Bulletin - Berkeley Folk Dancers


Bulletin - Berkeley Folk Dancers
December 2012
Volume 70, Number 12
A publication of BERKELEY FOLK DANCERS -- America’s largest folk dance club
Dancing five nights a week, fifty-two weeks a year
May your turkey stay still this Thanksgiving Day . . .
In keeping with long-standing Ottawa Valley traditions, Ottawa's Winterlude opened with the spectacular
Dance of the Winter Turkeys/Danse des dindes d'hiver, animated in fireworks on the Alexandra Bridge.
Table of Contents
President’s Message
Members Meeting Minutes
New Trial Dances
Membership & Attendance
Coming Events
Teaching Schedule
Upcoming Members Meetings
From The Archives
Staff & Submissions
President’s Message
When You Say That, Smile
Years ago when I was a teenager I read Owen Wister’s The Virginian. I
have no idea what the book was about. I only remember one thing and that
was the paraphrased title of one chapter: “When You Say That, Smile.”
A number of months ago we were dancing “Passu Torrau.” Yaqi was
diagonally to my left; Greta Chang and Suzanna Yeh were diagonally to my
right. Yaqi said a word in Chinese. I looked at Greta and Suzanna and saw
their faces turn a shade of red. I looked back at Yaqi who had a sheepish look
on her face. She said: “It sounded like that.”
I don’t understand a word of Chinese, but I understood perfectly well what
Yaqi said, as I am sure you do from my description. The face says so much.
It is very easy in this modern life, when a person can have many friends on
Facebook, instant connectivity through Twitter and instant messaging, to be
absolutely isolated, to live a virtual life devoid of physical contact. Folk
dancing is a social activity. It provides, however tenuously, a physical
connection between people. You may not have to talk to the person on your
left or right, but you usually at a minimum have to hold their hands.
In this holiday season perhaps the best gift you can give to someone at BFD
is your smile. It is something that is uniquely you. It costs you nothing to
give, but can give others a warm and friendly welcome. No one can know how
important a smile can be. Happy Holidays!
- Peter D’Angelo, President
New Trial dances
The Dance Committee chose 6 trial dances for this dance year:
Elizabeth Quadrille
Lipa Ma Maryca
Bal du Jugon
Hora Miresii
Posavski drmes
Romanian Gypsy
Elizabeth Quadrille and Dana used to be in the BFD repertoire. Bal du Jugon
previously has been taught at the Beginner level as a non-repertoire teaching tool.
The Dance Committee also decided to recommend to the Members Meeting a new
schedule for our annual Balls and Fun Nights:
October - Officers Ball (formerly the I-Ball) - produced by the outgoing Member At Large. Everyone but brand-new Beginners could
participate. Officers inaugurated.
November - Advanced Class fun night
December - New Years Eve
January - Birthday Ball / Beginners Ball - produced by the Vice-President.
Combines the Birthday Ball and the tradition of welcoming the year's
new members with badges.
February - Festival of the Oaks - produced by Mel Mann & committee
March - AI fun night
April - [Reserved]
May - Intermediate fun night
June - [Reserved]
July - Beginners fun night
August – [Reserved]
Compiled by Emily Stoper, estoper1@yahoo.com
Every Friday night, 8 – 11 p.m. - Balkan and Israeli non-partner dancing
Albany Y, 921 Kains Ave., Albany (just south of Solano Ave.)
2nd and 4th Friday nights, 7:30-9:30 p.m. – Bay Area Circle Dancers
Hillside Community Church, 1422 Navellier Street, El Cerrito; pot luck supper from
630 to 7:30 - Simple folk dances done in a circle
Information: http://www.circledancing.com/
First Saturday of every month, 8 p.m. - Contra Dance
Canyon School in Canyon, CA
Information: http://www.canyoncontras.com
First, third and fifth Wednesdays of every month, 8 p.m. – Contra Dance
Grace North Church, Berkeley
Information: http://www.bacds.org/series/contra/berkeley_wed/
Ashkenaz Music and Dance Community Center
1317 San Pablo Ave., Berkeley
Balkan Dance Night: Wed., Nov. 28, lesson at 7:00, requests at 8:00, $7;
Ashkenaz also offers Greek dance, tango, square dance, Cajun/Zydeco, reggae, swing,
African dance, etc. – usually with a live band.
Information: http://www.ashkenaz.com or 510-525-3630
Thursday-Friday, Nov. 25-26 – NO DANCING AT BFD (Thanksgiving Holiday)
But there’s a great alternative…
Friday-Saturday, Nov. 23-24– San Francisco Kolo Festival (61st Annual)
Wellness Center, SF City College, Ocean Ave Great teachers: Zeljko Jergan, Jerry
Duke John Filcich
Information: http://balkantunes.org/kolofestival/2012/Kolo_Festival_2012_mlr.pdf
Advance registration is strongly recommended on the website.
Saturday, Dec. 8, 8-11 p.m. – Razzmatazz Folk Dance Party - $5
Monroe Hall, 1400 W. College Ave., Santa Rosa
Information: Marilyn at marilynmsmith@sbcglobal.net or 510-965-9688
Saturday, December 1, 7:30 p.m. - midnight – No-Snow Ball (contra dances)- $30
Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Ascension, 4700 Lincoln Ave., Oakland
Information: http://www.bacds.org/
Register early!
Monday, Dec. 10, 7-9:30 p.m. – Annual Petaluma Snap-Y Dancers Holiday Folk
Dance Party - $7
Herman Sons Hall, 860 Western Avenue, Petaluma
Information: Carol Friedman http://carolfriedmanfolkdance.blogspot.com/ or 415663-9512
Saturday, Dec. 25, 7:30-10:30 – Annual Christmas Party -$7
Sponsored by Peninsula Folk Dance Council
St. Bede’s Church, cor. Sand Hill Rd. and Monte Rosa, Menlo Park
Information: Call Al at 408-252-8106
Monday, Dec. 31, 9 p.m.- midnight - New Year’s Eve Party at BFD - $5 members,
$7 non-members + bring finger foods!
Information: Peter D’Angelo at pvdangelo@hotmail.com or 654-3136
The theme for the Presidential Message for this month was gifts – the gift of your
smile that you can give to your fellow dancers. The theme of this month’s “From the
Archives” is gifts that you can give yourself (see below). Included with the
membership package last August was a letter about contributing to the club over
and above the dues. I followed up with a Presidential Message in September about
I am happy to say that 57 of you responded by giving a donation – a gift to the
club. On behalf of the club I want to thank all of you. Below is a partial list of those
who contributed. If you contributed and your name does not appear below please
send me an e-mail giving me permission to publish your name and I will list your
name next month. If you didn’t contribute there is still time. Remember for those of
you who itemize, any contribution in excess of your membership is tax deductible.
Bob and Evelyn Berman
Bruce and Susan Carter
Bill Cain
Greta Chang
Peter and Lynne D’Angelo
Rosemarie Delahaye
Doran and June Emerson
Beverly Anne Estes
David Gan
Jim Gierszewski
Cammeron Girvin
David and Marija Hillis
Sally Howlett
Pat James
Georgia Lee
Hank Lewis
Bill and Louise Lidicker
Valerie Messer
Ahmad and Ann Moghaddas
Peter D’Angelo, President BFD
Mel and Esther Mann
Richard Muller
Andy Partos
Wayne Phillips (in honor of Emily
and Arnie Stoper)
Yvonne Provaznik
Jean Rabovsky
Carol Sheehy
Valerie Simonetti
Marian Snyder
Bobbie Spike
Barbara Steinberg
Arnie and Emily Stoper
Lillian Wang
Marlene Weiner
Yvonne Weiss
Maureen Wesolowski
Kathleen Whitney
Suzanna Yeh
Your name here
From the Archives: Christmas Gift Suggestions
This article from the November 1949 Bulletin will be of inestimable use in your Christmas
-- Peter D'Angelo
Glenn Ward, record chairman of Berkeley Folk Dancers, has offered (upon request) a
number of suggestions to help guide the novice folk dancers in shopping for records.
The request was made of him upon discovery that it is easy for the uniformed to buy
the wrong record rather than the right one. His helpful hints are itemized here:
1. Patronize local record shops. (When folk dancing first started, there were no
shops that were informed as to records for this type of dancing. Many records were
sold that didn’t fit the dance for which it was purchased. Now record shops are
informed and particularly the folk-dance specialty shops are authorities in regard to
records for dancing. It is possible to buy through them hard-to-get records; though,
at times, it is necessary to send for them.)
2. Find out from your instructor this information about the record used to teach the
dance: the name, the number, and the company that makes it. (For some of the
dances there are two or more records that are purchasable – one that is good for
doing the dance. For instance, it is possible to buy a record which is not usable for
dancing of La Raspa, Altanitas, Jesucita, Neapolitan Tarantella.)
3. Listen to the record before purchasing and be critical of the tempo in which it is
played. (Some records are too fast for dancing, and many home phonographs do not
have the device to regulate tempo.)
4. Listen for melodic quality in the records. (Some have a much better tone quality
than others.)
5. Be informed before buying square dance records. (There are many albums of this
type which are not good.)
For square-dance calling – Cliffie Stone’s album no. 44 and McGregor’s twelve-inch
Albums with calls – Jonesy Jones’ album no. 4, McGregor’s albums no. 1 and 3,
Woodhall’s album, and Decca’s square dances no. 474.
The albums should include directions for doing the dances, and if the calls are
recorded, they should be easy understood.
Build your library of records systematically – buy the records as you learn to do the
Members Meeting Minutes
[These minutes are unofficial until approved at a Members Meeting]
Members Meeting Minutes
November 4, 2012
At the home of David and Marija Hillis, 2147 Parker Street, Berkeley
Call to order - Peter D’Angelo, President – 7:30 p.m.
Present: Peter and Lynne D’Angelo, Judy and Neil Collier, Carolyn Atherton,
Yvonne Weiss, Ahmad Moghaddas, Bill and Louise Lidicker, Sarah Anderson, David
and Marija Hillis, Jane Kitchel, Cornelia Ghafur, Andy Partos, Mel and Esther
Reading of minutes: Andy Partos moved and Ahmad Moghaddas seconded a
motion to forego the reading of the minutes of the October 14, 2012
meeting; passed with two no votes. Those minutes were approved as
previously sent after motion by Yvonne Weiss, seconded by Bill
Lidicker. Unanimously passed.
In answer to a question, the secretary explained that she e-mails the minutes as
soon as possible to all who were at the meeting. After incorporating any
corrections or comments, she sends them to the Bulletin Editor, Emily Stoper,
who edits them for the Bulletin. The draft minutes are mailed with the
Agenda of the next meeting at which time additional corrections may be made.
The approved minutes are then e-mailed to the web-master, Tom Sha, for the
on-line archives.
Treasurer’s Report - Cathy Leung is out of the country.
Committee Reports:
Equipment and Physical Plant – Ahmad Moghaddas
Purchase of the new cordless microphone was delayed as the company needed
information about the transformer frequency of our current equipment as there is a
need for separation of frequencies. An unswitched plug in the closet will be needed
for charging the mike overnight. The question of purchasing another digital set was
raised, but thought unnecessary. These are out of production and new models are
too complex for our use. Nevertheless, Ahmad is looking for another secondhand
Good and Welfare -- Naomi Lidicker is doing better.
Federation – Bill Lidicker
– Officers Ball in Livermore yesterday was quite successful, 78 pre-registered and
many more attended, including 11 BFDers. 6 classic dances were taught, an
excellent Greek catered dinner was served, lights were effectively used for
decorations, and rotating pictures on wall made the hall very festive. Request
dancing continued until 10:00.
- New Dancers Festival in Pleasanton was held on October 21. We were unable to
loan them the promised stands due to locked doors at Live Oak Park.
- Coming Events: - St. Bede’s Church in Menlo Park: Nov. 17, 7:15 with Jerry Duke
teaching Greek dances, followed by a dance party; December 25, 7:30-11:00
- San Francisco: Kolo Festival Nov. 23-24.
- San Carlos: Heritage Festival Jan 11-12 featuring an institute with Tom Sha and
Tony Canavaro with Lynn Overtree, Federation board meeting at 10:30, all
- Santa Barbara: Statewide May 17-19.
I-Ball - Carolyn Atherton. Suggested ticket price: $10; Theme: Bali Ha’i; Time:
7:00 - 10:30. Program will be printed on the tickets.
Old Business:
Audit Committee – Tabled.
New Business:
- New Year’s Eve party. Peter is handling.
- In a letter Wayne Phillips suggested the Bulletin should include an item
mentioning contributors and donations made in honor of someone or something.
This suggestion was well received. There was further discussion of ways to raise
more money.
- Family folk dance night – Mel Mann
Changs in SF has been running successful family nights for a number of years, and
Mel suggested BFD start a similar program to promote younger members. He is
willing to coordinate. There was considerable discussion about the pros and cons of
taking an hour of a Friday request night once a month for this purpose. Time would
be 7:00 or 7:15 for one hour. Good publicity is needed. Motion (moved by Mel,
seconded by Jane Kitchel): BFD shall start a Family Night on the first
Friday of each month for one hour, starting in February at 7:00 or 7:15,
charging $5 per family. BFD members can bring family children free.
Regular Request Night will be extended by half an hour. Unanimously
- Bill moved that we continue our membership in the Society of Folk Dance
Historians, and pay dues of $25. Lynne seconded. Unanimous.
It was suggested that Bill write a note for the Bulletin that a directory and other
publications of the Society are available to members.
Adjournment – 8:55 p.m.
Meeting of the Corporation:
Meeting of the Board of Directors of Berkeley Folk Dancers, Inc, A California
Benefits Corp. All motions were approved.
Thanks to the hosts, David and Marija Hillis.
The December meeting will be held on December 2 at home of Ann and Ahmad
Louise Lidicker, Secretary
Membership Report – Arnold Stoper
As of November 1 we had
120 paid, 17 life, 7 on leave = 144 total members
(Last year at this time we had 124 paid, not a significant difference)
October Attendance Report – Alyce Meier and Peter D’Angelo
Mon 19, Tue 25, Wed 26, Thu 38, Fri 18, Fun Night 42
Teaching Schedule – December 2012
Teachers: Bill Lidicker 528-9168
Marija Hillis 549-0337
Assistant Teacher: David Hillis 549-0337
Class Representatives: Marian Snyder 549-1703
Cornelia Ghafur (707) 570-9101
Thursday, 7:45 pm
Lesnoto (Macedonia)
Milondita Tango (USA)
Passu Torrau (Italy)
Prince William (England)
Erev Ba (Israel)
La Bastringue (Canada,Quebec)
Teachers: Claire & Al George 841-1205
Assistant Teacher: Andy Partos 848-9262
Class Representatives: Yvonne Provaznik 222-4490
Ahmad Moghaddas 548-3366
Tuesdays, 7:45 pm
Tarantella di Peppina (Italy)
Crosstep Waltz Mixer (USA)
Karagouna (Greece)
Čerešničky (Czech Rep)
Teachers: Yaqi Zhang 525-1865
Judy Stonefield 655-3074
Class Representatives: Judy Collier 524-2671
Suzanna Yeh 845-3835
Wednesday, 7:45 pm
Jove Male Mome (Bulgaria)
Siriysko Horo (Syria)
Newcastle (England)
Maxixe II (Brazil, France, USA)
Bal du Jugon (France)
Hora Miresii (Romania)
Teachers: Lone Coleman 526-5886
Tom Sha 614-5522
Class Representative: Emily Stoper 655-9332
Monday, 7:45 pm
Magyar Csárdás (Hungary),
Vari Hasapiko (Greece)
Vulpita (Romania)
Trial dance
Thanks to Ruth Gasser for teaching Kritiko Serviko.
Sobotki (Poland) was taught in October
Friday, 7:45 pm Requests from all levels
Representatives: Peter and Lynne D’Angelo 654-3136
Emcees: Peter and Lynne D’Angelo, Ed Malmstrom,
Clem and John Underhill, Judy Stonefield, Emily Stoper
Upcoming Members Meetings
Sunday, December 2, home of Ann and Ahmad Moghaddas
1631 Berkeley Way, Berkeley
6:30 Potluck – please RSVP 548-3366
7:30 Meeting
Sunday, January 6, home of Barbara Conheim
1398 Queens Road, Berkeley, 548-3127
7:30 Meeting
Please let VP Yvonne Weiss at yvonnem2@sbcglobal.net know if you can host a Members
Meeting (typically 12-16 in attendance, and we can provide chairs). It’s a shared
responsibility, and not without hefty compensation ($25).
Staff and Submissions
BERKELEY FOLK DANCERS BULLETIN: Published monthly by Berkeley Folk Dancers.
Subscriptions for non-members: $9 per year.
Copy Editor: Emily Stoper, 655-9332. Layout and Editorial: David Hillis, 549-0337 or
davidhillis1@comcast.net. Print version production: Arnold Stoper, 655-9332.
Distribution: Sylvia Morgan, 524-9877. Staff photographer: Andy Partos.
BFD’s web address is www.berkeleyfolkdancers.org
The next deadline for Bulletin articles is Saturday, December 8, noon. Please submit articles in either Microsoft
Word document format (.DOC) or in text document format (.TXT) as an attachment to an e-mail sent to
estoper1@yahoo.com and BFDbulletin@yahoo.com
For material that is not in electronic format, please contact Emily at estoper1@yahoo.com for instructions.
P.O Box 9091
Berkeley, CA 94709
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