
Pastor Terrie Lynn
June 2014
perumc@windstream .net
Vol. 13 No.6
Dear Friends in Christ, Can I get an AMEN???? We have been seeing the work of the
Holy Spirit in “this here” community!!! Praise the Lord! Thank you so much for the work
you have been doing to serve the Messiah Jesus Christ.
Your witness has affected the worship, the mission, and the reality of your love for Jesus
Christ. Sometime I am amazed at the power of love to move what seems to be changeless, but we are seeing some great strides in ministry within our community of Faith.
To date we have had four new memberships since the writing of the last newsletter ( see
page 4) and I have written a little article on those persons who are now ready to be in mission with you. Please know that their choice of being a United Methodist was a decision
not made lightly but one of conscious choice and by the quiet still voice that worked on
their heart. God has a plan for every individual who has demonstrated willingness to follow his plan of action.
Praise be to God. I am so thankful to see this happening. Please remember that when you as “existing members” need help in serving the poor, making visits to the sick, delivering meals, praying for situations at certain times, want to start a study, or are planning fellowship, GIVE THESE PEOPLE A CALL. They want to be
involved in the activities of the church body. And if you want to start a new mission, or be involved in local
acts of charity don’t go it alone, make that opportunity available to others in our congregation. The younger
generation is especially blessed by “doing something” for others. Let’s try to create a place for service and
involve our entire church body in that service. Romans 12:5 “In the same way, even though we are many people, we are one body in the Messiah and individual parts connected to each other.” That connection is vital,
flowing, and energizing for those giving and those receiving.
On another note, I want to involve our families in more activities so our children will trust in
each other through our faith bond. That bond is through fellowship in our activities and play. We are a
church family and as a family we depend on each other, we recognize each other, we lean on each other in
times good and bad. 1 Corinthians 1:9 reads 9 God is faithful, who has called you into fellowship with his Son,
Jesus Christ our Lord.” But God has also called us into “fellowship” with the whole church family. I have
introduced myself to some new families in our worship at 11:00 on Sunday mornings who are visiting and
thought to myself “I wish there was a way to introduce them to all the wonderful parents we have here” And
when I have met retired couples, I thought, “When will I be able to connect them to the people in church that
they would enjoy knowing closer?” It’s these situations that remind me to “connect the dots” of God’s larger
I have scheduled a family style picnic at Patsy Womac’s house on June 8th. Bring your own blanket
and basket at 4pm for a relaxed atmosphere of children, pond fishin’ (bring your own pole and bait) running
and playing, or just leaning back in your chair and breathin’. This is what we will enjoy on Sunday afternoon
on Pentecost the birthday of the church.
The recent Gospel Benefit Singing (May 21st) went well brought to you by the Alliance of
Churches here in Perry County. We raised $1450. for the storm victims of Mayflower and Vilonia. All the persons helping were from the local congregations and the unity of Christians helping each other was very special. Steve Collins and I sang a couple songs and really enjoyed being involved. Pastor Matthew Hodges was
helpful in hosting the event at the Assembly of God church here in Perryville. He also spoke at our recent Fellowship of Christian Athletes Huddle on Monday 19th, and did a great job. I was the sound mixer on that night.
We had about 45 teenagers that came and enjoyed pizza and music and Mr. Pat Simms did a wonderful job in
leading the group. We are so fortunate to be a part of the FCA in our community. Pat was also the recipient in
an award for Arkansas and we are so proud for him.
Just a quick closing note, your guest speaker for June 22 nd will be Pastor Linda Kline. I will be
at Annual Conference and she will bring the message that day. ( I wish I could be here!) I know you will enjoy
her blessing and I will be thinking of you from North West Arkansas.
I pray you will be blessed beyond measure and will continue to lift up the storm victims and
those who have been misplaced by the recent storm, In Christian love, Terrie Lynn
PRESENCE: During the weeks of April 27th
through May 18th we averaged 25 people in
Sunday School and 85 in Worship.
Praise the Lord for his presence!!!
Carl Boshears
Opal Boshears
Kate Cole
Bob Dugan
Carla Kellely
Tom Kelley
Charly Kelley and Family would like to thank
the ladies of the church for the beautiful shower. It was absolutely "dream" perfect, right
down to each small detail. The ladies of PUMC
know what a "tea party" is all about! We appreciate the all the work and effort that went in to
having such a wonderful event.
Bob McCallister
Alice Munn
Floye Zimmerman
Family of Rusty Cotham
Great Gandson “Jude” of Carolyn and Pat Brewer
“Old Voices”
A memoir by Patsy Womack has been donated to
benefit the Connection Center building fund principal. Get your copy today for a delightful look at
life in Arkansas in the 20th Century. Purchase
through church office, $20
Our Summertime
Praise and Worship Service
Sunday Night Live!!!
June 29th—6:00pm
Come, enjoy the music and sing
praises to the Lord!
Sun. July 13th
Wed. July 16th
A light meal will be
VBS 2014
Charly Bull (Kim-416-305)
Pre K – K
Mandy Gill
Mike Whitener 330-2868
Holly Griffith 889-8149
1 and 2
Courtney McKendree 662-4131
3rd and 4th
Jessica Spinks 289-0758
Nick Spinks 289-0757
and Above
Jennifer Malin 352-7691
Liz VanDalsem 215-9328
Thomas Browne 690-7769
Story time
Sun—Carolyn Myers
Mon—Carloyn McCallister
Tues.- Melinda Collins
Jennifer Langston
Clean up and Kitchen Crew
Kate Cole and the Kitchen Cuties
Mrs, Jamie Tubbs came forward during the May 11, Mother's Day Service and
was baptized and joined in membership. Her family from Jonesboro, Ar. was
here in honor of her holy day and she was also joined by her Husband, Mr. Steve Tubbs. Jamie and Steve live on Wye Mountain near where Suzanne Whitener lives. Jamie is a nurse who works in emergency at the V.A. HospitalLittle
Rock and works at night often on weekends. We are so pleased that she has
made a confession of faith and claimed Jesus Christ as Lord and claims you as
her new faith family. Her address is 30 Wye Vista Lane, her telephone number
is 501-400-2863 give her a call and put her on your church membership list she
want to be involved of all activities of this local congregation.
Mr. Pat and Mrs. Carolyn Brewer of 812 Sharon Street here in Perryville
transferred their membership to the Perryville United Methodist Church on
Sunday May 11. We are so pleased to confirm their witness of Jesus
Christ as Lord. Pat and Carolyn live across the street from Steve and
Melinda Collins and moved to Perryville about a year ago from Elkins, Ar.
They have been married for 61 years and have raised 5 children.
Carolyn's father was a Baptist minister and Pat was baptized in the river here
in Perryville as a youth when he went to Perryville1st Baptist. We are so
pleased that they have become a part of this body of Christ and bring their
experience and love for people to this congregation. Please consider them
your family and make note of their telephone number
(501) 889-5255.
Mrs. Casie Lee, newly married to Mr. Robert Lee, was received into this
congregation by transfer of membership from the Baptist Denomination on May
18th. We are so pleased to confirm her walk down the aisle to full membership
in the Perryville United Methodist Church. She and Robert have different work
schedules and she has been faithful in bringing their four children, Lexi, Camella, Robert, and Isabella to worship when Robert is on "nights". Casie works in
Little Rock at a Doctors office and the family lives in their home at . 310 Houston Ave, her number is..889-5468. We are so pleased to welcome this family
into our circle of faith as we continue to grow and embrace our new members
in Christ's love.
Thurs June 5 9:00 am - UMM Coffee
Perryville UMC is actively involved
in delivering Meals on Wheels and we
are in need of more volunteers. If
there is anyone interested in volunteering their time to this cause, please call
Katherine Keough at 889-3271.
June 2
K. Keough &
S.A. Martin
June 3
I. & L. Rose
June 4
I. & L. Rose
4:00pm Pic—Nic at Patsy Womack’s
June 5
M. Collins
Thurs June 12 9:00am—UMM Coffee
June 6
M. Collins
Sun. June 8
9:45 am—Sunday School
11:00 am—Worship Service
Sun. June 15 Father’s Day
9:45 am - Sunday School
11:00 am - Worship Service
Thurs. June 19 9:00am—UMM Coffee
Fri. June 20 — PASTOR’S 56 BIRTHDAY
There is a basket in the Narthex for
food. There is a dollar box in the
Narthex also. These, are for collection
of items to be taken to our local food
bank “Partners for Progress”. Just one dollar in the box can lead 3
meals being purchased. Any food in the basket will be delivered
on Monday mornings. Thank you for helping in this mission.
Sun. June 22
9:45am Sunday School
11:00am—Worship Service
DEADLINETues. June 24 —12:30 pm—Mary
Sun. June 29 9:45 am - Sunday School
11:00—Worship Service
6:00 PM—Sunday Night Live!!!
Jan Dugan
Robert Allen
Kevin Barham
Holly Hayes
David Gill
Jay Smith
Brandy Smith
Tom Kelley
Sue Ann Martin
Gary & Charla Edwards 6 - 6
Tom Musselman
Carl & Opal Boshears 6 – 23
Eleanor Jester
Natalie Barham
Tori Hayes
Tina Penn
P.O. Box 645
123 Cross Street
Perryville AR 72126
Web Site:
Open Hearts,
Open Minds,
Open Doors
Sunday School
9:45 AM
Worship service
11:00 AM
Our Mission Statement The mission of
the Perryville United
Methodist Church is to
make followers of
Jesus Christ through
Bible Study, Worship,
Fellowship, Service,
and Witness, and we
are to serve as a
Connection Center
between God, Church,
and Community.
Jan Dugan
Andy Gill
Liz VanDalsem
Jenn Langston
Kate Cole
Lucas Belk
Nick Spinks
Ida Rose
Melinda Collins
Becky Camp
Have a wonderful month and enjoy the warmer
weather!!! Conference is on June 19-23.
Sunday June 8th (Day of Pentecost)
Patsy Womack’s Home
1222 Hwy 216
Just bring a pic-nic, and a
blanket and join in the fun and
fellowship. Fishing, games,
and friends. 4:00pm
A great way to celebrate the
Church’s Birthday!!