Pitt Street Uniting Church E-News
Pitt Street Uniting Church E-News
Pitt Street Uniting Church E-News A progressive faith community of justice-seeking friends in the heart of Sydney Thursday 26 March 2015 Dear Pitt Street Community, THIS WEEK AT PITT STREET Lent is drawing to a close. This Sunday is Palm Sunday, the beginning of Holy Week. Sunday 29 March 10am Sunday Gathering - Palm Sunday Morning tea The season of Easter draws us back to the central story of Jesus and the impact of his life and death on his friends, and on those who have told his stories in the generations since he died. Next week moves in a time-honoured pattern, the conflicted Palm Sunday Parade, Maundy Thursday when we remember Jesus’ last meal with his friends, to the bitterness of Good Friday, and the re-imagining of hope that is at the heart of Easter Sunday. There’s a lot to deconstruct in what the church has taught about Jesus’ death as a payment for the price of human sin. At Pitt Street, we are not comfortable with the character of God in this interpretation. Our liturgy will not claim that Jesus died for us. Instead we will honour Jesus’ living and dying in ways that revealed the centrality of what it means to be human, pointing us toward a God-energy who is the source of love and who holds us in all our imperfections and enables us to know ourselves as loved and included in the beloved community. A God who is with us in injustice and suffering, working with and through us to transform what is broken into wholeness and new life. Tuesday 24 March 5.30pm –6.45pm Sydney Sings Good Friday 3 April 9am Gathering Sunday 5 April 10am Sunday Gathering - Easter Sunday Communion Morning tea We hope that you will join us in this journey and in the celebration of community that seeks for love and justice. Peace, Margaret Pitt Street Uniting is a congregation of the Uniting Church in Australia. The gathering at 10 am on Sunday is the heart of our community life but we are also a place of welcome and hospitality for the wider community of Sydney for spirituality, justice, arts, music, meetings and events. Notices and Coming Events STABAT MATER Radhika Sukumar-White and Claire Wright, candidates for ministry from the Sydney North Presbytery, will be offering a series of liturgical performances during Holy Week, at which they will be singing Giovanni Battista Pergolesi's seminal work, Stabat Mater, along with selected works from John Rutter's Requiem. 8pm Mon 30 March, St Andrew’s Chapel, UTC, Nth Parramatta; 7.30pm Tues 31 March, West Epping Uniting Church, Cnr Carlingford Rd & Orchard St, Epping; 7.30pm Thurs 2 April, St Matthew’s Uniting Church, Cnr. Charles & Edgar Sts, Baulkham Hills – non-ticketed; 2pm Fri 3 April, St Andrew’s Uniting Church, Cnr Kenneth & Christina Sts, Longueville; 8pm Fri 3 April, MCC Sydney, 96 Crystal St, Petersham. Tickets at the door: $15. All proceeds going towards causes nominated by each venue. RESONANCE CONCERT – THE LOVE OF A POET Resonance second programme for 2015 at Pitt Street Uniting Church will feature Australia’s leading young baritone, Alexander Knight, in Schumann’s romantic masterpiece, ‘Dichterliebe’ (A poet’s love), accompanied by Christ Cartner on the piano. 7-8pm Wednesday, 1 April. Tickets $25/$20 concession. Invite your family and friends to this wonderful concert. See www.resonance.net.au for more information. UNIQUE GOOD FRIDAY - ANZAC SERVICE A simple Good Friday Evensong which will include Anzac hymns and prayers for peace (no sermon) – an Australian first? will be held at 2pm Friday April 3, at the historic Old St Thomas Chapel, Narellan. Voluntary donation for Syrian Christian refugees (though Chaldean Catholic Church). For more information contact: Chaplain John Bunyan, bunyanj@tpg.com.au 02 4627 2586. Saturday 4 April, 12 pm 17 Sydney Rd. Manly (outside PM Tony Abbott’s office, in the mall) (note: this is a public prayer vigil, not a civil disobedience action) ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING AND LUNCH The congregation’s Annual Meeting will be held after church on Sunday 19 April. We will review the annual report and plan for the future. Reports will be available at the meeting. Reserve the date in your diaries. A Quarterly Celebration catered “recovery lunch” will follow the meeting. BYO beverages. Cost and registration information coming soon. WELCOME REFUGEES - RALLY AND MARCH Close Manus Island, close Nauru, peace, no racism: Sunday 19 April at 1pm in Belmore Park, Sydney, near Central Station. For further information contact Ian Rintoul 0417 275 713, Peter Murphy 0418 312 301or Penny Howard 0402 355 205. INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE IN RESEARCH ON ATTITUDES TO ASYLUM SEEKERS Message from UNE master’s student. “I’ve been asked to collect data for a study about the effect of media documentaries on public perception and opinion as part of my course at UNE, and I’m hoping you might participate in it. Below, you will find a link to a website where you will find information about the study, and which tells you all about what you will be asked to do. Once you have read the information, if you’re still interested you can then participate in the study. The study has two sessions, with the first (main) session around 30 minutes in duration, and the second around 10 minutes. Your participation in the research is completely anonymous.” http://tinyurl.com/PSYC200-2015 Notices and Coming Events WEEKLY AT PITT STREET AA City Group Meets weekdays, 12.00 – 2.00pm in the Community Room, Level 2, Pilgrim House. AlAnon at lunchtime AlAnon meets weekly on Tuesday in the Fellowship Room 12.30pm – 2 pm. Sydney Sings! Tuesdays 5.30pm – 7pm All comers community choir. Buddhist Meditation Weekly lunchtime meditation, 1pm – 2pm Wednesdays. Led by the Mahasiddha Buddhist Centre. Co-Dependents Anonymous Meets weekly at 5.30pm – 7.00pm on Thursdays in the Community Room, Level 2, Pilgrim House. MONTHLY AT PITT STREET Interfaith Sydney – 3rd Sundays at 3 pm Spiritually inclusive services led by Rev Dr Stephanie Dowrick. Non Smokers Meet on first Tuesday of the month, 6.00pm - 8.00pm in the Fellowship Room. ‘THE WORK OF THE PEOPLE’ Ministry This Week Palm Sunday Good Friday 1st Reading 2nd Reading Gospel Isaiah 50: 4-9 Contemporary Reading Mark 11: 1 -11 Contemporary Reading John 18:1 - 19:42 Liturgist Robyn Floyd John Thorpe Reflection Margaret Mayman Margaret Mayman Reader 1 Reader 2 Sarah/Louisa John Cox Warren Talbot Gillian Hunt Liturgy Curator Margaret Mayman Margaret Mayman Children’s story Margaret Mayman Margaret Mayman Welcomers (Stewards) Valwyn Edwards-Wishart Naseer Ahmed Susan Nicholson Vera Tibbertsma Organist John Aitchison Peter Bennett Flowers No flowers No flowers Set up/put away Naseer Ahmed Elizabeth Hill Valerie May Des Perry John Probhudan Rod Smith Lyle White Worship Coordinators John Floyd Larry Keenan John Floyd Lyn Corby Notices and Coming Events Ministry Easter Sunday 1st Reading 2nd Reading Gospel Acts 10: 34-43 Contemporary Reading Mark 16: 1-8 John 20: 19-31 Liturgist Clare Brockett Helen Boerma Reflection Margaret Mayman Margaret Mayman Reader 1 Reader 2 Jolyon Bromley Warwick Tate Sheila Walkerden Pam Batkin Liturgy Curator Margaret Mayman Margaret Mayman Children’s story Margaret Mayman Margaret Mayman Welcomers (Stewards) Lynne Lancaster Cameron Duncan Liz Groves Jude Rosonakis Organist Ross Johnston Ross Johnston Flowers Dawn Robson & John Thorpe Robyn Floyd Set up/put away Naseer Ahmed Rebecca Bishop Lyn Corby David Fernon Larry Keenan Dawn Robson Lionel Robson Jeanette Williams Naseer Ahmed Jane Barnes Martin Barnes John Cox Annie Howes Susan leech Abdul Quyaum Cathy Williamson Jon Williamson Worship Coordinators Sue Gehrig Sydney Cole Elizabeth Watson Ben Skerman Communion Trina Hodgson David Fernon Office: Office Secretary: Minister in Placement: Church Council chair: Elders Chair: Minister Emerita: Next Week Easter 2 264 Pitt Street, Sydney 2000, Tues to Fri 9:30 am to 5 pm. Ilona Day email: pittstuc@bigpond.com Phone: 02 9267 3614 Fax: 02 9238 2068 Rev Dr Margaret Mayman 0408 690 800 m.mayman@gmail.com (day off Friday) John Floyd 02 9569 7218 Ron Brown 0411 411 127 Rev Dorothy McRae-McMahon