June 2015 - St. Stephen`s Episcopal Church
June 2015 - St. Stephen`s Episcopal Church
June 2015 St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church “Sharing what God has given with glad and generous hearts” The Episcopal Church Welcomes YOU “ Jesus came and told his disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Jesus came and told his disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the na ons,[a] bap zing them in the name of the Father and zing them in the name of the Father and 20 the Son and the Holy Spirit. 20 Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” ~ Ma hew 28:16 hew 28:16 ‐‐ 20 ~ 20 ~ 19 19 Have you ever been incredibly excited about something? Perhaps you just watched an amazing movie at the theater or, maybe, you just watched your favorite sports team complete an amazing play or, maybe, it was when you found out for the first me that you were going to be a new mother or father. I remember once receiving the news that I was to be awarded a scholarship for school and feeling as though I were floa ng the rest of the day. I immediately wanted to tell everyone! I imagine we all have something like this that we can recall, a moment in me that made us feel incredibly excited— a moment that made us want to share the excitement with everyone else. Most of us are really good at sharing our excitement over things like movies, sports, babies, or scholarships. We see a good movie and we immediately want other folks to see it, to share in that experience with us. That seems pre y normal to us. What most of us don’t realize is that in these moments we are opera ng in a manner that the Bible would call “Evangelis c” – in those moments we are “evangelizing” other people to an experience that we have had – we are sharing our “good news” with others. We are great at doing it! However, what Episcopalians have not been so great at is “evangelizing” other people to the experience of their Church— to the Good News that is proclaimed Sunday a er Sunday. Historically, Episcopalians have not felt the need to share their experience with others. As one long‐ me Episcopalian told me a long me ago, Con nued on page 2... 115 N. East Street Culpeper, Virginia 22701 540‐825‐8786 st.stephens.episcopal@gmail.com www.ststephensculpeper.net “Everyone who needs to be here is already here.” Unfortunately, in some places, the Episcopal Church felt more like a “members only” club than a Church. These folks were, I am sure, to invite people to share in their good experiences of a movie or a special event, but re cent to share their Church. And yet, Jesus tells us in the Gospel of Ma hew that we are to share the Good News of the Church with “all na ons.” In other words, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is to be proclaimed throughout the world by all Chris ans, even Episcopalians. However, that begs the ques on: are we excited about the Good News of Jesus Christ? Are we excited about how it is proclaimed in both word and deed at St. Stephen’s? The answer to those ques ons ma er a great deal to the health and vitality of a Church and they most certainly ma er to the God who told us to “go and make disciples of all na ons.” When was the last me you shared the Good News of Church with someone? When is the last me you invited someone to St. Stephen’s? O en mes we are in midated by the idea of sharing our faith or Church with others, but the Church of Jesus Christ is not a “member’s only club.” And, sharing our faith really only takes a li le excitement and an invita on. This month the Brotherhood of St. Andrew will be hos ng our Annual St. Stephen’s Picnic on Sunday, June 7th at 12:00 p.m. On July 5th we will begin our “Lemonade on the Lawn.” I hope that you will use these opportuni es to share a li le of your excitement and invite someone. Fr. Ben † Our prayer book is primarily a book of prayers and liturgical rite for public worship, though it also contains devotions for private or family use. Instead of spelling out our doctrines in a formal teaching document, we Episcopalians prefer to pray our way to belief. Welcome to The Book of Common Prayer The Book of Common Prayer (BCP) is a treasure chest full of devotional and teaching resources for individuals and congregations, but it is also the primary symbol of our unity. We, who are many and diverse, come together in Christ through our worship, our common prayer. "It is a most invaluable part of that blessed ‘liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free,’ that in his worship different forms and usages may without offence be allowed, provided the substance of the Faith be kept entire" (BCP Prayer, page 9). What is the Prayer Book? You’ll notice that the Episcopal service follows a particular order every Sunday. While there may be some variations throughout the year, the basic form remains the same. That’s because in the Episcopal church our faith in God is expressed, shaped, and formed by the rites for worship found in the BCP. While called a prayer book, the BCP contains more than prayers. It also contains liturgies (a fixed set of ceremonies, words, that are used during public worship), biblical passages, a lectionary that lists the Scripture readings of the year, creeds (a statement of the shared beliefs), and texts of songs (called “canticles”). In addition to the well known services of Eucharist, baptism and Morning and Evening Prayer, the prayer book also includes the liturgies for services such as weddings, funerals and ordinations. Having all of the texts for public worship in one book has been a part of our liturgical tradition from the earliest editions of the BCP. Many find the BCP difficult to navigate, especially during a service. Here, each month, we will walk our way through the BCP to help you understand how use it. We will discover we are not alone, and this liturgical walk of worship, prayer, and praise will indeed take us to where we want to go-to union with the God we seek to love. Page 2 Please join us for our Annual Church Picnic! The Brotherhood of St. Andrew will be hos ng our Annual Church Picnic on Sunday, June 7th, at noon. They will supply hot dogs, hamburgers, buns and condiments. Please bring a dish or dessert to share, lawn chairs or blankets to sit on and games to play on the lawn. Sunday, June 7th at 12:00 p.m. 12:00 p.m. Back by Popular Demand “Lemonade on the Lawn” All are welcome to join us on July 5th for Lemonade on the Lawn”, hosted by Vestry. We will spend this me in fellowship, relaxa on and enjoying God’s gi s on the first Sunday of July, August and September. June 2nd: Michael & Kathy Kidwell June 2nd: Steve & Kathi Walker June 3rd: Jens & Mary Tholand June 6th: Edward & Louise Carrigan June 6th: Frank & Jackie Drumheller June 9th: Tom & Jo Ann Houston June 12th: Evan & Nancy Crow June 12th: John & Barbara Halle June 13th: John & Teresa Eick June 16th: Josh & Tricia Whitman June 17th: Bill & Sarah Barron June 17th: Marty & Sara Bywaters‐Baldwin June 18th: Stephen & Carolyn Mawdsley June 20th: Richard & Barbara Abbo June 22nd: Michael & Kerri Bonfadini June 22nd: Andrew & Mollie Hess June 26th: James & Anastasia Art June 27th: William & Courtney Myers June 30th: Billy & BJ DeJarne e Page 3 June 3rd: Charrie Fredericks June 3rd: Elizabeth O’Reilly June 6th: Barbara Halle June 6th: Becca Helsel June 7th: Laurel Van Horn June 8th: Audrey Gent June 8th: Pippin Ward June 9th: June Woody June 12th: Jean Lloyd June 16th: Annabelle Hess June 17th: Ian Hess June 19th: Marshall Gayheart June 19th: Tyler Miller June 21st: Carol Finke June 22nd: Lila Bunt June 23rd: Olive Glick June 23rd: Newt Green June 25th: Evelyn Cunningham June 25th: Killian O’Reilly June 25th: Be y Thurman June 27th: Randy Jones June 27th: Amy McCabe June 27th: Katherine Thomas June 29th: Bill Barron June 29th: Jack Garber June 29th: Tom Hayes Have you seen my cross? It is the habit of my Order, which I wear daily. It looks like this: Perhaps you have seen it on some of the fi een women at St. Stephen’s who wear it daily. We are women who have taken a vow to follow a Rule of Life with The Order of Daughters of the King, an interna onal Order of women in the Episcopal Church. Daughters of the King are women and girls between the ages of seven and one hundred and seven who desire a closer walk with the Lord. We are Chris an women who are strengthened through the discipline of our Rule of Life and supported through the companionship of our sisters. If you ask one of the Daughters if you might look closely at her cross and examine it you will see the emblem of my Order. It is in the form of a modified Greek fleury cross (my habit which I wear daily) inscribed in La n, “Magnanimiter Crucem Sus ne,” the watchword of my Order, which means “With heart, mind and spirit uphold and bear the cross.” At the base of the cross are the le ers “FHS”, ini als that stand for the Mo o of the Order: “For His Sake.” When a Daughter dies, her cross may be buried with her or incorporated into her memorial; otherwise, it must be returned to the Na onal Office. Our chapter is the St. Monnica Chapter and we meet the second Saturday of each month from 9 am un l noon. We first gather in the church for fi een minutes of prayer before our mee ng. On June 13th, however, we will be mee ng at the home of Terese Matricardi to pray with the Anglican Rosary in her lovely rose garden of over 50 rose plants. All women of the church are welcome to join us at our mee ngs. If you would like to know more about the Order or a end one of our monthly mee ngs, please contact our president Barbara Collins @ (540) 408‐3774. Submi ed by Ki y Whitman FHS Youth Sunday School classes end on May 31st. There will be no Summer Sunday School or Vacation Bible School (VBS) this year. However, plans are being made for a new, exciting program year beginning in the Fall 2015. In the meantime, St. Luke’s Lutheran Church will be hosting a VBS beginning Sunday, June 28th - Thursday, July 2nd from 5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. for a great Bible adventure, a Blast to the Past. The evening begins with a kidfriendly dinner, followed by music and learning, Bible Study and games. Kids age 3- entering 6th grade are invited! Older youth and adults can serve as volunteers and assistant leaders. Please sign-up in advance. Visit www.stlukesculpeper.org Page 4 Names are listed in no particular order We are PROUD of ALL of our youth members! Allie Vaught is graduating from Eastern View High School and will be attending the University of St. Andrew in Scotland in the fall. Allie was a member of and secretary of the National Honor Society, senior class secretary, captain of the Eastern View Swim Team, which went to the state finals (and was voted “Most Valuable Swimmer”) and received the Achievement/Service Award from Culpeper Department of Social Services for her work on the Angel Tree Project. Proud Parents: Rick and Ellyn Vaught. Abigail Place is advancing from 11th grade at Culpeper County High School and will be a senior this fall. She earned Recognition of Excellence Bronze Medal, French Honor Society, SCA Member at Large, Renaissance Committee Member, A-B Honor Roll, Varsity Volleyball, JV Basketball Cheerleader and was a Relay for Life team participant. Proud Parents: David and Jodi Place. Jackson Place is graduating from 5th grade at Emerald Hill Elementary and will be joining the 7th grade class at Culpeper Middle School this fall. He was on all A Honor Roll, CSA Soccer including All-Star Team and a Relay for Life team participant. Proud Parents: David and Jodi Place. Brandon Bonfadini earned all A’s, was the SCA 5th grade treasurer, a School Safety Patrol Sergeant and a Math Tournament winner. Brandon is graduating from Emerald Hill Elementary School and will be attending Culpeper Middle School in the Fall. Proud parents: Mike and Kerri Bonfadini. Brooke Bonfadini is advancing from 10th grade to 11th grade at Culpeper High School. She was on the all A Honor Roll, earned the Academic Spotlight Award, Gold Medal for Exceptional Academics Award, MVP for swim team, breaking two school swimming records (500 free style and 100 free style), National Art Honor Society and SCA member. Proud parents: Mike and Kerri Bonfadini. Lee Kwai Scott is advancing from 9th grade at Eastern View High School and will be attending 10th grade in the fall. She is on the A/B Honor Roll and was a member of All District Choir. Proud Parents: Leilani Scott and Mike Corbin. Pili Scott is advancing from 11th grade at Eastern View High School and will be moving on to 12th grade this fall. He is on the A/B Honor Roll, Perfect Attendance, Relay For Life, and was an actor in the “Civil War 360 ~ The Fight For Freedom” movie shown on the Smithsonian Channel. Proud Parents: Leilani Scott and Mike Corbin. Mark Fredericks is graduating from Germanna Community College Suma Cum Laude with an Associates Degree in Arts and Sciences and will be attending George Mason University in the Fall. Proud parents: Steve and Charrie Fredericks. Mike Fredericks is graduating on the A/B Honor Roll from Culpeper Middle School and will be attending Culpeper County High School in the Fall. Proud parents: Steve and Charrie Fredericks. Matt Fredericks earned the “2014 Adam McCool Dedication to Cross Country Award” and is graduating from Culpeper County High School. He will be attending Germanna Community College in the Fall. Matt will be competing at the VA State Track meet on June 5th as a Pole-Vaulter. Proud parents: Steve and Charrie Fredericks. Ben Walser is graduating from Floyd T. Binns Middle School and will be entering the 9th grade at Eastern View High School in the fall. Ben was inducted into the National Junior Honor Society, earned First Chair Tuba for AllDistrict Band and for Tri-County Band, awarded the "Most Outstanding Musician Award", was on the all A Honor Roll and played on the JV Lacrosse team at EVHS. Proud Parent: Becky Walser Page 5 We are PROUD of ALL of our youth members! Will Burton is graduating from the 8th grade at Floyd T. Binns Middle School and will be attending the 9th grade at Eastern View High School in the fall. Will was a member of the National Junior Honor Society, on the A / B honor roll, received the Superior Musicians Award, All District Band, Tri-Country Honor Band, Peace Mediator, Captain of the U-14 Culpeper Comets Travel Soccer, Eastern View Junior Varsity Soccer Team and FTB Yearbook Staff Editor. Proud Parents: Walter and Kelly Burton. Tyler Miller is graduating from Eastern View High School and will be attending Radford University, majoring in Criminal Justice and Military Science, in the Fall. Tyler was an Eagle Scout, received the Outstanding Athlete Award, participated in Varsity Cross Country, Swim, Wrestling and Soccer all four years at EVHS. He has been involved in the Soapbox Derby and has won the Sportsmanship Award two times. Will also is the youngest board member to sit on the A-team at the National Soapbox Derby at Akron, OH., Proud Parents: Bill and Tonya Miller. Zachary Greenfield is graduating from Eastern View High School and will be attending the College of William and Mary in the fall. Zach was in the top 5% of his graduating class, earning all A’s with a 4.175 GPA, Academic Spotlight, Vice-President of the National Honor Society, earned the Moody Math Challenge Award, Spanish Award, Science Award, Social Studies Award and Advance Placement Award. Proud Parents: Ken and Michelle Greenfield. Matthew Greenfield is graduating from Yowell Elementary School and will be at 6th grader at Culpeper Middle School in the fall. Matt earned A’s and B’, was a Math Tudor and earned the Principal Award. Proud Parents: Ken and Michelle Greenfield. Caleb Whitman is advancing from the 2nd grade to the 3rd grade at Pearl Sample Elementary School. He was on the honor roll since 1st quarter, part of the ACE program, part of Math 24, 100% fluency in Reflex Math (addition/ subtraction), 53% fluency in Reflex Math (multiplication/division) and won 1st place over all in a writing contest sponsored by their library. Proud Parents: Josh and Tricia Whitman. Walter Whitman: is advancing from the 2nd grade to the 3rd grade at Pearl Sample Elementary School. He was on the honor roll since 1st quarter, part of the ACE program, part of Math 24, 100% fluency in Reflex Math (addition/ subtraction), 70% fluency in Reflex Math (multiplication/division). Proud Parents: Josh and Tricia Whitman. Josiah Whitman is graduating from Epiphany Catholic School (preschool) and will be attending kindergarten at Pearl Sample Elementary School in the fall. He received a prefect score in the kindergarten assessment at Pear Sample and knows how to read above grade level. Proud Parents: Josh and Tricia Whitman. Page 6 Announcements Supper Club Loose Offering Loose Offerings on the first Sunday of every month will go to the Rector’s Discretionary Fund. The Loose Offering on June 21st will be donated to YoungLife Youth Group. The Supper Club is a group of church members who gather on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at a different area restaurant for good food and fellowship. All are welcome! We choose a variety of different price levels so everyone can participate, Dutch-treat! St. Thomas Circle Please join us on our next outing on Wed., June 10th at 6:00 p.m. at Foti’s Restaurant (new location) 110 East Davis Street Members of St. Thomas Circle will be enjoying their annual trip to the beach during the 3rd week of June. Gatherings will resume at member’s homes in July. If you are interested in learning more about this women’s group, please contact Mary Ann Cowherd for info: 540-825-5290 Please call Jo Ann Houston at 825-9049 or email joannejh@comcast.net to make reservations and for more details. on Revelation YARD SALE ~ June 20th! Revelation will be holding a yard sale on Sat., June 20th, to raise money for youth activities. They are now accepting donations for items to sell (NO clothes please). You can drop your donations off in the Youth Chapel (the orange room in the youth area), during regular parish office hours or on Sundays. They are in need of volunteers to help organize the items, on Sunday., June 7th and June 14th after the 10:30 a.m. service. We will be gathering on Friday, June 19th at 6:00 p.m. to set up. The sale will be in the back parking lot (parish hall if it rains) The yard sale will begin at 8:00 a.m. and finish around 1:00 p.m. Page 7 Have you missed any of Fr. Ben’s sermons? Did you know you can listen to all of his sermons online? Visit: ststephensculpeper.podomatic.com Reflections on the Prayer Jesus Gave Us Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, For the past seven months the Daughters of the King, here in the Red Door, have placed reflec ons on the Lord’s Prayer, phrase by phrase. Please find here the last in our series. We thought it appropriate to end with the last word “Amen” and pray it will find some meaning in your prayer life. Father in order that your Kingdom may grow and expand, please plant a seed of faith in our hearts. Make our hearts fer le places for that faith to grow so that our work in Your Kingdom will be frui ul. Embolden Your Spirit in us so that we might contribute to your plans – not for our glory but for Yours alone, Father. Amen And so we con nue… AMEN Why do I say this at the close of Prayer? As a child, I figured out that Amen was my way (and everyone else’s who did not speak a prayer) of saying “I agree?” My grandfather told me that it was okay to think about Amen in this regard, but he also said that I should never say Amen to anything that I am not certain to be the truth because Amen is a Chris an’s way of saying “This is true; this is truth.” To say Amen to something without believing it fully would make me a hypocrite. In my seventy years of growing up to Jesus’ call on my life, Amen has come to be an affirma on of prayer – my way of saying Yes! It seems to me that Jesus is the ul mate Amen to God’s faithfulness, His promises and our hope for this world. Jesus is my Truth; Jesus is my Yes; Jesus is my Amen. Ki y W. It wasn’t un l I was asked to write my reflec ons on the word “Amen” at the end of the Lord’s Prayer that I thought about the meaning, use and origin of the word. In my life me, if I calculate the number of mes that I have said “Amen” from the age of 5 un l now, assuming a usage of two mes a day (at a minimum) I have said it 47,450 mes. How have I not paid more a en on to this important word? “Amen” is a Hebrew word signifying something as certain, sure, valid, truthful and faithful. It is some mes translated “so be it”. In the liturgy it comes at the end of prayers and o en hymns to allow the congrega on to give assent or to conclude on a note of affirma on. In the Gospels, Jesus used “Amen” to affirm the truth of his statements saying it at the beginning. English transla ons o en use verily, and truly to translate “Amen”. See Ma hew 5:18. Saying it at the beginning is important for it emphasized the authority of what he said. In Revela on 3:14, Jesus called the “Amen” meaning that he himself is the reliable and true witness of God. In the future, I will pay more a en on to the meaning of this important word in my personal prayer life. Amen Terry S. When we are finished praying, we automa cally say the word “Amen”. O en we treat this small word as though it were the “good‐bye” we mu er at the end of a phone conversa on. We use it to say, in effect, “signing off now, God. I’m going back to my life, and I’ll talk to You later ” but, this ancient Hebrew word actually means something quite different: “so be it”. The root word, “Aman” means to be firm, confirmed, reliable, faithful, to have faith and believe. There is a lot there, a lot of meaning. I believe “Amen” is a way of sealing the truth of what I have just prayed. It expresses my wholehearted commitment to my prayer, my total agreement. That with my heart, my mind, and my body, I surrender myself to God’s answer to my prayer. Amen Barbara C. “Know thou the God of thy father, and serve him with a perfect heart and with a willing mind; for the Lord searcheth all hearts, and understandeth all the imagina ons of the thoughts; if thou seek him, he will be found of thee.” ~ I Chronicles 28:9 ~ Page 8 May 2015 Lectionary —Year B DATE June 7th The Second Sunday after Pentecost Proper 5 June 14th The Third Sunday after Pentecost Proper 6 June 21st The Fourth Sunday after Pentecost Proper 7 June 28th The Fifth Sunday after Pentecost Proper 8 SERVICE 8:00 a.m. HE II 10:30 a.m. HE II 8:00 a.m. HE II 10:30 a.m. HE II 8:00 a.m. HE II 10:30 a.m. HE II 8:00 a.m. HE II 10:30 a.m. HE II CHALICE READER Harold Boyd Marty Moon Same Terry Stein Kitty Whitman Dennis Collins Kelly Ward Troy Elliott Billy Green Same LESSONS 1 Samuel 8:4-20, 11:14-15 Psalm 138 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1 Mark 3:20-35 Elizabeth O’Reilly Jack Garber Billy Green Harold Boyd Marianne Ridgaway Becky Walser Terry Stein Tricia Whitman Ellyn Vaught Marianne Ridgaway Troy Elliott Harold Boyd Same Elizabeth O’Reilly Tricia Whitman Becky Walser Dennis Collins 1 Samuel 15:34-16:13 Psalm 20 2 Corinthians 5:6-17 Mark 4:26-34 Same 1 Samuel 17:1a, 4-11, 19-23, 32-49 Psalm 9:9-20 Corinthians 6:1-13 Mark 4:35-41 2 Samuel 1:1, 17-27 Psalm 130 2 Corinthians 8:7-15 Mark 5:21-43 June Altar Guild: Nancy Gayheart and Kim Helsel June 2015 Usher Schedule: June 7th: BJ & Billy DeJarnette Cindy Rickett, John Hallett June 14th: Walter Burton, Marshall Gayheart Evan Crow, Peyton Cramer June 21st: Ken & Michelle Greenfield, Dick & Barbara Rosica June 28th: Brad & Lydia Hansen, Ken & Michelle Greenfield Acolyte Schedule - June 2015 June 7th June 14th June 21st June 28th Server Ben Walser Torches Carrington Travers Brooke Bonfadini Crucifer Wes Ward 2nd Cross Samuel McCabe Bell, Book & Candles Hayden Ward Server Aly O’Reilly Crucifer Tyler Miller Bell, Book & Candles Killian O’Reilly Server Zach Greenfield Crucifer Carrington Travers Bell, Book & Candles Matt Greenfield Server Allie Vaught Crucifer Hannah Vaught Bell, Book & Candles Maddie Settle st-stephens-episcopal-church-culpeper-va What the Bible Says About Fathers… Check out our ’ These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates. ~ Deuteronomy 6:6‐9 ~ S ststephensculpeper.net culpeperfoodcloset.net Page 9 June 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 8:00 AM‐Stephen's Friends 7:00 PM‐Vietnam Veterans Mtg 2 7:00 AM‐BOSA 8:00 AM‐Stephen's Friends 9:00 AM‐Blue Ridge Ar st 12:00 PM‐Staff Mee ng 3 8:00 AM‐Stephen's Friends 8:00 AM‐MOMS in Prayer 11:00 AM‐Small Group Study 12:00 PM‐Healing Service 2:30 PM‐Organ Tuning 9 7 10 8 8:00 AM‐Stephen's 7:00 AM‐BOSA 8:00 AM‐HE Service 8:00 AM‐Stephen's 8:00 AM‐Stephen's Friends 9:00 AM‐Adult Forum Friends 10:00 AM‐Close 8:00 AM‐MOMS in Friends 9:00 AM‐Nursery Prayer 10:30 AM‐HE Service Knits 4 Wounded 9:00 AM‐Blue Vet 11:00 AM‐Small Ridge Ar st 11:45 AM‐Acolyte 6:00 PM‐Bluemont 12:00 PM‐Staff Group Study Prac ce Concert Mee ng 12:00 PM‐Healing Mee ng 7:00 PM‐Young Life 6:30 PM‐ Service 12 Noon 1:30 PM‐Bap st StageWorks Church Picnic Culpeper Home Ministry Monthly Mtg 6:00 PM‐Supper 12:00 PM‐Revela on Club@ Fo 's Youth Group 14 15 17 16 8:00 AM‐HE Service 8:00 AM‐Stephen's 7:00 AM‐BOSA 8:00 AM‐Stephen's 8:00 AM‐Stephen's Friends 9:00 AM‐Adult Forum Friends Friends 9:00 AM‐Nursery 7:00 PM‐Ham 8:00 AM‐MOMS in 9:30 AM‐Blue 10:30 AM‐HE Service Radio Prayer 11:45 AM‐Acolyte 7:00 PM‐Founding Ridge Ar st 11:00 AM‐Small Prac ce Father's Rep Wom 12:00 PM‐Staff Group Study Mee ng 11:45 AM‐Coffee Hour 12:00 PM‐Healing 7:00 PM‐St. ~DOK Service Thomas 12:00 PM‐Revela on Circle~Beach Trip Youth Group 7:00 PM‐ YoungLives 21 HAPPY FATHERS DAY 22 24 23 8:00 AM‐HE Service 8:00 AM‐Stephen's 8:00 AM‐Stephen's 7:00 AM‐BOSA 9:00 AM‐Adult Forum Friends 8:00 AM‐Stephen's Friends 9:00 AM‐Nursery 8:00 AM‐MOMS in Friends 9:00 AM‐Blue 10:30 AM‐HE Service Prayer Ridge Ar st 11:45 AM‐Acolyte 11:00 AM‐Small 12:00 PM‐Staff Prac ce Group Study Mee ng 11:45 AM‐Coffee Hour 12:00 PM‐Healing ~St. Thomas Service 12:00 PM‐Revela on Youth Group 12:00 PM‐Vestry Mee ng 28 29 30 8:00 AM‐HE Service 8:00 AM‐Stephen's 7:00 AM‐BOSA 9:00 AM‐Adult Forum Friends 8:00 AM‐Stephen's Friends 9:00 AM‐Nursery 9:00 AM‐Blue 10:30 AM‐HE Service Ridge Ar st 11:45 AM‐Acolyte 12:00 PM‐Staff Prac ce Mee ng 11:45 AM‐Coffee Hour~ Brotherhood 12:00 PM‐Revela on Youth Group Thursday Friday Saturday 4 5 6 8:00 AM‐Stephen's 8:00 AM‐ Friends Stephen's Friends 7:00 PM‐Quilters Guild 11 12 8:00 AM‐Stephen's 8:00 AM‐ Friends Stephen's Friends 03:00 PM‐ CulpeperFest EVHS 13 9:00 AM‐DOK At the home of Terese Matricardi 18 19 8:00 AM‐Stephen's 8:00 AM‐ Stephen's Friends Friends 20 8:00 AM‐ Revela on Yard Sale 25 8:00 AM‐Stephen's Friends 10:00 AM‐Close Knit 4 Wounded Vets 26 8:00 AM‐ Stephen's Friends 4:00 PM‐ DeJarne e Rehearsal 27 3:30 PM‐ Wedding~ DeJarne e Sunday, June 21st