The Witness - St. Margaret`s Episcopal Church
The Witness - St. Margaret`s Episcopal Church
Volume 32, Issue 4 The Witness April 2014 St. Margaret's Episcopal Church Dear Friends, Life has its ups and downs, but my Christian faith is a major source of joy to me. I find it amazing that the God who created me and the whole universe loves me so much that he would enter my world, live as I live, and give up his life for me. Not only does God tell us about love, God demonstrates it. What a wonderful thing to be loved that much by my Creator! Special points of interest: Senior Warden Bishop Visit Photoss SMEC Easter Lilies The second thing that amazes me is that I am forgiven. Out of this incredible love, God forgives me for all my sins. I talked about this in my sermon on Easter Sunday. What a relief to not feel that I have to try to be perfect! I only have to truly repent of my sins and strive to lead a better life. I can do that. Life is not about earning my way into heaven, it is about repenting my way into heaven. Knowing about God’s love for me makes me want to share that love with the world! That is the Good News of my faith. God truly loves me and gave up his life for me so that I could live forever. I feel obligated to love other people, to the best of my ability, because I was loved first. This means serving other people as Christ served the people he met in the world. I want to let the world know that salvation is offered freely to everyone! Then they can share my joy. Inside this issue: Senior Warden 2 ECW 2 Liturgy 2 Oyster Roast Photos 3&4 Altar Guild 4 SMEC Adult Outing 4 Leprechauns Photo 5 Church Cleaning Photos 5 Neighbor-to-Neighbor 6 Birthdays 6 This article tells you about my faith and how I try to live it in the world. I’d love to hear about your faith and what difference it makes in your life. Maybe you could write something for the newsletter. Faithfully yours, Weekly Gospel Readings for April April 6, 2014 The Fourth Sunday of Easter John 9:1-41 April 13, 2014 The Fifth Sunday of Easter John 11:1-45 April 20, 2014 The Sunday of the Passion Matthew 26:14—27:66 April 27, 2014 The Fifth Sunday of Easter John 20:1-18 Page 2 The Witness From the Senior Warden After a long winter it seems we may have turned the corner on spring. And though this past winter was rather harsh, we did not let it deter us from staying active at St. Margaret’s. In the past few weeks we have had events for our youth and adults. Our YMCA swim event was wonderful. Our Oyster Roast was very successful and fun. We have completed our spring clean-up day. And we are well into the season of Lent. We continue to move forward as a family. We worship together, we play together, we work together and we mourn together. April is upon us and we look forward to milder days. We have more events scheduled for our youth and adults. Lenten services continue. Join us if you can. Most importantly, Holy Week is approaching. Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Our St. Margaret’s family faced the cold, dark winter together. Now let us come together and celebrate the light of spring together. Bob ECW Have you ever stopped to think about what it is that brings you back to St. Margaret’s every Sunday? For me it varies from week to week. Some Sunday’s it is Alan’s sermon. Another Sunday it may be a hug from a fellow parishioner. Another Sunday it may be the readings. Some Sunday’s it is the birds at the feeder. (Now you know why I sit where I do). It doesn’t really matter what it is because I have found that Sunday mornings at St. Margaret’s charges my spiritual batteries for the week ahead. Take time this month to think about what it means to be a member of St. Margaret’s church family and what blessings you receive as a result. Happy Easter Kristie Important Dates: Saturday April 19 – Women’s Prayer Breakfast at the Grapevine 9 a.m. Sunday April 27 – ECW Meeting after worship in nursery – for anyone interested I will demonstrate scarf making with a loom. Bishop Donald Hultstrand will visit St. Margaret’s on April 27th. LITURGY Hopefully, you have attended the weekly Lenten Services (The Last Words of Jesus) and have been present on Sundays as we journey through Lent. On Palm Sunday, Fr, Alan will be on vacation, and Fr. Tom Rickenbaker, St. Margaret's first rector, will deliver the sermon and celebrate The Holy Eucharist with us. The Liturgy of the Palms is a meaningful service as we prepare for Holy Week and the Resurrection of Jesus. Please join us. During Holy Week, the following services will be held; Maundy Thursday Good Friday - at Noon and an evening service Easter - Sunrise and at 10:30 Page 3 The Witness Oyster Roast...Thanks for all of your help. We couldn’t have done it without you! Volume 32, Issue 4 4/13 Palm Sunday 4/17 Maundy Thursday 4/18 Good Friday 4/18 4/20 4/20 Easter Day Easter Day Page 4 10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite I 7:00 p.m. Holy Eucharist Rite II 9:00 p.m. Watch Night Prayer Begins 12:00 Noon Watch Night Prayer Ends 12:00 Noon Good Friday Office & Communion 8:00 p.m. Good Friday Office 6:30 a.m. Great Easter Vigil 8:00 a.m. Breakfast 10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite II VOLUNTEERS NEEDED for all areas including: Greeters/Ushers Nursery & Chapel Neighbor to Neighbor Tellers Altar Guild Volume 32, Issue 4 Page 5 Leprechauns with curly red beards visited St. Margaret’s ! SMEC Adults will be gathering for great food & fellowship on Saturday, April 12th, 2014 at 5:00pm at Bowens Landing located at 8681 Highway 9, Inman, SC 29349. If you have never been to Bowens Landing you don't know what you have been missing it is wonderful! Check out their website I NEED TO KNOW IF YOU ARE GOING ASAP SO I CAN LET THE RESTAURANT KNOW. THANKS! St. Margaret's Episcopal Church St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church P.O. Box 160024 4180 Highway Nine Boiling Springs, SC 29316 Phone: 864-578-3238 Fax: 864-578-2406 Email: Web: The mission of St. Margaret’s Church is to joyfully and without hesitation celebrate and embrace God’s Love through worship, fellowship, service and The deadline for the next newsletter is: Apr. 28th The deadline for the weekly bulletin: Wednesday Happy Birthday 4/04 Kaci Davidson 4/05 Sally Price 4/07 Katie Hopkins 4/14 Becky Weisner 4/16 Scott Collins 4/16 Cyndi Payne 4/18 Fr. Alan Leonard 4/18 Jessy Schaper 4/22 Glynda Todd 4/23 Jacob Woolen 4/25 Austin Ownbey 4/25 Paul Woolen 4/26 Liam Maley EASTER EGG HUNT April 20th AFTER WORSHIP Please see Melissa Woolen for details. *Plastic Eggs and Wrapped candies needed!* April Neighbor-to-Neighbor Lynn Camp Sandy Huggins
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The Witness
Oyster Roast...Thanks for all of your help. We couldn’t have done it without you!