs. If as a result of the meeting no satisfactory alternative is found to abate such nuisance, then the birds may be destroyed in such numbers and in such manner as is deemed advisable by the health authorities under the supervision of the chief of police. SECTION 3. That the term Fireworks, as defined in Article 1, "In General"; Section 1611 (a) (3); "Regulation of Fireworks"; of Chapter 16; "Miscellaneous Offenses"; of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Jacksonville Beach, Florida, is rescinded and declared null and void in its entirety; and that a new definition of Fireworks is created and shall read as follows: Sec. 16-11(a) (3). Definitions, Fireworks means and includes any combustible or explosive composition or substance or combination of substances or, except, as hereinafter provided, any article prepared for the purpose of producing a visible or audible effect by combustion, explosion, deflagration or detonation. The term includes blank cartridges and toy cannons in which explosives are used, firecrackers, torpedoes, skyrockets, roman candles, dago bombs, and any fireworks containing any explosives or flammable compound or any tablets or other device containing any explosive substance. For purposes of this section, the definition of "fireworks" does not include any item listed in F.S. § 791.01(4) (b) and (c). SECTION 4. That Article 1; Section 16-3; "Discharging firearms; use of dangerous weapons"; of Chapter 16; "Miscellaneous Offenses and Provisions"; of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Jacksonville Beach, Florida, is rescinded and declared null and void in its entirety. SECTION 5. That Article 1; Section 16-3.1; "Operation of outdoor shooting ranges"; of Chapter 16; "Miscellaneous Offenses and Provisions"; of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Jacksonville Beach, Florida, is rescinded and declared null and void in its entirety. SECTION 6. If any provision of this ordinance or the particular application of this ordinance shall be held invalid by any court, administrative agency or other body with appropriate jurisdiction, the remaining section, subsection, sentences, clauses or phrases shall remain in effect. Ordinance No. 2011-8002 Page 3 of4 SECTION 7. That all other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are, to the extent the same may be in conflict, repealed. SECTION 8. Codification of this ordinance in the Code of Ordinances of the City of Jacksonville Beach is authorized and directed. SECTION 9. This ordinance shall take effect upon its adoption. AUTHENTICATED THIS __ DAY OF -', 2011. Fland O. Sharp, Mayor Judy Bullock, City Clerk Ordinance No. 2011-8002 Page 4 of4 MEMORANDUM ~J To: George D. Forbes, City Manager /'7 From: William C. Mann, Senior Planner ~~ Re: Ordinance No. 2011-8001, amending Planned Unit Development (PUD) Ordinances No. 2004-7873 and 2005-7907 governing the Baptist Medical Center - Beaches, to consolidate two PUDs governing the Hospital's facilities, to add an adjacent outpatient services facility to that consolidated PUD, and to incorporate a master signage plan for their facilities. Date: August 22,2011 ACTION REQUESTED: Public Hearings and Adoption ofthe attached Ordinance, No. 2011-8001, amending Planned Unit Development (PUD) Ordinances No. 2004-7873 and 2005-7907 governing the Baptist Medical Center Beaches, to consolidate two PUDs governing the Hospital's facilities, to add an adjacent outpatient services facility to that consolidated PUD, and to incorporate a master signage plan for their facilities. BACKGROUND: The applicant, Baptist Medical Center - Beaches, is requesting an amendment to the two PUD ordinances governing the hospital-owned properties and facilities lying between 13th and 16th Avenues South. The applicant seeks to consolidate those two PUDs, and to add the property and outpatient facilities that lie to the west, across Roberts Drive, to the consolidated PUD. They would also like to incorporate a new signage plan that would allow various types of wall and directional signs throughout the consolidated hospital 'campus.' The hospital properties between 13 and 16th Avenues (parcels A and B, in the application narrative) contain the main hospital facilities, and four medical office buildings. The main hospital building and Medical Office Buildings A, B, and C, collectively referred to as Parcel A in this application, are governed by the original PUD filed for the hospital, PUD Ordinance No. 2004-7873. All of the improvements within Parcel A approved by that PUD ordinance, and shown on the Exhibit D Preliminary PUD Site Plan, have been constructed, with the exception of a proposed parking garage, and the South Pavilion addition to the hospital. The hospital building, including the proposed South Pavilion expansion, is approved for a maximum height of 65' , and the proposed parking garage and the newly completed Medical Office Building "C" are both approved for a maximum height of 55'. Pursuant to Section 52 (2)(d) of the 2004 Building Height City Charter amendment, the building heights for the hospital building, Medical Office Building "C," and the proposed parking garage are exempt from the 35' height cap, because PUD Ordinance No. 2004-7873 was adopted prior to the approval of the charter amendment. The fourth medical office building on the main hospital campus, the former Jehovah Witness facility on 16th Avenue South, and two adjacent residential lots and structures, together designated as Parcel B, were not owned by the applicant when the original PUD ordinance was approved. They were approved for the applicant's use via a separate PUD ordinance, Ord. No. 2005-7907, when they were purchased by the applicant in 2005. If the attached ordinance is approved, the permitted uses of Parcel B will become the same as those listed for Parcels A and C, with the exception that there will be only one parking garage for the entire campus, as shown on the preliminary PUD Development Plan. Maximum building height within Parcel B is 35'. The property and facilities of the Wilson-Epstein Center (parcel C), across Roberts Drive to the west of Medical Office Buildings A and B, were also not owned by the applicant when the original PUD was approved in 2004. That facility is now owned by the applicant, though, and currently exists as an approved conditional use medical outpatient services facility in an RM -1 residential zoning district. (Ref. PC# 34-01). As part of this application, the applicant seeks to also consolidate Parcel C into the overall PUD regulations for the hospital facilities. If the application is approved, the zoning designation of Parcel C would be changed from RM-l to PUD, and the permitted uses of Parcel C would be the same as for Parcels A and B. Maximum building height within Parcel C is 35'. The existing Parcel C building and parking facilities are shown on Exhibit D, the proposed Preliminary PUD Development Plan. The permitted uses within the proposed consolidated PUD will include hospital, medical and allied professional offices, medical clinics, and ancillary hospital and office uses including, but not limited to, cafeterias, restaurants, gift shops, storage, parking lots, and one parking garage. The consolidated PUD would be approved for a 182-bed hospital and ancillary use facility, together with medical and allied professional office space on Parcels A, B, and C, as follows: Parcel A - 122,000 s.f. Parcel B - 12,000 s.f. Parcel C - 28.000 s.f. TOTAL 162,000 s.f. Because Parcels A and B are contiguous, the maximum square footages within those two parcels may be combined, subject to any necessary amendments to the approved Preliminary PUD Development Plan. The final request in the application is the approval of a proposed comprehensive on-site signage plan for the entire hospital campus, included as Exhibit E to the application. Our Land Development Code sign regulations currently allow for one on-site non-commercial directional sign at each point of ingress 2 and!or egress from a parcel. Such signs cannot exceed three square feet in area, and cannot exceed three feet in height. (Ref. LDC Sec. 34-353(3 b.) The applicant is requesting an increase in the size and height of various on-site directional signs, as shown on Exhibit E. They are also asking for approval of various wall signs, to be used to identify the various buildings and services. A majority of the proposed wall signs conform to our current sign standards, and several are already in place. The monument style ground signs shown on the applicant's Exhibit E Signage Plan are each approximately four to five feet in width. The tallest one, the main hospital identification sign (#30, Type A), conforms to our current sign standards as the property's main ground sign. The balance of the monument signs are considered by staff to be directional and facility identification signs, and are arranged in a hierarchy of heights, from 9' (one sign, Type F, #21), down to 7' (five signs, Types Band E), down to 5'8" (seven signs, Type C), and finally down to the smallest signs at 4' height (four signs, Type D). The location shown on Exhibit E for each sign is a general location only. It is noted that Signs #30,16, and 21 on Exhibit E appear to be shown in locations well within the 13th Ave S. right of way, but it has been confirmed with the applicant's agent that the applicant acknowledges that all signs must be located on private property, outside of any public right of way or easement. Staffhas reviewed the application against relevant Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code standards. To date, all of the existing facilities within the hospital campus have been developed consistent with relevant Comprehensive Plan, building, and zoning regulations. The PUD, as shown on the Exhibit D site plan, contains and will continue to contain both the LDC required parking and minimum 20% open space. Adequate public facilities are in place to serve the PUD, and have been recently enhanced with the improvements to the 9th Street Soutb/13 th Avenue South intersection. The only remaining facilities currently planned to be developed, the South Pavilion hospital addition and a parking garage, have already been approved via PUD Ordinance No. 2004-7873. There are no changes proposed in this application to either of these planned facilities. A key objective of a PUD zoning district is to allow certain flexibility by property owners in their development efforts, while still abiding by overall site intensity and open space objectives. The applicant's requested departure from LDC directional sign standards is viewed by staff as that type of flexibility. It is conceded that our on-site directional sign standards were not necessarily envisioned for a large business or institutional campus such as Baptist Medical Center - Beaches. The additional height and size for the directional signs is intended to promote the orderly flow of patients and visitors throughout the PUD, in some cases, in emergency situations. The signs also serve to distinguish the various Baptist Medical Center facilities from adjacent business uses on Roberts Drive. The proposed sign plan is thematically designed, and should not negatively impact surrounding uses or property values. Each sign will require a permit from the Building Division prior to its installation, and all signs will be required to be located on the applicant's property and outside of Land Development Code prescribed sight visibility triangles. 3 The Planning Commission conducted a required public hearing on this application on Monday, July 11, 2011, and voted unanimously to recommend its approval by the City Council. Following the second reading and public hearing of the proposed PUD ordinance by the City Council on August 15, 2011, the applicant requested that the final vote on Ord. No. 2011-8001 be carried over to the next City Council meeting to allow the ordinance to be amended to clearly specify that the requested 'medical and allied professional office' square footages allocated to Parcels A and B are in addition to the permitted hospital and ancillary use facility approved in the original Hospital PUD Ordinance, Ord. No. 20047873. RECOMMENDATION: • Amend Section 3, Paragraph B of Ordinance No. 2011-8001 to read as follows: B. In addition to the maximum 182-bed hospital and ancillary use facility approved via Ordinance No. 2004-7873 for Parcel A, this PUD amendment shall also permit a total of 122,000 s.f. gross building area of medical and allied professional office space within Parcel A, and a total of 12,000 s.f. of medical and allied professional office space within Parcel B, and shall permit Parcels A and B, in the aggregate, to be developed or redeveloped for up to 134,000 s.f. gross building area of medical and allied professional office space, in addition to an approved 182-bed hospital and ancillary use facility, without s.f. limit as to each parcel, subj ect to any necessary amendment to the approved preliminary PUD development plan. Parcel C shall be permitted a maximum of 28,000 s.f. gross building area of medical and allied professional office space. • Adopt Ordinance No. 2011-8001, as amended, amending the PUD ordinances governing the Baptist Medical Center - Beaches by consolidating the three hospital owned properties and by incorporating a master signage plan. 4 Introduced by: _ st 1 Reading: ---------2nd Reading: -------------- ORDINANCE NO. 2011-8001 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND PLANNED uxrr DEVELOP:MENT ORDINANCE NO.S 2004-7873 AND 20057907, SUPPLEMENTING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZO:NING REGULATIONS AND ZONING ATLAS FOR THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE BEACH, FLORIDA, AS PROVIDED {INDER CHAPTER 34 OF TEE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF SAID CITY. "'"HEREAS, the City Council of the City of Jacksonville Beach, Florida, heretofore enacted and established a Land Development Code and Zoning Atlas for said City; and "'"HEREAS, the City Council approved the rezoning of certain lands in the City from Residential, multiple family: RM-J to Planned Unit Development: P[j7J on April 19, 2004 via Ordinance No. 2004-7873, for the hospital and related facilities of Baptist Medical Center Beaches; and "'"HEREAS, Baptist Medical Center - Beaches subsequently acquired additional property adjacent to the established hospital PUD and gained approval by the City Council for its hospital-related use on August 15, 2005, via Planned Unit Development: PUD Ordinance No. 2005-7907; and WHEREAS, Baptist Medical Center - Beaches also owns an outpatient services facility in immediate proximity to its two approved Planned Unit Developments, and desires to consolidate its three Jacksonville Beach properties into a single comprehensive Planned Unit Development: PUD ordinance, and also desires to gain approval of an overall site directional and identification signage plan for the consolidated properties; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered the application, all relevant support materials, the staff report, the recommendation of the Planning Commission, and public testimony given at the public hearings. NOW, THEREFORE, BE· IT ORDAINED JACKSONVILLE BEACH, FLORIDA: BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF SECTION 1. The City Council has considered the adoption of this ordinance based on one or more of the factors listed Section 34-21l(c) of the Land Development Code and hereby Ord, No. 2011-8001 Page 1 of3 finds that this amendment will not result in an adverse change in the community in which it is located. SECTION 2. The City Council further finds that the rezoning application dated May 25,2011 complies with the standards set forth in Section 34-3480)(3) of the Land Development Code. SECTION 3. That the rezoning application dated May 25, 2011, including parcel legal descriptions, project narrative, master signage plan, and preliminary PUD development plan, collectively attached as Exhibit A to this Ordinance, is hereby adopted and incorporated as part of this amendment to the Jacksonville Beach Land Development Code and Atlas, subject to the . following additional limitations: A. The permitted uses within Parcels A, B, and C shall be as follows: hospital, medical and allied professional offices, medical clinics, storage, parking lots, and ancillary hospital and office uses including, but not limited to, cafeterias, restaurants and gift shops. In addition, as approved via Ordinance No. 2004-7873 and as shown on the preliminary PUD development plan contained therein and also in Exhibit A hereto, there shall be one parking garage permitted within Parcel A. B. This PlJD amendment shall permit a total of 122,000 s.f. gross building area within Parcel A, 12,000 s.f within Parcel B, and shall permit Parcels A and B, in the aggregate, to be developed or redeveloped for up to 134,000 s.f. gross building area, without s.f. limit as to each parcel, subject to any necessary amendment to the approved preliminary PUD development plan.. Parcel C shall be permitted a maximum of28,000 s.f. gross building area. C. All signage indicated on the master signage plan contained within Exhibit A hereto shall be located on property owned by the applicant and outside of Land Development Code prescribed sight visibility triangles. D. A minimum of twenty (20) percent open space shall be provided, collectively, within Parcels A, B, and C. Open space areas may consist of pervious surfaces and impervious surfaces other than vehicular use areas. SECTION 3. That PUD Ordinance No. 2004-7873, approved for the applicant for the original hospital property, herein referred to as Parcel A, shall remain in effect and is hereby supplemented by the presentments of the applicant contained in Exhibit A hereto. Pursuant to Ordinance No. 2004-7873, the approved maximum height for the hospital building, including the proposed South Pavilion addition, is sixty-five (65) feet, and the maximum building height for Medical Office Building "C" and for the proposed parking garage is fifty-five (55) feet. Maximum height for all other buildings within Parcel A, and for all buildings within Parcels B and C is thirty-five (35) feet. SECTION 4. That the subject property ofPUD Ordinance No. 2005-7907, as described in Exhibit A to this ordinance, and therein and hereinafter referred to as Parcel B, be and the Ord. No. 2011-8001 Page 2 of3 same is hereby designated as Planned Unit Development: PUD so that henceforth the same shall be classified and construed to be embraced within the meaning of, and subject to, the general provisions of the Planned Unit Development: PUD zone as provided in Article VII of the Jacksonville Beach Land Development Code, and also subject to the presentments of Exhibit A to this Ordinance. SECTION 5. Th.atproperty owned by the applicant and currently zoned Residential, multiple family: RM-J, hereinafter referred to, and described in Exhibit A to this Ordinance as, Parcel C, is hereby designated as Planned Unit Development: PUD so that henceforth the same shall be classified and construed to be embraced within the meaning of, and subject to, the general provisions of the Planned Unit Development: PUD zone as provided in Article VII of the Jacksonville Beach Land Development Code, and also of the presentments of Exhibit A to this Ordinance. SECTION 6. Except as provided herein, all other portions of the Jacksonville Beach Land Development Code and Zoning Atlas remain in effect SECTION 7. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are, to the extent the same may in conflict, hereby repealed. SECTION 8. Tbis ordinance shall take effect upon its adoption and recordation with the Clerk of Circuit Court, Duval County, Florida AUTHENTICATED THIS __ day of -', 2011. Fland O. Sharp, MAYOR Judy Bullock, ACTING CITY CLERK Ord. No. 2011-8001 Page 3 of3 Exhibit A. Ord. No. 2011-8001 CITY OF JACKSO:N"VILLE BEACH, FLORIDA APPUCATION FOR REZONINGITEXT AMENDMENT FDe No'. 11-10010Y CaseNo. II-II I This funn is intanded for use by ~ applying fer a ciwige in ihe text of the .Land Development Code or the boundaries of a specific property or group of properties under the person or persons eentrol, A rezamng or change to the ext of the LDC is not intended to relieve a particuJa- hardship,. DOt" to confer special priviJeg:s or rlgh1s. on any person. but 10 make J1~ adjustnents light of cb~ged conditions. No rezoning at text ameodmeni to the ~a~ be mede exc~ in conformance wittL the JacksonVille ~h 2010 .~mpre~ensive I Plan Elements, A11 application fot a rezonmg or text amendment w the LDC shall moluOO the mrormanon and attachments listed beIcw~ unless the requirement tOr any particular item is waived by tbe Planning and \ Deve!.o em Directot. All Ucations shan include the aD rooriate nlin fe-:as . '. C· Ordtn~ l m we L I LaDd~ersName: I APPLICANT INFORMATION BAPTIST MEDtCALCENTER OF THE BeACHES. INC. '1350 13TH AVENUE, SOUTH. JACKSONVlUE. Amilicant'sNan".e: SA}.¢E AS ABOVE t:'hane:904-202-124S I BEACH, FL 32250 .- I ~ane: 1 MaiUng ACdress: ' 1 l ·~on¢:~35g.7725 .. Nate; WriUcnauthoriDrlon from the1arufoVr'Der is reeuired ifat)!Xi.caIl1is not the owner. A~'s Name: e. OWEN MCCULLEr::.JR .• ESa. MaUmsA~ ! eJo SMlT.-I HULSEY & aUSEY. 225 WAi=R STREET. SUITE 1900. , FL 32202 On a separate !heet;. please provkfe tbe name. address md telephone DO..fur any other hlnd use. envjrODm~, • • arcbiteco..nI or orofessional oomultams ass:stinlt with the ~'Olication. JACKSONVILLE, REZONING OR TEXT AMENDMENT lNFORMAITON I Attached? I Yes I X Requiredlnfurmation 1. For a ~ app:licarlon,. the street address and legal deseriptiOtl of the land on which tb.!: SlIlf:Ildmentis proposed to oa:ur, with. anaehed ct>p~ of any iI'..strumenlS ref~ such. as. but n>:l-llimited ~ eescu.e:nts. ~ md restridions .•.. 2. A copy aiilie relevant Duval Cowrl;i Property ASseswlentmap. !howing the ~ location of! the land proposed for a:m=n~ent,.with the bomdWs deady Illl1lke:i . 3. An&!AIneh 1] im:hYi •. mat)I' . th¢posedlc:ramendment 4. An aarial ~ mat is Jess ~ twelve (12) months 'old, of the Iand proposed far amendrn ent, wi:h the-boundaries clearly mar'~ S. A description Ctltl":.ot ZOlJiDg dilsiination m the LOC. aM 1he Future Land US!!: Me.]) desiption in the ~prehen.sNe Pf.=n, oftbe land .fer amendo::eat. 6, Fot e.remn:i:ag. incltlde Ii cat'r3rlve description of the ~ amendment. to me Zoning M~.lmd.anexp~dwhy it~=s wf1h tIre~g~ga~in theLDC. 1. P(lI a L"OCtext ~ include the Chapt>i't,A.."tide. Sec:ti.on, Pa.~ NumbetL1gand current '>e:ld(If ~ Section (It' SediOllSproposed to be changed, and -the tun text a!1he proposed am~ the proposed 1e:¢ ~t !~ must ir..clnde a COVet ~ cal.taioing ~e st$!ment explainina the amndmem, why it is ll~ and how it: wHl comply iith the goals. objectives and policies In the lacksonville Beach 20 11}~reherltive. Plan ElemelI'.s. No I NI.c\:'-l 1 X x x x x x I MAY 26 2011 00746132.DOC.13 ·PL&~G&DEVELOPME SMITH E. HULSEY & BUSEY RE(]ER~D OWEN MCCULLER. JR. DIRECT 904.359.7725 OMCCULLER@SMITHHUL5EY.COM MAY 26 2011 May 25,2011 SENT VIA FEDERAL EXPRESS MI. Steven G. Lindorff Director of Planning & Development City of Jacksonville Beach 11 N. 3rdStreet. Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250 Re: Baptist Hospital- Beaches Dear Steve: On behalf of our client, Baptist Medical Center of the Beaches, Inc. (''Baptist Hospital"), enclosed is an application to consolidate and modify the existing Baptist Hospital Planned Unit Development (''PUD'') zoning (Ord, Nos. 2004-7873 and 2005-7907), and add an adjoining parcel zoned RM-1 to the consolidated PUD. The primary purpose of the application is to provide for more detailed signage provisions, as more particularly set forth in the attached Signage Plan. The application fee has been previously delivered to your office. Please advise if you require any additional information. ve'Y~ouxs, ?lWEI'~:; McCUller, Jr. EOM/ prof/ 00740384.DOC Enclosure cc: Bill Mann (w/ enclosures) Paul Singletary (w/ enclosures) ATTORNEYS 225 WATER STREET. SUITE 1800 • P.O. Box 53315 OFFICE 904.359.7700 • JACKSONVILLE. FL32201-3315 • FAX 904.359.7708 225 Warer Street, Suite 1800 Jacksonville, Florida 32202 (904) 359-7700 (904) 359-7708 (facsimile) Smith Hulsey & Busey Memorandum TO: Steve Lindorff FROM: E. Owen McCuller, Jr., Esq., Agent for Baptist Medical Center of the Beaches, Inc. DATE: July 12,2011 RE: PC# 11-11 - Baptist Beaches Hospital Pl.JD Application cc: Bill Mann Paul Singletary As discussed at last night's Planning Commission hearing, the following two matters in the subject Pl.JD application require clarification and, as necessary, shall constitute an application modification: 1. The maximum amount of medical and allied professional office space on Parcel A currently allowed under FUD Ord. 2004-7873 is 122,000 square feet (SF). This PIJD application is to allow up to an additional 12,000 SF for Parcel B, and allow Parcels A and B, in the aggregate, to be developed for up to 134,000 SF (122,000 SF + 12,000 SF), without a SF limit as to each Parcel Parcel C may be developed up to 28,000 SF. 2. The permitted uses for the entire consolidated PUD are as follows: hospital, medical and allied professional offices, medical clinics, ancillary hospital and office uses including, but not limited to, cafeterias/restaurants and gift shops, storage, and parking lots/garages. Please include this clarification! modification in the pending Baptist Beaches Hospital PIJD application. Thank you for your consideration. EOM/ pmf/ 0076192l.DOC AG~l AUTIIORIZ.4.TION MaY--,2011 To Whom It May Concern: This letter is to amhorize E. Owen l\.1cCnlkr, Jr., Smith Hulsey & Busey; to sign and. act Sllbmitre1 of applications for rezoning. permits and approvals in connection ••• :ith the Baptist Beaches Hospital, 1350 131h Avenue South., Jacksonville Beach, Florida 32250, and as Agent for related properties, as described in the foregoing PliD rezoning application, which properties are owned by the undersigned. BAPTIST MEDICAL CE..1\'TE..~OF THE . BEACHES, INC .• a Florida not-for-prom Corporation By liifZ,...---tOt.y.hl~57_ Name: f.•.;;r,[)~ Title: . !.i"tI'""" COD~rrY OF DUVAL STATE OF FLORIDA En. yr.,;.~; .. a .•• , .... acxn kno •.• ,j ••.~.••. =..:r L= roregomg •.•'as "'.~~ ~O"" VVt'..... I U Q,Ad.. ~ "d\ , as ~ Center afthe Beaches, Inc., a Florida not-fur-profit is personally known to me or produced •.••.•. ...uv "fo.~W2JJl fL.-..:r=~. uay of v p' ±oJ Ull corporation, _ \ esf dLr. t: 'J011 • bvY of Baptist Medical }!!'"., 1V.",)', _ on. behalf of the corporation. as identification. . KMtN MtLLfR Notary Public, State of Florida My Eornm. Expires June 8, 2013 CDmmission. t-JD. DO 8S04OS 00746132.DOC.l3 2 He PUD PROJECT NARRATIVE Owner: Baptist Medical Center of the Beaches, Inc. 1350 13th Avenue South Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250 Applicant Baptist Medical Center of the Beaches, Inc. 1350 13th Avenue South Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250 Agent E. Owen McCuller,j-, Esq. Smith Hulsey & Busey 1800 Wachovla Bank Tower 225 Water Street Jacksonville, Florida 32202 (904) 359-7725 Project Name: Baptist Beaches Hospital Parcel Size: 27.12 acres - (23.12 acres (parcel A), 1.34 acres (parcel B), and 2.66 acres (parcel C) (collectively,the "Parcels'tj) Project Location: 1350 13th Avenue South Jacksonville Beach, Florida 32250 (See attached Vicinity Map (Exhibit "A") and Property Appraiser's Map (Exhibit ''B')) Legal Description/ Proof of Ownership: (See attached deeds (composite Exhibit "C")) Existing Zoning: PUD Ordinance No.'s 2004-7873 (parcel A) and 2005-7907 (parcel B), and RM-1 (with conditional use) (parcel C) Future Land Use: Public Institution Preliminary PUD Development Plan: (See attached Preliminary PUD Development Plan (Exhibit ''D'')) SignagePlan: (Seeattached SignagePlan (Exhibit ''E')) Request The owner is requesting an amendment to two Planned Unit Developments (plJD) (Ordinance No.'s 2004-7873 and 2005-7907) to (i) consolidate the two PUDs, (ii) specify the allowed signage, as more particularly shown and described on the attached Signage Plan - (Exhibit ''E''), and (iii)add a parcel (parcel C), currently zoned RM-1, to the consolidated PIJD, as shown on the attached, revised Preliminary PIJD Development Plan (Exhibit ''D''). Except as specificallymodified or amended herein and approved by the City 00746132.DOC.l3 3 of Jacksonville Beach pursuant to this request, all of the terms and conditions of Pl.JD Ordinance No. 2004-7873 shall be unaltered, remain in full force and effect, and govem development within the Parcels that are the subject of this requested PUD zoning.* Permitted Uses for Parcels B and C shall include all uses allowed for Parcel A under Pl.}D Ordinance No. 2004-7873, including hospitals, business and professional offices, and all ancillary and accessory uses. To the extent existing uses and development improvements on the Parcels comprising this PUD conflict with the provisions of PUD Ordinance 2004-7873, this requested PUD zoning, or the Jacksonville Beach Land Development Code, the existing uses and development improvements shall control All setbacks, buffers, landscaping, parking spaces and other development standards for existing development on the Parcels may be considered as alternative development standards for this PlJD, in addition to the development standards under PlJD Ordinance 2004-7873. Parcels B and C shall have a height limitation of 35 feet. Parcel B shall have a maximum heated building area of 12,000 square feet, and Parcel C shall . have a maximum heated building area of 28,000 square feet. The final location and configuration of proposed buildings shown on the Preliminary PUD Development Plan may be adjusted, in conformance with applicable PUD development standards. Access to the Parcels shall include all existing access ways and as otherwise shown on the Preliminary PUD Development Plan. Except as otherwise shown and described on the attached Signage Plan, the requirements of the Jacksonville Beach Sign Code, adopted September 7, 2010, Article VIII, Division 4, shall govem. In the event of any conflict between this PUD and the Sign Code, this PUD shall control *Note: In PIJD Ordinance 2004-7873, Useable Recreation and Open Space, the term "viewed" is hereby changed to "used". 00746132.DOC.13 4 EXIDBIT "A" VICINITY MAP 00746132.DOC.13 5 EXHIBIT "B" PROPERTY APPRAISER'S MAP 00746 132.DOC.l 3 6 EXHIBIT "C" DEEDS (pARCEL A) DEC-22~200~ MON 10:40 AM Snilh Hulsey 8u.~, , . Ulll/;~ m 11::: FU .o<!czson F&X NO. 904353~S08 Book ,~ ~ P. D2 ir ;R.UlQ!a 11775 ;.::! ~"r~, = ... ~~ tJ:!.i$ ~ ~ •• US" Page 259 by .~ PtIaLI:C 1I0enUL S?.Ii:CnI. =01 p~,.el • bOQy ••.• -.<1 =rp=C.t.D, ;.•. _~ ••~ in to 1 comrty l!&I1"""" PI>.l>l.l= !l"5pi.?lby opa:~tian 0: 'rl=id..a :..o'W Ct.>:pt=o- ;z-~n, (thA "Gr1,,,to;:;-"I, '!<ho••• ui¢:'&aII ill uso u~ ),V ·s"trth, .Acl:JIanv'..l.h ,, .:rlcr<..sia JZ2~, to ~II~ !ailZ=i~ Of, tlcridll. net !c:: pn::it. :::orpo;;!ti::f.' 'o/hcWII ad~asll ill GCD i=itant.i.oJ. lh:J."V1l, J••. cks=villa, Jl:.=ia .1:C1 (tho "Cirult.."} 1 m ~/. =., •. J~III!J;':.: ~t tha =1=:', tor a.r~ ~ c¢ltlli~n.tion of i:Aa suz =t :;l,Q.DO .1>4 otha: nl. •••. bla IOC:lld.4=~1I1 :"~!.l>!: 1/hoOrec.t ia !.c:."cby a::k:laJl.edqw1, l;oy tJJ ••• P:8"e:ri:~11 11='11\1:, =~ll, a.ll~ &lilCl, =--=l.JSO~ ~5., ~vvy &.nd ••.~ u.-,to th. c&:'ct •• 1 "U thAt o~1.n ;!..a.e<! ,,~tu.t.a in DI1n.l. eou::ty, l~<=id••, l:OC.._ PL."'ti=l.,.rly <1u=!.bed in l!:::a.ibJ.t. irA" "~'C:-'1O.i b"r~t.o an:! loll' thill refe=a:tca n.aZa a part ll.u"ao.~. ~=, aPF-~~. wi~ 'rtI 1!1'1'i :um !I1C ISCtoll. =~ ~ \fill i!~.:! "il=oeVtlr. CrAll!:."'" ':.he n. 't.,\g loll 1:.••.. "'1-""''1 , )1I,,:a~~t. ISe I.pp~..ti1tin9'. ~l"!:Il1ingc:: in ~~ tll.:;G:" t..". ~" hs.::~ SIllO& ~rt. ~~y :...."los fi>~. 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(EJ r, !Vlllt~ Ir~ !'U ~S;~; PU PD~:O:'.~O ~ ,Book 11775 ... 5.... :~ Or' :n.oll..'"llA c:otlln'lC C:' [ID;TAL .ay (rhg f<>+a;cih!; il'lllttl:l:allt of S•••t<m.l:>.=, 1.934, &u...:J"~ 01\ &;hill c= hp.s F=od:ll::ed !l1U:~"'iCr~lCt l::II:;,n to ~ 00746132.DOC.13 nIO ~alcr.CVle ~ bG!=& 1110thi$ ~ ~., It. " u 'lle"ChAi< ~ e ~!.ta sp.t:il.l ot tA& D!.Jfl:::"ie'!~ _ u..• _ .~ pcraena.lly ~ ~ fl+- p$!,m'> L'b:-~EJntit!..¢:l.clCOl\. L~ 8 . ~o~ Page 260 .~ 3".LQ!!24i Uj .' DEC-22-2OD3 tlON 10:41 AM 81ilh SulsEY Busey -- F~~ -NO. 9043539908 P. 04 p.~"",~~ Scc~ 7~49 p~ ~ '-' Book 1177'5 Page A ~or:ON OF Q,."""'~'"r !'O'l: 12, SEC"r~oz,r 4, 'rO"~ 3 5Lr:J'I'A. <WIG;;: as !:1.ST. 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I}~] Il" .ts, ( ~ ;;;: rr '" n~ ," - !I~ w lp ~!.i t "\"(0100_°1" tl ~ ,!.: '.~"'ll'l'f. " .•0i:it r- il "ld §l' 9.ilI[i. '. ~--·'-'"li!!"ln!:"';;mr ,{.., l!,~ 10•••• tI,·.-ul-l. ••• •• ~J::": ..... -'~{:'D f~.r. ~ '11::r '" ,••C" • r.1'< VI J. I:',fJ]} o~tf~\n~SP.~~;:O~' rtUmHt:1 i--I[ :f.x-t-' It ~,!~,J •• n·.•.'T fa:.r '~I'~,. -e I'; •••• I! 1: ,! VI n -c 't b . '" g. •• •.•.••'l! 10 u- f: 00 Po •.• " ,. •• ~fi "J ("I •••• .••. ~~~,rr=o~"@r ~ ~ ~~"'~~~~~ r,. g' fi k-'" Hilt ~;-.'.;';:::;:\::.,~ r..:-' kg •• !!r.~ g.!l:~"~.~r.°:t"I:,.:nl.ol1,,,"d}:Jb'I~~'·1b~~--- u o 0 j, r; tf!O !' wr af-. '~H·t" bI,>1t t) " ~~ ~(;"fn "'~fI.J 5'9 IA. ~, OQ"".,l:: v90,"0 " [.tf.ln~ I I.•• 0 rc In f',d:l,"!' III ~" IJ JIlt I,' •• IJ r..... '4 J1t ••~1·rr81i,r[ J. JI.~ r." ,.,. nr '"I' rJ',,· I~ to- rr- Ih C p.. I ~ I ) to (' " to "1:1 ,,' '" r III r. , ~ 0 o Itjf P.OIJ~Cr. p.-I'''''' "';;" "UII H' C'·· !!.'~.r Ii'. R ft ~~:,.. er- '~I' ,.:•.•Ij.,~ t. III ~ rI rr "' I~ 1>-, r;) It •••..,. J~a~~6~e III•.• "I t' •• ,.. <t r. .•• I lJ , ~••ttlTlt'!. ~ Cl H." o e! II IT U> ,oJ .., V 0 0 r: ~ .t", •.••• co o .~ •• • t ("" ~1I1 I " i3 - (~I (n W (D <0 &: , ..., . w 'p,o :f~i I""I'll ::0 ~ D~G-22-2Q03 MON 10:42 AM S~ith Hulse] Bus~y U/l.S/e~ ~I ~~; Ii "AI F~~ NO. 9043538908 P. OB i 1iltA..'IGi:lt SJ4~~ZS~U BookJ1775 - ' = :S""l<. I 1793'3 ?; I -- .. .:..a", ~i~t;-cf-wa.y. !i;te •. its Wo~:.rJ.yi':::ol1m~t~;\., a..":. i=all':!.o: ;Q!1111 of 11:1 d~ ••& OS ll'i:au~!S lOO<;;;l~ t ••::he le:I;, A di.&=a 0; S~. 91! : ••~!: \:0 cl.s s0u:--.r:1UI t:5rly oo=a:::- at !:.he •.:for~itm~ aloc;\!: 7 =:! t=.:t int:c:..~ec-.j.'i:;- ce ,.Ili.:i :;a:"'~=ly ::i!ih.l:-c!-~ .•.y !..:iI.a o.!:l..St:A A~ .s0tl'l'a~eo. ~ ~~!::.o:.~ 1O_t:c::lv rl~t-of-In~ li=.. of l.~Q.~ ~'TS.I s,,~,,~iy .u,c::''l' ~= 5=*==:-ly p=l=:;tt:.i~ :.f &ci:i. ~:tt:h ~~~ ~ ~ int&rio~ o:=- ~7a ciag:-GA 09 C!!.:l:.:t:o:uJ oa eec:cmw. ~ the. let:, i1 eatimC= of feet: ;:0 t:l:.el ~Ort:::'''L!lt:er:!.y . of e:.. lLZo=ntl.o:lnd. 21.ocl; f{; thimes ec~iuuc SQut1==l;r' alcn-g :u;i.d '!fanerly l:'i~ooQi- ••.&.¥ l.i.r.a of ueb ~ SOQ'l2, a dillt~e c~ :25Q.00· !<!;ee 0:.;, ells ~Qi:lt; at l:>&Si=.i.:l;':r . ~c..~l~· :5 =•...•:;- ~~·3 :. 'l"=t e~r:::&.!.n pillea par-..:l a: t:.*ct ef land. !!i~\l.&.e~, lyiu; ~ lou.n.; l5~ ;...vm.u:! satr!F., ~ L!l an zuo:=-ly u-.:! YI~t.~rl.y c.:.r-acz:i.o:l at ~oo feetJ CQ~t.c~ .l.t. tbe ~~·'.:C ~~a...~ bo=b--y of ~ r i,::11: Ce~~ Ma a.~ C=~a~ :;>rcpeny :~ :!.!ith.1.Yo:NOB s~ ;:;.:A, ::-..:.=~g 1;0 ~e No ~=ly p::c::'''r~t.':'e~ ~.t;¢!y ll"=~-Y 0: Let. s , Bl.ock 5,· ~n::.1o'n tila l'l~l:: 01: S~"ii~ u::::-=it"s to i:h.: ?l•.t th.~~Q~ r.o:~d in ::la..c hook 101 ~~ 3, o! cno c:u...-:-ee.~ ,l=It.t.b~i.o. c::~:-l-a. cf O\.:..val t:::Jt..!:.tYJ t· = an.: HQP-da. -~- -~-V""_"I 00746132.DOC.13 11 .,J (PARCEL B) Pr~~midet ~r.tumto: " ~l.!.O''J Smith li:I1scy.& Busey ~0f!Ke~S331S ~~ E;q. P10rida l~Ol-lS1S , Sl"EClAL WMl-iLNTYDEBD . . . , '1RIS SPECIAL W~"hY"DEED ~ this lJ:..~ day 'of Ja.lllUU'j'. 2005 "from IACKSON-VITLE BEACH CON~1'1ON OF JEHOVAH'S wnNBSSES, . lNC.t a Florida ncrt~-pro:fit· C<k-poration. ("Gnmtot'). 'whOs~,aadress is 1127 16th 'Avecile Sout'h. Jaebauvii!e Bea..."'h. Florida ;;2250, to BAPT1.ST MEDICAL CENTER ,'OF 'IRE BBACP'.BS, IN~ a Flnrida not-for-pmfit <lOl'pGratlon ("'Grantee"'), .ad~'i!l1350 l.31h AVCBUC Son(h. JaWomi1le Be--~ Florida 32250. whose WITNESSETH: fur imd in.'conh:ieration of the &Urn of Ten DoUats (S 10.00) anti oGler tl:iCefpt alld regal sufiic.iency of wltieb. is herebY acbowbdgedt .~. so~ ~anyeyed. ;;:cnfirmed. and. bY 1hese presents' does grant, , Gran~ .: va'hIabls ~tioDs. has .~ , b~. sell. ~ remis~ r81eas~ convey and oollfiall Ull10Ota.-UCeall mGnntors right,. title and intemst in Uld to that ccitain -real property sItuate in ~ County. Florida,. mere paiticular!y described in Exhibit "A" ~ hercfu and znade a part . he.~f(the .. m "Propert1'). . . HA VB AND TO SOLI,) the Property with. all and singular the rights, members and epput"..elWlces 'Ihereot to the same being, belonging or 1n aIt}-wise apperl!i:rlngto the only ~ use, and behalfofC"l"aZltee :Wrever • . ' . , 'A.."'ID Grantor hereb-y wmants tho titJe. to ~ Property ~d will defend. the ~e :against the. hwtUl claims of all ~onS c1aimins: by. tbroug,h or iiIl.der Gttntor, but none 9ther; provided, however" that .the Property is subject to those. matters set fo-~ 1.'1 . . ":;:xhibit"8" annexed hereto an4 :made a part h e.t'e(}£ " . 00746132,DOC.13 12 IN WI'lNESS WEEREOF. . day and year iimabo-..e ~ Grantor has czu.sed taese presents to be ~ . Signed, seal:d and delivered the JACKSONVILLE BEACEi. CONGREGA noN WITNESSES,INC., a. Florida l1ot-W-pm-fit: ecrpontion. OF JEHOVAH'S iD.the~.Gf srxrs OF FLORIDA cOUNTYOP .~~\ .. ~!~~ . .r.tNam. NQtmy hblio. . StEte and County Afilresaid . COmmission No.: -., My. Co.n:mtiss»-n 00746132.DOC.13 13 . ~s: . r:. as .Lets I, 2, ~ 8. 9 and 10, Block~· ~ond Addition to &:~ recorded in Plat Book.l(l. ~ 3 of!be cmrent publio records of Dur"!l C<tUnty~ FlOrida, ~~ "ith a porOOn of 12tb Street Somb whi.cb is bordered by the Soul1 right: q.f '\\-ay line of 15th A~ South ~ dle North Iig'ht ofway !me t:rf 15th..Ave:mLe SOUth. . . . ' . :( ; 00746132.DOC.l3 .:- 14 (PARCELC) . Book 10316 P&~e 239 PrepRre4 br ltlId aft=~mmum: &a,mmId M. 0'SIeen, Ir. Es!rSmiIb BlIlsq' ~JklIlef 1108 I'int OIllGII Natjonal Bank Tower :us W~ Street .r~'riBe. Flllrida 3llnl GEl\-"'ERALWARRANTY DEED .Ht:h THIS GEJIi"ERAL WARltU\'TY DEED made this day of January. 2002 from the CITY OF JACKSONVILLE BEACH. a Florida municipal ~iOD ("Grantor'). whose address is 11 North 3rd Street, Jacksonville Beach, Florida 32250. to BAPTIST MEDICAL CENTER OF THE BEACHES, INC •• a Florida nat-for-tll'Ofit corpcmtio-:l, doing business as BAPTIST MEDICAL CENTER BEACHES (''Oranieei, whose address is 1350 13th AVMUe SQT.Jth,Jacksonville Beach, Florida 32250. - WITNESSETH Grarttcr. for and in consideration of the sum ofTen and NallOQ Dollars ($10.00) and other valuable considemions, the receipt end legal sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged. has granted, bargained, sold. conveyed, confumed and by these. presents <ices grant, bargain, sell, alien, remise, release, convey and confirm unto Grantee all of Grantor's right. title and interest in end to that certain real property situate in Duval County, Florida. more particularly described in Exhibit "A" gttached hereto and by this referencernade a part hereof (the "Property"). TO HA VB AI-ID TO HOm the Property with all sad singular the rights, members and appurtenances thereof, to the same being. belonging or in anywise appertaining to the only proper use, benefit and behalf of Grantee forever. A..'·iD Grantor hereby covenants that it is Iawfo-.llly seized and possessed of the Property. fhat it has full power and lawful aulhority to transfer ar.d convey the S:ml¢ and Warran'.s the right and title to the Property and will forever defend the same agsinst the claims of ail persons whomsoever; provided. howeve-r, thaI the Property is. subject to those matters. if any, set forth. in Exhibit "B" attached hereto aod by this reference made a part hereof. INWITNESS WHE..JffiOF, Granter has caused these presents to be executed the day lmd ~'ear fust above written. . 00746132.DOC.13 15 800k Page 240 10316 Signed, sealed and delivered .in the presence of: CITY OF JACKSONVIU..E BEACH, a Florida mt..'I!icipal corporation STATB OF FLPRIDA COUNTYOF~ The foregoin$ i.n&trumentwas acknowledged befo;rr me thls ~ day of January, 2002, by B.~ Q. III ~"~e • as ';J{~( of the City of Jacksonville Beach, a Florida mUIlicipal corporation. on hen of the mumClpal corporation. HelShe is personally known to me or has produced J,..:At~ \:c:.~-H sa identification, . 0' .. Notary Public, to and County Aforesaid Commission No;; _. _ My.Commission Expires: ~_"""'":':'~~-;;: ,,~ i ~lI\eI\d~O~N~j: >-: "1 M{~# romt1t ;,.;•. ~ Mov21.m:s STATEOFFL~.,\ COUNTY OF .J...i.u=-\ .~~¥ ~ "!II='l<:l'tflJl<_=L!~ OI) ••• acknowledged before me thi.'S \ £lti- day ofJanuary, , as -A::i~r of the City of Jacksonville Beach, a: orida municipal corporation. on behalf'tlfthe:nunieipaI corporation. HelShe is personally known to me or has produced. c! I ~Jtr ':0 \ : •• ~ •••• '001 as identification. The foregoing~· 2002, by t'l!@S (ioc,:,-_ l-~> ~? ,!~_\ /d,· o· ~J. D Print Name: ~-=J"" 5/,A,r,i{. ~11··. Notary Public. S{ate and County Afcresmd Ccmmfssicn No.: __ _.._----- My Commission Expires: .: _ OOS59m.DQC ~ ~t M. O!!M~lr• •" ~ !'lOO2Bm im:s ~LY'06nd • '. :iLQ. _IH.>JICI!!1oI);~I/tC ----------------_ _--_._----..•. 00746132.DOC.13 16 ·. EXHIBIT "A" A part of Government Lots S & 12. Section 4, Township 3 South, Range 29 East. DuV2l County. Florida, more particularly described as follows: For ill point of reference, commence at comer in the northeasterly end of Lot 13. Missioo Hills., Unit One Replat. as recorded in P'!.at. Book 30. p~cre! 40 & 40A of the current public records said county (said corner being at the intersection of the north line of Lots 1 through 12. with the East line of lots 14 through 21. all in said Mission Hills, Unit One Replat. Said corner also bdng formerly known as the Northwest comer of Lot 10. Mission Hills Subdivision. as recorded in Plat Book 29, pagos 80 and 8Da, of said public records); thence North 88 degrees 34 minutes 00 seconds east. along the North line of Lots 13, 12. 1I. or 10,9,8,7,6. and 5, of said Mlssion Hills, UnitOne~lat,.adistanCeof66S.67 feet; thence or North 01 degrees 26 minutes 00 seconds West. along the West right of way line Roberts Drive as described in Official Records Volume 4233, page 983, of said public records. A distance of 1150.00 feet; thence South 88 degrees 34 minutes 00 seconds West, along the South ~ of a 'Utility and drainage easement as described in Parcel "A" of Official Records Volume 1038. P28e 147. of said public records, a distance of 156.41 feet 10 the point of beginning. from the point of beginning thus described continue South 88 degrees 34 minutes 00 seconds West. along the said South line, Eo distance of 105.00 feet; thence run South 01 degreee 26 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 219.87 feet~ thence run South 19 degrees 48 minutes 02 seconds East, a distance of 295.17 feet; thence run North 88 degrees 34 minutes 00 seconds East. a distance of 12.00 feet to the Northwest corner of lands described as Parcel "M" in Official Records Volume 4489, page 1061 of the saidpublic records; thence run North 01 degrees 26 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 500.00 feet to the point of beginning. 00746132.DOC.13 17 Book 1031.6 Pqe EXHIBIT '"'"B".. None. 00369S".B.OOC 00746132.DOC.13 18 2-'2 ~ laeol'im Lblut __ r __ • ~\f.llIll:S&t:d ~1<.F~J2:!Ql: '1loio-.....n~by.D'_~~InLLC Jb== •....• •. .. 1)••••.••••• ~ PII= •• MCt= Jca.e~ Zt. StoDa u.c III ••••_D:;...~:IIQt Chi:ap..Jl..1iDOOl I'-~""_Sro:a:i:c: t1~H:cltl ~~ S!'..a:J.~T!ll:StN:_~~ This Special Warranty Deed, M~rrII!l~lr.e~ayofDe=:ber; 2000 by !n~ l.MRg c-.Mlmilie: oj I~~ &ileA. lsa; a Col'J1!R'atictlds!i1lg WIlier the i!JWI iffl/R Stwe rf ~~ a/lrJ ha•••• .ng tft principaf p[= ojb.aU=s at 111 &m W.:;~ !>rille, SvitI']1fJD,CJ~ i/!iMis 60601. h~JlU cdie:I tJrc gnmu:r,If) BQprislMedica! CcIIIer af Ifae Beacles, lite.., ~ E:p:I# Met!icr:I ~ &z:cir=. it FioridIZ r.11l;W profi: ~ion whr= Q<W= is 13~ lJ" .&~ ~ .fIlt:kDm;i!Ie 8~ FEcr'.t& 3mo. limit4W adle::i dw graIIll!e. ~laIIthl=:m.Wt==l"Q:u:z"'_~ic;Wkl!;l"'JC:is~~.IC.1~.tI£e~ 1oc>J_'-;od • iIc-=ocz>aJIII:.a:Iil"'of___. "",\iiQl .,;p..r~." 11.ar1M. Gr.mtor, for mid •• ••••••••.<10:_ :-s. ••••••.••••. if ihe s "'" of $10.00 MIa P'.nor af wi'.ick rue firehy ~~ by :J:ese ~ tkie.r g=u. bc:rgabI..sJl,:z!~ FeIIIJ:e. ~K. COIIWYamI ~1':ftm ::= tJre ~. al t1wJ cmafll laIril. r~ ill DIlPIl! C~lI!'fly, Sigle afPloritlrz. 'fir: . Witne&Se/:h. CIlr.siJkratiotl, tI:e ncdpe ~ See EldlaCiLo\ lIt!a::hcd ~ i1! c=sid1!r(I/jr)1I w t'lfficiem;y and mad: I. pa."t ~ 1'his pm is :=Ie mbje<:: 10the perntilt!d exoo;cOllS :: se! ~ lmade a Ft lie=!: Toge--Ju:r. wiil! ::Jl tlre !$~at3. ~trl!nu.a il=lo aDd rmd t:pp:nter.:p-~ /Jun1(J b#t:l"lrUtg IX iI: OIl!W:i!litB ~ ~ep?U~ag. ToHa~ and to Hofd,.lbc ~ A11d foe ~ folly p=r= iII/tte tfmplefo~. IkO?talO1" /=t:1>y _ wiIh Jaid;:r.:w~ thm iI Is la»fol!l)o:scizrtl Q/ said 1=1in tkaJ i: MI g«Jti rlgfrJ ID',J lawf"IIlJt!JJariiy III se1J =i =I'!!JI mid faN!; *'r £J Aer¢; lI'/:rlGlf lhe title to ;::id Itucl atld wilt rk;knl :he ~ c/llimUtg by. Ji.rO'4h 01' mer tl=pr=nJs to :he.reJJTdrJ I!wJy day r:md:#'U fo# abo;Je written. A.'ITESn_::LO-==- .•.. ~---j'P"'==- LjVING OOMMi.lrt1TIES OF .TACXSONVIllE.BEAcn, rNC~ & Dclrwm: ;o,paation :iN1cliRA ED rld;•••• .rd!: Illep==etf. ~.~gtJ r:L ~.J!!It. ~~ PDo,! c1tJImsof all i:l WltnCS$ Whereof. tJtesaid (JnmIDr W =etI !!XeC1l!r:::in tu ll/Ulfe, by its pn1pU offic= M r::<1ilarizlid, the \IIi agsdJlSt 11:! la~ Jiterl4id granJPI'. ••.011 L.o I ~ :,,';J ". 0 ' ./ ./,. .. '-.1o.Floril& ~ 00746132.DOC.13 19 ~ .' STATEOFILUNOIS COliNTY OF COOK The fure:goill.!! ins:ruI=It W~ Itlkoowl:dged before III: this '2.1 t- d2y of D=h=-, 2000.1»'St~ J. fAY)'. Vil»-Presidcnt ofI:lt-~cd I..Mng C~::S DfJclcsonviIleBeacb,!Dc.aDc:lawar= carporc:tilll!. on behalfoffheco.~ He is p~:l&lly mo~ to me." :nC!pc uh.eed: .u Aca~ii'M'~m Special Warranty Deed To 00746132.DOC.13 20 ElOiT-BIT A LEGAL DESCRIP~ICN 00746132.DOC.13 21 00746132.DOC.l3 miasSCSSl:ll--D for tbe year 2001 2IId subscque:nt ~, 1. T~ 2. G:int of all ~c=t as rceMt!edin OfficW R=m:is volum; 9581,page26S of the public r=t'ds ofD1..'VaICountY. m>ida. 22 EXHIBIT HE" -15' MASTER SIGNAGE PLAN JACKSONVILLE ORTHOPAEDIC INSTITUTE FABRICATED LETTERS· SIGN #12,80 Sa. FT. & #13,37.2 SQ. FT. 29.6 SQ. FT. 31 SQ. FT. CHANNEL LETTERS - SIGN 33 SQ. FT. #6,7 &, 15 Baptist Medical Center Beaches TYPEF SIGN #21 48.8 sa. FT. TYPE A SIGH #30 90 sa. FT TYPEB SIGN #1 to 14 37.9 SQ. FT. TYPEC SIGN 112.9,17,20, 23,24, &. 28 30.7 SQ. FT. TYPED SIGN #4,10, 11 t.16 21.150. FT. BEACHES MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING FABRICATED LETTERS: SIGN #25, 64.7 SQ. FT. t. #31, 12.2 sa. FT. W1LSON CANCER CARE CENTER FABRICATEO LEITERS· SIGN #26, 53.6 sa. FT. &. #29,62.4 SQ. FT. CONFERENCE CENTER FABRJCATED LETTERS· SIGN '1122, 6.4 sa. FT. LETTERS - SIGN #32, 23.2 sa. I ,-, '."' TYPES: SIGN #18 9.3 sa. FT. WILSON - EPSTEIN CENTER FABRJCATEO T FT. rS 1 - TYPE B T-fJ" DIRECTIONAL SIGN, DOUBLE FACED 2 - TYPE C 5'-a' DIRECTIONAL SIGN, PARKING 3 • WALL SIGN - FABRICATED LETTERS & LOGO to _ lYPE 0 4'-0· DIRECTIONAl SIGN 6 - CHANNEL LETTERS INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED 'AMBUlANCE' 7 - CHANNEL LETTERS INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED 'IMTERNITY' I !I-NlA 9 - TYPE C 5'-a~ DIRECTIONAL SIGN, PARKING 10 • TYPE D 4'-0" DIRECTIONAl SIGN 11 - TYPE D 4'.(J" DIRECTIONAl SIGN 12 -WAll SIGN FABRICATED lETTERS -'JOI' 13 -WALL SIGN FABRICATED LETTERS -'JOI' 14 - TYPE 8 7-0" DIREC1l0NAl SIGN, DOUBLE FACED 15 - CHANNEL lETTERS INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED 'EMERGENCy" 16 - TYPE D 4'.(J" DIRECTIONAl SIGN 17 • TYPE C 5'-8" DIRECTIONAL SIGN, DOUBLE FACED 15 - TYPE E T-O' ENTRANCE MARKER 1S"NrA 20 - TYPE C S-a" DIRECTIONAl SIGN, DOUBLE FACED 21 - TYPE F 9'-0" DIRECTIONAL SIGN, DOUBLE FACED 22 • WALL SIGN FABRICATED LETTERS 23 • TYPE C 5'-9" DIRECTIONAL SIGN, DOUBLE FACED 2ti "TYPE C 5'-9" DIRECTIONAL SIGN, DOUBLE FACED 25 - WALL SIGN FABRICATED LETTERS 25 - WALL SIGN FABRICATED LETTERS 25 - TYPE C 5'-8" DIRECTIONAL SIGN, DOUBLE FACED 22 • WALL SIGN FABRICATED LETTERS & lOGO 30 - TIPE A 15'-0" PYLON SIGN, DOUBLE FACED 31 - WALL SIGN FABRICATED LETTERS & LOGO ;,;gn of the .Uiura Baptist Beaches Surgery Center FABRICATED LETTERS &. LOGO SIGN #3 306.9 FT. sa. 32 - WALL SIGN FABRICATED LEITERS 33 - TYPE B 1'-0" DIRECTIONAl SIGN, DOUBLE FACED 34 -lYPE B 1'..(J" DIRECTIONAl SIGN, DOUBLE FACED SITE PLAN SCALE:NTS ~~~inger. i !l~~~, BAPTIST HEALTH formerly Quality Sign ~~~~ Baptist MedkaJ Center Beaches 1350 13th AvefllJe South Jacksonville Beach. FL 32250 THlS D£SlGN IS FOR THE sOL! PRODUCT or IU.USTRAnON .""'~.,,,. FIlESERVER/Custortiers/Baptist Baptist Health Beaches/Artl BPT _BC100-R7.cdr &; CONCEPT DESIGN. nus fU IS NOT u: USED fOR .t:;J:Health! MASTER SIGNAGE PLAN fabricate, Refurblsh &. Instal!: (33) Pvlcn. Monument & Wall Signs 10.22.10 : ORIGIWlL CONCEPT :J BAPTIST U MEDICAL CENTER BEACHES PRODUCTION ANDIOR FABRlCATION.THlS D[SlGN IS M SOLE PROPERTY Of HARBINGER AND MAY NOT BE USED OR DUPlICATED IN ANY FORM WITHOUT THE EXPn£S5ED WRfTTEH PERMISSION Of HARSB<lGER EXHIBIT ~'D" 'Parcel C \ OS/OI/11 MIDI/II DAn: \ \ REV1~IOH :J i ISSUE DATE! ai/ox: c= ) \ rS~1~ BAPTIST IdEDlCAL CENT£R lSSO ISTli Avt:IoIU[ SOlml J"C/~SONVIll.£ BEACH. FlOROLA. '".0 MASTER PLAN LEGEND DIll ~ FUTVRE:~!."'DRYPAlU\INQ O .••RAG(I6C'fT IilGHI :~~.=-~ ~Yj~rt.~T~:;~~~DJNG NF:W ~ STORY BUllDlNO l~:,--all i -, ,~"'-, ,-' J Ii BUILDING =---~=:::::--:rrc; l'"""''''' _ __ BEACHES MEDICAL CENTER f'lR!:.iflOORPLAN PROG lFn==i 16th Avenue B ---£"""L' ---- rro;-.. e. IfilRIEUMBNARV PUll) D!CVIEII.Oii»MfC!\;!l' TI\BGPII:d -I H••• tth.._\Dnrw1l>Gi\l IJ""'; - ..I PILAN :>MEa NUU&17.I: A101