ANNOUNCEMENTS UMYF - Fellowship Meal & Games Prayer Concerns Please pray for:_________________ _____________________________ The flower calendar for next year is posted outside Barnett Hall kitchen for any who wish to reserve a Sunday in 2015. Church-wide Fellowship Supper is this evening at 5:00 in Wesley Hall. Bring your favorite Thanksgiving side dish or dessert. Turkey and dressing are provided. As always, set up and clean up help is welcome! FUMC will host a Red Cross Blood Drive tomorrow from 1:00-6:00 in Barnett Hall. The church office will be closed on Tuesday in observance of Veterans’ Day. _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ If you would like a card sent from the church please include address here: Address______________________ _____________________________ City______________________ ____ State______ Zip_______________ Prayers answered. Please remove from prayer list:_________________ _____________________________ First United Methodist Church 324 Pineville Road Monroeville, Alabama 36460 251-575-2790 November 9, 2014 11:00 Children’s Music ADVENTure for grades 1-5 will follow the 11:00 worship service today and each Sunday in November. Lunch will be provided for the children. On Thursday, November 13th, the Unleashed Methodists will sponsor a trip to the movie “Voices of Jerusalem” at the IMAX in Mobile. We will meet at the church at 8:00 and eat lunch on the Causeway coming home. Tickets are $15. Contact the church office or Mary Ann Brown if you can attend. We will return between 3:30 and 4:00. Men’s Club breakfast is next Sunday at 8:00 in Barnett Hall. All men are invited. Children’s Thanksgiving Event will be next Sunday from 3:30-5:00 outside Wesley Hall, weather permitting. We will gather in Wesley Hall if necessary. Babies-5th graders will make Thankful Turkeys and enjoy snacks and a story. The (Real) Young Adult Sunday School Class is sponsoring a pancake supper and silent auction bake sale next Sunday from 5:00 til 7:00 in Wesley Hall to benefit Pilots for Christ. Tickets are $7. You may call the church office to reserve a plate. Children are encouraged to pick up White Christmas offering boxes next Sunday for their United Methodist Children’s Home donations and return them on White Christmas Sunday, December 7th. Monroe County Hospital is preparing Thanksgiving turkey bags for the less fortunate in the Monroe County area. To contribute to this outreach, please mark your donations ‘turkey bag’. Each bag costs $20 to prepare, but any amount is appreciated. For more information, please contact Christi Dunn at 593.5899 or Donations can be left at the MCH switchboard or the FUMC church office. My deepest appreciation to Francis, Sarah and my church family for your many kindnesses to me at the passing of my sister, Dorothy Lancaster, of the Andalusia UMC. ~ Mike Jones You are cordially invited to a Bridal Shower honoring Jennilee Foukal on Sunday, November 23rd, 2:00-4:00 inWesley Hall. Hosted by the Women of First United Methodist Church Church Staff Senior Pastor: Rev. Francis Turner III Pastor Emeritus: Dr. Thomas Lane Butts Minister of Education: Rev. Pam Barnhardt Director of Music Ministries/Organist: Nancy Carleton Chancel Choir Director: Terry Galbraith Church Business Administrator: Jessica Hankins Church Secretary: Sarah Countryman Nursery Director: Christi Dunn Morning Worship Prayer November 9, 2014 ~ 9:00 Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost Rev. Turner Offering ____________________________________________________ Nancy Carleton ^ Doxology Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow Hymnal, 95 First United Methodist Church Please assist us by registering your attendance November 9, 2014 ~ 9:00 Prayer of Thanksgiving Rev. Turner The Lord’s Prayer Hymnal, 895 Name___________________________ Chancel Choir Address_________________________ ENTRANCE Prayer Response Gathering Prelude Opportunities Introit ^ Hymn 400 ______________________________ Chancel Choir Worthy of Worship Greeting Three-Fold Amen Nancy Carleton Rev. Pam Barnhardt SENDING FORTH Phone___________________________ Rev. Francis Turner Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing ^ Opening Prayer ^ Act of Praise Glory Be to the Father Congregation Email____________________________ ^ Hymn 89 Rev. Turner ^ Benediction Hymnal, 70 ^ Benediction Response Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee Your Love Compels Me Going Forth PROCLAMATION and RESPONSE Congregation Member(s) Rev. Turner First time visitor Chancel Choir Visitor Wish to join church Desire pastoral visit Nancy Carleton ___________________________________________________________ _________________________________ ^ Standing as able Please silence or turn off your cell phones. Anthem Offertory Prayer for Illumination Scripture ^ Hymn 399 Rev. Barnhardt II Corinthians 9:6-15 Take My Life, and Let It Be Children’s Sermon Sermon ^ Response to the Word We extend our deepest sympathy to Robbie Kennedy and her family upon the death of her step-father, Curtis Jordan, on November 6, 2014, in Monroeville. HEAD USHER: Ricky Powell ASSISTANT USHERS: Caleb & Cayden Powell CRUCIFER: Sarah Baker Barnhardt ACOLYTE: John Farish Ard ALTAR GUILD: Shirley Bowden Flowers on the altar today are offered to the greater glory of God and in Memory & Honor of all who have served and continue to serve to ensure our freedom by Rick, Belinda and Susannah Dorrance. ATTENDANCE LAST SUNDAY: Worship - 86 (9:00) / 97 (11:00) Sunday School - 99 Chancel Choir Rev. Barnhardt Congregation Rev. Barnhardt Kingdom Resourcing Consecration of 2015 Pledge Cards Rev. Turner Congregation Prayer Morning Worship Rev. Turner First United Methodist Church November 9, 2014 ~ 11:00 Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost Offering Nancy Carleton ^ Doxology Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow Hymnal, 95 ____________________________________________________ ENTRANCE Prayer of Thanksgiving Rev. Turner The Lord’s Prayer Hymnal, 895 Prayer Response Please assist us by registering your attendance. November 9, 2014~ 11:00 Name______________________ Ensemble For the Life That You Have Given Address ____________________ Gathering Prelude Opportunities Introit Nancy Carleton Rev. Pam Barnhardt ____________________________ SENDING FORTH Ensemble What Gift Can We Bring Phone_______________________ Greeting Rev. Francis Turner Email_______________________ ^ Hymn 400 Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing ^ Opening Prayer Congregation Rev. Turner ^ Act of Praise Glory Be to the Father Hymnal, 70 ^ Hymn 89 Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee ^ Benediction ^ Benediction Response Congregation Rev. Turner Ensemble Sent Forth by God’s Blessing Going Forth Nancy Carleton Member(s) First time visitor Visitor Wish to join church Desire pastoral visit _________________________________________________________________ PROCLAMATION and RESPONSE ________________ ^ Standing as able Please silence or turn off your cell phones. Anthem Come, All Christians, Be Committed Prayer for Illumination Scripture ^ Hymn 399 Rev. Barnhardt II Corinthians 9:6-15 Take My Life, and Let It Be Children’s Sermon Sermon Ensemble Rev, Barnhardt HEAD USHER: We extend our deepest sympathy to Robbie Kennedy and her family upon the death of her step-father, Curtis Jordan, on November 6, 2014, in Monroeville. Congregation Rev. Barnhardt Kingdom Resourcing ^ Response to the Word Consecration of 2015 Pledge Cards Rev. Turner Congregation Flowers on the altar today are offered to the greater glory of God and in Memory & Honor of all who have served and continue to serve to ensure our freedom by Rick, Belinda and Susannah Dorrance. CRUCIFER: Sam Estes ACOLYTES: Emory Dunn Drew Sims ALTAR GUILD: Shirley Bowden ATTENDANCE LAST SUNDAY: Worship - 86 (9:00) / 97 (11:00) Sunday School - 99 PRAYER CONCERNS Opportunities for the Week Pray for one another that you may be healed... James 5:16 FROM OUR CHURCH: Joellyn Ward Thomas Countryman Marianne Lee A.T. & Virginia McQueen Griffin McKenzie Anne Clark Neel Lavender Jon Wright Lazenby FRIENDS & FAMILY MEMBERS: Rayford & Beverly Smith Tony Padgett Gaines Gilliver (Glenn & Alma Bayles’ great grandson) Bo Haslbauer Shannon Ward Kimberly Brennan (Kathy Ellis’ sister) Tate Touchton Pierce Melba Melton Leslie Watson Jordan (Conrad Watson’s niece) Abigail Pierson Helen Andrews (Mike Cobb’s cousin) Caroline Clark (Christie Prout’s niece in China) Katelyn Tillman Janice Kane Paula Allman & family Clanton N. Lavender III Megan Mendevilla (Christie Prout’s niece) John Buchanan Bonnie Chandler Dawn Hanks Chappel Stewart Coaker Nelson Crandall Brian Crandall Denver Shuttlesworth Sherry Gregson Anna Ruth Melton Suzanne Nicholas Alice Lee Mary Faith Marriott John Loyd Woody West & Family Bailey Byrd Alan Holland (Wounded Warrior) Tucker Lowe Kathy Dyess (Diane Watson’s sister) Luke Kelly & Family Buddy Jaye Peggy Baggett Bettye Anderson Martha Walker Bobbie Lyman Lisa Ehlers Eric Hunter (Wounded Warrior) Brenda Benton (Scott Daniels’ mother) Dennis A. Bertness Shane Patrick Leigh Ann Parmer Catherine Hopkins Jan Curtis Cameron & Leigh Hybart Connor Hall & Family Suzanne Williams Dave Johnson Sunday, November 9 9:00 am 10:00 am 11:00 am Noon 4:30 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:30 pm Worship Service Sunday School Worship Service Children’s Music ADVENTure and lunch Choraliers Ensemble UMYF ~ Fellowship meal & games Fellowship Supper (Wesley Hall) Sunday Bible Study (Alice Lee Room) Monday, November 10 12:00 pm 10:00-2:00 pm 1:00-6:00 pm 8:00 pm AA Nooners (Room 404 upstairs) Sewing Ladies’ Group (Wesley Hall) Blood Drive (Barnett Hall) NA (Room 404 upstairs) Tuesday, November 11 ~ Veterans’ Day (Church office closed) Wednesday, November 12 6:45 am Youth Prayer Breakfast (McDonald’s) 12:00 pm AA Nooners (Room 404 upstairs) 4:00 pm Wednesday Women’s Study (Alice Lee Room) 5:00 pm Youth Bible Study (Youth Rooms) 6:00 pm Chancel Bells 6:30 pm Men’s Ensemble 7:00 pm Chancel Choir Thursday, November 13 8:00 am Unleashed Methodists meet at church 10:00 am Senior Adult Coffee Time (Norman Barnett Hall) Friday, November 14 Saturday, November 15 Please note our prayer request policy: We cannot publish a prayer request unless the Prayer Concerns form has been signed by the person making the request. Prayer requests will be published for 6 months unless requested otherwise. Names in italics indicate long term needs. It is not the intention of the staff to remove any who remain in particular need of prayer. If this occurs, please let us know so that it can be corrected. You may add or remove names from the prayer list at any time by using the Prayer Concerns tear-off sheet in the bulletin and placing it in the collection plate or by calling the church office. NEW CHURCH OFFICE HOURS Monday-Thursday: 9:00-4:00 Friday: 9:00-1:00 Sunday, November 16 8:00 am 9:00 am 10:00 am 11:00 am 2:00-4:00 pm 3:30 pm 4:30 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:30 pm Men’s Club Breakfast (Norman Barnett Hall) Worship Service Sunday School Worship Service Norman Barnett Hall in use Children’s Thanksgiving event (Outside / Wesley Hall) Choraliers Ensemble UMYF ~ Pancake Supper Pakecake Supper (Wesley Hall) Sunday Bible Study (Alice Lee Room)