DRHBA News JUNE 2007 - Durham Region Home Builders
DRHBA News JUNE 2007 - Durham Region Home Builders
w w w. d r h b a . c o m ISSUE 11, VOLUME 17 BUILDING DURHAM Since 1953 JULY 2008 THE MONTHLY NEWSLETTER OF THE DURHAM REGION HOME BUILDERS’ ASSOCIATION Oshawa scores Grey Cup Home The Nolan family of Oshawa is on Cloud 9 after being selected as the family that will call The Grey Cup House their home. The shell of the house was built by Habitat for Humanity Toronto outside the Rogers Centre as part of the Grey Cup festivities during the 95th Grey Cup championship in 2007. The City of Oshawa has donated land on Dean Avenue for the house to be situated on. On June 24th, everyone involved in the project was invited to the Ground Breaking ceremonies. Please see more photos on page 4 of this newsletter ot visit the Habitat web site at www.habitatdurham.com Inside Upcoming Events Fire Sprinkler Update 2 Habitat Ground Breaking 4 Volunteers Needed 6 EnerQuality Anniversary 9 Ride to Conquer Cancer 11 August 14, 2008: OHBA GREEN HOUSING TOUR August 20, 2008: DRHBA GOLF TOURNAMENT Sept. 16, 2008: DRHBA DINNER MEETING Sept. 21-23, 2008: OHBA CONFERENCE Durham Region Mill Run Harmony Creek Golf Centre Collingwood Our 2008 Corporate Sponsor Partners... Ontario to require fire sprinklers in new condos and apartments McGuinty Government Improving Fire Safety Standards June 18, 2008 NEWS Ontario is increasing the fire-safety of new large residential buildings. Changes to the Building Code will require sprinkler systems in new condos and apartments higher than three storeys. The changes will come into force on April 1, 2010. Building permit applications for multiple-unit residential buildings higher than three storeys submitted on or after that date must comply with the new fire sprinkler requirements. Residential fire deaths in Ontario have declined steadily since the Building Code was introduced in 1975, and Ontario has one of the lowest rates of residential fire deaths in Canada. The changes will bring the Building Code into greater harmony with the model National Building Code of Canada and the codes in force in most Canadian and American jurisdictions. QUOTES “We are making our safe buildings even safer. These changes to the Building Code will ensure residents of new high-rises will have the same fire protection as all other jurisdictions in Canada,” said Jim Watson, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. "The experience of other jurisdictions across North America is clear: residential sprinklers significantly reduce injuries, deaths and property loss due to fire. This requirement is a huge step forward in the protection of citizens of this province from fire," said Pat Burke, Fire Marshal of Ontario your heating, in-floor radiant, solar hot water panels, air conditioning and gas fireplace specialists Peter Watson President Phone: (905) 655-1776 Fax: (905) 655-1648 2 2 Wessex Drive Brooklin O L1M 2C4 "Ultimately, residential sprinklers will provide a safer working environment for the brave men and women who put their lives on the line to protect us," said Linda Jeffrey, MPP for Brampton-Springdale, a long-time advocate for sprinklers in residential settings. QUICK FACTS The Building Code is a regulation under the Building Code Act, 1992. The code applies to the construction of new buildings, and the renovation and change of use of existing buildings. The effective date of April 1, 2010 will ensure there are sufficient numbers of trained technicians available to install the newly required sprinkler systems. The model National Building Code of Canada is published by the National Research Council of Canada. Provincial and territorial governments, however, are responsible for building regulation and adopt their own codes. ition s o P s ’ A OHB ted the legisla h it w te ra l coope t making uilders wil lieves tha e b A Ontario B B H in all new owever O mandatory ave done s change, h rm la a h d smoke gs would t hard-wire se buildin ri tarians no h n ig O h L g L n A ti r is x fo e n ty co do afe and rove fire s ase a new p h rc im u p to to re mo fford that can a just those leunit. ssive imp the aggre h nging it e ll w a d h e ncern ill be c o w c it is e v A e B li be OH install labour to ate as we d d n le o il ti k s ta n h me noug d certify e to train an tems. these sys decline a state of in y d a e lr ntario is a tervals; O g market in in r s la u u o g h re e t Th nge will ga at this cha s increasin e th c l ri fu p d h in it m w ture for should be the near fu rs e in m u ts s s n o c o c unit to higher translate s it ium un . condomin BBee sseen een wwhere here EEVERYONE VERYONE iiss llooking ooking ffor or NNew ew HHomes omes aand nd CCondos ondos We are the largest magazine distribution system in Ontario. a HomeGuides publication | www.homeguides.ca FREE MARCH 2008 VOLUME 4, ISSUE 3 www.homeanddecor.ca 2008 2008 2008 The Only Complete Resource Directory for GTA Condominium Builders The Only Complete Resource Directory for GTA Home Builders The Only Complete Resource Directory for Southwestern Ontario Home Builders THE CONDOMINIUM BUILDERS’ TTop op 5 RReasons easons ttoo AAdvertise dvertise Huge established street & retail distribution Availableatover8000hightraȗclocations Dedicated editorial support Magazines designed to connect YOU with uniquely targeted customers Your best priced advertising choice! Brought to you by For advertising inquiries call 416.784.5060 www.newhomesandcondos.com 3 Habitat for Humanity Durham The ecstatic new home owners - the Nolan family. Below, they meet Michael “Pinball” Clemons. Councillor Robert Lutczyk, a great supporter of Habitat for Humanity at left; and Oshawa Mayor John Gray. Marianne Tracey, co-chair Habitat Site Selection/Build Committee and DRHBA Director; Kathy Chateauvert, co-chair Habitat Site Selection/Build Committee and DRHBA Past-President; Margaret Cox, Habitat Director of Marketing; and Jennifer Hurd, DRHBA Director. 4 DRHBA President Scott Jeffery with Hugh Heron of Heathwood Homes. DRHBA Golf Tournament Tarion Delayed Closing Breakfast **New Date! New Location!** Wednesday, August 20, 2008 Mill Run, Uxbridge Watch for Details! Expressway Electric Limited Jim Fortune and Scott Roward of Tarion facilitated a workshop June 10th on the new Delayed Closing rules. The Builder Relations Department of Tarion will continue to offer free clinics in their offices on the New Delayed Closing/Occupancy Warranty which took effect July 1, 2008. Who should attend: Sales Reps, Administrative Staff, anyone who deals with Purchase Agreements. Clinics will be focused on: What you need to know and do to comply with the new delayed closing/occupancy warranty. Please register in advance by calling 1-877-9TARION ext. 3812 or e-mail builderrelations@tarion.com, indicating the date, time, company name and number of attendees. All Clinic Times: 8:30 a.m. Registration; 9:00 a.m. Start. Lunch will not be provided. Visit www.tarion.com for locations and dates. Serving Durham for over 25 years with quality service (ACP) ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS For a quote for all your Residential Electrical Work, Custom Build or Subdivisions call: NICK TSEROTAS Bus: 905-420-9663 Cel: 416-520-4569 5 DCs Take a Bite Out of New Homes CLARINGTON Clarington has recently approved a 46% increase in residential Development Charges from $9961 to $13,012 (single and semi-detached) starting July 1, 2008 subject to annual indexing bringing the total to $14,538 January 1, 2009. Non-residential will increase every six months. Current charge is $41.45 sq/m and will increase to $48.35 July 1, 2008; $55.16 on Jan. 1, 2009; and $61.97 on July 1, 2009. These increases are an Amendment to the existing Clarington By-Law 2005 which does not expire until June 30, 2010. The full background study is available at www.clarington.net TOWN OF WHITBY Town of Whitby is proposing an increase from $9454 to $10,086 on August 1st. CITY OF OSHAWA Oshawa is not currently going through their bylaw..their indexing is in March and in Sept. so we can probably expect something in Sept. REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT CHARGES Regional DC's will increase $3956 to $18,486 GO Transit $607 indexed 3% July 1st Regional Transit $367 indexed 7.2% On the region's website http://www.region.durham.on.ca/ you can fill out an application online for your DCs but a cheque must be mailed in. Kathy Geffros Regional Builder Manager - Ontario Hardware & Home Improvement Group 6 111 Brunel Road, Suite 110 Mississauga, ON L4Z 1X3 P. 905-545-3217 F. 905-545-7910 C. 647-271-0282 kathy.geffros@bdhhi.com www.bdhhi.com The Durham Region Home Builders’ Association (DRHBA) is seeking Builder members for its Board of Directors for the 2008-2009 year. Our team of Executive and Directors represent the home building industry and our members here in Durham Region at the local, provincial and national level. We are seeking candidates to bring new ideas to the table and to help lead our organization into the future. This volunteer position gives you a front row seat to all the issues facing the industry. You will benefit personally through the knowledge gained about the industry and through the various contacts you will meet. Your commitment would involve attending our Board of Directors meetings the first Tuesday of every month (4:30 p.m. for about two hours) and some involvement on our various planning committees throughout the year. If you’re interested in this opportunity, please call President Scott Jeffery at 905-433-4701 (scott@jefferyhomes.com) or Executive Officer Donna Donaldson at 905-579-8080 (ddonaldson@drhba.com). DRHBA GOLF TOURNAMENT AUGUST 20, 2008 Our Golf Tournament date is: Wednesday, August 20, 2008 Mill Run, Uxbridge STORAGE 1760 HARBOUR STREET, WHITBY FENCED LIVE-IN SECURITY ALL SIZES 222 Baseline Rd. East, Bowmanville, ON L1C 1A4 Our Products Include: • Housing & Structural Beams • Lintels (straight and cambered) • Stock Rebar & Welded Wire Mesh • Fabricated Rebar • "C" Channel • Expanded Metal & Grating • Flat Bars, Round & Squares • Roof Decking • Sheet & Plate • Pipe & Hollow Structural Tubing Various Processing Capabilities Including: • Shearing & Forming • Punching & Notching • Plate, Beam & Lintel Rolling • Production & Mitre Saw Cutting • Custom Fabrication Structural & Rebar Detailing Upon Request 3 1/2" O.D. Round Adjustable Columns Tested and Certified Large Inventory & Prompt Delivery Phone: 905-623-5544 Fax: 905-623-5564 "Celebrating 100 Years of Service" Serving the community since 1905 Contact: Alex Kerves or Bob Cameron akerves@salitsteel.com bcameron@salitsteel.com www.salitsteel.com 905-668-9111 BUILDING LOTS . Buy Yourself a Building Lot Now While Prices Are Low! Various Locations Lots are infill in mature neighbourhoods Call John Foley 905-723-1191, Ext. 3 FOR SALE CENTRAL 2 Residential OSHAWA Single Family 1 Duplex Building Lots Building Lot Located in All Levies Paid. prestigious areas Ready to Go. Fully Serviced Good Terms. Ready to Go! $129,000 Permits Available. Bowmanville Lot: 905-723-1191 55’ x 145’ Ext. 3 Asking $137,500 BOWMANVILLE Vacant Building Lots 10 Single Family 30-ft. Building Lots Serviced & Ready To Go! Easy Terms. OSHAWA 4 Single Lots Serviced Ready to Go Built Up Area 7 Joe Bosco, 905-576-4111 Royal LePage Frank Real Estate Ltd. 80 Athol St. E. Oshawa, ON L1H 8B7 Allan McArthur, 905-743-9211 One Source GMAC Real Estate 1415 Highway2 Courtice, ON L1H 8B7 Roger Bouma, 905-434-7777 RE/MAX Ability Real Estate Ltd. 379 Bond St. W. Suite 300 Oshawa, ON L1J 8R7 Anna Ouyang, 1-866-525-4111 Royal LePage Frank Real Estate Ltd. 80 Athol St. E. Oshawa, ON L1H 8B7 Rick Burns, 905-434-7777 RE/MAX Ability Real Estate Ltd. 379 Bond St. W. Suite 300 Oshawa, ON L1J 8R7 Ken Peters, 905-571-6207 Central Commercial Real Estate 369 King St. W. Unit 5 Oshawa, ON L1J 2K3 George Cardona, 905-571-6288 Central Commercial Real Estate 369 King St. W. Unit 5 Oshawa, ON L1J 2K3 Brett Puckrin, 905-985-4427 RE/MAX Scugog Realty Ltd. 144 Queen St. Port Perry, ON L1J 2K3 Lloyd Elliott, 905-668-3800 RE/MAX First Realty Ltd. 223 Brock St. Unit 7 Whitby, ON L1N 4H6 Ted Rytwinski, 905-655-8330 Min Com First Realty Ltd. 86 Winchester Rd. E. Brooklin, ON L1M 1B4 George Flemming, 905-576-2548 Ristow & Flemming 203 Bond St. E. Oshawa, ON L1G 1B4 John P. Shewchuk, 905-623-3393 Royal LePage Frank Real Estate Ltd. 39 Temperance St. Bowmanville, ON L1C 3A5 J. Warren Fromm, AMP, 905-576-4111 Royal LePage Frank Real Estate Ltd. 80 Athol St. E. Oshawa, ON L1H 8B7 Tony Slavin, 905-432-7200 RE/MAX Ability Real Estate Ltd. 1413 King St. E. Courtice, ON L1E 2J6 David Ginter, 705-932-1212 RE/MAX Eastern Realty Ltd. 4 King St. Millbrook, ON L0A 1G0 Don Smith, 905-665-4344 Don Smith Real Estate Ltd. 2770 Wilson Rd. N. Oshawa, ON L1H 8L7 Maurice J Haineault, 905-434-7777 RE/Max Ability Real Estate Ltd. 379 Bond St. W. Suite 300 Oshawa, ON L1J 8R7 Chester Stocki, 905-668-3800 RE/MAX First Realty Ltd. 223 Brock St., Unit 7 Whitby, ON L1N 4H6 John Hill, 905-655-1144 RE/MAX Spirit Inc. 21 Drew St. Oshawa, ON L1H 4Z7 Chris Tyrovolas, 905-666-1333 Royal LePage Frank Real Estate Ltd. 200 Dundas St. E. Whitby, ON L1N 2H8 Phillip Lack, 905-579-7942 Lack Real Estate inc. 110-1050 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa, ON L1G 4W5 Edmond Vanhaverbeke, 905-576-4111 Royal LePage Frank Real Estate Ltd. 80 Athol St. E. Oshawa, ON L1H 8B7 Patricia Mapplebeck, 905-723-6918 Career Real Estate Services 204 Killdeer St. Oshawa, ON L1G 6X3 John R. Ward, 905-576-4111 Royal LePage Frank Real Estate Ltd. 80 Athol St. E. Oshawa, ON L1H 8B7 Daniel Maundrell, 905-430-6655 Coldwell Banker RMR Real Estate 10 Sunray St. Unit 23 Whitby, ON L1N 6X3 Jacob J. Zurba, 905-668-3800 RE/MAX First Realty Ltd. 233 Brock St. N. Unit 7 Whitby, ON L1N 4H6 As Members of the Durham Region Association of REALTORS®, Commercial REALTORS® have access to the Multiple Listing Service® (MLS®). Access to this service enables vast exposure of property listings in the local marketplace. Buyers and sellers can search the Industrial, Commercial and Investment listings by visiting www.icx.ca and www.mls.ca. Each diverse area of the commercial real estate profession demands detailed expertise. The Members who choose to specialize in commercial real estate offer a wealth of experience and skill to their clients. Durham Commercial Council REALTORS® are accredited and qualified to address your commercial real estate questions, they have access to extensive local market statistics and possess accreditation in various areas of commercial real estate. Call on a Member of the Durham Region Association of REALTORS® Commercial Council listed here to assist you with your commercial inquiries. For more Commercial real estate information visit: www.DurhamRealEstate.org 8 It Pays... To Deal with a Member! Newtonville Estates Golf Course & Driving Range “A 15-minute drive to Oshawa” NOW OPEN Phase 1 Half Acre Estate Lots 20 Available Luxurious Bungalow, & Two-Storey Designs • Triple Car Garages • Priced from the upper $300,000’s • Amenities include gas & water Paynes Cres. Jones Ave. Swarbrick Street N Highway 2 Charles Tilley Cres. Longworth Estates Don Morris Court Bowmanville 3 Lots Remaining Priced from the upper $300,000’s Newtonville Rd./Reg’l Rd. 18 • • • • Highway 401 Sales Office 905-786-9870 Toll Free 1-888-697-9013 Book Your Function • 18 Hole Golf and Tournaments Course • 18 Hole Mini Putt With Us Now • Driving Range • Dining & Banquet ••• Facility Restaurant Open Year-Round: Lunch Specials, Fully Licensed Bar, Wedding Receptions MEMBER Mario Veltri, President Head Office 905-623-4172 Fax 905-623-2257 www.veltrigroup.com Tel: (905) 433-0211 Fax: (905) 433-7996 EnerQuality Celebrates 10 Years The Honourable Minister of Energy and Infrastructure, George Smitherman was the special guest at the 10th anniversary celebrations of EnerQuality Corporation. In honour of all attendees at the event, EnerQuality donated 200 Trees to Trees Ontario (http://www.treesontario.on.ca). For more information, visit www.esnewhomes.ca DRHBA President Scott Jeffery; The Honourable George Smitherman, Minister of Energy and Infrastructure; Corey McBurney, Managing Director, EnerQuality Corporation; DRHBA President Scott Jeffery with Frank Giannone, 1st Vice Michael Lio, President, EnerQuality Corporation. President OHBA; and with Victor Fiume, Past-President OHBA. 9 Habitat for Humanity Durham needs your help Rockett Lumber & Building Supplies Limited rham ing Du Supply e GTA & th YEARSer for 50 mb Habitat for Humanity Durham is in need of donations of office furniture such as filing cabinets, desks, chairs. If you are able to lend a helping hand, please contact Mary Bone at 905-852-5888 or email mary@habitatdurham.com Since 1943 Lu s uality Trusse with Q d Roof ystems re e e S r o Engin lo ered F Engine all Panels W mns & Colu Stairs WEST 3350 Wolfedale Road Mississauga, ON L5C 1W4 Tel: 905-275-1800 • Fax: 905-279-7984 ted_perioris@rockettlumber.com EAST 17 Cigas Road Courtice, ON L1E 2T1 Tel: 905-434-1900 • Fax: 905-434-9776 ted_perioris@rockettlumber.com Ed Derks Sales Representative Tel: 416-213-5700 Ext. 236 • Cell: 647-321-5073 Fax: 905-839-8639 • 1-800-263-4690 Email: ed.masonwindows@gmail.com 913 Brock Road South, Pickering, Ontario, Canada L1W 2X9 Pickering • Carleton Place www.masonwindows.com KITCHENER 1125 Rite Road WATERLOO Cambridge, ON N1R 5S3 Tel: 1-866-623-1300 • Fax: 519-623-1205 rockettkw@aol.com FONTHILL P.O. Box 340, Highway 20 East Fonthill, ON L0S 1E0 Tel: 1-800-668-7630 • Fax: 905-892-5626 pnemy@fonthilll.com Visit our web site at www.rockettlumber.com Paul Wesley Sales Manager 10 For more details visit www.ohba.ca 5403A Harvester Road Burlington, ON L7L 5J7 t: 888.994.5547 ext. 373 c: 416.578.4689 e: paulw@4willis.com w: 4willis.com Bike Ride for Cancer The Superior Propane Appliance Advantage. ‘Build-in’ the best. Put propane in your plans and we’ll reward your wisdom. Our Special ‘Builders’ Hot Water Heater Rental Program provides: • free on-site estimates • optional guaranteed price and equal billing Congratulations to DRHBA Member Alex Kerves of Salit Steel who participated along with 2850 riders in the Ride to Conquer Cancer. “Thanks to everyone’s support, over $14 million dollars was raised,” said Alex. “We rode over 200 kms for two very long days. We rode along side of hundreds of cancer survivors and everyone made it to the finish line. This was a great endeavour, one which I will never forget. I am already registered for next year’s ride along side the Salit Steel team and I am raising my fundraising goal to $25,000.00 for this next year. I thank you and all of my sponsors for the support I have received to reach my goal and final destination.” For more information, visit www.conquercancer.ca programs • one-stop shopping for propane tanks and appliances • 24/7 customer service PLUS: Free water heater appliance rental for your showhomes. Convert your buyers to Superior Propane and we’ll reward you. To find out how, call Tim Elliott at cell (905) 242-0575 or toll free at 1-87SUPERIOR E-mail: elliottt@superiorpropane.com 11 2007-2008 Board of Directors ANNUAL GOLF TOURNEY Wednesday, August 20, 2008 Mill Run Uxbridge Visit www.drhba.com to print out your registration and sponsorship forms Executive Scott Jeffery, President Frank MacPhee,1st Vice President Rebecca Evans, 2nd Vice President Kathy Chateauvert, Past President Donna Donaldson, Executive Officer Phyllis Dupuis, Treasurer Directors Bobbi Ann Brooks Wayne Clarke Bill Collier Ed Derks Emidio DiPalo Mike DiPalo Heather Hreljac Jennifer Hurd Neil Saunders Rick Siblock Marianne Tracey Jeff Goldman, Presidential Appointee Beth Kelly, Presidential Appointee Drew Dowling, Presidential Appointee ADVERTISE If you would like to Advertise in the newsletter, we can accommodate a limited number each month. It is a great way to reach your prospective clients. Members Membership Show this newsletter to a potential member and let him or her see the many benefits to be derived from membership with the Durham Region Home Builders’ Association. This includes the Ontario Home Builders’ Association and the Canadian Home Builders’ Association. Business Card $25 Quarter Page $35 Half Page $60 Full Page $100 per insertion Non Members $35 $45 $70 $120 Give Donna Donaldson a call to help prepare your Ad. (905) 579-8080 Building Durham is a monthly publication of the Durham Region Home Builders’ Association Mailing Address: King Street Postal Outlet P.O. Box 26064, 206 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario L1H 1C0 Tel. (905) 579-8080 / Fax. (905) 579-0141 E-mail: info@drhba.com www.drhba.com
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