Week 2 - Diocese of Wilcannia
Week 2 - Diocese of Wilcannia
Tuesday 15th October 2013 Term 4 Week 2 ST. MARY’S PARISH SCHOOL, WARREN The Educational Ministry of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Parish, Warren Phone: (02) 6847 4488 Fax: (02) 6847 3338 P.O Box 63, Warren NSW 2824 - 2 Lawson Street, Warren NSW 2824 School Office Hours Monday – Thursday 8.30am – 3.00pm. Friday 8.30am – 1.00pm. Important Dates Wed 16th October Thurs 17th October Fri 18th October Tues 22nd October Fri 25th October Wed 13th November NSW PSSA Athletics, Cricket Day, Warren, P&F Meeting 6.30pm NSWPSSA School Assembly 2.10pm Book Club Money Due Year 1 Liturgy 12.30pm P&F AGM Meeting 6.30pm From the Principal Dear Parents, Congratulations to the children who participated in the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time last week. The children and families were very reverent and participated in a great manner. Congratulations to Aidan Bermingham, Madison Davis, Chelsey Hewett, Cooper Hunt, Lachlan Marks, Bella Noonan, Destiny Shipley, Austin Smith, Stephanie Squire and Ruby Storer. Many thanks go to Miss Rousell, Mrs Empringham, Mrs Wilson and Mrs Bath for their preparation of the children in receiving the Sacrament. Last week, I included some information for parents that may assist in dealing with anxious children. It is often an understated reason behind children’s behaviours or efforts towards their tasks at school. This week, some additional information has been added. If you are looking for further ideas, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher or myself. Today, the Year 3 and Year 5 children will bring home the results of their NAPLAN testing in reading, writing, language conventions, spelling and numeracy skills. The tests, conducted over three days, are a snapshot of two years worth of learning. I ask that you take these two factors, along with your child’s most recent report, into consideration when viewing your child’s results. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher. At the beginning of 2012, a decision was made to change certain aspects of the children’s uniform. This was to be phased in over the course of 2012 and 2013, with the uniform change to be made permanent from 2014. I ask that you begin to plan for this change so that we are consistent with our uniform from the beginning of the 2014 school year. This Friday 18th October, we will be holding a Mission Day to raise funds for the Caritas Missions. The Missions do work to assist children in developing countries that don’t have access to food, water or education. Our day will begin with a Liturgy (10am in the church) celebrating how we can be missionaries to people in our own communities and those people who do the work for others. The children will also be encouraged to bring any spare coins to raise money for the Missions. Each class will be having a coin line to see how long their donations are. After this, the children will be having a mini – fete. During the holidays, we had an incident of vandalism at the old Church. I would like to thank Dave Duncan for his help in assisting the police in apprehending the offenders and also to Lloyd Calvert for his assistance in boarding up a broken entrance. We appreciate your help and support and it was remiss of me not to mention this last week. Our best wishes go to Molly Storer and Abby Hunt who will be competing at the NSW PSSA Athletics Carnival held in Sydney on Wednesday and Thursday. It is a fantastic achievement to be competing at this level and we are all very proud of your efforts. Congratulations to Claire Williamson, Olivia Wass and Lola Vasilescu who won prizes in the Warren Pre School Spring Fair Colouring Competition. We hope that you enjoyed your prizes over the weekend. The next meeting of the St Mary’s Parents and Friends committee will be held tomorrow on Wednesday 16th October in the Hall at 6:30pm. Everyone is invited to come along. The school’s Annual General Meeting/Christmas Party for the Parents and Friends Committee will be held next month on Wednesday 13th November in the Hall at 6:30pm. It would be great to see a number of parents come along to support the meeting or even offer to fill a position on the Committee. As our major fundraisers this year have shown, many hands make light work. This is another example where this is the case. If you would like to know more about the positions on the P&F, please feel free to contact the President, Geoff McKay. On Wednesday, many of the Years 3 – 6 boys and girls will be participating in the Milo T20 Blast held at Victoria Oval. The children have been training and are looking forward to taking part in their games of cricket. Thanks to Cricket NSW for their organisation of the event and for Mrs McNair and Mrs Empringham in taking the children over on the day. Year 4/5 will be presenting their item at Assembly this week on Friday at 2:10pm. All parents and family members are invited and encouraged to attend. Reminders A sleeping bag cover has been missing since the Year 5/6 camp at Lake Burrendong. I ask that you have a look in your child’s sleeping bags to see if the cover is in there or if it is at home. If you find it, please contact me at school. Please make sure that you have a chat with your child to see if they need any additional stationery supplies for Term 4. As mentioned in 2012, basic stationery supplies will be purchased by parents from 2013 onwards. Staff have been noticing that some children are a little short with their supplies. Scan here to go to St Mary’s web page Tomorrow, Wednesday 16th October, Taryn, Jo and myself will be undertaking the next stage of our Building Leadership and Leadership Teams course. St Mary’s will be hosting the five schools taking part in the program. As a result, we will be unavailable (except for emergencies) all day and I ask that all non – urgent communication be left with a message at the office. Next Tuesday, 22nd October, the 2014 Leadership team will be holding a planning day looking at all aspects of our school. If there is an urgent need to contact someone at school, please contact Terina McNair or Jenelle in the office. I apologise for any inconvenience that these situations may cause. Kind regards, Paul Kelly Principal Parish News Mass Times: Sunday 20th October Warren 9.00am Weekday Mass: 9.00am Daily Reconciliation: Before and after Mass Or by appointment Know how to keep kids safe around windows? Each year, around 50 children fall from windows or balconies in Australia. Many suffer serious injuries. Sometimes these falls are fatal. NSW Fair Trading has two great new YouTube videos on child window safety, presented by DIY guru and TV personality Rob Palmer. These bite-sized videos deliver a simple yet vital message – window locks could save your child’s life and can be easy and cheap to install! Watch Window locks save lives [Link: http://youtu.be/9rdtXxzXhqo] and How to install window locks [Link: http:// youtu.be/2qD-PmC7i4A] on YouTube today. These videos are essential viewing for all parents and grandparents. They provide: simple tips on how to prevent falls from windows and balconies in your home easy step-by-step instruction on how to install window locks, and more. Remember, don’t be fooled by fly screens – they are not strong enough to stop your child falling out of an open window. Toddlers aged between 2 and 4 are most at risk of window falls because they’re top heavy and are too young to judge potential danger. For more handy tips on keeping your kids safe around windows and balconies including a brochure, checklist and product guide, visit www.health.nsw.gov.au Did you know proposed new laws were announced by NSW Fair Trading Minister Anthony Roberts on 18 Sep 2013 aimed at preventing children falling from windows? They would introduce requirements for owners corporations in strata buildings to install safety devices on all common property windows above the ground floor. For more details, visit www.fairtrading.nsw.gov.au JOTTINGS FROM WILCANNIA-FORBES REP ANNE-MAREE DWYER Hello again. Here is just a quick note to keep you informed on the happenings within the CCSP and to share helpful parenting resources to keep you updated with the latest parenting information. Please remember as parents of students in Catholic Schools you are very welcome to email me if you have any questions or issues to be addressed at the next CCSP meeting which is set down for the end of November. Please email at Anne-Maree.Dwyer@wf.catholic.edu.au Until next time, happy parenting! Anne-Maree Dwyer CCSP WORKING HARD FOR RURAL COMMUNITIES NSW GOVERNMENT INVESTS MORE THAN $200 MILLION FOR SCHOOL BUS SAFETY RECOMMENDATIONS The plan will see the installation of seat belts and phasing out of students standing in the aisles in more than 1700 dedicated school buses in rural and regional NSW over the next ten years, starting this year. For more information go to: http://www.ccsp.catholic.edu.au/dbpage.php?pg=view&dbase=news&id=60 PARENT TIP Parental engagement: The influence of parental involvement on a student's academic success should not be underestimated. While brain power, work ethic, and even genetics all play important roles in student achievement, the determining factor comes down to what kind of support system he or she has at home. For more information go to: http://www.opencolleges.edu.au/informed/features/the-effect-of-parental-involvement-in-academic- Helping your child to read When children read, they often ‘come unstuck’ or feel defeated when what they read doesn’t make sense or they get to a word they don’t understand. Below are some strategies that they can use: It doesn’t make sense or ‘sound right’. Strategies: Re-read – check that you haven’t missed any words or read the word incorrectly. Read on – read the next sentence and see if that helps. Adjust the ‘reading rate’ – slow down or speed up so that the words ‘come together’ naturally. I don’t know that word. Strategies: Sound it out. Chunk it into parts that you do know i.e. I don’t know the word ‘chat’ but I know the word ‘hat’. Experiment with adding ‘c’ to ‘hat’ or ‘ch’ to ‘at’. Using analogy – use your knowledge of one word to help you understand another i.e. I don’t know what ‘permitted’ means but I know what ‘permission’ means – could they have a similar meaning? Consulting a reference – look the word up in a dictionary, online or in a thesaurus. Mrs Sally Empringham. Canteen News Canteen Roster Cooking Mums Wednesday 16th October—Alex Ramsay Friday 18th October—Nicole Livingstone Monday 21st October—Skye Tyrwhitt Wednesday 16th October—Sally Empringham Friday 18th October—Amanda Thomas Monday 21st October—Lucinda Wass HEARTKIDS RUGBY CUP AND CLINIC CLINIC Saturday 2nd November 2013. Where: Emus Rugby Oval Time: 1.30-4.30pm Cost: $35.00 inc clinic and entry into Exhibition match. Pre Match Entertainment and Kids match 5.00-5.30pm BBQ and more available. EXHIBITION MATCH DEADWOOD Vs INVITATIONAL Central West TEAM Emus Oval 6pm followed by presentation and night $5 Entry