Neighbors of Darien
Neighbors of Darien
Chamber of Commerce Membership Directory City of Darien 1702 Plainfield Rd. Darien, Illinois 60561 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 93 WESTMONT, IL 60559 POSTAL CUSTOMER Community Guide 2011 - 2012 Your community magazine May/June 2011 Community Guide/DCC Membership Directory Table of Contents Mayor Weaver is reelected..................12 Darien Police Chief retires........................................... 14 For story suggestions and calendar listings: For advertising opportunities: A message from our mayor............................................ 6 Important Darien phone numbers................................ 8 Senior Services.................................................................. 9 City demographics.......................................................... 10 City departments .......................................................... 10 Elected officials................................................................ 11 Schools.............................................................................. 15 Parks & sports................................................................. 16 Community organizations............................................. 18 Indian Prairie Public Library.......................................... 19 Houses of worship.......................................................... 20 Sizzling Summer Dates................................................... 20 City news.......................................................................... 22 Chamber of Commerce Membership Directory Introduction and board members..........................................25 Alphabetical member listing......................................................26 “Yellow Pages” member listing by category......................38 630-992-2121 630-995-3482 630-995-3484 (fax) Neighbors Staff and Contributors: Valerie Karpeck, Publisher Sharon Kassl, Production Director Mary Coyle Sullivan, Editor Linnea Carlson, Creative Director Colleen Zawarus, Graphic Artist Photo contributions - including cover - by Locke Photography Community Liaisons: Mary Ann Crooks, Chamber Administrator, Darien Chamber of Commerce, 630-968-0004; Scott Coren, Assistant City Administrators City of Darien, 630-353-8104; Mary Wintermute, Administrative Secretary, 630-353-8115; Christine Cigler, Public Information Coordinator, Indian Prairie Public Library 630-887-8760 Emerald Marketing, Inc • © 2011. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may reproduced in any manner without the express written permission of the publisher. Locke Photography • Wedding Packages Available • Family Portraits - $65 per Session • This Spring: College Recruitment Videos Produced 630.985.9123 2011-2012 Community Guide/DCC Membership Directory A message from our Mayor 6 “Be the change you want to see in the world.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi quotes This summer will mark a change for the City of Darien. Two of our most dedicated City servants will be leaving their official posts with us, although we hope they will continue to be available for support and to use the vast knowledge they have accumulated throughout the years. Change is a constant for organizations in the 21st century, and while we have developed other individuals to help fill their roles to ensure the City will still run smoothly, we will miss them dearly. Bob Pavelchik, our Police Chief since 2002, has decided to retire. He began his career as a police officer in 1978 and was promoted to Sergeant in 1993. He also served as a field training officer, DARE instructor and detective. The minutes from his appointment as Chief of Police read, “Mayor Soldato also expressed his belief that Robert Pavelchik would bring integrity and new life into the Police Department.” Mayor Soldato’s words from this meeting proved to be prophetic, as Chief Pavelchik has done an exceptional job over the past nine years serving residents and employees through both good and difficult economic times, always looking out for the best interests of the community. In my time as Mayor his expertise proved invaluable, and he will be greatly missed. Joanne Coleman, our Clerk since 1991, decided not to run for re-election. Clerk Coleman was in charge of elections, our meeting schedules, official documents of the City of Darien, and much more. She was a leader in moving the office into the 21st century, making documents available to the public both in hard copy and electronically on the website. The last twenty years have been exceptional in terms of giving residents easy access to their local governments, allowing them to provide input and follow the actions of their elected boards. Her leadership has guided us to be the open and honest government we are proud of being. The last few months have been busy, with the City Council passing a budget that includes many of the exceptional programs which Darien residents expect and deserve. Many residents provided input on the decisions and process, but the passage of the budget is only the beginning of the decisions made on programming throughout the year. Residents are always encouraged to attend City Council meetings or specific committee meetings devoted to the Police, Municipal Services, and Administration. If we can be of assistance with any project or concern during the summer, please feel free to contact City Hall at (630) 852-5000. Respectfully, Kathleen Weaver CITY OF DARIEN Mayor IMPORTANT CONTACTS Important Contacts 8 Darien Chamber of Commerce............630-968-0004 ..................................................... City of Darien............................................630-852-5000 City Administrator.................................... 630-353-8114 Community Development.......................630-353-8115 Public Works.............................................. 630-353-8105 Post Office – Westmont.........................630-968-0855 Humane Society – Darien........................630-375-7976 Fire Departments — 911 for Emergency Darien-Woodridge................................... 630-910-2200 Tri-State.......................................................630-323-6445 Lemont.......................................................... 630-257-2376 Police Department — 911 for Emergency Darien...........................................................630-971-3999 TDD...............................................................630-971-3999 Utilities Com Ed...................................................1-800-EDISON1 Nicor............................................................ 630-629-2500 ATT New Service.......................................... 888-244-4444 Repair....................................................... 888-611-4466 Comcast Cable........................................... 866 594-1234 Internet Serivce..................................... 888 423-7888 Downers Grove Sanitary District........ 630-969-0664 Veolia Environmental Services..............708-409-9700 Senior Corner Library Indian Prairie Library.............. 630-887-8760 Park District..................................... 630-968-6400 Senior services Dial a Ride...................................................630-968-6408 Home Maintenance.................................. 630-620-9794 Indian Prairie Library............................... 630-887-8760 Meals on Wheels...................................... 630-620-0804 Para Transit.................................................630-682-7000 Subsidized Taxi...........................................630-852-5000 Schools..................................... 630-468-4000 #99.................................................................630-795-7100 #210...............................................................630-257-5838 #61................................................................ 630-968-7505 #66................................................................630-783-5000 #113 ..............................................................630-257-2286 #60 .............................................................. 630-323-2086 #63................................................................630-985-2000 Kingswood Academy................................. 630-887-1411 Marquette Manor Baptist....................... 630-964-5363 Our Lady of Peace.................................... 630-325-9220 Community clubs & organizations Active Seniors Club.................................. 630-427-0282 Boy Scout Troop 101................................ 630-769-1955 Cass 63 Foundation.................................. 630-910-8664 Darien VFW............................................... 630-963-3858 Darien Chamber of Commerce............630-968-0004 United Soccer Academy (formerly Dynamo) Darien Garden Club..................................630-964-2614 Darien Historical Society........................ 630-964-7033 Darien Lions Club..................................... 630-258-7239 Darien Rotary Club..................................630-434-5075 Darien Seniors Club................................. 630-910-0854 Darien Swim & Racquet Club................630-964-8656 Darien Woman’s Club..............................530-512-0841 Darien Youth Club (DYC)......................630-205-0202 Darien Blood Drive Program................ 630-968-4160 District 61 Foundation............................. 630-992-2121 DuPage Senior Council........................... 630-620-0804 Darien SWARM ....................................... 773-343-4325 Gift of Carl Foundation...........................630-418-0009 Hinsdale Area Woman’s Connection................................................. 773-343-4760 Hinsdale South Boosters....................... 630-648-4000 Kiwanis........................................................ 630-654-8484 Safety Village .............................................630-968-0777 Sharing Connections.................................630-971-0565 Rotary Club................................................630-434-5075 Younger than Ever Seniors................ 630-920-1599 Younger at Heart Seniors..................630-852-3303 YMCA...................................................... 630-929-2408 Real estate tax information that can save you money! Darien senior citizens should contact the Downers Grove Township Assessor’s Office to see if they qualify for any real estate tax relief through several programs. Senior Homestead Exemption: senior citizens may be eligible for a $3,000 reduction from the equalized assessed valuation. Assessment Freeze Homestead Exemption: senior citizens may be eligible for protection against real estate tax increases. Real Estate Tax Deferral: senior citizens may be eligible to defer payment of real estate taxes and any special assessments. Minimally, these programs require that you be 65 years of age, meet income guidelines, own and occupy your home, and are liable for the payment of your real estate taxes. Call the Downers Grove Township Office to see if you qualify and for an application at 630-968-2100. Meals on Wheels: City of Darien residents will once again be able to participate in Meals on Wheels this year through the DuPage Senior Citizen Council. Each year Darien donates funds to allow seniors to receive a hot meal. If you are interested in this program, please call 630-620-0804 9 Operating Budget $12,335,784 Date of Incorporation December 13, 1969 Area of Jurisdiction Approximately 9.5 square miles Population 22,086 Housing Units 9,275 Miles of Improved Streets 68 miles Miles of Sidewalks Approximately 103 Miles of Sewers Storm-54.5 Miles of Water Mains 84.9 Number of Street Lights 302 Gallons of Water Consumed 773.9 million Number of Registered Voters 15,384 Recreation Number of park acres Number of playgrounds Number of facilities 154 17 3 Data collected from 2010 Census and the Darien Welcome Packet 10 Elected Officials City of Darien 1702 Plainfield Rd. • Darien, IL 60561 • 630-852-5000 Hours: Mon.-Fri., 8:30 am-5 pm • Log on to the City of Darien Web site at for the most recent information on meetings, ordinances and regulations. City Administrator Municipal Services Director Bryon D. Vana Dan Gombac, 630-353-8114 630-353-8106 Position Name & Address Home Phone Term Kathleen Moesle Weaver 1112 Foxtail Court, 630-271-1619 05/21/11-05/2015 City Clerk JoAnne E. Ragona 1726 Holly Avenue, 630-963-6248 05/21/11-05/2015 City Treasurer Michael J. Coren 2980 Meadow Court, 630-985-0974 05/21/11-05/2015 Alderman, Ward One Ted V. Schauer 7922 Pine Court, tschauer@ 630-969-3081 05/04/09-05/2013 Alderman, Ward Two Tina M. Beilke 126 Holly, 630-789-2597 05/21/11-05/2015 Alderman, Ward Three John F. Poteraske, Jr. 7502 Grant Street, 630-968-0199 05/04/09-05/2013 Deputy Chiefs John Cooper, 630-353-8359 Alderman, Ward Four Joerg Seifert 7726 Farmingdale Drive, 630-789-8177 05/21/11-05/2015 Alderman, Ward Five 630-254-2421 05/04/09-05/2013 David E.Skala, 630-353-8357 Joseph A. Marchese 8412 Kentwood Court, Alderman, Ward Six Sylvia McIvor Farmingdale Village, 312-961-9230 05/21/11-05/2015 Alderman, Ward Seven Halil Avci 6909 Sierra Drive, 630-963-4260 05/04/09-05/2013 Community Development Senior Planner Michael Griffith 630-353-8114 City Accountant Paul Nosek 630-353-8112 Police Department Police Chief Robert Pavelchik 630-353-8133 Clerk’s Office Maria Gonzalez 630-353-8110 Elected City Officials Mayor Assistant City Administrator Scott Coren 630-353-8104 City Attorney John B. Murphey Rosenthal, Murphey, Coblentz & Janega 30 North LaSalle St., Ste. 1624 • Chicago, IL 60602 Office: 312-541-1072 The Mayor, City Clerk and City Treasurer are elected at large from the entire City, with one Alderman elected from each of the seven wards to serve four-year terms. City Council meetings are held on the first and third Mondays of each month at City Hall in the Council Chambers beginning at 7:30pm. Elected Officials Darien demographics Darien Demographics & City Departments 11 Community Congratulations to Kathleen Moesle Weaver on her re-election as Mayor of the City of Darien! By: Mary Coyle Sullivan T he April fifth election was one of great debate with many of the current city wide elected officials facing opposition. Incumbent Mayor Kathy Weaver was re-elected. Uncontested incumbent city council members Michael Coren and Sylvia McIvor held on to their seats while newcomers Joanne Ragona, Tina Beilke and Joerg Seifert will join the council this May. I had an opportunity to sit down and meet with Mayor Weaver as she reflects on the past and looks ahead to the future of our city. One of her top priorities for the next four years is to maintain the quality of life in Darien. She feels that strong businesses, schools and infrastructure go hand-in-hand with a strong community. The first step in doing this is to continue the partnership that is already in place with the Darien Chamber of Commerce. Mayor Weaver is energized about the business growth currently on the horizon. She is very excited about the collaborative efforts that have already started with City Hall and the Chamber. Business growth has been subtly happening over the last few years. There will be more drastic changes taking place in the months and years ahead. To highlight a few items: the contract has been signed in the Towne Centre area for Wal-Mart to become a Super Center. Additionally, areas like Chestnut Court will be fully leased by the end of summer, Smashburger will arrive on 75th & Lyman, there is expressed interest in the vacant Hollywood Video space and talks continue on the development of the City Center on Cass Avenue between Plainfield and 75th Street. One of the many joint ventures between the Chamber and City is DarienFest. Addressing speculation that the fest will not take place in 2011, Mayor Weaver has confirmed that “DarienFest is funded for 2011 and the City and Chamber will continue to explore the cost of the event in order to determine what will happen in the years following.” In cooperation with the Darien Park District, the chamber was able to secure a reduction in the cost for permits on Community Park. The new Darien City Council, as of May 2, 2011. From left to right. Top row: John Poteraske (Ward 3), Ted Shauer (Ward 1), Joseph Marchese (Ward 5), Tina Beilke (Ward 2), Halil Avci (Ward 7) Sitting: Joanne Ragona (City Clerk), Kathy Weaver (Mayor), Michael Coren (City Treasurer) Not pictured: Joerg Seifert (Ward 4), Sylvia McIvor (Ward 6) One of City Hall’s biggest challenges ahead is the union negotiation with the police force. The process was put on hold until after the election. Now it is time to go back to the table and cooperatively explore the safest and most cost effective manner to serve the community. Her opponent, Kevin Monaghan, pressed the issue of downsizing the police force during the recent campaign. Mayor Weaver stressed that the safety of the community comes first. She felt it was time to test a program that would allow for cutbacks in manpower due to the extensive amount of overtime that was occurring. There has been two months of statistics gathered on the plan and the Police Chief, department and city hall continue to study the data. Thus far the consensus is that there has not been any impact on Chase Bank has signed a letter of intent for the corner of 75th and Cass Avenue. This parcel will be developed first and then followed up with the adjoining properties. There will be uniformity from one end of the center to the other once completed. The City Center concept was brought to light years ago when the comprehensive plan was created. Due to a decline in the economy and issues with the EPA, the development has taken much longer than originally anticipated. Weaver said the city will revisit the proposals that were laid out by the two developers who were finalists in the plan. The city will then secure one of them as the organization to put this plan into action and create what the community has anxiously awaited to see come out of the ground. 12 13 services. Chief Bob Pavelchik is retiring from his post after serving as chief since 2002. He has been a member of the police force since 1978. Mayor Weaver was asked if the retirement of Chief Pavelchik would have any impact on the negotiation process. She responded that, “Chief Pavelchik’s retirement will not have an impact on the police negotiations. At this point we are waiting to hear back from the union as to whether they are ready to resume negotiations which they stopped awaiting the outcome of the mayoral election. Personally, it is bittersweet to see the Chief retire. Bob has been a great police chief and he will be missed but I understand that he is ready for the next stage in his life and I am very happy for him.” No doubt the city has been faced with many challenges led by the downturn of the economy. In addition to the police union contract negotiations, Mayor Weaver looks forward to focusing her energy on the downtown development and expansion of 75th Street. These are major initiatives for the city. The city plans to continue their commitment to maintaining infrastructure and will resurface 6 miles of streets this summer along with sidewalk repair. A sampling of some of Mayor Weaver’s goals for her upcoming term: • Assure the citizens that the city is spending money wisely on their behalf. • Keep an eagle eye on the property tax rate and keep Darien one of the lowest in DuPage county. • Maintain quality of life for all Darien residents. • Bring more business to Darien that will in turn bring more people to the area. • Continue to work cooperatively with the Chamber of Commerce on initiatives that attract businesses and maintain a healthy partnership with the city. The outcome of the election is bringing many new faces to the Council Chambers. Mayor Weaver wants to work in unison with the veteran and new members for the greater good of Darien. She does not want to see the council wars of days gone by returning to the chambers. Cooperative government is how city hall will continue to run and televised council meetings have really brought open and honest government to the forefront. She is confident that under her leadership the city will continue to operate in a professional manner that will serve the community well for the next four years. Police Chief Retires Chief Robert Pavelchik has announced his retirement after a 33-year police career in Darien, starting as a patrol officer in 1978. He was elevated to police chief 9 years ago and has done an incredible job leading the police department and helping maintain Darien as a “Nice Place to Live,” as well as a safe place to live. Pavelchik is extremely proud of the men and women he has served with and has enjoyed seeing their careers grow as well as the Darien Police Department. 14 Best wishes Chief— you will be greatly missed! Public High Schools Hinsdale South High School District # 86 7401 Clarendon Hills Road, Darien 630-887-1730 • Hinsdale Central High School District # 86 55th & Grant Streets, Hinsdale 630-887-1340 • Downers Grove South High School, Disrict #99 1436 Norfolk, Downers Grove 630-271-6599 • Lemont High School District #210 800 Porter Street, Lemont 630-257-5838 • Public Junior High Schools Eisenhower Jr. High School District #61 (6-8) 1410 - 75th Street, Darien 630-964-5200 • Lakeview Junior High School District #66 (6-8) 701 Plainfield Road Downers Grove, IL 60516 630-985-2700 • Cass Junior High School District #63 (5- 8) 8502 Bailey Road, Darien 630-985-1900 • Old Quarry Middle School District #113 (6-8) 16100 W. 127th Street, Lemont 630-257-2286 • Westview Hills Middle School District #60 (6-8) 630 65th Street, Willowbrook 630-515-4830 • Public Elementary Schools Maercker School District #60 (3-5) 5827 S. Cass Avenue, Westmont 630-968-6165 • Oakwood School District #113 (Pre-3) 1130 Kim Place, Lemont 630-257-2286 dial 1 • Bromberek School District #113 (3-5) 20W145 Davey Road, Lemont 630-257-2286 dial 2 • Holmes School District #60 (K-2) 5800 S. Holmes Avenue Clarendon Hills 630-323-2086 • Central School District #113 (3-5) 410 McCarthy Road, Lemont 630-257-2286 dial 3 • Lace School District #61 (3-5) 7414 Cass Ave., Darien 630-968-2589 • Mark DeLay School District #61 (K-2) 6801 Wilmette Ave., Darien 630-852-0200 Concord School District #63 (Pre-4) 1019 Concord Pl., Darien 630-968-3026 • Elizabeth Ide School District #66 (K-2) 2000 Manning Rd., Darien 630-971-3344 • Nazareth Academy Catholic High School 1209 West Ogden Ave., LaGrange 708-354-0061 darien Schools Community Darien Schools Parochial Elementary Schools Kingswood Academy (Pre-8) 133 Plainfield Rd., Darien 630-887-1141 • Our Lady of Peace (Pre-8) 709 Plainfield Rd., Darien 630-325-9220 • Marquette Manor Baptist (Pre12) 75th Street & Fairview Ave. Downers Grove 630-964-5363 • Pre-Schools Darien Park District First Step Preschool 7301 Fairview Ave., Darien 630.968.6400 • Lads and Lassies Preschool 1001 Hinsbrook Ave., Darien 630.969.8310 or 630.209.6822 St. John Early Learning Center 7214 S. Cass Ave., Darien 630-964-6022 • Prairie View School District #66 (3-5) 19W321 Plainfield Rd., Downers Grove 630-910-0804 • Parochial High Schools Benet Academy (High School) 2200 Maple Ln., Lisle 630-969-6550 • Montini Catholic High School 19 W 070 16th St., Lombard 630-627-6930 • 15 Darien Parks & Sports Darien Parks & Sports Organizations I mprovements continue to happen at the Park District. At their April 11 board meeting, the Board approved to purchase and install a new playground at Darien Community Park. The new playground area will be where the East playground currently sits, but the area will be double in size. Both the West and East playgrounds will be removed, as these are currently 13 and 16 years old, and are the most utilized in the Park District. The new playground area will have a playground structure for 2 to 5 year olds and one for 5 to 12 year olds, separated by a path with benches. Playground equipment will be installed this summer. The old West playground will remain up until the project is completed. The Darien Park District coordinates with SEASPAR (South East Association for Special Parks and Recreation) to provide comprehensive recreation opportunities for residents with disabilities. Individuals with attention deficit disorder, autism, behavior disorders, cognitive delays, Down Syndrome, epilepsy, hearing impairments, learning disabilities, physical impairments and visual impairments are all eligible for SEASPAR programs. Parks & Facilities: Birchwood Park 7200 Bayberry Lane Bowl Park 6850 Charleston Drive Chestnut Park 6700 Richmond Darien Community Park 7100 Clarendon Hills Road Community Center 7301 Fairview Avenue Driftwood Park Exner & Darien Club Drive Hinsbrook Park Beechnut & Hinsbrook Drive Holly Park 1700 71st Street Lindenwood Park 7901 Cass Avenue Meyer Woods 2500 Oldfield Road Nantucket Park Frontage Road & Nantucket Drive Pinewood Park 700 Portsmouth Drive Area Sports Organizations Darien Park District Community Center & Administration 630-968-6400 Chicago Hawks Hockey Club SEASPAR • 630-960-7600 Darien Swim & Racquet Club Sportsplex 451 Plainfield Rd., Darien 630-789-6666 Darien Youth Club United Soccer Academy (formerly Dynamo) Darien Athletic Association (SWARM) Hinsdale South Booster Club Ridgewood Park 7761 Wakefield Drive Smart Oaks Park 1500 N. Frontage Road South Grove Park #1 3201 Drover Lane South Grove Park #2 470 Beller Drive Sportsplex 451 Plainfield Road Westwood Park 1900 75th Street Maintenance Facility 802 Plainfield Road 16 arien is rich in support through its community organizations. Each issue of Neighbors features stories of the wonderful works going on within the community. Below is a listing of some of the groups that make Darien a Nice Place to Live! Be sure to visit throughout the year for updated information. If you would like your community group added to an ongoing directory of organizations, please email Gift of Carl Foundation Rob Vuillaume, 630-418-0009 Hinsdale Area Women’s Connection Jean Theis, 773-343-4760 Indian Boundary YMCA • 630-929-2408 Kiwanis • Bud Coglianese, 630-654-8484 A Caring Place Humane Society Lions Club • Lloyd Hemauer, 630-258-7239 Cass 63 Foundation for Educational Excellence Mary Sullivan, Chairperson ACT (Active Catholic Teens) Youth Ministry Group at Our Lady of Peace Church Father David, 630- 323-4333 ext. 26 Boy Scout Troop 101 Gary Myk (Scoutmaster), 630-769-1955 Ed Mack (Committee Chair), 630-910-6708 Younger Than Ever Senior Club at Our Lady of Peace Church Irene Blazek, 630-969-4263 Darien Park District Garden Club Liz Branham, 630-964-2614 • Darien District 61 Educational Foundation Barbara Finnegan, Chairperson Darien Historical Society Old Lace Schoolhouse & Museum 7422 Cass Ave. • 630-964-7033 Darien Woman’s Club Anne Christenson, 630-512-0841 18 Indian Prairie Public Library S ummer Reading For teens in grades Clubs (birth 7-12, the “You Are through grade Here” summer reading 6) are an easy way to club runs for the same keep your kids reading period. Teen programs over the summer! Sign will again include the up for the “One World, Practice ACT Test and Many Stories” summer the Practice PSAT Test. reading club that will run As always, the library through the summer May will have a reading club 16-August 6. Programs for adults, too. “Novel for children and families Destinations” lets adults will start the week of submit entries for books, June 13 and end the first DVDs or music CDs. week in August. The The program runs during kickoff program will be a the same time period. The popular Book Buddies Program pairs teen volunteers Family "Tie Dye Event" on Starting June 3, a weekly with readers in grades 1-4 for reading aloud. Monday, June 13. Among drawing will be held the events scheduled for for a movie theater gift children is the popular "Cook A Book" program. Prizes, card. The grand prize drawing will be held during the games, activities…all designed to help your children week of August 8. Online registration starts May 16 and maintain their reading ability over the summer. And registrations will also be taken in the library. Visit – it’s so much fun, they won’t even realize they’re for more information. learning! Indian Prairie Public Library 401 Plainfield Road, Darien, IL 60561 630-887-8760 Library Services Community Organizations Community Organizations Holy Name Society at Our Lady of Peace Church • John Magic, 630-985-0233 Rotary Club • Chris Gerrib, 630-434-5075 Safety Village Cindie Hagen, 630-969-4633 Beth Orr, 630-697-4549 Sharing Connections Furniture pick-up call 630-971-0565, ext. 300 19 Darien Events Darien Churches Houses of Worship 20 Christ the Servant Church (Roman Catholic) 8700 Havens Dr, Woodridge 630-910-0770 Our Lady of Mount Carmel (Roman Catholic) 8404 Cass Avenue 630-852-3303 Lord of Life Lutheran Church 725 - 75th Street 630-323-3161 Our Lady of Peace (Roman Catholic) 701 Plainfield Road 630-323-4333 Marion Hills Bible Church 142 Plainfield Road 630-986-0108 St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church 7214 Cass Avenue 630-969-7987 Ice Cream Social & Concert in the Park Wednesday, June 22 6:30-8:30pm Chi-Town Showstoppers Darien Community Park 4th of July Parade Monday, July 4, 9am Lemonade served post parade at Old Lace Museum Open House DarienFest September 9, 10 & 11 Darien Community Park Concerts in the Park Darien Community Park Saturday, July 9 K.O. Bossy 6:30 – 8:30pm Wednesday, July 27 Chicago’s Cover Story 7 – 8:30pm Saturday, August 20 Tbe Sensations 6:30 – 8:30pm Wednesday, August 24 J&T 7 – 8:30pm Suburban Life Community Church 8145 Cass Ave. 630-241-9691 Children’s Concert in the Park Wednesday, July 20 Lauraq Doherty 6:30 – 7:30pm Darien Community Park Movie in the Park Saturday, August 13 8:15pm - “Toy Story 3” Darien Community Park Darien City News 2011 Brush Pick-Up Schedule April 25 through 29 June 20 through 24 August 22 through 26 October 24 through 28 T I n conjunction with the street replacement program, the City of Darien will again offer reduced pricing to residents interested in replacing their sidewalks, driveways and aprons. Suburban Concrete was awarded the bid for 2011. The prices for 2011 are as follows: Driveways Sidewalks Apron Apron w/fiber mesh Curb & gutter Sealer $5.60 per square ft. $3.89 per square ft. $3.89 per square ft. $4.25 per square ft. $11.99 per square ft. $0.50 per square ft. Resident wishing to replace their driveways should call Suburban Concrete directly at 847-837-8805, and inform them you are a Darien resident. Suburban Concrete will invoice you for the work. he City of Darien is pleased to be able to offer FREE BRUSH PICKUP for all residents within city boundaries. To help keep the streets clean and our crews on schedule, please stack the brush neatly by the curb on the Sunday before the pickup week. The chipper can accept brush up to 6” in diameter. Please do not tie the brush or put it in garbage cans. All other yard waste such as grass clippings and flowers should be disposed of through our yard waste program with Veolia Environmental Services. All brush needs to be out no later than the Sunday night prior to the designated pick up week. The chipping crew will make only one pass and may complete your street as soon as Monday morning. Residents who are unable to put their brush out prior to the scheduled week can take it to the Municipal Services Facility, located at 1041 S. Frontage Road, and place at the designated location, labeled as “Brush”. Brush will be accepted Monday through Friday from 7am until 2:30pm. No landscape companies are allowed to dump at the facility. If you have any questions regarding brush pick up, please contact Municipal Services at 630-353-8105. Resident wishing to replace the sidewalk, apron or depress their driveway curb should call City Hall at 630-353-8102. The City will invoice you for this work. The deadline to participate in this year’s program is July 11. Watering Restrictions B eginning May 15 through September 15 of each year, the City of Darien restricts the watering of trees, gardens, lawns, shrubs or other outdoor plants. Residents may not water between the hours of 11am and 7pm. This helps to conserve water by preventing evaporation during the hottest part of the day. Wood chip delivery W ood chip delivery from the City of Darien will again be available this year. There will be a delivery fee of $35.00 for a half load, which is approximately 3 cubic yards of chips, and $55.00 for a full load, which is approximately 8 cubic yards of chips. Wood chips may be picked up at the Public Works facility at no charge. The wood chips are double ground and are delivered on Fridays. Please call Municipal Services at 630-353-8105 for more information or to schedule a delivery. 22 Mission Statement of the City of Darien T he City of Darien is committed to providing superior governmental services improving the quality of life for residents, businesses and visitors. The City aims to achieve this mission by: • keeping all segments of the City safe and secure at all times • delivering professional, courteous, and equitable service • striving to attain the highest benefit for the least cost • initiating and carrying out partnerships with businesses and other governmental organizations • using technology effectively • maintaining and improving the City’s infrastructure and public areas • seeking and valuing input from citizens and businesses • evaluating and prioritizing the needs on a continual basis and through the annual budgeting process • attracting and retaining high quality staff • protecting and improving the value of residential neighborhoods through sound land planning and zoning decisions Darien City Council Meetings Darien City News 2011 concrete replacement program May 2, May 16, June 6 & June 20 2011 street program in progress T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 his year’s street program includes the followings roads, which total 29,835 feet in length of maintenance and repairs for the City of Darien. Residents can expect to see the following road applications: Grinding: The process utilizes equipment to remove STREET LIMIT approximately 2 to 3 inches of Brewer Rd Grandview Ln to Alden Ln the exiting road surface. Drover Ln Parkview Dr to Burgess Ln Leveling Binder: An asphalt Hillside Ln Meadow Ln to Woodvale Dr product used to eliminate Sandalwood Ct Beller Dr to Water Tower Ct imperfections in the roadway. Fox Hill Place Carriage Green Dr to Limit Area Reflective Crack Kentwood Ct Creekside Ln to limit Control Treatment: A blanket material that prevents Green Valley Rd Green Valley Ct to Wakefield Dr premature reflective cracking. Green Valley Ct Green Valley Rd to Limit The product further extends Wakefield Dr Green Valley Rd to Abbey Dr the life of the pavement. The Galway Ct Darien Club Dr to limit application of the product Limerick Ct Darien Club Dr to limit is completed approximately Kelly Ct Darien Club Dr to limit 24 hours prior to the final 72nd Street Fairview Ave to Gold Grove Pl application. 69th Street Cass to Clarendon Hills Rd Bituminous surface: The 70th Street Richmond to Clarendon Hills Rd final application/top coat for 70th Street cds 1 70th St to Limit the road. 70th Street cds 2 70th St to Limit 70th Street cds 3 70th St to Limit Darien Ln 75th St to Timber Ln Evans Pl Elm St to Janet Ave Western Ave Plainfield Road to 72nd Street Richmond Ave 67th Street to north limit High Ridge Ct Richmond Ave to limit Sleepy Hollow cds Sleepy Hollow Ln to limit 23 11th Annual Thanks to our 2011 Darien Dash Sponsors! Platinum: Home Run Inn Pizza Neighbors of Darien Magazine Gold: Ashton Place – Marie’s Catering Chicago Rush Arena Football Darien Park District DuPage Star Technology Silver: Sunday, May 15 8:30 am Race Start Darien Community Park 10K, 5K, 1Mile Races Register online by Friday, May 13 AthletiCo ATI Physical Therapy Blue Diamond Group Goers Dental Care Mancione Improvements Michael J. Jablonski, Ltd. CPAs Midtown Athletic Club Patio Restaurant Q Billiards & Sports Bar Republic Bank State Bank of Countryside Tutor Doctor VisoGraphic Bronze: B & R Dentists Barbara J. Vondra, CPA Burr Ridge Veterinary Clinic Citizens Financial Bank Community Bank of Willowbrook Hinsdale Animal Cemetery and Crematory Indian Prairie Public Library J Hutter Marketing Lads and Lassies Preschool Manor Press Michael Overmann, Ltd. – Attorneys At Law Platinum Endeavors, LLC Suburban Life Publications Left to right: Mary Kay Slowikowski, Valerie Karpeck, Chris Hochstedt, Corrine Ganiec, Angelo Imbrogno, Steve Hynek, Mike Overmann, Bill Friedrich, Andrew Blumenfeld Working for you Darien Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors D arien is fortunate to have a strong Chamber of Commerce to help businesses with networking, education, best business practices and providing other opportunities for business. The mission of the organization is to work proactively with all community leaders to enhance the vitality and prosperity of the organization to the benefit of citizens, schools, government, emergency services and organizations of Darien. The City and Chamber often cooperate in civic and business activities in the area. Angelo Imbrogno, President The Blue Diamond Group 630-985-8700 Ralph Caccavale Copy Cat Graphics 708-442-0089 Steve Hynek Ashton Place & Marie’s Catering 630-789-3337 Jack Mancione, Vice President Werk Management & Mancione Improvements 630-241-0001 Bill Carpenter The Perfect Swing 630-910-3617 Valerie Karpeck Neighbors of Darien & County Line Properties 630-992-2121 Julio Check J. Vincent’s Salon & Day Spa 630-910-1011 Mike Overmann Michael Overmann Ltd.— Attorneys At Law 630-810-0316 Corrine Ganiec, Secretary Citizens Financial Bank 630-203-1227 Directors Andy Blumenfeld DuPage Star Technology 630-852-9902 Bill Friedrich Insphere Insurance Solutions 708-567-3139 Chris Hochstedt EXiT Real Estate Partners 630-750-9275 Mary Kay Slowikowski Slowikowski & Associates 630-910-8920 2525 Darien Chamber of Commerce AAA Downers Grove Lucy Leahy 7331 Lemont Rd. Downers Grove, IL 60516 630-241-5400 x-207 F:630-271-1106 Insurance ADC Engraving & Gifts Debra Ambrose 7511 Lemont Rd. #158 Darien, IL 60561 630-427-0552 Engraving & Gifts ADK Realty LLC Anne Durkin-Kaplan 525 Chestnut Lane Darien, IL 60561 630-842-0278 F: 630-323-1335 Realtors Advanced Home Care, Inc. Linnell Allred 8320 S. Lemont Rd. Darien, IL 60561 630-437-5579 F:630-437-5581 Home Health Care Angelo Imbrogno 2871 83rd St. • Darien, IL 60561 630-985-8538 Golf Ball Sales 26 Apex Imaging Equipment Co., Inc. Stan Marciniak 4800 S. Central Ave., Suite 5001 Chicago, IL 60638 708-496-9993 F: 708-496-9994 Office Equipment Sales, Service & Supplies Argonne National Laboratory Cynthia L. Wilkinson 9700 S. Cass Ave. • Argonne, IL 60439 630-252-5561 F: 630-252-5274 • Research & Development Ashley Foods, Inc. Jay Lane 1707 Ivy Lane • Montgomery, IL 60538 630-897-4937 Food Concessionaire Ashton Place Lisa Shemroske 341 75th St. • Willowbrook, IL 60527 630-789-3337 F: 630-789-3331 Banquet Facilities ATI Physical Therapy Nick Wesolowski 7511 Lemont Rd., Suite 204 Darien, IL 60561 630-985-4010 F: 630-985-4056 Physical Therapy Alliance Stairs & Railings, Inc. Randy Ragain 6S730 Vandustrial Dr. Westmont, IL 60559 630-988-3546 F: 630-985-2840 Stairs and Railings Automated Forms & Graphics, Inc. Michael T. Field 106 Stephen St., Suite 102B Lemont, IL 60439 630-887-9811 F: 630-887-9859 Printing & Promotional Products Alpine Banquets, Inc. Helen Kos 8230 S. Cass Ave. • Darien, IL 60561 630-964-4154 F: 630-964-3560 Banquet Facilities B & R Dentists Belsam Kashlan DDS 2861 83rd St. • Darien, IL 60561 630-427-1800 F: 630-427-1801 Dentists Aodake Sushi & Steak House Amy Tu, Lucy Pan 2129 75th St. • Darien, IL 60561 630-719-9888 F:630-719-9988 Restaurants & Caterers Bank of America Retail Mortgage Sales Eva Mansour 139 N. Cass Ave., 2nd floor Westmont, IL 60559 630-541-1043 evamansour • eva.mansour@ Mortgages Chamber members alphabetical listing: B – C Barbara’s Elegant Touch Staffing, Inc. Barbara Gilleece 5741 Webster St. Downers Grove, IL 60516 630-341-3337 F: 630-719-1657 www.barbaraseleganttouchstaffing. com • Event Planning, Staffing, Catering Bayern Builders, Inc. Joe Wasler 18 W 141 Willow Ln. Darien, IL 60561 630-353-0172 F: 630-297-8272 Home Improvements Be Touched Massage Therapy Sabrina Schottenhamel 2209 Wharf Dr. #907 Woodridge, IL 60517 630-709-7900 Massage, in-home Begeman Jewelers Edward Begeman 30 63rd St. • Willowbrook, IL 60527 630-325-9000 Jewelry Bella Cosa Jewelers Amy & Joseph Molfese 7163 Kingery Hwy. Willowbrook, IL 60527 630-455-1234 F: 630-654-9453 Jewelry Bigdogz Marketing Mary Borse 8122 Fairmount Downers Grove, IL 60516 630-985-6970 F: 630-985-4915 Marketing—Online Binny’s Beverage Depot Doug Jeffirs 6920 S. Route 83 Willowbrook, IL 60527 630-654-0988 F: 630-654-8466 Liquor Store Blockbuster Video Nicole Sellig 7531 S. Lemont Rd. • Darien, IL 60561 630-910-1110 Video Rental Blue Diamond Group Angelo Imbrogno 2871 83rd St. • Darien, IL 60561 630-985-8700 F: 630-985-8507 Financial Services Blueberry Hill Pancake House Steve Zervakis 7340 S. Route 83 • Darien, IL 60561 630-734-1300 F: 630-734-1301 Restaurants & Caterers Bobak’s Signature Events Grace Ciesla 6440 Double Eagle Dr. Woodridge, IL 60517 630-968-7778 F: 630-968-7779 Banquet Facilities Bojo’s Food Service Tony Notarangeli 10341 Mayre Ave. Naperville, IL 60564 630-416-9018 F:630-416-9824 Food Concessionaire Brookhaven Marketplace John Peter Bertakis 7516 S. Cass Ave. • Darien, IL 60561 630-512-0600 F: 630-512-0684 Grocery Brunswick Zone Woodridge Jen Kuikman, Katie Staszcuk 1555 W. 75th St. Woodridge, IL 60517 630-985-1115 F: 630-985-4657 Bowling & Entertainment Facility Burr Ridge Veterinary Clinic Karen Rooney 8120 S. Cass Ave. • Darien, IL 60561 630-598-0600 F: 630-598-0651 Veterinary Clinic C&S Sales Promotions, Inc. Savio Viglielmo 929 Walnut Dr. • Darien, IL 60561 630-964-8128 F: 630-964-8145 Advertising Specialties & Promotional items Cardinal Fitness of DarienWestmont Adam Blankenship 6214 S. Cass Ave. Westmont, IL 60559 630-969-3000 F: 630-969-3006 Health and Fitness Carmelite Carefree Village Sandra Kariotis 8419 Bailey Rd. • Darien, IL 60561 630-960-4060 F: 630-960-4071 Retirement Community Carmelite Gift Shop Barb Pfeiffer 8501 Bailey Rd. • Darien, IL 60561 630-969-0001 F: 630-969-5536 Religious Gift & Book Store Carrabba’s Italian Grill Gary Richards 1001 West 75th St. Woodridge, IL 60517 630-427-0900 F: 630-427-1300 Restaurants & Caterers Carriage Greens Country Club Brian Broderick 8700 Carriage Greens Dr. Darien, IL 60561 630-985-3400 F: 630-985-6273 Golf Course Cass School District # 63 Kerry J. Foderaro, Superintendent 8502 Bailey Rd. • Darien, IL 60561 630-985-2000 F: 630-985-0225 Schools & School Districts Cattaneo Electric Company Sharon Cattaneo 8171 S. Lemont Rd. • Darien, IL 60561 630-910-9400 F: 630-910-9440 Electrical Contractors Celestine Salon & Spa Jennifer Hynes 1224 Plainfield Rd. • Darien, IL 60561 630-322-9774 F: 630-322-9776 Hair Salon & Spa Chicago Rush Arena Football Mark Serrao 2340 S. River Rd., Suite. 400 Des Plaines, IL 60018 847-882-9400 F: 847-882-9413 Sports and Entertainment Chicago Tribune–Triblocal Joe Terrazzino 505 Northwest Ave. Northlake, IL 60164 708-836-2238 F: 708-409-1495 Newspapers Chinwalla Periodontics Juzer Chinwalla, DDS, MSD 8342 Lemont Rd., Suite 3F Darien, IL 60561 630-985-1995 F: 630-985-1971 Periodontal and Dental Implants Christ the Servant Catholic Church Fr. Show Reddy Allam 8700 Havens Dr. Woodridge, IL 60517 630-910-0770 Churches Darien Chamber of Commerce Chamber members alphabetical listing: A – B Citibank Aaron Tokh 2225 W. 75th St. • Darien, IL 60561 630-434-4412 F: 630-434-9045 Banks Citizens Financial Bank Corrine Ganiec 8301 S. Cass Ave. • Darien, IL 60561 630-203-1227 F: 630-810-9960 Banks City of Darien Bryon Vana 1702 Plainfield Rd. • Darien, IL 60561 630-353-8114 F: 630-852-4709 Government Clarendon Chiropractic Center Dr. Anthony Surrusco & Rob Surrusco 421 Park Ave. Clarendon Hills, IL 60514 630-455-0435 F: 630-455-0437 Chiropractic 27 Darien Chamber of Commerce Clemens Mailing Service Alison Clemens P.O. Box 976 Downers Grove, IL 60515 630-971-8090 F: 630-971-8190 Mailing Service CML Benefit Group We provide innovative company benefit plans for businesses with 550 employees - specializing in: • Minimizing costs & Maximizing benfits • Group and Individual Health Insurance • Retirement Plans • HSA Plans - Flex Spending Plans - HRA Accounts • Group and Individual Life and Disability Coverage • Business Overhead coverage - Buy/sell funding • Dental and Vision Plans Michael Labedz 7501 Lemont Rd., Suite 200 Woodridge, IL 60517 708-707-5058 F: 630-323-4327 Company Benefit Plans Coldwell Banker Residential Mary S. Volk 6525 Barclay Ct. Downers Grove, IL 60516 630-854-6512 F: 630-593-5791 Realtors Community Bank of Willowbrook Gene Ognibene 6262 Route 83 Willowbrook, IL 60527 630-920-2700 F: 630-321-5290 Banks Copy Cat Graphics Ralph Caccavale 8903 W. Cermak Rd. North Riverside, IL 60546 708-442-0089 F: 708-442-0167 Printing & Promotional Products 28 Costco Wholesale Cyndi DeVoss 830 E. Boughton Rd. Bolingbrook, IL 60440 630-352-1956 Wholesale Retailer Chamber members alphabetical listing: D – F Cottage Hill Insurance Agency Ben Cordova 231 St. Charles Rd. Carol Stream, IL 60188 708-860-0467 Insurance Darien District 61 Educational Foundation Barbara Finnegan 7414 Cass Ave. •Darien, IL 60561 Non Profit Organizations Darien Swim & Racquet Dan Zebold 1001 Hinsbrook Dr. • Darien, IL 60561 630-964-8656 Swim & Racquet Club County Line Properties Valerie Karpeck 108 S. Washington Hinsdale, IL 60521 630-789-3030 x-14 F: 630-789-4595 Realtors Darien District 61/Eisenhower Jr. High Mike Fitzgerald, Principal 1410 75th St. • Darien, IL 60561 630-964-5200 Schools & School Districts Darien Woman’s Club Anne Marie Christenson 1702 Plainfield Rd. • Darien, IL 60561 630-512-0841 Non Profit Organizations Cozzi Corner Hot Dogs, Beef & Catering Wendy Villarreal 1202 75th St., Unit E Downers Grove, IL 60516 630-241-4799 Restaurants & Caterers Darien Electrolysis Linda L. Eiselstein 7729 Stevens St. • Darien, IL 60561 630-515-0322 Electrolysis CPA Services LLC Paul M. Wilkin, CPA 7702 S. Cass Ave., Suite 230 Darien, IL 60561 630-968-3844 F: 630-968-3834 Accounting & Tax Service Critical Technology Solutions, Inc. Don Peters 1247 Warren Ave. Downers Grove, IL 60515 630-737-1082 F: 630-737-1094 Computer Services and Repair Culver’s Rob Esposito 541 Plainfield Rd. • Darien, IL 60561 630-734-0400 F: 630-734-9284 Restaurant Darien Chamber of Commerce Clare Bongiovanni 1702 Plainfield Rd. • Darien, IL 60561 630-968-0004 F: 630-968-2474 Chamber of Commerce Darien Collision Center Rich Jepsen / Mark Holmstrom 8125 S. Lemont Rd. Darien, IL 60561 630-852-3353 Auto Repair & Body Shop Darien Historical Society John Poteraske 7422 S. Cass Ave. • Darien, IL 60561 630-964-7033 Non Profit Organizations Darien Home Health Care, Inc. Frederic De La Cruz 2879 83rd St., Unit C Darien, IL 60561 630-963-4212 F: 630-963-4281 Home Health Care Darien Lions Club Brian Kiefer 1702 Plainfield Rd. • Darien, IL 60561 Non Profit Organizations Darien Park District Stephanie Gurgone 7301 Fairview Ave. • Darien, IL 60561 630-968-6400 F: 630-968-7834 Recreation Darien Patch Lauren Williamson Darien, IL 60561 847-239-2989 Online Newspaper Darien Shell Albert Hong 8226 S. Cass Ave. • Darien, IL 60561 630-963-2660 F: 630-963-2150 Gas Station & Car Wash Darien-Woodridge Fire District Dave Lambright 7550 Lyman Ave. • Darien, IL 60561 630-910-2200 F: 630-910-2203 Fire Department David Anthony’s Salon & Spa Mike Flemm 327 75th St. • Willowbrook, IL 60527 630-321-9033 Hair Salon & Spa De-Clutter Box Kim Cosentino 228 Robinson Lane Westmont, IL 60559 630-968-7557 Organizing & Time Management Downers Delight Restaurant Jim Letsos 401 75th St. Downers Grove, IL 60516 630-241-9671 F: 630-241-7288 Restaurants & Catering Downers Grove Wine Shop & Café Julie Balsamo 1240 75th St. Downers Grove, IL 60516 630-322-9100 Wine Shop Dry Dock Inn Mark E. La Ha 1125 N. Frontage Rd Darien, IL 60561 630-963-0808 F: 630-963-0484 Bar & Grill Dunkin’ Donuts Charu Patel 7516 S. Cass Ave. • Darien, IL 60561 630-434-1799 F: 630-434-1789 Bakery DuPage Star Technology Andrew Blumenfeld • Darien, IL 60561 630-852-9902 F: 630-852-1702 Computer Services and Repair Detente Insurance Agency, Inc. Annette Detente-Eriotes 7702 S. Cass Ave., Suite 130 Darien, IL 60561 630-810-0200 F: 630-852-8670 Insurance Edible Arrangements of Darien Ilene Toth 7511 Lemont Rd., Suite 196 Darien, IL 60561 630-985-8543 F: 630-985-8546 Fresh Fruit Arrangements DeVry University Rowena Klein-Robarts 3005 Highland Pkwy, Suite 100 Downers Grove, IL 60515 630-515-3000 F: 630-515-3020 Schools —University Edward Jones Ryan R. Knudsen 1510 Plainfield Rd., Suite 2 Darien, IL 60561 630-964-9026 F: 866-550-9726 Financial Services Dominick’s Pete Defrancesco 6300 S. Kingery Hwy. Willowbrook, IL 60527 630-654-2077 F: 630-654-2708 Grocery Edward Jones Tim Werner 7702 S. Cass Ave., Suite 120 Darien, IL 60561 630-968-2041 F: 877-845-4291 Financial Services Arthur P. Donner, CPA 760 N. Frontage Rd., Suite 105 Willowbrook, IL 60527 630-789-6709 F: 630-789-6718 Accounting & Tax Service Ellie Gibbler, LLC Julie Showalter, Jenny Bailey 1224 Plainfield Rd. • Darien, IL 60561 630-308-3996 • Women’s Accessories, Gift Shop ETS Equipment Co., Inc. William R. Owen 408 Plainfield Rd. • Darien, IL 60561 630-655-1487 F: 630-655-1527 Electric Heating Equipment Exceptional Services Network Tom Sailer 6900 S. Main St., #206 Downers Grove, IL 60516 630-967-0400 F: 630-458-6932 Networking Group Experlex, LLC Elizabeth R. Bacon 9303 Forest Glen Court Darien, IL 60561 312-953-2671 Attorney EXiT Real Estate Partners We are a full service Real Estate Company created to assist buyer and sellers with all of their Real Estate needs. If you are buying, selling, renting or leasing, Residential or Commercial Real Estate, Exit Real Estate Partners is the company to call. For Realtors we offer the opportunity to earn retirement income. Tom Sailer / Chris Hochstedt 6900 S. Main St., #206, Downers Grove, IL 60516 630-967-0400, F: 630-967-0401 Realtor Darien Chamber of Commerce Chamber members alphabetical listing: C – D Factory Card & Party Outlet Eric Todini 7511 S. Lemont Rd., Suite 130 Darien, IL 60561 630-985-8377 Party Supplies, Cards, Gifts Farmers Insurance Group Michael Semyck 2841 83rd Court, #105 Darien, IL 60561 630-427-1590 F: 630-427-1591 Insurance & Financial Services 29 Darien Chamber of Commerce First American Bank 2013 75th St. • Darien, IL 60561 630-547-8900 Banks Guaranteed Rate Rick Hara • Darien, IL 60561 847-409-5878 Mortgages Fred Astaire Dance Studio Rae Ann Ostenberg 212 Burr Ridge Parkway Burr Ridge, IL 60527 630-455-0665 F: 630-455-0705 Ballroom Dance Studio Haraldsen’s Garage & Body John Haraldsen, Jr. 2525 West 75th St. Darien, IL 60561 630-985-5440 F: 630-985-0135 Auto Repair & Body Shop From Piles to Smiles ® Sue Becker P.O. Box 903 Downers Grove, IL 60515 630-724-1111 F: 630-214-4565 Organizing & Time Management Frugal Muse Books & Multimedia Superstore Paul Garrison 7511 Lemont Rd, #146 Darien, IL 60561 630-427-1140 Bookstore Law Offices of Joseph P. Glimco III Ginger Stevenson 8340 Lemont Rd. Darien, IL 60561 630-910-6400 F: 630-910-6435 Attorneys Glimmer at Salon Studio 17 Sandy Robertson 3520 Seven Bridges Dr, Suite 235 Woodridge, IL 60517 630-207-1874 • glimmeratsalonstudio17 Hair Salon & Spa Goers Dental Care Ronald Goers, DDS, Judy Henriksen 6700 Route 83 •Darien, IL 60561 630-789-0900 F: 630-789-3861 Dentists Golden Phoenix Chung Lee 252 W. 23rd Pl. • Chicago, IL 60616 312-842-5038 Food Concessionaire Grecian Garden Foods Steve Kouvelis 9949 Treetop Dr., Apt. 3301 Orland Park, IL 60462 708-364-7941 Food Concessionaire 30 Harris N.A. Susan Diaz 2275 W. 75th St. •Darien, IL 60561 630-271-4000 F: 630-271-4004 Banks Harry’s Sweat Shop Harry Spataro 7511 Lemont Rd. • Darien, IL 60561 630-985-3433 F: 630-985-9376 Silk Screening, Embroidery, Team Uniforms Heartland Payment Systems Mary Ann Caruso 345 Highland Ave. Lombard, IL 60148 630-932-1545 F: 630-932-7163 Credit Card Processing & Payroll Services Hinsdale Animal Cemetery and Crematory Bill Remkus 6400 Bentley Ave. Willowbrook, IL 60527 630-323-5120 F: 630-887-0305 Pet Cemetery and Crematory Hinsdale South High School Brian Waterman, Principal 7401 Clarendon Hills Rd. Darien, IL 60561 630-468-4210 F: 630-920-8649 Schools & School Districts Holiday Inn of Willowbrook Doug Bosse 7800 Kingery Highway Willowbrook, IL 60527 630-325-6400 F: 630-325-2362 dbosse@willowbrookholidayinn. com Lodging Chamber members alphabetical listing: J – L Home Cleaning Centers of America Peter Krochmolny, Karen Krochmolny 630 Executive Dr. Willowbrook, IL 60527 630-655-8705 F: 630-655-8713 Cleaning: Residential & Commercial Home Depot Rich Janicki 2101 W. 75th St. •Darien, IL 60561 630-271-9600 F: 630-271-3416 Home Improvements Home Run Inn Pizza Edward Prorok 7521 Lemont Rd. • Darien, IL 60561 630-739-9696 F: 630-739-9606 Restaurants & Caterers Huntington Learning Center Donna Pickering 7335 Lemont Rd. Downers Grove, IL 60516 630-963-3359 F: 630-963-6334 www.downers_grove. Tutoring Indian Boundary YMCA Barb Taylor 711 59th St. Downers Grove, IL 60516 630-968-8400 F: 630-968-8389 Health and Fitness Indian Prairie Public Library Jamie Bukovac 401 Plainfield Rd. • Darien, IL 60561 630-887-8760 F: 630-887-1018 Library Inland Commercial Property Mgmt Larry Maynard 2901 Butterfield Rd. Oak Brook, IL 60523 630-218-8000 F: 630-218-5270 Property Management INSPHERE Insurance Solutions Bill Friedrich 10 S 431 Glenn Dr. Burr Ridge, IL 60527 708-567-3139 Health Insurance J Hutter Marketing Linda Templin 625 70th St. •Darien, IL 60561 630-663-4806 F: 630-663-4807 Advertising Specialties & Promotional Items J. Vincent’s Salon & Day Spa Michelle Michalski 7511 Lemont Rd. • Darien, IL 60561 630-910-1011 F: 630-910-1460 Hair Salon & Spa Michael J. Jablonski, Ltd.–CPAs Michael Jablonski 805 Plainfield Rd., Suite 120 Darien, IL 60561 630-321-1100 F: 630-321-1101 Accounting & Tax Service JAK Graphic Design Jill Kerrigan 1450 Plainfield Rd., Suite 4 Darien, IL 60561 630-512-0500 F: 630-512-0095 Graphic Design & Ad Agency Jam N’ Jelly Café Ted Maglaris 7511 Lemont Rd. • Darien, IL 60561 630-985-9595 Restaurants & Caterers Joan Wayman, Inc.—Real Estate Brokerage Joan Wayman 8822 Carlisle Court • Darien, IL 60561 630-747-5250 Realtor Jo-Ann Fabrics & Crafts Kevin Esgar 7511 Lemont Rd., Suite 100 Darien, IL 60561 630-985-2832 Fabrics & Crafts K & B Financial, Inc. Mike Kelly 8152 S. Cass Ave. • Darien, IL 60561 630-963-2202 F: 630-963-2477 Insurance & Financial Services Kiefer Financial Group Brian A. Kiefer 7501 Lemont Rd., Suite 200 Woodridge, IL 60517 630-963-0500 F: 630-963-0502 Financial Services King Car Wash Frank Trilla 6255 S. Cass Ave. Westmont, IL 60559 630-964-7676 F: 630-964-6903 Car Wash & Detailing Center Kingswood Academy Lisa Grundon, Principal 133 Plainfield Rd. • Darien, IL 60561 630-887-1411 F: 630-887-1424 Schools & School Districts Kirtley Technology Corp. Colleen Eckert 8328 Lemont Rd. • Darien, IL 60561 630-910-0418 F: 630-910-1339 Computer Programming for Education Kiwanis Club of Willowbrook / Burr Ridge Mary Carlson P.O. Box 200 Clarendon Hills, IL 60514 Non Profit Organization Kleenworks Jan Basnar 6917 High Rd. •Darien, IL 60561 630-986-1828 F: 630-986-1540 Commercial Carpet, Floor & Janitorial Cleaning Kumon Math and Reading Center of Darien Anita Sinha 7511 Lemont Rd., Suite 166 Darien, IL 60561 630-747-6576 Tutoring L.A. Tan Manny Patel 7337 S. Lemont Rd. Downers Grove, IL 60516 630-769-1900 F: 630-769-9144 Tanning Salon La Notte Due Yogesh Patel; Ahmed 8123 S. Cass Ave. • Darien, IL 60561 630-663-1920 Restaurants & Caterers Lads and Lassies Preschool, Inc. Lads and Lassies Preschool is a private school located in the quiet and secure Hinsbrook Subdivision. We believe in hands-on learning in an academic environment, while preparing each child for kindergarten. Our goal is to help your child improve their communication skills while nurturing their emotional, social, and intellectual development. Jan Bielaga and Kathy Rampson 1001 Hinsbrook Ave., Darien, IL 60561 630-969-8310 Schools Laneville Family Chiropractic Bryan Laneville, DC 880 75th St. • Willowbrook, IL 60527 630-325-5522 F: 630-325-5535 Chiropractic Darien Chamber of Commerce Chamber members alphabetical listing: F – I Life Quotes, Inc. Phillip Perillo 8205 S. Cass Ave., #102 Darien, IL 60561 630-515-0170 F: 630-515-0276 Insurance & Financial Services Liptak Dental Services Brian Rafferty 716 67th St. • Darien, IL 60561 630-991-8266 Computer Networking and Integration Louis’ For Men Louis Imbrogno 748 Ogden Ave. Downers Grove, IL 60515 630-968-6333 F: 630-968-9333 Men’s Clothing, Formalwear, Tailoring 31 Darien Chamber of Commerce Loyola Primary Care Center Ellen Henrich 7511 Lemont Rd., Suite 122 Darien, IL 60561 630-985-4989 F: 630-985-4540 • Healthcare M.M.J.R. - L.L.C. / Office Leasing Michael DiBenedetto 1450-1510 Plainfield Rd. Darien, IL 60561 630-963-4488 F: 630-963-4525 Office Leasing Mancioni Improvements Mancione Improvements has been providing general building maintenance, repair, remodeling and construction for more than 36 years! We are a licensed general contractor and Illinois licensed roofer with all the required insurance and bonding. Mancione Improvements has built custom homes; provided remodeling solutions and quality additions, roofing, doors & windows. • 24 hour emergency response • 6S670N Vandustrial Drive Westmont IL 60559 Home Improvements Manor Press Frank Noverini P.O. Box 32 •River Grove, IL 60171 708-453-1868 F: 708-453-1878 Printing Martens Chiropractic and Acupuncture Center Dr. Kathleen A. Martens 7511 Lemont Rd., Suite 150 Darien, IL 60561 630-985-7700 F: 630-985-7800 Chiropractic 32 Mary Kay Angela Norwood-Nikols 3132 Hillside Lane • Darien, IL 60561 773-310-6848 F: 267-540-6854 Beauty Consultant Marie’s Catering Marie’s is all about options– no matter what the occasion or where you entertain your guests! For over 60 years, Marie's has been an important part of birthdays, graduations, anniversaries, weddings, holidays and business events all over Chicagoland. Start planning your special occasion, by calling one of our professional coordinators today! Kathy Haas 341 75th St., Willowbrook, IL 60527 630-655-3337 F: 630-655-2754 Restaurants & Caterers MB Financial Bank Ramie Mundy 2401 75th St. • Darien, IL 60561 630-395-1100 F: 630-910-6025 Banks Chamber members alphabetical listing: N – Q Modell Funeral Home Frank Modelski 7710 S. Cass Ave. • Darien, IL 60561 630-852-3595 F: 630-852-3641 Funeral Home Monaghan Insurance Agency Kevin Monaghan 7509 Norman Dr. • Darien, IL 60561 630-515-9880 F: 630-515-9887 Insurance Montessori Pebbles Sashi Venkatesan 7516 S. Cass Ave. • Darien, IL 60561 630-963-2294 Schools—Preschool Moore MICHE Bags Liz Moore 1934 Elmore Ave. Downers Grove, IL 60516 630-699-5799 Women’s Accessories Mueller Eye Care Peter F. Mueller, O.D. 7511 S. Lemont Rd. #194 Darien, IL 60561 630-985-2202 Eye Care Merrill Lynch Sheila Welsch 2021 Spring Rd. • Oak Brook, IL 60523 630-954-6336 F: 630-517-4134 Financial Services Mi Hacienda Rick Rodriguez 2601 W. 75th St. • Darien, IL 60561 630-910-2000 F: 630-910-5569 Restaurants & Caterers Midtown Athletic Club Mary Kay McGrath 215 W. 63rd St., Willowbrook, IL 60527 630-325-8888 F: 630-323-4316 Health and Fitness Millard Jewelers Roy Stafford 7511 Lemont Rd. • Darien, IL 60561 630-985-8449 F: 630-985-8416 Jewelry New China Buffet Jackey Lin 7511 Lemont Rd. • Darien, IL 60561 630-985-6788 F: 630-985-6762 Restaurants & Caterers Nick’s Tavern Donal K. Quaid 221 Main St. • Lemont, IL 60439 630-257-6564 Restaurants & Catering Michael Overmann, Ltd.Attorneys At Law Oakridge Hobbies & Toys Chris Robb 7511 Lemont Rd., Suite 100 Darien, IL 60561 630-435-5900 F: 630-435-8660 Hobbies and Toys Off-Site Office Assistance Charlotte Perry 7756 Wakefield Dr., Suite 202 Darien, IL 60561 630-910-7438 F: 630-910-9238 Administrative Support O’Hara True Value Home & Hardware Marty O’Hara 7516 S. Cass Ave. • Darien, IL 60561 630-964-9100 F: 630-964-9494 Hardware Store ® Out of Office, Inc.® Neighbors Magazines In DuPage County, Neighbors magazines are delivered to every home and business in Darien, and Downers Grove. Each magazine is dedicated to the community it serves. Total circulation in DuPage is over 35,000 with a readership of 98,000. Advertising is available by community with special discounts for multiple community buys. Valerie Karpeck 630-992-2121, F: 630-995-3484 Publishing As a Virtual Assistant, I am an independent entrepreneur providing high caliber administrative, creative and organizational services. Utilizing advanced technology for communication/data delivery, I assist my clients from my own office on a contractual basis. With a VA you may be Out of Office,® But Not Out of Touch! Kim Kissel Darien, IL 60561 630-541-2425, F: 630-282-0585 Administrative Support Patio Restaurant John Koliopoulos 7440 Route 83 • Darien, IL 60561 630-920-0211 F: 630-920-0766 Restaurants & Caterers Michael Overmann, Ltd. is a law practice devoted to estate planning (wills/living trusts), estate and trust administration (probate/guardianship) and estate and trust litigation. By practicing exclusively in these areas, the firm provides superior quality and focused trust and estate representation. Michael L. Overmann 7702 S. Cass Ave., Suite 135 Darien, IL 60561 630-810-0316 F: 630-810-1984 Attorney Oxford Bank & Trust Matt Howe 6495 S. Cass Ave. Westmont, IL 60559 630-960-1100 F: 630-960-1956 Banks Pamy’s Pam Gialamas 7516 Cass Ave •Darien, IL 60561 630-969-2003 F: 630-969-3425 Restaurants & Caterers Paolucci Jewelers Tom Manno 1001 75th St. • Woodridge, IL 60517 630-910-0660 F: 630-910-6216 Jewelry Papa Passero’s Restaurant Laura Trilla 6326 S. Cass Ave. Westmont, IL 60559 630-963-7660 F: 630-963-7793 Restaurants & Caterers Paula Pinkerton Salon Paula Pinkerton 5010 Fairview Ave., Suite 1 Downers Grove, IL 60515 630-960-4140 Hair Salon Perfect Swing Karen & Bill Carpenter 8251 S. Lemont Rd. #105 Darien, IL 60561 630-910-3617 F: 630-910-3618 Batting Cages & Sport Fields - Indoor Platinum Endeavors, LLC Gina Lowdermilk 1609 Darien Club Dr. Darien, IL 60561 630-324-6972 Commercial Construction Darien Chamber of Commerce Chamber members alphabetical listing: L – N Pleshar & Associates Al Pleshar / Ray Sherretz 8301 S. Cass Ave., Suite 203 Darien, IL 60561 630-964-9858 F: 630-964-1761 Accounting & Tax Service Potbelly Sandwich Shop #94 Bart McClean 7500 Kingery Highway Willowbrook, IL 60527 630-794-0576 F: 630-794-0871 Restaurants & Caterers Prince Patios, Inc. Jeremy Fox 522 Forest Way Bolingbrook, IL 60440 630-378-1517 Landscaping Q Billiards & Sports Bar Robert Taft 8109 S. Cass Ave. • Darien, IL 60561 630-241-0970 F: 630-241-0994 Billiards & Tavern 33 Darien Chamber of Commerce R&R Print-N-Serve Ronald Isdonas 14302 S. Oak Trail Homer Glen, IL 60491 630-654-4044 F: 630-654-4049 Printing Realty Executives Midwest Jana Pinc 1310 Plainfield Rd., Suite 2 Darien, IL 60561 630-969-8880 F: 630-969-8882 Realtors Republic Bank Mary Denton 1510 75th St. • Darien, IL 60561 630-241-4500 F: 630-241-4502 Banks Rick’s Remodeling Rick Mendel 7 S. 910 Camp Dean Rd. Big Rock, IL 60511 630-852-9799 Home Improvements Rooftech Systems, Inc. Rooftech Systems, Inc. is a full service residential roofing contractor. We also replace and repair gutters, soffit fascia, siding and windows. When winter comes, so will we with our snow plow. We realize building a successful relationship with our clients is just as important as knowing how to install a quality roof, siding or window. Our dedication to customer satisfaction has been the key to our success. John J. Gorgol 402 Maple Ln. • Darien, IL 60561 630-969-1910 F: 630-969-2120 Roofing Contractor, Snow Plowing 34 Rosati’s Pizza John Caputi 8137 Cass Ave • Darien, IL 60561 630-960-2520 F: 630-960-0586 Restaurants & Caterers Rose Landscape Design, Inc. Thomas Papais 1514 Pineview Ct.•Darien, IL 60561 630-910-7270 F:630-910-7475 Landscaping Rossi Commercial Holdings John G. Rossi Jr. Cass Professional Center 7702 S. Cass Ave. • Darien, IL 60561 630-660-1011 Office Leasing Rotary Club of Darien Chris Gerrib P.O. Box 423, Westmont, IL 60559 630-434-5075 F: 630-928-1504 Non Profit Organizations Royal Oaks Bob Kimball 7322 West 90th St. Bridgeview, IL 60455 708-599-0700 F: 630-599-9019 Landscaping Rusco Windows and Doors, Inc. Tom DiFiglio, Bob DiFiglio 6182 S. Cass Ave. Westmont, IL 60559 630-969-6200 F: 630-969-0356 Home Improvements Chamber members alphabetical listing: S – W Safety Village of Darien Cindie Hagen 7735 Warwick Darien, IL 60561 630-968-0777 F: 630-968-0777 Non Profit Organizations Sears Outlet Ruben J. Coria 7415 S. Cass Ave. Darien, IL 60561 630-434-9890 F: 630-434-9893 Appliances, TVs Single Source, Inc. Darlene Zitko 8160 S. Cass Ave. Darien, IL 60561 630-324-5983 F: 630-427-9983 Food Service Distribution Slowikowski & Associates Mary Kay Slowikowski 8515 Evergreen Lane Darien, IL 60561 630-910-8920 F: 630-910-8922 Speakers, Trainers & Consultants Sojourn Technology Solutions Don Damon 1202N 75th St., Suite 251 Downers Grove, IL 60516 630-786-0090 x-501 847-346-0813 Telecommunications S.K. Technical Services, Inc. Sam Kelley 7113 High Rd. Darien, IL 60561 630-323-7826 F: 630-325-7365 Lighting–Sales & Advisory Service Solutions Mechanical, LLC Melissa Pferschy 16W231 S. Frontage Rd., Suite 17 Burr Ridge, IL 60527 630-321-0999 F: 630-321-0990 Heating, A/C, Ventilation - Coml, Industrial Safe At Home Inspections, Inc. Jeff Prince Darien, IL 60561 630-437-1572 Home Inspection Sparks Computerized Car Care Tasadduq Vaince 1650 W. 75th St. Downers Grove, IL 60516 630-969-7474 Auto Repair Safeguard Self Storage Cynara Crespo 8131 Lemont Rd. Darien, IL 60561 630-985-3252 F: 630-985-3368 Storage Speedway Azhar Khan 7502 Cass Ave. Darien, IL 60561 630-810-0382 Gas Station Sports Specialties Cathy 313 75th St. Willowbrook, IL 60527 630-920-1127 F: 630-920-1189 Teamwear, School Jackets, Spiritwear Spring Hill Suites by Marriott Joyce Nichols 15W90 N. Frontage Rd. Burr Ridge, IL 60527 630-323-7530 F: 630-323-7605 Lodging St. John Lutheran Church 7214 Cass Ave Darien, IL 60561 630-969-7987 F: 630-969-8204 Churches State Bank of Countryside Pamela Washington 7380 S. Route 83 Darien, IL 60561 630-655-3113 F: 630-655-3159 Banks State Farm Russ Barney 7515 Cass Ave. Darien, IL 60561 630-968-3750 F: 630-968-3751 Insurance & Financial Services Suburban Life Newspaper Jane Rivelli 1101 W. 31st St., Suite 100 Downers Grove, IL 60515 630-368-8967 F: 630-969-0258 Newspapers Tutor Doctor Bil Kiersch 15774 S. LaGrange Rd. #220 Orland Park, IL 60462 708-305-4914 F: 773-843-2205 Tutoring Visiting Angels Laura Eklund 9211-R Ogden Ave. Brookfield, IL 60513 708-387-0300 F: 708-387-0400 Home Care for Seniors TW Group, Inc. Tom Walsh 850 N. Cass Ave. Westmont, IL 60559 630-737-0300 F: 630-737-0335 Insurance & Financial Services Barbara J. Vondra, CPA 7702 S. Cass Ave., Suite 135 Darien, IL 60561 630-327-8202 F: 630-810-1984 Accounting & Tax Service U.S. Cellular Doug Bapton 7511 Lemont Rd., Suite 154 Darien, IL 60561 630-985-1145 F: 630-985-2081 Cellular Service Uncle Bub’s BBQ Mark Link 132 S. Cass Ave. Westmont, IL 60559 630-493-9000 F: 630-493-1180 Restaurants & Caterers Uni-Carrier, Inc. Paul Schoenbeck 1000 N. Frontage Rd. - A Darien, IL 60561 630-434-7000 F: 630-434-7100 Delivery-Messenger Service University Dermatology Dr. Bill Dimitropoulos 8110 S. Cass Ave. Darien, IL 60561 630-920-1900 F: 630-920-1901 Dermatology Tai San Chef Tom Tan 2813 W. 83rd St. Darien, IL 60561 630-985-5006 F: 630-985-5009 Restaurants & Caterers US Veteran Energy John Patrick Miner 11119 Quail Dr. Mokena, IL 60448 773-580-4947 Energy Procurement Tasty Tropical Sno Matt Weberling 7440 Grand Ave. Apt. 203 Downers Grove, IL 60516 630-915-4425 Food Concessionaire Verizon Wireless Premium Retailer Pete Schmitz 7516 S. Cass Ave. Darien, IL 60561 630-324-6535 Cellular Service Walgreens Cheryl Karas 8300 S. Lemont Rd. Darien, IL 60561 630-985-4980 Pharmacy Walk-In Ministry of Hope Art Leamy 1047 Curtiss St. Downers Grove, IL 60515 630-241-0187 F: 630-241-3224 Non Profit Organizations West Suburban Bank of Darien Terry Leitner 8001 S. Cass Ave. Darien, IL 60561 630-652-2350 F: 630-852-0342 Banks Darien Chamber of Commerce Chamber members alphabetical listing: R – S WHBCD Kiwanis Breakfast Club Dorothy Catinella 7515 Nantucket Dr. Darien, IL 60561 630-887-7737 Non Profit Organizations Wilton Homewares Lori Rapata 7511 Lemont Rd. Darien, IL 60561 630-985-6000 F: 630-985-6706 Cake Decorating & Baking Supplies Windy City Amusements, Inc. Mark Salerno 914 W. Main St. St. Charles, IL 60174 630-443-4547 F: 630-443-4548 Carnival Rides 35 Chamber members alphabetical listing: W – X Windy City Coin, Inc. Brian Jaskierski 7352 Route 83 Darien, IL 60561 630-323-6609 F: 630-323-6475 Coin Dealer World Financial Group Bente Rasmussen 600 Enterprise Dr., Suite 218 Oak Brook, IL 60523 630-699-0332 Financial Services Woodridge Dental LLC Dr. Patrick Fleming 2839 83rd St. Darien, IL 60561 630-985-5000 F: 630-985-5047 Dentists World Financial Group Rod Tolentino 1000 Jorie Blvd., Suite 300 Oak Brook, IL 60523 630-625-2448 F: 877-344-0404 Financial Services Notes 36 XSport Fitness Matt Wiseman 7511 Lemont Rd., #180A Darien, IL 60561 630-427-1891 F: 630-427-1894 Health and Fitness Chamber members by category Accounting & Tax Service CPA Services LLC 7702 S. Cass Ave., Ste. 230 Darien, IL 60561 630-968-3844 Administrative Support Off-Site Office Assistance 7756 Wakefield Dr., Ste. 202 Darien, IL 60561 630-910-7438 Arthur P. Donner, CPA 760 N. Frontage Rd., Ste. 105 Willowbrook, IL 60527 630-789-6709 Out of Office, Inc. Darien, IL 60561 630-541-2425 See our listing, pg 33 Michael J. Jablonski, Ltd.—CPAs 805 Plainfield Rd., Ste. 120 Darien, IL 60561 630-321-1100 Advertising Specialties & Promotional items C&S Sales Promotions, Inc. 929 Walnut Dr. Darien, IL 60561 630-964-8128 Pleshar & Associates 8301 S. Cass Ave., Ste. 203 Darien, IL 60561 630-964-9858 J Hutter Marketing 625 70th St. Darien, IL 60561 630-663-4806 Barbara J. Vondra, CPA 7702 S. Cass Ave., Ste. 135 Darien, IL 60561 630-327-8202 See our ad, pg 40 Appliances, TVs Sears Outlet 7415 S. Cass Ave. Darien, IL 60561 630-434-9890 Attorneys Experlex, LLC 9303 Forest Glen Court Darien, IL 60561 312-953-2671 Law Offices of Joseph P. Glimco III 8340 Lemont Rd. Darien, IL 60561 630-910-6400 Michael Overmann, Ltd. - Attorneys At Law 7702 S. Cass Ave., Ste.135 Darien, IL 60561 630-810-0316 See our listing, pg 33 See our ad, pg 42 Auto Repair Sparks Computerized Car Care 1650 W. 75th St. Downers Grove, IL 60516 630-969-7474 Auto Repair & Body Shop Darien Collision Center 8125 S. Lemont Rd. Darien, IL 60561 630-852-3353 Haraldsen’s Garage & Body 2525 West 75th St. Darien, IL 60561 630-985-5440 Bakery Dunkin’ Donuts 7516 S. Cass Ave. Darien, IL 60561 630-434-1799 See our ad, pg 46 Ballroom Dance Studio Fred Astaire Dance Studio 212 Burr Ridge Parkway Burr Ridge, IL 60527 630-455-0665 Banks Citibank 2225 W. 75th St. Darien, IL 60561 630-434-4412 Citizens Financial Bank 8301 S. Cass Ave. Darien, IL 60561 630-203-1227 See our ad, pg 40 38 Batting Cages & Sport Fields (Indoors) – Dentists Community Bank of Willowbrook 6262 Route 83 Willowbrook, IL 60527 630-920-2700 See our ad, pg 2 Batting Cages & Sport Fields—Indoor Perfect Swing 8251 S. Lemont Rd. #105 Darien, IL 60561 630-910-3617 First American Bank 2013 75th St. Darien, IL 60561 630-547-8900 Beauty Consultant Mary Kay 3132 Hillside Lane Darien, IL 60561 773-310-6848 Harris N.A. 2275 W. 75th St. Darien, IL 60561 630-271-4000 MB Financial Bank 2401 75th St. Darien, IL 60561 630-395-1100 Oxford Bank & Trust 6495 S. Cass Ave. Westmont, IL 60559 630-960-1100 Republic Bank 1510 75th St. Darien, IL 60561 630-241-4500 See our ad, pg 9 State Bank of Countryside 7380 S. Route 83 Darien, IL 60561 630-655-3113 West Suburban Bank of Darien 8001 S. Cass Ave. Darien, IL 60561 630-652-2350 Banquet Facilities Alpine Banquets, Inc. 8230 S. Cass Ave. Darien, IL 60561 630-964-4154 Ashton Place 341 75th St. Willowbrook, IL 60527 630-789-3337 Bobak’s Signature Events 6440 Double Eagle Dr. Woodridge, IL 60517 630-968-7778 Bar & Grill Dry Dock Inn 1125 N. Frontage Rd. Darien, IL 60561 630-963-0808 Billiards & Tavern Q Billiards & Sports Bar 8109 S. Cass Ave. Darien, IL 60561 630-241-0970 Bookstore Frugal Muse Books & Multimedia Superstore 7511 Lemont Rd, #146 Darien, IL 60561 630-427-1140 Chamber of Commerce Darien Chamber of Commerce 1702 Plainfield Road Darien, IL 60561 630-968-0004 Chiropractic Clarendon Chiropractic Center 421 Park Ave. Clarendon Hills, IL 60514 630-455-0435 Laneville Family Chiropractic 880 75th St. Willowbrook, IL 60527 630-325-5522 Martens Chiropractic and Acupuncture Center 7511 Lemont Rd., Ste. 150 Darien, IL 60561 630-985-7700 Bowling & Entertainment Facility Brunswick Zone Woodridge 1555 W. 75th St. Woodridge, IL 60517 630-985-1115 Churches Christ the Servant Catholic Church 8700 Havens Dr. Woodridge, IL 60517 630-910-0770 Cake Decorating & Baking Supplies Wilton Homewares 7511 Lemont Road Darien, IL 60561 630-985-6000 St. John Lutheran Church 7214 Cass Ave. Darien, IL 60561 630-969-7987 See our ad, pg 39 Car Wash & Detailing Center King Car Wash 6255 S. Cass Ave. Westmont, IL 60559 630-964-7676 Cleaning: Residential & Commercial Home Cleaning Centers of America 630 Executive Dr. Willowbrook, IL 60527 630-655-8705 Carnival Rides Windy City Amusements, Inc. 914 W. Main St. St. Charles, IL 60174 630-443-4547 Coin Dealer Windy City Coin, Inc. 7352 Route 83 Darien, IL 60561 630-323-6609 Cellular Service U.S. Cellular 7511 Lemont Rd., Ste. 154 Darien, IL 60561 630-985-1145 Commercial Carpet, Floor & Janitorial Cleaning Kleenworks 6917 High Road Darien, IL 60561 630-986-1828 Verizon Wireless Premium Retailer 7516 S. Cass Ave. Darien, IL 60561 630-324-6535 See our ad, pg 47 Company Benefit Plans CML Benefit Group 7501 Lemont Rd., Ste. 200 Woodridge, IL 60517 708-707-5058 See our listing, pg 28 Computer Networking and Integration Liptak Dental Services 716 67th St. Darien, IL 60561 630-991-8266 Computer Programming for Education Kirtley Technology Corp. 8328 Lemont Rd. Darien, IL 60561 630-910-0418 Computer Services and Repair Critical Technology Solutions 1247 Warren Ave. Downers Grove, IL 60515 630-737-1082 DuPage Star Technology Darien, IL 60561 630-852-9902 Credit Card Processing & Payroll Services Heartland Payment Systems 345 Highland Ave. Lombard, IL 60148 630-932-1545 Delivery-Messenger Service Uni-Carrier, Inc. 1000 N. Frontage Rd. - A Darien, IL 60561 630-434-7000 Dentists B & R Dentists 2861 83rd St. Darien, IL 60561 630-427-1800 Goers Dental Care 6700 Route 83 Darien, IL 60561 630-789-0900 See our ad, pg 11 Chamber members by category Accounting & Tax Service – Bar & Grill Commercial Construction Platinum Endeavors, LLC 1609 Darien Club Dr. Darien, IL 60561 630-324-6972 39 Chamber members by category Woodridge Dental LLC 2839 83rd St. Darien, IL 60561 630-985-5000 Dermatology University Dermatology 8110 S. Cass Ave. Darien, IL 60561 630-920-1900 Electric Heating Equipment ETS Equipment Co., Inc. 408 Plainfield Road Darien, IL 60561 630-655-1487 Electrical Contractors Cattaneo Electric Company 8171 S. Lemont Rd. Darien, IL 60561 630-910-9400 Electrolysis Darien Electrolysis 7729 Stevens St. Darien, IL 60561 630-515-0322 Energy Procurement US Veteran Energy 11119 Quail Dr. Mokena, IL 60448 773-580-4947 Engraving & Gifts ADC Engraving & Gifts 7511 Lemont Road #158 Darien, IL 60561 630-427-0552 Event Planning, Staffing, Catering Barbara’s Elegant Touch Staffing, Inc. 5741 Webster St. Downers Grove, IL 60516 630-341-3337 Eye Care Mueller Eye Care 7511 S. Lemont Rd. #194 Darien, IL 60561 630-985-2202 Fabrics & Crafts Jo-Ann Fabrics & Crafts 7511 Lemont Rd., Ste. 100 Darien, IL 60561 630-985-2832 Grocery – Insurance & Financial Services Financial Services Blue Diamond Group 2871 83rd St. Darien, IL 60561 630-985-8700 See our ad, pg 5 Edward Jones 1510 Plainfield Rd., Ste. 2 Darien, IL 60561 630-964-9026 See our ad, pg 17 Edward Jones 7702 S. Cass Ave., Ste. 120 Darien, IL 60561 630-968-2041 Kiefer Financial Group 7501 Lemont Rd., Ste. 200 Woodridge, IL 60517 630-963-0500 Food Service Distribution Single Source, Inc. 8160 S. Cass Ave. Darien, IL 60561 630-324-5983 Fresh Fruit Arrangements Edible Arrangements of Darien 7511 Lemont Rd., Ste. 196 Darien, IL 60561 630-985-8543 See our ad, pg 41 Merrill Lynch 2021 Spring Road Oak Brook, IL 60523 630-954-6336 Funeral Home Modell Funeral Home 7710 S. Cass Ave. Darien, IL 60561 630-852-3595 See our ad, pg 45 World Financial Group 600 Enterprise Dr., Ste. 218 Oak Brook, IL 60523 630-699-0332 Gas Station Speedway 7502 Cass Ave. Darien, IL 60561 630-810-0382 World Financial Group 1000 Jorie Blvd., Ste. 300 Oak Brook, IL 60523 630-625-2448 Gas Station & Car Wash Darien Shell 8226 S. Cass Ave. Darien, IL 60561 630-963-2660 Fire Department Darien-Woodridge Fire District 7550 Lyman Ave. Darien, IL 60561 630-910-2200 Food Concessionaire Ashley Foods, Inc. 1707 Ivy Lane Montgomery, IL 60538 630-897-4937 Bojo’s Food Service 10341 Mayre Ave. Naperville, IL 60564 630-416-9018 Golden Phoenix 252 W. 23rd Pl. Chicago, IL 60616 312-842-5038 Grecian Garden Foods 9949 Treetop Dr., Apt. 3301 Orland Park, IL 60462 708-364-7941 40 Tasty Tropical Sno 7440 Grand Ave. Apt. 203 Downers Grove, IL 60516 630-915-4425 Grocery Brookhaven Marketplace 7516 S. Cass Ave. Darien, IL 60561 630-512-0600 See our ad, pg 46 Health Insurance INSPHERE Insurance Solutions 10 S 431 Glenn Dr. Burr Ridge, IL 60527 708-567-3139 Dominick’s 6300 S. Kingery Hwy. Willowbrook, IL 60527 630-654-2077 Health Care Loyola Primary Care Center 7511 Lemont Rd., Ste. 122 Darien, IL 60561 630-985-4989 Hair Salon Paula Pinkerton Salon 5010 Fairview Ave., Ste. 1 Downers Grove, IL 60515 630-960-4140 Hair Salon & Spa Celestine Salon & Spa 1224 Plainfield Rd. Darien, IL 60561 630-322-9774 David Anthony’s Salon & Spa 327 75th St. Willowbrook, IL 60527 630-321-9033 Glimmer at Salon Studio 17 3520 Seven Bridges Dr., Ste. 235 Woodridge, IL 60517 630-207-1874 J. Vincent’s Salon & Day Spa 7511 Lemont Rd. Darien, IL 60561 630-910-1011 Golf Ball Sales 2871 83rd St. Darien, IL 60561 630-985-8538 Hardware Store O’Hara True Value Home & Hardware 7516 S. Cass Ave. Darien, IL 60561 630-964-9100 Golf Course Carriage Greens Country Club 8700 Carriage Greens Dr. Darien, IL 60561 630-985-3400 Health and Fitness Cardinal Fitness of DarienWestmont 6214 S. Cass Ave. Westmont, IL 60559 630-969-3000 Government City of Darien 1702 Plainfield Rd. Darien, IL 60561 630-852-5000 Indian Boundary YMCA 711 59th St. Downers Grove, IL 60516 630-968-8400 Graphic Design & Ad Agency JAK Graphic Design 1450 Plainfield Rd., Ste. 4 Darien, IL 60561 630-512-0500 Midtown Athletic Club 215 West 63rd St. Willowbrook, IL 60527 630-325-8888 XSport Fitness 7511 Lemont Rd., #180A Darien, IL 60561 630-427-1891 Heating, A/C, Ventilation— Coml, Industrial Solutions Mechanical, LLC 16W231 S. Frontage Rd., Ste 17 Burr Ridge, IL 60527 630-321-0999 Hobbies and Toys Oakridge Hobbies & Toys 7511 Lemont Rd., Ste. 100 Darien, IL 60561 630-435-5900 Home Care for Seniors Visiting Angels 9211-R Ogden Ave. Brookfield, IL 60513 708-387-0300 Rusco Windows and Doors, Inc. 6182 S. Cass Ave. Westmont, IL 60559 630-969-6200 Home Inspection Safe At Home Inspections, Inc. Darien, IL 60561 630-437-1572 Insurance AAA Downers Grove 7331 Lemont Rd. Downers Grove, IL 60516 630-241-5400 x-207 Cottage Hill Insurance Agency 231 St. Charles Rd. Carol Stream, IL 60188 708-860-0467 Detente Insurance Agency, Inc. 7702 S. Cass Ave., Ste. 130 Darien, IL 60561 630-810-0200 Monaghan Insurance Agency 7509 Norman Dr. Darien, IL 60561 630-515-9880 Insurance & Financial Services Farmers Insurance Group 2841 83rd Court, #105 Darien, IL 60561 630-427-1590 K & B Financial, Inc. 8152 S. Cass Ave. Darien, IL 60561 630-963-2202 Life Quotes, Inc. 8205 S. Cass Ave., #102 Darien, IL 60561 630-515-0170 State Farm 7515 Cass Ave. Darien, IL 60561 630-968-3750 TW Group, Inc. 850 N. Cass Ave. Westmont, IL 60559 630-737-0300 Chamber members by category Dentists – Graphic Design Home Health Care Advanced Home Care, Inc. 8320 S. Lemont Rd. Darien, IL 60561 630-437-5579 Darien Home Health Care, Inc. 2879 83rd St., Unit C Darien, IL 60561 630-963-4212 Home Improvements Bayern Builders, Inc. 18 W 141 Willow Lane Darien, IL 60561 630-353-0172 Home Depot 2101 W. 75th St. Darien, IL 60561 630-271-9600 Mancione Improvements 6S670 Vandustrial Dr. Westmont, IL 60559 630-241-0001 See our listing, pg 32 Rick’s Remodeling 7 S. 910 Camp Dean Rd. Big Rock, IL 60511 630-852-9799 See our ad, pg 7 41 Chamber members by category Jewelry Begeman Jewelers 30 63rd St. Willowbrook, IL 60527 630-325-9000 Bella Cosa Jewelers 7163 Kingery Hwy. Willowbrook, IL 60527 630-455-1234 See our ad, back cover Millard Jewelers 7511 Lemont Rd. Darien, IL 60561 630-985-8449 Paolucci Jewelers 1001 75th St. Woodridge, IL 60517 630-910-0660 See our ad, pg 17 Landscaping Prince Patios, Inc. 522 Forest Way Bolingbrook, IL 60440 630-378-1517 Rose Landscape Design, Inc. 1514 Pineview Ct. Darien, IL 60561 630-910-7270 Royal Oaks 7322 West 90th St. Bridgeview, IL 60455 708-599-0700 Library Indian Prairie Public Library 401 Plainfield Road Darien, IL 60561 630-887-8760 See our ad, pg 16 Lighting—Sales & Advisory Service S.K. Technical Services, Inc. 7113 High Road Darien, IL 60561 630-323-7826 Liquor Store Binny’s Beverage Depot 6920 S. Route 83 Willowbrook, IL 60527 630-654-0988 Online Newspapers – Restaurants & Caterers Lodging Holiday Inn of Willowbrook 7800 Kingery Highway Willowbrook, IL 60527 630-325-6400 SpringHill Suites by Marriott 15W90 N. Frontage Rd. Burr Ridge, IL 60527 630-323-7530 Mailing Service Clemens Mailing Service P.O. Box 976 Downers Grove, IL 60515 630-971-8090 Marketing—Online Bigdogz Marketing 8122 Fairmount Downers Grove, IL 60516 630-985-6970 Massage, in-home Be Touched Massage Therapy 2209 Wharf Dr. #907 Woodridge, IL 60517 630-709-7900 Men’s Clothing, Formalwear, Tailoring Louis’ For Men 748 Ogden Ave. Downers Grove, IL 60515 630-968-6333 Mortgages Bank of America—Retail Mortgage Sales 139 N. Cass Ave., 2nd floor Westmont, IL 60559 630-541-1043 Guaranteed Rate Darien, IL 60561 847-409-5878 Networking Group Exceptional Services Network 6900 S. Main St., #206 Downers Grove, IL 60516 630-967-0400 Newspapers Chicago Tribune—Triblocal 505 Northwest Ave. Northlake, IL 60164 708-836-2238 Suburban Life Newspaper 1101 W. 31st St., Ste. 100 Downers Grove, IL 60515 630-368-8967 42 Non Profit Organization Kiwanis Club of Willowbrook / Burr Ridge P.O. Box 200 Clarendon Hills, IL60514 Darien District 61 Educational Foundation 7414 Cass Ave. Darien, IL 60561 Darien Historical Society 7422 S. Cass Ave. Darien, IL 60561 630-964-7033 Darien Lions Club 1702 Plainfield Rd. Darien, IL 60561 Darien Woman’s Club 1702 Plainfield Rd. Darien, IL 60561 630-512-0841 Rotary Club of Darien P.O. Box 423 Westmont, IL 60559 630-434-5075 Safety Village of Darien 7735 Warwick Darien, IL 60561 630-968-0777 Walk-In Ministry of Hope 1047 Curtiss St. Downers Grove, IL 60515 630-241-0187 WHBCD Kiwanis Breakfast Club 7515 Nantucket Dr. Darien, IL 60561 630-887-7737 Office Equipment Sales, Service & Supplies Apex Imaging Equipment Co., Inc. 4800 S. Central Ave., Ste. 5001 Chicago, IL 60638 708-496-9993 Office Leasing M.M.J.R. - L.L.C. / Office Leasing 1450-1510 Plainfield Rd. Darien, IL 60561 630-963-4488 Rossi Commercial Holdings Cass Professional Center, 7702 S. Cass Ave. Darien, IL 60561 630-660-1011 Online Newspaper Darien Patch Darien, IL 60561 847-239-2989 Organizing & Time Management De-Clutter Box 228 Robinson Lane Westmont, IL 60559 630-968-7557 From Piles to Smiles ® P.O. Box 903 Downers Grove, IL 60515 630-724-1111 Party Supplies, Cards, Gifts Factory Card & Party Outlet 7511 S. Lemont Rd., Ste. 130 Darien, IL 60561 630-985-8377 Periodontal and Dental Implants Chinwalla Periodontics 8342 Lemont Rd., Ste. 3F Darien, IL 60561 630-985-1995 Pet Cemetery and Crematory Hinsdale Animal Cemetery and Crematory 6400 Bentley Ave. Willowbrook, IL 60527 630-323-5120 Pharmacy Walgreens 8300 S. Lemont Road Darien, IL 60561 630-985-4980 See our ad, pg 47 Physical Therapy ATI Physical Therapy 7511 Lemont Road, Ste. 204 Darien, IL 60561 630-985-4010 Printing Manor Press P.O. Box 32 River Grove, IL 60171 708-453-1868 R&R Print-N-Serve 14302 S. Oak Trail Homer Glen, IL 60491 630-654-4044 Printing & Promotional Products Automated Forms & Graphics, Inc. 106 Stephen St., Ste. 102B Lemont, IL 60439 630-887-9811 Copy Cat Graphics 8903 W. Cermak Rd. North Riverside, IL 60546 708-442-0089 Property Management Inland Commercial Property Mgmt 2901 Butterfield Road Oak Brook, IL 60523 630-218-8000 Publishing Neighbors Magazines 630-992-2121 Realtors Joan Wayman, Inc.—Real Estate Brokerage 8822 Carlisle Court Darien, IL 60561 630-747-5250 See our ad, pg 43 Religious Gift & Book Store Carmelite Gift Shop 8501 Bailey Rd. Darien, IL 60561 630-969-0001 Research & Development Argonne National Laboratory 9700 S. Cass Ave. Argonne, IL 60439 630-252-5561 Restaurants & Caterers Aodake Sushi & Steak House 2129 75th St. Darien, IL 60561 630-719-9888 Blueberry Hill Pancake House 7340 S. Route 83 Darien, IL 60561 630-734-1300 Carrabba’s Italian Grill 1001 West 75th St. Woodridge, IL 60517 630-427-0900 Cozzi Corner Hot Dogs, Beef & Catering 1202 75th St., Unit E Downers Grove, IL 60516 630-241-4799 Culver's 541 Plainfield Rd. Darien, IL 60561 630-734-0400 Home Run Inn Pizza 7521 Lemont Road Darien, IL 60561 630-739-9696 Jam N’ Jelly Café 7511 Lemont Rd. Darien, IL 60561 630-985-9595 La Notte Due 8123 S. Cass Ave. Darien, IL 60561 630-663-1920 Chamber members by category Jewelry – Office Leasing ADK Realty LLC 525 Chestnut Lane Darien, IL 60561 630-842-0278 Coldwell Banker Residential 6525 Barclay Ct. Downers Grove, IL 60516 630-854-6512 County Line Properties 108 S. Washington Hinsdale, IL 60521 630-789-3030 x-14 See our ad, pg 37 EXiT Real Estate Partners 6900 S. Main St., #206 Downers Grove, IL 60516 630-967-0400 See our listing, pg 29 Realty Executives Midwest 1310 Plainfield Road, Ste. 2 Darien, IL 60561 630-969-8880 Recreation Darien Park District 7301 Fairview Ave. Darien, IL 60561 630-968-6400 43 Chamber members by category Marie’s Catering 341 75th St. Willowbrook, IL 60527 630-655-3337 See our listing, pg 32 See our ad, pg 44 Mi Hacienda 2601 W. 75th St. Darien, IL 60561 630-910-2000 New China Buffet 7511 Lemont Rd. Darien, IL 60561 630-985-6788 Pamy’s 7516 Cass Ave Darien, IL 60561 630-969-2003 See our ad, pg 47 Papa Passero’s Restaurant 6326 S. Cass Ave. Westmont, IL 60559 630-963-7660 Tutoring – Women's Accessories, Gift Shop Patio Restaurant 7440 Route 83 Darien, IL 60561 630-920-0211 Nick’s Tavern 221 Main St. Lemont, IL 60439 630-257-6564 Potbelly Sandwich Shop #94 7500 Kingery Highway Willowbrook, IL 60527 630-794-0576 Retirement Community Carmelite Carefree Village 8419 Bailey Road Darien, IL 60561 630-960-4060 Rosati’s Pizza 8137 Cass Ave Darien, IL 60561 630-960-2520 Tai San Chef 2813 W. 83rd St. Darien, IL 60561 630-985-5006 Uncle Bub’s BBQ 132 S. Cass Ave. Westmont, IL 60559 630-493-9000 Downers Delight Restaurant 401 75th St. Downers Grove, IL 60516 630-241-9671 Roofing Contractor Rooftech Systems, Inc. 402 Maple Lane Darien, IL 60561 630-969-1910 See our ad, pg 8 See our listing, pg 34 Schools—Preschool Lads and Lassies Preschool, Inc. 1001 Hinsbrook Ave. Darien, IL 60561 630-969-8310 See our listing, pg 31 Montessori Pebbles 7516 S. Cass Ave. Darien, IL 60561 630-963-2294 See our ad, pg 46 Schools—University DeVry University 3005 Highland Pkwy., Ste. 100 Downers Grove, IL 60515 630-515-3000 Schools & School Districts Cass School District # 63 8502 Bailey Road Darien, IL 60561 630-985-2000 See our ad, pg 14 Darien District 61/ Eisenhower Jr. High 1410 75th St. Darien, IL 60561 630-964-5200 Hinsdale South High School 7401 Clarendon Hills Road Darien, IL 60561 630-468-4000 Kingswood Academy 133 Plainfield Rd. Darien, IL 60561 630-887-1411 44 Silk Screening, Embroidery, Team Uniforms Harry’s Sweat Shop 7511 Lemont Rd. Darien, IL 60561 630-985-3433 Speakers, Trainers & Consultants Slowikowski & Associates 8515 Evergreen Lane Darien, IL 60561 630-910-8920 Sports and Entertainment Chicago Rush Arena Football 2340 S. River Road, Ste. 400 Des Plaines, IL 60018 847-882-9400 Stairs and Railings Alliance Stairs & Railings, Inc. 6S730 Vandustrial Dr. Westmont, IL 60559 630-988-3546 Kumon Math and Reading Center of Darien 7511 Lemont Rd., Ste. 166 Darien, IL 60561 630-747-6576 Wholesale Retailer Costco Wholesale 830 E. Boughton Rd. Bolingbrook, IL 60440 630-352-1956 Tutor Doctor 15774 S. LaGrange Rd. #220 Orland Park, IL 60462 708-305-4914 Wine Shop Downers Grove Wine Shop & Café 1240 75th St. Downers Grove, IL 60516 630-322-9100 Veterinary Clinic Burr Ridge Veterinary Clinic 8120 S. Cass Ave. Darien, IL 60561 630-598-0600 See our ad, pg 10 Video Rental Blockbuster Video 7531 S. Lemont Road Darien, IL 60561 630-910-1110 Storage Safeguard Self Storage 8131 Lemont Road Darien, IL 60561 630-985-3252 Swim & Racquet Club Darien Swim & Racquet 1001 Hinsbrook Dr. Darien, IL 60561 630-964-8656 Women’s Accessories Moore MICHE Bags 1934 Elmore Ave. Downers Grove, IL 60516 630-699-5799 Women’s Accessories, Gift Shop Ellie Gibbler, LLC 1224 Plainfield Rd. Darien, IL 60561 630-308-3996 Chamber members by category Restaurants – Tutoring Notes Tanning Salon L.A. Tan 7337 S. Lemont Rd. Downers Grove, IL 60516 630-769-1900 Teamwear, School Jackets, Spiritwear Sports Specialties 313 75th St. Willowbrook, IL 60527 630-920-1127 Telecommunications Sojourn Technology Solutions 1202N 75th St., Ste. 251 Downers Grove, IL 60516 630-786-0090 x-501 Tutoring Huntington Learning Center 7335 Lemont Rd. Downers Grove, IL 60516 630-963-3359 45 BROOKHAVEN PLAZA YOUR “Downtown Darien” at Cass and 75th. We’ve got just what you need. Visit us today! For special offers from plaza stores visit Brookhaven Plaza Management (630) 686-0600 community shopping center Auto Zone Brookhaven Travel Center A full service travel service (630) 971-1414 Get in the Zone (630) 964-5657 Pamy's Hot Dogs Burgers, hotdogs, catering and more (630) 969-2003 Brookhaven Marketplace Popeye's Chicken Domestic and International foods (630) 512-0600 Love that chicken (630) 769-9866 Darien Eye Specialists Darien Chop Suey Exams, glasses, contacts (630) 968-9440 Oriental cuisine (630) 852-8899 T.T. Nails Complete nails for ladies and gentlemen (630) 322-7928 Val's Asian Food Mart Filipino carry-out & bakery (630) 963-6790 True-Value Hardware Darien Dental Associates Your neighborhood hardware store (630) 964-9100 Complete dental care (630) 969-8214 Darien Medical Clinic Dunkin Donuts (630) 724-9999 Sweet treats (630) 434-1799 Val's Asian Food Mart Filipino carry-out & bakery (630) 963-6790 Salon Studios A Different Look (708) 705-3982 Darien Shoe Repair Veet Tobacco Tailoring service available (630) 969-1195 (630) 969-2827 Montessori Pebbles Karate for Kids/Taekwondo USA Discipline, confidence, respect (630) 271-1200 Daycare & early childhood center (630) 963-2294 Magic Touch Cleaners Full service laundering & tailoring (630) 960-5843 Ann's Family Hair Design (630) 306-3559 Daniel's Hair Care (630) 852-2990 Opulence Hair Design (630) 247-7383 Verizon - America’s largest & most reliable wireless network (630) 324-6535 Sandra (Hairstylist) (630) 5596-7022 Styling with Tenny (630) 663-1152 Walgreens Save more green at Walgreen’s (630) 964-4242 Tammy's Clipper Cuts & More (630) 515-1961 The Hair Company (630) 323-2499
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