LAFAYETTE PARISH SHERIFF’S OFFICE Annual Report 2006 LAFAYETTE PARISH sheriff’s message Innovation and accreditation were two of the main themes of this past year. Our office experimented with a highly publicized warrant round-up with more than 2,000 names published in The Daily Advertiser in an attempt to locate individuals who had outstanding warrants. The operation was a resounding success with more than 1,000 calls received and more than 300 warrants resolved. We added new information for the public to view – we placed all warrants and information about inmates who are currently housed in our correctional facility on our website at We have received several tips from persons browsing through our list of warrants. Warrant Roundup II is scheduled for 2007. We successfully passed the requirements for accreditation by the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement this past summer. This was our second such award and we are one of only a handful of offices to receive this award in the state. Our correctional facility also began preparing for an on-site audit from another professional body, the National Commission on Correctional Health Care which is scheduled for March 2007. Our training academy is also preparing to be accredited by CALEA in the near future. As our parish continues to grow, our community will experience problems in areas such as traffic safety and drug and alcohol abuse. The Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office has several new and exciting programs on line for introduction in 2007. The first is called Crash Course and targets high school students with a mobile, computerized video curriculum designed to prevent underage drinking and impaired driving. The second program is Tipsy Taxi which prevents impaired driving by providing a free taxi ride home to persons who have been drinking. Both programs will complement our enforcement program which uses sobriety checkpoints throughout the parish on a regular basis. Our Problem Oriented Policing (POP) unit continues to make strides in neighborhoods such as Marigny Circle that are experiencing an increase in crime problems. We worked with landowners to form an association whose purpose was to improve the quality of life of the residents within that neighborhood. To date, the association and its efforts have been very successful. In this annual report, you will find more details on some of these accomplishments. We invite you to call or visit our facilities. Each is designed with your safety in mind, whether it is the newly opened shooting range which now allows civilian access on designated days, the community training center located at the former St. Antoine School or the Community Services Unit (located on Simcoe and Evangeline). We are here for your benefit and we encourage you to stop by and see what programs and services are being offered. We appreciate your support over this past year and look forward to a safer 2007. MICHAEL W. NEUSTROM SHERIFF SHERIFF’S OFFICE Annual Report 2006 UL LAFAYETTE WEAR RED DAY SHERIFF NEUSTROM table of contents 3 Enforcement Division 19 Finance Division 8 Operation Cleanup 22 Telephone Directory 10 Administrative Services 22 Deputy of the Quarter (1st quarter) 11 Tax & Civil Division 23 Human Resources Division 13 Sheriff Neustrom Youth Golf 25 Corrections Division 14 Crash Course/Tipsy Taxi 26 Deputy of the Quarter (2nd quarter) 15 2006 Timeline 29 Training & Professional Development Division 18 Problem Oriented Policing 30 Deputy of the Quarter (3rd & 4th quarter) Sheriff Michael Neustrom Internal Affairs Civil & Tax Division Tax Collection Civil Human Resources Division Finance Division Special Assistant Enforcement Division Training & Professional Development Division Corrections Division Human Resources Risk Management Metro Narcotics Training Building Maintenance Outside Employment Information Systems Evidence Section Law Enforcement Training Academy Diversion Programs Records District Attorney Investigator Finance Patrol Mobile Equipment Criminal Investigations Testing & Assessment P.I.O./Crime Stoppers CALEA Accreditation Community Services Treatment Programs Leadership & Resiliency Program LPCC contact: MAJOR ART LEBRETON / (337)236-5617 / ENFORCEMENT@LAFAYETTESHERIFF.COM enforcement division ENFORCEMENT DIVISION The Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office Enforcement Division is managed by Major Art LeBreton, Chief Deputy. Major LeBreton is a veteran member of the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office with more than 20 years of service. He is certified as a crisis negotiator and a graduate of the LSU Law Enforcement Institute Executive Program. Major LeBreton also leads the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office Homeland Security planning and preparation. The Uniform Patrol Department is probably the most recognizable of the Enforcement Division, due to the high visibility of its duties. Currently the patrol department includes 106 full-time deputies and 11 part-time deputies Captain Kip Judice is the patrol commander, who works with other Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office divisions and public safety providers from surrounding municipalities to coordinate efforts for Lafayette Parish’s safety. Captain Judice is also assigned Homeland Security and Critical Incident responsibilities, working with Major LeBreton and other agencies to keep Lafayette Parish ready to respond. Our Patrol Shifts include four rotating shifts, each led by a shift lieutenant and two sergeants. These four shifts patrol all areas of Lafayette Parish, investigations and enforcing both criminal and traffic laws. Each patrol car is equipped with mobile data terminals – laptop computers with wireless internet access to communicate and confirm open warrants, sex offender data or other crucial information. Nineteen of our patrol cars (40% of our shift fleet) are equipped with on-board camera systems. During 2006 all patrol cars were equipped with Global Positioning Systems (GPS) linked to street maps for improved response times. “The efforts of the Enforcement Division are coordinated to ensure that each department within the division supports the efforts of one another to provide professional and prompt emergency response, thorough criminal investigations and the necessary support and services that the members of our community deserve. The enforcement team is proud to represent the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office and we are equally proud of our community.” – Major Art LeBreton MAJOR ART LEBRETON DUI CHECKPOINT but to avoid duplication of efforts by municipal law enforcement agencies, our primary areas of patrol are the approximately 125 square miles of unincorporated Lafayette Parish. Patrol deputies work 12-hour shifts, patrolling their zones, responding to calls, conducting preliminary 3 Support Services consist of Traffic, K-9, Field Training Program, Reserves & Explorers, and the Sheriff’s Team for Advanced Response (STAR). Deputies within Support Services’ Traffic section are responsible for conducting funeral escort services for Lafayette Parish. Deputies work with all area funeral directors to coordinate routes for funeral processions in order to safely assist families during their time of mourning. During 2006, deputies conducted 1,003 funeral escorts. The Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office manages the school crossing guards at Green T. Lindon Elementary, Acadiana High, Youngsville Elementary, Duson Middle, Ossun Elementary, Milton Elementary and Carencro The Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office currently has five K-9 teams – six dogs and five handlers. Middle School. Please drive safely and obey school crossing guards and school zone speed limits! The Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office currently has five K-9 teams – six dogs and five handlers. Four K-9s - Taco, Hunter, Hector and Deuce - are dual-trained for patrol service and narcotics detection and assigned to a deputy handler within uniform patrol. K-9 teams work primarily night shifts, but are also utilized for daytime assignments when necessary. Two of our K-9s are labrador retrievers, both assigned to the same deputy handler. Buddy is a narcotics detection dog used primarily in Lafayette Parish schools and Trooper is trained and utilized for explosives detection. Each deputy handler is responsible for the care and training of their K-9 partners and train many hours per month to maintain certifications in their respective areas of expertise. The Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office Field Training Program is a 14-week, intensive, on-the-job training program for our POST -certified deputies prior to patrol shift assignment. This program was initiated by Sheriff Neustrom in order to provide standardized field training for deputies, utilizing a fair and objective process. Reserve Deputies are unpaid volunteers trained as deputy sheriffs that are available to assist and supplement the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office existing manpower. Reserve deputies have full arrest authority and are selected after meeting application requirements and graduating from our Reserve Academy. Reserve deputies must maintain training requirements and must be available for a minimum of 24 duty hours each month. If you would like to join the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office Reserve Unit please contact our Human Resources Division at 337-236-5667. Explorer Post 500 is a partnership between the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office and the Boys Scouts of America currently consisting of 15 members. Explorer members range in age from 14-20 years. Most are high school students who aspire to a career in law enforcement. Explorers assist the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office at local events, helping with parking and other non-enforcement duties, mostly in a monitoring capacity. Sheriff’s Team for Advanced Response (STAR) is a specialized unit of deputies intended to confront current did you know? EMERGENCY VEHICLES ALWAYS HAVE THE RIGHT OF WAY! When an authorized emergency vehicle using audible or visual signals approaches you, it is important to recognize that the emergency vehicle has the right of way. You should yield the right of way and immediately drive to a position parallel to the right-hand edge or curb. Stay in that position until the emergency vehicle has passed. When driving on an interstate with two or more lanes traveling in the same direction as an emergency vehicle, slow down to a speed of 25 mph and merge into the lane farthest from the emergency vehicle. Continue at 25mph until it is safe to proceed at the posted speed limit. When driving on a two-lane road, you should slow down to a speed of 25 mph unless the posted speed limit is lower, and continue to operate at that speed until it is safe to resume driving at the posted speed limit. The Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office and the Louisiana Highway Safety Commission reminds drivers that it is important to give an emergency vehicle the right of way because that vehicle’s timing could mean life or death in an emergency situation. Information reprinted from the Banner-Democrat in Lake Providence, LA, with permission from the Louisiana Highway Safety Commission. 4 crime trends. This unit, which was activated in 2004, will modify and develop strategies and targeted areas of enforcement as events occur. STAR actively assists other enforcement sections of the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office and other agencies when requested. The Contract Services section of patrol includes 21 deputies and three supervisors. Contract services deputies are assigned to University Medical Center (UMC) and Lafayette Regional Airport in order to maintain the safety and security of those facilities, within contractual limitations. Lafayette Parish Sheriff ’s Office performed 1,744 criminal investigations during 2006. AFIS TEAM COMMUNICATIONS Patrol’s Communications section handles a variety of tasks from visitors needing services at the front desk to dispatching calls to deputies. The Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office also provides dispatching service for the municipalities of Broussard, Carencro, Duson, Scott and Youngsville. Our communications section is now operating in a newly renovated work space which has been upgraded to include acoustic walls, directional microphones, dual NCIC computer terminals and improved software for all of the department’s computer systems. Additionally two new consoles were installed that provide immediate contact with the Lafayette Police Department and Lafayette Fire Department. Communications staff work four rotating 12hour shifts and are responsible for monitoring all radio frequencies; dispatching calls for service, either from citizens, the 911 communication center or from other agencies; and operating the 5 National Crime Information Center (NCIC)/ Louisiana Law Enforcement Teletype System (LLETS) computer systems. Our Criminal Investigations Department investigated 1,744 cases during 2006, an increase of 259 cases from 2005. For more information, contact Captain Debbie Brasseaux at 337-261-5625. Crimes Against Persons - Coordinates all ininvestigations concerning personal injury or offenses against the person. In 2006, the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office investigated 461 sex crimes, seven homicides or attempted homicides (a decrease of 2 from 2005), and 37 deaths by natural causes or suicide (a decrease of 24 cases from 2005). PATROL The crimes against persons unit also includes a Cold Case Investigator who investigates all capital cases designated as cold cases. In March 2006, the cold case investigator cleared a 16-year-old homicide with the arrest of Daniel Harman for the murder of Christy Woods. Property Crimes - Coordinates all investigations concerning property loss or damage, forgeries, thefts or unauthorized entries. These investigators fielded 841 cases in 2006. The monetary value of recovered property for 2006 was $833,080.04, a tremendous increase from $191,902.94 in 2005. Property detectives worked a total of 300 burglaries in 2006, an increase of 86 cases from 2005. Forgery cases increased from 25 in 2005 to 36 in 2006, an increase of 11 cases. The property section’s 2006 clearance rate is 58%; the national clearance rate in 2005 for property investigators was 16.3%. Juvenile - Investigates crimes involving juvenile suspects or victims. In 2006, 442 juvenile cases were investigated, an increase of 53 cases from 2005. Rape investigations increased from 12 in 2005 to 25 in 2006 and molestations/indecent behavior cases increased by 15 cases. Criminal Warrants - Maintains file copies of all warrants and executes all active criminal warrants received by the Lafayette Parish Sheriff ’s Office. During 2006, our warrants department executed 9,033 warrants, an increase of 965 warrants from the previous year. Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) – One of five hubs, covering 14 parishes for the Louisiana system, this unit is responsible for the operation, receipt and dissemination of all fingerprint records received through the Lafayette Parish Correctional Center and other correctional centers within the 14-parish region. AFIS operates 24 hours each day, 365 days per year and also assists with photo lineups for investigations. Currently AFIS is working with the Louisiana State Police on a multi-phase software upgrade that will improve response times and allow bookings to enter the system in real time. The new AFIS operates 24 hours each day, 365 days per year and also assists with photo lineups for investigations. Metro Forensic Investigations Crime scenes processed 334 Parish crime scenes 94 City crime scenes 228 Manual fingerprint comparisons 385 AFIS entries 531 AFIS hits 111 AFIS reverse searches (verifications) 8,014 Request for fingerprint processing 507 Out-of -parish calls 12 system will be Windows-based and should reduce problems currently occurring with the old software system. In addition the upgrades will bring new equipment with clearer fingerprint and mugshot images that will also capture palm prints. The palm prints captured will create another database for investigators to use during investigations. Metro Forensic Investigations - Assists investigations by taking photographs, sketching major crime scenes, collecting and tagging evidence and performing various scientific tests on suspects and/or evidence as needed. The Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office and the Lafayette City Police have collaborated to form this unit that is staffed by personnel from both agencies and supervised by a Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office Lieutenant. By combining resources – personnel, equipment and funding, this unit is better equipped to serve the needs of Lafayette Parish. Criminal Intelligence Unit (CIU) - Primarily collects crime data and analyzes trends in criminal activity. The CIU works closely with regional police departments, neighboring sheriffs’ offices and federal law enforcement agencies. After pooling statistics from these agencies, the CIU disseminates the information to law enforcement and citizens in a timely manner. This unit is also tasked with conducting specialized investigations in the areas of organized crime, vice, terrorism and firearms violations. In addition, the CIU is responsible for the registration, tracking and monitoring of all convicted sex offenders who reside in Lafayette Parish. These offenders are required to register under the current Louisiana Sex Offender Registration Statute. The unit consists of four investigators and one analyst who provide a myriad of services to the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office and several other law enforcement agencies. In 2006, the CIU processed 301 parole notifications and 474 bulletins for law enforcement, assisted other Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office divisions with 69 cases, and assisted with 81 cases for outside agencies. In addition, CIU personnel conducted more than 400 compliance checks at the residences of convicted sex offenders and made more than 20 arrests of convicted sex offenders who were not in compliance with the registration statute. 6 Community Services Unit/Community Liaison Sheriff Neustrom formed the Community Services unit in 2006 to consolidate departments that provide services for the community into one location. This unit includes crime prevention programs, victim services programs, the grants administrator, Crash Course, after-school tutoring program and our Problem Oriented Policing (POP) Unit. The Community Services Unit is located at 527 Evangeline Drive, one block off of University Avenue. For additional information about the Lafayette Parish Sheriff ’s Office Community Services Unit, call 337-236-5657 or email Captain Broussard at Metro Narcotics Task Force is a partnership between the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office and the Lafayette City Police Department and also includes personnel from the Louisiana National Guard’s Counter-Drug Program. A committee comprised of the Sheriff, Lafayette Chief of Police, and members of each agency oversee task force operations. This task force responds to and investigates complaints of drug-related activity LAFAYETTE METRO NARCOTICS Year-End 2006 Statistics Cases initiated 548 Number of arrests 542 Warrants 52 Weapons recovered 68 Cash recovered $252,830.00 Vehicles forfeited 10 YTD drugs seized $2,632,031.00 (street value) 7 If you have information about illegal drug activity, please contact us at 337-291-5550 or send an email to throughout Lafayette Parish and also works with other local, state and federal agencies to remove illegal narcotics from our community. Lafayette Metro Narcotics currently has agents assigned to the DEA Drug Task Force and the FBI Gang Task Force. The Lafayette Metro Narcotics Agency is dedicated to making Lafayette Parish safer by working to remove illegal narcotics activity from our community. If you have information about illegal drug activity, please contact us at 337-291-5550 or send an email to to provide confidential information to investigators. All tips are thoroughly investigated. The Evidence Department is responsible for the collection, storage, cataloging and disposal of all seized evidence and other property turned over to the evidence custodian. The Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office Evidence Section manages in excess of 80,000 evidence items including, but not limited to, firearms, controlled dangerous substances (narcotics), DNA submissions and currency. The process of managing these items while complying with all applicable laws requires continuous monitoring of storage integrity, control and care. Evidence is released or destroyed according to judicial notification (court order). District Attorney Investigator The Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office provides one investigator to assist the 15th Judicial District Attorney’s office. This investigator works with prosecutors and law enforcement representatives, providing information and investigative services as cases move forward through the judicial process. 5:00 AM BRIEFING: OPERATION CLEANUP OPERATION CLEANUP in brief WAR RANTS: OPE RATION CLEAN U P The Lafayette Parish Sheriff's Office conducted “Operation Cleanup,” a successful warrant roundup September 20-22, 2006. Forty-four arrests were made and more than $49,000 was collected in restitution and contempt fees during the three-day operation. Operation Cleanup developed after Sheriff Neustrom learned of a similar operation conducted in Newport News, Va. After discussing the Virginia operation with Major Art LeBreton, Captain Debbie Brasseaux and Sgt. Dale Thomas, Operation Cleanup was scheduled and preparations began. The Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office purchased a two-page ad in The Daily Advertiser, listing the names of more than 1,700 individuals with outstanding warrants and asking for the public’s assistance with locating the wanted persons. The ad ran in the newspaper on the first morning of Operation Cleanup and included a phone number to call to provide information. The Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office received more than 1,000 phone calls providing valuable information that was used to apprehend suspects and/or to resolve the outstanding warrants. More than 60 deputies from several Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office divisions teamed up with existing warrants personnel for the threeday operation. Deputies were assigned to teams, with two shifts per day, and handled assignments that included answering phone calls, research (verifying information received), processing warrant paperwork, delivering warrants to deputies in the field, arrest teams, transporting individuals arrested to the Lafayette Parish Correctional Center, and processing arrested individuals into Lafayette Parish Correctional Center. After seeing their names in the newspaper ad, several wanted individuals contacted the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office to make arrangements to clear their misdemeanor warrant before being arrested. Qualifying individuals with misdemeanor warrants were allowed to resolve their warrants by paying restitution – mainly for charges of issuing worthless checks. (Resolving a misdemeanor warrant is usually done by paying fines and/or paying the costs involved with the worthless check). During Operation Cleanup, 340 warrants were resolved and $49,381.33 was collected and returned to the victim(s), most often local merchants. Sgt. Dale Thomas, warrants supervisor, was pleased with the results of Operation Cleanup. “The operation was very successful. We received a better response from the public than anticipated! We plan to conduct similar operations again, possibly two per year.” Operation Cleanup Statistics Phone Calls Received – 1,075+ Money Collected – $49,381.33 Warrants Resolved – 340 Warrants Worked – 496 Arrests - 44 Individuals With Warrants Resolved – 303 (Note: some individuals had multiple warrants). For information about Lafayette Parish Sheriff's Office warrants please call the Warrants Department at 337-2365830 or visit our website at and follow the links to the Wanted Persons page. 8 LEFT TO RIGHT TOP - CAPTAIN JOHN BABIN, CAPTAIN JIM MILLER, CAPTAIN JULES BROUSSARD. LEFT TO RIGHT BOTTOM CAPTAIN KIP JUDICE, CAPTAIN DEBBIE BRASSEAUX, MAJOR ART LEBRETON. ENFORCEMENT DIVISION Chief Criminal Deputy Patrol Patrol Shifts Contract Services Airport Security Evidence Metro Narcotics Task Force Report Desk Officer District Attorney Investigator A.F.I.S. Community Services Metro Forensic Crime Scene Support Services FTO Program Criminal Investigations Crime Prevention Programs UMC Security K-9 Problem Oriented Policing Communications/ Technical Services S.T.A.R. After School Tutorial Education Victim Services Programs Victim Services Coordinator Elderly Assistance Liaison Crimes Against Persons Criminal Warrants Intelligence Crime Analyst Juvenile Dispatchers Switchboard Technical Services Traffic Services School Crossing Guards Grants Administrator Burglary & Theft Family Violence Prevention Reserves in brief NEW EQUIPMENT FOR SPECIAL REACTION TEAM (SRT) The Lafayette Parish Sheriff's Office Special Reaction Team (SRT) has received new equipment to assist with its response to incidents in our community. SRT is available to assist and aid Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office personnel, or any other law enforcement agency, under high risk or special conditions (hostage incidents, barricaded situations) and high-risk arrests. A federal JAG Grant from the Bureau of Justice Assistance provided more than $28,000 to purchase specialized equipment for the Special Reaction Team. Items purchased with these grant funds include specialized vests, helmets, communication equipment and cameras. All of these items will help to make response to incidents safer, more efficient and more effective. The most visible new equipment item for the Special Reaction Team is a new vehicle - a Chevrolet One-Ton, Dual Wheel truck equipped with cargo, toolboxes - purchased from the Federal Surplus Property Unit in Baton Rouge. This new truck will be easier to maneuver when responding to critical incidents, increase team transportation capabilities and improve capacity to transport gear. 9 The Lafayette Parish Sheriff's Office would like to thank Cajun Custom Auto Refinishing for donating the custom paint job for the new Special Reaction Team Truck. Administrative Services is one of the seven divisions of the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office. It is comprised of Sheriff Michael W. Neustrom’s Special Assistant and Executive Secretary, the Administrative Receptionist and Internal Affairs. Sheriff Neustrom and his Executive Staff continuously raise our high standards of courtesy, professionalism and respect, which are exemplified by the quality of service provided to the public. Sheriff Neustrom and his Executive Staff share the vision and goal with all of the divisions of becoming the premier full-service Sheriff’s Office. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES TEAM contact: SUZANNE EASON / (337)236-5611 administrative services A D M I N I S T R AT I V E S E R V I C E S in brief VICTI M I NFOR MATION CAR D DISTR I B UTE D BY LAFAYETTE PAR ISH SH E R I FF’S OFFICE The Lafayette Parish Sheriff's Office and Crimestoppers are working together to produce a Victims Assistance Card that will be distributed by Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office deputies to crime victims. Captain Kip Judice, Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office Patrol Commander, is leading this project, which is modeled after a similar victim assistance card used by the Baton Rouge Police Department. “I know that this card will provide important information in a user-friendly format for crime victims,” says Judice. “It will be similar to adding an information officer for each patrol car.” The card is designed with six sides, but folds to become the size of a business card in order to be easily carried in a wallet. Before this new card was developed, when Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office Deputies responded to an incident and filed a report, they provided victims a card with the case number assigned to the particular incident, Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office’s phone number, the deputy’s name and a separate set of documents with victim services data. The new cards will include the information previously provided on the card, but will also include additional contact information frequently required by crime victims such as phone numbers and website information for other law enforcement agencies and social service providers. We hope that this new card will provide a valuable tool to aid crime victims as they recover. The Lafayette Parish Sheriff's Office Victim Services Coordinator can be reached by calling 337-236-5657. SPECIAL REACTION TEAM MOCK AIRPORT DISASTER DUI CHECKPOINT 10 contact: MAJOR CARLA GERAMI / (337)236-5820 / CIVIL@LAFAYETTESHERIFF.COM TAX OFFICE taxTA&X civil divisions & CIVIL DIVISIONS TA X D I V I S I O N One thing that is unique about Louisiana Sheriff’s Offices is that each is responsible for collecting property taxes in its parish. Sheriffs in the other 49 states do not have this additional fiscal responsibility. The Lafayette Parish tax collector sent out 77,993 tax notices that totaled revenues of $92,337,231.16 in the 2006 tax year. These tax dollars are distributed among 14 taxing bodies covering 22 different millages, including two of the surrounding municipalities, Carencro and Youngsville. The tax division has five full-time employees with additional part-time workers during the peak season. The tax division can now collect and process payments in record time with a software program designed specifically for Louisiana’s tax collections. Any amendments or changes in state requirements for tax collection are updated annually in the software. Property tax notices are mailed out each November and are due to be paid by December 31st of the same year. Payment may be in the form of cash, personal checks, money orders, or online with a credit card. Taxes that go unpaid by the December 31st date begin to accrue interest penalties levied each month. Unpaid taxes result in the sale of that property for the amount of taxes owed. This sale occurs only once per year and is held on the first Wednesday of May. The list of property to be sold is published in the local paper two Sundays prior to the sale date. Common Misconceptions A common misconception about tax sales is that a successful bid will give the purchaser ownership of a TAX COUNTER • Purchaser (bidder) must notify property owner by certified mail of his lien hold. • Purchaser (bidder) must pay taxes on property for 3 years. • Purchaser (bidder) must petition the district court for ownership of property. Questions about these procedures may be directed to the Tax Department at 337-236-5880 and by email to CIVIL DIVISION The Civil Division of the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office is divided into 3 sections: • Process service (i.e. law suits, jury summons, divorce decrees, custody matters, restraining orders, etc.) • Seizures of property (i.e. vehicles, homes, land) both movable and immovable • Garnishments (seizure of wages) There are 24 employees assigned to the civil division all handling a variety of services. Nine of these employees are clerks who receive and record all civil and criminal paperwork. Process Service Once the paperwork is recorded, the civil division supervisor divides the legal documents among the 14 process servers. Each deputy begins the task of going SHERIFF SALE CIVIL PROCESS SERVERS piece of property just by paying the taxes owed. The bidder has certain obligations with this purchase before an acquirement may be made. 11 SHERIFF SALE out into the parish to find the individuals summoned. In the last fiscal year, these clerks and process servers handled 111,892 legal documents. Civil and Tax Division Commander Process Server Supervisor Civil Process Clerks (5) Criminal Process Clerks (3) Criminal/Civil Process Servers (14) Tax Collection Manager Tax Collection Supervisor Collection Agents 4 full-time/3 seasonal Seizure of Property The civil division is also assigned the task of seizing and selling foreclosed property. Sales occur on Wednesdays at 10:00 am on the second floor of the Lafayette Consolidated Building located at 1010 Lafayette St. Notice of these sales is published in the local paper twice prior to the sale date. Successful bidders are to provide certified funds to the sheriff’s office civil clerk by 2:00 pm on the day of the sale. Garnishments Once a judgment is granted to a creditor and wages are garnished, it is the responsibility of the sheriff to serve the employer with notice that a portion of an employees wage will be seized to pay a debt. The garnishment clerk for the civil division is assigned the job of setting up a payment file, collecting from the employers, and distributing funds to the seizing creditor. The civil division closed the 2006 fiscal year with 2,522 active garnishment files. During 2006, the Tax Office implemented a new scan card system. This new system has greatly increased efficiency by placing a bar code on each and every tax notice. The bar codes allow Tax Office personnel to instantly retrieve tax records and track notices and other documents necessary for payment. TAXI NG B ODIES Lafayette Parish Government Lafayette Parish School Board Lafayette Parish Airport Commission Teche - Vermilion Water District Lafayette Economic Development Lafayette Parish Tax Assessor Civil Software Upgrade The Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office Civil Division is now utilizing a new software package for civil processing (civil sales and seizures). The Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office worked with the software developer, serving as a Beta site, and also consulted with the Clerk of Court’s office and the District Attorney’s office to create a package that would meet their needs and also serve the needs of other civil offices throughout the state. Major Carla Gerami, Director of Civil & Tax explains, “This new software will eliminate several manual steps that were previously necessary allowing for little things that make a difference in service. Civil process servers will have access to more information prior to serving documents, which will improve their ability to locate individuals needing to be served. The process of recording has been simplified and the billing process is much easier and more precise. Future upgrades will allow courts to view service information and eliminate the need to manually deliver summons from the courthouse to the civil department.” Lafayette Parish Sheriff Bayou Vermilion Maintenance Bayou Vermilion Bonds & Interest Lafayette Centre/DDA Louisiana Tax Commission City of Carencro City of Youngsville Lafayette Public Library 12 SHERIFF NEUSTROM YOUTH GOLF CLINIC Sheriff Neustrom Youth Golf Events The Sheriff Neustrom Youth Golf clinic and tournament are designed to provide a free summer activity for the children of Lafayette Parish and to introduce the kids to the game of golf. Each year the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office hosts a golf clinic in June for boys and girls ages 6-17 and a tournament a couple of weeks later. During the Youth Golf Clinic participants receive basic instruction about golf including safety, rules and etiquette. The youth golf tournament is a two day event hosted by the Hebert Municipal golf tournament. Last year over 268 kids participated in the youth golf clinic and tournament each receiving lunch, a T-shirt and visor and the opportunity to win door prize. Let our website become your complete source for information about the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office. New features include a photo gallery and event calendar, access to recent arrest photos and inmate information and a warrants section. The site is updated frequently and also provides information about our programs and activities with contact information. Please email us your comments or suggestions about the site to SHERIFF NEUSTROM OPEN The Sheriff Neustrom Open golf tournament is our annual fundraiser for Youth Golf Events. The 2006 event was held at The Wetlands Golf Course with 175 participants. The Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office appreciates the sponsors and participants who make it possible for us to fund free youth golf events. For additional information about the Sheriff Neustrom Open please call 337-236-5657, extension 31. LPSO COOKS 13 SHERIFF NEUSTROM OPEN LPSO VOLUNTEERS CRASH COURSE TRAILER CRASH COURSE TRAILER CRASH COURSE: “A SOBERING EXPERIENCE” The Lafayette Parish Sheriff's Office’s new DUI Prevention/Education program, “Crash Course,” will be visiting area high schools and community events. “Crash Course – A Sobering Experience” was developed by the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office to reduce underage drinking and impaired driving. The goal is to teach students about the dangers of impaired driving by providing realistic and highly interactive experiences similar to those encountered by impaired drivers. Students will experience situations that should help them to realize the dangers of attempting to drive while impaired. Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office Deputies will bring the Crash Course mobile classroom to Lafayette Parish schools and present the program to sophomore students during physical education classes. Crash Course is a 46-foot trailer equipped with large screen televisions, driving simulators, stereo equipment and DVRs to record the students while driving. The program will include a curriculum of group discussions, videos, computer driving simulators and other activities. Students will be given the opportunity to discuss situations that they may have encountered and hopefully find solutions that will keep them safe during future experiences. Crash Course funding is provided by Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office, Junior League of Lafayette, Louisiana Highway Safety Commission and the Lafayette Parish School System’s Safe Schools, Healthy Students grant. For additional information about Crash Course, please call 337-232-9211. TIPSY TAXI Tipsy Taxi is a crime-prevention program designed to complement the education efforts aimed at schools, known as Crash Course, enforcement activities such as sobriety checkpoints and increased officer awareness and enforcement of impaired driving statutes. The fundamental philosophy of Tipsy Taxi is that there should be a partnership between local law enforcement, alcohol beverage servers and vendors and the community to encourage citizens to make correct choices. After receiving specialized training on the Tipsy Taxi Program, law enforcement agencies, bartenders, and restaurant employees provide assistance by distributing vouchers for the program to patrons they feel are too intoxicated to drive themselves. These vouchers provide patrons with a free and confidential cab ride to any residence within Lafayette Parish – rides are available 24 hours a day/365 days a year. Tipsy Taxi does not take a moral stance on drinking – its primary goal is to remove intoxicated drivers from the streets of Lafayette Parish. It is designed to be as simple as possible to encourage use by impaired drivers. Tipsy Taxi is not funded by tax dollars. Funding is provided through a portion of fines collected for traffic offenses and private donations. For additional information about this program call 236-5657 extension 31. 14 MOCK AIRPORT DISASTER COMMUNITY SERVICES UNIT SCAM JAM 2006 TIMELINE JANUARY Juvenile Day Reporting program begins with nine male students ages 12-16 who have been dismissed from the public school system. The program mission is to provide a safe, structured alternative school and day program for students who need intensive behavioral modification before returning to a traditional school environment. FEBRUARY Captain Kip Judice presents “Investigative Aspects of the South Louisiana Serial Killer Case” at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences. Captain Judice, Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office Patrol Commander, teamed with representatives from the Louisiana State Police Crime Lab, Acadiana Crime Lab, FBI, East Baton Rouge Parish DA’s Office and DNA experts to present information covering several aspects of the high-profile, multi-jurisdiction investigation. MARCH Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office participates in a mock airport disaster training exercise with airport officials, Lafayette City Police, Lafayette Fire Department, area volunteer fire departments, Acadian Ambulance, Department of Public Health, Louisiana State Police and the Red Cross. Lafayette Metro Narcotics Task Force arrests four people in the 600 block of Marigny Circle after a search of the residence uncovers a small methamphetamine lab in the bathroom. APRIL New website feature launched at Photos and bios of ten fugitives wanted for serious offenses can be found on the Law Enforcement/Wanted Persons page. MAY Deputies participate in the law enforcement torch run to benefit Special Olympics. Teams carry the torch from the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office to Baton Rouge. JUNE 100 Days of Summer Heat – The Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office joins more than 140 law enforcement agencies across the state who will target speeders. JULY Sheriff Neustrom establishes a new Community Services Unit. Captain Jules Broussard will supervise this group of deputies that includes Problem Oriented Policing (POP), Victim Services, Elderly Services, Crime Prevention and the Grants Administrator. Community Services Unit — 527 Evangeline Drive / 337-236-5657 / The Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office achieves re-accreditation from the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA). OPERATION CLEANUP 15 PUBLIC SAFETY CHECK POINT OPERATION CLEANUP FLAG DAY 2006 TIMELINE AUGUST – The Lafayette Parish Sheriffs Office conducts a public safety checkpoint on Hebert Road. 390 vehicles entered the checkpoint and 55 citations were issued. Deputies increase enforcement of school zones for first day of school. Motorcycles followed buses to handle violations of bus signals while deputies from the Traffic and Patrol Departments concentrated on school zone violators. SEPTEMBER Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office website ( has a new look and offers new information. Site visitors can now view data about recent arrestees, inmates incarcerated at Lafayette Parish Correctional Center, view and pay taxes online, submit tips to Metro Narcotics and view photos and information about wanted persons. Deputies team with other local agencies including MADD and the Louisiana Highway Safety Commission to announce participation in the “Drunk Driving. Over the Limit. Under Arrest.” national campaign for Labor Day weekend. Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office wins Wear Red Day competition for the mid -size business category. Geaux Cajuns! NOVEMBER – Lt. Sheila Lejeune, Food Service Director at the Lafayette Parish Correctional Center, is named Food Service Director of the month by Food Service Director magazine. Lt. Lejeune supervises rotating shifts of nine deputies and 50 inmate workers who prepare about 3,000 meals each day (more than 80,000 meals each month) while spending only $2.03/per day per inmate. DECEMBER – Deputies “Take A Walk in Her Shoes” as part of the Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) fundraiser for Stuller Place. Proceeds will help to fund this new program that will provide trained forensic nurses to recover evidence from sexual assault victims. NATIONAL NIGHT OUT / BROUSSARD TOYS DONATION FOR FAITH HOUSE DUI CHECKPOINTS 16 SPECIAL REACTION TEAM (SRT) SRT COMPETITION CAJUN MAN 1/2 MARATHON TRAFFIC CONTROL JUNIOR LEADERSHIP GROUP MARDI GRAS 2006 CAPTAIN KIP JUDICE AND MCGRUFF NATIONAL NIGHT OUT TAKE A WALK IN HER SHOES FUNDRAISER TRIAD/SALT QUARTERLY MEETING 17 CITY OF SCOTT NATIONAL NIGHT OUT SITE BEFORE DEMOLITION Problem Oriented Policing (POP) Our Problem Oriented Policing Unit is designed to work with community members to solve problems that will make our community safer. POP recently tackled problem areas in a local trailer park characterized by trash and abandoned mobile homes. Deputies responded to the area and observed trash throughout the trailer park and several abandoned mobile homes in various states of disrepair. The mobile homes were falling apart and public access was not restricted, which posed a safety hazard along with quality-of-life issues as these abandoned mobile homes were scattered among inhabited mobile homes. Deputies met with the property owner and manager to find a solution to the problems. After a couple of meetings and assistance from the Justice of the Peace and the Department of Motor Vehicles, the land owner demolished the abandoned mobile homes and removed the trash from the area. Residents of the trailer park are thrilled with the work accomplished by the Problem Oriented Policing Unit. If you have a public safety concern, please contact our Problem Oriented Policing Unit at 236-5657 or email ABANDONED TRAILER SITE AFTER DEMOLITION 18 contact: KEITH SIBILLE / (337)236-5674 / KEITH.SIBILLE@LAFAYETTESHERIFF.COM finance division FINANCE DIVISION The Lafayette Parish Sheriff ’s Office Finance Division is managed by Chief Financial Officer Keith Sibille. This division includes approximately 27 deputies who coordinate all financial matters for the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office, manage computer purchases and operations, handle records, bonding & commissary, mobile equipment/fleet operations and the risk manager who works to keep deputies safe and reduce our risk for litigation. The Business Office handles the typical functions of any business or government agency such as payroll, accounts payable, purchasing, and insurance for the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office’s $35 million operating budget. Bonding is tasked with collecting fines and bonds received from the public and all record-keeping and disbursements associated with these fines and bonds. In addition, bonding also collects and manages commissary funds (inmates’ personal funds) for the Lafayette Parish Correctional Center. The Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office Information Systems section is responsible for operating, maintaining and updating all computer systems used by the agency. During 2006 the Information Systems section completed many tasks, but here are a few highlights. JADES - A new addition to the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office website allows site visitors to search the jail database of inmates currently housed in the correctional center as well as those arrested within the last 48 hours. Friends and family members of arrestees LAFAYETTE PARISH SHERIFF’S OFFICE BONDING DEPARTMENT'S NEW LOCATION On December 11, 2006, the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office Bonding Department will be moving to the records area located in the Sheriff’s Administrative building located on Main Street. Bonds, cash bail, traffic fines, contempt fees and commissary will operate in this area from the 19 and inmates can research information such as bond amount and cell assignment which will also link to the visitation schedule along with the guidelines for visitation. Also in the IT arena, our patrol cars are now equipped with remote access to the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office system via a virtual private network (VPN) which provides secure high-speed connectivity to email and Thinkstream, the integrated criminal justice data system. Previously, deputies had to call in through dispatch to request this information. In addition, patrol vehicles are now equipped with global positioning systems (GPS) linked to street maps so that they are able to locate destinations more quickly and find the quickest response routes. The Records Department is located at 316 W. Main St. in the main building of the Lafayette Parish Sheriff's Office. Our records department is responsible for maintaining a centralized record system of all offense and incident reports filed by Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s deputies. These records include arrest reports, traffic reports, fingerprint cards, and all necessary files and systems for criminal information storage, retrieval, archiving, and disposition. The records department also conducts fingerprinting for the public when needed for job applications and permits (Tuesday – Friday only), provides copies of accident reports, and conducts local background checks. Fees are charged for these services and cash, proper identification and proof of residency are required. Hours of service for records are Monday Friday, 8am - 4:30pm. 337-236-5845. hours of 8:30 am to 4:15 pm Monday through Friday. Bonds, cash bail and contempt fees will be accepted at the old bonding window, located inside Lafayette Parish Correctional Center, after these hours seven days a week. FOR INMATE RELEASES AT THE NEW BONDING LOCATION An individual who submits a cash bail, bond or fee will be given an ARMMS Bond or receipt along with a check list signed by the bonding clerk. The person will then be directed to bring the form(s) over to the Lafayette Parish Correctional Center Intake Area to be processed. This move is being completed to allow for needed space in the intake area. If you have any questions regarding this process please feel free to contact an Lafayette Parish Correctional Center supervisor. Patrol vehicles are now equipped with global positioning systems (GPS) linked to street maps so that they are able to locate destinations more quickly and find the quickest response routes. FINANCE TEAM Fleet Operations/Mobile Equipment works to maintain the fleet vehicles that are owned and operated by the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office. Fuel, oil changes, cleaning, maintenance and minor repairs are conducted at our fleet maintenance facility located on Surrey Street near the airport. Vehicle repairs that cannot be done at this site are scheduled and coordinated by the fleet manager and staff. Fleet maintenance utilizes inmate labor, supervised by deputies to accomplish many of the maintenance and cleaning that is required for the fleet of vehicles, trailers and other specialized equipment. The Risk Manager is responsible for discovering methods, practices and locations vulnerable to accidents, injury or civil liability and proposing changes to reduce liability and increase safety for the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office. Our risk manager works with our staff, insurance company representatives and insurance agencies to analyze risk and develop appropriate programs to reduce accidents, injuries and the resultant costs inherent in law enforcement and public safety. These new programs and procedures have helped to achieve lower insurance premiums for the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office when the industry standard is for premiums to increase substantially. OPERATING BUDGET BREAKDOWN $35,000,000 $24.4 million - Personnel (salaries & benefits) $3.2 million - Operating services (insurance, maintenance, fuel & utilities) $800,000 - Materials and supplies $1.9 million - other charges including prisoner maintenance THANKS TO HONDA OF LAFAYETTE FOR THE USE OF TWO WAVERUNNERS 20 MAJOR LEBRETON BRIEFS SHERIFF NEUSTROM DURING OPERATION CLEANUP LPSO BUS RECORDS GROUP in brief GRANT FUNDS ADD NIGHT-VISION CAMERAS TO LAFAYETTE PARISH SHERIFF’S OFFICE VEHICLES Using grant funds from the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), the Lafayette Parish Sheriff's Office recently purchased five NOPTICs (Nighttime Optical / Thermal Imaging Cameras) that will be mounted on Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office patrol & STAR Team vehicles. The NOPTICs operate similarly to a spotlight and are mounted in a “piggy-back” position on each vehicle’s spotlight to assist with stealth surveillance, locate hiding suspects, missing persons and victims, and identify recently operated vehicles. All of these procedures can now be conducted in complete darkness while the deputy monitors the activities via an on-board video monitor or computer screen. These high-tech cameras offer deputies the ability to observe while remaining concealed. The cameras will increase safety and shorten search time, which could ultimately save lives during critical incidents and harsh weather conditions. 21 DRUG AWARENESS WORKSHOP LAFAYETTE PAR ISH SH ER IFF’S OFFICE TE LE PHON E DI R ECTORY Main Switchboard 337-232-9211 TTY Access Number 337-236-5842 Bonding & Traffic Fines 337-236-5444 Business Office / Payables / Purchasing 337-236-5651 Civil Subpoenas 337-236-5820 K-9 DEMONSTRATION Community Services Unit 337-236-5657 did you know? The Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office conducts presentations for students, parents, teachers, businesses and community groups on a variety of topics. Streetwise Self Defense for Women, Drug Awareness, Identity Theft, Neighborhood Watch and K-9 demonstrations can be scheduled by calling 337-232-9211 or emailing the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office at Correctional Center 337-236-5400 Correctional Center Administration 337-236-5407 Correctional Center Intake & Booking 337-236-3940 Deputy of the Quarter Recognition 1st quarter FoodNet Award Marcelle Citron, Foodnet founder, presented Sheriff Neustrom with the FoodNet award “in Appreciation for Continued Support of FoodNet, the Greater Acadiana Foodbank.” The Lafayette Parish Sheriff's Office provides inmate workers to assist Foodnet with its annual food drive, warehouse work at their headquarters and also provides surplus vegetables from the Lafayette Parish Sheriff's Office garden for distribution to clients. Administration BJ Landry MARCELLE CITRON AND SHERIFF NEUSTROM Corrections Lennis Baudoin DEPUTY REGINALD TAYLOR DISPLAYS SRT GEAR TRAFFIC CONTROL Enforcement Chad Canezaro 22 contact: MAJOR ROY FRUSHA / (337) 236-5667 / HUMANRESOURCES@LAFAYETTESHERIFF.COM human resources division HUMAN RESOURCES DIVISION The Human Resources Division is tasked with the responsibility for employee recruitment, hiring and testing for new applicants and conducts promotional exams for current employees. The division is also responsible for advertising job vacancies, approving and recording employee career movement within the agency, and the planning and research function. In addition, the Human Resources Division reviews all departmental policies and procedures, and recommends changes as necessary. Human resources also serves as a liaison between the Lafayette Parish Sheriff ’s Office and community action groups who may have questions about employment opportunities for minorities. The Lafayette Parish Sheriff ’s Office employs about 550 people and is always seeking qualified applicants for entry-level positions. Occasionally the Lafayette Parish Sheriff ’s Office recruits on a national basis, but most searches are through local newspapers and job fairs. As an accredited law enforcement agency, the Lafayette Parish Sheriff ’s Office recruits according to national standards; without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, or sexual orientation. The hiring process takes about five weeks to complete and includes interviews, a polygraph test, extensive background investigation, physical, drug screen and a psychological evaluation. For additional information about the Lafayette Parish Sheriff ’s Office hiring process or current job openings, please visit, or email required for CALEA accreditation. The accreditation team is responsible for developing policies and procedures, conducting inspections to ensure compliance and maintaining files/proofs for more than 400 standards that CALEA requires. The Lafayette Parish Sheriff ’s Office employs about 550 people and is always seeking qualified applicants for entry level positions. Accreditation – Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) The accreditation team carries out duties associated with maintaining the standards that are Public Information The Public Information Officer (PIO) is the liaison between the agency and members of the news media, issuing all formal releases of information, coordinating interviews and media appearances and producing The Sheriff Show which is televised monthly on public access TV. In addition, the PIO coordinates all Crimestopper activities. The Office of Outside Employment works with the community and Lafayette Parish Sheriff ’s Office deputies to coordinate and monitor deputies who work special assignments and security assignments during their off-duty hours. The Outside Employment Coordinator is the contact person for anyone wishing to hire a deputy for an off -duty assignment and is responsible for approving or denying the request, inspecting the site, and monitoring deputies’ job performance for these assignments. S.A.L.T. (SENIORS AND LAW ENFORCEMENT TOGETHER) COMMUNICATIONS 23 NATIONAL NIGHT OUT - BROUSSARD EVENT PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER “Human Resources is an ongoing effort. The Human Resources Division processes more than 400 applications each year with many more background investigations and applications to review and file, testing to complete and interviews to conduct. Our accreditation office maintains files and proof of compliance for more than 400 CALEA standards that are required to maintain our accreditation. Our Office of Outside Employment schedules and monitors more than 90,000 hours of activity each year. In addition, we adopt and adjust sound policies, keep extensive records and communicate constantly with other divisions, treating everyone with respect and professionalism. I welcome your questions about our division. Please call 337-236-5667 or email me at” – Major Roy Frusha, Human Resources Director MAJOR ROY FRUSHA (MIDDLE) WITH DEPUTIES HARRINGTON AND GATES DEPUTIES SUPPORT THE WALK A MILE IN HER SHOES PARTICIPANTS SHERIFF NEUSTROM WITH DEPUTY OF THE QUARTER HONOREES 24 contact: ROB REARDON / (337) 236-5407 / CORRECTIONS@LAFAYETTESHERIFF.COM 25 corrections division COR R ECTION S D IVI S ION The Corrections Division does more than simply keep inmates behind locked doors and gates. It works as a network, linking many different entities within the criminal justice system and outside of that system. Corrections consists of several different individual units that work hand-in-hand with one another to either prevent contact with the criminal justice system, hold for the system, or reintegrate back out of the system. The seven units are: Work Release, Home Detention, Adult Day Reporting, Juvenile Day Reporting, Leadership and Resiliency, Treatment Programs, and the Lafayette Parish Correctional Center. As 98 percent of all individuals in prisons or jails will be released at some point, there is a need to create programs both to minimize the number of individuals that enter the system but also from returning to the system after incarceration. According to several national studies 69% of individuals leaving jails and prisons will be reincarcerated within three years. As a result, the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office has developed several prevention programs to minimize the possibility of individuals coming into contact with the criminal justice system repeatedly. The Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office used national models in the orchestration of the Leadership and Resiliency and Juvenile Day Reporting programs. Both programs have a demonstrated track record of success nationally and assisted in developing a networking fabric with the Lafayette Parish School System. The Lafayette Parish Sheriff ’s Office has also developed programs that transition inmates back into society after incarceration. Utilizing a three-pronged attack and several assessment instruments, we place inmates into a specialized program that will best benefit the individual’s needs. In several instances we According to several national studies, 69% of individuals leaving jails and prisons will be reincarcerated within three years. have utilized all three programs to transition an individual from the highest level of security back into society. An inmate will, after assessment and approval, become a work release resident whereby he/she will be required to secure a job. If the individual demonstrates a positive work and behavior track they may be transitioned out to home detention where they are moved back into their home environment. In this instance the level of supervision is less restrictive as the individual demonstrates appropriate behavior. This situation creates the highest level of success as individuals acquire a routine of positive behavior over a significant period of time that they continue to demonstrate after their jail time is completed. The Lafayette Parish Correctional Center includes the administrative section, operations, food service, medical, transportation, intake and records, correctional shifts and accreditation. Administrative personnel handle leave and attendance documentation, personnel matters and all other administrative duties necessary for the Lafayette Parish Correctional Center. The Operations Department for the Lafayette Parish Correctional Center includes inmate programs, work crews, ministry, mail and classification. Deputies CORRECTIONS DIVISION Director of Corrections Leadership & Resiliency Program Diversion Programs Community Corrections Center Manager Work Release Center Manager Home Monitoring Manager Case Managers Case Managers Security Deputies Day Reporting Manager Case Workers Security Clerks Program Manager Lafayette Parish Correctional Center Building Maintenance Supervisor Treatment Manager Case Workers Jail Commander Substance Abuse Personnel Program Leader Corrections Shifts Food Service Administration Medical Transportation Operations Intake/Records Accreditation Contract Workers Drivers Clerk Juvenile Day Reporting Case Workers Bailiffs Courthouse Security assigned to the inmate programs section are responsible for administering programs that include, but are not limited to: education (GED preparation and testing), substance abuse, job skills and employment assistance upon release. These programs are designed to prepare inmates for life after incarceration as they return to their communities and seek employment. Work Crews are assigned the task of transporting and monitoring inmate work crews who perform tasks both inside the correctional center and within the community. During 2006 Lafayette Parish Correctional Center inmate work crews worked 21,087 hours at various locations around Lafayette Parish, including picking up 4,183 garbage bags full of trash. The Ministry Section provides individual and group religious counseling and monitors the community ministers that provide religious services for Lafayette Parish Correctional Center inmates. The Lafayette Parish Correctional Center’s Mail Section receives, inspects and distributes mail for all inmates. And finally the Classification Section of the Lafayette Parish Correctional Center is tasked with classifying and housing assignments for all incoming inmates. The Classification Section also monitors special management inmates, making adjustments and re-classifying existing inmates when necessary. An inmate’s medical needs, criminal history, gender and behavior all contribute to their classification and housing. Food Service for the Lafayette Parish Correctional Center is a massive task that is coordinated by one of the best in the business. Lt. Sheila Lejeune, M.S., L.D.N., R.D., has received numerous awards for her work maintaining food service for the Lafayette Parish Correctional Center. Meals are prepared for inmates and shift personnel, and, during emergency events such as hurricanes, for the Acadiana Recovery Center, the special needs shelter run by the Department of Public Health. The Lafayette Parish Correctional Center is responsible for feeding inmates and staff three times a day, 365 days a year. During 2006, the Lafayette Parish Correctional Center prepared 1,169,946 meals. The Lafayette Parish Correctional Center food service staff, which includes inmate workers, performs this task at minimal cost. Food service staff, coordinates meals for the general inmate population and prepares meals for special needs inmates including diabetics and others with health-restricted diets. In an effort to provide fresh vegetables at a minimal cost, the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Deputy of the Quarter Recognition 2nd quarter Administration Randy Mata Corrections Tammy Broussard Enforcement Debbie Brasseaux 26 Office maintains a garden that is tended by deputies and inmate workers. The Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office garden produced more than 71,000 pounds of fruits and vegetables during 2006. Crops are harvested by inmates and processed by inmates supervised by deputies. When crops produce excess amounts that cannot be processed and stored, the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office donates the excess amounts to local non-profit agencies. The Lafayette Parish Correctional Center Medical Department includes six nurses on staff along with several contract nurses, and five contract doctors, and dentists who provide routine and emergency care for inmates. The medical department is also responsible for assisting with the development of and monitoring of Lafayette Parish Correctional Center policy and procedures that ensures ongoing compliance with National Commission on Correctional Health Care standards. The Lafayette Parish Correctional Center’s Transportation Department includes six deputies who are responsible for transporting inmates to and from the Lafayette Parish Correctional Center. Some reasons for transport of an inmate include: medical procedures, court appearances in other jurisdictions or relocation of inmates to or from another facility. During 2006 the Lafayette Parish Correctional Center Transportation Department handled 2,279 transports totaling 117,802 miles. Intake and Records is probably the busiest of all Lafayette Parish Correctional Center Departments due to the fact that this department handles all paperwork for each arrest, even though those same individuals may bond out before being assigned to a cell. While the Lafayette Parish Correctional Center was built to accommodate 6,000 bookings annually, the facility handled 12,161 transactions in 2006. Intake and Records is responsible for all records of inmates currently incarcerated at the Lafayette Parish Correctional Center, Intake and Records is probably the busiest of all Lafayette Parish Correctional Center Departments due to the fact that this Department handles all paperwork for arrests. all court documents for inmates being convicted and sentenced, and manages all court dockets, court orders and computes inmate sentences. Bailiffs are tasked with keeping order in the court room for both the 72-hour hearing facility located within the Lafayette Parish Correctional Center and the 15th Judicial District Court. Deputies are also assigned to monitor and secure the entrances for the 15th Judicial District Courthouse. about the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office garden Deputy Doug Judice manages the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office garden with assistance from one deputy and 8-10 inmate workers. The garden is currently located on leased property in north Lafayette Parish. Sheriff Neustrom started this garden in 2001 at a different location in order to provide outdoor work experiences for inmate workers and to provide fresh vegetables for the Lafayette Parish Correctional Center. Vegetables are grown here for a fraction of the cost of purchased vegetables. Inmate crews from the Lafayette Parish Correctional Center, under supervision of deputies, work to maintain the 26-acre garden, producing more than 71,000 pounds of fruit and vegetables during 2006. Inmate worker responsibilities in the garden include cutting and maintaining grass, weeding plant areas, developing and maintaining garden rows by hoe and rake, planting of crops, digging trenches for drainage, watering crops, harvesting crops and preparing crops for transport. Crops grown and harvested in 2006 included: banana peppers, bell peppers, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, tomatoes, corn, cucumbers, eggplant, jalapeno peppers, okra, potatoes, snap beans, turnips, yellow squash, zucchini, purple hull peas, cantaloupe, and watermelon. Inmate workers from another crew work under deputy supervision to process vegetables harvested from our garden at the kitchen of the Sheriff’s Community Training Center – the former St. Antoine School. Most vegetables are processed for freezing so that the Lafayette Parish Correctional Center’s Food Service staff can serve the vegetables as needed throughout the year. Excess vegetables that cannot be utilized at the Lafayette Parish Correctional Center are donated to local non-profits. During 2006, donations were made to Food Net, St. Joseph’s Diner, Faith House, and the Lafayette Council on Aging. 27 LAFAYETTE PARISH SHERIFF’S OFFICE GARDEN THE TRANSFORMER by Karen Weisberg Lt Sheila LeJeune, MS, LDN, RD, has won many honors for her work as Lafayette Parish Correctional Center Food Service Director. She was recently honored by Food Service Director magazine. The following is a condensed version of the article written by Karen Weisberg. Lt. Sheila LeJeune has implemented multiple menu, purchasing and sanitation improvements that have transformed a poorly functioning facility into one that's providing more than one million meals annually. LeJeune’s personal mission for the past 23 years has been to run a ship-shape and cost-effective foodservice operation now serving more than 1,000 inmates per meal for about $2 a day ($2.04 in September). The Lafayette Health Department has recognized the staff as operating one of the cleanest commercial kitchens in the city. LeJeune and her staff of 10 foodservice personnel and about 20 inmates served about one million meals in 2005, of which 161,107 were special diet meals she developed, including calorie-controlled diabetic diets, low salt, bland, modified consistency diets renal and pregnancy diets. From the outset, LeJeune has consistently aimed to keep food costs low while providing high-quality meals—and she always has money left over from her $1.2 million annual budget. She initiated a bidding system—quarterly for bread, weekly for the more volatile prices of meat and produce, and monthly for staples. For milk and chemical purchases, the facility tags along with the school state bids, “since I’m an equal opportunity user,” LeJeune proudly admits. “I also do ‘opportunity buys’—overruns or excess items manufactured for large groups like the military or chain restaurants that need to be sold. My vendors are very good and will refund my money if product is not satisfactory.” Last month, she spent $1.90 to $2.04 per inmate per day for three meals by taking advantage of the lowest bids within the bidding system as well as opportunity buys that often trump the low bid. Seasonal produce from the nearby inmate garden is also menued. Deputies and inmates handle the processing, freezing LAFAYETTE PARISH SHERIFF’S OFFICE GARDEN and storage processes in the kitchen of a nearby abandoned school that LeJeune has refurbished with used equipment. Along the way, LeJeune created the position of inventory control officer; working closely with him, she now buys all spices in bulk. “We make our own seasoning concoction and I’m paying $1.50 a pound for red pepper,” she explains. “I say, ‘Just send me the sacks, I have my own containers.’” Over and above all the systems she’s implemented and the results she’s affected, LeJeune believes the most important aspect of her operation is the menu, which she writes. But of almost equal importance is the tight choreography executed in getting that meal out to the inmates. Product must be ordered and, in house, the items pulled out and defrosted to serve on time, she points out. “I’m directing traffic, the sergeant on the floor directs production and the inventory officer has to make it all happen—he’s computertrained and does all the ordering on-line,” she says. “He and I modify the menu. I believe menu variety is the spice of life; mine is for a whole two months, versus one day at a time when I arrived here. You have different things to add in as they come along with opportunity buys. If you send out a tray that looks good, it says, ‘We care about you.’ It also keeps the officers safe without riots over food.” Three times each day, meals are loaded on 12 carts, each holding 94 trays, and delivered to pods on five floors. Overall, about 1,000 inmates are served, as well as deputies and staff in a small cafeteria, plus 26 people in a drug rehab program who purchase meals priced at $2. About 145 work-release residents are served hot meals for breakfast and supper and are provided with a bag lunch to take out on the job. 28 contact: MAJOR FRANCIS GREEN / (337) 236-5607 / TRAINING@LAFAYETTESHEFIFF.COM training & professional development division TRAINING & PROFESSIONAL D EVE LOPM E NT D IVI S ION Major Francis Green manages Lafayette Parish Sheriff ’s Office’s Training and Professional Development Division with a staff of 13 full-time and two part-time deputies. The mission of the Training and Professional Development Division is to provide continuing and advanced training for Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office personnel and the community. Day-to-day activities exemplify this ideology as we work at our facility, a former school located at 111 S. Saint Antoine St. Our partnerships include providing space for training, meetings and workshops for more than 21 agencies and programs including: • The State of Louisiana Parenting Program • Avec Les Enfants Safe Visitation Center (courtordered child visitation) • LSU University Medical Center (In-Service, Orientation and Crisis Training) • American Red Cross Instructor Training • Heritage School of Arts Our Community Training includes providing public classes in: • Hunters Education • Civilian Firearms Safety • Street Wise Self Defense for Women • Civilian Range Use • Range Safety Officers Program (Civilians that maintain safety on the range) Law Enforcement Training managed by this division includes in-service and advanced training for the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office and neighboring agencies. Advanced training classes are hosted for local, 29 state and regional law enforcement agencies and, at times, combined with other public safety partners for the most economical use of resources. In addition, this division manages the Lafayette Parish Sheriff ’s Office Shooting Range, and conducts the Reserve Academy and Corrections Academy and the Acadiana Law Enforcement Training Academy (ALETA). ALETA trains law enforcement candidates from throughout South Louisiana to become POSTcertified law enforcement officers. The 10-week academies are conducted in partnership with the University of Louisiana at Lafayette and include physical training and conditioning along with classroom instruction. The mission of the Training and Professional Development Division is to provide continuing and advanced training for Lafayette Parish Sheriff's Office personnel and our community. The Special Services section supervises inmate workers assigned to cleaning and maintenance work and those inmates who assist with the processing of vegetables from the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office garden. (Vegetables are processed in the kitchen of the facility, a former school cafeteria, and utilized for meals at the Lafayette Parish Correctional Center). Questions and comments are welcome! Contact us at 337-236-5607 or SHERIFF’S OFFICE Deputy of the Quarter Recognition 3rd quarter Citizens’ Use of Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office Firing Range Sheriff Mike Neustrom opened the Lafayette Parish Sheriff's Office Firing Range to citizens in February 2006. Access to the range will be limited to those citizens who qualify through the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office’s registration process. “It is important to Administration Vanessa Mitchell offer the public a safe facility to practice shooting firearms,” says Neustrom. “By offering a public practice facility, along with our civilian firearms classes, we hope to reduce firearm accidents caused by inexperience and improper storage.” Deputies have been working since early 2005 with inmate workers, local contractors, and Lafayette Consolidated Government to make repairs and improvements to the range in Corrections Jon Fremin preparation for citizen access. Lafayette Parish Correctional Center Director Rob Reardon commented, “We appreciate LCG’s assistance with the heavy equipment needed for the project. Their cooperation was essential to the project’s successful completion.” Range work included reworking the berm surrounding the shooting area, improving drainage, cement work, adding sidewalks, improving shooting areas, and adding new automated turning targets and barricades. Workers constructed a 120-foot-long, 8-foottall concrete wall to separate different areas of the shooting range. Enforcement Dale Thomas 4th quarter Deputies from the training and professional development division and Lafayette Parish Correctional Center have coordinated this project, utilizing Lafayette Parish Correctional Center Inmate Labor. The Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office firing range was established in 1986 and is used not only by Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office deputies, but also by many local, state and fed- Administration Glenda Prejean eral law enforcement agencies with personnel in Lafayette. The shooting range is located in north Lafayette near Lajaunie Road. For additional information about this facility and public access, please call the Sheriff’s community training facility at 337-236-5607. Corrections Sarah Leonards CIVIL SOFTWARE TRAINING SHOOTING RANGE CLASS SHOOTING RANGE Enforcement Karry Falcon 30 LAFAYETTE PARISH SHERIFF’S OFFICE P.O. BOX 3508 LAFAYETTE, LA 70502 Front photo: New programs pictured include Crash Course and Tipsy Taxi; Left to right: Quality Cab Driver- Kenneth Randle, Chief Albert Glaude, Sheriff Mike Neustrom, Major Art LeBreton and Deputy Elisa Foster. Serving the Community With Courtesy, Professionalism and Respect