A Big Week of Bulls in the Bakken
A Big Week of Bulls in the Bakken
(406) 433-3306 or 1-800-749-3306 Fax (406) 433-4114 e-mail address: info@roundupweb.com www.roundupweb.com :HGQHVGD\-XQH %XVLQHVV2IÀFH /RFDWHGDW:HVW0DLQ 6LGQH\07 0DLOLQJ$GGUHVV P.O. Box 1207 6LGQH\07 9ROXPH1XPEHU A Big Week of Bulls in the Bakken 0DUJ\7LPHSRVWVSRLQWVDJDLQVW%HQ-RQHV-RQHVZLOOEHRQHRIWKHULGHUVFRPLQJWRWKHDUHD3KRWRE\$QG\:DWVRQ%XOO6WRFN0HGLDFRP %\7LH6KDQN 7KHUH·VDORWRIDFWLRQDQGDELJIRXUGD\VFRPLQJXSIRU 3%5IDQVDQG%XOO5LGHUV7KH3%57RXULQJ3UR'LYLVLRQZLOOEH LQ:LOOLVWRQ1'-XQHDQG6LGQH\07-XQH6WDUW WLPHIRUERWKEXOOULGLQJVLVSP %XFNLQJLQ%RRPWRZQLQ:LOOLVWRQZLOOEHKHOGDWWKH8SSHU 0LVVRXUL9DOOH\)DLUJURXQGV7KH%XOO%ORZ2XWLQ6LGQH\ZLOO EHDWWKH5LFKODQG&R)DLUJURXQGV %RWKHYHQWVKDYHDGGHGHDFKGD\IRUDWRWDORI 5LGHUVFRPSHWHERWKGD\VZKLFKLQFOXGHDVKRUWJR HDFKGD\ ´:HXVXDOO\ZRXOGQ·WKDYHWZRHYHQWVPLOHVIURPHDFK RWKHU LQ WKH VDPH ZHHNµ VDLG 6KDQH *XQGHUVRQ RI WKH &·1 6WDUV%XOO&RPSDQ\SURGXFHURIERWKHYHQWV´:LWKWKHLQÁX[ RISHRSOHLQWKHDUHDZRUNLQJLQWKHRLOEXVLQHVVWKHUH·VPRUH WKDQHQRXJKSHRSOHWRÀOOWKHVHDWVµ 7KH%XOO%ORZ2XWLQ6LGQH\ZLOOIHDWXUH&·16WDUV%XOO&RP SDQ\3%5)LQDOVEXOO%XFN:LOG7KHLQIDPRXV%XFN:LOGKDVD SHUFHQWDJHEXFNRIIUDWHDQGDQDYHUDJHPDUNRI 2QWKHULGHUVLGHRIWKLQJV3%5:RUOG)LQDOLVWVDQG%XLOW 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WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 2014 REAL ESTATE FINANCING For Home Purchases & Refinancing Stop in today and see Janet Sergent in Sidney OBITUARIES Lowell, 89, and Viola Qualley, 89, Both of the Lambert-Sidney, MT area Janet Sergent Real Estate Loan Officer NMLS ID# 525727 www.richlandfcu.com 201 West Holly St. • Sidney, MT (406) 482-2704 18 East 2nd St. Culbertson, MT (406) 787-5890 For all your Farm/Ranch, Recreational, Residential, and Commercial needs. Alan Seigfreid Amanda Seigfreid Jim & Janice Knudsen 120 2nd St. N.E. • Sidney Mt. 59270 (O) 406-433-3010 • (C) 406-489-3010 Broker/Owners email: alans@midrivers.com Website: www.missouririverrealty.com Appliances imagination at work® Fridges • Stoves • Washers & Dryers • And More! Appliances Sales Center Mon-Fri: 10am - 6pm | 406-433-1823 | 214 S. Central Ave • Sidney, MT We welcome news and sports stories! Fax to: (406) 433-4114 email to: email@esidney.com bring stories to 111 W. Main, Sidney or call us at (406) 433-3306 AREA RECOVERY GROUPS MONDAYS: Noon — AA Group Trinity Lutheran Church Ed. bldg., 214 S. Lincoln Ave, Sidney. 1 - 3 p.m. – Grief Recovery Support Group in First Lutheran Church, Fellowship Room, Watford City. 6 p.m. – Al-Anon,Trinity Lutheran Church Ed. bldg., 214 S. Lincoln Ave, Sidney. 7 p.m. – Fairview Alive and Kicking at Fairview Alliance Church, 704 S. Western Ave. 8 p.m.— AA Group, Northern Pump & Compression, Watford City. Call 770-3603 or 770-2675 for directions or ride. TUESDAYS: 7 p.m. — AA Group Trinity Lutheran Church Ed. bldg., 214 S. Lincoln Ave, Sidney. WEDNESDAYS: 5:00 p.m. – 6REHU/LIH<RXQJ3HRSOH·V1$$$VWHS recovery group, 25 yr. old & younger, Trinity Lutheran Church Ed. bldg., 214 S. Lincoln Ave, Sidney. 8 p.m.— Al-Anon, Sanford Room, McKenzie Co. Public Library, Watford City. THURSDAYS: 7 p.m. – 1$PHHWLQJ0RQ'DN7UXFNLQJRIÀFH%OGJ W. Holly, Sidney. 8 p.m.— AA Group, Northern Pump & Compression, Watford City. Call 770-3603 or 770-2675 for directions or ride. FRIDAYS: 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.- 5 Stones faith based recovery PHHWLQJ6LGQH\1D]DUHQHWK6W6:%DFNGRRU is open. 7 p.m. – Watford City area Celebrate Recovery, Assembly of God, 2117 S. Main. For help call Robert 417-296-2809 or Stephanie 417-296-2810. 8 p.m. – $$PHHWLQJV7ULQLW\/XWKHUDQ&KXUFK(G%OGJ Sidney. SATURDAYS: 7P.M. – AA 24 hour group, Northern Pump & Compression, Watford City. Call 770-3603 or 770-2675 for directions or ride. 9 a.m. & 7 p.m. — AA Group Trinity Lutheran Church Education bldg., 214 S. Lincoln Ave, Sidney. SUNDAYS: 7 p.m. — AA Group Trinity Lutheran Church Ed. bldg., 214 S. Lincoln Ave, Sidney LAKE WATER LEVEL REPORT Sakakawea Fort Peck Current Elevation .......................... 1844.1 ....................2229.7 /DVW:HHN·V(OHY ......................... 1841.9 ....................2229.4 One Year Ago ............................... 1835.0 ....................2227.0 Release For Day (C.F.S.) ............. 30,000 ......................9,000 SIDNEY WEATHER DATA Source: MSU Eastern Agricultural Research Center Date High Low Precip. June 16 ...................... 77 ........................42 .....................0.00 June 17 ...................... 74 ........................57 .....................0.15 June 18 ...................... 70 ........................53 .....................0.21 June 19 ..................... 73 ........................48 .....................0.01 June 20 ...................... 77 ........................53 .....................0.00 June 21 ...................... 81 ........................56 .....................0.00 June 22 ...................... 75 ........................54 .....................0.00 Average YTD Precipitation ...............................................6.48 0HPRULDOVHUYLFHVIRU/RZHOO4XDOOH\DQG9LROD4XDO OH\ERWKRIWKH/DPEHUW6LGQH\DUHDDUHDWSP0RQGD\ -XQH DW WKH 6LGQH\ /XWKHUDQ %UHWKUHQ &KXUFK ZLWK SDVWRU0LNH+XVVH\RIÀFLDWLQJ&UHPDWLRQKDVWDNHQSODFHDQG LQWHUPHQWRIFUHPDLQVZLOOEHLQWKH6LGQH\&HPHWHU\5HPHP EUDQFHV FRQGROHQFHV DQG SLFWXUHV PD\ EH VKDUHG ZLWK WKH IDPLO\DWZZZIXONHUVRQVFRP /RZHOOSDVVHGDZD\RQ2FWREHUDQG9LRODSDVVHG DZD\RQ0D\DWWKH7RXFKPDUNIDFLOLW\LQ+HOHQD07 Be Safe this 4th of July By Richland County Injury Prevention Team :HKDYHDOOKHDUGWKHSUHFDXWLRQVDQGVDIHW\UXOHVDWOHDVW DIHZWLPHVZKHQLWFRPHVWROLJKWLQJÀUHZRUNV%XWGRZHUHDOO\ IROORZWKHPµWKLQNLQJLWZRQ·WKDSSHQWRPHRU,NQRZZKDW, DPGRLQJµ7KH5LFKODQG&RXQW\,QMXU\3UHYHQWLRQ7HDPZRXOG OLNHWRDJDLQUHPLQGWKHFRPPXQLW\WREHVDIHWKLVthRI-XO\ ,WLV\RXUDFWLRQVDQGGHFLVLRQVWKDWSUHYHQWRUFDXVHDQLQMXU\ RUZRUVHDGHDWK 1HYHUDOORZ\RXQJFKLOGUHQWRWRXFKÀUHZRUNVRIDQ\NLQG LQFOXGLQJVSDUNOHUV 2OGHUWHHQVVKRXOGRQO\EHDOORZHGWRXVHÀUHZRUNVXQGHU DGXOWVXSHUYLVLRQ 5HDGDQGIROORZODEHOGLUHFWLRQV /LJKWRQO\RQHÀUHZRUNDWDWLPH 1HYHUVWDQGGLUHFWO\RYHURUFORVHWRÀUHZRUNVZKLOHOLJKWLQJ WKHP %H VXUH RWKHU SHRSOH DUH RXW RI UDQJH EHIRUH OLJKWLQJ ÀUHZRUNV 1HYHUWKURZRUSRLQWÀUHZRUNVDWDQ\RQH 1HYHUOLJKWÀUHZRUNVLQDFRQWDLQHUHVSHFLDOO\DPHWDORU JODVVFRQWDLQHU 2QO\XVHÀUHZRUNVRXWGRRUV 1HYHUOLJKWÀUHZRUNVQHDUEXLOGLQJVGU\OHDYHVRUJUDVV RURWKHUPDWHULDOVWKDWFDQFDWFKRQÀUH $OZD\V KDYH ZDWHU FORVH E\ VXFK DV D JDUGHQ KRVH RU EXFNHWRIZDWHU 1HYHUWU\WRUHOLJKWD´GXGµÀUHZRUN &OHDQ XS WKH DUHD DQG SODFH DOO H[SORGHG ÀUHZRUNV LQ D PHWDOFRQWDLQHURYHUQLJKWEHIRUHSODFLQJLQWKHWUDVK Fairview Festival Invites Vendors to Register Early Submitted by Staci Miller 7KH)DLUYLHZ)HVWLYDOLVKHOGHDFK\HDURQWKHWKLUGZHHNHQG LQ-XO\7KHIHVWLYDOIHDWXUHVYLVLWLQJZLWKIULHQGVDQGQHLJKERUV ZDWFKLQJWKHSDUDGHOLYHPXVLFDQGDYDULHW\RIRWKHUDFWLYLWLHV $OLPLWHGQXPEHURIVSDFHVDUHDYDLODEOHWRYHQGRUVLQ6KDU ERQR3DUNIRU6DWXUGD\-XO\WK7KHFRVWLVSHUVSDFH QRHOHFWULFLW\DQGSHUVSDFHZLWKHOHFWULFLW\6SDFHFDQEH UHVHUYHGRQÀUVWFRPHÀUVWVHUYHEDVLVE\FDOOLQJ RUHPDLOFZWD]#JPDLOFRP7KH)DLUYLHZ)HVWLYDOLV RQHRIWKHUHDVRQVZK\HDVWHUQ0RQWDQDLVDJUHDWSODFHWROLYH Shakespeare at the Library By Laura Kowatch 7KHOLEUDU\ZLOOEHVKRZLQJ6KDNHVSHDUH·VFRPHG\´$V<RX /LNH,WµRQ7KXUVGD\-XO\UGDWSP7KHÀOPLVIUHHDQG RSHQWRDOODGXOWV7KHOLEUDU\ZLOOSURYLGHSRSFRUQDQGZDWHU ,Q ´$V <RX /LNH ,Wµ D \RXQJ ZRPDQ QDPHG 5RVDOLQG LV EDQLVKHG IURP FRXUW E\ KHU XQFOH WKH 'XNH 6KH GLVJXLVHV KHUVHOIDVDPDQDQGÁHHVLQWRWKHIRUHVWRI$UGHQ:KLOHRQ WKHUXQVKHHQFRXQWHUVDJHQWOHPDQ2UODQGR³DPDQVKHKDG IDOOHQLQORYHZLWKZKHQDWFRXUW5RVDOLQGGHFLGHVWRXVHKHU GLVJXLVHWROHDUQPRUHDERXW2UODQGRDQGKRZWRZLQKLVKHDUW 'LUHFWHGE\.HQQHWK%UDQDJKWKLVYHUVLRQWDNHVSODFHLQWK &HQWXU\-DSDQ 2WKHUDGXOWDFWLYLWLHVLQFOXGH+HDOWK\)RRG5HFLSHVZDSV ZKLFKZLOOWDNHSODFHWKURXJKRXWWKHPRQWKRI-XO\ 3OHDVHVWRSLQRUYLVLWWKHOLEUDU\)DFHERRNSDJHIRUPRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ Be R.A.D.D This 4th of July By Richland County DUI Task Force 1HYHUXVHÀUHZRUNVLI\RXKDYHEHHQGULQNLQJVLWEDFNDQG HQMR\WKHVKRZ $PHULFDQVORYHWRFHOHEUDWHWKH)RXUWKRI-XO\ZLWKIDPLO\ IULHQGVIRRGDQGÀUHZRUNVEXWDOOWRRRIWHQWKHIHVWLYLWLHVWXUQ WUDJLF 7KH IDFW LV WKH th RI -XO\ LV DOVR RQH RI WKH GHDGOLHVW KROLGD\VRIWKH\HDUGXHWRGUXQNGULYLQJFUDVKHV'RQ·WOHWLW KDSSHQLQRXUFRPPXQLW\'ULQNUHVSRQVLEO\NQRZ\RXUOLPLWV DQGGRQ·WGULQNDQGGULYH 5HPHPEHURXUFRPPXQLW\FDUHVDQGWKH'8,7DVN)RUFH DORQJZLWKWKHFRPPXQLW\ZDQWVWRUHPLQGHYHU\RQHWREH5$'' ,I\RXVHHDQLPSDLUHGGULYHURQRXUURDGVFDOODQGUHSRUW 5HSRUWWKHGHVFULSWLRQRIWKHYHKLFOHORFDWLRQDQGGLUHFWLRQRI WUDYHODQGDQ\RWKHUSHUWLQHQWLQIRUPDWLRQ\RXGRQRWQHHGWR JLYH\RXUQDPH<RXPD\SUHYHQWDFUDVKLQMXU\RUHYHQGHDWK EVENTS SEND US YOUR EVENTS! THE ROUNDUP: PO Box 1207 :HVW0DLQ6LGQH\07 )D[(PDLOFODVVDGV#HVLGQH\FRP Richland County Events in Sidney unless otherwise listed. MT Zone. Thurs., June 26 5 p.m. – Fresh Fruit Recipe Swap, Sidney Library. Bring samples and copies of the recipes. 5 p.m. — TOPS, Crestwood NW entrance, Weigh-ins 5-5:30 p.m. Meeting 5:30-6 p.m. 6:30 p.m. – Forageable Plants program, Richland County ([WHQVLRQ2IÀFH)UHHRSHQWRWKHSXEOLF Fri., June 27 5 p.m. – Ribbon Walk, Sidney Senior High School, Swanson Field. 6:30 - 7:30 a.m.– 0HQ·V%UHDNIDVW)HOORZVKLS Sidney Lutheran Brethren Church. 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. – Senior Commodity Distribution, Nutter building, 123 W. Main, back door. Message phone number is 433-4353. 11:30 a.m. — Sidney Senior Citizen Center will be hosting a meal. For more info call 406-433-8077. 5 - 7 p.m. – Hamburgers in the Park, Sharbono Park, Fairview. 6:30 pm – 5 stone drug and alcohol recovery meeting, Sidney Church of Nazarene, 606 9th ST. SW, back door is open. 10 p.m. – Sky Lantern Ceremony, Sidney Senior High School. Lanterns available at Foundation for Community Care. Sat., June 28 1 - 4 p.m. – Family Fun Day, MonDak Heritage Center, free and open to the public. Sun., June 29 1 p.m. — 6DYDJH6HQLRU&HQWHUFDUGVSRWOXFN 6:45 p.m. — Sidney Moose Lodge Bingo, Main Session. Mon., June 30 10 - 11 a.m. – Sidney Library Book Mobile will be in Fairview, Sharbono Park. 11:30 a.m. — Sidney Senior Citizen Center will be hosting a meal. For more info call 406-433-8077. 1 - 2 p.m. – Sidney Library Book Mobile will be in Lambert, Lambert Community Park. 3 - 4 – Sidney Library Book Mobile will be in Savge, Savage Senior Center (across from Fire Hall on Main St.) 4 - 7 p.m. – Farewell Celebration for Benjamin Clark, MonDak Heritage Center, refreshments will be served. 6:30 p.m.— Sidney Moose Lodge Pinochle games. Weds., July 2 12 - 1 p.m. – Parent Cafe: Active Parenting of Teens, XSVWDLUVDW3DQLQL·V3L]]HULD1&HQWUDO$YH)RU more info contact Nicole or Melissa at 433-4097. Thurs., July 3 7 p.m. – Sidney Library will be showing a free movie open WRDOODGXOWV6KDNHVSHDUH·VFRPHG\´As You Like It”. 7KHOLEUDU\ZLOOSURYLGHSRSFRUQZDWHU Fri., July 4 Lambert Cenntennial Celebrations, Lambert, MT. Dusk – Sidney Jaycees Fireworks display, Sidney Country Club, Hwy. 16. Sat., July 5 Lambert All School Reunion Celebration, Lambert, MT 6:30 p.m. – Shakespeare in the Park : AS YOU LIKE IT, 6HWLQ0RQWDQD%ULQJDFKDLUEODQNHWHQMR\WKH show at Veterans Memorial Park, Sidney. Refreshments available from the Girls Scouts. Tues. & Wed., July 8 & 9 Sons of Norway members and friends: Mark your calendars to make the Vikings for the fair. We will be baking at the Richland County Event Center. For shift times, please contact Mark at 488-6228. All are welcome to prepare for the fair! Thur., July 10 2 p.m. – Quarterly Richland County Injury Prevention ~ DUI Task Force meeting, Community Service Building, 1201 West Holy~ rm. 201. For more info call Mary Sundheim, Injury prevention specialist ~ DUI task force coorinator at 406-433-2207. MCKENZIE COUNTY Events in Watford City unless otherwise listed. CT Zone. Thurs., June 26 thru Sun., June 29 Watford City Centennial Celebration. Thurs., June 26 12 p.m. - 2 p.m. – McKenzie Co. Food Pantry, lower level of the First Lutheran Church, 212 2nd Ave. NW, Watford City, Cash Wise food giveaway, for more info or to set up an appt. call 701-444-3451 or www.mcfoodpantry.com. 7 p.m.– Pinochle, Watford City Senior Center, 205 5th St. NW, for more info call 842-3760. Fri., June 27 6 - 8 p.m. - +DPEXUJHUV,Q7KH3DUN$UQHJDUG·V1HOVRQ Park. Mon., June 30 1 - 3 p.m. – Grief Recovery Support Group First Lutheran Church, Fellowship room, Watford City. Tues., July 1 5 - 7 p.m. – McKenzie Co. Food Pantry open, First Lutheran Church, 212 2nd Ave. NW, Watford City. For more info call 701-444-3451. Thurs., July 3 5:30 p.m. – Arnegard Independence Day BBQ Cook-Off, Arnegard Nelson City Park, bring a potato dish. Cooking SPSXEOLFVHUYHGDWSPMXGJLQJ Fri., July 4 Arnegard 4th of July Celebration Notice :HZHOFRPHDOOHYHQWVIURPVFKRROVQRQSURÀW organizations, churches, clubs, community, public meetings, and all other events. Call Kristi at 406-4333306, email: classads@esidney.com, or just stop by The Roundup Newspaper. The Roundup provides free Fax service at Meuchel Computer Services, :DWIRUG&LW\1'IRUDOOQHZVSKRWRVDGYHUWLVLQJ copy. You may drop your Roundup payments at Meuchels. View all monthly events on our calendar at: www.roundupweb.com ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 2014 3A Ranch Rodeo & Horse Competition The 10th Annual Neal “Earl” Hermanson Memorial Ranch Rodeo and Horse Competition took place Saturday, June 21 in Sidney. Pictured left is the 2nd place team -Challenger Industries (Shawn Yeager, Nate Horner, Josh Lilly, Trent Martin). Photo submitted by Kim Hermanson. Neal “Earl” Hermanson Memorial Ranch Rodeo and Horse Competition Above are the winners of the Ranch Rodeo, Team Genex. They will go on to compete in the NILE in October. Left is Ranch Horse Competition winner Andy Pollari. (Photos submitted by Kim Hermanson) Ranch Horse prizes Junior Horse 1 st place buckle Andy Pollari 2nd place coat Josh Lilly 3rd place Clint Neshem Senior Horse 1 st place buckle Jason Schaffer 2nd place coat JJ Hovde 3rd place Andy Pollari 3rd place Darold Wolff 5th place Dawn Martin Ladies 1st place buckle Amanda Johnson 2nd place coat Dawn Martin 3rd place Carla Leland Top Hand - Solly Danks Top Horse - Robert Sperry SADDLE – Andy Pollari Ranch Horse Youth Prizes Junior Youth 1st place buckle Garrett Larson and $700 scholarship 2nd place coat Grady Larson and $300 scholarship 3rd place Jace Winter 4th Hadley Henderson Senior Youth 1 st place buckle Daryn Wolff and $700 scholarship 2 nd place coat Bethany Rede Kopp and $300 schol- arship Ranch Rodeo 1st place buckles ~ Team - Genex (Jason McNally, Clint Nesham, Robert Sperry, Jim Roedeske, Craige McKenzie) (This team will go on to compete in the NILE in October) 2nd place coats ~ Team -Challenger Industries (Shawn Yeager, Nate Horner, Josh Lilly, Trent Martin) 3 rd place money clips ~ 7HDP (DUO·V %R\V 5\DQ Forbes, Ian Pennington, Cory Foss, Sam Irwin, Bronc Pipert) 13,000 $ over IN SAVING REBATES & DISCOUNTS 5 year/100,000 mile limited power train warranty included. 2014 RAM 1500 CREW CAB 4 wheel drive, 5.7 -V8 Hemi, Leather trim, heated front seats, trailer tow group, remote start, Uconnect 8.4 AM/ FM/NAV, Tuscany Badlander Pkg. Lambert 4th of July & Centennial Celebration! July 4th 5:00am .............................................................................................. Wake-up Call 9:00am .......................... Prayer & Praise Service at the Fox Lake Senior Center 9:00am - 4:00pm ................................................. Museum & Country Store Open 10:00am - 7:00pm .............................................................. Mini-Carnival “The Kid Zone!” All ages. Bungee run, obstacle course, bungee jumper, inflatable slide, bounce house, mini ferris wheel, space ball gyro, dolphin swing & the whizzer 10:00 - 11:00am ..................... United States Post Office Honoring Lambert with Commemorative Stamp Cancellation at Senior Center 10:00am .............................................................. Parade Registration at NorTana 10:30am ................................. Kids Bike Decorating Contest Lineup at NorTana 11:00am Parade. EMT vs. Firemen Tug-o-War in the Park following the Parade. 11:00am - 4:00pm .......................................... Sellers, Vendors Setup in the Park Noon... Lambert Fire Dept. BBQ & Free Will Donation. RJ the DJ to Start Music Noon........................................................Tractor Display Show by Senior Center Noon - 3:00pm ......Senior Center Serving Slush Burgers, Potato Salad, Sodas, Root Beer Floats, Pie & Ice Cream. 1:00pm ................................................................................... Food Vendors Open 1:00 - 3:00pm Musical Jamboree for Area Musicians & Singers. Sound System will be Provided. Everyone Welcome! 1:30pm ...............................Ball-Drop sponsored by Bryan Prevost & Blue Rock 2:00 - 3:00pm ......................... United States Post Office Honoring Lambert with Commemorative Stamp Cancellation at Senior Center 2:00 - 4:00pm .......... Dunk Tank. Come dunk some of our locals & school staff! 2:30pm ..................................................... Adult Activities in front of the Fire Hall Farm-Hand Olympics Miss Lambert Competition Bed Races *Anyone can participate. Sign-up sheet at the fire hall. Prizes will be awarded! 5:00pm ...... BBQ in front of Town ‘n Country. “Manny’s Get Some” $10/plate, includes meat & sides. 8:00pm - 1:00am ...... Steet Dance in front of CQ Bar & Grill featuring “OK & the Runaways.” Dusk Fireworks sponsored by Lambert Fire Dept. July 5th – All School Reunion 7:00am .................................................Check-in for Fun Run/Walk at the School 7:30am .........................................................................5k Fun Run or 1 Mile Walk 8:00am - Noon ....................................................Reunion Check-in at the School 10:00am - 1:00pm ................................................................ Brunch at Lion’s Den 10:00am - 4:00pm ............................................... Country Store & Museum Open 10:00am - 7:00pm .............................................................. Mini-Carnival “The Kid Zone!” All ages. Bungee run, obstacle course, bungee jumper, inflatable slide, bounce house, mini ferris wheel, space ball gyro, dolphin swing & the whizzer Afternoon ................................................................................ Basketball Tourney Noon - 3:00pm ......Senior Center Serving Slush Burgers, Potato Salad, Sodas, Root Beer Floats, Pie & Ice Cream. 10:00am - 5:00pm ...................................................School Tours/Decade Rooms 5:30pm ..........................All School Banquet & Hall of Fame Induction at School 8:00pm - 1:00am .....Street Dance in front of CQ Bar & Grill featuring “OK & the Runaways” Centennial T-shirts, postcards & posters will be for sale all day July 4th & 5th at the Senior Center. #4429 Must qualify for all rebates. 4A ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 2014 Supporting Ribbon Walk Keeps Donations Local 6XSHU6DYLQJ6DOH Modulars starting at $60 per sq. ft. 6$9( LOCK IN SALE PRICE, TAKE DELIVERY LATER! ·V • WOW!! Triplewide 2790 sq. ft. with all the bells & whistles. • 1600 sq. ft. modular, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 6” walls, glamour bath, low-e windows, upgraded cabinets. 21/< 1(:+20(6 RIWKH www.newhomesofthefuture.com )8785( 7239 South Frontage Rd., Billings, Montana 59101 Garth Kallevig, President of Stockman Bank of Montana presents Jessica Price, a $500.00 donation for the Ribbon Walk. The Ribbon Walk will be held June 27, 2014 at Sidney High School¹s Swanson Field starting at 5:00 pm. (Photo submitted by Pam Burman) Submitted by Toni Zieske Fighting cancer is hard enough without having to worry DERXWKRZWKHELOOVDUHJRLQJWREHSDLGRUIDFLQJWKHÀJKWDZD\ from home and a support system. Fortunately, local residents IDFLQJWKLVÀJKWKDYHRSWLRQVWRVWD\FORVHWRKRPHIRUWUHDWPHQWV and a fund to help with expenses. Proceeds raised at the 1st Annual Ribbon Walk will stay ORFDO EHQHÀWLQJ WKH &DQFHU &RDOLWLRQ DQG WKH 6LGQH\ +HDOWK &HQWHU &DQFHU &DUH IXQGV PDQDJHG E\ WKH )RXQGDWLRQ IRU &RPPXQLW\&DUH “It was a top priority of our planning committee that the funds raised at the Ribbon Walk stay local to help cancer services in the area,” stated Toni Zieske, Ribbon Walk committee member. “Donors want to see the direct impact of their funds donated. We IHHOWKDWWKH&DQFHU&RDOLWLRQDQG6LGQH\+HDOWK&HQWHU&DQFHU &DUHIXQGVDUHSHUIHFWZD\VWRGLUHFWO\KHOSFDQFHUSDWLHQWVLQ Eastern Montana and Western North Dakota.” Lots of Space In This Singlewide! 1,165 sq. ft., 3 bed/2 bath. Limited time offer, free delivery within 100 miles 7KH&DQFHU&RDOLWLRQ)XQGWKDWZDVVHWXSLQWKHVSULQJRI 2013 has already helped 30 people affected by cancer in the community by offering assistance with non-medical household H[SHQVHV7KH6LGQH\+HDOWK&HQWHU&DQFHU&DUHKDVWUHDWHG patients all the way from Jordan to Bottineau, ND and Westby to Wibaux. Through the offering of chemotherapy and radiation therapy treatments, many patients are able to stay close to home and receive state of the art cancer treatment. 7KH5LEERQ:DONZLOOEHKHOGRQ)ULGD\-XQHDW6ZDQVRQ )LHOGDW6LGQH\+LJK6FKRRO6WDUWLQJDW30WKHHYHQWZLOO IHDWXUHD.LGV&RUQHUZLWKERXQF\KRXVHREVWDFOHFRXUVHDQG games. There will also be food vendors and a silent auction. Participants will have the opportunity to decorate tribute signs to wear during the walk in memory or in honor of a loved RQH6WULSVRIULEERQFDQEHSXUFKDVHGGXULQJWKHZDONGHForated with names or words of encouragement and tied onto a special area on the fence surrounding the track. $W30WKHZDONZLOONLFNRIIZLWKDVXUYLYRUODSIROORZHG by the teams. Plan to join in the fun of a Flash Mob as participants dance celebrating cancer survivors. The dance steps are available on the Ribbon Walk Facebook page. 7KHVWDSOHRIWKHHYHQLQJZLOOEHWKH6N\/DQWHUQ&HUHPRQ\ DW306N\/DQWHUQVZLOOEHUHOHDVHGLQKRQRURIFDQFHU survivors and in memory of those lost to this deadly disease. ´7KH6N\/DQWHUQVDUHDEHDXWLIXOZD\WRKRQRURUUHPHPEHU those affected by cancer,” said Zieske. “We are looking forward WRWKHPDQ\ODQWHUQVWKDWZLOOEHUHOHDVHGDQGÀOOLQJWKHVN\ZLWK OLJKWDQGKRSHµ6N\/DQWHUQVDUHDYDLODEOHDWWKH)RXQGDWLRQ IRU&RPPXQLW\&DUHRUIURPDQ\5LEERQ:DON7HDP7KHQLJKW ZLOOHQGZLWKDVSHFWDFXODUÀUHZRUNVGLVSOD\GRQDWHGE\717 Fireworks from Williston. To donate to the Ribbon Walk, visit the Foundation for &RPPXQLW\&DUH·VZHEVLWHDWwww.foundationforcommunitycare. org or donate via text message by texting 0627 to 41444 and clicking on the link. $ M-W-Th: 9am-7pm • T-F: 9am - 6pm • Sat: 9am - 4pm 2308 West Front St. Williston, ND | 701-572-2590 49,995 This Unit Only Everything Roundup on the web. 6A ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 2014 Arnegard’s 4th of July Celebration! Thursday, July 3rd Arnegard Independence Day BBQ Cook-Off Arne Arnegard Nelson City Park Spud Fest, bring a potato dish. Cooking at 3 pm, public served at Coo 5 pm & judging at 5:30 pm. Pr Product should be served to the public at 5 pm & ready for judging at 5:30 pm. Restroom & trash re ffacilities are available on site. For more info, contact Becky at 701-770-4389. Entertainment provided by Rich & Kathy. Friday, July 4 th Celebrate the 4th of July with us in Arnegard Parade, lunch, kids’ games, program, music & fireworks. A $3 button admits you to all of the celebration events. 10 am ............................................... Parade Assembly: line up along frontage road heading west. Floats, businesses, old & new cars, horses, teams & wagons, old & new farm equipment, bicycles, tricycles, walkers, churches & organizations, other family/class reunions. For more info or questions about parade entries, call Jen Swartz at 701-580-8552. .......................................................... Crafters setup on the lawn. 10 am - 1 pm (or out) ....................... Pie sales by the Wilmington Lutheran Church Ladies Aid 11 am ............................................... Parade down Main Street & through town Noon - 4 pm ..................................... Kids’ inflatable “Fun on the Run” Noon................................................. BBQ Beef Lunch furnished by the Iver Arnegard families & served by the Arnegard Lions. Ice cream cups furnished by McKenzie County Bank. 1 pm ................................................. Recognition of all Veterans & Pledge of Allegiance immediatley followed by the Iver Families Program & American Legion Chaplin Ceremony 2:30 pm ............................................ Old fashioned kids’ games 10:35 pm .......................................... Fireworks just east of Arnegard School. Sponsored by Arnegard 10½ Club & Arnegard Volunteer Fire Department. **PLEASE pick up your fireworks litter before leaving** Paula Slow providing music all afternoon. Softball Tournament at Sunny Arnegard Jack Bazer Ball Park on Thursday at 5 pm and Friday at 1 pm. Country Olympics at 5:30 pm at the ball park (pig wrestling, tug-o-war & bale rolling). Lions will be serving hamburgers from 6-8 pm. All times are Central Time. Arnegard Auto Sales Charlie’s Service 6PDUWHU%HWWHU)DVWHU 701-586-3552 • Hwy. 85 W Arnegard, ND Hwy. 85 Arnegard 701-586-3552 www.RTC.coop Phone z Internet z TV 14256 Hwy 85 N Alexander, ND 701-828-3352 Delmar Rink Construction Keene, ND 701-675-2700 For all your application & crop protection chemical needs! T A YL O R Ag Service Kent Taylor, Owner Watford City, ND 701-444-3772 Licensed in ND & MT Agents with answers. Eric Mogen Watford City 444-6048 www.nodakmutual.com Northern States Fishing Tool Co., Inc. Service & Rental Tools Box 346 • Watford City, ND 701-842-3350 of Williston Your Locally Owned & Operated Soft Drink Specialist 701-572-6746 S&S Motors 701-444-2341 WATFORD CITY, ND 1 One Stop Hwy 85 W • Watford City, ND 701-444-3122 (Located in the Long X Visitor Center) Lund Oil Co. Watford City, ND 701-842-2805 “We Have Something For Everyone!” Mon-Sat: 9am - 10pm • Sun: 4 - 9pm 701-842-2771 ½ mile south on Hwy. 85 501 6th Ave SE Watford City, ND 701-444-3639 200 N Main Watford City 701-444-2906 908 4th Ave. NE Watford City, ND 701-444-9288 Pro Farmer’s ion Oil Co. C Union • Pre-owned Vehicles • Full Service Shop www.sandsmotorsinc.com Hwy. 85 Watford City 701-444-3335 Mon-Sat: 8am - 9pm Sunday: 1 - 5pm 329 N. Main • Watford City 701-444-6484 Toll Free: 800-411-7590 “You’re Never Alone” Auto Body Corky & Marla Hayden 405 7th St. NE Watford City, ND 701-842-2797 810 3rd Avenue SW Watford City, ND, 58854 701-842-6800 www.thewatford.com Dennis Anderson Representative 701-444-3273 229 N. Main Watford City, ND WOOD GROUP PSN SK & S OIL FIE LD c. S In ICE V SER Mitchell’s is a great place to work! • www.mitchellsoilfield.com A DARN GOOD LITTLE NEWSPAPER! PO Box 1207 • Sidney, Montana • 406-433-3306 ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 2014 7A We Will Be Closed, Friday, July 4th So That Our Employees & Their Families May Enjoy The Holiday We Apologize For Any Inconvenience This May Cause. Café Villarreal 214 S Ellery Ave • Fairview, MT 406-742-5307 B&B Sales and Service Ribbon Cutting The Sidney Area Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture hosted a ribbon cutting at B&B Sales and Service last Thursday. Pictured, l to r, are Chamber event coordinator LaVanchie Starkey, Chamber executive director Jessica Davies, B&B Steel Buildings manager Jim Bell, B&B Trailer Sales manager Mark Brodhead, employee Amie Dodson, owner Roger Byer and Sunrise Ambassadors Cheryl Peterson, Judi Anderson and Lola Herbert. Sun: Closed Mon-Thur: 5am - 9pm Fri & Sat: 5am - 5pm • 10pm - 4am Serving Mexican & American Food Thank You To Everyone Who Was a Part of the Richland County Centennial! We hope the next 100 years are as successful as the first 100 years! “Fun with Family & Friends” was our goal, and it’s because of ALL OF YOU that we reached it! Thank you from the Richland County Commissioners: Loren Young, Shane Gorder & Duane Mitchell And The Richland County Centennial Committee: Jamie Larson, Marci Albin, Libby Berndt, Benjamin Clark, Angie Nelson, LaVanchie Starkey, Kris Weltikol, Fred Lake & Jacki Young Special Thanks To Our Sponsors: WOOD GROUP 8A ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 2014 State Officials Offer Safe Driving Message to Teens Submitted by Jon Ebelt 6WDWHRIÀFLDOVDUHHQFRXUDJLQJSDUHQWVWRWDONWRWKHLUQHZ DQG\RXQJGULYHUVDERXWPDNLQJVPDUWFKRLFHVRQFHWKH\JHWEHKLQGWKHZKHHO7KH,QWHUDJHQF\&RRUGLQDWLQJ&RXQFLORQ6WDWH 3UHYHQWLRQ 3URJUDPV ,&& :RUN *URXS LV DVNLQJ SDUHQWV WR UHLQIRUFHZLWK\RXQJGULYHUVWKHVHVLPSOHOLYHVDYLQJGULYLQJWLSV Ã$OORFFXSDQWVPXVWZHDUDVHDWEHOW Ã2EH\WKHVSHHGOLPLW A Radio That Will Fit Whatever You Drive! Starting at $359 Call Larry Today At... Just North of McDonald’s • Sidney, MT 406-433-1659 • Toll Free: 1-866-433-1659 Ã.QRZ\RXUOLPLWVDQGGRQRWGULYHZKHQ\RX·UHWLUHGZKLOH WH[WLQJRULPSDLUHGE\DOFRKRODQGRURWKHUVXEVWDQFHV ´$QDFFLGHQWFDQRFFXULQDVSOLWVHFRQGZKHWKHULW·V\RXU FDURUVRPHRQHHOVH·VFDUVSLQQLQJRXWRIFRQWUROµVDLG,&&VWDII PHPEHU9LFNL7XUQHURIWKH'HSDUWPHQWRI3XEOLF+HDOWKDQG +XPDQ6HUYLFHV3UHYHQWLRQ5HVRXUFH&HQWHU´,W·VVRLPSRUWDQW WRNHHS\RXUH\HVRQWKHURDGDWDOOWLPHVµ1DWLRQZLGHPRWRU YHKLFOHFUDVKHVDUHWKHOHDGLQJFDXVHRIGHDWKIRUWHHQVLQWKH 866LQFHWKHUHKDYHEHHQWHHQGULYHUIDWDOLWLHVLQ 0RQWDQDZKLFKUHSUHVHQWVDERXWSHUFHQWRIDOOWHHQIDWDOLWLHV 7KH 0RQWDQD <RXWK 5LVN %HKDYLRU VXUYH\ DVNHG 0RQWDQDVWXGHQWVDERXWWKHLUGULYLQJKDELWV7KHUHVXOWVVKRZHG WKDWGXULQJWKHGD\VSULRUWRWKHVXUYH\DERXWSHUFHQW WH[WHGRUHPDLOHGDQGSHUFHQWWDONHGRQDFHOOSKRQHZKLOH GULYLQJ´7DNHDIHZPLQXWHVWRYLVLWZLWK\RXUWHHQHVSHFLDOO\ ZLWKWKHVXPPHUPRQWKVXSRQXVDERXWPDNLQJVPDUWFKRLFHV ZKHQGULYLQJDQGULGLQJLQDFDUµ7XUQHUXUJHG 7KH ,&& :RUN *URXS XUJHV \RX WR YLVLW ZZZSODQOLYH PWJRY IRU LQIRUPDWLRQ DERXW 9LVLRQ =HUR DQG D QHZ 0\WKFUDVKHUVYLGHRDERXWEXFNOLQJXS$QGFKHFNRXWWKHVHVRFLDO PHGLD SDJHV LQFOXGLQJ ZZZIDFHERRNFRPSODQOLYH DQG YLVLRQ]HURPW USDA and Reservation Telephone Cooperative Partner to Build New Daycare Center Submitted by Kristin Jaeger 86'$5XUDO'HYHORSPHQWSDUWQHUHGZLWK5HVHUYDWLRQ7HOHSKRQH&RRSHUDWLYH57&WRSURYLGH:ROI5XQ9LOODJHDPLOOLRQORDQWRFRQVWUXFW:ROI3XS'D\FDUH&HQWHULQ:DWIRUG&LW\ ´7KHUHLVDFKLOGFDUHVKRUWDJHDFURVVWKHVWDWHEXWLWLV SDUWLFXODUO\HYLGHQWLQZHVWHUQ1RUWK'DNRWDZKLFKLVH[SHULHQFLQJDJUHDWSRSXODWLRQLQÁX[µVDLG-DVSHU6FKQHLGHU86'$ 5XUDO 'HYHORSPHQW VWDWH GLUHFWRU ´7KLV SURMHFW ZLOO SURYLGH PXFKQHHGHGVHUYLFHVDVGD\FDUHIDFLOLWLHVLQ:DWIRUG&LW\DUH DWPD[LPXPFDSDFLW\µ 7KHJURZWKLQMREVDQGSRSXODWLRQODUJHO\GXHWRRLOGHYHORSPHQWKDVFUHDWHGDQHHGIRUPRUHFKLOGFDUHVHUYLFHV7RKHOS DGGUHVVWKLVQHHGWKHQHZGD\FDUHFHQWHUZLOODFFRPPRGDWH FKLOGUHQDJHVZHHNVWR\HDUVRIDJH,QDGGLWLRQWKH HQWLUH XSSHU ÁRRU ZLOO EH GHGLFDWHG WR SUHVFKRRO FODVVURRPV :KHQWKHSURMHFWLVFRPSOHWHWKHFHQWHUSODQVWRKLUHDWOHDVW IXOOWLPHHPSOR\HHVDQGZLOOKDYHORQJHUKRXUVWREHWWHUVHUYH WKRVHZKRZRUNVKLIWVLQWKHRLOSDWFK 57&&(2*HQHUDO0DQDJHU5R\FH$VODNVRQVDLG´57& IHHOVVWURQJO\DERXWKHOSLQJZLWKHFRQRPLFGHYHORSPHQWLQRXU VHUYLFHDUHD7KH:ROI3XS'D\FDUHPHWWKHORDQUHTXLUHPHQWV DQGZLOOKDYHDJUHDWLPSDFWRQWKH:DWIRUG&LW\DUHDµ 7KURXJK WKH 86'$ 5XUDO (FRQRPLF 'HYHORSPHQW /RDQ 5('/SURJUDP57&UHFHLYHGDPLOOLRQORDQWRKHOSFRQVWUXFW WKH QHZ GD\FDUH IDFLOLW\ 7KH 5('/ SURJUDP SURYLGHV ]HURLQWHUHVWORDQVWRORFDOXWLOLW\FRPSDQLHVZKLFKWKH\LQWXUQ UHOHQGWRORFDOEXVLQHVVHVWRVSXUHFRQRPLFGHYHORSPHQW57& KDVDOVRSDUWQHUHGZLWKWKH5('/SURJUDPWRSURYLGHIXQGLQJ WRWKH$129$)DPLO\+HDOWK&HQWHULQ:DWIRUG&LW\DQGWRWKH *DUULVRQ0HPRULDO+RVSLWDO )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQRQ86'$SURJUDPVSOHDVHFDOO RUYLVLWKWWSZZZUXUGHYXVGDJRYQG Fireworks Prohibited on WMAs PLUS Lots of Other Big Boy Fireworks Open June 27 - July 5 Submitted by ND FWP 7KH1RUWK'DNRWD*DPH DQG)LVK'HSDUWPHQWUHPLQGV FLWL]HQVWKDWSRVVHVVLRQRUXVH RI ÀUHZRUNV RQ VWDWH ZLOGOLIH PDQDJHPHQW DUHDV LV SURKLELWHG 7KH SULPDU\ REMHFWLYH RI DZLOGOLIHPDQDJHPHQWDUHDLV WRHQKDQFHZLOGOLIHSURGXFWLRQ SURYLGH KXQWLQJ DQG ILVKLQJ RSSRUWXQLWLHVDQGRIIHURWKHU RXWGRRU UHFUHDWLRQDO DQG HGXFDWLRQDOXVHV2QO\DFWLYLWLHV WKDW ZRXOG QRW GLVUXSW WKH LQWHQWLRQVRIKRZWKHVHDUHDV DUHPDQDJHGDUHHQFRXUDJHG DQGDÀUHZRUNVGLVSOD\LVQRW FRPSDWLEOH ([FHVVLYH QRLVH DQG FRPPRWLRQ WKDW FRPH ZLWK ILUHZRUNV GLVWXUEV ZLOGOLIH DQG WKHLU H[SORVLYH QDWXUH LV DSRWHQWLDOVRXUFHRIZLOGÀUHV &KDQFHVRIDZLOGÀUHGHYHORSLQJDUHJUHDWO\HQKDQFHGZKHQ H[SORVLYHVVXFKDVÀUHZRUNV FRPHLQFRQWDFWZLWKWDOOJUDVVHVLQUXUDODUHDV $ FRPSOHWH OLVW RI WKH :0$UHJXODWLRQVLVDYDLODEOH RQ WKH *DPH DQG )LVK ZHEVLWHJIQGJRY Put Garbage Where it Belongs 7KH1RUWK'DNRWD*DPH DQG)LVK'HSDUWPHQWUHPLQGV RXWGRRU UHFUHDWLRQLVWV ZKR FHOHEUDWH WKH )RXUWK RI -XO\ DORQJDQ\KHDYLO\XVHGUHFUHDWLRQDODUHDWRNHHSLWFOHDQE\ SDFNLQJRXWDOOWUDVKLQFOXGLQJ ÀUHZRUNV $OO JDUEDJH LQFOXGLQJ XVHG ILUHZRUNV VKRXOG EH SODFHG LQ WKH SURSHU WUDVK UHFHSWDFOH ,I WUDVK FDQV DUHQ·WDYDLODEOHRUDUHIXOOWDNH WKHWUDVKDQGGLVSRVHRILWDW KRPH ,WLVQRWXQFRPPRQWRVHH JDUEDJHSLOLQJXSDURXQGWUDVK FRQWDLQHUVDIWHUWKH\EHFRPH IXOO6W\URIRDPFRQWDLQHUVDUH QRWELRGHJUDGDEOHEXW\HWDUH RIWHQIRXQGZHGJHGLQFDWWDLOV GULIWLQJRUZDVKHGXSRQVKRUH :RUQWLUHVROGPDWWUHVVHV DQG NLWFKHQ DSSOLDQFHV KDYH IRXQGWKHLUZD\WRSXEOLFXVH DUHDV7KLVLOOHJDOGXPSLQJLV FRVWO\WRFOHDQXSDQGWDNHVD VLJQLÀFDQWWROORQWKHHQYLURQPHQW1RWRQO\GRHVLWVSRLOWKH EHDXW\RIWKHODQGLWGHVWUR\V KDELWDW KDV WKH SRWHQWLDO WR SROOXWH 1RUWK 'DNRWD ZDWHUV DQGFDQLQMXUHZLOGOLIH /LWWHULQJYLRODWLRQVVKRXOG EHUHSRUWHGE\FDOOLQJWKH5HSRUW$OO 3RDFKHUV WHOHSKRQH QXPEHUDW 3 Miles east of Fairview on Hwy 200 (Previously Known as Big Opening) Everything Roundup on the web. ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 2014 9A Reach Over 21,000 Readers Each Week In Eastern Montana & Western North Dakota And Always On The Internet at roundupweb.com (Paypal required for online purchases) Add a photo to your classy online! (additional charge) Now Taking Credit Cards! (5% charge added to all transactions) Get Up To 30 Words For Just $9 • Deadline: Monday HELP WANTED HELP WANTED PT bartender, Call Betty 406480-7068 or apply in person at the VFW. {18-tfn} CITY OF SIDNEY Is accepting applications for water plant operator. Part time summer park and street maintenance, must be 16 or older. If interested, please fill out application at City Hall, 115 2nd St. SE, Sidney. {8-tfn} HELP WANTED Part time bartender. Apply with Randy at Sidney Elks Club between 1 - 4 pm, 123 3rd St. SW, Sidney. 406-433-2406. {52-tfn} CARRIERS WANTED Need extra cash or want to get some exercise? We have carrier routes available in most parts of Sidney. Call 406-4333306, or fill out application at The Roundup, 111 W. Main, Sidney. (35-tfn) HELP WANTED The Roundup Newspaper is looking for a freelance writer to cover the Sidney, Watford City & Williston areas. Apply at Sidney Job Service (15-tfn) WANTED SERVERS & KITCHEN STAFF Wage DOE. Apply in person at Cattle-Ac, 119 N. Central Ave., Sidney, MT. (8-tfn) REAL ESTATE HOUSE FOR SALE Country setting. Must See. 1 1/2 miles N. of Sidney on hwy 200. 4bdrm w/large kitchen & dining area plus formal dining room & den, sunroom, very large yard & garden area. Room for large shop, trucks etc. Call 406-591-4610 for more info. {18-4tp} 5 ACRE COMMERCIAL LOTS FOR SALE Conveniently located between Williston & Watford City, right off Hwy 85. Graded recently. Perfect for a new shop, or business! Lots have rural water, power, RTC, & electric right at the road. Hwy 85, S. on 140th Ave NW, 1/4 mile on right. 406-4714049. {14-tfn} No pets, No smokers. Located on HWY 16, 40 minutes to Sidney. 701 290-0427, 701 225-0873. {17-3tp} FOR RENT Camper spots in Savage, water, sewer, electricity. $575 per month. NO PETS! Call 406-776-2209 leave message or 406-480-1626. {18-4tp} SERVICES PAINTING Will paint houses, barns, quonsets, silos, grain bins, etc. References available. R&L Painting, 406-488-8244. {7-tfn} WELDING Welding & repair work. No job is too small. Portable welder, reasonable rates. 701-4442936. (30-tfn) COMPLETE SERVICE CENTER The Roundup provides free Fax service at Meuchel Computer Services, Watford City, ND, for all news, photos & advertising copy. You may drop your Roundup payments at Meuchels. (tfn) WINDSHIELD REPLACEMENTS Lowest price around. Quick service. Over 300 windshields in stock for cars, pickups & semis, reflect windshields are now $120. Magrum Motors, 1820 2nd St. W., Williston. 701-572-0114. -tfn) FARM & RANCH FOR SALE J.D. 158 loader w/or without grapple, J.D. mounts 10-2030-40 mounts, 146 J.D. load- Bakken Mobile Veterinary Service Dr. Vince Stenson er, w/or with out grapple. call 406-963-2228. {19-2tc} FOR SALE 7x24 Barrett aluminum stock trailer 8000 lb. axles, two center gates. 688 New Holland round baler. 8110 Heston swather w/16’ hay header & 30’draper. Minneapolis Moline G 900 propane tractor w/ GB 900 Hi-Master loader w/ grapple. 2002 Cadillac Sedan Deville. Everything very good condition! 406-963-2263 or cell 406-963-7363. {19-2tp} FOR SALE Pintle hitch trailer, 20’ w/4’ beavertail. 10-20 tires. $2,000.00 406-963-2228. {19-2tc} FARRIER AND TRAINER WANTED Need experienced farrier to trim 4 horses. Also need experienced trainer to finish two 4 year olds. Riding already just need someone to finish and put time on them at my farm. No wanna bes please. Call 701-770-1264. {19-4tp} FOR SALE Ditch Witch skid steer trailer, bumper pull, 14 ply tires $2,000.00 406-963-2228. FOR SALE 1999 Vermeer 505L Baler, well maintained, always shedded, 4 bale sisal twine.,3 bale poly twine, some spare parts, $10,000. Hesston 60A stacker, $2,000. 406-798-3672. {19-3tp} FOR SALE John Deere 7720 Titan 2 combine. 2043 hours, 224 header w/pickup reel w/trailer. Chaff spreader & straw chopper. Fairview, 406-480-1259. {18-4tp} MINERALS & SUPPLEMENTS Complete line of minerals & supplements, Crystalx protein & mineral tubs for cattle, horses & sheep. All types of liquid feed for livestock. Calving supplies. R&J Ag Supply 406-488-1953, 406-480-2006, 1-800-233-2499, Sidney, MT. (2-tfn) VERMEER HAYING EQUIPMENT See us today for all your haying & feeding equipment, sweeps & farm oil. Anderson Vermeer Sales & Service. Open Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m. 701-828-3358 or 701828-3482 (after hrs.). Alexander, ND. Hefty Seed Company has as agronomy position open now at the Sidney location. Work for an outstanding company and a leader in the field! For more information, call Hefty Seed Company, Sidney at : 406-488-4338 (HEFT) Country Living Thurs, Jul 3, 15 Tractor Supply Co. Culbertson: Wed, Jun 25, Jul 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30 County Ext. Bldg on Main Street Fairview: Wed, July 9 Call for Appointment (701) - 609 - 3705 $ 320,000 • 4 Bedrooms • 1 Bonus Room • 1 Acre • Split Level • 2700 Sq. Ft. • Double Garage • 6 Miles Southeast of Sidney Sidney: The Welcome Stop The Powder Keg Please call Ron at 406-240-4615 M.P.P. FOR RENT HOUSE FOR RENT IN SAVAGE 2 to 3 bdrm, 1 bath, partially furnished, washer/dryer, very clean, newly remodeled, plenty of parking, no pets, no smoking. $1700 + utilities & deposit. Available Aug. 1. Call 406-776-2209. {19-4tc} FOR RENT IN SAVAGE Finished 24x36 garage sitting on a 40x120 lot. Perfect for a mobile home or camper. $1,000 per month plus MDU. 406-776-2209 or 406-4801626. {18-4tp} FOR RENT Large 4 Bedroom house, 2 car garage, 2 fireplaces, deck, 2 bathrooms. Awesome views, Is Looking For: {17-2tp} FOR SALE 2002 F250, 7.3 diesel. 406489-1514. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Small kitchen table w/4 chairs.701-444-2936 or 701770-2565. {19-1tp} {16-tfnc} Driver Wanted *$500 Signing Bonus Delivery driver for The Roundup, $15 per hour. Must have valid driver's license, be able to lift at least 80 lbs. One day/week. Pick up application at 111 W. Main, Sidney, MT, or at the Sidney Job Service. *After completing three month trial period. Only $17 A Week! If you run it for 2 weeks & it doesn’t sell, we’ll run it for 2 more weeks................... FREE! Ford E 350 Ext. Cargo Van Well maintained, one-ton, V6 Diesel, plywood lined, tommy lift gate, trailer breaks, built to haul! 223,000 miles Call 406-433-3306 7,000 $ Or Best Offer 2013 Salem Sub Zero 8x30 bumper-pull camper, 2 bdrm, full fridge, 2 furnaces, indoor/outdoor stereo system, fitted vinyl skirting, ready for extreme winter cond. w/ insulated tanks. Move in ready, parked 5 miles S. of Sidney. Industrial Property • Equipment operators 4000 Sq. Ft. Shop w/4 Overhead Doors • 2500 Sq. Ft. House • 2100 Sq. Ft. Heated Shop • 3+ Acres • 2 Trailers • 3 Miles SW of Sidney • Mechanics Please call Ron at 406-240-4615 M.P.P. Call 208-755-1888 23,000 $ • Truck drivers with current CDL • Welders tfn {19-2tp} FOR SALE 97 Mercury Marquis, reliable transportation, 65,000 miles, $1,000. Call 406-488-1166. (42-tfn) Agronomist Position Available Immediately 8 am - 4 pm Wed, Jun 25 FOR SALE 1975 Jeep CJ5 good shape, runs well $3500.00 call 406973-4112. FOR SALE 2006 Ford Van, 3/4 ton, 1,000 lb. lift, full set of new tires, another full set of studded snow tires. Call 406-433-3306. {19-2tc} Complete small animal care Bainville: FOR SALE VEHICLE Or Best Offer 2006 Kenworth T600 Aerocab C15 Cat 475 HP, 13 speed, aluminum wheels, good condition, has not been used in the oil field. Call 701-693-2833 • An office assistant Benefits Available Wages DOE $ Apply in person or Employment Office 36,000 1700 S. Central • Sidney, MT 1990 Mazda Mx6 GT • Admissions Receptionist Since 1975 • Cancer Center Radiation Therapy Technician 2.2 L turbo, 5 speed, airconditioning, tilt, cruise, power steering, power windows, sunroof, 2 door, 155k miles Call 406-539-9240 • Clinic Receptionist • Food Services Cook Construction Equipment MECHANIC • Based out of Sidney or Lewistown, MT • Full time year round • Work in the field during the summer and in a heated shop during the winter • Build a stable long-term career you can retire from • Competitive Wages • Excellent Benefits ** 100% Employer Paid Full Family Medical, Dental and Vision Insurance ** Flex, Life, 401k and Retirement JOIN THE CENTURY TEAM TODAY! APPLY ONLINE AT WWW.CENTURYCI.COM OR CONTACT YOUR LOCAL JOB SERVICE 406-535-1200 Safety • Quality • Experience • Integrity CENTURY COMPANIES, INC. IS A DRUG FREE WORKPLACE AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 2,000 $ • Environmental Services • The Lodge Cook Dietary Aide Resident Assistant 1991 30' Class A Winnebago All sytems and appliances work, good tires, very clean 45k miles Call 406-583-7579 Call for Details Want to place an ad in the Auto trader? classads@esidney.com • (406) 433-3306 for details 10A ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 2014 AIRCRAFT FOR SALE: 1968 Piper PA-28 Cherokee 140: 3800 TTAF, 525 SMOH, KR85, AT150, 2 place intercom. Nice paint and interior w/fresh annual. $29,000 1981 Hughes 269C TTAF 3132: TSMOH 845, 3 new M/R blades, Component times on request, big fuel and much more. $157,000 $147,000 Call Barry at Sidney Air Service: 406-480-2024 GOLDEN VALLEY COLONY will be in Sidney Tues., July 1, Video Hot Spot, 4 p.m.– dark. Richey, July 2, 10 a.m., Main Street, Circle July 2, 1 p.m., Exxon Station. All natural, home-grown. Fresh poultry, honey, home baked rolls & bread, pickled goods, bulk sausage, homemade brats. All natural ingredients. No hormones or antibiotics. Hutterite Colony Farm, Ryegate, MT 406-861-8092. [19-1tc} FOR SALE 911 John Deere 5 ft. front mower. 8 ft. pool table. 406489-1111. {19-2tp} Kids, Earn $$$ FOR SALE 4pc Cherry wood entertainment console 83”H x 91”W x 23-24”D $300. 21cu.ft. upright Sears freezer needs defrost thermostat $100 OBO. Hon 4 drawer metal file cabinet $150. 541-401-8075 Sidney. {18-2tp} FOR SALE 7K Watt Electric start Genrac generator $400. Graco texture machine $400. Kushland 2 cu.ft. electric cement mixer $150, many other small hand/ power tools. 541-401-8075 in Sidney. {18-2tp} Join The Roundup Carrier Team! $ 100 Signing Bonus!* Plus Cold Weather Bonus During the Winter Months & Periodic Raises! Routes Available In Many Sidney Neighborhoods! Call Erin at (406)433-3306 for details. AIRCRAFT Buying or selling. Call Barry at Sidney Air Service Inc. 406-480-2024. {34-tfn} FOR SALE Super Comfortable Queen bed 3 yrs old, mattress/box springs,frame,32H x 60W x 80L, memory foam mattress w/additional 2in foam pad, matttress cover, sheets & blankets if needed, $400. 503-351-8125 in Sidney, MT. {18-2tp} YARD SALE GARAGE SALE Sat., June 28, 8 am to 2 pm, 220 5th Ave. NW, Sidney. Watch for signs. antique desk, full bed, clothing, dishes, and lots more. {19-1tc} STORAGE UNITS AVAILABLE YARD SALE Liquidation Sale 405 4th St. NE, Down alley off 4th or 5th Ave NE, Sidney. Furniture, kitchen. bath, household items, small appliances, rugs, tools. Friday 6-27 afternoon only, 12 pm - 5 pm {19-1tp} 20X20 • 10X20 10X16 • 8X9 Sidney, MT 482-3799 or 482-2666 LAND AND BUILDINGS AUCTION OLD FIRE HALLS - BAINVILLE 1- 50' x 35' Building and 1- 50' x 40' Building On 50' x 140' lot located at S34, T28 N, R58 E, Block 008, Lot 012, LT 12 Blk 8 (204 Clinton St. and 204 Rhea Ave.) Bainville, MT 59212 AUCTION WILL BE JULY 8th • 2pm (MST) AT 204 CLINTON AVE. TERMS OF SALE: 20% DUE DATE OF SALE BALANCE DUE IN 30 DAYS AFTER SALE *Distributed over a 5 month period. Call 406-769-7111 with questions or a request for showing of property. Owners reserve right to accept or refuse any and all bids. Reserve bid must be met. WWW.NICKJONESRE.COM UI4U48t4JEOFZ.5 t'BY].'QNt4BUQN Customer Service is Our #1 Priority Ken Tyler Utility Foreman email: ktyler.agri@gmail.com 1-877-488-8066 Office: 406-488-8066 Fax: 406-488-8067 1775 S. Central Ave. Sidney, MT 59270 www.agriindustries.com TRADING POST 111 E. MAIN STREET • SIDNEY, MT. 59270 CONSIGNMENT • ANTIQUES • GUNS DRY CLEANER AGENT • TOOLS • PAWN 1-406-433-7676 ASK FOR JERRY OR JOANNA Farm & Ranch Products & Construction Materials. New Steel, Auminum & Stainless. Brady Smelser • Tim Mulholland • Kelly Moody • Bret Smelser • Ernie Gawryluk Sidney Glendive 35002 CR 123 2703 W. Towne St. 406-433-7737 1-800-423-5219 1-855-810-2995 Williston 13896 W. Front St. 1-800-820-5493 Plentywood Hwy 16 East 406-765-2624 ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 2014 11A pport Our Troops! Freedom isn’t Free! We Support Our Troops! Freedom isn’t Free! We Support Our Troops! Freedom isn’t Free! We Support Our Troops! Freedom isn We Support Our Troops! Freedom isn’t Free! We Support Our Troops! Friday, June 27TH, Is National Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Day Did You Know 22 Veterans Die Every Day From PTSD? Some Wounds Aren’t Visible. Freedom isn’t Free! We Support Our Troops! Freedom isn’t Free! We Support Our Troops! Freedom isn’t Free! We Support Our Troops! Freedom isn’t Free! We Support ’t Free! Our Troops! Freedom isn’t Free! We Support Our Troops! Freedom isn’t Free! We Su 12A ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 2014 Tired of Throwing Away Over $ 2,000 A Month In Rent? You can choose between these two homes that will be ready to move into in Williston very soon! You can own this 3 bed/2 bath 1512 Sq Ft. 28' x 56' doublewide home for an approx. monthly payment of $1,900 (includes lot rent). Or try this 4bed/2.5 bath 2330 Sq. Ft. 32' x 76' doublewide home for an approx. monthly payment of $2,100 (includes lot rent). Pedal Pull winners (L-R) Gage Maycock and Landry Larson. Don’t Wait, Call Today! Sidney FFA Alumni Pedal Tractor Pull at Richland County Centennial was a Success! R E M M U S T U O LOW ! ! S L A I EC B SP 2013 CHEVROLET 1500 Submitted by Vanessa Pooch The Sidney FFA Alumni hosted a Kids Pedal Tractor Pull Saturday during the Richland County Centennial celebration. The tractor pull was held out at the fairgrounds and had 36 participants ranging in age from 4 to 12 years old. Both boys and girls got to compete, but the furthest disWDQFHSXOOHGGLGQ·WGHWHUPLQH a winner, as all participants received a prize. All participants were also entered into a drawing to win one of the two pedal tractors. Sunrise Equipment and Tri-County Implement, both of Sidney, donated the pedal tractors that were used for the pull and then given away as door prizes. The lucky winners were Gage Maycock and Landry Larson. A big thank you to Sunrise Equipment and Tri-County Implement for their donations; the Sidney FFA Alumni for the donation of the drinks; and all the volunteers who helped setup and organize this event. If you would like more information about the Sidney FFA Alumni, or to join the organization, please contact Kristin Larson at (406) 4805139 or Vanessa Pooch at (320) 424-1480. The results of the pull are listed below: WALDOCH CONVERSION 6.2L V8 GAS. C5426. D L SO MSRP: $62,375. SALE PRICE $53,995. SAVE MORE THAN $8,300 WITH MURPHY DISCOUNTS AND REBATES! O.A.C. not all offers apply. See dealer for details. 2013 CADILLAC CTS AWD 3.6L V6 CRYSTAL RED TINTCOAT. K5271. MSRP: $55,840 SALE PRICE $46,995 SAVE MORE THAN $46,995. O.A.C. not all offers apply. See dealer for details. 2013 CADILLAC ATS RADIANT SILVER 2.5L 4CYL AUTO. K5249 MSRP: $33,990 SALE PRICE $27,990 SAVE MORE THAN $6,000. O.A.C. not all offers apply. See dealer for details. Results Girls Ages 8 and Under Allison T. 44 Feet Brooklyn W. 27 Feet Dacia D. 38 Feet Isabelle N. 17 Feet Kylie S. 37 Feet Landry L. 30 Feet Leddy L. 22 Feet Lillian H. 63 Feet Maili W. 33 Feet RayElla R. 41 Feet Riley O. 39 Feet Samantha R. 42 Feet Tenlee M. 16 Feet 2014 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 1500 4WD DBL CAB, 5.3L, V8, AUTO MSRP: $39,260 SALE PRICE $31,072 FOR QUALIFIED BUYER REBATES O.A.C. not all offers apply. See dealer for details. Girls Ages 9-12 Leanne R. 20 Feet Olivia S. 35 Feet Railyn H. 30 Feet Boys Ages 8 and Under Brayden D. 38 Feet Falcon M. 23 Feet Gage M. 17 Feet Hayden N. 15 Feet Jared A. 21 Feet Jayden S. 35 Feet Jimmy R. 27 Feet Kaleb K. 30 Feet Kalen P. 30 Feet Kayson H. 25 Feet Kayson R. 37 Feet Kyle H. 26 Feet Parker W. 39 Feet Rhys L. 35 Feet Titan M. 24 Feet SEE THESE SALES CONSULTANTS FOR QUALITY CAR BUYS! Pat Murphy Dealer Mark Waggoner Credit Doctor Rick Moe Ben Brewer Kelly Blomberg Anthony Thompson Sales Manager New Cars Manager Fleet Manager Business Manager Dusty Falcon Fleet Sales Larry Stewart Sales Patti Arp Sales Tom Tooley Sales Se Habla Espanol Jimmy Ramirez Sales w w w. m u r p h y m o t o r s . c o m XNLV162363 OE"WF88JMMJTUPO/%$BMMPSt)PVST.POBNQN5VFT'SJBNQN4BUBNQN Boys Ages 9-12 Cole H. 23 Feet Colton H. 30 Feet Jacobi D. 29 Feet Kellen H. 17 Feet Parker S. 15 Feet 14A ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 2014 INVENTORY REDUCTION SALE! On All New & Pre-Owned Vehicles! Tues, June 24th - Sat, June 28th WE ARE OVERSTOCKED! OVER 200 VEHICLES TO CHOOSE FROM! Discounts up to * * $10,000 on select units! 2014 GMC SIERRA RMT Package, Sonoma red & black diamond pearl, stk# 431460 SALE PRICE: $ 61,565 $ 54,987 * 2014 BUICK ENCORE All wheel drive, Ruby red, stk# 583109 SALE PRICE: 29,522 $ * 2014 CHEVY IMPALA White diamond, stk# 262930 SALE PRICE: 2014 BUICK ENCORE All wheel drive, white pearl, stk# 569329 SALE PRICE: We Are Professional Grade 30,407 $ * 34,687 $ * ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 2014 1B Watford City Centennial Celebration June 26 - 29 Congratulations Watford City Souveniers • Sweatshirts • Shirts Giveaways Every Hour! Plus, check out our new home decor arriving daily! Mary Ellen Erickson Book Signing June 27th Mon-Fri: 9am - 6pm • Sat: 9am - 5pm 145 Main • Watford City, ND • 701-842-3311 Now av ailable the Pio neer M at useum located in Trading the Long X Post Vis Center (Corner itor of Hwy 85 North an Watford d South, City, ND ) Called to the Prairie is a rare and unique account of early 20th century life in western North Dakota as recorded in the journals of Richard C. Jahn. A young seminary student from St. Louis, he came to McKenzie County in the winter of 1915 to minister to five small Lutheran congregations there. Over the next year, Jahn’s daily entries provide an intimate view of life on the prairie and the homesteaders and ranchers he encountered. Between blizzards and floods, wolf attacks and hazardous journeys, he writes about late night card games, cowpunchers, dirty dishes, prairie hospitality and a much-loved feisty pinto. Discovered in an old shoebox in 2002, Jahn’s journals were accompanied by a treasure trove of personal photographs of the very people, places, and events he wrote about–faithfully reproduced in this unusual account and enhanced by extensive footnotes for historical reference. Called to the Prairie is a must-read for anyone who loves North Dakota history of the pioneering spirit. Catlinberg Publishing 2B ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 2014 Barrett Pharmacy: Over Seven Decades Serving Watford City Residents Check us out for Centennial Sales! Thurs - Sat, June 26 - 28 Select Summer Clothing & Shoes By Jaimee Green Barrett Pharmacy has been owned and operated by members of the Lundin family for over seven decades. Today, the store still occupies the original location, although the original building was destroyed 50-75 off % Meyer’s M eye ey ye Department Store M-F: 10am - 6pm Sat: 10am - 5pm | 701-444-2906 • 200 N Main, Watford City, ND Barrett Pharmacy received notoriety nationwide when the “Monster Spray” story went viral earlier this year. LQDÀUHLQ The history of the pharmacy is long. It begins back LQ ZKHQ +LOGLQJ +LOO Lundin and his brother Fred built and opened Lundin Brothers Pharmacy. Fred passed DZD\LQDIWHUZKLFK+LOO operated the store on his own XQWLOKLVVRQ+HUEHUWUHWXUQHG to Watford City following WWII. Together, they operated the family business for a number of years. ,Q WKH VWRUH ZDV sold to Jim Barrett and his wife Adele and then changed KDQGVDJDLQLQWKHIDOORI when it was purchased by Jackson Dodds and his wife DeLaura. Jackson was a registered Pharm D and DeLaura quilted. ,Q-DFNVRQSDVVHG DZD\DQGLQ0D\RIWKHLU son Jeff, also a registered pharmacist, moved to Watford City to take over the business. The store has grown in recent years to meet the demands of the community and WRGD\HPSOR\HHVSHRSOH McKenzie County Soil Conservation Service & NRCS Watford City Centennial Ag Day MCKENZIE COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS | THURS, JUNE 26TH • 5:30PM, SUPPER AT 7:30PM Guest Speakers Kevin Lowe - Trelleborg Kenny Miller - Burleigh County SCD HEALTHY SOILS HE T Sponsored By: McKenzie County Soil Conservation District RE Trelleborg tires, sold at OK Tire Stores, use a set of techniques, patents, solutions & procedures to help decrease the use of natural resources, thereby preserving nature, respecting the soil, reducing fuel consumption & reducing emissions. Trelleborg tires are designed to respect and protect the soil with a wider footprint area and reduces compaction. This allows the soil to return to it’s natural organic state where it can absorb air-bound nutrients & recycle crop residues–allowing for greater crop yeilds. FO UND A TI O N O F O U R FU TU OK Tire Stores: 505 6th Ave SW • Watford City | Mon-Fri: 7:30am - 5:30pm • Sat: 7:30am - Noon | 701-842-6654 ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 2014 3B !('& ! + & )& "!")+ (((,(# ")", !" " ! "! " !" ) #!!$ .0// " "!!! .12 # ")" .12 "$"& "!! .033 -XQH Dakota West Credit Union’s 21st Annual Zoo Day and Free Feed &RPHMRLQXVIRUDGD\IXOORIIXUU\ IULHQGVDQGIRRG 5RFN\7RS5DQFK3HWWLQJ=RRZLOOEH KHUHIURP³+DYHOXQFK ZLWKXVIURP³ %ULQJIDPLO\DQGIULHQGVWRHQMR\ DGD\RXWVLGH )UHH6QRZ&RQHV 6ORSS\-RHV+RW'RJV &KLSVDQG6RGD Check Out Our Centennial Store Specials! See us at the Fairgrounds During the Celebration! Enjoy our Sidewalk Sales at Store Locations on Fri & Sat! 1RUWK0DLQ :DWIRUG&LW\ ZZZGDNRWDZHVWFXFRP Centennial Quilt Show at the Pioneer Museum of McKenzie County By the Prairie Rose Quilt Guild Stop by for coffee and cookies during the Watford City Centennial Event on June 26-29th and browse the many beautiful quilts created by the Prairie Rose Quilters! Featuring the Centennial Quilt! Quilts on display through July. Pioneer Museum of McKenzie County | 701-444-2990 | 10am - 6pm Happy 100th, Watford City! 125 Main St. Lower Level • Watford City, ND | Mon-Fri: 12-7pm • Sat: 10am-6pm 109 6th Ave SE • Watford City, ND | Mon-Fri: 9am-9pm • Sat: 9am-8pm • Sun: 12-6pm www.saddleupsaddlesandtack.com | 701-842-2629 4B ROUNDUP, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 2014 Located In the Long X Visitors’ Center Mon-Sat: 9am - 9pm 701-444-3335 Watford City, ND PR P SH P PROPELLER SERVICE In-Store Specials Every Week Enjoy the great outdoors this year! Low Rate Secured Loans We Finance The Fun Things In Life! • Fishing Tackle & Bait • Coolers • Ice • Beer & Pop • Snack Food • Fishing & Hunting Licenses REPAIR • BALANCE • PITCH Modern Machine WORKS We Carry All Your Recreational Needs! Aluminum Stainless Steel Skeg Repair 701-572-7741 • 1-800-319-7741 | Williston, ND 809 East Main • Sidney, MT | 406-433-3400 OUTDOORS 201 West Holly St. • Sidney, MT (406) 482-2704 18 East 2nd St. • Culbertson, MT (406) 787-5890 Make TJ’s a stop on your way to and from the lake! Full Menu • Steaks • Hamburgers • Pizza • Seafood • On/Off Sale Liquor • Drive-up Window • Full Bar • Big Screen TVS Hwy. 85S 701-842-2771 Watford City, ND Nathan Hilburn, 7, from Georgia caught his first northern pike on June 7 at Rock Creek. Above: Parker Mindt, 11, and Aaron See, 7, bring in a 14 lb northern on a paddle boat. Left: Aaron See shows off another northern he landed at Rock Creek. (Photos submitted by Kayla Hilburn) Turn In Your Favorite Fishing Story And Get A FREE Rod/Reel Combo Submit your favorite fishing story and photos to The Roundup...and if we publish them, you will receive a free rod/reel combo! Enjoy the Pleasures of Richland County! IN ADDITION TO CARS, TRUCKS & FARM IMPLEMENTS •Horse Trailers •ATV’s •Boat Trailers •Flatbed Trailers •Utility Trailers •Campers WE HAVE TIRES FOR •Motor Homes •Garden Tractors •Golf Carts •Wheelbarrows don’t have it, •Tillers If we we can get it! We can also •More get rims. Gone Fishin’! See Us Before You Go! Western Tire Co. 1601 SOUTH CENTRAL • SIDNEY, MONTANA 433-3858 • Open 7-5:30 M-F & 7-Noon Sat. Stop in & see us before you head out to the fishin’ hole! Serving Breakfast All Day! OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK • 6 A.M.-10 P.M. Gartside Lake offers family Little Missouri Grille fishing, picnicing & camping 701-444-6315 • Hwy. 85 W • Watford City, ND Rods • Reels All Your Fishing Supplies & Accessories We Will Be Closed July 4th - 6th Mon-Fri: 9am - 6pm • Sat: 9am - 6pm 440 N Central Ave • Sidney, MT Shops at Fox Run • 406-433-1800
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