Tomaree High News 2014 Term 1 Week 7


Tomaree High News 2014 Term 1 Week 7
Tomaree High News
2014 Term 1 Week 7
Soldiers Point Marina recently announced the continuation of
sponsorship for Year 10 students from Tomaree High School
and St Philips Christian College for the Real Futures
The donation of $60,000, including student scholarships and
another three year commitment to the Real Futures Program,
ensures our local students are gaining an employment advantage
and assists them to make an easier transition from school to the
“Of the funding, $50,000 supports many strategies currently in
place such as Ready for Work Programs, Industry Workshops
and Work Experience to enable students to gain as much hands
on experience as possible before entering the work force.
Additionally, $10,000 for student scholarships will fund items such as books or tools etc for selected candidates” said Marina
Manager Darrell Barnett.
“The Real Futures Program relies on industry funding with Soldiers Point Marina being a platinum sponsor. We are thrilled to
be in the position to continue to contribute in such a positive way to our local youth and look forward to following their
progress” said Mr Barnett.
Tomaree High School Principal, Peter Partridge, expressed his appreciation of Soldiers Point Marina’s generosity and
commitment to local youth. Many other business houses and not-for-profit organizations also support the school with financial
support and the giving of their time.
“The programs promote the essential skills today’s employers are seeking and give our students a head start in applying for
jobs,” he said.
“Community support for our school is opening up new areas where our students can realise future work options and better
understand what is required in their desired area of employment.”
Pictured from left at the cheque handover: Tomaree High Principal Mr Peter Partridge, Marina Manager Darrell Barnett, Real
Futures Vice Chairman Bob Westbury and St Philips Christian College Principal Dr Timothy Petterson
Year 7 Parent Information night
The Year 7 2015 Parent Information night will be held at Tomaree High School in the Drama Hall on
Wednesday, 26th March at 6pm. This will be a great opportunity to learn more about the school and
the various programs we run here at THS.
Kylie McElwayne - Year 7 Year Adviser (2015)
Tomaree High School
Forward Together >>>
2014 Term 1 Week 7
How to Use Skoolbag to send an absentee note or change
of family details.
If you have downloaded Skoolbag you are able to send absentee notices and / or change of details
forms direct to the school from your phone.
Use the instructions below
Open Skoolbag and click on
the parent eForms tab
Choose which eForm you wish to
Complete all fields on the form
Scroll down to the bottom and
Your form.
The office may contact you to
confirm any details.
2014 Term 1 Week 7
Yr 11 student Gaia Ewing, has been awarded the 2013 Glencore scholarship for her
participation and outstanding performance in Star Struck 2013.
As the major sponsor of Star Struck, Glencore established a scholarship program to
support students to further their studies and experiences in the performing arts industry.
The scholarship is valued at $1000.
Gaia was nominated by Tomaree High School Drama teacher and Drama Director of Star
Struck, Kerbie Fletcher.
“Gaia performed exceptionally well and always presented herself with confidence and
maturity, and she is a worthy recipient,” said Mrs Fletcher.
The award will be presented by a representative from Glencore at the Star Struck 2014 launch on March 27 at
We congratulate Gaia on her fabulous achievements in the performing arts and wish her the very best as she now
enters her senior years here at Tomaree.
Kerbie Fletcher - Drama Teacher
George Mirosevich, an ex student of Tomaree High School, has won this year’s
prestigious Brett Graham Scholarship. He will soon be flying off to London to
work with the renowned Chef at ‘The Ledbury’ in Notting Hill.
The competition is run by Hunter Chefs & Co in conjunction with Hunter TAFE.
George currently works at The Boathouse Restaurant at Little Beach. He has
agreed to visit the Year 11 Hospitality class in our new Industrial Kitchen, to do a
cookery demonstration and share his experiences and career path to date, before
he leaves our shores.
The staff at Tomaree High wish George every success for his experience in London and for his future in the
Hospitality Industry. We will be taking a keen interest in his progress in the future. Congratulations George,
we are very proud of you!
Sue D’Arcy
Headteacher TAS: Home Economics
2014 Term 1 Week 7
Tomaree High School’s Open Girls’ Netball team remains undefeated in the Zone
knockout competition continuing the trend of recent years.
The girls travelled to Raymond Terrace on February 27 to compete in the first rounds of the
CHS Netball Knockout competition where, despite the heat and humidity, they gave a
stunning display to convincingly win all four matches.
The match scores were: Tomaree 40 Vs Hunter River 9; Tomaree 35 Vs Francis Greenway
22; Tomaree 38 Vs Irrawang 12; Tomaree 38 Vs Dungog 17.
Throughout the day, Isabella Stefanish shot with impressive accuracy and was a strong
leader on the court. Alana McDonald and Briley Clifford played extremely well in attack,
making defence difficult for the opposition. Emma Cram and Emily Orr dazzled the
opponents with their speed and agility, providing a fast transition up the court and a quick
turnover of centres. Kaitlyn Edmunds and Chelsea Noble provided an extra level of depth in
the centre court making many valuable turnovers through fantastic intercepts. Our defence
was hard to crack with Samantha Bool, Taylah Potter and Perse Collins working well in the
circle to minimise scoring opportunities for the opposition.
The girls once again demonstrated great sportsmanship. We will now head off to Newcastle on the 21st of March to take part
in the next round of the CHS Knockout. Goodluck girls!!
Sarah Bergan
Tomaree High School
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2014 Term 1 Week 7
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2014 Term 1 Week 7
Kokoda Youth Leadership Challenge
- Nominations Now Open Nelson Bay Bowling Club, the newest Silver Sponsor of the Real Futures Foundation, has opened
nominations to Tomaree High School students over 17 years of age for the Kokoda Youth Leadership
Each year, about 30 students from around the country nominate to go in the Challenge and this year
Nelson Bay Bowling Club has committed the funds to enable a young person from Tomaree High
School to participate.
In 1942, the 160klm Kokoda Track which is covered in rough, jungle terrain, was the scene of fierce
fighting as the Australians battled against the Japanese push towards Port Moresby. Injured Australian
soldiers were assisted and escorted down the track by Papua New Guinean people fondly nicknamed
the “Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels”.
Today, those who make the journey along the Kokoda Trail are pushed to the limit both physically and
mentally. Participating in the Kokoda Youth Leadership Challenge is a life affirming experience.
Nominations are now open for students over 17 years who attend Tomaree High School. The successful
applicant will be someone who is regarded as either a future leader of the community or a student
whose confidence and resilience would be strengthened by the experience.
To assist the students pass rigorous physical tests as well as being mentally prepared, we are seeking
a gym to support the finalists as they train for the Challenge.
The Real Futures Foundation, works with the youth or our region assisting them to become more
workplace ready, through developing skills and knowledge required to be competitive in the employment
If you would like to nominate a young person for the Kokoda Youth Leadership Challenge please
contact us at or call our Marketing Manager Marian Sampson on 0459 333
We are also seeking businesses and individuals to become involved as sponsors, and volunteers – we
would like to hear from you. You can find out more at email us at or call our Marketing Manager Marian Sampson on 0459 333 851
For further information please contact:
Marian Sampson
Marketing Manager
0459 333 851 or (media only) 0414 52 11 80
Tomaree High School
Forward Together >>>
2014 Term 1 Week 7
Farewell to a much loved and respected Teacher and Colleague –
Ms Davison
The Home Economics Faculty had the opportunity this week to invite Ms Davison for afternoon tea to officially farewell her
as she retires from teaching.
Ms Davison has worked at Tomaree High School for 14 years. Her contributions to the Home Economics Faculty and school
have been enormous in terms of her talent as a teacher, enthusiasm for the subjects taught and excellent outcomes for the
students fortunate to have been in her classes.
Over the years, Ms Davison has given willingly of her time after school, at weekends and in the holidays to work with our
Senior Textiles and Design students completing their Major Textiles Projects. I know they and their families have appreciated
this. She has nurtured students as a roll call Teacher and in Pastoral Care. She has been a wonderful Teacher and Colleague
and we miss her dearly.
We wish her well for a happy and busy retirement- we have been fortunate to see the outcomes of some of the Textiles
projects she is currently working on!
Ms Davison (left) pictured with Mrs Shaw
Mrs Shaw’s baking talents . . . only crumbs left!
Sue D’Arcy
Headteacher TAS: Home Economics
- UNIFORM SHOP PHONE: 4981 0011 or 4981 1444
Principal: Mr Peter Partridge
Deputy Principal: Mrs Jennifer Florey
Tomaree High School
Salamander Way,
Salamander Bay.
Ph: 49811444
Application Packs available Term 1, 2014
Applications close 2.00pm Thursday June 12 2014.
CAPA Audition Day Tuesday July 15, 2014
Academic Selection Day Wednesday July 16, 2014
8.00 am – 11.00 am
1.00 pm – 4.30 pm
THURSDAY 8.00 am – 11.00am
2014 Term 1 Week 7
Welcome to new Head Teacher HSIE
As a new member of the teaching staff at Tomaree High School, I’d like to
take this opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Bronwyn Tubnor and
I have just taken up the position of Head Teacher Human Society and its
Environment (HSIE). Prior to that, I was Middle Years Literacy and
Numeracy Consultant for the Hunter Central Coast Region (2012/2013) and
relieving Priority Schools Program Consultant (2011), following a 16 year
head teacher career in Social Science at Hunter Sports High School.
I am enjoying my roles and responsibilities at Tomaree High School and look forward to utilising
my teaching and learning experiences to date to support Tomaree High School and its students in
striving for excellence.
Recognition Draw
Our expectations that are promoted in all aspects of the school environment are Respect, Responsibility and striving for
excellence. Students who display positive behaviour in regards to these expectations are rewarded with commendations.
These commendations are placed in a box each week and at our Wednesday school assembly, we recognise positive
behaviour by drawing a name from the box for each stage group. The recipients each week receive a voucher for the
Our canteen voucher recipients so far this term are:
Week 5:
Bayden Sproule – Year 7
Bella Folie – Year 9
Sylvia Mirosevich – Year 11
Week 6:
Erik Verdeuzeldonk – Year 7
*A report & more photos next
2014 Term 1 Week 7
The Real Futures Foundation
Trivia Night - Tickets only $15
March 28 2014 - 7.30pm
Nelson Bay Golf Club
Dowling St, Nelson Bay
Win Great Prizes – Have Fun! - Bring your friends and
Support The Real Futures Foundation
Connect with your community and help us to
deliver youth programs that work…
Mentoring – Job Readiness – Work Skills – Leadership
At-risk Student Support - Breakfast Clubs and more…
Tickets at Tomaree High School Office
or contact:
P: 0459 333 851
Please note you are unable to BYO food or beverages to the venue. There are great options available on the night. Thank You MATHSONLINE NOW FREE TO ALL
Due to negotiations with the supplier of Mathsonline and with the support of the P&C and the Principal with Equity funding, we have been able to gain access to this wonderful Mathematical support program for this year for all students at no cost
to the parents/caregivers.
Reimbursements will be made to those who contributed their $20. Thank you for your patience. Rod Lyon ‐ HT Maths Tomaree High School
Forward Together >>>
2014 Term 1 Week 7
The term has reached its climax that invariably means assessment task time. So what is the best way for your child to survive
this pressure cooker time? The answer is simple – drafting. Your child will receive their task two weeks before it is due. They
will then work on it in class with their teacher so that on the actual test day they should have a good understanding of how to
get the best result. However, that is not all! Your child should also be doing preparation at home by preparing drafts for their
teacher to mark, then acting on suggestions. There is no easy way to achieve greatness but hard work and preparation certainly
will put them on the right track.
Congratulations to all Yr12 who have just completed their English Mid-Course exam. It is
an eye opener for many in regards to how much writing is required in such a short time.
Now is not the time though, to put the Area of Study module into the wardrobe. It is
important that students review their notes and text on a regular basis. If they do so, they
will find, come the Trials, that they won’t have to cram as much and hopefully not panic as
much. Preparation + hard work = success.
Shortly you should receive information on the upcoming NAPLAN tests. Please read the
information carefully. We ask you to encourage the students to treat the tests in a serious
manner. They do provide us with important information that is used to better your child’s
DATES for the calendar:
NAPLAN – Term 2, week 3, Tuesday 13th May, Wednesday 14th May, Thursday 15th
Which movies do the following one-liners come from?
"Houston, we have a problem."
"What we've got here is failure to communicate."
"Yeah baby!"
"Say hello to my little friend."
"We're on a mission from God."
"You’re gonna need a bigger boat."
"Good morning, and in case I don’t see ya, Good afternoon, good evening and good night."
"Nobody puts Baby in the corner."
"Have you ever danced with devil in the pale moonlight?"
"At my signal, unleash hell."
Mr Mark Wagland
Rel HT English
Tomaree High School
Forward Together >>>
2014 Term 1 Week 7
Resilience is being able to cope well with life changes and challenges. This can range from minor irritations and inconveniences that cause minimal stress to very stressful life events, such as a trauma or crisis. A person’s ability to cope with a stressful situation depends on the personal skills they have, but can also depend on the situation – a person may be able to cope well in one situation, but not another. The good thing about resilience is that it’s not a fixed characteristic in young people – they can learn the skills they need to cope with a range of stressful situations through parents, teachers, peers and other significant people in their lives. Parents can provide support at home and teachers can provide support at school. Further information on resilience development can be found at‐info/hot‐
topics/being‐resilient.php. Helping young people to become more resilient and make positive life choices is the core goal underpinning the Healthy Schools, Healthy Futures program. The program utilises a ‘whole school approach’, which recognises the importance of young people having positive involvement in, and connections to, their school, home and community. Tomaree High School has been working with Healthy Schools, Healthy Futures since 2011 to increase staff and student resilience and wellbeing. Our work has included looking at in‐class resilience programs, presentations and workshops for students and staff, revising anti‐bullying initiatives, establishing partnerships with community organisations and working to increase communication with families. During Term 3 students in Year 9 and 10 will participate in an online survey to obtain information on how student resilience has increased and changed. Most parents or carers of Year 10 students have already provided consent for their child to participate in this survey in 2011. Families of Year 9 students, and recently enrolled Year 10 students, will be sent an information pack from the Healthy Schools, Healthy Futures Team during Term 2 that provides further information and a consent form. The data collected will be used for planning strategies to be implemented within the classroom and whole school environment to further support resilience and well‐being. The participation of students, staff and the wider community in this project is greatly appreciated and has been invaluable in ensuring ongoing positive outcomes for the students and staff at Tomaree High School. Tomaree High School
Forward Together >>>
2014 Term 1 Week 7
It is not so easy to tie a knot!
A lovely group of Year 7 students who did not go to camp had an exciting time on Friday morning
in Technology. The students were set the challenge to make a book mark using felt, beads and
The first skill to learn was how to thread a needle and tie a knot in the end of the thread. Not so
easy for anyone who has never done this before! Students used the resources available to create an
interesting design on their felt, which was then trimmed using pinking shears. An industrious and
productive lesson.
So remember, Mums, Dads and Grandparents at home, if you need a button sewn on you know
who to call......... not Ghostbusters, Buttonbusters!
Tomaree High School
Forward Together >>>
2014 Term 1 Week 7
Regular school attendance leads to good levels of achievement, builds self confidence and gives your child the
best possible start in life.
Poor attendance could result in your child falling behind with their work, missing out on friendship and limiting
their chances of exam success.
What can parents and students do?
You can help by:
Avoiding booking holidays, shopping trips, birthday treats or visiting relatives during school time.
Arranging doctor/dentist appointments outside of school hours.
Always calling the school on the first day of absence.
Ensuring the school has the correct contact details for you.
B. Foley HT Administration
Tomaree High School
2014 Term 1 Week 7
Tomaree High School
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2014 Term 1 Week 7
Debra Mould available
Monday - Thursday
8.15am - 2.30pm.
Phone: on 49811444 Ext 432
Tomaree High School Library
The Tomaree High School Library is open
until 6pm on Tuesday and Thursday
This is an excellent
opportunity to use specialist resources
and the internet in this quiet learning
space. Staff are on hand to offer
assistance, particularly in respect of
assessment tasks. All students are most
It’s the Year of the Horse and to celebrate, Encantador the Riding School at Williamtown has launched
a special fundraiser to benefit Tomaree schools.
When a rider has their first lesson, Encantador will refund $15 back to the school they attend. This is on offer until May
1, 2014. Each private lesson is $30 per half hour.
Encantador has been operating for 13 years under qualified teacher, Gaylene Brown, who holds a Diploma of Teaching
(Physical Education), Riding Instructors Diploma, Horse Safe Certificate (Hons) . The centre has been a successful
equestrian competitor as well as teaching in schools - both primary and high, TAFE and University for over 45 years.
Jess Ducat, who is a many times champion, teaches at Encantador and takes all new students from beginners to advanced
riders. The major focus is on safety and technique, which in turn, produces competent
Encantador has a semi enclosed arena with lights and a variety of quiet school ponies.
The equestrian centre has been very successful in recent years producing Young Rider of
the Year at Alexander Dressage Club in both 2012 and 2013, a total of 15 champions
and reserve champion dressage riders over thes in the under 18 years division.
Should you require further information, please don’t hesitate to contact me, Gaylene
Brown, on 49651505 or e-mail me at
Ph: 4965 1505
ABN 56 50202 8081
2014 Term 1 Week 7
Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) and Responsible Conduct of Gaming (RCG) courses running at Tomaree High School again in 2014. Year 12 Students have the opportunity to complete a Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) and
Responsible Conduct for Gaming (RCG) Certificate at school. This offer is only available to
students in Year 12 or students leaving school this year, in particular Hospitality students as these two qualifications
complement the Certificate II in Hospitality and enable students to leave school fully equipped to enter the workforce in any
licensed establishment.
The course is to be delivered by Hamilton TAFE at Tomaree High School during normal school
hours (8am-2.30pm) and will run over two days - June 26 and 27. Students must be in full
school uniform.
This is a great opportunity for our students to obtain nationally recognised certifications. The course will cost $240.00 for
both qualifications which includes the cost of the identification card. This can be paid in instalments at the High School office.
Upon successful completion of the RSA and RCG courses students will be issued with a Statement of Attainment from
Hamilton TAFE and a licence style card is posted to the students.
Successful completion will be registered with the Office of Liquor Gaming and Racing (OLGA)
SITHFAB009A RSA -Provide responsible service of alcohol
This course will run over a full day and covers the aspects of handling and serving alcohol. The RSA will cover the legal
responsibilities surrounding the service of alcohol, defining standard drinks, understanding the strengths of various drinks,
recognising and dealing with intoxicated customers, how to recognise minors and prevention of underage drinking and
The RSA course is essential for those people wishing to gain employment working in licensed premises, to be compliant with
the current legislation on the Service of Alcohol in NSW.
SITHGAM006A RCG -Provide responsible service of gambling.
This course is for any person wishing to work in gaming areas on licensed premises. Responsible Conduct of Gambling
course must be completed before commencing employment. This course will train students in areas such as the law and
legislation in NSW as it applies to gambling, responsible and ethical promotion of gambling, responsible gambling strategies
and safe environments for patrons, communication and informing patrons of player services available, communicating and
informing patrons at risk, of counselling and support services should it be required.
*To secure your spot return the consent form to the office with your payment
NO LATER THAN 13th June 2014.
Teacher in charge of excursion - Karen Shaw (Hospitality)
Tomaree High School
Forward Together >>>
2014 Term 1 Week 7
I hereby consent to ........................................................................ participating in the
(Student’s Name)
Responsible Service of Alcohol Course and Responsible Conduct for Gaming held
at Tomaree High School
on June 26 + 27 2014 at 8.00am start.
I have attached payment of $_____________________________________
Special needs of my child which of you should be aware (e.g. allergies, medication – please
provide full details):
(Signature of Parent/Guardian)
044 – 330
End 20/6/14
Tomaree High School
Forward Together >>>
2014 Term 1 Week 7
(To be returned to the roll call teacher first day back after absence)
Student’s name:……………………………………………
Roll Class:……………
Date of absence/s:………………………………………………………..
Reason for absence:……………………………………………………..
Signature of Parent/Guardian:…………………………………………..
(To be returned to the roll call teacher first day back after absence)
Student’s name:……………………………………………
Roll Class:……………
Date of absence/s:………………………………………………………..
Reason for absence:……………………………………………………..
Signature of Parent/Guardian:…………………………………………..
(To be returned to the roll call teacher first day back after absence)
Student’s name:……………………………………………
Roll Class:……………
Date of absence/s:………………………………………………………..
Reason for absence:……………………………………………………..
Signature of Parent/Guardian:…………………………………………..
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