Avoid the “Shipwracke” - Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral


Avoid the “Shipwracke” - Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral
Volume 22 Issue 1
Fall/Ecclesiastical/New Year 2012
Sacrificial Love & Stewardship
A publication of
Annunciation Greek
Orthodox Cathedral
Houston, Texas
Inside this Issue
Sacrifical Love & Stewardship...... 1
Bible Study Resumes................... 2
Jesus’ Compassion for us............ 3
Welcome to Gaby Gadah............. 5
Avoid the “Shipwracke”............... 5
Religious Education...................... 8
Greek Language & Culture
School..................................... 10
Choir Notes................................ 11
Cathedral Calendar-Sept. & Oct.... 14
46th Annual Original Greek
Festival.................................... 17
Philoptochos.............................. 18
Senior Citizens........................... 19
Stewardship Listing.................... 20
AGOC Library............................. 24
AOS............................................ 25
Registry...................................... 27
46th Annual
Original Greek Festival
October 4-7
Then said Jesus unto his disciples, “If any man will come after me, let him
deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me” Matthew 16:24
he words spoken by Jesus
Christ from Matthew 16:24 are
words that are both meant to compel
us and guide us as to how we are
to attain the Heavenly Kingdom
when we depart this earthly life.
September first is the starting point
for the ecclesiastical year. It is also
the month that we celebrate the
feastday of the Precious and Life
Giving Cross (September 14th). In
the Divine Liturgy we are called
to “commit ourselves and one
another, and our whole life to Christ
our God”. In the society we live in
today, we are distracted at every
moment of our day by things that
are contrary to the commandments
of Jesus Christ. Jesus did not tell his
disciples that if they followed Him
that life would be a bed of roses. He
told them that people would despise
them, hate them and even throw
them in prison or put them to death.
Not only did Jesus speak these
words, he lived them out by being
sacrificially nailed to the Cross.
I was blessed to take part in the
Clergy/Laity Congress in Phoenix
this past July; I attended a question
and answer session which was
led by Metropolitan Isaiah. There
were many good questions and
comments. There was however
one lady who seemed to blame
her lack of faith, commitment and
knowledge of Orthodoxy on the
priests of her parish, both past and
present. As I listened to her words,
I realized that she was not picking
up her own Cross at all, but rather
making excuses. I might have
been able to agree with her a bit if
we were living in the early stages
of development of our Orthodox
Church in America, but we are not.
In this modern society where so
much emphasis is put on education
and secular knowledge, there is no
good excuse for not knowing and
growing in our Orthodox Christian
faith. It takes desire and humility.
It requires us as parents to have
zeal and love for God. It starts in
our homes, with family prayer,
with doing simple things like
eating together at the same table
each morning or evening. It means
leading a life that is pleasing to
God, one that is a proper example to
our children in every way. We must
show them the true love of a husband
and wife, a love which is sacrificial,
just as Christ’s sacrificial love was
shown on the Cross. If we love are
children, we will make it a priority
Page 2 to worship as a family at the Divine
Liturgy. We will make sure that
they attend Sunday Church School
weekly to give them a foundation in
Orthodoxy. To do any less displays
poor stewardship of our young
people. In short it displays a lack of
love for them and their salvation.
Aside from Sunday worship
and family time together, how
can we practice good stewardship
as parents and as Orthodox in
general? In the Book of Genesis,
chapter one, we hear the words
“and it was good”. All that God
created was created for the good of
mankind. While some may look at
The Annunciator
modern technology as a bad thing,
it is also a good and positive tool
for us to grow our faith in Christ.
The internet, social media, email,
smart phones and the list goes on;
all give us the opportunity to learn
our faith. Today we have access
to information, books, videos,
podcast, radio, television, satellite
communications, all of which allow
us to get closer to Christ and His
Holy Church. These are just a few
of the ways that we can supplement
our own religious education and
that of our children. God has given
all of us so many talents to use
for the Glory of His Name. If we
have procrastinated or not lived up
to our full potential as Orthodox
Christians, let us start today! Let’s
not blame others for things that we
can and must correct by our own
free will. Remember that Christ has
appointed us (you) to go and bear
fruit in this life. When we accept
the Cross of Christ with a joyful
heart and with sacrificial love for
our family, there is no doubt that we
will become bright lights not only to
our friends, but most importantly to
our children.
+Fr. Michael
Bible Studies Resume
It is with great excitement and
enthusiasm that I announce the
beginning of another year of Bible
Studies. There has seemingly been
a long hiatus since our last session;
even though, some of the members
of our group have been able to join
us at St. George’s monthly Bible
Study on the Epistle to the Ephesians
led by Dr. Adrian Trabulsi. Most,
however, are anxiously waiting for
the new Ecclesiastical year to begin
and to embark on another year of
the Study of Sacred Scripture.
After much prayer and reflection,
and with the approval and blessing
of Fr. Michael, I am pleased to say
that we will be studying the Gospel
of Saint Matthew. It is the longest
of the four Gospels, and it is the
only one that was initially written
in Aramaic, the language spoken by
the Jews at the time of Christ. Its
major theme is “Christ the Incarnate
God, Immanuel (‘God is with us/
among us’), has inaugurated the
Kingdom of God…realized in
the true Israel, the Church.” Even
though the Gospel of Matthew is a
Synoptic (share the ‘same view’)
Gospel as is Mark’s and Luke’s,
it has a Jewish/Aramaic ‘flavor’
and emphasizes Ecclesiology, the
gathering of the people of God, the
Church. In addition, it poses a rather
high standard of righteousness
for the people of God to maintain,
necessitating the help and grace of
Jesus Christ.
The sessions will again be on
Wednesdays at 1:00 pm and 7:00 pm
at AGOC, and every third Thursday
evening in Sugar Land. Start dates
will be announced later.
As always the only required
text is the Orthodox Study Bible.
Please join us for a very fruitful
and interesting Bible Study. I am
looking forward to seeing you at our
+ Fr. Demetri
The Annuncaiator
Page 3
Jesus’ Compassion for us in the Eucharist
Matthew 14 tells the familiar story of the feeding
of the five thousand men plus women and children. We
are told that Jesus with his disciples has withdrawn to
a lonely place, but the crowds have followed him. In
seeing the people, the Lord has compassion on them,
that is, he suffers with them. He responds to their
suffering by healing the sick and teaching them his
commandments about living the life that God desires
his followers to live.
After healing and teaching, the disciples become
concerned because it has become late in the day and the
people are getting hungry. They ask Jesus to dismiss
them so that the people can go get food in the nearby
villages. But Jesus gives the disciples an unexpected
response: You feed them. They look at Jesus curiously
and ask him how they are to do this being that they only
have five loaves of bread and two fish. Jesus tells the
people to sit down, takes the bread and the fish, blesses
them, and then gives them to the disciples to distribute
amongst the people. Matthew tells us that all the people
ate and were satisfied. What a miraculous gift this was
to the people.
This story of the miraculous feeding of the five
thousand tells us a few things about how Jesus has
compassion on his people. First, he offers healing
to all who are sick and come to him for relief from
their suffering. Jesus heals the people physically and
spiritually. This serves as the basis for the sacraments
of unction and confession in the church. Those of us
who are unwell should call the elders, the priests, of the
church to be anointed with holy oil and to be prayed
over for the healing that Jesus offers to us.
Secondly, Jesus teaches us his commandments of
how to live a virtuous and Godly life. If we follow the
commands of God, by loving him with our whole heart,
soul, mind, and strength, and we love our neighbors as
we love ourselves, then we are fulfilling the totality of
the commands of God. If we care for the poor and the
hungry, the sick and suffering in our society by being
the hands and feet of Christ and offering Jesus to the
world in the form of reconciliation and love, then we
are loving Christ with our whole heart and we are
loving our neighbors.
Thirdly, and what I want to focus on, is that Jesus
offers himself to us in the Eucharistic meal of the
bread and wine transformed into the body and blood of
Christ. The story of the feeding of the five thousand is
a type or pre-figurement of the Eucharistic meal. Jesus
takes common food, bread and fish, offers it to God and
blesses it, and then distributes it for all to eat. In the
Eucharistic meal, common food, bread and wine, are
offered to God by the hands of the priest. But in the
anaphora prayer, the priest states that it is Jesus who
offers himself to his Father for our sake. In return for
this offering, God blesses the bread and wine and sends
his Holy Spirit down upon them transforming them into
the body and blood of Christ in a great mystery. Unlike
the Roman Catholic Church, we do not explain how
this happens with Aristotelian logic. We simply let the
mystery stand as a mystery.
Compassionately, the Lord offers himself for us as
the bread of the world. He gives himself for us. When
the Lord was tempted by the devil he responded to him
that “man does not live by bread alone, but by every
word that comes from God.” Jesus is the Word of God
in the flesh. In the consuming of the bread and wine, the
holy gifts of the body and blood of Christ, we receive
the Word of God inside of us. St. John Chrysostom
states that we chew on the very word of God through
the chewing of the bread and the drinking of the wine.
In so doing, we receive the life of God in us flowing
through and mixing with our very being. We become
one with the Lord and are transformed into his likeness
in the process of theosis. As the Lord says in the Gospel
Page 4 The Annunciator
of John, “He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood
has everlasting life.” When he said this to his followers,
many were scandalized and ceased to follow him. But
we know that we indeed have everlasting life in the
receiving of the body and blood of Christ.
We are told by St. Paul that we are to receive the
holy gifts worthily, that is we are to discern properly the
body and blood of Christ. Otherwise, if we do not do so
we will eat and drink damnation upon ourselves. The
Church of Corinth was doing precisely this, St. Paul
tells them, because they failed in their discernment.
They did not realize that they were receiving the body
and blood of Christ, and as a result, some in their
midst were dying. But how were they failing in their
discernment? In the Anaphora prayer in the Epiclesis
or the calling down of the Holy Spirit upon the gifts
to bring about their transformation, the priest asks that
the Lord send his Holy Spirit upon those who are here
present and upon the bread and the wine to transform
all of us into the body of Christ. Not only are the bread
and the wine transformed into the body and blood of
Christ, but we too are transformed into the body of
Christ. In the Church of Corinth, the people were not
treating each other as brothers and sisters in Christ, as
equals with each other. Instead, there was abuse and
distinction in the church between the poor and the
wealthy. The wealthy were not sharing their goods with
the poor. As a result, in the reception of the holy gifts,
the people were drinking damnation upon themselves
because of their un-Christian actions.
When we receive from the chalice the body and
blood of Christ, we are stating that we love the Lord
with our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and that we
love our neighbors as ourselves. What this means, then,
is that when a person communes he or she is not only
communing with the Lord but with all those who are
also communing from the same chalice. Receiving
Holy Communion is not simply about me and Jesus. It
is about being a follower of Christ in communion with
all the members of the body of Christ. When a person
receives Holy Communion he or she is saying that I am
willing to die for every person who drinks from this
same chalice. Brothers and sisters, I know that all of the
priests here present would lay their lives down for you
all. To receive from the chalice worthily is to also be
willing to lay down your life for your brother or sister
in Christ. That is what the Lord asks, because that is
what the Lord did for us. It is also what the martyrs
did for us. The Lord and his martyrs had compassion.
We too are to have compassion on each other, suffering
with each other and bearing one another’s suffering.
When the Lord blessed and broke the bread and the
fish, he gave them to his disciples to distribute to the
people. Today, the priests are called to do the same: to
have compassion on the people and distribute the bread
and the wine as the body and blood of Christ to the
people for their healing of soul and body and for the
forgiveness of their sins. The priests have been given
a special grace called out from the people by the Holy
Spirit to offer the sacrifice on the altar and to distribute
Christ himself to the people for the salvation of the
world. It is a most humbling experience to offer the
sacrifice and to distribute the gifts to the people of God
for their salvation. Our calling is not for ourselves but
for you all. We are called to serve and to be servants of
Likewise, all of us are called to serve one another
in love for Christ and for each other for their salvation.
If we have offended or sinned against another brother
or sister in Christ, then we are to ask for forgiveness
from them, even up to seventy times seven. Reconcile
with one another in love so that we all receive the holy
mystery worthily discerning the reality of the body and
blood of Christ. Then we will experience the healing
and salvation that the Lord offers to each one of us.
May the peace of God which passes all human
understanding keep your hearts and minds in Christ
Jesus. Amen.
+Fr. Daniel
The Annuncaiator
Page 5
Welcome to Gaby Gadah
We welcome a new member to the Annunciation
Cathedral ministry staff. With the blessing of His
Eminence Metropolitan Isaiah of Denver and the full
support of the parish council, Mr. Gaby Gadah, a 2008
graduate of Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of
Theology, assumed the duties of pastoral assistant as of
August 1, 2012.
Gaby Gadah was born in Beirut, Lebanon in 1968
and immigrated to the United States at age two. He
was raised in Sarasota, Florida and attended St. Barbra
Greek Orthodox Church where he and his family were
active in the life of the parish.
Upon graduating from high school he attended community college in Sarasota for one year. In 1987 he enlisted in the United States Navy. Gaby proudly served
in the Navy from 1987-1991. He was stationed in
Norfolk, Virginia and served aboard the aircraft carrier
USS Coral Sea CV-43 and aboard the fast frigate USS
Donald B. Beary FF-1085. Following his Honorable
Discharge from the US Navy he returned to college and
continued his education by earning an Associates of
Arts from Manatee Community College and a Bachelor
of Science in Accounting from the University of South
Florida. Gaby was employed in the corporate sec-
tor, working for Bank of
America, Poe and Brown
Associates and Verizon
Credit Inc.
Gaby left his corporate job with Verizon
Credit in 2003 and began
his studies at Holy Cross
Greek Orthodox School
of Theology in Brookline,
MA, graduating in 2008
with a Masters of Divinity.
After graduation in
2008, Gaby worked at St.
John the Divine Greek
Orthodox Church in
Jacksonville, Florida as the pastoral assistant/youth director until August 2011. Gaby’s hobbies include physical exercise, water sports, working on computers and
spending time with family and friends.
We welcome Gaby to our Cathedral family and
wish him many years of faithful service to our Lord
Jesus Christ and His Church!
“Avoiding the Shipwracke” Parental Responsibility
in a Secular Teen Culture, Matthew 5:14-19
Fr. Daniel Payne
In Matthew 5, we hear Jesus introducing the
Sermon on the Mount where he instructs his followers
about their relationship that they are to have with the
world. The followers of Jesus are to “let [their] light so
shine among men that they see [their] good works and
glorify [their] Father who is in heaven.” As Christians
we are called to be the “light of the world” and a “city
set on a hill” referencing the prophecies given by the
prophet Isaiah. As followers of Christ we are to reflect
the values and teachings of Christ in our lives so that
others will be drawn to Christ. We are to set an example
through virtue of the life that God calls us to live, by
following the teachings and laws of Christ.
In American history, John Winthrop, the first
governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1630 on
board the ship Arbela, referenced these very words
of Christ when he addressed the Puritan fathers and
mothers. In his address he stated,
Page 6 (written in Old English)
Now the onely way to avoyde this
shipwracke and to provide for our
posterity is to followe the Counsell of
Micah, to doe Justly, to love mercy, to
walke humbly with our God, for this
end, wee must be knitt together in this
worke as one man, wee must entertaine
each other in brotherly Affeccion,
wee must be willing to abridge our
selves of our superfluities, for the
supply of others necessities, wee must
uphold a familiar Commerce together
in all meekenes, gentlenes, patience
and liberallity, wee must delight in
eache other, make others Condicions
our owne rejoyce together, mourne
together, labour, and suffer together,
allwayes haveing before our eyes our
Commission and Community in the
worke, our Community as members of
the same body, soe shall wee keepe the
unitie of the spirit in the bond of peace,
the Lord will be our God and delight
to dwell among us, as his owne people
and will commaund a blessing upon
us in all our wayes, soe that wee shall
see much more of his wisdome power
goodnes and truthe then formerly wee
have beene acquainted with, wee shall
finde that the God of Israell is among
us, when tenn of us shall be able to
resist a thousand of our enemies,
when hee shall make us a prayse and
glory, that men shall say of succeeding
plantacions: the lord make it like that of
New England: for wee must Consider
that wee shall be as a Citty upon a Hill,
the eies of all people are uppon us; soe
that if wee shall deale falsely with our
god in this worke wee have undertaken
The Annunciator
and soe cause him to withdrawe his
present help from us, wee shall be
made a story and a byword through the
world, wee shall open the mouthes of
enemies to speake evill of the wayes of
god and all professours for Gods sake;
wee shall shame the faces of many of
gods worthy servants, and cause theire
prayers to be turned into Cursses
upon us till wee be consumed out of
the good land whether wee are going:
And to shutt upp this discourse with
that exhortacion of Moses that faithfull
servant of the Lord in his last farewell
to Israell Deut. 30. Beloved there is now
sett before us life, and good, deathe and
evill in that wee are Commaunded this
day to love the Lord our God, and to
love one another to walke in his wayes
and to keepe his Commaundements and
his Ordinance, and his lawes, and the
Articles of our Covenant with him that
wee may live and be multiplyed, and
that the Lord our God may blesse us in
the land whether wee goe to possesse
it: But if our heartes shall turne away
soe that wee will not obey, but shall
be seduced and worshipp other Gods
our pleasures, and proffitts, and serve
them, it is propounded unto us this day,
wee shall surely perishe out of the good
Land whether wee passe over this vast
Sea to possesse it;
Therefore lett us choose life,
that wee, and our Seede,
may live; by obeyeing his
voyce, and cleaveing to him,
for hee is our life, and
our prosperity.
The Annuncaiator
Unfortunately, as a nation, we are entering into the
shipwreck that Winthrop foresaw. As Christians we
have the responsibility due to the covenant that we have
entered into with Christ at our baptism to choose life,
not death, to forsake immorality and idolatry, and to
obey the commands of our Lord. As our Lord stated,
not one iota or tittle of the law will be done away with
until all is completed in the saving work of Christ. We
as Christians choose to follow the divine law handed
down to us from Christ through the fathers and mothers
of the Orthodox Church.
Some people, have been asking me, when I was
going to give my reflections about summer camp with
our young people. Overall, camp was a wonderful
experience this year, working with the youth in helping
them to learn to consider Christ in their lives in all their
actions and decisions.
But let me be frank with you mothers and fathers of
our young people. Our youth are suffering and struggling
with their faith in the face of our anti-Christian culture.
Yes, I said anti-Christian culture. Our culture today
is a culture of death as Pope John Paul II called it. If
you listen to the music or watch the television shows
that the youth are listening to and watching, we will
see why our children are involved with all manner of
immorality. Fathers and mothers, we are losing our
children to the secular anti-Christian culture around us.
In the discussions that I had with 14 and 15 year olds
at camp, our youth revealed to me that they are seeking
for direction in their lives. They want to be Christian,
but they do not know what that means. The kids told us
that they are having eating disorders due to body image
issues, suffering from depression, cutting, attempting
suicide, bullying and being bullied, engaging in sexual
immorality including fornication and adultery, using
drugs, and engaging in other un-Christian behavior.
Many had to ask me if fornication was a sin. They
simply did not know, yet their conscience was feeling
guilty for their actions. These are our Greek Orthodox
children. We cannot hide our heads in the sand and
pretend that our children are not doing these things. Our
Page 7
children are hurting for spiritual direction. The number
of youth that desired to come clean and make their first
confession was a good sign. They even asked some of
us priests if we could be their spiritual fathers, to help
give them spiritual and moral advice. They are longing
for help.
But if we examine the Barna reports and the other
statistics regarding Christians and non-Christians in
America today, we will find that there is no difference
between the two regarding morality and spirituality. Our
children are the same as non-Christians when it comes
to moral practices and beliefs. What are we teaching our
children? Are we teaching them the law of Christ and
what it means to be a Christian? Are we helping them
through the teenage years dealing with these moral and
spiritual struggles that they are enduring?
Fathers and mothers the clergy cannot save our
children by ourselves. Camp and the youth ministry of
the Church certainly helps in providing an environment
where the youth can open up and discuss what is going
on in their lives. But, fathers and mothers, we need you
to help us by providing moral and spiritual models for
the youth if we want them to stay in the Church and to
be Christian in this society. As parents, we need to be
realistic and reflect about what values we are teaching
our children. To pick on some easy targets, the music of
Lady Gaga and Katy Perry is quite popular among our
children. Do we provide alternatives or do we simply
go along with what these women are preaching to our
children about sexual immorality. Ironically, Lady Gaga
is a lapsed Catholic, and Katy Perry is the daughter of a
Christian pastor.
Brethren, we live in a culture and society that
teaches our children not to respect our parents and not
to respect religious tradition. Instead, it teaches them
individualism leading to narcissism and nihilism.
Children are being told that it does not matter what you
believe; you are to find your own beliefs. We live in an
age in our culture where God is not recognized. The
values that Jesus references in the Sermon on the Mount
(continue on page 9)
Page 8 The Annunciator
Religious Education
Irene Cassis, Director of Religious Education
I believe many of us can agree that it is tough to live our Orthodox Christian Faith in today’s culture, just as
it has been for each generation of Christians from the very beginning. We all face difficulties in trying to live
an Orthodox way of life, and so do our young people. However, in one of his writings, Archbishop Demetrios
reminds us, “We, the members of the Body of Christ, are called to be faithful to Him, to others and to ourselves.
However, we must first realize who Christ is, in order to faithfully follow him.”
When Metropolitan Isaiah visits our parish it is not unusual to hear him begin his homily with “We are living
in the end times…” Daily, modern technology brings into our homes news of war, famine, genocide, and natural
disasters from all over the world. Just as we think nothing else can happen that can shock us, we hear of the
shootings in Aurora, Colorado and the futile loss of innocent lives.
Many of our young people are engaging in activities and exhibiting behaviors that do not coincide with, and in
many cases directly contradict a healthy Christian lifestyle. Young people today are growing up in a world that is
increasingly promiscuous and tolerant of indiscriminate behaviors. Our young people are constantly bombarded
with images and media that are foreign to our Orthodox way of life.
In a recent homily, Fr. Daniel Payne shared his experience at the Denver Metropolis summer camp where
he worked with kids in helping them to Consider Christ in their lives and in all their actions and decisions. Fr.
Daniel became more serious as he began to address parents. He stated, “Our youth are suffering and struggling
with their faith in the face of our anti-Christian culture…Our culture today is a culture of death as Pope John
Paul II called it. If you listen to the music or watch the television shows that the youth are listening to and
watching, you will see why our children are involved with all manner of immorality. Fathers and mothers, we
are losing our children to the secular anti-Christian culture around us.”
Studies have shown that there is not a lot of difference in the behaviors of Christian teens and non-Christian
teens. Other studies have shown that Christian denominations of all faiths are losing young people from their
Those of us who have spent time with kids realize they are not the only ones who are seeking direction in their
lives. Many parents also seek direction in dealing with materialism, sexual impropriety and trying to fit in. Fr.
Daniel went on to explain that kids want to be Christian, but they don’t exactly know what that means. He then
shared with us the multitude of problems youth suffer which were revealed to him and other clergy at the same
camp: eating disorders, depression, cutting, suicidal thoughts, bullying, drug use, engaging in sexual immorality
and the list goes on. In many instances our youth are not even aware they are committing sinful behavior.
The Church, the clergy, parents and educators have an obligation to be role models and to teach and empower
young people to gain insight, knowledge and encouragement during these difficult times. We need to explain to
our children the importance of what Christ, the Church and the Bible teach about what it is we must do to gain
our salvation and how we are to live as Orthodox Christians. We are obligated to help our children discern their
Faith through the eyes of the Church.
The answer is in front of us. The Church. The Divine Liturgy. That is the place for all of us to find protection.
Come to Church as a family and worship the one true God. Without God in our lives we are nothing. Sunday is
the day of worship. It is not the day we go to Church to see our friends, although we can. It is not the day we go
The Annuncaiator
Page 9
to Church because it is convenient, although it may be. It is not the day we go to Church because we want to hear
the sermon, the chanting, or the choir, although we can. Sunday is the day we go to Church to worship God.
Bring your children to Church on Sunday, even if they don’t feel like coming. Bring your children to the Divine
Liturgy on Sunday, even when they have a lot of homework. Bring your children to Church every opportunity
you have even if they are straight A+ students. Being one of the dancers in the Greek Festival and coming to
dance practice is not coming to Church. Coming to the Steve G. Caloudas Athletic Center to play basketball is
not coming to Church. Going to the Annual GOYA Basketball Tournament is not coming to Church.
The Psalmist reminds us, “O come, let us worship and bow down; Let us kneel before the Lord our Maker
(Psalm 95:6).” We all need to come to Church to worship God, hear His commandments, and receive His Body
and Blood in Holy Communion for strength to follow His commandments and face the temptations that will be
facing us outside the Church.
Sunday Church School begins September 9, following the 9 a.m. Divine Liturgy. Register your children
by using this simple link: www.agoc.org/sundayschool.htm or go to www.agoc.org. Please come to Church as
a family, attend Sunday Church School and stay for coffee, dance practice or basketball if you wish. These
activities are optional. For Orthodox Christians, coming to Church to worship God is not an option if we are
going to take Him at his word: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever
believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”
(Avoiding the Shipwracke)
(continued from page 7)
are not held in high esteem even by Christians! Are we
followers of Christ or not. Let us not kid ourselves. Our
actions are not showing us to be the light of the world
drawing people unto Christ as Jesus commands us to be.
Instead we have sullen ourselves in the darkness of our
culture and chased after the idols of our age, engaging
in the immorality that they offer to us. We have been
tempted as American Christians, and we have fallen.
But the good news is that we can change. Today, as
John Winthrop and Moses challenged their followers,
let us choose life instead of the culture of death. As the
Israelites were entering into the Promised Land, Moses
gave them the ultimatum of life or death. As Christians,
as the Light of the World, let us choose life that Christ
offers by lovingly following the commands of God. Let
us repent of our idolatry in regards to the sinful culture
in which we live, and let us live counter-culturally
as Christ and the saints have taught us to live. Let us
follow the values and commands that Christ has given
to us, so that it will be well in our families and with our
children. If we do this, if we repent of our sinfulness
and come to a deeper relationship with Christ in our
lives, then not only will we be saved from damnation
on the last day when Christ returns but also so will our
children. If we do not and we continue to pursue the
secular values and the death that our culture offers to
us, then we will end up losing our salvation and the
salvation of our children.
So let us be the light of the world showing to our
children what it means to be disciples of Christ, living
against the culture of death and the anti-Christian
values that permeate it. Instead of following the idols
of this world and their empty promises, let us follow
Christ wholeheartedly so that on the glorious day of his
return, he will say to us that we were indeed the light of
the world in a culture of darkness.
May the peace of God which surpasses all human
understanding keep your hearts and minds in Christ
Jesus. Amen.
Page 10 The Annunciator
Annunciation Greek Language & Culture School
713-526-5377 x 257 or 832-242-9527
Maro Yuanidis, Director of Greek School
The Annunciation Greek Language & Culture School concluded another successful year. The May 18
graduation ceremony was well attended and celebrated by parents, students and friends.
The ever supportive Father Michael Lambakis congratulated this year’s graduates Alexia Angelides, Daphne
Kokkinis, Panayiotis Kontoyiannis, Despina Matzakos, Alex Serafini, Georgia Varvarezos, and Petros Zombanakis.
Three students received awards of excellence for their achievements during the school year: Georgia
Varvarezos received the Three Hierarchs Award from the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America; she also
received a scholarship from the Hellenic Professional Society of Texas; Christiana Avouris and Alexandra
Kakadiaris received The Macedonian Association of Greater Houston scholarship.
Special thanks to those who supported our school …
Mr. Andreas K. Giannitsopoulos of Hellenic Foods Imports, has generously supported the Gyro Sale for the
past 15 years. Thanks to him and the support of our Cathedral and the Greek School PTO, all profits from this
year’s sale went towards: The Smile of the Child, Kivotos tou Kosmou and the SOS Greek Villages in Greece.
Zoi Halastara, Ritsa Nikolaou, Niki Vaugn and many other volunteers contributed to another very successful
Tsourekia Bake Sale to raise funds for the Greek School.
Rallou Matzakos, Lena Patsidou, Joni Zavitsanos and Thalia Gazis for volunteering their time to teach Greek
Follk dances to our students.
Poppy Padley for acting as our resident photographer and capturing memories of our events.
School Year 2012-2013
We are looking forward to an exciting new school year. Registration information and forms can be accessed at
our AGOC website. First Day of class: Friday, September 14, 2012. The school operates once a week on Fridays
(3:15- 4:45 and 5:00-7:30pm.) We offer several levels, from Introduction to Greek, Beginner and Intermediate.
We accept children 5 years and up. We also offer a number of classes for adults.
Santa Is Coming to Town!
Please join us for breakfast, crafts, fun and photos with Santa.
GOYA, we always appreciate and need your help.
(Community Service hours offered, if you need them.)
Saturday, December 8, 2012
(9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon)
in Martel Hall
Sponsored by
Breakfast with Santa questions:
the Daughters of Penelope
Kathryn Kinalidis - 713-520-0587
Linda Makris - 713-664-6222 or lindamakris1@aol.com
The Annuncaiator
Page 11
Pam Cramer, President, Metropolis of Denver Church Music Federation
In conjunction with the Clergy/Laity Congress in
Phoenix, church musicians from across the country
gathered for their annual meeting of the National Forum.
Representing the Metropolis of Denver was George
Stefanidakis of Houston and William Poletes of Euless.
The delegates discussed many areas of music including
chanting, youth involvement, vocal techniques,
assistance to choirs and clergy, and publications.
Dr. Vicki Pappas concluded 30 years as chairman
of the National Forum with a comprehensive report of
the many projects completed over these many years.
Maria Keritsis of Richmond, Virginia was unanimously
elected to serve as the next National Chairman.
The highlight of the Forum meetings always is the
National Reception held on Sunday night of the
Congress. Every two years the Forum presents the
Saint Romanos Medallion to worthy candidates who
exemplify service not only to a local parish, but also to
the Metropolises, and the Archdiocese. This year, three
recipients were honored by the Forum. They include
Archdeacon Panteleimon Papadopoulos, Father John
Mahares, and Houston’s George Stefanidakis.
For most of his life, George has served the church
as a church musician, beginning as a youngster in
Cambridge, Massachusetts in the junior choir, then
joining the senior choir in Cambridge and Marlboro,
MA, before moving to Houston in 1970 where he has
been an active choir member for 42 years. George
began chanting in Houston in the early 90’s and has
spent many years studying the chant history of our
church. He has also served as president and treasurer
of the Metropolis of Denver Choir Federation, and
has published a book of Hymns of the Sunday Divine
Liturgy. On a national level, George has edited the
publishing of Frank Desby’s Training Manual for
Byzantine Chanters, and created a website for the sale
and distribution of the 10,000 transcriptions of Greek
Orthodox Church hymns for the entire ecclesiastical
year from the Byzantine notation into staff notation
originally done by John Velon of Rock Island, Illinois.
Present for the award ceremony were His Eminence
Metropolitan Isaiah, Father Nicholas Triantafilou,
Father Lou Christopulos, and Father Michael Lambakis
along with the Houston delegation to the Congress and
many Metropolis delegates.
The Metropolis of Denver Federation of Church
Musicians also had their annual conference the weekend
of August 5th, 2012, hosted by the Transfiguration
Church in Austin, TX. We were blessed to have His
Eminence in attendance and over 50 adults and 35 youth
sang the Divine Liturgy that Sunday. We thank Father
Vasileious Flegas, the Parish Council, the Conference
Committee and Philoptochos of Transfiguration Church
for their hard work. There was also a Church Music
Chanting Institute and Church Music Youth Choir
Institute sponsored by the National Forum of Church
Page 12 The Annunciator
SCS Perfect Attendance
SCS Outstanding Attendance
The Annuncaiator
Junior Choir
Annunciation Greek Lauguage & Culture School Graduates
Page 13
Page 14 The Annunciator
The Annuncaiator
Page 15
Page 16 The Annunciator
AGOC High School Graduates
AGOC College Graduates
The Annuncaiator
Page 17
46th Annual
Original Greek Festival
October 4-7, 2012
ark your calendars now for the 46th annual Original Greek Festival, Thursday, October
4 through Sunday, October 17, 2012! Your Festival Board has been planning since the
conclusion of last year’s event, and excitement is building as our dedicated volunteers
of every generation have been working for weeks preparing our delicious traditional recipes that
almost 40,000 Houstonians look forward to every year. Also, our fabulous dancers, some as
young as nine years old, are practicing diligently to ensure that our guests are introduced to the
Greek culture and well-entertained.
Thank you to all of the wonderful parishioners who have already given countless hours of their
time as we get ready to host the best Greek festival in the country! If you have not yet been able
to participate, please consider volunteering over the summer as we continue food preparation and
during the Festival itself. Food prep schedules are available from the office or after each Sunday
Divine Liturgy, and look for volunteer sign-up information coming soon. The participation of our
entire community will ensure our success!
Helena Papadopoulos Johnson, Chairman
Stathy Demeris, Co-Chairman
Page 18 The Annunciator
Martha Stefanidakis, President
The AGOC Philoptochos is gearing up for our new
year and will welcome Dr. Seva Papageorge to the
September 15 meeting as our guest speaker. Following
a short business meeting, a light brunch will be served.
All are invited. Come and see what we can accomplish
Our chapter was represented at the National
Philoptochos convention in Phoenix, Arizona in July.
Titika Liollio, Maria Kantalis and Marie Halvatzis
represented Annunciation Chapter; Marian Catechis,
attended as Metropolis of Denver President and Cindy
Demeris and Martha Stefanidakis also attended as
National Philoptochos Board delegates. A detailed
report will be given at the September general meeting.
Our chapter was awarded first place in “Chapter
Membership Growth and Participation” category for
chapters over 200 members and was also recognized
for 100% giving in all National Ministries for the years
2010 and 2011.
The highlight of the convention for us was
the awarding of the AGAPE (All Generations
Accomplishing Philanthropic Endeavors) award for
exceptional commitment to serving mankind. Marie
Harris of our Houston chapter was one of
the nine women from across the country
so honored. In presenting the awards, His
Eminence Archbishop Demetrios spoke of the
great commitment of these ladies representing
the work of women throughout our country.
His Eminence Metropolitan Gerasimos of San
Francisco likened them to the myrrh bearing
women who served our Lord. For the full story
on Marie’s award go to www.philoptochos.
In keeping with our commitment of outreach
into the Houston community, this year we are
preparing 200 sandwiches for SEARCH on the first
Monday of the month. We meet in the Festival kitchen
at 10:00 a.m. for about 1 ½ hours. Please contact
Denise Poulos at poulosdenise@gmail.com or Katerina
Germanides at imayiayia@gmail.com.
Looking ahead, our ladies will be preparing pastries
again in November for our annual bake sale. This year
we are adding Pastitsio to our bake sale. More details
will follow but join us as we raise needed funds for our
many and diverse commitments.
There are still some ladies that have not become
pledging members of Philoptochos for the 2012 year.
Please consider committing your time, talents and
treasure. In this way you become part of the 26,000
member strong “Army of Women”, the stewards and
friends of the poor, the hungry and the lonely, as our
name, “Philoptochos” implies. For more information or
to become a member please contact Martha Stefanidakis
at mdstefanidakis@gmail.com or call 281.469.0986.
The Annuncaiator
Page 19
Kiki Pantazis and Paula Phocas
Hi, everyone,
I hope your summer is going well and that it is not too hot for you!!! The festival cooking kept most of us
very busy and is coming to an end very soon and for us this is the time to think about our Sr. Citizens.
On behalf of all of us who run the Senior’s program, I would like to thank all of last year’s sponsors and also
all the sponsors who signed up for this coming year.
Paula and I have planned a wonderful year for you and we all look forward to starting again. Our first meeting is
on Tuesday, October 16. Below is the schedule for the next three months.
October 16
Luncheon sponsored by the Pefanis Family.
November 6
Luncheon sponsored by Alexandra and Pete Santikos in memory of their loved ones.
November 13
Thanksgiving luncheon sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. George Kostas.
November 18
Sr. Citizens Memorial service and sponsor 2nd Liturgy coffee.
December 4 Luncheon sponsored by Vel and Nick Tsongos.
Decmeber 18
Christmas luncheon sponsored by Fran and Emile Pappas in memory of their parents.
Everyone who is 55 years and older and is a member of the Annunciation Cathedral is welcome to join us
in the senior’s program and enjoy the fun and fellowship our program provides. For more information call Kiki
Pantazis 281-218-9418 or Paula Phocas 713-661-5017.
Andreas Matzakos
IOCC visited Houston in the week of June
11 to continue their nationwide initiative to
build homes for families that lost their own in
hurricanes or other natural disasters. Volunteers
from other states joined Houston Orthodox youth
and adults to live their faith through active service.
The Houston program was co-sponsored by the
Houston Habitat for Humanity. Other cities that
have benefitted from this program are Minneapolis,
MN and Minot, North Dakota.
Parishioners from Annunciation Greek
Orthodox Cathedral and St. George Antiochian
Orthodox Church hosted the IOCC Action Team
members, while parishioners from many local parishes
(continue on page 26)
Page 20 The Annunciator
2012 Committed Stewards of the Cathedral as of August 6, 2012
Day Sponsors - One week or more:
Mr & Mrs Harry Pefanis
Day Sponsors - 6 or more days:
Mr & Mrs Michael Grivon
Day Sponsors - 5 or more days:
Mr & Mrs Stephen Harris
Mr George N. Mickelis
Day Sponsors - 4 or more days:
Mr & Mrs Gregory Cokinos
Mr & Mrs Richard McGee
Mr & Mrs John Zavitsanos
Day Sponsors - 3 or more days:
Mr & Mrs E Chris Kaitson
Mr & Mrs Christopher Pappas
Mr & Mrs George Postolos
Day Sponsors - 2 or more days:
Mr Ioannis Anaipakos & Dr Seva Anaipakos
Dr & Mrs Spyros Catechis
Mr & Mrs Kevin Cokinos
Mr & Mrs Brian Engelman
Mr & Mrs Constantine Liollio
Mr & Mrs David Lymberopoulos
Mr & Mrs George Millas
Mr & Mrs Gary Moss
Mr & Mrs Dean Pappas
Mr & Mrs Christopher Poulos
Mr & Mrs Larry Senkel
Mr & Mrs Steve Venturatos
Mr & Mrs Larry Wooden
Day Sponsors - 1 or more days ($3,600+) :
Annunciation Cathedral Philoptochos Society
Mr William A Allen & Judge P Lykos Allen
Mr & Mrs Peter Boukouzis
Mr Petros Carvounis, MD
Mr & Mrs Diamantis Cassis
Mrs Grace Catechis
Mr & Mrs Christopher Cokinos
Mr & Mrs Paige Cokinos
Mr & Mrs Nick Corovessis
Mr Dean Crassas
Dr James Crowe & Dr Polina Kyriakides
Mr Ralph D'Amico & Mrs Catherine Corovessis
Mr & Mrs Frank N Demeris
Mrs Maria Demeris
Mr & Mrs W Mark Enterline
Mrs Loula Gatoura
Mr & Mrs George Gazis
Mr & Mrs Theodore Geoca
Mr & Mrs Kosta Georgeton
Mr & Mrs Gregory Halvatzis
Mr & Mrs Charles Hazen
Mr & Mrs James D Hodges
Mr & Mrs A. J. Kantalis
Mr & Mrs Michael Koinis
Mr & Mrs Theodore X Koinis
Rev Michael & Presbytera Renee Lambakis
Ms Barbara Livadas-Fript
Mr & Mrs Nickolas Lorentzatos
Mr & Mrs Victor Makris
Mr & Mrs Bruce Marshall
Dr & Mrs Vasilios Mathews
Dr & Mrs Andreas Matzakos
Mr Eric McKiernan
Mr & Mrs Michael Moore
Mr & Mrs Robert Murphy, Jr
Mr & Mrs Nicholas Pantazis
Mrs C N Papadopoulos
Mr & Mrs John Papajohn
Dr John Pappadas
Mr & Mrs Arthur Pasmas
Dr & Mrs Richard Pollard
Mr & Mrs George Polydoros, Jr
Mr & Mrs Robert Pond
Mrs Luke Postolos
Mr & Mrs Michael J Poulos
Mr & Mrs Konstantin Sermyagin
Mr & Mrs Michael Shebay
Mr & Mrs Wellington Stevens, III
Dr Barbara Sultis
Mr & Mrs James Tarsinos
Mr & Mrs Chris Tomasides
Dr Carl Vartian & Mrs Demetra Andrews Vartian
Mr & Mrs Frank Vlahakos
Day Sponsors - 1/2 or more day:
Annunciation Greek School PTO
Mr & Mrs Spilios Adamopoulos
Mr & Mrs Rafael Alvarez
Mr & Mrs Demetrios Anaipakos
Mr & Mrs John Andrews
Mr & Mrs Christos Angelides
Mr & Mrs James Bellos
Mr & Mrs Patrick Brady
Mrs Vera Brandt
Mr Spencer Burton & Mrs Michelle Ostis
Mr & Mrs Chris Catechis
Mr & Mrs Gregory Catsinas, Sr
Mr Nicolas Cocavessis
Mrs Lula Cokinos
Mr & Mrs Felix Cortez
Mr & Mrs John Dale
Mr & Mrs Thad Dameris
Mr & Mrs Thomas DeMoes
Mr & Mrs Daniel Dutherage
Mr & Mrs Douglas Elliott
Mr Jaime Garcia & Mrs Theano Raissis
Mr & Mrs Stefanos Giannaris
Mr Andrew Ginakis
Mr & Mrs Gregory Gregory
Mr & Mrs George Hadjigeorge
Mr & Mrs John Hritcko, Jr
Mr & Mrs Mark Hurley, Sr
Mr Dino Iconos
Capt Nick Jacomides & Dr Vasso Jacomides
Ms Sultana Kaldis
Mrs Theoni Kaldis
Mr & Mrs John Kiappes
Mr & Mrs Peter Koinis
Ms Cynthia Kostas
Mr & Mrs George Kostas
Mr & Mrs Steve Kostos
Mr Anthony D Kouzounis
Mr & Dr Douglas Linder
Mr & Mrs Nicholas Lykos
Mr & Mrs Angelo Magoulas
Mr & Mrs Arthur Makris
Mr & Mrs Phillip Mallios
Mr & Mrs Brian Marr
Mr & Mrs Michael Mateja
Mr & Mrs Themistocles Mavritsakis
Mr & Mrs Keith McLin
Mr & Mrs Harvey Michaels
Dr Stefanos Millas & Dr Katherine Millas
Ms Angela Minas
Mr & Mrs Peter Chad Moss
Mr & Mrs Andreas Nicolaou
Mr & Mrs John Padilla
Mr & Mrs Constantine Pamphilis
Ms Christine Papadakes
Dr John N Papadopoulos
Dr & Mrs Nicholas Papadopoulos
Mr & Mrs William Papadopoulos
Mr & Mrs Emile Pappas
Mr George A Pappas
Mr & Mrs George P Pappas
Mr & Mrs Lewis Pappas
Miss Mary H Pappas
Mrs Monique Pappas
Mr & Mrs Spiro Pappas
Mr & Mrs William Patsouras
Mr & Mrs Ernest Pekmezaris
Mr & Mrs Steven Petrou
Ms Ann Poulos
Ms Mary A Poulos
Mr & Mrs Pete A Poulos
Mr & Mrs Martin Rubio
Mr & Mrs Andrew Savas
Mr George Sgouros & Mrs Cindy Forgey
Mr & Mrs Harry Simeonidis
Mr & Mrs William Snedden
Dr & Mrs George Stefanidakis
Mrs Sophie Stenis
Mr M Strickler & Mrs C Boudouvas
Rev Dr Demetrio & Presb Joana Tagaropulos
Mr Konstantinos Teas & Mrs Amy Lothian
Mr & Mrs Gregory Threadgill
Mr & Mrs Anastassios Triantaphyllis
Mr & Mrs Nicholas Tsongos
Mr & Mrs Thomas Varcados
Mr & Mrs Billy Vlahakos
Mrs Georgia Vlahakos
Mr & Mrs Michael Voinis
Mr & Mrs Marcus Wade
Mr & Mrs George Weimmer
Mr Michael Westergren & Mrs I Liberatos
Mr George Yaluris
Mr & Mrs Jack Younger, Sr
All Other Committed Stewards of the Cathedral:
Annunciation Cathedral Senior Citizens
Mr & Mrs Agapios Agapiou
Mr & Mrs Demetrios Alexopoulos
Dr Jack Alford
Mr & Mrs Jonathan Alford
Mr & Mrs Robert Ambuehl
Mr George Anagnos
Mr Alex Anastopoulos
Mr & Mrs Timothy Anderson
Mr & Mrs George Andreakos
Mrs Virginia Angelos
Mr & Mrs Christopher Anthony
Mrs Betty Antonellos
Mr & Mrs Stylianos Arapoglou
Mr & Mrs Arnold Armstrong
Mr & Mrs James Athanasion
Mr Peter Athas
Mr & Mrs Richard Badoian
Mrs Vicky Ballis
Mr Arthur Barbalias
Mrs Marina Barges
Mr & Mrs John Barrow
Mr Kyle Barrow
Mr & Mrs William Basedow
Mr & Mrs Chris Bass
Dr Elizabeth Batmanis
Mr & Mrs Bradley Beinart
Mr & Mrs Nikolaos Bekiaris
Mr Richard Bell
Mr & Mrs Jesus Benavides
Mr & Mrs Nikolaos Bernitsas
Mr & Mrs Daniel Black
Mr & Mrs George Blytas
Mr & Mrs Aleck Bond
Mr & Mrs David Bonnen
Mr & Mrs Tommy Booras
Ms Dina Boozalis
Mrs Mildred Boozalis
Mr & Mrs John Botti
Mr Stylianos Bouboudakis
All Other Committed Stewards of the Cathedral:
Mr & Mrs George Bournias
Mr & Mrs John Bowman
Mr & Mrs Robert Brailas
Mr & Mrs Byron Brame
Mr & Mrs James Bratsakis
The Annuncaiator
Page 21
2012 Committed Stewards of the Cathedral as of August 6, 2012
All Other Committed Stewards of the Cathedral:
Mrs Peggy Brown
Mr Brooks Broyles & Mrs J Georgiou-Broyles
Mr & Mrs Peter Burland
Mr & Mrs Christopher Butta
Mr & Mrs Andrew Cafcalas
Ms Catherine Cagiannos
Mrs Despo Papafote Caldwell
Mr & Mrs Richard Caldwell, Jr
Mrs Colleen Calligeros
Mrs Georgia Caloudas
Mr Steve Caloudas, III
Mr & Mrs Steve Caloudas, Jr
Ms Reena Candis
Mrs Thomie Candis
Mrs Frances Carantza
Mr James Cargas & Dr Dorina Papageorgiou
Mr & Mrs John Castleberry
Mr & Mrs James Catsis
Mrs Iro Chackny
Ms Georgia Charkalis
Mr James Charkalis
Mr & Mrs Jerry Charping
Dr & Mrs Nicholas Checkles
Mrs Irene Voinis Chilivetis
Mrs Mary Chilivetis
Mr Chrisostomos Chrisopoulos & Dr Linda Green
Mr & Mrs George Christie
Mr & Mrs James Christie
Mr & Mrs Vasilios Christopanos
Mr & Mrs Joseph Cibor
General & Mrs Mike Cokinos
Ms Carolyn Colias
Mrs Jeanie Colias
Mr & Mrs Dennis Comis
Ms Marianthi Coroneou
Mrs Helen Coronis
Mr & Mrs James Coronis
Mr Christos Corovessis
Mr & Mrs John R Cotsoradis
Mr & Mrs John Cramer
Mr & Mrs William Crassas
Mrs Koula Dadinis
Mr & Mrs Peter Dadinis
Dr Roxane Dadinis
Mr & Mrs Demetri Dale
Mr Brian Dameris
Mrs Catherine Dameris
Mr & Mrs Nick T Dameris
Mr Theodore Dameris
Mr & Mrs Jeffrey Daniels
Mr & Mrs Micky Das
Mr & Mrs Don Davidson
Mr Carlos Delgado & Mrs Joanne Giannaris
Ms Becky Demeris
Mr & Mrs George N Demeris
Mr & Mrs John N Demeris
Mr & Mrs Nick F Demeris
Mr & Mrs Stathy Demeris
Mr & Mrs Yonny G Demeris
Mr & Mrs Louis DeNino
Mr & Mrs George Denos
Mr & Mrs Michael Dewey
Mr Vasilios Diamantopoulos & Mrs Sotiria Vais
Mrs Polixeni Dimakos
Mrs Donna Doxakis
Dr & Mrs William Dupre'
Mr David Dyess
Mr & Mrs Philip Economides
Mr & Mrs Chris Economou
Mr Demetri Economou
Miss Elizabeth Edwards
Mr & Mrs Peter Elgohary
Mrs Renate Elgohary
Mr & Mrs Javier Elizondo
Mr Marc El-Khouri & Mrs Penelope Bonnen
Mr Peter Ellen
Mr & Mrs Lucas Elliot
Mr & Mrs Gamal Elmansoury
Mr James Enterline
Mr & Mrs Kyriakos Exezidis
Mr & Mrs Lewis Faraclas
Mrs Georgette Faris
Mr Edward Fedigan & Mrs Constance Haginas
Ms Katie Ferrier
Mr & Mrs Peter Ferrier
Mr & Mrs Harry Fikaris
Mr & Mrs Jim Fikaris
Mr & Mrs Cary Fink
Mr & Mrs James Fisher
Mr Michael Follette & Mrs Rachelle Starr
Mr & Mrs Michael Fordtran
Mr & Mrs John Fotinos
Mr & Mrs George Fress
Mr & Mrs Gus L Fress
Mr Joe Fress
Mr & Mrs Peter Fress
Mr & Mrs Thad Fuller
Mr Basile Funti & Mrs Deborah Hadjes Funti
Mr & Mrs Michael Gabler
Mr & Mrs James Gabriel
Mr Gagliardi & Mrs Georgiou Gagliardi
Dr George Gaines & Mrs Margaret DeClaris
Mr & Mrs John Gardner
Mr & Mrs George Gargour
Mr & Mrs James Gaspar
Mrs Theodora Gavrel
Mr & Mrs George Gavrilos
Ms Vivian Gavros
Mr & Mrs Terry Gazaw
Mr & Mrs Russell Gebhard
Mr & Mrs Karl Geoca
Ms Argo Georgandis
Mrs Ifigenia Georgiou
Mr & Mrs Orestes Germanides
Mr & Mrs Ilias Giannakopoulos
Mr & Mrs Harris Giannaris
Mr & Mrs John Giannukos
Mr & Mrs Scotty Gifford
Mrs Tatiana Goltsova
Mrs Galatia Gray
Mr James Gray
Mr Basil Greanias
Mr George Greanias
Dr & Mrs George Grega
Mr Donald Griffith & Mrs Denise Gineris
Mr & Mrs Dale Grimland
Mr Demetre Grivas
Mr George Grivon
Miss Nicole Grivon
Mrs Katherine Guenther
Mr & Mrs Frank Guzman
Mr & Mrs Georges Habib
Mr Mark Hafle & Mrs Efstratia Hagidimitriou
Mr & Mrs Demetrios Halastaras
Ms Koula Hanges
Mr & Mrs George Harris
Mr Arthur Harrison
Mrs Diamond Harrison
Mr & Mrs James Harrison
Mrs Kathryn Harrison
Mr & Mrs Andy Hartley
Ms Marguerite Haseman
Mr & Mrs Konstantinos Hasouris
Mr & Mrs George Hilburn
Ms Virginia Humphrey
Miss Nikoletta Hunt
Miss Atiya Eleni Husain
Mr & Mrs Harry Huskey
Mr & Mrs Andrew Iatridis
Mrs Mary Peppas Iconos
Dr & Mrs Constantin Ioannides
Mr & Mrs Petru Ionescu
Mr & Mrs Alex Jelson
Mrs Helen Jelson
Mr & Mrs Rex Johnson
Mr & Mrs Thomas Johnson
Dr & Mrs William Kafoglis, MD
Dr Ioannis Kakadiaris & Dr Maria Gasi
Mr George S Paul Kalantzakis
Mr & Mrs Leo Kalantzakis
Mr & Mrs Albert Kalas
Mrs Toula Kaldanis
Mr & Mrs Costa Kaldis
Dr & Mrs George Kalfoglou
Mrs Stella Kalogeras
Mr & Mrs Alexander Kalos
Mr & Mrs Dean Kamaras
Mr & Mrs Pete N Kanakidis
Mr & Mrs Gus Kanakis
Ms Patti Kanakis
Mr & Mrs Michael Kanarellis
Mr Tommy Kanarellis & Mrs Elizabeth King
Miss Angeliki Kandiliotis
Mr & Mrs Andrew Kanellopoulos
Mr Jon Kantalis
Mrs Kiki Kantalis
Mr Trifon Kapsalis
Ms Betty Kapsos
Mrs Constance Karaganis
Mr & Mrs Nick Karalis
Mr & Mrs Apostolos Karantzoulis
Mr & Mrs Dimitris Karastamatis
Mr Peter Karfaridis
Mr & Mrs George Karmoukos
Ms Katerina Karnezis
Mr & Mrs Louis Karvelas
Mr & Mrs John Kasselakis
Mr Chris A Katerinakis
Mr & Mrs Alexander Katsafanas
Mr & Mrs George Kefala
Mr & Mrs Vassilios Kefalas
Dr & Mrs George Keith, Jr
Mr & Mrs George Kelley
Mr & Mrs Stavros Kikis
Mr & Mrs Christodoulos Kinalidis
Miss Anastasia Kirages
Miss Katherine Kirages
Mr & Mrs George Kissamis
Mr & Mrs Jon Koenig
Miss Kara Koinis
Mr & Mrs Theodore Kokkinis
Mrs Stella Kokonis
Mr & Mrs Constantine Kondylopoulos
Mrs Eleni Konini
Mr Ilias Kotsianis & Mrs Eleftheria Kloudas
Mrs Elaine Koumonduros
Mrs Pauline Koumonduros
Mr & Mrs Pete Koumonduros
Mr & Mrs Charles Kousoulis
Dr & Mrs Dimitrios Kousparis
Mr Costa Kouzounis
Dr William Kowalski & Dr C. Janes-Kowalski
Mr & Mrs Evangelos Koymarianos
Mr & Mrs Demetrios Kozadinos
Mr & Mrs Ryan Krasnosky
Mr & Mrs Christos Kritikakis
Mr & Mrs William Krukiel
Mr & Mrs Ted Kyriakos
Mr & Mrs Nicolas Kyriazis
Ms Olga Kyriazis
Mr Theodoros Kyriazis
Dr & Mrs Stephen Laborde
Mr Marcus Lalumandier & Mrs Amalia Voinis
Mr Kostas Lambrakos
Mrs Joan Lambron
Mr Nicholas Lambron
Ms Tula Laras
Mr Lawther & Mrs Katsanos Lawther
Mr & Mrs Constantine Lazarides
Mr & Mrs Timothy Lemoine
Mr & Mrs John Leonard
Dr & Mrs Kosta Leontaritis
Mrs Fofo Lewis
Page 22 The Annunciator
2012 Committed Stewards of the Cathedral as of August 6, 2012
All Other Committed Stewards of the Cathedral:
Mr & Mrs Richard Liddell
Mr Dean Lioliou
Mr & Mrs Steve Liollio
Mr & Mrs Oliver Littlejohn
Mr & Mrs Evagelos Lorentzatos
Mr & Mrs Arthur Loukas
Mr & Mrs Gilbert Love, Sr
Mrs Joanne Loveday
Mrs Anastasia Lum
Ms Helen Lum
Mr & Mrs Thomas Lykos, Sr
Mr & Mrs Jack Lymberry
Mr David Lynn
Mr & Mrs Mel Mabray
Dr Michael Macris, MD
Mr & Mrs Robert Magee
Mr & Mrs Nicolas Maglaras
Miss Angelique Magoulas
Mr & Mrs Demetrios Magoulas
Mr & Mrs George Magoulas
Miss Natalie Magoulas
Mr & Mrs Charles Malachias
Ms Ellie Malavis
Mr & Mrs Manuel Maligas
Mr & Mrs Evangelos Malliaros
Mr & Mrs John Mann
Mrs Denise Spartalis Manos
Mr & Mrs John Manousso
Mr & Mrs Andrew Marianos
Mr & Mrs Elia Marinos
Mr & Mrs Frank Markantonis
Mrs Georgia Markopoulos
Mr & Mrs Efstathios Maroulis
Mr & Mrs Christopher Mastrangelo
Mr Thomas Mastroianni
Miss Jacqueline Mastromichalis
Mr & Mrs John McCourt, Jr
Mr & Mrs Patrick McIntyre
Mrs Stacey McIntyre
Mr & Mrs Dillard Meadows
Miss Karen Meadows
Mr Steve Megas
Mr Panayiotis Melas & Mrs Andri Iakovou
Dr & Mrs Emmanuel Melissinos
Mr & Mrs Nickolaos Menounos
Dr & Mrs Costas D Michalopoulos
Mr Constantine G. (Denny) Michalopulos, II
Mr & Mrs George Michalopulos
Ms Angela Mickelis
Mrs Patricia Mickelis
Dr Antonios Mikos & Dr Lydia Kavraki
Mr & Mrs Dimitrios Millas
Mr & Mrs Arthur Minas
Ms Maria Mitchell
Mr & Mrs Isaac Molho
Mr George Morcos
Mr & Mrs William Moser
Mr & Mrs Nickolas Moshou
Mr & Mrs Stefanos Moshou
Miss Triantafilia Moshou
Mr & Mrs John Moss
Mr & Mrs Phil Moss
Ms Barbara Batis Mousoudakis
Ms Helen Mousoudakis
Mr & Mrs James Mousoudakis
Mr & Mrs Nick Mousoudakis
Mr & Mrs P Alex Mousoudakis
Mr Ted Mousoudakis
Mrs Stasia Moustakakis
Mr & Mrs Dionyssios Moustakis
Dr & Mrs Nick Moustoukas, MD
Dr & Mrs Zachary Mucher
Mr & Mrs Hensel Murchison
Mrs Rojelia Mylonas
Mrs Nancy Nalence
Mr & Mrs Tim Newton
Ms Diane Nicolaou
Mr & Mrs James Nicolaou
Mrs E. T. Nicolaou
Mr & Mrs John Nikolaou
Mr & Mrs Frank Ninos
Mr Gregory Nolan & Mrs Patricia Athanasion
Miss Frances Nolley
Mr & Mrs John Noukas
Mr & Mrs Herbie Oakes
Ms Kate Onisiphorou
Ms Chrysanthe Padilla
Mr Padley & Mrs Cobanoglu-Padley
Ms Eva Pappas Paek
Mr & Mrs Christos Panagos
Ms Effie Panos
Mr Michael Panos
Mr & Mrs Emmanuel Pantazis
Mrs Lillian Pantos
Dr & Mrs Nicholas Papadakes
Mr Emmanuel Papadakis
Ms Juanita Papadakis
Ms Patricia Papadopoulos
Ms Joy Papageorge
Mr K. & Dr A. Papakonstantinou
Mr & Mrs Alexandros Papandreou
Mrs Vaso Safos Papandrianos
Miss Anastasia Papanicolaou
Mr & Mrs Andreas Papapanagiotou
Ms Demetra Papapanagiotou
Mr John Papas
Mrs Sophia Papas
Mr A Papasakelariou & Dr A Simotas
Mrs Maria Sophia Papasakelariou
Mr & Mrs John Papasideris
Mr Kosta Papasideris
Mr & Mrs Tommy Papasideris
Dr & Mrs Sozos Papasozomenos
Mr & Mrs Anastasios Papavasiliou
Mr Thanos Papavasiliou
Mr & Mrs Theofilos Papavasiliou
Mr & Mrs Gregory Papayoti
Mrs Gretchen Papazis
Mr & Mrs Petros Papazis
Mr & Mrs Tasos Pappadas
Ms Anastasia Pappas
Mr Angelo Pappas
Mr Aristotle T Pappas
Ms Dena Pappas
Mr & Mrs Dennis Pappas
Ms Despina Pappas
Miss Eleni Pappas
Miss Georgea C Pappas
Mr & Mrs Gus Pappas
Mr H D Pappas & Mrs Alexandra Tropoli
Mr James C Pappas
Mr & Mrs John G Pappas
Mr & Mrs John V Pappas
Miss Katina C Pappas
Mr & Mrs Konstantinos Pappas
Mr & Mrs Markos Pappas
Mrs Mary C Pappas
Mr Michael C Pappas
Mrs Tessie Pappas
Mr & Mrs Thames Pappas
Mr Tom Pappas
Miss Victoria Pappas
Ms Dina Paradissis
Ms Catherine Paraschos
Mrs Paulette Pastor
Mr Louis Paulos
Mrs Sophie Paulos
Mr & Mrs James Pavlovsky
Mrs Anna Payavla
Ms Callie Payavla
Mr & Mrs Dimitry Payavla
Mr Marcus Payavla
Mr & Mrs Thomas Pearson, Sr
Mr & Mrs Tommy Pearson, Jr
Mr James Peet
Mr & Mrs John Peet
Mrs Steve Peet
Mrs Matina Peet
Mr & Mrs Nicholas Pefanis
Mr John Pekmezaris
Mr Elias Edward Perez
Mr Dan Peronis
Mr & Mrs Peter Peropoulos
Mr & Mrs Dwaine Perry
Ms Yvette Perry
Mrs Beulah Petheriotes
Mr & Mrs Stephen Petheriotes
Mr Dimitris Petropoulos & Mrs Sophia Tsakiri
Mr Constantine Petrou
Mr Nikolas Phillipos
Mr & Mrs George Phillips
Mr & Mrs Dionysios Phocas
Mr James Picramenos
Mr & Mrs David Pierce
Mr & Mrs Demetrios Podaras
Ms Kalliopi (Gail) Podaridis
Mr & Mrs George N Polydoros, Sr
Mr & Mrs Nikolaos Poulis
Mrs Evelyn Poulos
Mrs M Olga Poulos
Mr & Mrs Elias Poutous
Mr & Mrs Dempsey Prappas
Mr & Mrs James Prappas
Mr Derek Pratt
Mr & Mrs Michael Pratt
Mr & Mrs Demosthenes Psifidis
Mr & Mrs George Psifidis
Mr & Mrs Vassilios Psifidis
Mrs Sophie Psillas
Mrs Sophie Raissis
Mr Chris Ramas
Mr & Mrs Rickey Riddle
Mr & Dr Kevin Robertson
Mr & Mrs Thomas Robson
Mr Michael Rokas
Mr & Mrs Bruce Rollins
Mr & Mrs Daniel Rolstad
Mrs Efthemia Rombakis
Mr & Mrs Jonathan Roumel
Mr & Mrs Jeff Rushing
Mrs Eleni Safos
Mr & Mrs Paul Safos
Mr & Mrs Kaam Sahely
Miss Paraskevi Saliagas
Miss Nancy Salinas
Mr & Mrs Nikolaos Salmatanis
Ms Kiki Santikos
Mr & Mrs Mark Santikos
Mr & Mrs Pete Santikos
Mr & Mrs Stanley Santire
Mrs Maria Saphos
Mrs Larisa Sarajev
Mr & Mrs George Sarandos
Ms Thalia Christy Savvidis
Mr E. Schnur & Mrs D. Karavantos-Schnur
Capt & Mrs Konstantinos Selinidis
Mrs Harriett Semander
Mr & Mrs John Semander
Mr William Serletis
Mrs Helen Sermas
Ms Patricia Sermas
Mr & Mrs Nicholas Servos
Mr & Mrs Enzo Sgarbi
Mr & Mrs Clinton Sharpley
Ms Maria Shepard
Mr & Mrs Tucker Singleton
Mr & Mrs David Sitz
Mrs Athina Skandalis
Mr & Mrs Ioannis Skaribas
Dr Stelios Smirnakis & Dr Karen Smirnakis
Miss Lorraine Smith
Mr & Mrs Martiris Smith
Mr & Mrs Shelby Smith
The Annuncaiator
2012 Committed Stewards of the Cathedral as of August 6, 2012
All Other Committed Stewards of the Cathedral:
Mr & Mrs Stephen Smith
Mr Theodore Snyder
Mr & Mrs H Michael Sokolow
Ms Helen Solomos
Mrs Penny Solomos
Mr & Mrs Scott Souders
Mr E Michael Spartalis
Mr Nickolas Spiliotis & Mrs Evelyn Pappas
Mr & Mrs Andreas Stamatiou
Dr & Mrs Eleftherios Stamatiou
Mrs Bess Stamos
Mr & Mrs Charles Stamos
Mr & Mrs Harry Stamos
Mr & Mrs Jim C Stamos
Mr & Mrs Henry Stamp
Mrs Michae Stathakis
Mr & Mrs Gerasimos Stathatos
Mrs Elaine Stefanidis
Mrs Soula Stefanidis
Mrs Mary Ann Sterling
Mrs Angeliki Stillman
Dr William Stockebrand & Dr Helen Stockebrand
Mr & Mrs Scott Stoeckel
Mr & Mrs Michael Stolte, Sr
Mr & Mrs Anastasios Strafkos
Miss Katherine Stratas
Mrs Rosie Stravolemos
Mr & Mrs Peter Suh
Mr & Mrs Andrew Sullo
Mr & Mrs Gregory Sullo
Mr Stathios Symeonidis
Mr & Mrs Minas Tektiridis
Mr & Mrs Andrew Theo
Ms Fannie Thomas
Ms Kelly Todd
Mr & Mrs Polychronis Toumanidis
Mr & Mrs George Tratras
Mr & Mrs Nicholas Tratras
Mrs Sylvia Trout
Mr & Mrs Theo Tsekouras
Mr & Mrs Spiros Tsokos
Mrs Marina Tutulea
Dr Tzouanas & Dr Papastathopoulou
Capt & Mrs G K Vallatos
Ms Deborah Vangellow
Mr & Mrs George Varcados
Mr & Mrs Jack John Varcados
Mr John Varessis
Mr & Mrs Spyros Varsos
Mr Tony Varvares
Mr & Mrs Leon Vaseliades
Mr & Mrs Spiridon Vassilakis
Mr & Mrs George Vassilas
Mr & Mrs Ioanis Vassiliou
Mr & Mrs Robert Vaughn, Jr
Mr & Mrs Robert Vaughn, Sr
Mr & Mrs Anestis Veletsos
Mr & Mrs Emmanuel Velgakis
Dr & Mrs Gerard Ventura
Mrs Mary M Verges
Mrs Pauline Verges
Mr Chris Verven
Mr & Mrs George Verven
Mr & Mrs Anastasios Vionis
Mr & Mrs Andreas Vionis
Mr & Mrs Charalambos Vionis
Mr & Mrs Nikolaos Vionis
Dr & Mrs Antonio Vlahakos
Mr & Mrs George J Vlahakos
Mrs Penelope Vletas
Mrs Margaret Voinis
Mr S Paul Voinis
Mr & Mrs Vladi Vonas
Mr & Mrs Peter Vossos
Mr Michael Voutsinas
Mr & Mrs Antonios Vrettos
Mr & Mrs Kirk Wagner
Mrs Irene Wallace
Mr & Mrs William Warren
Mr Casey Weeks & Mrs Joann Tsokos Weeks
Mr & Mrs Paul Weisser
Mr & Mrs H Zigmond Werlla
Mr & Mrs William Whichard
Mr & Mrs Robert Wise
Mr & Mrs Curt Wissmiller
Mr & Mrs Jason Wooden
Mr & Mrs George Xenofos
Mrs Betty Yianitsas
Mr Harry Yianitsas
Ms Milena Yordanova-Jackson
Mr & Mrs Petro Yuanidis
Miss Nicol Zabak
Ms Angela Zamora
Mr & Mrs David Zamora
Mrs Tasoula Zavitsanos
Mrs Sophia Zoes
Dr & Mrs James Zografos
Mr & Mrs John Zografos
Mrs Rula Zografos
Mr & Mrs George Zombanakis
Mr John A Zotos & Dr J Yasmin Alexander
Mr Peter Zotos
If you would like to receive a
2012 Stewardship commitment
card, please call AGOC Staff
Accountant Julie Pierce at
832.242.9256 or e-mail her:
On behalf of our Annunciation
Cathedral, we would like to
sincerely thank those stewards
that have generously
contributed to our 2012
Christian Stewardship Ministry.
Maria and Pakis Kantalis,
2012 Stewardship Chairs
Page 23
Page 24 The Annunciator
From Our Library
(The AGOC Library is on the 2nd floor, to the right as you exit the elevator)
Marianthi Coronéou
As we fasted, prayed, and attended services
during Lent, our spiritual sustenance came both from
Scripture and the wisdom of holy men and women as
recorded by themselves or by their disciples. Some of
the most accessible guideposts for our journey are books
by Dr. Harry M. Boosalis, graduate of Holy Cross and
the Univ. of Thessaloniki, and currently professor of
Dogmatic Theology at St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Seminary.
In each of the four books he has published1 so far, he
addresses seminarians as well as plain folks like us, in a
lucid and systematic style that explains several complex
tenets of our ancient faith.
In Orthodox Spiritual Life: According to
Saint Silouan the Athonite (2011)2, Dr. Boosalis uses
excerpts from the writings of the recently canonized
saint (1988) to illustrate the saint’s thoughts on
suffering, spiritual warfare, the passion of pride and the
virtue of humility, and, above all, love and prayer for
the salvation of the entire human race—no exceptions.
In sum, ‘if we do not love our enemies, we cannot attain
to the knowledge of God.’ We are truly indebted to
Elder Sophrony (1896-1993), a disciple of St Silouan
(1866-1938), for publishing the saint’s writings.
The Joy of the Holy: Saint Seraphim of Sarov
and Orthodox Spiritual Life (1993) discusses the
lifelong contributions of the saint. One of his best known
teachings refers to the dual stages of the spiritual life:
πράξις / praxis (active ascetic practice / άσκησις) and
θεωρία / theoria (the contemplative life), both needed
as a Christian ascends the ladder of purification rung
by rung. Another one explains συνέργεια / synergeia,
our working together with God to achieve salvation
and sanctification. St. Seraphim (1759-1833) became
widely known for his healing ministry, especially
during the last eight years of his life.
Especially meaningful to newcomers and to
students of Bible Study classes are two related books that
discuss a large portion of Eastern Orthodox Theology.
In Taught by God: An Introduction to Orthodox
Theology (2010), lectures based on Holy Scripture and
patristic wisdom take us back to the writings of various
Orthodox theologians from St. Basil (4th century), to St.
Gregory Palamas (14th century), to Fr. John Romanides
(20th century). This particular text follows Knowledge
of God: Ancient Spirituality of the Christian East
(2009)3, which comprises earlier lectures on Orthodox
theology, written in an equally reader-friendly style.
St. Tikhon’s Seminary Press, www.stots.edu.
271.8 Boo and 3 230B Boo on our shelves.
***Please help us keep track: sign the card, add
your phone number and leave card in the card box.
Return all materials in the basket beside the card
box. Efharisto.
Jesus said to him, ‘You shall love the Lord
your God with all your heart, and with all
your soul, and with all your mind….You shall
love your neighbor as yourself. On these two
commandments depend all the law and the
Matthew 22:37-40
May the God of hope fill you with all joy
and peace in believing, so that by the
power of the Holy Spirit you may abound
in hope.
Romans 15:13
The Annuncaiator
nother school year...another opportunity to
serve God’s children! Annunciation Orthodox
School (AOS) enters its 42nd year of guiding
its students to be the best that they can be intellectually,
spiritually, morally, and physically. The School for
Hearts and Minds, as it is known, is truly committed
to the philosophy that children need and deserve an
emotionally safe and loving Christian environment that
is balanced with academic challenge and development
of the intellect. They deserve the opportunity to take
academic risks to practice and engage in the muchneeded problem-solving, analyzing, and communication
skills for tomorrow’s success.
AOS began as a ministry of Annunciation Greek
Orthodox Cathedral, shares its name, and upholds the
beauty of the Orthodox faith and Greek heritage. With
weekly classes of Greek Language and Culture, AOS
is the only school in the Houston area that connects its
students with the treasures of Orthodoxy, Greek history,
language, and Hellenic culture. Celebrating the Feast
Day of the Annunciation, Greek Independence Day,
and the name day of our beloved School, March 25th
is a highlight during the school year. Programs and
presentations from the Trojan War to the Odyssey are
performed by the fourth grade students, and enjoyed by
all. Orthodox Easter is celebrated with red eggs for
all, and Vasilopites for each class are prepared with the
expertise of many of our Yiayias and parish friends. It
is evident that all that is Orthodox and all that is Greek
is the taproot of AOS.
Page 25
ur weekly Chapel Services are held in the
Cathedral for kindergarten through the eighth
grade, and in the St. George Chapel for early
childhood. Coupled with weekly religion classes, AOS
students receive the moral compass and spiritual armor
they will need in our complex world. Those who are
neither Greek nor Orthodox come to appreciate the
culture and faith that permeates the life of our school.
This year, 57 AGOC families are giving their
children the opportunity to experience a dynamic
education in a premiere school, while being embraced
by their Orthodox faith and celebrating their Greek
heritage. Throughout the school year, they will enter
the school buildings with their senses reminding them of
their faith and heritage: hearing the Cathedral chiming
the hymn of the Annunciation, seeing the Cathedral
and Chapel as daily reminders of worship, and perhaps
inhaling the fragrance of kourembiedes baking for the
Nearly 16% of AOS students are from a variety
of Orthodox faiths including Greek Orthodox. AOS
is eager to raise its percentage of qualified Orthodox
students. A 3% tuition discount is given to all pledging
members of AGOC. Additionally, a need-based
scholarship fund for qualified students of Orthodox
Christian families exists through the generosity of
the C.N. and Maria V. Papadopoulos Trust. An AOS
education costs much less than a new car and could be
the vehicle your child needs for a secure and enriched
Page 26 The Annunciator
o won’t you consider AOS for your child?
The admissions season for the 2013-2014
school year begins after Labor Day 2012.
Applications will be online at www.aoshouston.org.
Deadline for application is December 15th . Call or
email to schedule a tour or to find out about our Open
Houses: 713-470-5611, admissions@aoshouston.org .
We would be delighted to have you visit! AOS
is accredited by the prestigious Independent Schools
Association of the Southwest, is a member of National
Association of Independent Schools, and Houston Area
Independent Schools. It offers a challenging curriculum
that is elevated by daily physical education, music, art,
technology, science lab, drama, extra-curricular clubs,
public speaking...and much more! Lunch is included in
the tuition and the school has a dynamic Extended Day
Care program. Graduates attend the finest high schools
in Houston, as well as boarding schools, and most often
obtain leadership roles in their schools. AOS is proud
of its graduates who go on to wonderful universities
and colleges.
Whether or not you have school-aged children,
please call, come by, and take a look at AOS. We would
love for you to see the ministry in action with smiling
faces all around! And, as always, thank you, AGOC
parish for beginning and supporting this ministry,
Reverend Father Nicholas and Presvytera Diane
Triantafilou for founding this blessed school, Katherine
Veletsos for nurturing AOS to success, and to Father
Michael Lambakis for his guidance and love as AOS
continues to grow by God’s grace.
Annunciation Orthodox School is delighted to welcome twelve new Orthodox children into our AOS family
for the 2012-2013 school year. They are:
Ereeni Bernitsas, Maksim Bogdanovich, Nicolas Broyles, Bianca Gabler, Virginia Kasselakis, Nicholas Khalil,
Chloe Laborde, Aidan Paek, Paloma Santamarina, Nicholas Strickler, Catherine Vasnetsov, and Victor Vasnetsov.
May God grant them good health, academic growth, and great happiness this school year!
(Building Homes)
(continued from page 22)
participated in the builds and offered hospitality. Their
commitment lasted a week, although local volunteers
were able to pitch in on certain days as their schedule
allowed. There was hard work, intense heat but immense
enjoyment. People bonded instantly over kolache and
water breaks, and shared experiences as they sharpened
their handy skills. The work was supervised by a
professional builder to assure quality construction. At
the end of the day everyone felt part of greater whole
and spiritually edified. “And remember the words of
the Lord Jesus, that He said, ‘It is more blessed to give
than to receive.’ (Acts 20:35)”
Volunteers must be 18 years of age or older, but 16
and 17 year olds are accepted if they are accompanied
by their parent, legal guardian or an adult with a powerof-attorney to act on their behalf for the duration of
the deployment. You do not need to be skilled – just
IOCC also visited Houston August 5-11 for another
build for Houston Habitat for Humanity.
For those that would like to further contribute to
the Houston Habitat for Humanity, they can also
join a fund-raising bike ride scheduled on October 20
at Downtown Houston. More details at: http://www.
The Annuncaiator
Page 27
December 5, 2011 – August 5, 2012
Amber Cher Dugat and
Tareq Fasheh
Sponsors: Susan and Anthony Alai
Antonina Prohorenko and
Travis M. Tust
Sponsor: Diamantis J. Cassis
Anastasia Grace Shebay and
Robert Tucker Singleton
Sponsor: Andrew Shebay
Alexandra Paul Tropoli and
Harris Demetri Pappas
Sponsor: Tom H. Pappas
Despina Vallianos and
Juan Jose Mann
Sponsor: Sophia Ambuehl
Brandi M. Woodard and
Harry Lahanas
Sponsor: Constantine Lahanas
Christine Whitaker Fordtran and
Michael Blaine Fordtran
Sponsor: Martin Whitaker
Sandra Reategui Halvatzis and
James Raymond Halvatzis
Sponsor: Christine H. Papazis
Nancy Anna Rex Vionis and
Andras N. Vionis
Sponsor: Scotty Gifford
Stella Marie
Parents: Kimberly and Demetrios
Godparent: Marios Anaipakos
Everett Philip
Parents: Christiana Mavromatis and Scott
Godparent: Anna Mavromatis
Curtis Kent (Gabriel)
Parents: Rachael and Jeffrey
Godparents: Alexis and Nathan Jones
Andreas Byron
Parents: Argie and Byron Brame
Godparent: Bill Dafnis
Richard Wayne (Ioanni)
Parents: Dena and Richard Caldwell, Jr.
Godparent: Kia Wissmiller
Abbigale (Evangelia)
Parents: Maria Cherney and
Jesse Cherney
Godparent: Emanuel Letsos
Amanda (Christina)
Parents: Maria Cherney and
Jesse Cherney
Godparent: Niko Letsos
Zoie Elizabeth
Parents: Amalia and Maarten DeWaal
Godparent: Paul Kousoulis
Amara Ileana Marie
Parents: Regina and Christopher DuRee
Godparents: Daphnae Karavantos-Schnur
and Edward J. Schnur
Vissarion Elijah Ebin
Parents: Anthoula Politis and Norval Dan
Godparent: Tasoula Zavitsanos
Evan William (Evangelos)
Parents: Mary Grace and Vassilios
Godparent: Alex Anastopoulos
Victoria Claire Athanasia
Parents: Marina and Michael Kriticos
Godparent: Athanasia Badoian
Ayrton Aleksander
Parents: Suzanne and Douglas Linder
Godparent: Gregory Halvatzis
Lucie Marie
Parents: Katherine Hagan and Stefanos
Godparent: Dimitri G. Millas
Armando Nikolaos
Parents: Felicia and Nickolas Moshou
Godparents: Diana and Theodore Karnezis
Lauren Harres (Hariklia)
Parents: Heather and Harres Exezidis
Godparent: Paraskevi V. Saliagas
Mary Nicole
Parents: Felicia and Nickolas Moshou
Godparents: Diana and Theodore Karnezis
Katherine Lauren
Parents: Dorothea Drimalas and Brian
Godparent: Thano Drimalas
John Markos
Parents: Amanda and Markos Pappas
Godparent: Jon Kantalis
Vivian Sofia
Parents: Dorothea Drimalas and Brian
Godparent: Maria Arapoglou
Elena Ann
Parents: Catherine and Harris Giannaris
Godparents: Mary Anne and Stefanos
Parents: Jenny and Whitney Glass
Godparent: Erasmia Gardner
Ethan Kostas (Athanasios)
Parents: Brooke and George Spanos
Godparent: Maria Petropoulos
George Nickolas
Parents: Evelyn Harris Pappas and
Nickolas G. Spiliotis
Godparents: Irina and James Zoys
Erik Michael
Parents: Ada and Erik Stehl
Godparents: Maria and John Castleberry
(continued on back page)
Non‑Profit Org.
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77006‑4388
Houston, Texas
Permit No. 8450
Larry Wayne (Kosmas) Coffer II
Sponsor: Nick P. Corovessis
Breeanne (Monika)
Parents: Kelly Todd and
Anthony Todd
Godparent: Marcella Kostos
Amber Cher (Ambrosia) Dugat
Sponsor: Presvytera Joana Tagaropulos
James Theo (Dimitrios)
Parents: Carrie and Theo Tsekouras
Godparent: Emmanuel Polakis
Cortland Curt (Cornelius)
Parents: Kia and Curt Wissmiller
Godparent: Dena Kriticos Caldwell
Sophia Mary
Parents: Amy and George Xenofos
Godparent: Angeliki Kandiliotis
Lauren (Christa) Lewis
Godparent: Karen Pratt
Phillip Carl (John) Phares
Godparent: David Dyess
Elizabeth King
Sponsor: Kathryn Burch
Amy Catherine Lothian
Sponsor: Marios Leptos
Antonina Prohorenko
Sponsor: Irene Cassis
Michael John Pratt
Sponsor: Derek Nicholas Pratt
Rex R. (Vasilios) Rogers
Sponsor: Mary M. Argeroplos
Gregory Threadgill
Sponsor: Gregory Cokinos
Travis Michael Tust
Sponsor: Diamantis J. Cassis
Mary Charkalis
Angelo J. Cramer
Kirrillos “Charlie” Elgohary
Evelyn Jeane Fress
Michael Chris Kaitson
Edward S. Lewis
Helen Lucas Pappas
Theodora Vanda Thomas
Irene P. Tropoli
Soula F. Tropoli