﹂ 6 ” ”製 0 ≧ヽい ヽO Q”≧ヽい 0 ﹁ nO ≧︺ ヽ≧Ч﹃ヽとヽ﹁ヽ INTπ RNA7'ONAL′ OURNAL OF COMIC ART ヽ石 01.13,No。 2,Fa11 2011 くoF Pい。Zο・p・曖´ ”〓 ●0︼“ An lndependent Publication す 165 164 ThiS paper eXanlincs her carecr,bcginning、 vith a ncccssaw considCration of lalaysia:An Approach to lts Current Ⅱybridiけ through the Career ofthe Sh可 O langaka Kaoru langa in thc histOric translllission ofJapancse inanga and rclated rncdia products to thc chinesC― lalaysian community lt was this transmission that cstablishcd the local audicnce which allowed a ncv/gcncratiOn of crcators with original perSpCCtiVes tO ariSC An analysis Of this histOry suggcsts a nc、 Gan Sheuo】 三ul v、 vay of looking at“ translnission''as a follll of apprOpriation fl・ om tlle outsidc rathcr than a movemCnt that radiates fl・ om a ccntcr Finally,this papcr discusses vhether rnanga― based conlics crcatcd by and for、 vomcn may seⅣ c as an opcn 、 l in Malaysia is Kaoru,a One of the most prominent s力 ″ο 777α ″gα たα young Chinesc― X/1alaysian artist、 vho uscs a Japancse pen namc and、 vh。 platfOrm for intcraction among thc complex cultural communities within lalaysia publishcs her、 vorks in the Malay languagc for a largely A/1alay audicncc stiH atypical,thcse aspccts of Kaoru's work were unimaginablc in N/1alaysia a dc_ cade ago Kaom's、 vorks show an active fon■ of sclecting and transお rllling The TransⅡ lission of Japanese langa: Departure from Pirated TailⅣ anese Editions diミtrcnt cultllral clclllents,or rnorc prccisely,dcmonstratc an altemative lom of“ local identity"、 vithout an apparcnt“ local stylc''、 vhiCh is notcwOrthy in a multicthnic socicけ such as Malaysia Fulthcrmorc,whcn Kaoltl's works arc That the rnulticultural and multilingual rnix found in Malaysia has been translatcd into English and Chincsc and cxportcd to Singaporc and China,hcr divided by racc,rcligion,and education since thc countら /'S indepcndcncc in 1957,rnakes it an intcrcsting model for an examination ofthc transmission of Japancse manga Rcvic、 ving thc dcvclopmcnt ofrnanga stylc in Malaysia re¨ ‐ 肘餞 ‐ │ Chinesc cthnicity,but not hcr Malaysian nationaliw iS emphasizcd(Fig.1) veals that thc usual idca of a translllission fl・olll thC Center to the periphc=y is inappropriatc 2 Rathcr than a ccntral cultural source(Japan)cxpOrting a■ ifacts for fbrcign consumption, it was thc forcign audience that sclcctcd what it wanted frolll the sourcc and appropriated it for its own usc Historicaly,this process of appropriation bcgan、 vith piratcd Chincsc-languagc versions of Japancse manga from Taiwan that had been popular among the Chinese com― サず′■. ケ藉滲 t ″′ /● 一ク″ 〃 ′ munity inゝ /1alaysia sincc the 1980s,alongsidc otllcr Chinese― languagc conlics Om Mainland China,HOng Iく ong,and Taiwan This distinctivc routc for thc transmissiOn Of Japanesc manga to cOuntrics with Chinese― spcaking commu― fl・ 器謂憮)粘鵠鷺 胤駄 Ψ麟』 ∫ 騒 ∫ Ъ怖器麗 l翼 野 1器 :胤 服 期寓∬ 鼎淵∬ 蹴[ :Fご 思 棚轄 軍ド Ifl藷 MlII淋 :ll鼻 ‖罵 黒 lyI 場 :11lJ[Ri:∬ i』 一 炒 liよ 111i∴ ::iT憲 冨聰鷹絲■::l kl:│ム li l『 :1翼 :猟 ll鷺 ■1彎 ι t r,I:hed [職 :椰 島 研1職 聯 i椰 椰∬ y co t翼 胤1詳 ]駕 ぶ 織総 黛 iぶ鳥環 鴇 二∬ ∫ 瀧 :l鷺 #麓 :許 胤 IJOCし 4 Fα 〃 2θ ′′ │ ASCし 4,Fr/〃 2θ ′′ 167 166 一 一一 穆 鰊 ″ 一 一 一 一 一 一 ¨ μ Sillgaporc and Hong Kong,whOSC drallla scrics produccd by TvB tind A、 itl Tclcvision,1■ oviCS,and stars havc bCCn a part of cvcryday lifc liNr intll))N/1を ト ′ laysian Chincsc sillcc thc 1 980s 颯 `‐ Within this languagc― cclltcrCd transmission of various lllcdia tぅ Japancsc lllanga v/crc lound cspccially attractivc becausc ofthcil‐ 1‐ ()(ltlct、 、 ll1lilluc coll― tclnporaneous scnsibilitics,nalTativc approaches,and drav〆 ing styics.、 vhich C0111pared favorably to collliCS iolll othCr Countrics Thcir t(llcshncss''was ′ ?/1ι ′ α′ 7/1ι αOr′ ″ ″/111`′ that /ith Chillcsc′ ノ cspccially visiblc whcn contrastcdヽ ハ `α `′ adaptcd、 vorks of classical litcrature such as「 /1り /1`、 /ο α″sブ ο″s Tllcsc ル〆 α′ κ′ ′ 7g`fO′ 7バ ,and H D″ θ "9/RC″ `77・ tradi '/rl`/1“ Iケ を、 r. f/′ ′ で c. onal itlcs wcrc O貴 cn rccolanlllcndcd as constl‐ tlctivc readi1lg lllaterial bccausc oftllcil cし 1ltt11‐ al v〔 lluc ・ HOng Kong comics,on thc othcr hand,such as O/″ ル rc′ 2(I_a()Fu Zl)by `ゞ 4ong Chak and r/1c cヵ プ θ〃C′ 0(Chung― wah Ying hung)by Ma wing_ ″ゞ ヽ ヽ ハcrc shing,3、 vcrC gcncrally poptllar、 vith childrcn and youlng adults bllt tllcy、 「 `ζ c、 vic、 vcd ncgativcly by many parcnts 4 0ther collliCSヽ Vitll philosophica1 0、 toncs or hul■ orous qualitics, such as thosc by Cai Zhi― cl・ zhong alld Zhtt Dc― yong liom Taiwan,havc cllloyed a ccrtain populanty among thc litcrati,but ncvcr forillcd a mass audicncc Thcse carlicr Chincsc connics plcliarcd thC ground liVr thc appropriation alld intcgration ofJapancsc rnangそ l tllat grcldし Icllly movcd bcyond thc basic Chinesc-languagc collncction of thc piratcd cditions、 sctting thc stagc for thc currcnt popularity of translatcd, as、 ハ ls locally /cil を │カ Fig.2.T,vo pages from D″ is″ た “Ncw「 riends,'' an eight― pagc short comic included in but this location 10Cation supposed to be Kuala Lumpu■ was not'(2008).The made explicit in theisillustrations(pp.34-35).O Cempak 2011. prodtlccd,rnanga ● 軌リブ″ ク′ “Ⅳ〔alaysia"in Offlcial ledia and in``Ncbulous''Sl151o TⅥ anga │‐ ││ ,│ │ 多アタ│ 麟 驀樹I 涌 ‖ 1椰 淵鱗i僣 業 轟‖ │:′ `′ ││′ │ │ ‐■ │‖ lt‖ ぶT,咄 !Ⅷ l Ⅷ喘露職襦訛片1棚 路 思∫ 、 vcbsitc dcincs it as fbHov/s: vhcrc a‖ thc colors, 1lavors、 Thcrc is ollly onc placc 、 Asia conlc togcthcr― ―A/1alaysia No othcr co SOt口 1(lS alltl Sigl,tS tlド raccs, Malay, Chincsc, Indian, plus various 1ltinlbcrs No、 vhcrc has such cxciting divcrsit〕 tions and custolllS,0ヾ cring lllyriad cxpcricncc Asia'as Malaysia 'Malaysitl,Truly Asia'cap ol` thc cottntry's t11liqし lc divcrsity lt st111ls tlp ol Malaysia that inakc it an cxccptiona1 lourist clcStinati()11・ wh‖ 1′ :Lirih習 ll(11誕 窯 ■:c翼 鮮 //2θ // OCЧ ,晟 γ 1話 乳 il:1群 :│∬ 慧llsl‖ ‖下 翼 夢 co° mた by K¨ lu ndidd in 1:[:ボ 古 Itiltttl∫ 11‖ 』 glyfttattin∬ ∬ ∫ ∫ 品‖ 思 情 1:11品 ″琴 ti:liltttlll:ISill∬ 1ム rlll湖 :1』 ‖ t出 富 li‖ ilLi:h:∬ :猟 ,1=IIPageS flol“ :訴 y,"an。 11:│:hi∴ lピ 瞥 轟晨tttlttus` I鼎 肌l TTぜ ill 満I )lT跳 胤脱 ‖ ‖ さ i彙 btthけ ]FttF:平 1・ lll° ′ノ `'こ 14,√ ■γ ′ /2θ /ノ 169 168 statcnlcnt for tourisllo Othcr、 that thc statc― o、vncd()il /cll― lClloヽ Vn adVCrtiscmcnts ol'tlnis killd al‐ c th(ぅ and gas collapany PETRONAS tlsually sp01ns01、 aircd dul‐ illgllllorcCICbratiolls,such 、 c bc aslndCpcndcllcc Dayl Hari Raya Aidillll thc CIhincsc Nc、 v Ycar and Dccpavali,thc festival oflights Thc c010「 ■ons,sccnic localcs,andた 1。 stive atl■ l c011lbilla_ oSphcre that arc juxtapOscd with cvcry day lifc storics ofpcoplc ofdittfcrcllt cultural backgrounds arc vcry sclltilncn_ tal,yct、 cyc― catching and lllorc in dcpth than those by thc Toし lrisn1 01hcc「 It gocs、 vithout saying that thesc lllcdia― constrtlctcd inlagcs Of N/1alaysia、 Onc aiincd at forcigners and thc other at nativc vic、 vcrs,havc difncrclll agcll_ ` das Nonethcless,botll pr● cCt a dcsircd,idcalizcd multicthnic inlagc Ofヽ Maヽ laysia''Evcn though tllcsc lllcdia prtDlcclons arc in coninual llux,thcy pr()_ vidc a contrasting backgrotlnd to tllc contclllporary vic、 /nlllanga loulld ill most holllc― grOヽ ハ v oft.c001 culttlrc` Kaom's、 vorks,lor cxalmplc.ustl[llly lack〔 ' 1 dclllitc locality,hcr narrativc scttings ottcn being imaginativc and alllbigl10us ln Dα ′ 府 (■ rSt publishcd in Malay in 2005),whiCh iS Cxpliclly sctin Malay おι a's capital Kuala Lumpur(commOnly known as KL),thc Cityscapc and clothing strongly suggcst an illlagillaw KL that vagucly rcselllblcs Japan(Figs.2 and 3)ThcsC“ Japanesc''clcments arc blcndcd with local scnsibilitics,avoiding riSqLl`faShion and othcr dcpictions that、 vould o∬Qnd thc llnOral standards o「 Fig.4. Frlο r″ む σα/t″ Ao″ ド′ (2007:4-5).O Gelllpak 2011. conccnlcd、 vitll ccnsorshipド /′ ・ ‐ ■■■‐│■ ,│■ ││■ ・ ■ lalaysian socicty,and thLIS illakillg this.(othcr''KL acccptablc to atlthoritics 暉 Kaoru in thc WIIalaysian Context:Achieving a Balance betlⅣ een Chinese and ⅣIalay Readers while Elllp10ying Japanese langa¨ Style 1楼 the pOpular iPhOne cOnfirnls thc story as a contcmporary fantasy Of an imaginary ヽFictOriall era (〕 Cenlpak 2011. 靭蹴:腸‖ 〕 :}器 」 ll:n審 鴇 i総 〔 Rlllittil計 肛驚 よ 渚 賞黒誕 rノ Fセ 'こ ′2θ ′′ IJ()(Ⅵ ,ノ 「 て lH ′7/′ 2/1// ``ノ ニ 170 171 糧r配 蹴出膜鮮:驚意1就lttt雑 樅λ 肝糧ギ は Kao側 'S pOpularity is atypical in that it is largcly based On suppolt fl・ om lnlalc rcaders across thc cthnic spcctlum Dcspitc thc colllpany's Malay name,Kaoru's publishcr Gcmpak startz is owned by cthnicaHy Chillcsc Malaysians Gθ 771Pα たInagazillc,whOsc contcnts avcragc 65 pcrccnt conlics,has a circulation of74,190 copics thrOughout Ma_ laysia(Alt Square Group,2010:without pagination)Fiiccll in_hOusc cOmics altists(inCluding comics assistants)and 20 flcclanccrs cOntributc thcir wOrks to the rnagazine on an il■ egular basis Kaoru has becn working forthc nlagazinc 鰯 躍 sincc 2000 and is now considcrcd thcir lcading sh● o manga artist To datc, scrial cOnlics cultures has shi■ cd their viewpointtowards thc lllcdium This younger audicnce sceS COmiCS not only as a business,but as an cxciting mcdium of young adults fOr expressing cmotions and lilbstylc. SincC thC 1960s,thcrc has been a strongly contcl■ 1,′ │lil:` `│:!t,′ ■′漱 │1熊 ■ ,″ :な ´ ,′ ,″ .'tは :,■ ,´ : ′ ″ : 多 t=│:,4,1タ リ │“ =み │′ ″││す 舅 │れ ,II,,11111 11tl l11 111:│′ ■ ││″ '│, ,多 “ ,■ ,t`解 ││.雛 lporaw quality to thc ねshiOn and dcsign clements in Jtapancsc manga,palticularly in shoJo or i― male― orientatcd works ln Japanesc manga,there is a fastcr pacc of stylistic `111■ :子 1=│;`││:,′ ∬胤 獣 COlllpttrCd t0 1iterature and fllnl,thc younger gcncration's exposurc to various volume book format, plus an cight_ es(Fig.6)Hcr latCSt work,■ 4α ブ ″ルイαプ ,is an Ongdng "″ shc has publishcd four titles in a one― volume manga sc l品 電ll『 :I嘔 ::蜜:‖ 電鼻 f111∬li∬ :}1温 l蹴 鳳 changc COmpared to othcr comics availablc in Chincsc Whcn tccnagers in │:′ │.: NIIalaysia colllpare the non― Japancsc comics around them、 vith Japanese rnanga, they ind a grcater a、vareness of curently popular intercsts and stylcs in thc `1‐ latter,while the others appear to be variations on oldcr approachcs that have been slow to cvolve Kaom's interestin crcating shao manga rolllance nalla― i4'4″ ′ ││,11■ ` │,多 :′ ″ ` 1141髯 ,''議 :1,■ , 4'″ `111t′ │れ ,,:‐ ″ tl′ 4■ │′ ││れ ,1,● {「 `,な `411J`″ ■ J:虎 ″́ :: `機 ,tl多 ■ ″ tives rcsponds to and beneflts flon■ 名 ,1燿 数を 子ち11'''場 This tcndency can alsO bc obscⅣ cd in the work ofothcr Cθ 171pα たInaga― zinc artists According to chief cditor Slaiunl,nonscnsica1/nonscnsc and hor― :″ │ ″ ル■ ザ 1甕 │″ │ラ イ ││′ ″′ '■ :. │ │● =,‐ ケ響 Юrtogcthcrwith romancc hmlthc magazine'sthrcc malor gcnrcs 13 Nonsensi 1熊 │17″ ,議 ″ ■1,■ ,,■ :│:「 11■ 11": cal cOnlics by in― hOuse fcmale artists Nishiki and Ncko arc targeted at prinlaw . “ 凛II′ イ ■, │`脅 ″11み " IL彰 ‐ `│"率 ふ′│れ r41,″ f"脅 ,11r :′ 彰1`″ :′ 11′ 11`' ,`=″ '′ 誌 服儡惜 姉 [ly庶 ,嚇 :誦剛 尋計 =魃 sir[」 I縄 晰 尋ξ 鵠跳IF鞘 沼眠i訛 R薔 『躙駕ぶ曽 ; 髄 櫛 墨鷲 1鷲翼飾 ン 鳳]I躙 辮器 ′ 11111お ′ '`′ .′ プ │イ ″ ■′ │プ ′,` ZI:′ tタ に ィ ・ `=瑳 111′ → lz =議 タ レ ,i彼 `ノ 11`凛 `″ :痛 │タ :″ ′ │ │'あ │″ :‐ iみ ′ ″‐ t,考 :観 :ヤ 議 l鷲 4,│li ‐ 咤:ル 111ち 考↓予 ′́タイ 14,It″ :'1'■ │■ 移=:′ :"1′ '│`111111 ″ ■││ 14`1多 ■ `フ `││‐ :ヽ l舅 tな 111ケ ,':│`,,112`1'r tl=1'1111: ",7,ι `│::7. 1´ ' :牢 l =″ イ │“ ■ :`"′ :“ │ ││,41■ :∫ ′ :'t'レ イ夕 ″,「 争 リ ケ ″ ・・ ・ `=:`'1楊 “ ││力 look cool and sophisticatcd ,│■ ││14, │′ this cmphasis on curentねshion Thc audicncc feelsthcy can leam flonl hcr rnanga which inakes thcl■ ,多 :ll`',レ :た ,`1● ,′ , ::義 :″ 3111夕 11 “ 1,41,│:│, ■μ ,「・′ ″ “ Fig 6 A list of Kaortl's mallga 〃 OCИ Fレ 〃 2θ ノ′ IJOCIИ ,Fα 〃 2θ ′′ ͡ 173 172 “Japan''for nlost ofher audicncc is an imagined spacc,rathcr an actual country that can bc visitcd Prcciscly thcrcfore,JapanesC pen namcs are not likcly tO 囃 榊f∬織lIぱ ::ltW:irtti:l∬ l ∬1鷺「¶ 1∬ ぶ incct any clllotional dcnial ln an intervicヽ V,Nishiki colllments that hcr usc ofa rcgard tO dCpiCtiOns ofromantic situations contributcs to thc appcal ofKaol■ Japancsc pen namc is mainly bccausc of the prcfercnccs of thc lllagazinc's wOよ s ilき l's target groups ln othcr、 vords,clilllinating thc Chincscncss of hcr givcn nalnc can attract rcaders or rclax conccms prompted by local cthnic cOnccrns FOl_ lo、 ving this logic,Iく aoltl chOSC to writc hcr lincs in lalay frolal thc bcginning and have a prooicader go ovcrthcnl,instead of、 vriting il](3hinesc and having ittranslatcd by the company latcr lt dcservcs attcntion that Kaoru's wOrks arc originally crcated in Malay and only latcr translated into Chincsc and English Slaiul■ n also spoke about thc proccss of editing out narativc clcmcnts、 パ /hich would appear too Chincse,and commcnts or jokes only undcrstandablc tO ltists Chincsc ハ、 as wcll arc cxtrcmely cautious to kcep thcir stories as cultur― ally neutral as possible Whcn one flips through Kaoru's works,it is nOt diin― cult to locatc places,signboards,or school unibrms which slightly l‐ cfcr t0 lalaysia Such associations creatc a scnse of familiarity without gcncrating too strong a scnse oflocality ativc ln othcr words,cmploying Japancsc rnanga stylc and inlaginaw nal■ lalaysia prOvidcs vith thc rcality of settings that have apparcntly littlc to do、 a comfortable platforlll to cntcrtain diversc audicnces As a rcsult,rcadcrs lcam littlc about the artist's distinctivc cultural background ln Kaoltl's fourth vol― umc ofi表 ?″ οs Ecノ ″sθ ,thC f10nt covcr design cmploys Chincsc calligraphy in the background,which is rarc and visually attractivc ltis noncthclcss obvious thatthosc clcmcnts arc inercly decorativc withoutsuggesting any dcCperlllcan― i盤 踊 s漁 蹴 灘 :│∬ i瀧 iTR既 貯 譜 鳳 黒 讐 冊 :∬ :I∫ ::li] Fig.7.Book cover of,α Js″ 力′(2008)that became controversial becausc of its sexiness.()Gempak 2011. Concluding Thoughts ■ 30Ct4,fb//2θ ノノ ′,SC14 Frr′ ′2θ ノノ 175 174 ´1lthough itis stin tOo s。 。 n lalaysian altist,wh。 to knottЪ thc、ハ /ork OfKaoru,a lnainstream fcmalc(]hinese publishes in Malay,suggcsts that it rnay bc possiblc and cvcntually cmbracc onc another's dil fercnces h∝ cly識 ,礼 程 [1肥 需 Л 胤『 謂:駅 I ∬ i獲驚灘i廿 鱗 墨I棚嚇思 衛要 Ofinqui[yヽ VhiCh arc ofconccrn to a global audicncc 「 詭 織 官∬ 川 器 In hcr、 vork and that ofhcr compatriots,aspccts ofJapanesc rnanga culturc arc uscd to crcatc imaginary placcs that providc a spacc、 vhich is rclativcly ti cc()f thc cthnic tcnsions of everyday life This is signiflcant bccausc Malaysia's colnplex situation can casily lead to a biascd rcading ofrccognizablc 10calitics ル′ ″ ssο ″ 力9″ θ ノ ブ ″ ピ ″ノ ο θ css″ ηg″ α οP/`ノυ ″′ ″ ″ υ′ ′/wο 夕 `朽 g″ ブ ッ ピ パ ブ ブ ″ ′ 力 ″α′ α ″ ″ た α助 カ θ ″ α ′ r`α ″ c′ ′ ′ た &′ ′ θ ο ヶ _ル ′ グ ′ 約 げ β `′ 71S ο ツ gg`s′ ノ 17`′ ブ ′″ W′ θ θ セ`“ `″ /`た ″ s′ `Sν `θ As rnulticthnic coll1lllunitics arc incrcasingly bcconling thc nOrm arOund thc Endnotes world,the qucstion arises whcthcr Japancsc manga sサ le may ilnctiOn as a cross― cthnic space for fan comlnunitics in countrics such as Francc,tllc unitcd Statcs,and so on,as wcll Thirdly,shclJo stylc manga wol・ lcs by crettors such as Kaoru prOvidc an l The tCmls力 ″ο777α ″gα 肋 ,orshaO manga al■ ist,is widcly uscd in Malaysia, espeCially among fans(bOth Chincsc and Malay)refcl■ ing to altists who adopt cspccially cffcctivc way to rcach a cross― ethnic fcmale audicncc in N/1alaysia mallga styL and thc sllolo gcnrc Romancc and fashion sccm to be cspccially suitcd for thc crcation ofa fこ 2 1n this papcr,“ rnanga style''rcfcrs to thc so― cancd story l■langa as ftllned in space,sincc thcsc stereotypical themcsお lllalc r girls havc thc potential()f casily cscaping the attcntion ofrnalc authorities and ccnsors Fan productions、 vhich Japan,While``colnics''is used as a gcncral tcrm br all solls of scqucntial pictorial stow―tClling are vcry close to BL― rclatcd dolinshiin Japan call bc found onlinc or at comics 3 A notc on thc order ofthe nalncs:Chincsc and Japancse names are given in markets,and they suggcst that femalc manga culturc indccd cxists without thc domestic ordcr,sumamc appcaring bcお rc givcn namc dra、 ving 4 Thc criticism atthattime was directed attllc adult humOrin O′ llltlch oficial scrutiny ln regard to Malaysia,this calis fbr compari― ″ノ イαsた ″2,as luch ofthe resistancc,how― sons betwccn thc cross ethnic popularity of shao inllucnccd comics and 、 vell as the violence found in Zみ h/1alaysian collDics intluenccd by othcr genrcs of lllanga or by collliCS from cver,camc fl・ om thc stereotypical conception ofpictorial sequential ai as cul― other countrics turany insigniflcant rnaterial for children Fulthcr inforlllation on thc ban on `Chブ /1asθ Hc″ ο Japancsc manga to attract local intcrcst, but thcsc aspects 1lavc not bccn HongIく Ong cOnlics in 1970s Singaporc and Malaysia can bc found in John zヘ Lel■ t,cd Pク ″ Dθ /Jlο ″s(1999)The cventllal acccptancc ofJapancsc manga by pronlotcd by Japan Discussions ofintcrcultural translllission nccd to includC many parents emcrgcd in concc■ with thc“ Look East Policy,''initiatcd by thc this idca of appropriation which is quitc diffcrcnt fl・ on■ thc idca of ovcrscas Malaysiall gOvcmmcntin 1981 The o面 cialintcllt was to lcam iom Japall(and Finally,Kaolll's Malaysian comics rcveal hcr appropriation ofaspccts Of promotion by Japan 15 1tis also di二 trent ti・ om thc idea ofcultural cxChangc as Korea)in regttd tO nation― building.In this context,lllanga,although not con― Malaysian contents arc not going to Japan As Japancse busincss intcrcsts havc long sprcad throughout 2ヽ sia sccking consumcrs for Japallcsc productS 獣 and establishing ovcrseas oficcs and factorics for Japancse colllpaniCS,thCrc has been a tcndcncy to vicw thc popularitv of Japancse l13anga stylC as s0111C― ′ ノθC‐ 4.Frrノ /2θ ′/ 瀧 麟 WT聯 滲 蠣 1懲 肺 iア (9こA,Fr/〃 2θ ノ ノ 177 176 ″′κα″ ″ WCrC COnSidCrcd prc」 udicial tO public ordcr ′ クノsプ αand Pθ たDα ′ “ thc Printing “ and banned undcr PressCS alld Publicationsノ ヘct(PPPA)In this instance, Zunar's cartoons that rcVCaled a speciic locality and cOnfrOntcd firi沈 鸞 11 鷺」 難 authorities、 vith his caricatures unavoidably faced closc exanlinati01l by thc govcmment 9 Gθ 777Pα たiS a bi― nlonthly h/1alay― languagc information magazine laullched in 1998 and also thc abbrcviated name ofitS publisher Gcmpak Staltz,、 vhO、 vas the irst comics publisher in lalaysia to employ li11ltime in― hOusc altists and prOvidc thcm with a rnonthly salary,as wcll as additional bonus Gθ J椰鄭 繹囃1舘 牌鷲貫 盤茸 17基織 恵 than by cultural expollation ″ち υαたalsO activcly rccrtlits ncwcomcrs iolll tillllc to timc as comics assistants、 vitll thc llcdged comics altists Gθ ′ フ talcnted ones gradually being upgradcd to lilll― ψα References /t is undcr thc lnanagcment ofthcノ ヘ■ Square Group,、 vhich also lnanages cight othcr inagazines printed in lalay,English,and Chinese and is said tO be Onc Of thc largest and most pr01iic publishers of colllics and infotainmcnt― rclatcd 1l Square Group consists ofノ ヽrt Squarc materials in Malaysia today Thc´ 、 Creation Sdn Bhd,Alllung Taipan Sdn Bhd,Gala Unggul Resourccs Sdn Bhd, and Gcmpalt Startz Sdn Bhd.A Singapore branch callcd A■ Squarc Crcation(s) Pte Ltd、vas cstablishcd in 2008 10 Kaoltl's favorite lnangaka include rclativcly unconvcntional altists such as Ono Natsume and Yoshinaga Fumi Kaoコ ■also notcd thatlnoue Takchiko had 憫殷驚l糧 轟肌理1濯冊:I l驚 Ⅷh‖ 謂 紺亀 I」 and httd to undcrstand''(PopCOm,2009:without pagination) Ai SquarC Group 2010 Pamphlct on publication profllcs and advcrtiscmcnt ratcs Bch,Hartlllli 2003“ Globalization Thco7■ om tllC Bo■ omUp:Japall's Contri― bution"υ ttψ α″ “`Sr17清 `s23(1):3-22 Kaorll,Neko,Nishiki,Slailllll.2010 Unpublishcd intcn/icws and group discus― sion with Cran Sheuo Hui,Bandar Tasik Selatan,Ktlala Lulllpur,Ma― laysia,Dec.23 Lent,Jollll A 1999.``Conlics Con仕 oversics al■ d Codcsi Rcvcrbcrationsin Asia" ′ た In Pν ″ Dθ 7790′ S 177′ θ′ κα′ ブ 0″ α′D′ 777θ ″ Sプ 0″ S9/」/1θ Pο SFltα ″И刀 C0771ブ の Cα 771pα ブ ,η ,edited by John A Lent,pp.179-214 NJ:Fairlcigh Dickinson University Press 1l Personal inten/ie、 v with Slaiunl,thc chief cditor of Gθ ″′αた,and the feinlale Lcnt,John A 2010.“ Mangain East Asia"Inル 4α んgα ИηИ″r/7ο わν げ G′ οろα′ [鮮:[難 蠍 錨轟警 撚瑕茸滸 鯨 jl濃 α77″ C″ ルタ″ α′Pθ rspθ ε′ ノ νas,edited by Toni Johnson― Woods,pp 314.Ncv√ York:Continullm. 棺 #慧 re 試 }:lttic脚 ∝ 鴛 Ⅷふ l稔縄 計 漁 ぶ柵里 lξ 297- Lim,Cheng TJu.“ Lcst Wc Forgct:Thc lmpoltancc ofHistow in Singaporc alld Malaysia Conlics Stlldies''In C′ οbα ノMa″ yS′ 17″ ′ as 1/a′ ′ r Cο /77JCS ″b′ ′ αs&′ ヵ θЙ Zう ′ ノ ″9/` Cο たS17♭ wα α s■ 力ο7r7パ カ″ ο′αG′ οわα′ “ α′ θ,cditcd by Jaqucline “ Bcmdt,pp 187-199 Kyotol lntemational Sc・ Malaga Rcscarch Ccntcr Zint(a male comics allist)is quitc popular as wcll :∬淋鋼 〃θCし4,F47〃 2θ ″ 鞘 掘∫ l農 器 響ittrT嵐 器 黎 鸞憑 姉轟 ′ IメOCし 4,Frr′ ′2θ ′ 178 179 1ccturcr in the Manga Faculty at lく yoto Seika Univcrsity and a rcsearchcr fOr thc Japan Subculmre sttldics.Her rcscarch intcrcsts include thc intcr_disci_ plinary conncctions betwecn manga,anilne,and livc― action ilms Shc is alsO cxploring cOnncctiOns tO Japancse rnanga and anilllc in the works Ofsoutheast Wolllen“ Using langa tO Tell Local Stories": Aミ、rkshop On the``Glocality" of langa in sOutheast Asia Asian altists She has prcscntcd papers on her rescarch in Japan, Canada, Unitcd Kingdonl,Greccc,Soutll Korca,Tai、 van,and Singapore Angela 10reno Acosta Mangat has gained an imprcssive amount of popularity in thc Unitcd StatCS and Europe,palticularly among young women and girls For somc of thcsc womcn and girls,whosc only intcraction with conlics had been、 vith the malc― dominatcd worlds of supcrhcro collliCS, it was the flrst tilne they cncountercd v/orks that offcrcd a fcmalc pcrspcctivc This experience cncouragcd inany to aspirc to bc profcssionals in thc conlics busincss,Inany Ofthcm hoping to work spcciflcally inthc mangaindustw Lcaming ofwomcn in Japan who had flourishing carccrs madc thclll rcalizc that comics wcrc dcflnitely not a``boys only club''The sprcad ofrnanga's inllucncc ovcrscas, among female readers in particulat and the subsequent rise of womcn as manga artists was precisely what the conference“ Women's Manga beyond Japani Contcmporary Comics as Cultural Crossroads in Asia"(National Univcrsity of Singaporc,Fcbrtlaw 20H)wiShCd to addrcss As part of this contrcncc,a、 vorkshop titlcd“ Using Manga to Tcll Local Storics''was hcld, in orderto explore manga's“ glocaliサ "(apOrtmalltcau of“ global''alld“ local''), or more precisely.the ways in which manga as a cultural product that is consumcd on a global scale,is appropriated and used by altists on a local scalc ln an attcmpt to dclvc into this, as、 vell as the issue of、 vomen's authorship,、ve held a panel discussion、 vith flvc invited female conlics altists, wherc linteⅣ icwed them(■ rstin tum,later as a group)On stage in fl・ ont ofthc prcscntcrs and gucsts ofthc confcrcncc 2 Thc f。 1lo、 ving is a report ofthosc intcllriews,discussions and flndings ``Glocality"of langa Up to now,most of the research on manga's globalization has bcen focuscdmainly onrcadcrs andthcirfandoms 3 1fthc altistsbccollac tlle suoject of rescarch,critics often point out ho、 v their inanga are global but not rcally localin tems ofcontents.This bccamc cvidcnt、 vhcn in Dcccmber 2009,atthe lStlntcrnational Conircncc on conlics and inanga at the Iく yoto lntemational Mallga Muscum,comics c tic Lim Cheng T」 u4spOke abouttllc currcnt situation in Singapore and Malaysia,strcssing the impoltancc ofhistorical referencc in regards to contents He argued that、 vithout a sensc ofhisto■ y,thc work loses its rclation to social rcality,as``we arc prbducts Of our own expcricncc and r」 aCし4,Frr″ 2θ ′′ 」θCИ ,F/7〃 2θ ′′
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