Emmanuel Pentecostal Church
Emmanuel Pentecostal Church
May 25, 2014 EPC iServe Ministers On-Call for prayer this Week: Tony Ciulla (469-358-9437); David Streeter (817-507-7976) A warm welcome to our guests! We are glad you have joined us today. You are important to us! Please make sure we receive a completed Guest Connection Card from you. The cards may be turned in to a Guest Connection Center in the foyer. May the Lord bless you as you worship with us this Memorial Holiday weekend. MEMORIAL DAY HOLIDAY – WEEKEND SCHEDULE Have a safe and happy holiday. Monday, May 26 – No Area Prayer Group Meetings Tuesday, May 27 – No Endtime Video Series Tuesday, May 27 – KINEO Program @ 7:00 PM upstairs in the Chapel. (Everyone is invited to this KINEO meeting on Discipleship. Learning as we grow.) Special Missionary Service Wednesday, May 28 @ 7:30 PM ~ We will be blessed with the ministry of Missionaries Bob & Judy Addington. Rev. Bob Addington is area coordinator to New Zealand and the Cook Islands. Special Opportunity to Serve on Church Cleaning Day High School, all higher education degrees and College Graduates will be acknowledged next Sunday. (Graduates must supply picture and information to Zach Mitchell or Mendy Flowers to participate.) High School Graduates: David Allen, Megan Bass, Dylan Craft, Angel Girod, Ansleigh Hawkins, Rodney Moriarity, Christina Ramirez, Cecily Redman, Kelsea Rushing, Gabby Stephney, Adrian Taylor, Dylan Villarreal College Gradutes: Phebe Cox, Chase Flowers Cards & gifts are welcome as we will be honoring our graduates for their achievements. Display tables with their pictures and accomplishments will be at the main foyer for you to enjoy and reminisce with them. Thank You to our EPC Family: God knew what He was doing when He chose EPC as our family. Your cards of encouragement, prayers, and kind words during and after our Mother’s Homegoing did not pass unnoticed. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for lifting us in prayer. Sending God’s blessings to each and every one of you! The Silva Family 68th ANNUAL TEXAS DISTRICT CAMP MEETING Lufkin, Texas at the Texas District Campgrounds Monday, June 16 – Friday, June 20 (Sunday School Kidz Kamp in Youth Tabernacle) Daily Bible Teacher: Rev. Raymond Woodward Evening Speakers: Rev. Jimmy Toney & Rev. Anthony Mangun Friday, June 20 Saturday, May 31 at 10:00 AM - Come one! Come all! Texas District Singles Fellowship following service. Being good stewards of that with which God has blessed us, we will be cleaning, maintaining and fellowshiping with one another. Lunch will be provided. See Donnie Cross for more details. Texas District Camps Registration Information North Texas Men’s Annual Deep Sea Fishing Trip June 5 – 7 ~ Cost: $340/person Limited occupancy. For more information, see an Information Board or Doug Walker DEAR EPC FAMILY: Thank you so very much for all your prayers during my recent hospital stay!! Your calls, encouraging words, tokens of love, visits, and the beautiful flowers kept my spirit full of love. Oh my, I have no words to explain how overwhelmed with love I felt. I thank God for each and every one of you. May God multiply your blessings. Love you. -Camille Silva Online Registration is available for all Texas District UPC Camps at www.texasupccamps.net. Crusader Camp: June 9-13 Early Bird Reg. $135 by May 31 Junior High Camp: June 23-27 Senior High Camp: June 30-July 4 Early Bird Reg. $135 by June 13 (On-Site Registration for all Camps: $150) Honoring Our Fathers This year we celebrate Father’s Day on June 15. Tuesday 7:00 pm KINEO Church Growth Wednesday 7:00 pm 7:30 pm Prayer Missionary Bob Addington Spanish Bible Study C4 Children’s Ministry FUSION Youth Service Thursday 10:00 am 7:00 pm Ladies Prayer FUSION Youth Bible Study Saturday 8:00 am 10:00 am Jail Ministry Church Cleaning Sunday 8:30 am 9:00 am 10:00 am 11:00 am 6:00 pm Choir Rehearsal Prayer Sunday School Classes Spanish Worship Service Worship Service Jail Ministry Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9 AM to 3 PM (closed 12 -1 PM) You may contact the church office during office hours via telephone or via e-mail (mflowers@epcmequite.com) outside of office hours.
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