November 6, 2013
November 6, 2013
PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID The Roundup 6HHSDJH (406) 433-3306 or 1-800-749-3306 Fax (406) 433-4114 e-mail address: :HGQHVGD\1RYHPEHU %XVLQHVV2IÀFH /RFDWHGDW:HVW0DLQ 6LGQH\07 The Northeastern Arts Network Proudly Presents 0DLOLQJ$GGUHVV P.O. Box 1207 6LGQH\07 9ROXPH1XPEHU Bill Bowers An Evening with Bill Bowers on Thursday, November 7th at the MonDak Heritage Center 6XEPLWWHGE\-LOO+LOO As an actor, mime and educator, Bill Bowers has traveled throughout all 50 of the United States, Europe and Asia. His Broadway credits include Zazu The Lion King, and Leggett inThe Scarlet Pimpernel, and he has appeared Off Broadway and in regional theatres around the U.S. Bill has written and performed his own plays Off Broadway and in theaters around the world. These SOD\V LQFOXGH ¶1LJKW 6ZHHWKHDUW¶1LJKW%XWWHUFXS8QGHU a Montana Moon, It Goes Without Saying and Beyond Words. His play, Heyokah Hokehay, has been produced in Colorado, Montana, Wyoming, and the Edinburgh Festival. Bill has been hailed by critics as “the most talented American mime of his generation…” winning the Dallas Ft Worth Critics Award, Best of the Berkshires, Best Performance in the International United Solo Festival and the International Fresh Fruit Festival. He has just returned from the International Edinburgh Festival Fringe in Scotland, WKH ZRUOG·V ODUJHVW WKHDWUH festival, where he received 5 star reviews. Earlier this year Bill also was invited to perform at The White House. “Bill is a wonderful mixture of skill and diligence, humor and heart - a real artist for humans. He makes you laugh and cry and think, all in RQHVZRRS0D\EHKH·VUHDOO\ an angel.” Anna Deavere Smith, Playwright and actress This concert will be held at the MonDak Heritage Center at 7:00 p.m. Season tickets can be purchased at the door: adults $45, senior $40, and students $35. At the doors tickets are also available. For additional concert information contact Candy 0DUNZDOG RU -LOO+LOO The Big Sky Series is made possible in part by the Montana Performing Arts Consortium Presenter Development Program which is supported by grants from the National Endowment for the Arts, Montana Arts Council, a legislative grant from 0RQWDQD·V&XOWXUDO7UXVWDQG WESTAF. NPARL Celebrates 50th Year of Science in Service to Agriculture :LQH)RRG)HVWLYDO 7KH)RXQGDWLRQIRU&RPPXQLW\&DUHKHOGLWVDQQXDO:LQH)RRG)HVWLYDO1RY DWWKH5LFKODQG&RXQW\)DLU(YHQW&HQWHU$WSUHVVWLPHWKHWRWDOUDLVHGZDV RYHU7KHUHDOVRZDVDVSHFLDOGRQDWLRQIURP)DLUYLHZUHVLGHQW$OOLVRQ -HQVHQ6KHZDQWHGWRWKDQNWKHFRPPXQLW\IRUDOORILWVVXSSRUWGXULQJKHU RZQSHUVRQDOEDWWOHZLWKFDQFHU7KHLQIXQGVIURPWKHGRQDWLRQZHUH GHVLJQDWHGIRUWKHFDQFHUFHQWHU3LFWXUHGLVDXFWLRQHHU&DO2UDZDQG6WDFL 0LOOHUDXFWLRQLQJRII$OOLVRQ-HQVHQ·VDUWZRUNSRHP3KRWRE\-RG\:HOOV 6XEPLWWHGE\%HWK5HGOLQ The USDA-ARS Northern Plains Agricultural Research Laboratory (NPARL) is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year with two special talks and related activities to be held at the lab on successive Thursday evenings, Nov. 14 and 21st. These family-friendly talks, presented in plain language and designed for upper elementary students through adults, will not RQO\WRXFKRQVFLHQFH·VFRQtribution to agriculture in the past 50 years, but also look ahead to new frontiers in the future. The presentations will DOVR H[SODLQ EURDG VFLHQWLÀF concepts and tools, such as evolutionary and molecular (DNA) biology, and demonstrate how they are being used to advance agricultural research today and in the next 50 years. Presenters include NPARL scientists Erin Espeland (Nov. 14) and Stefan Jaronski (Nov. 21), who will discuss “Evolution in Wheat: from ancient times into the future” and “What Does the Future Hold for Insect Pest Management?” respectively. (DFKHYHQLQJ·VDFWLYLWLHV EHJLQZLWKWKHVFLHQWLVW·VWDONV at 7 pm, followed by related hands-on activities, demonVWUDWLRQV DQG GLVSOD\V DW pm, along with refreshments and tours of the facility for those interested. Among the unique activities on Nov. 14 will be an opportunity for those attending to do their own DNA extraction from a strawberry using simple household supplies. In keeping with the family friendly focus, NPARL employees will also be providing free childcare onsite for the youngest members of the family (toddlers through lower elementary grades) so their parents can take in the talks with their older children withRXWKDYLQJWRÀQGDEDE\VLWWHU Childcare activities will include special age-appropriate treats, games and other activities. The lab is located at 1500 N. Central in Sidney. Additional details will be forthcoming. You can also contact Beth Redlin at the lab (406-433-9427) for more information. 2 ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2013 It May Be Too Late If You Wait. The New Health Insurance Law is Here Here. Enroll Now for coverage that begins on January 1st. Let us help you. We will walk you through, talk you through, and get you through it all. Join your trusted partner today. More Information: 855.508.2502 | Elks Donate to Food Bank A Division of Health Care Service Corporation, a Mutual Legal Reserve Company, an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association The Sidney Elks Lodge delivered a pickup full of food to the Richland County Food Bank last Thursday. Donations, both food and monetary, were collected during the last Thursday night BBQ at the Elks. Pictured, L to R, are trustee and state 2 nd vice president Sherry Qunell, club manager/PER Randy Reynolds Team has Davis, inner guard Leslie Leibrand and food bank over 275 YEARS representative Jay Sissel. new store opening soon combined experience! CAREER CHOICES Join our Team! Hiring for our New Store Full and Part-time Positions Benefit Package: Health, Vision, Dental, 401K, Vacation, Holiday Pay, Flex Plan. Coming soon! Coming soon! Coming soon! Floral Department Deli Department Bakery Department Apply Online or pick up application at the store. Meat Department ¬s¬¬3¬#ENTRAL¬!VE¬3IDNEY¬¬ s¬¬WWW2EYNOLDS-ARKETCOM Stock Carryout Cashier Dairy Produce Department Frozen Food Rau Student of the Quarter Shelby, daughter of Monica Morlock, has been chosen as Student of the Quarter at Rau Elementary School. Shelby is a great example to the other Rau students with her positive attitude. She does her work to the best of her ability with a smile on her face. Shelby is kind, respectful, and happy to help teachers and peers alike. She is honest, polite, and follows the rules in the classroom, lunchroom, and on the playground. Shelby enjoys reading, telling stories, and spending time with her family and friends. Amazing Opportunity Own a home and a 24x24 two-stall garage on a 1.3 acre lot for 209,995 $ (or $997 per * month ) Shelby Morlock Millers’ Corner Convenience Store, Deli & Catering We Cater to your suitable location Breakfast Brunch|Lunch Dinner Includes: t)BSEXPPE5SJN t$'3FGSJHFSBUPSXJUI*DF.BLFS t3BOHF%JTIXBTIFS.JDSP t'MBU4DSFFO57t$FOUSBM"JS t8BTIFS%SZFSt'SPOU3FBS%FDLT t2VJFU$PVOUSZ4FUUJOH#FUXFFO "MFYBOEFS8JMMJTUPO0GG0G)XZ Z hYht#FEt#BUI *Principal & interest with approved credit. M-F: 9am-6pm | Sat: 9am - 4pm 2308 West Front St. Williston, ND 701-572-2590 Family Gatherings Reunions Weddings Business Meetings Conferences Holiday Parties Fresh Breakfast & Lunch Deli Mon-Fri 406-433-4041 2201 West Holly, Sidney ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2013 3 Zero Weight Gain Challenge Clip & Save 2 off $ 00 any shipment hi of $25 or more with this coupon only 4$FOUSBM"WFt4VJUFt4JEOFZ.5]].PO'SJBNQN]&YQJSFT/PW Submitted by Ludmila Keller The holiday season is coming up and with that the dreaded holiday pounds. Thanksgiving, Christmas and the cold winter months certainly invite high-sugar and fat-laden meals, as well as D VHGHQWDU\ OLIHVW\OH 7KDW·V why many of us notice by the beginning of the New Year that our pants feel tighter around the waist. A study by Tufts University found that on average adults gain 1 pound during the holiday season, and overweight adults gain ÀYH SRXQGV RU PRUH GXULQJ the 6-week holiday season. 1RZ DOO RI WKLV ZRXOGQ·W EH so bad if we actually lost the additional pounds during the rest of the year. Unfortunately, this is not the case. The New England Journal of Medicine found that the holiday weight gain is not reversed during the spring or summer months. 6ROHW·VPRYHRQWRWKH good news. Weight control IS possible during the holiday season. The Zero Weight Gain Holiday Challenge Newsletter can show you how. This successful new program was developed by the University of Georgia Cooperative Extension and will be offered by Richland County Extension this year. You can sign up now to receive bi-weekly newsletters in your e-mail inbox, starting the week before Thanksgiving until January. Newsletters will include recipes, and cover a variety of topics such as eating out, overeating prevention, exercising during the holidays and many more. Signing up is easy and free! Just e-mail Family and Consumer Sciences Extension agent Ludmila at with the subject “Zero Weight *DLQ &KDOOHQJHµ 7KDW·V LW <RX GRQ·W KDYH DQ HPDLO account? No problem. Call Extension at 406-433-1206 to receive the newsletters in \RXUPDLOER[6ROHW·VFRPPLW this holiday season to the Zero Weight Gain Holiday Challenge. You’re Invited to... Sidney Health Center’s '',%!!+$'" Wednesday, November 13th Sidney Country Club Member sign-in is from 6:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. followed by a dinner buěet and the annual meeting. AGENDA: ȱȱȱȱȊȱȱȱȱȊȱȱȱȊȱȱȱŘŖŗřȱ ȱ ¢ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ǰȱ non-members are welcome to aĴend. If you are interested in ȱȱǰȱȱȱ¢ȱ¢ǰȱȱ ǰȱȱǻŚŖŜǼȱŚŞŞȬŘřŜŚȱȱȱȱȱ¢ȱ ȱǰȱ ŘŗŜȱŗŚȱȱǰȱ¢ǰȱȱȱȱǯ +#-!0$ '!/0 Visit us online: Childbirth Instructors, Joyce Schulz, RN and Katharine King, RN will take you through the childbirth process answering any questions and help to prepare you for the best birth experience possible. Please call the Clinic Receptionist at 4882510 to reserve your spot. The class is free of charge; however, donations up to $25 are gladly accepted to cover expenses. NOVEMBER CHILDBIRTH CLASS Saturday, November 16 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Sidney Health Center Classroom Phone: (406) 488-2510 to Register Classes held throughout the year in )(%58$5<0$<$8*867129(0%(5 WK$YH 6: 6LGQH\ 07 2QOLQH ZZZVLGQH\KHDOWKRUJ 4 ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2013 Alan Seigfreid Amanda Seigfreid Jim & Janice Knudsen 120 2nd St. N.E. • Sidney Mt. 59270 Broker/Owners (O) 406-433-3010 • (C) 406-489-3010 email: Website: OBITUARIES Cynthia Dishon, 84, Sidney, MT )XQHUDOVHUYLFHVIRU&\QWKLD'LVKRQRI6LGQH\ZHUH DWDP6DWXUGD\1RYHPEHUDWWKH$VVHPEO\ RI*RG&KXUFKLQ6LGQH\ZLWK3DVWRU/HV$QGHUVRQRIÀFLDWLQJ ,QWHUPHQW WRRN SODFH LQ WKH 6LGQH\ &HPHWHU\ 6LGQH\ 07 XQGHUWKHGLUHFWLRQRI)XONHUVRQ)XQHUDO+RPHRI6LGQH\0HPRULDOVPD\EHPDGHWRWKH)RXQGDWLRQIRU&RPPXQLW\&DUH RUDFKDULW\RIRQH·VFKRLFH5HPHPEUDQFHVFRQGROHQFHVDQG SLFWXUHVPD\EHVKDUHGZLWKWKHIDPLO\DWZZZIXONHUVRQVFRP &\QWKLDGLHGRQ6XQGD\2FWREHUDWWKH6LGQH\ +HDOWK&HQWHU([WHQGHG&DUH)DFLOLW\ Elvera Delzer, 64, Sidney, MT SIDNEY CHIROPRACTIC Walk-Ins Welcome Neck & Back Pain Relief Short Term Care 406-973-9730 | 314 S. Central .585IBNQNt'SJ4BU#Z"QQU & DIET CENTER AREA RECOVERY GROUPS MONDAYS: Noon — AA Group Trinity Lutheran Church Ed. bldg., 214 S. Lincoln Ave, Sidney. 6 p.m. – Al-Anon,Trinity Lutheran Church Ed. bldg., 214 S. Lincoln Ave, Sidney. 7 p.m. – AA meeting, Fairview Alliance Church, 704 S. Western Ave, Fairview. 8 p.m.— AA Group, Northern Pump & Compression, Watford City. Call 770-3603 or 770-2675 for directions or ride. TUESDAYS: 7 p.m. – NA meeting, Fellowship Baptist Church 2181 W. Holly St. (across from the fairgrounds), Sidney. 7 p.m. — AA Group Trinity Lutheran Church Ed. bldg., 214 S. Lincoln Ave, Sidney. WEDNESDAYS: 5:30 p.m. – 6REHU/LIH<RXQJ3HRSOH·V1$$$VWHSUHFRYHU\ group, 25 yr. old & younger, Trinity Lutheran Church Ed. bldg., 214 S. Lincoln Ave, Sidney. 8 p.m.— Al-Anon, Sanford Room, McKenzie Co. Public Library, Watford City. THURSDAYS: 8 p.m. – 1$PHHWLQJ0LOOHUV·&RUQHU:+ROO\6W6LGQH\ 8 p.m.— AA Group, Northern Pump & Compression, Watford City. Call 770-3603 or 770-2675 for directions or ride. SATURDAYS: 10 a.m. — *DPEOHUV$QRQ\PRXVDW0LOOHUV·&RUQHU6LGQH\ 9 a.m. & 7 p.m. — AA Group Trinity Lutheran Church Education bldg., 214 S. Lincoln Ave, Sidney. 8 p.m. – NA meeting, Fellowship Baptist Church, 2181 W. Holly St. (across from the fairgrounds), Sidney. SUNDAYS: 7 p.m. — AA Group Trinity Lutheran Church Ed. bldg., 214 S. Lincoln Ave, Sidney STATISTICS Lake Water Level Report Sakakawea Fort Peck Current Elevation .................... 1834.5 ............... 2224.0 /DVW:HHN·V(OHY ................... 1834.4 ............... 2223.9 One Year Ago ......................... 1831.4 ............... 2234.0 Release For Day (C.F.S.) ....... 13,000 ................. 5,000 Watford City Weather Data Source: North Dakota Agricultural Weather Network Date High Low Precip. Oct. 28 .................43 ........................ 20...........................0.00 Oct. 29 .................41 ........................ 22...........................0.00 Oct. 30 .................39 ........................ 23...........................0.00 Oct. 31 .................44 ........................ 28...........................0.00 Nov. 1 ..................52 ........................ 39................................T Nov. 2 ..................50 ........................ 28................................T Nov. 3 ..................55 ........................ 29...........................0.00 YTD Rainfall ...................................................................20.85 Sidney Weather Data Source: MSU Eastern Agricultural Research Center Date High Low Precip. Oct. 28 ....................... 38 ........................27 .....................0.00 Oct. 29 ....................... 51 ........................30 .....................0.03 Oct. 30 ....................... 63 ........................35 .....................0.04 Oct. 31 ....................... 44 ........................30 .....................0.00 Nov. 1 ........................ 54 ........................33 .....................0.00 Nov. 2 ........................ 57 ........................24 .....................0.00 Nov. 3 ........................ 53 ........................26 .....................0.00 Average YTD Precipitation .............................................19.69 6HUYLFHVIRU(OYHUD'HO]HURI6LGQH\07ZHUHDW SP 6DWXUGD\ 1RYHPEHU DW )XONHUVRQ 0HPRULDO &KDSHOZLWK)DWKHU1HG6KLQQLFNRIÀFLDWLQJ&UHPDWLRQIROORZHGWKHVHUYLFHV5HPHPEUDQFHVFRQGROHQFHVDQGSLFWXUHV PD\EHVKDUHGZLWKWKHIDPLO\DWZZZIXONHUVRQVFRP (OYHUDGLHGHDUO\:HGQHVGD\PRUQLQJ2FWREHU LQ%LOOLQJV07 Tayler Kittleson, 21, Fairview, MT )XQHUDOVHUYLFHIRU7D\OHU.LWWOHVRQRI)DLUYLHZ0RQW ZDVDWSP0RQGD\1RYHPEHUDW=LRQ/XWKHUDQ FKXUFKZLWK3DVWRU5REHUWD3LHUFHRIÀFLDWLQJ5HPHPEUDQFHV FRQGROHQFHVDQGSLFWXUHVPD\EHVKDUHGZLWKWKHIDPLO\DW ZZZIXONHUVRQVFRP 7D\OHUGLHGRQ:HGQHVGD\2FWREHUDWWKH7ULQLW\ +HDOWK&HQWHULQ0LQRW1' Fall Bazaar Nov. 9 6KHSKHUG RI WKH 9DOOH\ /XWKHUDQ &KXUFK LV KRVWLQJ LWV DQQXDO )DOO %D]DDU DQG %DNH 6DOH 6DWXUGD\ 1RYHPEHU IURPDPWRSP7DVW\KRWVRXSVDQGZLFKHVOXVFLRXV SLHDQGEHYHUDJHVZLOOEHDYDLODEOHWRSXUFKDVH*HWDKHDG VWDUWRQKROLGD\EDNLQJZLWKIUHVKEDNHGJRRGVDQGÀQGWKH SHUIHFWJLIWIURPDOOWKHJLIWEDVNHWVDYDLODEOH 6KHSKHUG RI WKH 9DOOH\ LV ORFDWHG DW (DVW +ROO\ LQ 6LGQH\0DNHSODQVWRFRPHDQGVSHQGWKHGD\RUMXVWKDYH OXQFKZLWKIULHQGV Richey Wreath Fundraiser Submitted by Jodi Williams 7KH 5LFKH\ +LJK 6FKRRO -XQLRU FODVV ZLOO EH VHOOLQJ ZUHDWKVIURPPLG2FWREHUWKURXJKWKHÀUVWSDUWRI1RYHPEHU 7KHZUHDWKVZLOODUULYHLQWLPHIRU\RXU&KULVWPDVGHFRUDWLQJ 'RQ·WNQRZZKDWWRJHWVRPHRQHIRU&KULVWPDV\RXFDQEX\ DZUHDWKDQGKDYHLWVHQWGLUHFWO\WRWKHP7KHZUHDWKVDUH ´JUHHQµWKHJUHHQHU\LVKDUYHVWHGIURPWKHIRUHVWVRIWKH3DFLÀF1RUWKZHVWQRWUHHVDUHFXWGRZQWKHSODQWPDWHULDOFDQ EHFRPSRVWHGDQGWKHPHWDOZUHDWKULQJVFDQEHUHF\FOHG 7KHGLIIHUHQWSURGXFWVDYDLODEOHDUHµFDQGOHZUHDWKµ ZUHDWKµZUHDWKµZUHDWKµUXVWLFZUHDWKµFURVV ZUHDWKµGRRUVZDJDQGIW&HGDUJDUODQGDOOZUHDWKV FRPHZLWKDERZ,I\RX·UHLQWHUHVWHGLQSXUFKDVLQJDZUHDWK IRU\RXUVHOIRUDVDJLIW\RXFDQFRQWDFW-RGLDWWKHVFKRRO 7KHZUHDWKVZLOOEHDUULYLQJDURXQG7KDQNVJLYLQJ 7KDQNVIRU\RXUVXSSRUW Watford City Chamber of Commerce Parade of Lights Reminder ,WLVWLPHWRVWDUWWKLQNLQJDERXWJHWWLQJ\RXUÁRDWUHDG\ IRU WKH 3DUDGH RI /LJKWV 7KH 3DUDGH RI /LJKWV LV KHOG RQ )ULGD\LPPHGLDWHO\DIWHU7KDQNVJLYLQJ7KLV\HDUWKDWGDWHLV 1RYHPEHUWKHSDUDGHLVVFKHGXOHGWRVWDUWDWSP &ORVHUWRWKHGD\ZHZLOOVHQG\RXDOHWWHUZLWKWKHLQIRUPDWLRQQHHGHGIRUWKDWHYHQLQJ)RUQRZDOOZHUHTXHVWLV \RXUUHJLVWUDWLRQDVDSDUWLFLSDQW :HKDYHFKRVHQ´7KH6SLULWRIWKH6HDVRQµIRURXUWKHPH WKLV \HDU 9DJXH" <HV DQG QR :KDW GRHV WKH &KULVWPDV VHDVRQPHDQWR\RXDQG\RXUV"+RZGR\RXFHOHEUDWH"*HW \RXUFUHDWLYHMXLFHVÁRZLQJDQGXVH\RXULPDJLQDWLRQIRUWKH EHVWÁRDWHYHU 7KH OLJKW SDUDGH LV QRW IRU FKDPEHU PHPEHUV RQO\ ,I \RXNQRZRIDJURXSRURUJDQL]DWLRQWKDWZRXOGOLNHWRKDYH DÁRDWRUSDUWLFLSDWHLQVRPHZD\SOHDVHDVNWKHPWRFRQWDFW WKH&KDPEHUDWRUZFFKDPEHU#UXJJHGZHVW FRP7KHPRUHWKHPHUULHU EVENTS SEND US YOUR EVENTS! THE ROUNDUP: PO Box 1207, 111 West Main, Sidney, MT 59270 406-433-3306 Fax: 406-433-4114 Email: Richland County Events in Sidney unless otherwise listed. MT Zone. Wed., Nov. 6 12 - 1 p.m. – Parents Cafe, Sidney Middle School band URRPEULQJ\RXUOXQFKZH·OOVXSSO\WKHFRIIHHWHD 3OHDVHVWRSLQVFKRRORIÀFHDQGFKHFNLQ)RUPRUHLQIR call Melissa Dean 406-433-4097. 1 p.m. – Fairview Senior Citizens (510 Central) meet for cards with meal at local cafe. Thurs., Nov. 7 12 a.m.— Savage Senior Center will host a meal. 12:30 p.m.– 1:15 p.m.– Rau School will be having a WUDYHOLQJ9HWHUDQ·V'D\3URJUDPDWWKH(ONV club, 1:15 at the Lodge, welcome to come to either SHUIRUPDQFH*UDGHVWKUX 12:45 - 1:45 p.m. — Sidney Senior Citizen Center, 813 3rd St. NE, SRWOXFNFDUGV0RUHLQIR 5 p.m. — TOPS, Crestwood NW entrance, Weigh-ins SP0HHWLQJSP Fri., Nov. 8 11:30 a.m. — Sidney Senior Citizen Center will be hosting a meal. For more info call 406-433-8077. 1 p.m. – Fairview Senior Citizens meeting, 510 Central, For more info. call Elaine Portra, 406-742-5635. 6 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. – 'XFNV8QOLPLWHG$QQXDO%DQTXHW Richland Fairground Events Center, for more info call Stacey 406-489-2004. Sat., Nov. 9 10 a.m.- 2 p.m. –6KHSKHUGRIWKH9DOOH\/XWKHUDQ &KXUFK$QQXDO)DOO%D]DDU%DNH6DOH( Holly St., Sidney, MT. 1 p.m. – Northeast Montana Land and Mineral Owners $VVRFKROGLQJWK$QQXDO0HHWLQJ)URLG&RPP Center. Sun., Nov. 10 1 p.m. — 6DYDJH6HQLRU&HQWHUFDUGVSRWOXFN 1 p.m. – 6RQVRI1RUZD\PHPEHUVKLSGLQQHU6LGQH\ 0RRVH/RGJHSHUWLFNHWHQWHUWDLQPHQWE\ Sunrise Brass. 6:45 p.m. — Sidney Moose Lodge Bingo, early bird 6:45 SPUHJXODUVHVVLRQSP Mon., Nov. 11 11:30 a.m. — Sidney Senior Citizen Center will be hosting a meal. For more info call 406-433-8077. 6:30p.m.— Sidney Moose Lodge Pinochle games. Tues., Nov. 12 7 p.m. – Sons of Norway will hold its regular monthly meeting at their lodge at 714 East Main Street., followed by a social time. Everyone welcome. For PRUHLQIRUPDWLRQFDOORU)UHGULF/DNHDW 480-4237. Wed., Nov. 13 1 p.m. – Fairview Senior Citizens (510 Central) meet for cards with meal at local cafe. Fri., Nov. 15 9 a.m. -12 p.m.– 6HQLRU&RPPRGLWLHVEDFNGRRURIWKH Nutter building, 123 W. Main. Sat., Nov. 16 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. –WK$QQXDO)DLUYLHZ&KDPEHURI Commerce Holiday Bazaar, Fairview High School. 5 p.m - 8 p.m. – Fairview Holiday Lighting of the Bridge, for more info call Joan Eldridge, 701-744-5346 RUHPDLOLURQZRUNVHOGULGJH#JPDLOFRP MCKENZIE COUNTY Events in Watford City unless otherwise listed. CT Zone. Wed., Nov. 6 1 p.m. – Bingo, Watford City Senior Center, 205 5th St. NW, for more info call 842-3760. Thurs., Nov. 7 9:30 a.m. - 3:40 p.m. – 0RWRU9HKLFOH'HSWZLOODWWKH Sanford Room, McKenzie Co. Public Library, 112 QG$YH1( 6 - 8 p.m.–:ULWLQJ:RUNVKRS2XU3HRSOH2XU3ODFH Pioneer Museum of McKenzie Co. Visitors Center, KDQGVRQZRUNVKRSVDUHGHVLJQHGIRUPHPEHUV of the community interested in honing their writing VNLOOVWRVLJQXSFRQWDFW-HVVLH9HHGHU6FRÀHOG 701-770-8659 or Tues., Nov. 12 6:30 p.m.– 7XUNH\%LQJR:DWIRUG&LW\+LJK6FKRRO &RPPRQV$UHDIRUÀUVWFDUGIRUHDFK DGGLWLRQDO7KHORFDO+ZLOOEHKDYLQJVRXS VDQGZLFKIXQGUDLVHUDQGEDNHVDOH 7 p.m.– Pinochle, Watford City Senior Center, 205 5th St. NW, for more info call 842-3760. View all monthly events on our calendar at ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2013 5 Farm Credit Provides $170,650 for Western North Dakota Medical and Emergency Services Rural Community Grant Fund Supports Communities Impacted by Oil and Mineral Exploration and Production Submitted by Teresa Kjellberg Western North Dakota communities received $170,650 LQJUDQWVIURP)DUP&UHGLWLQFOXGLQJÀYHJUDQWVIRUZRUWK\ FRPPXQLW\SURMHFWVWRVXSSRUWFLWLHVDQGWRZQVLPSDFWHGE\ RLODQGPLQHUDOH[SORUDWLRQDQGSURGXFWLRQ ´1RUWK 'DNRWD LV QRZ WKH VHFRQGODUJHVW RLOSURGXFLQJ VWDWH LQ WKH 8QLWHG 6WDWHV EULQJLQJ ERWK RSSRUWXQLW\ DQG FKDOOHQJHVWRWKHWRZQVDQGFLWLHVLQZHVWHUQ1RUWK'DNRWD 7KHVHJUDQWVUHSUHVHQWRXUFRPPLWPHQWWRLQYHVWLQJLQWKH QHHGV RI WKHVH FRPPXQLWLHV WKURXJK WKH 5XUDO &RPPXQLW\ *UDQW)XQGµVDLG%LOO<RUN&(2RI$JUL%DQN´7KLVLVDQRQ JRLQJSURJUDP2UJDQL]DWLRQVZLWKZRUWK\SURMHFWVFDQDSSO\ RQOLQH DW ZZZDJULEDQNFRP EHIRUH WKH QH[W UHYLHZ SHULRG GHDGOLQHRQ1RYµ AgriBank, Farm Credit Services of Mandan and Farm &UHGLW 6HUYLFHV RI 1RUWK 'DNRWD DQQRXQFHG WKH DZDUGV XQGHUWKH5XUDO&RPPXQLW\*UDQW)XQGZKLFKKDVDZDUGHG VLQFHLWEHJDQSURYLGLQJJUDQWVLQ7KHRUJD QL]DWLRQVVWDUWHGWKHIXQGWRVXSSRUWDYDULHW\RILQIUDVWUXFWXUH DQGGHYHORSPHQWSURMHFWVWKDWEHQHÀWFRPPXQLWLHVLQZHVWHUQ 1RUWK'DNRWDLQFOXGLQJDIIRUGDEOHKRXVLQJPHGLFDODQGÀUH HPHUJHQF\ VHUYLFHV PHGLFDO IDFLOLWLHV DQG VHUYLFHV DQG HGXFDWLRQ ´:HDUHSOHDVHGWREHDSDUWRIWKHUHFHQWURXQGRIJUDQW DSSURYDOV7KHQHHGVRIRLOLPSDFWHGUHJLRQVRIZHVWHUQ1RUWK 'DNRWDFRQWLQXHWREHHYLGHQWIURPWKHDSSOLFDWLRQVUHFHLYHG IRU)DUP&UHGLW·V5XUDO&RPPXQLW\*UDQW)XQG,HQFRXUDJH LQWHUHVWHGJURXSVWRUHYLHZRXUZHEVLWHVIRUEDFNJURXQGLQIRU PDWLRQDQGIRUZDUGWKHLUDSSOLFDWLRQVµVDLG0LFKDHO2·.HHIIH &(2RI)DUP&UHGLW6HUYLFHVRI0DQGDQ ´:HFRQWLQXHWREHDPD]HGDWWKHLPSDFWRLOH[SORUDWLRQ KDVKDGRQZHVWHUQ1RUWK'DNRWD:KLOHWKLVJLYHVXVPDQ\ RSSRUWXQLWLHVLWDOVRFRPHVZLWKPDQ\FKDOOHQJHV,WLVH[FLWLQJ WREHSDUWRIDFRPSDQ\WKDWJLYHVEDFNWRWKHFRPPXQLWLHV DQGLVGULYHQWRPDNHDGLIIHUHQFHIRUWKRVHPRVWLPSDFWHGµ VDLG&ODXGH6HP&(2)DUP&UHGLW6HUYLFHVRI1RUWK'DNRWD 2XUPLVVLRQLVWRSURYLGHSURGXFWVDQGVHUYLFHVWKDWH[FHHG FXVWRPHUH[SHFWDWLRQV $ZDUGHGUHFLSLHQWVLQFOXGHG 6RXWKZHVW+HDOWKFDUH6HUYLFHV%RZPDQIRU HPHUJHQF\URRPDQGDPEXODQFHHTXLSPHQW *DUULVRQ 0HPRULDO +RVSLWDO IRU HPHUJHQF\ URRPUHPRGHODQGH[SDQVLRQ 3RUWDO ,QWHUQDWLRQDO )LUH 'HSDUWPHQW IRU D rescue vehicle 0RXQWUDLO &RXQW\ 0HGLFDO &HQWHU 6WDQOH\ IRUHPHUJHQF\H[DPURRPHTXLSPHQWDQGDQ(.*PDFKLQH :LOOLVWRQ9ROXQWHHU)LUH'HSDUWPHQWIRUUHVFXH vehicle mounting 7KH5XUDO&RPPXQLW\*UDQW)XQGLVDFFHSWLQJDSSOLFD WLRQVIRUIXWXUHIXQGLQJWRIDFLOLWDWHLQIUDVWUXFWXUHLPSURYHPHQW ->ÛiÊ/iÊEÊiÞ 7Ì ÊÀi>Ì ÕV>Ìt -OBILE2ADIOS sTOWATTS sTOCHANNELS sSMALLEASYTOUSE 3TARTINGAT (AND(ELDS 4+ (AND(ELD 7ATTSWSCAN #ALL,ARRYTODAYAT *UST.ORTHOF-C$ONALDSs3IDNEY-4 OR4OLL&REE DQGGHYHORSPHQWLQLWLDWLYHVLQZHVWHUQ1RUWK'DNRWD$SSOLFD WLRQVDUHUHYLHZHGWKUHHWLPHVD\HDU,QWHUHVWHGSDUWLHVFDQ DSSO\DWZZZDJULEDQNFRPWKURXJK1RYIRUWKHQH[W DSSOLFDWLRQSHULRG*UDQWVDUHDZDUGHGLQEXWQRWOLPLWHGWR WKHIROORZLQJDUHDV 0XOWLSOHIDPLO\KRXVLQJ 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LQIRUPDWLRQYLVLWZZZIDUPFUHGLWPDQGDQFRP MonDak Area Stockgrowers Annual Meeting & Dinner Thursday, November 21st At The Sidney Elks Lodge Philippine Islands Fun Trip! February 9th - 23rd Personal guide shares retirement, medical, real estate, recreation & nightlife options in this tropical paradise! Seminars. Island-hopping. Guaranteed small tour group. Call Robert at 574-281-2683 (406) 433-4757 1-866-433-4757 222 2nd. Ave. SW Sidney, MT 59270 • Sports Injuries • DOT Physicals • Personal Injuries & Pain Conditions Party Central Has Supplies For: Class Reunions Family Reunions Parades • BBQ Parties Summer Events Give Us A Try! Stop On By! Rugged Butte Roughriders 4-H Steak Feed Alexander Fire Hall 4BU/PWUItQN $ 10/plate Everyone Welcome! We would like to thank everyone for their continued support! A financial services organization like no other 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Wide range of products and services Retirement strategies Annuities Life insurance Mutual funds Health insurance And other benefits of membership Call today. Social at 5:30 | Meeting & Dinner at 6 | Door Prizes &RPHKDYHDYRLFHLQ\RXULQGXVWU\DQGOHDUQDERXW FXUUHQWLVVXHVIDFLQJWKHEHHILQGXVWU\:HQHHG \RXWRPDNHRXUDVVRFLDWLRQZRUN\RXULQSXW\RXU LGHDVDQG\RXUSDUWLFLSDWLRQZLOONHHSWKLVLQGXVWU\ VWURQJXQLWHG Guest Speaker: Harvey Senn, FIC Financial Associate Ronald Gebhardt, FIC Financial Associate !(-+&/!2% (!1 Toll-free 877-433-6143 Wayne Fahsholtz Manager of PadLock Ranch & Regional Environmental Stewardship Award Winner $QQXDO$ZDUGV2IÀFHU(OHFWLRQV ,I\RXDUHLQWHUHVWHGLQVHUYLQJDVDQRIÀFHURU GLUHFWRUSOHDVHFRQWDFW.HLWK'\QQHVRQ Meeting and Dinner sponsored by Anderson Vermeer. Thank You! Insurance products issued or offered by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Appleton, WI. Not all products are available in all states. Securities and investment advisory services are offered through Thrivent Investment Management Inc., 625 Fourth Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55415, 800-847-4836, a FINRA and SIPC member and a wholly owned subsidiary of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. Thrivent Financial representatives are registered representatives of Thrivent Investment Management Inc. They are also licensed insurance agents of Thrivent Financial. For additional important disclosure information, please visit 20328 R5-13 ©2013 Thrivent Financial for Lutherans 672630 6 ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2013 Make It With Sugar Contest Winners The Roundup held its annual Make It With Sugar contest Friday, October 25 in conjunction with Harvest Festival. Reese DQG5D\·V,*$ZDVWKHJUDFLRXVKRVWIRUWKHHYHQW Thank you to everyone who entered- the judges had a really hard time choosing the winners. Thank you also to all WKH EXVLQHVVHV WKDW SURYLGHG SUL]HV WR 6LGQH\ 6XJDUV IRU SURYLGLQJ ´H[SHUWµ MXGJHV DQG WR 5HHVH DQG 5D\·V ,*$ IRU allowing us to have the contest in their deli. $QQH%DEE6DYDJHZDVWKHKDSS\ZLQQHURIWKH3HRSOH·V&KRLFH$ZDUGD Joyce Sifers, 1st Place Cake winner with her prize of cake and cupcake items 5HHVH5D\·V,*$JLIWFDUG from Cooks on Main, Williston. Nicole LeFlors, 1st 3ODFH 2WKHU ZLWK KHU HOHFWULF VNLOOHW IURP )DUP +RPH JoAnn Taylor, 1 3ODFH%UHDG5ROOVZLWKKHUJLIWFHUWLÀFDWHIURP)LUHVLGH Supply. She also won 1st Place Candy and took home 50# sugar from Sidney 6XJDUVDQGD0RQWDQD6LOYHUFRRNERRNFRXUWHV\RI&+6)DUPHUV(OHYDWRU Café. st Joan Bell, 1st3ODFH&RRNLHVZRQDJLIWFHUWLÀFDWHIURP3ODQHW+DLU Kysa Rasmussen, 1st Place Pie, with her prize of pie making items from Johnson +DUGZDUH)XUQLWXUH ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2013 7 “Make It With Sugar” Winning Recipes Buttermilk Coconut Pie Makes 1 (8 or 9 inch) pie Prep time: 25 minutes Bake time: 1 hour Single piecrust: 3 eggs $OOSXUSRVHRUEOHDFKHGÁRXU 1 ½ c. sugar ½ c. butter, melted and cooled ¾ c. buttermilk 1 tsp. vanilla 1 c. shredded coconut Preheat oven to 3500F. Prepare pie crust as directed; do not bake. In a medium mixing bowl, whisk together the eggs, ÁRXU VXJDU PHOWHG EXWWHU EXWWHUPLON DQG YDQLOOD ZKLVN XQWLO smooth. Stir in the shredded coconut. Pour mixture into unbaked pie shell. Bake 1 hour or until the center is set. Caramel Popcorn 1 14 oz. can sweetened condensed milk 1 c. white corn syrup 1 lb. brown sugar ½ c. butter 6 packages microwave popcorn-popped Put popcorn in a bowl. Put all ingredients in a microwave safe bowl except popcorn. Stir. Cook for 3 minutes and sir. Once it starts to boil, boil for 4 minutes. Stir and pour over popcorn. Mix well. Divinity 3 c sugar ¾ c light corn syrup ½ c water 2 egg whites 1 tsp. almond extract 1 c. chopped walnuts or pecans Place sugar, corn syrup, and water in heavy saucepan. Cook and stir over medium heat to hardball stage (248oF). Remove from heat and let stand until temperature drops to 2200F,without stirring. Place egg whites in mixer bowl. Attach bowl and wire whip to mixer. Turn speed 8 and whip about 1 minute, or until soft SHDNVIRUP*UDGXDOO\DGGV\UXSLQÀQHVWUHDPDQGZKLSDERXW 2 ½ minutes longer. Turn to speed 4. Add almond extract and whip 20 to 25 minutes, or until mixture starts to become dry. Turn to stir speed and add walnuts, mixing just until blended. Drop mixture from measuring tablespoon onto waxed paper or greased baking sheet to form patties. Yield: 20 servings (2 pieces per serving) Per serving: About 192 cal, 2 g pro, 40 g carb, 4 g fat, 0 mg chol, 15 mg sod. Macadamia Cookies Yield 6 dozen ôFDOOSXUSRVHÁRXU 2 tsp. baking soda 2c. butter, softened 1 ½ c. packed brown sugar ½ c. white sugar 2(3.4 oz.) packages instant vanilla pudding mix 4 eggs 2 tsp. vanilla extract 4 c. white chocolate chips 2 c. chopped macadamia nuts Preheat oven to 350 0)6LIWWRJHWKHUWKHÁRXUDQGEDNLQJ soda, set aside. In large bowl, cream together the butter, brown sugar, and white sugar. Beat in the instant pudding mix until EOHQGHG6WLULQWKHHJJVDQGYDQLOOD%OHQGLQWKHÁRXUPL[WXUH Finally, stir in the chocolate chips and nuts. Drop cookies by rounded spoonfuls onto ungreased cookie sheets. Bake for 10 to 12 minutes in the preheated oven. Edges should be golden brown. Pumpkin Cake Bars 4 eggs 1- 29oz. can pumpkin 1 ½c. sugar ½ tsp. salt 1 tsp. ginger ½ tsp. cloves 2 tsp. cinnamon 1 yellow cake mix ½ c. melted butter FFKRSSHGSHFDQVGRQ·WKDYHWRXVHWKLVPDQ\ Mix eggs, pumpkin, sugar, salt, ginger, cinnamon, and cloves together. Pour into 9x13 pan. Sprinkle with dry cake mix. Drizzle melted butter over cake, spread chopped nuts over all. Bake at 3250F for 1 hour and 20 minutes. Cover with IRLOORRVHO\WRNHHSIURPEURZQLQJWRRVRRQIRUWKHÀUVW minutes, uncover and bake another 40-45 minutes. Serve with whipped cream. Yield 24 bars. (We like it better cold.) Salted Caramel Cream Pie Bites Crust: FÁRXU 1/3 c. oil ½ tsp. salt 2 T. cold water Mix all ingredients together until well mixed. Put approxiPDWHO\7RIGRXJKLQWRHDFKPLQLPXIÀQWLQ3UHVVGRXJKLQWR HDFKPXIÀQFXSDURXQGWKHERWWRPDQGVLGHVRIWKHFXS%DNH at 350 degrees until golden brown approximately 15 minutes. Let fully cool. Filling: ½ c. brown sugar 2 T butter ½ c. vanilla ice cream 1 8oz block cream cheese (room temp.) ½ c. whip topping sea salt for garnish Put the brown sugar, butter, and ice cream into a pan and bring to boil. Boil for one minute and let cool. (I put in the refrigerator for 45 minutes.) Reserve 1 T of caramel sauce to drizzle on top of pie bites. Use a mixer to mix and smooth the block of cream cheese. Mix the caramel into the cream cheese and fold in ½ cup of whipped topping. Use a piping bag to put WKHÀOOLQJLQWRWKHFUXVWGUL]]OHZLWKFDUDPHODQGVDOWDQGHQMR\ Sweet Rolls 4 ½ C milk, scalded 1 C shortening 1 C mashed potatoes (use instant potatoes if you wish) 2 T self rising yeast 1 tsp. baking soda 1 tsp. nutmeg 1 C raisins (optional) 1 C sugar 2 tsp. baking powder 3 tsp. salt 6 eggs, beaten Flour to make a soft dough (approx.12-14 C) Start with 8 cups, add up to 14 C. The softer the dough the better the better-just so you can barely handle it without it being too sticky. Let beat only for 2-3 min. Scald milk, cool to lukewarm. Add yeast, sugar, shortening, mashed potatoes, soda, salt, baking powder, and nutmeg. Add HQRXJKÁRXUWRPDNHDEDWWHUDERXW&0L[ZHOOXQWLOVPRRWK $GGUDLVLQVDQGHJJV$GGPRUHÁRXUWRPDNHDVRIWGRXJK Knead or mix lightly. Let rise until double. Punch down and let ULVHDJDLQ$IWHUVHFRQGULVLQJVSUHDGRXWRQDOLJKWO\ÁRXUHG surface. Spread with softened (not melted) butter, brown sugar, and cinnamon. Roll up tightly like a jelly roll. Pull a thread or string through to make about one inch slices. Place on a greased cookie sheet not touching. Let rise till light. Bake at 375 degrees for approximately 15 minutes or until lightly browned.Frost with buttercream frosting. Makes approx. 45 sweet rolls. Variation: For orange rolls, spread with a mix of 1/3 C melted butter 1 ½ C sugar and the rind of one orange. Frost with buttercream frosting to which orange juice and rind have been added. Grate the peel of 3 oranges. Squeeze oranges. *** This dough makes fabulous dinner rolls. Just omit the nutmeg and form as desired. 8 ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2013 Best of Luck Sidney Eagles at the Class "A" Divisional Volleyball Tourney Thurs-Sat, Nov 7-9 | Glendive High School 4JEOFZ&BHMFTWT-BVSFMt5IVSTEBZtQN Front Row (L-R): Lexi Prevost, Daryn Wolff, Rietta Iversen, Reanna Peterson, Erin Harris, Colin Moran, mgr. Back Row (L-R): Kortney Mayer, Mattie Steinley, Aubrey Kessel, Ciara Sinks, Holly Papineau, Lindsey Minow, Malorie Cvancara, Hailey Steinbeisser. East-Mont Enterprises Inc. Olson Plumbing & Heating &DQG\3DSHU*RRGV &OHDQLQJ6XSSOLHV 0RUH SK & S QG6W1:6LGQH\ 32%R[6LGQH\07 OIL FIE LD ES IC RV "! Wholesale Distributors . Inc SE 406-433-2910 (/.5,9(5 35,17,1* Your 1-Stop Full-Service Print Shop ALL COMMERCIAL PRINTING Full Color Marketing Materials $ !$!# ! 6LGQH\07 ZZZULFKODQGIFXFRP Mon-Fri: 8am - 5pm Sat: 9am - 1pm Regal Eagle Casino & Lounge ACTION AUTO (0DLQ 6LGQH\07 Sidney & Roosevelt County Office In Culbertson %/8(52&. 352'8&76&2 501 9th Ave NE, Sidney 406-433-3403 :+ROO\6W PIZZA & FINE FOODS Don’t Forget... It’s All About Saying Goodbye 6RIWVKHOO6DWXUGD\ 7DFR7XHVGD\ 7DFR%UDYR7KXUVGD\ Fulkerson Funeral Home 6HFRQG6W1: 6LGQH\07 HPDLOIIK#IXONHUVRQVFRP ZZZIXONHUVRQVFRP 6DOHV6HUYLFH,QVWDOODWLRQ Sidney, MT 406-433-1983 724 S. Central Ave Sidney, MT 406-433-2295 ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2013 9 Energy Share Montana: Thirty Years & Running 6XEPLWWHGE\%DUEDUD 5REHUWV Thirty Years and Running this heating season Energy Share of Montana, DSULYDWHQRQSURÀWRUJDQL]Dtion, celebrates 30 years of helping Montanans who are experiencing energy emergencies. Since 1983 Energy Share has provided onetime help for people facing loss of heat or lights in their home due to unforeseen circumstances, and have no resources to pay for it WKHPVHOYHV,QLWVÀUVWKHDWLQJ season Energy Share helped 681 Montana families; peaked at 3,161 in 2008, and last heating season helped 2,281 families. Examples of situations Energy Share helps with include households with high PHGLFDO ELOOV À[HG RU ORZHU incomes, the unemployed or under-employed, and many others. Energy Share contracts with the ten Human Resource Development Councils (HRDCs) around the state to process its applications. Since the HRDCs also work with the federally-funded Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP) the partnership works well for people looking for help with their energy needs. “Over the last two heating seasons Energy Share helped 443 families in this area,” said Brian Steffen, CEO of Action for Eastern Montana in Glendive. Energy Share provides a valuable resource for our lower-income population and we are glad to be a part of that network. Even though there are good-paying jobs in the area now due to the oil and JDV ÀHOGV WKHUH DUH PDQ\ many people in our area whose income has not kept pace with the cost of living increase. We need Energy Share as much now as we ever have. Energy Share applications may be obtained at Action for Eastern Montana at 1-800-2270703 or 377-3564. Normally applicants are asked to see if they qualify for LIEAP prior to applying for Energy Share, but the best course Holiday Bazaar, Fireworks Nov. 16 In Fairview %\'LDQQH6ZDQVRQ Start the holiday season with a bang Saturday, November 16 in Fairview. The day starts with the popular +ROLGD\%D]DDUIURPDP to 3 p.m. at the Fairview High School. With over 35 tables, there will be lots of Christmas gift ideas, baked goods and treasures for the shopper. Concessions will also be available. The fun day continues ZLWKWKHDQQXDOÀUHZRUNVDQG Holiday Lighting of the Fairview Bridge beginning at 5 SP7KHÀUHZRUNVWDNHSODFH at 7 p.m. To celebrate the 100th birthday of the bridge, the Fairview Chamber of Commerce and Friends of the Fairview Bridge are sponsoring free chili, birthday cake, coffee and hot chocolate served up by Zion Luther Li- co-workers to raise bail in the form of contributions to the March of Dimes, Montana. The March of Dimes mission is to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects and infant mortality. Support Jail & Bail Wednesday, November 6 to raise funds for the March of Dimes and its programs to improve the health of Sidney and the surrounding commuQLW\·V PRWKHUV DQG EDELHV Founded in 1938, the March of Dimes funds programs of Energy Share is a 501(c)(3) RUJDQL]DWLRQ VR GRQDWLRQV are tax-deductible. For more information call Energy Share statewide office at 1-888779-7589, or visit 3LH,FH&UHDPDW&UHVWZRRG,QQ research, community services, education, and advocacy to save babies and in 2003 launched a campaign to address the increasing rate of premature birth. 'RQ·WJHWQLFNOH GLPHGIRU\RXU RQOLQHQHZV GLOCK SALE! 50 Buy Any Glock Pistol In Stock And Receive A Gift Card Worth: $ Several models & Calibers to choose from! Energy Share donation envelopes or pledge cards in your utility bill or Rural Montana PDJD]LQHLQ1RYHPEHU2QH hundred percent of private GRQDWLRQVDUHXVHGÀUVWLQWKH area from which they came. tes. Santa will also be at the bridge, -XQLRU&DWKROLF'DXJKWHUV&RXUW0RWKHU&DEULQL6LGQH\JDWKHUHGDW&UHVWZRRG,QQ handing out candy WRVHUYHSLHDQGLFHFUHDPWRWKHUHVLGHQWV$IWHUZDUGWKH\HQMR\HGSOD\LQJ+DOORZHHQ and visiting with e v e r y o n e . T h e %LQJRZLWKWULFNR·WUHDWVDVSUL]HV$GXOWOHDGHU7ULVKD.OHPSHOLQYLWHVDOO&DWKROLFJLUOV fireworks are al- DJHWRWRMRLQWKHPIRUIXQDQGVHUYLFHHDFKPRQWK6XEPLWWHGE\3DXO0DUWLQHDX ways spectacular and this year promises to be even more special. Bring the entire family and enjoy all the festivities. March of Dimes 2013 Jail & Bail 6XEPLWWHGE\0DULD 0DUHV5HHG Wednesday, November 6, from 11:00am – 2:00pm DW 0LOOHUV· &RUQHU RI 6LGQH\ business leaders and other FLWL]HQV ZLOO EH YROXQWDULO\ arrested, booked and jailed in WKLVIXQGUDLVHUEHQHÀWLQJWKH March of Dimes. They will be ÀQJHUSULQWHGKDYHWKHLUPXJ shot taken and go before a “judge”, for sentencing before being locked up. Jailbirds will then spend time behind bars phoning family, friends and of action for someone in need is to contact the energy assistance office at Action for Eastern Montana and explain their situation. If you are interested in helping a neighbor in need, look for Sale ends Sat, Nov 16 Hunting Licenses | Gift Cards | Big Bucks Welcome Kids, Earn $$$ Join The Roundup Carrier Team! 100 $ Signing Bonus!* Plus Cold Weather Bonus During the Winter Months & Periodic Raises! Routes Available In Many Sidney Neighborhoods! Call Erin at (406)433-3306 for details. 4$FOUSBM"WFt4JEOFZ.5 .PO'SJBNQN 4BUBNQN oo *Distributed over a 5 month period. 10 ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2013 Eastern “C” Volleyball Tourney 5IVSTEBZ4BUVSEBZ/PWt4JEOFZ)JHI4DIPPM Thursday, Nov. 7 9 am .................................................................... Scobey vs Circle PIZZA & FINE FOODS 10:30 pm.................................................. MonDak vs Garfield Co. 12 pm...............................................................Wibaux vs Bainville 1:30 pm................................................................Terry vs Fairview 4 p.m.................................Froid/Lake vs winner of Scobey/Circle game Back Row (L-R): MiKayla Lambert, Liz Rabbe, Samantha Holte, Caylee Holcomb, Mackenzie Butikofer, Carly Bowker, Somer Reidle, Joely Picard Front Row (L-R): Alisia Lozano, Elise Romo, Cheyla Bruce Abby Reidle, Stephanie Egemo, Macala Adkins :+ROO\6W Bainville Back Row (L-R): Abby Lebsock, Hannah Hardy, Faith Vitt, Amie Taylor, Caitlin Yadon, Haelee Spaabeck Middle Row (L-R): Amber Friesz, Bailey Schriver, Alexis Gustafson, Trisha Hurley Front Row (L-R): Amanda Otterstetter, Erin Cozzens, Jaena Cotter Bainville, MT 406-769-2871 EST. 1972 KEG Fairview )DPLO\'LQLQJ 2SHQSP7XH)UL SP6DW6XQ )DLUYLHZ Back row (L-R): Assistant Coach Jennifer McClure, Chantelle Strandlund, Kaylee Rasmussen, Aniston Young, Tessa Slater, Jennifer McBride, Randi Azure, Morgan Haynie, Coach KenTaylor. Middle row (L-R): Hanna Haynie, Lacey Hove, Lexie Spencer, Nicole Kirby, Cheyenne Danielson, Alicia Mason, Abbie Duebner, Ryah Young. Front row (LR): Manager Bryanna Seidel, Manager Rachel Azure (not pictured Paige Robertson). ZZZQHPRQWQHW Froid/Lake Mon-Kota, Inc. CU Open 9am - 4pm Monday - Friday 406-742-5203 Chris & Amy Ator Owners 32%R[0DLQ6WUHHW 0HGLFLQH/DNH07 7ROO)UHH &HOO PDUDWKRQ#QHPRQWHOQHW Marty Shaide Fairview, MT (701)-744-9051 (406)-489-1441 We Support the Red Hawks! DanielsSheridan R Federal Credit Union Your savings federally insured to $250,000. National Credit Union Adm., a U.S. Govt. Agency 6HUYLQJ'DQLHOV6KHULGDQ 1RUWK9DOOH\&RXQWLHV 6FREH\07 32%R[ 0HGLFLQH/DNH07 32%R[ Open 10am - 2am Daily 401 Ellery Avenue Fairview, MT 406-742-8110 Steakhouse Hours: 11am - 9pm, Sun - Thurs 11am - 10pm, Fri & Sat 3½ miles north of Fairview on Hwy 58 RDVLV#PLGULYHUVFRP Western Bank of Wolf Point 111 3rd Ave. S Wolf Point 653-5500 ! ! ! 406-742-5549 MEDICINE LAKE AG SUPPLY MARATHON SEED CLEANING Fertilizer & Irrigation Sales & Service Fairview, MT 701-844-5300 6(OOHU\ Mon-Fri: 8am - 5pm Sat: 9am - 1pm Froid Grocery llc. 406-766-2413 Dan Cayko (406)-480-5665 Marty Shaide (406)-489-1441 # ! +85/(<·6 2,/),(/'6(59,&(6 Homestead Elevator Homestead, Froid 406-963-2343 406-742-5312 Fairview, MT ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2013 11 Open House for Recipients of the Presidents Award 6XEPLWWHGE\0DU\ 6XQGKHLP $OORI5LFKODQG&RXQW\ :HOFRPHRQ1RYHPEHU IURP 30 30LQWKH&RPPXQLW\6HU YLFHV%XLOGLQJ&RQIHUHQFH 5RRPV The Richland County Health Department nominated our Commissioners for years of support and dedication to the health and safety of our community. They are an intricate part of Public Health policy development. As members of the Board of Health they are responsive to the needs of the community. The Richland County Strategic Plan Steering Committee supported the nomination by saying: “We are pleased to nominate the Richland County Commissioners for the MPHA (Montana Public Health AsVRFLDWLRQ3UHVLGHQWV·$ZDUG The Richland County Strategic Plan Steering ComPLWWHH ZRUNV WR HQVXUH WKDW the issues facing Richland County are identified and that there are multi-faceted action groups addressing the issues. The process is community driven and is supported both time and financially by the County Commissioners. They understand that involving the community in identifying and solving challenges in RichODQG&RXQW\LVWKHEHVWZD\ to lead in these ever changing times. The commissioners understand and appreciate the community building proFHVV DV D ZD\ WR PDQDJH DQ HIÀFLHQW DQG WUDQVSDUHQW county government. The county commissionHUVDUHDOVRZLOOLQJWRVKDUH information and share reVRXUFHVZLWKFRXQWLHVLQWKH region. Moreover, they have VKRZQ OHDGHUVKLS VWDWHZLGH by being innovative in their approach to Quality of Life and Public Health issues. The strategic planning process has been in place for the last six years and its integration ZLWKWKHFRXQW\JURZWKSROLF\ has been innovative. The IUDPHZRUNWKDWKDVEHHQODLG in Richland County can be duplicated in counties across Montana. :HIHHOWKDWWKHZRUNRI the Richland County Com- missioners and their support of the community building SURFHVV LV ZRUWK\ RI WKH 03+$ 3UHVLGHQWV· $ZDUG We highly recommend them for this honor. Fish & Wildlife Commission Seeks Comment On Wolf Rule The Montana Fish & :LOGOLIH&RPPLVVLRQLVVHHNing comment on proposed amendments to rules that SURYLGH IRU ODQGRZQHUV RU WKHLUDJHQWVZLWKRXWDKXQWLQJ OLFHQVHWRWDNHDZROIWKDWLV a potential threat to human VDIHW\OLYHVWRFNRUSHWV The proposed rule DPHQGPHQWV ZRXOG SURYLGH DPHDQVWRFDUU\RXWDQHZ VWDWHODZZKLOHHQVXULQJWKH ODZIXO WDNH DQG UHSRUWLQJ LV IRUPDOO\ GHÀQHG DQG DXWKRrized. Proposed amendments DOVR UHÁHFW YDULRXV XSGDWHV and clarifications identified VLQFHWKHZROIZDVGHOLVWHG Public hearings to dis- cuss the rule are scheduled to VWDUWDWSPRQWKHIROORZLQJ dates: Dec. 2 Bozeman FWP Region 3 HQ; 1400 S. 19th St. Dec. 3 Great Falls FWP Region 4 HQ–via video–4600 Giant Springs Rd. Dec. 3 Billings FWP Region 5 HQ–via video–2300 /DNH(OPR'U Dec. 3 Helena FWP HQ; (WK$YH Dec. 4 Kalispell 490 N. Meridian Rd. Dec. 9 Missoula 3201 Spurgin Rd. ' H F * O D V J R Z FWP Region 6 HQ–via vid- HR²86+Z\: Dec. 10 Miles City FWP Region 7 HQ–via video–352 I-94 Business Loop. Copies of the draft rule and comment forms are availDEOH RQOLQH DW IZSPWJRY &OLFN´3XEOLF1RWLFHVµ Public comment on the GUDIW UXOH ZLOO EH DFFHSWHG through, Dec. 20. $ ÀQDO UXOH ZLOO FRQVLGered for approval by the Fish & Wildlife Commission in Spring 2014. For more information, call 406-444-2612, RU YLVLW WKH ):3 ZHEVLWH DW IZSPWJRY 5 L F K O D Q G & R X Q W \ &RPPLVVLRQHUV /5 'XDQH 0LWFKHOO /RUHQ <RXQJ6KDQH*RUGHU 'RQ·WJHWQLFNOH GLPHGIRU\RXURQOLQH QHZV 1HHGD&DWHUHU" 55RRVWHU%%4&DWHUVLQ6LGQH\ 6PRNHG3ULPH5LE %HHI%ULVNHW 3XOOHG3RUN 5LEV&KLFNHQ 6HDIRRG %DUEHFXH 6SHFLDOWLHV 7UDGLWLRQDO )DYRULWHV ,Q+RXVH&KHI 6LW'RZQ %XIIHW6HUYLFH +ROLGD\3DUWLHV :HGGLQJV 6SHFLDO2FFDVLRQV 6DIHW\0HHWLQJV p O e n y Hou a d i lo se H 4BUVSEBZ/PWFNCFStBNQN One Day Only | Refreshments | Prizes | Fun We have: t1VSTFTt+FXFMSZ t4DBSWFTt)PU5PPMT t'VMM-JOFPG/BJM1SPEVDUT t)BJS&YUFOTJPOT t$SFXGPS.FO t/FX)FNQ[ t.BOZ#PEZ)BJS$BSF 1SPEVDUT -REVLWH'HOLYHU\ 55RRVWHU<RXU%DUEHFXH (YHQW3ODQQLQJ %RRN\RXU+ROLGD\3DUW\7RGD\ Specials On Select Items! Look Fabulous For Your Holiday Parties Or Get A Jump On Holiday Shopping 12 ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2013 Building in Richland County By Kyle Osborne With all of the new development in Richland County it seems hard to keep track of everything that is going on. While subdivisions are appearing everywhere, buildings are being built as fast as possible throughout the county. With all of the new development it is important that a person follows all of the right procedures. Building permits are an important part of this process and they like everything else have been updated. Some of the changes you can expect are, the costs of permits have increased, new application forms for your permit will need to EHÀOOHGRXWDQGWKHQHZZHESDJHIRUWKH%XLOGLQJ'HSDUWPHQW can be found at It is understood that people may have some questions on the process of receiving a building permit and when one is needed. Here are a few questions and answers that some people may have: 'R,QHHGFRQVWUXFWLRQSHUPLWVLQ5LFKODQG&RXQW\" Richland County does require permits. The County provides building permits. Electrical, mechanical, and plumbing permits are received from the State of Montana. :KRVKRXOGREWDLQWKHSHUPLW" Contractors, architects, engineers, or your agent can obtain permits. The home owners can also obtain the permits. :KHUHGR,JHWDSHUPLW" M O N TA NA POST FRAME MOVING POST FRAME FORWARD Specializing in custom post frame buildings for residential, agriculture, or commercial applications Zero-Interest-Loans Available Clear Spans Up to 170' SERVING: Call today for a free quote on your customized building: Townsend: 406-266-9966 Sidney: 406-318-2276 Building permits are issued by Building Inspector, Alton Hillesland, at 115 2nd6WUHHW6(7KH%XLOGLQJ2IÀFHLVRSHQ from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Or you FDQÀQGWKHSHUPLWDSSOLFDWLRQRQOLQHDWZZZULFKODQGRUJ7KLV application will still need to be taken to the Building Inspector for approval. For electrical, plumbing, and mechanical permits please contact the State of Montana at or call (406) 841-2056. +RZLVWKHFRVWRIDSHUPLWFDOFXODWHG" Fees are based on the valuation assigned to each individual project. Commercial and single family structures are assigned a value based on square footage. Remodels are determined by contract price or the estimated value of material and labor. The fee schedule per valuation can be found on and is following. 7KLVLVWKHÀUVWRIDVHULHVRIEXLOGLQJ articles to provide information that relates to building requirements and regulations. More information can be found at www.richland. orgor for assistance contact the Building ,QVSHFWLRQ2IÀFHDWnd ST SE, Sidney, MT 59270 or call (406) 433-2809. Charts continued on next page. Sidney Volleyball Action Reanna Peterson goes for a dig during volleyball action against Laurel on Saturday. The Eagles lost to Laurel and to Billings Central. The Eagles will play in Glendive on Thursday at 6 p.m. against Laurel at the divisional tournament. (Photo by Kathy Johnson) Now Available FROM TRUCKS TO TRACTORS— WE’RE FILTER-READY. Different colors in your shed? We’ve got you covered with high-quality Fleetguard filters for any application. With best-in-class warranties and OEM-quality protection, there’s a Fleetguard filter for every need—from popular heavy- and light-duty auto, truck and transit vehicles to off-highway and agricultural equipment. Protect your equipment—and be ready for anything—with Fleetguard. Paint & Supplies In Sidney At STOP IN TODAY TO SEE OUR WIDE, IN-STOCK SELECTION. ©2013 CNH America LLC. CNH and Case IH are registered trademarks of CNH America LLC. Any trademarks referred to herein, in association with goods and/or services of companies other than CNH America LLC, are the property of those respective companies. All rights reserved. TRI-COUNTY IMPLEMENT, INC. 2429 W HOLLY STREET SIDNEY, MT 592709213 406-488-4400 4$FOUSBM"WFt4JEOFZ.5]t'BY 5SJ'FDUB)PNF$FOUFS!MJWFDPN]0QFO.PO4BUBNQNt4VOQNQN ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2013 13 Richland County - Building Permit Fees Valuation 1,000 1,100 1,200 1,300 1,400 1,500 1,600 1,700 1,800 1,900 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 10,000 11,000 12,000 13,000 14,000 15,000 16,000 17,000 18,000 19,000 20,000 21,000 22,000 23,000 24,000 25,000 26,000 27,000 28,000 29,000 30,000 Cost $23.00 $23.08 $23.15 $23.23 $23.30 $23.38 $23.45 $23.53 $23.60 $23.68 $23.75 $56.00 $66.00 $76.00 $86.00 $96.00 $106.00 $116.00 $126.00 $136.00 $146.00 $156.00 $166.00 $176.00 $186.00 $196.00 $206.00 $216.00 $226.00 $236.00 $246.00 $256.00 $266.00 $276.00 $293.00 $298.00 $303.00 $308.00 $313.00 Valuation 31,000 32,000 33,000 34,000 35,000 36,000 37,000 38,000 39,000 40,000 41,000 42,000 43,000 44,000 45,000 46,000 47,000 48,000 49,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 80,000 90,000 100,000 110,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 600,000 700,000 800,000 900,000 1,000,000 1,100,000 1,200,000 1,300,000 1,400,000 Cost $318.00 $323.00 $328.00 $333.00 $338.00 $343.00 $348.00 $353.00 $358.00 $363.00 $368.00 $373.00 $378.00 $383.00 $388.00 $393.00 $398.00 $403.00 $408.00 $413.00 $454.00 $494.00 $534.00 $574.00 $614.00 $679.00 $949.00 $1,249.00 $1,549.00 $1,849.00 $2,319.00 $2,569.00 $2,819.00 $3,069.00 $3,319.00 $3,662.00 $3,842.00 $4,022.00 $4,202.00 Valuation 1,500,000 1,600,000 1,700,000 1,800,000 1,900,000 2,000,000 3,000,000 4,000,000 5,000,000 6,000,000 7,000,000 8,000,000 9,000,000 10,000,000 Richland County - Plan Review Fees Cost $4,382.00 $4,562.00 $4,742.00 $4,922.00 $5,102.00 $5,282.00 $7,082.00 $8,882.00 $10,682.00 $12,482.00 $14,282.00 $16,082.00 $17,882.00 $19,682.00 Manufactured Home Permit $150.00 Value 0-$50,000 Fee $90.00 $50,001-$250,000 $175.00 $250,001-$500,000 $290.00 $500,001-$750,000 $400.00 $750,001-$1,000,000 $525.00 OVER $1,000,000 $575.00 Date Adopted: October 31, 2013 WE HAVE LAND! You can own this 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 16x80, 1165 Sq. Ft. Model 702 $ home for 49,995 Date Adopted: October 31, 2013 Shop Small in Sidney November 30 Submitted by Wade VanEvery Small Business Saturday is a day dedicated to supporting small businesses across the country. Founded by American Express in 2010, this day is celebrated every year on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. This year, Small Business Satur-day is on November 30th. The Trade Promotion Committee has chosen to promote Sidney stores on this day, and will replace the Christmas Stroll the day after Thanksgiving. The traditional Parade of Lights will take place at 7 p.m. Friday, Nov. 29. A scavenger hunt contest through the retail stores is being planned for this day, as well as pictures with Santa Clause at the new Reynolds Market from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Easy Financing Available! Land available in Call For Details Culbertson & Williston J’z Fashions Grand Opening 108 S. Merrill, Glendive MT Caring Corner Gift Shop Fri & Sat, Nov 8 & 9 Prizes | Refreshments | Sales Open Mon–Sat: 7:30 am - 5:30pm Holiday Extravaganza 4 Days Only! City Brew Coffee In Our Coffee Shop Light Breakfast Includes Quiche & Dessert Items 20% OFF WINTER COATS /PWFNCFS Enjoy 10% Off Storewide SHOPPING HOURS: 8FE/PWUI1.t5IVST/PWUI".1. 'SJ/PWUI".1.t4BU/PWUI".1. UI"WF48t4JEOFZ.5 1IPOF 7JTJUVTPOMJOFXXXTJEOFZIFBMUIPSH We Have The Brands You Want! Men’s & Women’s t.POUBOBDP t/JD;PF t"EJLUE t$PMVNCJB t"EPSFt.JTT.F t3PDL3FWJWBM Footwear t"GGMJDUJPO t%BOTLP t'PY3BDJOH t"MMFHSJB t+PTFQI3JCLPGG t"FUSFY t4PDJFUZ t-JCFSUZ#MBDL t4OP4LJOT t$PSSBM t-3(t37$" t#FBS1BX#PPUT t#FODI t4QBOY t4BYY Jewelry, Handbags, Scarves, Luggage Brighton | American West | Michael Kors Colognes For Men & Women t1JDBEJMMZ t4PMP.PEB t#VGGBMPt5SJCBM t3PBSt3FOPJS t'SFODI%SFTTJOH t5SVMVYF+FBOT t-ZTFF 14 ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2013 C Reynold’s Market Reese & Ray’s IGA John Stockhill Jewelers Sales / Service / Installation Frontier Johnson Hardware Chad’s Furniture Sunrise Music Club Royal Casino Farm & Home Electricland High Caliber Sports & Main Appliance Tri-County Implement Quilts & More Path Eagle Country Ford )FBUJOHt3FGSJHFSBUJPOt"JS$POEJUJPOJOH 406-488-4657 All Your Building Needs 100 14th St SE Sidney, MT 406-433-2012 1-800-236-5787 Pro-Build ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2013 15 DPHHS, Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies Partner To Raise Awareness About Text4baby Submitted by Jon Ebelt The Department of PubOLF +HDOWK DQG +XPDQ 6HUYLFHV'3++6DQG+HDOWK\ Mothers Healthy Babies (HMHB) are partnering to raise awareness about text4baby, a free health text messaging service for pregnant women and new moms. 0RQWDQD)LUVW/DG\/LVD Bullock, a mother of three, says this service provides invaluable information and urges all Montana women to sign up. “I know from personal experience that the more knowledge I have at HYHU\VWDJHRIP\NLGV·OLYHV the better equipped I am as a mother to ensure they are healthy and happy,” she VDLG´7KDW·VZK\LQFUHDVLQJ awareness for this incredibly helpful program is so important.” '3++6'LUHFWRU5LFKDUG Opper said the state health department supports text4baby prevention messages and the communication tool being used. “Using text messages to reach out is a great way to get valuable information to people in a timely fashion,” he said. ,Q 6HSWHPEHU '3++6 and HMHB sent information about text4baby to pregnant women receiving Medicaid EHQHÀWV LQ 0RQWDQD XUJLQJ them to sign up for this free service. The mailing produced an immediate spike in text4baby participation statewide with several hundred more people signing up for the program. According to HMHB-Montana Executive 'LUHFWRU 0HOLVVD 6\QQHVV the text messages promote healthy eating, car seat safeW\H[HUFLVHDQGÀWQHVVVDIH sleep, quit smoking, prenatal care, labor and delivery and breastfeeding. The text messages are timed to a SUHJQDQWZRPDQ·VGXHGDWH and provide 1-800 numbers and other resources to learn more. “Those who sign up receive three free text messages each week with tips and the latest health information to help both mom and baby,” 6\QQHVVVDLG´(YHQSHRSOH ZKR GRQ·W KDYH D WH[W PHV- State’s Housing Program Wins National Award Submitted by Sarah Mudder The North Dakota Housing Incentive Fund (HIF) ZDV UHFRJQL]HG IRU LWV PHULW winning a 2013 Award for Program Excellence from WKH1DWLRQDO&RXQFLORI6WDWH Housing Agencies in the Rental Housing Encouraging New Production category. “The Housing Incentive Fund has been an incredible tool in developing affordable housing units across North Dakota,” said Jolene Kline, NDHFA acting executive director and fund administrator. ´,·PSOHDVHGWKDWZHDUHDEOH to share one of our success stories with our peers from across the country.” &DSLWDOL]HGE\FRQWULEXtions from state taxpayers, HIF provides the state with a means for developing affordable multifamily housing for essential service workers and low- to moderate-income families. During the 2011/2012 biennium, a $15 million program supported the development of 23 affordable housing developments. The program was reauWKRUL]HGE\WKHVWDWHOHJLVODture during the 2013 session. NDHFA received a $15.4 million general fund appropriation and the authority to issue up to $20 million in state tax credits to further FDSLWDOL]H +,) 7KXV IDU WKH agency has made conditional commitments to 18 new HIF projects. NDHFA plans to announce more funding commitments in November. The award was announced at the annual conference of state housing agencies in late October. HFAs in Rhode Island, ArL]RQD DQG /RXLVLDQD DOVR submitted entries in the same sub-category. NDHFA is a self-supportLQJVWDWHDJHQF\WKDWÀQDQFHV the creation and rehabilitation of affordable housing across North Dakota. The Industrial Commission, consisting of Governor Jack Dalrymple as chairman, Agriculture Commissioner Doug Goehring and Attorney General Wayne 6WHQHKMHP RYHUVHHV WKH agency. More information on HIF is available online at www. Predator Control Meeting 8&%/&4%":/07&.#&3t1. FOX LAKE SENIOR CENTER, LAMBERT Michael Foster, USDA-APHISWildlife Services, will explain the ins and outs of predator control. Livestock producers, hunters and anyone interested are encouraged to attend. FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT A COMMISSIONER: DUANE RICHLAND COUNTY MITCHELL, SHANE GORDER, LOREN YOUNG saging plan can still get the messages for free.” To sign up for the service, an individual can text BABY to 511411 or visit www. Then, enter WKH EDE\·V GXH GDWH RU WKH EDE\·VELUWKGD\DQG]LSFRGH Then, the free text messages DUH WLPHG WR WKH ZRPHQ·V GXH GDWH RU WKH EDE\·V ELUWK date. “Once you have your baby, be sure to text UPDATE WR ZLWK \RXU EDE\·V Pasture Rangeland and Forage Insurance Sales Closing Date Submitted by Doug Hagel 86'$·V 5LVN 0DQDJHment Agency (RMA) Billings 5HJLRQDO2IÀFHUHPLQGVSURducers in Montana and Wyoming that the sales closing date for the Pasture Rangeland and for ageinsurance program is November 15. In Montana a gridded rainfall index is used as a proxy for rangeland and forage production, and is intendHGWRUHÁHFWKRZPXFKSUHcipitation is received relative to the long term average for a VSHFLÀHGDUHDDQGWLPHIUDPH In Wyoming a gridded vege- tation index gathered by satellite is used to observe longterm changes in greenness RI YHJHWDWLRQ RI D VSHFLÀHG area since 1989. Producers can review historical grid data on the RMA website at www. Doug Hagel, Billings 5HJLRQDO 2IÀFH GLUHFWRU UHminds producers to contact their crop insurance agent for more information. For more information on how to find a crop insurance agent, go to agent.html. birthday so you keep getting PHVVDJHV XQWLO \RXU EDE\·V ÀUVWELUWKGD\µ6\QQHVVVDLG “If you want to stop receiving messages at any time, WH[W6723WR(QUROO today!” 6LQFH WH[WEDE\ ZDV launched in February 2010, the service has connected over 600,000 pregnant women and new moms to vital health and safety information nationwide. Currently in Montana there are about 2,500 text4baby users. This service is an education campaign of the National Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition that works with a broad range of partners to encourage the women they reach to take advantage of this free service. The messages are developed by the National Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies in collaboration with federal partners, physicians, nurses and naWLRQDOPHGLFDORUJDQL]DWLRQV Text messages are available LQERWK(QJOLVKDQG6SDQLVK HIGH PLAINS AUCTION & APPRAISAL CONDUCTING THE ~ KIM SANFORD ~ AUCTION 3!452$!9./6%-"%2[!- .AS!NIKNU[-=EJ3PNAAP[7EHHEOPKJ.$ &KN)JBKNI=PEKJ#=HH+EI!P AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Kim Sanford has been collecting for years and has decided to liquidate the majority of her collection. All items are extremely clean and well cared for. RED WING 9<>C1+6698E2?1/A381J-<9-5I9<>C1+66983<-2 /+0-<9-5I9?<1+66983<-2 /+0-<9-5A+>/<-996/<I3@/1+6698E6+<1/A381J-<9-5=I9?< 1+6698E6+<1/A381J-<9-5I30>//81+6698E6+<1/A381J-<9-5=I'/81+6698E6+<1/A381JA+>/<-996/<8963.I'2<//1+6698E=7+66A381JA+>/<-996/< 8963.I'A/8>C1+6698E6+<1/A381J-<9-5I312>1+6698E2?1/A381J-<9-5I312>1+6698E6+<1/A381J-<9-5I30>//81+6698E2?1/A381J-<9-5I'A/8>C F@/1+6698E2?1/A381J-<9-5I'/81+6698E2?1/A381J-<9-5=I'/81+6698E6+<1/A381J=/60.<+383814+<I'A91+6698E6+<1/A381J-<9-5=I'A9 1+66983<-2 /+0-<9-5=98/,6?/98/,6+-5I9?<1+6698E6+<1/A381J-<9-5=I&3B1+6698E6+<1/A381J-<9-5=I&3B1+66983<-2 /+0E6+<1/6/+0J -<9-5I&3B1+6698E6+<1/A381J,?>>/<-2?<8A63.I3@/1+6698E=7+66A381JA+>/<-996/<A63.I'A91+66983<-2 /+0-2?<8I'2<//1+6698E6+<1/A381J -2?<8I3@/1+6698A+>/<-996/<A63.I30>//81+6698E6+<1/A381JA+>/<-996/<-<9-5I'2<//1+6698E6+<1/A381J-2?<8899@+6I'2<//1+6698E=7+66 A381JA+>/<-996/<I&>98/A+</63.HF>=>2<//1+6698A+>/<-996/<I'2<//1+6698E6+<1/A381J4?1I%/.)381-+==/<96/.3=2H1<+C638/I%/.)381 =:981/A+</,9A6I%/.)381:6+8>/<I#8/1+6698E6+<1/A381J-<9-5<+</A63.I'2<//1+6698E6+<1/A381J-<9-5=I'A91+6698E6+<1/A381J -<9-5=I'2<//1+6698E=7+66A381JA+>/<-996/<8963.I3@/1+6698E=7+66A381JA+>/<-996/<8963.I3@/1+6698E=7+66A381J4?1I3@/1+6698E6+<1/ A381J4?1I&3B1+6698E6+<1/A381JA+>/<-996/<I30>//81+6698E6+<1/A381J-<9-5I'2<//1+6698E,//23@/J-<9-5I'A/8>CF@/1+6698-<9-5I<9A8 -<9-5I3@/1+66983<-2 /+0E,//23@/J4?1I9?<1+66983<-2 /+0-<9-5I'2<//1+6698-<9-563.I9?<1+6698<9A8A+>/<-996/<I'A91+6698<9A8 A+>/<-996/<I9>>97=318/.%/.)3814?1I)/=>/<8>A91+6698-2?<8I&>98/A+</:3-56/4+<,6?/,+8.=I(>3-+"/A*9<53-/A+>/<-996/<A63.+8. 0+-/I&>98/A+</,9A6=I&9?>2+59>+:9>>/<CI)+>>,9A6-966/->398A+.@/<>3=381I#8/1+6698%/.)38163.I#8/1+66980<?3>4+<<+</I'2<// 1+6698+6669-54+<A63. 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The ruling is expected to be made by the end RI WKH ÀUVW TXDUWHU RI 2014. The Keystone XL pipeline is a proposed 1,179 mile, 36 inchdiameter crude oil pipeline beginning in Hardisty, Alberta, Canada and extending south to Steele City, Nebraska. The pipeline will transport crude oil from Canada along with crude oil from producers in the Bakken region of North Dakota and Montana. The pipeline will have the capacity to transport 830,000 barrels of oil per day (bbl/d) to Midwest and *XOI&RDVWRLOUHÀQHULHV This will reduce American dependence on oil from the Middle East and Venezuela by up to 40 percent. Currently the U.S. is consuming County, MT. It would approximately 15 run southeast to a point million barrels of oil near Baker where an per day and nearly 60 percent of that is being imported from other countries. According to the Canadian Energy Research Institute &(5, RQHTXDUWHU RI Keystone XL’s capacity has been dedicated to transporting light crude oil produced in the Bakken region of North Dakota and Montana. Construction of the Keystone XL pipeline project will UHTXLUH DSSUR[LPDWHO\ 9,000 skilled American workers including: welders, electricians, ODERUHUV SLSHÀWWHUV mechanics, heavy HTXLSPHQW RSHUDWRUV safety coordinators and others. An additional 7000 U.S. jobs will be supported in manufacturing of steel SLSH ÀWWLQJV YDOYHV pumps and control devices. The pipeline will cross the Canada-U.S. border near the Port of Morgan in Phillips on-ramp would send oil from the Bakken towards South Dakota -«iV>â}ÊÊ,Ê Ì } /&&)#%s#%,, 3#%.42!,!6%.5%s3)$.%9-4 &!8s7%"3)4%7773/.$!33/,54)/.3#/- 3TEEL-ORE and Nebraska to Gulf through six counties in &RDVW UHÀQHULHV 7KH Montana. M o n t a n a ’ s planned route will run U.S. House of Representative Steve Daines said, “As the pipeline passes through, more than 800 good-paying jobs in Montana will be created and thousands more across the nation.” More than 165 top business leaders wrote to U.S. President Barack Obama and urged him to approve the pipeline, citing the EHQHÀWVWRWKHHFRQRP\ One business leader stated, “Approving this investment will send a powerful signal of this administration’s commitment to getting America back to work.” FACTS PLOHVRIWKH pipeline will run through Canada PLOHVRIWKH pipeline will run through the U.S. LQFKGLDPHWHU pipeline &DSDFLW\RI barrels of oil per day 3URMHFWHGLQVHUYLFH date of 2015 0HONE &AX 3#ENTRAL!VE3IDNEY-4 %MAILLES SLSERVICESNET #USTOMER3ERVICEIS/UR0RIORITY FORTHE/IL&IELD s0ROCESS3TEELs0LATEs(OT2OLL3HEET s2EBARs0IPE /ILlELD0IPELINE#ONSTRUCTION 0HONE#(!: &AX TH3T373IDNEY-4s3TE 7ILLISTONAND!REA s7&RONT3T7ILLISTON.$ s 3IDNEYAND!REA s#OUNTY2OAD3IDNEY-4 s s WWWPACIlCSTEELCOM We Buy Scrap! MBI Energy Services Currently seeking Class A CDL Drivers in ŽƵƌEůŽĐĂƟŽŶƐ Become a part of MBI’s team today! 701.575.8242 Apply online ÃÌÀÕVÌÊ>ÌiÀ>ÃÊUÊ iÜÊ-ÌiiÊUÊÕÕÊEÊ-Ì>iÃà "RADY3MELSERs4IM-ULHOLLANDs+ELLY-OODYs"RET3MELSERs%RNIE'AWRYLUKs+EN3YME 3IDNEY 'LENDIVE 7ILLISTON 0LENTYWOOD #2 74OWNE3T 7&RONT3T (WY%AST :H$UH<RXU2LOÀHOG6XSSO\ +HDGTXDUWHUV $OWN(OLE3UCKER2OD0UMPS 4UBING!NCHORSs'ATES (YDRAULIC(OSES"ELTS "ALON"ALL6ALVESs,INE0IPEs4UBING &ITTINGSs.ORRIS3UCKER2ODS 3TANLEY.$ 3IDNEY-4 sRPANDS MIDRIVERSCOM ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2013 17 North Dakota Fall Mule Deer ND Landowners Seek Doe Hunters Survey Completed 7KH 1RUWK 'DNRWD *DPH DQG )LVK 'HSDUWPHQW·V IDOO PXOH GHHU VXUYH\ LQGLFDWHG SURGXFWLRQ LQ ZDV KLJKHU WKDQLQ %LRORJLVWVFRXQWHGLQPXOHGHHULQWKH DHULDOVXUYH\LQ2FWREHU7KHEXFNWRGRHUDWLRRI LQLVVLPLODUWRWKHORQJWHUPDYHUDJHRIEXFNVSHU GRHZKLOHWKHIDZQWRGRHUDWLRRILQZDV WKHKLJKHVWVLQFHEXWVWLOOEHORZWKHORQJWHUPDYHUDJH RIIDZQVSHUGRH %UXFH6WLOOLQJVELJJDPHVXSHUYLVRULQ'LFNLQVRQVDLG WKH FRPELQDWLRQ RI QR DQWOHUOHVV KDUYHVW DQG PLOGHU ZLQWHU FRQGLWLRQVRYHUPXFKRIPXOHGHHUUDQJHLQDQG KDVSURYLGHGFRQGLWLRQVQHHGHGWREHJLQPXOHGHHUSRSXODWLRQ UHFRYHU\LQWKHEDGODQGV ´,QDGGLWLRQVXEVWDQWLDOUDLQIDOOWKLVVSULQJSURYLGHGPXFK LPSURYHGKDELWDWFRQGLWLRQVIRUIDZQLQJWKLV\HDUFRPSDUHG WRµ6WLOOLQJVVDLG :KLOH LW LV HQFRXUDJLQJ WR VHH PXOH GHHU QXPEHUV LQ FUHDVH IRU WKH VKRUWWHUP 6WLOOLQJV VDLG FKDOOHQJHV UHPDLQ IRUFRQWLQXHGSRSXODWLRQJURZWKLQFOXGLQJFKDQJHVLQKDELWDW TXDOLW\GXHWRIUDJPHQWDWLRQDQGGLVWXUEDQFHSUHGDWRUVDQG ZHDWKHU 7KHIDOODHULDOVXUYH\FRQGXFWHGVSHFLÀ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ÀF DUHDVWRUHGXFHGHHUSRSXODWLRQV ,QWHUHVWHGKXQWHUVFDQJHWWKHLUQDPHRQDOLVWRISRVVLEOH SDUWLFLSDQWVE\DFFHVVLQJWKH*DPHDQG)LVK'HSDUWPHQW·V ZHEVLWHDWJIQGJRY+XQWHUVZKRGRQRWKDYH,QWHUQHWDFFHVV FDQ FDOO WKH GHSDUWPHQW·V PDLQ RIÀFH LQ %LVPDUFN DW +XQWHUVZLOOSURYLGHWKHLUDGGUHVVKXQWLQJXQLWVZKHUH WKH\KROGYDOLGDQWOHUOHVVOLFHQVHVDQGLIXVLQJULÁHPX]]OH ORDGHU RU ERZ )URP WKLV OLVW WKH GHSDUWPHQW ZLOO VHOHFW WKH QXPEHURIKXQWHUVODQGRZQHUVKDYHDJUHHGWRKRVW7KHVH KXQWHUVZLOOEHVHQWWKHODQGRZQHU·VQDPHSKRQHQXPEHUDQG DQ\LQIRUPDWLRQUHODWLQJWRWKHODQGRZQHU·VVSHFLÀFVLWXDWLRQ +XQWHUVPXVWKDYHDYDOLGGHHUJXQOLFHQVH²WKH *DPHDQG)LVK'HSDUWPHQWGRHVQRWSURYLGHDKXQWLQJOLFHQVH ZLWKWKLVSURJUDP 1RWHYHU\RQHZKRVLJQVXSZLOOHQGXSZLWKDQHZSODFH WRKXQWEHFDXVHQRWHYHU\RQH·VVFKHGXOHZLOOPDWFKXSZLWK DODQGRZQHU·VDQGPRUHSHRSOHZLOOOLNHO\SXWWKHLUQDPHRQ WKHOLVWWKDQWKHUHDUHRSHQLQJV&XUUHQWO\SDUWLFLSDWLQJODQG RZQHUVKDYHRSHQLQJVIRUDERXWGRHKXQWHUV 1RUWK'DNRWD·VUHJXODUGHHUJXQVHDVRQUXQVIURP 1RY,QDGGLWLRQWKHDUFKHU\VHDVRQH[WHQGVWKURXJK -DQWKH\RXWKVHDVRQLV6HSWDQGPX]]OH ORDGHUUXQVIURP1RY²'HF 2013 Big Game Opening Dates 'HHU%RZ$XJ 3URQJKRUQ *XQ%RZ 7KHUH ZLOO QRW EH D SURQJKRUQ season %LJKRUQ6KHHS2FW%RZ2FW*XQ2QO\ORWWHU\ ZLQQHUV (ON8QLW(6HSW8QLW(2FW8QLW(6HSW 'HHU*XQ1RY 0RRVH8QLWV001RY 'HHU0X]]OHORDGHU1RY 6HH PRUH DW KWWSZZZQGWRXULVPFRPLQIRUPDWLRQ QRUWKGDNRWDKXQWLQJVHDVRQVGDWHVWKDVK.ZHDETV(GSXI WELOME HUNTERS! SPEND $100 OR MORE & SAVE 10% Come in & Shop Our Many In-Store Specials! Stop In For A Cold One After The Hunt! Busch Light 18 pk. Drive-Through Hours Mon-Sat: 10am - 8pm Sun: 1pm - 4:30pm Walk-In Hours Mon-Sat: 8am - 9pm Sun: 1pm - 5pm 701-444-3335 Highway 85 Watford City (Located in the Long X Visitor’s Centor) AFTER YOU BRING IN THE BIG ONE… Stop in & check out our cool specials! D& M’s Office 10 a.m.-1 a.m. Mon.-Sat. • 12-10 p.m. Sun. 701-842-6132 • 115 Main • Watford City, ND 13 $ OPEN 4 P.M. - 1 A.M. American Legion Club 701-444-3594 • 125 N Main • Watford City, ND “Friendliest Bar in Town” +Cold Beer +Darts +Pool +Pull Tabs CITY BAR Main St. • Watford City, ND • 701-444-4287 18 ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2013 2ND ROUND FOOTBALL PLAYOFFS 4"5/07t1. Western Bank of Wolf Point The Other Place )DPLO\&ORWKLQJ'U\*RRGV &XOEHUWVRQ07 CULBERTSON-BAINVILLE AT CHARLO 111 3rd Ave. S Wolf Point 653-5500 Come to RMC for your Healthcare Needs! Roosevelt Medical Center Clinic in Culbertson is accepting new patients. Come and see us for a personal style of caring for all! Appointments Available Monday–Friday 406.787.6400 Bainville, MT 406-769-2871 818 2nd Ave East, Culbertson Pioneer... The Quality Forage Source. Culbertson Football ZZZQHPRQWQHW ZZZULFKODQGIFXFRP Back (L-R): Coach Dave Helmer, Adam Buxbaum, Colton Zahn, Rhett Harmon, Garrett Reid, Shayne Cochran, Ethan Hendrickson, Jonathan Hilde, assist. coach Brian Manning, Jace Qualley. Middle row (L-R): Taylor Olson, Eric Hendrickson, Elijah Romo, Trustin Holcumb, Khain Valenzuela, Brayden Olson, Tony Lozano, Logan Nickoloff, Joey Bawden, Front row (L-R): Thomas Scott, Chase Kilzer, Joe Hanson, Cameron Lambert, Shay Bridges, Taylor Bridges, Tony Williams, Justin Freed, Austin Pederson, McKade Mahlen. )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQFRQWDFW HARLAN CONRADSEN 6DYDJH07 Good Luck Warriors! Good Luck! 6DW1RYSP Sidney & Roosevelt County Office In Culbertson LINCOLN AT SAVAGE SUDLULHOH#PLGULYHUVFRP 6DYDJH07 QUINNELL ELECTRIC &RPPHUFLDO 5HVLGHQWLDO 5HPRGHOV 1HZ&RQVWUXFWLRQ &KXFN4XLQQHOO 6DYDJH07 :H6XSSRUW7KH :DUULRUV Savage Football Back Row (L-R): Assistant Coach JC Rankin, Brock Miller, Trent Prevost, Braden Feisthamel, Tanner Hagler, Robert Shope, Ryder Rice, Riley Hagler, Jordan Skaley, Austin Jensen, Paxton, Miller, Trey Bloesser, Coach Jim Miller. Front Row (L-R): Tristan Rost, Bailey Micheletto, Bryar Lange, Chase Hagler, Jordan Urlacher, Gage Salsbury, Michael Reynolds, Kanyon Tysver, Assistant Coach Eric Rensvold. Not Pictured: Assistant Coach Troy Prevost. Valley Garage Inc. 0DLQ6WUHHW 6DYDJH07 Luck! Good )URP %/8(52&. 352'8&76&2 501 9th Ave NE, Sidney 406-433-3403 Mon-Fri: 8am - 5pm Sat: 9am - 1pm QG6W1:6LGQH\ :+ROO\6W The Savage Mine 32%R[6DYDJH07 ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2013 19 MSGA & MCW Annual Convention and Trade Show in Billings, Dec. 12-14 Submitted by Ryan Goodman 7KH 0RQWDQD 6WRFNJURZHUV$VVRFLDWLRQ 06*$ DQG0RQWDQD&DWWOH:RPHQ0&:$QQXDO&RQYHQWLRQDQG 7UDGH6KRZZLOOPHHWDWWKH+ROLGD\,QQ*UDQG0RQWDQDLQ %LOOLQJV0RQWRQ'HF7KH&RQYHQWLRQZLOORIIHURSSRUWXQLWLHVIRUDWWHQGHHVWROHDUQWLSVWRLPSURYHWKHLUUDQFK RUEXVLQHVVÀQGRXWDERXWQHZSURGXFWVDYDLODEOHIRUWKHLU DQLPDOKHDOWKDQGUDQFKVXSSO\QHHGVDWWKHWUDGHVKRZDQG IRUPHPEHUVWRZHLJKLQRQSROLF\GLVFXVVLRQV0HPEHUVZKR DWWHQGFRQYHQWLRQZLOOEHHOLJLEOHWRZLQD)RUG6XSHU'XW\ WUXFNIURPWKH0RQWDQD)RUG6WRUHV 6SHDNHUVZLOOLQFOXGH6DUDK&DOKRXQ2ZQHUDQG)RXQGHU RI5HG$QWV3DQWVDQG%DUEDUD-DFNVRQ$PHULFDQ1DWLRQDO &DWWOH:RPHQ3UHVLGHQW$1&:7KH=RHWLV&DWWOHPHQ·V&ROOHJHVZLOOEHKHOGRQ'HFIHDWXULQJ'U'HUUHOO3HHO &KDUOHV%UHHGORYH3URIHVVRURI$JULEXVLQHVV/DUU\*UDQZLWK =RHWLV$QLPDO+HDOWK'DQ(OOLVZLWK=RHWLV$QLPDO+HDOWKDQG 'U 5LFK /LQKDUW 0DQDJLQJ 9HWHULQDULDQ ZLWK =RHWLV$QLPDO +HDOWK7KH=RHWLV&DWWOHPHQ·V&ROOHJHZLOOIHDWXUHHGXFDWLRQDO WRSLFVVXFKDV5HEXLOGLQJWKH86%HHI,QGXVWU\&KDOOHQJHV DQG2SSRUWXQLWLHV:KDW\RXPXVWNQRZEHIRUHYDFFLQDWLQJ \RXUFRZKHUG0/9YV.LOOHG9DFFLQDWLRQFKRLFHVDQG=RHWLV 5DQFK$Q,QWHUDFWLYH&RZ&DOI*DPH'HVLJQHGWR([SORUH 3URÀW2SSRUWXQLW\IURP(3'VDQG+'.*HQHWLF7HVWV $PDMRUFRPSRQHQWRIWKHFRQYHQWLRQLVWKHVHWWLQJRIQHZ SROLF\DQGWKHUHYLHZRISDVWSROLFLHVWRJXLGHWKHDVVRFLDWLRQ WKURXJKLWVGD\WRGD\ZRUN7KHSROLF\SURFHVVZLOOEHJLQRQ 7KXUVGD\'HFZLWKWKH%HHI3URGXFWLRQ0DUNHWLQJDQG 0HPEHUVKLS'HYHORSPHQW6HUYLFHVFRPPLWWHHPHHWLQJV 7KH/DQG8VH(QYLURQPHQWDQG7D[)LQDQFH$J3ROLF\ FRPPLWWHHPHHWLQJVZLOOEHRQ'HF7KH6HFRQG5HDGLQJ RI5HVROXWLRQVZLOOEHKHOGRQWKHPRUQLQJRI'HFZLWK UHSRUWVIURPHDFKFRPPLWWHH7KHÀQDOUHDGLQJDQGDQXSRU GRZQYRWHRQUHVROXWLRQVZLOORFFXUDWWKH06*$%XVLQHVV 0HHWLQJRQWKHDIWHUQRRQRI'HF5HVROXWLRQVWKDWPDNH LWWKURXJKWKHHQWLUHSURFHVVZLOOEHFRPHDVVRFLDWLRQSROLF\ 7KLV\HDU·V7UDGH6KRZZLOOIHDWXUHRYHUFRPSDQLHV SURYLGLQJDOOW\SHVRISURGXFWVVHUYLFHVDQGWKHODWHVWWHFKQRORJ\WRWKHFDWWOHLQGXVWU\7KH7UDGH6KRZLVRSHQWRWKH SXEOLFDQGZLOOEHKHOG7KXUVGD\DQG)ULGD\'HF 06*$DQG0RQWDQD)RUG6WRUHVKDYHWHDPHGXSWRJLYH D)RUG6XSHU'XW\WUXFNWRRQHOXFN\PHPEHUZKRDWWHQGV FRQYHQWLRQ7KHGUDZLQJZLOOEHKHOGRQ6DWXUGD\GXULQJWKH *UDQG)LQDOH%DQTXHW7REHHOLJLEOHIRUWKHWUXFNGUDZLQJ \RXPXVWDWWHQGFRQYHQWLRQEHDFXUUHQW5DQFKHU6WRFNHU )HHGHURU<RXQJ6WRFNJURZHUPHPEHUDQGÀOORXWWKHWUXFN HQWU\IRUP 7ROHDUQPRUHSOHDVHFDOOWKH06*$RIÀFHDW RUYLVLWZZZPWEHHIRUJ,I\RXZRXOGOLNHWRUHVHUYHD WUDGHVKRZERRWKRUVSRQVRUSDUWRIWKHFRQYHQWLRQSOHDVH FRQWDFWWKH06*$RIÀFHVRRQDVWKHUHDUHOLPLWHGVSDFHVRSHQ DW WKLV WLPH 3UHUHJLVWUDWLRQ IRU DWWHQGHHV LQ FXUUHQWO\ RSHQ DWDGLVFRXQWHGSULFHIRUWKRVHWKDWUHJLVWHUSULRUWR'HF Storytelling in the Oil Patch Writing Workshops Nov. 7 & 21 Submitted by Brenna Gerhardt $Q RUJDQL]DWLRQ LQ 1RUWK 'DNRWD EHOLHYHV LW·V MXVW DV LPSRUWDQWWRKDUYHVWWKHVWRULHVFRPLQJRXWRIZHVWHUQ1RUWK 'DNRWD DV LW LV WR FDSWXUH WKH QDWXUDO UHVRXUFHV WKHUH 7R DFKLHYH WKHLU JRDO WKH 1RUWK 'DNRWD +XPDQLWLHV &RXQFLO 1'+&ZLOOVHQGWZRSURIHVVLRQDOZULWHUVZLWK1RUWK'DNRWD URRWVWRFRPPXQLWLHVGLUHFWO\DIIHFWHGE\WKHUHFHQWRLOERRPWR KRVWZULWLQJZRUNVKRSVH[SORULQJWKHZD\VRLOLVWUDQVIRUPLQJ WKHODQGVFDSHDQGFXOWXUH $FFRUGLQJWR1'+&GLUHFWRU%UHQQD*HUKDUGW´1RWKLQJ LVPRUHLPSRUWDQWWRDFXOWXUHWKDQLWVVWRULHV7KH\DUHWKH YHKLFOHVIRUWUDQVIHUULQJKLVWRU\YDOXHVDQGLGHDVIURPRQH JHQHUDWLRQWRWKHQH[W6WRULHVFDQHQGXUHIRUWKRXVDQGVRI \HDUVEXWRLOGHYHORSPHQWKDVDOLPLWHGOLIHVSDQµ 7KH ´2XU 3HRSOH 2XU 3ODFHV 2XU 6WRULHV µ ZULWLQJ ZRUNVKRSV ZLOO DOORZ UHVLGHQWV RI WKH %DNNHQ WKH DELOLW\ WR VKDUHDQGSUHVHUYHWKHLUVWRULHVXQGHUWKHJXLGDQFHRISURIHVVLRQDOVWRU\WHOOHUV'HEUD0DUTXDUWDQG7D\ORU%URUE\ $QDWLYHRI1DSROHRQ'HEUD0DUTXDUWLVDSURIHVVRURI (QJOLVKDW,RZD6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\$SHUIRUPDQFHSRHW0DUTXDUWLVWKHDXWKRURIWZRSRHWU\FROOHFWLRQV(YHU\WKLQJ·VD 9HUEDQG)URP6ZHHWQHVV+HUPHPRLU7KH+RUL]RQWDO:RUOG *URZLQJ8S:LOGLQWKH0LGGOHRI1RZKHUHZDVSXEOLVKHG E\&RXQWHUSRLQW%RRNVLQ,WUHFHLYHGWKH´(OOH/HWWUHVµ DZDUGIURP(OOH0DJD]LQHDQGWKH3(186$&UHDWLYH 1RQÀFWLRQ$ZDUG ,QWKHVHYHQWLHVDQGHLJKWLHV0DUTXDUWZDVDWRXULQJURDG PXVLFLDQZLWKURFNDQGKHDY\PHWDOEDQGV+HUFROOHFWLRQRI VKRUWVWRULHV7KH+XQJHU%RQH5RFN5ROO6WRULHVGUDZV IURPKHUH[SHULHQFHVDVDIHPDOHURDGPXVLFLDQ $ QDWLYH RI &HQWHU 7D\ORU %URUE\ LV D ZULWHU EDVHG LQ 0LQQHDSROLV0LQQHVRWD7D\ORUKDVUHFHLYHGJUDQWVDQGIHOORZVKLSVIURP+DPOLQH8QLYHUVLW\DQG6W2ODI&ROOHJH+LV ZRUNKDVDSSHDUHGRQ0LQQHVRWD3XEOLF5DGLRLQWKHMRXUQDO 5RFN3DSHU6FLVVRUV$XJVEXUJ)RUWUHVV3UHVVLQQHZVSDSHUVDQG7KH+XIÀQJWRQ3RVWZKHUHKHZULWHVRQHGXFDWLRQ )LQLVKHG VWRULHV JHQHUDWHG GXULQJ WKH ZRUNVKRSV ZLOO DSSHDURQWKH1'+&ZHEVLWH7KH1'+&ZLOODOVRSXEOLVK DVSHFLDOLVVXHRI2Q6HFRQG7KRXJKWPDJD]LQHLQWKHVXPPHURIWKDWZLOOSULQWWKHEHVWVWRULHVJHQHUDWHGDWWKH ZRUNVKRSV )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQRQSDUWLFLSDWLQJLQWKHZRUNVKRSV visit ZZZQGKXPDQLWLHVRUJ RU FRQWDFW %UHQQD *HUKDUGW DW Only $17 A Week! If you run it for 2 weeks & it doesn’t sell, we’ll run it for 2 more weeks................... FREE! 2007 Chevy Silverado 1500 Classic LTZ/Z71, off road pkg., factory loaded PLUS: Tonneau, bed liner, tank heater, 60k miles Call 406-774-3322 $ Hunter's Specials 26,900 or best offer 1998 Dodge Dakota 4x4, automatic transmission, 318 engine, as is, 112,368 miles Call 406-963-7000 5,000 $ 2012 Expedition EL 2010 F150 CC XLT 4x4 18,873 mi, golden bronz 9,500 mi., silver 2003 Lincoln Signature Town Car Very good condition, 45,000 miles Come SeeThese These and More! Come See andMany Many More! 2011Dodge F150 CC Platinum black ..............22,250mi. mi. 3500 Crew,4x4, Brown ...............81,300 #59462010 2011F150 F350 Crew, CC Lariat Diesel 4x4, white ........50,724mi. mi. #5962 Silver ...........................79,763 #59532004 2012Ford F150Ranger CC Platinum 4x4,....................61,343 black ..............16,001mi. mi. #5981 S/C, Gray #5955 2013 Expedition EL XLT, autumn red ...............4,197 mi. #5946 2011 F350 CC Lariat Diesel 4x4, white .....50,724 mi. #59432008 #7147 #8352 2003 Yukon XLMaroon 4x4, slate .................. 151,175 mi.mi. #5985 2010GMC F150 Crew, ........................47,279 #8355 2011 Yukon XL CC 4x4,LT, white ....................44,215 #8356 2009GMC Chevy 2500 white ...............47,000mi.mi. #8356 2009 2500CC CCLariat, LT, white .....................47,000 #5993 2011Chevy For F150 marroon ...........24,800mi.mi. #5993 2011 Ford F150 CC Lariat, marroon .............24,800 mi.mi. #5953 2012 F150 CC Platinum 4x4, black ..........16,001 215 East Main Sidney, MT 59270 (406) 433-1810 Call 701-770-1622 7,500 $ or best offer Want to place an ad in the Auto trader? DMBTTBET!FTJEOFZDPNt GPSEFUBJMT XNLV111539 20 ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2013 +85/(<·6 2,/),(/'6(59,&(6 406-742-5312 Fairview, MT 406-742-5549 In-store specials every week! Brenda Mon-Sat: 9m - 9pm Hwy. 85 Watford City 701-444-3335 (Located in the Long X Visitor Center) Sports Booster WEEKLY SCHEDULE Volleyball Thursday, Nov. 7 Eastern C Divisional Volleyball in Sidney: Scobey vs Circle, 9 a.m.; 0RQ'DNYV*DUÀHOG&RDP Wibaux vs Bainville, noon; Terry YV)DLUYLHZSP)URLG/DNH YVZLQQHURI6FREH\&LUFOHJDPH SP Eastern A Divisional Volleyball in *OHQGLYH/DXUHOYV6LGQH\SP +DUGLQYV*OHQGLYHSP Friday, Nov. 8 Eastern C Divisional Volleyball in Sidney Eastern A Divisional Volleyball LQ*OHQGLYH%LOOLQJV&HQWUDOYV ZLQQHURI/DXUHO6LGQH\JDPH a.m.; Miles City vs winner of HarGLQ*OHQGLYHJDPHSP Saturday, Nov. 9 Eastern C Divisional Volleyball in Sidney Football Saturday, Nov. 9 6DYDJHYV/LQFROQDW6DYDJHSP &XOEHUWVRQDW&KDUORSP Support Your Favorite Team! Be Sure To Thank The Sports Booster Schedule Sponsors On This Page EST. 1972 KEG Family Dining! Fairview 406-742-5180 Open at 4:30pm Turs-Fri 2pm Sat & Sun Farmer’s Union Oil Co. 60DLQ:DWIRUG&LW\ More Than 130,000 Montanans to See a Cut in Food Assistance Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Cuts Will Impact Montana’s Families, Community Resources, And Economy. Submitted by Kristie Smith B e g i n n i n g t o d a y, 131,000 people in Montana will see their food assistance EHQHÀWVFXWZKHQDWHPSRUDU\ERRVWWRWKH6XSSOHPHQWDO 1XWULWLRQ$VVLVWDQFH 3URJUDP61$3IRUPHUO\NQRZQ DVIRRGVWDPSVH[SLUHV 7KLVERRVWWRRNHIIHFWLQ DQGDLPHGWRVWUHQJWKHQ WKH HFRQRP\ DQG HDVH KDUGVKLS+RZHYHU&RQJUHVV chose to end the increase HDUO\EHIRUHVWUXJJOLQJIDPLOLHV KDYH IXOO\ UHFRYHUHG )RU D KRXVHKROG RI WKUHH WKHHDUO\UHGXFWLRQZLOOPHDQ a loss of $29 in benefits HDFK PRQWK WKH HTXLYDOHQW RI QHDUO\ WZR GD\V· ZRUWK RI PHDOV7KHVHFXWVZLOOKDYH KDUPIXO LPSDFWV IRU WKRXVDQGV RI 0RQWDQD IDPLOLHV ZKR GHSHQG RQ 61$3 WR PDNH HQGV PHHW GXULQJ GLIÀFXOWWLPHV *HQRD &DUYHU RI %LOOLQJV VDLG KHU IDPLO\ UHOLHG RQ 61$3 DIWHU KHU PRWKHU H[SHULHQFHGDWUDXPDWLFEUDLQ LQMXU\ DQG ZDV KRVSLWDOL]HG DQG XQDEOH WR ZRUN ´61$3 NHSWIRRGRQWKHWDEOHZKLOH P\ IDPLO\ ZDV VWUXJJOLQJ ,W DOORZHGP\VLVWHUDQGPHWR IRFXVRQVFKRRODQGDOORZHG P\PRPWRIRFXVRQUHFRYHU- LQJ :LWKRXW 61$3 ,·P VXUH WKHUHZRXOGKDYHEHHQGD\V ZH GLGQ·W HDWµ &DUYHU VD\V WKDW FXWV WR WKH 61$3 SURJUDPZLOOKDYHDGHYDVWDWLQJ HIIHFWRQIDPLOLHVOLNHKHUV ,Q DGGLWLRQ WR KHOSLQJ IHHGKXQJU\IDPLOLHV61$3LV RQHRIPRVWHIIHFWLYHZD\VWR VWLPXODWH D VWUXJJOLQJ HFRQRP\ ´(YHU\ LQFUHDVH LQ 61$3 EHQHILWV JHQHUDWHV DERXWLQHFRQRPLFDFWLYLW\µVDLG-DFNLH6HPPHQV 3ROLF\$QDO\VWDWWKH0RQWDQD %XGJHW DQG 3ROLF\ &HQWHU ´%HFDXVH 61$3 EHQHILWV LQFUHDVH IDUP SURGXFWLRQ FUHDWH DJULFXOWXUDO MREV DQG KHOS JLYH EXVLQHVV WR VPDOO JURFHU\VWRUHVDQGORFDOIDUPHUV·PDUNHWVWKLVFXWZLOOEH IHOWLQKRXVHKROGVDQGVPDOO EXVLQHVVHVDFURVVWKHVWDWH 7KHFXWZLOOWRWDODORVVRI PLOOLRQ WR 0RQWDQD RYHU WKH QH[WPRQWKVµ 2QWRSRIWRGD\·VUHGXFWLRQVWKH86+RXVHRI5HSUHVHQWDWLYHVUHFHQWO\SDVVHG OHJLVODWLRQFXWWLQJELOOLRQ IURP61$3SRWHQWLDOO\HOLPLnating assistance for at least SHRSOH LQ 0RQWDQD 7KHOHJLVODWLRQZRXOGSURYLGH VWURQJ ILQDQFLDO LQFHQWLYHV IRU VWDWHV WR UHGXFH WKHLU FDVHORDGVWDUJHWLQJIDPLOLHV ZKR DUH DOUHDG\ VWUXJJOLQJ 7KLV SURSRVDO FRXSOHG ZLWK WRGD\·VFXWVXQIDLUO\WDUJHWV PLOOLRQVRIWKHPRVWYXOQHUDEOH$PHULFDQVDQGSODFHVD PDVVLYHEXUGHQRQFRPPXQLW\UHVRXUFHV ´)RRG EDQNV DFURVV WKH QDWLRQ FRQWLQXH WR EH VWUHWFKHGWRWKHOLPLWDVWKH\ VWUXJJOH WR NHHS XS ZLWK XQSUHFHGHQWHG GHPDQG LQ D ZHDN HFRQRP\µ VDLG .DWH 'HYLQR &KLHI 3ROLF\ 2IÀFHURIWKH0RQWDQD)RRG %DQN 1HWZRUN ´2XU DELOLW\ WR PHHW WKLV QHHG EHFDPH HYHQ KDUGHU WRGD\ DQG DGGLWLRQDOFXWVWR61$3ZRXOG IXUWKHU LQFUHDVH KXQJHU DQG KDUGVKLS IRU PDQ\ 0RQWDQDQV 0RQWDQD·V HPHUJHQF\ IRRGSURYLGHUVVLPSO\FDQQRW FRPSHQVDWHIRUFXWVWR61$3 DWDWLPHZKHQUHVRXUFHVDUH DOUHDG\VWUHWFKHGVRWKLQ([SHFWLQJSULYDWHRUJDQL]DWLRQV WR ÀOO WKH JDS LV XQUHDOLVWLF DQGGHYDVWDWLQJIRUWKHIDPLOLHVDQGLQGLYLGXDOVZKRZLOO EHDUWKHEUXQWRIWKHFXWVµ &RQWDFW .ULVWLH 6PLWK 0RQWDQD %XGJHW DQG 3ROLF\ &HQWHU 2IÀFH &HOO *D\OH*LIIRUG&(20RQWDQD )RRG %DQN 1HWZRUN WWW.NICKJONESRE.COM UI4U48t4JEOFZ.5 t'BY].'QNt4BUQN Customer Service is Our #1 Priority Farm & Ranch Products & Construction Materials. New Steel, Auminum & Stainless. Brady Smelser • Tim Mulholland • Kelly Moody • Bret Smelser • Ernie Gawryluk Sidney Glendive 35002 CR 123 2703 W. Towne St. 406-433-7737 1-800-423-5219 1-855-810-2995 Williston 13896 W. Front St. 1-800-820-5493 Plentywood Hwy 16 East 406-765-2624 ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2013 21 Reach Over 21,000 Readers Each Week In Eastern Montana & Western North Dakota And Always On The Internet at (Paypal required for online purchases) Add a photo to your classy online! (additional charge) Now Taking Credit Cards! (5% charge added to all transactions) Get Up To 30 Words For Just $7 • Deadline: Monday HELP WANTED MCKENZIE ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE (MEC) Presently seeking applicants to fill the position of Secretary. The ideal candidate must be self-motivated & possess a positive attitude along with excellent organizational and computer skills as well as being an effective communicator. Persons with a four year college degree are considered desirable for advancement in the organization. Join an action filled & growing local company that offers an excellent wage & benefit package. Applications are available online @ or at our office located at 908 4th Avenue NE , Watford City. Application deadline is Nov. 15, 2013. For questions, please contact Tim Melby @ 701-444-9288. {38-2tc} COOKS NEEDED The Stagecoach Casino Bar & Grill is now hiring cooks! We are located in Culbertson MT. For more information stop by the bar or call 406787-6181, ask for Amanda. {35-4tc} HELP WANTED Full time bartender, apply in person, Sidney Elks Lodge, 123 3rd St. SW, Sidney, MT. {31-tfn} AGRONOMY POSITION Full time agronomy position, good pay, good benefits. Call 406-488-4338 for details. ings, bonus, and personal time off with wage starting at $11.75. PT includes $11.75 with retirement savings and bonus. Variety of hours and shifts open. Call Tami @ 406488-3341, or apply @ 1100 Silurian Lane,Sidney. [34-4tc} CARRIERS WANTED Need extra cash or want to get some exercise? We have carrier routes available in most parts of Sidney. Call 406-433-3306, or fill out application at The Roundup, 111 W. Main, Sidney.(35-tfn) (29-tfn) HELP WANTED Do you need a position where you get back more than you receive? Where you are told you look nice even on your worst days. ROI has full time and part time positions available for direct support professionals. Training is provided. FT includes health insurance, retirement sav- HELP WANTED The Roundup Newspaper is looking for a freelance writer to cover the Sidney, Watford City & Williston areas. Apply at Sidney Job Service (15-tfn) COOKS & SERVERS Wage DOE. Apply in person at Cattle-Ac, 119 N. Central Ave., Sidney, MT. FULL-TIME POSITION Are you looking for a great new career opportunity in an ever-evolving industry? Then this is the job for you! ElectricLand is seeking a friendly, motivated and dependable sales person for a permanent full-time position. We handle a wide array of electronic products and accesories. With our competitive wages and benefits you can't go wrong! Pay starts at $12 to $15 per hour and up depending on experience. Our benefits include commissions, bonuses, health insurance, vacation and company sponsored IRA. Full-time employees will work 40+ hours per week to include Saturdays and some Sundays during the holiday season. Requirements include: valid driver's license with no significant violations, ability to lift or move 50-75lbs., excel- lent customer service skills, ability to efficiently operate a computer and be able to count back change. Apply at Job Service or in person at ElectricLand, 101 East Main Street, Sidney, MT. (27-tfn) FOR RENT COMMERCIAL SPACE FOR LEASE Less than $1/sq.ft per month. Up to 5600 sq.feet commercial space for lease in downtown Sidney. Includes 3 upstairs offices, remodeled upscale facility. Waterfall, carpeted throughout, secu- rity cameras, glass show windows, cell phone booster, wireless internet, parking in lot & streets. 406-489-1945 & we can talk. {38-tfn} FOR RENT Partially furnished 2 or 3 bdrm house in Savage on large lot, very clean, $2200 month. Also have camper spots, $600 a month or $25 a day in Savage. 406-776-2209. {37-4tp} REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BY OWNER 28 x 54' Mobile home with attached garage & deck on (8-tfn) BUILDING CONTRACTORS NEEDED: DO YOU ENJOY BUILDING BUT DON’T LIKE DRUMMING UP BUSINESS? We will take care of sales for you! We’re a Montana based pole building and steel building supplier seeking installation contractors throughout Montana, North Dakota, and Wyoming. We’re looking for quality oriented crews that are communicative and willing to travel some. If you’re interested in expanding your construction company and crews, please contact us at 406-266-9966. Immediate projects available. Montana Post Frame BOYS & GIRLS CLUB OF RICHLAND COUNTY Is Seeking A: Chief Professional Officer/Executive Director The Chief Professional Officer is responsible for managing the strategic planning & operation of the club, developing organizational goals, attaining/allocating resources, and establishing policies. Skills/Knowledge Required: t#BDIFMPSTEFHSFFQSFGFSSFEt&YQFSJFODFJOOPOQSPGJU NBOBHFNFOUQSFGFSSFEt%FNPOTUSBUFBCJMJUZUPQMBO JNQMFNFOUFGGFDUJWFPQFSBUJPOTt-FBEFSTIJQTLJMMTt4USPOH DPNNVOJDBUJPOTLJMMTt"CJMJUZUPXPSLXJUIPUIFSTt#BTJD LOPXMFEHFPGGJOBODJBMQSPQFSUZNBOBHFNFOUt.BOBHFUIF strategic plan & operations of the club. Apply at Sidney Job Service THERE’S A NEW AIRLINE IN TOWN! /RGJH5HVLGHQW$VVLVWDQW 0HGLFDO7HFKRU7HFKQRORJLVW 2XW3DWLHQW&RRUGLQDWRU 3HUVRQDO$VVLVWDQW$LGH )RRG6HUYLFH Cape Air is now filling part & full-time openings at the Sidney Airport! Must be 18 or older, a HS graduate, able to lift 70 lbs, have excellent customer service skills & a flexible schedule. Employment will commence December 2nd for 4-5 days of paid training in Billings & flights will start out of Sidney on December 10th. Cape Air offers competitive pay and benefits including airline travel privileges (on Cape Air, Allegiant, Alaska, Delta and United–just to name a few), paid holidays, vacation/personal time, profit sharing and much more! COME JOIN OUR FUN & ENERGETIC TEAM! Cook Utility Worker 22 ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2013 .82 acre lot in Richey, MT. $150,000. Call 406-773-5856 or 406-939-1947. looking for partner or sell outright, $350,000. Call Van at 406-422-7812. 9 miles from Watford City & 40 miles from Williston. Call Gary 701-770-1015. {38-10tp} {37-4tp} {34-7tch} FOR SALE Land for sale 12 miles west of Helena. Producing gold now, with residence, in the heart of elk and deer country, good fishing, lots of water and developing geothermal, LAND FOR SALE 3- 1 acre lots for $90,000 each. SW of Sidney. Call 406-489-3287. {35-4tp} LAND FOR SALE Several 1 to 5 acre lots, quiet & serene country area. Now Selling Heartland SERVICES MONUMENTS Azure & Son Monuments: Grave covers, markers, all colors & sizes, custom designs, scenes, final dates, pictures. We sell monuments, no extra charge for lettering. Box 2, Froid, MT 59226, 406766-2326 or 406-839-0910. (30-tfn) Call 406-433-2431 & Leave a message if no answer (5-tfn) FARM & RANCH FOR SALE 2006 CIH 2388 combine 2103 engine hrs. 1654 sep. hr., straw chpper rock trap, yield monitor, 30ft. draper head, MacDon 972 split reel $135,000 OBO. 406-4802907. FOR SALE Gehl 8210 mixer box, 4 auger, hydraulic chute & discharge. $4,000 OBO. 406963-2228. {38-1tp} FOR SALE Skidsteer trailer, bumper pull, fold over ramps, 14 ply 16" tires. $3,000 OBO. 406963-2228. {38-1tp} {38-8tp} COMPLETE SERVICE CENTER The Roundup provides free Fax service at Meuchel Computer Services, Watford City, ND, for all news, photos & advertising copy. You may drop your Roundup payments at Meuchels. (tfn) WINDSHIELD REPLACEMENTS Lowest price around. Quick service. Over 300 windshields in stock for cars, pickups & semis, reflect windshields are now $120. Magrum Motors, AIRCRAFT FOR SALE: 1961 Cessna 172B Skyhawk: 2630 TTAF, 490 TSMOH, paint 10-jet glo, interior 10, excellent glass, KMA20, ICA200, KX145, 4 place intercom, AT150, KN60. This is the nicest 1961 we’ve ever seen! $45,000. 1968 Piper PA-28 Cherokee 140: 3800 TTAF, 525 SMOH, KR85, AT150, 2 place intercom. Nice paint and interior w/fresh annual. $35,000. 1972 Beechcraft B55 Baron 3330 TTAF: 1860TSMOH L&R, 10 SPOH L&R, B-5 auto pilot, GMA340, GNA430, KX155, KN64, KT76, KR85, GTX327, vertical compass, Rosen’s, tanis nice paint and interior. $50,000. 1981 Hughes 269C TTAF 3132: TSMOH 845, 3 new M/R blades, Component times on request, big fuel and much more Call Barry at Sidney Air Service at 406-488-4031. LOOKING FOR A RESTAURANT/CATERING OPPORTUNITY IN THE BAKKEN REGION? 2008 Chevy ½ ton 4x4 ext cab .......$16,995 2003 Crew Cab 4x4 ¾ ton..............$13,995 2008 Dodge Grand Caravan .............$8,995 2006 Ford Freestyle (only 50,000 miles) ...$7,995 1993 Jeep Wrangler .........................$5,495 2003 Grand Prix GTP .......................$5,495 2004 Malibu .....................................$4,995 2001 Oldsmobile Aurora ..................$3,995 1997 Buick Park Ave........................$1,495 {38-1tp} FOR SALE Pintle hitch, 20' flat bed trailer, 8.25x20 tires. $2,500 OBO. 406-963-2228. {38-1tp} FOR SALE Whiteface short term ewes, open. $60. Also rams. 406963-2228. MINERALS & SUPPLEMENTS Complete line of minerals & supplements, Crystalx protein & mineral tubs for cattle, horses & sheep. All types of liquid feed for livestock. Calving supplies. R&J Ag Supply 406-488-1953, 406480-2006, 1-800-233-2499, Sidney, MT. (2-tfn) VERMEER HAYING EQUIPMENT See us today for all your haying & feeding equipment, sweeps & farm oil. Anderson Vermeer Sales & Service. Open Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m. 701-828-3358 or 701828-3482 (after hrs.). Alexander, ND. (42-tfn) VEHICLE FOR SALE Check us out weekly with... Arnegard Auto Sales FOR SALE J.D. 3010 tractor, gas, pto. & 3pt. $4,500 OBO. 406963-2228. {38-1tp} {31-tfn} WELDING Welding & repair work. No job is too small. Portable welder, reasonable rates. 701-4442936. Hardwood Pellets 1820 2nd St. W., Williston. 701-572-0114. FOR SALE 6 Charter buses. Call 406488-4015. {37-4tc} Monthly with... Sidney Elks Lodge has commercial kitchen space available for lease. Serious inquiries only, please. Contact Ryan at 406-480-9052 or MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE FOR SALE 1977 Low boy trailer. Detachable front $15,000 406-4823255 or 406-489-3255. {37-2tc} AIRCRAFT Buying or selling. Call Barry at Sidney Air Service Inc. 406-488-4031. Or tak takee advantage of all our publications ever everyy day at... Winter Wheat Seed • AP 503 CL Certified, PVP A great way to clean up grassʼs and volunteer grain. • Hawken Certified, PVP • SY Wolf Certified, PVP Agri Pro newest option. Great yield potential. Get Your Order In Today Supply is Limited!! +Z\:$UQHJDUG1' Larry’s Seed & Ag Supply Inc. Keene ND Larry 701-770-2500 • Jason 701-770-0926 {34-tfn} RUMMAGE SALE SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE SALE Thurs, Nov. 14, 9-7; Watford City Veteran's Building: crafts, carved signs, glassware, antiques, CD's, rummage, estate, old tools, collector items, books, bird houses, generator, and furniture. Taco-in-a-bag served from 11-3:00. {38-2tc} Bakken Mobile Veterinary Service Dr. Vince Stenson Complete small animal care Reaching over 10,800 Households in Western North Dakota and Eastern Montana Every Week Classified A d Order F orm (Please P rint) Ad Form Print) 8 am - 4 pm Sidney: Wed, November 27 Yellowstone Valley Greenhouse Culbertson: Wed, November 6 & 20 1 2 3 4 5 County Ext. Bldg on Main Street 6 7 8 9 10 Call for Appointment (701) - 570 - 5510 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 $7.00 31 $7.10 32 $7.20 33 $7.30 34 $7.40 35 $7.50 (etc.) $7.00 for 30 words or less; additional words 10¢ each Number of words__________x Number of Times____________= Cost $____________ Name ccompany A d Accompany Ad Payment Must A o: To: Mail T The Roundup P.O. Box 1207, Sidney, MT 59270 STORAGE UNITS AVAILABLE 20X20 • 10X20 10X16 • 8X9 Sidney, MT 482-3799 or 482-2666 ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2013 23 Lunch Menus Sidney School ? y a w e h t n o s i r e t n i w s y who sa heck out all of the S E T T E V OuRrphy Motors! CM Come c at Thurs., Nov. 7: Potato soup, tuna salad, croissants, fruit go-gurts. Fri., Nov. 8: Hot dogs, baked beans, potato chips. Mon., Nov. 11: Beef stew, perfection salad. Tues., Nov. 12: Hot roast beef w/gravy, mashed potatoes, mixed vegetables. Wed., Nov. 13: Roast turkey, cheesy hash browns, buttered carrots, cookie salad. Rau School Thurs., Nov. 7 : Tomato soup, cheese bread, fruit. Fri., Nov. 8: NO SCHOOL Mon., Nov. 11: Chicken nuggets, wedges, green beans, mandarin oranges. Tues., Nov. 12: Dorito hotdish, salad, jello w/fruit. Wed., Nov. 13: Breakfast for lunch. 41,995 $ CHEVROLET TAHOE LT 4WD 26,995 $ CHEVROLET CORVETTE ZR1 V8 AUTO 4X4, PW, PL, TILT, SC, P.SEATS, AM/ FM/CD, AL WHEELS, ASSIST STEPS, BROWN METALLIC/PEWTER, EBONY LEATHER. 11,428 MILES. U5451A. $ 34,995 $ FORD F-150 LARIAT 4WD, 3.5L V6, ATOD, A/C, TILT, SC, PW, PL, PSEATS, LT GREEN METALLIC/GREY LEATHER. 29,479 MILES. U5771A. 35,995 $ TOYOTA HIGHLANDER 4WD, 5.0L V8, ATOD, PW, PL, PSEATS, A/C, TILT, SC, AM/FM/CD, AL WHEELS, ASSIST STEPS, TEAL BOX, WHITE/GREY LEATHER. 31,426 MILES. C5337A. FORD TAURUS AWD LTD FORD EXPLORER LTD 2013 117,995 38,995 21,995 $ 4WD, 3.5L V6, ATOD, A/C, TILT, SC, PW, PL, PSEAT, P.SUNROOF, NEW TIRES, GREY METALLIC/GREY LEATHER. 35,363 MILES. C4985A. $ GMC YUKON XL DENALI V6, ATOD, PW, PL, TILT, SC, PSEATS, A/C, AWD, AM/FM/CD, AUTO START, GOLDMIST METALLIC/TAN LTHR. 33,829 MILES. U5608A. 2010 PONTIAC G6 SEDAN COUPE, 6.2L SUPER CHARGED V8, 638 HP, 6-SPEED MANUAL, PW, PL, TILT, SC, MUST SEE! 1,805 MILES. C5201A 2013 DODGE 2500 CREW 4WD L.BOX DIESEL 6.6L, ALLISON, AUTO, LONGBOX, PW, PL, TILT, SC, A/C, AM/FM/CD, LTZ, PSEATS, NERFS, GRILL GUARD. AL WHEELS. NADA RETAIL VALUE. FIRE RED/GRAY. 128,181 MILES. G5442A. 29,995 $ FORD F-150 SUPERCREW LARIAT 2010 2007 6,995 2013 Froid School 57,995 $ 5.3 V8, ATOD, PW, PL, TILT, SC, AM/FM/XM/CD, 8PASS, P.SUNROOF, DVD, MOCHA STEEL METALLIC/ EBONY LEATHER. 27,689 MILES. U5737A. 4CYL AUTO, PW, PL, TILT, SC, A/C, AM/ FM/CD, AL WHEELS, 151,559 MILES. U5616B. Savage School Thurs.,Nov. 7: Chicken fajita, salad, pears. Fri., Nov. 8: Grilled cheese/ tomato soup, apples/oranges. Mon., Nov. 11: Pork steak, cheesy potatoes, green beans/peas,mandarin oranges. Tues., Nov. 12: Lasagna, french bread, cottage cheese, celery sticks, corn, peaches, dessert. Wed., Nov. 13: Chicken patty, jello, tropical fruit. CHEVROLET EQUINOX AWD 2013 $ 2013 Richey School 34,995 $ 6.2L V8 ATOD, AWD, PW, PL, TILT, SC, AM/FM/XM, CD, NAV, P.SUNROOF, DUAL DVD, 20” CHROME HWEELS, CAPTAINS RUNBOARDS, DIAMOND WHITE/COCOA LEATHER. 17,616 MILES. G5709A 2013 26,495 $ 2010 East Fairview School Thurs., Nov. 7: Chili cheese hotdish, salad, strawberry cups, garlic bread. Fri., Nov. 8: Chicken strips, mashed potatoes, green beans, oranges. Mon., Nov. 11: NO SCHOOL Tues., Nov.12: Hamburgers, noodle soup, carrots, cucumbers, peaches. Wed., Nov. 13: Thanksgiving meal. Thurs., Nov. 7: Beef stroganofff, corn, peaches. Fri., Nov. 8: Pork fritters, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, fruit. Mon., Nov. 11:Taco salad, fruit, cookie bars. Tues., Nov. 12: Cheese dippers, lettuce w/carrots salad, fruit. Wed.,Nov. 13: Goulash, corn, fruit. 5.7 HEMI, PW, PL, TILT, SC, A/C, AUTO, GRILL GUARD, GOOSENECK HITCH, RUN BOARDS, SPRAY LINER, AM/FM/ CD, CHROME WHEELS, 7,005 MILES. C5538A 4CYL AUTO, PW, PL, TILT, SC, AM/FM/XM/ CD, P.SUNROOF, HTD CLOTH SEATS, AUTO START. 17,076 MILES. C5735A 2011 Fairview School Thurs., Nov. 7: Hamburger stroganoff, peas, fruit. Fri.,Nov. 8: NO SCHOOL Mon., Nov. 11: Beef tips & gravy, rice, broccoli. Tues., Nov.12: Beef enchilada casserole, ceasar salad, fruit, pudding. Wed., Nov. 13: Chicken gravy over noodles, cream corn, fruit. 2011 Thurs.,Nov. 7 :Chicken alfredo, steamed broccoli, breadsticks, pears. Fri., Nov. 8:NO SCHOOL Mon., Nov. 11: Pre- Holiday Dinner. Tues., Nov. 12: Deli sands, chicken noodle soup, fruit parfait, veggie sticks. Wed., Nov. 13: Hambuger gravy over mashed potatoes, green beans, applesauce. CHEVROLET 2500 CREW DURAMAX SEE THESE SALES CONSULTANTS FOR QUALITY CAR BUYS! Mark Waggoner is “The Credit Doctor” Credit Concerns? Apply online at Pat Murphy Dealer Dusty Falcon Fleet Sales Dale Dalbey Mark Waggoner Business Manager Credit Doctor Larry Stewart Sales Patti Arp Sales Rick Moe Ben Brewer Kelly Blomberg Sales Manager New Cars Manager Fleet Manager Terry Lough Sales Tom Tooley Sales Se Habla Espanol Jimmy Ramirez Sales QG$YH::LOOLVWRQ1'&DOORU+RXUV0RQDPSP7XHV)ULDPSP6DWDPSP w w w. m u r p h y m o t o r s . c o m Not all buyers will qualify for rebates and discounts.Vehicle may qualify for additional business choice savings. **Some exclusions may apply. ;1/9 24 ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2013 Rau Elementary Halloween Costume Contest Winners 5DX·V ´0RVW 2ULJLQDOµ FRVWXPH ZLQQHUV VW 3ODFH ² .DLOH\ 2OVRQ QG 3ODFH 5DX·V´&XWHVW&RVWXPHµFRVWXPHZLQQHUVVW3ODFH²5KHWW5RVVROQG3ODFH 0DOLD&URVE\UG6KHOE\0RUORFN 6WHSKDQLH:RRGULQJUG3ODFH%URQWH·%HQQLRQ 5DX·V´)XQQLHVWµFRVWXPHZLQQHUVVW3ODFH1RDK7KLHOQG3ODFH-DFH%HOO 5DX·V´6FDULHVWµFRVWXPHZLQQHUVVW3ODFH-HG)R[QG3ODFH(UQLH&OLIWRQ 3UG3ODFH.DKOLH6PLWK 3UG3ODFH%ULHOOH*RUGHU
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