Easter Day
Easter Day
www.stmarksbuderim.org.au 27th March 2016 Easter Day Welcome to St Mark’s Anglican Church a welcoming, inclusive community where questions are encouraged and everyone has a place at God's table . We hope your time with us is special and that you are able to join us after the service for tea or coffee and some morning tea. If you are visiting from another church or tradition and you wish to do so you are welcome to receive the bread and wine of holy communion with us this morning. If you prefer you can ask for a blessing or simply remain in your seat at the time of communion. The resurrection is in part about the sheer toughness and persistence of God’s love. When we have done our worst, God remains God — and remains committed to being our God. God was God even while God in human flesh was dying in anguish on the cross; God is God now in the new life of Jesus raised from death. Rowan Williams Welcome to St Mark’s Anglican Church a welcoming, inclusive community where questions are encouraged and everyone has a place at God's table . A particular welcome to those who are visiting us over this most holy time of the year. We hope your time with us has given you a glimpse of the love and hope that are at the heart of the Easter mysteries. “This is God’s table and everyone is invited!” At those services where the Eucharist (Holy Communion) is celebrated over this weekend, anyone who wishes to do so may join us in receiving the blessed bread and wine, the body and blood of Christ. “May we who receive these things be found in Christ, and Christ in us.” Alternately you may remain in your seat, or come and simply ask for a prayer or blessing. We wish you a holy and happy Easter. Bishop Stephen Pickard joins us for Holy Week and Easter this year and will be our preacher at services on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday! Bishop Stephen is currently the Executive Director of the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture in Canberra. He is an Assistant Bishop in the CanberraGoulburn Diocese and is the author of several books, most recently Seeking the Church: an Introduction to Ecclesiology and In-Between God: Theology, Community and Discipleship. Bishop Stephen will be accompanied by his wife Jennifer - please make them both feel welcome. We Ask You to Pray for the Sick Athan Ray, Susan Gow, James King, Jill (daughter of Ruth & John Gates), Ashley Wells, Madge Raymond, Betty Hoskins, Woodrow family, Mitchell, Russell Stitz, Julie (daughter of Arthur & Merina), Dulcie Snowsill, Megan Pizzey, David Irving, John & Rayma Ritzau, Pascal Raibaut, Jill McPherson, Robin Murcott, Donna Dixey, Warwick Wayling, Sydney Foster, Doug Lloyd, Sarah Bird, Catherine Young, Marina Furmidge, Bob Eccleston, Frank Kent, Carolyn Hartwig, Bernadette Muggeridge, Dana-Jay Kinslow, Irene, Dorothy Bromley, Joy Pain, Danie Champness, Benjamin McManus, Tom and Rose Smith, Christine Woods, Billy, Robyn Ohlson, Dianne Brown, Max O'Rourke A six-year-old Scottish girl named Lulu wrote a letter to God: “To God, How did you get invented?” Lulu's father, who is not a believer, sent her letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury, who sent the following letter in reply: Dear Lulu, Your dad has sent on your letter and asked if I have any answers. It’s a difficult one! But I think God might reply a bit like this – ‘Dear Lulu – Nobody invented me – but lots of people discovered me and were quite surprised. They discovered me when they looked round at the world and thought it was really beautiful or really mysterious and wondered where it came from. They discovered me when they were very very quiet on their own and felt a sort of peace and love they hadn’t expected. Then they invented ideas about me – some of them sensible and some of them not very sensible. From time to time I sent them some hints – specially in the life of Jesus – to help them get closer to what I’m really like. But there was nothing and nobody around before me to invent me. Rather like somebody who writes a story in a book, I started making up the story of the world and eventually invented human beings like you who could ask me awkward questions!’ And then he’d send you lots of love and sign off. I know he doesn’t usually write letters, so I have to do the best I can on his behalf. Lots of love from me too. +Archbishop Rowan Children and Families at St Mark’s The Youth, Children and Families Ministry at St Marks offers a variety of opportunities to gather and grow as God’s family. Mainly Music is a music and movement program for preschool aged children and their carers. The program runs on Wednesday mornings during term time. Friday Night Frenzy is our primary aged youth group. The group meets every Friday at 5:30pm during term time and aims to be a fun, friendly and safe environment for children in grades 1 – 6. United Youth is our High school aged youth group. United kicks off at 7:00pm on Friday evenings. Messy Church is a great way for the whole family to get involved in activities that convey the message of Jesus Christ in an environment that is relaxed and familiar. Messy Church is held on the 3rd Sunday of each month, starting at 4:00pm and finishing around 6:00pm including a meal for the whole family. The CAP Money Course is a revolutionary money management course that teaches people budgeting skills and a simple, cash-based system that really works and is run at St Marks, from time to time during the year. Contact our office for the full list of dates For more information about our major programs or the many other ways to connect with people of the same age and stage of life contact: Jeremy Couch - 07 5445 2060 or ycaf@stmarksbuderim.org.au From Fr. Jeremy In a world where there is so much pain and sorrow, the Easter mysteries give us hope that hate and violence and despair do not have the last word. In the resurrection, love triumphs and we are given a glimpse of the possibilities open to us when we live out of love instead of fear. I hope that however you spend your Easter it will be a holy and hope-filled time of celebration. Thank you for spending part of your Easter with us - I hope your time here has been a helpful and holy addition to your celebrations. Christ is risen! Alleluia!! Fr Jeremy Greaves In June 2016, Fr Jeremy, Liz Kolbe and John Woodward will be walking 100km to raise money and awareness for Oxfam Australia. Teams have 48 hours to walk the 100km trail, walking through the night until the end. The event raises vital funds for Oxfam Australia. Our team, “Blisters on Buderim” is hoping to raise well over $5000 to help some of the world’s poorest people. Our fundraising enables Oxfam to continue its work delivering projects that support orphans and people affected by HIV and AIDS in Southern Africa, that educate people in Laos on efficient farming techniques and that improve Indigenous health and wellbeing in regional Australia. Please consider how you may be able to get behind us, either by sponsoring us directly or referring us to others. If you would like to sponsor us, please follow the link: http://oxf.tw/23692 or place any donations in an envelope in the collection plate clearly labelled Oxfam. Monster Market Saturday 30 July!!! Planning continues for the Monster Market.. Sheds around Buderim are beginning to fill with books When was the last time you sorted through your cupboards? When was the last time you had a good tidy of your shed? Our Flower Guild arranged the fresh flowers this Easter bought with donations given in memory of loved ones. Kees Callenbach Trevor Wortley Owen & John Ovesen Peter James Alec Meares Bob Rollston Richard Bosanquet March 27th Easter Sunday 5.30am 7.00am 8.30.am 10.15am Deb Bird Sue Lester John Mitchell Don & Sally White Deb Bird Barbara Stone, Deb Bird, Brian Tutton, Tony Brackley Sides-persons Geoff Stokes Garry Shaw Brian & Jenny Duckworth Erica & Rod Haines Readers Ian Lindsay Bernice Callenbach LA Intercessors Jane MyIntyre Organist Emily Poh Morning Tea Pamela Davey David & Karen Herring, John & Mary Scroggie Pamela Davey April 3rd Easter 2 7.00am 8.30.am 10.15am Mel Tipper Jan Jones Don & Sally White Brian Tutton, Barbara Stone, Tony Brackley Bernice Callenbach David Craig Kevin & Noela Oswin Judy Lewis Lynda Grant Naomi Cambell Sarah Seeberg Margaret Lloyd Intercessors Judy Clarke Joan Edwards Organist Emily Poh David Hall Morning Tea Peter & Jennie Birt Helen Peacock Elaine Young Teresa Treverton Eilein Muller LA Sides-persons Pamela Davey Pam Linnett Readers There are many opportunities for ministry at St Mark’s. We are always happy to hear from people interested in reading the scriptures during worship, leading intercessions and those interested in becoming a Lay Assistant. There are also opportunities to assist with children’s ministry, RI at the school, looking after the church grounds and many other things. Please speak to Fr Jeremy if you are interested in any of these things. Parish Directory St Mark’s Anglican Church Main St Buderim P.O. Box 43 Buderim 4556 QLD E-Mail: stmarksbuderim@gmail.com www.stmarksbuderim.org.au Secretary:- Julie Griscti; available Mon, Tue, Thurs, Fri mornings Telephone: 07 5445 2060 Rector:- The Ven Jeremy Greaves Children & Family Coordinator:- Jeremy Couch Email: rector@stmarksbuderim.org.au Email: ycaf@stmarksbuderim.org.au Ph: 5445 2060 (O) 0428 315 763 (M) Ph: 5445 2060 (O) 0490 487 867 (M) text after hours Churchwardens Sue Milwright ( 5478 1049) Andrew Butterworth (5476 5484) Anna McKinlay (5450 1301) This Week TODAY 5.30am 7.00am 8.30am 10.15am Lighting of the New Fire Holy Eucharist Family Eucharist Choral Eucharist with Confirmation Monday 9.30am Christian meditation group all welcome Wednesday 10.00am Holy Communion Thursday 4.30pm Meditation Group in chapel & Celtic Evening Prayer all welcome 5.30pm followed by community prayer for refugees Reading for next Sunday Acts 5.27-32, Revelation 1.4-8, John 20.19-31 St Mark’s is open every day during daylight hours for quiet prayer and reflection. For your Diary APRIL Sunday 10th Sunday 17th Thursday 21st Sunday 24th 2.00pm Sunday Afternoon Conversation - Jihad of Jesus 4.00pm-6.00pm Messy Church 3.30pm Healing Service 5.00pm Evensong MAY Sunday 8th Sunday 17th Thursday 19th Sunday 22nd Attilla Sautov in concert 4.00pm-6.00pm Messy Church 3.30pm Healing Service 5.00pm Evensong
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