PARIS Unlimited…


PARIS Unlimited…
Luxe Travel Hawai‘i
in QSPVEpartnership with
Luxe Travel Hawai‘i & Destinations Beyond
For those discerning savvy clients seeking discrete, private, personalized luxury travel, especially for intimate groups pursuing lifestyle interests: Cusine, Culture & The Arts; Health
& Wellness; Private Shopping; Eco-Adventure.
We provide unprecedented insider access and create authentic experiences that are culturally distinctive, interactively entertaining and essentially luxurious…our aim is to enrich,
educate, inspire, and rejuvenate.
Luxe Travel creates and delivers elegant, exclusive, exceptional experiences with unequalled
service for you and your guests.
PARIS Unlimited
PARIS Unlimited, founded by renowned fashion & luxury expert Marie-France
Pochna, caters exclusively to an influential and affluent international elite and is
unique in being able to present our privileged clients the best Paris has to offer.
Through venues, visits and events - normally only accessible to a happy few –
each experience is tailored to satisfy our customer’s wildest dreams in the ambit
of art, culture, fashion, gastronomy and more. The best season to plan your trip
is when Paris is full of festivities, giving us the opportunity to create a truly
bespoke travel experience.
in proud partnership, Luxe Travel and PARIS Unlimited
look forward to creating your complete, tailor-made journey through Paris.
You will experience Paris in a way that money normally can’t buy. Discover
the “French art of living”…its heart and soul.
Fall and Spring in Paris
To stimulate your imagination, we’ve created the following, Fall and Spring, sample three
day itineraries that will arouse your senses.
Fall Program
An experience not to miss: The Biennale of Antique Dealers and Jewelers,
at The Grand Palais, September 14th to 23rd
The Biennale represents a major artistic rendez-vous for art collectors from all over the world
and its 26th edition promises to be a particularly glamorous year with the multi-talented artist
Karl Lagerfeld being in charge of creating an ephemeral atmosphere which is bound to
magnify the objects exhibited by over 150 galleries and jewelers. This is the perfect time to
take in the city‟s unique climate which fuses art, culture, fashion, gastronomy and luxury
We have organized a program of privileged invitations to one-on-one meetings with Paris‟
leading representatives in all these domains. We invite you to spend one day soaking up the
Biennale experience and, if you have more time to spend in Paris, your choice of two further
days of experiences: one dedicated to the world of Fashion and Luxury and the other, an excursion
outside of Paris in revisiting its main chefs d‟oeuvre Masterpieces, The Chateaux de Versailles or de
Chantilly, to complement your experience of the French art of living.
Private Visit of The Biennale.
Since its founding in 1956, The Biennale(1) represents the
quintessence of French taste and the excellence of savoir-faire in the
decorative arts. The participating antique dealers and jewelers exhibit
only the most exceptional objects; it is here that rare chefs d‟oeuvre
will appear from private collections that have never been exposed to
the public. The Biennale covers an area of 5000 square meters and
Karl Lagerfeld‟s project is to create a main central alley symbolizing
The Champs Elysées from the Arch of Triumph to the Place de la
Concorde, organizing the space as a seamless flow, allowing visitors
to discover a unique display of the European “art of living” from
Antiquity to the XIXth century. We will have two lecturers at your
disposition, each specialized in their domain: old masters and XIX th
painting, and Art Deco & fine objects.
French high gastronomy will also have its place in The Biennale
and we will be able to reserve for you a table at the restaurant (2)
created for this occasion in The Grand Palais, where ten top
French Chefs such as Michel Rostang, Patrick Henrioux, Guy
Martin and César Troisgros, have been united to propose a
different menu every day.
An unprecedented exhibition: “The Boudoir of Empress Joséphine”
At Gallery Aveline, from September 7th to 29th, an unprecedented
partnership initiated by the Chateau de Fontainebleau will result in
the exhibition of one of its jewels, the furniture of the Turkish
Boudoir of The Empress Joséphine. Fontainebleau(3) where the
court used to hunt and relax, has a long history as a royal residence
which explains the extraordinary wealth of its decorative art
collections. The Boudoir, designed in 1777 for Queen MarieAntoinette, was refurbished by Empress Joséphine in 1806 with
new décor and furniture(4) characterized by a profusion of textiles
to evoke the Orient. Thanks to private donors, this magnificent
ensemble has been restored and is exposed at Galerie Aveline in its
original layout and décor at the Gallery at the occasion of The
You will have the privilege of a private visit of the exhibition in the
presence of the Director of the Chateau de Fontainebleau and of
the renowned antique dealer Jean-Marie Rossi, head of Gallery
Aveline(5), 8 Place Beauvau, facing the Presidential Palace. If your
visit takes place in the evening, cocktails will be offered and a
dinner for six to twelve guests can be arranged in the Gallery.
“Luxury, taste, science...” goldsmith Neuber at Gallery Kugel
While Paris was the undisputed capital of taste and fashion in the
Age of Enlightenment, in particular for that essential accessory, the
snuffbox, Johann Christian Neuber (1732–1808), mineralogist and
goldsmith at the court of the Elector Frederick Augustus III of
Saxony, was able to assimilate French esprit and even surpass it in
creating his own style and inventions. The exhibition presents nearly
forty snuffboxes and galanteries from the Grünes Gewölbe, the
celebrated “green vault” in Dresden containing the world's finest
collection of treasury art. Neuber is also, or above all, the creator of
one of the masterpieces of Western art, and certainly the most
extraordinary piece of furniture conceived in the 18 th century, the
Breteuil table, which you will be able to admire, exposed by the
Kugel Brothers amidst other monumental masterpieces (6), in their
magnificent hotel particulier(7) facing Place de La Concorde.
This program is designed for a full day. Up to 6 people can
participate. You will have VIP access to all these places (8) and be
accompanied by an expert or lecturer. We can provide a luxury car
with chauffeur who will pick you up at your address in Paris at a
pre- arranged time for your convenience and remain at your service
until necessary.
For Day 2, The Fashion and Luxury universe experience(9) is
designed for a full day and we can take up to 6 participants. For Day
3, the program is also designed for a full day for each of the
excursions proposed outside of Paris to complement your experience
of the French art de vivre and revisit its Masterpieces. We can take
up to 6 participants and we will provide the transportation means by
chauffeur and arrange the meals.
 Day 2: A unique insight into the world of Fashion and Luxury
The exhibition “Van Cleef & Arpels, the art of high jewelry”, will be
inaugurated on September 20th. at The Museum of Decorative Arts
on rue de Rivoli. Your visit will be guided by an art historian and
expert in high jewelry. The daring creations of this legendary jewelry
house will be highlighted in the nave of the Museum, with 400
pieces that have made the fame of Van Cleef & Arpels since 1906,
including the Serti Mystérieux, transformable jewellery and
theminaudière bag which was invented in the 1930s. The latest
collection, Bals de Légende(10), inspired by the memorable society
balls of the last century will also be on display.
And if you wish to pursue and be initiated in this exceptional craft, a
school was just created, L‟Ecole Van Cleef & Arpels(11), offering the
opportunity to acquire inside knowledge of this fascinating world.
Located Place Vendôme, the school gives you a chance to meet
experts, to experience materials, to be in the heart of the Savoir Faire.
We can pre-arrange a three hour session for you.
Strictly Private: the Apartment of M elle Chanel
Kept intact since her death in 1971, Gabrielle Chanel(12) had an
apartment above her office and the boutique on 31 Rue Cambon (13)
where she would relax after work and entertain friends from time to
time. Access is strictly limited by Chanel and cannot be guaranteed,
but should you be interested in a visit, let us know. You will discover
a baroque, rich and symbolic universe reflecting the modernity
and the powerful inspirations of this revolutionary woman.
The House of a legendary Parisienne at auction
The Collection of Hélène Rochas will be offered at auction in Paris
on 27 September 2012, at 9 Avenue Matignon, following a pre-sale
public exhibition from 11 to 26 September.
Hélène Rochas(14), also known as „la belle Hélène‟, was only 28
years old at the death of her husband, Marcel Rochas, when she took
over the eponymous perfume business. She lived in her Parisian
apartment on rue Barbet de Jouy, in the elegant 7th
arrondissement(15), for over 60 years. There she created a collection
which epitomises „le grand goût français‟ with a hint of
cosmopolitism. Her unique French taste blossomed beyond the
foundations originally set by the Parisian social elite at the turn of
the 20th century and further developed by the influences of wealthy
foreigners, aesthetes, and collectors, Carlos de Beistegui, Arturo
Lopez-Willshaw, Antenor Patiño or even the more modern tastes of
Eugénia Errázuriz and Cole Porter.
If you wish to see the pre-sale exhibition and enrich the experience
with a familiar voice to evoke the spirit and elegance of this
legendary woman, you will be guided in your visit by a close member
of her family.
To end this day, we will take you to a concert, a performance or another
festive happening taking place during The European Days of Heritage in
Paris, where thousands of monuments, government buildings, and
privately owned sites of interest open their doors to the public.
 Day 3: Revisiting Masterpieces
Private visit at The Château de Chantilly
Within a 45-minute drive from Paris, Chantilly(16) is a royal castle
that belonged in the XVIIth Century to the Duc de Condé, who built
the most magnificent stables, « Les Grandes Ecuries » serving today
as a spectacular background to the horse racing track. The Chateau
de Chantilly will allow you to discover one the most beautiful
museum of paintings after The Louvre. Situated on a vast domain
with gardens and water ponds(8) that mirror the magnificence of
Versailles, if not its majesty, the Chateau and its dependencies were
enriched by the successive generations of Princes of Condé who
called upon the great landscape architects and gardeners of the time,
such as Mansart and Le Nôtre, the very same who were engaged by
King Louis XIV for Versailles.
Your visit to Chantilly will be accompanied by the head curator of
the Museum. If you care to make the most of the bucolic setting we
will book a lunchtime table for you in a delightfully simple
restaurant located in one of the five small cottages that compose the
Queen‟s Hamlet. Created in 1775 when the taste of the period
turned to a romantic attraction for nature, the Queen‟s Hamlet (17) of
Chantilly served in fact as inspiration for Queen Marie-Antoinette‟s
Hamlet at Versailles. If your visit takes place on a week end and if
you are a passionate of the game of polo, you will be invited at the
Polo Club of Appremont(18), a five-minute drive from Chantilly as
guests of the President of the Polo Club. You will meet the members
and the players and participate fully in the event.
Private Visit at The Château de Versailles
Have you ever imagined taking a private glimpse of the Versailles (19)
of Queen Marie-Antoinette through the keyhole? Recently
refurbished, the “Appartements Privés”, which are not open to the
public, reflect the fantasy world which the Queen created to adapt to
life at court, as well as the sense of intimacy that prevailed during the
XVIIIth Century in vivid contrast to the ”Appartements Royaux”
which you will also visit. Accompanied by a curator appointed by
Versailles, you will take a private visit of The Petit Théâtre designed
by Mique where she held performances, The Petit Trianon where
she played blindman‟s-buff with her friends, The Pavillon
Français(20), a pure architectural jewel, and stroll through the garden.
You will also see the temporary exhibition on the “Ladies of
Trianon” which evokes a series of portraits of the famous women
who occupied the domain. If you end your visit at sunset, you will
continue your walk admiring the Palace Gardens illuminated by the
Would you like a foretaste of Spring in Paris? The ready-to-wear fashion shows
starts on February 26th and ends on March 6th , and I designed this program
having women in mind and particularly women not ashamed to indulge in all
things feminine. Paris Unlimited programs are characterized by the wide range of
interests they offer to their privileged clients and this one is no different as it
connects fashion with history, fine arts with gastronomy yet I imagine it
will attract more specifically a group of intimate friends ready for an escape to
Paris just for the pleasure of spending a good time together or mothers looking
for the perfect occasion take their daughters on a shopping spree with the
wonderful excuse to show them The Louvre, the fountains of The Chateau de
Versailles, or take them to the Opera.
If fashion is your thing and you want to come during the collections, we will
arrange invitations for you to fashion shows and other fashion events. If your
choose to come at another date, Paris Unlimited will book for you a program of
cultural entertainments along with privileged visits to luxury houses in the
domains of fashion, accessories, jewelry and beauty giving you a unique
opportunity to meet with craftsmen and experts and discover the renowned
French savoir faire. I hope this 3 day program will give you a pleasant and
harmonious luxury lifestyle experience.
You will be invited to visit Melle Chanel’s apartment(1),
located above the Chanel Boutique on Rue Cambon. The great thing
about the House of Chanel is that it manages to keep the founder’s
story alive and you will discover, in Mademoiselle’s apartment left
intact, a rich, baroque and symbolic universe reflecting the
independent mind and sense of modernity of this revolutionary
woman. During her time, haute couture collections took place inhouse and Melle Chanel would watch the reactions of her public
from a strategic position in the staircase(2) where she could observe
whilst remaining unseen. You will be invited to visit the Salons
Haute Couture and this is still the inner sanctum of the house with
Karl Lagerfeld’s studio of creation two floors above. But whether the
designer will show up or not while you are being served a cup of
coffee and sitting comfortably in the sofas is God’s secret. No one
ever knows in the house what time Mr. Karl will make his
Your visit will continue with Chanel Jewelry Boutique(3) and this is
just a few blocks away, 18 Place Vendôme. Even if you are familiar
with the boutique, you will probably see it with different eyes after
your discovery of Melle Chanel’s apartment: the continuity between
the couture and the jewelry universe of Chanel will become much
more apparent to you. Courtesy of the house, you will be shown
some historic pieces Melle Chanel’s designed in 1932 that serve as
inspirations for today’s creations and enjoy the privilege to watch
artisans deeply involved in their manufacturing process.
Kitchen hardware today may claim luxury status and
certainly LA CORNUE(4), the world-renowned manufacturer of
professional ovens, is entitled to do so. A few months ago, they
opened their first boutique in the 7th arrondissement exhibiting
priceless high tech equipment and highly sophisticated cooking
instruments. La Cornue’s opposite neighbour is Alain Passart’s 3 *
restaurant, ARPEGE(5), and they became good friends. On certain
occasions for very special guests, the Chef is willing to cross the
street and he will come in person to prepare lunch for you and share
some of his cooking tips while being at work in front of you.
Nicolas and Alexis KUGEL are the fifth generation of antique
dealers originally from Russia in the XVIIIth century. They moved
their gallery in 2004 into an exceptional and historical private
mansion, 25 quai Anatole-France(6), facing Place de la Concorde and
the Tuileries gardens. Their gallery is probably unique in offering on
a museum scale and quality level a collection of works of art
extending from the Middle Ages to the XIXth century and covering
domains such as sculpture, furniture, Kunstkammer and Renaissance,
goldsmith and ivory objects, scientific instruments, Russian art and
painting.(7) Nicolas and/or Alexis will give you the tour of the
gallery and its amazing treasures.
Have you ever imagined taking a private glimpse of the
“VERSAILLES” of Queen Marie-Antoinette(8) through the
keyhole? The drive to the Chateau de Versailles(9) takes about 45
minutes. You will visit the “Private Apartments of The Queen”
which are not open to the public and reflect the Queen’s desire to
create a world of her own and an atmosphere of intimacy in vivid
contrast with the pomp and splendour of the ”Royal Apartments”
which have been magnificently restored just recently. This whole
visit will be guided by a curator from Versailles dedicated to you
who will continue to open the doors of Queen Marie-Antoinette’s
private domain(10) created for herself with the generosity of her
loving husband. This includes “The Petit Théâtre” designed by
Mique where she held performances, “The Petit Trianon” where she
played blindman’s-buff with her friends, The “Pavillon Français”, a
pure architectural jewel, and a nice stroll through the garden.
You will discover the extraordinary ability of the craftsmen
manufacturing the furniture, the tapestries, the precious objects and
ornaments created to glorify the French Court. The magnificence of
Versailles contributed indeed to promote internationally the prestige
of our national luxury industry.
Back in Paris, you will take time to relax and have a private visit at
GUERLAIN. Founded in 1839, the house benefited from the
patronage of Empress Eugénie spouse of Napoleon III and it
possesses, in the world of beauty, a unique heritage. At the origin of
some of the world’s most illustrious perfumes such as Shalimar,
Mitsuko, Vetiver, L’Instant de Guerlain and recently, Le Little Black
Dress, Guerlain has honed for centuries the secrets that help reveal in
each woman her particular aura and personality by being creative also
in the domains of skin care and make-up products. You will be
invited at their historic boutique on rue du Faubourg Saint
Honoré(11) and participate in an initiation to the creative process of a
fragrance given by house experts. You may also wish to prolong the
visit by taking an individual appointment for a beauty treatment or a
make-up session at Guerlain’s spa.(12)
You all crave about HERMES superior craftsmanship13) but would
you be interested to go behind doors and visit Hermes’ ateliers out
in the suburbs of Paris? This will be organised for you thanks to
Pascale Mussard, a member of the Hermès family who has set up
there her brainchild, “Petit h”, named with an intended wink to the
well-established Hermès logo. Pascale as a youth often accompanied
her grandfather to the factory where she took the habit of collecting
unused pieces of silk, leather, cashmere, vicugna, glassware, porcelain,
etc. which had fallen from the tables of the craftsman and were
thrown away as waste. She was disturbed by this and the notion grew
in her head that the rejects at Hermès were too noble to be
discarded. A year ago, Pascale Mussard presented her first collection
“Petit h” which was instantly a success. Pascale Mussard will receive
you in her creative studio and her ateliers(14) at Pantin where Hermes
manufacturing site is located. You will discover the fascinating
concept that inspired her to give birth to a series of "unidentified
poetic objects" that salvage defective inventory and factory-floor
leftovers and turn them into high-end jewelry and decorative
accessories. You will meet the craftspeople(15) operating this magical
transformation in association with several notable artists and
At the FIAC art fair in October 2012, the contemporary art
GALLERY THADDAEUS ROPAC(16) made event news with the
opening of a new monumental exhibition space out in Pantin. It
announced that this pioneering move out to the suburbs was
destined to give artists the opportunity to realize their vision without
the usual restrictions of space. At the same time, Larry Gagosian
opened his own monumental space at Le Bourget airport with the
idea on top to facilitate the access to works of art to the new
generation of collectors with private planes while dispensing them
with the need to go into town to do so. Thaddeus Ropac’s space is
spectacular and concerts of contemporary music are given on certain
evenings intensifying its powerful atmosphere. The first exhibition
concerns two main figures of the post-war art scene, Joseph
Beuys(17), and his fellow German Anselm Kiefer(18), almost a
generation younger. This show ending on February 22nd will be
followed in March by a major group exhibition “Disaster: from
Andy Warhol to Banks Violette”. You will be welcome by the
director of the Gallery(19) who is a charming and erudite young
Greek lady.
Your evenings have not been forgotten in this program
When we know your dates, we will make you proposals: an evening
at the opera, an invitation to a private performance or a dinner at the
house of art collectors. (20) We have ideas in reserve for you!
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