Feb. 2014 - Sacramento Traditional Jazz Society


Feb. 2014 - Sacramento Traditional Jazz Society
Newsletter of the Sacramento Traditional Jazz Society
STJS is a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation and promotion of traditional jazz music.
106 K Street, Suite #1 • Sacramento, CA 95814 • (916) 444-2004 • www.sacjazz.org
VOLUME 46 • NO. 1
Feb. 8: TJYBF at Sac. State
Feb. 9: Clinicians Band
he all-star Clinicians Band from the
2014 TJYBF will be led by reed
The band joins us one day after their
participation in the 9th annual Trad.
Jazz Youth Band Festival at Sac State.
Read more about the 2014 TJYBF and
see the Feb. 8 schedule on page 4–5.
Members of the Clinicians Band
include: 2014 Guest Clinician Joe
Midiri on clarinet, and other clinicians:
Bob Draga, clarinet; Corey Gemme,
Paul Midiri, vibraphone;
Bill Dendle, trombone; Eddie Erickson, guitar; Jason Wanner, piano;
Lenny Pollacchi, bass; Ron Jones, dr.
2014 Guest Clinician JOE MIDIRI –
Clarinet / Saxophone
2014 SAC. MUSIC FESTIVAL FLYER..................7
Ad rates.............................................................2
Dante Club – info/directions.........................2
Dante Club Notes The Cricket.....................8-10
Future Festivals.............................................12
In Loving Memory .......................................... -In the Months Ahead ......................................2
Jazz Notes.......................................................12
Jazz Education ............................................. 4-5
Membership application..............................16
Musicians / Music Here & There...................13
Notes from the Office Vivian Abraham...........2
President’s Message Ron Jones.......................3
Raffle Cents Kathy Becker...............................15
“RENT PARTY” Bands Bob Ringwald................6
TJYBF Yvonne Au ........................................... 4-5
“Jazz Sunday” info ➤ pg. 2
Nov. & Dec. Jazz Sunday photos on pg. 8–11
Golden Gate
“I’ve seen and heard hundreds
of clarinet players. Joe Midiri is the
best....I’ve seen every (cont. on page 5)
Mar. 9 Jazz Sunday
BRYAN SHAW, trumpet — many know him for his trad jazz with the High
Sierra Jazz Band or Fink Street Five. His own band, Bryan Shaw’s Hot Shots,
showcases his mastery of small-band swing / contemporary traditional jazz.
Bryan has also toured with Helen Forrest, Andy Russell and Debby Boone.
can buy their
“All-Events” tickets
at the Office or Jazz Sunday.
You get 4 days of music
for $90 (till Apr. 13)
STJS Office
Notes From the Office
106 K Street, Suite #1
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 444-2004
FAX: 444-2060
STJS Exec. Dir. Vivian Abraham
Administrative Coordinator Jennifer Colindres
Vice President:
Ron Jones
Dennis Grimes
Dennis Speciale
Lisa Negri-Bartels
Ex-officio: Tom Duff
MUSICIAN: Paula Dula
Paul Edgerton
Jay Paulus
Dominic Ruggieri
Vanna Turner
Dave Becker
Carol Fusaro
Scott Kaufman
Crawford Paton
Ron Swehla
The Board of Directors meet at the STJS Office at 6:00
pm on the Monday one week after the monthly Jazz
Sunday; open to the public. (Day subject to change.)
STJS FOUNDATION President: Dr. William Au
STJSF: P. O. Box 661763 • Sacramento, CA 95866
Nancy Giffin — editor@sacjazz.org
Vivian Abraham, Yvonne Au, Cherish Cyr, Paula Dula,
Judy Hendricks, Ron & Patti Jones, Jane Reinmuth,
Felicia Weatherly, and our advertisers
Advertising (full-color):
AD DEADLINE: 15th day of prior month
Half-pg. Third-pg. Qtr.-pg.
Bus. card RATE
$ 75.
$ 52.50 ➔
$ 37.50 ➔
$ 15.
7.5” x 10” 3.6” x 10” 2.5” x 10” 3.6” x 4.8” –
7.5” x 4.8”
7.5” x 3.6”
7.5” x 2.5”
3.6” x 2.3”
STJS holds the right to reject some advertising.
And All That Jazz is published monthly, except January, by the Sacramento Traditional Jazz Society:
106 K Street, Suite #1; Sacramento, CA 95814.
by Vivian Abraham
irst, I would like to wish you all a
Very Happy and Healthy New Year!
What a year 2013 was! Talk about ups
and downs! Without a doubt, the biggest
downer for me was the loss of so many
dear friends. I miss them, especially
during the Holidays when they seem to
pop in and out of my mind. However,
I’m happy to say that my memories of
them made me smile.
A definite “up” for me was the success of our 40th annual Sacramento
Music Festival. From a financial standpoint, we have a ways to go. Although
we did see a small profit for the first
time in several years, it was just a snapshot into the future of what is possible.
I know many of you were (and still
are) unhappy with the changes we made
in our musical lineup, but numbers tell
the story. I am talking about revenue
numbers and attendance numbers, and
these numbers proved we have begun
to move in the right direction if we are
to keep our Festival going — thriving
— and perhaps most important of all,
providing a forum that will allow us to
present the genres of music that honor
our jazz roots.
Surprises galore are in store for you
with the lineup for this year’s Festival. I should explain that, in an effort
to streamline our talent selection process (mainly due to limited staff and
staff hours), and because it is at the
discretion of the Director of our organization, we (or I) altered the process
for this year. I asked Bob Ringwald
to take on the responsibilities of booking all of the Traditional, Swing, etc.
bands (50% of our line up). Thankfully
for me and for all of us, he accepted,
and all I can say about the job he has
done is, “WOW!”
Many of your favorites will be returning, AND (get ready): Back this year
will be the Midiri Brothers, Grand
Dominion, Side Street Strutters, Steve
Lucky & the Rhumba Bums, Bob
Schulz Frisco Jazz Band, just to mention a few. Then there’s the Dixie Company Jazz Band from Poland, the Hot
Club of Cowtown from Austin, TX,
Meschiya Lake & the Little Big Horns
from New Orleans — and that is just the
tip of the proverbial iceberg. There are
just too many to mention here, but I think
you get the picture.
(cont. on page 3)
The Sac. Trad. Jazz Society is a non-profit organization established under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code for the purpose of educating
the public and members on matters concerning
the preservation and promotion of traditional jazz
music, and the study and play of musical instruments associated with traditional jazz music.
Monthly “Jazz Sunday” typically occurs on the 2nd
Sunday, at the Dante Club: 2330 Fair Oaks Blvd.,
Sac., CA. This official meeting is open to all STJS
members and to the general public.
Admission to “Jazz Sunday” is by donation of $10
for members, $15 for non-members. Persons under
12 are admitted free. Youth 12-20 (members) $5,
youth 12-20 (non-members) $7. Price increased
in Nov. 2013.
Auditions are held twice a year: Mar. & Oct., 11 am
prior to “Jazz Sunday.” Applications are available
from the Gold Card Coordinator, to be completed
one month before the audition. For info: 444-2004.
In the Months Ahead
2nd Sunday
OPEN at 11:30 am
MUSIC from
12 noon to 5:00 pm
to the DANTE CLUB:
2330 Fair Oaks Blvd.,
Sacramento, 95825
Between Howe & Fulton
Avenues, on south side
of street. Extra parking
at nearby McDonald’s.
Feb. 9 – BOB DRAGA, JOE MIDIRI, reeds plus the
all-star Clinicians Band from the TJYBF.
Mar. 9 – BRYAN SHAW, trumpet – Costa Mesa, CA
Apr. 13 – LE JAZZ HOT, Django-style quartet – S.F., CA
May 11 – MOLLY RYAN, vocals – New York, NY
9th annual TJYBF
Guest Clinician: Joe Midiri...
Feb. 8, 2014 • Sac. State
February 2014
Notes (cont.)
Last year, Rae Ann Berry of SF recommended Vaud and
the Villains. Oh my, just wait. They will blow you away! We’re
grateful that Rae Ann will help sponsor them this year. We can
all thank Janet Young and Ingrid Wobart for their generosity
again this year: Janet has sponsored the Side Street Strutters,
and Ingrid has sponsored Stephanie Trick and Danny Coots.
The Kathy Morrow Quartet has a group of very loyal fans
that have made sure they will be back. Jim Roberson is a sponsor both Kathy Morrow and the Au Brothers.
Bob has booked 50% of our schedule. More kudos to you,
Bob! The other 50% of the lineup will include our headliners.
To date, TROMBONE SHORTY is booked and confirmed. I
have again this year been working with Mindy Giles of Swell
Productions, and Jerry Perry — local promoters who very
successfully booked our headliners last year.
I’ve had the pleasure of booking many local blues and
rock bands. A member of our Festival Operations Team, Todd
Bibby, has taken the lead in booking Wonderbread 5, Bump
City, Purple Haze (Jimi Hendrix Experience) and a few other
surprises. I guess you can tell by now that I am just a little
excited about our lineup. I have a long list of other bands that
I will tell you about as the months go by. Of course, they will
also be posted on our website.
**NOTE re. SHERATON: Important change for you to
be aware of this year is that we will NOT have a venue in
the Sheraton Grand Hotel.** (Unavailable this year.) We
WILL of course still have shuttles to get you from Old Town
to the Hyatt and visa-versa. The Holiday Inn and the Embassy
Suites WILL continue to be favorite venues.
Take care of yourselves. We are not getting any younger
(speaking of myself, of course). 2
President’s Message
by Ron Jones
appy New Year! I had to wait till February to say that
because there is no “AATJ” in January (Dec./Jan. is a
combo issue). Hey folks, we’ve only got four months till the
41st annual Sacramento Music Festival, May 23-26. Got
tickets? The Early Bird Discount ended in January, and the
price for STJS Members was supposed to increase to $95,
but your STJS Board voted to instead charge only $90 for AllEvents badges (through April 13). After all, it’s thanks to our
STJS Members that we’ve been able to have and enjoy this
festival for the past four decades.
Lots of you showed up for the 16th annual “Rent Party” at
Jazz Sunday in January. Thank you to local musicians generously donating their time and talent to help STJS pay their rent
at the Dante Club (which, by the way, has gone up this year).
Kathy Becker made a lot of changes to the Crab Feed this
year, from the venue to the addition of pasta and more. It was
a hit! We all had a great time at the Turn Verein, listening and
dancing to trad jazz played by some of the finest musicians in
the business. BIG THANKS to Kathy and Dave Becker for
organizing our 8th Crab & Pasta Feed. Thanks to everyone
who came out to support STJS. Also, thanks to all the volunteers, from the kitchen and bar, to the ever-present Sound Crew.
Judy Hendricks and her dedicated team on the STJS
Sound Crew work hard all year long, not just at the Festival and Jazz Sundays, but also at the TJYBF, and fundraisers,
like the “Up Close & Personal” event in December. We simply
wouldn’t make it without the help of all these wonderful
people. STJS is proof that one person can make a difference
in their community, weather it’s organizing an event or committee, or simply donating a few hours a month at the office or
any number of events. STJS has so many people who deserve
individual thanks over the years. To all of you, I just want to let
you know how much we appreciate your unique contributions
that benefit so many people — jazz fans and musicians alike.
Next up is the TJYBF (Trad. Jazz Youth Band Festival) and a
full weekend of trad jazz, Feb. 7–9. Starting on Fri., come hear
the kids at Round Table Pizza (Rosemont) for a casual jam session with clinicians. Early next morning, hear performances by
students from schools near and far, from 8am to 5pm, followed
by the Clinicians Concert at 7pm. Then at Jazz Sunday, we’ll
present Bob Draga, Joe & Paul Midiri, and the all-star Clinicians Band on Main Stage at the Dante Club. (Details are elsewhere in this newsletter.) Plans are already underway for 2015 as
we’ll be celebrating the 30th Anniversary of STJS Trad. Jazz
Camp and the 10th Anniversary of the TJYBF. 2
February 2014
Feb. 7, 2014 • 6–8:30 pm
Pre-TJYBF Jam Session
Round Table Pizza (9138 Kiefer Blvd.; Sac., CA 95826)
Sat., Feb. 8, 2014
8:00 am Festival 5:15 pm Awards
7:00 pm All-Star Clinicians Concert
Feb. 8, 2014 • 8 am (all day)
TJYBF at Sacramento State
Capistrano Hall (6000 J St., Sac., CA 95819)
Band Performances, Clinics, Workshop, Awards
7:00 pm Clinicians Concert
featuring the all-star Clinicians Band
$10 general admission
FREE for students (under 21) with ID
Feb. 9, 2014 • Noon–5 pm
STJS “Jazz Sunday” at the Dante Club
featuring JOE MIDIRI and Bob Draga
and the Clinicians Band
www.Sac Jazz.org/youthfestival
(2330 Fair Oaks Blvd., Sac., CA 95825)
Sac State
Capistrano Hall (Music Bldg.)
February 2014
9th annual TJYBF:
Clinicians Band (cont.)
A Full Weekend of Events
Joe Midiri set here, enthralled by his tone, his technique, his
creativity, his imagination and sound.” So wrote Bob Fallstrom
in the Herald-Review. (Read more in a combined bio about the
Midiri Brothers, below.)
“Jazz With Personality”
estival Director Steve Roach is pleased to announce East
Coast reed player Joe Midiri as the featured Guest Clinician for the 2014 Traditional Jazz Youth Band Festival
(TJYBF). It is scheduled for Saturday, February 8th in the
Capistrano Hall building on the Sacramento State University
campus (6000 J St., Sac.). Free parking will be available in
the adjacent parking structure. The all-star Clinicians Band
will include Joe Midiri and Bob Draga on reeds, Paul Midiri
on vibraphone, Corey Gemme on trumpet, Bill Dendle on
trombone, Eddie Erickson on guitar/vocals, Jason Wanner
on piano, Lenny Pollacchi on bass, and Ron Jones on drums.
FRIDAY 6:00–8:30 pm — Pre-Festival Jam Session, at
Round Table Pizza (9138 Kiefer Blvd., Sacramento).
SATURDAY 8:00 am — TJYBF (all day at Sac State).
Student Band Performances and onstage Feedback Clinics take
place in the Music Recital Hall (MRH), Room 151, and Room
143. As space allows, you may visit the Lead-Sheet and Jazz
Essentials Clinics in the second and third floor classrooms.
Special activities on Saturday include:
10:00 am — PRESENTATION in MRH
2014 featured Guest Clinician Joe Midiri presents
“Listening to the Sources.”
12 noon: JAZZ ‘n’ PIZZA in Room 143: Band directors and
students are invited to jam onstage! Food will be sold.
“Taking Improvisational Inventory: Hear, Sing, Play, Understand.” Presenter: Craig Faniani, Curriculum Coordinator,
Visual & Performing Arts in SJUSD
5:30 pm: SHOWCASE AND AWARDS (featuring top bands
from the festival) will directly follow Dr. Roach’s announcement of bands selected for encore performances.
7:00-8:30 pm: CLOSING CONCERT featuring Joe Midiri &
Bob Draga with the all-star Clinicians Band. (We may have
a surprise visit from a special guest.) It will end with a megaband that will raise the rafters. Don’t miss this!
Festival tickets: $10 (from: the STJS Office or “Jazz Sunday.”)
Ticket Chairperson Kathy Becker at (916) 635-7224 or e-mail
<jazzgal57@att.net> Advance ticket buyers will be entered
into a drawing for two $100 gift cards for Red Lobster (donated
by Andrew Blackett). Info: youthbandfest@sacjazz.org or
sacjazz.org/youthfestival/ or STJS Office (916) 444-2004. 2
February 2014
BOB DRAGA – Clarinet
TJYBF Guest Clinician in 2006
Bob’s professional career encompasses over thirty-five
years of live performances (national and international) at jazz
festivals, jazz cruises, and personal engagements. A consummate entertainer, he has mastered the art of pleasing an
audience; he intuitively understands what the crowd wants to
hear and provides it, whether hard and driving or exquisitely
beautiful and soulful. Bob is a friend to young jazz musicians
everywhere, taking time to coach and encourage whenever
asked. The STJS Foundation established a scholarship fund in
his name that presents cash awards each year to the top high
school clarinetist at the TJYBF.
Bob has appeared regularly with the Titan Hot 7, Wally’s
Warehouse Waifs, and as a duo with Jeff Barnhart. Bob performs exclusively on the “high seas” for Jazzdagen Cruises,
sailing throughout the world. Since leaving the Garden Avenue
Seven, a band he founded and led for twenty-two years, Bob
has led several all-star bands, was co-leader of the Draga-Vax
Connection for three years, and has worked frequently with
Johnny Varro, Tom Saunders, Rick Fay, Bob Haggart, and
other world-class jazz performers, with many recordings to his
credit. In addition to playing superb clarinet, Bob presents an
almost wicked brand of humor, making him one of the busiest
musicians on the trad jazz circuit today.
PAUL MIDIRI – Vibraphone / Drums / Trombone
The Midiri Brothers have made music, both jazz and clasical, the focus of their lives since graduating Glassboro State
College in the mid ‘80s. On recordings, they can be heard leading groups ranging from trios, quintets, sextets and big bands all
featuring Joe’s outstanding clarinet and saxophone, with Paul
on the vibraphone, xylophone, marimba, drums and trombone. After spending nearly a decade working in Philadelphia,
New York and Atlantic City, they began to branch out. They
performed first at The Great Connecticut Jazz Festival. In 2002
the group made their West Coast debut and have since been
featured at many West Coast jazz festivals, including: Mammoth Lakes Jazz Festival, Monterey Jazz Festival, The Pismo
Jubilee by the Sea Jazz Fest, Redwood Coast Music Fest, and
Sun Valley Swing-n-Dixie Jazz Jubilee, as well as the Central
Illinois Jazz Fest in Decatur, IL. The Midiri Brothers have also
played for many jazz clubs from Chicago to Florida. They have
had major articles written about them in (cont. on pg. 14)
STJS would like to thank all the bands
that generously donated their time
and talent on January 12th, helping
us pay our rent at the Dante Club.
1st SET: 12:00 – 1:00 PM
River City Swingers
Mica Dugan, Instr. Mission Ave. Open Elem.
Trumpet: Aaron Doubek-Kraft, Eric Treadwell
(& sheet music!), Grady Flamm, Kelsey Smith.
Alto saxophone: Brandon Charriere, Sophia
Flores, Sophie Modar. Tenor Sax.: Courtney
Charriere, Carina Quiroz, Joanna Koford. Bari.
Sax: Cody McFarland. Piano: Randeep Chana.
Bass: Ryan Ioanidis. Drums: Dana Wendel.
1st SET: 12:00 – 12:55 PM
Perry and the Pyrites
Renard Perry, leader/trumpet; Charlie Hull,
reeds; Gary Reynolds, trombone; Bob Ringwald, piano; Darrell Fernandez, bass; Gene
Copelan, drums
2nd SET: 1:10 – 2:05 PM
Avalon Swing
Shelley Burns, leader/vocals; Bill Dendle,
guitar/banjo/trombone/vocals; Tom Phillips,
guitar/vocals; Shelley Denny, bass
3rd SET: 2:15 – 3:10 PM
Renard’s Raiders
Renard Perry, leader/trumpet
Charlie Hull, reeds; Gary Reynolds, trombone;
Bob Ringwald, piano; Darrell Fernandez,
bass; Gene Copelan, drums
4th SET: 3:20 – 4:00 PM
Hot Ticket
Nina Ankele, vocals
Vanna Turner, vocals
Mary Anne Kirchner, vocals
Ken Meyers, piano; Alan Ginter, bass; Jim
Roberson, drums
5th SET: 4:10 – 5:00 PM Crescent Katz
Brandon Au, leader/trombone
Jeff Kreis, trumpet; Greg Sabin, banjo;
Priscilla Ornelas, tuba; Patrick Skiffington,
2nd SET: 1:05 – 1:55 PM
Crescent Katz
Brandon Au, leader, tuba
Jeff Kreis, trumpet
Tim Kreis, reeds
Greg Sabin, banjo
Patrick Skiffington, washboard
3rd SET: 2:05 – 2:55 PM
Black Tuesday Jazz Band
Dominic Ruggieri, leader/reeds
Jeff Kreis, trumpet; Mike Hudson, trombone;
Alan Shaw, piano; Jan Buhlert, banjo, guitar;
Dave Sieber, tuba; Jim Laveroni, drums; Geri
Eckert, vocals (sub for Suzanne W.).
4th SET: 3:05 – 3:55 PM
FreeBadge Serenaders
Greg Sabin, banjo, kazoo, vocals
Priscilla Ornelas, tuba
Patrick Skiffington, washboard, saw, vocals
5th SET: 4:05 – 5:00 PM
Dr. Bach & the Jazz
Dr. Charles Gehlbach, leader/trumpet; Bob
Noren, reeds; Jay Paulus, trombone; Carl
Kaiser, piano; Jim Elsaas, banjo/guitar/vocals;
Jerry Lopes, tuba; Jim Roberson, drums;
Angela Elsaas, vocals
Set 1: JAM SET – Tpt: Bob Sumners; Reeds: Duncan McElman, Gene Mondro, Parker
Weis, John Tanko; Gtr: Jimmy Spero; Tu:
Dave Sieber; Dr: Tony Bellacera; Vocs: Claude
Purcell, Bev Ludlow, Jane Reinmuth.
Set 2: J Street Jazz Cats.
Celia Cottle, Instr. Davis, CA. Ages 14-16.
Trumpet: Jessica Block (& vocals), Lauren
Mills (& vocals), Jacob Comingore, Noah
Cooke, David Li. Clarinet: Timothy Kim.
Alto Sax.: Kyle Horn (leader), Kyla Leacox,
Jasper Murphy, Ethan Tang, Sarah Hinesley.
Tenor sax: Isabel Montesanto, Matt Raabe,
Jacob Miller, Lucas Russell. Bari. sax: Aidan
DeAngelis (& vocals), Kevin Krupa, Liam
Scroth. Trombone: Jesse Brandt. Piano:
Bryton Moeller. Guitar: Josh Wisterman.
Bass: Santigo Foos, Blaise Jones. Drums:
James Merges, Andrew Leavitt, Wuinn Pacelli
Set 3: TNT – The New Traditionalists.
Bob Williams, Director. STJS-sponsored Youth
Jazz Band. Ages 14-17.
Nolan Cyr, leader, trumpet; Eric Treadwell,
trumpet; Breanna Rodgers, clarinet; Duncan
McElman, sax; Olivia Flournoy, trombone;
Joanna Koford, piano/reeds/vocals; Simon
Anuszczyk, banjo; Gabriel Anuszczyk, bass;
Ryan Clark, drums; Maddie Giddings, vocals.
Set 4: Ten ‘til Midnight
Celia Cottle, Instr. Davis, CA. Ages 15-17.
Pete Young, tpt/vocals/leader; James Merges,
alto sax; Emily Phillips, tenor sax; Sophia
Seng, tenor sax/vocals; Thomas West, bari
sax; Anthony DiCarlo, trombone/tuba/vocals;
Tioga Benner, piano; Bunky Hampton, guitar;
Andrew Walton, bass; Robby Blattner, drums.
Set 5: Sax by Popular Demand
Celia Cottle, Instructor. Davis, CA; Ages 15-18
Trumpets: Nathan deRopp, Hunter Sprague.
Sop./Alto Sax/leader: Laurel Wilkinson; Alto
Sax/Vocals: Connor deAngelis, Emily Rogers.
Alto Sax: Jenna Mould. Tenor Sax/Vocals:
Sophie Seng. Tenor Sax: Brian Johnstone,
Galen Steele. Bari. Sax: Thomas West, Nick
Zhang. Piano: Utsav Bhargava. Guitar/Vocals:
Nathan Puckett. Bass: Davis Reina-Guerra.
Drums: Bob Li.
February 2014
41st annual
Sacramento Music Festival
May 23–26, 2014
“All-Events” (4 days) ADULT
“All-Events” STJS Members (thru Apr. 13)
“All-Events” YOUTH (ages 13-20)*
Advance Program postage included
= $110 ea.$
= $95 ea.$9
= $50 ea.
= $10 ea.
* KIDS (ages 12 and younger) admitted FREE!
STJS – Sac. Trad. Jazz Society
106 K St., Suite #1 • Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 444-2004
2014 Emperor Chet Jaeger, Bob Draga, Pat Yankee, Bill Dendle & Eddie Erickson,
Jason Wanner, Stephanie Trick, Danny Coots, and Vince Bartels’ All-Stars with:
Dan Barrett, Allan Vaché, Russ Phillips, Johnny Varro, and Dave Stone.
Au Bros. • Beth Duncan Quintet • Blue Street J.B. Bob Draga Quartet / Festival All-Stars
• Bob Schulz Frisco Jazz Band • Bump City Reunion Band • Dave Bennett & the Memphis Boys •
Dixie Company J.B. (from Poland) • Dr. Bach & the Jazz Practitioners • FreeBadge Serenaders
• Fulton Street J.B. • Grand Dominion • Hot Club of Cowtown • Jazz N Samba •
James Garner & the [Johnny] Cash Tribute Band • Kathy Morrow Quartet • Lost Dog Found
• Midiri Brothers Sextet • Meschiya Lake & the Little Big Horns • Mumbo Gumbo •
Night Blooming Jazzmen • Old West Trio • Ophir Prison M.K.B. and T.S., LMTD.
• Ray Skjelbred & His Cubs • Red Skunk Band • Royal Society Jazz Orchestra •
Shelley Burns & Avalon Swing • Side Street Strutters • Sister Swing • Steve Lucky &
the Rhumba Bums • Tom Rigney & Flambeau • Vaud & the Villains • Zydeco Flames •
and more... (Partial list, subject to change. Updated 2/3/2014.)
February 2014
Dante Club Notes
By “The Cricket”
[who is NOT the AATJ editor]
eldon Kirui won big on December 8. Jazz Society, not so much.
Thanks to Kirui and his fellow California International Marathon
participants, Fair Oaks Boulevard was blocked off all morning, putting
hundreds of cars between our audience and their chairs at the Dante Club.
And a week of sub-freezing weather didn’t help, either.
The traffic tie-up explains why Celia Cottle’s “Ten ‘til Midnight”
started out as “Six ‘til Midnight” and counted up as members got through
traffic. When everybody got there, Pete Young was on trumpet; Anthony
DiCarlo was on trombone, tuba and vocals; James Merges, alto sax;
Emily Phillips and Sophia Seng, tenor sax (and Sophia on vocals, also);
Thomas West on bari sax; Bunky Hampton on guitar and banjo; Tioga
Benner on piano; Andrew Walton on bass; and Robby Blattner on drums.
So sharp – all those rehearsals at Celia’s “home studio” pay off.
Fortunately, the road closure was lifted in time for our Guest Band to
arrive. What a thrill – always – to have Golden Gate Rhythm Machine
in the house! Scott Anthony (leader, banjo/guitar); Bob Schulz (cornet);
Robert Young (sop. sax); John Hunt (trombone); Bob Ringwald
(piano); Jim Maihack (tuba); Bill Maginnis (drums). They were great on
both their Guest sets. Scott was pleased to share that his wife just bought
him a new 4-string banjo. It takes so little to make some people happy.
I know John and Ginny Bankerd were happy. They’ve been members
for 5 years or so, and make it to meetings two, three, four times a year, but
for sure didn’t want to miss Bob Schulz.
The “sandwich set,” #3, also featured a Guest Band in the form of
the Old West Trio! The website for Leslie Ide, Steve Ide and Steve
Johnson advertises “Tasty Tunes for Old Buzzards.” Their harmonies
were glorious. I love the occasional spice of a non-standard style. And
so did the dancers! We appreciate them coming to play for us.
It was so very nice to see Linda LaFranchi enjoying Golden Gate.
Her daughter Toni LaFranchi and friend Sandy Schulz were on hand, too.
And Scotty Harper, with his annual quote from Charles Dickens – “the
compliments of the season.”
Jared Blum introduced his father, Al, who disavows all musical talents
– he “plays a mean record player.” Jared led the Gold Card Room Set 1,
and was joined by Gene Mondro, Frank Lindskoog, John Green, Dave
Sieber and Jack Scott. Nancy Kreis was on clarinet for Set 2, led by her
son Jeff, and joined by Mark Kramer, Eddi Benjamini and Carl Warmdah.
Charlie Hull, Ken Meyers, Alan Ginter and Dan Lobay were the
supporting band for a vocal set loaded with Christmas tunes, though not
exclusively. Edd Burhans gave us a ballad!!, “Can’t We Be Friends?”.
And Dorit Benjamini dedicated “Them There Eyes” to her grandson
David. Pam Lehnert was nearly in tears from battling the traffic, but said
“I’ve Got My Love to Keep Me Warm,” maybe to thumb her nose at the
cold, cold weather.
Dec. 8, 2013:
February 2014
Vanna Turner presented a Ken Meyers-arranged medley of “May
Each Day of the Week Be a Good Day” and “You Are Never Far Away
from Me,” a Perry Como hit. She said she once met Como! Wow! And
Barbara Paulus gave us “Dreamer’s Holiday,” another Como hit. Virginia
Ayers-Dawson gave us “Wonderful World.” She also confided that she
toured with George Burns in the ‘80s.
Mostly holiday songs, though. Jane Reinmuth said, “I’ll Be
Home for Christmas,” for the first time in 40 years of marriage! Julie
Meyers accompanied herself on guitar for “Blue Christmas.” Clint
Ritchie gave us his version of Gene Autry’s “Here Comes Santa
Claus.” Clint got Autry’s autograph as a boy! It obviously was our
day for brushes with greatness!
T Jackson said she’s had a cold for three weeks – all that exposure to
little pre-school petri dishes – but she still did a fun “Santa Baby.” Larry
Sikorsky brought down the house with “O Holy Night,” and Harry Duval
urged us to “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas.” And those were not
all, by any means. All good and all different – GCR Grandee Paula Dula
has a rule of no repeats!
GCR Set 4 definitely had no repeats! Completely new to us, the
City of Trees Brass Band usually has 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, 3 saxes,
a Sousaphone (leader Ben Hillier) and a drummer. I know they didn’t
all make it to the Dante Club, but I recognized Jeff Kreis, Bill Bua and
Alex Ramey; Gabrielle Sloan Gill, Joshua Cambridge, Mark Miller and
Chris Ryan were newcomers – and I may have compressed some of those
names. Scotty Yost was a late addition on trombone and percussion. There
were a rockin’ hoot, for sure. And Charlie Gehlbach, Jay Paulus, Parker
Weis/Tom Carpenter, and Mike Melnikov carried on swingin’ for Set 5.
The Tailgate had a couple of newcomers on Set One: John Williams
was on trumpet; Don Nurisso was on accordion, and Pages Gulali was on
bass. They were joined by Arthur Erickson on piano and Carl Warmdahl
on drums. Nurisso’s wife, Carol, said they moved from the SF/Pacifica
area to Auburn. They were long-time friends of Dean Nelson, who led
Fulton Street Jazz Band for many years. Don said they go back to the
“Full Faith and Credit Big Band” days with Dean. We were so sorry to
hear of Dean’s death in November.
George Buck died December 11. He had a major impact on OKOM
over many years, as the owner and producer of Jazzology, G.H.B. and
several other record labels. Another big loss was noted in reedman Allan
Vache’s posting on the Dixieland Jazz Mailing List on January 1. He said:
“I just heard Bobby Gordon passed away last night. He was the first jazz
clarinetist I heard play live with Chuck Slate’s Jazz Band in Chester,
N.J. I was 14 years old; he was 28, and he swung his ass off. We’ll miss
him.” Eloquently put. We also just heard that Bob Greene, “the Jelly Roll
Morton evangelist,” died in October, at age 91. He had several records on
G.H.B. and Jazzology.
TG Honcho Jane Reinmuth said Set 2 was “killer,” with Nathaniel
Walker and John Williams on trumpet; Parker Weis and Jared Eastlick on
reeds; with Lindskoog, John Green, Sieber and Claude Purcell giving sup(continued on page 10)
port. TG 3 must have had more than Duncan
Jan. 12, 2014:
16th annual
February 2014
(cont. from page 9) McElman, Arthur Erickson and Mike Melnikov, but
I’m afraid they will remain forever secret, except to the participants.
TG 4 certainly featured Tom Carpenter, Sieber, Charlie Gehlbach, Jay
Paulus and Warmdahl. Must have been why they were already warmed up
for GCR 5.
TG 5 again featured Nathaniel Walker, this time teamed with Jared
Blum; Larry Tyrell, Gene Mondro, Montana Monce and Dave Rees, with
Kate Rees and Geri Eckert on vocals. TG was still swinging into Set 6,
with Jared Blum, Gene Mondro, Montana Monce, David Rees and Geri
Eckert. TG was definitely a hot spot all day.
And in spite of all that, several members of the audience could be
found riveted to the TV screen for “the game.” Robert Bianco said he’s
been a member for about 18 months. His sister is Betty Gadberry. Bob
Schleh was also lingering within view of the TV. He said he’s living in the
Country Club area and gigging at various nursing homes. Chuck Warren
was there, as was Mike Kelly, last seen at Ragtime.
Beth Scott was very cute in a Santa suit. Claude Purcell not so cute,
with all the bandages on his toes. For a guy who played handball pretty
much every day for years, you’d think his circulation would be better.
Instead, he’s headed to Stanford later in the Spring to get his ticker
checked out. Good luck, Claude. Olivia Sanchez is going to be on leave
from the Sound Crew while she recovers from foot surgery, and Jane
Reinmuth is going to be out for at least a couple of months after knee
surgery on January 16. And we’re very sorry to hear that Ragtime great
Trebor Tichener suffered a serious stroke, but is slowly recovering. Our
most concerned thoughts to everyone on the sick list.
You may recall that Patty Wassum, STJS Head Camp Counselor, had
to have a brain tumor removed last Fall. Well, good news! She’s back at
work! Remarkable! And Rich Lockwood telegraphs that he’s been given
a clean bill of health and will be back at Jazz Sunday soon.
Frank Cardis was visiting from the South Bay. Linda Martinez asked
me to print her phone number for the very nice local dancer who might
have thought she was giving him the brush-off but she wasn’t really. Since
we’re not really in the matchmaking biz (sorry, Linda), my best advice is
to show up at the February 9 Jazz Sunday and linger by the dance floor.
The Midiri Brothers are guaranteed to provide danceable inspiration! In
fact, Sue Humphrey and Bonnie Cushing were invited by Miss Delta, and
came hoping to dance. Hope they found partners, but I still extend the
same invitation to February 9.
Bob Roehrs said he volunteered at 4th & Jazz (of fond memory);
later at Freeway Gardens. John Kibler-McCabe plays guitar, but isn’t
ready to play for us yet. We’re waiting. Carrie Jenkins was glad to be in
out of the cold.
Got a hot tip that Molly Ryan and Bria Skonberg will be included in an
article on young musicians in New York in the April 2014 issue of Vanity
Fair. Get to the news stand early!
Patrick Skiffington said Nancy Henninger donated a tricked-out washboard, which he then passed on to Kathy Becker, now well on her way to
being – A Washboard Player! Certainly wouldn’t want a washboard to go
to waste. Patrick also said he found out that “Parking Bitch” Bev Gunter,
living in a nursing facility, had no music source. FreeBadge Serenaders
used their gig money to buy a boombox for her, and Bob Romans donated
some Cell Block 7 CD’s, so Bev can listen to her beloved Bill to her
heart’s content. See, they ARE nice guys, I don’t care what anybody says!
South Bay Traditional Jazz Society has a small newsletter (South Bay
Beat) but boy, do they cover ground. Blowin’ Round the Bay lists 19 active
gigs, including Natural Gas at 19 Broadway Club on the 2nd Sunday (3-5
pm). They also give full listings of festivals for the next three months,
review of festivals, radio listings, and biz card ads of Northern Cal clubs
– including STJS. Thanks, South Bay! Check it out at www.sbtjs.org
And what else? Oh, yeah. January! What a contrast to December! We
packed them in. Really! Half again as many as December. It was glorious!
Montana Monce said it should be like this every month. Admittedly, a big
part of the increase was parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, neighbors,
and just plain fans of TNT and Mica Dugan’s River City Swingers and
Celia Cottle’s J Street Jazz Cats AND Ten ‘til Midnight AND Sax by
Popular Demand (see Sidebar for extensive personnel).
Tailgate Set 1 was the only “jam” of the day: Bob Sumner, John Tanko,
Gene Mondro, Duncan McElman, Parker Weis, Frank Linskoog, Jimmy
Spero, Dave Sieber, and three vocalists: Claude Purcell, Jane Reinmuth
and Bev Ludlow. It got everybody charged up and ready for the excellent
youth bands. TG was, without exaggeration, standing room only all day.
Second set on the Main Stage was Shelley Burns and Avalon Swing,
which we definitely don’t hear often enough. She had Bill Dendle on –
deep breath – guitar, banjo, trombone, vocals, Tom Phillips on guitar and,
natch, vocals, Shelley Denny on bass, and Jim Roberson on drums.
Main Stage No. 3, Renard’s Raiders, was a little bit of a dodge –
it was the same of Gold Card Set No. 1, Perry and the Pyrites. Since
pyrites is also known as “fool’s gold,” whomever gave them the name
for sure knew they were foolin’ with us. Personnel: Renard Perry, Charlie Hull, Gary Reynolds, Bob Ringwald, Jerry Lopes and Gene Copelan.
Good, solid trad, by whatever name. Aaron Copelan told me he was the
equipment roadie.
No trick with the names, but Crescent Katz also played a set on Main
Stage (#5) and GCR (#2), although with some personnel changes. GCR
had Brandon Au, Jeff Kreis, Tim Kreis, Greg Sabin and Patrick Skiffington, and GCR had Brandon Au, Jeff Kreis, Greg Sabin, Priscilla Ornelas
and Patrick Skiffington with special guest Bonnie Otto. Sabin, Ornelas
and Skiffington, as FreeBadge Serenaders, were Set 4 in GCR. By all
accounts, they were a big hit. Sabin I LOVE that Skiffington was featured on saw with FreeBadge! Last time I heard a musical saw was about
50 years ago.
GCR Set 3 was Black Tuesday in its current incarnation, led by Dominic Ruggieri. Jeff Kreis filled in on trumpet, Mike Hudson (we see him
too seldom) was on trombone. Alan Shaw, Jan Buhlert, Dave Sieber and
Jim Laveroni filled out the roster. Really sorry that vocalist Suzanne Wiggins was home sick, but Geri Eckert stepped in and did a fine job – she
tore up the joint on “Am I Blue.” Speaking of Black Tuesday, I was glad
to run into Hal and Joan’s daughter Sherri Needham, accompanied by
John Broussard.
Dr. Bach and the Jazz Practitioners, to give them their formal title,
rounded out the day in the GCR. Charlie Gehlbach, Bob Noren, Jay
Paulus, Carl Kaiser (piano), Jim Elsaas, Jerry Lopes, Jim Roberson
February 2014
and Angela Elsaas were in terrific form - when are they not? – to end
the day on a rousing note.
Smout. Bonnie Waugh was here. She said her last visit was in November,
to see Guest Artist Mike Vax.
Main Stage Set 4 was a special treat. They call themselves Hot Ticket
and they’ve been singing together for a number of years now. Nina Ankele
is the one with the British accent, Mary Anne Kirchner is the feisty one,
and Vanna Turner is the one on the STJS Board of Directors. With backing from Ken Meyers, Alan Ginter and Jim Roberson, they were a real
hit with the audience. (Nina dedicated “Stormy Weather” to the State of
California, but to no avail.)
Don McClellan said he’s been a member for decades, as has his friend
Eva Hall. At first glance, I thought David Swarts’ t-shirt was touting a
Classic Jazz Festival, but no – it was for the Jed Smith Ultra Classic
30k/50k/50m; and wife Martha said THAT was 15 years ago. Cool shirt,
anyway. Elinor was wearing a t-shirt that said “Jazz is True Value,” a gift
from Pat and Mike Schneider because they met at a True Value store.
As noted above, there were swarms of band family members, no way
to talk with them all – and besides, they were listening to their musicians!
I did get a quick hello with Kevin Krupa’s dad, Gary. Pity Kevin doesn’t
play drums, isn’t it? Well, not really, he’s a fine sax player, but…. Bill
Murphy, Jasper’s father, was looking proud. I also had a quick word with
Dana Wendel’s parents, Tom Wendel and Jules Ditorro. Ryan Ioanidis had
support in the form of Kim Owen and Paul Ioanidis, and Barry and Lynn
Hinesley were there for tenor saxophonist Sarah.
I don’t want to mislead you into thinking that it was all young folks. In
fact, there were an amazing number of nonagenarians in the house. Teresa
Day brought her 99 year old Mother, Teresa Gibson. Teresa’s friends, Jack
and Barbara Farley, said they all used to attend the South Bay Trad Jazz
Society, and also ran into each other at the Senior Center in San Jose.
When they found out about STJS they HAD to come – just their good luck
it was at the Rent Party.
Jan Phillips brought her mother, 95 year old May Arai, along with
Caregiver Rebecca Estadilla. Tony Bellacera was celebrating his 94 birthday that very day; Duncan McElman’s mother, Marci McElman, brought
a cake for him. Billie Menz is in her 90s; she was showing off her 1996
STJS Board Member nametag! Not sure of Ida Arbit’s age, but she came
with her Caregiver, Mirjana Cvetkovic.
I hope I saw all of you at the STJS Crab & Pasta Feed – Kathy Becker
worked for months and months organizing it, then hours and hours preparing the food. Thank you, Kathy & Dave! She has a clever new idea for
the Auction – but you already know that, right? But, did you know that
Gold Card reedman Tom Carpenter’s wife, Ingeborg was just installed as
the first woman Trustee of the Turn Verein in its 150 year history? Good
job! Norm Echols said he has lived within ten blocks of the Turn Verein
for 50 years and never been inside it before! He was on Sound Crew at the
Crab Feed. Thank you, all volunteers. It was a big success!
If you subscribe to The American Rag www.TheAmericanRag.com
you already know that the feature interview for December/January was
with “our own” Jason Wanner. And many other amazing tidbits and tantalizing tales. For instance, Racy’s is becoming on-line only; and pianist
Jeff Barnhart is – well, grab a copy.
Stopping now. You know where to find me, right? You noticed that
TJYBF started out with one Midiri and now has TWO Midiris? I honestly
thought TJYBF couldn’t get better. With Jazz, there is always surprise! 2
And, most touchingly, violinist Tom Gunterman brought his father,
100 year old Joe Gunterman. Joe said he was mostly a classical music fan,
but was appreciating the jazz, too. I was so sorry to see in the Bee later
that week that 98 year old Emma Gunterman died on January 8. Joe and
Emma were married for 71 years.
Saying nothing about anybody’s age, Linda Straus, Barry Berger and
Nancy Weedman are fellow residents with Gerri Ross at the Einstein
Center. Gerri said that Eddi Benjamini brought in a group to play for
the Einstein Center’s New Year’s Eve party. Eddi practices there two
or three times per month. In fact, Gerri invited musicians to call her at
916.484.1724 to arrange for “rehearsal space with an audience” of an
afternoon. Everybody wins!
I think we don’t give enough credit to our admission table volunteers; they seem to be experts at recruiting new members. Bill McMartin
brought his friend Ardis Dickey, and she was signed up before she got
past the lobby. And then Yvonne Au drafted her as a TJYBF volunteer.
Good job, everybody! Joy Burch, long-time Modesto TJS member, visited STJS for the first time last month, and became a member, and Janna
Welk brought her Mother, Caroline Vesci, for the first time, and SHE’S
now a member and a volunteer.
Lana Lawrence told me her brother, Bill Lawrence, is an old Jazz
Camp alumnus. Lana was with her friend, long-time member Doran
February 2014
Future Jazz Festivals
and Jazz Parties
8th TJYBF Trad. Jazz Youth Band Fest. Sac. State
(916) 444-2004
20-23 Seaside Jazz Festival Seaside, OR
(866) 345-6257
21–23 San Diego Jazz PARTY Del Mar, CA
(858) 453-0846
MARCH 2014
6-9 25th Tribute to Bix Fest. Racine, WI
(847) 996-0246
7-9 Jazz Bash by the Bay Monterey, CA
(888) 349-6879
27-30 Redwood Coast Jazz Fest. Eureka, CA
(707) 445-3378
28-29 Charles Templeton Rag. & Jazz Fest. MS http://library.msstate.edu/ragtime/festival
(662) 325-6634
Jazz Notes
Feb. 9: BOB DRAGA, JOE & PAUL MIDIRI, with the
TJYBF Clinicians Band. Plus, youth bands from the TJYBF.
Noon opener: TNT. Set 3: The Dinguy band, Rio Am. H.S.
STJS BOARD MTG: Mon., Feb. 17, 6:00 pm at the STJS
office location in Old Sac. — 106 K St., Suite #1 (downstairs).
Old Sac parking meters charge $1.50/hr (quarters only) till 8pm.
Monday meetings are now held one week after Jazz Sunday.
RESULTS from Dec. 8 STJS ELECTIONS: Secretary
Dennis Speciale (Incumbent); Musician Members: Paula Dula
(Incumbent), Jay Paulus (Incumbent), Dominic Ruggieri;
Non-Musician members: Carol Fusaro (Incumbent), Crawford
Paton (Incumbent). Congratulations to all.
STJS MEMBERS’ DISCOUNT: “All-Events” tickets to the
2014 Sac. Music Festival are now on sale for $99! (See ad on
pg. 7.) STJS Members get an extra discount: four days of live
music for only $90!!! BUY NOW to save money and to support
STJS in planning and preparing for this major fundraising event
that keeps our jazz society and its programs running all year
long. Non-members can purchase online or call the STJS Office.
Members should purchase from the office to verify membership and receive their discount: (916) 444-2004. See page 15 for
the 2014 Order Form. www.sacmusicfest.com
Submit event info 1 month in advance to: editor@sacjazz.org
See “MUSIC HERE & THERE” for regular gigs.
TNT: (See ad.) Feb. 10 at Farrell’s, 6:30-8:30pm.
Also, see them at the TJYBF where they will be a host band.
STJS presents their
TNT youth band
TNT will perform at FARRELL’S
6:30 – 8:30 pm
starting Mon., December 16, 2013
and Mondays in 2014:
Jan. 13 Feb. 10 Mar. 10 Apr. 7
BRING THIS FLYER! 15% of sales (4pm–10pm)
at this fun event will go towards funding TNT
(the STJS-sponsored youth band).
Eat up, have fun and let’s raise some money!
THIS FLYER IS POSTED ONLINE: http://sacjazz.org/calendar.html
Straw Hat: WED. 6:00pm (2929 Mather Field Rd., R.
Cord.) No cover charge. Feb. 5 The Cresent Katz. Feb. 12 Pat
Blucher & Friends. Feb. 19 Dr. Bach & the Jazz Practitioners.
Feb. 26 Jay Casl. Mar. 5 Charlie Hull / K St. Ramblers.
JB’s Lounge: 5–8pm “Sunday Evening Jazz” Clarion
Hotel (1401 Arden Way, Sac., CA 95815). 916-723-5517, ext 3.
Cover charge regularly $10/$5 kids under ten. Feb. 9 Jeff
Alkire Quintet. Feb. 16 Delbert Bump Organ Quintet. Feb.
23 Mondavi All-Star Group (directed by Mike McMullen)/
Brubeck Institute Quintet. Mar. 2 Sac Jazz Orchestra and the
music of Duke Ellington. Mar. 9 - Anton Schwartz Quintet.
Midtown Stomp: swing dance 9pm–12am. Cover charge.
(2534 Industrial Blvd., Suite 150, West Sac., CA 95691):
Feb. 7 Peter Petty & his Titans of Terpsichore. Feb. 21 Mitch
Woods & his Rocket 88s. Mar. 7 Lost Dog Found.
WSS: Mar. 2 Tony Arana Jam Band, and Dry Creek Band.
February 2014
Main Stage 12-8-13
Guest Artist Coord.: Bob Ringwald
Emcee: Jim Fusaro
Set #1 — YOUTH – Ten ‘til Midnight from Davis, CA. Ages 15-17. Celia
Cottle, instructor. Pete Young, tpt; Anthony Di Carlo, tbn/tu/vocals; James
Merges, alto sax; Emily Phillips, tenor sax; Sophia Seng, tenor sax/voc;
Thomas West, bari sax; Bunky Hampton, gtr/bnj; Tioga Benner, piano;
Andrew Walton, bass; Robby Blattner, drums..
Set #2 — GUEST – Golden Gate Rhythm Machine from San Francisco,
CA. Scott Anthony, leader/bnj/gtr; Bob Schulz, cornet; Robert Young, sop
sax; John Hunt, tbn; Bob Ringwald, p; Jim Maihack, tu; Bill Maginnis, dr. 
Set #3 — Old West Trio – Steve Johnson, lead guitar/vocals; Steve Ide,
rhythm guitar/vocals; Leslie Ide, bass/vocals.
Set #4 — GUEST – Golden Gate Rhythm Machine from San Francisco,
CA. Scott Anthony, leader/bnj/gtr; Bob Schulz, cornet; Robert Young, sop
sax; John Hunt, tbn; Bob Ringwald, p; Jim Maihack, tu; Bill Maginnis, dr.
Gold Card Room 12-8-13
Set 5: City of Trees Brass Band – Ben Hillier, sous/leader; Jeff Kreis, tpt;
Alex Ramey, tpt; Gabrielle Sloan Gill, tbn; Joshua Cambridge, tbn; Scotty
Yost, tbn; Mark Miller, alto sax; Chris Ryan, t sax; William Bua, sop sax.
Tpt/Cor: Charlie Gehlbach, Jared Blum, Jeff Kreis, Nathaniel Walker;
Rds: Tom Carpenter, Charlie Hull, Gene Mondro, Parker Weis, Nancy
Kreis; Tbn: Jay Paulus; P: Ken Meyers, Frank Lindskoog; Bnj/Gtr: Mark
Kramer, John Green; B/Tb: Alan Ginter, Eddi Benjamini, Mike Melnikov,
Dave Sieber; Dr: Jack Scott, Dan Lobay, Carl Warmdahl; Wbd: Patrick
Skiffington; Voc: Larry Sikorski, Edd Burhans, Jackie Clauson, Alan
Ginter, T Jackson, Claude Purcell, Jane Reinmuth, Pat Kennedy, Paula
Dula, Harry DuVall, Pam Lehnert, Barbara Paulus, Vanna Turner, Geri
Eckert, Dorit Benjamini, Margie Ruiz, Dennis Cain, Julie Gallagher, Wally
Hawkins, Julie Meyers, Clint Ritchie, Virginia Ayers-Dawson
GCR Director: Paula Dula.
Tailgate Room 12-8-13
Thanks to all the musicians who came to play, some as many as three times
(Carl Warmdahl), to help us have a good day. We were happy to welcome
Don Nurisso, accordian, a newcomer to the Tailgate Room. The players were:
Tpt: Jared Blum, Charlie Gehlbach, Nathanial Walker, John Williams;
Rds: Duncan McElman, Parker Weis, Tom Carpenter, Arthur Eriksson,
Gene Mondro; Tbn: Bob Gonzalez, Larry Tyrell, Jay Paulus; P: Frank
Lindskoog, Arthur Eriksson, Montana Monce; Bnj/Gtr: John Green; B/
Tu: Dave Sieber, Mike Melnikov, David Rees; Dr: Carl Warmdahl, Geri
Eckert; Vocs: Claude Purcell, “Miss Delta,” Ned Poffinbarger, Duncan
McElman, Kate Rees, Geri Eckert, Jane Reinmuth.
Music Here & There
Beth Duncan Trio, www.bethduncan.com
Black Tuesday J.B., www.blacktuesdayjazzband.com (530) 676-8923.
Bob Ringwald / Fulton St. J.B., www.ringwald.com (916) 806-9551.
Claudette Stone, Biba’s, Th., 6:30–9pm., 2801 Capitol Ave., Sac. 455-2422
Catsnjammer J.B., www.cats-n-jammers.com
Crescent Katz, www.facebook.com/CrescentKatz/info
Dr. Bach & the Jazz Practitioners, http://drbachjazz.blogspot.com
Eddie & Friends Tues. 1:15-3:45pm, 4701 Gibbons Drive, Carmichael
Jay Paulus’ Society Band, http://jaypaulussocietyband.com
Melissa Collard, http://www.melissacollard.com
“Midtown Stomp”– Dance, Fri., 8pm–12am. www.midtownstomp.com
2534 Industrial Blvd., Suite 150, West Sac., CA 95691. Classes. (916) 221-1500
Nice & Easy, e/o Sat. 4:30-7:30pm at The Station (Auburn Bl/Riverside Dr.
Rsvl. 916-789-8878.
Nu-Tones Qt., Timbers Rest., Sun City, RSVL, 6-9pm, Fri. www.nutones.info
Rich O’Day, Biba Rest., Wed., 6:30–9pm, 2801 Capitol Ave., Sac. 455-2422
Sac. Banjo Band, Straw Hat Pizza, Mather Fld. Rd., 1st & 3rd Sun., 2-4 p.m.
Sac. Ragtime Society, FREE! Red Lion Sacto. Inn, 1401 Arden Way, Sac.,
last Sunday of each month, 1–4 p.m., (916) 457-3324.
Speakeazy Jazz Orchestra www.speakeazyjazz.com
“Sun. Eve. Jazz” – Various. JB’s Lounge, 5-8 p.m.; (916) 723-5517, ext. 3
SwingMasters big band, Carmichael, CA www.swingmasters.org
Vivian Lee, www.reverbnation.com/vivianlee
Western Swing Soc., The Machinist Hall, 2749 Sunrise Bl., Rnch. Cordova
1st Sun., 1-6pm. Ballroom dancing, swing, waltz, foxtrot. (916) 635-0450
ZOOM www.zydecoonourminds.com
Basin St. Regulars, Vet’s Bldg, Pismo, last Sun, 12-4:30. (805) 481-7840.
Cell Block 7, Royce Farms BBQ; 10880 N. Hwy 99; Stockton, CA;
1st and 3rd Tues., 6:30–8:30p.m. (209) 931-8333 www.cellblock7.biz
Feather River JS Concert day varies. Graegle, CA featherriverjazzsociety.com
Fresno DL Soc., 2nd Sun., 1-5 pm (559) 292-3999. Call for location.
Modesto TJS, Clarion, 1612 Sisk Rd., Mod., 3rd Sun., 12-5 p.m., (209) 985-2223
Rivercity Jazz Society, Elks Lodge, Redding, 3rd Sun., 1-5pm
San Joaquin DL JS 8900 Thornton, Stock., 1st Sun., 12-5, stocktondixielandjazz.org
Sierra Trad. Jazz Club, Memorial Bldg, Three Rivers, 2nd Sat., 8-11pm.
Western Mus. Rndup., Stewart Hall, Sheridan, 4th Sun., 12-5pm, 645-8521
ead if
http://www.sfraeann.com/ - online calendar
Call a a long
And That’s Jazz, assorted. www.jazzdance.org/andthatsjazz/
Big Money in Jazz Savoy-Tivoli in San Fran., Sat., 3–6pm (415) 362-7023
Clint Baker & Café Borrone All-Stars, Fridays 8–11pm, Menlo Park
Devil Mtn. JB. 3rd Sat., 2-5pm, Danville Grange Hall. www.jazznut.com/
Jazzinators, Bronco Billy’s Pizza, Irvington Dist.-Fremont; 1st/3rd Tue., 7-8pm
Eggers/Tichenor, Belrose, San Raf., 2nd Wed. 5:30-8pm; M.E. (510) 655-6728
Mission Gold JB, 1st/3rd Wed., 7:30-9:30pm, Sunol JAZZ Cafe (925)862-2800
Swing Fever, Panama Hotel, San Raf., 1st/3rd Tu., 7-10 pm (415) 457-3993
Co-Directors: Jane Reinmuth, Tony Bellacera, Duncan McElman.
February 2014
Clinicians Band (cont.)
both The Mississippi Rag and The American Rag, two respected
jazz news papers. The L.A. Jazz magazine stated, “Catch them
whenever you can!” Additionally, “Their sextet is one of the most
exciting small-group swing units around today.”
They can also be heard in their home state of N.J. playing both
concerts and dances. Two of the most popular concert venues,
both run by good friend and supporter Bruce Gast, are the Bickford Theater in Morristown, N.J. and Ocean County College. The
Golden Inn in Avalon N.J. has featured the Midiri Brothers Big
Band as part of their “Big Band Get Away” weekend package for
nearly a decade. The big band features many of the arrangements
of Benny Goodman, Artie Shaw and the Dorsey Brothers, as well
as many of their own arrangements.
The Diversity of the Midiri Brothers can be heard on their
many recording, notably Trees, A Shaw Thing, In The Garden,
and Finger Bustin’. They have recorded two CDs with the Brooks
Tegler Orchestra, and one with Harry Salotti on his Full Swing
Ahead CD.
NOTE: STJS is grateful to Sac State Jazz Studies for the use
of a vibraphone for Paul Midiri at Jazz Sunday.
Corey Gemme, a native of Los Angeles, picked up the trumpet at about age 10, being inspired first by Herb Alpert and the
Tijuana Brass, then by Louis Armstrong, Red Nichols, Harry
James, Charlie Shavers, Bunny Berrigan, and Bix Beiderbecke
among others. He studied music at Pasadena City College and
California State University Los Angeles and has performed with
many groups including the Hot Frogs, Black Swan Jazz Band,
Jim Cullum’s Happy Jazz Band, the Reynolds Brothers, High
Sierra Jazz Band, Titan Hot Seven, and Banu Gibson. Corey
leads three of his own bands: his Rolling Figs Jazz Orchestra,
his Dixiebop Quartet, and the Wabash Wailers. He currently performs around the Los Angeles area with many of it’s popular vintage jazz bands. He has traveled throughout the World, appeared
as a featured guest at the Sancy Snow Festival in France, and
was regularly featured at the Sweet & Hot Music Festival in Los
Angeles. Ask him about photography, scuba diving, hang gliding,
and radio-controlled airplanes.
BILL DENDLE – Trombone / Guitar / Banjo
Bill began playing banjo in 1963, and by 1967 he performed at
Mickie Finn’s in San Diego as leader of the South Market Street
Jazz Band. Bill was the lead banjoist at Capone’s Warehouse in
Monterey for nine years. 1977 found Bill as an entertainment
consultant, banjoist, trombonist, band leader and entertainer at
Florida’s Disneyworld, where he opened on the Empress Lilly
Showboat. In late 1977, he revived the South Market Street Jazz
Band. From 1982 to 1995, Bill appeared as one-half of the duo
called Goodtime Banjos. Bill is currently director of three trad.
jazz camp programs. He plays trombone, guitar and banjo in Shelley Burns & Avalon Swing, and as a duo with Eddie Erickson.
Bill has performed with Bob Haggart, Bob Crosby, Johnny Varro,
Dick Cary, Abe Most, Nick Fatool, Bob Draga and others. He is
retired from his job as Vice-Principal at Lindbergh Educational
Center in Manteca, CA.
TJYBF Guest Clinician in 2008
“Fast Eddie” Erickson began his banjo/guitar career in the mid
‘60s around the San Jose, CA area. He moved to Monterey, CA
in 1969 to work at Capone’s Warehouse on Cannery Row. From
there, Ed went to DisneyWorld and Disneyland. He has been a
featured performer at banjo shows, conventions, private parties,
jazz concerts, and has appeared with such noted jazz performers
as Jackie Coon, Rick Fay, Dan Barrett, Dave Frishberg, Johnny
Varro at prestigious jazz parties and festivals across the country
and in Europe. You’ll also find him on Jazzdagen cruises. He
recorded a CD of novelty songs with comedic actor John Lithgow (On the Sunny Side of the Street). Eddie has been featured
with Big Mama Sue at festivals, fairs, and even the Sancy Snow
Jazz Festival in France. Also a vocalist, Eddie has joined forces
with Rebecca Kilgore and Dan Barrett to form BED (now the
Rebecca Kilgore Quartet), bringing great music and good vibes
to jazz events throughout the country. Fast Eddie is a respected
and beloved member of the jazz fraternity, and one of the funniest
performers on the scene. One source claims he holds the world
record for “Man with the Most Marriage Proposals.” ;-)
TJYBF Guest Clinician in 2010
In younger days, Jason Wanner’s dad used to bring him to the
Sac. Jazz Jubilee where his love for jazz grew. As an STJS Music
Award recipient, he played piano for TNT, the STJS-sponsored
youth band. Amazingly, Jason went from being a student at the
STJS Jazz Camp to earning his place as an instructor there — all
in a few short years. It brings a smile to those who have watched
him evolve into the brilliant musician he is today. Jason is also
part of the faculty at the jazz camp in Mammoth Lakes, CA. The
STJS Foundation is grateful to have his technical expertise on
their Marketing Committee.
Jason performs regularly with Blue Street Jazz Band across
the U.S. Two other bands have added Jason as their pianist: the
Titan Hot 7, and the Bob Draga Quartet (Bob Draga & Friends),
which performs at the “Up Close & Personal” fundraisers. Jason
has appeared with all-star musicians at the prestigious San Diego
Jazz Party, and was the “Musician of the Year” at Jazz Bash by
the Bay (Monterey). He enjoys composing and arranging. Jason
February 2014
Clinicians Band (cont.)
In Loving Memory
studied one year at USC and graduated from the CSUS School of
Music with a Bachelor of Music in Classical Piano Performance.
You can find him on Facebook and Twitter, or visit Jason’s website for the latest info and lots of great photos, including Jazz
Camp: www.jasonwanner.com
Bob Greene
October 13, 2013
Beverly Byron White
November 22, 2013
Cliff Ricker
Lenny has been a music educator for over 35 years at middle
school, high school and college levels, and has been a professional bassist since 1958. He currently works with several bands
in the Sacramento area, and has appeared in every Sacramento
Jazz Jubilee since its inception. STJS is fortunate to have him
appear regularly on Main Stage at Jazz Sunday. For the past seven
years, he served as the Music Supervisor for the Sacramento City
Unified School District until his retirement last year.
December 3, 2013
George Buck
December 11, 2013
Bobby Gordon
December 31, 2013
Mary Jo Kaufman
After Ron retired from playing drums with the US Air Force
show bands for many years, he backed up such prime time entertainers as Frankie Laine, Kay Starr, the Ink Spots, and Diahann
Carroll. Since he moved to Sacramento in the early 1980s, he’s
played with many top West Coast jazz bands. A member of the
Festival Committee and Vice President of the STJS Board of
Directors, Ron is a very popular drummer on the national jazz
festival circuit and performs with Sister Swing. He and wife Patti
are the organizers of the annual “Up Close & Personal” event that
successfully raises funds for the TJYBF. 2
Raffle Cent$
by Kathy Becker
t was very quiet in December because people couldn’t get to
the Dante Club due to the marathon traffic. We still pulled in
$304.00. For January it was $326.00. Thank you all.
A big thank you to our fabulous donators: December: Beth
Scott, Ingrid Wolbart, and Chuck and Rosemary Leuthy.
January: Jane Reinmuth, Judy Hendricks, Mary Jane
Blackett, Waren Mufich, Sally Albers, Ms. Delta, Beth
Scott, and Ingrid Wolbart.
January 6, 2014
Pete Seeger
January 27, 2014
2014 Sacramento Music Festival – Order Form
Phone #____________________________________________
Membership info and online payment at www.sacjazz.org Qty.
__ “All-Events” General (till May 1) @ $99 ea. = $______
__ “All-Events” STJS (till Apr. 13)
@ $90 ea. = $______
__ “All-Events” Youth (13-20) *
@ $50 ea. = $______
__ Advance Program postage included @ $10 ea. = $______
Our big winners were December: Parasol – Paula Dula,
Pam Rivera, Linda Martinez, David McAfee, Lisa Moore,
Joanne Monson, Ingrid Wolbart, Jack Davis, Jean Angel,
Jeanette Galloway, Jim Harp, Brad Pope, Gerry Ross.
January: Jane Reinmuth, Yvonne Au, Joy Burch, Mabel
Burhans, David Valpreda, Barry Berger, Coralie Cochran,
Lucy Morales, Bonnie Magnetti, Joan Eifert, Ardis Dickey.
* KIDS (ages 12 and younger) admitted FREE! TOTAL = $______
We wish everyone a very Safe and Healthy New Year!
Name on card________________________________________
o CHECK or MONEY ORDER #_______ (payable to “STJS”) or
o CREDIT CARD m Visa m MC m Discover m AmEx
Card #_____________________________________________
Expir. date ________________ Today’s date__________________
February 2014
Sacramento Traditional Jazz Society
City_____________________________State_____Zip _________
ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP includes discounts for monthly STJS
Jazz Sunday concerts, plus newsletter, And All That Jazz.
*** Note: DUES INCREASED on JULY 1st, 2013! ***
r Single $30.00 r Couple $50.00 rStudent $10.00
(ages 12–20)
r PATRON Membership $400. Includes: 2 Festival All-Events Badges,
2 programs, and your name listed in the festival program.
r I am enclosing an additional $______ for (please check one): r Sacramento Music Festival r Other STJS programs Would you like to VOLUNTEER? (Please check one.)
r Sac. Music Festival r Other STJS programs
r Both (Festival & other pgms) r I am currently a volunteer
Make CHECKS or money orders PAYABLE to STJS
or CHARGE to: m Visa m MC m Discover m AmEx
Card # ______________________________________________
Expir. date ________________ Security # on back of card __________
MAIL TO: Membership Chair
106 K Street, Suite #1 • Sacramento, CA 95814
THANK YOU for your support! We appreciate your membership.
Please take a moment to complete this form. Your information and opinions
will help the STJS better serve you. (Answers may be approximate.)
• How long have you been a member of STJS?_____________________________
• How far do you travel to attend monthly sessions?_________________________
• Number of monthly sessions you attended in the last 12 months______________
• Who was your favorite guest band or musician? __________________________
• What band or musician would you like as a guest? _____________________
• What would you like to change about the monthly sessions? _____________
Thank you for your help!!
Sacramento Traditional Jazz Society
106 K Street, Suite #1
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 444-2004
February 2014