The Flyer - BMFA Scale Technical Committee


The Flyer - BMFA Scale Technical Committee
The Flyer
Issue No 38. April/May ‘08.
**Please check for regular updates**
Official Newsletter
Of the
**In this issue:
Alf Williams’ Bristol Beaufighter
Club Scale Comp Round 1
Page 2
Twin Cities Autumn Scale Rally Page 2
NSW Scale Masters 2008
Page 4
South Pacific Scale Masters
Page 7
NSW Large Scale 2008
Page 11
Scale Closeup – Beaufighter
Another Model Cradle
Member’s Models
Club Scale 2007 Results
Upcoming Events
Page 12
Page 13
Page 14
Page 15
Page 16
President: John Rolfe
9734 6288
Vice Pres: Alistair Heathcote 9605 2568
Secretary (acting): Alistair Heathcote
Treasurer: Scott Dawson
Lloyd Willis, Kel Thomas, James Price.
The views & opinions expressed by the contributors to this magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher, the committee or the members of the
New South Wales Scale Aircraft Society incorporated. Correspondence related to any article should be addressed to The Editor - 1 Virginia St Guildford West NSW 2161 Ph: 0410 575 316 Email:
This event was held at the Valley Flyers field at Shepparton on the 28th, 29th and 30th of March 2008. The event was organized by Brian Green, who is the Owner and Editor of Radio Control Model News magazine. The event was an attempt to do things a bit differently in order to get more than the usual small numbers at formal competitions and, for a variety of good and positive reasons, the event was an outstanding success. Some contributory factors to the success are as follows: 1. Special attractions: Brian Green arranged for Peter McDermott (from the UK) to compete with his world class Sopwith Snipe and for Brian Borland (from NZ and owner of Airsail) to compete with his well known Miles Hawk Trainer M2P. 2. The Organisation: Brian and his team had issued F4C type rules to all the competitors and judges before the event, and then managed the event according to them. For example ‐ competitors had to be in the ready box on time or they missed the round and had to fly to the times allotted. As a result 25 aircraft got in 4 rounds and 8 got in their required 3 rounds during the 3 days. 3. The Weather : Basically wonderful for the 3 days – sunshine, little wind (except in the mid afternoons). 4. The Competitors: From NSW we had 9 flyers, with myself and Peter Bons judging; a modeler and his son from Tasmania, and 21 from Victoria. ( Oh, and don’t forget UK and NZ!). Without exception, all the competitors enjoyed the weekend and were complimentary about the way it was run. 5. The Aircraft: A wonderful range from an A10 Warthog to a Sopwith Triplane, flown by old codgers down to an 11 year old! There were a couple of mishaps but the weather favoured good, impressive flying. I have included a range of photos with captions to give an impression of the range and quality of the models and flying. 6. The Event: There were 4 classes – ARF – 12 entries; Classic – Builder of the model – 12 entries; Classic Team – 2 entries ‐ Cliff built the Tiger Moth and 11 year old Daniel Walters (from Tas) flew with outstanding skill; and Ken Thomas with Tupolev bomber carrying 2 Polikarpov I‐16 fighters that detached under RC; F4C – 7 entries, of which 4 were from NSW. 7. Results: ARF • 1st Stephen Green flying a Grumman Panther jet in a very smooth way. NSW Scale Aircraft Society Inc. Page 7
2nd Neil Addicot also flying a Grumman Panther jet. He and Stephen put on some awesome formation flying in the lunch break of day 3. 3rd Mike Farnan with a large Cessna 182 that flew in a convincing full size manner. Classic • 1st Damien Mould with the A‐10 Warthog. An outstanding aircraft which brought the crowd to a standstill every time it took to the air. (Worth going just to see this!) • 2nd Andy Bolle flying an L39 Albatros • 3rd Our own Dave Brown flying his new Grumman Panther (The jets are taking over!) Team Classic • 1st Cliff and Daniel Walters flying a quarter scale DH 82 Tiger Moth – beautifully finished by Cliff and expertly flown by Daniel. • 2nd Ken Thomas and his three helpers flying the Tupolev TB3 Bomber that dropped 2 Polikarpov 1‐16 , electric powered, RC fighters, as an optional maneuver – full marks for originality and very crowd pleasing! F4C •
1st Peter Mc Dermott, flying the Sopwith Snipe. An exhibition in how to impress the judges – slow, realistic flight speed, simulated rotary engine sound and each maneuver positioned where it would deliver most impact on the judges. 2nd The inimitable Tom Prosser, who flew in a very impressive and smooth manner with his Pace Spirit. 3rd Dean Erby, who managed a windy spell very well to end only 23 points in 5,000 behind Tom Brian Borland was fourth with his Miles Hawk, flown very consistently in each round, at a realistic and steady speed. Highlights for Me • Talking to Peter McDermott and observing how his confidence in his own ability is so high he always flew to impress the judges, not just to complete the manoeuvre. And a real privilege to judge him in F4C both static and flying. • To talk with Brian Borland about his building techniques and seeing how well his Miles flew – Reason: I am half way through building a similar aircraft!! • The smooth running, no agro, no disputes (only had to clarify the interpretation of “Choice of Options” and that’s nothing new!) and the good hospitality of the Valley Flyers club members. • And that Warthog…………………! Roll on next year, Alistair Heathcote NSW Scale Aircraft Society Inc. Page 8
NSW Scale Aircraft Society Inc. Page 9
NSW Scale Aircraft Society Inc. Page 10