File - New Zealand Cutting Horse Association
File - New Zealand Cutting Horse Association
VOLUME 33 No:3 August/September 2013 New Zealand Cutting Horse Association Richard Cowdrey (Rider Hall of Fame) NEW ZEALAND CUTTING HORSE ASSOCIATION PRESIDENT COUNCILLORS Helen Holmes COUNC 1675 Ahuroa Road, RD2 TeKuiti Ph: 07 878 8552 Email: Judges Portfolio VICE PRESIDENT Janine Taylor Mt Aitken Station, RD7 Waimate 7977 Ph: 03 689 2781 Email: Hall of Fame Portfolio and South Island Show Approvals SECRETARY Karen Matchitt 7 Te Poi Road, RD3 MATAMATA 3473 Ph: 07 888 2618 Email: CHATTER EDITOR POINTS COLLATOR Rules Portfolio TREASURER Julie Gregory 1080 Western Bays Rd, RD1 Mangakino Ph: 07 3728021 Fax: 07 3728044 Email: Futurity Secretary Rosemary Haultain 201 Checkley Road, RD1 Raglan 3295 Ph: 07 825 5234 Email: Sponsorship & Promotions Portfolio Ivan Watt 6 CRD, Canlan Rd Oamaru Ph. 03 4326767 AFFILIATED CUTTING HORSE CLUBS OR ASSOCIATIONS Canterbury Cutting Horse Club No details available at time of printing Colin Holmes 1675 Ahuroa Road, RD2 TeKuiti Ph: 07 878 8552 Email: Training & Cattle Scheme Portfolio Central Plateau Cutting Horse Club C- Julie Gregory, Western Bays Rd, R D, Mangakino Ph: 07 3728021 Fax: 07 3728044 Email: Harold Morrissey PO Box 390, Taumaranui Ph. 07 8956400 Email: Competitors Advocate Portfolio Central South Cutting Horse Club C/- Tamsin Lines 975 Mt Hutt Station Rd RD12, Rakaia 7782 (03) 302 9918 Cell: 021 026 74446 Nick Topp 16 Westcott St, Dallington Christchurch. Ph. 03 550 4850 Cell. 021 052 7831 Canterbury Northland Western Riding Association C/- Amanda Broughton, 1962 Pipiwai Rd, RD6, Whangarei, 0176. Ph. 094335677, Cell: 0211891159, Email: Jenna Gould 290 Seafield Rd, RD2 Ashburton. 7772 03 3081279 Cell: 0274 619162 Coast to Coast Cutting Horse Club Michele Hutchins 92 Beach Rd, Waihi Beach 3611 Ph: 07 863 5073 Email: Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the NZCHA Inc. The NZCHA reserves the right to accept or reject any advertis ement as submitted for publication. While every effort is made to publish advertisements as ordered, no responsibility is taken for failure of an advertisement to appear as ordered. REPRODUCTION or use in whole or part of the contents without the written permission of the NZ Cutting Horse Associa tion. Presidents Report: Hi Everybody, All past and present members are saddened by the recent passing of Carole Doyle. We would all to wish Theresa Brown a speedy recovery from her recent serious illness. On a happier note for the NZ cutting scene was the recent arrival from Buffalo Ranch, USA of SDP TRs Dualin Cat (TR Dual Rey x SDP Rubys Cat who is a full sister to Hydrive Cat). Congratulations to owners Harold Morrissey and Gary Traveller for importing this colt and we are all looking forward to his bright future. The end of winter is near, well this early spring is great. Looking forward to the new season already. Cheers Helen Cheers Helen Helen Holmes FROM THE OFFICE Hello Fellow Cutters, Winter has definitely been an unusual one, Mother Nature has thrown all sorts at us, so here’s hoping that you have all weathered what we’ve had so far, safe and sound. I have managed to sneak a look at all six of the 2014 Futurity prospects, so will be exciting to see them progress through their training. As spring is now here, I would love to receive some of you new season foal photos, for the next chatter and remember is you have a stallion you’d like to advertise, send me the details. Membership invoice were posted out in July, with payment due August 1 st, if you did not receive a membership invoice, please contact the Secretary. “REAL COWBOYS HAVE NO FEAR” Approved Judges List South Island Judges North Island Judges Judges Clinic has been run in SI, It was a good informative clinic with NI clinic still to be run, waiting on new test sheets. not only judges attending but also 3 or 4 new riders. Ray Carr * A Richard Cowdrey AAA Mike Brown AAA Steve Gregory AAA Dean Boyd ** AAA Colin Holmes A Theresa Brown A Helen Holmes A Geoff Taylor A Craig Laird AAA Janine Taylor A Bryan Lowcay * AA Grant Mackie AAA ( ** passed written test, still needs to go through training tape with Graeme McInnes AA Mike or Grant) Robert Thompson A Dave Young AA * new grading based on number of shows judged Notices Welcome to Our World Clayton Jack McCallum Born August 23rd at 12:30am Congratulations Clint and Catherine on the safe arrival of your handsome young man. Farewells Members of the NZCHA send their sincere sympathy to Colin and Helen Holmes and family on the passing of Colin’s dad Barney. Members of the NZCHA are saddened by the passing of past NZCHA member Carol Doyle. Recovery Members of the NZCHA send their best wishes to Theresa Brown for a speedy recovery. New Club Welcome Central South Cutting Horse Club as a new affiliated club to the NZCHA, see details under the affiliations section. Horse Transfers Bar Bees Playboy Leased from Karen Matchitt to Olivia Waldock and Jacob Ladd Sheeza Spinner Sold by Graeme & Sharlene McInnes to Jack Valoise North Island Tentative Show Schedule December 2013 Coast to Coast CHC - Huntly January 2014 4th & 5th ? 11th & 12th- NZCHA Training Weekend and Judges Clinic - ?Haultains th th 18 & 19 CPCHC Show - Ladds 25th & 26th CPCHC Show Saturday – Training Sunday - ? Haultian/Mackies February 2013 1st & 2nd C2C Show - Gutheridges/Cowdrey 8th & 9th – Grey Siteman Memorial Show -Taumaranui rd 23 C2C Show - Huntly March 2014 8th & 9th – ?? Northland Cutting Show th th 15 & 16 CPCHC Superstakes - Taumaranui 29th & 30th – North Island Finals (& ? Prizegiving) April 2014 12th NZCHA AGM at ____________________ 12th & 13th – NZCHA National Finals at _____________and Prizegiving May 2014 3rd NZCHA National Futurity Show at Hawera ΩΩΩΩΩΩΩΩ Hall of Fame – Harold Morrissey Hall of Fame Rider Name first appears in 1998-99 Season in the Under $750 NP and Novice Rider Events Reserve Rookie Champion 99-2000 season 2004-05 Futurity Champion – Kopanui Rosealea. 2005-06 Futurity Champion – Kings Playboy; Derby Winner – Kopanui Rosealea; Superstakes Winner – Kings Playboy. 2009-10 Reserve Hi Point ONP – Kigs Playboy. 2010-11 Futurity Champion & Non Pro Futurity Champion – Bar Bees Playboy 2011-12 Reserve Hi Point Novice Horse – Bar Bees Playboy. 2012-13 Derby Champion – Playboys Quest; Hi Point Open Horse & Hi Point Stallion – Kings Playboy; Superstakes Winner – Playboys Quest. Hall of Fame – Richard Cowdrey Hall of Fame Rider over $10,000.00 LTE In his lifetime Richard has won 4 futurities; 5 Non Pro futurities; 2 Derbys and 2 Non Pro Derbys. He has won Hi point end of year trophies in Open horse, Open Non Pro and Novice horse. In 2001 - 2003 he took 3 horses to the Australian Futurities and had a lot of success with Duracotton in 2001. He finalled her in the Open Futurity and came 10th and also finalled her in the Open Non Pro Futurity coming 1st equal and after a run off, reserve champion. Duracotton was the highest selling lot at the 2001 futurity sale. Over the years he has trained and taken at least 15 horses to futurities with the majority being horses that he bred - Doc,s San Tivio; Olita Bar (Futurity Winner): 3 Bar Hotshot; Oteaka Oak; Doc's Cotton Futurity Winner; Sugar Cotton Futurity Winner; Kenarla Doc's Player Futurity Winner; Sonitas New Player Derby Winner; Oaks Freckle Derby Winner; Duracotton, Play Lucky Lady; Oteaka's Player; Spinning Pistol; Smarty Cotton and Peptos Electric. Hall of Fame – Moody Blues (Moody) Hall of Fame Horse Earnings over $5000.00 excluding aged events. Sire: T Bar Handy Andy Dam: Drury Harass Foaled: 27 October 1998 Bred by Bob & Christine Bedford Jo and Ivan Watt bought him off Ross and Sally Stevens about 8 years Achievements: 2002-03 (Ridden by Bob Bedford) Futurity Winner; Hi Point Novice Horse; COA & COM 2003-04 (Ridden by Sally Stevens) Hi Point Rookie; Hi Points Ladies 2006 -07 (Ridden by Ivan Watt) Hi Point Under $1500 2007-08 (Ridden by Jo Hand) Hi Point Under $1500 Non Pro 2010-11 (Ridden by Ivan Watt) Hi Point Gelding; Inducted to Horse Hall of Fame – Earnings over $5000 (excluding aged) Hall of Fame - Little Peptos Chance (Poppy) Hall of Fame Horse Earnings over $5000.00 excluding aged events. Little Peptos Chance Aka "Poppy" was born 23 November 2002, bred by Des Mattler in Rotorua. She is Red Roan Mare by Pepto Style N Spin out of Another Chance who was by Oaks Little Romeo and out of Bar Hustler. Ron Clothier bought her as a rising 1 year old and then sold her Bruce Coleman 2 years later as a rising 3 year old. Achievements: 2006-07 (Ridden by Bruce Coleman) Futurity Winner; COA 2008-09 (Ridden by Geoff Taylor) COM; 2009-10 (Ridden by Geoff Taylor) Hi Point Under $1500 NP; Winner of White Horse inaugural Southern Cowboy Challenge ($1000.00) 2011-12 (Ridden by Geoff Taylor) Hi Point Open Horse; Hi Point Mare; Hi Point Open Non Pro 2012-13 (Ridden by Geoff Taylor) Inducted to Horse Hall of Fame – Earnings over $5000 (excluding aged) Poppy is a great Horse to have around and is a good farm hack as well as a trekker. Janine Taylor rode Poppy for the early part of this last season and loved competing her. Gemma Williams rode her to win the Rookie Class at the NZ Futurity in Hawera in May 2013. Two of Six (Futurity Prospects) Two tired ponies at a Futurity Training Session Winnie – Owned and Ridden by Jacob Ladd Minnie – Owned and Ridden by Harold Morrissey Consumer Questioner: We are gathering information regarding which companies a large percentage of our cutters use, so we may approach some of these companies for sponsorship, with some facts & figures to support our requests. Which company do you most often use for your rural supplies? Farmlands Elders RD1 Other please state PGGW ________________________ Which company do you most often use for your fertiliser supplies? Ravensdown Other: Abron/Agrisea/Out Grow/ please Ballance state ________________________ RMD – Rorisons What is your approximate annual fertiliser purchase with this company? ___________ Tonnes per year. Do you have a farm fuel supplier and or a fuel card with? Shell Mobil Z Other Please state Caltex ___________________________ BP Who is your main Insurance Company? FMG State AMI Who is your main Bank? BNZ WESTPAC RABO Kiwi Bank Other Please state _________________________________ ANZ ASB Other Please state ________________________________ Please take a few moments to fill in this form and post it to Karen Matchitt, 7 TePoi Rd, RD3, Matamata, 3473 or you can email your answers to - Thank you Minutes of Council Meeting Held on Sunday 26th May 2013 At Hawera Showgrounds Started 9:10am Present: Janine Taylor; Julie Gregory; Karen Matchitt; Helen Holmes; Colin Holmes; Rosemary Haultain; Harold Morrissey; Jenna Gould. Apologies: Nick Topp & Ivan Watt Moved: Helen Seconded: Colin Minutes of Previous Meeting: The Minutes of the previous meeting were discussed and taken as a true and accurate record. Moved: Colin Seconded: Julie Matters Arising from Previous Minutes: 1. After all the expenses are in for this Futurity, a new Futurity Budget will be decided on. Action Julie 2. Cattle at Hand – Watts may have 2; Ladds have 1; Haultains have 1; Gregorys have 2 that are about to be moved to Holmes. 3. A sympathy card is to go to Don Tanners wife – Action Janine 4. A response to Theresa re historic Futurity trophies was to be done by Grant. Actioned Karen Correspondence: 1. Incorporated Society – annual financial report. Karen filed the necessary reports. 2. Sponsorship Letters to Tuffrock RenegadeNZ Classic Equine Ariat - Just Country. From Rosemary. 3. More Sponsorship letters to go out to Fibre Fresh, Fert companies; Fuel companies etc – first a questioner is to go out to all members in regards to which Fert companies they use and approx. tonnage per year and also which Fuel companies supply most of members fuel. – 1st Action Karen 2nd Action Rosemary 4. Email to Rosemary re trophies and costs 5. Emails from Fieldays to Karen; Replies from Karen to Fieldays 6. Thank you card is to be sent to Steve at Renegade NZ – Actioned Karen 7. Thank you cards to Ben Holmes and Tamsin Lines 1st Action – Jenna to email Julie with Tamsins address 2nd Action - Julie 8. Selena at Hawera Arena is to be contacted to see if it’s possible to book the arena for a week after the BMX have used it, as all the sand is piled up inside for them and therefore would only need spreading for us. It was suggested a site plan of how we need the sand and the depth be forwarded to them, as there grounds man “Malcolm” had made a great effort to get the sand where he thought we needed it, but not quite the depth and left none in the warm up area. 1st Action – Julie to contact Selena re the booking 2nd Action – Karen “Site plan” That Correspondence be accepted: Moved: Julie Seconded: Harold Financial Report: Julie presented the AGM report and spoke to changes and will email Councillors an up to date report after the Futurity costs and finalised. Action Julie Moved: Julie Seconded: Rosemary Portfolios: Judges – Helen Holmes. Helen is to enlist the services of an Australian Judges examiner to take a clinic in the Nth Island, Janine is to ask Mike Brown if he is happy to be the Sth Island examiner and come up to the Judges clinic. Action – Helen and Janine Show Approvals Sth Island: Janine Taylor Nth Island: Colin Holmes Training – Colin Holmes (Suggestions from Craig Emerton – Arron Wheatley or Phil Dawson) – Action: Colin and Harold to ask around whilst in Australia. Hall of Fame – Janine Taylor Rules – Karen Matchitt Competitors Advocate – Harold Morrissey Cattle Programme – Colin Holmes Nth; Ivan Watt Sth Promotion/Sponsorship – Rosemary Haultain Futurity (with assistance of Futurity Secretary) – Action: Harold to check that Barry is happy to continue with this role. General Business: 1. 2014 Futurity - The NP Futurity will be replaced by a “First Year Incentive” – class within the Open Futurity. A form will go out in the chatter as a Pre nomination form for all prospective Futurity entrants to register, which will give an indication of w ho has a futurity prospect and if a buckle will be required for the 1st Year Incentive Rider. A Buckle is to be ordered with the title only engraved on it and then it can be sent to a contact of Rosemarys to be engraved and coloured with the appropriate year. Actioned: Karen – form for Chatter Actions: Julie – arrange with Graeme for all buckles – after club AGMs Actioned: Karen to send email letter to all club secretaries to discuss the new changes and what buckles will be required in the Sth Island and Nth Island with the new Hi Point rule change. 2. From 2014 forward the Futurity Keepsake will not be a bronze, Councillors to look at glass etched or similar and discuss at next meeting. However the outstanding trophies for Steve Gregory; Clint McCallum and James Hazeldine, are to be arranged, Rosemary was given permission to get one more trophy from USA and Association will purchase the ones she already has received from USA. 3. For next year’s Futurity, we will ask the caterers to set up on the Friday afternoon, then start serving food at approximately 11am on the Saturday and continue until approx. 4pm. To avoid the noise issue that occurred this year. Action: Julie to discuss with Linley 4. Futurity dates are already booked for Friday 16 th/Sat 17th/Sun 18th May 2014 5. Futurity dates for next few years, as outlined in Correspondence. Try and get earlier in May and try to get it a week after the BMX. Action: Julie 6. Clock at the Futurity. CPCHC clock is too dark. Action: Julie and Harold to ask digital and lighting specialist if the problem can be solved, it is possible Janine could bring the CCHC clock, but its range to the back of the pen may be an issue as well. Other option: can old NZCHA clock be converted to battery with a remote as well. 7. Council meeting and communication format for next 12 months, most business will be done via emails, however a Nth/Sth phone meeting should occur pre-season, possibly October/November, and definitely a phone meeting pre National Finals and pre Futurity. Action: Karen 8. NZCHA Special show pay-outs: Nationals will be paid out to 6 th as passed in AGM remit 2013. Futurity show pay-outs will be, aged as defined in the Rule book and other events will be paid to 4 th, unless the show grows to include go rounds with Finals. 9. Derby horses will be charged a fee for pre-works from 2014 forward. 10. Councillor’s discretion to amend recent AGM amendments. a. Helen moved: A rider/horse that competes in the other Island at ANY show, may take those points back towards their Island High Point Awards. Seconded: Julie Carried. b. Helen Moved: To qualify for the National Finals a competitor must have competed in a minimum or three (3) approved Championship shows. Seconded: Jenna Carried. With no further business the meeting was declared closed at 11:30am. ΩΩΩΩΩΩΩΩ ADVERTISING RATES Advertising Rates: ½ page website advertisement for 12 months $50 Members classified ad, one off in chatter & 1 month website $10 (<50 words) Non Members classified ad, one off in chatter & 1 month website -$15 (<50 words) Members full page chatter advertisement, layout supplied Members full page chatter advertisement, no layout Members ½ page chatter advertisement Members ¼ page chatter advertisement No advertisements accepted without payment! ΩΩΩΩΩΩΩΩΩ ΩΩΩΩΩΩΩΩΩ $30 $45 $20 $15 NZCHA Membership 2013-14 season *Beck Roger Bolt Lynley Brown Mike & Theresa 145 Stewart Rd, RD4, Taumaranui 3994 Ph.07 8945184, 0273914031 Taumatamaire Station,RD1, Mokau, 4376 Ph. 06 752 9753, 0272706444 email: Willowrey, 1 Hall Rd, RD21, Geraldine, 7991. Ph. 03 6974875, 0256868098(T), 0273631709(M) email: *Coleman Bruce 810 Oruanui Rd, RD1, Taupo. Ph. 07 3770893, 0252174259 *Cowdrey Beulah 14 Totara Park Ave, Moteuka *Cowdrey Richard & Christine 725 Mangapapa Rd, RD, Matiere. Ph. 07 8937824, 0278937823 email: *Dodunski Jo & Ian 123 Banks Rd, RD3, Matamata 3473 Ph.07 8809528, 0278646199 *Donaldson, Neville & Helen RD5, Whangarei. 0175 Ph. Flego Maria Box 421, Kumeu, Auckland, 0841. Ph. 09 4118321, 0272513108 email: *Gregory Steve & Julie 1840 Western Bays Rd, RD, Mangakino 3492 Ph. 07 3728021, cell: 0272916473 email: Gilmour Lizzie 241 Upper Timaru Rd, RD4, New Plymouth Ph. 067524876, 0276665586 email: Gould Jenna 290 Seafield Rd, RD2, Ashburton. 7772 Ph. 03 3081279, cell: 0274619162 email: *Haultain Rosemary 201 Checkley Rd, RD1, Raglan, 3295. Ph. 07 8255234, 0274874025 *Hazeldine James 117 Worrall Rd, RD1, Kumeu, 0891 Ph. 0275311082, email: Holmes Colin & Helen 1675 Ahuroa Rd, RD2, TeKuiti, 3982. Ph. 07 8788552, 0278252010 email: *Ladd Barry 1004 Makuri Rd, RD22, Stratford. Ph. 06 7627879, 0274445895 email: Ladd Catherine & McCallum Clint 957 Makuri Rd, RD22, Stratford. Ph. 06 7627940 0272784449 email: *Ladd Jacob & Waldock Olivia 648 Finnis Rd, RD5, Fielding Laird Craig & Bronwyn 68 Livingstone Rd, RD4, Wanganui Ph. 06 3456648, 0211293395, email: Latham Jan 55 Victoria Rd, RD1,Cambridge Ph. 07 8270500, 0212730112 *Lowcay Bryan 121 Banks Rd, RD3, Matamata. Ph. 07 8885177, 0211834969, *McCorquindale John 1848 Kakaramea Rd, RD10, Hamilton, 3290 Ph. 07 829 8124 *McInness Graeme, Sharlene 14 McInnes Rd, RD1, Hikurangi, Whangarei Ph. 09 4338364, 0273188383 email: *McNutt Kartha Mt Algidus Station, RD2, Darfield Ph. 03 3185846, email: *Mackie Grant & Wendy 1703 Tutukau Rd, RD2, Reporoa Ph. 07 3783498, 027 7156721 email: *Matchitt Karen 7 TePoi Rd, RD3, Matamata, 3473 Ph. 07 8882618, 0274434481, email: *Matchitt Mindy 7 TePoi Rd, RD3, Matamata, 3473 Ph. 07 8882618, 0274434481, email: Minson Craig 128 Mulligans Rd, RD8, Ashburton Ph. 0275416119 *Morrissey Harold PO Box 390, Taumaranui Ph. 07 8956400, 0273099620 email: *Ormiston Peter & Lynda 701 Gorge Rd Omatane, RD4, Taihape 4794 Ph. 06 388 0644, 027 3236338 *Penny Gary 72 Lyons Rd, RD3, Waimauku, 0883. Ph. 09 4118335, 021721466 *Poingdestre Melissa 185 Bird Rd, RD23, Stratford. Ph. 0277139596, email: *Poingdestre Wayne 185 Bird Rd, RD23, Stratford. Ph. 06 7657010 *Severinsen Bazel 658 TeMoana Rd, RD21, Geraldine email: Stewart Dave & Hall Tonia 78B Weld Road, Upper Oakura, Taranaki. Ph. 06 7527454, 0276295056, email: *Taylor Geoff & Janine Mt Aitken Stn, 146 Douthwaites Rd, RD7, Waimate 7977 Ph. 03 6892781, 021 0315866 email: *Thompson Robert 85 KioKio Station Rd, RD4, Otorohanga. Ph, 07 873 1621 email: *Thompson Gene La Mesa Park, Topp, Nick 16 Westcott Rd, Dallington, Christchurch. Ph. 03 9602077, 0272360145 email: Warne Gavin PO Box 114, Urenui 4349 Ph.06 9293763, 021824451 email: Watt Ivan & Jo RD 6C, Canlan Road, Oamaru Ph. 03 432 6767, 0274431375 email: Webby Joe 366 Bell Rd, RD1, Morrinsville Ph. 07 8874700, 0272064509 email: Williams Gemma 40 Dorie School Rd, RD11, Rakaia 7781 Ph. 03 302 0042, 027 266 3339; email: Worrall Keri Johnstone St, RD4, Ashburton 7774 Ph. 03 3083235, 02102542166, email: *Young Dave 102 Horrell Rd, RD4, Morrinsville Ph. 07 8891080, 0274579060, email: *Valoise Jack Ngakonui Ongare Road Taumaranui *Current Members 2013-14 Season For Affiliated Clubs please see second page National Library of New Zealand NCHA (USA) NCHA (Aust) PO Box 12340, Wellington 6144 260 Bailey Avenue, Fort Worth, Texas, 76107-1862, USA Box 7092, NEMSC, Tamworth, 2348, Australia Quotes to make you smile There are three kinds of men: The ones that learn by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence. When in doubt, let your horse do the thinkin' Arrogance is the cowboy that talks, confidence is the cowboy that shows. NZCHA CHATTER ASSEMBLED AND PRINTED BY TAINUI PRESS For NZCHA INC C/- TePoi Rd, RD3, Matamata Email:
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File - New Zealand Cutting Horse Association
Nominations for Hall of Fame……………………………………………………………………….....18,19