Mar 2015 - United Flying Octogenarians


Mar 2015 - United Flying Octogenarians
United Flying
The Slip Stream
V o l u m e
Special Poi nt s of
Volunteer To Be A
Board Member
Inside This
From the
VP of PR
Announcements, Info
& Upcoming
The High
Area Reps
M a rch
3 1
2 0 1 5
From The Flight Deck
The Left Seat
Communication - From the Latin 'Communicare', meaning “to share”.
That is what we try to do with this quarterly Slipstream, our monthly UFO E-mail notice,
“The Leading Edge”, and continuously through our website at Not to
mention a continuous stream of e-mail traffic between and among our members. I make this
point in recognition of the dramatic change in how we communicate today compared to a
dozen or so years ago when our membership was much smaller. At that time, this Slipstream,
for example, was primarily printed and mailed to our members. Today, most of our members
receive it via e-mail and our website. We can still make it available in printed form, or it can
be printed by downloading it from the website and printed from your home computer. But
most of us see it on a computer screen and enjoy scrolling through the pages to learn about our
members, their backgrounds and their airplanes.. In whatever form we present it, our goal is
to continuously communicate with you and help you connect with other members of the UFO
community. And in this regard, it has been suggested that we offer additional means of
communication, such as Facebook, Twitter, and a host of other online communication
programs. We have all seen younger members of our families actively communicating via
iPhones, iPads or equivalent devices, and while I do not believe that the majority of our
members are ready, willing or able to exchange information in that manner, I do believe we
should keep an open mind to incorporate new technologies into our communication platform.
We would like to hear from you and would welcome all comments and or criticisms on this
subject. I can be reached at
Warren Wood • President
The Jump Seat
It was in the late eighties when I first learned of the United Flying
Octogenarians and although I was about sixty at the time, I thought, hey,
that’s an organization I’d like to join if I am still around and flying at the
time. Unlike other goals in my life, this one didn't depend entirely upon me.
Not like learning to play the guitar or speak French, which I never did. So, what was it that
motivated me to join? The allure, the camaraderie, the meetings, fly-ins, the aircraft? Of
course, it was all of these things but the essence, the élan vital, was to belong to a group so
unique in nature that no amount of money or political influence could gain you admittance.
Just two, but difficult to meet, requirements. Call me elitist if you will, but in my case, I believe that the most important factor that motivated me to join was pride. And proud I am to
belong to such an elite group of outstanding men and women we call the UFOs.
Charlie Lopez, Vice President of Public Relations,
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List of Up and Coming UFO Meetings
Central Coast California April 8—11-2 San Luis Obispo, CA Spirit of San Luis Airport Restaurant
Grimes Field Drive and Fly-in April 16—11-4 Airport Café Urbana, OH (I74)
TEXAS Roundup VII April 29—12-2 “Mixed Up Burger Restaurant”, Grand Prairie TX Airport (GPM)
Clearwater Airpark Fly-In, Florida May 6—11-2 Clearwater FL Airport (CLW)
Annual North East Regional Fly-In May 13—11-3 Chucks Steak House Danbury, CT
Indiana Spring Meeting May21—11-3 Columbus, IN Municipal Airport (BAK)
Social UFO Gaggle VIII May 30st—11:30 EAA Hangar Brown Field, San Diego, CA (SDM)
Love’s Landing Airpark Fly-In June 6—11:00 Love Field, Weirsdale, FL (97FL)
Cameron Park California Get-Together June 24—11-3 Wray Fleming's Hangar (O61)
Crystal River Florida Fly-in Aug 1—10-2 Crystal River Airport (CGC)
Check the web page for more details.
Volunteer To Be A UFO Board Member
If you are currently a UFO member and have an interest and some time to serve on the UFO Board
Of Directors, we would like to hear from you! Of importance is the ability to work collaboratively
with others and computer skills with email service is required. The vast majority of our business is
conducted by email and teleconference. Contact Nancy Warren with the interest and/or questions:
SFO Regional Meeting Jan 23, 2015 San Carlos, CA (SQL)
Another great turn out with 47
attending including 8 new
members who shared their flying backgrounds. After lunch
the speaker, John Lannom,
gave a very interesting talk of
his experience with a little
known airline, Trans Ocean
Airlines. Although it was a
commercial carrier in business during the 60’s—80’s, the airline's secondary purpose was to
transport defectors from the former Soviet Union to the U.S. for re-settlement. John worked for
the CIA in support of this activity. Thanks John Lannom for a very interesting talk.
United Flying Octogenarians
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3 Months of Get-Togethers and Meetings
Reports On UFO Members That Had Local Meetings!!
Dec 31, 2014 Roundup VI Grand Prairie TX (GPM)
With scarcely more than a week's notice, ROUNDUP VI
was held at the "Mixed Up Burgers" restaurant at the airport at Grand Prairie Texas Municipal. There were 7
members and 1 guest in attendance--on New Year's Eve,
no less! There was no program, no speaker, no politicking--just good food and lots of good hangar flying. Pictured here are (left to right) Byron Miller, Jim Cavender,
John Jenista, John Kummer, Bob Hughes, Wayne Williamson, Gil Holt and visitor Roger Parsons. The staff and management of both the airport and the
restaurant were so gracious and accommodating that we have decided to make KGPM our regular
meeting venue. Next up--ROUNDUP VII on April 29. Same place, same time..
Jan 23, 2015 7th Floridia Annual Luncheon Lakeland, FL(LAL)
Attended by
71 members
and guests of
which 19 arrived by
plane. International member Charles
Strasser from
the Isle of Jersey, was instrumental in arranging the appearance and participation of Guest Speaker, Phil Boyer, former
AOPA President, who spoke to us on his predictions for the future of General Aviation in the
U.S. Unfortunately, rapidly approaching strong winds and heavy rain prompted cutting short the
last part of the meeting wherein new members give a short presentation about their aviation backgrounds. The Meeting was presided by Charlie Lopez, Regional Manager for Florida.
January 23, 2015 Las Vegas, NV (VGT)
Marv Rogge sent us this picture of their meeting in North
Las Vegas. Twelve gathered for lots of laughs, jokes and
lunch. They are always looking for new members and
noted that Rod Kodimer is becoming of age and will join
United Flying Octogenarians
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3 Months of Get-Togethers and Meetings
Reports On UFO Members That Had Local Meetings!!
January 31, 2015 Gaggle at San Diego, CA (SDM)
According to Wikipedia, a Gaggle is a group of geese, NOT in flight.
Or in military slang "an unorganized group doing nothing”. In aviation, it is a large, loosely organized tactical formation of aircraft.
Sounds like they have picked the right name for "SOCAL UFO Gaggle", doesn't it? This was the first gaggle of the year held at the EAA
Chapter 14, Brown Field, San Diego, with a sparse crowd of about a
dozen attendees. Bill Browning in his beautiful Diamond TwinStar
brought Jack King and Marty Engle, and Art and Joy Goodwin flew in
in their equally beautiful Cessna 182. A gourmet lunch was provided
for $3 which included Tri-Tip steak and Teriyaki Chicken with all the sides. Jack King and John
Jenista added more interesting foreign and domestic flying tales to the program. Thanks Bob Johnson for putting on another great meeting.
March 9, 2015 St. George, UT (SGU)
The March 9 Fly-in was a great day. Everyone certainly
enjoyed the few hours with folks who are quickly becoming "old friends." The local TV station (KCGS) featured
the meeting and a link on the UFO web site can be found
under the “Members In The News”. Russ Roberts is the
Area Representative and was interviewed for this special
day. Russ remembers learning to fly in 1946 after joining
the Navy. He learned to fly in a single engine Stearman Bi-Plane at the age of 18. Russ spent 25
years in the Navy. Those that attended visited the local Western Sky Aviation Warbird Museum
then had lunch at the Riverwalk Grill at Sun River. They discussed a plan to hold the next meeting
in Logan, UT in late June.
March 26, 2015 Grass Valley, CA (GOO)
Twenty-four UFOs met at Grass Valley airport then had
lunch at Tofanelli’s restaurant. Many flew in and Kael
Newton from the local newspaper “The Union” covered the
story and posted a video and several pictures on line. To
see it all, visit our UFO website ( under
“Members In The News” or go to Harold Wolfe was interPhoto Supplied by John Hart “The Union”
viewed and talked about the organization., Also Warren
Wood, our president, attended and was quoted as saying, “To be able to fly an airplane over age 80
is a pretty incredible thing”. Perry Thomas (just turning 99) was also highlighted with his 36
years of experience flying for United Airlines.
United Flying Octogenarians
Page 5
Look At All The New UFO Members!!
St. Phone
St. Phone
Bodo Diehn
Harry Harden
Bill McCreary
Dale Williams
Jack Williams
Robert Bissiri
Martin Bol
James Chapman
Harold Clark
Don Draper
William Hesse
Gene Myers
Jacques Naviaux
Ray O'Neal
Rufus Rhoades
Donn Sheeders
Steve Spragens
Ralph Goulds
John Simmermon
Joe Haycraft
Ed Katzen
John Attebury
M. George
MD (410)326-1914
MA (978)278-5111
Eugene Engledow
MO (417)761-1927
Skip Rawson III
Ralph Fox
NM (508)325-2926
Donald Green
Steven Smith
OH (937)426-0241
OK (918)299-4715
Bob Bement
Justin Strauss
OR (503)347-2949
RI (401)316-6910
Newt Courtney
Ollie Crawford
Clyde Ehlers
Gary Ellis
VA (804)435-2947
Joseph Steele
VA (434)361-1597
David Graebner
Michael Katz
WA (509)863-9605
WA (509)899-4348
F. McGinnis
William Stoneman
WA (206)842-7110
WA (425)255-7972
Mervin Wingard
WA (360)477-4474
William Elliott
Ruth Moore
We have 6 Members that are over 100
George Levis
Doris Lockness (105)
Gordon Ebbert
Eugene Engledow (101)
Helen Kuhn
Ike Leighty
Baltimore, MD
Folsom, CA
Moses Lake, WA
Bolivar, MO
Orlando, FL
Waterloo, IA
We now have
1447 members.
Since December 29, 2014 we added 42 new members.
United Flying Octogenarians
Page 6
Eugene Engledow, (101) Bolivar, MO
Well UFO readers—Mr. Engledow is one for the record book.
At 101 years of age, Eugene is still flying and has had quite a
flying career. He first took lessons in a 38hp Aeronca C-3 and
soloed in a Piper J-2 Cub back in the mid 1930s. He became an
A&P in the 1940s and was a civil-service mechanic working on
military aircraft in California during WWII. He operated the
Kern County Airport in Taft, California and then moved back to
Missouri to work for General Motors building Republic F-84 jet
fighters. He then worked on Boeing B-47s at Whiteman Air
Force Base and then at Boeing’s Rocketdyne subsidiary working
on rocket engines for the space program. He became the airport
operator of Neosho in Missouri and retired in 1975. Gene holds
the Charles Taylor Master Mechanic Award as well as the Wright Brothers Master Pilot award and the
Bolivar Airport is named the “Gene Engledow Field” where he has a parking spot reserved for “100Year Old Pilots” Quite a story Gene. Welcome to the UFO Organization.
Thomas Guy Reynolds, Jr. (102) Montgomery Village, MD
It is with much sadness that we report the passing
of one of the oldest members of the UFO organization. Thomas Reynolds passed away in January
after a great life and an amazing flying career. He
started flying at age 17 and was called a
’gentleman pilot’. He never lost his skills and flew
every year on his birthday. He founded the Martinsburg Squadron of the Civil Air Patrol in the
1940s and in 2014 received the Congressional
Gold Medal for CAP volunteers. Guy also received numerous civic and educational awards during his life. He was a great family man and an inspirational pilot all of his life.
Jim Chapman, (80) Carmel Valley, CA
Jim decided he wanted to be in the UFO Organization, so 3
months after turning 80, he flew as PIC in a Cessna 195 so he
could qualify. His instructor said he did a great job!!! Jim
owned a North American Navion for years and flew a Cessna
180 for his work. He has logged about 1700 hours. Welcome
to the UFO Jim.
United Flying Octogenarians
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Ronald Vanbeek, (80) Sequin, TX
Ron is pictured here with his N99V airplane. He has been flying
since 1966 and has owned or co-owned and built or partnered in
building a Cub, a StardusterTwo, A Mooney and this RV. Ron
worked all over the US in Air Force missile programs.
Gabe Sunshine, (80) Glen Cove, NY
Gabe Sunshine entered the Air Force in 1956 and retired in 1986. Some
of the planes he flew in the military included the T-34, T-28, T-33, F-86,
C229, and C-141. He retired as a Colonel, and was awarded multiple
awards and decorations while in the Air Force. Gabe also earned the
FAA Wright Brothers Master Pilot Award in 2010. He has more than
5000 Command Pilot hours and more than 1000 civilian flying hours and
holds certificates for single-engine, multi-engine, and instrument. Gabe
has had a stellar military career and personal flying career. Welcome to the UFO.
Ronald Judy (80) Gate, OK
Ron soloed in 1950 in a Cessna 140 and has been flying ever
since. He was awarded the FAA Master Pilot Award in 2009. He
has over 5300 hours and is still actively flying his two Navions.
Way to go Ron.
Kyler Nelson, (80) Fremont, NE
In 1986, Kyler, along with two partners, bought this 1961
Cessna 172. It has gone through 3 engines, but has been a
very reliable airplane. Kyler has been very active as an Angel Flight Pilot and an AOPA convention attendee where he
first learned about the UFO. Welcome to this new member.
Dale Williams, (80) Cottonwood, AZ
Dale got his Private License in 1954. After graduating with
an Aeronautical Engineering degree, his career included
work with the space activities at Douglas Aircraft and Lockheed. Dale is currently active with EAA as a Young Eagle
Flight Leader and he is an Angel Flight West pilot. Dale’s
wife is also a pilot and they own this 1974 Cessna Cardinal.
United Flying Octogenarians
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Melvin Fitzpatrick, (82) Queen Creek, AZ
Melvin bought his first airplane from a flight instructor in 1961 (a 1946 Taylorcraft) and took lessons from him on the fast track, flying about 15
hours, 2 landings, and learning everything he could
about the plane. He rented a Cessna 150 to take his
private check ride. Melvin sold the Taylorcraft and
over time owned a Cessna 170B, a Cessna 182 and
this 182 that he still owns. Ultimately, he added commercial, instrument, multi-engine and float plane
ratings. In 1969, he went to school to become an A&P, worked at that and taught it for 21 years.
Melvin still does lots of annuals and certifications on aircraft and hot air balloons,.
Melvin Barto, (80) Pueblo West, CO
Melvin got is private pilot ticket in 1965. Through the years,
he has owned a Cessna 120, Cessna 150, a Beechcraft Sport
and an original Yankee, and he built the RV—6A pictured
here. Melvin had a career in the Texas School System and
worked as a seasonal park ranger in the summers at Great
Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve. He claims to be a
fair-weather flyer only.
Gary Ellis, (80) White Stone, VA
Gary started flying in the 1950s in a J-3, but ran out of
money and didn’t start up again for 10 years, where in
Greece, he became the first foreigner to obtain a Greek
pilot license. In 1970, he bought his first plane, a 1946
Aeronca Chief, and then a 1946 Stinson Voyager, and later a 1959 Skylane and a Skylane RG, and
then this 1946 Ercoupe. Gary has logged over 3400 hours.
Harry Harden, (80) English, IN
Harry has had d a very successful 35 year flying career with
more than 26,000 hours logged. In the Air Force, he flew the
KC-97 tanker and the F-86 in the Air National Guard, then 30
years with the airlines in Martins, Convairs and MD-80s. He
has owned a 1956 Cessna 180 for all these years. Harry has
written a book titled “West By 180” in which he describes flying the some of the most rugged wilderness in America in the Rocky Mountains, the Pacific
Northwest and Arizona and Utah wilderness.
United Flying Octogenarians
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Gene Myers, (80) San Diego CA
Gene started flying in 1956 and got his private license in 1958.
In 1958, he and his wife owned a 1946 Taylorcraft and they currently own this 1979 Archer II.
John Simmermon, (80) Newark, DE
John started flying in 1964 and has his multi, commercial,
and sea plane ratings. He has logged 4000 plus hours .
Since 1980, he has been the proud owner of this Cardinal.
Robert Bissiri, (90) Santa Rosa,
Bob Bissiri (right) and his instructor Art Hayssen
Bob first flew in a Kinner Sportster in 1938 but didn’t
have time to get his license. He was an aviation mechanic in WWII and later worked at Douglas Aircraft
and Garret Air Research. He is a member of EAA
and flew his FIRST SOLO in January 2015 at the age
of 90 in this rented Tecnam Sierra. Way to go Bob!!!
Rufus Rhoades, (82) Pasadena, CA
Rufus is pictured here with a Columbia 350 that he used to
rent. He is now being checked out in a Cessna 182. He is an
Angel Flight pilot. Rufus has logged more than 900 hours and
belongs to the CalTech Flyers.
Billy Bouldin, (84) 29 Palms, CA
Billy first soloed in a BC 12D Taylorcraft in 1948. He was in
the USMC for 30 years flying jets, props, turboprops and
helos. He flew in both the Korean and Vietnam wars and later
few as a corporate pilot for 10 years. His experience in planes
includes AD4 Skyraider, Huey Gunship, OV-10, O-1 Birddog,
Hawker-Siddley 3A, Beechcraft Kingair C-90, Cessna 421,
Maule 235, and Skymaster. He has owned a 1948 Swift 125 and a 1964 Piper Pawnee 235 (glider
tow) for 18 years. He has logged over 11,000 flight hours.
United Flying Octogenarians
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Richard Wimbish, (80) Clemmons, NC
Richard began flying in a J-3 Piper Cub in 1955 when he
joined the Air Force. His military training had him flying a
Texan AT-6, a B-25, a C-123, and a C-119. As a civilian, he
has flown a Navion, Piper Colt, Stinson, many Cessnas, Piper Cherokee Arrow, Twin Comanche, Grob glider and Piper
Aerostar, pictured here. He has many ratings and received
the Wright Brothers Master Pilot
Ray O’Neal, (81) Carmel, CA
Ray started his flying career in the USAF flying T-33s and C-47s. After
active duty, he flew for small airlines and in the Air Guard. He spent
many years in and out of the Guard, and then started flying for Pacific
Airlines, flying Martin 404s, DC-3s, F-27s, and B-727s. Pacific Airlines
went through many mergers, one of which became Northwest Airlines
where Ray flew for many years and retired in 1988. This picture shows
Ray flying in a Microlite, which he has flown over most of Asia, Western
US, Mexico and Egypt, and this made the cover of the Smithsonian Air &
Space magazine in 1991.
Mervin Wingard, (80) Sequim, WA
Merv learned to fly in an Aeronca 7AC in 1950. He spent
three years in the Navy at Sand Point Naval Air Station in
Seattle. After his Navy years, his flying career was interrupted by marriage, children and career, and he resumed
flying upon his retirement in 1996. It took him a bit to
Sam Swihart, (82) Bolivar, MO
Sam was introduced to flying by his father in
1943 in a yellow Piper Cub. He didn’t actually
get to be a pilot until after 1960, when he needed to be able to fly for his job doing Government Contracts. He has owned a Cherokee 140,
a Cherokee 180 and a Meyers 200D, and has
flown many other models. He now owns this
1947 Bonanza and has logged over 6100 hours.
United Flying Octogenarians
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Robert Bement, (80) Vale, OR
Bob got the flying bug in 1960, but didn’t get his private license
until 1980. He learned in a Cessna 170, and then 11 years and 835
hours later, bought and restored a Cessna 182 in which he has
about 2100 flying hours now. Bob is the airport manager of the
Miller Memorial Airport in Vale and does a lot of charity benefit
flying. Way to go Bob.
Jim Walton, (84) Anchorage, AK
Jim started flying in 1954 at Oklahoma A&M. Life got busy
with work and kids and didn't fly again until I moved to Alaska
in 1970. Jim has owned an Aeronca Sedan AC-15 and a C-150
in which he, his wife and the youngest kid got their licenses.
The "Kid" now flies left seat of 737s for American Airlines.
Jim flew a C182 for over 30 years and joined the UFO in 2010.
In 2013 he started building the Progressive Aerodyne Searey.
In 2014 he started flying it and flew from Florida to Anchorage
with a 9 day stop at Oshkosh. The trip included 104 water
landings, 92 on land, 99.6 hours flying, about 9000 miles, about 600gal fuel. Jim says that this plane
is his ultimate Christmas present to himself. It is a fun little airplane to have and fly.
Raymond Kleber, (89) Goldsboro, NC
Pictured here is Colonel Ray Kleber USAF (retired) next to
General Mike Hostage, Commander of Combat Air Command.
General Hostage was one of the distinguished speakers at the
ceremony for Ray Kleber who received the highest honor Congress can bestow to a civilian. The Civil Air Patrol medal was
awarded on December 10, 2014 for service to the Nation during
the period of 1941 to 1945 where volunteers performed duties
which our own Armed Forces could not do after Pearl Harbor.
This medal was presented to 45 members and to 55 family
members who had lost a loved one during this period. Ray said that he was
humbled but proud to receive this honor and continues to be a member of
CAP after thirty two plus years with
the Army and Air Force. He was 16 years old and a new solo pilot as of August 28th when he joined the CAP on December 1, 1941. He is still blessed
to be flying light planes and gliders to this day.
United Flying Octogenarians
UFO Area Representatives
AZ (North)
AZ (South)
CA Northwest
CA, Palm Springs
CA, San Francisco
CA, San Diego
Buck Stewart (907) 495-6527
Harry Amster (602) 954-0998
Kayl Craig (520) 881-0988
Richard Dennis (707) 538-1976
Tony Terrigno (760) 772-8480
Warren Wood (831) 659-7523
Robert Johnson (619) 475-4732
Bob Barker (203) 321-1073
Wayne Peters (301) 299-1775
Charlie Lopez (305) 232-2878
Ray Bell (404) 634-4531
Willy Schauer (808) 833-9880
John Harns (208) 777-8389
Red Bainbridge (815) 282-5083
Nancy Warren (812) 372-2769
Alfred Shippy (785) 200-3059
Alex Hasapis (978) 462-9817
Wayne Peters (301) 299-1775
Bob Ward (608) 274-0849
Ed Gonsalves (406) 381-2975
NV North
NV South
NY, Rhinebeck
NY, South
TX North Central
TX North East
Virgin Islands
Vern Dudley (505) 266-2491
Charles Kettering (775) 826-5161
Marvin D. Rogge (702) 655-9005
Bill King (845) 268-7077
Harold Levy (631) 329-0425
Charlie DeBerry (937) 435-9229
Frank Lowry (918) 640– 6619
Bert Zimmerman (503) 708-5703
Bob Barker (203) 321-1073
Ray Bell (404) 634-4531
Jim Cavender (817) 292-1044
Wayne Collins (903) 850-2611
Russ Roberts (435) 590-7610
Charlie Lopez (305) 232-2878
Sara Parmenter (804) 492-4474
Bob Barker (203) 321-1073
William Webber (509) 466-2026
Bob Ward (608) 274-0849
Bernie Peterson (307) 673-8414
Hugo Casadella (5411) 4815-8779
UFO Regional Managers
Bob Barker (203) 321-1073
Charlie Lopez (305) 232-2878
William Webber (509) 466-2026
Jim Cavender (817) 292-1044
Red Bainbridge (815) 282-5083
The Slip
United Flying
United Flying Octogenarians
P.O. Box 1765
Carmel Valley, CA 93924
Tel. 831-659-7523
Bill Webber
11910 N. Country Club Dr.
Spokane, WA 99218
Visit the Web Site—