03 March 2016 - Waipahu United Church of Christ


03 March 2016 - Waipahu United Church of Christ
Lawrence H. Roller, Interim Minister
MARCH 2016
WUCC Newsletter
Moderator’s Story
“Who Are You?”
As members of the Happy Ohana, which comprise of members from
Waipahu UCC and Kahikuonalani UCC in Pearl City, we entertain day
care and nursing homes throughout the leeward side from Makaha to way
up at Maunalani in Kaimuki. Several months ago I mentioned about entertaining the veterans in recovery at Tripler Army Hospital’s Adult Care
At many of these nursing homes we see those afflicted with Alzheimer’s. While there’s no proven cure for this disease to those afflicted, their
memories are slowly being shot. There is hope in a cure, according to an
article in TIME magazine, where clinical trials of a drug labeled LM11A31 may change the game for a cure. Not yet approved by the FDA, there
are three other drugs that doctors have high hopes for. Not once did the
article mention a treatment that didn’t involve prescription drugs, yet, a
UCLA study showed that Alzheimer’s or dementia could reverse the symptoms of memory loss with a dietary program.
There are a lot of exercises to stir a person’s memory in order to keep
the brain cells working. It is said that for a person that’s afflicted, a good
nap will often restore a bit of lucidity.
I read about a son whose father was afflicted with Alzheimer’s and in a
care home. While his father was sleeping, the son was singing softly to his
father; songs that the father sang or enjoyed hearing. After singing many
oldies and gospel songs, his father seem to be in a much more deep and
peaceful sleep.
The son then slowly recited the 23rd Psalm and continued to the Lord’s
Prayer, that his father taught him as a child, and they always said it together as a family at night. As he was reciting the Lord’s Prayer, he noticed his
father’s hands at his sides, stirred into---praying hands. When he recited the
last words and softly said amen, his father opened his eyes and said “Oh,
you’re here, how nice”
A precious connection between father and child.
Mike Minakawa, Moderator
Does this ring any
Mike Minakawa
In This Issue
Moderator’s Story
Board of Trustees
Board of Christian
Announcements and
Photos throughout
the pages
Waipahu United
Church of Christ
94-330 Mokuola Street
Waipahu, HI 96797
Ph#: 808-677-3317
Board of Trustees
Aloha Everyone!
Well we held our very first Workday on Saturday February 20, 2016 for the new year. A total of 15 members
showed up just eagerly waiting to jump on our list of things
to do. Most of the visible work was done on the Community
Center side of the property. The Hong Kong orchid trees
were trimmed as well as the trimming of various shrubs. A
large African Tulip tree (which seeded and grew quickly) was
chopped down. It was about 30 feet tall and posed a potential
danger to our fence line between the Wellness Center and our
parking lot. Weeds and blown trash along the entire property's fence line were cleaned as well. Before you knew it,
lunch was ready and we sat down to soup, salad, sandwiches
and desert provided by Chef JoAnn and her crew!
The Board of Trustees passed a motion that we will resume having Workdays every month versus every other
month. It made sense that we will have an easier time
"maintaining" the facility with this schedule.
If you attended service in the last two weeks you were
asked to vote on our annual fund raising events (Spring
Chicken Sale and Fall Bazaar). For the Spring Chicken Sale,
the majority (23 vs 18) voted in favor of Chicken Sales versus Zippy's Ticket sales. For the Fall Bazaar, the majority
(26 vs 12) voted in favor of us running our own concessions
and also renting concession space out. Since the Spring
Chicken Sale is coming up quickly, we will be handing out
another questionnaire asking which tasks you are willing to
volunteer for. We need volunteers, many volunteers, in order
to make both events successful. For years there has been just
a few doing the all of the work and that makes it hard. Many,
with each person doing a little, is far easier than a few doing
everything. We hope you can volunteer for any kind of help
that is needed. Well that's it for now.
One Great Hour of
Sharing Offering
The One Great Hour of
Sharing (OGHS) special mission offering of the United
Church of Christ involves you
immigration, and development
ministries throughout the world.
When a disaster strikes or people are displaced or made refugees by violence or extreme
poverty, you are part of the immediate response and of the
long-term recovery. Through
OGHS you engage in holistic
development programs including health care, education, agriculture, food sustainability, micro-financing and women’s empowerment. Because the UCC
relates in mutual partnership to
churches and organizations
through Global Ministries and
worldwide response & recovery
networks, your contributions to
One Great Hour of Sharing put
you in the right place at the
right time for the relief, accompaniment and recovery of the
most vulnerable. You meet immediate needs and you address
the underlying causes that create those needs in the first place.
Thank you for your generous
God Bless and take care-Mark H. Felmet-Chair
Mase chopped unwanted tree on the property
during workday
Pastor Lawrence
Board of Christian
Legend of the Dogwood
Author unknown
Aloha everyone!
The month of February has been a time of
transition for both the Sunday School and
Youth Group. Special thanks and aloha to
Joyce who volunteered to serve as the interim Youth Director, and has been leading exciting lessons focused on characters in the
Bible every week.
We are in the midst of preparing for our
Easter celebration on Sunday, March 27th
(which is fast approaching!). Feel free to
bring anyone—your grandchildren, children,
nephews & nieces—to join us for an Easter
egg hunt, egg coloring, games and prizes.
Everyone is welcome!
Also, we are accepting donations of uncolored boiled eggs for the kids to color on
Easter. If you are interested in donating
eggs, please drop them off in the kitchen on
Easter morning.
Hope you have a blessed rest of the week!
Jackie on behalf of the Christian Board of
An old and beautiful legend says
that, at the time of the crucifixion,
the dogwood was comparable in size
to the oak tree and other monarchs
of the forest. Because of its firmness
and strength it was selected
as the timber for the cross, but to be
put to such a cruel use
greatly distressed the tree. Sensing
in his gentle pity for the sorrow and
suffering of all said to it:
"Because of your sorrow and pity for
will the dogwood tree grow large
enough to be used as a cross.
Henceforth it will be slender, bent
and twisted and its blossoms
will be in the form of a cross ~ two
long and two short petals.
In the center of the outer edge of
nail prints ~ brown with rust and
stained with red ~ and in the center
of the flower will be a crown of
thorns, and all who see this will remember."
03/20/16- Palm Sunday service at 9:30 a.m.
03//25/16- Jook Dinner at 5:30 p.m.
Good FRIDAY service at 6:30 p.m.
03/27/16- EASTER service at 9:30 p.m.
Children FUN DAY
The Fundamentals of Successful
Church Fundraising Workshop
At Church Leaders Event
on Feb. 27, 2016
by Sachi Fujita
It was one of the best conference event I ever
attended. Not only were there participants from
all the Islands, many were persons I knew through
my conference work, and through the different
churches Tom served.
Conference Minister, Dr. Charles Buck, reminded us that this event started 20 years ago as
the Moderators’ Event with less than a dozen attendees sitting around a table at 15 Craigside
Place. This year there were 182 attendees completely filling the Nuuanu Congregational Church
sanctuary. This Event gave us insight into church
financial dynamics: Who gives and why, and the
role of Stewardship, Fundraising and Planned
Giving. Another tool was how we learned to put
these ideas together, for the best interest of our
church members.
The Cross
By Max Lucado
Why is the cross the symbol of our
faith? To find the answer look no
farther than the cross itself. Its design couldn’t be simpler. One beam
horizontal—the other vertical. One
reaches out—like God’s love. The
other reaches up—as does God’s holiness. One represents the width of
his love; the other reflects the height
of his holiness. The cross is the intersection. The cross is where God forgave his children without lowering
his standards.
How could he do this? In a sentence:
God put our sin on his Son and punished it there.
“God put on Him the wrong who
never did anything wrong, so we
could be put right with God” (2 Cor.
5:21 MSG).
Jesus Christ is alive and He loves you!
He created you and longs to have a personal relationship with you. You can know Him
personally by receiving Him into your life. Receiving Christ involves trusting Christ to
come into your life to forgive your sins and make you want what He wants you to be. Just
to agree intellectually that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and He died on the cross for our
sins is not enough. Nor is it enough to have an emotional experience. We receive Jesus
Christ by faith, as an act of your will.
Praying is simply talking to God. He knows you. What matters is the attitude of your
heart, your honesty. We suggest you pray the following prayer:
"Lord Jesus, I thank you for your love and that you came into the world to die for me. I
confess that I have directed my own life and that I have therefore sinned against God. I
now want to put my trust in you and receive you in my life. Thank you for forgiving my
sins. Make me the person you want me to be. I thank you that you answered my prayer
and that you are now in my life. Amen."
Is it the desire of your heart to make this prayer yours?
If yes, pray now and according to his promise, Jesus Christ will come into your life.
Dr. James L. Wilson, used by permission, all rights reserved .www.freshministry.org.
February Memories
Officers & Committee members
Ash Wednesday Service
WUCC Praise Dancers
Men’s Chorus
Jackie K. and
Pastor John
Kanikapila Ohana
Ewa, Felix and Yolene
Pastor Lawrence Birthday Celebration
Helen’s Retirement Celebration
Non-Profit Org
U.S. Postage
Permit #8
Waipahu, HI
Waipahu United Church of Christ
94-330 Mokuola Street
Waipahu, HI 96797
Every Sunday is:
First Sunday is:
Tuesday, March 15
Wednesday, March 16
Thursday, March 17
Saturday, March 19
Sunday, March 20
Wednesday, March 23
Friday, March 25
Sunday, March 27
Monday, March 28
9:30 a.m.
9:45 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
Sunday Worship
Sunday School
Communion Sunday
Board of Christian Education Meeting
5:30 p.m. Board of Trustees Meeting
10:00 a.m. Pule Ohana - Prayer Ministry
4:00 p.m. Church Council Meeting
8:00 a.m. Church Work Day
9:30 a.m. PALM SUNDAY
5:30 p.m. Sunset Lanai Dinner
~ Good Friday * Office Closed ~
5:30 p.m. Jook Dinner
~ In Observance of Kuhio Day * Office Closed ~