January 2013


January 2013
The Foot Tappers
January – February 2013
Appearing over the next few weeks at Café Jazz
John Minion
Hot Club Gallios
e-mail :-
Tel :- 029 20625639
Sunday 25ht November saw the memorable concert celebrating the life and music
of Norman Thatcher. Over 300 packed into the ballroom of the Wessex Hotel in
Street in Somerset. 12 Bands, plus numerous guest, played from Noon until 11:30
pm. All the proceeds were donated to Cancer UK and a marvellous £2834 was
raised on the day. So well done everyone who came, and those who were unable,
but made a donation. A selection of photographs, taken by Paul Dunleavy, has been
put on our website which you can view by selecting “Photo Gallery”
Another donation, this time to the Cancer Research Centre in Cardiff of £270, was
made by the Camelia Jazz Band and Friends for their New Years Eve gig in
Newport – so again well done to all involved.
Setting up the winter months programme is always difficult as you never know what
the weather will do. Hopefully this years will be OK as again we have booked local
One session I am looking forward to is “Rivercon”. This was a name conjured up by
Vic Partridge when I and others were invited to play at Newport by John Minnion.
The venue was the Riverside Tavern, Members of the band were Pete Locke and
Vic Partidge (Riverside Band), Clarence Nugent and myself (Icon Band) John
Minion and Pete Berry (Riverside Tavern). It was great playing with them again and
we hope to create the session again on the 5th February.
New to us are Hot Club Gallios.
Hot Club Gallois, are a Welsh group inspired by the music of Django Rienhardt and
Stephane Grapelli. Their music evokes the style and elegance of 1930's Paris and
draws on passion and romance of the gypsy Jazz tradition. Their repertoire includes
classic Jazz standards, profound ballads, and traditional gypsy waltzes and boleros.
They were highly successful at last years Brecon Jazz Festival and their line up
includes Heulwen Thomas on violin with Luke Archard and Richard Jones on
acoustic guitars and Mike Morgan on double bass. (slight change to the photo on cover)
It’s that time of year again so if you care to renew, the fee is still £5 you can either
send it to me or renew at Café Jazz. Many thanks to those who have already
renewed. You have permission to follow their fine example.
Visit the PJS Website :- www.pjscardiff.co.uk
Paul’s Photo’s
A selection of photographs taken at Street which can be seen on glorious colour on
our website Just select “Photo Gallery” and “Tribute to Norman”
The session got off to a cracking start with the Sunset Café Stompers
Sarah Thatcher & Sam Sims (New Orleans Hula)
Visit the PJS Website :- www.pjscardiff.co.uk
Dennis Armstrong’s Western Band
The Celebration Jazz Band
Visit the PJS Website :- www.pjscardiff.co.uk
Red Beans ‘n’ Rice
The Wessex New Orleans Band
Visit the PJS Website :- www.pjscardiff.co.uk
A Breeze From New Orleans
Steve Graham’s New Orleans Band
Visit the PJS Website :- www.pjscardiff.co.uk
Phil Wall
‘Spats’ Langham
Clarence Nugent
Danny Blyth
John Minion
John Scantlebury
Photographs © Paul Dunleavy
Visit the PJS Website :- www.pjscardiff.co.uk
Gig List
Dave Smith / John Scantlebury
Vic Partridge Quartet (Norman, Vic, John and Paul)
Hot Club Gallios (Django Style Jazz)
The Camelia Jazz Band and Friends
Dave Smith 4
The Wessex New Orleans Band
John Davies Quartet
The Paul Munnery Quartet
Kennedy’s Cowboy Operators (TBC)
Vic Partridge Quartet (TBC)
Memphis Seven
The Anglo – Welsh Stompers
Please Note the March gigs 12, 19 are NOT confirmed
Join our Mailing List and receive weekly reminders of “What’s ON”
Just send a note to :- pjscardiff@btinternet.com
Café Jazz - The Sandringham Hotel, St. Mary Street, Cardiff
Admission - unless otherwise stated
P.J.S Members & Concessions £4 00 Non Members £4.50, Students £2.00
The PJS Acknowledge assistance from Dutton Hotels
Visit the PJS Website :- www.pjscardiff.co.uk