Lest We Forget


Lest We Forget
Sunday, November 9, 2014
The Church with Heart
in the Heart of the City
Lest We Forget
175 Murray St.
Peterborough, ON
K9H 2S7
705-745-4376 (phone & fax)
or 705-745-4744
Twitter: @murraystbaptist
Find us on Facebook – Follow us on Twitter
Senior Minister: Rev. Dale R. Soble
Director of Music: Nola Wilson
Minister to Seniors: Rev. Ev Moore
Outreach Worker: Casey O. Watson
Canadian Baptists of Ontario and Quebec
November 9, 2014
8-9:15 am Breakfast Church
10:30 am Worship
(Assisted Hearing Devices Available - Ask an Usher for Assistance)
“Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.” Psalm 34:8 NIV
Entering Into Worship
Invitation to Worship
*Greeting Time
Come, Thou Almighty King
A Time for Remembering
The Lord’s My Shepherd
vss.1-3 #694
Reading of MSBC’s Roll of Honour:
1914 - 1918
Norman Barrie, George Collins, John Ellam, Joseph Horton
Arthur Lewis, William Long, Harold Matthews, Fred Stanley
1939 - 1945
William Ellis, Ralph Fruere, Leslie Harvey, James Mann
The Last Post
Prayer for Peace
Handbell Choir: O God Our Help In Ages Past Led by Margo Tant
The Lord’s My Shepherd
vss.4 & 5 #694
Hearing and Engaging God’s Word
Time with Young Worshipers
Trumpet Solo: God of Grace and God of Glory Doug Sutherland
Exodus 20: 1 - 17 (said together responsively by verse)
Peace Chant
Mark 14: 53 - 65
RULES FOR THE ROAD: As God Is My Witness
Rev. Dale Soble
Responding to God’s Presence
*Congregational Response in Song:
I Hide Your Word Within My Heart
Our Gifts, Tithes and Offerings
Little Child of God
*Presentation of Offering & Prayer: There Is A Redeemer chorus
Congregational Prayers & the Lord’s Prayer
Blessed and Sent
*Closing Hymn:
Ye Servants of God
Threefold Amen
Played by the Handbell Choir
* If able, please stand where indicated.
If you would like Intercessory Prayer following the service, please speak to Rev. Soble, Casey Watson, Rev.
Moore, or a deacon. They’d be happy to help.
We warmly welcome you to Murray Street Baptist Church this morning. If this is your first visit,
please sign one of our Guest Books (in Webb Hall or the narthex). Please join us in Webb Hall for
light refreshments following worship this morning.
‚ Happy Birthday to Holly Carr, John Lawless (today), Susan Soble (10th), David Sutherland (15th)
+ Thank you so much for the cards, prayers and continuing support during John’s recent surgeries and
recovery. It is greatly appreciated.
Love, John & Tish Oosterbroek
_ Our sincere sympathy is extended to Rob & Jill Kennedy and family on the passing of Jill’s father, Ed
Armstrong, last week. Rob and Jill are former members of MSBC.
*Thanks to those of you who recently attended the Golden Tones show. So pleased to report that we are
able to donate $10,000 to the Alzheimer’s Society. Sincere appreciation for your support, Mary Atwood
The Thanksgiving Offering has been designated for the Roof Fund. Total Received to Date: $1,524.00.
The offering will remain open until mid-November. Please mark your envelope accordingly.
Calendar Fund Raiser: 2015 Calendars featuring photos of our stained glass windows will be
available for sale after this morning’s service. Cost is $15 each or $70/5 – look for Lydia
Lake or Marge Johnson in Webb Hall at Coffee Hour.
The Bell Choir needs new members for its Christmas music program. If you can read music and
would like to try bell-ringing, please join us as we prepare our Christmas celebration. Bell-ringing is easy
and fun. Bell Choir meets Sundays after service from 12:00-1:00 p.m. If you are interested, please speak
to Margo Tant, Nola Wilson or Casey Watson.
Our Daily Bread booklets for December, January & February are now available at both sanctuary entrances
and donation boxes are provided for publication costs.
Praying Together
For those who are interested in praying for our church or for others who have prayer concerns, the
Mission and Outreach Committee is giving you the opportunity to gather on Wednesdays at 11:00 a.m. for
prayer. Soon to be located around the church building will be prayer request boxes where those in need of
prayer may write their request on a piece of paper and leave them in the box. These requests will be
gathered up on Wednesdays and prayed for. If you would be interested in giving a commitment to this
ministry, please contact Barrie Burhoe by email: bburhoe@cogeco.ca or speak to him on a Sunday
morning. We will announce our first meeting shortly.
Needed for Use in the Church: High quality sectional, wing chairs, pole lamp & coffee table. Speak to
Casey or Dale if you can help.
Murray Street Events
• OASIS on Tuesday, November 11: We invite you to join us in attending the Remembrance Day Service at
Confederation Park at 11:00 a.m. We will return to the church to enjoy our pot luck dinner at 12:30 pm. We look
forward to seeing you. Bring a friend! Ev Moore
• Saturday, November 15: Attention -55+’s: Come for Pot Luck Supper at 5:30 pm and the St. James Players
performance of Les Miserables. Ray Johnson has 5 tickets left at $23.00 each for anyone interested in
attending. To purchase tickets or tell us what food you’ll bring, please call Ray or Margery at 705-745-2557.
All welcome!
•Benefit Concert and Silent Auction for the Peterborough Medical Brigade’s 2015 Mission to the
Philippines. November 15 @ 8:00 pm at the Gordon Best Theatre on Hunter St. featuring East Coast Music - “A Piece
of the Rock.” Tickets: $25/person. All proceeds go to help buy medical supplies and equipment. Tickets are available
at the Church office, the box office, or Dr. Hardy Friesen’s office.
• Sunday, Nov. 16 @ 11:45 am: Fall Congregational Business Meeting
• The Mirror, Murray Street’s newsletter, would welcome articles and photos of church life for the next issue.
Material should be sent by Monday, November 17th to bburhoe@cogeco.ca, with “The Mirror” in the subject line.
Thank you, Shirley Burhoe
• Baptist Women will meet on Tuesday, November 18 @ 1:30 pm to hear Tammy Curtis speak on: “They put
WHAT?! in my hand cream?” You will take away some surprising information about ingredients and government
regulations as well as some laughs! Outreach for Cameron House: women’s pyjamas, underwear and socks;
shampoo & cream rinse.
• Feed the Hungry at St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church: Food and helper lists are posted in Webb Hall for our
November 30 turn to provide this hot meal for needy people in our community.
Calling All Murray Street Talent
We invite you to lend us your talent for the “Plum Pudding” stage on Saturday, December 6th. Everyone
is welcome to participate by singing, performing a skit, or giving a recitation. Don’t wait to be asked, call
now. Gaynette Friesen will be more than happy to put you on the list. You may contact her by email:
gtte.friesen@sympatico.ca or gaynette_friesen@kprdsb.ca. The Mission & Outreach Committee thanks
you for your participation. Further information for Plum Pudding will be out shortly.
I suggest that we support the AVGEN Gift Card program as a church and purchase our Christmas
gifts for our family and friends. For a complete list of vendors, please see the display board and pick
up an Order Form from the large brown envelope. For more information, contact Lyn Draper at
ldraper2@cogeco.ca or 705-749-1105.
Order In
Pick Up
November 2
November 30
December 7
December 14
December 21
Thanks for your continued support.
Sunday School Schedule
Today – Nursery & Toddlers: Sharron Hatton & Jeff Boulet
November 16 – Nursery & Toddlers: Debbie McCulloch
Memorial Christmas Poinsettias: For a donation of $20 -25 you may help decorate the
sanctuary for Christmas with a Memorial Poinsettia. If you wish to participate, please make
your cash donation at the church office before November 30. Plants will be placed in early
Community Groups Using Our Facilities
Alternatives Community Program Services:
Mondays & Tuesdays
ALS Society in conjunction with MSBC:
Support Group 3rd Mon/mo
Bereaved Families of Ontario:
Drop-In 3rd Wed. of month @ 7 pm
Downtown Youth Space program:
Cooking 3-6 pm on Tuesdays
Heads Up for Inclusion Community Program:
various dates/times
Lighthouse Drop-In:
Sundays 1-4 pm
NA Meetings:
Sunday/Monday/Wednesday/Friday @7:30 pm
Cooking Program 4th Tues/mo. 12-4 pm
PRHC Peer Support Group:
Wednesdays 1-4 pm
Peterborough Singers:
Wednesday evening practice
Tai Chi classes:
Various days and times
The Gathering Office:
Upstairs Baptismal Closet room
VON Smart Program:
Wednesday mornings
Warming Room:
8:30 pm - 8:00 am November 1-April 30
9:30 am:
Heart to Heart Bible Study
9:15am-12 pm: Computer Room is open
November 10
Remembrance Day
9:15-11 am: The Closet for women
9:15am-12pm: Computer Room is open
11:00 am:
OASIS group at Cenotaph & Pot Luck Lunch
1-4:00 pm:
Water Colour Painting Class
6:30 pm:
Beavers: Remembrance Day wreath making;
Cubs: Remembering; dress for going out
7:00 pm:
Church Council meeting
November 11
1:00 pm:
Rev. Soble’s Bible Study
November 12
9:15 am-12 pm: Computer Room is open
10-11:00 am: The Closet for men
6:30 pm:
November 13
9:15 am-12 pm: Computer Room is open
November 14
5:30 pm:
8:00 pm:
November 15
8-9:15 am:
10:30 am:
11:45 am:
-55+ Pot Luck Supper and St. James Players Night (see page 5 for details)
Brigade Aid Concert & Silent Auction (see pg. 5)
November 16
Breakfast Church
Worship. Rev. Dale Soble preaching.
Sermon: Rules for the Road: I Want It!
Scripture: Luke 12: 13 - 21
Congregational Business meeting