April 1 - East High School
April 1 - East High School
T April 1st, 2014 Madison East High School ower imes Wow, who could have done this? The East Files Crop Circles found on roof Evan Kind There is a plague ravaging East High School. That plague is crop circles. Since last Monday, reports have been coming in from students all over the school, reporting strange theremin music floating through the halls and greener-than-usual students. Not only that, but weird photos have been popping up all across the school, showing what appears to be a cornfield precariously placed on East’s beloved roof. To the layman, the crop circle symbols are pure nonsense. But your intrepid reporter Scoop Kind has solved the mystery of the strange shapes in the corn. After searching many a Bing and Google Translate, I have discovered that the secret code reads Transport Your Puny Humans to Our Space Cornship, Letters to Follow What could it mean, who is it from, and why have we suddenly sprouted a cornfield on top of East? To get the answers to these questions, I had to contact my informant in the Science Wing, who would prefer remain nameless. Let’s call Vol. 90, Issue 7 Happy April Fools! Photo Credit: Tower Times her Aran Pharkhaar. When asked about the corn, Pharkhaar replied that “crops can grow anywhere.” She then added that the crops “might be used as biofuel to fuel East’s furnaces.” However, when questioned about the symbols in the corn, Pharkhaar indicated that they were “very suspicious” and that these antics may be the result of “students wishing to provoke [an early] spring break.” Yet when the question of the large corn roots that are rumoured to be eating tardy students arose, Pharkar dismissed it, saying that “corn roots are very shallow.” Does this mean that we are currently living under an alien corn patch, a secret GMO potato field, or just a scary tree? To get answers I went to two other trusted contacts. Let’s call them Matou Fata and Mean ScCarthy. Fata insisted that the crop circles were “a sign of the coming alien invasion, to eat up all of our brains,” while eventually admitting that the aliens would In this Issue: The Mystery of the G Staircase pg 4 Metersticks: the True Story pg 5 Personality Quiz pg 5 Glorious, Glorious Poetry pg 6 And Much, Much More... need a lot of salt. ScCarthy insisted that the crop circles were “a sign for a new alien chain restaurant, meant to bring deep fried cows to a local market.” Whatever the answer, we can sleep safe know that the angry yellow butterfly people from Venus will be coming shortly to eat our troubles and spleens away. This is Scoop Kind wishing you a safe and alien cornful April! the tower times is Commited to informing, promoting, uniting, and celebrating THE East community. East Tower Times The Tower Times is committed to insensing, promising, untying and still celebrating the East community. Volume: 90, Issue 7 April 9th, 2014 easttowertimes@gmail.com Staff: Adrian Conner (Sovereign) Emily Barry (Editor) - Wendy Hoang (Editor) - Anna Cohen (Editor)- Joe Klafka (Deceased) - Cora Wiese Moore (Deceased) - Evan Kind (Marginally Deceased) - Brennan Murphy - Becca Brokaw - Kanye West - Aran Lenon - Fatoumata Ceesay - Katie Johnson - Brenna Kinney - Wiese Moore Cora - Molly Pomarnke-Blake - Maggie Caplan - Ariana Moon- Eric Mattson - Seth Campbell - etc. Above:Fatoumata, Ariana, Emily, Molly, Anna, Wendy, Evan, Cora, Joe. Missing: Adrian, Brennan, Becca, Kanye, Aran, Katie, Brenna, Maggie, Seth. Ask Peppy... East High’s Advice Column Dear Peppy, My rabbit is in love with my neighbor’s spaniel. How do I break it to him that this will never work out? Sincerely, Casually Caught Between Love and Life Dear Casually Caught, Maybe you should ask the spaniel how it feels before you jump to conclusions. Think of all the unlikely couples out there- Kermit and Miss Piggy, Harold and Maude, me and Bucky Badger. Love knows no bounds. Dear Peppy, My Yearbook photo makes me look like a nauseated frog. My significant other will call the amphibian exterminator on me when they see it, or never ever want to kiss me ever again. My parents don’t know, and if they did, I’d be on the grill before sundown. What should I do? Sincerely, Looking Like a Nauseated Frog Dear Nauseated Frog, My friend, Dendrobates tinctorius April 10th, 2014 Editors’ Note From Joe Klafka and Cora Wiese Moore Dear East Students, IT IS WITH GREAT GUSTO THAT WE ANOUNCE THAT WE ARE NO LONGER THE EDITORS. yes. It has come to our attention that there are no teachers willing to let us pitch our tents in their classroom over Spring Break. This is an issue because we are searching for a classroom to pitch our tents in over Spring Break. The Smokies people do it and so the Newspaper people have to do it to keep up with those hippies. Except we will actually sleep in the tents. Like any sane person would. Yes. Thank you. Consequently, we are leaving the newspaper. This may seem unrelated. It is. We are actually leaving because we are old, which means that we are now eligible to spend our days at IHOP. Joe will learn azureus, a blue poison dart frog, has some answers for you. So you look like a frog in the picture? Might as well go all the way! Dye yourself an alarming color (Dendrobates recommends blue, but orange, purple, or red also work) to warn off potential predators/parents, but one that will grab the eye of your sig. other. If necessary, dust yourself in denatonium benzoate (a non toxic but extremely bitter substance that will keep you from becoming dinner but will not poison your parental units) and make sexy croaking noises to attract the person/people you want. If that doesn’t do the trick, write me again and we’ll see what we can do. Peppy Dear Peppy, This is the third night in a row I have had very strange dreams, and have awoken to find my cat sitting on my chest, staring at me. Should I be concerned? Thanks, Creepy Cat Dear Creepy Cat, I am sorry to tell you this via high school newspaper advice column, but your cat is eating your soul. Do not despair! My cat attempts the eating of my soul at least once a month. Here are some tips to help the situation: 1. Firmly, but politely, tell your cat to stop. Say, “I know you’ve been eating my soul, and I would like you to stop please. Our relationship means a lot to me, and I feel like it will be jeopardized if you continue this behavior.” Make sure to use “I” statements, not “you” statements. 2. Remember bargaining is generally a bad strategy in conflict resolution. Don’t offer to buy your cat Fancy Feast canned Page 2 how to knit, and Cora will be attempting to do sudoku; Cora is not good at crosswords. Evan will be reading all of your tumblr blogs. He is not pleased. Together, we will be stars of the cheapest coffee house around. Taking over for us are these new people. Yep. Emily, Wendy, and half of Anna Cohen. Altogether that leaves the newspaper in the hands of three whole people, because Wendy counts one and a half times. Please do not use more than one box of tissues lamenting our retirement. But please do not ask for our forwarding addresses either. We do not want your loveful or hateful or even neutrally dryeyed monotonous Walgreens farewell cards. But you may leave any edible parting gifts with Ms. Conrad. Thank you. - Joe Klafka, Evan Kindt and Cora Wiese Moore April, 2014 cat food or let her feed off of your sister instead in exchange for leaving your soul intact. 3. Memorize these words: “Magellum ninay hogus sloch”. Repeat them out loud 7 times before bed while drawing an X on your chest with white vinegar. 4. When talking to your cat, don’t bring past, unrelated issues into the discussion. You’re talking about how the cat eats your soul when you sleep, not how she licks her butt noisily when you have company. It isn’t fair to her to bring up everything she’s done that upsets you all at once. 5. If all else fails, watch as much reality TV as you can. She can’t eat your soul if it’s already gone. Peppy Dear Peppy, Why do people suck so much? Dear Person, A lot of people have a hard time understanding how they may be hurting other people. It takes a strong, perceptive, and mature person to be compassionate to the people around them. Some people aren’t there yet, and might never be. The most you can do is work to get there yourself. Best of luck. If you need your faith in humanity restored, I suggest you youtube “Techno Viking,” read about the Berlin Airlift, watch the movie Amelie or Harold and Maude or My Cousin Vinny, and read some Charles Bukowski poetry, because I bet you and he have similar outlooks on life. East Tower Times April 11th, 2014 Joe Klafka Perfect Man Wendy Hoang Josef (the ‘f’ stands for freakin awesome) Louis-Pasteur Klafka was born in the Galapagos Islands just two days shy of Christmas. It was there that he was raised by three sea turtles and a dolphin. It is rumored that as a baby, Joe was swept to shore on a gentle wave, illuminated by the full moon. The turtles found little Joe in a solid gold cradle, wrapped in a diamond embroidered silk blanket. As a child, he and his marine animal parents rescued drowning humans foolish enough to venture out into the ocean’s murky and treacherous depths. When he grew up, Joe travelled far to the grim and mysterious northern lands of Wisconsin. After settling down in the sleepy town of Maddy-son, he began his education at the wizarding school of East High. Impeccably dressed, Joe stands tall, with broad shoulders restrained only by an intense aura of confidence and charisma. His luscious golden locks sway elegantly in the breeze like a flowing stream of gold. His nose like a magnificent lump of pure white cream, delicately placed in the center of his face. Beautifully hand-crafted spectacles are perched on this dainty yet sturdy nose, revealing a pair of misty-blue eyes as alluring as the open seas. With these magnificent eyes, he is able to find any mistake in an English essay and see around corners. Joe’s sturdy hands are strong enough to crush men, yet sensitive enough to crush Photo Credit: Evan Kind Joe Klafka, the epitome of perfection. butterflies. His strength is unparalleled by his fellow man, being capable of performing 1000 push-ups in under a minute. Joe also possesses a booming voice that resonates with sultry bass tones, able to make any person within a ten mile radius fall to their knees from the sheer bliss of hearing it. When he enters a room, testosterone and a dazzling personality ooze from his every pore. He exudes both the authoritative power of a champion and the worldly wisdom of a sage. Ever the renaissance man, Joe’s many talents are not limited to his physical capabilities. His masterfully-crafted Jaia’s Monthly Poll This monthly poll asked students and staff, “Who is the perfect man?” Responses were varied, but the top results were as follows: Hugo Chavez- 13% Albert Einstein- 11% Wall-E- 8% Zeus- 14% Eugene V Debs- 18% Batman- 9% Imma strong independant woman and I don’t need no man- 23% Adrian Conner/ Joe Klafka mashup- 26% Techno Viking- 100.01% Page 3 baked goods are renowned throughout the land to be as elegantly beautiful as an angel, yet as delectably sinful as the devil. According to the Iron Chef himself, all of his creations are sprinkled with love from Cupid’s arrows. Any person lucky enough to so much as nibble one of these treats will find themselves enamored with the next person they see. These cakes and cookies are to be eaten with caution, however. Once tasted, no one can resist the culinary expertise of Joe “The Baker’s Man” Klafka. He is comparable to Santa Claus in many ways (lacking only the belly) and has the agility and stamina to rescue stray kittens stuck in trees. His magical powers include cleaning kitchens, making chocolate pastries, never taking a bad picture, and always carrying white out - because who knows when someone might make a terrible writing mistake. Beyond human, Joe can light up children’s faces all around the world with the flick of his hand, no batteries necessary. With a single flip of his glamorous hair, he is able to make every woman swoon dramatically. In addition to these valuable traits, he possesses a 7.0 grade point average and has 10,000 hours of community service under his belt. His qualities surpass even the gods. Every child on the entire planet will one day hear the tale of Josef Louis-Pasteur Klafka. His story will be passed down from generation to generation, to be admired and provide a guideline for any other child who wishes to be a hero. To be sure, the legacy of Joe will be one for the record books. BONUS POLL: If you had any super power, what would it be? Flight- 26% Invisiblity- 24% Breathing underwater- 16% Shapeshifting into Mr. Gibson- 13% Being able to rehydrate raisins with magic- 4% Being able to finish all homework assigned with only 24 hours in a day, with 7 hours at school and at least 8 hours asleep and EVERYTHING ELSE IN LIFE THAT IS NOT SCHOOL LIKE CHORES AND EATING AND SPORTS AND THEATER AND WRITING NEWSPAPERS AND TAKING CARE OF LITTLE SIBLINGS AND WASHING MY CAT WHO IS SO CHUBBY SHE CANNOT CLEAN HERSELF- 7% East Tower Times April 10th, 2014 That Spot on the G Stairs What Spot? Yes, that spot. Cora Wiese Moore Perhaps I should have been paying attention to what GDP is, but all I remember from Basic Economics is the distinctive sound of bodies slamming into the middle door of the 2nd floor entrance to the G stairs. Quite honestly, there’s nothing more sadistically hilarious than watching with savage glee as unwitting underclassmen send themselves flying into a metal door. Talk about learning kinematics the hard way. According to Mr. Attaway, the history wing has been the host of a scientific study on “the passive-aggressive creation of havoc and chaos by teachers on students” for several years now. His favorite pastime is to observe the Pavlovian response of the students when they discover that the door is locked. His “maniacal glee” whenever he gets the privilege of watching some poor soul repeatedly trying to open the door is unmatched. Of course, says Attaway, he always asks the students if they’re okay after they run headlong into the door, which is sometimes even labelled as defective. But then he retreats to a corner in his class- Mockingjay Part II Joe Klafka “Pass the damn ham, please.” ― Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird Oh. My. God. I have just walked out of one of the single most horrible films of my career. The whoops and cheers of my…fellow moviegoers still resound in my ears. The plebeians who refused to acknowledge Photo Credit: Cora Wiese Moore No comment. Photo Credit: Cora Wiese Moore Students attempting to exit or enter History Wing through the Spot while Attaway stands to the side, room and gives himself over to tyrannical laughter. “BWAHAHAHAHA,” he responded tyrannically when I questioned him about it. Recently, locked doors have been popping up all over the place. Mr. Attaway coyly admits to personally locking a few bathroom doors, loitering with a sly grin until someone runs headlong into the newly created wooden barricade. But certainly no one teacher can be responsible for the sudden binge of students walking “Breaking Dawn Part III” as the best movie ever may find this piece of filth worthy of applause. I think I saw a woman jump through the window to the projection room, tackle the projectionist and give him a noogie. The football players were kissing each other. The goths wore rainbows. To begin on this journey, though recalling “Mockingjay” makes me shiver in my Edward-print snuggie, I must describe the premise. Breaking completely with both the plot of “Mockingjay Parte Uno”, in which J-Law and her hubbies sobbed over episodes of Winnie-the-Pooh to make their enemies just a little uncomfortable, Katniss Everdeen and her muscular accomplices are trapped in a Chuck-E-Cheese’s and must find their way out before that giant rat thing eats them. Oh, wait. That was my last birthday party. What really happened was nothing short of one of the least intelligent plots I have ever had the displeasure to watch unfold. Katniss finds herself trapped between two incredibly whatever dudes: the homoerotic Aryan and the homoerotic German. At the same time she needs to take down the crazy-dressed wackos who call themselves the Chicago Bears and rule over all of Arendelle. Everdeen, with Jennifer Lawrence’s signature pigtails, uses a Magnum revolver to casually shoot down everything in her path. It made no sense that she could shoot down walls, JFK, and even a moose, but my face was too Page 4 around with sore shoulders fuming and cursing the doors of East. One source implies that the whole history department is in on it. “We all definitely see the locked door experiment as a bemusing amusement.” Regardless, the now unlocked G staircase door, affectionately known as “That Spot on the G Stairs,” will go down in history as the best place to sit if you want to be thoroughly entertained while you eat your lunch. screwed up by that point to utter more than a bemused “Bwuchhhe?” Lawrence once again shows off her Oscar-winning talent by doing the same thing that Anne Hathaway did in Les Misérables. She cried. And cried. Even while she blasted apart each and every object and person that fell in front of her, she still cried. The supporting cast, led by veteran Broadway actor Bill Nye, bewilderingly manages to keep its cool besides the Lawr-storm. Nye himself, replacing The Hunger Games’ Josh Hutcherson as Peeta, pulls off a blonde wig perfectly, though the number of times he threw off his shirt to reveal a six-pack got a little extreme. “I didn’t stub my toe today.” -Ms. Conrad Countering that rampant silliness, Gale, once played by Liam Hemsworth, was now replaced by Mitt Romney. Romney spent the movie in arctic clothing - not an inch of skin showed, except for his nose, and that was as fake as Nye’s updo. I doubt that anyone really cares about the others, but any Purgolder who for whatever reason goes to see this monstrosity will (Continued on next page) East Tower Times (Continued from previous page) get a big surprise the Extras Department: East’s very own Aran Lenon found his way in and can be seen eating a grapefruit with gusto in one of the Parisian café scenes. Photo Credit: Cora Wiese Moore Student attempting to enter History Wing Meter Sticks Revealed as False Measurement Misused Anna Cohen A few months ago in an East High School physics class, a theory was born: meter sticks aren’t actually a meter long. Initially called a baseless accusation, these rumors have indeed been proven true. Science has found that the so called “meter sticks” are, in fact, .99 meters long, an entire centimeter short of their alleged meter-long length. Now, you may be asking “How does this affect me?” We at the Tower Times are sorry to inform you that every physics lab you have ever done was based on these incorrect measurements, rendering all of your calculations completely false. In fact, all scientists who have ever utilized the meter as a term of measurement have been wrong. Also, due to the nationwide requirement of measuring the length of your desk before taking the ACT, all ACT scores have been rendered void out of fear of possible cheating. There is, however, a silver lining in this revelation: the fact that America is the only country in the world that does not use the metric system. We can conclude that all foreign science is inaccurate. We can no longer believe the assertions made by Albert Einstein because his measurements were flawed. The great Galileo Galilei’s gift gotten of gracing the humans with the knowledge of the planet Ganymede, may be incorrect seeing as his meter sticks were not a meter long. Once again, America has come out on top and will be receiving the “World’s Smartest Country” award later this year. None, however, have been more affected by this revelation than one Evan J. Gnam. Previous winner of the coveted “Peppiest Teacher in the Whole Building” award and author of the “.99 meter sticks” theory, the seemingly infallible physics teacher has fallen into a deep depression April 10th, 2014 The cinematography made my eyes bleed. Quite literally. Haemolacria is painful at the best of times, but I couldn’t keep up with the six or seven babes I brought with me to view the movie. All of them had left by the end, though whether that was because of the movie or my copious red-colored tears, I couldn’t tell. But I digress: back to the cinematography. The weirdly-placed close-ups and swooping shots of the floor made it seem as if the cameraperson had slipped on a banana peel and dropped the camera while doing the worm. Then there were the character shots; after the umpteenth time of Bill Nye’s abs filling the screen, I was ready to burn every fitness gym in Madison to the ground. The special effects could have been made by a kindergartener in a sandbox using nothing but mud and chicken feathers. Katniss’s Magnum was an airsoft gun with marshmallows insidethe white bullets had been cut and spray-painted black, but were clearly identifiable once extras started picking up and eating them. When buildings had to be destroyed, cardboard boxes were smashed and thrown up against a green wall. I would much rather spend three hours and forty-seven point five minutes actually going to class for once than seeing that cheesy turd. I could continue, until the end of time, but that’s enough for now. Just don’t go to this movie. Go rent a copy of “Breaking Dawn Part III” and bask in its glorious goaty music and vibrant scenes of Russians eating tacos. Mmmm...tacos. With ham. Personality Quiz Which East Department Are you? 1: It’s Friday Night. What are you doing? A. Sitting by the fire enjoying a nice glass of grape juice and watching “Downton Abbey”. B. Going to the hottest party in town. C. Trying to figure out how to use my computer. D. Stargazing while watching Star Trek. E. Eating pi with my guinea pig. 2: An article about you was recently published in Tower Times. How do you respond? A. Snarkily mention it offhand in class. B. Celebrate! Throw a nacho/baguette party C. Correct the poor grammar. D. Interrogate your 6th hour class to see who wrote it. E. Throw a pie in Joe Klafka’s face. 3: You just saw the Disney movie Frozen. How did you respond? because of these revelations. Once a man known for bursting into complicated song and dance numbers at random moments and handing out high-fives to kids who had their hats stolen by Mr. Borowski, he has now become a man known for spending hours locked away in his study, sobbing loudly. Gnam, also known for his correctness, has now been proven to never Photo Credit: Cora Wiese Moore Mr. Gnam, examining this lie stick have been correct in his life. Even his lifelong fixation, soccer, has become little more than a pipe dream, due to the mismeasurement of fields, for the broken man from Alabama, who is now far more likely to cling to the ball crying than kick it. All that’s left to do is use the defunct meter sticks as blunt weaponry in our constant struggle against all of education. Page 5 A. I thought it was a great story about how sisterhood can change the world. B. IT WAS THE BEST MOVIE I’VE EVER SEEN. C. Explicate the lyrics to the songs. D. Point out inconsistencies in the way that snow is made. E. Do the worm for joy. 4: How would you murder someone? A. I’d blow their minds with awesome facts. B. Go undercover and slip poison in their drink. C. Hallucinate a floating dagger leading you to where you victim sleeps. Then stab them. D. Hit them over the head with a meter stick and put them in a jar. E. I’d bury them under a pile of homework. If you answered… Mostly A’s, you belong with the classy and crazy History department. Mostly B’s, it seems you would fit in well with Foreign Language. Mostly C’s, you got that English department swag. Mostly D’s, you are one of the quirky, nerdy Science department teachers. Mostly E’s, we must tell you that you have tested into the Math department. East Tower Times April 10, 2014 HAPPY NATIONAL POETRY MONTH Staff Writes Egregious Poetry Once there was a woman named Cora Who really was more of a snore-a When she said something deep I started to sleep So I couldn’t quite measure her aura One hundred thousand One million billion Ways that I hate you What is a haiku? Do I really have to keep to only these syll- This is a Haiku five, seven, five syllables are needed for it Old Mr. Du Vair In the world, doesn’t have a care But for jarred fish Canterbury Tales We read them in English Class Or I should have. Oops Once there was a man named Evan Who had wanted to live in Devon He had AVID binder, a mean sidewinder; And out of ten, I’d give him a seven Thy feet they stink of fish Thy nose it reeks of cheese Thy eyes they conjure dastardly dreams Of rotten mushy peas. Fat, fat, fat, fat, fat. Lil’ Bohnny, Lil’ Johnny, fat. They were fat dogs fat. Let’s taco ‘bout it nah man, it’s nacho business cheese guys cut it out Love is a strange thing how do you get over him? answer, you just don’t Once there was a man named Gnam Who had watched many a Rom-com But at East came his day When he shouted “Let’s play!” And popped in a great CD-ROM. The other day I started singing. I sang to everyone I saw. An old man, and old lady, an orphan, A baby and a rock. The old man was not pleased. He ran into the old lady, Who blamed it on the orphan. Who claimed it was the baby, Who hit me with the rock. Blame it on the Acrobats The Sea was Green Their Face was Tan My Biceps are Bacon Tanned by the Tender Rays Of the Winter I missed a test I failed my quest Mr. Gibson ate my headrest How can I qualify to apply Without my sanity Unless I spend my saturday Unburying my life from a coffin Signed With Mr. Gnam’s Protractor Haikus are hard Sometimes they don’t make sense Refrigerator How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could Chuck Norris? Once there was a man named Joe Who was really quite slow He was very stupid And avoided by Cupid Mr. Attaway’d say “Ruh-Roah!” Life is like chocolate only, it isn’t so sweet this got depressing Once a mighty bison, Who read a lot of Bill Bryson, Well, he started to smoke And started to croak Now he wrestles with Mike Tyson There was a fat dog, his name was Lil’ Johnny. He had a sister, named Lil’ Bohnny. Not as in Clyde. She was also fat. The dogs couldn’t walk, instead they rolled here and there and everywhere. When they tried to walk, Their limbs just flop, Like a fish on a dock. Page 6 Roses are blood orange violets are violet anymore captain obvious? Arrr says the pirate Feet smell like roses But only when you wash them Otherwise they stink. Is Chuck Norris lame? nah, but Chuck Norris Jokes are just kidding they’re boss Arrr says the pirate A bounteous buccaneer Polly want a Ritz? I realize i’m bad bad at writing good haikus how do I end this? East Tower Times April 15th, 2014 April Sun. Mon. 6 13 National Scrabble Day 20 Hitler’s Birthday Also Wisconsin becomes a territory on this day in 1836 27 Tues. Wed. Sports Thurs. 1 EPAS Makeup Spring Election 2 7 Early Release Tower TV 8 9 East Band to New Orleans 14 East Band Returns 15 16 Fri. Sat. 3 4 5 10 11 12 ACT Exam at East Euro Challenge Competition 17 ADRIAN CONNER’S DAY OF BIRTH 18 SPRING BREAK Also it is the anniversary of Abe Lincoln’s being shot 21 Anniversary of Abe Lincoln dying 22 National Garlic Day 23 24 25 26 Link Crew Middle School Visits State Solo & William ShakeArbor Day Ensemble speare born School Resumes. Earth Day!! (1564) and dead (1616) 28 29 30 Early Release Imagine Club Guest Speakers Workers Memorial Day 19 1 National Honor Society Ceremony 2 John Wilkes Booth killed by Federal troops for assasinating Lincoln 3 Announcements Prepare for the final blood drive of the year! You have the last opportunity to donate blood here at school on May 6th, so be ready. Get your forms signed by parents and teachers, sign up for an appointment, and make sure you eat an iron-rich diet. Marijuana legalization referendum results The non-binding referendum on whether or not the legalization of marijuana should be considered in Dane County was processed last week. About two thirds of those who voted voted “yes”, that legalization of marijuana should be considered. Being a non-binding referendum, this result doesn’t really change anything, it just tells officials that it is an issue the public cares about. alien invasion Our neighbors from another universe plan on taking a vacation on our humble little Mother Earth. They may or may not have weapons of mass destruction. Aliens sometimes take vacations with weapons of mass destruction, it’s a cultural thing or something. Estimated arrival is on April 22. You might want to start digging a shelter and stocking up on Twinkies and TANG. Personality quizzes an nsa plot The recent popularity surge in online personality quizzes has been revealed to be a scheme by the National Security Administration to gather extensive personality outlines of internet users. Individuals who qualify as Ursula in the “Which Disney Villian Are You?” or as weiner dogs in the “Which Dog Are You?” will be subjected to increased surveillance. Sweet potatoes A recent study shows that sliced sweet potatoes can be used as a substitute for sliced carrots if you’re seriously desperate for carrot sticks. Related studies have shown pudding can be used as a substitute for frosting, cyanide as a substitute for arsenic, and grey styrofoam as a substitute for dirt if you’re only growing plastic flowers. Researchers have concluded there is no adequate substitute for you because you are a unique and special snowflake. Adrian’s Cat-astrophe Adrian Conner’s cat is so chubby it cannot reach its own rear end and thus has gotten really kind of dirty and Adrian is looking for some people to help out with giving her a bath. East High school to be renamed Potential new names currently under consideration are: Eeest Hi Skool, Madison Metropolitan Sewage District, The Church of Anarchy, Laughalot HS, and Sarah Palin’s School for the Performing Arts. Giraffes Giraffes have only seven neck vertebrae, just like us. We are not as different as the Government would like you to think. Stay compassionate, stay vigilant, comrades. Page 7 Boy’s Baseball April 8th vs. Janesville Craig @Warner Park 5pm April 15th vs. Memorial @ Warner Park 5pm April 19th vs. Janesville Parker @ Warner Park 11am April 29th vs. Verona @ Warner Park 5pm Boy’s Golf April 9th vs. West, Verona @ Edelweiss Golf Center 11:30am April 21st Invite @ Maple Bluff Country Club 12pm April 26th vs. Waunakee @ Waunakee 10:30am April 29th vs. Beloit, Memorial @ Odana Hills Golf Course 2:30pm Girl’s Soccer April 10th vs. Sauk Prairie @ Lussier Stadium 7pm April 12th vs. Edgewood @ Lussier Stadium 2pm April 17th vs. Janesville Craig @ Lussier Stadium 7pm April 24th vs. Memorial @ Lussier Stadium 7pm April 26th vs. Racine Case @ Lussier Stadium 11am Girl’s Softball April 10th vs. Sun Prairie @ Olbrich Park 4:30pm April 29th vs. Beloit Memorial @ Olbrich Park 4:30pm Boy’s Tennis April 10th vs. Janesville Craig @ East 4pm April 24th vs. Memorial @ East 4pm April 25-26th Invite @ East 1pm (25th) 9am (26th) Track (Boys and Girls) April 15th vs. Memorial @ Lussier Stadium 4:45pm April 29th vs. Janesville Craig @ Lussier Stadium 4:45pm Forensics April 12th vs. Everyone @ UW-Madison 11:00 AM Quidditch February 30th vs. Sun Prairie @ Margaret Williams 12:30 AM Cat Wrestling April 17th vs. Cuddles @ Mr. Rosevear’s House 2:00 PM East Tower Times April 20th, 2014 Zoroscopes Super Quiz By Ma Conrad Kindergarten 1.) If I eat myself, would I become twice as big or disappear entirely? 2.) What color of pants does Leon Dinh always wear? 3.) In which century did April Fool’s Day become popular? let Madame Josephina give you guidance Aries Hey, prom is coming up! You can finally tell your mom that you’re ready to wear that 1970’s “I Love the Disco” pink and yellow dress. Taurus Earth Day is right up your alley. You are a gift to the Earth. Like that dinner-plate size pair of sunglasses your grandma got you in the Dells. Gemini Roses are red. Violets are blue. Oranges are... orange. You smell like a childhood friend of mine. Happy National Poetry Month! Cancer You know what you did. The stars know what you did. Ms. Conrad knows what you did. Fix your game, player. Leo Avoid powerlines at all costs. Eat a lot of pudding. Learn Yiddish. Call your doctor. Even if you don’t have anything wrong with you, just do it. Doctors get lonely sometimes. Virgo Everyone deserves to have a white wedding once in a while. Prom, however, is not the place or time. Libra If anyone is giving you a hard time, just look at them in the eye and dance. Everyone loves spontaneous dancing. Scorpio Your work has paid off. You can have your cake and eat it too. Sagittarius You are the anchor on your team--you keep it from moving forward. Stay out of garages. Keep looking behind you, because the best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity. Capricorn The Moon isn’t in any house for you this month--it isn’t even on the block. Carry a flashlight. Be nice to the people around you-they can turn on you at any time. Things have already begun to rotate. Aquarius Virgo is rising, but this has no impact on your immediate future. Watch out on April 19th--I just have a bad feeling about that date. Pisces Lay off the Flaming Hot Cheetos, but save them to fake a sunburn in June by rubbing them all over your body. Avoid canines. Embrace amphibians. Super Quiz Answers: 1.) Yes. 2.) Orange 3.) 19th century 4.) Spaghetti tree 5.) Several correct answers, including: Rachel Maddow, J. Christopher Stevens, Samuel Alito, Jesus Christ and Anna Cohen. 6.) 3.0 7.) Dreamt 8.) Alabama, 1836 9.) St. Expeditus 10.) It glows 11.) Dr. Seuss 12.) The Guiness Book of World Record 13.) Ten times 14.) TECHNOVIKING 15.) TECHNOVIKING 16.) TECHNOVIKING Success • Confidence Study Skills Reading Writing Spelling Phonics • Motivation Independently owned and operated Middleton 6661 University Avenue 274-4446 Monona 400 Interlake Drive 223-1953 Math SAT PSAT Science ACT Sun Prairie 2540 Ironwood Drive 249-2556 huntingtonlear ning.com “Your Tutoring Solution” Page 8 Private School 4.) After the BBC’s 1957 April Fool’s Day broadcast, excited listeners called in to ask how to grow what type of tree in their own back yard? 5.) Whose birthday falls on April Fool’s Day? 6.) What is the biblical value of pi? 7.) What is the only word in the English alphabet that ends in -amt? 8.) What was the first state to recognize Christmas? Med School 9.) Who is the patron Saint of Procrastinators? 10.) What happens if you shine UV light on cat pee? 11.) Who invented the word “nerd?” 12.) Which book holds the world record for being “most stolen from libraries?” 13.) How many times does a woodchuck breathe for the duration of its hibernation? East High School 14.) Who is the perfect man? 15.) Who drinks only water given upside-down? 16.) Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?