Koffi Olomidé Named Goodwill Ambassador for MIM


Koffi Olomidé Named Goodwill Ambassador for MIM
No. 3, July 2008
Koffi Olomidé Named Goodwill
Ambassador for MIM
Charles Wanga
Acclaimed Congolese artiste Koffi Olomidé has
been named as the first Goodwill Ambassador
for the Multilateral Initiative on Malaria (MIM)
and the upcoming Fifth Pan-African Malaria
Conference to be held in Nairobi, Kenya, from
2 to 6 November 2009.
Mr Olomidé mission will be to promote
awareness of the conference and raise
visibility of this forum which provides
unique opportunities for malaria scientists,
policy makers, funding partners and other
stakeholders to meet and exchange ideas, form
scientific collaborations and partnerships.
Announcing the appointment, Prof Francine
Ntoumi, MIM Secretariat Coordinator, said “We
are very pleased that Mr Olomidé has accepted
to devote some of his time and energy to
promote MIM’s work in advancing malaria
research, advocate for increased utilization
of research findings and, allocation of more
resources by both local and international
partners. It is important that African research
efforts in finding lasting solution to fight this
disease that continues to cost Africa so much,
both socially and economically are correctly
acknowledged. ”
Accepting the appointment, Mr Olomidé said
“I feel very honoured to represent MIM on this
mission. I have grown up in a malaria prevalent
region. I have suffered several times from
malaria and also I have seen children dying
from this disease. I have also seen how our
pregnant mothers suffer. People have suffered
so many times from malaria, there has been so
much death to such an extent losing a child’s
life from this disease is commonplace. This is
“So I felt very privileged when MIM approached
me to become their ambassador and
accepted unconditionally and with passion
as I want to actively participate in advocating
and promoting the work of African malaria
researchers and their partners who are leading
the search for appropriate and affordable
solutions to rid African communities of
malaria” he added.
Born in 1956 in Kisangani, the Democratic
Republic of Congo (DRC), Koffi Olomidé grew
up in Kinshasa, the capital. He learned singing
and playing guitar at a young age. Taking
inspirations from local celebrities at that time,
he debuted with a song called Onia which
was followed by records Asso and Princesse
ya Senza. These records put Olomidé in the
limelight and earned him performances with
such popular bands as Zaïko Langa Langa and
Viva La Musica, before he decided to go solo.
He produced his first album entitled “Ngounda”
in 1983; three years later he formed his now
famous band Quartier Latin. This marked the
beginning of a successful international career
for Olomidé as a famous composer and showman.
Koffi Olomidé is one of Africa’s best selling
artists; with record performances both in
Africa Europe, and North America. Olomidé
has won four Kora Awards, given annually for
musical achievement in sub-Saharan Africa. In
1. Koffi Olomidé Named Goodwill Ambassador for MIM
2. Fifth MIM Pan African Malaria Conference:
First Announcement and Call for Abstracts
4. Third MIM Strategic Advisory Board Meeting
Koffi Olomidé, Goodwill Ambassador for MIM
the 2005 Kora Awards, he was named Africa’s
Best Artist of the decade.
The upcoming Pan-African Malaria Conference,
jointly organised by MIM and Kenya Medical
Research Institute, will bring together nearly
2000 malaria researchers and control experts
from malaria-endemic countries in Africa, as
well as malaria scientists, administrators,
and representatives from private foundations,
governments and international organizations
from all corners of the world.
Under the theme “Building Knowledge for
Action", the Conference will provide a unique
forum for communication, exchange of ideas
and information, particularly with regard to
dissemination of malaria research results;
formation of scientific collaborations and public
private partnerships; increasing international
responses towards allocation of resources for
malaria research and control; translation of
the research results to operational guidelines
and policies; reporting of field operational
problems for translation to researchable
questions; and enhancing malaria awareness
and status on the international political and
development agendas.
Multilateral Initiative on Malaria (MIM)
5th MIM Pan African Malaria Conference
2-6 November 2009
Kenyatta International Conference Centre
Nairobi, Kenya
First Announcement and Call for Abstracts
Conference Languages
The Multilateral Initiative on Malaria (MIM)
and Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI)
are pleased to invite you to the Fifth MIM PanAfrican Malaria Conference (PAMC), to be held
November 2-6, 2009 in Nairobi, Kenya.
All plenary sessions will be conducted in English
with simultaneous translation into French. The
roundtable panel discussions and parallel
sessions will be conducted in English only.
The upcoming Conference provides a unique
forum for the malaria community including
junior scientists to meet senior researchers and
to present their work, representatives of the
malaria stakeholders to identify priority research
areas, translation of operational problems to
researchable questions, and available research
results into policy and operational guidelines.
The forum also facilitates development
of collaboration linkages for public and
private partnerships and research capacity
strengthening for African scientists to
participate in the development of malaria
control interventions.
The Fifth MIM-PAMC is open to malaria
researchers and control experts from malariaendemic countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin
America and the Caribbean, as well as malaria
scientists, administrators, and representatives
from private foundations, governments and
international organizations from all corners of
the world.
A limited number of sponsorships will be
available for junior scientists from malaria
endemic countries based on a critique of
submitted abstracts and the availability of
funds. Sponsorship includes a waiver of the
registration fee, travel, accommodation and a
modest stipend to cover meals and incidentals
during the Conference.
All logistical arrangements for sponsored
participants will be made through Courtesy
Associates. Priority will be given to scientists
under the age of 35 from malaria endemic
countries who will be presenting author of an
accepted abstract (oral or poster).
Please check the appropriate box in the online
abstract submission form if you wish to apply
for sponsorship.
Sponsored participants will be contacted not
later than 28 February 2009 concerning travel
and logistical arrangements.
Call for Abstracts
The theme for the 2009 Conference is “Building
Knowledge for Action”.
The Organizing Committee of the Fifth MIM PanAfrican Malaria Conference invites abstracts for
oral and poster presentations in the sub-themes
listed above:
The sub-themes are:
Parasite biology
Vector biology and control
Antimalaria drugs
Malaria vaccines
Malaria epidemiology
Malaria treatment and control
Research capacity strengthening
Health research ethics
Health systems research
Abstract instructions:
Abstract must be submitted through
the online abstract submission system
available here: www.mimalaria.org/pamc.
Abstract sent by post, fax or e-mail will not
be accepted,
Only abstracts of research published
after 2007 will be considered. Recent
unpublished studies will take precedence,
all other things being equal,
A delegate can be the presenting author of
Conference Theme and Sub-themes
one abstract only. However, a delegate may
be co-author on other abstracts,
The Scientific Committee (SC) and parallel
session chairpersons will decide which
abstracts to accept. The SC will have
the final decision about which selected
abstracts are to be presented orally and
which as posters,
Abstracts must be text only submitted in
English or French, limited to 250 words, and
only submitted once. No charts, graphs,
or other figures should be included in the
Abstracts must be structured, i.e. divided
into sections: Introduction, Methods,
Results, and Discussion. Unstructured or
incomplete abstracts will not be accepted.
The abstract will be reproduced directly
from the typescript. Corrections cannot
be made once the abstract has been
submitted. Please proofread carefully
before submission,
Co-authors must have agreed with the
content of the abstract prior to submission
Receipt of abstracts will be acknowledged
electronically and will include a reference
number. Keep this reference number
and use it for all future contacts with the
conference organizers including tracking
progress of your abstract.
The deadline for abstract submission is
November 28, 2008
Online registration for the Fifth MIM Pan-African
Malaria Conference is now open.
To register please log on to:
Registration Fees
On or
before 30 April 2009
30 April 2009
and onsite
Malaria endemic countries
Other Countries
Important dates
Conference dates
2-6 November 2009
Deadline for Abstract submission
28 November 2008
Early registration ends
All registration fees are quoted in US
All participants are advised to register
early to take advantage of the discounted
pre-registration fee.
See: http://www.who.int/malaria/
Important note on registration: Please note
that abstract authors must be registered for the
Conference by 30 April 2009 in order for the
abstract to be accepted for presentation and
inclusion in the abstract book.
Those submitting an abstract as application for
sponsorship will be notified no later than 28
February 2009, and should NOT register until
that time.
Conference venue
The KICC is a global centre of excellence in
conferencing. Designed by the gifted Norwegian
Architect, Karl Henrick Nostivic, in 1967,
the KICC stands out in Nairobi’s skyline. It is
a timeless landmark that evokes pride in all
Kenyans. It remains the largest Conference
Centre in Eastern and Central Africa and one of
the largest in Africa.
A yellow fever vaccination certificate is required
from travellers over one year of age. Find
out from your travel agent if your country is
classified as an endemic zone.
Malaria risk exists all over the country. It is
advisable to take anti-malaria tabs before
travelling to Kenya and especially the coast or
the western part of Kenya. Nairobi is relatively
safer when it comes to malaria attacks.
All travellers arriving in Kenya must have a valid
passport. Kenya entry visas are not required for
nationals of a number of countries. Participants
are therefore advised to ascertain whether or
30 April 2009
not they are exempt from Kenyan entry visa
requirement. Those who are not exempt should
apply for visas well in advance from Kenyan
Embassies or High Commissions unless they
are from a country who may obtain a visa
upon arrival at the airport. More information
can be obtained from Kenya’s Department of
Immigration website: www.immigration.go.ke
Ground Transportation
Shuttle service will be provided from the Jomo
Kenyatta International Airport to area hotels
and from the hotels to the Conference centre. A
detailed shuttle service schedule will be posted
on the website prior to the Conference.
A block of rooms in a variety of hotels in the
vicinity of KICC will be reserved for congress
participants. Hotel reservation information
will be available after January 2009. Special
conference rates are being negotiated, of
which details will be made available as soon
as possible. Hotel reservations for sponsored
participants will be made by the organizing
committee. Those receiving sponsorship will
be contacted between 31 January and 28
February 2009 concerning travel and logistical
Nairobi weather in November is quite pleasant.
The temperature ranges be between 12º to
26º C degrees, and this being the short-rains
season, occasional showers can occur, usually
in the evenings. A warm sweater and a light
jacket is advised.
Contact Information
Conference Coordinator
Fifth MIM Pan-African Malaria Conference
African Malaria Network Trust,
PO Box 33207, Dar es Salaam, TANZANIA
Email: pamc@amanet-trust.org
Tel: +255 22 2700018
Fax: +255 22 2700380
Scientific Committee
Adrian Luty
Abdoulaye Djimde
Aceme Nyika
Adrian Hill
Andreas Heddini
Barbara Sina
Bernhards Ogutu
Charles Mbogo
Christopher Plowe
Christopher Rogier
David Schellenberg
Dominic Kwiatikowski
Eric Achidi
Francis Crawle
Gilbert Kokwaro
Godfrey Tangwa
Henry Vial
John Gyapong
John Waitumbi
Julia Royall
Kevin Marsh
Louis Miller
Lucien Manga
Maria Teresa Bejarano
Marita Troye-Blomberg
Martin Akogbeto
Martin Alilio
Mats Wahlgren
Maureen Coetzee
Malcom Molyneux
Michael Makanga
Michael Theisen
Moses Kamya
Olayemi Omotade
Ole Skovmand
Patrick Duffy
Peter Olumese
Sodiomon Sirima
Roma Chilengi
Theonest Mutabingwa
Tom Smith
Thomas Nchinda
Wilfred Mbacham
Yeya Toure
Third MIM Strategic Advisory
Board Meeting
Participants at the Third MIM Strategic Advisory Board Meeting held 7 November 2007, Philadelphia, US
The MIM Strategic Advisory Board (SAB) held
its third meeting on 7 November 2007 in
Philadelphia, USA.
Besides members of the board, invited to the
meeting were scientists and researchers from
the African malaria research community and
representatives from the African Union Mission
in the US, the African Malaria Network Trust
(AMANET), Malaria Research and Training
Centre (MRTC, Mali), University Yaounde1 of
Cameroon, Centre Muraz of Burkina Faso-,
Ghana’s Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical
Research, Ministry of Health-Uganda, Stockholm
University-Sweden, US National Institute of
Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Ifakara
Health Research and Development Centre
(IHRDC), the European Developing Countries
Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP), Wellcome
Trust, Fogarty International Centre (FIC) and the
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
The meeting provided an opportunity for an
open discourse on MIM achievements over the
last ten years, gaps and challenges so far, and
on how to reposition MIM as a leading institution
responsible for creating a pool of next generation
malaria researchers in Africa.
SAB Chairman Dr Michael Gottlieb of the
Foundation for the National Institutes of
Health opened the meeting by giving a brief
account of MIM, its organogram, activities
and accomplishments vis-à-vis its mission
to strengthen and sustain the capacity of
malaria-endemic countries in Africa to carry out
research that is required to develop and improve
tools for malaria control. He then introduced
Prof. Francine Ntoumi
Secretariat Coordinator
Multilateral Initiative on Malaria
African Malaria Network Trust
Prof Francine Ntoumi to SAB as the new MIM
Secretariat Coordinator with effect from 15
August 2007.
This was followed by remarks by FIC Director
Dr Roger Glass; updates from the four MIM
Constituents MR4, MIM/TDR, MIMCom and
MIM Secretariat); and a discussion on the MIM
Secretariat Strategic Plan which focused on
strengthening basic research and key capacities
on malaria and promoting interface among and
in between researchers and control groups,
research policy gaps survey, publications and
regional meetings.
Participants also discussed ways on how to
improve collaboration and communication
among the MIM constituents and partners
and on how to better network MIM with other
PO Box 33207, Dar es salaam, Tanzania
+255 22 270 0018
+255 22 270 0380
Email: francine.ntoumi@amanet-trust.org
Website: www.mimalaria.org