High Gear - Rocky Mountain Region Porsche Club


High Gear - Rocky Mountain Region Porsche Club
This month:
Beaver Creek show
Denver’s first 918!
Drive for Kids
RMR Holiday Party
Prestige’s Oktoberfest
G iving Thanks for an extraordinary year 2014
Call us if you’re considering
a move in 2015
Stacy Owen Resop
c 303.506.3128
o 303.893.3200
Dan Fead
c 720.300.9500
o 303.893.3200
Fall Foilage Tour to Broadmoor
Drive for Kids
Oktoberfest at Prestige Imports
Porsche Intelligence DE
Beaver Creek German Autofest
Something Wicked This Way Comes
First 918 Spyder in Denver
In the werks
RMR-PCA Holiday Party (Dec. 13)
Eiskhana (Jan. 17)
Rocky Mountain Auto Show (Nov. 28-30)
Presidential thoughts
Positive offset
Trivia/Advertiser index
Members’ corral
New member listing
Membership social
Upcoming events
Klever koncepts
Tech talk
In the zone
Porsche press release
I get around
Advertising rates
Take five
Region coordinators/Technical resources
Board of directors
What we do
The rearview mirror
Vol. 81, Edition 10 • November 2014
Editor: David Schmidt, Asst. Editor: Bill Terry
Cover photo by Max Gerson
Dean Danielson’s 2008 911 Turbo that has been modified by
3Zero3 Motorsports to put out 775hp! Story page 20.
Presidential thoughts
Jim Widrig, President
he 2014 Driving Season came to a close in
October as the season wrapped up with the last
Driver Education at HPR, the Autocross at Front
Range Airport, and the Season-Ending Drive to
the Edelweiss Restaurant in Colorado Springs.
These were great opportunities to get out and enjoy
some perfect fall weather and scenery before settling in
to winter in Colorado. Thanks to the OktoberFAST DE
event chairs, Dale Hartzell and Bill Emery, and their
team of volunteers for putting together this season-ending
track extravaganza! I hear the event Spyder pullovers
were warmly received by the event participants. Thanks,
JJ Collier. Staying with the theme of perfect days on
track (80’s in October!), the Cones are a-Fallin’ Autocross
chaired by Chris Sulley wrapped up the autocross season
at Front Range Airport. The course setup was named
Hairy’s Wild Ride Two. I’m sure we will see some hairy
pictures and slick times from this event in the next issue
of HighGear since this event came so close to the time our
club magazine typically goes to press! Thanks again to
Chris and the volunteer team!
Throughout the year, RMR puts on a monthly
Membership Social, which gives RMR members the chance
to meet, enjoy talking about their passion for Porsche
cars, and learn some more about the shop kind enough to
host our group. We also put on tours/drives on a regular
basis throughout the spring, summer, and fall. Often
behind the scenes organizing these events is our Program
Chair, Erik Behrendsen. Thanks, Erik! We have seen the
numbers of participants in the social events top out at
over 300 as a gauge to their popularity. In 2013 and 2014
we expanded the socials to the north of Denver all the
way up to Ft Collins. I have also recently received interest
from the folks on the Western Slope in organizing socials
or tours in their area. As we begin to plan out our events
for 2015, we will be working to broaden our reach to
the area members in the north and to the west. Because
this is such a big planning and organizing effort, Holly
Jackson will be working with Erik in 2015 as a Program
Chair and we will look for some assistance in the West.
We held our October Membership Meeting as well as
our Board Meeting at Prestige Imports during their 24th
Annual Oktoberfest. This year the event began at noon on
Saturday and extended into the evening. The hospitality
from Justin Adis and his staff and the German cuisine,
music, and refreshments were super. Thanks, Prestige!
In addition to offering a great time and socializing
with other club members, the membership meeting at
Prestige served to present the Nominating Committee’s
recommendations for the 2015 RMR Board. Incumbents
nominated for 2015 were Jim Widrig for President, John
Mackin for 1st VP, Joe Warren for 2nd VP, Rick Seiferth
for Treasurer, and Alan Jones for Membership Chair. Phil
O’Brien was nominated as Newsletter Editor to replace
our retiring David Schmidt. Rick Gonçalves will serve
another year as Past President. The election will take
place at the November membership meeting being held at
Autoworks Colorado in Littleton on Thursday, Nov. 6, and
the officers will be sworn in at the December membership
meeting/holiday party. Bios for each of the Nominees can
be found on the RMR Web at the RMR Web site at http://
The Holiday Party is our last event of 2014. With
registration now open, it is time to make your plans to
attend the 2014 Holiday Party and Award Celebration
being held this year at the Hyatt Regency at the Denver
Convention Center on Saturday, Dec. 13, 2014. This is a
great opportunity to use your RMR MotorsportsReg credits!
Our calendar for 2015 is still a work in progress, but the
January 2015 events include the Membership Social at
3R Auto/Racing on Jan. 8, 2015 and some slip-sliding on
the ice at the Eiskhana at Georgetown Lake on Saturday,
Jan. 17, 2015. Check the articles in HighGear, the RMR
website, and FaceBook pages for the latest information.
Put these on your calendar and see you there!
Please send an email to me or another member of the RMR
Board or talk to one of us at an event if you would like to help
out in some capacity. We can always use more volunteers and
will find a spot for you to contribute to the RMR Community!
Complete mechanical service and custom
upgrades for 1965-89 Porsche 911 and 930
Forty years experience
Richard Sparks
4382 Chase Street
Denver, CO
RMR merchandise at
the PCA web store!
Your beloved Rocky Mountain
Region Porsche Club of America has
its own merchandise store! There
are many items elegantly branded
with the RMR-PCA logo and of top
quality and modern design. Simply
go to www.pcawebstore.com/
ROCKY MOUNTAIN and shop to your
heart’s content. Show off your RMR
membership with pride!
Positive offset
David Schmidt, Editor
ince this month always gets stuck hosting the
Thanksgiving holiday, I thought it appropriate to
look back and contemplate all the things I’ve been
thankful for this past year.
First and foremost, I’m thankful that the IMS
failure demon has not chosen to rear its ugly head in the
bowels of my Boxster again this year. It is constantly on
my mind, and I thank Dr. Porsche every time I drive it
for continuing to be my guardian angel and shining good
fortune down on me from his little heavenly cloud that I
have to believe resembles a certain old sawmill in Gmünd,
Austria except with gold lace and a few extra harps lying
Second, I am grateful for Mother Nature being
uncommonly good this year (except for that recent hail
assault to my home a few weeks ago) when it comes to
the RMR events I’ve attended. Almost without exception,
the weather has been fair (to partly cloudy) and kind
with never a scorching sun, pelting rain or some sort of
unexpected sleet-like nastiness that would make even
the most hearty postman reconsider his sacred pledge
about delivering the tonnage of junk mail to my domicile.
I’ve gambled on holding my first ever Gimmick Rally in
early spring only to find glorious sun and perfect gentle
breezes. I’ve been to the mountains and back with nary a
sprinkle to force me to put up the top on the 986 which
is considered by some to be akin to dropping a basket
full of kittens into an empty well. Hardly two weeks
ago, I participated in the last club event of the year (that
involves driving anyway), the Autocross on Oct. 25th
out at Front Range Airport. I fully anticipated an early
arctic blast or, at a minimum, temperatures so frigid in
the early morning that the typically pliable orange pylons
that marked the course would resemble brightly colored
stalagmites ready to shatter on impact from a wayward
bumper. But instead, we were blessed with temps that
hovered around 80 degrees and not a cloud in the sky.
Third, I am extremely appreciative to those of you
who send an inquiry my way about a potential story for
HighGear or even a lead on a potential new advertiser.
Without the support of our club members, your club
newsletter would be in sorry shape indeed. As a shining
example of just such a submission, RMR comrade and
shutterbug extraordinaire, Max Gerson, shot me an email
asking if I’d be interested in running a story on a 775hp
Porsche 911 Turbo. Hmm ... let me think about that for
a minute. Does a bear poop in the woods? Not only did
Dean Danielson’s evil Turbo make this issue, it’s also the
centerfold and the cover as well! Look at that thing! If
Darth Vader owned a car ...
I also received a great inquiry from Craig Crease
wondering if I’d be interested in a story about the ’88/ ’89
Club Sport. There were only 28 imported to the US when
they were new and since then a few have been exported
back to the motherland so, we are down to just 25. Most
are now in collections (even Jerry Seinfeld has one).
Would I be interested? Is ebola contagious? Unfortunately,
you all are going to have to wait until next month for this
story as I just plain ran out of room. But you’re gonna be
happy to read about it. Trust me.
Get involved!
Contribute to your newsletter!
HighGear needs your articles and photos! Please submit
your content and ideas to the Newsletter Editor by the 15th
of the month at newsletter@rmrporscheclub.com.
Not a member yet? Join RMR-PCA by visiting our website
at www.pca.org and simply click the “Join PCA” link.
Advertise in HighGear
Please see page three for advertising rates details.
RMR online discussion groups
Would you like to discuss Porsches, RMR or anything else
of interest to other Porschephiles? Check out the RMR
online discussion groups.
Yahoo: groups.yahoo.com/group/rmr_pca
Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/pcarmr
Get your newsletter on the go!
To read HighGear in PDF format on the Web, go to the
RMR Web site at rmr.pca.org and click the Newsletter
link. Back issues are also available on the Web site.
Take the RMR Trivia Challenge! Answers are posted at the bottom of the
“Rearview Mirror” in the very back of this issue. No peeking!
1. How many turns are there in the Pikes Peak Hill Climb course?
2. What’s the elevation gain?
3. How long is it?
4. What’s the zero-to-sixty time for the new Macan Turbo S?
On every first Saturday of each month
(rain or shine), a glorious gathering of
cars puts on an impromptu show dubbed
“Cars & Coffee” in Boulder/Lafayette in
the parking lot at 95th and Arapahoe.
Porsches, Ferraris, Cobras, Bentleys
and Lamborghinis have all been known to
show up as well as more American Muscle
Cars than you can shake a stick(shift) at!
It’s a great time, very casual, and lots of
fun. The show starts at 8:00 a.m., so grab
a cup of java, a bagel, and a camera and
come check out the biggest little car show
in Colorado!
5. Can the Macan haul your Porsche race car to the track?
Advertiser index
3Zero3 Motorsports . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Autoworks of Colorado. . . . . . . . . . . 13
Avalon Motorsports . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Bentley of Denver. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Boulder Orthotics (Bob Egeland). . . . . 5
Bruce McPherson, Driver Coach. . . . 19
CarQuip/Remington West Carz. . . . . 29
Dan Fead, Sothebys Realty. . . . . . . . . 2
Dart Auto. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Dave Brown, Targa Tops. . . . . . . . . . . 5
Eisenbuds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Eurosport Automotive. . . . . . . . . . . . 29
GastroMD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Hanksville Hot Rods . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
HM Brown (Paul Griffith). . . . . . . . . . . 5
Joe Rothman, Driver Coach . . . . . . . 26
John Ranft, Financial Advisor. . . . . . 30
Nine Lives Racing Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
On-Site Tires. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Pedro’s Garage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Prestige Imports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Robert Prilika (Prestige Imports). . . . 19
Scott Anderson, Driver Coach. . . . . . 36
Storz Garage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Tim Cashin, Realtor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Wine Country Motor Sports. . . . . . . 22
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Members’ corral
Alan Jones, Membership Chair
all has come, but with a warm reprieve in the
weather, so there are still some beautiful drives
around Colorado; just do it! Well, did everyone
have a good time at Prestige Porsche/Audi’s
November’s membership social will be held at
Autoworks Colorado, located at 8110 Shaffer Parkway,
Unit #100, Littleton, on November 6th from 6:30 to 8:30.
For those of you unfamiliar with south metro, they are
midway between Ken Caryl Avenue and Kipling Parkway,
just off C470. So get to know your south metro members
and visit one of our local repair shops.
As the year winds down, we have a short list of events.
Escape (PCA National Event) will be in Orlando, Florida
from Nov 6th to the 9th. Here in Colorado, try Chump
Car Racing (you need to attend this “event” at least once):
$500 cars with $3,000 of safety gear driven with passion on
November 25/26 at High Plains Raceway. Also, the Rocky
Mountain Auto Show will be at the Colorado Convention
Center, Denver from November 28th to the 30th (see new
cars and drool a bit). Okay, as you can see, we are running
down to winter, but don’t despair—we have ice driving and
our BIG Holiday party coming as well as more monthly
socials to see us through.
My articles are getting shorter as the days grow shorter
here in Colorado, but if any of you would like to take a
shot at this column (about your experiences with Porsches
or travels around the globe), please contact me for your
start in journalism.
So that’s it for this month; enjoy and see you soon.
Welcome our newest members!
Subramanyam Aiyer, Castle Rock
Christopher Johnson, Fort Collins
John Alderman, Lakewood
Joshua Kaatz, Denver
Steve Clemens, Denver
Tom Ludlow, Parker
Jeff Cramer, Denver
Ralph Noistering, Boulder
Harvey Epstein, Longmont
David Samuels, Cherry Hills
Jann Glumac, Montrose
Stanford Treat, Edwards
Mark Gomez, Parker
James Weckbaugh, Castle Rock
Patrick Harris, Denver
Steven Williams, Littleton
New to RMR or just not a member yet?
Page 37 describes the various types of activities our club members regularly enjoy.
Check it out—then come to our next event and get involved!
Tours, Rallies, Autocrosses, Driver Education Events,
Club Races, Car Shows, Socials & Gatherings, Charity Support!
November Membership Social to be hosted by
Autoworks Colorado!
Autoworks Colorado was founded with one specific mission: to provide superior service for
Audi, BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Porsche, and Volkswagen automobiles in the Denver metro area.
At a time of changing values, and in a dynamic industry, they employ leading edge technology
and expertise within a framework of traditional business ethics and personal service.
Autoworks Colorado offers over 25 years of experience and an established reputation for
quality service at an affordable price. They emphasize on personal attention and treat all of
their clients like family. A full service independent auto repair shop for all makes of German
cars, Autoworks Colorado uses only OEM parts. They love what they do and will get you back
on the road in no time! Join your fellow RMRers for a raucous good time in November!
Thursday, Nov. 6
6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
8110 Shaffer Pkwy Ste. 100
Littleton CO 80127
(303) 932-9990
Upcoming Events Calendar
For a comprehensive list of all upcoming RMR events,
click the “Events” link on our web site at rmr.pca.org!
Cars & Coffee Car Show
Lafayette, CO
Membership Social
Autoworks Colorado, Littleton
Escape (PCA national event)
Orlando, FL
Chump Car Racing
High Plains Raceway, Deer Trail
Rocky Mountain Auto Show
Colorado Convention Center, Denver
Cars & Coffee Car Show
Lafayette, CO
RMR Holiday Party
Hyatt Regency, Denver
Cars & Coffee Car Show
Lafayette, CO
Membership Social
3R Racing, Denver
Georgetown Lake
Impressions from the Fall Foilage Tour
Story and photos by Andre Simoneau
Lyall Donnelly, a friend and owner of a red-with-blackhood 911Carrera, forwarded me this email:
“Hi Porsche Friends,
The Drive you’ve all been waiting for … the Fall Foliage
Tour with Sunday Brunch at the fabulous Broadmoor Hotel,
in Colorado Springs! We ascend into the high country for
breathtaking views and roads to enjoy on this classic Porsche
Tour. A little more than 2 1/2 hours later, we’ll arrive at the
magnificent Broadmoor hotel to feast like kings and queens!
I have an extra seat if you are available?”
My thought process: Calendar says I’m free –Check. I’ve
never done this before, could this be my Inaugural Porsche
Tour? Wonder what we’ll see? Are those cars comfortable?
How fast can we go? What are Porsche owners like? The
Broadmoor … Wowee, this was going to be great!
Riding in a Parade of Porsches, winding through the
fall foliage of colorful Colorado, culminating at a AAA FiveDiamond resort in Colorado Springs. The smorgasbord of
anticipation begins. I didn’t realize there would be a gathering and drivers’
meeting before we began the drive. Coffee and conversation
were stimulating as new and experienced members chatted
and prepared with great excitement. The “parade” lineup
is great fun: who’s in whose group, whom do we want to
follow? Look at that awesome 911, roll down the window
so we can hear it! And we’re off!
After making short order of the on ramp onto the
Highway (Wow, Porsches are FAST!), we headed for the
winding, twisting mountain road that would take us on
our morning tour. The sights were amazing, through small
towns, along babbling creeks, through pine tree forests, and
up hills that opened to mesmerizing views of the 14,000foot jagged peaks off to our west. We were surrounded by
the magnificence of nature, but I found myself unable to
keep my eyes off the line of sleek rolling beauties in front
of me and in my rear view mirror. What a sight, the true
definition of eye candy. As we descended into the greenest
meadows, I can remember that my thoughts continued to
circle back to the questions I had before the drive, and the
conversations in the car were about the cars and the culture
of Porsche owners.
As we pulled into the Broadmoor grounds I realized
why this magnificent resort is a place of legend. Built in the
early 20th century as the “Grand Dame of the Rockies,” it
was one of the finest resort destinations along the Rocky
Mountains during the age of railroads. In 2011, after
extensive renovation, the resort received 110 awards: the
hotel received 23 awards, the restaurants 20, meeting
rooms 14, golf courses 30, and spas 15; and there were 8
tennis-related awards. The hotel also received 6 renovation
honors. And I thought the reflecting pond and old steam
engine were cool!
We arrived at the Broadmoor Lake Terrace Room to
be waited on hand and foot and
escorted to our dining excursion. Their elaborate and famed brunch
displays over 150 enticing choices
alongside sculpted ice and live piano
music. Needless to say, we all enjoyed
ourselves with the taste sensations.
During this relaxing and social
part of the event, I experienced more
of what Lyall had been sharing with
me about PCA. To quote the website:
“The Porsche Club of America
celebrates the finer things in life. We
desire the comfort of good friends and
good conversation, and we praise to a
fault the world’s finest automobile.”
Yup, that’s it exactly … I’m obsessed!
Join us at the 2014
Annual Holiday Party
Hyatt Regency Denver Convention Center
650 Fifteenth Street, Downtown Denver
Saturday, December 13 ~ 6:00 to 11:00 pm
The RMR-PCA is pleased to host our annual Holiday Party and Award Ceremony
at the Hyatt Regency Denver Convention Center on Saturday, December 13th.
Cocktails and Appetizers at 6:00 pm, followed by a Luscious Buffet Dinner at 7:15 pm.
$65.00 per person includes a $15 parking subsidy at the Hyatt Regency Hotel’s parking structure
Volunteer Recognition and Awards Presentation, plus installation of the 2015 RMR-PCA Board of Directors
Representatives of the US Marine Corps will attend the party and share dinner with us. We ask that you
please bring an unwrapped toy for the “Toys for Tots Foundation.” Or, present them with a cash donation on
site. You will make a needy child’s Christmas more complete with your generous gift and donations.
Rooms are available at the Hyatt Regency Denver for $99.00 plus tax. Hotel cutoff date is Friday, Nov. 14.
Make your room reservations now at: https://resweb.passkey.com/go/porscheclubofamerica14
REGISTRATION will close promptly on Tuesday, Dec. 9th at noon. We have had to limit this year’s entrants,
so please do not wait. Register now at http://pcarockymtn.motorsportreg.com
Your 2014 Holiday Party hosts are Kathy Fricke (katfricke@msn.com),
Nancy Warren (nanru@hotmail.com), and Marcia Hubbell (fastmarcia@aol.com).
Over $21k raised for Kids
Story and photos by Andy Forberg
The Drive for the Kids is pleased to be part of the charity work that RMR
sponsors and has supported for many years. The 2014 Public Service Award
from PCA was in recognition of the efforts and generosity RMR members have
provided on behalf of various charities. As part of the RMR charity programs,
the Drive for the Kids event has raised over $175,000 since its inception.
With the eighth Drive for the Kids completed, this event has again made a
significant contribution to the charities.
Echo Lake echoed with the sound of Porsches as the 2014 Drive for the
Kids headed through the early fall colors of the Colorado mountains to raise
money for the Children’s Hospital Colorado Sports Program and youthoriented charities. This year’s annual Drive for the Kids, sponsored again by
RMR-PCA, the Denver Roundtable, and the Colorado Jaguar Club, raised over
$21,000 for the cause.
Porsche roads, historic places, and fall colors were on the agenda for the
tour. On Saturday, Sept. 20th, the RMR members, drivers, and navigators
gathered for breakfast in Idaho Springs, and then the 41 cars headed out on
the tour. RMR tourmaster (and former RMR President) Lee Sammons put
together a winding route along the Front Range above Denver for this singleday fun drive.
From Idaho Springs we wound up towards Mt. Evans, past Echo Lake, and
over Juniper Pass. The route turned towards Highway 74 and Bergen Park and
jogged up and down several of Colorado’s gulches on back roads. We turned
a few more times and found ourselves entering Red Rocks Park. Next, we were
on to Morrison and Turkey Creek Canyon, visiting Mt. Falcon Park before
pulling into the Hiwan Homestead Museum for our ice cream break. Museum
docents were ready to provide tours of the houses and cabins at this centuryold mountain lodge and National Historic Landmark.
The afternoon drive took us to Upper Bear Creek and Evergreen Lake and
along Brook Forest Road to 285. Heading back to Denver we passed through
Aspen Park and Deer Creek Canyon and then past Chatfield Reservoir. Miles
and miles of Highlands Ranch and big highways led to the Hilton in DTC and
Beer:30 with an open bar and the casual dinner party.
The evening’s action and entertainment were raising money with the
silent auction, the Roundtable Vineyard drawing for rare wines, and the cointoss contest. Popular items included a John Elway jersey, a day of training
with the Aurora SWAT Team, accommodations in Cabo San Lucas and Winter
Park, as well as a variety of gift certificates, wines, car detailings and artwork.
Thanks to the RMR members who attended this year’s tour, and thank you
RMR for your support and donation for the 2014 Drive for the Kids.
Get ready for one wild ride to wrap up another
Porsche driving season with our last driving
event of the year.
Join us Saturday, October 25
at Front Range
Chris Sulley, Event Coordinator, wrote the words
Mike Pappas, RMR Secretary, shot the pics
Oktoberfest at Prestige Imports
Story by Justin Adis, General Manager, Photos by Steve Clark
On October 4th, Prestige Imports hosted their
24th Annual Oktoberfest Celebration. The
festivities kicked off at noon with a car show that
featured over 50 unique and exotic vehicles with
100% of the vehicle entry fees donated to the
Foothills Animal Shelter. Car show attendees were
treated to hot dogs, popcorn and cotton candy,
and donations were collected for the Colorado
Conservatory of Dance.
The more traditional Oktoberfest celebration
started promptly at 4:00 p.m. with delicious
Bavarian cuisine from Helga’s German Restaurant
& Deli and an assortment of German Beers
from Warsteiner. Of course, there can’t be an
Oktoberfest without music, and this celebration
didn’t disappoint. The Rhinelanders were on hand
to provide the musical backdrop, while any gaps
were filled by Helmut Fricker and his accordion
and Prestige Imports’ own shuttle driver, Joe Gruenwald,
playing the Zither. To add to the frivolity of the evening,
The Schuhplattlers of Commerce City were in the main tent
kicking up their heels
and teaching traditional
an excited crowd of
Prestige Imports’ largest
customer appreciation
event of the year. It has
grown in scale each year
it has been held and
this year was attended
by more than 2,000
enthusiastic customers
and festive community
While Oktoberfest is always free of charge, many of
the attendees brought along canned goods and toys for
donation. When the dust settled from the event, Prestige
Imports was able to deliver
an overflowing truckload
of food and toys to the
Jefferson County Action
may have started out as
a great way for Prestige
Imports to connect with
their customers, it has
grown to much more.
After 24 years, it is now
a true community event
that is met with incredible
anticipation as summer
sun gives way to fall colors.
Recap of September’s Porsche Intelligent
Performance Driver Education
By Dan H. Carlson and Dan Mayer, Event Co-Chairpersons
What a tremendous track weekend at High Plains Raceway
September 20-21 proved to be for the Porsche Intelligent
Performance DE!
Our sponsors played a huge role in making this such
a successful event. Stevinson Porsche … Wow! Besides
providing the cool Nike polo shirt especially designed for
this event, they brought awesome “swag” for all to choose
from—Porsche shirts, umbrellas, key chains, caps, bottle
openers … you name it! Several Porsches were on display
for all of us to drool over, including the recently rolledout Cayman GTS and a looks-like-new GT2. Thank you,
Stevinson Imports!
Mothers provided 50 bottles of R3-Racing Rubber
Remover that were given away. Most had never heard of
this product since you can only order it from their website,
and it was a huge hit! “Try it, you’ll like it!”
With only three run groups and five track sessions for
each, plus timed runs on Sunday, there was plenty of track
time for all. Several participants mentioned that they had
their personal best lap times.
Representatives of the designated event charity,
Douglas County Search and Rescue, were present. Douglas
County Search and Rescue is a nationally certified group
of approximately 50 volunteers of all ages that is under
the oversight of the county sheriff’s office. While based
in Douglas County, they conduct searches throughout
Colorado and nationally! Volunteers undergo one year
of formal training and receive ongoing classroom and
field training. They rely on private donations to survive.
The DCS&R representatives all grinned ear-to-ear while
enjoying the lunch time “Laps for Charity” ride, and
they left with even bigger smiles after they learned that
participants contributed $5,360 to their organization–well
done, drivers!
The event photographer was Ryan Randels – check
out his website at www.RandelsMediaGroup.com.
Of course, this DE would not have been possible
without the help of all of the volunteers—the event Chief
Driving Instructor Dave Stribling, control, safety, and
grid, to name a few. Thank you, and well done!
am event sta
8:00am regis
Saturday, Jan
. 17, Georgeto
wn Lake
tocross “Eisk
8:00am registr
ation, 9:00am
event start
Photo by Austin Day
First-ever Beaver Creek German Auto Festival proves über-successful
By Dana Burns, Special Events Coordinator for Beaver Creek Resort Company
Photo by Austin Day
The Beaver Creek German
Auto Festival kicked off
its inaugural year with
a gorgeous scenic drive,
der Eleganz and Car Show,
and flawless fall weather
in the mountains.
On Friday, Sept.13,
car registrants and their
guests participated in
the scenic driving tour
from Beaver Creek Village
to Aspen, CO. With the leaves beginning to change and
the sun shining, we couldn’t ask for a better day for a
drive. Cars took a pit stop at Paepcke Park, in the heart of
Aspen, for a gourmet lunch from Altitude Catering and
tastings of Paulaner’s new non-alcoholic Radler. Following
lunch, drivers and riders headed back to Beaver Creek via
one of Colorado’s most famous high mountain passes,
Independence Pass.
On Saturday morning, over 40 cars took over the Beaver
Creek Village, for the first Wettbewerb der Eleganz. Spectator
entrance into the car show was completely free and guests
were also able to enjoy Automotive Lectures, People’s
Choice voting and participation in the German American
Chamber of Commerce’s Silent Auction, benfitting the
Arapahoe Community College’s Automotive Technology
Program. The German American Chamber of Commerce’s
silent auction included items such as two tickets for Iceland
Air, two-nights’ stay at the Sonnenalp in Vail, a weekend in
a new Audi from Prestige
Imports, a signed Peyton
Manning jersey, and
much more.
We want to thank
all the participants and
sponsors, including Shaus
Motorsport, East West
Resorts and Bud Light, in
the very first Beaver Creek
German Auto Festival.
Congratulations to our
People’s Choice:
Leonard Busse, 1957 Mercedes Benz 220S Cabriolet
Street Class:
Brian Yowell, 1972 Mercedes Benz 280SE (1st Place)
Jim Osgood, 2005 Porsche Carrera S (2nd Place)
Martin Moore, 1957 Porsche 356A (3rd Place)
Full Class:
Rick Stillmam, 2002 Porsche Turbo (1st Place)
Gabriel Schwartz, 2010 Porsche Panamera (2nd Place)
Uwe Bobrow, 2009 Mercedes Benz SL550 (3rd Place)
We are very excited to announce the dates for the
Second Annual Beaver Creek German Auto Festival: Friday,
Sept. 18 and Saturday, Sept. 19, 2015! Registration will
soon be available online at www.beavercreekautofest.com.
Check back for the entire weekend’s festivities and special
German Auto Festival lodging discounts. We hope to see
you next year!
Photo by John Mackin
Photo by John Mackin
Photo by John-Ryan Lockman
From top left: Colin Barton’s
radically modified 996 Twin
Turbo feels right at home at the
show; GAF Concours Winners
(1st in Full Class) Rick and
Carolyn Stillman with their 996
911 Turbo; the plaza in Beaver
Creek adorned with fine German
machinery, Walt and Kathy
Fricke’s 2007 Speed Yellow 997
Turbo on display, Skeet Gifford’s
beautifully restored 356 draws
Photo by John Mackin
Photo by John Mackin
Photo by John Mackin
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Robert Prilika is a certified Porsche/Audi sales specialist, and is a motorsports
professional. Robert has been successful at all levels of motorsport, and
continues to post great results in a Porsche GT3 Cup. Robert is a member of
both RMR and AMR Porsche Clubs and has been a Porsche club member for
over 25 years. He brings his passion and dedication to both brands and he looks
forward to imparting his knowledge with you. If you have high performance
competition needs, he is licensed with FIA, SCCA Pro Racing, IMSA Tudor
United Sports Car Series, PCA Club Racing, and NASA.
Robert A. Prilika
Prestige Imports: (303) 238-8101
Direct: (720) 544-0328, Cell: (303) 210-2333
9201 W. Colfax Ave., Lakewood, CO 80215
rprilika@presitgeimports.net prestigeimports.net
Something Wicked
Dean Danielson has been a member of RMR-PCA since 2009. His previous Porsche was an 2008 C4S.
But he needed something much, much more powerful. “I wanted an ‘arrive and drive’ track car. I live
in Steamboat Springs and my 911 must be driven over the pass, down into Denver and out to the
track at High Plains Raceway and back. This is really a testament to the 911 Turbo platform!”
Vehicle: “2008 Porsche 911 Turbo. Modifications include Evolution Motorsports 775 kit, Evoms-built
motor, Bilstein Damptronic Coilovers, various suspension upgrades, GMG rear cage, Schroth 6-point
belts, carbon fiber GT3 seats and a fire extinguisher, of course!”
Why I like my car: “So, what’s not to like about 775 hp? Actually, what I really like is that it
remains street legal and I can drive it to tracks across the country, participate in multi-day DE’s and
Meet Dean Danielson's
775 HorsePower 911 Turbo
Interview and photos by Max Gerson
This Way Comes!
drive it home. No trailers, no trucks, no problems ... well, not usually.”
Racing history: “ChumpCar & LeMons. Our team of two 944’s placed 8th and 12th at the
National Chumpionship at the Iowa Speedway in 2011 in addition to competing at HPR, Pikes
Peak International Raceway and La Junta.”
Average track days per year: “Approximately 20, although it depends on how often the car
is being “pampered” by my friends at 3Zero3 Motorsports and when winter begins and ends.
Getting to and from Steamboat on extreme performance summer tires can be a real challenge
when the weather turns for the worse. For an improved setup, I need to upgrade to R-comps or
Hoosier track tires while still getting safely to and from the track.” Continues next page...
Tracks driven: High Plains (most), Road America, Miller, Spring Mountain, Sebring, Iowa Speedway,
PPIR, La Junta, Pueblo (this May).
Favorite Track: Road America, Elkhart Lake, WI (2:33.xx)
Memorable Moment: (1) Bouncing off the 7000 rpm limiter in 5th gear along the front straight at RA.
What’s that, something like 160 mph +/-?? Shift to 6th on the next lap....really?? (2) Demonstrating to
Max Gerson how not to go through 9A & 9B at HPR.
Race Track Bucket List: COTA, Laguna Seca, VIR, Road Atlanta, several others. Best lap at HPR: 2:06.xx
918 Spyder makes surprise visit to Denver
Story and photos by David Schmidt
Stevinson Imports had the first Porsche 918 Spyder in
Colorado on display in its showroom on Sept. 27th.
According to Steve Burt, General Manager, they had three
depositers wanting to see/drive the car before actually buying
the $1M car. All three did indeed make a purchase. The 918
was a factory prototype demo (1 of 4 in the country) and
is the first actual production car off the assembly line but
still using several prototype parts. This car was clocked in a
0-60 sprint at 2.2 sec which is about .2 seconds slower than
the actual car will be since Porsche finalized components,
setup and ECU mapping. Porsche flew in Dave Donahue,
professional race car driver, to help orient the potential
buyers to the car. Stevinson had the car for four days. To
date, Stevinson has taken six deposits for 918 Spyders and
expects the first car to be delivered in late December.
Start a new tradition by making this event
part of your long Thanksgiving weekend!
The 18th Annual O’Reilly Auto Parts Rocky Mountain Auto Show,
better known as the “Crème de la Chrome of the Rockies,” will
take place Friday, November 28th through Sunday, November
30th, 2014 at the Colorado Convention Center.
The Rocky Mountain Auto Show captures the attention of
people of all ages and automotive backgrounds throughout the
United States. Spectators can expect to see anything from mint
condition originals to the most imaginative custom creations.
As always, this year’s event will showcase millions of dollars’
worth of cars, trucks and motorcycles and include dozens of
automotive-related vendors. Many of the vehicles have been
featured at nationally recognized auto shows throughout the
The “Crème de la Chrome Award” is sponsored by American
National Insurance Company and is what would be commonly
referred to as “Best of Show.” The award was designed to
recognize the dedicated individuals who work tirelessly to
design, build, customize, restore and display their cars, trucks
and motorcycles. The winner of this prestigious award earns
$5,000 in prize money and the opportunity to be enshrined on
a one-of-a-kind trophy designed by fine automotive illustrator,
Darrell Mayabb. A replica trophy was designed for the proud
recipient to take home.
During this three-day event spectators should expect to see
everything from one-of-a-kind custom creations and flawless
restorations, to rolling exhibits of art and mint condition
Prestige Imports is a key sponsor and will have a large booth
with several vehicles on display.
Klever Konzepts
Submitted by Don Domenick
Obviously, I’ve bought into this whole Porsche
mystique, so much so that I set a Google
Alert on my computer for Porsche SC’s
(since I own one) and get an alert nearly
every day. My suggestion to my fellow
RMR members is to set a Google Alert for
whatever your Porsche year and model is
(or for the Porsche of your dreams, e.g.,
a Singer). Then, whenever a story about
that model appears on the Web, you’ll get
it and it becomes a wonderful diversion or
distraction from your regular mundane work
life. I get them daily (I do use GA legitimately
for business as well), and I’m sure those who don’t
use Google Alerts will find them interesting and fun! 26
Tech talk
Storing your Porsche
By Pedro P. Bonilla (GCR PCA)
We are blessed here in Florida [where Pedro’s Garage is
located] that we don’t have to store our cars for winter and
we get to drive them all year.
But, for many of our members, Florida is their second
home. That means that they probably have to store their
Porsche for an extended period of time either here or at
their primary place of residency.
So, here is [my recommended] procedure for storing:
1. Find a suitable storage facility. A garage is fine but you
need to make sure that it will be dry, free from pests
(mice) and preferably humidity-controlled, clean and
2. Thoroughly wash the exterior and finish with a nice
coat of wax. Do this the day before storage so that the
car has a chance to dry completely.
3. Clean the interior by vacuuming carpets and seats and
clean & treat the leather. Clean glass inside and out.
4. Really clean the wheels. Brake dust is
corrosive. The best way is to remove each
one and clean the inside as well. Use a
product such as P21-S. Waxing the wheels
afterwards is a great idea.
5. Condition all the rubber including
tires and all rubber gaskets. Use a good
conditioner such as Gummi Phledge.
Stay away from silicone-based
6. Flush the brake/clutch fluid. This fluid
is very hygroscopic, meaning that it absorbs water and
must be replaced every 2 years or sooner.
7. Change the Oil and Oil Filter. Old oil can have
corrosive characteristics (acid). Top off all other fluids
as well (coolant/antifreeze, windshield washer, power
steering fluid, etc.).
8. Fill the tank halfway with gasoline. Add
a good fuel stabilizer, such as StaBil and
finish filling completely. When you
drive the car from the gas station to your
storage facility, the new stabilized gas will
run through the system, especially the
9. Fully extract and lubricate the radio antenna mast (if
present) then retract.
10. Close all openings such windows, doors and A/C
vents. You may want to put some cedar chips or moth
balls in the cabin and around the outside to repel
mice and other vermin. If storing in non-humidity
controlled conditions, place a couple of desiccant
bags in the cabin. Put plastic bags secured with rubber
bands over the exhaust tips when they have cooled.
11. Over inflate the tires to 45-50 psi and leave the car
on the ground. Don’t raise the car off the ground on
stands. The suspension components are meant to bear
the weight of the car, not hang from it.
12. Leave the car in gear (or in Park for an automatic). Do
not set the parking brake.
13. For convertible tops leave them relaxed, by opening
the main latch. This won’t keep the fabric stretched
over an extended time. Same for Targa tops.
14. Prop up the windshield wipers off the glass with a
small block of wood or similar.
15. Make sure you have any radio or alarm codes noted,
then disconnect and remove the battery. On newer
Porsches that have electrically operated trunks, make
sure that the trunk cannot be closed completely by
using a block of wood or similar to keep it propped
16. The removed battery should be connected with a
smart charger such as
the TechnoCharger
from CTEK. Also top
off battery fluid with
distilled water. It
should be kept in a
cool, dry place and
not on a cement floor.
17. Cover the vehicle with a good quality car cover.
18. Give her a goodbye kiss.
continues, next page
Storing your Porsche
I’m of the school that
thinks that not starting the
car during storage is best.
I say this because
most engine wear happens
during the first few seconds
after startup, while the oil builds
up pressure and starts lubricating the engine
When you’re ready to take her out again, there’s very
little that needs to be done, because most was done before:
1. Remove the spark plugs
Spray WD-40 into each cylinder
through the spark plug hole
1. Remove the cover
3. Spray WD-40 into the air intakes
2. Remove the plastic bags over the exhaust tips
4. Turn over the engine by hand a couple of turns
with a wrench on the main pulley
3. Remove desiccant bags and vermin repellant from
4. Remove windshield wiper props
5. Secure the convertible or Targa top
6. Replace and connect the battery
7. Drop tire pressures to recommended psi
8. Start the engine and let it warm up a bit
9. Go for a drive!
RMR merchandise at
the PCA web store!
Your beloved Rocky Mountain
Region Porsche Club of America has
its own merchandise store! There
are many items elegantly branded
with the RMR-PCA logo and of top
quality and modern design. Simply
go to www.pcawebstore.com/
ROCKY MOUNTAIN and shop to your
heart’s content. Show off your RMR
membership with pride!
If you’re really concerned about that
initial startup wear, the following
is the procedure that the
Porsche Museum in Stuttgart
uses for the cars they have
on display:
5. Every three months repeat above (leave spark
plugs out of the engine)
6. Every three months move the car a bit to change
the position of the wheel bearings
7. On a manual gearbox, shift into gear when doing
above (No. 6) to move the transmission internals
8. Drive the car every six months
Happy Porsche-ing,
                   
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John L. Ranft CIMA®, MBA
Financial Advisor
5613 DTC Parkway, Suite 1000
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Tel: 303-200-9515 ▪ 1-800-999-7900
“Helping People Maximize Their Investment Potential”
RMR-PCA member since 2005
Investment and Insurance Products: ▪ NOT FDIC Insured ▪ NO Bank Guarantee ▪ MAY Lose Value
In the zone
Liz Shaw, PCA Zone 9 Representative
iller Motorsports in September means PCA
will take over both hotels next year. The managers were
Club Racing, and the weekend was lots of fun!
extremely welcoming to us, and they’re very excited to host
I got to the track on Friday, after getting some
Parade in June. I went to the regional airport where the
work done at the hotel, and everything was
autocross, Drive & Compare, and Street Survival School will
well under way. The schedule for Friday
be held and it was very exciting to see all the space we’ll
included PCA Test & Tune Group and 2 DE groups. It was
have! We’ll be able to use the runway and the taxiway for
nice to see some friends from Colorado and to meet up
our events.
with the friendly folks from Intermountain Region. There
On Saturday, we were taken on a tour of the entire
were also drivers from Nevada, California, and Arizona.
property, and we were very impressed with the elegance and
Saturday’s schedule consisted of more practice and
beauty of both hotels. There are a little pizza counter, a sixDE groups, plus a sprint race and an enduro. The weather
lane bowling alley, and a bar in the lower level, next to the
cooperated and it was a great day for track driving. If
spa and fitness center. Concours prep will be accommodated
you’ve never been to Miller, you gotta go! It’s a huge track,
in the indoor tennis courts, and the concours will be held
and you can see just about the entire track from the shaded
in the nearby golf course. The Time/Speed/Distance and
outdoor seating area, above the garages. I was in the control
Gimmick Rally Chairs spent time on Friday and Saturday
room and able to hear the communication between PCA,
getting ideas for their respective events.
the track officials, and the corner workers.
I came back home on Sunday, but several PCA members
For the enduro, I handed Pirelli hats to the class
stayed in French Lick for other Parade planning. The resort
winners: GTC3, 1) Darrell Troester, 2) Chris Vivolo, 3)
is going to be a wonderful location for Parade 2015.
Karsten Nossack; GTC4: Russ Timmons; GTC5: 1) Joe Bank,
And then the NEXT weekend, I joined lots of
2) Annand Sharma.
Roadrunners at oh-dark-hundred for the Balloon Fiesta
On Sunday, the weather was not nearly as cooperative
launch party at Porsche of Albuquerque. The dealership has
as the day before and it
been very generous and
rained off and on almost
supportive of our Region
all day. By the time the
for many years, and they
Super Sprint got started,
had coffee, juice, muffins,
the track was very wet and
and breakfast burritos for
there was standing water
us on Saturday morning.
in several areas. The GT
The weather was perfect,
classes started out with
and we saw hundreds of
seven cars, but by the end
balloons rise into the sky
of the race, there were only
for the Mass Ascension.
two drivers left. Everyone
It was great to visit with
was driving fairly slowly,
fellow Roadrunners and
and the drivers who didn’t
get caught up on how they
change to rain tires had to
spent their summer.
go even slower. In GTC5,
Still to come in October
Annand Sharma finished
ahead of Joe Bank.
OktoberFiesta in Deming and Las Cruces, NM, and then
The next weekend, after the Club Races, I traveled
in November, Roadrunner Region will host their Die Serie
to French Lick, Indiana, for Parade planning. I’d never
Finale at Motiva Speedway, west of Albuquerque.
been to that area of the country before, and the drive
Last year, I thoroughly enjoyed PCA Tech Tactics West
from Louisville, KY, to French Lick gave me a sense of the
in Ontario, CA, and I plan to attend again this year. The
countryside: miles of green meadows and leafy trees! The
tech sessions were very informative and it was great to
resort in French Lick consists of two hotels, the French Lick
see old friends and meet new PCA members. Registration
Springs Hotel and the West Baden Springs Hotel, and PCA
should be open so watch e-Brake News for more info.
Classified ads are free to RMR/PCA members for items personally owned by the member. No
commercial ads. Ads for non-members are $10 for each month (send payment to RMR Treasurer Rick Seiferth, 7889 Canvasback Cr. Littleton, CO 80125). Ads must be 75 words or less. Deadline for
classified ad submission is the 15th of the previous month. Member ads will run for two issues. Ads
will also appear with an optional photo on the rmr.pca.org Web site. E-mail your ad to newsletter@
1999 Porsche 996 GT3 Cup - Factory-built
race car modified by 3R for SCCA World
Challenge. Won 4 races in 2000 with Randy
Pobst (signature in car). Needs engine
rebuild due to apparent broken valve. 12
hours on trans. rebuild. Very clean and
straight car. Ohlins 3-way shocks, spares:
2 sets Forgeline wheels, 3 rear, 2 front
bumpers, 2 front fenders, etc . $49,500.
Call Terry 303-589-0710 or email twhefty@
peakam.com. [Oct]
2001 911 Carrera 2 Cabriolet – Lapis Blue/
Black. Full leather, with hardtop, O.Z.
Alleggerita HLT Anthracite rims, Michelin
Pilot Sports A/S plus; clean title, garaged,
non-smoking, after market sound, new (not
rebuilt) crate engine with X51 factory
upgrade; installed 12-2013 @ 65,950 miles
by Poudre Sports Car Ft. Collins; Extras:
tires, cover, misc. maintenance items.
66,740 current miles. $29,500. Dick Hedges,
Longmont. hedgesrl@msn.com. [Nov]
Two 9x15 Buckley racing wheels - Used
once by Dan Mayer and once by Walt
Fricke. Like New! $875.00. Hoosier Wets
mounted on like-new Cookie Cutters (7x15).
Fronts 225/45/15 and rears 255/50/15.
$400.00. Buckleys and Cookie Cutters will
fit either 944s through 1986 or 911 SC/
Carreras. Contact Dan Mayer for more info
at dan@401kpro.us or cell 303 775 5656.
Wheels & tires for 2006 C4S - 19” original
wheels with Pirelli P Zero Rosso 235/35
front and 305/30 rear. $1500. crossland37@
msn.com [Oct]
Cayenne Wheels & tires - Four Cayenne
turbo wheels, purchased new from
Porsche, used only two winters, like
new, except one wheel is scratched
slightly. Dunlop winter tires mounted,
might be good for one more winter. $500
Obo. Brendlearch @gmail.com, photos
available. Michael Brendle [Nov]
991 Heads – Two, brand new, never seen
fire, 991 Porsche Carrera heads. Off new
3.8 engine because hopped up, extrude
honed heads were used in place of these. Really don’t know a price to put on them
but will talk, negotiate price, or trade for
newer model woman. Two cams with
nicely profiled lobes included. Chuck 303
333-8685. [Nov]
Home for sale – Antelope Hills. Extra large 4
1/2 car garage, 220V, lots of storage. Grand
4872sf two-story, master suite, formal
dining, main floor study with patio door to
deck, huge family room, 1 acre lot backs
to open space. Original Meridian model
home, tons of upgrades. Just 35 minutes
to High Plains Raceway. $435,000. Photos
and virtual tour at www.680greengables.
com. Call Gerry at RE/MAXSE 303-5067641. [Nov]
3R Auto/Racing needs an experienced
Porsche Technician! - 3R has an immediate
opening for an experienced Porsche Tech.
In addition to having Porsche training
and service experience, the following is
also required; Travel within Colorado and
nationally, Willingness to get your CDL,
Excellent problem solving skills, Composed
under pressure, Motorsports experience
is a plus, but we are willing to train if
person has right Porsche experience.
If interested, contact Aaron Coalwell at
(303) 781-0774 or aaron.coalwell@3rauto.
com. [Nov]
Get the most from your track time with
instruction from Scott Anderson, a
professional driver from Colorado
currently competing in the Pro Mazda
Championship Series!
Scott is experienced in working with
professional instructors from the Skip
Barber Racing School including Peter
Dempsey, Derek Daly and others.
Scott is also the 2011 Skip Barber
National Series Champion and the
winner of the MAZDASPEED
Development Driver/Scholarship.
Develop precision and speed
Improve your skills & confidence
Specific instruction tailored to
you or your group/team’s needs
Accomplish your driving or
racing goals
Corporate track days for team
building or client appreciation
Video analysis and post training
report included for every client
Scott Anderson, 970-219-8776
Porsche press release
Porsche Sport Driving School Celebrates its
40th Anniversary
Driving with safety, precision, and awarenes
ATLANTA, Sept. 20, 2014 – What began 40 years at the
Hockenheimring race track in Germany accompanied by
the sound of boxer engines and squealing tires, and the
smell of rubber, oil, and gasoline laid the foundation for
today’s Porsche Sport Driving School. This workshop,
geared towards performance-oriented drivers, provided
the skills needed to drive Porsche vehicles to the fullest
potential through an enjoyable learning process.
The idea turned into a great success. Today, Dr. Ing.
h.c. F. Porsche AG offers a large range of courses worldwide,
teaching the precise control of sports cars in all driving
conditions. Highly skilled Porsche instructors place a
specific focus on improving students’ driving prowess and
developing them into calm, commanding, and conducted
drivers. While learning and knowing the theoretical basics
of vehicle dynamics is important, all Porsche driving
courses put an emphasis on spending plenty of time behind
the wheel, helping the participants to practice and master
the necessary skills.
Understandably, the scope
of the courses has changed over
the last 40 years. ABS, Porsche
Stability Management (PSM),
and other electronic systems
which enhance driving dynamics
influence the behavior of modern
Porsche vehicles at their limits.
Drivers are taught how to make
the best use of these systems, and
how they work in supporting the
driver. In addition to on-road and
off-road training courses, Porsche
offers special winter programs
that teach students how to drive
safely in snow and ice conditions.
In the U.S., Porsche has
been fostering the improvement
of driver skills and awareness for over 20 years. The first
courses, known then as Porsche Owners Driving School,
were offered in 1990 by Porsche factory driver and racing
legend Vic Elford. The Porsche Sport Driving School in
North America is currently based at Barber Motorsports
Park in Leeds, Alabama. Since this permanent home was
established in early 2003, over 35,000 participants have
improved their driving skills thanks to the experience and
supervision of head instructor Hurley Haywood and his
50 colleagues. The Porsche Sport Driving School fleet at
Barber Motorsports Park consists of over 45 new Porsche
vehicles which are provided for the participants. Classes
range from the “Precision One-Day High Performance
Driving Course”, aimed at teaching drivers the essentials
about high-performance driving, all the way to the threeday “Masters-Plus Course”, whose graduates are eligible for
the SCCA regional racing license.
In March 2015, the new Porsche Experience Center,
located near Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson International
Airport, will offer advanced driver training courses on a
brand-new test track with six cutting-edge driving modules.
A second Porsche Experience Center in Los Angeles serving
Porsche drivers on the west coast is scheduled to open later
that year.
A new Porsche Cayman S with a very fortunate driver on board whips
around the course at this year’s Porsche Driving School in Atlanta.
I get around
Danielle Badler, RMR/PCA Columnist
Hey, Mr. Bigshot!
Is it me? Am I getting sanguine in my old age? Am I
falling into the rut of contemplating the fate of living on
savings and social security?
All I know is that, nowadays, I get very uncomfortable
when I read about a house in Los Angeles that comes with
an “auto gallery.” It’s on the market for $55 million.
According to a story in the Wall Street Journal, this
“car space” (you’d probably be tasered if you called it a
garage) is air conditioned and exhaust-vented and features
a spinning turntable. There’s total room for 15 vehicles.
It’s a spec home, meaning the developer is betting
some hedge funder with oil in his veins is going to pull
the trigger… er, hit the starter button. Which won’t be a
problem, because, with that exhaust, he’ll apparently be
able to blip the throttle for all his friends, at will.
But he’d better be careful. The property, in
Brentwood, requires finger print recognition to enter
the master bedroom and the wine cellar. No finger print
doohickey for the parki… sorry, auto gallery?
I’d upgrade the alarm system. Because just the idea
of what to put on that giant lazy susan has me spinning
In my mind, the wheel stops on the 250 GTO that
was auctioned this year by Bonham’s at Monterey for $38
I mean, really, the car you drew in study hall, the
one with the perfect lines, doing a perpetual 360 degree
pirouette, just for you.
Posing before it, glass of Burgundy in hand, what do
you think about? About your oh so good fortune? About
how great it is to be a master of the universe?
About how you should have also snapped up Steve
McQueen’s 275 GTB/4, which, according to Sports
Car Market, went at RM for $10.175 million? For true
provenance, it was allegedly delivered to the King of Cool
on the set of Bullitt.
Or how about the ’74 Carrera RSR 3.0 coupe that went
for $1.1 million at Bonham’s? Or the ’73 Carrera RS 2.7
coupe that was gaveled at $935 thousand?
Chump change!
Then you can hop on your Gulfstream and jet to New
York, where you can snap up a pied-à-terre in the sky…
up to some 104 stories in the sky. That equates to 1,396
feet, some 146 feet taller than the Empire State Building.
At 432 Park Avenue, it’s the tallest residential building
in the Western Hemisphere, according to another Wall
Street Journal article. And the crowning glory is a $95
million penthouse. In this building, a wire mesh storage
box is $200 thousand.
The irony, according to the reporter, is that, while
trophy houses and apartments stretch higher and
farther, corporate spaces are going low-key. Gone are
the corporate monuments to the titans of industry who
historically have bought these trophy places. Instead,
out in the hinterlands, where real people work, we find
low-slung, downscale spaces that put the focus, first and
foremost, on employees and their cubicles.
I saw it first-hand this past week. I spent three days at
a meeting hosted by Ford in Dearborn.
Someone asked me what Dearborn was like. I said it’s
everywhere-land. Or anywhere-land. Nothing like the
death-star aftermath of a city called Detroit we all read
Oh, we saw that too. On the way to a real, authentic
barbecue shack for dinner, we passed block after block
of what Bob Dylan would call desolation row. The
restaurant, it seems, was an anchor for an oasis of stability
in an otherwise very bleak panorama.
But back to Dearborn. Before entering the meeting
site at Ford, we passed a series of low-slung buildings,
fenced in, with no signage whatsoever except the words
“Experimental Vehicles” on one, and “Experimental
Engines” on another.
Yeah, we wanted in.
But it was not to be. Instead we were ushered into
meeting space that looked like corporate everywhere-land.
The highlight of the trip was a private visit to the Ford
corporate archives.
Without a guide, you’d never know it was there. But
inside this inconsequential office space was a trove of
just priceless memorabilia and documents. Engineering
drawings for the original GT 40. Whiz Kid Robert
McNamara’s resignation letter which said in part that,
when the President-elect asks you to serve your country as
Secretary of Defense, duty calls.
I asked the head archivist if it was true that the GT 40
program had cost overruns on an unlimited budget. He
tried not to nod and smile.
And we all know what happened to the American
automobile industry in the decades after Henry the Deuce
opened his checkbook to defeat Ferrari at Le Mans.
Is there a lesson here? Maybe. Something about the
Great Divide getting wider and wider. And the fact that
people are falling into the crevasse.
But I’d still like, just once, the thrill of bidding on
a priceless piece of automotive heritage. And a giant
rotating saucer, on which to show it off.
This month’s random
question asked to five
random members:
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HighGear is printed in Englewood, CO by
HighGear (ISSN1061-1746) is the official magazine of the Rocky Mountain Region Porsche Club of
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The opinions and views appearing in HighGear are those of the individual writers and do not
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“Looking back
at the year now
that 2014 is almost
over, what is your
fondest Porscherelated memory?”
Leon Valverde
“My wife Michele and I are new to
Colorado, so dashing through the Rockies
at the height of the Aspen tree foliage turn
and experiencing that explosion of color for
the first time was a great memory!”
Cecil Morris
“Attending the 24 Hours of Le Mans and
then the 24 Hours of Nurburgring the next
Vicki Cox-Jones
“Driving in the rain, graupel and wind on
my second day ever at HPR and being
surprised at how much traction I actually
Gavin Yuill
“Starting club racing and the rollercoaster
of emotions that goes with it. Amazing
camaraderie off track, but real competition
as soon as the track goes green. Nothing
comes close to the feeling you get from a
race weekend!”
Bryant Reiff
“Every day behind the wheel, enjoying
perfection. Excellence delivered. There is
no substitute.”
Monthly board meetings are always open to club members. See the
list of upcoming events (next page) for schedule. You may contact
the entire board at board@rmrporscheclub.com. To volunteer to be
an RMR Board member, submit your intent by September so the
Nomination Committee can add you to the ballot in October for club
voting in November. Most positions are two-year terms.
CAMA Representative
Walt Fricke: 303.499.6540, walterfricke@msn.com
Charity/Good Works
Luann Dodge: charitycommittee@rmrporscheclub.com
Chief Driving Instructor
Cecil Morris: 303-399-2482, cecilmorrisCDI@outlook.com
Control Chief
George Strimbu: 303.736.9114, strimbug@gmail.com
Keith Hall: 303.940.7958, keith_hal@msn.com
Goodie Store Chair
Mike Hebert: 360-202-5830, superdont@comcast.net
Amy Legg-Rogers: 970.686.0538, a1queen@frii.com
Troy Nakatani: 720.402.1080, troy_n@yahoo.com
Erik Behrendsen: 303.840.7361, ebehrendsen@comcast.net
Nancy Warren: 303.604.1289, nanru@hotmail.com
Scott Henderson: 303.521.9007, sshjd@aol.com
Tech Inspection
Hank Padilla: 303.470.1850, hank@hanksvillehotrods.com
Joe Warren: 303.604.1289, warrenjoee@comcast.net
Scott Rogers: 970.686.0538, scottr@wirestone.com
Zone 9 Representative
Liz Shaw: 505-231-7003, lizshawsf@msn.com
Technical resources
Jim Kellogg: 303.840.2356, twingril62@aol.com
Dave Stribling: 303.238.8101, davestribling@prestigeimports.net
Rob Heath: 303.995.1147, robheath912@gmail.com
Dale Tuety: 303.670.1279, d2t@aol.com
Dan Semborski: 303.420.2708, dansemborski@yahoo.com
Volunteer to be the RMR 928 specialist and help others!
Richard Winnick: 303.429.5213, rewinnick@cs.com
Zach Schroeder: 970.229.0990, info@poudresportscar.com
Doug Bartlett: 970.214.7279, doug.bartlett@comcast.net
Steve Schroeder: 970.229.0990, info@poudresportscar.com
GT2, GT3, Cup Cars
Chris Cervelli: 303.809.6173, chriscervelli@msn.com
Region coordinators
Jim Widrig
H: 303.655.7495
C: 720.883.6071
Vice President
John Mackin
H: 303.665.9579
C: 303.641.6479
Vice President
Joe Warren
H: 303.604.1289
C: 303.902.3045
Rick Seiferth
W: 720.472.9032
Mike Pappas
C: 303-988-0976
Membership Chair
Alan Jones
H: 303.947.1202
Newsletter Editor
David Schmidt
C: 303.662.1162
Past President
Rick Gonçalves
H: 303.697.1960
What we do
Whether your tastes are social, technical, or competitive, RMR has something for you! You can have fun in your Porsche by particip ating in driver education and time
trials at area tracks, autocrosses, rallies, tours, tech sessions, car shows and more.
A tour is a non-competitive driving event in which
participants follow a given route to a destination
(which may or may not be known in advance). A tour
may vary in length from a day trip to a long weekend
with an overnight stay or two. Tours usually follow
scenic routes (which are plentiful in Colorado) and/
or visit interesting or obscure destinations. Tours are
sometimes combined with rallies to add variety and
a dose of competition to the event.
RMR hosts at least one tour each year; AMR
typically offers several. A number of tours are
usually offered at Porsche Parade as well.
A rally is a competitive event in which contestants
attempt to follow a course specified by a set of
instructions. Rallies are typically run on public,
paved roads, and speed limits are always observed.
The two major types of rallies are the Time-SpeedDistance (TSD) rally and the Gimmick rally. In a TSD
rally, participants attempt to follow the instructions
precisely, maintaining the correct speed, as points
are deducted for arriving at checkpoints (the
locations of which are not known in advance) early
or late. A Gimmick rally is typically a bit less rigid
and usually involves solving puzzles of some type.
Between RMR and AMR, a handful of rallies—
at least one of each type—are offered. Porsche
Parade also hosts a TSD rally, and sometimes a
Gimmick rally, each year.
Autocross (AX)
An autocross is a competition in which drivers
navigate their cars through a course defined by
orange cones, usually in a large parking lot. Top
speeds are generally moderate, topping out around
40-65 MPH (no higher than second gear for many
cars). Competing cars are spaced at long intervals
— typically only two or three cars are on the
course at the same time. Autocross is a safe way to
experience high-performance driving while learning
to drive your car at its limit.
Together, RMR and AMR host several autocross
events each year, including Eiskhana (essentially
an autocross on the ice!) in the winter and an AX
school in the spring. Additionally, autocross is a
major event at Porsche Parade.
Driver Education (DE)
A driver education event provides a safe,
controlled environment for high-performance driving
instruction. DE offers drivers of all skill levels the
opportunity to hone their driving skills, with the
help of an experienced instructor, in a controlled,
closed-course environment. In keeping with PCA
philosophy, the primary emphasis at all times
is on safety. A word of warning, though: the DE
experience may be habit-forming!
As DE events are not racing, nor preparation for
racing, lap times are not recorded. However, some
DE events are followed immediately by a time trial
event, which gives drivers a chance to quantify
their performance. Lap times may then be used
to measure personal improvement or for bragging
rights amongst your peers, etc.
RMR hosts six DE’s each year at High Plains
Raceway, with AMR hosting several more at the La
Junta, Pueblo and (possibly in the future) Pike’s Peak
International Raceway tracks.
Club Race
A club race is a wheel-to-wheel racing event.
A race weekend consists of a number of practice
sessions and “heats” (race sessions), often involving
both “sprint” and “endurance” races.
Since a Club Racing license (issued by PCA
National) is required for competition, club racers are
serious and experienced drivers. The cars they bring
with them to the track can be quite impressive! As
a point of interest, the PCA Club Racing program
was inaugurated with the RMR-hosted “First Ever
Anywhere” club race at Second Creek in 1992.
Because of the logistics involved in an event
of this magnitude, a club race requires a legion of
volunteers. However, it is also one of most exciting
events to participate in, so be sure to sign up!
RMR hosts one club race each autumn at High
Plains Raceway which, when combined with a
Driver Education event, adds up to one thrilling
Tech Session
A tech session is just what it sounds like–a
session in which a technical topic is discussed. Not
just for gearheads, a tech session may demonstrate
practical, “do-it-yourself” procedures such as brake
bleeding. Tech sessions are usually presented by
experienced Porsche technicians, many of whom
are sponsors of RMR events and High Gear.
RMR hosts a few tech sessions each year,
typically in the “off months” when few driving
events take place. In addition, numerous tech
sessions are offered at Porsche Parade.
Concours d’Elegance
A concours is essentially a car show, in which
contestants endeavor to present their cars in
as close to “perfect” condition as possible. A
number of judged categories usually exist, typically
differentiating between types of cars (e.g. 356,
Boxster) and level of preparation (“daily driver” or
“full preparation” or somewhere in between). Cars
sometimes may be entered as “display only,” for
owners who wish to participate but not compete.
RMR participates in a handful of local concours
events each year, including the annual Exotic Sports
Car Show and Concours d’Elegance, benefiting
United Cerebral Palsy Colorado. The annual Porsche
Parade also hosts a major concours each year.
Membership Social
Membership socials provide an opportunity to
reconnect with old friends and meet new members.
Historically, a membership meeting begins with a
social hour with a cash bar, followed by the evening’s
program. The content of the program varies,
sometimes featuring a “slide show” from a recent
event, or a guest speaker such as accomplished
Speed World Challenge racer Randy Pobst.
Membership socials, unless otherwise stated,
are held the first Thursday of the month. Different
venues and topics will keep the meetings fresh and
inviting. Watch HighGear and the RMR Web site for
details. If you have any ideas for a program, talk to
the Committee Chair or a Board member!
In the rearview mirror
Amy Legg-Rogers, Historian
An Autocross in November?
The RMR Turkeycross was held on November 10, 1974 at
the Superior Kart Track. There were 16 classes run that
day. The best time of the day was 1.16.480.
Trivia: 1. 156; 2. 4720 feet; 3. 12.42 miles; 4. 4.6 seconds; 5. Yes. The tow rating is 5291 pounds.