Himss analytics + capsite = your source for market


Himss analytics + capsite = your source for market
Analytics Strategy
James E. Gaston, MBA FHIMSS
HIMSS Analytics
Ontario Chapter
April 2016
Agenda Topics
What is and Why an “Analytics Strategy”
Help from the HIMSS C&BI Community
Analytics Executive Review Series
» 3 Part Approach to Analytics
What is “Analytics”?
Analytics is the discovery and communication of meaningful
patterns in data.
Why an Analytics Strategy?
• A strategy ensures analytics development and capabilities
are delivering against goals
» Avoids “all dashboard, no improvement” syndrome
• Helps achieve optimal use of resources
» Collection of reports vs. high value information resource
• Analytics strategy should align with other relevant
» Business Intelligence (BI) strategy
» Information Technology (IT) strategy
» Quality Improvement (QI) strategy
Developing an “Analytics Strategy”
Ground rules
Lesson 1:
You can’t buy analytics maturity
Lesson 2:
There is always more analytics work than resources available
Lesson 3:
Maturing Analytics capabilities takes time and experience
Develop an “Analytics Strategy”
• Formalize an approach in simple terms
Business drivers
Scope, priorities
Rough timeline for activities
Strategic alignment
• Shop it around, refine it, find the pain points
• Build consensus
• Identify champions, leadership, support
Help from
Detailed White papers on…
3 Community Focus Areas
• Executive Analytics Review Series
• Population Health Management
• General Resources
The three part series helps leaders…
Part 1: Perform an in-depth needs assessment
Part 2: Building A Business Case
Provide tools to develop the healthcare analytics roadmap
a) Identifying your analytics champion
b) Identifying analytics program value
c) Total cost of program ownership
Part 3: Industry Capabilities, Avail. Tools, Where Applied
Provide a reference model of the IT analytic capabilities a
healthcare organization will need
For copies E-mail James.Gaston@HIMSSAnalytics.org
Subject line: Executive Review Series
Part 1: Needs Assessment
It is important to develop an analytics strategy
in order to…
• Engage key stakeholders and formalize
• Create a roadmap to align projects across your
organizational goals
• Develop a unified approach
• Get everyone speaking the same language
• Create business justification for the hardware
and software for analytics and data management
Part 1: Needs Assessment
The Needs Assessment Phase
Identify your core base of information consumers who can
express which information is needed to support mission critical
decision making, why, and when
Identify availability or lack of subject area experts that
understand how data is created, stored, value, relationships and the
meaning of results within your organization and the industry
Assess data quality, integrity, and accessibility
Prioritize or rank needs that are the critical strategic analytic
needs most important to the business
Evaluate the culture of the organization and readiness to engage
in analytical process and use the information and insights that they
Part 1: Needs Assessment
Inventory Resources: People, Processes, &
• People
» Those that have a stake in IT, Analytics, and data
» Subject Matter Experts, Data Stewards, Users, IT Experts, etc…
• Processes
» Request submission, prioritization, management
» Critical business processes that drive data creation and data
• Technology Infrastructure (Systems)
» Hardware
» Software
» Network Infrastructure
Part 1: Needs Assessment
Identify Key Organization Needs and Stakeholders
Part 1: Needs Assessment
Identify Critical Data
Part 2: Building a Business Case
Building A Business Case
“The presence of a clinical IT executive in the
organization appears to have a notable impact on the
organization’s orientation towards health IT.”
Part 2: Building a Business Case
Who is Your Champion?...
Typically from one of two camps…
The health provider’s IT area executive,
that historically implemented electronic
data systems and analytics solutions
The clinical and business executives
(C-level suite officers or individual
department leads), that recognize an
unmet need to analyze data to improve
the delivery of healthcare at lower cost
Part 2: Building a Business Case
Needs vs. Value
Value: The balance of cost and benefit reaped by the
enterprise in deploying and maintaining an analytics
• What is the end state for identified needs identified in
the needs analysis
• What are the metrics for success of analytics
• What does the terrain ahead look like to make the
vision come true?
Part 2: Building a Business Case
Total Cost of Ownership
• Do we need custom solutions?
» Environments (Dedicated vs. late binding DWH)
» Interfaces
• Training?
• Are cloud-based solutions an effective alternative?
• How large of an investment is needed to organize
maintenance operations around the new analytics
» Ramp up vs. Maintain operations (CAPEX vs. OPEX)
» IT Staff + (Business/Clinical) Analysts + Support + Leadership
Part 3: Industry Capabilities
Reference Model (Map of basic analytic infrastructure)
Analytics Strategy Outline
Analytics Vision
• Data
Environmental Factors / Drivers • Target End State to Meet Needs
Organizational Needs and
• Roadmap for Bridging the Gap
• Capability staging
• Needs assessment
• Timeline(s)
(Business, clinical,
• Financial Considerations
operational, etc…)
• Key Stakeholders
• Case studies
• Champion
• Resulting data needs
• Critical areas
Analytics Inventory
• Terminology
• People
Need help?
• Processes
HIMSS Analytics Provider Engagement and Educational Services
Jessica Daley
• Technology
Provider Consulting and Engagement
Key Takeaways
Itemize your organizations’ analytic needs
Build a business case
Review industry capabilities
Develop an “Analytics Strategy” and
socialize it
• Leverage your analytics assessment
Analytics Strategy
Questions and comments?
Provider Engagement and Educational Services
Jessica Daley
Provider Consulting and Engagement
WEB: www.himssanalytics.org
TWITTER: @himssanalytics
LINKEDIN: linkedin.com/company/himssanalytics
Vendor Engagement and Certified Educator Opportunities
Bryan Fiekers
Vendor Client Relations
James E. Gaston, MBA, FHIMSS
HIMSS Analytics