April 3rd, 2015 - First Christian Reformed Church


April 3rd, 2015 - First Christian Reformed Church
Calendar of Upcoming Events at First CRC
Christ is Risen!
He is risen Indeed!
Lift up your hearts.
We lift them up to the Lord.
Easter Sunday: April 5th
Pastor Joel Schreurs is preaching from Matthew 28: 1-10.
Easter Break ~ No Sunday School this week.
April 5th
Christ has died.
Christ is risen.
Christ will come again.
Offering: General Fund
Nursery Leader: Briana Van Andel Helpers: Darin Gunnett, Carter Sanderson Ann Rajewski, Noah VDB
Prayer Ministry Elder: Cyndi Berghuis & Eric Den Braber
Sound: Cory Vermeer Video: TBD PPT: Gabe Zoetewey
DVD Delivery: Household 4
Lord’s Supper Preparation: Household 4
Coffee: Engelsman, Jonker, Case
Tuesday, April 7th
7:30am—4:30pm—Classical Conversations on Break ~ No Classes
9:30am—Staff Meeting
7:00pm—Elder’s Meeting
Choir meet in Fellowship Room, Singing “Empty Now” and “Hallelujah Chorus”, No rehearsal following service ~ Blessed Easter!
My Hope is Built on Nothing Less
LU 772
Wednesday, April 8th: Family Night & Club 68 Leads worship!
9:00am—Ladies Morning Bible Study
6:45pm–8:00pm Choir Rehearsal
Thursday, April 9th
Hallelujah Chorus
9:00am—Sew & Sews
9:15am—Faith Café
All who wish to sing are invited forward. Limited music is
available; please share your copy.
Friday, April 10th
6:00pm—Classical Conversations end of year Celebration
7:00pm—ESL Conversation Groups at First Church
Saturday, April 11th
Preacher: Rev. Joel Schreurs
Musicians: Christy Bol, Barb Hogan, Eric Buteyn, Aaron Buys, Joel Schreurs, Matt
Ruter, Briana Van Andel, Kevin Roberts, Hunter Lawrence.
First Church Choir; director, Alice Waanders
Sunday School Singers; director, Becky Vermeer
Additional Actors and singers: Magnify
Dancers: Katherine Elgersma, Annika DeBoer, Beth DeBoer, Hannah DeBoer, Leah
Monroe, Eliana Reynolds, Charlotte Reynolds, LilliAnn Vermeer, Jessica Elgersma,
Madisyn Hunt, Natalie Roberts, Lynn Roberts.
There are sign-up sheets in the foyer to add your name to a list of
those helping with meals, childcare and home care, at the coffee table.
At that same table are Memory notes to record “snapshot” moments in
the life of Jason, that the family can read for comfort in the days ahead.
A web-site link was sent via the All Church email on Tuesday, that will
enable us to sign-up for a specific task on a specific date. The website
is: https://can.lotsahelpinghands.com/c/726754/, or connect with
sjposthumus@yahoo.com if you have questions.
There is a Jason Soodsma Children’s Memorial Fund established at
Wells Fargo Bank, #7958717360. Contribute at any Wells Fargo Bank.
The Soodsma Family’s correct address is: 2539 South Andes Circle
Aurora, CO 80013. Please update your hard copy 2013 directory.
Put a prayer reminder on the refrigerator, or in a place you can be
reminded to lift up the Soodsmas, as you pray for your own family.
ELDER/DEACON NOMINATIONS—Please take time to pray and
nominate those active members who will best serve First CRC over
the next three years. Nomination forms are available at the back of
church, and there is a box at the North table to place the completed
forms in. You may also email your nominations to the Clerk, Darrell
Hogan, at Darrell@firstcrcdenver.org. Please include a brief
summary of the nominee’s gifts for office. Thank you.
Sunday, April 12th: Grow Group Meals
Pastor Joel Schreurs is preaching. Choir rehearsal 9:00am in Sanctuary.
Easter Sunday
Thank you all for your interest in walking alongside Karen and her
children. This information is to let you know how best to support her:
10:00am—Circle of Hope
Offering: Kid’s Hope USA
Nursery Leader: Karen Waanders
Helpers: Dave Cady, Tim Vander Kooy, Sheri DeHaan, LilliAnn Vermeer
Children In Worship: Jesus Dies & God Raises Him to Life Again,
Leaders: Davinia Lyon Helpers: Gracie Hansum & Torre Blohm
Prayer Ministry Elder: Donn Hansum & Bill Smit
Sound: Paul De Boer Video: TBD PPT: Richard Mannes
DVD Delivery: Household 4
Lord’s Supper Preparation: Household 4
Coffee: Dave & Paige Cady
Welcome to all our visitors. We hope you experience God’s peace, Christ’s love and the Fellowship of
The Holy Spirit with us today. Please fill out a Connect Card found on the back tables and in the pews.
We celebrate Communion today focusing on Christ’s forgiveness for all our sins. All who are baptized
and wish to serve our Lord are welcome to join us for Communion.
Following the service, you are invited to come to the front if you wish to have someone pray for you,
or enjoy a cup of coffee or tea in the back of the Sanctuary.
Do not be afraid, for I know that you are
looking for Jesus, who was crucified.
He is not here.
First Christian Reformed Church
1814 S. Emerson Street Denver, Colorado 80210 303-733-4936
He is risen!”
Matthew 28: 5-6
The Church Office is staffed from 9:00-3:00pm Tuesday through Friday.
First Church Connections is published for distribution at Sunday worship services.
Submit announcements to CONNECTIONS@FIRSTCRCDENVER.ORG by noon Thursday.
Pastor Joel Schreurs
Nancy Waanders
Kim Csepe
Shirley Van Heukelem
Rebecca J. Schaefer
Larry/Alyse Young
Minister of the Word
Worship Coordinator
Director of Faith Formation
Programs & Office Administrator
Administrative Assistant
We are an intergenerational family of God,
celebrating, seeking and sharing abundant life in Jesus.
The Heavens Are Telling
Come, People of The Risen King
Christ is risen!
He is risen indeed!
Christ is risen!
He is risen indeed!
Alleluia! Christ is risen!
Our Lord is risen indeed! Alleluia
Christ the Lord is Risen Today
I Know That My Redeemer Lives
LU 182: 1, 2 3, 5
LU 193: 1, 2, 6, 7
Sing For Joy
The offering is an opportunity for First Church members and regular attendees to support the work
of First Church and other Christian causes; our guests should not feel obligated to contribute. Our
offering this morning goes toward general operating costs and ministries of First CRC.
Come and spend an hour Under The Sea at Southern Gables Church, 4001 S. Wadsworth Blvd. and see
these amazingly talented students perform, as well as an exciting guest appearance by Denver Christian’s
CEO, Todd Lanting, cast in the hilarious role of Chef Louis!
YFC Youth For Christ Live & Silent Auction: April 18th, 9:00am to 12n, PACE Ctr. In Parker
Empty Now
Mattthew 28: 1-10
This is the Word of The Lord.
Thanks Be to God.
“Every Frame”
The Apostle’s Creed
Week # 1 4th/5th graders: Tuesday , July 7-Saturday, July 11
Week #2 6th/7th graders: Monday, July 13-Saturday, July 18
Week #3 8th/9th graders: Monday, July 20-Saturday, July 25
Contact Kathey at: calvincamp01@gmail.com
Navigator’s Eagle Lake Camp August 3-7 *Scholarships available.
An exciting week of adventures and unforgettable Christ-centered experiences for kids. Life-onlife ministry with Navigator trained staff, in the midst of high energy activities. Hosted at Hope
Community Church, with Platt Park Church. Visit: EAGLELAKECAMPS.COM/HOPE
*Scholarships available; just fill out the form found on the tables in back of the Sanctuary.
page 999
PPCC Children’s Center is having a Silent Auction on April 25th. There will be many wonderful
Pastor Joel Schreurs
Amen (Because He Lives)
Interested in Calvin Camp 2015? Dates are:
See the postcard in your box for details to support YFC on-line or by attending the event.
Ask Claire Froehlich about it, or visit: www.yfcdenver.org/auction for details and auction items.
Affirmation of Faith
Enjoy an evening at the Lakewood Cultural Center, featuring “42nd Street”. Seating is by reservation only
and all donations will allow several more families to call Joshua Station home. Call #720.377.1103 or
rsvp@milehighmin.org to reserve seats. First CRC has reserved a table for 10.
Denver Christian High School presents The Little Mermaid: April 17th, 7:00pm or Saturday,
April 18th at 10:00am and 2:00pm.
Next Youth meeting will be Sunday, April 19th from 5-6:30pm. Email eileenrute@gmail.com
THE AMAZING RACE ~ WEDNESDAY, April 29th during Family Night:
Intergenerational teams of 2 will embark on a race throughout church visiting a variety of
Opportunity to Serve—ESL Conversation Group~ Cascade of Hope
“countries”, where games and activities will be provided! Help is needed: with decorations, game
We are partnering with Cascade of Hope, the ESL Ministry, led by Victor Perez, to provide conversation
leaders and clean-up. See the flyer in your mailboxes for specifics, or contact the
groups for students learning English, beginning Friday, April 10th, from 7-8pm at First CRC. This is a great vermeerclan@msn.com.
opportunity to get to know English learners and use your English skills to benefit others. Come once, or as
often as we meet. Contact Kim Csepe at Kim@firstcrcdenver.org or sign-up in the back.
MOAB 2015 ~ Annual Men’s Retreat in Moab, Utah ~ May 1-3 at Slick Rock!
Challenge to Families
Moab offers a naturally beautiful setting and intentional time for physical and spiritual
Volunteers in Action’s Annual Spring Yard Clean-up for elderly homeowner’s will be held between April
refreshment, so you can focus on where God is moving, leading, connecting, calling...Friday,
25th-May 9th, with you choosing your most convenient time. This is a great opportunity for families with
May 1st through Sunday morning, May 3rd. Fire pit time mornings and evenings to share
children to model service in their communities. Please contact your VIA Deacon’s Representative Cory
both the joys and challenges of life. Primary activities include hiking and biking. It’s Fun ~ ask
Vermeer at #303-598-8846 for details if your family is willing to take on this fun, relational activity!
Pastor Joel to tell you more about it! Invite a friend and register on-line today:
Christ Arose
Joshua Station 9th Annual SPRING THEATER event: Thursday, April 16th, 6:00pm
Praise God for new life and the beautiful hope of Spring.
Praise God for reconciled marriages and renewed commitment in relationships.
Praise God for healing: relief from illness, restored hearing, clear vision, renewed mobility.
Praise God for His tender lovingkindness to widows and orphans, and His gentle leading in all things.
Praise God for the fellowship of believers, our companions on the journey.
Her children, grand children and great-grandchildren rejoice with Louise Lont as she turns 95 April10th!
Tuesday, April 21st, we are touring Denver Art Museum. This will be a tour highlighting the
architecture of the museum, mostly out doors. Pre-paid entry tickets are $8.00 per person.
Following the worship service, if you would like prayer, or if you have questions about the beliefs or practices Remember to sign up no later than April 19th as we will need the full count of pre-paid
of First Church, elders are available at the front of the sanctuary to meet with you. Look for those with name attendees before our tour. Details in the flyer. Beth #303-947-1085; or Betty #303-514-6251
badges that say, How Can I Pray For you?
A nnouncements
Tomlin, Cash, Gaither, Maher
items for bidding. Join us for a fun night supporting a great community preschool!
PPCC is also taking applications for teacher/assistant teacher’s positions for the 2015-2016 school year. If
you love children, please contact us: ppcc@plattparkchildren’s center.com, or by phone at #303-282-7722.
Volunteers in Action is sponsoring a free workshop, “The Art of Listening”. “Most people do not listen
GROW GROUPS: a time to grow in faith together, to grow in closer communion with God
and to grow in love for all by serving Him. This is a great way to connect with church family,
to give and receive encouragement, to listen to what God is saying and to nurture
relationships regardless of age, stage or spiritual maturity.
with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.” Stephen Covey
Our presenter, Alice Waanders is a trainer for Stephen Ministries. Workshop will be held on: Thursday,
April 30th, 7:00pm —8:30pm at Third CRC, 2400 Ash Street, Denver. RSVP by April 24th by contacting
VIA at #303-713-9144, or kellis@volunteersinaction.info.
Grow group leaders will be contacting you with plans for a shared meal on April 12th, 11-12n.
Groups will meet during the education hour for fun, intergenerational study of God’s Word
the next three Sundays: April 19, 26 and May 3. The Spring session will culminate with group
service projects the week of May 10th.
Roundup Fellowship Car Show ~ July 11th from 1-4pm at Lincoln High (2285 S. Federal Blvd.)
Fun for everyone: burger, brats, sodas and prizes. Browse classics, antiques, vintage and street
rod cars. Proceeds benefit Round up Fellowship’s Adult Day Service Programs.
We are looking for recent Grow Group digital pictures, for action shots on the web site!
Please email your digital photos, or any inquiries about Grow Groups to Kim Csepe, Director
of Faith Formation, at Kim@firstcrcdenver.org.