First Friends Church


First Friends Church
May 13, 2012
Restoring people to the Father’s heart.
Growing disciples in Christ’s likeness.
Reaching neighbors and nations in the Spirit’s power.
5455 Market Avenue North, Canton, Ohio 44714
330.966.2800 •
Reaching Neighbors & Nations
Missionary Mom: Mary Cochran
First Friends!
Prayer at the Altar
A Message
from Pastor Stan
Here at First Friends God works through prayer.
We offer different opportunities for prayer at our
altar each Sunday. During our musical worship,
if you would like to come and pray at the altar
in private, we invite you to come to the left
side by our cross. If you would like one of our
Prayer Team to pray with you, please come to
the opposite side (right) of the altar. We will also
continue to offer prayer at the end of each service.
Jesus said
"I Am...Life"
“After working with young children tormented by
neglect and abuse as infants, it is such a blessing to see
how a mother is supposed to care for her child,” wrote
Mary about her friend and co-worker, Amanda and
baby, Noah. Mary and Mike Cochran re-opened
the CLM orphanage at Turvo in December 2011
in order to care for some of Brazil’s neglected
children. One such child, Gessica, had surgery in
March 2012 to put tubes in her ears. Cochrans and
a speech therapist are now trying to correct her
speech issues.
Prayer & Church News
Have a Prayer Need?
Who is Jesus in your life right now? What does it mean for him to be "Light, Life, the Door, the Good Shepherd"?
As we continue in our study of the Gospel of John we will look at a different identity statement of Jesus each
week. When Jesus says, "I am the resurrection life", "I am the Light of the World", "I am the Good Shepherd" and
other statements, he was revealing more of his divinity, his character, and how he wants to work in our lives.
I hope you will join us in this wonderful study of the eye witness account of Jesus, written by the disciple who
refers to himself as "the disciple Jesus loved". The Gospel of John continues to reveal the depth, and riches of
who Jesus really is!
Please join us in the weekly reading schedule and come prepared each Sunday morning having read the chapter
of the week several times.
Ministering with them at Turvo are their own 3
teens (Lindsay, Jenna, and Ben), the sibling group
adopted by Mike and Mary. In January 2009, shortly
after they became a family of 5, Lindsay had major
back surgery for scoliosis (at age 14). God spared
her from the possible outcome of paralysis and
continues to knit together this very special family.
Let’s pray earnestly on this Mother’s Day for the
unique challenges that Mary faces every day!
Call Diana Hinton, 330.493.7348. Our faithful prayer
warriors will lift your request before the Lord.
Hospitals & Rehab
Sophia Potts, Marie Robertson
Library Corner
Volunteers Needed to
serve in our Coffee Cafe on Sunday mornings.
Your smile and a warm cup of coffee will help
folks feel at home. For more information email
or call Janet at or
Books from the Missionary Book Reading List are
on display in our library. Stop in and check one
or two out to read and help us reach our goal of
300 books read from this list by June 30. We will
receive some new books for the library if we reach
our goal. Books read on E readers count, too.
With your help we can do it!
Serving together,
Stan Hinshaw,
Lead Pastor
Gospel of John
Sermon Series
Bible Reading
May 13 – John 11
May 20 - John 12
May 27 – John 13
June 3 – John 14
June 10 – John 15
Thank You for Considering Others in Worship
Please turn off your cell phones during the worship service. Also, if your child becomes restless and loud, the service can be
heard in the hall, the women's restroom nursing room, or you can take your child to one of our excellent church nurseries.
Churchwide Events this Week at First Friends
Mother's Day
Senior Luncheon
Children's Worship
Sundays, 8:15 am
Preschool may go directly to room E-141
K-5th Grade will be dismissed from the service
to go to Children’s Church in E-114
e will look at Matthew 6:25-34 to see
how we can have peace because God
knows what we need and promises to
care for us.
Sundays, 9:30 am
All children may go directly to their Sunday
School classes
Sundays, 11:00 am
Preschool-K may go directly to their classes
Grades 1-5 will be dismissed from the service to
go to Children’s Church in E-110.
Sunday School
Middle School
ontact Marva at
C or visit
VBS Volunteers Needed
Fill out the enclosed insert to make a difference
this summer in the lives of children at VBS! Join
us June 25-29 from 9:00 am to noon.
Camp Gideon
A full listing of the camps and details are listed
on the brochures, and are available online at Register this week by
Tuesday, May 15 to save money with
the Early Bird Registration. Scholarships for
children are available – see the insert in the
camp brochure for requirements. The theme
this year: “Branded by Refining Fire” – a
western theme that’s sure to be fun for all!
Kids Camp
Gr. 3-5, June 17-22
Sports Camp
Gr. 4-6, June 17-22
Adventure Camp
Gr. 4-6, June 25-29
Day Camp
Gr. K-5, July 2,3,5,6
Father/Son Camp
Gr. K-6, July 6-8
1st & 2nd Grade
“Obey the Lord your God and follow his
commands.” Deuteronomy 27:10
Challenge Camp 1
Gr. 7-9, July 8-13
Splash Camp
Gr. 3-5, July 15-20
3rd & 4th Grade
The 10 Commandments: “ You shall have no
other gods before me. You shall not make for
yourself an idol. You shall not misuse the name
of the Lord your God. Remember the Sabbath
day by keeping it holy. Honor your father and
your mother. You shall not murder. You shall not
commit adultery. You shall not steal. You shall not
give false testimony against your neighbor. You
shall not covet.” Exodus 20:3-17
Challenge Camp 2
Gr. 6-8, July 21-26
Arts & Drama Camp
Gr. 4-6, July 29-Aug 3
Mother/Daughter C
Gr. K-6, Aug 3-5
Mini Camp
Gr. 2-4, Aug 5-7
Sundays, 9:30 am
Bible memory verses for the month of May:
Preschoolers & Kindergartners
“[God] cares for those who trust in him.”
Nahum 1:7
5th Grade
“Don’t let anyone look down on you because you
are young, but set an example for the believers in
speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity.”
1 Timothy 4:12
Contact Joel Daniel at or visit
Sunday Mornings
Sundays, 9:30 am – 10:40 am (E-111)
Join us every Sunday morning for fellowship and
learning in the middle school room! We're having
missions trip breakout sessions for students going
on trips this summer, and we are also having
sessions for students not going on trips. Make
sure to join our Sunday morning gatherings!
Sunday Nights
Tonight, May 6, 6:30 pm
There are no more Sunday night gatherings for
the summer. BUT, we do have summer events
planned! (See below)
Summer Events
We have a ton of fun events planned for this
summer! Sluggers and putters, a pool party, an
Indians game, capture the flag, GWHAH, and
ultimate frisbee and ice cream--dates, times, and
details will be arriving in your mailbox soon!
High School
Contact Chris at or visit
Sunday Mornings
Sundays, 9:30 am (E-101)
Series for the month of May:
Who we are – what makes up our identity, what
defines us, what makes us, us.
For the Month of May:
The high school will still be meeting at their
regular time on Wednesday nights. We hope to
see you there from 7:00 – 8:30!
Graduating Seniors
Submissions due by May 23
We will be recognizing graduating seniors
from local high schools, colleges, and graduate
schools in the bulletin June 3. Please email Emily
( with your name and
school in order to be recognized in the bulletin
on June 3.
Young Adults
Contact Ben at or visit
Breakfast Questions
May 6 – June 3
Sunday at 9:30 am
Join Relevant as we eat breakfast, fellowship and
discuss some of life’s tough questions in the CE
Wing kitchen. All young adults are welcome.
Wednesday at 9:00 pm, Coffee Commons
Join us as we continue through the book
of Hebrews. Bring your Bible and a friend.
All young adults are welcome.
Contact Laurel at or visit
Pieced Hearts
Tomorrow, May 14, 7:00 pm (L-6)
Marjorie Damon
Join us for a time of fellowship, devotions and
prayer. Open to quilters who are working on
a project or those who would like to bring any
current needlework project to work on as we
share not only our workmanship but our very
lives as well.
The JOY of the Lord
Tuesday, May 22, 9:30 am (E-108)
Sherry Metzger
Has it been a while since you’ve heard your own
laughter? Join other women for a joy-filled session
as well as prayer, fellowship and laughter. We’ll
welcome God’s presence and view a variety of
DVD’s featuring Christian women of faith who
share their hilarious adventures in the Lord.
Life Groups
Contact Laurel at or visit
Our Life Groups are the small group ministry of First Friends where learning, discipleship and fellowship take
place. Life Groups help you grow spiritually while connecting you with a community of faith and friendships.
Eschatology 101
Begins Tuesday, June 5, 7:00 pm (E-102)
Paul Johnson
Join us as we study the “last things” referring
to biblical references within the Old and New
Testaments. From June 5 through July 24,
we will explore prophesies, perspectives and
consequences surrounding the second coming of
Christ. We will grow in knowledge and hope as
we “take to heart what is written” (Revelation
1:3). For more information, please pick up a
brochure from the lobby racks and return your
registration to the Welcome Center.
Eat to Live
Tomorrow, May 14, 7:00 pm (L-41)
Jim & Denise Aman
Anyone is welcome to drop in! Topic for this
session: needs and sources for protein, milk, and
calcium as well as a quick review of last month’s fiber
and probiotics topic. We meet the 2nd Monday of
each month; come learn the tools that lead to health
and re-think your eating “norms”. The biblically
based book Forget the Die-Its, Learn to Live-It by
Karen Knox is our springboard for discussion.
50/60 Life Group
Saturday, May 26, 7:00 pm
Pete & Joyce Ross, 330.497.0117
For anyone in this age group (singles and couples)
who want to get together for fun, conversation
and great food. You won’t want to miss our Special
Guest this month! Bring a snack or dessert to share.
(We will not meet in June on Saturday the 23rd.)
Life Groups Meeting May 14 – May 19
• Pause for Prayer
• Eat to Live
• Couples Bible
• Senior Luncheon
• Band of Brothers
• Nurses Christian
• Connect
• Men’s Resolution
• House to House
Life Group
• Brown Baggers
• 20/20/20 Women’s
• Divorce Care
• Boundaries
• New Beginnings
• Men’s Breakfast
@ Burger King
ontact Tom at
or 330.966.6868
Sunday, May 20, 2:00 – 6:00 pm.
TPA Paintball, Alliance.
Guys, join us for some fun and friendly
competition. This is our third year of paintball
outings, and it's a blast! The more the merrier. $30
includes all rental equipment, 4 hours of action,
and 500 paintballs. Additional paint available 500
for $12. Preregistration highly recommended and
discount from day of event. Visit welcome desk to
register. Contact Tom with questions.
Fishing Derby
Adult Seniors
Tuesday, May 15 at Noon (L-1,2)
Today is the last day to sign up for the May Senior
Luncheon. We will have an Indoor Picnic and Angie
Arrington, Paul Johnson, and Tom Schooley will be
sharing with us. Please sign up and let us know you
are coming and what dish you will bring. Hot dogs,
buns, and condiments will be provided.
FFC Financial Update
Last Week
YTD Weekly
Freedom Campaign Received in 2012
(100% paid on mortgage principal)
*to fully fund budget – $2,500,000
Register online at
or pick up a brochure from the brochure racks.
Visit the website for
more information about opportunities in First
Friends Sports and Recreation, to check game
schedules, class times and announcements.
Men's Summer Open
Summer Sand Co-ed
This league is for men and women age 18+ and
begins May 21 and ends August 20. Games are
played on sand courts at Weiss Park at Harvard
Ave and 26th St. NW on Monday evenings.
Women's Boot Camp
Senior Luncheon
Faith Promise
Accepting Registrations Now!
This league is for men age 18+ and begins May 24
and ends August 2. There will be two divisions based
on skill. Games are played every Thursday evening.
Sunday, May 27
Guys, your help is needed for the Family Fishing
Derby. Set-up and clean-up before and/or after
the event, as well as judges to measure and mark
fish during the event. Help the Men's Ministry
make this a great family event for all. Please
contact Jim at
all the Sports Office at 330.966.6868
or visit
This is a 45 minute High Intensity Full Body
Workout for women age 16+. Session begin
June 7 thru July 12 at 8:00 am on Thursday
mornings and will be held at the First Friends
Church pavilion, rain or shine! $25 fee due at
registration, no refunds for classes not attended.
Child care available for fee of $6 per child. Class
not suitable for those with limitations. Register
online at by May 31.
Pay child care fee to instructor at first class. Call
Cindi Bremkamp at 330.499.1637 or Mary Shilling
at 330.499.2057 with any questions.
The Community Outreach Of Love project is taking
place at The Martin Center, at 1253 3rd Street SE.
Register today at the table in the lobby or online
at to volunteer with the renovation
of this Canton neighborhood community center.
There are opportunities for everyone to help. First
Friends is targeting the remaining Wednesdays in
May and Saturdays, May 12 and 19.
Thank you to all who contributed financially to
the C.O.O.L. offering last Sunday. We have now
received over $5000 for the materials to renovate
the multi-purpose room. If you missed the offering
but would still like to give,
please mark “C.O.O.L.” on
the offering envelope.
Family Fishing Derby
& Picnic
Sunday, May 27, 3:00 pm
10851 Edison St. NE, Alliance
Fun for all! Catch and release bass, bluegill, catfish.
Prizes; beginner's coached; potluck picnic. ALL
are welcome. Rain or Shine, fishing derby from
3:00 – 5:00 pm, potluck picnic 5:00 – 6:00 pm,
enjoy fellowship 6:00 – 8:00 pm. 20 minutes from
First Friends on Route 619 (Edison St.), 3.3 miles
east of Route 44. Driveway across from Lair Rd.
RSVP by signing up at a Welcome Center or email
The 25th Annual
ALIVE Festival!
June 20-23
Atwood Lake Park
Over 70 artists and speakers featured include:
Skillet, Chris Tomlin, Casting Crowns, Kirk
Cameron, Reggie Dabbs and MANY MORE!
There's something for every member of the
family. Pick up a brochure or visit the web at for complete details.
June 25 – 29
Make a difference this summer.
Sign up to be a VBS volunteer!
see insert
May is National Foster Care
Awareness Month
A huge thank you to all of those in the First Friends
body who have offered their service in foster care.
Thanks for leading the way for us in welcoming
children in the name of Christ, for showing us
what it looks like to care for those in need, and for
revealing the faithful heart of Christ to us.
5455 Market Avenue North • Canton, Ohio 44714 • 330.966.2800 • •