16 Term 4 Week 11 Week 51
16 Term 4 Week 11 Week 51
Term 4|Week 11|16th December 2015 Teamwork Respect Responsibility Honesty Principal’s Column Gillian Stuart—Principal Important Dates Term 1 2016 Wednesday Staff Development 27/01/16 Day Thursday Years 1-6 return 28/01/16 to school Thursday Best Start 28/01/16 Program for Kindergarten Friday Best Start 29/01/16 Program for Kindergarten Monday Kindergarten 01/02/16 start school Links Dear Parents What an exciting week and year for all students and staff of Scotts Head Public School. Congratulations and well done to you all! We would like to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday and look forward to seeing you all next year! School website: http://www.scottshead -p.schools.nsw.edu.au/ School facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ scottsheadpublicschool?fref=ts The Staff of SHPS Indo Corner Selamat hari Natal (Merry Christmas) Selamat tahun baru (Happy New Year) Natal (Christmas) Pohon natal (Christmas tree) Malam natal (Christmas eve) Hadiah (Presents) Sinterklas (Santa Claus) Tahun baru (New year) Malam tahun baru (New year’s eve) Merayakan (Celebrate) Pesta (Party) Liburan panjang (long holiday) Thank you to John Elliott from Prickle Patch Signs for our wonderful new sign. Scotts Head Public School - 21 Vernon Street, Scotts Head NSW 2447 P 65698144 F 65698329 E scottshead-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au www.scottshead-p.schools.nsw.edu.au Weekly round up Presentation Night Scotts Head Public School - 21 Vernon Street, Scotts Head NSW 2447 P 65698144 F 65698329 E scottshead-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au www.scottshead-p.schools.nsw.edu.au Weekly round up Year 6 Farewell Scotts Head Public School - 21 Vernon Street, Scotts Head NSW 2447 P 65698144 F 65698329 E scottshead-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au www.scottshead-p.schools.nsw.edu.au
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