The Vine - Christ Community Fellowship


The Vine - Christ Community Fellowship
Morning Prayer and Praise
Eat anything that is sold in the meat market without asking
questions for conscience’ sake; FOR THE EARTH IS THE LORD’S,
AND ALL IT CONTAINS. . . . Whether, then, you eat or drink
or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.
~ 1 Corinthians 10:25-26, 31
Our Worship In Giving
On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother
Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they
opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold
and of incense and of myrrh.
~Matthew 2:11
Willingly, Generously, Joyously—
we worship God in our giving and stewardship of life.
When God Guides
Acts 10:1-48
[title and outline adapted from Rev. Denis Lane]
Mike Alfieri
All youth in grades 7 to 12 are welcome to join us at The Spring, Sunday
mornings in the library and Sunday evenings from 6:30 to 8:30, here.
There will be a CANDLES meeting on Thursday morning, June 17,
beginning at 10:30 a.m., here. Contact—Connie Panach.
ROMANS–Wednesday evenings, 7 p.m. Contact—Fred Kepple
DEW DROP IN!–WILD sponsored DVD studies, every other Thursday
evening, 7 p.m. Next meeting is June 24. Contact—Terri Kirin
CHARGING YOUR SPIRITUAL BATTERY–Sundays at 9 a.m. [details below]
Comparing our faith to a “spiritual” car battery almost sounds sacrilegious,
but the analogy is appropriate in two key respects. First, faith is our
connection to the energy and power source we have in God. Second, we
easily understand that electrical power transmission follows strict physical
laws. This template works well to help us grasp how important it is to
follow the laws revealed in scripture for our faith to work. Join us any
Sunday morning, at 9 a.m., in the library, to charge your Spiritual Battery.
We have set Sunday, June 27, 12:30 p.m., for a baptismal service. We
will meet at the Swaskoskis’ following our morning service. These six
people have already committed themselves to following the Lord in
believers’ baptism—Connie Panach, Sue Peterson, Karla Dietz, Jessica
Reed, Isaiah Alvarez, Emily Rankin.
If you or a member of your family would like to learn more about believers’
baptism or would like to be baptized, speak with Ed Stiller, Matt Smith, or
Ralph Milliron.
Directions to Swaskoskis’ at 419 Monroe Road, Sarver: You can access
Monroe Road from Route 356, at the light at South Pike Cinema, or by
turning onto Sarver Road toward Sarver [at Buffalo Elementary School]
and then turning right onto Monroe Road.
The schedule of our speakers for the remainder of June is as follows—
June 20—Steve Hansen
June 27—Kyle Bartholic
HEY . . . EVERYONE! Get ready for our first Family Night BBQ of the
summer! Mark your calendars for Wednesday, June 23, beginning at
6:30 p.m. We will be hanging out at our Singleton Road Pavilion for
burgers and dogs on the grill [feel free to provide a side dish or dessert
to share]. Family Night is open to all families; games are designed for
children and teens, but little ones are welcome, too, ‘cause it wouldn’t
be family night without them! This month’s activity—relay races!
RUMMAGE SALE FOR HAITI–July 23 and 24. In our desire to help with the
continuing needs from the earthquake in Haiti, The Spring invites you to
participate in a rummage sale. Please continue to save items to donate.
All proceeds will go to Henoc Lucien for his work with refugees coming
north from Port Au Prince. More details to come, but you may volunteer
now for the event. Contact Danielle—
Christ Community Fellowship—
following God in building a strong,
healthy church: biblically based, spiritually vital, culturally relevant,
serving the cause of Jesus Christ in our generation.
General Fund offering from June 6....................................... $3,667.90
Total General Fund income as of June 6 ........................... $57,677.68
Total General Fund budget as of June 6 ............................ $60,286.98
General Fund balance to budget as of June 6 .................... -$2,609.30
Designated weekly offering from June 6 ................................. $180.00
Designated giving this calendar year .................................... $9,656.25
When God Guides
Acts 10:1-48
Biblical Principles of How God Leads Us Into His Will . . . Especially in New Areas
Branching Out
Rooted in Christ
JUNE 13, 2010
1. Be PRAYERFUL [v 9]
2. Let God remove your PREJUDICES [vs 10-16]
3. Appreciate the TIMING and CIRCUMSTANCES [vs 17-18]
4. Learn to RECOGNIZE the voice of the Spirit [vs 19-21]
5. Move by FAITH [vs 22-23a]
6. Involve OTHERS in your guidance [vs 23b]
7. Be able to EXPLAIN your sense of leading responsibility [vs 24-29]
8. Listen to the RELEVANT testimony of others [vs 30-33]
Among God’s greatest blessings are the people He brings into our
lives. It is a truth we know well here at Christ Community, and it is
certainly relevant as we welcome this morning our guest speaker.
It has been our privilege to enjoy a relationship with Mike Alfieri for
quite a while now. His counsel, prayer support, and encouragement
to many in the Allegheny District of the EFCA, serving in a variety of
ministries among us, are an important part of the lives and
ministries of countless people, and certainly including us at CCF!
Mike and his wife Sue have two children, Jennifer and Jeremiah.
We are privileged to count them as friends and partners in the
mission of Christ. Please take time to welcome Mike this morning
and introduce yourself to him.
We are delighted that Mike is here at CCF this morning to open
God’s Word and share with us from his own heart.
9. FOLLOW through on guidance received [vs 34ff]
For me this week–
The offering of our gifts to the Lord and His work is an important part of our faith and worship as
Christians. We give as an expression of our love and devotion for Christ, and the Scriptures tell us
that it is to flow out from a heart of praise and worship to God. Weekly we provide that
opportunity for each of us to participate in this part of our worship at CCF. A box in the back is for
your personal, prayerful involvement in the work of the Lord in this local church.
Christ Community Fellowship * 160 Singleton Road * Sarver, PA 16055 * 724-353-1001
e-mail— * website—
Experiencing and Sharing a LifeLife-shaping
Relationship with Jesus Christ