Graduation Celebration!


Graduation Celebration!
Graduation Celebration!
Wednesday, June 1st, at 6 pm
May 22, 2011
Please turn cell phones
off or put on vibrate.
Everyone is invited to join us in celebrating our only high school graduate
this year: Heather M.! Heather will
be graduating from Forest High School
and will be attending the College of Central
Florida in the Fall. We will have a
celebration dinner on
Wednesday, June 1st, at 6 pm in the
Fellowship Hall followed by a slide-show, program and cake! Please make plans to join us!
Opening Prayer
Closing Prayer
Medical Team
- Servant Schedule This Sunday, May 22
Bob Jewell
Richard Frost
Brian Wallace
Tammy Preece
Amy Reghetti
Mike Jordan
Darla Cowan Sylvia Henry
Next Sunday, May 29
During worship
service we offer:
- an attended Nursery
for 3 yrs. and under
- “Carpenter’s Workshop”
for children
ages 3 thru 5
- “King’s Kids”
for children in
grades 1-5
Song Leader - Don LeFrancois
PRELUDE: 421 Sweet, Sweet Spirit (verse 1)
57 Great Is Thy Faithfulness (verses 1 & 3)
42 How Majestic Is Your Name (twice)
226 Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing (verses 1 & 3)
344 Low in the Grave He Lay (verses 1, 3 & refrain)
474 Thank You, Lord (verse 1)
F36 Constant Prayer (verses 1 & 3)
Carpenter’s Workshop/King’s Kids Dismissal
F72 Deeper in Love
Living in the Power
of the Resurrection!
Steve Parrish
Tom Webb
Ed Fletcher
Nancy Long
Gale Spires
Gerald Fletcher
Georgia Jeffers
Pam Robison
Last Week’s Records:
Sun. A.M. Class Attendance: 104 Sunday P.M. (*incl. Super Sunday & Life Groups)
Sunday A.M. Attendance
190 Sunday Contribution:
$ 7,344.28
Average Contribution:
$7,276.20 Budget 2011:
$ 7,406.88
Our Elders:
Order of Services
Ed Fletcher (732-2878) / Donald Carswell (528-2176) / Tom Jeffers (598-2989)
Steve Kennedy (425-0176) / Jeff Robison (624-2840)
Risk, Reward, Responsibilities
(Part 5) Service Schedule
Sun. A.M. Bible Class 9:00
Sun. A.M. Worship 10:00
Sun. P.M. Service 6:00
Wed. Bible Study 7:00
2750 SE Maricamp Road
Ocala, FL 34471
Phone: (352) 732-9867
Fax: (352) 732-7199
We are glad you are
here to help us celebrate
the Lord! Please complete an Attendance
Card or Visitor Card
and place it in the collection tray. Thanks!
(Ephesians 3:14-21;
I Thessalonians 5:19)
- Jeff Robison
Revive Us, O Lord (twice)
Prayer Request Cards Read
Because We Believe (verse 1)
6:00 P.M. “Taking Steps with Jesus”
- Jeff Smith
Our Mission: Glorify God, Imitate Christ and Make Christ Known
Thank you so much for the beautiful cards and sweet
words that were sent to me in the recent passing of my
grandmoter. Your expressions of kindness meant so
much to me and I am grateful for each of you.
Thank you,
Julie C.
Thank you for the donation to Hospice of Marion County in mother’s name. Thank you to the congregation for
all the prayers and cards during this process. All the
emotional support has been gratefully appreciated.
Ed and Vandy
Our deepest sympathies
to the family of friends of
John C. who passed away
last week. The graveside
service was Friday. His
daughters’ addresses are:
William & Ethel R.
*contact the church office
Bob & Linda V.
*contact the church office
Our deepest condolences also to Jennifer L. and family
on the passing of her uncle, Mike L., last week. Mike
was also the son of Bill and Kathy L. A memorial service will take place here at the church on Saturday,
June 4th, at 2 pm. Jennifer’s address is:
*contact the church office
Anonymous Surveys
If you did not complete the survey that was handed out at
the family meeting last Sunday and would like to participate in that, please pick one up on the Welcome Desk and
return it to an elder. Thanks for your cooperation.
in the Park!
Mark your calendars for Sunday, June 5th,
for our next outreach event. This event will mainly
be targeting children in our community and will be
held at Tuscawilla Park from 2:30 til 4:30. We have a
container for the weekly items in the foyer. Our goal
is to provide for 300 individuals. Please contact Tom
Webb at 288-0305 with any questions.
Audrey is handling the give-away items. Tom &
Georgia are handling the food. Ruth and Darlene are
handling the children’s events. Jim S. is handling the
transportation. Beef is working the Youth Group. We
will need all the assistance we can get for this to be a
success. Thank you so much for caring and working
for God’s Glory in our community.
This week’s item is: TOOTHBRUSHES
Little Church Directories
Wednesday Dinner
This Wednesday at 6 pm the O’Connells will prepare
a delicious lasgana dinner which will include garlic
bread, salad dessert for $5. All proceeds go towards
summer camp at CFBC. Please be sure to mark
the back of your Attendance Cards TODAY
for the number of meals you will need for
your family or call the church office at 7329867 by noon on Tuesday. Thanks!
We have the updated little church directories (without pictures) ready on the Welcome Desk in the foyer.
Our pantry is extremely low. We are in
need of the following: peanut butter
and jelly, mac-n-cheese, spaghetti
noodles, cereal, canned fruits, bread
mixes, desserts, baked beans, tuna
and rice. Please put your donations
behind the Welcome Desk.
Thanks sooooo much for your help!
Super Sunday - Meet at the building at 5:30
and bring some money for food.
Camp Ithiel is coming soon! This camp is open
to kids ages 10-18. The dates are June 12-17 and the
cost is $180. If you’re going, please turn in your form
and a check. Scholarships are available. *We now
have four more spots so if you’re interested, please
see Beef.
Also, don’t forget about CFBC Middle School
Week. The dates are July 17-22 and the cost is $195.
Work Camp: Get your work camp deposits turned
in soon. Deposits are $50, total cost is $175.
*ALSO - We need one female adult to come with us
to Work Camp in West Virginia from June 18-25. If
you’re interested, please see Beef. Thanks!
The Parent/Student Sunday Bible
Class It’s underway on Sunday mornings at 9am.
We’re studying “BASIC” by Francis Chan. Don’t miss
this opportunity to get in the Word as a family. The
class runs through the month of May.
Medical Items Needed...
If you have, or know of someone who has, any medical
item such as a hospital bed, walker, wheelchair, etc.
and would like to find a new home for them, Hospice
of Marion County is always looking for these items.
Please contact them at 873-7400 if you can help.
Thanks soooo much.
Tuesday Ladies Bible Class
We meet at 10:00 a.m. in the Blue Pod kitchen. This
Tuesday will be our last class before we take a summer break. We will resume in September. Please contact Eunice with any questions. We’d love to have you
Upcoming Events
(See the bulletin board for more information)
Annual Homecoming & Members’
Appreciation - At the Southside Church of
Christ in Orlando from Wednesday, May 25th, thru
Sunday, May 29th. Dr. Olu Shabazz, minister at the
Harlem Church of Christ in New York, NY, is the guest
Senior Dollars and Sense - This FREE
event is hosted by the Marion Senior Services and will
take place THIS Wednesday, May 25th, from 7:30 am
- 2:15 pm at the Circle Square Performing Arts Center
at On Top of the World. Brakout sessions will focus on
finance, social security, legal issues, consumer affairs,
protecting your assets, money management and more.
Seating is limited to the first 200 to pre-register at (352)
“I’ll Be Wearing a Crown” - The sisters
at the 27th Ave. Church of Christ in Ocala invite you to
their annual “Ladies Day” program on Saturday, May
28th. Breakfast will be served at 8 am and the program
will begin at 9. They are asking that all sisters wear
purple, gold and white to keep with the theme of their
program. Please RSVP by May 20th to (352) 812-2472.
*Let’s get a group of ladies together to go to this
event! Please contact either Mary Jane or Dawn in
the church office at 732-9867 if you would be interested in going! Thanks!
Highland Memorial
Day 2011 - You and your family
are cordially invited to attend this event on
Monday, May 30th, at the Highland Memorial Park here in Ocala from 11:00 am
to 2:00 pm. Join us in remembering our
local heroes and to celebrate the freedom of our great
country. Admission, lunch and all exhibits are FREE!