Gold Star Wives of America, Inc.


Gold Star Wives of America, Inc.
Gold Star Wives of America, Inc.
June 2013 Vol. 58 No. 2 H P.O. Box 361986 Birmingham, AL 35236 H Editor Corinna Gibson-Ashmead
A nonprofit national military widows service organization chartered by the United States Congress
I will take this opportunity to thank all of you for the
confidence you had in electing me to represent this
My final message to you awesome, worthy and supportive organization, 2011a s N a t i o n a l P r e s i d e n t 2013. It was an honor.
of Gold Star Wives of I wish to extend a resounding “thank you” for your
America (GSW) will be great support of our annual fund-raising event, the
brief. Although there are Stay-at-Home Tea. Your generous response is
many things I want to say, evidence that you desire this organization to continue
a mixture of emotions are and improve upon its services and support provided
overriding my thoughts at to the surviving spouses of our deceased military
this time. I had no idea that the latter days of my members and their children. Please know that your
2-year tenure as National President would include monetary contributions in any amount and at any time
all that I have experienced in life during the past two during the year are appreciated. Your donations are
used to carry out the purposes of the Gold Star Wives
...continued on page 2...
• To assist in upholding the Constitution and laws of
the United States of America, and to inculcate a sense
of individual obligation to the community, state, and
• To honor the memory of those who made the supreme
sacrifice in the service of our country.
• To safeguard and transmit to posterity the principles of
justice, freedom, and democracy for which members of
our armed forces fought and died.
• To provide the benefits of a happy, healthful and
wholesome life to minor children of persons who died
in the service of our country.
• To promote activities and interests designed to foster
among its members the proper mental attitude to face
the future with courage.
• To aid when necessary the spouses and children of
persons who died in the service of our country.
• To do any and all things to carry out the general
purposes and objects of the organization.
2013 Nomination................................Page 18
Around The Country............................Page 15
Board Chairman’s Report......................Page2
Candidates for Board of Directors............Page 10
Candidates for National Office...............Page8
Chaplain’s Corner...............................Page6
Government Relations Report.................Page3
Internet Commitee.............................Page 20
National Ballot..................................Page 13
Parliamentarian’s Chat.........................Page 21
Public Relations Chair..........................Page 20
Region News.....................................Page 15
Service Officer..................................Page4
Vavs Notes........................................Page 22
...continued from page 1...
This past year has been extremely busy as I attended
and participated in local and national GSW and
veteran-related events. I had the opportunity to
attend three, 2013-GSW Regional Conferences:
Northwest Region Conference in Tacoma, WA; South
Central Region Conference in Oklahoma City, OK;
and Southwest Region Conference in Las Vegas, NV.
Each conference was well-organized with productive
business meetings, and wonderful camaraderie. Thank
you for the hospitality that was extended to me. I
hope the camaraderie I experienced at the region
conferences continues and spreads in outreach to
new and potential members of the organization.
A commonality of concern was the lack and need
of outreach to potentially new members and ideas
of interest to embrace our younger generation of
I am most grateful to National Vice President Harriet
Boyden for stepping up to assume the duties of the
President while I was fully engrossed in my dear
husband, Arthur “Art” Blakely’s failing health
and subsequent demise on May 2, 2013. I can’t
begin to express my gratitude for the outpouring of
encouragement and support I received from Gold Star
Wives far and near during his illness and after his
passing. Your most beautiful flowers, cards, messages
via email, and phone calls were comforting. Your
many gestures of love will ever remain in my heart.
Thank you, and may God bless you all for reaching
out to comfort me and my family in the lost of my
genuine, loving, caring, Christian man. I miss him
B oard Chairman’s
Hard work and planning goes into hosting a region
conference and I want to personally thank all host
chapters for their dedication in serving GSW. This
year as Board Chairman I had the great pleasure of
attending two region conferences: South West hosted
by the Las Vegas Chapter in Las Vegas, NV and the
Middle Atlantic conference hosted by the Hollybush
Chapter in Cape May, NJ. Both events created
wonderful memories. Special thanks to Chapter
Presidents Janet Snyder and Karen Schneeman for
their hard work in preparing their conference and
to Region Presidents, Patti Termini and Aseneth
Blackwell for their graciousness.
The Las Vegas conference was met with a myriad
of emotions from the solemn celebration of Gold
Star Wives Day to intense grief triggered by the
film, Forgotten Heroes. Filmmaker Anthony Diaz V
selected sensitive actors who portrayed a poignant
story of survivorship with deep love and respect for
family and country. The following day conference
attendees were led into a serene meditative state that
focused us upward during our memorial service.
I look forward to seeing you all at the GSW National
Convention, July 10-14, 2013 in Denver, Colorado.
Jeanette B. Early
National President
Gold Star Wives of America, Inc.
Anthony Diaz Z filmmaker of Forgotten
Heroes - Las Vegas SW region conference
During our installation dinner we were entertained
by a singer who made us joyous and happy enough
to dance and sing along with him. Members enjoyed
visiting with one another to catch up while our new
members mingled throughout.
I was encouraged to attend the Middle Atlantic
conference by our Founder, Marie Speer, who was
invited to be their guest speaker. Having never been to
New Jersey before, I was impressed with its beautiful
countryside with spring bursting throughout. It was
78 degrees when Marie and I landed at Philadelphia
International Airport and by the time we reached Cape
May, a freezing gale force wind was blowing off the
ocean with tornado warnings being announced. Our
intimate party didn’t mind as we demanded the bar to
make way for us by moving tables and chairs around
so that we could all sit together and have dinner.
the nation, we share a common thread of great pride
and sacrifice. Each member I met shared how they
continue to educate and fight for survivor issues at
every level of government. I was proud to be a part
of the intimate conversations from the damage done
by hurricane Sandy to the blueberries being picked for
muffins by Eleanor Roosevelt’s children. Nevada’s
representatives speaking in support of survivor issues
were inspiring. I thoroughly enjoyed meeting and
listening to our new members’ personal stories of
transcending pain of grief.
Please save the date to “Color Yourself Colorado”
from July 10-14 at the Renaissance Hotel in Denver.
We have a ton of business to discuss and take care of,
but mostly we need to come together in support of one
another and unite in making all our efforts fruitful.
Great things are in the works and our hostesses have
surprises for us. I’m excited to be a part of GSW and
The conference was beautifully arranged with sincerely hope to meet you all in Denver, CO.
excellent food and we all enjoyed a wonderful speech
by Marie as she hearkened back to the days when Debra Kraus, Board Chairman
you could walk up to the former First Lady’s home Email:
at Hyde Park in New York City and ask her to join (818) 986-0531
in our efforts to help forge a widow’s organization.
Both events drove home the realization that even
though we are Americans from different parts of
Government Relations
2013 is an active year for Gold Star Wives as we work
to understand the legislation Congress is currently
working on. The chained-CPI in the President’s
budget would impact Dependency and Indemnity
Compensation, just as it impacts Social Security,
military and federal retirements, and Veterans’
Benefits. The proposed reduction in Cost of Living
Allowances would compound over the years and
impact those receiving lower amounts of the benefits
most. Marie Speer, Jaimey Steele, and Aseneth
Blackwell - Mid Atlantic region conference
HR 32 and S.734 are bills that have been introduced
in the 113th Congress that would eliminate the unjust
SBP DIC offset for 59,000 affected un-remarried
military widows/ widowers. Please contact your
Congressman/woman and your Senators and ask
...continued on page 4...
...continued from page 3...
them to co-sponsor these bills. We need co-sponsors. They need to hear from their constituents. The
Military Officer’s Association of America (MOAA)
is sponsoring a GSW sanctioned “Storming the Hill”
event on July 16 and 17 to educate Congress and the
Senate about the SBP DIC offset issue. Many GSW’s
have already registered to attend. We encourage your
attendance. For more information and to register, go to
secure_index.html or call 866-272-6622.
A group of members is working to obtain an increase
of Dependency and Indemnity Compensation. Our
first step is to develop a fact sheet for members and
others to understand the benefit and it’s impact. We
will then need to work the issue with Congress. The
cost of the increase will make it very difficult to pass
through Congress and we will need to educate many
to achieve this goal. Gold Star Wives members who
would like to be a part of this group are invited to join
us. Please contact Jamie Tomek at jtomek@nemonet.
com or call 573-324-3668. Please leave a message if
there is no answer. Other bills in Congress that are of interest to members
of GSW include the Survivor’s Benefit Improvement
Act (S735) Veteran’s Compensation Cost of Living
Adjustment of 2013 (S893, HR 569, HR570), Global
Campaign against IEDs – Improvised Explosive
Devices (HR190) Extension of Age of ChampVA for
young adults (S325, HR288) GI Bill Tuition Fairness
Act of 2013 (HR357).
If you are interested in finding out who your
representatives are use, the website
and enter your zip code in a search box. Call (202)
224-3121 if you don’t have a computer. www.senate.
gov will give you the names of your senators for each
state. What is happening with each of the bills listed
above can be found at This summer
Congressmen and women will be in their districts. That is an excellent time to visit with them or their
staff about an issue. PAGE 4
Service Officer
TRICARE West Region Transition
April 1, 2013 was the start of health care delivery
under the new contract in the TRICARE West Region.
You should have already received a Unitedhealthcare
(UHC) welcome packet. You will work with UHC on
issues such as enrollment, requests for referrals and
prior authorizations, claims processing, customer
service and much more. Register on line at: www. to track any of these issues.
Unitedhealthcare will not provide customer service
or support for TRICARE For Life (TFL), or the US
Family Health Plan or for pharmacy or dental benefits.
Welcome Packets were sent to TFL beneficiaries as
an announcement of a change in TRICARE in the
West Region, but no action is required. Wisconsin
Physician Service (WPS) continues to serve as the
TFL contractor, providing assistance with claims
and customer service. If you have questions, contact
WPS at 1-866-773-0404 or at
The TRICARE Regional Office-West (TRO-W) is
working closely with UnitedHealthcare to answer
all beneficiary concerns and reduce the backlog of
referrals awaiting authorization by the contractor.
The call center at 1-877-988-9378 has extended its
hours from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. across all West Region
time zones.
West Region beneficiaries can get more information
and sign up for updates at
TRICARE Prime Service Area Update
By now 171,000 TRICARE Prime beneficiaries
should have received letters telling them that they
live outside of the 40-mile radius from a military
medical facility and they are being dropped to
TRICARE Standard from TRICARE Prime on
October 1st. TRICARE Management Activity (TMA)
has released a new online tool for surviving spouses
to check by zip code to verify if their Prime network required to enter a password to log in to myPay. More
will change. To use this tool, log onto: www.tricare. information is on the DFAS website – http://www.
mil/welcome/CurrentTopics/ChangestoPSAs.aspx or call 216-522-5955 or customer service
at 1-888-332-8411.
To contact your elected officials and let them know
how you feel about beneficiaries losing health Password Changes – the Need for Them
care coverage that many have counted on for their
retirement, send a letter to the House Armed Services A password compromise at any site will immediately
Committee and let Chairman Rep. “Buck” McKeon trigger a password scan at Gmail, Twitter, sometimes
and Ranking Member Adam Smith know how you or on an e-banking site.
feel. The address is:
Once they have your password, they take it to other
sites to check for your vulnerability there. Protect
House Armed Services Committee
yourself! Stop using the same passwords at multiple
2120 Rayburn House Office Building,
sites!! It is a challenge to keep track of a password
Washington, DC 20515
for every site.
Attn: Chairman McKeon
Keep your passwords written in a list and keep it
TRICARE and New Emergency Centers
in a secure place.
TRICARE beneficiaries may have noticed new
kinds of “Emergency Centers” appearing in their
area. Freestanding emergency room (ER) that are
not affiliated with a hospital may not be TRICAREauthorized. That can leave a beneficiary stuck
with a big bill. Beneficiaries need to “know before
you go.” Check their TRICARE status before
emergency care is needed by calling your regional
contractor. Contact information is available on:
myPay – New Requirements
The Spring 2013 myPay release will affect all users
and it will be phased in over the next five months,
beginning May 11th. The change requires users to
change their passwords every 60 days using 15 – 30
character passwords.
Do Not keep your password list in one of your
computer files.
My Last National Service Officer Article
In July 2013, my term as GSW National Service
Office will be completed and I will be stepping down
from the Board of Directors. This is because the GSW
Constitution and By laws say a member cannot be on
the Board for more than two three year terms. I was
elected to the Board in 2007 and re-elected in 2010
and that equals the maximum two three year terms
or six years. The Board Chair(s) assigned me the
job of National Service Officer which is answering
questions and providing benefit information. I have
enjoyed meeting and talking with all of you, whether
it was by e-mail or over the telephone or in person. It
is my pleasure to have tried to help each of you to the
best of my ability.
Beginning in May, groups of users will be required
to establish new passwords when they attempt to
access their accounts.
Pat Kelly, National Service Officer
Defense Finance Accounting Service (DEFAS) plans Email:
to send email alerts 10 days before expiration of a Phone: 602-973-6744
user’s password. Customers logging into myPAY
using DOD computer access cards or a similarly
encrypted federal identification card will not be
Chaplain’s Corner
To all leaders and members of Gold Star Wives: PLEASE HELP! If a Member at Large in your region - or a chapter member in your GSW chapter - passes
notify the National Chaplain, but ALSO COPY Jim with this information. Jim Ranieri is the one who updates
the membership list on the computer. He gives me the list of deceased members for each GSW National
Newsletter in the Chaplain’s Corner article. In order to have an accurate list of our deceased GSW members for the Memorial Service at the National
Convention in Denver, it is imperative that all of you send the names and dates of death to Jim Ranieri at the
GSW National Office - either by e-mail: - or if you don’t have e-mail, you can send
the information to Jim by postal mail:
Jim Ranieri
Gold Star Wives of America, Inc.
PO Box 361986
Birmingham, AL 35236-1986
It is also important to save our organization unnecessary printing and postage costs, mailing newsletters and
notices to deceased members.
Thank you for your cooperation.
In Memory of:
Albany: Betty A Harris
Atlanta: Lessline M Jones
Azalea: Bernice C Carter
Channel Islands: Marie Schilling
Chattahoochee Valley: Mamie L Chronister
Denver: Marie L Oman
Denver: Charmaine Yorty
Emerald Coast: Juanita G Harbaugh
Emerald Coast: Janie C Wittman
Golden State: Julia Ann Johnson
Greater Boston: Donna M. Grady
Greater Pitt: Geraldine A Askew
Greater Pitt: Caroline Zambano
Greater Sacramento: Bonell M Owens
Inland Empire: Lila I Nickerson
Miami Valley: Rae Davis
Miami Valley: Lucille E Tucker
Middle Atlantic: Effie M Derby
Middle Atlantic: Vera Gulich
Middle Atlantic: Grace Maynard
Middle Atlantic: Luisa M Scalia
Mid West: E Elaine Castaneda
Mid West: Elfrieda C Curtis
Mid West: Virginia D Godlove
Mid West: Helen G Gregory
Mid West: Ethel M Hume
Mid West: Alice McQuaid
Mid West: Jane Pinske
Mid West: Kay R Pulliam
Mid West: Ruth M Quinn
In Memory of: (cont)
Mid West: Mary E Taylor
Mid West: Maxine J Tomkinson
Minneapolis: Darlene B Brewer
Mountain Laurel: Margaret R Sullo
New Bedford: Dorothy Desrosiers
New England: Dorothy Chasse
New England: Rella N Daniels
New England: Olivia P Maynard
New England: Florence A Pacella
New York: Natalie Maddalena
New York: Gandolfa Penna
North Central: Catherine M Hoffman
North Central: Geraldine M Rusch
North West: Anne Sue Henderson
North West: Evelyn M Peterson
North West: Idamae Y Sullivan
Philadelphia: Mary Sidberry
Phoenix: Mary L Barker
Phoenix: Donna S Harris
Potomac: Peggy A Allen
Potomac: Mary D Jackson
Potomac: Gertrude W Miller
Potomac: Irmgard M Sheldon
San Diego: Wanda L Boyle
San Diego: Imogene Feraldi
San Diego: Ithyl M Gage
San Diego: Frances T Hill
San Diego: Georgia A Kresl
San Diego: Joanne H Lee
San Diego: Evayleen Malone
San Diego: Inez Martin
San Diego: Mary Alice McAfee
San Diego: Ruth P McMichael
San Diego: Mary Ann O’Connell
San Diego: Sallie Colene Taber
San Diego: Martha M Wall
San Diego: Beryl E Wauson
South Central: Lettie F Duffett
South Central: Peggy J Seely
South Central: Lorraine M Synhorst
South East: Jane Estrada
South East: Tina G Flippo
South East: Nina R Hartzog
South East: Carmen Mirta Petsoules
South East: Maggie Belle Pinson
South East: Lorraine N Story
South East: Mary R Ward
South West: Lucille M Davis
South West: Catherine Donohue
South West: Jean W Goble
South West: Constance O Hall
South West: Mary E Howard
South West: June M Leone
South West: Opal E Maddox
South West: Margaret B Mudd
South West: Emma M Noblitt
South West: Mary Elizabeth Pope
South West: Ruth A Schall
Suncoast: Betty H Allshouse
Suncoast: Juanita L Boan
Tahoma: Elva G Thomas
Tucson: Jane G Wright
Submitted by:
Janet Snyder
National Chaplain
(702) 227-6566
Candidates For National Office
Harriet Boyden
Candidate For
National President
My husband, Dana Mitchell, died
in Vietnam in 1969 leaving behind
three young children.. I married
Buzz Boyden in 1975. He died in
1988. DIC was reinstated after he
died. I joined Gold Star Wives as a
MAL in 1999 and I am a member of
the Palmetto Chapter and a Lifetime
National: Current Vice President,
Chair of the Constitution & Bylaws
and Standing Rules Committee, and
member of Surviving Spouses Legislative Issues Message Board. Past
Secretary (four years) and Historian.
Received Special Recognition Award
in 2011. Attended Congressional
Receptions in 2010 and 2011.
South East Region: Current Treasurer. Past President (four years),
Vice-President and Secretary.
Palmetto Chapter: Current VAVS
Representative. Past President,
Secretary, Treasurer and Vice-President.
Education: Received AA from Colby
Junior College, BS in Mathematics
from St. Lawrence University,
and MEd from University of
Past employment: Instructional
aide in a classroom with third and
fourth grades. Microcomputer
Services Coordinator at Hampshire
College in Amherst, MA.
Activities: Volunteer at Fisher
House at Charlie Norwood VA
Hospital in Augusta, GA; traveled
in Wreaths Across America convoy
from Maine to Arlington in 2011
and 2012; volunteer at Snowball
Express in 2012; and member of
Military Officers Association of
Janet Snyder
Candidate for
Vice President
I am an Army wife
and mother of three children,
grandmother of six. She was married to her husband Tom for 52
years. She was his full-time caregiver for five years, until he passed
away at home hospice in 2010.
Janet was president of various military wives clubs and was a religious
schoolteacher while her children
were young. She was editor of the
military Jewish chapel newsletter;
participated in many ecumenical projects with the Protestant,
Catholic and Jewish chaplains; and
was honored at the Jewish Welfare
Board Convention in Montreal,
Quebec, Canada. Janet has worked
in Germany, Israel, and the USA in
public relations, hotel marketing,
and insurance.
Janet is President of Las Vegas
Valley Chapter of Gold Star Wives;
President of Society of Military Widows of Southern Nevada Chapter
#34; served two years as National
Chaplain of the GSW; member,
Surviving Spouses Legislative Issues Internet Board; auxiliary life
member, Southern Nevada Chapter,
MOAA; member, Auxiliary Member
Advisory Committee, MOAA; patron member, Jewish War Veterans
Post 65, Henderson; member, Valley of Fire Chapter, Daughters of
the American Revolution (DAR), Las
Vegas; member, Elks Lodge #1468,
Las Vegas; member, Emblem Club
#114, Las Vegas Judi Van Cleave
Candidate for
Vice President
I joined GSW’s in 1996 after a mailing sent by the Veterans Administration. My husband, Billy Van Cleave,
died in 1983, a 100% disabled
Korean Veteran; US Army. We had 7
children, 5 still at home.
National Board: current, Public
Relations and Special Recognition;
previously, served on Membership
and Ethics
Northwest Region: current Secretary; Past Region President twice;
Chaplain twice
Willamette Valley: current VicePresident; Past President twice,
plus; Chaplain twice
Special Recognition Recipient,
2012, a wonderful and precious
Convention Coordinator, 2006;
Portland, Oregon; Willamette Valley
Chapter Hosts
I’ve been active in opening two
Veterans Resource centers at
Portland area colleges as well as
an Army Strong facility; I speak at
many Veterans’ Day events in high
schools as well as The Evergreen Air
& Space Museum Veteran’s Salute
and Remembering America’s Heroes
events; have volunteered with Snow
Ball Express 3 years and our GSW
resources there.
Careers: Law clerking, International
Marketing, Public Relations, Publishing, Newspaper, Finance and
Mortgages. I have some college and
lifelong advanced studies.
B.S. in Textiles and Clothing, Merchandising, Iowa State University,
Ames, IA
Managed 3 Base/OWC Thrift Shops
as an active duty spouse
Betty Crawford
Candidate for
Sheree Patterson
Betty Crawford, Korean USAF
widow, 1966. Joined GSW as a MAL.
Life member 11/2002. Resides
in Chandler, AZ since June 1994.
Earned Masters of Education and Library Science degree from Northern
Michigan University in Marquette,
Michigan. Career educator for 40
years in Minnesota, Japan, France,
Florida and Michigan. Treasurer for
the Gwinn, MI schools teachers association handling $500,000 yearly.
Candidate for
Phoenix Chapter: Past President
and VP.
We must stand tall as Widows, be
proud of our Families’ service and
continue reaching out to welcome
all our “new sisters”; carrying forward the promise made so many
years ago. Thank You.
Southwest Region: Treasurer
USAF Active Duty Widow 2004
Joined GSW in 2005 ---Life Member
Omaha Area Chapter: Secretary
Past President
Co-coordinator of the 2010 National
Convention and 2010 MidwestNorth Central Region Conference
North Central Region: Treasurer
since 2007
National: Secretary
National: Treasurer
Community Service: Member/ St.
Peter Lutheran Church. Currently
volunteering at the Chandler Senior
2007 Lifetime 4000 + hours) P
residential Volunteer Service Award
2012 400+ hour volunteer award/
Chandler Senior Center
Ada McArthur
Candidate for
I am currently a resident of North
Las Vegas, Nevada. I was widowed
45 years ago when my husband
died in Vietnam. At that time, I
lived in southeastern Oregon. From
many miles away, I was contacted
by a Gold Star wife in northwestern Oregon through their outreach
program. I have been a GSW since
that time.
I have attended many regional
conferences and national conventions. I have been southwestern
parliamentarian for several years. I
am parliamentarian for our newly
formed Las Vegas Valley chapter.
I believe in fairness while following the law, including an organization’s constitution and bylaws. I am
committed to serving any presiding
president I serve with. I have worked as a tax appraiser, in
banks and credit unions, a mortuary and Native American shop. I am
president of my HOA and a national
service organization. I volunteer at a
Veteran’s Hospital.
As your parliamentarian I would
endeavor to research and answer
questions promptly. I would seek
comments and counsel when it was
A.A. in Liberal Arts,
Waldorf College Forest City, IA
...continued on page 10..
Martha M. Didamo
Candidate for
Martha M. Didamo, service
connected widow whose military
spouse served 30 years and passed
2 years after retirement. Became a
member of GSW in 1988 and a Life
member the year it was introduced.
Gold Star Wives service:
Omaha Area Chapter: Served as
president, secretary and treasurer.
North Central Region: Served as
National: National President 20032005; Board Chair 2010-2012; Stayat-Home Tea Chair; Chapter/Region
Liaison; Board Secretary and VAVS
Chair. Served on the Constitution
and Bylaws Committee, 2002-2004.
Education: Degree in Library Science from Texas Woman’s University, Denton, Texas and a degree in
Education from University of Nebraska at Omaha, Nebraska.
Community Service: Volunteer at
the Omaha VA Medical Center for
8 years. Secretary for MOAA Heartland of America Chapter for 7 years.
Andrena J. Taylor
Candidate for
Church Experience
Member of Northminister
Presbyterian Church, Columbia, SC
Elder of Northminister Presbyterian
Church for six years
Presbyterian Women
A Circle Member
Taught church school and teaches
vacation bible school
Member of the Chancel Choir
Palmetto Gold Star Wives
Member of Palmetto Gold Star
Wives, Columbia, SC
Present Vice President of Palmetto
Past President of Palmetto Gold Star
Past Vice President of Palmetto
Gold Star Wives
South Carolina Education
Association – Retired
Served as President of the South
Carolina Education – Retired for five
Attended nineteen National
Education Association Conventions
Life memberships in the state, local,
national organizations
Educational Experience
Bachelors Degree
Masters Degree
Taught Elementary Education
for 27 years
Elementary Consultant for 5 years
Silver Haired Legislation
Current Member of Silver Haired
Candidates For Board Of Directors
Life member
Alma C. Birchett
Northwest Region: Vice President
Berniece Eckert
Candidate for
Board of Directors
Member of: Zeta Phi Beta Sorority,
DAV and AMVETS Auxiliary.
Candidate for
Board of Directors
Alma C. Birchett: Vietnam era Army
widow of SFC Roosevelt Birchett.
Joined GSW in 2006.
Tahoma Chapter: Past Vice
President, and President
Education: BS in Microbiology, AAS
in Nursing
Hobbies: Gardening, and cruising.
I am Berniece Eckert, President of
the South Central Region (this is my
second year.)
I was the Vice President for two
years and Nomination Chair at same
time. Previously I was the Chaplain,
Vice President, and President (In
that order) for the Oklahoma City
Chapter. I have been an “Active”
Gold Star Wives member for twenty
years and also I am a LIFETIME
member. Gold Star Wives is an Associate Member of the Oklahoma
Veterans Council and I attend their
monthly meetings. The Veterans
Council supports the Memorial Day
Services at the Oklahoma Veterans
Memorial Park and they have asked
Gold Star Wives to be in charge of
the Memorial Day Services, for the
last four years. During this time, I
have organized the event each year.
I am a retired Social Worker
and have been on the Oklahoma
Park Commission and Oklahoma
City Human Rights Commission as
I will accept the duties of a
Board Member, if elected, and attend the National Convention.
Carol Ann Ellinger
Candidate for
Board of Directors
Board of Directors, SW Region
Channel Islands Chapter
I have been a member of Gold
Star Wives since restarting the San
Diego Chapter of Gold Star Wives in
1970 with two other women who
also lost their husbands in Vietnam.
I am a former Woman Marine and
a Marine wife who raised two sons.
After completion of my education,
I taught Special Education Students
for 28 years and retired from education in 2010. I have held many posiPAGE 11
tions in the Gold Star Wives Organization holding jobs at the chapter,
regional and national level. I firmly
believe Gold Star Wives of America,
Inc. is a unique organization in
which the members must continue
to strive to work together to protect
their benefits. If elected I will do my
best to promote the goals of our
organization, seek to improve and
stream line the internal business
operations and to expand our membership list by personal recruitment. takes to run an organization. I dealt
with many issues including personnel and business issues.
I am a member of the Hudson
WI United Methodist church and
also volunteer my time at the
Minneapolis VAMC.
Kathleen Cardona
Candidate for
Board of Directors
Crystal Wenum
Candidate for
Board of Directors
My name is Crystal Wenum and I
am running for the Board of Directors from the North Central Region.
I have been a member of Gold Star
Wives since 1984. My husband was
SSGT James O Wenum and he died
of a service connected condition in
1982. But I was a part of Gold Star
Wives long before I became a member. My father was KIA in Korea and
my mother joined GSW in 1951. I
realized early on what an important
organization GSW is.
GSW members fought for many
years for the benefit of the wives
and children of the fallen. I want
to continue that work and help this
organization with the many changes
that are facing us. I have served
over the years as president of my
chapter and region and on the
My name is Kathleen Cardona,
known as Kat. I have been a Board
Member in the past and would
like to serve again. I am currently
the President of the New England
Region and the Mountain Laurels
Chapter. Our recent elections
brought me in as Vice President
of the New England Region and
President of the Mountain Laurels
Chapter. I have been on the Government Relations, and IT, Committees and Chaired the Public
Relations Committee. When not
working with GSW, I am a member
of the Ranger Regiment Association,
American Legion Auxiliary, Soldiers
Angels, VetsLink, CT Fallen Heroes
Foundation and OEF/OIF task force.
I am a Gerontologist and author
of 2 books on Intergenerational
Day Care . I earned my Bachelor’s
Degree in Natural Health, and a
Doctorate in Religious Humanities.
I am employed as the Client Care
Coordinator at Home Instead
Senior Care.
I was a certified internal auditor for
the state of Minnesota for 23 years
before retiring and I know what it
Laquetha Joan
Guthrie Young
serving the needs of military widows by following the purposes of
Candidate for
Board of Directors
Candidate for
Board of Directors
Laquetha was born at Antioch, Oklahoma in her grandparent’s home.
She attended Antioch two room
school through the eighth grade
and Elmore City High School.
She received her Bachelor’s Degree
in Education in 1960 and Master’s
Degree in Special Education in 1972,
from East Central State University,
Ada, Oklahoma.
In 1957 Laquetha married Ensign
James Ray Gardner; they had two
daughters Suzanne and Betsy. Lt.
Commander Gardner died from
cancer in 1969. In 1976 she married Granville Young, Jr. who passed
away in 1993.
Her professional career includes
teaching in Oklahoma, Washington
and Arizona. She retired after 20
years teaching Special Education for
Tucson Unified School District.
Returning to Oklahoma in 1999, she
become active in several lineage
organizations including, National
Society of the Daughters of the
American Revolution.
She also, has served on the board of
the following organizations: Oklahoma Genealogical Society, Antioch
Community Association and President, OKC Chapter, Gold Star Wives.
Her DIC was reinstated after reading ‘Dear Abby’ in 2000. She joined
GSW as lifetime member after receiving a GSW letter signed by Kathy
Upchurch. Laquetha is dedicated to
Nancy Peppers
Linda L. Petric
Candidate for
Board of Directors
I am the widow of Maj. John A.
killed in action on March 2, 1969
in Vietnam. We had three children
ages 7 yrs., 4yrs., and 18 months. I
went back to University of Dayton
to get a second degree in Education.
When I started my career in education I specialized in Special Education. In 1987, I received my Masters
in Educational Leadership. I retired
in 2005 having been in the Field of
Education for 25 years and a Special
Education Supervisor for 18 years.
I was a Member-At-Large of the
GSW until the Miami Valley Chapter
formed. I am a Life Time member. I
was Chapter Secretary for 8 yrs. and
presently I’m the Chapter Chaplain. I went to D.C. for Color the Hill
Gold three years ago. I was Publicity Chairman for the 67th National
In retirement, I am a volunteer
at Catholic Charities, monitoring
court ordered parent-child weekly
visitations. I am a member of the
Vietnam Memorial Park Board and
a member of the Executive Committee of the Golden Flyers of University of Dayton. I take classes at UD
in the Life Long Learning Program.
I am a graduate of the University of
South Carolina with a bachelor’s degree in English. I received my master’s degree of Professional Studies
in Counseling from the State University of New York (New Paltz), New
York. I have done further graduate
studies at Worchester State University, Worchester, MA, the University
of South Carolina and Columbia College, Columbia, SC. I am a recent
retired educator.
I am a volunteer with the Harvest
Hope Food Bank, the Tuesday Rockers Senior Program and the Trinity
Church After School Program. My
extra-curricular activities include
the Lower Richland Women’s
Society (President), Delta Sigma
Theta Sorority, United Order of
Tents (Leader), Gold Star Wives of
America (Palmetto Chapter and
South East Region Secretary) and
the National Education Association. I am a member of the Trinity
Church, Columbia, SC where I serve
as a Greeter, Usher, member of the
Advisory Council, Women of Worth
Team and the sanctuary Choir. I enjoy reading, journaling, listening to
music, mission work, solving word
problems and gardening.
My goal is to pursue a doctoral
degree in counseling. My objective
is to provide counseling services to
those in need. My motto is “Helping
Other To Help Others.”
2013 Gold Star Wives
National Ballot
Access member number from your membership card or above your name on the newsletter address page.
National Officers
Vote for one for each office; candidates listed in alphabetical order by last name.
Vice President
m Harriet Boyden
m Janet Snyder
m Judi Van Cleave
m Sheree Patterson
m Betty Crawford
m Martha Didamo
m Ada McArthur
m Andrena Taylor
Board of Directors
Vote for no more than five candidates: candidates listed in alphabetical order by last name.
m Alma Birchett (North West)
m Nancy Peppers (South East)
m Kathleen Cardona (New England)
m Linda Petric (Mid West)
m Berniece Eckert (South Central)
m Crystal Wenum (North Central)
m Carol Ellinger (South West)
m Laquetha Joan Guthrie Young (South Central)
Deadline: Postmark by July 3, 2013.
After completing your ballot, please tear it out and fold it. To keep your vote confidential, instead of using your
return address, only write your member number on the outside of the ballot. Your member number can be found
just above your name on the last page of this newsletter.
Alternatively, you may place your ballot in your own envelope and carefully address the envelope to:
Gold Star Wives of America, Inc. Ballot
3066 So Granby St
Aurora, CO 80014
GSW Member Number Here_________________
3066 So Granby St
Aurora, CO 80014
Gold Star Wives of America, Inc. Ballot
3066 So Granby St
Aurora, CO 80014
Around The Country
Philadelphia Chapter
member Margaret
McClain was
covered by the South
Philly News for the
decorations she had put
up for Gold Star Wives
Day April 5, 2013.
Marie Speer, founder of GSW,
thanks all the members for
the nice birthday cards she
received. She turned 92 on
and Jennifer
at the
White House.
May 9th.
R egion N ews
Middle Atlantic Region
full explanation about the undertaking of a new web site
to move forward our organization.
The Cake-Less bake sale netted our treasury $535.00.
Perhaps next year more of our members will send in a
donation to our treasury.
The Region Conference in 2014 will be held in the
Monmouth, New Jersey area. Mary Ondrey is the
President of the Monmouth Chapter. In 2015 the
conference will be in New York.
Middle Atlantic Region Conference attendees
included Jamie Steele, Aseneth Blackwell, Karen
Schneedman, and Marie Speer. Region Officers
are being installed in the second picture.
For the Memorial Day Activities, I plan to ride with the
Rolling Thunder, attend the Memorial Day Program at
the Capitol on Sunday evening and on Monday attend the
services at the Vietnam Memorial. Hopefully my new
knee will cooperate especially on the motorcycle.
In 2015, the entire Middle Atlantic Region will be
hosting the National Convention that will be held in the
Washington, D. C. area.
I sent a sympathy card and a monetary gift from the Middle
Atlantic Region to our National President Jeanette Early
in the passing of her husband. Keep her lifted up in your
Hope to see many of you in Denver. Please let me know
you are there.
The Region Conference in Cape May, New Jersey hosted
by the Hollybush Chapter was small in attendance but
powerful in content. Their President Karen Schneedman
and members Dorotha Kennedy, Lois Hartka, Alfreda
Hollister and Lidia Pelin worked very hard and it is
appreciated. Hopefully when it’s time for Hollybush to
host the Region Conference again, they will seriously
consider Cape May. The Chapter surprised us with having
as guest speaker at the banquet our founder Marie Speer.
Her thorough recall of the founding of Gold Star Wives on
April 5, 1945, and the assistance of Eleanor Roosevelt is
amazing. We also had in attendance our National Board
Chairman Debra Kraus. In her remarks to us, she gave a
Aseneth Blackwell, President
Middle Atlantic Region
New England Region
The New England Region has had such an exciting quarter,
from the Spring Conference on the Cape, which was one
of our very best, to the Memorial Day Events in DC with
5 of us sharing a room and rolling with Rolling Thunder
and reorganizing the DC office with Jody. We were all
sad to lose our dear President’s husband, Art Blakely and
wished we could send hugs instead of flowers but very
happy to bring in some great new Region Officers, Nancy
Gunn is our President Elect, Kathleen Cardona as Vice
President, Jennifer Underwood as Secretary, Marg Fera
as Treasurer (and our EIN was reinstated), Ruth Crocker
as Chaplain, Najla Purcell as Parliamentarian, and Elaine
Savage as Historian. Sylvia Merrill did a wonderful
job as hostess. We had a fabulous Armed Forces Day
luncheon at the Aquaturf in Southington, and an evening
of Fun and Fireworks in South Windsor, CT. that night. We
did outreach on Fox TV twice and we celebrated Gold
Star Wives Day as special guests at Fenway Park in
Boston. We also celebrated at the Lowell Cemetery in the
parade. Rhode Island Wives showed up for the Ground
Breaking ceremony for a home being built by Homes for
Our Troops, sang the National Anthem, and Baked goods
for the bake sale. Veterans Awareness Day had new Gold
Star Wives attending, but by far, the most exciting event
ever, the White house invited me to bring one other
Gold Star wife with me to enjoy Mothers Day Tea with
Michelle Obama and Jill Biden. I took our Newest New
England Member, Jennifer Underwood, who brought her
2 delightful boys with her. The First Ladies disappeared
with the children and when they came back, they had made
Mother’s Day gifts for all the mothers. They had also found
Prince Harry! Yes we all got to meet and greet, Michelle
Obama, Jill Biden, Michelle Obama’s mother and Prince
Harry. We even got hugs!!!!! A once in a lifetime event
and we had a phenomenal time. Absolutely amazing! Kathleen Cardona
Gold Star Wives of America
New England Region President
Mountain Laurels President
North Central Region
North Central Region and Midwest Region had their
Regional Conference April 19-21 in Dayton, Ohio. It
was a fun time for all of us and it was good to get together
with old friends and make a few new friends along the
way. The hospitality on Friday was fun and we caught
up with all the doings in our busy lives. Business was
conducted on Saturday and we had a number of things
to get done including nominating members to run for the
Board of Directors and National offices. Three members
from the Omaha Chapter came and two members from the
Minneapolis Chapter were in attendance. There were also
members from the Toledo and Miami Valley Chapters.
We held a memorial service for Gold Star Wives members
that had passed away during the year. We then held our
installation for the new officers of the North Central and
Midwest Regions. Later in the evening we got together
for a delicious dinner and socializing.
Crystal Wenum
North Central Region President
North West Region
It was a pleasure to have our National President, Jeanette
Early be our guest in Tacoma for our Regional Conference.
She shared news and encouragement with us and invited us
to attend National in Denver in July. Twenty-two members
attended and the Tahoma Chapter did an outstanding
job; great hospitality and goodies; thank you all. Maria
Sutherland, Region President, came from Alaska for the
conference and will be attending National in Denver as
the NW President, board member.
OFFICERS for 2013-2014:
Maria Sutherland
Alma Burchett
Judi Van Cleave
Edith Reed
Chaplain Marine Simmons
Parliamentarian Hope Gallinger-Long 503-333-0833
Olivia Brown 253-584-3250
Both Chapters are active and keeping the public aware of
our mission and we appreciate all of you. If you know of
Gold Star Wives & Families, please reach out wherever
you can. We still have the “no bake, bake sale” as an South West Region
ongoing fundraiser for the Gold Star Memorials. Our new
Treasurer’s address is: Edith Reed; 9114 Thomas Court Well, it looks like another year is winding down. Chapters
SW; Lakewood, WA 98498. Donations are appreciated. have their new officers as well as our SW Region.
BIG NEWS: The Tahoma Chapter will be the Host for
National Convention in July 2014. Mark your calendars
and plan to attend. We are so excited to have GSW’s be
treated to the Beautiful Northwest again.
South East Region
South West Region Officers from right to left:
President Patty Termini, VP Salina Jimenez,
Secretary Jacqueline Simmons, Treasurer Betty
Crawford, Parliamentarian Ada McArthur,
Historian Lorna Kenny, Chaplain Joyce Sihler
South East Region Officers (right to left): Rachel
Clinkscale, Region President; Emily Toliver, Region
Vice President; Nancy Pepper, Region Secretary;
Harriet Boyden, Region Treasurer; Gerline Wright,
Region Parlimentarian; Mary Mosely, Region
Historian; Mary Justice-Connors, Region Chaplain.
President: Patty Termini Phoenix, Vice-President Salina
Jimenez Golden Gate, Secretary Jacqueline Simmons
Las Vegas Valley, Treasurer Betty Crawford Phoenix,
Parliamentarian Ada McArthur Las Vegas Valley,
Historian Lorna Kenney Inland Empire, Chaplain Joyce
Sihler Channel Islands.
Southeast Conference
Vietnam Remembrance Day, Phoenix, Arizona.
(L-R) Patty Termini, SW Region President;
Patty Hopper, Phoenix Chapter Chaplain;
Kathy Upchurch, Phoenix Chapter; and Mary
Williams, Phoenix Chapter President.
Left to Right: Lona Bowes, Edwona Coffer,
and first time attendee, Sandy Gaudy.
Phoenix Chapter is busy with numerous activities:
Las Vegas Chapter
Az. Hall of Fame Luncheon, Snowball Express, Pearl
Harbor Memorial, Operation Home Front, Memorial Day
– National Cemetery, Wreaths Across America, Navarette
School Veterans program, Vietnam Celebration Dinner,
Veterans Day parades, Retiree Day at Luke AFB, US Vets
Standdown, Welcoming Soldiers Home, Akimel School
Patriotic Day, Beirut Memorial Service
Defending Freedom Red Rock Memorial, Memorial Day
Remembrance – Filipino American Veterans, VFW Gold
Star Families Memorial in Reno, Veterans Day Parade,
Wreaths Across America, KIA Honor Flag Ceremony
Denver Chapter
They are busy planning for the 2013 National GSW
Convention held from July 10-14. Mark your calendars! I
know Patti Sampers is as busy as a bee getting everything
organized. Participated in United Veterans monthly
meetings, Aurora Chamber of Commerce Defense Council
monthly meetings, Memorial Day Parade, wreaths across
America, wreath laying at Ft. Logan, Veterans’ Day
parade, Colorado Yellow Ribbon Day, UVC Annual
Golden State Chapter
Castle Chapter
Donations to nursing home, Memorial Day service, toured
the Fisher House at Travis AFB
Channel Islands
Attended the Memorial and Veterans Day ceremonies,
Wreaths Across America, Ventura County Standdown
Inland Empire
Veterans Day Ceremony, Memorial Day ceremony
San Diego
Veterans Day parade, Memorial Day ceremonies, Wreaths
Across America
This chapter has been very active attending Women
Veteran Standdown, Veterans Day Activities, Wreaths Standdown for Homeless Vets, Memorial Day
Across America and also helping with Snowball Express. ceremony, Veterans Day parade
Patty Termini
South West Region President
Attention 2013
Convention Attendees
If you are currently using ADA Para
transit, please contact RTD Access-a-Ride at
GSW’s newest chapter, Cheyenne Mountain, announces
their officers: President Adrienn Loughmiller, Vice
President Jocelyn Serrano, Secretary Nannette
Byrne-Haupt, Treasurer Abigail Lane, Historian Stephanie
Swisher, and Parliamentarian LeeSandra Thibodeau.
303.299.2960 at least two weeks prior to the
Convention to get registered as a visitor in
our system so you can use it here in Denver.
I nternet C ommitee
The Internet Committee was established by the Board
of Directors in direct response to membership request.
The purposes of the Committee are:
• Reach consensus on content, display, form, and
• Implement provisions agreed to at convention
• Update and modernize current web offerings
The members of the Internet Committee are: Debra
Kraus, Jeanette Early, Janet Snyder, Suzanne Gerstner,
Corinna Gibson-Ashmead, Kathleen Cardona, Jim Raneri- Prime Management, Jody Nyalko- DC Liaison.
In January, GSW received notification that Toad Websites could no longer provide services due to their own
business needs. They have graciously allowed us to
transfer our domain to a new location. We are appreciative of all the hard work and generous support Toad
Websites has provided us over the past 12 years.
The Internet Committee has recommended and received
approval to move the GSW website to a Membership
Management Platform so that we can richly enhance
our members’ web experience, provide a library of
resources (to include digitizing and storing historical
records and providing governing documents) and combine current web offerings (such as message boards) in
one location under one administration. This initiative
is generously funded by a donation from United Health
Care. We are grateful for their Sponsorship.
Although the Committee has reviewed several sources
and made a final recommendation, the Board of Directors has not yet approved the disbursement to pay
for it. We were hoping to have this finalized and up
and running by the 2013 Convention so that we could
distribute information regarding how to use the site.
This has been delayed. As soon as this disbursement is
approved, the hard work will begin.
Public Relations Chair
Please remember to share your Memorial Day
activities with me so I might add to my convention
report. It doesn’t matter what you do; big or small.
If you have been a speaker at a club meeting, written
an article for your local paper or church bulletin, put
our brochures out at Military Service Organizations
and cemeteries, etc. Please send me some notes of the
happenings and outcome. I would love to have the
report that goes to National Convention, in Denver,
this July have numbers and examples of “all sorts
of public relations” all over our regions. Post them
on our Face Book page too. A special appeal to you
MAL’s (member at large) to share what you do and
ideas you have. Never underestimate your power and
influence. Be the friend you would want to have. Send
your “happenings” of who, what, where, members
involved and outcome to me as soon as they occur, as
we too soon forget. Send copies of published events
also. Notes and articles don’t have to be fancy, just
the facts. Thanks for your interest and help.
This Memorial Day serves as a reminder of not only
the sacrifice of our loved ones, but of ours too. Give
yourselves a hug and be kind to yourselves and each
Judi Van Cleave, Public Relations Chair
2005 Southeast 51st Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97215-3313
If you have suggestions for improvement, comments,
concerns, or positive feedback, please contact any of
the members of the Internet Committee. Your input is
invaluable to the Internet Committee.
P arliamentarian ’ s “C hat ”
Henry Martyn Robert first published his Robert’s
Rules of Order in 1876. The rules quickly became
accepted as the authoritative work on meeting rules.
Members of his family continued to update and add
revisions to his work, and his grandson carries on
the legacy to this day.
Although early democratic practices can be credited
to the Greeks, the name “Parliamentary Procedure”
embodies the tradition of rules and customs that
have evolved over the centuries through trial and
error (mainly in the English Parliament).
will be considered vacated after a given period of
time. A post can be filled by appointment until the
next election.
On a personal note, I want to compliment the
chapter for putting on such an enjoyable regional
conference and surprising us with our Founder,
Marie Speer, and our Board Chair, Debra Kraus.
Marie gave an inspirational talk about Gold Star
Wives history. And, Debra discussed how Gold Star
Wives was evolving. She also asked for ideas to
help that along.
The Importance and Value of Parliamentary
Procedure is that rules provide a clear pathway
and process by which organizations can work out
solutions to the greatest number of questions in the
least amount of time.
I was re-elected regional parliamentarian.
The purpose of having a quorum is to avoid small
groups of individuals from passing laws and
business that might be contrary to the desire of the
Remember: you may submit resolutions right up
and through the Convention, but those submitted
after June 15th should be duplicated by you or your
chapter, so that delegates get a copy.
Have a wonderful and productive Convention. I
will see you in the following years.
Because I will not be able to attend our Convention
in Denver, I thought it best to give another member
the opportunity to run for the office I have held for
the past five years. I want to thank you so much
1) What is a Quorum and why it’s important to for giving me your trust and confidence, and I’ll
have one
continue to be available to help with questions and
to assist those who need help drafting resolutions.
A Quorum is the minimal number of members
Patti Sampers is coordinating the Denver
attending a meeting who must be present in order
to conduct serious business. For example, if there
Convention, and all resolutions from this date on
are twenty members on a Board, eleven must be
(May 10, 2013) should go to Paula Sarlls, 3066 So
present to conduct important business. There has to Granby St, Aurora, CO 80014. The resolutions I
be a majority. The requirement of having a quorum have now will be sent to her certified return receipt,
applies to all meetings from the local to the national and if any more come to me, I will be sure she gets
2) When a member cannot perform her duties to the organization
Members have the responsibility to inform their
chapter leaders or regional or national leaders when
they are unable to carry out their duties.
When a member does not respond to calls, a
certified return receipt letter should be respectfully
sent informing her that her assignment or position
My very best wishes to you all,
Jaimey Steele
National Parliamentarian
Gold Star Wives of America
Send resolutions to Paula Sarlls at 3066 So Granby
St, Aurora, CO 80014
VAVS N otes
As you know National Volunteers Week was April
21st thru 27th. This is when we celebrate by giving awards and recognition to our volunteers who
graciously give their time, talents, and resources to
support our veterans and their families.
Laura Balun
If you have not heard by now Laura Balun, Director
of Voluntary Service Office, will be retiring after
23 years of service. The Office of Communications
Health Administration had a retirement ceremony
for her on June 26th, at the Department of Veterans
Affairs in Washington D.C. Laura states that; “We
cannot thank you enough for everything you do to
support and care for our Veterans. Please know
we are extremely grateful every day for your hard
work and commitment. We are thrilled to have the
occasion of National Volunteer Week to express
our sincere gratitude and are honored to work with
you each and every day. Your dedication is inspirational and a great testament to the importance of
giving something back to those who have defended
our freedom. I feel privileged to extend a personal
thank you for your tremendous contribution to
American Veterans”.
Memorial Day History
To ensure the sacrifices of American’s fallen heroes
are never forgotten, in December 2000, the U.S.
Congress passed and the president signed into law,
“The National Moment of Remembrance Act”. P.L.
106-579 creating the White House Commission
on the National Moment of Remembrance. The
commission’s charter is to encourage the people of
the United States to give something back to their
country, which provides them so much freedom and
opportunity by encouraging and coordinating commemorations in the United States, of Memorial Day
and National Moment of Remembrance.
The National Moment of Remembrance encourages all Americans to pause wherever they are at
3:00 p.m. local time on Memorial Day for a minute of silence to remember and honor those who
have died in service to the nation. As Moment of
Remembrance founder, Carmella La Spada states;
“It’s a way we can all help put the memorial back in
Memorial Day”.
As we move forward, I leave you with this;
“Volunteering creates a National character in
which the community and the Nation take
on a spirit of compassion, comradeship, and
~Brian O Connell
Audrey Easterling
VAVS National and Certifying Officer
Updates to Directory
Page 4
Nominations Chair Heidi Waugh has a new address: 2892 Sandy Cay St, Clermont, FL 34711;
Phone number: 407-614-2608.
Page 6
North Central Region President has a new email:
Page 11
Tar Heel Chapter President – street address is
Kincross Ave (not Kincress).
WARNING: Emails that appear to be from
your friends or associates asking for urgent
money – usually they are traveling and
have had an emergency are almost always
a scam or hoax. Their email accounts have
been hacked into. If you receive this from
a friend or family member and are genuinely concerned, ask them to call you to
Please file your 990-N and e-mail me a copy
of the accepted form.
Thanks to the 25 that have already complied.
Betty Crawford
National Treasurer or
verify everything. Google ‘Stranded Traveler’ Scam for more information.
Editor contact info:
Corinna Gibson-Ashmead
Please send newsletter submissions to Birmingham GSW office.
The Gold Star Wives of America, Inc. Newsletter is published
each March, June, September, and December by Gold Star
Wives of America, Inc., P.O. Box 361986, Birmingham, AL
35236. Annual Dues are $25.
To submit articles or pictures: Information may be mailed
to the above address, emailed to,
or faxed to 205-823-2760. Articles may be edited and all
articles may not be used. Pictures will not be returned unless
a self-addressed and stamped envelope is included with your
picture and “Please Return” is written on the back of the
picture. Pictures should include a written (preferably typed)
caption. Please include names in order from left to right.
We ask that any article sent to us for publication be typed and
make sure the content is in proper form.  It is not our policy
to correct grammar, spelling, sentence structure, etc.  On occasion, we may ask that you shorten your article as we only
have a certain amount of space and we try to fit all pictures
and articles in that amount of space.  If you are quoting from
another article please give credit to the original article.
Change of Address Form
If your address has changed, or will be changing soon, please fill
in your new address and send this entire page to:
Gold Star Wives of America, Inc.
PO Box 361986
Birmingham, AL 35236
City, State and Zip________________________________________
Chapter or Member-at-Large_______________________________
GSW Email Groups
Information Group — Receive messages from GSW for issues that affect members or the organization. To join, email and include your name (to verify membership). This board is
Post 9-11-2001 Group — “Message board” that GSW sponsors for those whose spouses died on or after 9-11-2001. To join,
email and include your name and the circumstances of your spouse’s death. This board is
Members Group — “Message board” for all members. To join, email and include your name
(to verify membership).
Notice to Family Members — Upon the death of a member, please send a notice to the address below or call 1-888-7516350 or email so that the chapter/region can be notified and the member can be included in GSW’s
Memorial Service at the National Convention.
Gold Star Wives of America, Inc.
PO Box 361986
Birmingham, AL 35236
Address Service Requested