May 10, 2015 - Christ the King Catholic Church


May 10, 2015 - Christ the King Catholic Church
MAY 10, 2015
From Fr. John Kim
THANK YOU to everyone who joined us for an amazing Wingfest and Springfest 2015! I sincerely appreciate
all those who dedicated their time, talent and gifts to make our events pleasant and safe. May God abundantly
bless our Christ the King Catholic parish! I am very proud to be part of this great community. - Fr. John Kim
photos by Fr. John
Christ the King Catholic Church Belton
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Please pray for...
Blane Bartek
Amy Bottoms
Emily Cabaniss
Mary Davidson
Dale Duncan
Mark Edwards
Joan English
Quintan Fabiano
Angel Flores Family
Fr. Edward Frazer
Jackie Garcia
Silvia Garcia
Rolfe Geisselbrecht
Angel Guajardo
Mary Guajardo
Frank Guerra
William Harlow
Froylan Hernandez
Jose Hernandez
Elena Juarez
Samuel Kaiser
Josh Loving
Marianne Luby
Jeanne Luttrall
Alex Mendoza
Ken Murray
Jesus Olivarez, Jr
Elena Ornales
Mary Ortega
Anna Paruzinski
John Paruzinski
Patti Quinn
Myra Ramos
Cody Rhoades
Louis Rodriguez
Tommy Rodriguez
Al Rogers
Brandon Rojas
Jose Rojas
Myra Rourke
Stella Santos
Leon Savard
Jerry Simpson
Stephanie Van Sickler
Henry Taylor
Marian Testa
Robert Trevino
Patricia Trujillo
Manuel Vasquez
Mildred Vasquez
Raymond Vriseno
Nettie Wall
Frank Weis
Jesus Zapata
MAY 10, 2015
Mass Intentions
Saturday, May 9
5:00pm † Irene Kulinski
Altar flowers in honor of
Eleuteria Gonzales
Sunday, May 10
8:00am † Consuelo Morin Trevino
10;30am Pro Populo
5:00pm † Irene Kulinski
Monday, May 11
8:00am † Frank Mares
Tuesday, May 2
6:30pm † Juana Contreras Rios
Wendesday, May 13
8:00am † Anna Tamez
Thursday, May 14
6:30pm † Antonio C. Rios
Friday, May 8
8:00am † Mary Ann Scarborough
May 3
Loan Balance $371,921
“It is more blessed to give than it is to receive.”
(Acts 20:35)
Thank you for your generosity!
This Week’s Second Collection
Black Bag
CTK Salt & Light Food Pantry
Helping Hands Ministry of Belton
Body of Christ Clinic
† Deceased
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Our parish is very much in need of new parishioners to distribute Holy Communion for all masses. By summer we could be so short-handed with folks vacationing that we will have only host ministers, temporarily cut cup ministers. We are
also in need of ministers to bring Holy Communion to our brothers and sisters
who are homebound or in nursing homes and hospitals.
A meeting to provide information for those questioning or answering this call to
service will be held in the main sanctuary on Thursday, May 14, from 7:00 p.m. –
9:30 p.m. The “ordinary” ministers of Holy Communion are the priest and deacons. Can you imagine how long it would take to distribute Holy Communion if
we didn’t have lay persons who are Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
(EMHCs)? This is your opportunity to be considered EXTRAordinary!
So, please prayerfully consider committing to this most blessed ministry. We
shall look forward to meeting with you on May 14. Meanwhile, we’d be happy to
answer any questions you may have. Contact Diane Waite 254-780-2298, or
Steven Wick 254-780-1632
Phillip Aiello
David L. Gomez
Deana S. Gomez
Matt Jakircevic
Reggie Jamo
Jason Piper
Daniel J. Scott
Wilbert Witt
After 30 days, names will be removed from the
lists. Call the church office to extend the date.
Christ the King Catholic Church Belton
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MAY 10, 2015
Faith Formation
The Youth Ministry is winding down for the school
year, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have more fun
in store! Here are some events to mark on your calendar:
We will have our end of the year BBQ on May 31st
after 5:00 p.m. mass, from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. The
Seger’s have graciously offered to host at their beautiful house on Lake Belton. Dress for fun on the lake
and on the land! Transportation is not provided.
Our last confirmation class until the fall will be May
31st, from 12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. in the portable
building. Attendance is mandatory.
"The Week" is camping at Garner State Park and a
visit to Six Flags for the youth program, scheduled for
June 9th-13th! Sign ups have begun. We also need
adult chaperones to help with carpooling and to be
part of the fun! Email to sign up.
Today’s Readings
This Sunday all the readings remind us that we
are caught up in the great mystery of love. The
very life and essence of God is love; and God,
who calls us and loves us first – before we are
ready or able to respond – pours out his love on
us with profound generosity. Since God has been
so generous with us, how can we be stingy – especially since love comes from God and not from
us? We are invited to receive, to treasure this
great gift and then to live and spread it throughout the world, especially toward those who are
hardest to love, our enemies.
Gospel Meditation
In today’s Gospel Jesus reminds us to love one
another. What does it mean to love one another?
Prayerfully review the Ten Commandments, notice that the first three are about loving God and
the last seven are about loving our neighbor.
A leadership retreat for all staff members interested
in leading the confirmation retreat will be July 18th 19th. I need one chaperone, so contact if you are interested in helping
and EIM compliant.
Parents of World Youth Day participants: we will be
having a meeting to discuss fundraising plans, sign
official documents and other details on Wednesday,
May 13th at 6:00 p.m. in the RE Building. This meeting is mandatory, so email if you
have a scheduling conflict.
Christ the King Catholic Church Belton
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Around the Parish
Women’s Ministry, May 11
Women’s Ministry will meet on Monday, May 11, in the
Christus Center at 10:00 am followed by a lunch catered
by Schoepf’s. This is the end of the year meeting as WM
does not meet in June or July. The Day of Reflection will
be July 29 at Cedarbrake. Watch the bulletin for details.
Charismatic Prayer Group, May 15
You are invited to come praise God with us, every third
Friday of the month. For more information contact Benjamin Vasquez at 254-624-8206.
Cow Patty Bingo, May 16
Holy Trinity Catholic High School will have their annual
fund raiser on Matous Field. Come join us May 16 at 7:00
p.m. We still have squares available. First drop wins
$1,000! For details call 254-771-0787.
Baptism Class, June 20
The next baptism class is scheduled for Saturday, June 20
from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. in the Christus Center.
Parents/Godparents should contact the parish office to
register and get additional information.
Knights of Columbus Scholarship
Knights of Columbus Alan R. Beach Memorial Scholarship
will award two $1000 scholarships to 2015 graduates.
Packets are available in the church office and must be returned by 5 PM, June 12, 2015. All seniors are encouraged
to apply. Contact - Gene Presta (254)931-6833
JClub Book Orders are Here
Joyful Hearts would like to thank everyone who placed
orders with JClub! Orders can be picked up after every
mass this weekend.
Columbian Squires Meeting
This is a leadership development program for young Catholic men, 10 to 18 years of age, and is the official youth
organization of the Knights of Columbus. Our next meeting
is this Sunday after the 10:30 a.m. mass. To join or for
more information, call Eric Roach at 254-743-9903.
Christ the King Catholic Church Belton
MAY 10, 2015
Around the Diocese
Marriage Encounter Weekend
Spring is here! It’s the season of rebirth, new life,
when nature seems to take a fresh start. Why not
wake up your marriage this Spring as well? Remind
your spouse that he or she is still number one in your
life. Make a Marriage Encounter Weekend and rediscover the romance of your relationship. The next
Marriage Encounter Weekend in the Diocese is May
15-17. See for more information
and to apply, email or call
512-677-WWME (9963). Apply early to ensure a
space. Para información en español llamar al 512635-1036.
Call to Mission!
Sunday, June 7 – Friday, June 12
A mission trip opportunity is being offered for adults
and high school students with Kids to Kids (K2K) Mission Hope to present Vacation Bible School (VBS) for
the first time to the “Little Ones” in our Mission
Church located in Colonia Las Palmas, Penitas, TX.
It is a JOY to follow Christ into the Mission Field and
serving His “Little Ones” always brings a smile and a
sense of fulfilment to those who respond to their Call
to Mission. I hope you will join us in this pioneer effort
to bring VBS to some deserving kids.
The cost of the trip will vary according to hotel assignments but the general cost will be $50.00 per
room per day (each room accommodates 2-4 people)
and $25.00 per day for food; transportation is separate. Call to Mission will depart at 8:00 a.m. on Sunday, June 7 and will return following a Pilgrimage visit
to Our Lady of San Juan Basilica on Friday, June 12.
For more information or to register please contact
Maria Kaesberg, Mission Director (254-421-4480)
Holy Trinity Catholic High School
Holy Trinity currently has two employment
• Full time IT director and instructor
• Part time Latin and Theology instructor
Send all inquiries to Dr. Veronica Alonzo at, or call 254-771-0787.
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En Español
Este domingo, todas las lecturas nos recuerdan que estamos atrapados en el gran misterio del amor. La misma
vida y esencia de Dios es el amor; y Dios, quien nos llama
y nos ama primero –y antes de que estemos listos para
responderle o seamos capaces de responderle- derrama
su amor sobre nosotros con generosidad indescriptible. Ya
que Dios ha sido tan generoso con nosotros, ¿cómo podríamos ser tacaños –especialmente ya que el amor viene
de Dios y no de nosotros? Estamos invitados a recibir, a
atesorar este gran don y entonces a vivirlo y propagarlo en
todo el mundo, especialmente hacia aquellos quienes son
los más difíciles de amar, nuestros enemigos.
Grupo de Oracion Carismatica
Cristo Rey los invita cada tercer Viernes del mes, a venir
alabar a Dios. Para mas información contactar a Benjamin
Vasquez 254-624-8206.
Clase para Bautismo
La proxima classe de bautismo se llevara acavao el Sabado, 27 de Junio a las 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. en el Christus
Center. Padres/Padrinos deveran llamar a la oficina para
registrarse y obtener mas informacion.
Vacation Bible School
MAY 10, 2015
CTK Office Directory
Monday ................................. 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Tuesday - Friday ..................... 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Closed for lunch .................... 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Nora Collazo .......................
Elida Castro ...................
Esther Murillo .......................
Marty Seger .........................
Krista Kaulfus ...........
Director of Catechesis & Formation
Krissie Lastovica
Religious Education Assistant, K - 4th grades
Marcie Gonzalez, RE ......
Religious Education Assistant, 5th - 8th grades
Teresa Hays, RE .....................
Director of Youth Ministry
Abby Riley ................................
VBS is scheduled for August 3rd through 7th, 6:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m. We need YOU!
Everest: Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power
will be a fun expedition to the summit. To register as
a volunteer or participant, go to and
click on We Learn, then Vacation Bible School, and you
will find the registration link. If you have questions or need
help, call Patricia Starr at 254-931-8420. If you reach
voicemail, leave a message and she will call you back.
Director of Sacred Music
Pam Fette ..................................................493-1477
Finance Council Chair....................................... Tom Blair
Pastoral Council Chair ........................ Margaret Donohoe
Contact the parish office for social needs such as bereavement, illness, Eucharist to the homebound, births,
etc. For weddings, contact the office six months prior to
the desired wedding date to schedule a consultation. For
Update your Email Address
Now that our database conversion is completed, we
have re-instituted the parish-wide email blast. The
plan is to send out a weekly email with updates about
parish activities. We also plan to send out emails
when a parishioner falls ill or passes away. If you
have not received any emails from Christ the King in
the last few weeks, please send your contact info and
email address to We
want to keep in touch with you!
Christ the King Catholic Church Belton
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MAY 10, 2015
It’s a wrap!
Thank you to the Springfest Committee
for working tirelessly to make the
weekend fun and successful!
Javier Alonzo, Veronica Alonzo,
Chris Anderson, Becky Beechem, Dan
Daniel, Lita Daniel, Lisa DeWeese,
Guillermo Gomez, Sophie Gomez,
John Gonzales, Ronnie Hinze, Jackie
Kasberg, Rick Kasberg, Krista Kaulfus,
Kevin Kaulfus, Debbie Kondrat, Brian
Kondrat, Karen Matous, Morris
Padgett, Gay Padgett, John Pollack,
DonnaLee Pollack, Marty Seger, Rick
Seger, Sushil Shetty, Tom Slye, Wanda
Slye, Alma Trevino, Robert Trevino.
Special thanks to Fr. John and the entire CTK office staff for their support.
Christ the King Catholic Church Belton
The results are still being
tallied, but we are very
close to reaching our goal
of $90,000!
There are so many people to
thank for making Wingfest and
Springfest a success! It will take
a couple of weeks for us to mention everyone, but for now we say
THANK YOU to everyone who
worked a booth, donated to the
auctions, helped with set-up and
tear-down, baked sweets, purchased items from the Giving
Tree, made financial contributions to the Underwriters Fund,
donated gift cards, purchased
raffle tickets and t-shirts, worked
a food booth, and so much more!
And we must not forget to
thank our Heavenly Father for
blessing us with two days of
perfect weather!
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1st Place
Alex Silva (Round Rock), Joe Rodriguez
2nd Place
Maria Rodriguez & RJ Rodriguez (Belton)
3rd Place
Rod Rodriguez & Jessie Rodriguez (Belton)
Special thanks to our generous sponsors
Trophies Etc. and Custom Signs
Troys Auto Care & Motorcycle Clinic
Home Depot
Lengefeld Lumber
And many generous parishioners from
Christ the King
Thank you for your support and God bless
MAY 10, 2015
1st Prize: Nissan Rogue
Cathy Goonan
2nd Prize: Kubota Mower
Letha Skala
3rd Prize: H.E.B. Gift Card
J.T. Seger
4th Prize: Vizio 60” TV
Greg & Mimi Hutyra
5th Prize: Surface Pro 3
Robert Aguilar
6th Prize: Freezer & Meat
Amberly Skala
7th Prize: Xbox One
Lori Bourland
8th Prize: iPad Mini Tablet
John Villareal
9 Prize: iPad Mini Tablet
Griff & Kathy Lord
10th Prize: iPad Mini Tablet
Brian Leland
Thank you for
supporting the
2015 raffle!
Christ the King Catholic Church Belton
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