- RGVBF Birding Festival
- RGVBF Birding Festival
INFORMATION 22nd Annual RGVBF Great Kiskadee Sponsors Red-crowned Parrot Sponsors American Birding Association, Brewster County/Visit Big Bend, Canopy Tower Family, Celestron Optics, Leica Optics, Maven Optics Ringed Kingfisher Sponsors BirdWatching Magazine, Boggus Ford, Courtyard by Marriott, Harlingen Arts & Heritage Museum, Kowa Optimed, Princeton University Press, Rockjumper Birding Tours, Southwest Airlines, Tranquilo Bay Eco Adventure Lodge, Valley Transit Co., Victor Emanuel Tours ________________________________________________________________________________ WHO WE ARE President –David Schibi Vice-President – Phil Nelson Secretary - Norma Friedrich Treasurer – Wanda Greenhill Chair – Sue Griffin Claire Baker F.P. Tony Bennett Dennis Boll Hethie Boll Rachael F. Brown Linda Butcher Alicia Cavazos Erny Colunga Linda DesRosiers Irma Pye Gavito Liz Deluna Gordon Joyce Hamilton Michael Marsden Stephanie Mahathey Anne Mayville Diana Miller Jennifer Rodriguez Beto Silva Stan Sterba Marilyn Vincent *A very special and large THANKS to the Harlingen Convention and Visitors Bureau, Gabe Gonzales, the City of Harlingen and the Harlingen Chamber of Commerce. You are the wind beneath our wings. 2 22nd Annual RGVBF INFORMATION It’s always THE year to be here. Why? For 21 years the Rio Grande Valley Birding Festival has been providing the best birding experience available at any festival anywhere. Come find out for yourself just why this premier nature event is held in such high esteem. Topnotch leaders and speakers, new field trip locations, warm and affordable Harlingen, the biggest concentration of unique species in the U.S., and a rarity almost every year, will guarantee a birding experience you will long remember. CONTENTS Field Trips .................................................................................................... 4-19 Schedule Overview .................................................................................... 20-21 Special Trips and PhotoTrack ................................................................... 22-26 Seminars / Keynotes .................................................................................. 27-34 Special Events / Trade Show / Family Activities ...................................... 35-37 FAQ’s / How to Register / Area Information .............................................. 38-39 Artist: We’re proud to announce Gerald Sneed as our 2015 Artist. Gerry moved to the Rio Grande Valley after an award-winning career in New York as an advertising art director. He relocated to the area to observe and paint the abundant birds and wildlife available in the National Wildlife Refuges and State Parks here. Gerry’s work is now sought out by residents and visitors to this top nature and birding destination. It has been exhibited and sold as posters, designer T-shirts, tote bags, coffee mugs, etc. His paintings have been purchased and commissioned by, the American Birding Association and International Migratory Bird Day. Gerry regularly exhibits at the RGVBF. Photos and Photographers: The Rio Grande Valley is home to many great nature photographers and we are lucky that some of them have shared their great photos with us through our Facebook page, our web page, and now this brochure. Bill Sulpulski photographs year-round in the western fringes of the Valley capturing those birds that our participants hope to see. Donna McCown loves photography and the outdoors which led her to become a birder. Her excellent photos capture the excitement of birding in the Rio Grande Valley. Chuck Lorenz lives and photographs in the coastal region of the RGV providing us with many photos of migrating birds and shorebirds from South Padre Island. Thanks to all for the beautiful images seen in this brochure! 3 FIELD TRIPS 22nd Annual RGVBF FIELD GUIDE TO THE ICONS The RGVBF has long been renowned for its low ratio of participants to leaders and for the quality of its leaders. This year is no exception. On one of our field trips you might find yourself in the company of Jon Dunn or Greg Miller, or maybe Michael O'Brien or Kevin Karlson, or perhaps Cameron Cox or Jeff Gordon. And the list doesn’t end there - just look at the biographies of all our leaders at rgvbf.org. IMPORTANT NOTES ON TRIPS: Please stay in or near Harlingen during the Festival. Trips cannot be met at the sites. Scopes and camera are fine on most trips. Icons just designate a better opportunity. For special trips for photographers, see the PhotoTrack section. Be prepared for sun and bugs on all trips. Water and water bottles provided. Vegetarian lunches available - choose when registering online. Bus/van designation may change. We reserve the right to make adjustments as needed. Keep in mind that, because of their limited seating, van trips tend to sell out quickly. Trip departure times have been staggered this year double check yours! *Designates a special trip - new offering, distinctive leader or only conducted this year. Check out the sidebars (on page 19) for help deciding which trips are for you. Always refer to rgvbf.org for the latest trip updates. 4 22nd Annual RGVBF FIELD TRIPS BENTSEN - RIO GRANDE STATE PARK Fee $60 / Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 6:30am – 12:30pm With its 760 acres of land and bird list of 358 species, it’s not surprising that this oldest of South Texas state parks was chosen as the headquarters of the World Birding Center complex. The woodlands are home to many of the Valley's bird specialties, the hawk-watch tower gives great views into the skies and the gardens surrounding the green-designed Visitors’ Center are a magnet for butterflies and hummingbirds. Targets: Plain Chachalaca, Hook-billed Kite (rare), Gray Hawk, Green Kingfisher, White-tipped Dove, Buff-bellied Hummingbird, Golden-fronted Woodpecker, Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet, Green Jay, Clay-colored Thrush, Long-billed Thrasher, Olive Sparrow, Altamira Oriole, Black Phoebe. BIG DAY VANS Fee $90 / Wednesday 6:00am – 4:30pm Ever hear about Big Days and wonder what they would be like? Here’s your chance to get in on the action on one of our most talked-about trips. Prepare to be flexible, as routes will be chosen by your skilled leaders, exercise those speedy get-on-it skills - and wear your fast shoes! Several vans will go out bound for lots of birds and friendly competition. A great choice for Festival returnees or the adventurous first-timer. Goals: Racking up an impressive day list - Valley specialties, anything, everything! * BIKING for BIRDS with Dorian Anderson Fee $65 / Friday, Sunday 7am - 12noon Dorian Anderson holds an extraordinary record - 617 species seen in the U.S. in one year (2014) and all strictly under his own steam! During the year he biked 17,830 miles, walked 493 miles and canoed 8 miles - and raised some $50,000 for conservation! Read all about Dorian’s adventures on bikingforbirds.blogspot.com On these trips, we’ll have the pleasure of biking for birds with Dorian - at Bentsen-Rio Grande State Park on Friday and at Resaca de la Palma State Park on Sunday. But we’ll be travelling to and from the parks in a van so we will be cheating a little! Bikes will be available for all participants on site. Goals: Encouraging green birding, enjoying a morning’s ride in some of the Valley’s most productive birding areas. 5 FIELD TRIPS 22nd Annual RGVBF * BIRD BANDING with Mark Conway Fee $60 / Sunday 7:30am - 12noon Join biologist and educator Mark Conway for some close encounters with Valley specialties in the picturesque grounds of Quinta Mazatlan. Mark will be demonstrating the skills of bird banding in the context of the key role it plays in his long-term studies of bird populations in the Valley. Targets (both in hand and in field): White-tipped Dove, Golden-fronted Woodpecker, Great Kiskadee, Green Jay, Clay-colored Thrush, Altamira Oriole, Olive Sparrow. * BIRDING 101 WORKSHOP with Jennie Duberstein Fee $60 / Wednesday - Indoor Session 2:30pm to 4pm; Thursday - Field Trip 8am to 1pm Friday - Indoor Session 2:30pm to 4pm Saturday - Field Trip 8am to 1pm Whether you’re just discovering the joys of birding or seeking to sharpen your birding skills, these are the trips for you. Each workshop will be in two parts - an indoor session at the Harlingen Municipal Auditorium in the afternoon followed by experience in the field the following morning. The field trips will be to Santa Ana NWR on Thursday and Laguna Atascosa NWR on Saturday. Choose either or come on both! Both workshops will be led by Jennie Duberstein, an education and outreach specialist with the US Fish & Wildlife Service and co-leader of the ABA’s Camp Colorado and VENT’s Camp Chiricahua. Goals: Developing basic birding skills, learning bird identification, enjoying time in the field. * BIRDING by EAR with Michael O’Brien Fee $85 / Thursday, Friday 6:30am – 12:30pm Join well-known guide, author and illustrator Michael O’Brien (Flight Calls of Migratory Birds, The Shorebird Guide, America’s 100 Most Wanted Birds) in this workshop designed to develop and improve your ability to describe and identify bird songs and calls. Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge, with its mix of thornscrub, woodlands and freshwater wetlands, is guaranteed to produce a rich diversity of bird sounds. Goals: Improving field identification skills, learning the bird calls and songs of the Valley. 6 22nd Annual RGVBF FIELD TRIPS BOCA CHICA and SOUTHMOST PRESERVE Fee $60 / Friday, Saturday 6:30am – 1pm Adjacent to the Sabal Palm Sanctuary is a little-known jewel of shared habitat the Nature Conservancy’s Southmost Preserve. Festival-goers are being allowed access by special arrangement, so don’t miss the chance to visit this unique area of sabal palms, orchards and riparian woodland, home to many of our Valley specialties. Afterwards we’ll drive to the Gulf of Mexico along Boca Chica Road with its very different but equally productive salt-flat, grassland and thornscrub habitats. Important!: There is a US Border Patrol Check Station on Boca Chica Road. Make sure you have your driver’s license or other official photographic ID with you: participants without proper identification will not be permitted to board. If you are not a U.S. citizen, please contact Michael Marsden at 956-276-4409 before booking. Targets: Reddish Egret, White-tailed Kite, Harris’s and White-tailed Hawks, Gull-billed Tern, Aplomado Falcon, Groove-billed Ani, Buff-bellied Hummingbird, Tropical and Couch’s Kingbirds, Cassin’s Sparrow, Altamira Oriole. * BREAKFAST with the BIRDS at SOUTH PADRE with special guest Greg Miller Fee $70 / Sunday 7am – 12noon Come and enjoy Texas hospitality and a buffet breakfast in the delightful grounds of the South Padre Island Bird & Nature Center. With its wetlands, boardwalks, birding blinds, butterfly gardens, panoramic 5-story tower and ecological displays, the Center is the ideal way to relax and unwind on this last day of the Festival! Targets: Black-bellied Whistling-Duck, Red-breasted Merganser, Reddish Egret, Clapper Rail, Sora, Marbled Godwit, Marsh Wren, Common Yellowthroat, late migrants. 7 FIELD TRIPS 22nd Annual RGVBF * BUTTERFLIES - RGV JEWELS Fee $75 / Wednesday, Friday 9am - 2pm Over 300 species of butterflies have been recorded in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, making it by far the richest butterflying area in the U.S. And we have tours to two of our most productive sites - Resaca de la Palma State Park on Wednesday and the National Butterfly Center at Mission, the flagship of the North American Butterfly Association, on Friday. Each tour will be led by Lepidoptera experts from the Festival. Targets: Silver-banded Hairstreak, Blue Metalmark, Red-bordered Pixie, Zebra Heliconian, Malachite, Band-celled Sister, Mexican Bluewing, Guava Skipper, Potrillo Skipper, rarities. * CACTUS CREEK RANCH Fee $75 / Thursday, Friday - with Greg Miller & Saturday 6:30am - 1pm Join this tour to witness an inspiring example of how an enlightened private landowner can contribute to habitat restoration, wildlife conservation and environmental education in South Texas. Since acquiring Cactus Creek Ranch in 1995, Mary Jo Bogatto has worked closely with the Nature Conservancy of South Texas and Texas Parks and Wildlife to restore and enhance its 400 acres with extensive plantings of native vegetation and the creation of wetlands. Targets: White-tailed Kite, Harris’s Hawk, White-tailed Hawk, Sandhill Crane, Crested Caracara, Great Kiskadee, Green Jay, Black-crested Titmouse, wintering sparrows. And maybe even that special Texas Horned Lizard! * CAMP LULA SAMS Fee $60 / Saturday, Sunday 7am - 12noon These are timely trips to one of the lesser-known gems of South Texas. Once a camp for girl scouts, Camp Lula Sams has been acquired by a non-profit with the aim of conserving and enhancing its 85 acres of prime thornscrub and woodland habitat as a wildlife refuge and outdoor classroom. There are already birding trails and three photo-blinds with water features. Money is now being raised for a conservation easement to ensure there is no further fragmentation of the land. On the way to the camp, we shall also spend some time birding the ponds and surrounding woodlands of the adjoining TPWD Coastal Fisheries Field Station. Targets: Anhinga, Least Grebe, White-tailed Kite, Groove-billed Ani, Great Kiskadee, Clay-colored Thrush, Cactus Wren, Altamira Oriole. 8 22nd Annual RGVBF FIELD TRIPS * COLLEYS’ ‘PRIVATE’ ISLAND with Scarlet & George Colley Fee $95 / Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 6am – 1pm A special version of the South Padre Island trip with Island naturalists Scarlet and George Colley. Scarlet is well-known for her dolphin research and for many years both she and George have been leading advocates for Gulf coast conservation. Enjoy being out on the bay in their pontoon boats (weather permitting) and exploring the unique eco-systems of the Laguna Madre. Targets: Brown Pelican, Reddish Egret, Roseate Spoonbill, Clapper Rail, Sora, Snowy and Piping Plovers, American Oystercatcher, Marbled Godwit, Peregrine Falcon, Mangrove (Yellow) Warbler. And, of course, dolphins! EASY (BUT NOT LESS!) BIRDING Fee $60 / Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday - with Greg Miller, Sunday 8am – 1pm Prefer less walking? These are the trips for you. Bird from trams or electric carts that leisurely loop the wildlife drives and back roads of famous Valley refuges. And they’ve become so popular, we’ve added extra days and sites! Wednesday - Estero Llano Grande State Park Thursday – Bentsen-Rio Grande State Park Friday – Estero Llano Grande State Park Saturday – Resaca de la Palma State Park – with Greg Miller Sunday – Santa Ana NWR Note: Getting on and off vehicles and some walking at site still necessary. Restrooms available at site, but not on vehicles. These trips are made possible by the generosity of Santa Ana NWR and the World Birding Centers. Targets: See the other listings for each of the sites. EDINBURG WETLANDS and QUINTA MAZATLAN Fee $60 / Friday, Saturday 6:30am – 1pm Two of the jewels of the World Birding Center network, Edinburg Scenic Wetlands and Quinta Mazatlan, are oases in urban settings. They each offer a variety of wetland and woodland habitats and extensive gardens of native plants ideally suited to a morning of leisurely birding. And Quinta Mazatlan has the added attraction of a wonderfully restored historic hacienda. Targets: Black-bellied Whistling-Duck, Plain Chachalaca, White-tipped Dove, Common Pauraque, Buff-bellied Hummingbird, Green Kingfisher, Golden-fronted Woodpecker, Green Parakeet, Great Kiskadee, Green Jay, Clay-colored Thrush, Long-billed Thrasher, Olive Sparrow, Altamira Oriole. 9 FIELD TRIPS 22nd Annual RGVBF ESTERO LLANO GRANDE STATE PARK Fee $60 / Sunday 6:30am – 12:30pm An in-depth exploration of one of the World Birding Center network’s most productive sites. Reclaimed wetlands, marshes and ponds, all contiguous to the Arroyo Colorado, are ideal habitats for shorebirds, waders, waterfowl - and alligators! Add boardwalks, birding trails, butterfly gardens and a green-design visitor center and you'll see why Estero Llano Grande SP has skyrocketed to deserved fame. Targets: Cinnamon Teal, Least Grebe, Anhinga, Roseate Spoonbill, Common Pauraque, Buff-bellied Hummingbird, Green Kingfisher, Eastern Screech-Owl, Vermillion Flycatcher, wintering warblers and sparrows. * GOLD SERIES Fee $95 / Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday 7am - 1pm Every accomplished birder has his or her distinctive approach to birding and bird identification. It’s something that can’t be learned just from the books. It’s developed over years of experience of critical observation of birds in the field and absorbing information about them and their environment from a myriad of sources. The purpose of the Gold Series is to give Festival-goers a chance of short-cutting that process, at least a little, by experiencing time in the field in small groups with some of the leading birders of our day including Jon Dunn (Peterson Field Guide to Warblers, Peterson Reference Guide to the Gulls of the Americas, National Geographic Field Guide to the Birds of North America and Birding Essentials), Jeff Gordon (President of the American Birding Association) and Kevin Karlson (The Shorebird Guide, co-author with Dale Rosselet of Birding by Impression: A Different Approach to Knowing & Identifying Birds). The tours are: Wednesday & Thursday - Estero Llano Grande SP with Jon Dunn Friday - Sabal Palm Sanctuary & Valley resacas with Jeff & Liz Gordon Saturday - Birding by Impression with Kevin Karlson & Dale Rosselet Goals: Developing a deeper understanding of birds and bird identification and honing field-craft skills. 10 FIELD TRIPS 22nd Annual RGVBF KING RANCH NORIAS with Tom Langshied Fee $90 / Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday 6am – 1pm Join us for an exciting excursion to the famed King Ranch, one of the largest ranches in the world (larger than Rhode Island!) where on this portion of the ranch the sandy soils support extensive areas of grasslands, thornscrub and oak woodlands - and more Ferruginous Pygmy-Owls than anywhere else in the U.S.! Targets: Wild Turkey, White-tailed Hawk, Crested Caracara, Greater Roadrunner, Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl, Vermilion Flycatcher, Sprague’s Pipit, Cassin’s Sparrows, Audubon’s Oriole. 90m * KLEBERG WETLANDS Fee $85 / Thursday, Saturday 6am – 4:30pm One of the delights of Kleberg County, particularly in years of above average rainfall such as this, is its myriad of fresh and brackish wetlands. On this trip we’ll be visiting the most productive areas and, after a picnic lunch at the headquarters of the King Ranch, we’ll also bird some of Kingsville’s hotspots. The trip will be limited to eight participants. Important!: There is a US Border Patrol Check Station on US 77. Make sure you have your driver’s license or other official photographic ID with you: participants without proper identification will not be permitted to board. If you are not a US citizen, please contact Michael Marsden at 956-276-4409. Targets: waterfowl, waders, shorebirds, sparrows. LAGUNA ATASCOSA NWR Fee $60 / Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 6:30am – 12:30pm Which National Wildlife Refuge has more bird species recorded than any other? Laguna Atascosa, of course! Its vast and varied landscape embraces woodlands to wetlands, lomas to lagoons. There are feeding stations, walking trails and photoblinds by the Visitors’ Center, and we’ll also take a special trip along the 14-mile Bayside Wildlife Drive – a wonderful birding road normally closed to vehicular traffic. And keep your eyes open for Alligator, Javelina, Bobcat, Coyote, White-tailed Deer, Nilgai and, if you’re exceptionally lucky, Ocelot. Targets: American White Pelican, Reddish Egret, Roseate Spoonbill, Crested Caracara, Aplomado Falcon, Snowy and Piping Plovers, Groove-billed Ani, Green Jay, Greater Roadrunner, wintering sparrows. 11 FIELD TRIPS 22nd Annual RGVBF LEADER’S CHOICE VANS Fee $65 / Sunday 6:30am – 1pm Want to chase that rare bird found on one of our trips? Missing some target birds? Hop on to one of our Leader’s Choice Vans, and hang onto your hat! Call it a chase van, call it a clean-up van, but be prepared to be flexible and have fun! Vans will divide up and head to various destinations in search of species chosen during the event from up-to-the-minute reports and field trip checklists. Leave your requests at the Registration Desk by 7pm on Friday, and then check the clipboards on Saturday to choose your trip! Targets: Whatever's hot! No guarantees! * LOS EBANOS PRESERVE & RESACA DE LA PALMA STATE PARK Fee $60 / Thursday 7am-1pm Los Ebanos is a private nature preserve with birding trails, a resaca, butterfly gardens and tropical landscaping. Much is pristine habitat - a chance to see the Valley as it must have been before clearance for farming. We’ll walk the trails there before going on to Resaca de la Palma State Park with its 1200 acres of protected land, including the largest tract of native thornscrub and woodlands in the World Birding Center network and some particularly attractive wetlands. Targets: Black-bellied Whistling-Duck, White-tailed Kite, Groove-billed Ani, Buff-bellied Hummingbird, Great Kiskadee, Bewick’s Wren, wintering passerines. OLD PORT ISABEL ROAD - APLOMADO ALLEY Fee $60 / Thursday, Saturday, Sunday 7am-1pm Aplomado Falcons disappeared from South Texas in the 1930s, but a successful Peregrine Fund reintroduction program was begun in earnest in 1993. Now around 30 breeding pairs grace the coastal prairies, and Old Port Isabel Road cuts right through this area. Join the search to see this beautiful species, and often a good variety of sparrows as a bonus! Note: If the road is impassable because of wet weather, we’ll seek the falcons elsewhere. Targets: Aplomado Falcon, Long-billed Curlew, White-tailed Kite, White-tailed and Harris’s Hawks, Crested Caracara, Sprague’s Pipit, wintering sparrows. 12 22nd Annual RGVBF FIELD TRIPS PARROTS OF THE AREA Fee $30 / Thursday, Friday, Saturday 4pm – 6pm With the nesting season concluded, parrots and parakeets play hide-and-seek with us. Use your eyes and ears and join the search, while these colorful and countable tropical icons choose their nightly roost around our local urban areas. Targets: Green Parakeet, Red-crowned Parrot. PELAGIC TRIP - GULF OF MEXICO nd Fee $200 / Monday 2 5am - 7:30pm rd (with Tuesday 3 as back-up date) This is a wonderful opportunity to explore that last frontier of Texas birding the Gulf of Mexico. There have only ever been four previous pelagic trips in November so little is known about bird movements in the Gulf at this time of year. It’s probably too late in the season for most tubenoses but it is a peak time for jaegers (27 individuals on one trip, including all three species) and there’s always a chance of something exceptional. Cory’s & Audubon’s Shearwaters, Magnificent Frigatebird, Masked Booby, Northern Gannet, Bridled Tern, Long-tailed Jaeger and a probable South Polar Skua have been seen on previous November pelagics. Other possibilities include Yellow-nosed Albatross, Great & Manx Shearwaters, Red-billed Tropicbird and Brown Booby. And we’ll keep a lookout for dolphins, turtles and other marine life. The trip is being organized in association with Garett Hodne, who has been the prime mover behind all the Texas pelagics over the last few years. Like all Garett’s trips, it will be on the Osprey, recently refurbished and now a dedicated nature-tourism boat, out of South Padre. Garett’s website and blog www.TexasPelagics.com - has comprehensive information on birding in the Gulf of Mexico, including advice on preparing for trips, photographs of the Osprey and detailed identification & status notes on pelagic species. It is an essential reference for those thinking of joining us on the trip and, indeed, of anyone interested in pelagic birding. We’re delighted that Garett will be one of our guides for the trip. He’ll be joined by other leading U.S. and Texas seabird experts on what should prove a memorable day. 13 FIELD TRIPS 22nd Annual RGVBF Important Pelagic Trip Notes!: 1. The weather in the Gulf of Mexico in November is unpredictable. If conditions are bad, the Captain of the Osprey will decide on the morning st of Sunday, Nov 1 whether or not the trip will proceed. If he decides against it, everyone who has signed up for the trip will be notified by e-mail or telephone by 1:00pm on Sunday. In that event, the trip will be rd re-scheduled for Tuesday, Nov 3 and a similar procedure followed. If the trip cannot run that day, all monies paid will be reimbursed in full. 2. The vans will leave the Harlingen Municipal Auditorium at 5:00am. The Osprey leaves from its dock on South Padre at 6:30am and arrives back at 6:30pm. We should get back to the Auditorium by 7:30pm. 3. Bring your own food and water - none will be provided by the Festival. We will, however, stop briefly at a convenience store on the way to the boat. Refer to www.TexasPelagics for advice on other things to bring. 4. Note in particular that neither tripods nor monopods will be allowed on board. 5. Limited to 30 participants, so please register early! A minimal number of participants are required to ensure a viable trip, so please check with us before making travel arrangements to arrive in town for this pre-Festival adventure! There will also be regular updates on rgvbf.org. * RANCHO LOMITAS Fee $85 / Wednesday, Saturday 6am - 4pm This is a very special trip for birders, botanists, butterflyers, and anyone with an interest in the history of the Valley. We’ll be travelling to Rancho Lomitas near Rio Grande City in Starr County to meet Benito Treviño, the owner of the ranch and the leading ethno-botanist in the region. Benito will take us on a tour of his ranch, identifying the plants of the Tamaulipan thornscrub and the uses made of them by the early settlers and their families. We’ll also have time to bird the ranch trails and relax by the many feeders. Targets: Scaled Quail, Crested Caracara, Greater Roadrunner, Ash-throated Flycatcher, Verdin, Black-throated Sparrow, Pyrrhuloxia, Audubon’s Oriole. 14 22nd Annual RGVBF FIELD TRIPS RIVER PONTOON and ANZALDUAS Fee $75 / Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 6am – 1pm Step aboard the large and comfortable Riverside Dreamer and see the Rio Grande in a new way. The wooded banks on either side can yield many of our area’s exceptional species and other exciting possibilities. A visit to Anzalduas County Park will show the river from another perspective. You’ll understand why this riverside area’s fame goes beyond its county park status. The mature ash and live oak can hold a wide variety of species, both resident and rare. Note: Can be cool on boat in mornings. Don’t forget your jacket. Targets: Hook-billed Kite (rare), Gray Hawk, Ringed and Green Kingfishers, Black Phoebe, Tropical and Couch’s Kingbirds, Green Jay, Clay-colored Thrush, Long-billed and Curve-billed Thrashers, Olive Sparrow, Northern BeardlessTyrannulet, Altamira Oriole, wintering warblers. SABAL PALM SANCTUARY Fee $60 / Thursday, Saturday, Sunday 6:30am – 12:30pm The Sabal Palm Sanctuary is now managed by the Gorgas Science Foundation and they have done a wonderful job of enhancing the already outstanding habitats and restoring the historic Rabb Plantation House, now the Sanctuary’s impressive headquarters. The forest of native sabal palms is the last major remnant of an ecosystem once much more widespread in the Valley and is unique in the U.S. Its shady depths and managed waterways shelter a remarkable diversity of wildlife. And there’s a bird-feeding area that’s great for photo-ops and active enough to sport a live cam! Targets: Least Grebe, Plain Chachalaca, Groove-billed Ani, Buff-bellied Hummingbird, Ringed and Green Kingfishers, Tropical and Couch’s Kingbirds, Clay-colored Thrush, Hooded and Altamira Orioles, Olive Sparrow, wintering warblers. SANTA ANA NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE Fee $60 / Friday, Saturday 6:30am – 12:30pm Widely famous and justly so, with the second highest bird count (after Laguna Atascosa!) in the entire US NWR system, the riparian woodlands and cattail-lined waterways of Santa Ana are a great place to experience many of the Valley’s compelling species. An added attraction is the 40’ hawk-watch tower and suspended walkway, offering rare views of birds and their habitat from above the forest canopy. Targets: Mottled Duck, Plain Chachalaca, Least Grebe, Long-billed Dowitcher, Groove-billed Ani (rare), Ringed and Green Kingfishers, Northern Beardless Tyrannulet, Green Jay, Clay-colored Thrush, Olive Sparrow. 15 FIELD TRIPS 22nd Annual RGVBF SEEDEATER SOJOURN Fee $95 / Wednesday, Thursday 5am – 4:30pm White-collared Seedeaters are our target on this trip! Never a guaranteed sighting, this tiny tropical species roosts in giant cane along the Rio Grande but forages further afield during the day. Our search will take us to a private ranch and to wherever our current scouting and recent reports indicate this sought-after species might be. But we’ll also be keeping a lookout for all the other specialties of this distinctive region of arid brushlands and historic towns. Targets: Scaled Quail, Red-billed Pigeon (rare), Vermilion Flycatcher, Chihuahuan Raven, Cactus and Bewick’s Wrens, Black-tailed Gnatcatcher (rare), White-collared Seedeater, Olive and Black-throated Sparrows, Pyrrhuloxia, Audubon’s Oriole. * SHOREBIRD ID with Kevin Karlson Fee $85 / Friday, Sunday 6am – 1pm How about a trip with one of the authors of The Shorebird Guide to study a group of birds that often confounds and befuddles? Join Kevin on this in-depth field trip, which emphasizes a comprehensive approach to shorebird identification based on overall impressions as well as plumage details. Suitable for birders of all levels. Space is limited but with a small group lucky participants will have an unforgettable experience. Targets: American Oystercatcher, Black-bellied, Snowy, Wilson’s, Semipalmated and Piping Plovers, Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs, Willet, Marbled Godwit, Sanderling, Dunlin, Stilt, Least, Semipalmated and Western Sandpipers, Shortbilled and Long-billed Dowitchers. SOUTH PADRE ISLAND and BAY CRUISE Fee $85 / Thursday, Saturday 6am – 1pm Sure, spring breakers migrate here in mid-March, but the birds make full use of this sub-tropical paradise year round. Explore boardwalks over coastal marshes, check out the concentrated woodlots and enjoy a 90 minute cruise on the lovely Laguna Madre. Always a popular trip, so sign up early. Note: Don’t forget your jacket. Targets: Brown Pelican, Least Bittern, Reddish Egret, Roseate Spoonbill, Peregrine Falcon, Clapper Rail, Sora, Snowy and Piping Plovers, American Oystercatcher, Marbled Godwit, Franklin’s Gull, Forster’s, Royal, and Sandwich Terns, Black Skimmer, Marsh Wren, lingering migrant songbirds. * SUNSETS, BIRDS AND BEER DIGISCOPING TRIP – see listing in PhotoTrack section (page 25). 16 22nd Annual RGVBF FIELD TRIPS UPPER RIO GRANDE Fee $85 / Thursday, Friday 5am – 2pm Lucky for us, birds don’t recognize our international borders. The river’s wooded edges and the arid uplands of Starr County are rich with riparian, sub-tropical and desert southwest species. Visit the birding places with the famous names: Salineño, Chapeño, and Falcon. Targets: Muscovy Duck (rare), Scaled Quail (rare), Hook-billed Kite (rare), Gray Hawk, Zone-tailed Hawk (rare), Red-billed Pigeon (rare), Common Ground-Dove, White-tipped Dove, Greater Roadrunner, Green and Ringed Kingfishers, Cactus Wren, Verdin, Black-throated Sparrow, Pyrrhuloxia, Hooded, Altamira and Audubon’s Orioles. * UPPER RIO GRANDE+++ with Jeff Gordon Fee $100 / Wednesday 5am – 4pm The Grand Tour version of the Upper Rio Grande trip to Salineño, Chapeño and Falcon with the added attraction of a visit to a private ranch and the pleasure of being in the field with American Birding Association President Jeff Gordon. Targets: as above. VALLEY RAPTORS Fee $85 / Wednesday 6:30am – 4pm Many birders have a special fondness for raptors. And judging by the number nesting in, migrating through or wintering in the Valley, raptors seem to have a similar feeling for the Valley. On this trip, led by local and national raptor experts, we’ll see as wide a variety of species as possible in the time available. Targets: White-tailed Hawk, Hook-billed Kite (rare), Gray Hawk, Harris’s Hawk, Crested Caracara, Aplomado Falcon. 17 FIELD TRIPS 22nd Annual RGVBF WESLACO Fee $60 / Thursday, Friday 7am – 1pm On this leisurely tour, we’ll visit two little urban gems in Weslaco - the 15 acres of Frontera Audubon Thicket and the 6 acres of the Valley Nature Center. But don’t be misled by their size - both have attracted an impressive array of Mexican vagrants, including a Crimson-collared Grosbeak found on a previous Festival tour. And with their wonderful mix of thornbrush, wetlands and butterfly gardens, they provide nesting habitat for many of our Valley specialties and a haven for wintering passerines. Targets: Black-bellied Whistling Duck, Plain Chachalaca, Common GroundDove, White-tipped Dove, Buff-bellied Hummingbird, Green Kingfisher, Goldenfronted Woodpecker, Tropical and Couch’s Kingbirds, Green Jay, Clay-colored Thrush, Long-billed and Curve-billed Thrashers, Olive Sparrow, Altamira Oriole, Lesser Goldfinch. * WHERE THE LOCALS BIRD Fee $65/ Wednesday & Friday - Cameron County 6:30am - 1pm with Michael Marsden & Stephanie Galla Thursday & Saturday - Hidalgo County 6:30am - 1pm with Dan Jones & Huck Hutchens Every birder has those out of the way, known only to a few, locations that are close to home and sure to yield a productive day of birding. If you are lucky enough to live in the Rio Grande Valley, these secret jewels become as familiar as your own backyard. Join some of our leading local birders as they share with you a rare opportunity to bird the less traveled roads of Hidalgo or Cameron County. Note: There are no target lists but a variety of habitats will be visited on each trip and participants (no more than eight on each trip) will see many Valley specialties and perhaps a surprise or two. 18 FIELD TRIPS 22nd Annual RGVBF SIDEBARS Wondering which Field Trips are right for you? ††Border Patrol Checkpoint requires identification EASIER For those who prefer minimal walking: Bird Banding Breakfast with the Birds at South Padre Colleys’ Private Island Easy (But Not Less!) Edinburg Wetlands and Quinta Mazatlan Laguna Atascosa NWR Parrots of the Area Rancho Lomitas River Pontoon & Anzalduas Weslaco FAMILY Families are welcome on any trip, and the following would be a special experience: Bird Banding Birding 101 Cactus Creek Ranch Camp Lula Sams Parrots of the Area Rancho Lomitas River Pontoon & Anzalduas South Padre Island and Bay Cruise CLASSICS First trip to the Valley? Here are the famous not-to-be-missed sites: Bentsen - Rio Grande State Park Estero Llano Grande State Park King Ranch†† Laguna Atascosa NWR Sabal Palm Sanctuary Santa Ana NWR South Padre Island and Bay Cruise Upper Rio Grande BEEN BEFORE? Interesting choices beyond the famous parks: Big Day Vans Biking for Birds Boca Chica & Southmost Preserve†† Breakfast with the Birds at South Padre Cactus Creek Ranch Camp Lula Sams Colleys’ ‘Private’ Island Gold Series Kleberg Wetlands†† Los Ebanos Preserve & Resaca de la Palma State Park Pelagic - Gulf of Mexico Rancho Lomitas Where the Locals Bird BEGINNER Beginners are always welcome on all trips. But some sites are easier for new birders to spot birds and enjoy their trip. We recommend: Bentsen - Rio Grande State Park Bird Banding Birding 101 Breakfast with the Birds at South Padre Camp Lula Sams Easy (But Not Less!) Estero Llano Grande State Park Parrots of the Area Rancho Lomitas River Pontoon & Anzalduas Santa Ana NWR Weslaco Email: info@rgvbf.org 19 SCHEDULE 5:00a 5:30a 6:00a 6:30a 7:00a 7:30a 8:00a 8:30a 9:00a 9:30a 10:00a 10:30a 11:00a 11:30a SOUTH TEXAS PHOTO SAFARI PRE-FESTIVAL TRIP to JONES ALTA VISTA RANCH PRE- FESTIVAL PELAGIC TRIP- GULF OF MEXICO 5a - 7:30p (Tuesday is back up day) SEEDEATER UPPER RIO GRANDE VALLEY with JEFF GORDON BIG DAY VANS - RANCHO LOMITAS COLLEYS' - KING RANCH BENTSEN VALLEY RAPTORS WHERE THE LOCALS BIRD - CAMERON CO. GOLD SERIES with JON DUNN BENTSEN EASY ESTERO PHOTOGRAPHY SPI BUTTERFLIES -RESACCA DE LA PALMA SEEDEATER UPPER RIO GRANDE COLLEYS' - KING RANCH - RIVER PONTOON - SOUTH PADRE AND BAY CRUISE PHOTOGRAPY ON SPI with LARRY DITTO KLEBERG WETLANDS BIRDING BY EAR:O'BRIEN - LAGUNA - SABAL PALM CACTUS CREEK - WHERE THE LOCALS BIRD, HIDALGO CO GOLD SERIES ESTERO: DUNN - LOS EBANOS AND RESACA DE LA PALMA - OLD P WESLACO BIRDING 101: SANTA ANA - EASY BENTSEN UPPER RIO GRANDE PHOTO OPS LAGUNA SECA RANCH:HOYT COLLEYS' - KING RANCH - RIVER PONTOON - SHOREBIRD ID with KEVIN KARLSON BENTSEN - BIRDING BY EAR; O'BRIEN - LAGUNA - SANTA ANA BOCA CHICA & SM PRESERVE - CACTUS CREEK - EDINBURG WELANDS & QUINTA MAZAT LOCALS BIRD, CAMERON CO. BIKING FOR BIRDS IN BENTSEN: DORIAN ANDERSON GOLD SERIES SABAL PALM with JEFFERY GORDON - WESLACO GOLD TOUR SA EASY ESTERO BUTTERFLIES NABA GET STARTED BIRDING KLEBERG WETLANDS RANCHO LOMITAS COLLEYS' - RIVER PONTOON - SOUTH PADRE AND BAY CRUISE BENTSEN - LAGUNA - SABAL PALM - SANTA ANA BOCA CHICA & SM PRESERVE - CACTUS CREEK - EDINBURG & QUINTA MAZATLAN - WHE BIRD, HIDALGO CO. SAT 7 NOV REGISTRATION OPENS 5 AM FRI 6 NOV REGISTRATION OPENS 5 AM THU 5 NOV REGISTRATION OPENS 5 AM WED 4 NOV REGISTRATION OPENS 5 AM 1 - 4 NOV MON 2 NOV TUE 3 NOV 22nd Annual RGVBF CAMP LULA SAMS GOLD SERIES - BIRDING BY IMPRESSION; KEVIN KARLSON - OLD PORT ISABEL R PHOTOGRAPHING VALLEY SPECIALTIES BIRDING 101 EASY RESACA DE LA PALMA RAPTOR PROJ F DOCUMENT WS FAMILY BIRD WALKS BIG SIT SUN 8 NOV REGISTRATION OPENS 6 AM PHOTO OPS AT LAGUNAA SECA RANCH W/ HOYT COLLEYS' - KING RANCH - RIVER PONTOON - SHOREBIRD ID BENTSEN - ESTERO - LAGUNA - SABAL PALM LEADER'S CHOICE VANS BIKING: ANDERSON - BREAKFAST w/MILLER - CAMP LU SAMS OLD PI ROAD BIRD BANDING AT QUINTA MAZATLAN EASY SANTA ANA NWR MON 9 NOV WHOOPERS & WADERS POST-FESTIVAL TRIP TRIPS 20 PRE,POST TRIPS PHOTOTRACK SEMINA SCHEDULE 22nd Annual RGVBF 12:00n 12:30p 1:00p 1:30p 2:00p 2:30p 3:00p 3:30p 4:00p 4:30p 5:00p 5:30p 6p 6:15p 7:00p 7:30p 8:00p REGISTRATION OPEN at FAIR PARK COMPLEX SHOREBIRD ID KEVIN KARLSON: SIGNING BIRDING 101 - WS WELCOME RECEPTION SUNSETS, BIRDS AND BEERS PI RD PARROTS PHOTO OP CLASS:HOYTHANDS-ON WS BIG THING - GREG MILLER BIRDING TOGETHER - JEFFERY GORDON BIRDERS BAZAAR RAPTOR SHOW RAPTOR SHOW BIKING FOR BIRDS DORIAN ANDERSON KISKADEE KORDIAL TLAN - WHERE PARROTS BIRDING THE WORLD, COUNTRIES TBA BIRDING 101 WS JENNIE DUBERSTEIN BIRDERS BAZAAR RAPTOR SHOW RAPTOR SHOW BIRDING BY IMPRESSION:KARLSON KISKADEE KORDIAL ERE LOCALS RD FAMILY PROGRAM CRAZY TNGS: FINNEGAN PARROTS PARROTLETS: BERG BIRDERS BAZAAR KISKADEE KIDS KORNER RAPTOR SHOW QUIZ:GORDON KISKADEE KORDIAL RAPTOR SHOW Silent Auction Close TBD STUDENT AWARDS BIRDER'S BAZAAR KISKADEE KIDS KORNER RAPTOR SHOW ARS TRADE SHOW RAPTOR SHOW SPECIAL EVENTS FAMILY 21 SPECIAL TRIPS 22nd Annual RGVBF PRE-FESTIVAL TRIP SOUTH TEXAS PHOTO SAFARI with Ruth Hoyt at Jones Alta Vista Ranch (New location!) Fee $1275 / Sunday 1 Nov – Wednesday 4 Nov The RGVBF is proud to offer this unparalleled pre-festival adventure with Ruth Hoyt, professional nature photographer, tour leader and outdoors writer. She has revamped the trip and selected a new location to one of the finest private (photo) shooting ranches of the Rio Grande Valley area, Jones Alta Vista Ranch. Sunday afternoon, meet your group and travel together to the ranch as you get acquainted, go over equipment use and ask questions. You'll experience a variety of photo opportunities when you arrive at the large, historic ranch with lodging, comfortable and well-designed photography blinds, and productive waterholes. After a final dinner Wednesday evening, return together to the Harlingen Municipal Auditorium Complex in time to join the Rio Grande Valley Birding Festival with its full complement of wonderful trips on the next day, Thursday. Important Facts: Limited to eight lucky participants. Designed for the advanced amateur and above, using DSLR and 300mm lens or longer for birds. Included: All transportation from the Harlingen Municipal Auditorium Complex and back, experienced leader, meals, three nights' lodging (Sunday, Monday and Tuesday). Not Included: Lodging in Harlingen before and after trip. Please note: The ranch lodging is very comfortable, but restricted to doubles. Sharing of bedrooms and bathrooms necessary – all part of the adventure! Single room occupancy discouraged, but possible by special arrangement and at significant additional cost. A complete itinerary and detailed information will be sent to you upon registration. A minimal number of participants is required, so please check with us before making airline arrangements. Questions for Ruth Hoyt: ruthhoyt@gmail.com PELAGIC TRIP – GULF OF MEXICO Fee $200 / Monday 2 Nov - 5am - 7:30pm see listing in Field Trips section (page 13). 22 22nd Annual RGVBF SPECIAL TRIPS POST-FESTIVAL TRIP WHOOPERS and WADERS with Louise Zemaitis & Michael O’Brien Fee $ 550 / Monday 9 Nov – Wednesday 11 Nov Whooping Cranes are one of the rarest of the world’s birds, and among the most majestic. The bulk of the current population winter in Aransas NWR, just a few hours drive northeast of the Valley. Round out your South Texas experience by traveling with us on a post-Festival journey to see this magnificent and important species, along with a long list of waterfowl, herons, shorebirds, raptors, and more. We'll travel north through the fascinating King Ranch country, take a coastal waters cruise aboard the famous Skimmer, visit other birdy places in the vicinity, and stay in the lovely Rockport/Fulton area - a prime base for exploring the north of South Texas. Important Facts: Group size will be limited to 16 participants, with 2 leaders. Included: All transportation from Harlingen and back, experienced guides, meals, 2 nights lodging. Fee based on double occupancy. Single Supplement $100. A complete itinerary and detailed information will be sent to you upon registration. Not included: Lodging in Harlingen pre- and post-tour, Sunday and Wednesday nights. Important!: There is a US Border Patrol Check Station on US 77. Make sure you have your driver’s license or other official photographic ID with you: participants without proper identification will not be permitted to board. If you are not a U.S. citizen, please contact Michael Marsden at 956-276-4409 before booking. A certain number of participants is required, so please talk with us before making airline arrangements. Questions: Louise Zemaitis at swallowtailstudio@comcast.net 23 PHOTOTRACK 22nd Annual RGVBF The RGVBF PHOTOTRACK SCHEDULE PRE-FEST Photo Safari at Jones’ Alta Vista Ranch with Ruth Hoyt Sunday-Wednesday THURSDAY Photographing Nature on SPI with Larry Ditto Sunsets, Birds & Beer Digiscoping on SPI with Clay Taylor Photo Ops Class with Ruth Hoyt Create an Outdoor Photo Studio with Ruth Hoyt FRIDAY Photo Ops Field Trip to Laguna Seca Ranch with Ruth Hoyt SATURDAY Photographing Valley Specialties with Larry Ditto and Bill Supulski Documentary Photography for Identification Purposes with Ruth Hoyt SUNDAY Photo Ops Field Trip to Laguna Seca Ranch with Ruth Hoyt PHOTOGRAPHY on SPI with LARRY DITTO Fee $180 / Thursday 6a – 3p A one-day workshop with esteemed pro Larry Ditto - whose work has appeared in many national publications - and on South Padre Island! Learn how to take full advantage of the Island’s photographic advantages with personal assistance and great shot opportunities. Come with a basic working knowledge of your camera, bring telephoto and/or macro lenses, tripod, plenty of flash cards, spare battery, and, most importantly, your camera manuals! Goals: Improve composition skill; learn appropriate f stop, shutter speeds and ISO settings; understand your camera’s controls and custom functions; learn how and when to use flash; discover how to get sharp, pleasing, successful photos. 24 22nd Annual RGVBF PHOTOTRACK SUNSETS, BIRDS, and BEER DIGISCOPING TRIP with Clay Taylor Sponsored by Swarovski Optik Fee $150 / Thursday 2pm – 8pm Spotting scope photo systems are really coming into their own and the options are expanding with camera and smartphone pairings. Clay will cover it all on South Padre Island’s famous birding boardwalks that just happen to be perfectly situated for the Island’s lovely sunsets as well! Sunset shooting followed by dinner at a favorite SPI restaurant. Important: Before registering, email Clay to discuss equipment owned and perhaps needed: Clay.Taylor@swarovskioptik.us Note: Trip will return to auditorium complex after the day’s Festival events are concluded and the complex will be locked. PHOTO OPS RANCH STYLE at Laguna Seca Ranch (New location!) with Ruth Hoyt Fee $250 / Thursday, 1:30p - 3p Class Friday or Sunday in the field 6a - 2p (Two parts, one session, one fee.) If you are a birder who believes a camera is as vital to carry as binoculars, this special trip is designed for you! Designed for the advanced amateur and above, this event is led by professional photographer Ruth Hoyt. A select group will enjoy the privilege of not only benefiting from her experience and knowledge, but also doing so at a premier private South Texas ranch set up for professional-level photography with photo blinds for stellar shooting opportunities. Electricity and flush-toilet restroom available on site. Important: This event is in two parts on paired days – both are included for one price. Thursday afternoon from 1:30p - 3p, meet Ruth in class at the Fair Park Municipal Complex, site of the Festival, for instruction on equipment choice and use, exposure techniques, etc. Choose from one of two in-field ranch sections; one occurs Friday from 6a - 2p, and the other occurs Sunday from 6a - 2p. 25 PHOTOTRACK 22nd Annual RGVBF PHOTOGRAPHING VALLEY SPECIALTIES Fee $150 / Saturday 7a – 1p with Larry Ditto and Bill Supulski A shorter workshop offering at a surprising location – the North American Butterfly Association’s unique park, with its brand-new photo-friendly birdfeeding area. This is probably the best place to easily photograph Green Jays, Chachalacas, Olive Sparrows, Altamira Orioles, and other Valley gems. Goals: Improve composition skill; learn appropriate f stop, shutter speeds and ISO settings; understand your camera’s controls and custom functions; learn how and when to use flash; discover how to get sharp, pleasing, successful photos. HANDS-ON WORKSHOP: Create an Outdoor Photo Studio for Bird Photography with Ruth Hoyt Fee $12 / Thursday, 3p - 4p Workshop A shorter workshop offering at the outdoors area of the Fair Park Municipal Complex, site of the Festival. Ruth will demonstrate special techniques for attracting birds to outdoor-studio areas you can set up at home. She will share her no-melt suet recipe and list of must-haves when she photographs birds. DOCUMENTARY PHOTOGRAPHY CLASS for Identification Purposes with Ruth Hoyt Fee $12 / Saturday, 9:30a - 10:30a Class Want to learn how to take documentary photographs for the purpose of identifying birds? Sign up for this class to learn some tips for capturing photos to help you identify the birds you see. Professional photographer Ruth Hoyt shares her knowledge and shows examples of what you can do without having to buy a 500mm lens and expensive DSLR camera. Questions for Ruth Hoyt: ruthhoyt@gmail.com 26 SEMINARS 22nd Annual RGVBF SHOREBIRD ID WORKSHOP Fee $12 / Wednesday 1:00p-2:30p This interactive indoor workshop shares a different approach to field identification that Kevin calls Birding by Impression, A Different Approach to Knowing and Identifying Birds, which is the title of his and Dale Rosselet’s new book in the Roger Tory Peterson Reference Series (April 2015). Covering shorebirds and other bird families, comparative digitized photos from this book encourages the audience to spot differences between similar species in direct side-by-side views. This exciting ID approach concentrates initially on basic impressions of size, shape and behavior to form an accurate mental picture of each bird seen in the field. A similar approach was used in Kevin’s popular book, The Shorebird Guide (Houghton Mifflin Co., 2006). Test your birding and observation skills by attending this workshop and guessing the correct species using pertinent ID tips that contribute to your opinion. KEVIN KARLSON is an accomplished birder, professional tour leader and wildlife photographer who has published many bird and nature related articles for magazines, books, and journals over the last 20 years. He is a regular presence at Bird and Nature festivals in North America, where he gives keynote presentations and workshops on bird identification and appreciation, as well as photo instruction. His photos can be seen in numerous locations, including his website kevintkarlson.com. Kevin is a co-author of The Shorebird Guide (Houghton Mifflin Co. 2006), and the author/photographer of a two photography books titled The Birds of Cape May and Visions: Earth’s Elements in Bird and Nature Photography (Schiffer Publishing, 2010, 2012). His most recent book with wife and co-author Dale Rosselet, Birding by Impression: A Different Approach to Knowing and Identifying Birds was released in May 2015 in the Roger Tory Peterson Reference Series at Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishers. Kevin recently produced four photographic laminated foldout guides for Quick Reference Publishing of Florida (Raptors of Eastern and Western North America (2012), Waterfowl of North America (2013) and Shorebirds of North America (2014). A former photo editor for North American Birds, he also wrote the Birder’s ID column and served as an Advisory Board member for Wild Bird Magazine from 1992 – 2012. He currently leads several bird tours each year and a birding cruise with Dale Rosselet for Carefree Birding of Florida to six countries (www.carefreebirding.com). DALE ROSSELET is vice president for education for New Jersey Audubon and oversees the statewide public and school-based education programs as well as the organization’s center operations. She has extensive experience teaching children and adults in both classroom and informal education settings for over 30 years. In her capacity with New Jersey Audubon she has authored and co-authored four natural history curriculum guides as well as the book Wild Journeys: Migration in New Jersey. She is past president for the Alliance for New Jersey Environmental Education and chairs the governor-appointed New Jersey Commission for Environmental Education. She has received the 2012 Women in Wildlife Award as well as the Pat Kane Lifetime Achievement Award in Environmental Education. She is a co-author of Birding by Impression: A Different Approach to Knowing and Identifying Birds (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2015) with her husband Kevin Karlson. 27 SEMINARS 22nd Annual RGVBF THE NEXT BIG THING FOR BIRDING Fee $12 / Thursday 1:30p-2:30p Field Guides have empowered birders for years by making valuable identification information available in a format that is easy to use in the field. Field guides have been responsible for a surge in the popularity of birding. They have transformed how we bird. eBird is a Citizen Science project that stores birders’ checklists from around the world in an online database. There are currently over 16 million checklists in this database for North America alone. But how can this help a birder? Many birders are faced with more demanding schedules that allow them less free time. How can a birder make the most out of smaller window of time? The free, online Impatient Birder’s Guide to North America is a good place to start. Your field guides help you with identification. The Impatient Birder’s Guide will help you with the where and when in planning a birding adventure. Greg believes it will transform how we bird in the future just like the introduction of field guides changed birding in the past. GREG MILLER was one of three persons to see more than 700 species in 1998 in North America. Pulitzer Prize winning Denver Post writer Mark Obmascik documented their stories in his 2004 nonfiction book, The Big Year. The book was converted to a Hollywood movie which was released in 2011 and starred Jack Black, Steve Martin, and Owen Wilson. Greg was portrayed by the Jack Black character. He was also the Bird Consultant for the movie. Greg is currently a member of the American Birding Association’s Recording Standards and Ethics Committee and is an active tour guide for Wildside Nature Tours. BIRDING TOGETHER: HOW BIRDING CAN SAVE YOUR LIFE AND MAYBE, JUST MAYBE, SAVE THE WORLD Fee $12 / Thursday 3:30p-4:30p Join American Birding Association President Jeffrey Gordon for a celebration of the power of birding to heal and transform, not only our own lives but even our world. Those of us who are lucky enough to be birders know what a positive force birding can be. But that message is something that we as a community have had mixed results in conveying. Why is it that with as great a "product" to sell as the redemptive power of a passionate curiosity about nature and belonging to community of some of the most interesting, caring people anywhere, we've made relatively little traction with the wider public? Jeff will share stories and insights about how we can build a better world for birders and for birds. JEFFREY A. GORDON is the president of the American Birding Association, now headquartered in Delaware City, Delaware. Jeff is also a well-known writer, photographer, tour leader, and naturalist. He is a frequent speaker at various birding and nature festivals. For more information on the ABA and on Jeff, visit www.aba.org 28 22nd Annual RGVBF SEMINARS BIKING FOR BIRDS: 365 DAYS, 18,000 MILES, 617 SPECIES, 1 AMAZING ADVENTURE Fee $20 / Thursday 6:15p As 2012 came to a close, Dorian Anderson decided he no longer wanted to run the academic research race. Drawing on his bird interest, he conceived a plan, to attempt the first solo, continent wide, North American bicycle Big Year. The goals of the trip were threefold: find as many birds as possible, raise awareness about environmentally sustainable travel, and personally challenge himself in new ways. After a year of planning, Anderson departed a frozen Massachusetts on Jan 1, 2014 for what turned out to be the adventure of a lifetime. In the next 365 days, Anderson biked 17,830 miles through 28 states. He found 617 species, and he raised close to $50,000 for habitat conservation and bird-related programing. This was all accomplished using just a bicycle. He did not get into a car, plane, train, or powered boat for the entire year – for birding or for any other purpose. His talk will highlight the birds he saw during his incredible journey, and it will also draw from the bottomless well of stories that was bicycling around America. His unique blend of birds, biking, environment, adventure, and humor should not be missed. DORIAN ANDERSON started birding at age 7 in the Greater Philadelphia region. Not sure what to do with a bird-obsessed child, his non-birder parents decided to encourage whatever interests would keep him out of the house, and perhaps more importantly, out of trouble (this failed miserably anyway). Family trips to the Jersey Shore as a pre-teen proved particularly formative, and attendance at a number of youth birding camps west of the Mississippi bolstered the interest. For a number of years, birding was forced to take a backseat to his education. He studied Cellular and Molecular Biology. A Ph.D. in Developmental Genetics at NYU was the next stop on the degree carousel. It was during these New York City years, that the longdormant birding gene was again activated. The newly revived interest moved with him to Boston when he accepted a Post-doctoral position at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School. It was during these Boston years, 2011-2013, that a serious interest in bird photography also developed and the idea of birding across the USA by bike was hatched. 29 SEMINARS 22nd Annual RGVBF GET STARTED BIRDING Free! / Friday 10:30a – 12n Come join us to find out for yourself why 48 million Americans (USFW study) call themselves birdwatchers! Want to know the names of the birds you are seeing in your backyards, nearby parks, or lake and sea shores? Valuable information from our tag team of speakers on how to use binoculars, books, nature parks and organizations will help you Get Started Birding! Presenters: NORMA FRIEDRICH, Arroyo Colorado Audubon Society President; Introduction JAN DUNLAP, author of the acclaimed Birder Murder Mystery series, will present her easy instructions on “How to Walk, Talk, and Act Like a Birder (so you won’t feel like a complete idiot your first time in the field. Her newest release, The Kiskadee of Death, takes place here in the Lower Rio Grande River Valley. Jan is from Minnesota and this is her first visit to the Festival. JIM FOSTER, outdoor writer who specializes in writing about and photographing nature, the outdoors, travel and adventure travel. The author of Birding Trails TEXAS Gulf Coast will speak about visiting places to bird that offer educational programs for birders and guided bird and nature walks. BEN LIZDAS, Eagle Optics Sales Manager – will offer tips on how to use binoculars. BIRDING THE WORLD Free! / Friday 1:00p - 5:00p (30 minute sessions) Ever wonder what birding in far off countries might be like, but weren’t sure what you would see, where you would stay, or how to get in touch with a guide? Come hear how you can make plans to bird in any number of foreign countries and how to get in touch with destinations and guides. Starting at 1 p.m. a different country will be highlighted every 30 minutes (a more detailed schedule will be announced at a later date.) Find out about locations, bird species, travel requirements and meet local guides or destination representatives. This is a great opportunity to ask questions and determine where you will be going next. Presenters will be vendors from the Birders Bazaar who represent a variety of countries, tour groups or destinations. Each ½ hr. session will feature one country and presenters will be discussing their country as a birding destination - not just the company they represent. 30 22nd Annual RGVBF SEMINARS BIRDING BY IMPRESSION: A DIFFERENT APPROACH TO KNOWING AND IDENTIFYING BIRDS Fee $20 / Friday 6:15p This keynote talk shares a new slant to field identification that Kevin Karlson and his co-author and wife Dale Rosselet call Birding by Impression: A Different Approach to Knowing and Identifying Birds, which is the title of their new book in the Roger Tory Peterson Reference Series at Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishers (2015). The topic of this multi-media presentation includes a more holistic approach to birding that involves right and left brain strengths to enhance your birding skills as well as a greater awareness of bird’s behavior and natural history rather than just a check on your personal list. A short description of Birding by Impression is followed by unique digitized or real life photos from their new book that encourages the audience to spot differences between similar species in direct side-by-side comparison. This exciting ID approach concentrates on basic impressions of size, body shape, structural features and motion to form an accurate first impression of birds, with analysis of plumage details and bare parts to follow. Several videos and a musical ending allow for a relaxed appreciation of the beauty and intriguing nature of birds. KEVIN KARLSON see Shorebird ID Workshop for bio DALE ROSSELET see Shorebird ID Workshop for bio THE RAPTOR PROJECT PROGRAM Free! / Saturday 11a - 12n See Family Activities (page 36) for full rundown of this great offering. Everyone welcome! 31 SEMINARS 22nd Annual RGVBF BIRDERS DO CRAZY THINGS Fee $12 / Saturday 1:30p - 2:30p Birders do crazy things. Chasing rarities or, better yet, finding a rare life bird is even more intoxicating. Join Shawneen Finnegan as she shares tales that include her own discovery of a Yellow-nosed Albatross that flew past her as she was driving up the Garden State Parkway, which made ABC's World News Tonight. Who but a birder would take a vacation that included planned visits to dumps and sewage ponds hundreds if not thousands of miles from home? If a bird is rare enough, it suddenly becomes reasonable to make a 1500-mile round trip in a weekend just to see a single bird. Shawneen will have you scratching your head and laughing aloud as she recounts more than three decades of bearing witness to insane birding adventures. SHAWNEEN FINNEGAN began birding in Northern California as a young woman. Being passionate about bird identification led to a career that included leading and managing tours for WINGS, being the Range Data Editor for Santa Barbara Software’s BirdArea for 23 years, and is Photo Editor for Birding Magazine. Shawneen is also an accomplished artist with her work published in many books, magazines, catalogs, on clothing, and held in private collections. Cape May was home for years (where her heart remains) and later Tucson. Since moving to Portland, Oregon in 2007 for family reasons, she completed a B.S. in Geography at Portland State University, conducted bird surveys and currently teaches several classes for Audubon Society of Portland. She recently took over Tony White’s State Checklist Newsletter for AviSys Software. She is a member of Oregon and Washington Bird Records Committees, and ABA’s Record Standards and Ethics Committee. 32 22nd Annual RGVBF SEMINARS GREEN-RUMPED PARROTLETS: What’s all the talk about? Fee $12 / Saturday 3:30p - 4:30p Growing up in Central Florida, Karl S. Berg, began learning about nature while camping as a Boy Scout. These important early experiences eventually lead to a B.B.A. at the University of North Florida, Jacksonville, where an undergraduate ornithology course piqued his outdoor interests. After three years in Ecuador coordinating conservation/wildlife programs, Berg returned to Florida International University, Miami for a M.Sc. in biology and the beginnings of serious study in vocal behavior of birds. For his Ph.D., he worked under Prof. Jack Bradbury, Dept. of Neurobiology & Behavior, and Cornell University’s Ornithology Lab. He has spent over a decade studying the vocalization of Green-rumped Parrotlets (Forpus passerinus) in Venezuela, arguably the world’s best-known parrot population. It is in Venezuela that parrotlets have been tirelessly marked and studied since the 1980s, work led by Prof. Steven Beissinger, University of California, Berkeley where Berg did post-doctoral training. Now an assistant professor at The University of Texas, Rio Grande Valley’s Dept. of Biology, Berg will help enlighten us about the intelligence and communication of these Neotropic parrots. How does their bizarre ability to articulate human words and phrases in captivity help individuals thrive in nature? Berg addresses this and other questions that can help us understand the diversity and evolutionary history of adult parrot behaviors. KARL BERG and his graduate students are currently studying the site fidelity of Redcrowned Parrots (Amazona viridigenalis) in the Rio Grande Valley. If you are interested in contributing observations to this RCPA Project, come join him to learn more about this parrot study as well. 33 SEMINARS 22nd Annual RGVBF GREAT SOUTH TEXAS BIRDING QUIZ SHOW Sponsored by Eagle Optics Free! / Saturday 6:15p The encores keep getting louder and louder! This offering has been so popular that it’s now in its seventh season. Join our quizmaster, ABA President Jeffrey Gordon and his lovely “First Lady”, in a TV-style game show format, a multimedia production of birding trivia and friendly competition. You’ll be laughing, cheering, learning, and seeing a different side of some of your favorite birding personalities, authors, and leaders. Audience participation with great prizes, made possible by the generous support of Eagle Optics. JEFFREY A. GORDON is the president of the American Birding Association, now headquartered in Delaware City, Delaware. Jeff is also a well-known writer, photographer, tour leader, and naturalist. He is a frequent speaker at various birding and nature festivals. For more information on the ABA and on Jeff, visit www.aba.org. LIZ GORDON is one of the founders of the Rio Grande Valley Birding Festival. She served on the board, ran the children’s program, worked with the artist and designed the festival graphics, and did anything else necessary to support the festival. Liz no longer lives in Harlingen, but she remains active with the festival, she is Seminar Chair, and Artist Liaison. Liz is the wife of Jeffrey Gordon, ABA President. 34 22nd Annual RGVBF SPECIAL EVENTS WELCOME KICK-OFF RECEPTION Wednesday / 5p – 7p Let’s launch this Festival and get it flying right! The lovely Harlingen Arts & Heritage Museum is the grand host for this fun reception. Meet your fellow participants, plus the leaders, speakers, vendors, and the Festival folk that make it all happen. Located conveniently right near the airport at 2425 Boxwood St. Harlingen, 78550 (see map in registration packet). Hors d’oeuvres, beverages, live music - don’t miss it! KISKADEE KORDIAL Thursday, Friday, Saturday / 5p - 6p You are kordially invited to the Birders Bazaar for fun conversation, light appetizers, and of course, kordials! Enjoy wine, beer or margaritas during this popular and perfect interlude which precedes the evening’s keynote presentation. Meet and mingle,chat and sip with your fellow Festival participants, leaders and speakers. Badge required. BIG SIT! Saturday / 6:00a - 6:00p Does counting birds for twelve hours from within a 17' circle sound like fun? You bet! Join a rotating group of optics reps, field trip leaders, and Festival-goers for a come-and-go casual event on the Fair Park complex grounds. You can even try out some optics. Sit for a bit, get a button, and be eligible for a prize drawing. AUTHORS SIGNINGS The quality of the leaders and speakers at the RGVBF is high, and many of these talented people are authors of and contributors to your favorite bird books. So bring your copies (or buy in our Birders Bazaar!) and meet the people behind the covers. A complete listing of authors and times will be available on rgvbf.org and also in the newsletter and signage during the event. FREE FRIDAY Friday has been declared Free Friday at the RGVBF with several special events planned. See Seminars section for the Get Started Birding! Program (Page 31). Buy lunch at The Roost and stay for the afternoon free seminars describing birding in a variety of foreign countries. Don’t forget to visit the Birders Bazaar to do some shopping and catch the Raptor Project live birds of prey flight shows at 1p or 3p. All free! 35 SPECIAL EVENTS - BIRDERS BAZAAR - FAMILY 22nd Annual RGVBF BIRDERS BAZAAR TRADE SHOW Thursday, Friday, Saturday 12n - 6p / Sunday 12n – 4p Free Our Birders Bazaar, with free admission and open to the public, is much more than just a trade show. Located within the Municipal Auditorium Complex, it’s the place to hang out after trips and between seminars. Shop the unique vendors (think Christmas!). Learn about birding hotspots. Visit the eBird station. Get your books autographed. Bid on great items in the Silent Auction. Relax at the Kiskadee Kordial. Visit The Raptor Project. All not-to-be-missed and part of the Festival fun. SILENT AUCTION in the BIRDERS BAZAAR Thursday - Saturday Trade Show hours, above / Bidding closes at a randomly chosen time between 4-5:00p Saturday During your Birders Bazaar visits, don’t miss the Silent Auction offerings. This is the place to bid on good deals for optics, birding gear, books, artwork, tour packages, hotel stays, private photography instruction, and much more. The sheer variety of offerings, many donated by our Trade Show vendors, guarantees something for everyone and Christmas-friendly timing. Furthermore, all proceeds aid the non-profit RGVBF and its programs. A win-win! The RAPTOR PROJECT in the BIRDERS BAZAAR Trade Show Hours, above + Flight Shows Thu – Sun at 1p and 3p Free Jonathan Wood and his vast collection of stunning hawks, owls, eagles, and falcons are a star attraction, with many national TV appearances. Jon is a Master Falconer, a licensed Wildlife Rehabilitator, and along with his wife Susan and his daughter Rachel, are an integral and fascinating part of the Festival. Come on in and get up close and personal with these majestic animals. For even more, keep reading… The RAPTOR PROJECT FAMILY AUDITORIUM PROGRAM Saturday 11a-12n Free Read about Jonathan Wood and The Raptor Project just above and then do not miss this free offering. Imagine sitting in the Harlingen Auditorium and a hawk with a 4-foot wingspan flies right over your head! Afterward, visit more birds of prey in the Birders Bazaar (for a fee you can even hold one and get your picture taken!) and also visit Kiskadee Korner, below. Terrific fun for the whole family. 36 22nd Annual RGVBF FAMILY KISKADEE KORNER Saturday, Sunday 12:00n – 4:00p Free Right in the middle of ‘Festival Central’ (the Harlingen Municipal Complex at Fair Park), you’ll find our renowned family area–packed full of fun. Learn all about birds and nature and the cool things that are as close as your own backyard. Enjoy crafts, games, and many other activities geared toward families with children. Combine with a visit to a flight show, the Birders Bazaar, and it’s all too great to miss! FAMILY BIRD WALKS Saturday 9a Free We’re lucky to have both Jen Brumfield of the Cleveland OH Metroparks and American Birding Association’s Liz Gordon, the ‘First Lady’ of birding, in the Valley for this in Fair Park walk. Learn the basics of birding, like how to use a field guide and a pair of binoculars (bring ‘em if you have ‘em!). So join us, open your eyes, and be hooked for life. Geared for families or the novice birder, both young and young-at-heart, but all are welcome! STUDENT ART and WRITING CONTEST Awards Ceremony: Sunday 1:30p Draw Valley birds, write about Valley birds, and learn the fun way. Information and registration forms for this contest can be found on our website, rgvbf.org. The contest is open to students in grades 5 –12 Valley-wide! Win great prizes from Eagle Optics. 37 INFORMATION 22nd Annual RGVBF HOW DO I REGISTER? >Register online: Securely, with a credit card (VI, MC, AX) at rgvbf.org, and know immediately that you've locked in your desired trips and talks. You can also register by phone during business hours: 1.956.423.5565. >Deadline: Registration must be completed by 5p CT on Friday, October 23, 2015, at which point online registrations will close. During the event, walk-in registration is possible, but many trips may be sold out. So register early! >Registration Packet: Available for pick-up (no tickets will be mailed) beginning Tuesday, November 3rd between 12n - 5p at the Harlingen Municipal Auditorium (Festival site), 1204 Fair Park Blvd. After Tuesday, the registration booth opens in time for early morning trips, and is staffed all day. >Cancellations and Refunds: Please don’t - we want you to join us! But if you must cancel, call 1.956.423.5565. weekdays. Do so by October 23, 2015 to receive a full refund or by October 30, 2015 to receive a 50% refund (less the registration fee). After this, cancellations and no-shows will not be refunded. >Substitutions: The Rio Grande Valley Birding Festival organizers reserve the right to cancel any Festival activity or make qualified substitutions. If a cancellation is necessary, a full refund will be issued, unless otherwise noted. >Groups and Youth Birders: If you are a group of 8 or more or a young birder, come on down! We have special deals for you. Contact the Chair at chair@rgvbf.org. 38 INFORMATION 22nd Annual RGVBF WHERE IS THE FESTIVAL SITE? All Festival events - trip departures, trade show, seminars, family programs - are conveniently located at the Fair Park Municipal Complex, 1204 Fair Park Blvd. Harlingen, TX 78550. One exception: the Kick-off Reception, please see EVENTS (page 35). Important: Field Trips leave early and meeting trip at site is not allowed. Please stay in or near Harlingen. HOW DO I GET THERE? By air: Harlingen is well-serviced by Valley International Airport with three major airlines: United, Southwest, and Sun Country Airlines. By car: Harlingen is conveniently located at the intersection of US Highways 77 & 83, two hours south of Corpus Christi and four hours south of San Antonio. HOW DO I GET AROUND? The Festival does not provide shuttle service between airport, hotels, or Festival activities. Some of the hotels provide limited shuttle service, but in order to best experience the Festival and our unique area, we strongly encourage a car rental booking. WHERE DO I STAY? Harlingen offers a wide variety of rooms with rates to please any visitor. Please visit rgvbf.org for Festival-friendly recommendations. For a Harlingen Visitors Guide, go to visitharlingentexas.com or call the Harlingen CVB at 1.800.531.7346. HOW DO I CONTACT THE RGVBF? Mailing Address: Rio Grande Valley Birding Festival / P.O. Box 3162 / Harlingen, TX 78551 Info: Register: online at rgvbf.org or call 1.956.423.5565 Email: info@rgvbf.org Like us on facebook at Rio Grande Valley Birding Festival 39
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