April 20, 2014 Easter Sunday - St. Christopher Catholic Church


April 20, 2014 Easter Sunday - St. Christopher Catholic Church
12001 SE Federal Highway, Hobe Sound, FL 33455
772-546-5150, Office
772-546-8820, Fax
April 20, 2014
Easter Sunday
Very Rev. Aidan Hynes, V.F., Pastor ~ James Parrilli, Deacon
Office Hours: Monday thru Friday, 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
Mass Schedule: Monday thru Friday, Daily Mass at 9:00 am
Saturday, Vigil Mass at 3:30 pm and 5:00 pm
Sunday, Morning Masses at 7:30 am, 9:00 am, and 10:30 am
Sunday Noon Mass at 12:00 pm - January thru April
Confession Schedule: Friday, following the 9:00 am Mass or by appointment.
Holy Saturday - April 19, 2014
The Christopher Devine Family
Easter Sunday - April 20, 2014
People of St. Christopher / James Rusnak / Oscar and Marie Lavoie /
Agnes Boyle
Gary and Randal Giusfredi / Jessie Kazlowski / Rose Pennell / Tony Serra
Marylou O'Malley / Stanley and Steven Sonntag / Mark Fenton /
Majorie Fitzpatrick
Michael Hoynes / Edward Walsh / Norman Plude / Gail G. Brennan /
Edward Blair
The Joseph Cross Family
Monday - April 21, 2014
Mary Boyle / Helene Fennell / George O'Leary /
Special Intention Robert Strangia
Tuesday - April 22, 2014
Tony Serra / Gerald J. Bliss Sr./ Eugene Klein / Edward Blair
Wednesday - April 23, 2014
Isabel Fallon / Dorothy Tocci / Jim Coppotelli / Intention of the Broderick Family
Thursday - April 24, 2014
Judith Davino / Frank Evans / Thomas Green / James Groves
Friday - April 25, 2014
Anna J. Longo Finnan / James Flannigan / Jeremy Fronrath /
Special Intention Barbara Cunningham / Joan Fiorito
Saturday - April 26, 2014
Larry Provost / Bobby Dillon / Eddie Dolinsky / Jimmy Murawski / Bruce McCahill
Elinor and Joseph Littlefield / Jeanne Alter / Frances Tumolo /
Yolanda Santoloce
Sunday - April 27, 2014
People of St. Christopher / Isabel Fallon / Margaret Ross / Agnes Boyle
The Charles and Sophie Lomangino Family /Josephine Barsh /
Joanne Doyle Hannan / Carol Gastaldi / Rita Elizabeth Mahoney
Virginia B. Tierney / Marion Teta / Briana Lawson / Al Donor
Alexandra Petrozzo / Frank Petrozzo /Darwin White / Gerald J. Bliss Sr.
The Altar Flowers This Week
The Sanctuary Candles This Week
Easter Flowers
In Loving Memory of Anne K. Phillips and Frank R. Phillips as
requested by Nancy P. Evans and Frank H. Phillips
Easter Sunday marks the holiest, most exalted moment of the Christian year. In Easter services
all over the world, trumpets and organs blast. Flowers transform churches with their brightness.
Worship leaders boldly proclaim: “Christ is risen!” Congregations echo back: “Christ is risen
indeed!” The cycle of celebration and repetition begins as it should – a festive proclamation of
good news. In Christ, God has overcome the powers of sin and death, freeing us to live with
hope and promising us life. Not just life after death, but full life, divinely inspired life, life in the
here and now.
Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed!
On Friday afternoon when Jesus died, the women had not been able to finish the customary preparation for burial.
The Sabbath began at sundown on Friday, so Mary of Magdala hurried to the tomb Sunday morning to complete
her task. She found the tomb empty. Certain that Jesus’ body had been stolen, she ran back to get the other
disciples. Peter and the other disciple also found an empty tomb but
with Jesus’ clothing rolled neatly and placed where his body had
been. The disciples still didn’t understand about the resurrection and
Mary wept. As she cried, two angels appeared asking why she was
crying. She then saw a gardener and asked him where the body
might be. When he called her by name, Mary immediately
recognized Jesus.
Alleluia! "Christ is Risen!"
Truly, He is Risen"!
In today’s Gospel, we have the encounter of a worried and frightened
Mary Magdalene running to tell the apostles that the tomb is empty. In her
mind, the worse has happened and this nightmare she’s living will seemingly not end.
She arrives to find Peter and “the other disciple”. She tells them the troubling news that “They have taken the Lord from the
tomb and we don’t know where they put him.” As the evangelist tells us, Peter and John run to the tomb to investigate.
John, who has been interpreted to represent knowledge, contemplation and love; outruns Peter and is the first to arrive.
John stoops down and looks inside the tomb. He sees where the linen clothes lie, but he does not enter. Peter, who has
been interpreted to represent faith and action, catches up and enters the tomb first.
Seeing where the grave clothes lie, they establish the mistake in Magdalene’s fearful conclusion. If a theft had occurred,
the grave clothes would have been taken away with the body. This was not the work of human hands.
John, having arrived first, sees the tomb with knowledge and love. He bows to the reality of Peter’s sureness of faith. The
evidence before them is not bounded by the limits of what is possible on earth, but rather it is through faith and
understanding, in that order, that they are able to understand. Faith must be the first to
enter, and only then does understanding follow for which faith had prepared the way.
Peter knew Christ as man, knowledge that was established in the course of time. It
was with this knowledge that he declared, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living
God.” He also understood this same Christ to be “God of God,” begotten before all
time. It was with Peter’s understanding that John “saw and believed.”
Make no mistake, His death was real and He ‘was buried’. It was ‘for our sins’ that He
died and it was the love of us that was fully revealed upon the cross in nails and wood.
So let us run together, you and I, to this day of renewal and hope - Easter! Let us
come together, where faith assures us that bread, water and wine are now Christ
himself. Christ, who is now seated at the right hand of the Father, through which we
pass to all things above.
Alleluia! "Christ is Risen!", "Truly, He is Risen"!
St. Christopher Catholic Church, Hobe Sound
The Knights of Columbus wish to thank parishioners for their
generous patronage and donations at our four dinners over the past
few months. The Steak Night, Polish Night, Eggplant Parmesan, and
Fish Dinners were all fun and successful! The funds raised go to
local charities such as Hospice and Mary's Shelter, as well as
to Seminarians at SVDP Regional Seminary in Boynton Beach. Good
works for Great causes!
The Knights of Columbus will again be serving Breakfast starting
Sunday April 27th. The net proceeds of this breakfast will be donated to Deacon Chuck
Dornquist, who will be assisting his first Mass (10:30) at St. Christopher as an ordained
Deacon. Please come join us for breakfast after all the morning Masses, and support
Deacon Chuck.
St. Christopher's Council of Catholic Women ~ 30 Week Club Winners!!!
Dorothy Parrilli, Beth Patmore, Johanna Daoust, Tiffanie Goffney
Thank you for participating. New 30 Week Club begins in September. Forms can be found at the church doors.
Sugar and Spice
AND Shopping...How Nice!
All Saints Catholic School invites you to our 8th Annual Ladies
Luncheon and Trunk Show.
Wednesday, April 23, 2014 from 10 AM to 2 PM.
Hosted by: The Clubhouse at Old Marsh Golf Club
Tickets $45.00
For more information, please contact: Megin Campbell at
561-624-0133. Deadline for tickets is Monday, April 21.
Bel Canto Singers
Spring Concert at St. Christopher on
Sunday, April 27 at 3:00 pm, doors open at 2:15 pm.
No admission, a free will offering will be taken
with a suggested donation of $10.00.
Watch the bulletin for details.
Society of St. Vincent de
“Help Us to Help Others”
It is through your contributions
to the St. Vincent de Paul
Ministry’s monthly collection, your donations
of usable clothing, bedding, furniture,
household items, and non-perishable foods
for the pantry, that we are able to provide
this vital ministry. Your continued support
insures our continued support of those in
need of our assistance.
Store Hours are:
Monday - Friday, 9 am to 2 pm and
Saturday 9 am to 1 pm.
Donations and volunteers are always
welcome and always needed. Please call
for information: 772-546-5070.
Remember St. Christopher in your will.
April 20, 2014
Easter Sunday
Collection Totals
April 12 & 13
Combined Offertory & Easter Flowers ·························· $26,816.00
Because the timing was so different last year, there is no comparison for the Offertory / Easter Flowers.
Second Collections
April 19 & 20
The second collection will be used for the Rice Bowl Collection.
April 26 & 27
The second collection will be the customary end of month collection for our St. Vincent de Paul Society.
“Give to the Most High as He has given to you, generously, according to your means.”
~ Sirach 35: 7 - 9
Watch the Catholic Mass Each Sunday
Tune in each week for the televised Catholic Mass which
airs Sundays at 9:30 a.m. on Ion Television Networks (on
most local cable it is Channel 8). Priests from around the
five counties of the diocese along with Bishop Babarito
bring the Mass to the sick, homebound and all the people
of God on a weekly basis. The televised Mass is produced
by the diocesan Office of Communications. Please visit
www.diocesepb.org/videos to hear the weekly homilies. To
support the televised Catholic Mass contact 561-775-9529
or write to Office of Communications, 9995 N. Military
Trail, Post Office Box 109650, Palm Beach Gardens, FL
The Clergy and Staff
of St. Christopher
wish everyone a Happy
and Blessed Easter!
Sign Up to Receive Advocacy Alerts
Are you receiving Advocacy Alerts from the Diocese of
Palm Beach? Through the diocesan website, you can
sign up to be a part of our Advocacy Alert E-News
Group. Just go to www.diocesepb.org and in the upper
right corner of the web page, click on “Receive ENews.” It is that easy!
An added note: when a person signs up to receive our
E-Newsletter, he or she is given a menu option of six
types of Electronic News to select to receive -- such as
DPB News and Calendar; DPB Events Calendar, Advocacy Alerts and more.
You can also sign up to receive Action Alerts from the
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and The
Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops. Just visit
www.usccb.org/issues-and-action/take-action-now or
Please remember the last 12:00
Mass will take place on May 4th
for First Communion. We wish to
thank all of the wonderful ministers
who made this Mass possible
throughout the season.
St. Christopher Choir
Bernadette Lindell, Director
(561) 575-6890
Religious Education
Sue Kirch, Director of Rel Ed
(772) 546-5150
St. Vincent de Paul
Office (772) 546-2492
Hours M-F from 8:30 to 12noon
Thrift Shop (772) 546-5070
Monday - Friday, 9 to 2
Saturday, 9—1
Diocesan Cemetery
Our Lady Queen of Peace
(561) 793-0711
Knights of Columbus
Joe Daukantas, Grand Knight
(772) 546-4818
Meetings 1st Tuesday each
month, 7:30 PM
in the Parish Hall.
James F. Collins, F.I.C.,
Benefits Advisor
(772) 546-9910
Council of Catholic Women
Bernice Simelunas, President,
Meetings the 2nd Tuesday
each month, Sep thru May,
1 PM in the Hospitality Room
April 13, 2014
Palm Sunday
St. Christopher Religious Education
Sue Kirch - contact info: Kirch.Susan@yahoo.com
Religious education classes meet from 10:00 am to 11:15 am
April 20 Easter Sunday, No classes
April 27---final classes
April 30--Wednesday 6pm First Communion Practice
May 2--Friday 6pm Confirmation Practice
May 3--Confirmation 5pm Mass
May 4--First Communion Noon Mass
Have a Blessed Easter and celebrate the Resurrection of the Lord with great Joy.
May 3rd at 5:00pm Mass
Nursing Home Ministry
Saturday , 10am
at the Manors of Hobe Sound
Please call, 772-546-5150
Rosary Group
Monday thru Friday
8:30 AM in the Church
Every Wednesday
12:30 PM in the Parish Hall
Charismatic Prayer Group
May 4th at 12:00noon Mass
Ken & Connie Ziesman
(772) 463-0858
Tuesday 9:30 AM in the
Hospitality Room
1759 Indian Creek Parkway | Jupiter, FL 33458
561-748-8994 | www.allsaintsjupiter.org
Grade Range: PreK-8th Year Opened: 2003 |
Number of Students: 465 | Tuition Range: $7,280-$9,200
Legion of Mary
Highlights: Founded in 2003 and situated on a spacious campus, All Saints Catholic School is
the first inter-parochial school in the Diocese of Palm Beach educating students in PreKindergarten through eighth grade. iPads for students will be implemented on a 1:1 ratio
throughout the school beginning 2013-2014. The school is committed to developing responsible citizens by promoting academic success and preparing students for high school and beyond. All Saints encourages students to open their hearts to the Lord, their minds to learning,
and their talents toward service to others.
Wednesday 9:30 AM
in the Hospitality Room
Prayer Group
Thursday 9:30 AM
in the Hospitality Room
Christ Child Society
Kathleen Brannigan
(772) 546-3217
Meets the second Monday
each month at 10:00 AM
In the Hospitality Room.
Come change your child’s future! Please call the school for a private tour.
St. Christopher’s new website: www.stchrishs.com
Or visit our facebook page: www.facebook.com/StChristopherChurch